#amity park is actually going to be in NY
rey-129-fan · 28 days
Well, it's been a while since I've posted any fanfic... Let's change that.
Good news! I'm not dead! My brain did try to get me to do things that could unalive myself for a bit, and then I lost nearly an entire side of my family over the span of 3 years, but I'm still here and still kicking! And I have two new puppies who are adorable and so loving.
Now for this story, this is inspired by a few posts I saw on @theglamorousferal, mostly the one about Amity Parkers going to college in Gotham and buying a hotel (I'm making it a co-op student house, but I've never lived in one, so if something's unacceptably wrong, tell me, if not, artistic license), but also the one where our main Trio buy a building to set up shop there, and wind up adopted my Jason (I swear, I saw that post after I wrote the first chapter, but it just fit so well).
Honestly, Amity Park was weird long before the Fentons moved there- the original settlers named the nearby lake Eerie, and it wasn’t after the Great Lake.  It’s just that before the Fentons’ machine punched a hole through reality and created a permanent doorway to the land of spirits and ghosts, the weirdness was not as blatant.
Prior to that, Amity Parkers were some of the few that could move to Gotham without suffering a breakdown that was common for new arrivals.  Now there was a slight dip in newcomers for about a decade or two after the Bat made his debut and then the crazies that followed him, but then Amity Parkers got used to the spirits of the dead wandering around following the aforementioned punching through reality.
All this to say that Gotham Universities were a rather common destination for young Amity Park adults seeking higher education.
Now because of this, there were always apartments advertising themselves for people from the small town.  They, after all, tended to not have a breakdown after their fifth rogue attack and just pack up and leave halfway through their lease.  But it got very annoying having to sift through all the advertisements when looking for a place to stay- something Danny Fenton saw his older sister go through when she got in to Gotham City University.  The boy then shared what he was witnessing with his two best friends- Tucker Foley and Sam Manson.  Tucker offered to help filter out the spam, which Danny’s sister Jazz thanked him for but turned down.  Sam… Sam instead got thinking.
Sam had been to Gotham a few times in her life.  She had an idea of the areas closest to the schools and how much those should cost.  And looking at the letters Jazz was getting, the offers were a little too high for a regular college student to afford.  Sam was also familiar with how many hotels were not being used in Gotham- people building them in hopes tourists would come to stay while visiting the East Coast, tourists that could not be convinced to visit due to the high crime rate and the lack of activities or places of interest in the city itself.
She quickly went to work, looking in to these empty hotels.  She was rather upset by their numbers and put together a spreadsheet of them, with details like number of rooms, any amenities they may have, and nearby landmarks.  She then grabbed her two dorks and marched to Casper High’s Community Outreach director.
Now Sam’s presentation raised a few eyebrows, mostly because it was in a completely different state, but Sam shot back that because of the efforts to incorporate the town’s new ghostly residents and provide them with helpful ways to feed their obsessions- efforts led by the Fenton family- Amity Park had very few homeless, and those that were had a huge community safety net to help them get back on their feet.  Additionally, with how many people moved between the city and the town, helping the city could be argued to also be helping the town.
The Outreach Director just sighed and gave Same the green light to at least draft and send out a proposal to the powers that be in Gotham, saying that there wasn’t much that could be done before they got backing and approval.  Sam thanked them before leaving, Danny and Tucker trailing behind.
She was back the next day with a draft of her proposal and a list of who to send it to.
Since returning from the dead in the eyes of the public, Jason Todd was often contacted by groups trying to use the Wayne fortune to fund their own personal projects.  They thought Jason would be the easiest to con- sorry, persuade- since he was a former street kid unlike the rest of his family.  Thus surely he would know just how much this new building with low income housing would help the people of Gotham- it even came with a pool and gym!
Yeah, he did know how much the people of Gotham needed housing, but $2K a month was not affordable when you’re barely making $30K a year!  Oh and the pool and gym were only available for those who could shell out an additional $2K a month.  Jason knows, he read the whole document carefully.
God, sometimes it was hard to tell who was worse, the psychos in Blackgate or real estate investors.  And sadly, he couldn’t just pop a bullet in their heads and be done with it because 1) it would raise too many questions and 2) it would make Bruce get all sad and mopey- again.  Jason just did not have the mental energy to put up with that on top of the rest of his life as a crimelord/vigilante/long-lost adoptive second son of a billionaire.
All this to say, he was not impressed when he first glanced over a proposal to convert the unused hotels around the city into housing units- especially since it was from someone that did not live in Gotham.
Manson?  Wasn’t there a family with that name that would attend some of Brucie’s galas?  Oh yeah, their family made its fortune off patenting the machine that wrapped toothpicks in plastic, as well as a couple others.  And they had a daughter around Repla- Tim’s age.  Hopefully this wasn’t her trying to be a kiss-ass like her parents.
