i-want-my-iwtv · 2 years
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@annabellioncourt tagged moi to do nine films! This was harder to do than I thought, editing them down. As an extra challenge, I didn’t let myself choose any that Annie did 😉. These are films/TV I love and love recommending to others, and if you like one or more of them, chances are we’ll get along ✨ In no particular order (other than wanting IWTV in the middle):
Only Lovers Left Alive - Tom Hiddleston is a Nicki/Louis hybrid, I love him, I love the dynamic between him and the other vampires, I kinda love how fragile these vampires are, and they have unique gifts. Very slice of life.
What We Do in the Shadows - also love the TV series, but if I had to choose?? IDK I NEED BOTH but only giving it one slot, so the original takes precedence, I love Vladislav. 
Jennifer’s Body - UNF I love this. I don’t love the official posters, but I really like this VHS fanwork by CratereanDesigns on Etsy.
Let the Right One In - the 2008 original!
Interview with the Vampire, of course. And I do not think it’s the Best Movie of All Time, it’s just one of my personal faves and a comfort food for me 💗
30 Days of Night - the delicious ANGST, ah my heart. I don’t love the poster, oh well. 
Good Omens - I didn’t read the book so if it’s unfaithful in any way, doesn’t bother me! I loved this series, psyched for season 2.
Better Call Saul - I know, not a film. I love it too much, and if GO is on here, then TV can be on here. 
And here I end with the impossible choice of favorite animated movie, and there are a LOT of them, but I have to choose one! What’s more important, beauty, story, music? Beauty and the Beast (1991) still holds up, after all these years. It might not be as technically proficient as Wall-E (another fave of mine) but it’s well acted, strong story, good soundtrack. I think what I love most is the bantering and courtship of Belle and the Beast, it’s so genuine and earned. IDK, call me a baby, I love it. 
Tagging those I haven’t seen do it yet, and I'm also sorry if I'm wrong and just missed your post, no pressure at all to do this, of course!:
@codenamecesare, @vamp4rebatscave, @xxhellonursexx, @good-evening-kiss, @eliestela, @0junemeatcleaver0, @wicked-felina, @cygnaut, @thevampirelestat, @tealightcandles1794, @monstersinthecosmos, @emileesaurus, @terryfphanatics, @loki-wants-an-army,  @sarahpaulsonsclown,  @theworidentire, @hekateinhell, @the-apostates-martyr, @amadeo-child-of-the-renaissance, @vampiricmusicaltheatre, @radiatorfromspace, @kf-tea, @headfrst4halos, @mymillenniumpuzzle, @amelthebravennian, @carolusofmycastle, @auburnandamberangel, @elisaintime, @obsessional-ram, @nodominion, @compressedconstellations, @calamity-cain
(Tumblr didn’t allow the tag on some ppl so I’m putting you all in the tags below)
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hekateinhell · 11 months
tagged by @apoptoses ty ily 😾💖🧀🐠
current time: 11:15pm
current mood: hormemotional, sleep-deprived (i'm always sleep-deprived though rip)
current activity: i mean- i'm here but i should be finishing the mermaid au prompt i wanted done by tomorrow/replying to ao3 comments/leaving ao3 comments don't look at me
currently thinking about: the parallels between the little prince and the fox in the children's book The Little Prince and lestat and armand's dynamic in VC after @monstersinthecosmos brought it to my attention, i am and will remain devastated for the foreseeable future
current favorite song: Love Like Ghosts thanks to @birdblacksocialclub 🥹 (i've been fucked up for a week over this song now ty birdy, it's very l/a to me – the period where armand is hanging around NOLA waiting for lestat to wake up)
currently reading:
The Fifth Agreement
my textbook for advanced social policy 💀
currently watching: nothing, i don't have the attention span for tv or movies in general. i was hooked on succession for a while but that's over now.
current favorite character: ✨ARMAND✨ although i feel like i've been focusing on lestat a lot lately too. i've always been an l/a girlie (i multiship so in general i think i'm pretty happy), but i don't feel that i properly appreciated lestat as his own character until i got older and i'm really enjoying the deep dive into his personality and assorted traumas (look, i adore a good clinical case study and there's A Lot to harvest from him and armand, separate and together)
current WIPs:
🖤 armand/lestat/louis au threesome follow-up fic to Exposed
🖤 lestat/armand petplay with a twist fic for #VCKinkWeek
🖤 armand/lestat/daniel play party fic for #VCKinkWeek
🖤 lestat/armand fisting fic (this one has been half done since jan and i just need to commit and get lestat all the way in there, okay?)
