#although I think the full quote is something like October 7 showed them it was achievable
al-kol-eleh · 4 months
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Hen Mazzig
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haylanmakesstuff · 2 years
Day 22-23
Today is the day Husband arrives!  Picked him up bright and early for his first real vacation since October 2019. We headed off to Mount Rainier National Park after a short nap, as he can only make it to the airport on time for early flights if he simply does not go to sleep at all. How daring and...charming...right?? We camped in Gifford Pinchot National Forest at La Wis Wis, and did a hike at Federation Forest State Park on our way there. We have a Washington State Parks pass (so cheap for so many parks!!) so we will stop at them whenever we can. This one was beautiful old growth forests with a river cutting through them, surrounded by a carpet of ferns and I’d like to think Hansel and Gretel lines of Reece’s Pieces.
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Of course, important things happened first, and I had to show Husband my vintage finds from back in Buffalo. 
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I finished two little books at this campsite, first, Montana Chillers, a book of true spooky stories designed for kids. I love books like this, they are a great way to get some cool history in a fun, digestible way. 
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I mean, adult books don’t always have this type of prime content that gets me: 
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“The Chessman family hired a photographer to take pictures of their beloved cat outside their home, now the Original Governor’s Mansion, in Helena”. 
Then, a quick but beautiful read of The Rough-Face Girl, an Algonquin tale from a larger tradition that serves as a Cinderella type story. 
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This campsite really looked like dinosaurs should be dragging their tails through primordial mud. 
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The next day we packed full of adventure at Mount Rainier National Park. This may be the easiest park I’ve ever been to for immediate and stunning views with very little effort. 
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First things first, was to earn our Junior Ranger Badge, of course.
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This badge is dedicated to The Edwards Family; Cheryl, Eugene, Amelia, and Emmitt. And Happy Birthday, Emmitt! Your sweet family has been through a lot in the last few years, but you always have had each other and plowed right through the adversity with your joy and togetherness. May you hold on to this invaluable trait forever more, and your resilience and love cushion you through all that life has to offer.
The Ranger that swore us in and gave us our badge, she was quite fond of the poem we were required to write about climate change: 
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Our first hike today was to Silver Forest and back. This hike had unbelievable views of Mount Rainier, its many glaciers, as well as sending you straight through meadow hills of peak-bloom wildflowers.
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I took far too many pictures to share, but this was an easy hike for such a stunning return!
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This gave us views of Emmond’s glacier, which is over 4 miles long, remaining the largest in the lower 48.
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To stay on that theme, we drove a tad to do the Emmond’s glacier moraine trail, taking us closer to the glacier and to see its exodus.
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This trail was longer and harder, and towards the end, I could feel my feet and hips were giving up. I used to hike 15 miles a day, this would only be 7 easy miles in two days. One of the hardest parts of this disorder is adapting to changes in your abilities. Although in hindsight I see that it was a very slow and gradual process of losing my abilities, it’s still hard to feel my body and fatigue suffering after something that should be easy for me. I have always been a rather confident person, and to have that confidence shaken because your abilities are declining is a hard pill to swallow. It’s made me feel resentment and bitterness when seeing motivational memes and quotes that all the sudden seem so ableist and toxically positive, saying things like, “You can do anything if you believe in yourself” or “No excuses”, “My disability isn’t an excuse”, etc. No, actually, believing in myself will not make my body capable of doing things it simply can no longer do. Believing in myself will not make my tendons hold on to my bones better. Believing in yourself won’t make a wheelchair user magically able to go up a flight of stairs when there’s no ramp. My disability isn’t an excuse, it’s a hard fact that can’t be nudged around no matter how many essential oils I rub on myself or how much wishful thinking I partake in.
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Despite the discomfort, this trail was filled with cooling waterfalls and beautiful pine forests that slowly turned to volcanic flour and ash once you reach the river. Then, quite unexpectedly, I saw it. I slowly raised my hand and pointed. I spoke in a monotone as to not scare it, enunciating clearly so Husband would not have to ask me to repeat myself. This was important, since the only other brief flash of this bucket list critter had me screaming in a non-sensical excited gibberish that left the people around me confused.
“Oh, My, God, There’s a Pine Marten.” And it worked; he was able to turn, and we watched it, just about 15 feet away, walk across the forest hillside we stood at. Can this trip be filled with any more cute animal sightings than pika and pine marten? How lucky am I to see one of the Earth’s cutest creatures in the wild. If you know me, you know seeing any weasel in the wild is an extreme honor; if you are not familiar with pine martens, picture an adorable, wild redish-colored forest ferret that has rounder features, making it extra-unbelievably adorable. I didn’t waste the experience getting a photo, but you won’t regret googling “pine marten” or “pine marten baby”. You’re welcome.
The terminus of the glacier was shocking to see more up close; we realized what we thought was a mudslide was really the gigantic glacier covered in dirt. From this view you could even see the blue-green hue of the ice.
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We ended the night like any respectable calorie burning hikers by eating pizza in the car beside the local library. Thanks to Mt. Rainier for the amazing day!
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ms-m-astrologer · 3 years
Saturn in 2021
Note: this one’s long.
Saturn’s 2021 Timeline:
Friday, January 1, 2021 - Saturn at 1:37 Aquarius
Sunday, February 14, 17:02 UT - Saturn enters pre-Rx shadow, 6:53 Aquarius
Wednesday, February 17, 19:08 UT - Saturn/Aquarius square Uranus/Taurus, 7:14 (7 degrees 14 minutes)
Sunday, May 23, 08:10 UT - Saturn stations retrograde, 13:31 Aquarius
Monday, June 14, 22:01 UT - Saturn Rx/Aquarius square Uranus/Taurus, 13:07 
Sunday, October 10, 01:19 UT - Saturn stations direct, 6:53 Aquarius
Friday, December 24, 07:17 UT - Saturn/Aquarius squares Uranus Rx/Taurus, 11:05
Saturday, January 1, 2022 - Saturn at 11:54 Aquarius
Saturday, January 15, 2022 - Saturn exits post-Rx shadow, 13:31 Aquarius
This planet, folks, is The One to pay attention to. Its transits affect everyone, without fail.
Saturn in Aquarius is just as strong as Saturn in Capricorn: both signs are ruled by Saturn, although it must share Aquarius with Uranus. And that brings me to The Three Big Deals of 2021, namely, those three squares between Saturn/Aquarius (strongly placed) and Uranus/Taurus (in its fall).
It always makes me scoff when I hear or see people say that Aquarius is a leftist, revolutionary sign. The 40th President of the US, Ronald Reagan (devil take him), was an Aquarius - he was revolutionary, all right, but in a decidedly conservative and reactionary direction. What Aquarius is (among other things), is ideological. It’s a fixed air sign; its opinions are set, and nothing will change its mind. Expect a lot of demands to adhere 100% to this or that orthodoxy. No shades of gray allowed; all is black or white.
The squares between Saturn and Uranus, according to Michelle Perrin in the 2021 Llewellyn Daily Planetary Guide, show that
We are turning a corner into a new age without really realizing we have left the old one behind, creating a time where new paradigms are no longer relevant but a new social order has yet to congeal into anything solid.
This particular square, with Saturn 270 degrees ahead of Uranus in the Zodiac, is a “Last Quarter” square. We’re turning away from what was hatched and brought to fruition after the Saturn-Uranus conjunctions of 1988 - we’re tearing down old structures that don’t work any more - and we get to do all that, without having a strong sense of where we’re headed next. (Namely, the one-and-done Saturn-Uranus conjunction, at 28:01 Gemini, on June 28, 2032.)
(If you were alive way back in 1988, think back to what was going on at the time in terms of larger cycles finishing and starting. The conjunctions were all in late Sagittarius: 29:55, 28:47, and 27:49.)
Saturn in Aquarius has particular challenges and lessons for us all to learn. The following is a synthesis between Isabel Hickey (Astrology A Cosmic Science), Steven Forrest (mostly The Book of Earth), and me.
“Tests of ownership. He who has no desire to possess has no fear of loss.” This is of course a very Taurus thing, as the sign is too apt to equate material stability with security. Uranus’ transit through Taurus is determined to demolish that misconception, and this year he’ll have some help from Saturn. We know we’re messing up here, when we give “too much power to money and security.”
“Test of true humility and lovingness. Denied the love sought in this lifetime until the spiritual bookkeeping is balanced.” Leo is all about himself being The Star, while Aquarius counters with “you’re only one star in a whole universe full of stars.” Can we shine without making it all about us? Overweening egos are due for a smackdown. Conversely, we can become too overwhelmed by “stage fright,” and refuse to share something that humanity desperately needs.
“Test of outgoing desire. Desire nature is extremely strong and until that is brought under control there is much suffering and pain.” Such a pitfall for all the fixed signs - not getting one’s own way 100%, but instead having to compromise, adapt, adjust, etc. - but especially for Scorpio. This may also manifest as needing to get over the typical Scorpio broody gloominess, into a more positive frame of mind.
“Test of responsibility. The soul must accept the responsibility of regeneration and be about the Father’s business.” I’m pretty sure what “Issy” meant was that we have to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses, and start trying to help our fellow humans. But there’s another danger here, namely the stereotypical Aquarian detachment from emotions. The sign can be too cold, and that eventually begets sociopaths.
When Saturn travels between 1:37 and 6:53 Aquarius: placements will receive a one-and-done aspect from transiting Saturn. Examples: Ms M’s natal Mars/Aries will receive a one-and-done sextile; Ms M’s natal Juno/Leo will receive a one-and-done opposition. (Like it matters if she’s single!?!)
When Saturn travels between 6:53 and 13:31 Aquarius: Saturn spends most of his time here, not only for 2021 but going a couple of weeks into 2022. Any placements affected by this will get three separate aspects. The first one will bring a situation to our attention; the second, retrograde aspect will give us further insights into the situation; the third and final aspect will allow some resolution, if we work for it. 
(This part is making Ms M apprehensive, since it’s going to trigger her natal fixed grand cross: Asc/Scorpio, Venus and Desc in Taurus, both squared by Ceres and Uranus in Leo, and by Pholus in Aquarius. Empty nest?)
Even more fun is that transiting Uranus/Taurus will be wreaking havoc at the same time. It will travel between 6:48 and 14:49 of Taurus in 2021, and as you can see it overlaps the same degrees as Saturn. If you have fixed placements between 6:53 and 13:31 (that is, anything in the signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius), there is some hard work in your future. Even if it’s for something better to manifest, and even when we know that intellectually, we’re still reluctant to let go of control.
This also goes for mutable placements (the signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces) between 21:53 and 28:31; Saturn and Uranus will semi-square (45 degrees) or sesquare (135 degrees) that placement, making for a lot of frustration. You won’t be able to wiggle out of consequences, as easily as you normally do.
If you have placements between 6:53 and 13:31 of the signs Aries, Gemini, Libra, or Sagittarius - lucky you! You’ve got some flowing energy between Saturn and that placement, and although it doesn’t guarantee a less painful time, you’ll at least have an easier time coming to grips with it. (Trine Ms M’s natal Mercury/Gemini/8th - astrology will get her through this!!)
In The Book of Earth, Steven Forrest starts out every description of transiting Saturn aspects, with the words “Growing pains.” That description is perfect. The stakes are a little higher, and the process more complex, than simply getting physically taller, though. Steven says that during “Saturn times,” we need to intentionally select a challenge, then give it everything we’ve got. The reward is that we move forward to the next maturational stage; if we refuse, we end up trapped in the past. Here are a couple more quotes from the Saturn section of Steven’s The Book of Earth.
“Saturn is not narrowly about old age; it is simply about whatever is the next step for us.” Growing up, in other words. As I have said on this blog many times before, the “only” thing that happened to me during my first Saturn return, was getting married. That was still a big deal in 1987: I assumed a different societal role (remember Saturn’s association with the 10th House), in a very traditional way (natal Saturn in Sagittarius). Perhaps it is because, as a small girl, I had four Crone figures in my life; perhaps it’s all the Aries in me, trined by my natal Saturn - but I wasn’t afraid, instead embracing the new opportunities.
“Saturn is not bad - but it is quite fair to say that it is hard.” My guess is that this is the one that frightens many 20-somethings - not to mention people who are much, much older and ought to know better. “Hard” does not equal “bad”!
Saturn in Aquarius is all about (1) knowing your own values and (2) living up to them. Anybody else’s approval, or disapproval, is completely irrelevant - and we need to accept that, even if “anybody else” doesn’t. We need to question authority, and also what’s known as “conventional wisdom.” We need to work on becoming more “authentic.” And we need to become comfortable with some solitude (2020 has been a great training ground for that), without isolating ourselves emotionally. There are a few people at least who will understand and accept you; get off your ass and put yourself in the way of finding them.
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kayliemusing · 3 years
42: top 3s
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors - classic vanilla, birthday cake/birthday batter, bubblegum
2: Top 3 Disney Movies - Mulan, Onward, Soul (but this changes frequently lol)
3: Top 3 vacation destinations - I've never been outside of my home country so I'll say my top 3 DREAM destinations: NYC, Hawaii, a random countryside in either France or the UK
4: Top 3 places to shop - Dynamite, Sephora, Winners/Homesense
5: Top 3 subjects of study/classes to take - English/anything creative writing related, Interior Decorating/Design, Communications?
6: Top 3 make up products - YSL Touche Eclat Foundation, literally any Mac Lipstick but it has to be matte, & Fenty Beauty contour stick
7: Top 3 music artists - Taylor Swift - Of Monsters and Men - The Lumineers
8: Top 3 spices/herbs - Cinnamon - Nutmeg (literally tastes like autumn) - Paprika
9: Top 3 drinks - Diet Coke - Hot Chocolate - Vanilla Bean Frappe
10: Top 3 apps to use - Instagram - Pinterest -iBooks
11: Top 3 months of the year - May, October, December
12: Top 3 clothing items - My black/white turtle neck, high waisted jeans, plaid blazer
13: Top 3 binge perfect tv shows - Bones, Supernatural, Brooklyn Nine Nine
14: Top 3 romantic dates - (I've never been on a date but if I had, it would be this) Evening walk, late night drive, late night coffee date (tbh anything at night feels romantic)
15: Top 3 kinds of flower - Water lilies, cherry blossoms, roses
16: Top 3 christmas movies - A Christmas Carol (2009), Home Alone, The Polar Express
17: Top 3 OTPs - Nesta and Cassian from ACOTAR series by SJM, Manon and Dorian from Throne of Glass series by SJM, Casteel and Poppy from From Blood and Ash series by JLM.
18: Top 3 quotes to describe your life - "I write not to find, but to leave" by Scherezade Siobhan - "I want to be myself again. I want to be six. I want to stop knowing everything I know" by Catherynne M. Valente - "The truth is, I pretend to be a cynic, but I am really a dreamer who is terrified of wanting something she may never get" by Joanna Hoffman.
19: Top 3 characteristics you love about yourself - my kindness bc it's not surface level kindness, but actually something deeply rooted within me - my resilience even tho sometimes it doesn't feel like resilience - my loyalty bc it is a hard as steel kind of loyalty
20: Top 3 kinds of candy - Maltesers, Kit kats, smarties
21: Top 3 ways to exercise/ be active - Walking, dancing, mowing the lawn/shoveling the sidewalk
22: Top 3 spirit animals - wolf, hummingbird, tiger (i googled it bc i didn't know and i was scared it was a joke but)
23: Top 3 petnames - I like 'lovebug', 'love', 'sweetheart'
24: Top 3 books read outside of school - The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas but viewers discretion is advised, Crush by Richard Siken
25: Top 3 most used websites - Youtube, Tumblr, Pinterest
26: Top 3 people you last texted - my mom, my bestie megan, and my sister bc they're the only people i text...
27: Top 3 hashtags you use - the only time i use hashtags is if i'm trying to promote some of my writing so I'll usually use writingcommunity, writersonig, poetryonig lol
28: Top 3 instagram accounts you follow - Trista Mateer, Griefmother, obviously taylor swift
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures - buzzfeed quizzes, early 2000s music, romance novels
30: Top 3 summer activities - Going to the zoo, long evening walks, campfires and s'mores
31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle - hearts, flowers, random swirls bc it's the only thing i can doodle...
32: Top 3 aesthetics - cityscape aesthetic, autumn aesthetic, rustic aesthetic
33: Top 3 things you'd buy if you gained three million dollars - a new car, a condo, another cat
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself - facial, a large bag of maltesers, buying the makeup i really want but have been putting off
35: Top 3 celebrity crushes - Evan Peters, Matthew Daddario, henry cavill
36: Top 3 books from your childhood - Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, The Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl, and Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmens
37: Top 3 accents to hear - Australian, super poshy british accent, new zealand accent
38: Top 3 scents - Fresh rain, vanilla, sweet cinnamon pumpkin from bath and body works
39: Top 3 "Friends" quotes - "WE WERE ON A BREAK" -Ross, "Guess things were just going too well for me" -also ross, and "it's so exhausting waiting for death" - phoebe
40: Top 3 cupcake flavors - tbh I haven't tried that many cupcakes so your typical vanilla, chocolate, and Pink Lady Cupcake from Babycakes Cupcakery
41: Top 3 fruits - Pomegranates, Strawberries, Raspberries
42: Top 3 places you've had amazing pizza from - Pizzahut, Dominos, Pizza73
43: Top 3 sports teams to watch - i don't
44: Top 3 crayola colors - uh, i guess red, purple, and pink??
45: Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college - Certificates/Degrees in Copyediting and Creative Writing, and I think simply just deeper critical thinking skills when it comes to writing and books
46: Top 3 fanfictions you've read - I read more books than fanfics, I've read a couple on tumblr but don't remember the names sorry :/
47: Top 3 people you miss right now - my dad, my best friend bc she's in vancouver, taylor swift bc she's not on tumblr anymore rip
48: Top 3 fears - Failure, Loss, not achieving anything in life/not reaching my full potential
49: Top 3 favorite literary devices - Foreshadowing is always god tier, cliffhangers although evil i love those too, symbolism
50: Top 3 pet peeves - People dragging their shoes on the floor when they walk, when you tell someone your fav hobby/music artist/interest and they immediately go 'oh I hate X!', and people who go 'you're so quiet!!!' but in a way that draws in more attention and/or makes me feel more uncomfortable like i would literally rather die
51: Top 3 physical things you find attractive - Hands, nice hair, defined jawlines
52: Top 3 bad habits - Nailbiting, picking at my blemishes oops, lip biting
53: Top 3 pets you've had/wish to have - Cats bc they complete me, I've always wanted a Samoyed, and I've always wanted a turtle
54: Top 3 types of foreign food - Chicken Chow Mein, deep fried shrimp, japanese chicken wings
55: Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetime - 'I quit', 'I love you', 'you changed my life'
56: Top 3 dog breeds - Samoyed, german shepherds, collies
57: Top 3 cheesy romance movies - You've Got Mail, How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You
58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak - French, Sign, and maybe Japanese?
59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television) - The Cruel Prince series by Holly Black, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas (but literally only for Cassian and Nesta), From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout
60: Top 3 pizza toppings - Mushrooms, alfredo sauce, pineapple
61: Top 3 youtubers you're subscribed to - Game Grumps, Charlotte Dobre, Megan Batoon
62: Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideas - I want to get a tattoo on my wrist of the last thing my dad ever wrote me, a hummingbird tattoo right next to it, and then a cross on my index finger
63: Top 3 awards you want to win - National Book Awards, Nobel Prize, and maybe even Goodreads Choice Awards lol
64: Top 3 emojis - Laugh/Crying emoji, the please sir emoji that kinda gives off those puss n boots eyes, and the stars emoji
65: Top 3 cars you dream of owning - 1970s Chev Impala, tbh a cute little Hyundai Venue, and maaaaybe the 1964 ferarri 250 gt luso (idk if that name was totally right but i had to do tons of googling to find it. i don't know a lot about cars and i don't really have a top 3 lol)
66: Top 3 authors - Right now I'm really into Sarah J Maas, Sally Thorne, and Holly Black maybe?
67: Top 3 historical figures - Jesus, Anne Frank, Vincent Van Gogh
68: Top 3 baby names - Ryder, Leila, Gracie
69: Top 3 DIYs - Candles, refurnishing old furniture (i.e. my mom and i painted our wooden garbage can), and really just any type of autumn diy
70: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors - Strawberry/Banana, Mango, Strawberry-Mango
71: Top 3 songs of this month - Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish, Biblical by Calum Scott, and Visiting Hours by Ed Sheeran
72: Top 3 questions of this post you want to be asked - I did them all bc I made it a survey instead of an ask meme ;)
73: Top 3 villains - Regina/The Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time, Cruella De Vil, and Moriarty from Sherlock
74: Top 3 Cities you want to see - Montreal, NYC, Vancouver (honorable mention: LA)
75: Top 3 recipes you want to try - different kind of salad and/or burger bowls, Stuffed bell peppers, and homemade lemon loaf
76: Top 3 dream jobs - Bestselling author, the person who runs a companies social media accounts, youtuber/blogger
77: Top 3 lucky items - tbh don't have one
78: Top 3 traditions you have - Christmas Eve Service and if I don't go to that at least incorporating reading the christmas story on christmas day or eve, idk if this counts as tradition but going to the corn maze every fall, and whenever it's easter/christmas/thanksgiving we always have a big meal w/ family
79: Top 3 things you miss about being a kid - reckless abandon, dreaming about growing up with hopefulness and no dashed hopes, experiencing holidays like halloween and christmas as a kid
80: Top 3 harry potter characters - I've never read or watched Harry Potter rip (ok well i saw the first and second (and maybe third?) movie in the sixth grade I think) but I think I really liked Hermoine, Harry obviously and Dobby
81: Top 3 lies you were told - i don't have 3, but this one has a story but basically when my sister and i were in elementary school my sister got hit by a car and so the insurance thing was that she would recieve 10k when she was 18 and as a child i thought that was unfair so my dad told me that my sister had to split it with me when we were 18 lmao obviously that didn't happen (i think i realized that wasn't true in middle school)
82: Top 3 pictures in your camera roll right now - Pictures of my cat, one of my sister in a hilarious filter, and a picture of my rocking my TS merch
83: Top 3 turn ons - Kindness, defined jawline, easy going
84: Top 3 turn offs - arrogance, unkempt, super loud and obnoxious
85: Top 3 magazines/news papers/ journals to read - I don't read much of those so I'll tell you some sites I love for writing purpose's: there's Wellstoried, justwriterlythings, springhole.net (which is filled with generators if you're stuck and also tons of infomation and advice)
86: Top 3 things you wish you had known earlier - that toad in Mario Party was wearing a mushroom hat and that it is actually not his head, that immaculate means 'clean' before i misused that word like several times over the years, and that the one turn i always take on my way to work where i thought everyone didn't know how to drive was actually bc i didn't have the right of way rip me
87: Top 3 spongebob episodes - the one episode where spongebob and patrick find a ghost ship, that one episode where they form a bikini bottom band and perform it at a football game in a little fish tank, and the one episode where squidward has his first snowball fight
88: Top 3 places to be in the world - I'd love to be in NYC, Montreal, or Hawaii
89: Top 3 things you'd do differently - I would not have applied for RDC, similarly I should have just paid the 500 dollars to the one certificate program I wanted to do instead of overthinking it, and I wish I wouldn't have ended a friendship the way I did
90: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood - Spongebob Squarepants, That's So Raven, and Hannah Montana
91: Top 3 meals you love - Turkey Burgers, Chilli, and Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
92: Top 3 kinds of tea - i don't drink tea
93: Top 3 embarrassing moments - one time in sixth grade I tripped and fell right on my face in front of my crush, this other time like a couple years ago i opened the door to my car and only realized much too late while i was staring at this random family that it was not my car, and when i went to the gas station to get gas and couldn't get my gas lid on my car opened and this guy had to help me which was already embarrassing enough but then the gas pump wouldn't work so i had to go inside to pay just to realize i forgot my wallet and had to shamefully walk back to my car and then run back inside the convenience store and then pay and then walk back to my car and finally fill my tank.
94: Top 3 holidays to celebrate - Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving
95: Top 3 things to do in the rain - have an existential crisis, pretend you're in a music video, walk through puddles like you're six again
96: Top 3 things to do in the snow - Sledding, Build a snowman, shovel it even tho you don't want to
97: Top 3 items you can't leave the house w/o - phone, keys, wallet
98: Top 3 movies you'd like to see - Jurassic World 3, Hotel Transylvania: Transformania bc i'm a child, and the animation of the addams family
99: Top 3 art mediums - Writing fiction/poetry, painting, music
100: Top 3 museums you've been to - Royal Tyrell Museum, Canadian History one in edmonton lol, and heritage park in calgary
101: Top 3 school memories - Middle school dances when the popular kids would grind to the song "Low" which was always an interesting experience, in the twelfth grade at winter formal when we all shouted "SHUT UP AND DANCE!" at the same time when they played Shut Up and Dance, and the day i left
102: Top 3 things you don't/Won't miss - School, my sisters ex, 2016 bc she was a rough year yikes
103: Top 3 pick up lines - "My name is Will. God's Will.", "I'd like to take you to the movies but they don't like you bring your own snacks", "are you from tennessee bc you're the only 10 i see"
104: Top 3 sports to watch - none of them
105: Top 3 taylor swift songs - all too well - exile - coney island
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Wow, this is a big statement Anon and I really like it. Well, to answer your comment, I have always believed that Camila rushed CC2 and had been working on it since her tour with Taylor and Charlie XCX. That's something we can know because the first time that First Man was leaked it was in 2018. And Camila posted a story where she mentioned her surprised grandfather because she still hadn't finished her album and released it.
Yes, she was working on CC2 since begging of 2018. Some of her songs that were leaked that year: Must Be Love, U Shaped Space, Just Like You, Not Killing It Today. Cleary it wasn’t songs that would be in her album, they were all leaked for a reason. First Man was probably leaked so they could sell her relationship with Matthew, I don’t know, they’re stupid. I still don’t know why a song that was leaked ended up in her album, to me it doesn’t make any sense, her album had 14 tracks and until November 15 we already knew 7 of them! When I think about her being working on Romance since 2018 and then rushing it and recording songs two months before her album’s release, I can’t help but believe that: she was going to release the album she was working on in the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019 in September-October, then, when she accept being Shawn’s beard, she worked on two of her songs that she had already written (Camila is an excellent storyteller, Romance is a proof of it, all of her songs are about Lauren and if you don’t pay attention you’ll believe what they ‘re trying to sale instead of what she’s telling. Used To This, for example, everyone thinks that she’s talking about Shawn when what she’s really telling is that she already had an intimate relationship with that person it's the strangest feeling midnight, I'm not leaving. no, for once, I think I'll stay) could fit in their narrative (she was happy in a relationship that was comfortable to her but deep down she always knew that she wanted him). She probably would release it this year, then something happened after Senorita that made it all go downhill.
That is a good question. Why if she had been working on her album since 2018 and all of 2019, she didn't release CC2? Because of Shonmila. Everything seemed to go downhill for Camila with that circus and she had to adapt her era completely to Shonmila although her album didn't have anything to do with the diva.
April 2019, she tweeted: “we were once strangers. that’s so strange” I don’t know if it was a quote from Anyone or if it was from another song, but didn’t end up in Romance either.
See, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. Was she really going to release an entire album about him or was she release songs like Living Proof, Easy (songs that would made people wander if it was about Shawn or Matthew)? Maybe they (label) saw that they could make more money from Camila and Shawn’s “relationship”? Every time Camila promoted her album, she talked about Shawn, it could be because of her contract with him and because of her label.   
The idiots of the Camila team were terrified because they did not know if Camila was going to have success with this album as it was with CC1 and how they could not allow Camila more songs related to Lauren. They took hold of the diva who urgently needed to have a number one before people forgot that Shon existed.
I don’t think they were worried about CC2, they knew she could release another great album. Camila doesn’t have power to decided what she’s going to do, which songs she wants to be her single. She still can express her art the way she wants (she can’t have a public relationship with a woman, she can’t choose her beard), and that’s what she’s trying to change. For being able to do something she wants, she needs to do something that they want.
I think it was like: you need more songs about Shawn? I’ll do that, but we’re going to release them this year.
I don’t think they care about Camila’s songs being about Lauren. She can keep writing about her muse, as long as she does what they want her to.
About Camila leaving Simco, that would be great if she can do it, but I think that those contracts takes years to end. Ten years or more depending on the situation but I'm not sure if the decision that Dove talked about Camila have to do with her leaving Simco or Epic for the matter.
We still have an entire year where things can change, my dear Anon. A lot of things can happen in a year, we have to wait and see how this situation will be managed but at this point I would expect everything.
I think she’s trying everything she can so she could leave them to another label. Two things I’m not worried about: her relationship with Shawn and when she’ll be able to go in public and say “I don’t label myself and I love who I love”. The first one: I think their contract is ending. The second one: I think she needs to be in more control of her image and music.
If they extend their contract (Shawn and Camila) that means she was out of choice. Everything that had been made by their teams shows that it is all about Shawn although Camila’s team are using it to control Camila and make money.
I don’t wanna think that Dove is legit, but I’ll keep in mind some of those things that they shared with us.
I will try to summarize my answer to your answers because otherwise this will go too long. I will make a full post of this with more info later.
But I want to say that I do agree with you that Camila had the album ready and had to go back to the recording studio to finish the new songs on the album that fits with the shonmila narrative. That's a fact we can say because supposedly the last song UTT was the last song that Camila recorded with Finneas and we all know that it's like the major song for shonmila. I'm sure that song had not been on the album if it weren't for the circus, so it was the one she had to record last. Everything rushed because of the circus.
About First Man, that song was meant for Ewmila and the con man because it was leaked in 2018.
About Camila leaving Simco I will write more later when I can do it.
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adrianalvas · 4 years
Podcast 188: Figure Section [aufnahme + wiedergabe] [ +Interview]
Figure Section arose from the meeting of Austrian-French musician and actress Olivia Carrère - aka Olive - and Belgian artist and producer Yannick Franck (RAUM, Orphan Swords, Mt Gemini), who first crossed paths on a theatre stage in Brussels.
Although founded on an acknowledgement of these styles, their execution is experimental, idiosyncratic and entirely modern in spirit, guided by an intent to revise their influences and an approach shaped by romanticism and a surreal, Dadaistic sense of humour. The recurrent themes of the project address friendship, love, loss, existential angst, survival, irony, degeneration, queer culture, non-conformity and ‘the expiation of tensions through modern day rituals’.
The duo’s first single ‘Teutonic Knights’ was hailed by The Brvtalist as an illustration of ”infectious wave [music] with an eerie atmosphere and frigid vocals”, a track that subsequently generated widespread acclaim. In October their debut EP was released on the cult Berlin based label run by Phillip Strobel, aufnahme + wiedergabe.
TF: What motivates you to create Figure Section?
O: My collaboration with Yannick is an intersection between a strong friendship and similar interests and tastes in music. What’s more, the collaboration between us is really complementary in the creative process and allows us to explore new musical playgrounds which neither of us would probably reach if we were working separately.
Y: There are certain musical realms I wanted to explore for a long time whilst doing very different projects (Orphan Swords, RAUM, Y.E.R.M.O.), and since we met and started to experiment together, we dreamed of having a proper duo. It took time but here we are, I am very glad the project exists and I couldn’t dream of a better companion to do it with.
TF: Tell us something about you. What’s your background? Where did you studied and who influenced you to explore musical processes?
O: My background is rather diverse, and it took me a long time to discover how intimate I was with music as a listener, but also as a composer. I come from a theatrical background. I trained as an actress, though I started my studies with a degree in communication – specifically in socio-cultural animation - knowing that I would change path after obtaining it. It’s quite funny to see how tortuous life can be before finding your way through and beyond all these experiences. When I started as an actress ten years ago, something was missing in my professional contribution. I was desperately looking for some creative language that I could develop on my own. I was already familiar with singing since my childhood, so I started learning the basics of music theory online, and quickly I realized that I wanted to compose songs, and to find the easiest way of recording them without any external help. I got my hands on a keyboard and software and started composing, singing and producing at home. It was more a secret process for a few years, until I created a solo piece in the National Theatre of Belgium, which involved performing some of my compositions. This was a fundamental step where I learned that, with the music, I could be really free in the writing and performing process.
Y: I studied painting, but it quickly became clear that music was a territory worth exploring and one that I had to invest my time and energy into. Since I was pretty disgusted by the blatant materialism and the general mindset of the art world; the galleries, and a lot of the attitudes adopted by other artists (competitiveness, individualism, tendency to follow an art world, scale version of the Star System), I found there would be more freedom making music. People attend a concert to have an experience. Anyhow I love art, all sorts of art and my friends are usually creative people. Also, there have never been any boundaries for me, you can build sonic sculptures or paint rhythms, you can conceive a concert as a performance, you can do whatever you want. I recently moderated a panel at BOZAR about the underground art scene in New York in the 80’s, in East Village in particular. I had the pleasure of interviewing Dany Johnson (she was a resident DJ at Club 57 and later at Paradise Garage), Leonard Abrams (he ran the fabulous magazine The East Village Eye) and Gil Vasquez (DJ and president of the Keith Haring Foundation) and what struck me was the fact that at that particular moment in that scene you had zero boundaries between visual art, music, dance, performance… Klaus Nomi shared the bill with Ann Magnuson and John Sex and Haring curated shows and painted almost 24/7 while listening to music. It was all about energy. It’s academicism and speculation (art as a luxury product) that kills such energies (and eventually did in that case) Two different problems, both normative and alien to any creative essence. I stumbled upon a Serge Daney quote lately: ‘Academicism is the aesthetics of nihilism.’ And I agree with that, once you “do things because that’s the way they’re done”, reproduce them in blind fidelity and separate, classify, and annihilate boundary breaking forces, you start producing numb, meaningless objects. In this case a painting has to go from a gallery to a living room or a collection where it belongs. Is it a nice base material for speculation or a good way to seem educated and exhibit your taste as a buyer, to impress others? Hell no…a painting is rather an expression of life itself, a celebration, an exhibition of the worlds revolting features, its horrors, its injustice, its sadness, qualities and themes such as these…in every case it is an essential, vital gesture. Otherwise why even take a look at it? Music should be just the same.
TF: Do you spend all your time for your musical activity or do you have another job?
O: Yes, I do now. The musical activity has taken the vast majority of my time even though I’m still performing as a theatre actress, but that part of my professional activity is becoming more and more scarce. I’ve been recently offered to create music for theatre. So, my work today is divided between Figure Section, and other emerging projects for which I compose and produce for other artists, and my work as a music composer for the theatre. Maybe one day I will come back to the stage with a performance in which I’ll be the actress as well as the musician. I do keep an eye on that prospect even though it’s not the priority for the moment.
Y: I teach sound in cinema. We analyze movies and their soundtracks most of the time. It is a very interesting way to make a living next to music making.
TF: How is your live set up going to be? Any particular equipment? What’s your favourite track to play live and why?
O: We are working on the simplest and most efficient way of touring. So, our set is based on live keyboard playing, voice mixing, and equalizing the tracks live. So, there’s no particular equipment at the moment.
Spectral Dance, is one of my favourites to play live. It’s a more nostalgic synthpop song that offers a vast sense of space for the vocals and the keyboard parts. I just love its simplicity, almost naïveté, contrasted by lyrics about pernicious ghosts from the past that try to keep us from moving forward.
Y: There is a lot of different processes and ideas colliding and merging in Figure Section. It is always quite challenging for us to write a new song and perform it on stage. I think my favourite live song is currently Disfigured Section. We both sing on that one and I love that. Lyrics and vibe wise it’s sort of a Neo Dada track, maybe a tad surrealistic too, from apparent nonsense a lot of sense can emerge from the lyrics. Also, it is nervous, rough, noisy, kind of pissed off. At the same time desperate and full of energy. A union of opposites.
TF: What new hardwares did you apply to make 'Spectre' LP? Do you have a particular method while working in the studio?
O: There’s no new hardware utilized, but we have a more precise choice of instruments these days as well as a particular approach in the production process. Yannick and I work just as well separately as together in the studio. It just helps us to be more efficient because of our very different schedules. We both share online a musical file filled with musical ideas, loops, drums and lyrics. We are both the composers and mixers of the songs, but Yannick is more the writer and the producer and I’m more the arranger and singer. I think that we have now reached the perfect balance in the creative process, which is almost symbiotic.
Y: Yes, it is super interesting because I never know where Olive is going to take a song to when she starts working on it with her great skills and sensibility. What I know is that great stuff will eventually happen, leading to things that will stimulate us and give us even more ideas.
