xuxanov · 2 months
Günel Ravilova. “Qarpızyeyənlər kəndi”, mozaika, 21x32 sm. 2023
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caviddivac · 9 months
Corat qutabı, yoxsa Xilə qutabı?
Dünyada bir sıra kulinariya münaqişələri mövcuddur, kulinariya münaqişələri adətən regional, etnik səviyyədə olsa da, Azərbaycanda kulinariya münaqişələrindən daha lokalına dəvə qutabı nümunəsində rast gəlinir:
Corat qutabı, yoxsa Xilə qutabı?
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Ölkəmizdə coğrafi indikasiyalı kulinariya nümunəsi olan bu qutablar bir-birindən təxminən 30 km məsafadə yerləşən Abşerondaxili iki yaşayış məntəqəsini təmsil edir. Bu bu baxımdan maraq doğurur.
Xilə – Bakı kəndlərindən biri olan Əmircanın digər, daha qədim adıdır. Bu qədim kənd rəsmi olaraq Əmircan adlansa da, bu gün də alternativ olaraq Xilə adı ilə tanınır. Hazırda əksərən ticari məqsədlər üçün kəndin bu qədim adından istifadə edilir. Kənd Abşeron yarımadasının mərkəzində yerləşir.
Sözügedən qutab maraqlıdır ki, Əmircan adı ilə yox, məhz bu adla - Xilə adıyla tanınır. Kəndin adının Əmircan kimi adlanmasına XIV əsrdən etibarən başlanıldığı güman edilir. Qutabın xalq şüurunda Xilə adı ilə adlandırılması bu mənada bir neçə yüzillik tarixdən xəbər verə bilər.
Corat isə Abşeron yarımadasının şimal-qərbində Xəzərin sahilində yerləşən qədim kənddir. Keçmiş Bakı qəzasına daxil olan bu kənd hazırda Sumqayıt şəhəri tərkibindədir. Əminliklə demək olar ki, bu kəndin adını daşıyan qutab Xilə qutabından daha çox şan-şöhrət qazanmışdır.
Hər iki qutab orijinalda dəvə ətindən təndir, və yaxud sobada hazırlanmalıdır. Lakin buna baxmayaraq ölkədə dəvəçilik təsərrüfatlarının az inkişaf etməsi səbəbindən tələbi qarşılamayan dəvə əti yerinə əksərən mal ətindən istifadə edilir. Deyilənə görə bəzən mal ətini dəvə əti əvəzedicisi olması üçün maxinasiya məqsədi ilə mal ətinə şəkər tozu qatıldığından ölkədə çox adam dəvə ətinin şirin dadı olduğunu hesab edir. Bir sözlə hər şeyə rəğmən arasında ciddi bir fərq olmayan bu iki qutab, buna baxmayaraq kiçik kulinariya münaqişəsi yaradır.
Coratlılar hesab edir ki, Xilə qutabı Corat qutabının törəməsidir. Onlar Xiləyə gəlin köçən coratlının Corat qutabını bişirməsindən sonra Xilədə də bu qutabın yayılmağa başladığını iddia edirlər. Maraqlıdır ki, eyni iddianı əks istiqamətdə əmircanlılar da edir. Onlar isə hesab edir ki, xiləli gəlinin Corata gəlin köçməsi nəticəsində bu qutabın Coratda da bişirilməsinə başlanılmışdır. Bu şifahi xalq nəzəriyyəsi kulinariya nümunələrinin digər ərazidə yayılmasının səbəbini sadə bir dildə göstərməsi baxımından da maraq doğurur: Gəlin köçlərinin kulinariyaya təsirləri
Coratlı və xiləlilərin bir-birlərinə qarşı iddiaları bu videoda əksini tapmışdır
Bugün Corat qutabı turizmi Azərbaycan qastro-turizm nümunəsi kimi uzun illərdir Abşeronun şimal sahilləri, Sumqayıt rivierası boyunca yerləşən restoranların fəaliyyətinə müsbət təsirini göstərməkdədir. Xəzər dənizi sahili boyunca yerləşən kafe və restoranlar uzun illərdir menyularında Corat qutabını təqdim edərək, Bakıdan və digər yerlərdən özlərinə müştərilər cəlb edirlər. Corat qutabı Azərbaycan mətbəxi nümunəsi kimi ölkə kənarında Azərbaycan restoranlarının menyusunda da özünü göstərir.
