#always azicrow
I saw a recent reblog you did where you listed some fic recs and then tagged with your fic preferences, which are pretty much my own, favoring canon compliance fics where they're angel/demon (though I have read some 'temporarily human' AUs I've liked). Do you have a collected rec list? Or any more recs you might toss out? Thanks so much!
Oh gosh yes.
I’m going to assume you have already explored the other fics bu the authors in the first rec post I made- everything by @redfacesmiley, @books-and-omens , @racketghost , and Drawlight/ripeteeth is a stunner. Also dig through equestrianstatue and @darcylindbergh for real gems.
When I’m reading I find a fic I like, dig through all the author’s other fics, then look at the author’s bookmarks because I figure if they wrote something I like that much, they saved things I’ll like too.
Fell free to dig through my AO3 bookmarks- they are completely unorganized and I bookmark things I want to read later or think I might want to read again, basicly anything I might want to find again- so I haven’t even read all of them. BUT! Here are some more of THOSE FICS for me:
It's Funny Because Nobody Ever Says “Burkina Faso” by indieninja92
So funny omg. Azi is just DONE and I am here for it. It’s a locked fic to AO3 accounts so I’m not sure if the link will work-
What I shed for You by @darcylindbergh
This fic- this freakin fic!! I did not think I would ever go for a fic that was NOT azicrow but oh my god this one is so good.
But You My Dear Are An Ocean by megzseatle
After nursing his broken heart, Crowley moves on. He gets a cottage and relocates to South Downs to start over, and finds himself beloved in a small town where the people take him under their (proverbial) wing. His new friends are in no mood for charity when his ex shows back up- while Crowley might be able to forgive Az, the townspeople have a harder time with the bastard that broke dear Anthony’s heart.
If I’ve had a bad day and need to cheer up, I read this book! Omens sweet story.
…And if I’m in an emotionally stable place I will read this angsty heartbreaker. So beautiful, just so good.
Idiot/ Guts (and a load of Warbirgon’s Farmhouse White) / Ellipsis by @theyellowestmustard
A little slice of perfect right here.
I also love outsider POV criptids of soho stories- here are two good ones, one set in a coffee shop and one in a bakery.
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p4nishers · 10 months
i feel like this describes their dynamic perfectly. crowley smiles at aziraphale smiling while he's looking away and the moment he turns to look at them, to fucking SMILE AT THEM, they look away. kill me pls i hate them sm
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wishfulsketching · 10 months
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Oh to be able to wear your husband as a fashion statement
warmup doodle
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ineffablyruined · 5 months
Did we all notice Aziraphale's reaction to Crowley's mention of how he's dressed at the Bastille?
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The quick little eyebrow raise and eyes immediately going to Crowley.
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That face is very: "He commented on how I'm dressed! He noticed what I'm wearing! Wait, was that a good tone or a bad tone? I'll fight him if it was a bad tone. No, no, I look fabulous and we are both aware of that."
Original gifs from @winter-seance.
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saryasy · 10 months
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he only ever asked questions (and Aziraphale tried to answer them)
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melancholyofautvmn · 1 year
"my parents who raised me" (they're fictional characters i've known of for 24 hours)
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insanusnavicularis · 11 months
We are all hyperfixating on the “I thought we carved it for ourselves” (AS WE SHOULD) but!
But I think we are skipping over the reason why Crowley reacted so strongly apart from yk the fact that the guy tried to kill aziraphale and all that
So in the previous lines before the whole ourselves thing Aziraphale is talking about wanting to be Gabriel’s FRIEND.
Aziraphale wants to be Gabriel’s friend. He wants to call a friend the guy that’s made his whole six thousand years on this earth miserable, a guy that looked down on him, underestimated him, patronized him, the guy that tried to kill him with hellfire without even a trial and that smiled while doing so.
Now, imagine you’re Crowley. You’ve known and respected and loved this angels for 6000 years, you’ve helped him, you have a history and you go way back.
Imagine you’re Crowley and how you’ve wanted to befriend this angels for 6000 years only for him to shut down any and all attempts at actually admitting you are friends, at admitting you’re on the same side.
Imagine how you’d feel when you realize that the label you’ve been fighting tooth and nail for, for literally centuries, and that it took the literal end of the world to even get close to, is now being given so freely to another being, to a being that’s honestly objectively worse than you. To the guy that tried to kill the angel when all you’ve done is trying to be nice friendly to him.
I imagine Crowley is feeling awful at that. He’s probably wondering if there’s something wrong with him that makes a wannabe killer a better person to befriend than him.
Tl;dr Crowley is really sad because it took him 6000 years and the end of the world to even get close to being Aziraphale’s “friend” and now Aziraphale is more than ready to give that label to the guy that tried to kill him while smiling.
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myoonmii · 7 months
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You’ve heard of ineffable wives in the 60s now get ready for ineffable wives in sarees!
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darkxlya · 5 months
never trust metatron dude
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nhyhu · 9 months
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do you dream of the stars
(click for higher quality)
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color sketches because i was STRUGGLING with the colors
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sightkeeper · 1 year
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Chosen Faces 112
This comic is a Good Omens AU wherein Aziraphale is an eldritch horror pretending to be an angel.
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febelinlove · 2 months
I think Aziraphale ultimately chose his and Crowley's side. Because it only looks like he's leaving or/and they're breaking up, Crowley's phrase is also understandable, but Zira chose the path to protect their side
We all understand that Aziraphale does not need heaven, angels or promotion, even the opinion of God is questioned and does not guide him. (At least that much)
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IMHO, he considers it necessary and right to protect his beloved demon from interference in their lives, not that we haven’t seen what Hell and Heaven are capable of. And the fact that Paradise has already done something bad to Crowley once probably still worries Angel...
Crowley himself opposes it only because he wants the same for “us.” He thinks that together they will be able to protect what they have been building in recent years TOGETHER
Maybe he is not sure that his angel is no longer subordinate to heaven so much?Or that Zira knows what to do /Will choose him over blind faith
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It's all very traumatic and lonely.But the only thing you need and can be sure of is
Love between them. Love is on their side. They have always been together and will always be Even when they separated, lost each other, quarreled, or were held back They returned to each other.
"To our side"
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p4nishers · 9 months
crowley saying "if any harm comes to aziraphale because of this i will–" to gabriel is SO fucking special to me bc he was so clearly afraid of gabriel after the trial like just look at his reaction when he first sees him and him saying he spent a WHOLE NIGHT worrying that gabriel's gonna smite him like he's actually terrified and still after ALL THAT he still threatens gabriel and i just think threatening someone like THAT is actually so vulnerable bc he's making it abundantly clear that he cares for aziraphale and wants him safe and that aziraphale is HIS to protect and he WILL protect him no matter fucking what and i just i can't deal with how outright and upfront crowley was this season not only with aziraphale but with other people ABOUT aziraphale too like he was really not fucking around this season and he needed everyone to know aziraphale is his and made gabriel almost JUMP OUT OF A WINDOW for wanting to hurt aziraphale and the vulnerability of it all is making me go NUTS
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lovetositinsilence · 11 months
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“Your gun is loaded
and pointing my way
There’s only one bullet,
so don’t delay
Got to time it right
Fire me through the night
Come on, take a shot
Fire me higher
Don’t you miss this time
Please, don’t misfire”
- Misfire by Queen
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Aaaaaand we're trending again.
It's because of the invisible line, isn't it?
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saryasy · 10 months
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oh, this house of glass was never made to last
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