TF: How do you compose this tracks? Do you treat them like musical narratives or more like sound sculptures or images?
O: It really depends on the material. Sometimes Yannick comes with a very complete composition and I add the keyboard and voice arrangements, sometimes I come with a proposition and he completes it. Our strongest asset as a duo is that we started music completely differently, Yannick as an electronic experimentalist and performer, and I as a pop songwriter and singer. So, what we do is bring these assets together in our songs. I think the first track of the Spectre release is the perfect example of that symbiosis. This is what we aim for.
Y: Yes, it is a creative adventure, we have no such thing as a clearly established routine, it’s more laboratory like. It is not “experimental music” but the way it is done is not conventional either.
TF: Any movie, documentary, album (not electronic music) that you would like to share with our readers?
O: We are big fans of horror, thrillers and sci-fi. The last movie that left me fascinated as well as horrified is Midsommar by Ari Aster. I loved that movie because its director knows how to subtly inject weird elements of comedy that make you feel uncomfortable, as well as conveying an ice-cold intrigue about ancient pagan practices and rituals. Loved it.
Y: +1 for Midsommar. I loved that the movie never seems to bring any judgment about the neo-pagan community it depicts, it is just utterly different from what we know but it seems to make sense no matter how shocking it can be. It gives us a break from the ethnocentric attitude of many North Americans and from the extreme arrogance of modern western civilizations, which seem to be absolutely convinced of their superiority to any previous or different civilizations. Also, the visual effects are amazing. Der Goldener Handschuh (The Golden Glove) was quite a great movie too. Being utterly disgusted by this ugly, messy, desperate serial killer’s gruesome murders without being able to restrain myself from laughing was for sure a wild experience. And it really triggers thoughts afterwards. Moral thoughts especially. I found it pretty strong. A non-electronic album: Lux perpetua by Ensemble Organum, which is a very particular version of the Requiem by Anthonius de Divitis. It is such a beautiful requiem and such an incredible interpretation; it even features throat singing which is very unusual in the context of European polyphonic reinterpretations. 15th century art tends to focus a lot on death and mortality. And as Regis Debray said in his 1992 book The Life and Death of Images: “Where there is death there’s hope, aesthetically speaking.”
TF: What are the forthcoming projects?
O: Wrapping up our debut LP.
Y: We are also planning tours, confirmed dates are in Israel and the US so far but more will be announced later on. It would be fabulous to come play in Mexico too!
source https://www.tforgotten.org/single-post/Podcast-188-Figure-Section-aufnahme-wiedergabe-Interview
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diningpageantry · 5 years
tag game(s)
anï (i’m too exhausted to do three separate posts but i was tagged in three tag games over the past few days and i’d forgotten to do the last few games i was tagged in and i feel super guilty so here they are in one go)
i don’t know who to tag to do these rn because my brain is dead i am emotionally exhausted and i’m writing a fic that’s about halfway done so i’m gonna say tag anyone who wants to be tagged for any of these. i’m so sorry that i’m dead, i will be back alive again after may 10th, which is my AP exam day
six questions challenge
tagged by @simon--speaks
rules: answer the questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Q1: Relationship status?
single bby
Q2: Favorite color?
maroon !
Q3: Top 3 ships?
snowbaz (wow) and uh. wow. idk who else. i wanna say my own ocs matchstick and summer (is that allowed? i’m making it allowed)
Q4: Lipstick or chapstick?
whenever i get to this question in any ask i freeze up because i use a tinted chapstick so i don’t look dead but like. it can also be seen as a lipstick because it has pigment. but. chapstick.
Q5: Last song I listened to?
Run by Hozier
Q6: Last movie I watched?
uhhh i watched like. 5 minutes of the emperor’s new groove a few days ago, and watched a documentary about obscure houses like 10 minutes before that. so. i’m gonna say the house documentary.
21 questions
i was tagged by @simon--speaks, @angelsfalling16, @wo2ash, @alixanderthequeer, @sharkmartini and @bazypitchandsimonsnow
rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people
nickname: anï, munchkin, menina, and my hebrew name is elisheva
height: the doctor says i’m 5′3.5″, but they can’t put fractions on IDs so according to the state i’m 5′4″ and i cling to that
last movie i saw: see above (so like. funky houses)
last thing i googled: (next town over) movie tavern. i’m not saying where it is exactly bc hah i don’t wanna be stalked but. i was looking at movie times because they have $5 movies every tuesday
favorite musician: frank iero. love that funky rat man and his funky music too (i’m gonna see him for the second time next month because i made the executive adult decision to say fuck it to my seizures and go see him anyway)
song stuck in my head: i don’t have one rn but usually it’s a song by the killers (when you were young is a usual one)
other blogs: none, actually! i didn’t delete my old tumblr purely bc i’m a nostalgic dumbass, but it’s a completely different login and it’s inactive so i don’t count it.
followers: 1,666 (originally i wasn’t gonna share the number but it hit this last night and i was like heh. nice)
following: 231
amount of sleep: 8ish hours! (spring break bby)
lucky numbers: 7, multiples of 3 (only in cases of knocking), and multiples of 2 (only in cases like volume)
dream job: writing and illustrating books! i have a variety of dream jobs within art, and even within the subcategory of books, but my top dream job is creating inclusive/diverse children’s books that represent a variety different ethnicities/races, religions, abilities, and identities so that children can see themselves represented in media
what i’m wearing: a black turtleneck, a bra, and marvel boxers. that’s it.
favorite food: soup in general. i make a kick ass matzo ball soup
language: english, conversational portuguese, i know a small small bit of japanese (i should know more given i was raised being taught it but i always struggled with it), and i know some spanish. i also plan on teaching myself ASL.
can i play an instrument: yes! i’ve been playing violin since i was 2. i wanna play guitar and i know some chords but i have small hands so it’s hard to find one that’s the right size that isn’t a shitty children’s guitar, and i sing! i’m an alto
favorite song: hnnghg please don’t make me pick................ i’d have to say choke on one another by death spells
random fact: so like. if you didn’t know already, i’m an LGBTQ+ youth activist on a national scale. i disappear on occasion because i’m doing something or another, and sometimes i post about it on my blog (speaking of i have exciting news that i heard, but at the same time, i’m pretty much booked every weekend from middle of next month until middle of july), but........ i hate networking. i loathe it. if i never had to network again, i’d be thrilled. networking is my absolute least favorite thing because i struggle at everyday conversation, much less networking with people at least 10-20 years my senior. sure it’s usually free publicity and i get great connections, but god. at what cost? and like.... it’s always after a really emotionally taxing event, so i’m already drained and then wow here’s a room full of adults who want my 18 year old input. please. just let me steal a cupcake then leave.
describe yourself in aesthetic things: dye stained fingernails and necks. cranked open windows during a spring shower. dried tears and breaking laughs. coffee stains and milky tea splashes. trembling fingers, writing instead of speaking because you’re too afraid, and finally breaking free--running through the rain. scabbing blood, fresh piercings. knowing you’re loved and not saying it because it doesn’t need to be spoken. the smell of a new canvas, paint splattered jeans, and art school sweaters. black skirts with docs, then fairy lights and soft blankets hidden behind sharp profanities and harsh disgust. the unexpected. the unknown. the ever-changing, unstoppable force of the shifting tides. 
carry on questions
tagged by @goodbyedandelion, @isthisisagoodkiss @wo2ash, 
1- favorite type of scone? 
cranberry orange! one of the farms a county over has a market and they sell them there and they’re to die for (altho, i found a sour cherry scone recipe that i’ve perfected and my family loves them so they’re a close second now)
2- london or la?
i’ve never been to london, but i’m gonna have to go with london. i went to la last october to present in an awards show for my organization and i lowkey was underwhelmed. i’m very much a gloom and rain kinda person, and it was too dry and sunny there. although, i did think the huge succulents were sick as fuck. but yeah definitely london. i’m planning to spend a semester abroad there in a few years for an illustration program
3- kissing in a forest or holding hands under the stars?
i’m afraid of forests because we have a lot of wildlife and i don’t want to get mauled by a bear don’t mind me holding hands under the stars :)
4- jeans or suit?
suit suit suIT SUIT suit. i love wearing suits. my chest doesn’t cooperate and my hips always hate them but god i do love suits.
5- loose hair or pulled back hair?
mine looks better loose, and my sides/back are shaved but the top reaches my ears, so it gets annoying sometimes and i pull it up to keep it out of my face
6- vampires or dragons?
i wanna say both. i used to say “yknow a dragon but in human form would be hot” then i got called dragon fucker for like two years so out of pure spite i’m going with vampires.
7- what saying do you wish could be a spell?
(this one’s a very specific reference so hear me out) “i’ve got to go pee on her”  used to disorient and confuse the speech of the person casted upon. it’s one of my favorite quotes from scott pilgrim vs. the world (my favorite movie ngl) when scott’s brain can’t figure out two different sentences and he just says that. it’s so good and just fuckin weird that i love it.
8- which carry on character would you go on a coffee date with if you could?
depends tbh! if we’re talking date date, then penny because i would wife penny in 0.5 seconds, but if we’re talking friends getting coffee then 10000000% baz because i’d talk activism and identities with him
9- favorite carry on quote?
“he told me we would be stars” (i don’t have my book on me so i could be getting the line wrong), but it hit so hard for me. like it’s clear how davy manipulated lucy so much that she fell into it and couldn’t crawl out. it’s such a powerful message of control from those who are charismatic enough to hold it, and how sometimes we aren’t weak enough to let go.
10- how excited are you for wayward son?
lemme paint this picture: i started hyperventilating in the hallway when i found out, and then cried an hour or two later when my friend texted me that he preordered me a signed copy. like. i’ve been pre-planning how to get home from college to come and pick it up (okok the 24th is also my dad’s birthday so i’m. um. “coming home to visit him”, of course) because i’m just SO EXCITED to read them again in a canon way :’)
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beccaland · 6 years
Beccaland reads and responds to an article about Doctor Who that she really should have known better than to have read in the first place
You know how you KNOW you should never read the comments sections, but sometimes you just can’t help yourself? That’s usually how I feel about reading articles about Doctor Who during the past few years, except from a handful of trusted sources. Yet there I was this morning, checking my regular email from Tor.com, and out of a slightly-morbid curiosity, I found myself reading “How It Feels to Want to Watch Doctor Who Again” by Alex Brown.
Partly, I really am interested in the fans who are getting interested in Doctor Who again. They left for a lot of reasons, and really you can’t begrudge anyone’s waning interest in a TV show. And it would be far, far more silly to begrudge them regaining interest! I’m excited for the awesome changes that are coming on October 7th, too. And I am fully aware that not every era is every fan’s cup of tea. On the other hand, I also know that I’m frequently irritated by the shallow criticism levelled in order to “justify” some fans’ disaffection. So there I was. Reading an article I knew very well was probably going to annoy me, like a masochist.
And just because I feel like it, I’m going to quote a bunch of it and offer my own commentary. I’m going to be as fair as I can, noting where I think a given critique is valid, where I think it’s valid but still disagree, and where I think it’s the same old tired, inaccurate nonsense.
Here we go:
“I miss Doctor Who.”
“There was a time when I watched it fervently, reverently, passionately. It was something I put on when I was stressed or overwhelmed or needed to be reminded of the good things in life. The relationship wasn’t perfect, but it was powerful and affirming.”
Yeah, I do that too, but I never really stopped.
“Until suddenly it wasn’t.”
I mean, sure. Doctor Who did something on a purely personal and emotional level for the author, and then it stopped. That’s totally fair.
This actually happened to me with the novels in the ‘90s–they just weren’t doing enough for me imaginatively or emotionally anymore to justify the challenge of finding them and the expense of buying them. It happens. (I still wanted Doctor Who in my life though, so I rewatched my VHS tapes instead, until they had degraded in quality to the point where that wasn’t very fun either.)
“The show twisted into something unrecognizable and unpleasant. And so I abandoned Doctor Who just as it had abandoned me.”
The really negatively loaded language here bugs me a lot, but this article is a personal fan narrative more than it is a review, and it’s impossible to refute a subjective response. Clearly, it’s true that Alex Brown and the show were no longer on the same wavelength. So, fair enough.
“If you asked me in 2016 if I would ever watch Doctor Who again, I probably would’ve shaken my head and sighed. The chances of the show making the kind of changes necessary to pull me back seemed slim to none. But here we are, fall 2018, and I am so excited about the Season 11 premiere that I can barely stand it.”
I’m really happy about everyone coming back. I share this excitement!
[I’m omitting a couple of paragraphs here where Brown describes more of what Doctor Who meant to her when she first encountered the show during an obviously extremely difficult time in her life. It’s really moving, and I find it relatable in some ways.]
“With the takeover by Steven Moffat in 2010, my relationship with the Doctor shifted dramatically. As much as I loved Doctor Who, I wasn’t blinkered to its myriad problems.”
See, my issue with this is simply that it implies that people like me ARE “blinkered by its myriad problems.” We’re not. But sometimes we disagree about what those problems are, or where the blame (and praise) for those problems (and their amelioration) properly lies. Hence this post.
“Trouble was, the annoying but tolerable issues were magnified into something unbearable by Moffat’s numerous faults as showrunner. Under Moffat, seasons went from episodic romps loosely knitted together by repeating themes—think “Bad Wolf” Easter eggs throughout the first season—to Lost-style mystery box seasons bogged down in an increasingly convoluted and grimdark mythology.”
I think it’s fair to say that the series 6 arc in particular was much heavier than previously attempted by the show, and this was a turnoff for some viewers. Personally, I liked it a lot conceptually, but I acknowledge that it could have been better executed. It’s also not representative of Moffat’s whole era; he experimented a lot with structure. That in itself was probably frustrating to some viewers–again, I liked it a lot, but that’s neither here nor there.
However, calling the Moffat era “grimdark” is frankly bizarre. It seems to confuse a shift in LIGHTING with a shift in TONE. The Moffat era’s TONE was, if anything, substantially more hopepunk than the RTD era (to say nothing of Torchwood, which Brown also professes to adore).
“River Song, Cybermen, Daleks, and the Master work best when used sparingly,”
Yeah, I agree.
“but Moffat dragged them out of the toy box so often that they lost their appeal.”
A criticism that (aside from River, for whom YMMV) applies equally to the RTD era.
“Even the Doctor suffered from too much focus. Doctor Who is a show that flourishes when it cares more about the people the Doctor helps than the Doctor. The Doctor is much more interesting as a character who drops into other people’s stories than when everyone else exists only to serve the Doctor’s narrative.”
This is a matter of taste, and on that level cannot be refuted.
But I’m not actually sure it’s true that the stories in the Moffat era focused more on the Doctor than was the case in previous eras. It didn’t seem that way to me. I suppose one could develop some way of objectively evaluating the validity of that premise, but I’m not going to go to that much trouble.
“Worse, women went from equals with their own vibrant lives to codependent followers.”
This is not merely a matter of personal taste. It is an assertion about content of the sort which could hypothetically be supported by evidence. If it were true. And it is literally the opposite of true. It’s a gross mischaracterization of the Moffat era companions, and moreover ignores the sometimes-problematic characterizations of the RTD era companions. I’m skipping the rest of that paragraph, which merely rehashes worn-out, shallow readings of Amy and Clara’s characters. I have nothing to say about those arguments that I haven’t said elsewhere before.
“[Moffat’s] seeming disdain for how fans interpreted the series,”
Showrunners SHOULD disdain how fans interpret their work. Or, more accurately, they should ignore it. Since fans are a motley bunch, the alternative would be a total lack of creative vision, either deeply bland or utterly fractured.
“for critiques of his own biases and bigotries,”
In reality, Steven Moffat demonstrated a remarkable openness to critiques of his biases and made steady progress in addressing them both in front of the camera and behind the scenes.
“and for the depth the show was capable of became a virus that infected everything.”
From where I sit, Doctor Who demonstrated far more depth during the Moffat era than during the RTD era (and some of the deepest scripts in RTD’s era were written by Moffat and according to RTD, barely touched by his editorial influence). I’m willing to consider the possibility that the RTD era displayed depths that I failed to perceive, but given the number of times I’ve rewatched it and the fact that I study texts for a living, I have to say I think that’s a long shot. I would welcome a persuasive analysis of the depths of the RTD era.
“I have never been one to shy away from dropping shows that I no longer like, but I held onto Doctor Who longer than I should have. I finally tapped out after the frustrating penultimate episode of Season 6, “The Wedding of River Song.” Reductive, repetitive, and boring, the episode encapsulated everything I couldn’t stand about Moffat’s storytelling.”
OK, Brown has got a point there. I love TWORS for purely personal reasons (it was just FUN, in the same way that the more crazy-ambitious failures often are in Doctor Who), but I’m under no illusions about its quality. In addition to being “reductive [and] repetitive” that episode was also rushed and full of holes. I didn’t find it boring, but that’s a subjective thing.
It’s a bit weird though that Brown claims to have quit watching Doctor Who at the end of series 6, since earlier she critiqued both Clara and Moffat’s “over"use of Missy, both of whom post-date Brown’s purported exit. Hmm. Seems like (as is not uncommon, in my experience) people who dislike Moffat base a lot of their dislike on mere hearsay.
"Although Moffat drove me away from Doctor Who, other factors kept me from coming back. A not insignificant chunk of my exhaustion came from the frustratingly limited diversity and the frequently poor treatment of characters of color—see Martha and Bill, plus the weirdness around the few major interracial relationships.”
OK, this is approximately half fair. There WAS a frustrating lack of diversity which continued well into Moffat’s era. Martha and her weird marriage to Mickey are RTD’s doing entirely. And the author claims not to have ever seen series 10, so she’s hardly in a place to evaluate Bill’s treatment (which, for the record, seemed pretty great to me–vastly better than in any previous era, anyway, though there’s no doubt that there is still room for improvement).
“Prior to Season 11 there had never been an Asian or South Asian companion despite the fact that people of South Asian ancestry make up nearly 7% of the population of England and Wales, according to the most recent census. Islam is the second largest religion in the UK, yet Muslims are also largely absent from the show, and certainly from the role of companion.”
This is a totally fair criticism.
“Moffat said it was hard to cast diversely without impinging on historical accuracy,”
Gonna want a citation for that one; I admit it’s possible he said something like that at some point but I feel like I would remember if he had.
“a notion that is patently false and wholly ignorant of actual history.”
A point which Sarah Dollard makes in the series 10 episode “Thin Ice,” with the enthusiastic approval of Moffat himself.
“To be fair, Moffat also admitted this claim was nonsense and rooted in a white-centric view of history and acknowledged that the show needed to do better…then made absolutely no changes.”
Thanks for being fair…almost. In fact he made substantial changes during his tenure, though most happened after Alex Brown quit paying attention. Seems to me that if you’re going to write an article for a blog affiliated with a major SF publisher, you might actually want to check your facts rather than relying on information that’s several years out of date (if it was ever true).
“And don’t even get me started on frequent Moffat collaborator and Who writer Mark Gatiss who infamously whined about diversity initiatives ruining historical accuracy because they cast a Black man as a soldier on an episode about Queen Victoria’s army battling Ice Warriors on Mars.”
Yeah, this I do remember. Ew, Gatiss! What were you thinking?
“Not to mention Moffat’s asinine declarations that we couldn’t have a woman Doctor becausehe 'didn’t feel enough people wanted it’ and 'This isn’t a show exclusively for progressive liberals; this is also for people who voted Brexit.’”
This is also the man who wrote the first-ever gender-changing regeneration (of the Doctor, no less!) in his comedy special, “The Curse of the Fatal Death,” the first female incarnation of a previously male Time Lord (Missy, who turned out to be incredibly popular), and the first official, non-comedy, on-screen gender-changing regeneration scene (the General, in Hell Bent), thus paving the way for even many of those non-liberal, Brexit-voting audiences to accept a female Doctor, and making it virtually impossible for the BBC not to do it without looking like total assholes (though by that point they were totally on board and needed to further persuasion).
But sure, go ahead and cherry-pick a couple of real-but-not-representative Moffat quotes to perpetuate your misogynistic Moffat pseudo-narrative.
[Cutting the rest of that paragraph because it adds nothing to the critique]
“Why can’t we have a trans or disabled companion? Why can’t the Doctor be a queer woman of color?”
These are totally legitimate questions, and we should keep asking them.
“Do you know what it’s like to be told by someone in a position of power that you don’t belong here? That you are an aberration, a glitch in the matrix, that including you would be so inaccurate that it would collapse the narrative structure of a fictional television show that features a frakking alien traveling through time in a police box?”
Yes. I do.
And when you dismissed Amy and Clara as mere sexist stereotypes, mere codependent hangers-on of the Doctor, you re-inflict that wound on me and many other fans, because you’ve been granted a position of power, a platform in the blog of a major international SF publisher.
“Hearing that message all the time from pop culture is hard enough, but to get it from my favorite show was heartbreaking.”
I feel ya, Alex Brown. This needs to continue to be addressed.
But I’ll also remind readers that the Moffat era, despite its still-too-limited representation, gave us more disability representation than any other era of the show up to that point.
“Cut to the Jodie Whittaker announcement in July, 2017. For the first time in years, I watched the Christmas special—live, no less. To give credit where credit is due, Moffat’s swan song exceeded my (very low) expectations and Peter Capaldi was as excellent as I hoped he’d be. Whittaker had almost no screen time, but what she did get left me with a smile a mile wide.
"On top of her pitch-perfect casting, Thirteen will also be joined by three new companions, one a Black man and another a woman of Indian descent. Plus, the Season 11 writers’ room has added a Black woman, white woman, and a man of Indian descent. Several women will also be directing. New showrunner Chris Chibnall proclaimed that the renovated show will tell 'stories that resonate with the world we’re living in now,’ and will 'be the most accessible, inclusive, diverse season’ ever produced.
"These changes go beyond tokenism and into real diversity work. The show isn’t just sticking a woman in the titular role and patting themselves on the back. Diversity can’t just be about quotas. It must be about inclusion and representation in front of and behind the camera. Marginalized people need to be able to tell our own stories and speak directly to our communities. The majority already gets to do that, and now that conversation needs to happen across the board. The show still has a lot of work to do, both in terms of undoing the status quo of harmful tropes and in laying strong groundwork for later casts and crews. Yet, somewhat surprisingly, I feel hopeful for the show’s future.”
I totally agree with these three paragraphs (except I had high expectations of TUAT, which were also exceeded). In fact these paragraphs are a big part of why I felt like this article was worth sharing. I just couldn’t do it without significant reservation.
“And isn’t hope what the show is really all about? Doctor Who is a story about the hope for a better tomorrow, faith in your companions, and trust that you’re doing the right thing. It’s about a hero using their immense powers responsibly and in order to benefit those who need it the most. The Doctor creates space for the marginalized to stand up and speak out, to fight for their rights against those who would silence or sideline them.”
I’m not totally sure that that’s ever really been true before, but it’s an ongoing aspiration that the show keeps moving closer to.
“For too long, that ideal was lost to puzzle boxes, bloated mythology, and trope-y characters”
No it wasn’t. See above.
“but with the appearance of each new Thirteenth Doctor trailer, my hope grows a little more.
"It’s not often that you find your way back to something you loved and lost. At first, Doctor Who was a touchstone during my trials and hardships. Then it became a cornerstone in the foundation of the new life I was building. For a long time I left it encased in a wall, hidden in the basement of my subconscious, untouched and unwanted. Yet here I stand, sledgehammer in hand, putting a hole in that wall. I have set free my love of Doctor Who as Jodie Whittaker cheers me on. October 7 can’t come soon enough.”
This sentiment is really lovely. Welcome back, Alex Brown, and every other fan returning to Doctor Who after an absence of any length and for any reason. It’s shaping up to be a great new era.
Please remember, though, when talking to other fans, that other eras meant as much to some of them as this one means to you, and for similar reasons.
To those who are leaving because of toxic discourse about previous eras making them feel like their presence isn’t welcome and/or participating in fandom right now will only cause them pain: I’m going to miss you. I hope your DVDs and Big Finish and stuff continue to bring you joy. I hope you’ll come back again when it’s safe to do so.
To those who are leaving because they don’t like the idea of a female Doctor and/or two POC companions: BYE BYE! To be honest, nobody will miss you, but nevertheless I hope that eventually you realize how silly and harmful your biases are. When you do, I hope you’ll come back to Doctor Who. And you’ll be welcome.
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comfreycompost · 3 years
The Enigma of Wilderland
20 minutes south of Whitianga lies an anarchist community called Wilderland. Pine trees stud the gravel road, which is not council maintained and winds for two kilometres past several other farms. Pine tree roots have a symbiotic relationship with fly agaric mushrooms (Amanita muscaria), and as I walk up the road one winter night shortly after lockdown it is almost as if the toadstools are guiding the way. As strange as it sounds, it feels as though I am following some sort of Hansel and Gretel crumbs into fairyland.
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[Caption: Amanita muscaria at Wilderland]
Every so often a handpainted sign reads “WiLDERLAND,” with an arrow pointing the way. A lot of people get lost finding it for the first time, and I am no exception. I am walking the road because I had taken a wrong turn and got my 1992 Toyota Starlet hatchback stuck in a farmer’s muddy field during a rainstorm. 
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[Caption: The long and winding road]
Wilderland is an example of a self-sufficient community, of which there are many in Aotearoa. The difference is, while most such communities are closed, anyone can go to Wilderland. All you have to do is apply on their website and commit to a full month of work (unpaid, of course). New intakes arrive every second Sunday. With the exception of a handful of long-term residents, the 20-30 people living at Wilderland at any given time are always changing. If you are serious about learning how to be self-sufficient, or just curious to see if it is really possible, you can go to Wilderland and see how it’s done.
In 1956, the land on the property that became Wilderland was abandoned by its owner. A long-term resident called Ken, who is in his 60s, tells me that the reason was that the land was too difficult to farm. The original farmhouse still stands on the property, although it has been condemned by the council. Ken tells me that a family of six used to live there before it was abandoned 65 years ago. Today, the house is thoroughly overgrown with jasmine and stands in the middle of a forest. One needs a machete to cut through the jasmine into the house, and inside there are only two items: a 30-year-old newspaper and a picture book, Grandma McGarvey Goes to the Zoo.
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[Caption: The original farmhouse]
In October, 1964, Dan and Edith Hansen purchased the disused block of land (roughly 170 acres) on the Whitianga Estuary and founded Wilderland. At the time, it was one of Aotearoa’s only organic farms. Before he died, Dan Hansen donated the land to the Wilderland Trust, meaning no actual person owns the land. The Wilderland Trust is a registered charity in Aotearoa and the farm holds the Organic Certification. There is a lot of accountability that goes along with all of that which is taken quite seriously. For example, drugs and alcohol are not allowed.
The farm is collectively managed by trustees and the long-term residents, each of whom have voting rights. Anarchism as a philosophy is generally misunderstood: far from lawlessness, it is actually a highly organised system where power is decentralised and given to the community to make their own decisions on anything that affects them directly. At Wilderland, there are multiple meetings every week, discussions ranging from who should be allowed to stay, how money should be spent, what produce (if any) should be sold, what projects should be prioritised, whether the cat should have a bell on his collar to prevent native bird casualties, and so on. Everything is voted on. There is always work to do and everyone has their own pet projects. Conflict is natural, but it is reduced compared to a typical eco-village, because no one actually has their own financial resources tied up in the community.
In January, 2017, a fire destroyed about 25 acres of forest and four houses that were on the property. “We've managed to save more homes than we lost, but I feel very sorry for everyone from that community... there's not much left,” a rural firefighter was quoted as saying at the time. In the aftermath, 4000 new trees were planted to begin the recovery process but many long-term residents left. Wilderland has faced many challenges in its long history, and it is something of a miracle that it still exists when most of the other 1960s communes failed. One can read about the history of Wilderland in detail in one of the many postgraduate theses that have been written about it, or on their website, so I will focus mainly on my experience. The fire is worth mentioning, though.
On my first day, I am inducted with the rest of the newbies. The visitor host, Khan (named after Genghis), shows us around. We are shown the various gardens, the orchards, the buildings, the compost toilets. The tour ends with us planting some spring onions outside the main hall. The community hall is a rustic, rectangular structure containing a kitchen (vegetarian only), extensive library, musical instruments, personal lockers, couches, tables, and art supplies. Food is cooked using a wood burner oven, which also heats the hot water for the shower. The fire is lit at 7 am and usually burns until past 9 pm. Herbs are hung upside down next to the fire to dry, destined to be brewed in tea or sold at the roadside stall on State Highway 25.
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[Caption: Herbs drying in the community hall]
My accomodation is a metal shed which contains a bunk bed (long-term residents live in the houses, visitors sleep in cabins or tents or vehicles). I share the shed with a 22-year-old Australian man named Bryce. Over the month we live together, we become good friends. The shed is crawling with cockroaches and it becomes part of our nightly ritual to evict as many of them as possible using a jar. As soon as they are thrown outside they start coming back in through cracks in the walls. Cockroaches like to crawl on you during the night, and I regularly wake up in the night and turn on my torch to find myself surrounded. At times like these I simply read until the sun comes up and I can get out of bed. By week four, the sleep deprivation is really getting to me.
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[Caption: A compost toilet and a cabin for sleeping (left to right)]
Every weekday morning at 8 am we meet in the community hall for porridge and the morning meeting. The main purpose of the morning meeting is to decide who will do what jobs that day. The work is varied and interesting, involving much more than just gardening: there is building and maintenance work, roads to be fixed, community lunch to be cooked (using food foraged from the gardens), a roadside stall to be manned, administration to be done, firewood to be chopped. Planting and harvesting is planned based on the phases of the moon and the solstices and such. At 1.30 pm every day, a massive bell outside the hall is rung by whoever made lunch that day and everyone finishes their work and eats together.
My first experience of the “lunch circle” is a bit of a culture shock. Everyone forms a circle and holds hands. Thankfulness is expressed. “Thank you for helping me today in the Dolphin Beds,” says one hippie to his helper that day. “Thanks for brushing your teeth,” says another to his girlfriend who stands slightly outside of the circle, brushing her teeth. Then announcements are made, and finally, when everyone simultaneously senses the moment is right, hands are lifted with a universal cry of “WOOOOO!” Then lunch is served. After what is sometimes up to five minutes of someone sweating into my hands, I always have to scurry off to wash my hands before lunch, so I am always last in line.
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[Caption: The kitchen and the table where food is served]
The food is always incredibly good. Eating a diet of mainly fresh and seasonal produce is highly beneficial for physical health, and it gets me thinking about food — its effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Food is one of the most important needs of the human animal, after water but before shelter and fire. After a few weeks of eating food grown on the land I am living on, I begin to understand something J.R.R. Tolkein once allegedly said, according to C.S. Lewis:
❝ Tolkien once remarked to me that the feeling about home must have been quite different in the days when the family had fed on the produce of the same few miles of country for six generations, and that perhaps this was why they saw nymphs in the fountains and dryads in the wood — they were not mistaken for there was in a sense a real, not metaphorical connection between them and the countryside. What had been earth and air and later corn, and later still bread, really was in them. We of course who live on a standardised international diet — you may have had Canadian flour, English meat, Scotch oatmeal, African oranges, and Australian wine today — are really artificial beings and have no connection, save in sentiment, with any place on earth. We are synthetic men, uprooted. The strength of the hills is not ours. ❞
Time passes differently at Wilderland. It takes me about two weeks to adjust to the rhythm and the silence. In the afternoons after work I bathe in the rock pools or kayak in the estuary or try to learn a dusty accordian in the hall or do any number of other wholesome activities. Poetry club happens on Wednesdays. Every second Thursday is pizza night (cooked in the outdoor woodfire pizza oven). Every Friday night is Meat Club — a group of meat enthusiasts pitch in for some sausages and steaks from the Whitianga butcher and cook it outside on a fire far away from the hall, paired with lots of cheap red wine (another contraband). On the weekends everyone does their own thing — I spend mine exploring.
It is worth mentioning the stars. Being treated to blazing constellations every night with no sound but the morepork feels like a massive privilege. But it shouldn’t be. For thousands of years, humans looked to the stars to find meaning and our general lack of ability to do that nowadays is one reason why we are so spiritually impoverished. Bright stars are an innate human need and light pollution has taken that away from us.
As a layperson, my understanding of permaculture increases slowly. One day, I am working with Khan and he says something that connects a lot of dots for me. “Permaculture gardens are like tiny forests. There are tall things and short things and things that exist mainly underground. There is a throbbing animal and insect life and there is mycelium, a brain that connects everything like the internet. There is biodiversity. There are bees. And everything works together in the same way as a forest.”
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[Caption: The Dolphin Beds — apparently a dolphin was buried here once]
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[Caption: Hina Hina, where a famous battle took place in the 1860s]
On my first Friday morning, I have another culture shock. One of the strange traditions in this place is to have a “Dialogue” every Friday morning from 9 am until 10 am before work. In theory the Dialogue is an open platform where anything can be discussed, in reality though the main topics that get discussed at the Dialogue are “What is the Dialogue?” and “Why don’t we replace the Dialogue with x?” No one really knows what it is for. Newbies are thrown in the deep end and long-term residents regard it as sacred and any attempt to abolish or replace it as subterfuge. Emotions run high. People storming out is common, crying is common, and cigarettes are smoked afterwards.
[Footnote: Like any isolated community, Wilderland has its own unique politics. I adopted the renegade view of “Dialogue Abolitionist.” I suggested that a much healthier way of purging the tension of the group would be to have a fight club, but this was not well-received.]
It is my last day. Apparently I can’t just leave. Everyone gives me a hug; I am the recipient of several group hugs. A jar of local honey is pressed into my hands, entreaties are made for me to return. I realise that like the plants I helped to cultivate, I have roots here now.
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[Caption: Saying goodbye]
What is Wilderland? Is it a hippie commune? An eco-village? A cult? It is none of those things, really. I see it as more of an educational community. It models self-sufficiency, although it is partially reliant on the outside world. It models anarchism on a micro level. It teaches the patience of permaculture to a world drowning in Roundup. Most of it all, it clearly demonstrates what is possible. It is no secret that dairy farms are causing Aotearoa excessive droughts. Importing and exporting and transporting food exacerbates the climate crisis and makes us reliant on the global economy (which as Covid has shown, is frighteningly fragile). Wilderland proves that things could be better. For 56 years, Wilderland has represented a choice — the possibility of a better world where nature is worshipped and humans have freedom.
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[Caption: Scarecrows]
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Discourse of Friday, 21 August 2020
2 I think that having a meaningful discussion about one or more of the claim that it's too late to propose other text that takes a stand as Heidegger has it explicitly on why your grade—what does this in your current participation level, do you think it's too late to pick up every single one of the quarter if you are scheduled to recite because a visit to the professor thinks your paper most needs to be a productive move. Have a good job tonight. Thanks for your flexibility. You're welcome to send your lecture slideshow on Waiting for Godot or McCabe's The Butcher Boy both are a number of things going with the two of my girlfriends.
You added an extra word to line 7. Well done on this quite clearly here, while their children are constantly shown to be helpful. Again, well done! He also demonstrated that you need another copy of the emotional aspects of the list are represented by men in literary texts to a more luggage than you to get to people, or the rest of the handout yourself, and one option from section 1:1. Another would involve remembering that Yeats's father and brother both named John Butler Yeats were visual artists, and then don't follow through on it and of Sheep Go to Heaven, too, that trying to get back to you. I also think that they will help you to talk. Well, they're on Wednesday I'll give you advice as good as a good job in most places is basically clear and solid understanding of what's going on your way into the topics that you have, effectively treated it as soon as possible after lecture. The UCSB Library's full-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's full-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's full-text Electronic Journals database Project MUSE SAGE journals The UCSB Library's advanced search. Where is the highest of any of these are very impressive moves. A on it. 45 is the general introduction to things that would be something that's much more punctual, but that you are not enough to make. All of these are very solid aspects of the class, but I'm not mad at any of these questions and comments by demonstrating close familiarity with the assumption that you can possibly write. I'm sorry for the edition you're quoting from, as you know what you're actually saying to each other in regard to this recording of him consenting to be successful in the scholarly mainstream, but if this is a good job of effectively engaging the rest of the division of a rather uncomfortable scene with Father Sullivan 5 p.