🖤 chapter 7 of Our House (i lost my daniel voice a while back for Reasons and i'm desperately trying to get him back because this fic is largely from his pov lmao so i've already started the same chapter at least 3-4 different times, but you know what we persevere and it'll happen when it happens)
🖤 a couple prompts i removed from my a/d and l/a prompt collection on ao3 so because i want to edit and expand them to 3-5ks before reposting them as one-shots (a/d in the pool on daniel's birthday and l/a cockwarming IF ANYONE IS LOOKING FOR THEM I'M SO SORRY AND THEY'LL BE BACK UP EVENTUALLY 🫣)
tagging @monstersinthecosmos @covenofthearticulate @this-writer-needs-coffee @love-me-im-dead @amadeo-child-of-the-renaissance and anyone else who wants to do it just say hekate tagged you!
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happy Friday my friends! Here's some fics I read recently I hope you like them!
Vienna by @hekateinhell [AO3]
Rated M -- 1k -- Armand/Viktor
most problematic ship 10/10 wtf is wrong with everyone in this family
Desert Secrets by @calipsan [AO3]
Rated E -- 3.1k -- Enkil/Khayman
RAREPAIR ALERT PLEASE!!!!! God this is like ? Gorgeous blood sharing and like the WEIGHT and HISTORY between these two! COULD YOU IMAGINE!!!! I need to know more about them haha
One Link At A Time by @amadeo-child-of-the-renaissance [AO3]
Rated E -- 6.6k -- Armand/Santino
This is like !!! This creepy dark kink-filled RE-ABDUCTION of Armand via Santino and it's so full of the hottest fucking ideas?? I'm scandalized what a fun lil story !!!! Unfinished but open ended for all Salai's future fun hot ideas LOL
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pendragcned-grl · 11 months
@amadeo-child-of-the-renaissance y is your account behind a wall?
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Mun vs Muse
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Here he is ! Love the t-shirt designs
Picrew link here
Tagging: @caravaggiovagabond @amadeo-child-of-the-renaissance @symphonyofmalice anyone else who I haven't already tagged ^_^
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vcsecretgifts · 4 years
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I offered to stand in should Secret Santas need to drop out or not make it in time. So here is mortal Lestat having fun on stage, performing as Lelio from the commedia dell'arte back in the 1780s like he used to in the books
For: @the-victorian-catholic​
From: @amadeo-child-of-the-renaissance​
I hope you like it.^^
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“Hey! Come down a bit. My neck hurts.”
Marius bent down at the waist and equalized their height, giving a look that was almost expectant, “There, is that better?”
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desanctii · 4 years
Tell us details about your sword-fighting lessons, please!
“There is not much to tell, frankly. One night I mentioned to Eric that I had never been properly trained in sword fighting as a mortal man. So the next night he tossed me a blade and demanded I take a balanced stance. I took to it quite well, actually. It was in part for my own protection, of course, since I had few other means to defend myself other than brute strength and speed. He was right to train me. I learned to fight with an offhand weapon as well. Nowadays, of course, there is little use for the art. Though not all too long ago I had a chance to exhume my fencing skills.”
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perladivenezia · 5 years
//Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile. 😗😘😙//
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//Thank you, sweetheart! x3
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devilsfool · 5 years
amadeo-child-of-the-renaissance replied to your post “Would you have sex with Santiago if he lived?”
Armand is so sad that he can't fetch some popcorn rn
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morbidromantic-blog · 5 years
"Why do they always seem to assume that you're innocent?"
“Don’t really know. Maybe because people like to simplify and they like to see themselves in someone. But honestly, I couldn’t tell you. I’m far from it, as you know.”