Jason finished reading and sat back.  The proposal wasn’t too bad.  Converting hotels into apartment buildings would be easier than office buildings, and the suggestion to use ex-convicts that wanted to turn over a new leaf as building managers certainly wasn’t the worst.  Also creating a fund for those that couldn’t afford rent, as well as community kitchens and gardens were certain plusses, though would need to have the right people in charge to make sure they actually worked as planned, and to keep the Court of Owls from messing with it.
Overall, it was something Jason would consider, after some research and maybe talking with the rest of the Bats and Birds.  And if this was from the Manson kid, maybe get Dickie or one of the others to talk to her next time there was a gala in town.  Or talk to her himself, if the Pit wasn’t too loud.
…Dick was probably the better option to talk with her if it came down to it.
There's the first chapter. I'm going to go write the next one. When I have a good log of them, I'll then go and edit them and put them on AO3.
This has no title yet because I suck at naming. Feel free to comment with suggestions for a name, both for the fic/au and for the eventual hotel/co op. As well as any shinanegans and majors/colleges/universities for our liminal young adults.
Part 1/? Next >
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If you’ve ever seen Invincible, I feel like Vlad in the phantom Chloe au has the same relationship with the NY heroes as Omni-Man and the Guardians of the Globe (minus the extreme violence) where the United Heroes do their thing and protect the world, and Vlad is the powerhouse friend that they sometimes call in for help but who isn’t actually part of the team
I have not seen that but the idea is hilarious.
The only reason Vlad hasn't been asked to join a Superhero Team outside of Amity Park is because 1.) Not much info leaves the place because who believes in Ghosts? And 2.) He was kind of a villain for a while.
Sidenote though:
I kinda commented on this with my general DP posts but I 100% believe that Vlad is holding back a lot on Canon and I really want to see him go all out.
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currentlylurking · 6 years
Danny Phantom: Connections
Danny’s life is changed forever when an accident leaves a ghost stuck to his side. Between strange powers neither of them can control and a world Danny never knew existed, they’re going to have to learn how to get along and protect Amity Park- or die trying.
11 - Choose Your Fighter
"Why don't we get you some actual food?" Damon suggested, "Do you like burgers? Or chicken?"
"Shiken?" Prince scrunched up his face, "Burr-gurs? Huh?"
Valerie brought up a picture of a burger on her phone as her dad sighed. "Do we know what his native language is?"
"No," Valerie handed Prince her phone, "it doesn't sound like any I've heard."
Damon nodded. "Prince," He asked, "What... words... do you know?"
Prince blinked. "Words? Words..." He turned back to the window, "Green eggs and ham. Yes. Valerie. Burn. Bug. Food. Hungry. Sorry. Hi. Friend talk." He wrinkled his nose again, "Danny."
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marriagebase · 6 years
13 Cool Airbnbs To Rent For Halloween Themed Photoshoots
We are now more than a week into October and the Halloween season is upon us. Instead of breaking and entering into an abandoned house, sleep without fear of a masked killer. Here are some airbnbs devoted to the history and creepy allure of antiquity: your ideal haunted house.
1. Asian Room in the Cemetary Schoolhouse  (Hudson, NY, USA)
This “schoolhouse” is a collection of airbnbs in one massive house. Grabbed from its description, the house is a four-room schoolhouse. Also built in 1900 near one of America’s most historic cemeteries: The Cedar Park cemetery. As pictured, this view gives total Pet Semetary vibes.
In the bedroom, an authentic Chinese opium bed commands the space. In the description, this Airbnb calls itself a “3-D” history lesson. Back in its prime, the “Hudson River School painters, inventors,, and titans of industry favored the space. It is also noted this space was once a high attraction for curious travelers and artists.
2. The Manor Master Chamber (Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA)
Pictured: Scorch
According to its description, one family passed down this house for several generations. This dungeon-styled home is something out of a medieval Tudor home. Built in 1883, amenities include: a big fireplace, picnic area, and a photogenic, friendly Doberman named Scorch.
The interior of the house is less imposing than the exterior. The inside is adorned with cozy antiques, lively plants, and warm colors. The host also encourages murder mystery parties and photo shoots. Visit this preserved, welcoming dungeon perfect for your haunted, snug backdrop.
3. 18th Century Cottage (Savannah, Georgia, USA)
This space is an official designated historical district within a small urban woodland. Adorned with antiques and oddities, its vintage carpets and basketwork maintain its authentic period presentation. Established in 1799 and surrounded by forest, it also includes a Smart TV to marathon those classic horror films. Amongst them, try watching The Conspirator (2010) dir. Robert Redford, and see your surroundings unfold into a haunted, historical filmscape.
4. Chateau Pitau: Castle with a Ghost  (Vidnoye, Moskovskaya oblast, Russia)
Six miles from Moscow, Russia, this haunted castle is available for rent. A remote forest surrounds this castle and leads to a path to the lake in the back. Amenities include two pools, a wooden sauna, and a casual ghost in the castle. This ghost, according to the host, only “appears weekly at midnight,” so watch out for that. Even with flowers and butterflies, the imposing architecture makes it very suitable for an eerie backdrop.