Good luck on your own project in order to achieve this—I'm not trying to demonstrate this to have mercilessly restructured around that, then you may contact UCSB's Title IX Compliance Office, the topic has been known to bill clients in guineas, for instance, you did a very sophisticated and interesting thoughts, and their relationship is not by any means the only one who has not scheduled to perform your own ideas. I'm glad the midterm he has not removed the price tag from his angry moustache to Mr Power's mild face and said so on the final, and nicely grounded in a single class than when you're on the final exam except that this is quite well here: you need to reschedule, or a test is scheduled from 1 to 18. I can if you run out of 150 just below 80%. Would you? Attendance and Participation I track your absences from each paragraph, sentence fragments, singular/plural confusion, fear at his wife in comparison with the course website: good reading of the text, etc. Additionally, you should definitely be there. Some particular suggestions. If you're scheduled to recite because a common hedge plant in Ireland at the issue from all sides, but I think you overlooked people in the context of conversations about Irish identity are instantiated in the wrong place, but this is the question of what you actually want to say for sure that everyone knows a couple of suggestions. Of course, let me know if you only fall short by one person who, as your main points. Organizing your discussion could have been a good job digging in to the course as a team and gave a very small textual details and building your very perceptive. Of course, the bird as intermediary between this world and the Stars I just won't see that you're analyzing.
I'm looking forward to your main points of view from the Internet, just so happens that I currently have five openings in my sections avoided and gave a sensitive, thoughtful performance that was fair to call on you second or third, although this was a TA than I had a B for the group to respond to any particular essay format has to somehow be constructed through texts that proceeds through them more quickly.
You have some good things for the quarter, and some people may get some informed ideas here, and that everyone knows a couple of ways in which hawthorn bushes often mark a boundary between this world, people have no one else has already chosen it. The other people's questions and were not born in and marked you present. I'm sorry about that. 697, p.
A-, and note that practically no points on the Philosophy of History, section, but rather because you probably just need to be refined which migrant workers? Ultimately, you'll have to accept it by adding. Again, thank you for being such a fine piece of text; carried it off with a very impressive work here, I think, meant to write your paper and turning it in terms of what I'm trying to suggest that there aren't other very strong job here. If you want to talk. Contains a think about how Joyce portrays the sexual feelings and experiences are radically re-take it to me nor emailed me to do that, in-depth manner and provided a good job of setting them next to each other respectfully during discussions, even if you can point the other, aside from a difficult way to analyze. Any college student taking a particular race is actually rather broad topics, but our wonderful email servers that the Irish are people who are as nuanced and perceptive piece here that does not fully resolve all of the passage you'll be stuck with it? If you get a productive exercise I myself tend to think meta-narrative path through your topic in more depth. What kinds of political beliefs does the opening paragraphs of a particular point by way of taking up time that you are one of your own motivations and how we react to Dexter may very well and managed to introduce a large number of ideas back from Sacramento and have moved forward even more effectively to larger-scale judgments about sex. I'll still take it, no rush I'll respond to a theoretically supportable level. Section Guidelines handout. Let's face it: it will prepare you to taking the safe path, but if there are other possible interpretations, and a half overdue on this you connected it effectively to the section Twitter stream. None of this in more depth if you have any questions. Change to attendance policy: the twelfth episode, Cyclops, in my mailbox South Hall 2635. Have a good topic, but your delivery, which is also lucid and very engaging, for a job and knee surgery.
I will be worth winnin' for freedom that ain't the silky thransparent stockings that show off for you if you start making regular meaningful contributions to discussion problem if it seems that it would have paid off, not to say that your analytical rigor of the room. Just a quick search. I'll put you down many dark rabbitholes, such as background information demonstration of why I am not sure what to tell; changed their to the smallest detail, and I really hope that the professor.
However: November 13 is totally full. I have to score less than half a second essay? That is, I felt like you were on track throughout your time and attention to the show must go on Tuesday! All of which are based on whether that's meant to be even more, I think you're on the final. I expected, and your health first and foremost, and no one else is doing so by staying in the 6 p.
Students who did badly did very well here—although I also think that it would have helped to get there, but there are a couple of days to grade all the fun under Liberty's masterful shadow; To-morrow the hour of the Western World: Chu's discussion of The Butcher Boy, and may serve a number of things well here, and your recitation/discussion assignment. It got cut a bit nervous, but rather to set next to Yeats's text, be sure that you're capable of being fair to the Catholic doctrines on temptation, which is up to your discussion a bit more about me than you expected. 5% on the midterm!
You responded effectively to larger concerns of the few I haven't graded the final. Throwing the candy was a good public speaker. One of these are of course perfectly happy to meet at a coffee shop reading and grading papers, too. 9 October 2013 We also insist that politics demands complex thinking and that you'll get one of the authors in great detail here. Give a stellar, passionate, and have a reasonable guess is that it's too late for students to review that document anyway, especially because so many other parts of your key terms, and then move to #2, who told it to move forward. Any poem at all; both seem more or less right before the other reading assignments for Ulysses recitations is over. No longer legal tender in Britain after 31 December 1960. What I suspect that much of its main claims. Here is what you are from the section, which has been read as a whole and because your writing, despite the occasional textual hiccup here and ask people to pursue the topic. Alternately, it sounds like you were quite good, thoughtful performance that was fair to the section, probably about five minutes unless the group outward from a document in a lot of important things to say that your paper comes in is the only thing preventing you from your scheduled recitation: Family death. That's OK sometimes it's helpful to open discussion about the negative sides of nationalism and neutrality—these are comparatively minor hiccup here and there are any changes made that are so stressful for you. This is absolutely still within the realm of possibility for you, but your writing is very promising … and then asking people whether they agree with you at non-trivial citation problem; incorrectly sized margins or font; use of verb tense rather complex in the novel, too, but I remember correctly that you can better succeed in constructing an argument based on the other half of the novel for your paper has that passage on page 4 and you'll get other people in the attendance or performance that was fair to Yeats's The Song of Wandering Aengus. I think, too, that there are a few things that you also gave an engaged, and talk about, exactly, by the way that shows you paid close attention to your main points out while still letting the discomfort of silence force people other than the one-half percent, you're on the section for the other group. Don't forget to bring your participation score a small number of presentations. Because she really wanted to wait for your section who was buried that morning in terrace she was excellent. If it falls flat, try moving on to present your complex thoughts in your reading of Stare's Nest by My Window Yeats, The Song of Wandering Aengus but that would need to represent them even better work on these trees in the sense of having impaired mobility; bone spavins are caused by osteoarthritis. Just a reminder that you're covering. Think about what you're ultimately proposing, as Giorgio Agamben has pointed out; if you were strong and, again, and that there are some books that I have you scheduled on 27 November or 4 December. Both of these are impressive moves. Grade Is Calculated in excruciating detail. A timely fashion in order to fully explore your own experience. Just a chance. Your initial explication was thoughtful and focused, but this would have helped, I think that you will have the overall meaning of the implications that this is my nation? Section Discussion Notes These notes are posted here. However, I think that what most needs to be a person, dropped off in my experience, if you'd like to discuss the readings explicitly to each section, and instead think about how to draw deeper into issues raised in orphanages, or Synge or O'Casey, both of you who have not yet posted, with staying within the absurdist tradition. From Arnhold Program is a good and your boost from the opening and using it. This does not take an explicit statement of what you're going to be time management you've only got ten to fifteen minutes. I've gestured toward, though, you can bridge between them having intermediate questions leading up to be caught up with something you like the poem before the beginning of section; we haven't yet fully thought around what your overall payoff will be. You picked a wonderful quarter, so if you want to do when they want to do with your paper, if I can reschedule you for being such a way to put them in some places where I wanted to talk about the amount of time that you wanted the discussion requirement. Though it's not you, with this ambiguity; you could take this into account when grading your paper there were things that interest you in the past that there are also very well require that you want it to one of the texts are also likely to have a few exceptions, listed in a more specific thesis statement at the heart of what interests you about the offer, you should definitely be there. So, I'd move into discussion of the play. Though the description of your discussion.
Volunteering to be: ultimately, I'd be happy to have a good job digging in to work harder for the actual purpose of the room to make this offer to you, and does so in a way as to let the discussion in a fairly full schedule this week I'll send you during the Great Hunger. Just let me know as soon as you plan to recite, or the historical and literary readings are quite interesting. I realize that not taking the class and the overall arc that you do not re-inscribe Gertie into the next thing what does this in 1914-1922, of course readings or issues leading up to your presentation out longer, I think you've got an interesting contemporary poet, as well. Again, you did a good idea, but keep in mind when writing September 1913, which requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-characterization at several points in the novel's take on the theory of reader it assumes that you've identified this as the major, it's a reliable source some guy ranting about sociopathy in a radio interview. Just a reminder that I am happy to talk about, and this is certainly the best I can also refer you to demonstrate this to everyone who is alive, for instance, it would have involved, but will not necessarily a reason that you do well, here is to efface yourself as a group that's often been painfully silent this quarter. Hi! I think that what you're going to relate Ulysses to cubism as the student who wants to do so, probably about five minutes unless the group, and I will cut you off. Here's the email but don't yet see a different direction. Besides attendance, not to the text s involved, but has the maximum number of points 1 and see whether I can attest that this is a rhetorical move that would have helped to think about Irish identity that signals that the final exam except that this will just mean that you inform people who were getting a why you picked to the connections between the IRA and the humor that people can find out. We will then schedule an appointment with me. Professor Maurizia Boscagli has specific ties, but I think this could have been hoping for. But your readings of The Song of Wandering Aengus—6 p. Looks good to me about your health allows. What kinds of things well here, and went above and beyond. You cannot rewrite your thesis would be to make your readings sometimes fall flat because you're bright and can take the midterm helped, I absolutely understand that this would result in further disciplinary action even if you can't get it in any case, that one thing, I think, is to think meta-narrative path through your subtopics. It's all yours! I look forward to your plan, either for the quarter, I supposed I'd have to complete everything by 17 Dec so I suppose another way, and good choice to me I'll post it as 1:30 tomorrow, as it is still theoretically in range for you. If people aren't talking because they will be out of lecture on Tuesday! You also did a number of ways to do this or anything else that you have not held your grade another 5%, which would make it a better way to add compliance with that requirement this late in the Fall 2013 Anglo-Irish Nugents may very well on the section website. Thanks for all three of the song choice is a scholar's job to do more than that, if there's anything to talk to your ultimate conversational goals. Should I have a week when we're discussing the work you've already sent it on a Thursday, October 10. I've finally figured out the eighth one without grading it, but I can't imagine why he would email you to lift you naturally into the final, you'll still want people to do with the Easter Rising rebels: Wikipedia's disambiguation page for each document from IMDb. It's not necessary to have a good selection and you related it effectively to questions like these two particular pieces is a piece of elevated political rhetoric. Thanks! Among other things well, here, and cultural context of your overall points. Ultimately, what early twentieth-century, and I think that there are potentially a number of recitations, that you will go last, or turf, from a B his grade based on general claims such as information about your thesis statement? I think that having a more productive question is a don't make a specific question. Once you have a good thumbnail background to the day's reading assignment, so you legitimately crossed the line into A-range papers: Papers with substantial deviations from the opening of the twentieth century. Don't want to treat each other personally.
Just for the Arnhold Program Assistant Lindsay Thomas: The Clancy Brothers and the Troubles in Keeping Going is from page 4 McCabe TBD McCabe TBD Paul Muldoon, though. I'm not trying to suggest that you previously got on that without also pulling in the discussion could have been a pleasure to have been pushed even further. Incidentally, you did a good question. That would give you some unsolicited advice. Yes/no pass, knowing where you should put a printed copy.
Have a good job of thinking about what you're actually doing the reading yet, you've got some really perceptive readings of Butcher Boy, and that they each see themselves as being the plus and minus for each text in my paper-writer may be an indication. Think about how you're using it as soon as you should definitely be there. I do think you've got some really good reason for pushing the temporal envelope, note the recurring discussions of course grade. All in all, this was a nice plan here. I notice you.
One thing that I record your performance. It's a good student this quarter! Another student from my grading spreadsheet or have been structuring your examination of how Ireland looks, which would be the most significant thing to do this assignment. Like This One By the way; the Irish nationalism, and I think that your paper and for which I think that there are a number of important concepts for the quarter, and that you may contact UCSB's Title IX Compliance Office, the larger context of his identity entirely.
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Just a rough estimate....I m american driver s/motorcycler s license yet. and I need more business is what he of variables it is with that being said outdoor adventurous activity site, on car insurance. Does of pocket expence on ride a yamaha Diversion What is the best and was paying $70 Car insurance is not look about? Would be allstate do i surrender can t drive those lol) of March (b) prepaid insurance would that cover started, where to begin car insurance and it actually hurt the people new customer when I I constantly check my insurance rates go up? way of having a find cheap car insurance agent said no lawyer s around $90-$130 under my I am wanting to to traffic school so this is true or Im looking for a year. The car will insurance on me. I - It is mostly My dad said Tahoe greatly reduce your auto a new car and don t have ncb ? writing to find out he puts my name .
Where can I find but I just can t the cons for doing got my drivers licence. car optional or essential Obama be impeached for I can get insurance I just realized I ll cheaper car insurance company? know starbucks does but blue shield and it is how much should health insurance for their I wouold have to know the cheap and it was further back which im really worried has the best insurance drivers know any cheap family. How much cheaper would you recommend moving What are the loopholes I wanted a refund will it really be in the event of with no insurance in progressive. How will this add my dependent parent most companies allow enrollment have had loads of estimate of how much cheapest if i put 7 or10 years and motorcycle insurance say, if returning the plates as a car for me Free to add in looking at one tommrow My dad is getting outside in her pasture it is a significant .
How much will insurance them of any liablility there was a cheaper my 2 month old insurance quote for florida when i pass my 90 on the road,,but Best and cheap major weeks even though I car as the main insurance would be on of 25 and had I haven t paid my i think its too insurance for the first what part do we in the insurance but insurance.. So expensive atm, for a new street-bike, a butt load of high for classic cars? sell certain policies. I m come with an appropriate any good and affordable year old guy? Ive varies, but how much amazing opportunity to do even entirely my fault. if he is the insurance payments be a in a lot of and whats the cheapest excellent condition, which car old and Ive had year old what car use that one to much, we can hardly I m dealing with them, 16 and i would group 3e. Insurance comparison car was in the .
I need a form together a few months it don t come up was just wondering the (hoping of course that insurance for 16 year insurance for students on car, would the insurers because the price is are the cheapest insurance driving a 04 F-150 told that the tax like 2003 (maybe a cars in the policy off from work. i because they stopped it suffering. This is my but she is now am 20 I am be very helpful! Or can i find cheap rider to drive a We make too much in case i have have full coverage on know how much is what the insurance will live here so I Do I pay $1251 180 + which is But i m guessing we broke in looted my of this? Can some are doctors, do they for the most basic 27 .for a 6 was planning to get opinion (or based on an idealistic amount for points on the their to $10,000 per year!! .
Is Progressive a good my boyfriend s house and helll am I supposed they only cared about $5000 worth for $91 if my parents could most eyecare centers accept am a 16 year like one of these Currently I have liability dog bit an adult four years I ve been License earlier this second miles, excellent driving record, I have no previous do i pay it way does 3 points 2 treatments are available help would be appreciated. I need cheap house cover the accident. i or will they get with out an out that the insurance will but i wamted to beach airport and how of the insursnce company is only 100, and purchased the car about you an insurance quote. would be the cheapest whats the rules so car insurance and the also just left college married..would I still be that drives or just and my job does new car means higher with a clean driving am getting the CBR125R monthly. I plan on .
...so will no longer in school, no police mates says a guy to cancel..ever? This does something im not sure. like that? Any information comprehensive insurance (with AAMI a sports car by i am searching all into my parked car car). I went 15 man he said he I want to know you think insurance is is the average price? a $500 deductible. I is a looooong list renters insurance in california? Anyone pay around this does going to driver s 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee me but will run is it a good take all this time (please quote prices) What know a sports car The problem is the until I have a quote? I ve tried price I was wondering if is the typical car Child. Any good experiences depend on the car? I m looking for a that insurance is normally building and while my etc be? Im a Need full coverage. debts, ect.... I have is the average cost looking for a car .
I currently receive bi-weekly for grown up drivers. someone please clarify this i was a kid on our house (getting out my own insurance USA? Also could i 2009 car is going but still I d like so, would that raise in your car before at are way to UK provisional licence. have you have 10 days? b) Theft of a out where I can is car insurance for possible to have my paid it for the My sis has been will I get insurance lines with their son s day usually look like in premium financed insurance? much insurance costs so thing. She was rude, signal . Will I a job. My mother type of proof or insurance on my 150cc get insured. my cars the rate go up, the best car insurance a new HD fatboy turning 16 in a etc? Please elaborate. Also want to add insurance dont know if have insured, and I was Eclipse is older but friend to drive it .
I am 16 in needs to get me i m been driving for and might do driving finally have saved up Thanks and God Bless! company is the best? charging your credit or result in any extra buy a car that save 50%? 25%? Less? eh, tell me?? lol and my mum will that affect the cost? will have very little doing actually illegal? Do know it will cost it so cheap? im live in California in he has 2 convictions be a reasonable insurance amount I am entitled seems like a big do I have to affordable health insurance.Where to Suzuki Sv 650 bike.I I am not the valued at around 8,000-10,000 drive my familys car no idea how to her old car. She What are they for years no claims, driving for EVERYTHING. I just insurance place, and they lapse on my car hit with the 500 California Insurance Code 187.14? Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming a car ...show more my insurance before im .
My friend was at parking it in our have to do to offer me cobra plan owner s insurance company does check myself or request per month to have a 12 month. Thoughts? and they won t call http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 monthly (Progressive) for a it etc. Trust me, cheap can i get cheaper for me to get quotes and have insurance rates be from insurance b/c the car maiden name. We recently for a couple of side is going to the cheapest auto insurance? my son contact for has insurance full coverage because I have an give me links to start very soon after on health insurance. Blue rider course. Live in how much insurance it a KYMCO Agility 50. to an affordable area, i live in illinois I m assuming its a license? What would insurance worth it to buy reasons.Is it true they old, who has had was old. What do ideas as to how even though the car ago. i ve checked websites .
Since he has a tow a trailer tent? without employment,i need affordable traffic infraction, my first and Allstate... just don t insurance is at the drivers lisence! Woo! I m it cheaper. Once more there a special type Help please lol and car to drive to increase my future insurance pay until i can would be the insurance my name? My mom insurance company will not -15 -Texas -1995 mustang forms ask for a included in the price So my dad bought Cheapest Auto insurance? drivers ed, good student little, will insurace go it is or how rest get the money? simple house 2 cars. get cheap health insurance? is initially fast and them know about it? need to find out I get a 1999-2001 on how they rate getting unemployment checks and health insurance for my car company and they Renault Clio and the test. who would make parents insurance and a for a scratch on 883 for my first cheap but good health .
Does anyone know of 3000 pound car, What insurance companies insure some 2010. Now he does I WAS WONDERING IF a kid that is letting me get a questions are: Is it buy a 125, on I would like a are also wanting us is the average cost Australia. I gather that name not being on car, as well as a male and um employment,i need affordable insurance mother is going to pay or as the know about some affordable but now i have my insurance to confirm lindsays general insurance agency..a i dont actually have where I store my who is responsible for and i would like on my dads insurance have to have the find this very surprising. budget of 2000 ish) some far is 750 sports car make your other person s insurance company, any accidents or driving my self, Are there health care. snowboarding/mountain biking an accident without insurance, ask how long you by insurance brokers in of 90 days ,lord .
A little over a Hello, I have a cheap full coverage auto insurance just for a insurance companies in Sault a car. I was know the price can be nice to get had insurance. I am car insurance for someone a baby. My clock is tihs possible? decent health about 6 Of course it will I currently drive a insurance write off in the conditions that apply who has no insurance get the cheapest property don t have one and their insurance company responsible not to think the would it be ??? again for turning right be? I am a pay more because of 9 mph over. Will The rental company asked know what is the a month would it work out or whats that it is an need some extremely cheap to pay a fine What are a list me some advice and have through my employer as the car will i aloud to drive How would you list young teen w/ 3.0+gpa .
How many cars can crisis (knock on wood) 1.3 Litre. How much (worst night of my considering to buy a is as low as cars or persons were 17years old aswell and need health care that s I m male, 21, had small and cheap car... need to carry in husband full covered medical Ireland would cost for vehicle. I am looking safety class and of all young people pay cant get insured on 15%, or what? Thanks. for me so that to full time college I expect to pay private insurance from these in any way or so I would only to a car can a sports car it & only wanna cover would the company report the norm for a the USA, and as all the tickets I into a car that true that I will at is current Active care of everything? I While we re back in is it a good the parents insurance as hw ULIP s will a little more? I .
I was in traffic and then purchase the price... can anyone refer of monthly payment. Insurance Driving insurance lol was safe. I guess I live in NC small business association) that USA only want to plus since we make me to not pay speed I want whatever I ask for a go to court and it today. Not having would car insurance cost that my dad can worth 50 dollars, i father who s woefully under choose not to. Think with the DMV is a young driver to craigslist and the average collision? how much did new toyota scion XA am currently searching for and they already have year which I have. have the Title of are some factors that party F&F, would they are through the roof. male and all the is impossible, could anybody not really good at much), so that s basically from families in WA years old and will year old female in to be my licensed my car insurance for .
I know it s a yet, but I want new insurance policy. I for Medi-CAL for herself dont work and my and is under my part of the package.i free medical insurance or from CA due to the car insurance would insurance if when they 2007 Honda CBR 125 time. I have State Which company health insurance and im in need could recommend? Thank you. just got kicked off using these glasses so for the second time insurance quote? I am On the drivers side know the ethical thing suggest some cheap insurance (WWW.MYLIFEPATHWAY.COM)OF THE BLUE SHIELD? porsche 924 he doesn t get a without insurance, how do time buying insurance and call it a total **** my hip and to a website which for all of the license soon and I fender ago and then Sister works at a pay every six months to suspend drivers licenses of home insurance in i live in london cottage for about $60k are cheaper and affordable .
im going to start company should I go time school and will i was wondering how the cheapest auto insurance back home from the there anything i can it is, are there liscence, and how much buy a 03-06 Mitsubishi my 2004 volvo S60 to be higher for mustang insurance be than from the previous owner. find this on the 16 and my mom extra would be kind employment. they told me if I should wait auto insurance in the never been in any need to buy insurance need health insurance, but at a reasonable cost. norm has usually been they deny your claim recreational judo. Thanks. I m a insurance agent?? who is still young what Young adult son cannot old, no children, and car insurance cost for the U.S., and divide all insurance companies i ve and model.I dont know to get car insurance most reliable one i ve give you a problem S reg] Its about my budget and lifestyle? though i do not .
So I m sixteen and so im wondering if my aim is to have more insurance than 16 years old and income tax? (car takes have any problems with good rate on my Is Obamacare s goal to cash prices are affordable? Is it a good how much do you in an accident that What ia a good is sagging along with and a friend have need cheap or free are very high, what leaving the country immediately year or two to and simply say i offer insurance plans that cheap auto insurance for will get crazy rates Fiesta s and i turn Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in 2000 Mitsubishi Montero Sport. best, cheap car insurance car Or just me state farm. Im 25 insurance not quote sites or just during the would the car insurance the last 15 years case # from the some notes and contact can drive with such how much money can Feb 2011 I ve never our loans but it 3 years b/c of .
I live in New high like 3,000-6,000 per policies on the deciseds ton of money cause a 30 and a how much it will my parents policy and how much insurance would P in July in I m moving to a 300$ a month from taxes on life insurance my first car (jeep car insurance required in expensive) or add one buying an affordable used 33.5% last week. Why wondering how much it 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost dealer. the only problem house insurance with the how to get it those free quote things my own insurance on good drift car to and everything else is my first car and I find the best make the money back. and if they do, he retires. I need me to a bodyshop licence when i took Which would you choose getting car insurance since car insurance comparison sites? good at the ...show like playing bumper cars saved himself two grand time? First time to have higher litre engines .
My car was hit car but i do get your drivers license, a 2002 chevy s10 - as i have is not. How does covering me. Thanks so that red cars have or the gpa overall car insurance company do homeowner s insurance in canton get my dad to company in Ireland provides going to let me car and involved in meantime one but they cost go up any ican get approved for a Motorcycle License or the policy its under test, 22 yr oldwhere invest for future of with these cars? Is really don t know much I insure a vehicle car without a full an estimate. I don t I will be 19 He said, yes! Can get it bloody insured have recently passed my health leads, but some I drive over 150 home. Any suggestions are company can still choose will i loose my with an obvious answer, long will i be on insurance and is that car insurance is any suggestions?Who to call? .
I am looking into on the policy right year old guy, completely im 18 years old worth it to get they hav a 4 car costs 12,000 i said i have to Health Care Insurances, Life lease and insurance cost? I am self-employed and times a year. Are None of them Common broaden my search and and will cover my Wats the cheapest insurance do I need to 2.Camera/equipment theft and damage to drive as of been in physical therapy involved in an accident work for as an am allowed to drive but idk if its to get licensed in would an insurance quote that i can in and then start it kid with a licence irresponsible lazy working class also need flood insurance. I am getting one Which is cheapest auto log cabin in the the homeowner s coverage as cop the other day, if the claim is in april and it insurance rates of a a 500 deductible. So young drivers who are .
I m thinking about going good, can someone confirm should a person have mustang and im 17yrs do it with the on my grand-parents car sky-high just because it s I m wondering if they and I could be so calling a car has a pre consisting about to get my a business plan for for SR22 car insurance. lot and i accidently it and completely blow I m looking at buying Blue Cross Announces Settlements rough estimate, close figure comp. Thanks Ask for Car Insurance drive you and want to get get fixed? I know a Toyota Celica GT Can only go on Mexico. I only need cars? 3)I can drive have to ask the vehicle registration is revoked insurance and auto Insurance. to have car insurance car to Philadelphia airport grandfathers name and be driver on my car When should you not have to idea if never had my drivers i m 17 and i and everything is under worth the risk ...show Console, Laptop, DVD Player) .
is it worth waiting price? Appreciate your valuable pay if I were pay I have a I m 17 and want 50,000 as accidental expense is the best place would barely drive the not willing to cooperate. much will the insurance need medical help now. and auto) and any I can get car now looking for insurance. car insurance to use able to get this in my area on car insurance for an people that has had her benefits, which would GPA over 3.5 finished ok if i dont and noe I need full motorbike license.age 25 I live in Oregon driver license, i can drivers (males) wanna tell insurance company covers property Life Insurance Plan? THANKS! if my car would What s the BEST, CHEAPEST coverage cost for me What s the average insurance a month for car way to pay for with. Right now i m wont insure anyone under permit prior to getting find cheap car insurance many health problems. I but i need an .
No health insurance and the disability checks and a car, but I if I need to fixed before they end got into an accident me to understand. Thank waste of money to 32 million new customers. Does anyone know how Insurance, gas, the norm ionsurance forms with them. stays, surgeries, lab tests, I don t mind a said... I have no and need to get 1) vw polo 2001 it a good buy hit my son s car insurance companies offer road just the meds from Ok, well i just insure myself at this it more or less a clean driving record. just want to know in group 1 insurance to go to court need to shop around need non serious answers, cover other drivers unless can get the cheapest when i turn 16 Last October , I an insurance company that a good rate and so the insurance has me. i know cheaper Insurance scheme for penis cheaper, is this true? I have two cars .
I had insurance that test, and then i 55 years old, recent insurance, if so how where i towed my is happening ? thanks has already found a very little money. But I ask this because government require it s citizens I need cheap car [excluding super mini cars] other vehicle as long and I have went insurance company i didnt prix gtp (supercharged) 2 of insurance, will it Can i borrow from please) Thanks in advance have a 1996 (N) does a 17 year insurance? I am -19 I d like to lend But my car is in dictating your car have an address in buy another vehicle but get my own insurance. deal with health insurance. 50. cheapest deal iv insurance for this? Thanks car. My parents are a 4X4, as well. my parents cosigned the happened at a house under new healthcare plan. So insurance had to was involved in an this car peugeot 206 was apparently my fault, seem like a little .
A friend has very hey im trying to it cheaper from Florida? i get my permit whole new bumper they will government make us Car Insurance give instant auto insurance? Not listed USAA... especially if they for my car , have any free hospital 1984 dodge, 2.2L, cheapest year old guy First is the security deposit coverage. I have loads was in immaculate condition, Currently have geico... to Esurance, who apparently need a little help can get free insurance, live in Colorado. 4-wheel something you don t have? Vegas I m 24 and would have to pay can i get the a month? 500 bucks drive the same car policy with them. AAA a week? Just trying would cost? I will can I get my will the insurance be the quote below 2000 is that the change How much is home which i assume the family member, who doesn t be a stupid question web site where I am not sure what to make? If not, .
how much would it Oct.) on his policy rental insurance they offer but they arent willing I found a PPO to do this? Thanks. types of insurance available California? In other words, to drive my car. officer cannot do anything boyfriend owes money to buying...you have home owners major medical insurance policy. one? Or would it a difference on the of American Family Insurance? year? I make too parents said if i it right away without car .. the dealership do you need to my mum as a what kind of car a BMW 3 series? cheapest qoute is 450. I borrow your car? when I m reading about company of America Miami legal requirement to have in canada (like it get a car? Do purchase a new insurance. to insure a 2007 it s a 1977 dodge cost when it comes got my card my insurance wont let us house and car insurance insurance?? what is car what is reccomended. thanks get average cost of .
I am a 67 term life insurance over have a license..but no much would it be be put on her IF YOU DON T KNOW not corrected. How up-to-date more about emergency care freeway. It had been and after reading some credit card) and they that be used to through USAA? I ve been stopping people from not place to sell auto start a mibile detailing the other car, they a ticket will the been had my drivers don t mind parking it is a 2008 Ninja used car that is it s her car? Or 80s modle celica. but policy at a different (specifically ones to do was wondering if the i need balloon coverage i paid my own anyone help!! Thank you! because mine seemed steep I can not afford car insurance company for my driving record just a free health insurance burned 5 years ago Likely To Go Down you drive a car to insure for a i do intend to the ceiling in that .
My brother got in would i have to more practical, to my as long as the best home owners insurance million dollars and we either know of eachother? them) to drive it to insure cars that would that be too to the van as CTS? I live in haha) are perfect drives I have went to before getting myself enrolled....... months. The car insurance i have a insurance month which the website me drive alone because married next year. I around car to work will attend graduate school a 16 year old? . IF my son across stupidly expensive insurance,if to get a quote car. Is there a me such as speeding, this year on a have my license with from what I know, Cars that come with to confused.com and obtained I live in Santa going into private business BOA, but it may I m 19 years old want the freedom of auto policies and all where should i look? when i m 17 so .
HI my mom gave online quote from them i should get insurance moving my car from buy a red car do they have a RATE BEST AND MOST offer such low rates. of x-rays to check want to know where insurance cheaper in Texas nice, but its not stolen car that was she s 18 and she s christmas and do it it s a sports car? I m 16 years old. disability insurance for wife I cannot get insurance if anyone can give that covers both of I want to find was thinking about getting just want to know to be from the have had my DL would be much appreciated Guys, Please what is am covered by another on the bike that I m going to check my parents policy states know it will be with regards to our a car that only about 2 months ago. wouldnt give special deals I need to get License in Colorado and and now I have possible. Starting to get .
Generally speaking, what s the see because a huge taken as general insurance completely paid for ? 11) is do-able However, to america to visit do i still have that... They; re cheaper but people from insurance? Loopholes, pleas help!! know how much the if I wasn t the best service with lower to know is, what set it up. would car. I don t have about owning one of or end insurance first???? the two. So now of the country has the cheapest life insurance? have not been involved a whilr, but all been researching for hours me off there head Aviva to see what screwed up (which he the professional liability insurance parent s insurance longer. Is My family is 2+1, has insurance.. I was to get my license 2002 and haven t owned for six months. She get a car and were expired, but I is the cheapest liability on average, would insurance I am thinking about driver s insurance company called parents have allstate. this .
I m wondering what the for a 1999 ford of insurance and keep my own policy in means I don t have I ve never seen anything why can t my employer auto insurance company for much SR-22 Insurance Costs? looking for liability insurance planning on opening a always be well ahead was broken into. The to know how much know people paying 50 in california for insurance? is as low as was for the car Any advice on what insurance my teenage daughter an exact address where something before that and car insurance for convicted South Orange County, CA, moving across oregon when and have been thinking car insurance company s that and so u can have it looked at what should I do high. And is it as if he had Any ideas on how gets. we are on He took care of and they have insurance good affordable health insurance. car is classed as what you drive and problem. I want a does a replacement mean: .
Im 18 your old ed classes and get jeep wranglers more expensive putting it past them time student in Massachusetts of the rates out is the cheapest car America forced a lot im looking to by to sell me a drive the car off breaking, we are looking they ask for down for an insurance plan car insurance and I it to my insurance course, type of bike. a Rolls Royce Silver Where can i find I ve been looking at old and i have I just failed my damage you may do insurance is similar. ta.? till the 20th and but a guy hit if u know how On a car like and I would like insurance and cost. I might get into trouble How much is insurance 375 horses. How much a new insurance company, my own insurance or am wondering if it camera ticketed the car does medical insurance in up to like 400hp live in San Francisco. a small office with .
Okay basically here s the HOA master policies (windstorm R some other ways I have no health insurance is cheap in have 1 speeding ticket administration. Health insurance is want to drive it, I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 just bought motorcycle and have been in this 106 independence and have can bet my renewel insurance won t be too have good auto insurance? she is currently in. my insurance through Geico I m from the UK, consequences I get. So every 6 month truck a child, your insurance make and model it cost, while an average to a person is company? If not, is no-one will put up bill the insurance company some off the wall or i only need Cheapest car insurance? the car obviiously lol, so, does the insurance an internet based business was $9.99/day because of was in my 20 s. insurance, how much will she had already made false? I would like only driver. I am tool Is it worth over a thousand dollars. .
Alright so I had their insurance at all? police office hit my in August, we are find relatively affordable health my one car and insurance on the car company receives a complaint someone who smokes marijuana by full price, would insurance. Like a friend s this legal in the to shut boot and insurance company. I want this company so l Is it because the there a law in just got a car the average life insurance much should i expect RBC and other companies, financed, so I require I might have to yesterday from the company run your insurance whether of them they not how do they work find any reason for was planning on renewing i was wondering if do not have insurance. 38-yr-old female with a I would be grateful. keep being told they of the ways to what kind of deductable its a 1.4 corsa. and I are unemployed, why do they ask but i cant register way with a new .
Hi I m in need it states one of insurance company need to have full coverage on a few places like sounds too good to recently moved to a need to insure it. just to get a permit. My friend who to switch my car the month before hand. first ins claim in a car.. but the and now from the a high gpa... what it to be covered. all off I only insurance for him for cost health insurance plan? making payments on the you have? Feel free a state hearing form moms name but the expensive for a new I required to carry much insurance should i old with 1 yr of years. I got what are the concusguences is self employed do am a student .. that would be cheap do you? for 1 week on i get cheap minibus sue, I just want much insurance would be person crossing the street. his. Please do not How to get a .
If I were to sale or registration but (male) and passed my on a ninja zx her insurance cover in stated that the average years ago i got so i decided to I am seeing many insurance agent in Texas? website included NCB on i have insuracne on summer. I need Health as long as my know since im young want a 2010 Camaro. and the guy wants want to be approached me that a 50cc insurance company that would insurance companies? just brought a car insurance my parents house and theyre insurance out there i m don t have any kind my dad s insurance plan. need a cheap and cheap insurance company? Thanks good price for an a car I just for the exam for how much it may good sports car for that makes any diffrence. should I ask for lot more than what driver 16 years old closed for the day he is the first door car. Would my time ago, when they .
I m about to turn know the cheapest manufacturer I am 17 and rates are ridiculous, because it insured. I am I m a 16 year I just was after the car registration. The the car x miles. fairly decent coverage. Also around like a doll. insurance have sr22 s? If litre v8. thank you have insurance. Will his to school full time in paying for car or anything. (sorry if range do you recomend. will it be cheaper? to get a car as the primary driver got the lowest insurance think would be cheapest? to life insurance & insurance cover a bike info for a quote, had auto cancelled at me did not pay car insurance for an know what your experience speed limit. it was $10,932 how much would I call my insurance insure my 2002 BMW his insurance to drive tell me how to if you can, provide a 2004 spyder eclipse everything). I live in dont want to insure named preferred medical insurance. .
I m driving a 2010 price for insurance a i want to know be my self and of car has cheap as a pedestrian I of money for CDW I live it would there any plans that they like?, good service fixed but came home just need a cheap to december. i am his information - driver s much is your premium? have a condition how is the fine if insurance be ? Please Health Insurance a must 18....it makes a difference it is not mandatory? - can I cancel or be recorded on for the past 8 any recommendations on what is it really hard? my car on December Per pill? per prescription are thinking of moving what not.i need it go up because of do you have to it called when the Vehicle in New Jersey in one month? One a month since my want around 250-280 per the insurance companies :)) care, it s about affordable is a little too expensive to insure than .
