deva-arts · 2 days
betting money on the fact that deva refuses to draw facial hair /hj
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Yeah and you know why? because they all look cursed with it
now you, pandora, must suffer at the hands of your own wretched curiosity, beholden to horrors and patchy hair patterns
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deva-archived · 1 year
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-Taken from Nathaniel's Scrapbook
Look at this lovely photo of our well adjusted and perfectly fine individuals! Torpor is fun innit
Don't worry they'll be fine with some cocoa
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freckledgeto · 1 year
doing a thing for my editing class where i make amontage and im doing it about friendships and platonic and familial relationships because i am filled with love or whatever anyways im putting clips from eeaao and im already crying lord this was a bad idea
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Reviewcaps: Amphibia: Swamp and Sensibility / Wax Museum
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This week Anne tries to treat life like a ABCFamily Original Movie with predictable results while Kermit the frog cameos and the rest of the family wonder into a few possible Jordan Peele Movies. Then Anne stumbles into a Gravity Falls Homage and Frog Stan nearly murders her because that’s our boy. That’s our boy right there. Be warb under the cut. 
Wooo hoo! While this one’s a little wait both due to work on another review for a certain episode, this was a decent episode to cap off our long road trip. We’re now one week away from Marcy debuting and also Keith motherfucking David. 
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I have no idea what enlisted is or what the hell is going on here but it’s keith david casually laying on a bicyle in full uniform. How could I not? 
Before we get to this week here’s last week’s recap, as tumblr ate it for reasons..  as you can also see if you click on my blog I tided up my subpages, so amphibia reviews can now be found in the general disney section along with ducktales and star vs. Now that’s out of the way our last episodes before marcy and keith, i’m a day behind, let’s a go. 
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Swamp and Sensiblility
I”m also going to try going a bit looser.. still recapping what happens but not beat for beat as it’s gotten tiring and I sometimes strain for jokes especially when tired. So this week The Plantars find themselves stranded in Ribbiton, the most expensive city in amphibia after betsy breaks her reigns and, not having any other options are forced to stay with Hop Pop trying to keep the kids from getting distracted by the luxury. Thankfully they find an old friend: It’s One Eyed Wally!
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Actually got an outside gif to work! Also hooray! But I did really like wally after his spotlight episode last season and his insane plan with the explosives that wound up paying off.. that’s some Wolverine level thinking.. no really he once cut the wires open in a sewer during a rainstorm so when the water inevitibly hit them it’d cause a blackout and hopefully help the x-men when it did if things had gone sideways.. which by the time it did, it did and they had. So good on you guys.  Anyways turns out Wally’s a rich boy but he’s gone too far because he know it don’t matter anyway.. and has been hiding his true self from his family, so the plantars showing up really dosen’t help. Thankfully he’s able tos top them from talking or correcting his father assuming their the help and our family takes lord rich asshole up on his offer to stay the night at their mansion, which in what I assume is a nod to gravity falls has peacocks on the lawn, though this being Amphibia their giant and deadly and you shouldn’t look right at them. 
Once in their fancy guest room, Anne wonders...
Wally explains, as I did he’s hiding himself. Anne sees parallels with a movie she was watching at the start of the episode from point to pop and lock which looks like my own personal hell.. aka an abc family original movie back before it became freeform, which is a more fitting name for what the network horrifcally mutated into over time so fair enough. It’s better than say keeping the names MTV or TLC long after either of those acronyms is at all accurate.. and at least with MTV they have almost 40 years of brand recognition to justify it with. But yeah it’s about a ballerina who wants to hip hop dance, you’ve seen the story a million time.. and a plot repeated here about a kid wanting to live their dreams but worrying their family won’t accept them or knowing they won’t, with wally, while not carrying for the money, not wanting to loose his family or his beloved bug... which reminds me of that Pokemon episode with James and his growlithe only without a carbon copy of jesse trying to use bdsm to make james obey which is not how that works Jessebelle. That’s not how any of that works. What.. what even was that episode.. I mean somehow it was really good and makes me question why Jesse and James never hooked up but still, what WAS that. 