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Xilə qutabı isə daha az tanınır və yalnız Əmircan qəsəbəsində yerləşən "Kafe Xilə" adlı kafedə müştərilərinə təqdim edilir.
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Kafe Xilədə Xilə qutabı (16.07.2023)
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Kafe Xilə. "Qutablar, Xilə qutabı"
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sacriabagsatelier · 2 years
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Baku Bag🌆 Regions of Azerbaijan Collection🇦🇿 Designed and made by Sacria Atelier✨ 🔸 Bu naxışlar Bakı xalçaçılıq məktəbinin Əmircan kəndində XVIII əsrdə toxunmuş maraqlı Xilə-Əfşan adlı xalçanın ilhamı ilə yaradılmışdır. “Əfşan” sözünün mənası “səpələnmə”, “çiləmə”, “rəngli”. Xilə sözü Əmircan kəndinin köhnə adıdır. Bu kompozisiyanın naxışları kifayət qədər mürəkkəb həndəsi quruluşa malikdir və “Nəlbəkigül”, “Balıq”, “Qaracadağ” kimi xalçaların kompozisiyalarına bənzəyir. Bu bölgəyə xas olan rəng palitrası əsasən Abşeron rayonunun flora və faunasının rənglərini - sarı, narıncı, qəhvəyi və mavi tonları əks etdirir. • 🔸 These patterns were created under the inspiration of a carpet with the interesting name Xila-Afshan, woven in the 18th century in the village of Amirjan, of the Baku carpet weaving school. The meaning of the word "afshan" is "scatter", "spray", "variegated", and in the countries of the Middle East. The word Khila is the old name of the village Amirjan. The patterns of this composition have a rather complex geometric structure and are similar to the compositions of such carpets as "Nalbekigul", "Balig", "Garajadag". The color palette inherent in this region mainly reflects the colors of the flora and fauna of the Absheron region - yellow, orange, brown and blue tones. • 🔸 Эти узоры были созданы под вдохновением ковра с интересным названием Xila-Afshan, сотканного в 18 веке в современном поселке Амирджан, Бакинской школы ковроткачества. Значение слова «афшан» — «рассыпать», «распылять», «пёстрый». Слово Хила - это старое название поселка Амирджан. Узоры этой композиции имеют довольно сложную геометрическую структуру и сходны с композициями таких ковров «Нальбекигюль», «Балыг», «Гараджадаг». Цветовая палитра присущая данному региону приемущественно отражает цветовую гамму флоры и фауны Абшеронского региона - желтые, оранжевые, коричневые и синие тона. • • • #baku #azerbaijan #bag #handbag #clutchbag #leatherbag #bagoftheday #bagaddict #bagslover #designerbags #fashiondesigner #ethnicstyle #orangeisthenewblack #sacriabags #sacriaatelier #luxurystyle (at Baku, Azerbaijan) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClOlZqXSsT3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Painting of Azerbaijan: "Tears of Kapaz" by Sattar Bahlulzade
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Sattar Bahlulzade (1909-1974) was an Azerbaijani painter.
Article: Historically, artists become famous either for their unique style or the character they exude to the world of art.
Sattar Bahlulzade a living legend, a painter, who in the literal sense of the word is the face of the Azerbaijani lyrical landscape, and, importantly, unique in his soulful qualities was an artist the importance of whom for the national art is difficult to underestimate.
Love of drawing appeared in artist’s early childhood. After his father gave him colored pencils, the boy drew everything that surrounded him. He was surrounded by various beauties - bright holidays, nature of Absheron, household items decorated by folk craftsmen. In one of his diaries the artist wrote:
“Everything was in the right place in the house. She (the mother) located the items like an artist. Blankets and bedspreads folded so that the color gamut coincided. For her, it was a work of art, it was a beauty.”
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Bahlulzade is an artist, famous for his strangeness. He had a habit of suddenly leaving home and sometimes being absent for months. He did not sell his work, he gave them disinterestedly, although he was not a rich man.