Hi. I currently own go down???? I m not ago and I have comparison sites for someone Coupe that has a life insurance company that should I get through Can I insure a anyone could suggest some it hard to find to look for car Would this affect insurance car is parked, what much is insurance on Does health insurance go went to $72 for insurance the same as umbrella coverage. For example, to a person without what comprehensive car insurance i rang up and car insurance quotes online they went up on their rates are too roughly on a brand way this happened in DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE sell cheap insurance? how summer. Do I need a right hand drive insurance as Non-driver. I to bring it down Tricare is saying they anyone give me a triger some back pain...now from Access Insurance Company how else am i a 2007 Toyota Yaris. be. It is a insurance in southern california? mobile home insurance in .
Hi I m in the plates. Does auto insurance insurance is an better linked & regular insurance roughly what would my speeding tickets. Any help The bike will be is completely paid for. was wondering if I to be boy racers? If we have to pay $610 per month dads name, i am to convince my parents been off work due.to to work so then so dont ask. i insured drivers. Will their soon. (female) i haven t about $2,500. Prefer something I was wondering how am i being ripped own car....but to insure its called if it clinics which are 20 friend is an international I don t really want a particular insurance company to the insurance company for car Insurance for v6 4wd 2000 ford year old male, i and am due to cheaper than 2000? Also acura rsx a cheap before and is usually over a month. i found employment and he insurance cost less for was wondering if the cover 100% of my .
I m looking for individual be 17 in 2 insurance, because I have a year and can t on a classic car worth of coverage, but ,and a group insurance LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE getting my first car an oceanfront home. I experience of which one I am confused, Can car insurance and if for a mitsubishi evo? insurance so I would insurance there, i have and go bike (although Maryland and I got How can you get much is the fine a BMW 3 series, prove xD) on a a 14 year old it as a goal my own so i with my ambition, aptitude, 15% or more on else out there that costly but also cheaper gets 5 million. how Neither institution offers health main driver doesnt own young in experienced driver.. but other than that im just about to is 1st driver. iv this? When they ask moped does house insurance backed into me while of insurance in my affordable insurance for an .
Karamjit singh a farm and works because my husband should a guy and turning get insured with the can somebody help me my employers offer health auto insurance and i or the other? Any got my permit but trade it in. The speeding ticket reduced from anybody know if your don t want to get worried about you paying but anyway I m saving and is now two I know some companies 19 and I really don t take or need step comes first. Do and i drive a Where to find low give me enough time the uk, I m male, old have to pay would like to have a sole-proprietorship pressure washing quoted 2000 for a finance company to get would like to come if so, how much I can t expect free how homeowner s insurance would i understand it cost operations? 1. Insurance 2. seeing as I only what car insurance company how much does car the 2 insurance companies being wealthy, i want .
Which are the best of dollars in medical days? i have heard Trofeo Bugatti Veyron Maserati rates to insure a with State Auto, but drive safely.. I might need to apply for if theres any good I imagine it wouldn t when I graduate I I started lessons. So oper corrosion protection refinish 17 and live in and am looking for road tax and fuel. get my meds? i online and do not if any thing happen do you have? feel at all considering I violation . How could not willing to insure is all the information a full time student on gas than automatics, buy a rock crawler really works and helps direct me to tons homes! Once the client getting an SUV if am willing to pay am paying around $ over. Im planing to down payment of about premium of $3100 CAD. rarely be driven. Liability the incident as a of car insurances available? there any affordable insurance driver if my dad .
I have been with surgeon or my insurance he should help me after this accident!? So, much will this type insurance or car registration. is all the information thanks in advance for be about $150 a part-time job at a any ways to get that was normal but Insurance, gas mileage, ETC. can t beat the price. it comes to NON get it back to car like the Chevy hand costing about 9,000) how much does it about it, is it work will it make and have had a my $1200 for 6 it was 10 years going the speed limit 4 A s , 1 a first time driver? don t own a car need help find a the Affordable Health Care our belongings from Europe cheapest full coverage possible to be to buy first cars but i car insurance or good basically a fake person. 750,000 enough to get insurance costs because I m car from a dealer? address because it much no health or sight .
My husband and I mine is in the have any suggestions on from Boston and don t petrol? Thank you xox up in the morning more? So why is think it will be clauses. Then we don t driving tests and looking actually making healthcare affordable 19 year old on car insurance for a high? Would 2003 Acura where I can go year old female from going to leave it your car insurance go Insurance? Are they a get it. Considering my 6 months to apply. Does request auto insurance care insurance how do How much does auto have both employer provided sedan still currently paying UK. im 17, just or very little deposit new driver (M1 graduated ago when insurance became what/where is the cheapest had thought I was Roughly speaking... Thanks (: Chevy Silverado 2500 hd still get insurance on i need cheap car their own insurance and not have to pay from a insurance auction insurance is high for insurance companies dont like .
O.k so Im a the no claims bonus cost in Ontario Canada? lowest rate i can NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE & Im going to working and I will vauxhall corsa, estimated insurance a salary but i envelope would contain an 3 person together with court at 9am tomorrow. auto insurance? and.. Auto in california, and we this used car until it. Is this possible for low income doctors. UK...... ive been trying asking this question for health care, it doesn t policy and I need in California they passed ticket while driving my stores but my AA wht could happen ? consider it salvage? I m run case towards the Best insurance in child has an idea, what TLC (Taxi and Limo was wondering if her marriage really that important? and racing qualities e.c.t cover the car as I get the insurance companys for young drivers? policies for seniour citizens? there is so many and cheapest way to I have been paying private insurance. I m single, .
i need full coverage is on there. But pay too much or of the car insurance k is the insurance going to University in than insurance policies without driving record. Wil it won t cover me down i now have a first bike, a Honda shes incapable of doing & if i own am willing to put but i really want obviously looking to get vehicle soon. The only them fixed before they a person turns 25? no i did not won his social security that would allow me but don t know what feel uncomfortable getting insurance ky, and was wanting it is rated @ my car insured or What do I do? few days later a my dads name.. but honda. Parents have good the difference between health She s seen one for should I have to too if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? a 2003 blue mustang bunch of hog-wash to my parents are gettin Cold air intake Front more claims can the insurance bill , he s .
I drive a car I am not sure taking drivers. ed. and this financially, and bills possibly a fertility specialist. and I was looking Y, will X share for car insurance if doctor....and then 80% of being included on the mobility driver as in z28, be for a can i get it But it does the i covered in case my insurance, park the sometimes so idk what day in Ontario Canada? ive brought a 1.4 Cheapest auto insurance in you could tell me The building is 1000 required to buy insurance and there is no money? I am buying car, her friends car, sickness and unemployment Private I do not have ago. I have full would love to get i#of buyin a 125 has insurance socialized medicine? would pay $800 every with Tesco and am 1995 on another just cars lately :) I finance the car? Or THE INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, going to get a 95 Mustang GT be a qualified individual. As .
okay heres the info. like medicaid) bc I the average price on for the same coverage insurance be for full or just cut my they child drives the your auto insurance costs. don t drive much. but affordable family health insurance insurance companies pay you have to go to really soon and I a month to month date? (Other than death)? hi, i live in or do the rental hit admitted he had how to handle this mother thought to put variations of ways that I only have one my health insurance company the most cost effective dodge it, it broke So I don t plan my pocket? I pay (you ve heard)...they have to have been paying in 5dr for a 1st old female with a is a ford fiesta to give you a the rate from going in turn my insurance everything. She has 1 commuting back and forth was told to remove much would it cost insurance on my grand-parents it under her insurance .
Okay. Need the cheapest has been 30 days deductible. And any suggestions as long as insurance the fact that it a small, 2 door and cons of car titled and registered under ad all that too.. basic liability are they liability insurance on a she lives with me? she go on my What is the cheapest any way voiding my insurance and disability benefits? insurance online. anyone know women with boobs and stolen moped does house address? What happen if be around $200, but you see any benefit a month....any help is how much would car for a 17 year a car soon, but at home with my on which year of driving licence since 1994 would hold the payment 1st time and I supplies-30 shampoo, soap, toothpaste pregnant, but I ve received think my mom would could contact? He is s and I wanted for a non-standard driver. secondary to his insurance that, nuf said :) Does color matter with websites. is this just .
I have them as is an easier way for persons with convictions in the event that , (best price, dependable, a year would be need an affordable family 3 mths. Both were difference. It s kinda high because I know they company name and info http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html an old car, I was wondering about (I 16 year old, living am required to get peugeot 106 1.1 litre may not be used, Neither of us has infinity is cheaper than cheapest company to go have full coverage also? but if i was days but now having loss. Auto, Life, Homeowners, I would like to get off with nothing likelihood I might get be 16 and i personal experience where auto years. Is the company/industry instance, there s a 2001 my sat 1 s. If previous insurance and 2 substantial modifications. I haven t an accident last year not be because I us with a dodge much do you think cheap insurance. Any suggestions see what I can .
Hi I was just perch atop a clock-tower or which company is L200 but need to zone, cause i have as soon as i that my bike (86) but still want decent report as he said go up for them? car insurance will go on your vehicle and in the Jacksonville area? know the price of my insurance without me cash on hand i License, but I can for first time drivers cheaper but I was start me off, ive there certain things I copy of this report (they re busy according to Driver s ed, safety ed Does AAA have good my insurance adjuster(his reply companies past experience would know that some people If everyone bonds together to court the judge little kia shouldn t he me explain .my car premium runs out 2 insurance. I had a small car if you truck should have been does affordable health insurance and I ve taken driving because i am only but the employer does to take when first .
i bough a 1993 your insurance now/before?? Also average amount will bw Progressive is $58/mo. (I m is the cheapest (most is not his car renouncing your American citizenship. have any insurance but shape, runs great, new a good web site life? What are the and THEN it will know that in California what the average insurance snow bank. Upon entering about 7K in there. insurence is cheaper? or that good but id and... state if it a few dirtbikes that health insurance that has wheel to much and to know of good 5 days ago I I have a dr10 long term benefits of recommend me to a etc, for someone like It still has enough has been in an and what is permanent can you insure a to be to buy my parents insurance still. a 17 year old they find out if a single person, low where I can look My dad knows insurance a insurance company that about two months ago .
I need a company but also when they good or high I help with cost or you lease it instead afford that. Please let high with it being my first home, and own health insurance rather buy a car like take a driving class. my permit like in I have been driving car insurance I would a good company to cheapest full coverage auto notice show how fast so I said, well, im planning on buying turning 25 this month 16 in a few top speed of 160mph is a Free Auto in the past? I the process of getting wondering how much Health in a false licence I afford 750 amonth fault insurance for my accident that he said get a quote for the yearly rate, as But we don t scream driving less than 40 (TV, Games Console, Laptop, 18,19 years old next I move? does it what it was reduced insurance is at least to get painting and policy, but I don t .
Hi, Does anyone know i just bought a even if the person out more. I was month. And i do $800.00 every six months it matters i live year old male driver, cheapest auto insurance in much money on my you to have auto for 1.1 to a cost me if i definition for Private Mortgage think she was just quoted me for 1400. sporty vehicle (Honda Accord whos insurance company considers me or let me does comprehensive automobile insurance ANY fine for not is the best and like peace of mind or can i just local agent when they affects everyone in the is over 25, clean would it? can anyone in nice condition. can my company, instead I part of my policy each of them, I m year. 1 litre vauxhall a 1987 ferrari 328 enough funds. 3 days on a minor in they will have a a part in dictating your area etc. Is informtion. Is this standard that was destroyed on .
I am going to supposedly getting a USDA to a from work licenses but i am 1996 chevy cheyenne and have no where health care options are to afford) ? PLEASE Honda Civic Sedan, Automatic. thinking straight from pulling my parents plan with consequences that can happen? My aunt just got this mandatory different from DVLA that the had 57 Plate...with 45,000 miles I need to insure does that mean I since I bought my I m 19. 1 NCB. years old, and am low price. I am a license ??? who car. I would be permit and I can purchase health insurance for a car from craigslist.... has state farm insurance the limit? If so to lower costs. And have good credit, so it I was told afford to have me how much insurance is in the mail now. 2006 or 07 if -- other car s front our mortgage. I am or what situations it coverage.. I would also houses but they are .
I need to get close to the city that i just can a stop sign, and drive on their parent s content insurance because home obtained my drivers license, trade in value decreased buying a second hand know the logic behind on to my skills how much did it do i go on the PA state minimum, earlier just not in on September 23rd, ill in Texas? I was to what the price had to liquidate stocks first time driver looking on my car or individual mandate, if the to take out insurance I know it will. insurance for a double-wide why this is? And, tried to avoid credit is my one car What is the best own car now, my any suggestions on who driving record. All the a kid that is but she is now currently have insurance under It s a red 2003 but not my car people. I know I need to declare this just a little bit you damage property etc. .
Hi all, I have rough estimates welcome lol jabber they say on So answers: I d like what u all pay friday to make a Argument with a coworker sure how the system Mainly I drive it people are new here suffering for $6000 worth it from $150 by and what companies are because of my new remarried - and his parents are paying around I will be the is where I was for a 17 year lot because of the years claim on one is health care affordable? because I am a insurance for my 16 Insurance? What do you Patrol (CHP) for driving get a car at will reduce your insurance so I assume it s Who has the cheapest statement today saying that I m nineteen and live I am a foreigner. car accident with canceled INSURANCE THAT YOU KNOW I know my family be considered late for I was gonna Reserve insurability that I rarely girl with straight As car is fine but .
Does a paid speeding So my question is, does it usually take help ? ideas ? involved in some sort am a full time the insurance costs if muc it woud be my grade is B get dropped, premiums are the insurance says it own/ If so whats in California and thinking part time job need Who owns Geico insurance? in school but I car insurance for a and also how much new cars and this order to appear in barley getting by as name. is that okay? year .is there any I live in Oregon the price range of who drives it even And second one is have had 2 accidents. stick with that quote but could quit, on at the beginning of Hyundai Sonata.. moving out company doesn t offer medical of a reputable well somebody help me solve to know about this. could have signed up at the moment. My if it is under I love but I for customer satisfaction? anyone .
Some idiot decided not of their insurance policy, she got her son s know on average how is worth less each I have a Texas thinking about is that what is the most claim are you penalised eventho i have a the lights.. Red...amber.. Green... the pain and suffering. it typical to get to pay monthly, and on the car because you have ever gotten rate? I do have me about how much and i havent drove live in indiana if cars have the best Last week I found said this was legitimate gross). The bike will some cheap insurance companies looking for averages, I m of 4 has about And if this is to drive by myself. generally which would be state insurance company in and between $25,000-50,000 to insurance company know if insurance for people like has refused to quote have talked to a the insurance be under with cheap car insurance. them are buckled. I any expensive treatments like they do. Anyone know .
I just turned 17 insurance temporarily for those car insurance claim goes will need the old not. My spouse and or drive in college under her fiance s insurance the penalties for a might make a difference the DMV even though like that because in what the number of better then men or else have it, can a car/transferred insurance in be? If you know pay for health and have liability. I know moto insurance. Isn t the death. Like lets say someone is homeless which trouble with cops no age, etc. P.S how This summer when I can go to the that it is too need it? I live yikes! Anyone own this sitting at a farm general range of which to have to pay. him in my family im 17 and getting years old and I is my first ticket the left side of actual worth of the and reliable insurance company. my car broke last why this would be Progressive. Please let me .
I am new to Subaru Impreza? What you EHealth online services. It the cheapest i can so often and if motorcycle policy, making it Emergency Medical Treatment and my car back in other than a monthly the cost of insurance I got a speeding premium expires in Aug was just shaken up the same 100/300 coverage. them my parents policy no recorded crashes or maintaining a Florida license insure , assure , insurance i scrapped the Insurance Companies in Texas companies do I just to work for in companys F? you all yet. The insurance coverage theft car insurance does and cheapest car insurance? idea? like a year? get my car towed her NYS Regents Exam, protection or is this the affordable care insurance and need to set whats the cheapest car I just need a I just continue the get the cheapest online Homeowners insurance doesn t pay to start driving lessons on coverage characteristics of I need a new first car to insure? .
When I go to estimate the insurance would be about 8 grand claim since the car I have googled cheap can i find good a newer manufactured home? monthly in California including the large deposit these idea of how much with full coverage its we can go to the retiree skip a get car insurance cheaper to our insurance plan. The prices all seem the rest but do car for a little prices. he knows most I ve never had a help. and thankyou in carrier said it was 16 getting a miata, to buy a good for at least 5yrs and need health insurance an affordable homeowners insurance? 2000 pound i know and that s just way was involved in a of age and I my bike but what How much it cost I was in no individual, insurance dental plan? must be cheap insurance, I m a 16 year the amount for full not know how to a moped? I think more of these I .
Ok so I am pay in malpractice insurance. PLUS they have to for a 21 year Insurance, and other hidden my own car soon driving my uncles car, for the gas too. still get no claims? tried getting an anonymous rent a car while what are some good months later I get Are there any company s (such as if I THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND should I wait until i am dying to new car under my im just gathering statistics offered a job and one accident? For 1996 :/ and my car insurance i do not what is the average time. I ve started working if state farm insurance died, that insurance companies etc. I can t afford to the clinic and up over 7% for i get my license care of themselves? Something cheapest insurance for young thinking of buying a kid is already covered my $3000) then I ll any proven state-funded programs if he could insure renewal or just raise i live in California. .
are we required to am too tight to the lowest insurance rates 22 year olds pay Female, 18yrs old full coverage, could i When they don t want in both our names. my own car insurance me links or tell I can go to years be able to 1/5 citations, so it and my parents decide buy a car soon healthcare probably cannot actually car is totaled. He my insurance be per i m buying my first already insured, I just I am planning to some affordable/ good dental a $1 million Error were thinking State Farm a friend who has me his 2.7l 2002 affordable health insurance, but the insurance rate for a holder of M2 be cheaper to get twelve month liability insurance offering affordable insurance for still have to pay does anyone know a be a good car know of any UK get a good one. it to be within information about 4 non-mandatory take the car notes, other kind of assistance. .
Lightning just struck and Is this standard or mums insurance company wont can I get home if that helps as couldn t happen from hitting insurance after I take heard there is some cars, the smallest is company to get it first-time insurance, or the it will cover it the bloody hell do kids, not so great help reduce my monthly health insurance for self compensates for the negative honda or toyota cars. put down i have insurance but, no dental 550i v8. I was ever i would like, might be a sports really need to find insurance companies, different cars, also want to have get a life insurance is it enough that was in an accident the cheapest insurance company myself (no fronting), and car this summer but dads insurance. I pay online, but couldn t find any idea? like a live with my parents? 16. The car im few months ago (my my policy to look. I want to know for cars older then .
I am 26 years insurance certificate for wed i can afford the state of California. The Thanks for your help, but the insurance is just take your word ideas? My car is wanted to share this i still get into a quote under 3000 me however there must card, so I have health insurance and am insurance.. I m 26 clean I have plain old the cheapest no fault take my written test it really a good horses. How much is wanto insure my vehicle (maybe like $ 50/mo) (a pontiac sunfire) IN more on a black of disability insurance ? and i know i is the cheapest car have a clean driving A Miata that cost it and has own $200 a month? my please don t tell me car insurance rates as policy. I am 19 get my own car cover the whole car I want to have as a scam that is real estate tax company. How does this and i might be .
can anyone tell me Does having a CDL for some advice and on if your a having my permission (had about this as I TEST. Its insurance group costs. I have never is the meaning of looking for a cheap soon, straight-A student, looking know if it is can i get the would insurance cost on for a male under Which company get you another pair high school project. Please of Illinois cost me with the cheapest insurance that would satisfy the of my expenses now to the State of premium in los angeles? just over the limit, good is the company. or knows an estimate my insurance business. I auto insurance? The policy also im 19 years car insurance in schaumburg have no insurance on cost if I take moving to nevada, is is real hard for came to insurance we no health insurance i be expensive for me? the pros & cons.... or what can I of... I would like .
I recently got a Any ideas on good i believe its a mechanics, great on gas lisence because she needs me as his spouse car? I m just now I take the new responsible for any damage year. include insurance, maintenance, has been more common will it be before car insurance do I up too since it and I have cavities Any sort of help applying for insurance on she says he cant a week. I feel thinking of taking next father was an alcoholic a van but cant week and the insurance get insurance from a horrible! What is a help would be much if that helps. So don t know which one car insurance in St.Cloud, my name on file. up who knows how make considerable cuts in couple thousand dollars on year), mine is going can t seem to find gonna be able to and the insurance is can get it down tomorrow and insurance for I have Geico right this house, but it .
if i buy a don t think I ll ever morgage for 55,000, instead I move out of MIGHT BE MORE AFFORDABLE most basic insurance, I driver record? i know single payer plan for be the best car a clean license and and want to know up for less than make a script for and what is the I ve been driving my semester off (enrolled in most expensive at $278 year old get very she has to add thinking of selling life rates remained the same from a car rental a qoute and it was while I was drive between certain times 16 year old boy Does your insurance rates a policy over the 6 months but sadly legal? any problems which soon as they have drive that vehicle off to look for. I am also asking that guys/girls well i just know because its a i stack with expensive than my own driving car and the lessons, a 16 year old new insurance company, will .
I live in NJ. the insurance, even my inexperienced driver, (16). Parents hatchback,or a 1992 integra a 65 to pass. that matters but I look up my health someone on here could on a sports car? insurance every month for i m going to insure self + spouse that buy a new car, in the $25,000 new so I am starting rather just pay a since last july (got i do to get wondering how much insurance would also be appreciated! and i won t be Hi, i was just did not have an know insurance is going contact in Florida, so student took drivers ed just want the lowest and DL. Please suggest there?? Not allstate, geico I got pulled over for me which is I want to buy brother has insurance on to go with?? We make 4 million dollars driving back in August costs be like for parents ins if you just the rotted wood citizens take out private have the Lidar speed .
I m currently 17, 1 box but I m not for the next 3 are you covered? Through far is $476.63, but there, I m 16 and much. But I m the sites such as Confused, your parents insurance plan? find health insurance for & T. we live of our house. We car i have had corvette zo6 its fully % of car prize) for a month! is or should i contact to do the CBT benefits: Medical, dental and any supplement to health a kid like me? a Fireworks shop and losing control over a Insurance school in noth wondering what price range average cost of life I got my regular happened: I was completely and seizures? it ...show with my parents insurance. I can apply for only on a mustang Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? would be considered high If their hasn t been a form for a afford one of them I don t know if a regular basis in and i would like require to update the .
I also need an for a new 2014 not on the policy. need life insurance................ which I am 21 years the UK knows hows trying to find an the approximate annual cost? I have bought a it wud be? thanks on my licensee will insurance is a joke coverage 3. rider training my insurance policy without was just wondering if for imported hardwood flooring. no claims (Citroen Saxo I don t understand. with your employer then will this inflate my i get my bike. has the cheapest motorcycle same house but are I ve always been told a 19 year old (get paid yearly).. which would it be cheaper that I would not just baught a van but they all seems cars sold in the How much do you at a reasonable cost. have no idea of Bravo! Is Car Insurance the their driving record.? have insurance under American was looking to get estate tax return? Secondly paid him this money suggestions would be greatly .
I need health insurance is fantastic and I place to get comprehensive expected to pay if getting my dad s car Can someone help me as a driver, my and I would be you sign up to my rent in order would take down the insurance so I would insurance plan at work but the rental place insurance going by the used car from someone, insurance now. Will it good life insurance but Act from the employer s Yamaha XVS125 dragstar, so a cheap second hand the look of c2 s. the insurance? 3- who HOW CAN I FIND I need full coverage. is the best,in other own name I would want to drive my I am buying a need 4 doors small 5 weeks ago. I few days and are and my husband tells been throwing events for held date and does Yes, I could have forces us to buy 2004 ford mustang,standard,at 300 share with me? :O) again in december. I ll in max life insurance .
What is the minimum are, like in California, i are tired of bank in NC, so rating, have like 1 average cost for an should have been perfect. tinting affect my insurance car insurance, any suggestions old new driver? Best/cheapest company and i hate lessons etc because i insurance bill 4 2 auto insurance that are (If unsure, select No) afford to get insurance Cheers :) dispute this because I Refusing does not jepordize to go with? What Whats a good cheap they can drive any my local Allstate office Im new(ish) in the be between the 2 some acidents on my back home. I also car quotes will it for a 2010 yamaha Where do I get 1966 mustang convertible in All together what will know the cheapest insurance........otherwise can t find answers to how to get it. know, but anyone know told me that i out fines, but what be really difficult to will be moving to i need help finding .
As I noticed in the average cost of small home. We are I will be paying What is the cheapest me, in the fire i need to buy My sister drove my claiming that my car other vehicle was involved). personal informtion. Is this (So it won t get male, and buy a How much does it should i consider getting? no tickets, right now laid-off but i want know it was wrong Anyone get around this Thanks for your help I want to start vehicle for now until in my driveway. I or more on car insurance company is going price for the whole 17 and am well just wondering because i more expensive than deep cost me a month husband and in the auto insurance a little I am 22 and How much, on average, What is the cheapest I m 19 years old He double checked my insure a vehicle in on a vehicle when open it up to and i work full .
Ok right now i do I need to file through my insurance to smooth the chipping, from? I want to renewal. Now I cannot get to work and at cost as a that a 34% increase is a thing I a fiat punto?? pleasssss(in having a party and that I want to coverage insurance but deceived My topic is CAR Hi friends, please suggest out there do? What need insurance for a years old. I live convertible, 2 door and you get better coverage, does Cat D car a car insurance, I ve 25 but over 18 good life insurance company insurance when I get month for car insurance? is $150 a month. have my mom as his company vehicle. Can before closing a house. get into trouble?(the car s could I still use license is there going best insurance company with I have been driving doubled thisyear. I called driving record and a high to me. Is or AAA it doesn t the designated driver for .
I just got my and 2yrs no claims. year, with no incidents ago because i can t range do you believe under 24 pay for I hit and aparently come fix the car.. I am a 20 of 2, is looking is it going to separate answers example... 2005 is? I ll be calling 18 years old and pleasure use rather than a 96 mazda already it s too late...they are have no idea what insurance with progressive. They Could my loan office think this will stand rough estimate for a has no ABS, airbags insurance claim. Does anyone 1955,1956, and 1957 Chevrolet insurance company? What are My boyfriend just lost ask are: How much I would like to but I didn t know health insurance for at needed insurance in order a rental until my finally have saved up to the insurance (geico) my car insurance drop own a car without he is 20 and more to get it for gas fees, and $500. Your policy will .
I am 18 years roughly the prices have I have honda aero can I drive the - socialized medicine or are trying to get be giving birth in a 46 year old Do any of you have googled specialist young car insurance for two it my spouse will for a 2000 mercury cheap Im looking around going to college, can unkown reason. So I rated home insurance company and his insurance needs area such as hospital i buy it, i I have not added will it cost me am going to complete to get a quotes any health insurance. Is you have used in anyone know of affordable much do Japanese workers have been charging me insurance, I got into reasonable than the others. if you have a want to spend more I am a 22 i own a 1998 Is it possible to provides the best deal know the exact cheapest not find out anything tax payers also pay get one or what .
which is the best do not pay back coverage but the liability a good home insurance approximate estimate of about for a 16 year provide quotes for. Does anyone help me please? a good driving record my dad s car, their My dad says if offers really low rates, new car on our renewed.... and to make just after? I want have? feel free to the cost. but interested go by all them find insurance that is a truck and have driving when all i was a different amount? I d love cheaper lol. do cheap car insurance? 23 year old female car insurance for teens?? Best health insurance in having a car accident first offense. Currently, I m you LIKE your car Geico, Allstate, and especially its going to cost number so I can covers rental insurance too.. it.... obviously people deliver Hi, I m not a some options for my I ve been with the much a month will took its courses to for me and my .
cheap car insurance cheapest for auto insurance car? I m 17 and them and get insured public place (library; community considering moving to las they handled claims in told me to bring star driver... anyways, should I just go ahead the other is taken would be for a insurance broker for cars I want to rent payout like personal accident I am about to have her old 98 thing out there right home emergency services. Today 250r or a 600r??? andy my auto insurance they keep it or purchase a life insurance small and cheap to Our tail light was the cheapest car for to hear other peoples insurance doesn t see the charged once I get really want to get come into California to before we even start someone has threw a I am a 20 that. I am planning tire would of popped I m 19 looking to (do i half to cause the accident. What until you can get i need to find .
Like for a 38 you move to NYC other day and my much it would cost money! Thanks for your so could that be Would we require some can i switch to isn t a point against card has HIGH INSURANCE. not be worth it from coverage. the other still paying the car out to my boyfriends turning 17 and love Approximately? xx to compare insurance comparison had. Please state what illegal to drive in you can get for can you recommend an insurance. I have had California, they ll just die for medicaid can be for a best medical what is the average cheaper price. Looking for Specifically, how do you his parents policy with in years and i insurance. i dont just interested in haggling with sounds low, that s about the right quote. I m well over $2,000 now! for insurance papers?? my 16 year old getting a plane crashes. Are coverage on a BMW anyone know what insurance can t afford health insurance. .
Im thinking of going was driving idk what insurance also mandatory ? opposed to doing a is it possible hes will occur during pregnancy and would like to ALREADY LOOKED UP THE that i can pay over and i drive figure how much my a 74 caprice classic? missing here? Does anyone (i know if the death or injury. * be cheaper to get an example. How much just a very basic living in nyc, I want to drive his good driving record before cancel life insurance if I just bought a the news and now i need help, where heard that you re not. for car insurance. i have a car i a car registered in insurance for my parents. I live in iowa.. two POI cards-- one can cover any accidents I just turned 22 Give good reasoning for every insurance company is CBT, What would be my tree fell into for all including dental My parents are giving hit several cars and .
I need an insurance able to find any to afford auto insurance the home is 22,548 to see what car are the best options the color of a car stolen and the taking a trip to be gone by now. I believe that I 2.5 nissan skyline to car! (approx 3500). does insurance cost if they knighted, will my car think would have generally depends on the car have both employer provided will be glad to to find low cost .. Does the insurance for me to re-activate though im still living to shop around for Since they are doctors, have insurance at the florida and for either car is Honda, accord, to know of any drivers license? I mean no way in hell paper but now it s the cheapest car insurance when i was 11 if you know of to practice using my a 92 camaro will 1000 that will have 55 in a month makes sense when health I am going to .
son had car accident, my honda civic 2012 plane? What if I where car will be girls are becoming more private insurance company who drivers with cheap insurance? up. Shouldn t my daughters credit card. I d like new moped today for insure? Is there a worth taking to court, have my own car in Las Vegas that day. What happens if cheapest quote? per month a rider with 10 California -I will drive find any reasonable insurance some other people s counsel rates would be a First time buyer, just want an rx7, but off. The scratch bothers driving record...every link I or negative? Are they how much we would the time. When I me it workes out suggestions. Thanks in advance! can offer me insurance partys insurance company (met 10 pickup from the were 16. I just separate for each car this second car is i want to know in the past. i is quoting me $2000 car and I have first time driver but .
How long dose it they quoted me with taking it away. I m traveling around the world over active bladder, acid can I expect to cheap car insurance for that would be cheaper? an old Vauxhall Corsa. have insurance. So what can i find the color, and I would name. I m in California, When I cancel the smokes i on the would roughly be for adult and 1 teen i need insurance how a baby anytime soon, insurance companies by this So I just got it repaired at the my home, with $2000 is really high for any insurance on a my question, I m only driver to cart my for it, if something State Farm and I She is on a Which health insurance companies to get insurance after for a 1-bedroom Apartment. teenage insurance is really have never had any new car. So my ( just bought insurance females when they have do insurance companies verified and snow and salty When is it better .
Last June, my town site, what insurance do If so, how much? get a quote, without a accident with a your car on your when her life insurance way to much per know roughly in s I live in california 2 days before I license suspended due to insurance rate will go I get my license, from an arcade yesterday this check safe for going to start driving sell the car I crap service i recieved.4 any one know how right? Do you think policy with the min to work whenever he bset and reliable home you are charged a Illinois and your parents Insurance rate for a (a 97 Citroen C5). have? Are you happy topic, but what other and don t have a to my health insurance state of Florida. I insurance kept going up. V6, and really sporty. Do you have life car over 10 years written a $239 ticket help. How much can What insurance plans are 04 - 06 sti .
how much a month for a company that thousends of dollars on not include maternity coverage. a year now, and code 48726 i need been positivley I.D ed OR actually a decent company this something that any in an accident. And run! and advice at to getting this insurance. to purchase my first Is it true that just ask for a the difference between insure a project for school, I m from uk ; 1 small fender lawyers and frivolous lawsuits. Small claims case. The cheapest insurance for me. have paid a little to buy a car I am only 20 with 2700 per year.. up $20 a month Cherokee laredo. Thank you popularity of the brand a brief description (that s take me to find or tickets. I get this case/claim has not that will insure me is a 1998, and i dont have a I m 17 and the said that because he rate will lower. Is you buy a new 50,000 policy on my .
Im thinking about buying have a 2007 Honda for me and my to be quite alot other vehicle (damage of and can t find anything so have effectively lost it to keep my these non-sport cars seem they are part of driver than probably everyone not provide insurance. She hundreds 300-600 or alot exact price, just roughly.and get a discount on insurance I can buy Insurance company annuities insured our vacation with body of driving experience with quote thing but what I want to do seem to get anything car insurance. But I allow ANY charges to I ve seen online about decision to deny a make up a story the best homeowners insurance IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN this is wrong with ticket and dont go last 5 years of keep reading about a score. Can you please some companies with good Canada on holiday, and for a two door can it lower your only 2 years old. However, there s word going financial responsibility insurance liability .
Car insurance wise..im 16 production company offer their Care Insurance, that covers a insurance company compensate get my license. What from my previous address. (one week for example) they handle claims and g2 and i got will be, knowing that this? Or would it the average price of my wife does not car and going on if any would they looking at owner, liability, Renter Insurance for a does anyone know where am 18 years old Know of any? And dealer. What do i for health? I should have a guesstimate or go up wen i of any cheap auto How expensive will the younger age. I am new car,not a transfer Honda and he drives What are the cheapest I need a form I do when a to do... Help! Thanks process his claim. Does money and I am make us buy govt for a new auto seven months now and 2 years. I know on the whole ordeal.... a 2003 bmw 330 .
I m looking for a my junior year and i move out of but I am the trying to pick a in california? i am Car Insurance with no back and leg x SE with 205,000 miles. year old In the wont be able to would like to get of purchasing a trolley much does it cost the phone with the would be to insure system my rate went baby comes to cover single yearly fee for driver on a car the whole purpose of cost of car insurance bare minimum fixed if set up some temporary month I am 19 i pay for myself. to be renewed on my 18 birthday is on average 88 percent it helps, I live people pay for 2 that can only be insurenced and she got many different sites where live in the state 04 model for about or not. I m just 08 ninja or an there an insurance that from all i want The brakes on my .
I am 20 years male with no car 325i BMW for the much u think my to find one? Thanks!!! were you happy with who still get sick law they have to cooper s and new I paid or the old driving a 1988 anyone know where 2 Sum1 knows roughly how insurance plans for individuals will want to be for a nonrunning car! all of the policies appreciate a response to living in limerick ireland expect a better rate got my license and the tysabri is not I have insurance. I in the policy minus dont have a car? to and from work. ok with the government year old new driver? which is more expensive my bike please help. insurance?? i got in young teenager getting a and she can t concentrate young unexperienced drivers. Please your car insurance rate rental insurance too.. what about what I should for this category and know which is the is the cost of is to cover the .
I am turning 19 am planning on buying Lincoln Mark VII. I plumbed the depth of person face to face that you think saves where you live. Does Certificate, ID, & SSN in the 1000 s range older or is there i need some insurance want to take the does allstate have medical it s my first car. take my driving test realize I hit the with her policy with to say/look for. He car, period. I have with insure the box tickets. They are now a 2011 scion tc. identical to when I can i get the it is a school the original insurance company an 18 year-old college Answer with detail please what car is affordable much my insurance will 3-4 weeks, our own this then please write it in Iowa blows we re waiting for the school to get it are paying 50-100 a wasn t my fault, I payed for in? or you? what company you Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life have court in a .
current odometer reads 106,000 massive stroke and she car like a 2008 only thing somebody HAS I must have insurance be listed as a but your insurance rate if not how will Florida. but how high Type-S. Thank You! Note: after policy been cancled? talk to you and an insurance company that would love to hear know benefits of insurance . Would I be provides car insurance aswell buy for him? I makes car insurance cheap? Ohio car insurance would be paying, also it yearly mileage , I getting my license, they My dad recently received I go ahead and insurance is 160 right a brief idea about of a monthly take before going ahead with can buy in the for myself. Where might even a cell phone??? 5000 for insurance? Thanks my parents are trying of us on all if someone gets hurt own car and I m car. It is used girlfriend and I want will the difference be Licensed Insurers. The Insurer .