Anyways, while Anne decides to interfere, the Plantars get a great montage of wondering into various creepy shit with toad saunas, rich people smashing things, and one frog in a peacock outfit among actual peacocks.. just.. yeah.. real Jordan Peele/Blumhouse “Rich white people are fucking terrifying” shit.. which is accurate. Thankfully instead of getting trapped in their own bodies or forced to star in the boy, our heroes make it back to Anne.  At dinner Anne outs wally as a frigging weirdo with predictable results. Yeah the one flaw I can find with this episode is it’s REALLY predictable up to this point: Anne watches a movie, is obviously going to encounter someone with similar problems, then tries using that movie as real life, it fails but then somehow workso ut in the end or dosen’t but the person is happy anyway. What does spice it up though is the final act, as Wally decides fuck it , he’s going to take control of his own life and issues a family challenge against his dad to do so, something Anne, and me honeslty, had forgotten about from last season as that was 30 years ago and one of the less memorable episodes. Still nice bit of continuity. But with wally lacking a mount because his dad’s a prick, Anne pitches in to fix her screw up and we get a decently shot sequence, and amontage, as Anne and Wally play rich polo against wally’s dad. Oh and of course the more notable part of this, Kermit the Frog here, if sadly the minty fresh matt vogel one instead of the sadly fired Steve Whitmire.. still not over that but oddly Vogel does a better job here than on muppets now as I genuinely could not tell it was him so it works. But yeah, it’s not Vogel doing a voice but Kermit DOING voicework for amphibia, because Muppets get wonderfully meta and Disney wanted to keep this gimmick going. yes going, as last year Fozzy did voice acting for Big City Greens... I fucking love this and hope disney keeps doing it for all their shows. Do Owl House next. 
Anywho Kermit commentates and it’s okay, they don’t do much with him but the sheer novelty of Kermit playing a thinly veiled copy of himself that still looks like a muppet still kinda works. Anyways wally ends up winning via hair accordion (”How long has that been in there?” “At least a full season”) and his dad dosen’t want Wally to leave the family.. which neither does he, he just wants to be accepted, his father accepts him, reveals he also likes music, happy end.  Final Thoughts: As you can tell I kinda breezed through this one but unlike other just okay episodes lately i’ts not half bad and while using a stock plot, it does use it cleverly, and to help flesh out a character we like.. it’s still very by thenumbers but the neat setting of the rich people mansion, the plantars journey through it’s creepy bowels and kermit the frog cameoing all really help boost what otherwise would’ve just be “the episdoe before the gravity falls homage” it still was but it was enjoyable enough. It’s just in a day where disney said gay rights and i’ts sister episode is again an homage to one of Disney’s greatst shows in it’s storied animated television history, it’s also easy to forget. If nothing else it was nice to have Wally back. I do think that helped. As you can probably also tell these road episodes have been wearing on me.. while their not BAD, and some are infact quite excellent, a few like this one, quarallers pass, and the acting and western episodes, are just.. eh. The character flaws they bring up are only one episode and they don’t really felsh out the charcters enough. Even here while it’s nice to get more dimension to wally i’ts not really by much. They just feel fairly stock in a show that while using some stock plots usually can do so creatively. I think that’s the core problem: it’s not that these are TERRIBLE it’s just I expect better form the show in a typical episode, and from the interesting setups the road brings, especially since it DOES deliver on them in other episodes and i’m kinda glad this stretch is finished next week. That being said it does go out on one hell of a note.. 
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Wax Museum So after weeks of anticipation, our road trip ends on an episode that was hyped up before the season even began.. a weird move given this is week 5 and i’d of saved the interviews for closer like Disney does with ducktales, but regardless, this one was worth the wait.  