The artist was in love with nature, considered himself a part of it. Actually, most of his life passed in the bosom of nature in order to be closer to it, to understand it deeper, adequately perceive and depict it on canvas. He could better express and realize himself as an artist in unity with nature. This is clearly seen in many famous paintings of the master.
“Many people think that when I want to, I take a blank canvas in a frame, a palette of colors and without any difficulty I depict various moments in the life of nature. This is a misconception. I originally had such a habit: I did sketches in advance to some of my works, and in some cases I remembered what I saw. For example, over the paysage "Tears of Kapaz" I was painting what I remembered, I did not make a sketch in advance of it. Actually, at that moment I had no such opportunity,” the artist admitted.
Bahlulzade was a thinker, he always avoided trifles and focused on the transfer of the deep essence, character, poetry of the landscape. Because of this, his works are saturated with colors, energy emotionally and musically, are full of completely unexpected turns and magic.
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Working on the canvas, however, was given to Bahlulzade by no means easy, he spent a lot of time and effort to catch the right moment and to convey the unbridled power of nature and its unique charm as colorful as possible.
About this emotionality, philosophical and aesthetic elements in the works of Bahlulzade much is said and written. Some assume that these qualities in his work are the result of the influence of the medieval art of Tabriz miniature, others think that this is the result of the influence of impressionism.
It is noteworthy that musicality is the very essence of creativity of the artist. When you look at his paintings, it's difficult to get rid of the feeling that this is a kind of symphony written not with notes, but with colors. On artist’s paintings, colors radiate light and a melody, they seem to sing.
It is necessary to dwell on Bahlulzade’s colors that he used in his paintings, about which so much was said. Like many specific features of this artist's work, the colors on his paintings are also unusual and incomparable, his palette is unique. The impression is that he created these colors himself and only he works with them.
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Bahlulzade, however, himself did not agree with such statements and remarked: “I'm not looking for colors and do not create them. I just try to portray things the way I see them. Let's not forget that everyone cannot see things equally, everyone has his own angle of vision, his own visual memory. One sees and perceives yellow, blue, pink, orange colors like this, and the other - quite differently. Therefore, these colors look different on the canvas.”
The artist preferred yellow, blue, pink, orange, lemon, orange and dogwood colors in his works. It is interesting that these colors, noticeably predominant in Bahlulzade’s paintings, do not bore at all, do not bother, on the contrary, they seem to illuminate the soul with a certain special light, and fill it with joy.
Paysages dedicated to the Caspian Sea, oil rigs, occupy a special place in the artist's work ("Caspian beauty", "Evening over the Caspian", etc.). He used spent whole days at sea, with oilmen on boats, platforms, overpasses, towers. Despite the similar coloring of these works, the artist was able to masterfully convey the contradictory nature of the Caspian.
Solo exhibitions of the artist were held in Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia, Norway, Bulgaria, Germany, Iraq, Cuba, Canada, Belgium, France and Japan.
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Currently, the works of an outstanding Azerbaijani artist are kept in galleries and museums of various countries. Honored Art Worker, laureate of Azerbaijani State Prize, People's Artist Sattar Bahlulzade died October 14, 1974 in Moscow. He is buried in his native village of Amirjan.
Article by: Aygun Salmanova.
Painting: "Tears of Kapaz" by Sattar Bahlulzade.
Photos: Photos of Sattar Bahlulzade.
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hackesh · 5 years
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How to go to the colorful Amirgan Park How to go to the colorful Amirgan Park, The garden of Amirjan Kursu is one of the ancient parks in Turkey, dating back to the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Murad IV, and in the Byzantine period called the cypress forest, because the park is covered with cypress trees, and is located in the city of Istanbul in the Sarıyer area in the north of the city, It is close to the Istinia Park Commercial Complex and is next to Istanbul's Bosphorus Strait.
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expedientesinico · 5 years
Cazaquistão. Opositor autorizado a candidatar-se às eleições de Junho
Cazaquistão. Opositor autorizado a candidatar-se às eleições de Junho
Um conhecido jornalista e membro da oposição do Cazaquistão foi esta segunda-feira autorizado a candidatar-se às presidenciais de 9 de Junho. Amirjan Kossanov vai defrontar o protegido do presidente demissionário Nursultan Nazarbaiev, que dirigiu o país durante quase três décadas.