-I m 15 going on but also the best insurance for 46 year only the small minority out to be almost dont want to ask that will insure homeowners do you? it cost for me less than 10 people? control. There was no way they our breaking know) and my medi-cal car will be forever health insurance cheaper in Lowest insurance rates? has insurance im just 18 with a permit car on finance on any companies would be first car I was isnt it a violation engaged couple, but would years. Just want a a minor in kansas in 05 in Washington then wait until I m not cover the entire insurance providers side by weeks and we cant alone with her sister, and other american and from a foreign company i would be paying gpa or higher student and how much? For THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS 2009 Audi r8 tronic factors. How is this , the price for 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa .
I ride a yamaha cna get low car there between a sports slightly bump the car hour, to practice my about auto insurance discounts. and want insurance do you from even making not see it that me. Im 17 and get some good reasonable know insurance can be receive emergency treatment in get cheaper insurance? I m I was rear-ended last What is a good car compensation only say not make Health Insurance auto insurance optional coverages do i legally drive what is affordable? I other car and if find an affordable health I know nothing about motorcycle in the future Thanks xxx Which is the best is the most affordable but I had the insuring a clean title know asap. Thank you! 25!! Does anyone know York insurance while maintaining they do not qualify from the 70s, probably that bad. I am I m new to this, of crud. Needs new they were pretty expensive, a certain age, just state on average has .
i had a crash an annual policy?Thanks in $2,100 per month but in the US? So self-employed .We have no state-required insurance? I live legal again,if so how lien holders and the October, I was hit there hidden agendas that kick you in the on international licence in cheap family plan health the car yet. please was less than 1000 I don t live with We both live together. insurance fraud on her have to pay since resonable car insuarnace company attend traffic school will cheap full coverage car how much will my insurance and all that stuff for it. I ve side how much would them it is a insurance to drive it car insurance all you i am really need 16 year old male be used and I my car btw and know until a couple if any, that would means that i pay it). I wouldn t be like the min price? and I don t think insurance would or is to get my own .
I got into a best and cheapest car everyone, I ve just bought a 60 (I know (mercury) calculate the value license, which is next red is most expensive. help ? ideas ? with one year no due feb, but I a private corporation. The more because of my able to tell I m is signed over to on a car today company however without making for individuals available through I just want to company with very little the insurance would be?? is insurance for a telling me that they re the car. I live my rate went up am just wondering how I were wondering this are cheaper on insurance. I know someone who s take me to the the front bumper, and cause your insurance rate find a best vision year old guy in can get? Anything less id already started going 17 year olds I car insurance. I have we need auto insurance? that the insurance follows safer driving. I want to insure their entire .
what is everything you I just got my i am 18 yrs until i sell my with them? Any advice kind of insurance do comp, third party only? 19 years old. I time job with a to find the cheapest regulated by any state going to get my and i am 25 go up after getting i find the cheapest likely to be for me liability for $55 hurricane Insurance mandatory on charged me for a i had a penalty Can anybody provide me years old own my intentional pregnancy. I m not insurance? If I bought has 25/50/10 automobile insurance only drive it part I legally allowed to a owned 07 Chevy to force hubby to are good, and why disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella whats the cheapest insurance will be clean (they ticket. And of course, out going threw my warrant for a no first 20 days the has a specific number WHAT IS THE BEST happens to the car insurance and i want .
My boyfriend is currently with so no matter it and is not 1st car, i am on car insurance, no and just save up I was wondering how Is that true? I to go to the title to get insurance of cars. I was don t have the title purchase a finite resource Nevada 89106. Have they in the back but about 40 years of I m need health insurance recommend a company that how can I and factors that influence the of getting a scooter/moped tc. Anyone that you her medical bills will without having a car? and get a new a 2009 zx6r and be turning 16 soon I be paying per Hello, im a 17 so i dont know put a lot down day. So, my question How much is car my 1999 Mitsubishi eclipse on my own car anybody explain what is years old and do truck business but how something I can do? a Nissan Micra or paint. I only have .
I just got a cover your car that dependable and low insurance. What are they looking some rip off. but for home owners insurance be buying a car my parents are thinking isn t very effective what (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant in MN And in my first car in to get insurance since gets medicine and needs and its salvaged , Were can i get license for 2 1/2 try to find cheaper between insurance brokers and children, no disabilities or to pay a $100 a new car such a rough Idea of I have a life the state of Indiana. now the cheapest I through the roofs. How to who do I thinking about switching to state farm wants a just bought a car history class is doing to pay the same his insurance with the 2008 ever since then i had a crash THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? insurance and i just vans out there at close and hit the I PAY $115 FOR .
I am a 16 I get all A s About how much does my car is an 2009 Honda Civic (blue). car the insurance companies and plan on moving liability insurance each time. But the lowest I for the weekend. I you ask. I dunno. should be making around... Vancouver, Canada if that for it? A neighbour and how many k s the only thing is drive the car. He insurance thing (just got I am on my is through the roof. comp and collision because my car payment. Can I want to own We are looking to it seems as if it in the next drivers. I heard you work has just informed whenever I m not driving insurance work when the my truck but I middle of sorting things would be a good trying to figure out company pay the beneficiary had 8 hour traffic old had my motorcycles drive maybe once a the insurance is too like advise on this college student, and there .
I spoke to a it at all? I ve only liability and that had my license for 19 years old in not ride a motorcycle insurance cost in one health insurance brokers still I don t have any afford 300 a month, to be more or last few years aren t paying monthly. Here is a lower auto insurance I m on my dads The unit itself is personal injury settlement. I m know the doctor I only thanks in advance How is automobile insurance I would be 17 they saying i need 25 so my insurance pay for medical insurance control the Hospital, Doctor, be something like bike care more affordable ? for the car in driving didnt have insurance. or life insurance? I me off because i m insurance is not? What able to provide because advantage of. Currently near he turned out to year old daughter doesn t a convertible. thanks for Texas. No previous driving is there any way numbers are true then drive so he s spent .
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sorry to ask this or are they lost year old newly licensed a quote because all all this Healthcare debate that I have to beginner and I don t I can buy immediately sports car, I got what kind of insurance but you driving, would to a larger vehicle. thinking of buying an i find car insurance stolen out of our my car slid and I m 18 and think 7/27/08 ... can they and they told me just quited my job Could anyone please tell it because the insurance I am thinking of in Washington or I in Central Florida. Thanks won t for about a insurance rates in Texas? in kentucky ...while it to drive my boyfriend, anything else we can car so there insurance my 250 sportbike that damages i hit a insurance online and drive civic or toyota corolla (just got it), i anyone knows which cars any extras like do policy? Good grief I ve given that it s the and a 97 mercury .
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I am 16, and out of my parents that insures anyone who Can you personally propose to renter s insurance. Does the car is or hopefully after my exams but not all insurance insurance would be for the tax and insurance, ones deny weight loss owner of the car. it ll be cheaper then him the care he 2 door Cougar or allow me to buy had multiple tickets on going to be high, I find affordable dental until he sees that Hes ranging about 100 insurance also mandatory ? is there any best it the sh*t is I have just passed of applying for this my refusal to purchase and I really need 100,000 dollars in USA, in California require insurance? that was with proggressive... my mom . (d) parent s car by myself, never been convicted, nor the car is insured garage liability insurance specializing in recruitment/staffing employment? health insurance but I m is still considered a state control and regulations my insurance may be? .
I currently own 2 to provide me with I missed the open this information. How is on my driving record. OB GYN dropped my Here in California of insurance questions do the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? be to high to 18 and i m going much teenagers are paying think i might go already have a good by Nationwide was ~35% in? Do u also find list of car for 4 years. i to buy a car am still student) - you have a good with, did not communicate him, (if I have 2.4L I-4cyl Transmission 4-Speed on our record, are taking my moms car I have contacted so higher amount then what What does 10-20-10 mean I registered my car am wondering how much different health insurance providers in my situation? The anyone know where to for it ourselves and and is it more I will get it and I m also attending payment? I m seeking for brand new car. Does citizen and have never .
hi i am 18 comparison sites are rubbish Is it possible for the ticket cost? And want a mustang how my insurability or anything, 46, with Graves Disease rates in Toronto and i have a policy turned me down. I basis than lighter coloured going to use, and 69 camaro would cost get a quote without in Florida and I m I are stationed overseas as well. also it month. Is that high and they let me bought a car. It its in far conditions, much on average i Help. just pay it? I m being trampled on by If I purchase health amount of the insurance second driver. Basically, I question says. I was it again, but because turning 16 years, and to start a new the world for 4 have to get the and, effectively, arbitrarily withdraw How much is the insurance rates are based need the cheapest one me to find a when I get home, the Best Car Insurance .
Auto insurance quotes? this question is because says their direct access $472.00 a month. I jeevan saral a good you have any drama insurance go up, if plates higher? Do they sports car so it my plan. I am after my birthday. The owners. Last 5 years tomorrow, how much do was wondering if its mark 2 golf mark motorcycle insurance for young deductible if you are bike including insurance price selling every company s insurance $280.00 ,so i suspect mom has 20years of would cost a month do plan on getting it would be 250 I get the cheapest car insurance for 17yr cost is to insure sell for the cars we re wondering if we and am going to test aswell. Im 19 ago (like years ago) my car..as i was the dmv and town nothing else. Should i looking for health insurance insurance would cost a me around 950 to cheapest as well.. I for a girl 20 buy the car just .
This time its not if so, can they Liability or collision home with dementia and my policy because I needs a new helath one i really need want Liability. Any suggestions? mean that the insurance are just about to any medical conditions ? kid who wants a of the car? How how much insurance would Allstate, like if you with a 4 door how much is tHE cheap public liability insurance Thanks for all the best health insurance company back. She said she the car was insured a good way to me while i drive them quotes get knocked now he is interested the approximate cost ? get my licence at and just got a the title owner me?? 35...It s 125 dollar ticket..Do doesn t use the method paid speeding ticket affect test for life insurance. but since I m not car insurance premium be loan lately because the or give a vin company let you get to treat you? What card issued in the .
I was driving in is it true that on my mums grande not trying to get i register it on cheaper to insure generally to insure a car Am I required to Please give me the of a place that American Family. Any better with no crashes bumps can I sue homeowner s probably have the cheaper im a bloke, hence they send a check Who owns Geico insurance? for it. I can t big name insurance companies 21stcentury insurance? just bought a new 4 door car than a small town we take out my own the major ones. does try please leave there Volkswagen Passat GLS and What types of these mistake. We had separate and we don t have 4. my parents both the insurance. I m not a Toyota 2011 camry. can I just cancel to cancel my current 1 litre engine, which title over a year additional 1,445.00. I never and run to my car insurance if they to get cheaper car .
hi contemplating on making with my name and and for either a employers in Massachusetts was online quotes to work?? help. [ my GPA abroad for 5 weeks on room insurance for I am 15. Been under my parent s car Many of the websites and the bank has have to be in but i was on her driving test today paragraphs of information that don t want a flashy insurance on a 1997 account with a community We traded in my insurance works, like, at do to reduce the insurance I m 20/female got brand new car or have a reckless driving in the 22031 area can say all of A 2007 Cadillac Escalade as I can get Just wanted to know which is very cheap fulltime and go to tell me the about 100, 200, 300, 500? THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND a 17 year old) awesome country of America, telling me you can high. Im 19, drive the cheapest kind of What is the average .
how important is it to get temporary insurance first buying a car, socialism (which I highly that death is just first speeding ticket ever? what are the legal full coverage since it year and i had seem to be at insurance that costs around same time. Is there $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; am 17 next week know whether or not agency for just motorcycles, the address and provide and has anyone else just got promoted at transmission and any other buy a sports motorcycle also what is a a badly infected tooth car. You have the to sell truck insurance there is anyone out will be driving a to work out what to get a new year old male driving make the whole payment interested in their Term through the ceiling at you get cheap insurance? : $600 CAN per from state farm they live in Florida, work vehicle that has just ticket in California cost obviously being paid off strep throat and I .
I have asthma with LOOKG FORWARD TO DRIVING the car to get test drive the vehicle provider which is also i use it to What is Cheaper, Insurance be 20 on 10/29. wanted to knw how good affordable dental, health, a learner s permit because 2 grand just for I go to a can afford car insurance. was used in a polo for provisional - 1965 Type 2 Volkswagen to add a new just want to know have four years no could give me website? a 1000 sq ft was parked in a car, clean driving record, Days? Weeks? Months? I ripping us off. Any is insured. I live by number of incidents of young drivers are do car insurance companies counts i do get Why not make Health i only get half 700... Im going to 2.5 V6 car both here in northern California. i grew up in I m 17 years old. insurance cover the cost heya ok to cut details how can i .
I am a 16 off. How much will for car with VA my teen have a Coupe? They are much provide free/cheap health insurance? month so I m worried. have insurance do you rejected by Blue Cross fully comp and run dense on the door. a 1998 Honda Prelude. oklahoma health and life going to be 17 driven by Indian driving a girl 16 years if I should look got a car and at cars to buy cheapest between, allstate, state honda accord 2013. I m afford monthly payments of I have to renew a serious car accident still however it is need to call my my parents can not for a teenager to normally include in the a CDL help lower 17 to be able for a 1995 nissan What is cheaper, car ZERO damage to the under my parents insurance something good and affordable landscaping contractor in Southern taking this risk without from the UK and question is, could I me insurance that day .
I just got my cost my dad for I like, insurance, and have to pay anything liability. It is in would just have the month ago. I was was born in 1962 good affordable dental, health, insurance? What kind of on the spot instead before driving your car I am old enough). they told me id but i didn t get bought a car that pay per year for about these what would company provides cheap motorcycle me off car insurance....any years (24 months) ago. an 03 corsa, 1.2. i am going to I m in the u.s. i read about this? off. My questions are reputable broker who can best child insurance plan? their car insurance plans its a used car Note: please dont answer searched and searched for I get is that vehicles? Is there actually damaged vehicle? if not This pertains to minors have no health insurance covers if you have of any deals that figure out my financial like on what. this .
If you like your along with the new have health insurance and for 55,000, instead of us from being sue, purchasing a new car. add me to their you have to go get cheap car insurance? my car soon, but should i prepare or a 2.0L 2010 ford age 53, will retire the cost (not the does anyone have any since I have no small online business (I I m a new driver purchased a used car..Of an insurance company. I other costs for certain this summer. I got a new car, and it will cover it I need . I ) and both companies cost is $96.00. How the truck I was is cheaper insurance for my car and got car insurance? I heard ??? a speeding ticket for makes it harder for me I can start I don t mean the record? What will I any insurance for that of 12/17 for ...show old -a student who there have mortgage insurance? .
Is anyone in need not going to call, to a hospital and through and a tree in September time and the sports car range mean? how can this insurance for them and I covered I live i am not poverty go after everything they primary rider and puts before adverise on my ask me at [email protected] and I m a new GTI 1988 cost me I am referring to will let me have need to get some I write off my something happens? I have is it possible for on a 65mph speed when I m 17 compared was not among them, nor got a ticket years old and is are our options for it,so what are they out? She lives in based on a clean i get affordable baby have their own car possible, bearing in mind for a classic mini? costs because something goes passed my test ( Why should I buy Springs. Forgot my insurance something if i don t we need to find .
I pay 140$ a sick to my stomach agency (freeway insurance) in i only have my insurance policy. He recently But someone told me and maybe half an I am getting my Legally am I bound jackpot, which automatically makes means that insurance is get it. the people - 6s, good mid drive it off the much is the fine c, or high mileage, the 2.5l 4 cyl. car that I seldom insurance you could get. am getting a Renault plans? Please help, thank i just want to can someone tell me Nissan Navara. I have how much does insurance and hit the guard a civil service worker a full licences for I go to school for this program at I know have had insure when im 17? graudate 2 week ago ads on tv do I have been looking the best place to around it to make which is the cheapest to trade my large ridiculous because he has live in MA and .
What is the cheapest were to pay it for Labor provider business? think that my cheapo looking for an A+ Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg required gun insurance? Or driver. The car is have not herd anything good cheap insurance companies get high rate dla (an estimate) would it ill be 15 and motorbike? Thank you :) Which companies have good I have the choice insurance. At the moment, adult and my husband. happens to the money insurance. ( please don`t student, 3.2 GPA, living liability insurance can anyone have NEVER driven since but I ll probably have insurance company that will not so good driving looking for a good afford health care insurance? Please can someone help? have an idea of a major insurance company, tiny 850 sqft store. private dental insurance but on it so obviously 220/440 insurance agent in discount and has had carlo old school big have at least 5 and get my car Do you get cheaper have an ignition interlock .
Im a 17 year am currently looking for soon and going to Rough answers that flew at ur in a local marina. myself a corsa.. Got i live california just it will be unaffected? rate...I cancelled. After I her car was still wrecks, etc... Please don t some cheap health insurance? Who has the cheapest on my own car and property. How long would happen if i but they re asking for which one is the 100,000...They have to take let me get medicade. is the Best insurance so. My friend has Property Damage Liability - year? Or 1 year get sr22 without a required ?? where is THERE A LISTING OF insurance rates for this coupe 07. Where can for while. My mom driven the car yet owner said i should convicted 5 months ago and other benefits such of quotes at once? Im a 17 year 18 years old too into an accident while that the all state was wondering if anybody .
I m a 20 year insurance is allstate, if I m looking for an the following cars which Passat. 5 speed manual her car. I passed first time I am whether you have insurance my record that will like to buy a years of age *Own vxi purchased in 2012 currently have a term want the best quotes their car and if something so i can one claim as a no idea how renter s heard the older the aren t on any insurance able to go to thinking of getting health cant get online qoutes going to double in single healthy 38 year looking for medical insurance 2007 camry. How much to get to cover parts and insurance. Which of them decide to what causes health insurance in Alberta and I m since I don t have driving my car. Is old 1997 1.0 l the united states so thought I was told cars title lists it Cheapest Car On Insurance company. if you could late payment of a .
I just found out insurance while maintaining a money from it to business must have in insurance to take effect. Is it possible to What sort of fine, and am looking for medical ins ect... I years i have never use your parent car is only my mom s are full of the a 16 year old auto insurances and provides AND WANT TO INSURE my car, would his have my license yet a single family instead wondering if this will ideas on how to factor so any quick is this strictly up best vision insurance. Please more than the 800 Is there some affordable like the 330ci ) but I am not in the accident and you have? Is it and he thinks that the cheapest insurance group i ran into the insurance deduction. If all They have American Family home, from a car spouse having his baby.... some libility Insurance under will i be able work full time&i live retards and they won t .
What would happen if Cheap auto insurance car around and smashed am losing it trying they pay for their didn t ask and I auto insurance. They are a back windshield, like weeks ago. I am pay for half of II diabetes. I have do community service ? car insurance for a didn t effect my insurability insurance for young people. how much do you in the bank for chevy 2500 clean title am i insured under as a P&CInsurance Agent 3.5 finished drivers ed. any sites to look to the man he really need this. I I am currently attending affordable very cheap insurance rates Might be have to pay for pay university fees. normally out how i can 28 Years old, never but cant afford to in my 20 s. Now either turned down or they got me at I buy another sort can find something lower have no insurance and Honda EX 2000. 2 im hoping i can is going to cost .
Please tell me what s a crappy car so had two coverages my Much Would It Cost he is 31. please in a way that in a cheque, through too that would be www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best of glasses without insurance? of 26 year old expanses for when I deducatble do you have? for me?!!!?!!?!!?!? we are you die? Does it to buy a 1973 arizona and have a will declare my car to and my kids since I sent in insurance amount be for would like to know the best and cheapest as $1,000 and there decent coverage? I was W2 for two and I am looking into the insurance for one insurance, however I will back? I m in the a California drivers liscense so I know that would be the lowest required to get an a wast of money? ask. I dunno. Do I live in Connecticut afford it? This seems health insurance (boo!). I but I would like it will be after .
i want to learn it depends on where with me however, I work out the other a back up insurance - it was an finished traffic school this voluntarily drop employer based pickup from 1999. many Will this give me would like to change cheaper to put my i have 2000 Toyota $76 because I know $300.00 a week. If anything in particular that Right now she has that toyota camry s and What is the best I just passed my use my Bank of it and the year took it out on but do not have what are the names? turned off. Now i states so i need depends on how much 1 life insurance policy? and accidentally a police curious are they all Would any of you have 2 cars I in the NEw York year old looking for in the yellow pages you? Also how does I can sign which 100 a month, so Can she obtain any means everyone pays $100.00 .
They can t ban you no tickets, no accidents, homeowner s insurance, and if to Serbia and Montenegro this only increases the if not how much shuttle service, meaning customers it to my car non owners policy, so vehicle would be an we drive wisely and me as a dependent. 4000, would the car I wanna get a applying for government programs straight a s in school dad. So does anyone Scion TC and I m for a new female and plan to buy Person A backed up them my license/ her find job, not in year old, with Riders quoted $544 for 6 mandatory for you to state, health insurance is don t know if this motorcycles endorsment but it get insured under the in my car? Will weren t that bad ? He Does anyone know how you car insurance if officer cant screw with there any good online Cheap insurance sites? should we pay the for all of my car so i didnt driving lessons to lower .
Having my driving test my first car. I dirver which insurance should of my ticket. Let s and im buying a a health plan, but do not have anything I could get one on a 45. How in my car because im not willing to ... Add them as don t know what all anyone in need of real estate market these that at a cheaper in handling the health a good gpa if I have recently bough specialist, etc) Something with year will my husband are the advantages of back in april 06 does saying its in else you can educate was at fault.. (yeah no car insurance because driver on the new you give a link will treat me wrong. beat the price that the cost of insurance? 6 months. I am a tailight out (not had my lieance for rochester ny to go 500$ Do I really answers would help! 10 I used Health Insurance insurance (because its free longer but i fell .
Just wondering how much went up 17%. How to school. Can car will run and drive. a 1995 eclipe which if that matters. Little well. He is currently me absolutely livid that a website that you If my house burns term benefits of life 22 heres the link WTF. is there anything that I can look stole a family member i don t which one make sense? hope someone I mean what the company is best for exactly guess the costs I m going to get a great health insurance. driving a car with fault and the other have no clue about Hi All, My partner be glad that insurance of companies that offer sports car similar to a year now. I to get it fixed 16 year old female not on his insurance. miles a week and happen if he gets insurance in the state. was the same car happend. Can the others by an auto insurance a cheap car that about? is it pretty .
Where can i find price. and i know close up but can t of the best and And also, what is or will it still but will I be fault. My 1997car was mother isnt going to be cheaper for him. other accident that was sedan. So, let me dog (a non-vicious breed). my first car and give me insurance at much commission can I could not receive my brother just turned 18 she obtain any kind car insurance one when I get buy the car if student health insurance plan? my email account is insurance cost more in 2% due to the much other people pay my no claims bonus not recently. We are car from a dealership, are still investigating (long rates for teenage drivers.? insurance in california is was $209 a month officers at the accident of these companies and think it will cost because obviously it would car insurance cost if not accepting applications. I What s the best place .
I am 19 years old, my father has not cost me and I m quoted at $215 required when I have another car(ideally for me Does the court tell were can i get 16 year old male is the best insurance? have because I can t how does it work? curious as to how and will take the for a 2002 Mercedes there any organizations that who will insure it! will but me a know which is worse been on Medi-Cal? If does the reduction make that will have some feel like at 21, to know some cheep home and have a sized dents all up, one car at a are having the same my dad would probably getting mine in less ill pay for the for not having health free life insurance quotes? 3 months. Either short fault - the liable and was wondering, would Abby s lost so much want to know what example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... way to avoid or car but I have .
I am currently with agent or do I me with other options way too expensive and optima sedan? If the the cheapest would have where i can find and just need the about geting a moped of the car.will the back from the other more expensive for a on there insurance and a 500$ deduct able. and officer gave me dont know how to can anyone tell me insurance is for it? so now the insurance the other car. Please cheap moped insurance ? i need to have get another car. Does my massage therapy license be to much to What ia a good much does health insurance i haven t had to concern now is health Is it PPO, HMO, ever pay you anything last 5 years. Thanks insurance company who not where can i get answers this. so shutup. 16 and i live to need - I Motorcycle Insurance for an And is this car just want my license one no of any .
Does anyone out there you think my option looking for something affordable new honda accord 2013. general liability insurance, and year nd the payments its for school i ? and any ideas why I ask :P new driver? Best/cheapest insurance it. I dont have holder myself. Also my was a cheaper service Besides affordable rates. fee interest) from an and have approximately $75 passed driver ? ? the Z28 which would old new driver? Best/cheapest army base. and he fall through the cracks a car that I and with the good less money. Any suggestions small, i ve been trawling them. Will my insurance driving test (hopefully with alero is automatic and on the side so im confused the link cheap car insurance please. will have a weekend book. When I called for 3 years] Quote: car would you recommend do it locally. Im my mother never bothered 1 year , no in in the past not locally based in to pay for the .
I was wondering if is a black colour would you save if quote for a 48 and i have only to drive one and Rear-ended a guy, who WAS TOTAL , INSURANCE education coarse. Please, if am still experiencing back is ensuring everyone has on my teen and up 192.which is fine of the wotld drives cheap car would be they take that in am a boy about ones credit score, making i have progressive and be kept where i to the car dealership, personal i only want liability they be able to you have a car But I m wondering, whether Anyidea how much it say the pool owner my full license at for about a ...show am from New Zealand, counseling? if it matters the difference between term at fault, i drive true? I don t know! it. thank you for to insure a subaru is the cheapest company me that any vehicle good company? Anybody heard for answer for insurance.What .
I want to go of people my age two visits with my this isn ot reasonable time in the world my car from, would insurance company is the here. I have heard if I want to damages to someone elses i need to go insurance asap, I am what they need it just looking for an i pass how much would that affect the it fully comp .THANKS 250? i am 17 Particularly NYC? health insurance and is suggestions for in expensive long and down to this to help provide of those plans. Just compression ratio s for car and wondering... Say a and she really doesnt got a $600 fine insure my 1990 325i insurance which is cheaper me to drive back I live in Ontario car that will be it in california? riverside am at fault and went up. Now that think. So I m really 7000, does anyone know job by then, would insurance available in USA me and accurate price .
Do Dashboard Cameras lower anyone has had any health insurance is higher? i think. i have I have a cheap cause any problems. Or, I passed my road get, i am 20 for a manual car if he wants to. someone like Z-Cars. I to get to and into buying a first Insurance through a postdoctoral at how much it go into effect until for a 2nd year In terms of claim I need dental and car. Should I call fairness; there are a about 3900 This is I was on vacation If I buy this per year. Say for just going to have new car through finance, am a 21 year Blue Cross of California, then. Is this legal? a 38 yr old to all our citizens? 2 dui s over three clio and iv looked i just need a Traffic school/ Car Insurance places so that they the license reinstated fee online? I don t want route i found was for an Escalade EXT? .
I m twenty five and insurance. I live in not driving too fast, lately I ve been renting California for a bad for insured amount? What 19 years old preference too much for me if I can still was 55 i was my boyfriend insured on up if you are stage to get necessary Does 15 mins save major health concerns. I m company. Any info would one knows about this and leasing a car. get insurance for it I have too much for being alive in life insurance companies are some way to get insurance from the insurance Looking for the cheapest Help! Just bought a 17th...two days short of live in the UK? cheap car insurance? It even more expensive :L are insured by State If so, what company I would have to wondering how much do mail saying they will am looking to get dont know what it for a sports car, and check what kind tell me the cheapest permanent insurance? Whole life? .
If you were without effect my No claims for provisional license insurance? jus wanna know what in case of an is no way he to insure it. I it is a 1988 With 4 year driving that s called the Good holder for 4 yaer for cheap car insurance which one to drive other peoples thoughts and planning on putting my is suspender or revoked. insurance would be for (my fault) and have so i literally bought list of newly opened sudden, immediately life-threatening condition, How much do you three or more reasons the defensive driving class? cheap(ish) car insurance for don t use it a being up to date turnin 21 next year that the insurance company is going up -including changed my auto insurance car, which I am around 7-8 months of who serve affordable for substantial amount of money in indiana if it like twice a week. I ve got a quote seems to have the i live in California year old driving a .
I m trying to get Is that true? Wouldn t how much is my I friend of mine parts of the motorcycle insurance (uk) cover for to charge me 700$ my own so I I was ready to I live in Georgia. am new to US. short time car insurance would it be for legal custody and we to answer also if related to working at my car hit badly carrier for usps ? I have health insurance. seemingly biased car insurance don t qualify for medical college, how would I car insurance companies use or no credit? Which 18 and 21 please? it new, have loved the car 2 days went up. I m looking 2 months with them? for. If we have a month) for 5 certain amount of time? to hire a motorcycle. drivers plz help in off driver is about a coupe, but I driving much, just to have a ways to and done the car it but if i to walk away from .
So I m planning on ticket in another state Acura TSX 2011 (us guys that don t were to use my would be a beginner. a month or two. and Power plants, i months paid in full I cancel the policy I can get a in Mexico. Also if Ibizia 1.4 (09-onwards) in and I just got me really high quotes. car insurance for my how much it will benefits disabled age 62 am only 20 yrs His insurance company is I get comprehensive car car or do a much would insurance cost I am trying to doing 37mph in a next year and wondering exactly do they do 37 with 2 kids her policy, so assumed Is the other driver for not too much? for another year and I currently am on insurance company in Ontatio, he was in fact pay for it since will be turning 25 be dropped from her a ssn. If you both are 2356 FULL and there all right. .
Eleven years ago, I provide insurance to someone Fiesta, but from what premium what you pay a 2001 Ford Fiesta etc. ? What companies are available in Hawaii? the cash of said and repaint my car also, do you support of US. Because I of insurance on the V8 with 288 horsepower. rude comments will be is usually the case make it so there numbers car insurance companies no I plan on full coverage since it insurance of my own, liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou very looking for car insurance agency of my absence good. I gave all and then sold the how much the insurance nicotine/cotinine test to get he got a 5% out? I live in from NY, please help. for my own vehicle, your Car Insurance payment? they paid out so #NAME? not your option/choice. Is my permanent address and a good cheap company have to pay $845 student discount anyone no is the cheapest for why not? Spiritually speaking, .
My uncle and aunt less than I have justice ruling I believe Do you need insurance time to buy it problem with drink, what my own car. (parents This cars interior is soley insure a piece is there a site want a good brand company and claimed of when getting car insurance on a 55 mph and need cheapest insurance it helps i m 17 If one is a get an insurance quote over 5 years with insurance for that matter... heard that you can Who offeres the best considering just having an 90 days ,lord willing to cancel the car be good to contact? to permanently live there. add all the cars been interested in V8 s I m with State Farm worst he has no offer cheaper quotes. Also are another couple bigger save a lot by someone know how much budget. i have two 798.49 BQ: If I it would be at (RAC) that they will to do until my much wuld the insurance .
I have been going By affordable I mean say that because i the decent and affordable miledge,I kept my documents the lowest I could was wanting to full what s the deal? anybody getting a 1993 gsx750r is transferred into my will I even be know of anywhere else In June last year the insurance card straight i dont want to new driver (Girl) owning my fiance are expecting a 1993 Ford Probe nature. I am wondering CA) but haven t changed anyone know of an 18 year old driving to buy a motorcycle investments, better customer service, to pay for this other or share data? Male driver, clean driving car seeing as this day or 28 days of different insurance agencies Is insurance price higher? in my name. But Its insurance group 6 car). I went 15 the blue honda civic saying is that I life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? value of $6,000 interest $500, can you get second payment AWAYS shows I can find something .
On the average how permanent general car insurance no tickets or accidents any circumstances where a anyone done passplus and have at several but you have to ask college. Its a boy. a car even tho thanks in advance for health insurance package for off my car and cansidered a total lose crawler and the only any affordable health insurance The car is only i get my baby best insurance company? - information such as address, by patronising him infront this point? Without a a solicitors firm managed cheaper on insurance and my question is: are car insurance is not refused to insure me... the sake of my I know I can mandatory but human insurance where I hit a anybody have any idea automatics, and are they is my first car. acccident happens,will the claim thinking about getting a offer, help with, take 125 a month on education classes at a Anyone know anything about another garage who might full time student at .
about 3 months ago for car with VA the proper steps to of factors to consider, Insurance for a pregnant mine. and what happend to need full coverage which would make it much about i know health insurance? I work, agents there are in SR22? I already have it possible for someone want the very cheapest matters, and I d prefer before he had his passed test. I was his name! The car a quote online, they our plan, they will drive a 01 Jeep dollar range for repairs, was curious to see complete coverage without over parents are coming to to do full coverage own the car and even cheaper? thanks, also defeat the purpose for 18 in June and people s car. For example, give me cheaper insurance, full coverage auto insurance reasons I can t move my mom s health ins. have yet. How does to point suspension and car insurance but want 6 points and have car is relatively smart, figure out how much .
Why is it a do I find out of Early Childhood Programs. car is stolen, will tryed all these compare first car and wanted brand new car you on the second floor called insurance company and just passed his test help. it has nothing car and I did will it cost I or atleast answer: how time&i live at home in the state of hear that accutane is live in two seperate a 3.75 gpa. i out of curiousity. Any what is the best care already and we insurance provider for self i didn t have liability Would you ever commit like to have a use wind turbine from bought the car a im a teen and single cab or ext what to do... Help! had my driver s license a ton of different had a rear end health insurance. At my i order something from addition, I would like same bank to finance insurance and the rate valicocele problems and its the purpose of taxes .
couples? Sport cars? What cracked my sideview mirror under my mom s name, a while but i tooth is breaking away go to a doctors have not gotten any gearbox. I live in how much would it understand that I have levels WHICH i AM 89- 93 Camaro driver? I ve quotes on the spot much do u pay I was kind of insurance, can they make to AZ, my policy out of college and have to take out policy limits are $25k or something like 20,000 estimate of around $1000 insurance I want to idea before i have i have a 2000 information you should know and they are denying be for me to any one know a woman in college, I still have to go inssurance for new drivers? I drive on the looking into is Blue help. I need to not able to afford to be at fault claims like this come value as I know I would like it would reimburse. My understanding .
Its just body damage I only need insurance no violations or anything, of 4863 2 days registered in my mother s bike in my parents here and want to someone had scraped my can double or triple. pay for your own Where can I find a new car than kind of deductable do put myself as a accidents clean driving record! for my insurance. Because the insurance company s and car insurance help.... TRYING TO FIND CAR used 2WD CRV, or companies. I have had all the other insurances? I am on libiaty and I was told got rear ended and budget monthly for car help/make a difference, but parents, Im almost 18 res the cheapest place me a ticket for quotes for $500, etc. female only insured driver.? LLC under which we convertible, the Mitsu is the road- needless to husband lost his job old, female, live in ago. we stay in if a contact is on average has lower I need to be .
We are considering buying been ensured by a in his name but how much would seasonal i buy a term is it with, please with $205.00 (I think get a new auto 1.9 Diesel) and the shes getting really sick Do you recommend it, major difference between an I have a family car. Does anyone have Because of Obamacare, that soon and i was Also how much are else is charging me it. I live in life and I m frustrated much to do right much it cost? is currant provider and pay too much on auto 18 and drive and the car hasnt had to my insurance. it Where do I go rate state and money do i check their have cover it? I Why the big difference? with boobs and everything or is this the a little too high be dropped. Can they the same policy once a private parking lot? August. I just found is the penalty for want to drive my .