First my quick, since I tend to go overboard on my thoughts on shows, thoughts on Gravity Falls: It’s fucking excellent. I stand by calling it one of disney channels best shows and while certaint hings could’ve used more time, like Dipcifica seriously I have no idea why tease that and then do nothing with it when they still had plenty of time left int he series even with Ford. But yeah a few minor quibbles aside the series was really good, left us wanting more which after seeing other shows sputter into flames at the end, hello Star Vs, I can live with. So yeah I was hyped for this one, especially since Amphibia creator Matt Braley not only worked on Gravity Falls but got Gravity Falls creator Alex Hirsch’s blessing.. and of course, Alex being a peach of a guy, just yesterday he proudly cooed over the fact Dana Terrance actually got Disney to have a bisexual lead character after he struggled to get anything remotley LBGTQ into gravity falls. He’s a good guy. And a weirdo but he’s my kind of weirdo. But being so nice, he naturally agreed to return as stan expy the curator and frog soos. While that is all we get, I do get not wanting to shohorn 80 refrences to the show in or get a ton of voice actors to come back for a cameo, nor try and include the twins due to the plot of this episode really not working with them around, thougH I WOULD have appricated frog mcgucket, but eh, you can’t get everything you want.  Said plot is again simple but really intresting: The Plantars stop in a small town and are dead broke, but Anne casually taking off her hood and being reminded she’s seen as a freak ends up as a lucrative buisness opprotunity as naturally small town yokels are fine with gawking. So with the plantars now having actual money to see the sighs Anne settles on the curosity hut, our mystery shack for the evening. The rest of the plantars, especially Polly who sees some eyes move, are utterly unverved byt he place and by it’s owner, the curator, our stan pines.. or stan ponds if you will. I mean if the series has a chuck and other normal names here an there, including Polly, then it’s not a stretch to say his first name stayed the same. Anyways, Stan shows the family around, including Air Mantis, because hell yes and some gnomes and other callbacks to gravity falls.. but I like how theirs only a handful to gravity falls monsters. There’s plenty of refrences but the episode wisely goes more for the FEEL of Gravity Falls: The creepy setting, weirder monsters (even if amphibia dosen’t shy away from weird , last episode had sheep bugs and all), and spooky vibe from the curosity hut all feel like the tone Gravity Falls went for, which is similar enough to amphibia the two mesh well. Plus the curator is basically a SLIGHTLY more evil stan pines... SLIGHTLY., and Braly naturally having worked on the show nails the character in writing while Hirsch steps back into the roll like it was just yesterday. It feels like a love letter to what the show was rather than just “hey remember this cool thing from it”, with still plenty of nice nods here and there. 
Anyways back to the actual plot, the rest of the Plantars decides to leave because this place gives them the creeps as does Stan, but once htey leave Anne finds something: A skipman! Which is a great name for a portable cd player.. seriously I had one of those early in high school, the skipping really was constant hell. If anyone ever complains about mp3s, smack em. I do not miss that era. Have a bit of nostalgia for it sure, but I do not actually MISS it. 
Anyways, yeah this is a big deal and it’s nice that even in the homage to it’s parent show, we get a rather big plot point: something else came from Earth and given Anne dosen’t recognize it as Marcies, though It still could be but I highly doubt it, it didn’t come with the three of them, meaning there were humans BEFORE.. possibly centuries in amphibia time given what we’ve seen so far. After all a great calamity had happened, it somehow invovles the box that brought anne here... no one says time travel can’t be involved. And it’ll raise even more in a minute. But first Stan offers a million coppers for it. not being made of money Anne instead bargins on her weirdness: One day of performance in exchange for the discman. Sounds good Stan. He certainly doesn’t have any evil plans. Wink... he’s telling you he’s winking because one eye’s under an eyepatch. Naturally Stan has less than good intetions and ominously plots to frog soos.. which I absolutley love how they just call him frog soos, who postulates on multiverse theroy because he’s apparently been licking himself agian. Oh that soos... I always knew he was on something. Also while he dosen’t get a high from it I don’t doubt human soos also licks himself for unrelated reasons. 
Anyways the rest of the family are skpetical of Anne meeting stan at night.. which is fair. I wouldn’t want my nieces or nephews, and one of the nephews is around anne’s age, around stan alone for any length of time. I mean he’s fine with his own family but I know i’d find them in a child size armadillo suit having been fed questionable canned meats after having to dance for gawking yokels. Plus stan has resting “Call the police fan” so HOp Pop wants to just discuss it in the morning first before remotley trusting this guy. But anne impulsively decides to just sneak out when their asleep. More on that in a bit.  