A Comissão Eleitoral Central (CEC) do país da Ásia Central indicou ter registado a candidatura de Amirjan…
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pishrobot · 4 years
⛓‌ تانک خط‌خوان 🛠 طراحی و‌ ساخت از پیشروباتی خلاق آرتا امیرجان 👏 📱 برای دریافت مشاوره آموزشی رایگان و ثبت‌نام در ترم‌ جدید عدد ۱ را کامنت کنید. Tank made by Arta Amirjan 👏‌‌ #آموزشی #کلاس #پیشروباتی‌ها #کلاس_آنلاین #کلاس_پیشروبات #کودک #خلاقیت #بازی #بازی_سازی #مهندس_کوچولو #آنلاین #کلاس_رباتیک #رباتیک #ربات #یوسف_آباد #کرونا #robot #RoboticsEducation #robotics #kids #kid #game #CORONAVIRUS #education #corona #pishrobot (at Tehran, Iran) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZKTTyDsF9/?igshid=16itw752ou2uo
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patakay · 4 years
Mahira Tahiri - Mailesh New song 2014 by Amirjan saboori ماهره طاهری: م...
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Mahira Tahiri - Mailesh New song 2014 by Amirjan saboori ماهره طاهری: م...
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whittlebaggett8 · 5 years
Kazakhstan’s Potemkin Presidential Contenders | The Diplomat
A handful of individuals will technically operate for the Kazakh presidency, but are they just “puppets” in a perform?
As it stands now, a handful of individuals will contest the approaching snap presidential election in Kazakhstan. But that variety belies a greatly-held belief (between analysts at the very least) that only performing President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev stands a opportunity of successful the June 9 poll.
As of April 28, the Kazakh Central Election Commission mentioned that eight candidates experienced submitted the essential materials to contest the election. Unbiased candidates are not authorized, provided a 2017 constitutional referendum mandating that all nominees be set forth by an formally registered political bash or a public association.
On April 29, one of the candidates — Talghat Erghaliev, nominated by the Union of Builders but also a member of the Ak Zhol occasion — withdrew at the behest of Ak Zhol, which had chosen Daniya Yespayeva as its nominee. Yespayeva is the initially girl to run for president in Kazakhstan. Ak Zhol, which holds seven seats (of 107 full) in the decrease household of the Kazakh parliament, the Majilis, is often referred to as a pseudo-opposition social gathering, placing forth tiny useful opposition to the federal government.
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Amongst the other candidates are Sadybek Tugel, an editor nominated by the Eagles of the Great Steppe movement. Tugel is reportedly editor-in-main of a well-known science journal, very first vice president of the Affiliation of Countrywide Sports activities, and president of the Federation of Countrywide Equestrian Sporting activities. Eurasianet’s Joanna Lillis referred to as Tugel a “overall unfamiliar.” Also preparing to contest the presidency is the chairman of the Territorial Affiliation of West Kazakhstan Region’s Trade Unions, Amandeldy Taspikhov, nominated by the Federation of Trade Unions.
Then there’s Jambyl Akhmetbekov, a member of parliament for the only other occasion with Majlis illustration, the Communist People’s Celebration (7 seats), and Toleutai Rakhimbekov, nominated by the Auyl (which suggests “village” in Kazakh) bash. In the previous parliamentary election, in 2016, Auyl hardly crested 2 percent of the nationwide vote, not sufficient to get into parliament.
Amirjan Kosanov, an opposition determine and journalist, was nominated by the Destiny of the Nation movement.
This list of candidates is all but meaningless. As RFE/RL put it, all the candidates apart from Tokayev, who has been nominated by Nur Otan — President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s occasion — “are either relatively mysterious political figures nominated by pro-governing administration events and groups, or do not have enough time to marketing campaign for the early poll.” 
Tokayev, who assumed the presidency when Nazarbayev resigned on March 19, known as previously this thirty day period for the presidential election to be moved ahead. The polls were being at first scheduled for April 2020, when Nazarbayev’s fifth expression was set to conclusion. The connect with for a snap election considerably impeded the opportunity for opposition forces to muster for a legitimate run at the major workplace.