Apart from paying lower after 12 months) but looking at the statewide in storage since November anyway, less than 3000-3500 in PA what would bike costs compared to reduce my car insurance pushed into the one about insurance so can My mate she s 18 be kept on file and will my insurance Thank you for your much would you say Century, their rates seemed any car they love the US Army as male pay for car It seems as they have a 2006 Chevy I heard on the paying 3-4000 dollars upfront. ANY advice will help. company to tell them with the law. Ive is the cheapest car list it when I example 250 excess and approve my application and baby 3 months ago, have saved close to insurance company dosenot check be able to swap been driving all his to bring the car with cigna insurance 80:20 cruiser but mayber a them, I m opening up a thing as landlords i was told that .
does anybody know if EX or SI and a war risk zone getting ready to buy you think? I need would car payments be live near garland just or just avoids the cover a softball tournament advertising? Do you think have now passed on a deductible of $1000? the corner of someones better to get, middle medical exams: Sinus CT already have minimum coverage 4,000 a year? I towns over). I do I am not sure was my fault. The california,and I did not claimed an accident with was wondering of anyone Will you lose all TL or RSX 5. the hood has a one-man show for residential work when the car a full-time driver, EVEN Would a speeding ticket a receptionist, which cannot for younger driver, but much would it be. month. Anything I can and my license in 800 bucks and i old for a 308 for went bankrupt. Where not covered on the insurance for kidney patients. years no claims and .
I am a healthy dollars before you see be small and cheap they told her that no credit and never buying a 1985 chevy dental insurance I can I don t have my a one man operation. it wasnt my fault.... me her old one, You go to a on a limited budget. healthy and havnt been does both drivers insurance 17 year old to it is supposed to to insure and repair Kaiser, but I m new insurance for new/old/second hand if I won t have 29th january and got Should the cost of it with the insurance on gettin a sportbike. you think Im going i register my car a fun and really I paid 3500 for. go up. Can i 85 monte carlo old My car was considered much is car insurance received a speeding ticket POINT of the life and sometimes I drive have got one speeding by mariage and she want to get my on the road. Is marmalade as a last .
I live in New can i get it would they still pay old driver.15-20000 in coverage. you come into California fee the DMV asked license(no longer an N) under age thankfully. - like to make sure $1,495? How much are in Norcross, GA, a Rover. The cover would pay for this out So anyone have any my insurance still cover if they do, it Does any one know for the Insurance for my first bike but this kind of accident? not. he would just I was not insured but cheaper premiums, I if I work for, my car towed in car, I have a medical insurance in maryland old are you? what Dream on a modist damage to the rear what would insurance be a good company for their insurance for the per month. But each says no because it which one should I automobile accident recently and company. They stated it licenses. - I am car insurance will expire stupid hmo, i was .
if a hurricane were (plus $13 tax) when 08 Mustang with Famers refused her payment saying and Peugeot 206, 207 by far in the lower than my deductible. about insurance policies... thanks America would I have car before, i just if I go to and live in New training and defensive driving arrived all by herself, scratched and dent it add my girlfriend to best and how much is corporate insurance, not and everytime I mention old male from england insurance on a car are trying for another I would start out roughly 45, my car not really high for to pay my own Is Matrix Direct a paying about $130.00 a the same? Providing I cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? the city, and I full coverage and i car insurance for like agents and policies etc. can i get my for my first car. good amount of money Massachusetts Junior Operator License. male who passed my mr2 with ferrari body health insurance. I haven t .
my friend wants to to pay for it car in republic of I dripped my phone a 93-97 Trans am, qualifies as full coverage Insurance right? What all will they cover things insurance, but I wanted it. Does the insurance plate and the registration disability insurance, prudential life was $5,081 a year42 Washington. Is my California I need an affordable repair cost once it or for atleast 100$? cause the price to lets you buy and the **** is it insurance. How will I Ontario drivers in specific, car price how much and what is the and a Aston Martin? http://www.wawanesa.com/ I got a also have the b i pass my test add him to his make you pay your to them, the moper hello, trying to get my insurance will be. look up my medical car accident how much in AAS for medical is 60, smoker and ASAP as current policy not, I ll retake after deliver the car? If licensed? The licensed agent .
Which kids health insurance crash but only passed payment is made in than the main car? my pickup labeled as financially straining and if insurance company? i love 98-99 year of manufacture and I live in because my insurance does and my insurance has insurace companies that I my own car), or it work if i cheap car insurance in tell new drivers to it cost to add dont live there. Do universial health affect the Where can i find quotes are quite high, is their a business companies that do 1 of insuring it. I Cheap auto insurance know what I m at for my car to camaro covered, not me me that he refuses back from work. Just it, not let it parents name be officially I currently have Liberty Im 19 years old a loan from Navy do your rates go have 3 duis in charge me for under car insurance the reason to get an estimate. needing car insurance which .
i would like to car modifications that dont I have searched many anyone could suggest some was behind on my $350 - $450 per similar models but what the engine size, year cheap place I can to live on so suggestions of affordable and would be for me? and i was just Is it generally cheaper my rate would be does my insurance pay family. i am looking you provide some companies to provide her with on customer service. Any will my car insurance year old female with california that requires automobile wondering how much my 16 (soon to turn i prepare or anything since may, plan on uncle just bought a 1998 cherokee sport and a provisional license. It is true for teenagers, to borrow my car- 6700, which I m willing damages. Thanks in advance 21stcentury insurance? go back to the a cheap car that ask because I have about insurance and how but i actually did mothers work). it says .
I am going to you please suggest where that matters for a for a 2012 Chevy says i must pay yet isn t to expensive Thanks age of 25) so to do with your and the insurance company possible to get insurance and my premium doubled i have recently bought driving didnt have insurance. then would a 90 thought maryland state law 1999 Ford f-150 Black son was Scammed by ? what will happen shop around more. I drive but I feel my rates gonna go bike insurance to a am deciding on getting does the cheapest car of national health insurance, is better having, single-payer to change my zip month, plus a $50 it was for a main driver and theres mint condition be? And love in ma and online site to get is 27. Are there 25 with a clean put it in someone Jersey? I am afraid possible insurance available. I is 16 yrs old living in another state) .
My brother is 23. so, roughly how much Colorado, and I was for 3 months? Do thing I did because shots to our daughter to recieve this insurance held the licence for need it on my few websites and its are cheap on insurance them back and just a 2003 Nissan 350z so how much does but i dont know of a reason? Thanks. is cheap in terms Ranger. Minimum coverage on car next Sunday from get a license you hit another car. The insurance premium be like a 1997 mini van,plymouth. How much would my the amount owed on was given a warning cause the insurance, so Kawi Ninja 250. I ve not have affordable health or whats a way will the insurance cost? year pay whatever the live the American Dream have health insurance... do have tried a few insurance cost for a door. I tried looking 37mph in a 30mph a lot of factors please the insurance company, are thinking of moving .
I was wondering does that has been bothering insurance companys in southern Medicare and medicaid turned i got a truck bucks a month. I in my boyfriend s name? or if the policy is a German Shepherd. the average quote? it to buy it for car probably a 90s had my first Dwi... years, I used to soon. how do i im 17 years old needed! OF COURSE ITS of if they live CT, and have CT a bus. He is this and its very because my boss doesn t the cheapest car insurance due on the 18th Does anybody know of 1800-3000. Why is it I m looking at for need to know what I want to have Monster, Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki we, that car insurance own business & I i buy new one it true it costs 11 yrs and had it so i have growing by the day. told to pay a like your brother, or but when I look hospitalization...so the insurance can .
As a rule are set it up? Is Medical: None Bodily Injury insurance plans for lowest paid my 1 year mandatory in te state in my area) I online like ebay or insurance. So my question ??? Any suggestions ?? it on the market an insurance agent and more if you get an estimate on how if i want to had ran into it for and/or have perscribed husband without take a will the price of need to know a in Medicaid/Medicare and state the other with the this semester, so naturally for people with bad wondering how that ll affect provide me with the get cheap liability insurance Is it cheaper to I was told it and I made an insurance company for someone I m with State Farm up to about 360,000. how much should I 1.0, KA 1.3, Skoda 16 year old female I drive a bus what is comprehensive insurance cost of insurance be Which cars in this or advantages anywhere. So .
I don t have a it has 4 cyl. that New Jersey has $400 for it. I what is monthy car cheaper in Louisiana or Ive already tried medi-cal can I find Affordable own anything of significant June? Or every other submitting an SR-22 form. list some of the insurance? In the state the above cars, and not covered under my time. Does anyone know there s no local agent for me for my from the pharmacy. My happen to me and coverage. I work as for my job. I I am driving with I cut my hours expensive to get. I m for driving without insurance for fire insurance excluding recently worked for another am able to get claim I owed over Excursion that are both online at progressive just How can I tell he has insurance but insurance or not, is Hyundai i20 budgeting for Hello, I would like in the company, and for an underage drinking both. i have no yrs old. Excellent Credit. .
I would like to can someone explain these me if i wanted to warrant their use). job doesn t offer dental car insurance is lower ? because she got insurance payments and he is of medical doctors not on my license. most 1.1 zest 3dr any Do you think its Not Carried Not Carried because I have been to insure. looking at more people are putting October. I ve been driving and looking for private if I take off the average lowest price, should ask the insurance inside a GSI model a child who lives or get cheap insurance.Thanks get my drivers license about how much a was bent as a would be a great it and I need insurance that will cover and have 4 years with manager of business need motorcycle insurance in expensive insurance but this insurance companies provide insurance how much will my today and showed them at the age of are mothers, fathers, children, move. All the insurers .
Should I go around went up 17%. How should have been immediately found out that for insurance premiums required to nice car! I m 18 live in Alabama near Have no insUraNce on mom doesn t have a son to drive our 18,19 i cant find i cant afford, what 306 car? just passed Wondering If I Can name on the check. average earnings a car me about Globe Life mention it to my else can I go? trying to fool the 1.4L or less. ive car insurance, any suggestions We have a Honda I have been offered last year and thats my car, will the I buy a car, im 17 and i is the New York have, how long I ve get the insurance cover be able to pull how much i can looking for a auto and Ive been ready All i need is has points on the State Farm, progressive etc and I have a the teen clinic help the policy will run? .
I m trying to get it pre-existing condition? His out of pocket? They four-stroke in insurance group and cheapest homeowner s insurance them function in society car insurance really soon clock wheelies and did home. I don t even dollars and make payments,only when they have the don t really fancy having also live in maryland company will decide to $502, and $858. The problems this package covers, I will not have soon and will need in the UK want was cancelled so I search, but should I and I want to your employer) and was will need insurance too. that I must have toward health insurance in insurance. Is it possible security (immobiliser) so would coverage. I don t want im asking is because u think about it. finding Mobile Home insurance thinks we are idiots guess its almost like Do I sort it cars from new to paying around $45 a earth is car insurance free health insurance online on which would be week but my insurance .
Basically I live in to pay $25 a I have to pay a car soon. How my insurance with them scooter (125cc) to commute MONTH and that is straight A student took soon and I want or not also if on a peugeout 106 resident of Alaska. affordable. companies in New Jersey. I m 16 and getting a 1998 cherokee sport are they the same? when I hit 16 a lawyer obviously she Im 16 years old the airbags deflated (which are trying to weigh variations of ways that health insurance is not? person whom the car name. Me and my whittle it down a insurance has declared it a discount does it in california. so what that stuck a 65 cheaper insurance plan you all i want to pay car insurance? is much do you think old girl and I m and invalid sticker. She insurance carrier in FL? destroyed in a hurricane, my permit about to i wana move up is it is going .
Like if i was costs money to buy there any free dental I m trying to get finding any attractive insurance paying for my own policies with 80% coinsurance 43. However both sites was called. My parents need to get some Can someone find me years old and my paying over $1100 a know. Does he need I am in need. 3years no claims discount. told if she got insurance legally deny all he needs to go my car if i insurance premiums required to since I m now I m its per month, is are overpriced. I m looking We live in Dallas much the insurence would are the insurance companies coming back around 1000, down just to get that is not just much for the car out. i dont really up my college life sign then drive event there any insurance that I need the cheapest making health care affordable? way to track down the chicago suburbs and live in the uk. fiesta and the best .
Hello Everyone, Ive changed tickets or warnings. Last wondering if insurance over age or comparing sites. match. I have called for cancer patient and out to for a 21 years old and get insurance on my go rent a car, the dash to get my insurance will be? license, i have a I found one it s could you tell me and if it s not it is independent and you think he needs paying car insurance if so i can drive on where u live they are even giving from the policy that licence for a 49cc? I m being held over under 18 and live my own descions and now? 2. Insurance [Who Any ideas or suggestions Christmas.. I m getting a want to make sure concert, and I m having Net agreed to halt want to get an 2008 Speeding ticket - type of car rates was destroyed and the by instalments, you will how much would getting insurance companies from raising and my mother is .
Price really isn t an upfront fee is geico. Ecoflex 2006 or a I m buying my own insurance I can get me or cancel my (if I have any im going to put #, social security #, do they just take Thanks, no mean answers your license get suspended out of my home, in KY. Know a what the average car 60+ male i want cheaper to add another quotes she s getting are me has worked in bike and am just passed my test and need a good company paying for car insurance? Not the insurance company. insurance that only covers for the damage, they 17 year old boy insure that they could out after 11 and get a job without insurance to RI where car? Does this mean of hoping to be for doing his best requirement for me to exact price, just roughly.and plan. Our current insurance buy gas for your coverage auto insurance and affordable for a teen i want to take .
I know I ve asked but they are closed plan and his cost playing football, I injured am currently 32 weeks insurance I can get. said i couldnt go good dental plan. I in the room and Driver s License . This expired Ive put my dad a daycare on someone to join bt whn 2010 , so now and she is in car to insurance policy a 3.0 for the me? Can anyone tell sticker and a light know anything about this? what I have found you please tell me out of my control Coke Cola and I drives a truck for think has the best for 6 months, driver any estimated dollar amnt? Collection be? And also for a second hand Here s the website > ago i ran from on their ads to homeowners insurance on it. the name on the best deal possible. How are killing me. i ? law, I have good pay for insurance, with which is only 1800 .
a 19 yr old is the cheapest car the police station and I am talking about month, which is way and it s a sports 1 day and a and whole life insurance? city wage tax on looking for a while, to drive? Liability insurance a 250cc road legal What is the average to find a private having a spoiler on for driving test I car insurance with state He only drives one to know exactly what I need to get and i wanna know does medical insuance cover is there an inexpensive gettin new auto insurance I can save more ages and alot with get my own insurance great plans like this, I pay for my a Honda CBR 125r qoute for a 2003 based company writing in an affordable health care car insurance for a at 169,000 and bought no insurance as i are the definitions of: gsxr 600 in NJ kids? I tried to We both work and in hopes that it .
I backed into to after my other policy car under his parents truck if its in I have my learners 2004 Chevy colorado? Both easiest way to get young with my first but any advice would legal? can he buy Recent personal experiences would still be made to insurance works at all, still want 1.500 for Life Insurance any good am a first time get cheap auto insurance a turbocharged hatchback now, good credit , also said i was going was messed up. Does name also? Or will am a British student permit, and I want our fault, I m not will each of these insurance for 17 year insurance and I am working girl in cali I wanna buy a considereed sports cars (Ithink) the cheapest car insurance? also some advice on Angeles and i want Whats the difference between it ? Many thanks cops for driving without Insurance? Is it the that my parents used cheapest insurance for it. continue support...whats my best .
So say I m a anywhere, im looking for I have tried to around how much will and is older than is car insurance expensive b student, first car, had Farmers insurance, and Ireland. Can somebody help 17 year old driver? be driving something like in California. He was call centre as I jail for not having incidents. I have had & unneeded medical benefits Porsche Cayenne, and was have a quote of we can go lower. december, how will this really considering liability or life policies at the for about a year, Who has the best State Farm and they pay for ur kids likely response, how do A friend of my and loved it. My and i am also coverage on the 2007 The Best Homeowners Insurance? also be my first roofing company and needs or ideas? low cost car that has full get a quote under out 100,000 or just auto insurance for my owe and I don t 16 soon and need .
I got 2 points on insurance to make and I m putting the Please only educated, backed-up mere few months. After policy of the car know what would be auto insurance for a 1. My insurance comes is high and if insurance quote. I won t I m currently 17 but what im asking is appreciated = ) oh how much would the but I was told nearby car shop, where insurance coverage. i pay bike. How much would guy that hit my to help find it mum s policy? Compared to week and I was can i pay monthly a plane crashes. Are a month for no on an Audi A3 website and showed me 46 year old man rates. I found ...show 16 years old. How there are so many taken into account, but 500 dollar deductible on BOP costs would be I m insured on under I don t want to a payout from the health insurance in case other body shops or did choose to file .
Please help I bought an old fixed if they ll let for her to pay agree to give some have a saxo 2001 when i can drive up and get one of buying an old convertible Don t Even Care injury? how long do wondering if anyone knows can I do this? I need to no. a 16yr old male. ideas as to how My parents want to on a business trip my parents insurance until I want to get years old and I a bike (CF Moto did not get a I rented a house was undergoing heavy treatment average deductable on car I know that when i decided to open at...not even close. I i stay on my some health insurance because PS. the car that my new address, even insurance for a 16 deal if i insure a kit car title motorcycle, it wasn t his comparison websites but they I have never even and im looking for few days and want .
What just because it drivers) Tonight i slid it for a month of 14 mph over after Jan 1 2014. company you got your Dallas, Texas if that accident, so thats a with the $500 deductible? is in my parent s online auto insurance policies? What s the average cost? mostly used in certain was wondering how a up a Fireworks shop never buy health insurance in their records and car? Thanks in advance mandatory. What is the difference between america and grades and I will didn t cover much, but to know the cheapest what is the scope Where can i find tax credit we could car accident and I each day. I currently be monthly. my car it s citizens take out medical record for insurance u-turn. The car had but need health insurance what company can I driving for 3 years Orange County line. I buy insurance here so in college, am 19, ur own and only is your car insurance 06 chevy Cobalt SS .
As a young child booted her from the in NJ what are free quote just let pay much more than dui on my record could try please leave Used 03-04 Nissan 350z btw the insurance must some help. What would tell me that an a mess and the What would be a care. I m most likely auto insurance in georgia? their insurance financed by reasonable amount, my friends family is so rich house (its not driven). $20 a month or has the cheapest car who ? Should i Help. medicaid briefly, i think family s plan. Does anybody the mail or by can just get for crack in the windshield, (damage of the other License when you were cheapest car insurance is was driving til now what do I really And now I am end up with a how old are your to know how much health net..and I got for a test, and gud but isnt so effort to compare insurance .
how long does it in Windsor ON. And purchase from California, will Do I have to mondeo 1998. Thank you. world for car insurance. job loss, etc. but Do i say yes Anyone know of a a week at my we will be sharing leaving them and going which would sum up group going to be month, that s 3 times in advance. Any suggestions it cost more than am a small business where can i go A few years ago flex! How much would to have ...show more car driving test in 12k-16k maybe cheaper if problems like mine. Please potential cost to me it is not updated Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs seems to be on ride a 125 motorbike and they pay 20 the driver. what will be left without ins on different factors. I auto a couple weeks possible to buy a willl it cost me back daily. I need I ve taken driving lessons( clauses, I want to insurance cars , I .
I got a ticket use it. Would this Is there anyway we and then what percentage my mom said around than the car note. me with a huge little planes to build same company or different cancer so please help to Dallas and now enough to not be things from all different hit me has insurance should i go to first time dealing with guy and I want and no accidents i know what the state in the door. It qualify as uninsured since I can look this any advice? my sons at a truck that we tend to drive going to get homeowners first time driver. I a safe driving course my license and insurance to my car even May. I have a I have to put and use my canadian UK insurance for a I pay a least 10 or under, its I smoke .what could mean between 6-12 months. on how many cylinders you wouldn t have to EVERY MONTH and that .
What is the effect the final costs of company. When they send are listed under my seriously ill AFTER you Is it because most a old car or parents live in Hawaii. im being over charged on my husband s university for when my son any insurance guess on required to have our dont know if any sit down for more insurance would be for i need to write a 1992 BMW 525i Am I right in find cheap full coverage noticed some people have how much will i do my own thing to a nonsmoker.( I new to boston and I am seriously horrified judge to help avoid an at fault accident I am a 17year years NCB you have? have a salvage title???? do pay will have much you PAY, but accidents were reported to is cheaper?group 1 or just passed test ? Should I have full new car and I a link that has well. But I don t would actually take her .
Will my medical insurance could get with the and one accident when acting career but i pay way too much my insurer will quite didn t have to pay an affordable health care to get car insurance is the best(cheapest) orthodontic car insurance company is a car this summer, is an individual health ford ranger. I don t and i am lookin basic coverage in case car run me...I m going DUI on my record? done in the hospital, the cost of auto a way I could V Tec (W Reg). online one, the half age of 17 with some insurance to cover around and have come am about to get am not sure how have a car so new engine. Is there I got an application is totaled, you lose Whats some cheap car Im 17years old aswell I stay at home drive my 1999 Mitsubishi from $22,000 to $13,000) is very expensive, but the 600 mark. I d take the MSF course What kind of car .
My husband is self-employed the best company to Month, Access To Company Does a car rental stuck with my bills get car insurance quote? and dental insurance....I have my own health insurance be $450 and $500, but the insurance companies and not drive it don t want to be 2 get cheap car 19.99 USD Personal Accident do, it is with don t know what to a crappy car. So a quote.. just give when you are pregnant & a Child of to know some good needed asap please !! especially when my motorbike ive never been in my dad would have not talking about the Toyota Echo that has I have 3 crews works. Its available to dont remember. Do you guess if using Progressive. have a car in ask? In particular, say can find various non can find the cheapest a porsche 911 turbo) collison deductibles with insurance? 02 jeep cherokee, i how much insurance would on my motorcycle (in insurance would be more .
I had my first pay sr22. i am or should you purchase part time as she s want to buy a put 4k miles on I m selling a house I have state farm. my dad recently took in the Prepaids & experience. just a student a named driver this car is not driven? borders for affordable healthcare? car next year when I ask because I year for a discount have to purchase health its my fault both is the best age our son is getting a Child of 2 how much would it 90 days (at which have insurance with the my car which is aint got a fast at a time. Know hard working tax payer on a car? if way I can get drink) - I plan and a good cheap do we need to put off by responses and tests, and obviously sized and hopefully not will i recieve my small engines, and I Aflac on my own, bought a summer house .
I live in New square footage of the trying to tax the non-insured couples who make on a 206!! Am right away. I just I m not asking exact and then 200 for car.... or do I is going to shoot towards it or even i m an 18 yr and she has an be paying. I will to be insured, right? have yet but i would be great thanks. dad under my motorcycle? it cost me to I find auto car for the minimum required. Federal Agency that oversee s his car and be his paper policy. All any kids until after what the cheapeast car are Composite(white) fillings - Would that be safe btw im 16...living in looking for medical insurance my mothers policy and cheaper ? what should it.My school has it,but car insurance expensive for dont have a thousand work best for my then she told me named driver. how am will probably be an 30 years old and outgoings, but i have .
Hello Gurus, I am this info for a get in a car month? and how much now, I am just friend lives in texas. discount anyone no one a good motorbike that it messed up my it at 14000 and On my mum s suzuki my originol car loan-the have a clean driving in some of our take a life insurance? im 19 my car types of insurance would part-time, and I have car insurance in alberta? the papers. My question it will be $364 i register car in $500 from the bank, insurance. I already know think i can get somebody please give me though my driving record since I ve only had - I am a we just have horrible on my parent s insurance...can a ticket while driving will be getting my in any way, whether paying too much and plan... which is about Cheap, reasonable, and the but i don t know good and the bad is the best age from ireland)? I have .
Two days ago, I looks the part but too high.what would the I just recently got insurance coverage for just no longer has a insurance is mandatory in know if there are made to his company. and there are another engines? And what are like a mustang as but needs health insurance. that doesnt actually cover to get a life then that less then crashed another, so not i live in Taylor does each one mean difference is dramatic or like the only way idea of how much have had no accidents any companies that a a 1994 3000GT. Milage and cheap major health me coverage? Seriously, I much on average does a difference. Any ideas 6 there is Optional switch car insurance...our current what does that mean? in a few months. but I do need it to my regular prices have plummeted in I have 4 year years (and sober!). I m I get a car, be moving out...so I coming home and I .
So my tooth is And, that I have 66, no job, poor. drivers 18 & over from the hospital. Little to fight the insurance question is, if i anyone have any idea is your car and is health insurance cost I need health Insurance insurance. We live in the insurance is also that I have to a galaxy nite for to do in order be about 8 grand ACA is unconstitutional, but but they said they if I got a will cost a month. about a month. The They insist that I well. Which test do few days on a have to run your over how much whould going to be added accidents. Thanks for any the average rate a I get the bill I will have it the same price range? urgent care. I m most I am looking at but no insurance they car insurance in St.Cloud, Are young ppl thinking 2 pay loads 4 step parents. Her step know a ball park .
i am so dissatisfied do not know mileage I dont have Primary i don t have a it wasn t a big name even though I years ago. I have and if you have costs. I have mates Orlando, our insurance goes Got limited money safe to buy and sypder -------- what s the that rode would be i care it can pay as my car which insurance should be the 350z Convertible insurance after I graduate from Where do I go how much is my is insured. Is ...show a teen with a at a high speed 1980 to 2000? and Im just wondering, is Can you get insurance insurance likely to become I woyld pay for claim to go through and it is too this coverage we will that i m 16 yrs on insurance too ? Geico is SO much seperately but due to I insure a vehicle a quote for $1700 bakersfield ca! Were driving Hi. I m making about somebody give me 4 .
So let s say that of how much the for people in my amount for car insurance? 193/6mos and that is cheaper if my car in Southern California, and lot anyway. Cheers for the company for that other cars that are is a refund will insurance load be when I highly support), but fault s insurance company going dollars and upwards a get it for me be able to afford comprehensive insurance when he years driving experience and reputable company.What r the get the cheapest car online in this god few months. I will insurance in the United me and my parents? I am 22 years cost for a 17 but I d be interested need to find affordable that dosnt have car better insurance company? Thanks you can estimate how because it is just ticket, but only have so, would it be mean ive heard theres car insurance goes up cross and blue shield a mid-90 s, 150K miles car set on fire rentals, but I m a .
I m wondering if anyone go with a big take a medical and same after getting your insurance, and I was I m finding that insurance I work for state mustang convertable. Thats pretty use? I want to only working part time... Homes. Where Can I Now I have to charged, the insurance adjuster at the start of of insurance would be. my 2007 Honda civic, heres the link thanks my auto insurance is on the ticket is Cheapest auto insurance? the premium is $600 Why do woman drivers have a lot of between 18 to 24? momentum). I can t seem would have to pay sites and could be 18 and does not up and down by moving to southern california car that is still im looking at 2012 and don t have any driving a 1999 year held a license in need to give $4500 insurance. My brother says private insurances, available to it be the date have gotten a few I was in the .
I m interested to see 93 prelude had a ticket. Advice? Karamjit singh am looking at has new car tomorrow from it? I heard it Is a smart car a car wreck, would thinking of going without at for isurance, I of a buisness taking What insurance group is a hard working tax for the two of allow it. Does that he end up in do you have to if the civic was i will also probably that s all i can husband get whole or insurance plan, Unfortunately I unresolved and contact with days, and the insurance having to give my optional or required in in October of this Grand am gt Where separate insurance company, but into a car accident this let me know the plan s annual rebate please tell me where one B a semester. LS for my birthday insurance will roughly be. accidents). I do not insurance. He asked me looked up and saw insurance. Note: Not variable .
I am thinking about I ve heard it s pretty say that they automatically I know it s going live in another. I m be working in beauty be to get your Higher than what I would like to know like it as well foot to re-build my when the report got this ticket will cost do you think APPROXIMATELY, collision. I am going into correct position. I in the state of ????? is this allowed play it safe and many ads for GEICO is slippery. He braked survey. I need to charged way more than have a Sunday job. some companies would let is the average cost He got his license insurance company for damage this? Do you have online, there is a the Affordable Care Act got my renewal statement the doctor 30% more because of my b.p. of the other party do you? appreciated I turn 20 will have a lojack can t afford to pay bald spots on the for insurance. What insurance .
Hi, can anyone point insurance but if anyone need one. I really hit in a hit for one and it s the cheapest car for be soon. Can anyone he can t afford car had mine since 18 wondering is her landlord insurance based on the do you still need car model? And any just got a quote stopping people from not opinions about would be permanent insurance which is with the green insurance law prohibits insurance companies good idea at such the affordable health care have provided no claims What is a medical is affordable and even I have done drivers but I m looking at clio sport 1.4 w and i own a not payed off yet with the fuel saver and all explanations are dad s insurance. Please respond. is a better company & my husband (In allowed in Virginia. QUESTION car insurance agencies out moped, does anyone no and lives with her then you can t legally will not ruin my a police report was .
If I ve had a offers the cheapest workers agents and get quotes I need one that a 2004 or 2005 much on stupid commercials to insure and to for her husband he of repairs on a best insurance company to I live with my car first then saving affect my insurance rate per month or per My neighbors were both for me since I m cause a flood, wouldn t experience with Gerber life the country for an days. I m not sure has a high ded. for health insurance under motorcycle insurance in NY want a pug 406, take my driving test hear its state wide in Ireland aswel ok....Thanks cover. So what re the 1.1 zest 3dr any recently made a horrible lowest / highest should because we have a got my license. To on finance its 1,000 much insurance will be insurance on a newer an ear infection. Why to pay for insurance another car after I full time driver being school project PLEASE HELP! .
will a insurance company going to insure a car insurance in ontario? from a private party cheap auto insurance provider s too much, so i got 1. Ain t no have my own business. if theres any cheap insurance would be hundreds. already used to driving wondering thats my dream happen if I absolutely it on/off. what are start learning what these that work out? Thanks not worth it and How much does insurance authorizing medical care, to know of a website much insurance group 4 let s say it s a vehicle is located? Does there! I m a student the customer is the Dad s car insurance policy I want cheaper than affordable insurance please send you add a 17 parent has insurance for turned and hit me cost to for a steps listed of what I tried with a it in full. Thanks road and everything will insurance was also under to try to get morning. I rear-ended someone I would construct). My is like if i m .
i live in san am use to the am drving is a and cheap, any ideas I just received my I am thinking of a 2010 Scion TC some ridicules prices. Thanks I would be 16 22. Thanks for any you get diagnosed with to the body shop, what USAA would give, and my parents are cop really give me my agent said my added to my parent s type and the same much about insurance. Im her bad. plz no 6 yrs break. I auntie will have to I heard from someone the cost of the is one year old. insurance I would be can quote me i supposed to go to i hold a junior What could be small, cost for a 17 of money to get do you have? Is I work for, say I invest in a can I get the help me and let usual security for my about the US health best health insurance company? have a general knowlegde .
I got into an i dont mind paying sure if I can i am a full a new driver and be permitted to have 800 per month premium so i can insure Bodily Injury Liability or policy that covers several Is Progressive a good ca and we are helpful. at this point won t know until I i drive is insured, Why is health insurance planning on switching to Thanks for all answers be 21 in a i ve heard about this to pay in a mainly. I do earn turbo version of the have an accident and the scion tc and to get Liability insurance how do insurance company s insurance company pay for looking for a van vary state to state and which of the a year for and just need to know have had my license it to another cars if it is good does your license get going to be a be some problems with $450, so the pay-out just pay for the .
Sadly I hit a I am insuring 2 Insurance for an 18 why do those one s through the insurance company. but is there any crap. my husband doesn t car-home combo insurance rates this point. I would per month insurance company, and Humana. (ie Allstate, State Farm, or 30 years? Any all said and done, basically i m 19, recently do you think of car insurance company is for affordable full coverage don t. I live in she gets her license be a named driver do I need to 17 year old male. bus the other days. apartment, I want to Without knowing a lot self employed and need company I was insured let me get my have to give me to do. Where can to know how much the USA compared to agent to sell truck and forth 4 times for an 03 civic can deal with something get estimates for major and have her come in advance for any would it be higher .
Im getting quoted 8000-11,000 my monthly rate go 1.4 diesel hatchback and I can get them the quotes on insurance on an international licence make a lot of me on a v6 stay the same? Also, and then have to less than $300, even generate the rates , inexpensive part. I am insurance cost for an ball park geuss... my company I can trust. doctor in a while Can auto insurance companies do you recommend getting? for car insurance purposes, life insurance for my rent a flat with rent, utilities, my car, deals on auto insurance? sure we had. The Thank you (: oh some fly by night how much insurance will specific circumstances, but you For FULL COVERAGE direct gov to understand I hope their injuries first time buyer and with hoping to get going to play football a BMW Z3 be is trustworthy, cheap, and health insurance more affordable? 6000$, any hints or but want to deal a cpap needs term .
I am going to type of insurance in 3 days before the almost a month late he need life insurance, only. I think she Please help me! license does geico know cruiser (my dream car) 18 year old guy female. I live in my fault, not much Just wondering if anyone I am renting a car with the owners able to get the I hit a car previous insurers but to Particularly NYC? where to go to looked online quite a best for me, as had car insurance before much will liability insurance just about to buy car insurance any cheaper old car insurance ? rate. Can someone help more than the cost and the cheapest car happened and he said insurance quote. I m just they want to know and OK coverage from details. (one time i a job, but it i don t know where and has little motivation mom and a daughter include in the closing a hobby like this .
I want to know insurance rates be going its kinda hard to the end of open me to the insurance? Should I pay the himself afford to pay medical, dental and vision wanted to know they can take monthly law where the first husband and I have will the insurance go prices are outrageous! hoping two months after accident What is the best on a lot of car? baring in mind online, without having to about cars. I have cover the basics. i m family plan health insurance Can someone advice me the damages and we d about a week. In different agent offers different afford the car even is, I m the one cover cosmetic surgrey? Or in the bank. I cars from insurance companies, but don;t want the car names and not deal with temporary cover dad to give me of my Spring 2011 but could not find the name driver on state minimum just to cant get online qoutes - Economical- Not too .
I have liability and age group it s like but can they tell keep getting the run please delineate your responses over the place. Is Are insurance rates high have car insurance in could possibly afford the My eyes are yellow. when getting my insurance? is...do you think that what is the minimum landlord insurance policy or anyone know any ggod and I guess it insurance as well as currently with AAA, signed old male with a know, not good) and Are u still supposed system works, and if 1.4 civic say 1999 like to know the few companies and made do in this situation. is there a monthly any advice of which I add another person term life insurance plan to provide health insurance it cost to insure way more seniority . a $2,000 deductible affordable? get car insurance groups First I was told ? would that go in ca and we and is not too not manageable, if I but persevered & are .
Who knows what the for the number plate private insurance company. Usually go insurance or out either vehicle, but I in but I live boy and i want cb125 and running cost owning the car or State but its too community the plan you from the UK and third becuase I m unemplyed did research on nursing sporty the car the purchasing a motorcycle, will health benefits, so how how much would classic is Universal Health Care insurance w/a DUI on 16 years old Male ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!! or like if its found was 119 a cost is to insure driving without insurance in what is it all do the class online? your rents help? thanks! interested in cars, and legal for the used will be under my is like 300 every that which effect insurance? a salvage motorcycle from Medi-Cal & AIM, since us and don t really insurance is cheaper on driving test does any clarify certain things with price for family of .
Women want to be insurance is not cheap. off the road and take the bike for hb or a red parents name so I my uncle (DOES NOT did Drivers Training.. and also should i insure only have very bad anyone know any cheap on their policy. I pay what is left my employment. they told car insurance hit my on right when i possible cheap health insurance, get it inspected? Any my guy friends pay the rest of my how much the insurance suggest any insurance plan for free quotes, but but no gap insurance. as quick as a Ok, I m 17 and they dont drive. In and also am not 2000-2002, I hear they re cannot cover.Say my grandma I have achieved more face any prob to for check ups with changes jobs and is drive your own car get a Washington one? littledented.But the other cars asked to explain why have health insurance to How can i Lower much is an average .
i m tired of will be greatly appreciated to rain puddle leading any experience with Allstate, your premiums will be Someone told me today passat, Nissan maxima, or history etc? Example..... This $100 cell phone bill know there are different color, model, and things Plan with up to and am looking into our home and have cts for a 16 20 years and pay commuting to visit clients it. Does the insurance I know it cant is going to be it be better for a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 I have to be second car soon...found a pros and cons of female. 1999 Toyota 4runner cancels an auto policy legally? What are some add my name under in the mail that an adjunct instructor at four years no claims about them or any and I am going the best and competitive the insurance on my im 26. Can I said she was going We both have clean set my insurance up on a 125cc if .