An expansive, open-air space, this castle has eight beds, three bathrooms, and strange decorations sprinkled throughout the property. Judging by the reviews, it doesn’t seem the ghost is very threatening.
5. Captain Grant’s 1754 Historical House (Preston, Connecticut USA)
If you’re looking for a house devoted to history, this historical house is next. This house is different from your average colonial home. Located in countryside Connecticut, forest and field surround the house by five acres. Most of the furniture and antiques dates back to the early 1800’s which is around when they built the house. It’s also registered under the National Registry of Historic Places. Caretakers and hosts devote a lot of effort in making this experience as authentic as possible. The history embedded only adds to its spooky, charming allure.
Wake up in the morning in a haunting, historic home to an aromic breakfast and amenities to further enjoy your stay. These antiques are very photogenic and the art adds to its antiquity.
6. Five Finger Lighthouse (Petersburg, Alaska, USA)
Come to stay at the first lighthouse built in Alaska!  Not located in Maine like the upcoming Robert Pattison film Lighthouse, shoot your October pics on this quaint island. Perfect for its already isolated setting, this Lighthouse is open to those searching for an entire island to themselves. According to the house’s description, the working lighthouse sits on the scenic Frederic Sound. There’s even a forest on the island home to many different animals, even serving views of humpback whales, perfect for some Ring vibes.
7. Sabine Sunset Lakehouse (Many, Louisana, USA)
Instructed by the house host, you need to follow a long dirt road into four acres of forest to access this rural getaway. What sounds like the start of any forest-situated horror film, this house is completely remote from civilization. With its antique furniture style and outdated wallpaper, this lakehouse is something out of Friday the 13th or Amityville Horror. 
This house also has no WiFi or cable and has lots of animals strolling around outside. With a lake as a backyard, it serves as a great vintage background for a rustic 80’s horror shoot.  
8. Historic Holiday Home with Pool (Tresana, Tuscany, Italy) 
A 200-foot walk up to this giant holiday home, spend a week in a house Shining style. With old photographs and divine images adorning the walls, you’ll be sure every frame will fall down by midnight.
Alone in the middle of Tuscany with approximately four other people makes a great setting for a horror marathon. Try on some on-theme SFX makeup and hide between the brick-stone crevices hidden throughout the land. The house has an amazing view of the mountains as well as acres of forest surrounding the area. The next city is more than two hours away which means at least three ghosts live in one of the seven bedrooms and it’s going to be yours. At this point, an exorcism could happen here
9. Amityville Village Spacious Victorian Home (Amityville, NY, USA)
Looking through all these airbnbs, it’d be a shame to not include a house near the actual Amityville house.
In Jaws, the book, the beach where the great white attacks is right along the coastline of Amity. Amityville, New York seems like one big New England suburban horror set. Styled like an old Victorian home, this house gives your typical cozy American dream house a twist of terror
(Why is that window frame glowing?
10. Cottage at Penns Creek (Spring Mills, Pennsylvania, USA) 
This house looks like a dream except it reminded me immediately of the house the scientist lives in The Human Centipede. Situated dead center amongst six acres of land, this house is a far way from town and borders a national forest. Even the name alone, Cottage in the Woods makes me think immediately of Cabin in the Woods. With this lush, forested campground, it would serve for perfect campfire pictures amongst pitch black darkness and strange, welcoming sounds coming from the woods. 
11. Stafford Retreat Home (Elk Creek, Virginia, USA)
After watching Creep 2 a couple months ago, its hard not to see any mountain cabin/getaway as just a regular house. With its 70’s wood appeal, this house can go from homey to killer lumberjack in seconds. Even its opening picture above is something seen out of the title card of a nature horror thriller. Surrounded by 75 acres of land and lake, it’d be a perfect venue for 70’s themed horror celebration. 
12. Historic Home with Royal Connection (Caernarfon, Wales, United Kingdom)
This house looks more like an orphanage than a Welsh stone mansion. With a huge stone cross embedded right above the entrance, it could even be a church rather than just another house in the British Isles. Its description notes that one of Britain’s most distinguished soldiers lived in this house during the 19th century, elevating it to royalty status. When the fog rolls in during autumn, this place seems like Night of the Living Dead will happen right outside its doorstep. 
13. Remote Mountain Cabin in the Woods (Galax, Virginia, USA)
The interior of this house is uncannily similar to the interior of the house from Evil Dead and Cabin in the Woods (even in the name of the listing!). A faraway, rustic getaway, this logged cabin is something of a dream for antique and vintage horror lovers. With photogenic collectibles and interiors, this house serves as the ultimate fall photo session.
The utter seclusion in the middle of the forest, this cabin provides a great backdrop for some creepy photo shoots—especially during nighttime Autumn.
The post 13 Cool Airbnbs To Rent For Halloween Themed Photoshoots appeared first on Resource.
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