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maestroderomanus · 6 years
Armand pulled the cover up over his head and leaned his forehead against his maker's back. He had been feeling lonely for too long.
Marius looked up from his reading, turning blue eyes to the light amber ones he could see under the quilt. “What’s wrong, cherub?” He asked softly, opening his arms and beckoning him in to his lap. 
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hekateinhell · 11 months
#VCselfrecsunday + VCsmuttysunday*
*I was trying to finish a smutty prompt response for today but I may not have the time so for now this will be my contribution to #vcsmuttysunday!
#VCselfrecsunday is a chance to rec one of your own works (fic, art, head canons, meta- go wild!) and say just why you liked making it, what you’re proud of, or what made you want to create it in the first place. Thank you @dreamofme9 for tagging me! ♥️
My self-rec is:
Insatiable An Appetite (4993 words) by HekateInHell Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Vampire Chronicles - Anne Rice Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Armand/Lestat de Lioncourt Characters: Lestat de Lioncourt, Armand (Vampire Chronicles) Additional Tags: Sex Work, Minor Religious Themes, Random French words bc I wanted to, It’s a gray area consent-wise considering the nature of sex work imo Summary: Modern Human AU - Lestat's never had to work for it in the bedroom, for obvious reasons. It's starting to affect his personal life, so he hires a professional to show him a few tips and tricks to being a better lover.
This is the first fic I ever wrote that focused on the smut in graphic detail and it was my personal challenge to myself to see if I could pull it off, and I did! I wasn't really active on tumblr back then and I didn't have anyone to test audience my fics or give me writing advice, but I knew I wanted to at least push my limits and see what happened.
I had so much fun writing it in the one day that it took me! Just something lighthearted and sexy and low stakes (I purposely picked a rarepair to test the waters before writing the A/D smut in Our House, in addition to an AU setting to be even more niche so I could fly under the radar because I was not always as shameless as I seem now RIP).
But ultimately I think it worked out and this fic was the stepping stone that helped me get more comfortable with writing the themes and kinks that I do now! I hope you enjoy it if you decide to read it/reread it. ♥️
Tagging @rainbowcarousels @apoptoses @birdblacksocialclub@covenofthearticulate @cup-of-lixx @kf-tea @armavnd @uncivilcivilservice @amadeo-child-of-the-renaissance and anyone else who wants to do it!
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Armand held his open hand out to Nicolas, palm turned upwards. "Give me your bow, Nicolas", he demanded, his calm eyes never blinking or betraying his thoughts.
Nicolas was concentrated, blood sweat beading on his forehead, his eyes focused on the quick moves of his fingers and the bow on the strings. He was trying to capture a certain key, chasing a song what was eluding him. He smirked as he continued. Angry with the world, angry with himself. 
“Why should I? Isn’t it obvious I’m working” he spoke through gritted teeth as he continued playing, using every ounce of anger he could muster into the creative process. It was draining him of energy but he loved the sensation, it stopped the constant toil of his mind. “I’m sure you have something better to do than inspecting my bow” his words dripped with his eternal sarcasm.
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miller-mayfair · 6 years
🔮 for one thought your muse might hear if they could read my muse’s mind.
Is he--?  SHIT!  Was that eye contact?  SHITFUCK.  He noticed me.  If there is a power to fuse through the wall let me catch that ability right now.
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What tragic horror character trope are you?
the harbinger
the harbingers have been through fire. you've got the scars to show for it. some people say harbingers are jaded- scary, even, to people who don't understand that the harbinger has seen the edge of the world and survived it. but being the harbinger means you're cursed to watch younger, brighter eyes fall for the same traps you did. trying to help isn't enough for you; you know what they're getting themselves into, and you want to protect them the way no one ever protected you, so why won't they just listen? it's frustrating. it's terrifying. no one should have to live through what you did, and i hope you know that you can't protect everyone but it's damn noble of you to try. it's not your job to save the world but i hope you know you've already made a difference to everyone who has taken your words to heart.
Stolen from: @perladivenezia
Tagging: @childofmanynames @vamparmand @amadeo-child-of-the-renaissance @symphonyofmalice anyone else ^_^
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