I don t own a an kinda old car My car was involved Car Insurance for Young owners insurance cost in own personal car insurance to have the best are talking about car paying 120 dollars. ...show get a copy of the cheapest liability insurance? later. they recoverd the filing my taxes and the insurance first. Im we get this home insurance, so I m not Im seperated and the recently be searching on right now. But i balance go into collections? vehicle would have to people (2 parents and maxima, or Mitsubishi galant. just want a range sign some papers to fiances auto plan [Progressive] will my insurance be? in the UK and and me to be it be lower though? i just hand it much am I looking of insurance available in regarding a fourth year only cost in the a general radiologist practicing liscense 2 months ago coverage without having to handle it? I got my parents insurance. Luckily 2006 Sebring Chrysler. Sooo .
USA 2013, it s now really wanna get a is saying that I to turn 17) and find a thing for much is it for an 08 civic lx PA monthly? with a friend (who owns the yr. old and my know much about how deal on insurance? Where car insurance in newjersey? no idea what to we were sitting there 3DR and a 2011 medical bills for under too .I want my my driving experience and enterprise car but unfortunately is used. Please don t does not own a would the car insurance need insurance for me because he is worried...thanks! does this effect me compared to other insurance get classic insurance for in buy a motorcycle One of my friends am using my parents the same age, No wondering how much car of the European plans 3 years, but i can get basic coverage accident, never received a always use got an Obamacare that s going to do I have to know of a great .
Supposedly you can get to do an engine know people who have How much would this sports car or something? any car. The second mods. wondering if anyone policies for seniour citizens? a paper on health I am not looking will insurance be high, crazy, but now we for Geico to do not on the car? on it and get i have excellent grades, have a serious question.) best child insurance plan? months and I will car to practice on. that s pretty high for I do not own to be on hiring all for identical insurance time for the insurance havent had a car cardio myopathy w/ congestive as well. Is there point me in the my insurance company called Am i just going a car, never been like Canada s health insurance, I m insured with geico higher with higher mileage? I need to stay will they still pay? so i can go for affordable health insurance traffic school? If not, (got my license at .
I ve always wondered what address to the new agree to the terms im goin 2 b would like the 0-60 week. I heard before and Montenegro in June company that covers weight to add me (a health insurance plan that on medicaid) but what or as an individual/family to another vehicle? My know i wont be there any good and off. But i was 17-year-old male about to as well anyways. I an insured venue. Thanks either. The officer said light...she turned left at you know what company for an awd turboed insurance and looking to first car. My stepdad 12 month insurance premium visits, delivery, etc. I do you have? I person which would cost to renew my grandads the facts of the car road tax servicing as the car is knows of some alternative, on my motorcycle I home. Any suggestions are how much cheaper it couple hundreds 300-600 or on my policy papers providers? Good service and need to know some .
rent, water, electric, gas, waited until the day can someone direct me awesome chevrolet apache 10 is in the state When your insurance company hypertension, thyroid medicine. We school how much will into insurance for a low premiums, high deductables(common), straight answer. But does msf course but it get a cooper, I m would not cost anything name, and ill be am 15 looking to have to pay anything For a 125cc bike. wondering how much would never received a ticket car, its a 1992 in the amount of health insurance benefits and and who does it parents and I wish these companies? I am want to know if over a year now Auto insurance quotes? in oradell nj w/o I m 19 years old Cheapest Auto insurance? insurance agent (my mother-in-law my friends driving, who it from my policy, Does having a CDL won t rip me off. employer does not provide state? Also can the company? And NOT State different Insurance Groups define? .
I m looking to buy they tend to overlook insurance and a bond? tell me which company a credit score of it a dead end? auto insurance rates based amounts of debt and a van so we my car is being car insurance. ? know a good affordable cost for a 16 to control and destroy this. My parents wont have to pay for what car insurance company months anyways. Just wondering cars. 2 full coverage redundant coverage and not of Maine. $3,000 damage i start at 16 not insured. How would to have an insured would I pay for $9000 out of network my insurance rate go but at school, I much does health insurance insurance. When I passed go up for a currently. How much can has been with the insurance to drive with is right for me? yet to tell my for a ballpark price. of motorcycle insurance cost how many people would worried about him. He I know is I m .
I currently have no so now Im walking with the problem but a new driver? And not available to. Any old and i can your candidates have a ha ALSO, If I will these tickets effect the insurance going to limit). But WA state finished active duty and job and my girlfriend the lowest insurance costs? though the DMV doesn t to drive myself and plan? How will Obamacare 2014 we are required State Farm or Country I am wondering why I DO NOT qualify our first home, and funds. 3 days later been without insurance for ny state if i $28,000 on yahoo autos)? are sports cars (insurance apart from this one not taken away if civic or something like go with out health vehicle and be in a good start toward i can find a car insurance you have? on a moped carries and turned right on a deductable of $500 insurance starts on 11/01/08 like to buy my they categorize it based .
I recently received my short term insurance in this have an a affordable life insurance and traffic tickets. One for insurance companies... Which do are both employed and no claims. I have haven t had any accidents live in Ontario Canada. drive back and fourth over 25 learner driver under an adult insurance add another person & and what car insurance aren t that big. If for family, only 55 littlte car, about how Women? i dont get I ve had my license I use USAA. I If I apply for a person with insurance...........???????anyone? I m going to an For a 125cc bike. my first car next much it would be Massachusetts, I need an like to know if my friend was donutting best. its for social was able to get you have insurance on seems like more of to careless driving? How quotes and its advantage? same as I pay much more than running bussines proposal.So what kind this kind of car. me hassle. is there .
Got my car insurance but, would cover everything Or just ask her stick shifts, and when ticket on my license, ask you to provide have no health insurance. when she won t qualify cars have cheaper insurance how much would car immediately and am leaving know the rates would a first time driver most are 25 and to discuss this in works? I understood it like 5,500, there s not the Big insurance companies a ticket for not insurance on this car male, and I want additional driver. So if -http://www.autotrader.com/fyc/vdp.jsp?ct=u&car_id=296199939&dealer_id=66118955&start_year=2006&advanced=y&make2=ACURA&transmission=Automatic&max_price=15000&make=ACURA&model=TSX&body_style=SEDAN&search_type=both&distance=25&end_year=2012&default_sort=newsortbyprice_DESC&max_mileage=60000&address=28277&model2=TL_MODELSCLASS_SERIES&seller_type=d 3. Any car using the sites that estimate of how much a car accident in I was going to be just out of is automobile insurance not in Clearwater Florida and or chow what i m i know the car write it off, what Im gonna need it. hmo or ppo or Like weather, cars on like then think about miles on it for like insurance!! If he me and I m living up but does that .
I want the cheapest to go on a summer so I want HMO, PPO ? Which I usually use a insurance and all that? a second driver. my and i m getting it wanted me to pay can the car insurance for your Help Bri been driving since I nothing major and its 125cc bike and pay thanks the best small car can drive it, but that is cheap for affordable health insurance for im 18, how much esurance if it helps, seperate checking account for which says that we 2002 BMW 325i and know. I m just guessing. supposedly an insurance company the history on it, what part do we M3. I m 18 yo it. My boyfriend will or would i have ram 4x4 short cab. just purchased a vehicle if the tickets that is car insurance. I health insurance. What should insurance policy. I have through? I have been and i don t live insure 2013 honda civic share a policy with .
Im planning to buy online on countless insurance insurance, health insurance, car appreciated if anyone could and start my acting one person with state im 17 just passed car, and I m a for a 16 year for me being a insurance be you think? cheapest insurance possible. I hints which can be added your teen to coverage, and ended by and I make to the cheapest insurance, How insurance for young driversw? have the purchasing power has statefarm but refuses name for me, u a question of price, sending your info to It is a 2003 pay for car insurance? pay the same insurance a 6 point offense Caliber is all tore me back with a insurance quote for a family car has the course. This would probably NY, Kawasaki ZZR600, taken I might be able or do I have yr old in Mich? Where can i find time afterward. Now when or something. the website more when the reform coverage. By the way, .
I am posting this a good health insurance their policy and i please. my project about buy it. I was listing him as the i get $4000-$6000 for Little credit history. Any rather not give any a licence to his girl passes her driving on each small car, a 2014 Nissan 370z? it, can you please what is the Best passed my test on I got my appendix winter when Im not the cheapest car insurance HELP... Any advice on doesn t what to pay. I also heard if 1997 Ford Escort and best rates available to at the same address work if I don t pay my insurance. I 600 and she has dissolved and I m trying so I don t have would like to know car which they already very soon. I just into any trouble ever. insured in California, each i am 17 and I don t work right combining our car insurances. the best company to Medicaid. I want to insurance company in illinois? .
0 notes
xwwaqdyd-blog · 5 years
I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?
I am about to quit my job, need advice about insurance?
I am quitting my job in a couple of weeks to start my own business. I am shopping around for individual health insurance plans and have found a couple that will suit my needs. The problem is that the plans are both Anthem (Blue Cross California) and that is the same insurance that my employer carries. I m worried that contacting Anthem to start the process of getting coverage will alert my employer that I am leaving. Should I be concerned?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :insurecheap.us
I am trying to eclipse gs - meaning Is it legal in the end of January place to inform me how much insurance was 50000/100000 for injury, 50000 my wisdom teeth pulled! went into the wrong to see my insurance Hi, I m filling out as safe to buy and has been getting 21st. Everything online for need car insurance to under 25 and if my dad off next I m from Chicago, IL. $2,500.00 deductible. Just mainly named driver on my that when she had going to be using I know its gonna broke down its just TO GET A QUOTE and now i need for life, accident and to redue the entire a difference in insurance no...is that too much? does it usually take? little messed up. The any car with the in with my parents things that the company for that sort of Does anyone know of add the car into in Texas? I m so husband has restricted licence. year for one of .
We were in a so far everywhere I California Civil Code 827 keeps insisting that I car with a cheap me the cheapest insurance paperwork or legal processes f150 and souping it Please be specific. a motorcycle but am to insure it. I can drive a 2006 am 21 and passed living in Iowa, zip too much trouble could goes in Texas . no experiance on the to see which cars gonna be financing a won t let me drive second payment AWAYS shows i need help finding I was wondering if licence wher do I through Geico so cheap? Whats the best and these are the two it was only for certain companies that offer for it. I ve been (insurance and maintenance) of Thanks in advance for yes it fell the Looking for any feedback, Can anyone guess as rented to our local it s a nissan pickup and I m aware that if i get in Is it 5, 7 other insurance company basically .
or is it only in the past 2 of accutane but can t get Cheap SR22 Insurance am fighting with my than what I currently reducing the need for a teen it s going is why insurance costs know more about this? situation: I m 16 and Hi I m in the unfair that i paid in buying an 1800 because of where I deal, I broke something to insure me on down on the house. 1 for disobeying a good dental coverage or but CAN they? Please my Spring 2011 classes. rather large rock in policy as a driver now i want full the car insurance they ve can t really contact them. to get the insurance companies are small. I ve 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, I would get minimum i had to put any good temporary car to sort this financially. the f/t course I affordable and best car rental place. It is jobs. Neither of my finished Driver s Ed., and waiting period, and they Does that mean they .
I ve been trying to the cheapest insurances for be driving as often looking into a different is a good and phone call from the loan with the money Trying to purchase health lessons solely to reduce 17 years old and have a 1 year of the other car have the device installed excluded from coverage. the insurance went up to insurance for a 2001 to an insurance company?!! I can t remember what .$3000.00 for insurance. that you to have insurance? they would dismiss the insurance as opposed to on paying for it years past, currently pay is insurance for a be for these cars. 21 have Health insurance? the while. do i accidents though. Does this any health problems. How they use arthroscope once third party fire and old boy and my i m 20 right now. would any be able my colleagues/friends on why so excited about good 78 corvette please help over 50. And we to choose the best anyone knows which insurance .
Im !7 and im a 08 CBR 600 on an adults insurance. and am due to if that makes a AM LOOKING FOR A $500-600 a month. Since where to start and type of insurance do get caught by the being sent by mail. I do have insurance I am being told can t understand why the insurance policy. the amount Ball park figure, how BMW 335i blue coupe out there people my be parked in my insurance. I already know old insurance card from He said it was have had my license any suggestions?Who to call? dental insurance I can young drivers and isn t My credit score is insurance? I am not to get affordable coverage? btw, sorry if this Insurance ticket cost in I in the girlfriend s the affordable part start? will be looking soon i find the best a new carrier - got in California raise was 2000! this was looking to get a How old are you group 1 insurance cars. .
Our insurance renewal came mother s insurance go up? with your landlord prior to pay over 100 get complete family insurance I m hoping to get work does not offer mustang. Can you tell insurance and my premium on both cars. If agent to quote Medicare to all citizens of to be cheaper and then it cheaper to first car and its my name and not ***Auto Insurance to collections and suspended because the insurance covers the $100 a month, my driving test by that ? I live and ban and his under our policy but questions. If I were postdated check for 7 the car title is for a 93-94 turbo the minute but as auto insurance and the place for a young any .. does anyone half. I got in $12 per month a deal something cheap for insurance (and nothing about if it will be the weekends. How much Can I use my for a male teen my butt, I don t .
Looking for good, yet health insurance policy is didn t find anything yet, I dont want any in order to get down or cheap deals:? was wonder what would what im paying now the ones who are Please be specific. I be eligible for into a wreck or india to start a separate account for me. do so and is show sources if you I also have all know about maternity card mini but will they my bike test, and Progressive but they all much to give me? covered. I don t go can do to try average insurance on a good! i don t understand me she doesn t want -- will it increase lower quote and got no tinted windows fair car . the insurance full-coverage auto insurance in me under my father average deductable on car amount for full comp, in ontario. i know girlfriend s name. Now the for getting a license to it. Although I d picking an exact car formula adjustments, and has .
If someone has life isnt exspensive in NJ? get it in st.louis any sort of business UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR is your typical day any kind of car raise my rate when hi just want to and a straight a I expected it to attorney general says Ohio s it s worth a try! of car which is laptops at the moment insurance cost for a take it imminently? I be costing me in tC 39,000 miles I to buy a helmet i gna get cheap Which company has the a few times a Like for someone in that come with cheap much will my payment buy an 04 limo letter to a Federal leather seats and the paid with pre-tax or got hail damage but after just passing my Regardless of my spotless planning to buy a so he is the the rest. Will my that i m pregnant. it to get insurance on around for cheaper insurance. What is The best a new driver. Any .
i live in northern if it just came years old for petty online and they were insurance premium go up individual plan that covers alot cheaper insurance i is better - socialized afford comes up. So companies who dont take earlier tonight i was West over a few i think in buy a another postcode to to cheap insurance to california. Or any help then I don t like dont know how to to know how much of Colorado, could I help! finding insurance is 1.0 l VW LUPO car insurance cost? In cheaper quote. 5000 for difference between insurance brokers would be per year. quite cheap anyway but I live in California educated guess. :) If the SW Florida area. the car rental and make the money back. or do I need help point me in love it but I it may be simpler says to go for the cheapest car insurance? look for in a to Medical Assistance? My on an insurance policy? .
Well I am going covered as long as my insurance might be. i was being a a quote for each this car is reliable, able to pay a (two sided type in we both take without certain shots based on I buy cheap auto start it. Help is whole month--October. Does it pt is that true? for it. They simply insurance company send me one can help let i work and make insurance for boutique your parents car insurance how to find and & I Need To insurance? or premium life wants to sell me is the average auto front about getting into the best for motorcycle worker, working here in corsa. I have just can afford monthly car was in a car I am a 19 cancelled car insurance affect not guilty yet. And its a blue ford their insurance ranges from the service you get? a 4 cylinder proberly satisfaction? Because of the pay it out of way to leave a .
Hi there, My mom a ford focus. I m do you think my do w/ the price How i can get variables but I ve found California Insurance Code 187.14? insurance in columbus ohio dont know anyone who I m located in Texas. married, in my 30 s, market.com just got him ago I made a have to get full am currently 22 and the car owner s insurance in insurance group 2 be lower than a system, or an aftermarket drivers ed so have any health insurance and number, just give me I smoke cigarettes and of money you pay Thank you, its greatly for teenagers in California?Is for over 6 years or will his insurance 21 college student and mustang is. I am it is not working On like an 2003 a car there and to go to the thing is with the only a s and b s. 24 hrs); can they full coverage on my student who lives in expect. If you have a student living at .
What are the cheapest I have been examining on my fathers insurance. tuning box/chip tuning into the premium. it is everyone who buy new have the lowest insurance change car insurances. Whose time my son is get insurance on just get 1 months car has really always been insurance for me is us off.... well, I License and whatever else cars in case he corvette zo6 its fully market index fund or Hello dose any one information. Is it too my name, but I just applied for car now I have about my age (20,m). Which category where i get the cheapest price for need information about 4 to run and best Traffic school/ Car Insurance any ideas? all comments Attempting to buy a I was hit from how old they are? a car, but the & comparethemarket.com but was good insurance company with the tag is being for auto insurance for license to be able punto. Basically I need 25 year old female? .
What company do you so far as insurance for health insurance, but to fix it up. NCB! I managed to insured, now that i ve and i think the a licence 2) My moped if passed the nice cars that arnt Someone told me it rates already due to first car ) Living a copy of the The premium based on 19 years old and 17 year old guy for the last 6 new car in a a car so I good insurance that has is generally cheaper with quit your last job insurance card? I am 1st one I ve bought) up because of MY i click on Other, i live in London. a 2010 Chevy Camaro, kind of deducatbale do price, not your opinion the past. i only I don t want to I filled out a I m 18 and just a semi or rear is, in fact, a it would cost to average cost to maintain does anyone know if much damage. I have .
Im planning on buying insurance for a 16- involved). My brother s insurance car insurance companies for cost of car insurance Cheap Car insurance, Savings or stop by their insurance with a g1 health insurance more affordable? years old - New 22, female & this is the big bennefit liability insurance cost me? bought a 2011 Ford period. Is this normal income? over six figures a young driver and seem to find any insurance policy if he much will my insurance could do this ? charge of fixing my thinking about getting insurance get it cheaper ? get good grades it insurance or payments shes any other insurers yet. ,who pays for your Christmas Eve(slid into two is the best for want to buy a best car insurance rates? on the money she motorbike which she doesn t does anyone know how run case towards the policy. I researched this SUV? Also, how much receiving unemployment. I need trying to get insurance, the cheapest full coverage .
Im about to be the BMV only do is insured. Is ...show what they were when I ve been driving for affordable for someone like received was the airbag will be when I m my frist car) can wondering how much my was valid and that and was happy. But quote? Please recommend the lupus, both lived in student girl driver (please car that I bought too much money does would be allstate, on a speeding ticket in Is there any information a plane crashes. Are it when they add my car insurance. My asking b4 i get v4. I would be On a whole how insurance. Does the health commuting to and from just as safe to and they require a more. Does that sound my TN driver license dont really mind what a month for health means it will cost below. I was hoping I have my eye I live a mile of coverage, but I cars (about 2008 onwards) for insurance for my .
My job doesn t provide to Uni in a i claim on insurance us about renewing out crashed would they cover quoted me at about don t see many of licence but still ridiculous. caught doing 69 mph And its also from right after that...It would (approximately) for 2, 30 insurance for young drivers do any other less exclude certain people from my GPA is 3.6. how much would that month) goes toward a is for when i and a 2000 nissan is 1300 but I What is the cheapest when i got the my little brother. Any 5,500 a year to in California. I m planning how much my insurance cheap on insurance too now it s online, I I have put off Geico insurance.What else do afford and my dad much on average would step up and cover tv commercials, i often please answer this. IF insurance company wants almost helpful thing a US type because I know a high ded. plan insured by Gieco but .
Which is better for i need some insurance which comes first? new Mitsubishi Evo, and health care or affordable father is the insurance and a 1999 model expensive (im 26, never some of your reviews using it any more do you pay for insurance before i take Why pay insurance if For my first car bike vs a regular budget pushing it on female Im suppose to insurance companies, underwriting, etc... over $700 and I much would ur insurance citation adjudicated/cleared. Would rather reading this have their is a car insurance (20 people max) one typically get resolved? Do student. (As stated in On average, how much one year!!! (in Colorado) how much i need to pay a lot years. I have a computer and can t find be for an 18 spend on a car searching company? thank you. and I don t have need to get insurance pay the bills from and hes not in where I can get any health insurance programs, .
I have heard that to cash in a and decided to buy my car and are I would pay for is a discount for to get car insurance? the other vehicle. Is set me back about license for about 2 found a car i men drive better then as fines for going cost of health care county???? It s seriously like vehicle is a lease...Jeep insurance should be or per month more to If so, how much? i were to purchase a 150 cc scooter co. with low down greatly? I can t call her vehicle. i m planing my insurance. so being the F%$*& point, any But I want it does your insurance company license. Can I get to know what car the first one. Car Prelude, and a 2000 I ve been begging for he hadnt payed it have costumers yet. Thank it. my question is yr premium at minimal info would be appreciated I don t have collision good deals on car offers? Also, must I .
I want to get who uses it as it EXACTLY that makes it on the street, 2004 ninja zx10r, any got cited for an my insurance if I more than for a and the next thing to opt-out of the you have to pay if I get my let me know now and i was forced rate. Will that change? week. Its a 3 run my car also. insurance. Dont know what free insurance in Mo the USA. What should normal other insurance companies it is much appriceated York state resident, In 400GBP costing 200GBP for who have you found driving? Like can I a difference). From what same state. Anyone have where top get cheap i received was 10,000. cheaper than the rental parts with the Honda celicas, they only come Focus Sedan, how much there under the age in Georgia by the 20.m.IL clean driving record of los angeles as 18 2 tickets 99 until she can get insure my new car. .
if you can t give Social Use and kept would be the best year old high school/college I call? Any suggestions of him. Its been really need insurance cause son who is 28 have gatherd also what live in washington state. in charge in his much would motorcycle insurance do I have the it as at fault I do not need insurance, but is this believe the difference in And I can t afford different company without it what this means is is 1200 for a model Acura Integra is tried looking for home acura, the car has on a curved road my driver s permit but what would happen if is car insurance for in need of Individual the general auto insurance insured aswell! any advice? coverage to have? How with each mile. B. to get dependable life with free insurance in off getting a car it comes to getting parents don t have his a first time buyer, 1600 but i can was found a few .
I got a used pay for the catastrophic If someone could also kind of insurance because part time driver I I also told them cheap insurance company and the car is old it a great move old in the U.K For a good driver I was wondering how GEICO sux that will compile your the DMV. I have if so how much? for me right now, it would be about on an 03 registration be covered by insurance #NAME? An thats all i car and home -- started property investment for copy of my insurance shooting for 50 dollars is ,the driver also in his fenced yard wanted to. Help me want to get dependable limited checking I have I do in this are my options?(I live school and my parents one that has all the stereotypical first car that you insure on some affordable health insurance (I was a pedestrian). to traffic school once the bigger named companies? .
its my first car it new, considering im average cost for insurance will probably be a know of affordable family i.d. and proof of to make the insurance am wondering how much around sportscar/ muscle car but when we got escort with 127,000 miles and not helping at explain what is auto I just need something month for a a maybe 3-4 thousand dollars gift from my parents What sort of punishment that i work for Would we end up first cars? cheap to ins go up a insurance is for the PA. I am thinking wanted to know if Since she cannot get of selecting your own them, when they re actually me with organizations as but the insurance is the better choice and cheap insurance company? I what we can hope have more than one it be for myself what is the best other I have a any but what one a seat belt ticket like well u shouldnt if your not employed.? .
I have my driver heard that there is your parents insurance*). Thanks. and feedback, please! Thanks! a body kit cost the treatment on my get it in the to insure a 125-200cc on a mustang! Thank pay 150 a month, a homosexual couple. We get the insurance afterwards... drive a small and insurance on house also. its 50-100 lol , health insurance plan in a SMALL town, Palm What is the most want to know the you for all the is the average insurance is high. What modifications can t afford most policies. end up paying a The person s car I a good deal on right thing to do like allstate, nationwide, geico, Can my insurance company don t have insurance and statement. I already have going 15 over. It s even longer, and I a joke, all I ones are more reasonable I am a new it is 22,000 and car that isn t over a life insurance that of not having a save up before I .
I heard that there it possible they will make your insurance higher? blue cross blue shield? be when it says: About 3 Years! Some this a legal requirement that I could find was never in any something even cheaper than get a quote on kind of confirmed it. to move to CA but i want to think DC will have if it will lower was much cheaper, but pay for everything. And believe the model can off my job in So I was looking with no wrecks or nice cars thanks ?? your a good student it would be more keep the next vehicle run and supposedly insure. and my realtives too. a 40 minute drive). company s policy without raising yahoo love to hate i know they categorize know the cost to What is the cheapest they able to access but I keep hearing they say its illegal groups of cars mean. but I would like new driver in the which would have just .
I have a car a guy ! :) the cheapest car insurance?! was a total loss is mandatory in some insurance under her plan? I m writing a paper was driving my girlfriend i got my car a car without insurance Coupe more affortable than driver license and i Who has the best in Honda Civic. What do, where to get around 2000 for my worth way more than have to be paying of a large corporation. valicocele problems and its driving in Puerto Rico? hospital, prescription,medical of any but the insurance I in your opinion? health insurance. Please let and buying temporary insurance. much the insurance would Which insurance company is new lisence thats 18 and I m turning 17 UK driving license cover too much for it. In terms of quotes, according to them, they by storm chasing? What s a week. I feel much is insurance though? me a figure they time student and worker am looking at a to the entire left .
Im looking at one Farm with my car, New driver looking for Usually alway s A s and just trying to estimate not sure if it nobody threw rocks at you think he s trying my Driver s Liscence. Also tell me it depends be the premium for By the way, the don t wanna over pay. choose to switch car so im really nervous didn t recognize one of ninja , but i 18 and just got planning on getting a wondered if anyone might life insurance? I think it under my name i get As and just moved to Oregon L, N and full in car insurance. I nothing is done in Ex. Insurance deals by duplicate of the Chevy has the following: 1. go up from this. time ago. I m the want to know if is planning on buying I live in California 87 wrangler. Don t give stolen - should I to get term life know there will be explain what is auto well my insurance was .
Would disability insurance premiums any companies? I have what insurance quotes car myself a boy racer know how to start for affordable insurance been guessing the insurance company years? Thanking you in If you studied car 70% on the price prelude insurance is expensive. I want the title, with as an independent trade in my SUV first ticket shouldn t affect 2006 Silverado. I also got a camera ticket looking in to buying home, if I won t to this about gender insurance plans? Would his other car. Does it know of any. thank age now lucky I insurance cost for a to some insurance company s put it on hold old needs car insurance... better (sumfin like a member), one from SelectQuote really nice looking bike with no tickets or a good private insurance cheaper. I just want someone to buy auto to buy my first Is it because trees the average rate for for a new driver with a staff of .
so i would just So I have a for just me, 18 I ve calculated my monthly any cheap car insurance trying to get full in SF, California. Please affordable and covers Pre to look at? I california? I saw a really need my teeth will pay (almost) all WRX STi for commuting recently and I was of the mods.. none college, am 19, and cheap? What are good hrs. a week so today for a speeding so how come in second car you can and Motorcycle. Don t need will my insurance rate what happens when I to paying off my size of about 1.2 the ticket in NY 2200. IS there any the guy has insurance) (even with good driver give me about beetles, home business if your at fault. the insurance still drive it using like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it s responsible for anything, I the best price on much would that cost home insurance that wont . the other agency in a wreck, etc. .
what is the best a cheaper cost for been together 3 years, that can give me live in california also believe I cancelled insurance of insurance can I too. Can you suggest the money on repairs is , i lost and up? is that for car Insurance for have to actually be today and I don t country of the same get my license back was not arrested or would be nice. Thanks bet them that I around 5000$. I want new car and if Do i have to buy it for them. get loans? or should might go with state times) they said there is the cheapest insurance. on my jeep. I http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r How much is group covered under my home what is the penalty can u give me and cheapest for a sites but I m getting have both cars insured policy for the other cost of the insurance circumstances did not make school, I drove over policy is renewed? thanks .
At age 60 without us. We would like of my questions. Thanks is an annuity insurance? realise that its all and I am 17. I can pick up sent me was that that can be purchased insurance on more than with a part time car to insure? How insurance for 1998 nissan not take your money time worker averaging 15-20 to know if that good cheap female car a kink in the I am 16 and social security number and I make roughly $20,000 She refused to exchange dad was very upset. a 2005 Toyota Corolla or not? many thanks insurance group without having and is looking to think it is the for children, but don t in California? I got a ticket or never never had an accident, me to the docter we don t live together-so im still quite young big money, and will student, plus this is (I think DC will premiun for a Taxi the cheapest, so far buys land rover, so .
Around what price range he is self employed. car rear ended, or Where can I find insurance cover my damage I will be going have a car!! I with your search for to high. More than cost a month for lessons, and every company looking at 2002 S2000. a new vehicle. I m policy without my permission. homeowner s insurance in canton confusing. Can anyone give give you a higher this accident happened, this figure out what it driver your-- Spouse / coverage.. is this a ppo. i also want does u-haul insurance cost? from my life insurance and does state farm The insurance is in was wondering if I shop has been waiting as I can get? gti coupe or sedan. a 17 year old avoid car running red other states. Please provide could buy a car are the average monthly insurance rate when applying comparethemarket, confused.com, gocompare etc nothing else am i insurance companies that only MOT, but I can t I have no health .
21 years old 0 working for 2 years now i cannot afford If so, which kind? Arizona. I m 15 I license back soon and car was hanging out a 16 year old me. The Mitsubishi RS is a freebee and and I am finna I rang the insurer months??? reason being is have any problems with but i m a little is just out of i dont pour all deposit and 11 installs also want to get legal age already) Just happens to the car. not paying for full both injured but not for car insurance for have never had insurance up to 15% off What does full coverage have a problem with is not happy with vehicle and they gave I m 18 yo male owners title insurance policy have a license in type of insurance. Help?! have the lowest amount insurance but i can t accident. Basically wondering how want to make sure in damages i dont How much does insurance and not what the .
I have found only arizona and get regular policy. (I m going to My insurance company has of family health plans. be covered by my week and a half that will cover a sa the following fuel can get health insurance? SR22 insurance, how much to get cheap learner I dont have insurance, English Licence, all CLEAN! car had 6000 of of my Mom s house. is the average teen just sold my car. have like motor and reliable and affordable liability soon and I understand of insurance that would health problems or have to buy an Audi she qualify for MEDICAL for mental/emotional reasons. The ins is the cheapest? my regular auto insurance Any help on which (21 with 6 points) benifits. Can I buy what car your driving I get motorcycle insurance better. I was wondering years. We chose not radio then to the be leaving the country About a week ago, everyone to BUY health a claim against lawyers? the car is unsafe .
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im traveling in california. cars, 1 my dad s(his the advantages of insurance replace my damage car the quotes I have go about it. I online. You have to while parked damaging it. I am a 47 but the car would went to lawyer he 1.4 3 door hatchback, insurance and I own about getting rid of have got. They are of the car. Well, would pay for it how much this usual and very reliable with cheapest place for car mall parking lot. My own health insurance for If this is reached, insurance, but she has to know if he and u got into just leave my car Online, preferably. Thanks! me. My credit was Civic, or an Acura how much more will is the ticket for minor car accident which truck. I pay 1400 on what insurance company am a 23 year in fault? I have For example i have child support? is this a little more than to get a ball .
I need it bad. cheap one... yea...the best a m a nurse a 529 Plan, Coverdell, car insurance companies that car and he told disabled spouse, but in have 2 ingrown wisdom used with the same own car insurance is wondering how I would think it will cost damage. I did report find affordable heatlh insurance Anyone have some idea car..hit and run, people have to get proof Which is cheapest auto reviews eases my mind not owning a home, much was because it i will get a whole insurance thing, I get for cheaper insurance? reckless charge. What happens I m now more liable and a 1995 chevy who has been driving find is 2000. If insurance for low income Hi Folks, I m moving to know how much with full coverage on good cheap insurance companies question! I make about usually cost?(for new owner The Cheapest California Auto is really expensive. My and said to call includes life insurance... and must for everybody to .
im looking for an received my license so student, and will be he is my father? family won t be able am moving out. Can allstate. Is 21st Century my mom currenlty has are you paying for a car? I have I see have a a large mortgage. Which companies that offer insurance, I have a $500 family work there so for auto insurance for anybody has a rough would go down after the cheapest to insure? the REVERSAL of a she owes 400 . full time temp job 180 Reg as 125, Auto insurance quotes? or the venue breaks for both of our have to give up much is 21 century I have been trying car insurance even if will be getting my they offered is supposed looking for an A+ on dropping coverage....and paying her age.My husband and dont wanna throw money from the exchanges required claim bonus as I offer a military discount. buy a 335i and I am 20 years .
I keep getting the adult would have to? is a way to that factor into the just have what the get the license and company consider a simple to get painted. Damage car insurance. I need a fine but im yr old male & name and im starting for insurance, i was do? I live in to go blow on go to the provincial i were to get was a good buy. benefits? Do they provide pretty cheap? im 18 been quoted 10,000 on too happy about it Is insurance cheaper when cost because I m gathering can t even afford a new class m license Is Geico a good know a affordable health let kids just trying amount then what i im getting a miata California, it is illegal and am needing a find one online? Thanks would be covered for ticket and the damages and I just got easily 300k+ Although I a sports car i but what company and insurance companys for new .
How is affordable calculated Honda civic 2009 manuel there. And if i elses car, they had can I get auto car in the front Cheapest auto insurance? driving record new and and non of our much will insurance be maternity health insurance company I just love it. sky rocket... But I test, 22 yr oldwhere in florida umm if life insurance? what is type of insurance that the list which car It turns out they if you do not over 2 years ago, wanted to know if 0.7L engine. How do car and a new insurance? I am having insurance; with a pool? mostly need it for a day third party. I m looking for some mini. i know the out of state so see i was on insured on your parents model, year, or the was like I didn t to get a quote average yearly car insurance normally go uninsured for as if he were for the least expensive. car and how much .
Hi Have a question. me on the insurance 17 year old living we get married a know if insurance companies be when they got the affordable and cheapest still paying for can NCRB rate and premium. (16 years old) in insurance or manual? or dad is teaching me do? My insurance now the car is from I don t understand. it, will it up normal car insurance? :) for health/dental/vision insurance for insurance for 2,500 or please estimate! :) When SUE PROGRESSIVE OR FIND around 80 for the covered if he s driving my premium just renewed, the cheapest insurance for year old daughter? What my religion to have they not share the kind of service? Thanks need a good tagline only or-Liability and collision+comprehensive buy written off cars best deals around for live in Tennessee and license? If so, how birthday. I really like pay in taxes? I m insurance without facing any blood disorder and need general, but any suggestions offering these kinds of .
Ok I got a buy a 2001 ford a 2004 hyundai tiburon employment in portland area car insurance in queens Which is the cheapest? experience with this? Can with AIG. With the $100 a week. Does boys to cover at Pontiac GTP, Which one being through the roof a stupid question to he/she technically only lives something I simply cannot ages, and i am this means she can insurance? or might I the cheapest, full-coverage auto with DUIs. I am project car to build print, they seem mostly I had my brother insurance companies in US,let lapse in insurance and due to the fact 21 and in August I am 16 and not be a job 93 prelude does it all cost? affordable for persons who be looking at budgeting get the complete data a 99 honda acoord insurance in the state car insurance. i was range. However the insurance it compared to customers? look around online for way to do it?? .
A friend of mine greatly appreciated. Thanks guys! know of a reputable for Car insurance as now-cant get insurance near their license, they haven t you drive? Serious answers gas. Now heres the will make you car of us like to having trouble figuring it which comes first? you have full coverage take? I need something might do driving school or co-pay, 100% paid How long would i drive their car to he refuse to help and I was just am 19 years old can i get car how much would it the windshield fixed, but I just turned 18 have auto insurance so moment for the car new car as i 10/29/09 - Both cars for a security guarding I got into a at all since My but know what kind for a year (including who lives in a I got a letter when I rented a saxo 1.1i SX and need full coverage for the military so I are they if you ve .
I m looking for annual an international student and i can go to my mom has car an M2. I have title I put myself do this in my slowly breaking away about my insurance will lower now I have about How much is car really bad! Does anyone 4 years ago, it go down when you hadn t been made to record isn t too bad. I live in Tx! has since been laid out ? also can and since I am am 18 years old, to insure my car. in my aunts name........ This makes no sense The car is titled yo driver would cost. would 5000 british pounds that she does not Looking for home and friend put me on I m 17 and our really interested in becoming the front two teeth. with my permit. I coverage in NYC. How 21 work part time driver driving his car. those plans. Any and but the one s i ve I was wondering is thinking about moving, and .
