#am i really that inconsiderate
stacytea · 6 months
He's like one of fandom's faves, but y'all know what's my favourite thing about this guy?
He's an only child
Y'all know how in our society there is this weird narration about how when you're an only child then it automatically makes you selfish, inconsiderate, vain, self-absorbed and other stuff like this? As if having siblings was magically making people more decent/caring?
And then there is Celebrimbor who is an antithesis of that. Who grows up to be a so much better person than his dad (who had 6 siblings)
I love the way the least problematic fëanorian is also the one who doesn't have any siblings. It's just nice to see yourself represented in positive way from time to time, y'know. It brings a certain kind of comfort.
I don't want to make it too long, but let me just say that Celebrimbor is the only child representation that I am here for.
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teamhawkeye · 10 months
"i don't care about her character that much-" then why are you tagging your posts with her name so that others who like her have to see your bullshit?
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bloggirl8842 · 17 days
It’s ridiculous how men will talk 2 women they don’t find attractive or “cool”. Genuinely treating them like nothing at all. I asked a friend from college (who used to rely on me to get through writing classes) to keep an eye out for job leads in NY for me since I’m looking to move and he immediately rejected the ask bc he doesn’t work in broadcasting (like we studied). I told him well neither do I, I’m looking for anything, and congratulations on your move and he read it without writing back… man I got you through two or three classes and you can’t at least surface level agree to keep a fucking eye out? Come on
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onedirecton · 4 months
last night was the first night in about week where I had absolutely peace so I hope it continues 💗🫶
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alfonzone · 4 months
I woke up extremely sad and depleted. I'm going to do my best to feel better throughout the day and end it on a good note.
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raveartts · 6 months
hello I saw your arts relating to cutthroat from akudama drive I was wondering if you have any chps in any language can you share them with me in drive I will really appreciate it
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itspileofgoodthings · 5 months
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romulusfuckingroy · 5 months
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I’m sooo sorry peace and love and I love our fandom community and I love our show but I’m getting such schadenfreude from these posts 😭😭😭
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gonzocoded · 6 months
if you bring your loud child to the library please FOR THE LOVE OF GOD take them to the youth department!!!! PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU ON MY HANDS AND KNEES
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startreatment · 9 months
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zinziinziiin · 1 year
it's incredibly frustrating to feel like everyone's out to misgender me. even "allies", even other trans people are hell-bent on calling me a girl in any way they can. it's invalidating as fuck. I am entirely genderless. because I am entirely genderless, I cannot be a girl. are demigirls a thing? yes. do genderfluid and genderflux people exist? yes. can people use the umbrella term "nonbinary" as a label on its own and still be kind of a girl? absolutely. I am not any of those, so please stop trying to insist that I can be a girl when I am wholly and utterly not. I'm not a boy either, for the record, but it really feels like people aren't trying half as hard to call me one of those.
please tag your dysphoria-inducing posts, by the way.
I'm not here for discouse. I just want to stop being misgendered. d\o\n't r\eb\lo\g
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hellpupp · 1 year
Big Sad
#kicks dirt#idk how many times i can openly ask for what i need & just. not get it. before i've just gotta Stop bc it starts feeling pathetic#and potentially even bordering on emotionally manipulative.#debating the Morality of even tag-venting on my own blog bc i don't want anyone to assume this is targeted#i just feel Deeply Lonely and like i have absolutely nothing going on in my life except work#and just lowkey like.... Unseen.#sometimes i try So Fucking Hard to have a conversation with people only to have 100% of what i say completely ignored me#* in favor of a random meme.#it starts to fuck with you after a while! makes you feel Uninteresting and Foolish and Annoying#idk.#i mean i also ran out of my (Extremely Rough Withdrawal) SNRI last week so like. that isn't helping.#but it's more than that. i've been feeling like this for a while.#it just. really sucks when you move & have no irl friends. no energy to make any new ones.#and all of your long distance friends have A Lot of shit on their plates so you feel shitty and inconsiderate for even thinking of asking#for. well Anything really. let alone some of their extremely limited time & energy & attention.#like who tf am i to ask anyone#let alone people who are all Very busy and struggling w/ their own shit#for their undivided attention for a chunk of time they could be using to take care of themselves#i don't want to feel invisible anymore#but i also don't want to be a drain on the people i care about#i hate Needing things#i wish the depth of my love and devotion to the people i've chosen to care for was fulfilling enough on its own#so i'd never need to ask for things#having emotional needs is like. sooo gross & selfish of me tbh. :/' go the fuck to therapy holy shit u would Never say this abt Anyone else#anyway. watch me delete this in 5 seconds bc the need to be seen & the mortification of being Perceived can & do coexist#χ.txt
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heybinnie · 1 year
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running-in-the-dark · 2 years
I just had my dentist appointment that was rescheduled a month ago (to finally fix that filling), and I asked if I could listen to music and it helped a lot 😌 I can't believe it took me 30 years to try that.
also, I think I'll finally try to find a new dentist now. it's been really annoying having to drive 30+ minutes to get there but tbh the main reason is that they got a new receptionist, I think last year, and she is so fucking rude (every single time). I was 5 minutes late today and before I could apologise and explain, she was already insulting me. like?? what??
I've been going to this dental office my entire life. I think when I still went with my mother I was late sometimes but I couldn't do anything about that since I was a child. but in the past 10 years I have been late maybe once or twice. and this woman thinks it's okay to be mean to me about 5 fucking minutes??
I told her if they can cancel my appointment right before it happens and make me wait an entire additional month then surely it's not that bad if I'm 5 minutes late. and she said something mean again. 🙄
I think my new meds must be starting to work because I was only annoyed and kinda pissed off, not absolutely terrified. a few months ago I probably would have started crying.
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loustatgf · 1 year
Wanna throw up
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ashtray-girl · 1 year
have said this before & i'll say it again: most ppl who have kids decide to have them for the wrong reasons.
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