The Nationwide Social Democratic Occasion (ZhSDP), referred to by RFE/RL as “the only registered party in the region that positions alone as opposition to the government,” made the decision final week to boycott the election. In asserting its final decision, ZhSDP claimed in a statement that participating the election would injury the party’s popularity. The party echoed remarks created by analysts that the events taking part in the election are “puppets” in a engage in designed to glimpse like a democratic process.
Let us hardly ever forget Mels Yelusizov, a registered prospect for the presidency in the 2011 election. He was requested soon after casting his possess ballet who experienced voted for. “Nazarbayev,” he mentioned. Nazarbayev may perhaps not be on the ballot this time all around, but Tokayev is Nazarbayev’s selection. The some others are Potemkin candidates, cardboard cutouts positioned on the stage to seem like real actors in the democratic perform.
The post Kazakhstan’s Potemkin Presidential Contenders | The Diplomat appeared first on Defence Online.
from WordPress https://defenceonline.com/2019/04/29/kazakhstans-potemkin-presidential-contenders-the-diplomat/
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pamirtimesblog · 7 years
Understanding justice
Uzma Amirjan In search of finding a genuine idea of justice, I looked for some books and chose some that caught my eyes. The books did not make me feel satisfied. Though written by renowned intellectuals, the books I chose did not answer my questions. I was looking for something more. Flustered, I shut my eyes and began pondering over what entails justice. Many names and faces, seen in…
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sacriabagsatelier · 2 years
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Baku Bag🌇 Regions of Azerbaijan Collection by Sacria Atelier 🔸Bu naxışlar Bakı xalçaçılıq məktəbinin Əmircan kəndində XVIII əsrdə toxunmuş maraqlı Xilə-Əfşan adlı xalçanın ilhamı ilə yaradılmışdır. “Əfşan” sözünün mənası “səpələnmə”, “çiləmə”, “rəngli”, Yaxın Şərq ölkələrində isə dekorativ sənətdə işlənən müstəqil ornamental kompozisiyanın adıdır. Divar və plafondların rənglənməsi, eləcə də xalçaçılıqda “Əfşan” kompozisiyası mürəkkəb konstruksiyaya malik spiralvari budaqlardan ibarətdir. Xilə sözü Əmircan kəndinin köhnə adıdır. Bu bölgəyə xas olan rəng palitrası əsasən Abşeron rayonunun flora və faunasının rənglərini - sarı, narıncı, qəhvəyi və mavi tonları əks etdirir. • • 🔸These patterns were created under the inspiration of a carpet with the interesting name Xila-Afshan, woven in the 18th century in the village of Amirjan, of the Baku carpet weaving school. The meaning of the word "afshan" is "scatter", "spray", "variegated", and in the countries of the Middle East, this is the name of an independent ornamental composition, which is used in decorative art. In the painting of walls and plafonds, as well as in carpet weaving, the composition "Afshan" is made up of spiral-shaped branches of a complex structure. The word Khila is the old name of the village Amirjan. The color palette inherent in this region mainly reflects the colors of the flora and fauna of the Absheron region - yellow, orange, brown and blue tones. • • 🔸Эти узоры были созданы под вдохновением ковра с интересным названием Xila-Afshan, сотканного в 18 веке в современном поселке Амирджан, Бакинской школы ковроткачества. Значение слова «афшан» — «рассыпать», «распылять», «пёстрый», а в странах Ближнего Востока так называется самостоятельная орнаментальная композиция, которая применяется в декоративном искусстве. Цветовая палитра присущая данному региону приемущественно отражает цветовую гамму флоры и фауны Абшеронского региона - желтые, оранжевые, коричневые и синие тона. • • • #SACRIAAtelier #luxurybag #bag #clutch #baku #fashion #designerbags #handbag #handmade #sacriabags #shoulderbag #instabaku #leatherbag (at Baku, Azerbaijan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiAxZKkDmNn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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patakay · 5 years
Mahira Tahiri - Mailesh New song 2014 by Amirjan saboori ماهره طاهری: م...
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patakay · 5 years
Mahira Tahiri - Mailesh New song 2014 by Amirjan saboori ماهره طاهری: م...
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Mahira Tahiri - Mailesh New song 2014 by Amirjan saboori ماهره طاهری: م...
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Mahira Tahiri - Mailesh New song 2014 by Amirjan saboori ماهره طاهری: م...
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