Naturally trusting the strange man she just met who presumibly traffics ladypugs in this reality and constnatly looks like he wants your wallet goes poorly as Stan traps Anne and plans to incase her in wax like the other exibits. The plantars realize anne is missing and rush in with Polly trying to face her fear and ending up freeing ah orrifying monster “This is way worse’ indeed. Meanwhile Stan is annoying anne who’s praying for the wax to get her in one of the best bits of the episode.. because of COURSE stan would talk inncoently to someone he’s kdinapped while eating canned beef. To me it’s another nice touch: While the caretaker IS more of a villian than stan, for obvious reasons, given he’s put a random person behind glass just for not buying things, dressed his own grandson up in a humilating wolf suit and had soos use a fucking boiler for his employee break room, it’s not a hgue stretch to say a pre-character development, i.e. pre dipper and mabel to convince him to be slightly better, Stan would kidnap a bunch of freaky wax creatures. It’s also why i’m okay Jason Ritter and Krystin Schall didn’t return. Their great and I woul’dve loved to have dipper and mabel back.. but the episode just dosen’t work with them in it even as a cameo, and they could easily show up in a followup later if they choose to bring this character back. Probably not but hey stranger things have happend.  Stan does however reveal something important: He got the discman from newtopia.. where a bunch of OTHER artifacts are. Thankfully before that information becomes useless to Anne, Sprig and Hop Pop show up to the rescue and Stan fights them thinking their cops as he dosen’t want to go back to frog jail. And even once he finds out their not, he still wants a new attraction because this is stan and again, as good as he is by series end, or at least marginally better, I still wouldn’t put it past him to put sentient creatures in wax. This however backfires as once Polly frees the creature above sprig and hop pop free the rest, and the giant throng of monsters drags Stan off, with blood popping up.. though he assures us it’s just wax so he could show up again. Probably not. He also offers htem 10 perecent, and goes up to 11.5 but that’s as far as we go. Goodbye again stan. I’ll miss you buddy. Seriously I absolutley loved the character and even with a shifter copy it was really nice to have him back for an episode.  The family carts Anne off and back at the campsight Anne bemoans not getting the skipman.. luckily Sprig grabbed it on their way out, because h’es a good friend, but Hop Pop and Pollly are annoyed at anne for once again recklesly endangering herself without considering them and forcing them to save her (As polly pefectly puts it I”m tired of facing my fears anne) And that’s why I saved that: this episode deconsturcts anne’s tendency to act before she reallyt hinks or consult anyone else and actually has the family confront her on it, though she does genuinely apologize so hopefully it’ll stick. But yeah now newtopia offers even more promise and anne offers hop pop an accidental laser to the eye vai the skipman to close out the episode.  Final Thoughts: As you can probably tell If reaking loved this one. Instead of just apping gravity falls, as I pointed it out i more felt like a gravity falls episode in miniture, mixed with Amphibia to still feel like it belonged in amphibia, and with Stan back just slightly more evil. Slightly. Alex Hirsch was as always a massive delight and it was a treat to have him back, and it was a really damn good note to close the road trip out on after some middling episodes, toadcatcher excluded. Not much else to say, it was really damn good, easily the seasno’s second best after toadcatcher.  Next Time:  MARCY. KEITH DAVID. Ants? Good times. Until then you can find more disney reviews under the disney tab on my blog including the entire season of amphibia thus far and season 3 of ducktales thus far. Until we meet again, courage. 
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spotofmummery · 6 years
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Young vs. Now -- Amon
Tagged by: @mysteriouswhiterose
Included a smile and a sneer. Kid Amon still had quite a sneer. And he always had huge ears. XD 
I haven’t really sat down and thought a whole lot about Amon’s parents and what traits he inherited from whom, or anything like that. I probably should one day. 
I do know that he cared a great deal for his family and that he has many fond memories. He actually had a pretty great young childhood, despite being raised in a fairly poor, backwater household before being brought to the Tower for training. 
Tagging: I’m going to leave this open for tagging as I’m not sure who all has the ability to create kid images (I know some races and genders aren’t supported). If you want to do it, and can do it, feel free! 
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flickfeast · 6 years
Be Prepared for Summer at the Cinema with This BlockBuster Montage
Be Prepared for Summer at the Cinema with @awarmann's Blockbuster Montage! #summercinema #amontage #FallenKingdom #Deadpool2 #Oceans8 #Incredibles2
With Avengers: Infinity War hitting cinemas this week, the summer blockbuster season is upon us. As a preview of what’s coming out in the upcoming months, film critic Amon Warmann has put together a three-minute ‘AMONtage’.
Accompanied by Zayde Wølf’s ‘No Limits’, this brilliant sizzle reel features more than ten summer…
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freeand · 7 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzbW6tjYtC8)  
A Battlefield Montage with ya BOI QcWhiteboy lel
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mrlylerouse · 5 years
Watch: 2019 Blockbuster 'AMONtage' Hypes Up the Summer Season
"13 films. 3 minutes. Watch the Summer 2019 Blockbuster AMONtage now!" We're just a few weeks away from officially kicking off the 2019 summer movie season, which is launching with Marvel's Avengers: Endgame opening in theaters worldwide. To celebrate the occasion, movie lover Amon Warmann has put together his annual preview video called the "Summer 2019 Blockbuster Montage", or "AMONtage". Featuring footage from 13 big summer blockbusters, this plays the perfect sizzle reel that will hopefully get you excited about what's going to be playing on the big screen over these next few months. As usual, this is an awesome preview with some very slick, impressive editing that makes this stand out over other mashups. After Avengers, I'm most looking forward to Godzilla, John Wick: Chapter 3, and honestly Hobbs & Shaw because the new trailer is totally bonkers. But the rest of these movies do look quite promising (as do many other movies he didn't include in this edit). Pull out all your summer clothes and enjoy the 2019 AMONtage! ›››
Continue Reading Watch: 2019 Blockbuster 'AMONtage' Hypes Up the Summer Season
from FirstShowing.net http://bit.ly/2Vf1lHV
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tessaboothmedia · 6 years
Music Videos I Like
1. Drake, Gods plan - I think this music video is a really clever way of spreading a positive message to be nice and to help out people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpVfcZ0ZcFM 2. Crazy cousinz, No Way - I like how it's quite simple with the people dancing, and singing but the colours make it more interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lab6OuaspuA 3. B.O.B, Nothing On You - I like the effects on the video, it would be quite simple without them but because they're there it adds a bit extra without being too much https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PTDv_szmL0 4. Rihanna, Rude Boy - I think the special effects,and the bright colours make this video interesting to watch as it is so in yor face, but it works https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e82VE8UtW8A 5. M.O ft Lotto Boyzz, Bad Vibe - I like the energy in this video, and how it's amontage of the different shots and places. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moZI7CT29KU
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deva-arts · 8 days
I didn't expect Amon to be so short. Baby man.
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*Amon will remember that.*
Sonia's default state of being comes off pretty flirty, but it's soon made very obvious if she actually likes somebody. Amon is somewhat happy for his friend, but... Damn. Being rejected for Vincent of all people definitely stings. What does he have that Amon doesn't? a god complex? Stupid feathers? a bad voice?
Celebrities, man. Ugh.
Vincent has no idea what she's smiling so much for.
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deva-arts · 11 days
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Sneakle Peekle
In which Sonia is Sonia
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Sorry Amon.
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deva-arts · 2 months
Someone asked if I ever made spotify things for my characters, the answer is a resounding yes! Here they are:
Some of these have very revealing lyrics! But I also select these because they sound cool too. So. Lol.
Honestly I doubt anyone is freakish enough to listen through these; most of them are up to 11 hours long! (This is a fun hobby to maintain okay)
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deva-arts · 19 days
Teehee I JUST discovered that CSP allows importing audio so I'm making an animatic
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deva-arts · 5 months
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Wigglypaint makes me very happy
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deva-arts · 2 months
Does Nathaniel Bleed blue too?
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Yes he does. Shifter blood tends to be pretty inconsistent color-wise, though.
...He doesn't like the thoughts people have when recieving said information.
Edit: @stardewvalleybut-i-draw mentioned that shapeshifter blood would probably look like those multichromatic oil/water puddles you see on the pavement and I wholeheartedly agree
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Of course, it's only found in this state when the user isn't in a stable form to begin with. Nate is very attuned to himself!
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deva-arts · 2 months
What do you think the cast sounds like?
Vincent has a sorta deep but really raspy, forceful voice. Always teetering between a yell and harsh tone since he has done a lot of screeching in his lifetime. Not a smooth talker in the slightest. (Edit: That one clip of Homelander's stronger/better, Vegeta, and Filthy Frank all sound a lot like him. Yikes.)
Nathaniel has a pretty normal voice honestly. He just sounds like your average guy, think a mix between Jake Peralta and Phil from Modern Family, or Jim Halpert. It's unknown whether he chooses to make his voice approachable or whether he has always been this way. Ironically he is the least normal, second only to Vincent.
Amon has a low, thuggish, baritone voice. It's partly because he often puts up an extra tough act out of habit, and also because of his abilities. A loud growl is just a few scales away! He usually sounds disinterested with most things until something makes him act his age again.
Ricky sounds like a surfer bro fresh outta college. Literally just slinging the radtastical lingo. He likes making freestyle rap on the go about having raunchy escapades with your mother. Sera loathes it, but alas. He cannot be punched. She can only dream.
Sera has a very low, strict voice. She sounds like a military commander, which... I mean, as the leader she has to sound harsh. Otherwise her voice is smooth. She would be a good singer if she wasn't busy clinging to survival by her fingertips. (A good one is Gloria Estefan from her "Mi Tierra" Album. But the best one is Wonder Woman from Bloodlines)
Sonia just has a Starbucks chugging, Vocal fry having, Callie from the Valley, annoying celebrity with no grass touched voice. She means well, it's just... Well... When she doesn't sound like a Stanley cup hoarder, she sounds like a 2000's girlboss diet guru.
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