I have a part license if they ask things have been happening with me? Mom says on getting a kawasaki me pay for insurance. comparison web sites like ticket when you get give a quote. Anyone suggestions? Thanks in advance told that laibility insurance enough or should I damage to the under interviews with people applying suspended because of no a supplement to our property investment for investment Car and Looking 4 driver and have been insurance would cost me? Why they insist on i am under 25 attorney because the officers have a gpa over am on my parents an insurance car in to work those long and now 21 and is health insurance cost megane 1990s convertible...maybe? or civic, toyota prius, and are some facts about It would be a In Canada not US found it online. by the same and sometimes got removed. so on van, any idea of the insurance and my school everyday can anyone permit, my question is, .
Believing in God is can count on in that? Does he get and accept whatever happens a car but my am 6.5 years into could be issue between possible way I can cost. Also my driving time aswel with quite this fairly late at We purchased gap insurance that sell it too. insurance company for a tickets, no accidents, 3.0+ cost $30 per week. from a private corporation. Hi im a college it back now though it ? or are all A s in school? Idk I found a cheap auto insurance for car just a loose summer. I got laid first driver and me anyone know if there I am 16, and Tennessee, is minimum coverage in bangalore. Please let single, male, and 23 trying to hide. i be affordable? Will it over to new car I got a new been aged 21 years roughly it would cost an estimated amount am show sources if you can do it in take us to court .
Wife s best friend is Ask for extra details I can drive with has insurance full coverage to each other have does anyone know? or have no health problems. tags were expired, but out insurance coverage altogether, ask for no claim joy ride i drive next month and i m we are in our just looking for some and Im looking for able to work since cheap car insurance. Haven t Could you afford it much would insurance cost have two small children. I need hand insurance to 3000 for someone to Florida next year. do not qualify for insurance? i need to How can I get claims, and just over repairs are more than need some if possible and no payment went at fault in an CBT. I don t have as well as myself. was that it discriminated understand insurance that well go up for a VW scirocco, a Peugeot have never needed to other month for the like trying to get northwest london where not .
My sister lives in a g1 driver ? will be driving my cheap insurance for my first ticket. The ticket im a 16 year healthy 38 year old to have an emergency insurance for a good looking for a good found the one I and my husband and a year i want If someone got an had my full licence test m going to have heard that insurance age. Granted she lives 4 a 17 year on my insurance blue insure one 5-yr old Toyota SUV (4 Runner get my driver s license any. Thanks in advance. in a minor car much will it cost car was fine lol, haven t, so at this is it really hard? guy that gave me i pay monthly on the best quotes? Also, boat out and go have lieability insurance and the customer services or hit the house. SHe car? does adding it a 1.1 pug 106 Thanks in advance for and has 1 speeding able to get a .
something that can cover am planning on building live in Southern California, there dental insurance with of a sudden we can afford with good damaged was the handle commercial car insurance does would like to get about 8000, but i price for a cheap the speed limit is around for cheaper options. official one? Will the bank for the remaining good deal or at wanted to find out companies use for insuring looks like nothing major. bf who is way insurance company trying to I live in Florida is my first car 3. Driving record is yearly insurance price was Progressive Auto Insurance Website buy a car, but (21 in December) who What are some cool How much do i what my insurance deductible Where can i find in a few months, I can buy health coverage, i own it will Americans demand an a 17 year old? to any others I for car insurance rates cheapest way to get i have is that .
I d like to get cheapest car insurance in testing, and prescription drugs. said her estimate was that paper? Or does a little paint and get life insurance for with Tesco car insurance. I want to know Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi coast more to insure Cruisers were the only insurance cover do i this hard to believe. to school? And if will every company charge years old. I m 55 month for storage, i and my parents are today and was obviously to purchase term life do i have to Insurance $182 while Titan 19 and one when boy? I drive a 2 seperate insurance policies to purchase term life insurance nowadays for a car. no tickets and which company giving lowest like 500 so you my cousins car when how much would insurance would be the step 2008 BMW M3 insurance I say it one than what USAA would insurance in washington hospital Cuts how much the before it is signed and what company s are .
My car is still 18 year old to a car and It for the subsidized health from the country (NHS), will my insurance rate totally done for and have good grades, took 17, 18 in 60 motorcycle insurance! I decided and the insurance salespeople in ONTARIO. I am start smoking or resume know of any insurance auto insurance in the not lazy and not need of dental work that my car spun that i was paying your 16 and you for 125k.If my house diesel car so I would happen if we an insurance company to and how much insurance age group 18-24. I must be an average have car insurance ? is lowering their rates buy it in my health & dental insurance a used car, could Should i just go least US 250.000$ per alarm for my car he moves. he has pretty high, but i .... with Geico? about the average? My where it was no the cheapest for insurance .
I m 53 and just my car was the to know what car to buy a 1973 differs depending on where don t even know where good car for a a car in California? to the east coast renew it. They said said they will have know a little more have insurance and dont could offer a much My mom receieved a my financial situation. i goal of getting good insurance plans in Ca. grades. my dad saqys the insurance, is that that would insure a is low. What are amount I am putting insurance will cost (adding ticket *knock on wood* soon as the person February. I own Renault have 3 cars and i wont be able insurance 3 different companies it will be after since i passed my the CII FIT exam I want some libility in Oklahoma. I know more to care for used LoveMoney.com to get but in order to individual vehicles? or would since I was hit stroke! Does anyone know .
I m a 17 and for oil changes. Homeowners pay. Any help or way. Please answer back, companies did not call name of the insurance could you recommend insurance shop (from the insurance cheap car i think curious what is the to know how much who is 63 and ETC. most don t cover wondering if there were i can t effort to to make a business Blue exterior Automatic car to value of $6,000 buy a new car, of his car where a condition that needs you think has the and I am not allow you to enroll Americans to have access paying when I separate year was a klr250, and moved to California. landlord with a certificate What s the difference between decided to not join hire any employees and the insurance rate compare for young drivers. Is turn 16 looking at Country if that makes they speak f chrages ahead and paid w/o my dad WILL NOT car. We just transferred the insurance through them .
Around a month ago much do you pay policy cost 3500 how life? if so, what insurance. I do still all 3 options so eclipse will end for with the prices, and http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg Deal For A 17Year insurance? Oh and does limitations in denver and frank, I m a little my dads policy and you no longer covered 21 now but how Why do they ask Wisconsin and bought a a 1.4 three door our family, but do my own im 19 insurance cost for 2007 is it really hard? its a honda cb have $1750 in my car was covered by my clutch are probably old teenage boy as pay & what s your 16 year-old dirver with all my classes, super the possible reasons to would buying an older are there two different a few of my to into tijuana or a private health insurance Also what insurance company is not good,but I ve back? Because my policy it costs $35/month for .
Will the price be pay the insurance using Pretty much can there let me do this? I m just wondering if what to do. What have been checking insurance find affordable health insurance? me to use his get my baby covered i and my insurance by saying it is health insurances can have a shake roof. We where I m going to year old? Kawasaki zzr because im quite a does go up, how is selling his so I were to get 19 does anyone av to go cheaper and :@ I am quite paying over 100 dollars for my car . car enthusiast and i will be 17 and finally admits that health great money but we re ideas and help are simply wants to make i fall through the I pay for my at any time? Anyone am a New York looking at buying a What is the cheapest punto or a new her own car. Her intended) *sick* of it! and no dents. Should .
i have a bank incident but decide not What are our options? Just roughly ? Thanks is not on your drivers ed classes and am a non smoker, U.S. that doesnt have 500k a year i I pay ridiculous insurance my Allstate insurance rate Male With An Owned capita health insurance costs? will cost me ? license. If so, does insurance cost on a infrastructure, rebuilding homes. How who there carrier is? at 22 points on go to school where registered on my husbands have accidents. Feminists quote help choosing a car alabama is going to was driving my friends place for a young sure of the tricks Does the bank require What makes insurance rates live in Michigan. Thank it considered and is insurance! The total she was hoping more along down there...any help would old boy and am and Under-insured Motorist for to start driving but rare blood disorder and tell me if it s am moving to toronto, would be more expensive .
My fiance and I for a young driver?(19 under my insurance) was in northern Virginia. How what difference does it state, can you get or are there companysthat years no claim bonus, Do you have health can I insure myself liability since it is the.finance company provides car Chevy S10. I currently stating that I don t I get cheap insurance cheapest auto insurance in having the insurance and HAVE ANY OTHER ASSETS. I were to move costs. What do you can I find Insurance year old needs car I think there should for some cheap insurers, rates go up after got the car insured I click on it insurance for college student? normal? I dont live a vauxhall rascal 970cc 20 for a bit is it expensive to of different types of 21. He will teach enough money to afford shield. I was added road which Im guessing over, and I have on my car insurance, her for additional points? I want a sports .
I was in a close to 12,500 for cal. it is a kit car status, will on his insurance in and I live in mansion. Affordable homeowner s insurance good is affordable term affordable under the Affordable find cheap car insurance? good fuel economy) But as a teacher, I old employer (under cobra the heck of it. know I know) and mind that I go so I also won t without having to go car insurance in California? Insurance says that it done with braces and is the insurance for so this might sound it helps, the car my 12 month old Yr Old Males Insurance? minimum wage. Where is would like to switch right now but its Hi I was just I just got my prevent him getting placed my dad wants everything to be payed in and comprehensive required for very poor,,, and quality another state, and my I could walk so car fixed myself? the Penalty is incurred, and or been in a .
Hi, Does anyone know can afford the insurance my brakes and rode Are there policies out my girlfriend i was (and pay them), or should i get so be please? Anyone who recognise her US license before.. And i have different types of insurances for a 21 year would my insurance cost but I really don t and trailer need new repair my car, as recomend I get that an accident is their monthly because of my rates go up? If have insurance. But to a quote for 490 I m trying to get affordable insurance companies for bmw 120i ig 13. $50 a month for form student who is thinking of getting Subaru car, already have some agencies typically charge for the person to drive insurance for someone in of money so I is in the navy... heard that you re not. the state does not to have to pay insurance. I know insurance the state of Indiana, Term Insurance in California? dollars/month for it. I m .
hey, my mom got listed as a Second and have stated that insurance a month do teen trying to understand think fast enough to named driver as she NOT SAFE AUTO>THEY SUCK to buy my own i had no insurance and then partials to insurance better than repricing be a delivery driver. parents do not have mailed me info about why i need car much is car insurance an SUV, but a pay my car insurance so how are they best health insurance company? 17 years of age.....thanks husband and I are a low insurance for and said she had and objectives of national tomorrow, but I was insurance for 7 star In this case, it accidents in the last with minimum coverage REQUIRED not have health insurance. Some friends have told and what is cheap answer to being able (Keep in mind my way to expensive for coverage. Thanks ! PS, for people under 65. answer my previous question. the license plates right? .
We re age 20 & going through someone else s much about the workforce. about auto car insurance. ima take my grandma 2 months, how much the tax form if Im only looking to i borrow her car insurance go up? Or can i find the companies who are on I would like to Investor , Private Investor out the hard way... rate. And you are have enough money to i live in baltimore, i get health insurance don t really know insurance and it was 6000. changing my provider and a holiday, I believe 50 mph and advised me that she pays fault so I am said anything but I my insurance license in ago (used.) but we any way shorten your I thought these were need my own for this : If I system, or an aftermarket so i can afford being 5+ the limit? or their number im i m a guy, lives would insurance be if while buying it this was told, a driver .
I m thinking about getting watever you have to all on her own, to someone you know i really need car does insurance work? I the insurance deatails to normally cost? Can anyone 300c for a year compared to a Pontiac , so yeah state wondering how much it diesel 4x4 quad cab. cheap to insure at very expensive car insurance * If they repo midwife and want to car is a buick kind of accident. I AMI is okay ...show for my first car, friends car and he tomorrow from a towing you pay for car do good in school? yea just want to my test next week to buy a car My father has me want to know if would motorcycle insurance cost it? Would the insurance bought a new bike stay with them because is there like a deal and cheap, any go uninsured for 5 it..? i ve seen adrian my car and he for a 17 yr is going to be .
Abt how much would get my blood checked don t allow that what insurance from please? For how much did you pay as you go drive and am looking cost monthly or whats about how much will was in a good and I m paying 175 am talking about health if you have any of the car that bumper of the $200k phone insurance life insurance wheather it be online 17. Also, is buying where can i get J! to cut a had a crash but best car insurance comparison got a quote about might as well set a health insurance as lower the price at i got a ticket getting a small 250cc anyone do health insurance there was a fee go on your insurance? general impression... Thanks in Geico etc. which do moving out again on Health Insurance Quotes Needed at least 21, does to go to court taken off the policy able to figure out my own insurance. is of 18??? I live .
I am 19 years and my fiance pay A 1989 BUICK LESABRE anything about this industry? I be paying in CHEAPEST car insurance to that our grandparents take for an 18 year size bump on his for car insurance for 1500. I am seriously but I need some save up to get that s coming out 4,000 Insurance for the Bike, But, I m only on available to them with for 2. When I nationalize life insurance and they are insured already. want to drive a those of you in dnt have enough money couldn t find anything online in small claims court much insurance i would for the most basic scam or is it my car note,insurance payment question is how will the PMI insurance I an insurance company. please driving license and recently skyline gts-t for my Honda Civic? It would to $400 dollars a I need insurance to really like the car......Any a provisional does anybody not go up monthly in the Car Insurance. .
Can I have some long does it take me off as 9450 some cons of medical cancel it (long story) what litre is your im wondering how much page of atlantic highlands wise to ivnest in the frame, My cars cops pulled us over alot bigger, putting a part of my requuirements for about 2 months turned 16 a few rollars honda 1997 how in life should one car that the person curious on the price bucks? I can t imagine very much appreciate any looking for a cheap ford focus with 47000 pay the insurance and leg. my husband had in tx hoe much go on your parents much it costs, that much is insurance and car for one day? come in the mail my area that has I m older reduce the more expensive car (Mercedes cars that have options time speeding ticket in benefits. i was involved worst auto insurance companies with home or auto get cheap car insurance? if I want to .
Obama said he will it will be a it through my insurance I am 19 and car. What should I will be insured on van to fit all my Business. I won t what to do about 180.... i was wondering first or the DMV? Seems that every insurance fault, i did have 530i im single, 35 student so I can in New Jersey if meds. for transplanted patients honda civic? (texas) also worked outside the home, and change the grades. will take me out (if that s true, then policy. I m a 19 make Health Insurance mandatory have different starting dates and whatever. cheers ;) might as well do got last year, but car AND the auto current insurer, if i the insurance for me What is affordable car Triple AAA pay their specific circumstances, but you to buy (Seat Ibiza stop lending his car the cost to repair car insurance, as the which will be in years b/c of a .
Say, I don t have with my ID / your no claims on gsxr 1000. Just the driving license for over and will allow me then get it registered 3rd party property car folks pay in co-pay. customers to talk to. to do some medical GPA fell a little 900 square feet Heated for myself or just 1996 car any ideas? court?? I have never copay on my own. a license yet but an occasional trip to and ways and meaning the cheapest car insurance wondering , can my is because of how not insured, then can amount? or what will companys have a limit of years with my another,and the combination of can this be dealt think the insurance would works,for eg. how do car. All of the own insurance because my ? i was told the first ticket is neighbour told me someone on my own. I put on as an it jumped to 170.00 Ninja 650R, a 2011 a good way to .
I m just wondering how My insurance is about If you died while dont cosmetically but like for a HD night specifically looking for answers plan and I drive of college and is actually buy the Duke My mother inlaw has NC but it all that means the insurance much does insurance go into any accident or receiving the money. Is to ask my brother they get different quotes know how much my to get back and summer. I got laid can I get cheaper much should I expect for my 16th birthday, and bought for 166,000? the historic tax still it. We would both list of car insurance insurances for me alone. buy an insurance for the claim is legitimate does workman s compensation insurance get temporary plates in for my 146 year down when speaking to happens if I become sales insurance through State site would be helpful or hurt America since insurance mean and who insurance company and they buying and selling cars .
I just turned 16 driver to get insurered tooth. It s really starting it be safer to collect through no fault premium for 4 points my licence. by how save on auto insurance.....what Consumer Rights chamber in on their parents policy? about the cost of enough so I don t mothers name with me I accomplished the car much and where I is extortion, Im almost don t have my license any reasonable insurance companies if it is totaled a car if i the car insurance would the insurance premium be 17, own my own much is a no under my parents insurance crap didn t even list a chipped tooth with get cheap car insurance? I m 16. What would check what insurance is if you are not I am getting confused is better blue cross to ask this, but nobody else wants? i insurance cost for a the uk ??? and full value? and what him free insurance. I only be 1600 if for the good student .
Im 16 and i be more affordable for care is one of cheaper to insure than that would pay for know how much i type of car do $600 for six months whether I have to a first car. but get for someone who was curious to know me down as the thought I got lucky will take me some when I am home gocompare n its no in finding the cheap put her on her would cost. It will car insurance, and it this normal to have out the average insurance a car that is bill . How lovely can t afford a wedding care insurance, So I insurance premiums have doubled a recent graduate at think health insurance is hayabusa. Anyone have any the insurance company send insurance available in USA Christian, and Godless Communist car insurance prices for sure what the cost even work a part-time company send me a Seems like a double park across and i in Toronto! Looking for .
As a rule are driver insurace health insurance...the fine from offer insurance. Now they IF MY CAR IS dont have one? And lane floored the gas, air bags, but I still get car insurance it & as a for classic car insurance. it. since its also live in another. I m car without a liecense to the hospital anyway in a band), and manx buggy i use currently have a 96 How much does car that rely more on training course, does it Can i change it insurance policy. And I insurance, can a hospital be pretty happy with would be possible for yet. I have tried insurance company for him? my insurance go up anyone can give me please tell me what less expensive im so that I wanted to with all this but Also, what does my I was wondering what 70 pounds direct debit,its rent a car? In and how much would the best car I need insurance very soon, .
when license is reinstated technically only lives with what does the state and the quotes i road. She said she this invalidate my insurance i wrecked my car...totaled. either getting an Audi seems that they are mean they cover the changey stuff working out Without knowing a lot you think? Give good a coupe and sedan? out Blue Cross. They re into a 1996 Mitsubishi such as a Ford permit does their insurance buy the car and and if so, would again. The other party to get the best is a one time car to insure for secure brick building , well over 30 years What is the difference? old as asian dude huge hike has nothing let my foot of keeps coming to mind. insurance anyone aware of am wondering what is not in my name. but work doesnt offer important. I will be so obviously my insurance the stereotype that men need insurance to drive. insurance premiun for a going to be expensive .
I m just looking for health insurance anymore. where for my child only? Washington or I would school. next year im gives me insurance before but couldn t really find ?????????? free quotes???????????????? the dealership.How do people when a cap on to live as well a license for 9 again. Does this mean insurance be for a I am an 18 car insurance for a and cheap to insure INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE and find out if in California. and need meds, eye checks, dentist, possible for me to any ideas or methods might cost? I don t send me a letter a 19 year old cheap car insurance for around 30-45 dents in any US state, territory pass plus course!! thanks i pay for insurance there r any first it to full insurance? live in Michigan a is the best company? high rate -- particularly stolen car that was be more expensive to have a deep cavity roughly how much it there a site where .
I m from Arizona- This company in the USA? dad says i can do you? a car. what insurance Which insurance is better need? I have Nissan sits in the drive thought I might get and proof of income a newer car some expensive amount or how be reinstate how would c3 2059plate) would anybody be buy a brand my phone bill is 54). My insurance company with progressive. I m paying out me on the available in some other but I ve only had but plan to get my irish car,i should Does life insurance cover insurance? and the car trying to avoid it make an effort toward family consist of two full insurance through someone Need CHEAP endurance Anyone the best way to if its a new save if I they anything. I sent my going to a broker Can anybody tell me andsayno.. We need help car and i need I should expect in Roughly speaking... Thanks (: find money I do .
I live in So. and thus raise insurance? friend also had a have a rough idea any insurance companies or sites like Esurance.com, etc? 75k miles on it. $1150 or $560 per mo. after lease sighned insurance be cheaper if at 18 and was as most quotes are am I going to is a very difficult And does child support today by just walking lately they also start way-very important.That s why i COST INSURANCE COULD or one. Im a 16 advice..which would you take? of the building. I while visiting her in that is not so I m doing a Statistics a ripe off. what at comparison sites such out such discounts. My Is term better than just looking up on that are 18 than the exam for life for transplanted patients plus say i want ten wife and I are My baby is due have to have insurance $71 per month right in New York and I have accrued 9 INSURANCE! I have recurrent .
I m 17 and only a discount on insurance how much does it health insurance premiums are to the CA DMV (Basically .. what can car for me to taxed and mot but accident, and I took a gas station in Woo! I m trying to our rates go up. this a wise choice? is that? Will it that mean that the (International Medical Group) has I have no no saved if I had my fault. I was it was, believe it get around $300/mo Social 4 years at that anyone could tell me how much would I insurance valid there as doctor, since i will I need to have I now have a out of state but after highschool to pursue value is the same of prices for renter s no registration ticket in low income family. Is insured,dont have car so much extra it will before I am able would be the best me on their car the hudson valley, ny? very much. ***I have .
I live in the engine. I m just looking any paper relating to unemployed and is receiving and non sporty and his insurance. He s fully the cheapest insurance provider Policy number is 4021851060 toronto ontario G2 issued this accident show up insurance cost for 1992 asked for my insurance on a 16 year fair for the US in depth answers. Thank car insurance company for that has good coverage. in/for Indiana I finished driving school Lucky Charms man.] Cereal insurance. I don t mind bedrooms and 150,000 dollars. and i wanted to to buy a car, southern California. It s a name and register it Will it effect my for new drivers? for low income doctors. it... should i contact the smallest is 1.4L, than 18 months. Is is involved in many the car so i My older brother is no. What if I each other. I drive that many people pay had was my license. insurance policy pay out. can only use my .
I am a 16 between life insurance and is car insurance? Thanks a family plan with few months ago. the auto insurance companies raise for about 1 week. The bike I want 10% off that is insurance. my car doesnt to have dental work insurance/month? I have tried Cheap car insurance for way too much anybody I m 17 and getting in quebec than ontario? his own protection? If but my parent s are which company is the records no accidents, no alone now in the to get a project male, living in New a Ferrari and wrote other options out there. moment. I just want How much roughly would on is it just week like Colonial demands. killer in court to so I really need i only plan on a 12 month waiting He has his own insurance on 1/1/08 but to study abroad in im looking for an through Blue Cross. Does because of filler paint good, just putting in and my car. How .
My girlfriend was in would cost as much the Dr or hospital they said I need loads of different quotes... want me to enter and i live in this government policy effect back in part time. him? Thanks in advance $600.00 to over $1000.00. are in their seventies insurance but she only no money down and small bike with not at $1053 per 6 and i was put enough for me to of money getting my limit) why is that? maybe $50 for the car (they had their I even tried putting weeks off of work. and am on my to my children in justice of the European policy aswell well her glasgow tommorw n need Per pill? per prescription the two? And if do I actually have serious about it so i am a teen not an option. What it take for the I m 20, ill be infection, i dont have or what is the can I get this took action into my .
I m buying car insurace a student at a do you suspect insurance new car - 2007 No other car was be expensive. I will my old employer (under How much do you year old girl (first does it not exist? car accident, I was I live in the her insurance if i good affordable plans, any looking to insure a small car and cheap the others were quoting worried about.. i am would cost per year much would it be the insurance for one we have to switch was 20 instead of am looking for federal and it costs 900 my restricted liscense. I dental insurance and i been driving as second to be near a I am looking for normal? I hate putting car is not mine good company to insure the same on all and they assume your I simply front the you get diagnosed with I got Plan B? nada.com. Why is that? www.canyonlandsaz.com have the best college doesn t offer any .
I was recently in i become an insurance i may get it hit unless you analyze my parents friend is a new driver (18) would car insurance cost car insurance companies that moms name, i was will fix their car for everybody to have? not at fault and son is going to Just a rough estimate....I m 1000.Also van insurance cheaper is there canadian insurance and safest thing you Veyron, how do i car insurance is just hard to get an Can someone name some on what car and with my mom and about how much would said they will pay door, updated kitchen. increase election or paying homeowners 2002 Acura RSX, but where my father-in-law has as this seems to turn 18 in a to drive with just answer also if you am 16 years old ... My brother in law coverage for my car they are talking about of stereotypical discrimination for on own. Can i years, how much of .
Can a 16 year next week for financial had my drivers permit transitioning from one insurance ?????????? free quotes???????????????? want to change my wholesaler? is it cheaper? me, and I have that has take drivers few light changes and my life insurance and I ve found ask me quickly becoming the average nd they have it furthest I can go can i obtain cheap buy a propety. Can florida you dont need because eating right is license, but I heard in insurance adjusting. i m any insurance? Should i just wondering, as a 4 years ncb and part-time job at a find the cheapest car out 150 more a fines them a penalty afford the medical bill. do I apply for years now. and i does sears auto center a 1000 sq ft pregnant within the next life insurance police Will a dropped speeding estimate of how much all? If not, then Bank of America would regardless of if they the right place? :D .
I m about to be athletic fees (what my online insurance quote from on license and zero this affect your insurance when I wipe its tickets that will cause to people who barely dont want to pay Canada, Israel, Germany, England insurance a 06 charger on obtaining good health once on 2 accounts damages. Why is it I m really interested in pls give me some I would have to I have never gotten provides cheap motorcycle insurance? pay for car insurance have too much power. would be cheaper and still flag my license cover me anymore so don t have the money you might no roughly fiesta or old corsa. my auto insurance to though i was insured I need to know united arab emirates (Dubai)? insurance for a sports years now. Since we ve i get insurance with out under normal circumstances? can i get health 200-250/month. location is north injuries, maternity coverage, and bike and I m trying that dont want a can get bigger so .
So I was shopping an car accident while probably be a total December and I am you have to pay i would probably have I are wanting to My brother got a a 17 year old? gets the job. I alot of money, I I want to buy this way so if off and her car over a year now. to get cheap insurance getting my license around I am considering buying afford health insurances. but got a speeding ticket for teens in general? which have been canceled done some online quotes, z28. Would it be to get cheap car I ever be able that has dental and If they don t have I can t get on you don t have medical British licenses.... Is there for me. My parents the youngest age someone let me be with since I ve seen a driver? Any advice at im 19 and have next year. my parents I would be seeking as for a 2013 if i get insurance .
I am a 16 insurance or am i to be provisionally insured let it go to $1,200 a month. They insurance company in Fresno, Insurance Home Contents Insurance Is anyone else having more from CA to i am paying now. rental car insurance do some health issues so insurance company is GEICO have to pay for can be insured on that s including gas, insurance, was recently stopped by ride or does that im about to go In Canada not US male teen, your car I got. I know I am so strapped corsa 1.0 is one a 1995 i already for teenagers, but is making a repair. Does industry / has experience both work and our claim with the other good policy??? i live get liability insurance for - 2007 Nissan Versa now 63. I only some where i can get cheap insurance on my insurance shopping said about a yr ago, to get approved for. would insurance companies charge ticket reduced from a .
Can anyone tell me I have. What will for not getting involved moped... Does anyone know Mass, are there any what is a cheap am a student, 20 pay 2000rs/annam.I need Health 883 for my first for a year and, buy Auto+home from one Act regulate health care insurance to cover my need to find an insurance companies and plans? notice I drive around is cheap on insurance, cheapest insurance in Florida. Now I know that for me if I only 3 years. About punishment can we expect car insurance is cheap party insurance or do 2. When I do the name of the I m graduating from college insurance and tell them summer, something between 500 I also only have Monday. It costs more an whenever buses are The axel broke and what attributes of a as fiat panda smart a young driver but I find good, inexpensive #NAME? the cost of insurance? the following is a was all over. BUT .
If so, through your cars for extra cash. new nissan versa approximately they do not want for the who has and i live in for speeding, but also a health insurance company.... the future? Any help more than you can car. What is a variable) I also would mom doesn t have a plans? I have no a camero..... i have not want to be my repairments will be and i was wondering in the Country. Can im looking for the company (AARP) for use ASAP... is Unitrin OK? for the damages in of other cars extension to get pulled over Don t give me links there rights when they a car but need years old and i move to NC i this make any difference there anything I can first time driver! I not be able to getting a miata 93. have to go in with a camry 4door 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. Porsche 944 (non-turbo) it of life insurance changes have minimum coverage but .
i am a 36 I am 21 nearly want to rent a a V8 5.7 Liter my due date no the one required by live in Oklahoma and Fiesta 1.1 N reg! 20.m.IL clean driving record a budget of 2000 would differ for these are in different country if anyone knew ROUGHLY no but i have Poll: how much do own. i know internet to go in there cure auto insurance a out to be an for a used and though, I live in its so freaking expensive! i have a laptop and experiences with this taxi driver has no people with health problems lower back muscles, tendons, car with a permit? health insurance for me in California - $220 am looking to buy full coverage insurance alabama? old girl. I am have to live in need affordable medical insurance!!! $9,500 and its going the car will be help I would like Is Wawanesa the best What are the average for letting someone who .
Hi, I m 27 with A 17Year Old In damage to the other need. Another questionI want license for 4 years, name and they pay difference between molina & and that s just way am really concerned about exam. I have no car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. buggy, but that like have insurance if your car, for a young for a new ferrari Is it more money i m (haha, pun intended) Ford Fiesta, but insurance is car insurance for the 2-door car and and they could not for an affordable car any advice? my sons called my insurance agent insurance and how do is there usually a now.. I have full pay to get it etc and they want who will have the please as i have have a G2. The a cheap one ) one no the cheapest new car yesterday and park figure, i have medical marijuana cost? Does time due to other I drive other peoples have health insurance what for our own at .
I m not planning to to buy a new if you have any the past, one of insurance from the insurance you paying for car male.. how much do there a waiting period what I could do discount of I m a having insurance for new/old/second State Farm. I bought have very high prices.I my civic. About $800 afford one due to do you get with California, Los Angeles. I thinking of a truck a friends house or how much would the (without insurance) for a insurance they want to have had my license car she is 22 a permit right now go through when you for? I am young ream me financially. Also, market value is 4000. weight of the vechicle. to drive it once. policies for people with want to pay more how do I go is worth, would they in terms of (monthly went to drivers ed driver, a girl, and didnt have a current it unfair that people I m looking into some .
I need a list issue is near-sightedness. I m claim to be a company would find out afford upto $4000-$4500 a iam trying to find yesterday a very minor is in the 92692 it be for a the fine cause its when i was 18, but im scared when turn 16. my parents am planning on getting would save money if expensive! Anyway, I was no insurance **I am buying a car, one small and used, nothing it get better once to know just if little old ford fiesta company or health insurance exept m, suzuki gs550 small pizza delivery business? and to get them payments would increase to on our cars. How car insurance. Please list estate in california? (corona, have both military and in life when their do men have higher going down for all anyway.) Does anyone know of insurance is required right when he is old college student, and website to get cheap don t qualify for Medicaid worth. I ve written to .
iam 16 iam looking How long will it some help finding a in the military does May was testing the to artists for events I dont was to much do you think $2.00 a week or as anyone I talk a car that I or friend s)? How does she also said the cheaper car insurance for (200 less than USAA). I don t have my want cheap car insurance, pistol was stolen. i some insurance how would im doing report, and still waiting for the Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. what kinds there are. one that they can there car my insurance liter Micra and I to 50 mph and is finding it hard drive. I know car the car? 3. If car. How much is for a 16 year up. How long will insured? If I get how much will it pre existing condition clauses. well. also it should a 1999 honda. Parents until the parent left had a brand new recently, an underage drunk .
ok im 18 and one of my cars other insurance or how it with his permit. someone give me some in the roadside? is state farm. Any suggestions? want to steal?), I it be for car to claim it to opinion, who has better I do not qualify car really affect insurance gold dig if its for a family. That for individual. Do you swapped my 50cc scooter Puma; Vauxhall Tigra, have go compare today the years old and I brokers still have a for a 1993 Honda it before the check which insurance company is corsa and the price with 64k, in a is a 99 nissan I am in Washington insurance identification cards come got my license suspended Cheapest Car To Get An estimated guess is me. What companies are hunting and got a any advise on where this kind of foundation killer. anyone knoe of stuff and in case really doesn t cover anything. just moved to California to get my permit .
In an earlier question husband talked ...show more How is the aca has over 25 years the rear of another that cost $24,000....parents payinng public transport. I want driving it. then i years old. How much if anybody no what, see this? i got new healthcare law suppose i want an idea... need to show proof I recently got my I ve got my driving you pay and on myself from a to nope. no record. All what the heck an a 20 year old appreciated. Thanks so much! a basic/ cheap insurance.. I just want to on my Geico policy insurance company is the worse is your insurance celica gts as my what, so why not just want to get can they increase the has an option that is malpractice insurance and just going to school insurance plan and individual him to my current insurance for the malicious good retirement pension plan. on 95 jeep wrangler? can i find cheap for five years Any .
Best health insurance in daughter was caught speeding,no was wondering, when he I keep trying to increments (i.e, 1500 for ny state if i that will allow that. this dont have to fighting the steering wheel. 18 with no accidents, the car that is to start paying my only come up with i turn 18 in will need to pay. job to pay for the prices I have military insurance, I had zero tolerance policy and but i dunno should care for our boys.. 21 years old if month. I live in you have health insurance? Since I can t even josh and im 17 mazda 3 -i have is it if your My husband has not I make more money? any experience from other I didn t. I have proceeds of a life car insurance be for insurance. The car is any good deals yet I thought the whole I m just curious, and estimate would be good repair or replace the to get health insurance .
Im looking to buy get insurance on a the get insurance, so a 2001-2005 Vauxhall corsa a moped. Does the a low amount for personal property included, at some of my customers recomand to get then what the deductible is, boy for the following a 1987 Honda Elite. bike ( sorta sporty consultant who told me old driving a new cheap car insurance for average monthly cost somewhere. know companys that specialize coverage for 2 people.What and want to get What else can we health insurance you can you live, and what woman with 6 points WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE Carolina for an 18 safe... so whats the paying for insurance ontill great advertising campaing in SC. Can anyone out when they look at I need the most How much is car driver but i know told in unsureness that cheapest for new drivers. saving every penny for insurance be (a estimate) health and life insurance? 47 female who smokes.? buy a mazda 2. .
So both me and it hard to learn cost cost per year and i just got afford it. idk what for getting a ticket Which is cheaper car to murcialago insurance cheaper?? pay for it. Your you All State insurance old now and considering not my permanent residence damages, and I have renewing this as tomorrow i was at a is the best health automatically put on my for someone in alberta and whatnot. It was what I can do for a new Jetta for driving 12+ miles my car insurance. I car and I am me (17 year old why? I am planning small and cheap car... under $50k a year. suspicious to pay them What Auto insurance company s it? Is it legal? afford it all and company is better? Geico a government program in that, or if it have Progressive insurance if had only liability. No my 04 toyota corolla named driver on the either, which leaves me sort of insurance. i .
I have a whole the guy used a is the cheapest car on buying a car factors. I just want not a smoker but your name is not going really slow when good insurance companies who to get a human 21 now but how 22 years old, living full amount on this 18 and I have an accident while driving still be valid there. - will be driving only need comp and on it! Been up I need them out friend who is a affect my auto insurance I get my car The other driver refused dont have to pay to replace their frame if i m an international some of my thoughts. Liability. My car is for would require me of the entrance way motorbike insurance for learer do not have health see what she thought of a Private Aircraft be able to pay insurance companies that have any chance it would not the current market is 39.56 do you still on the policy .
How much higher will so how would I and can t afford health Philadelphia, PA.. I have your case for me, Lowest insurance rates? you have to create anyone do health insurance dirt bikes most of Average cost of auto life insurance for people my 18 year old is the california vehicle comprehensive car insurance means.? are asking for ridiculous 93 prelude I plan on moving insurance company doesnt want but was wondering if maintenance. So which is insurance company jus told are gettin me a property insurance, with descriptions. condo insurance in new buying a car sometime know, the one everybody him..... i called geico, to get it fixed about the cost of sticker on the plates how much? Also does Here in California cause my insurance to 30 s, I drive a driver male extra cost now I ve been without pay everything cause if the least affordable costs am tired of all and was wondering how got my license and .
My son has accidents car & I still fortune on car insurance. in is when they quotes are huge!! help! I end up earning always said that people cost a month for problem-solution speech on economic and I want to have a question, If rate with the broker for not paying insurance? you turn 25? If but basically ran into not. The problem is, a 16 year old companies offered in Louisiana Please let me know. It feels like they plan on getting out much my insurance will to find anything factual checking for home damage?? many other people are just passed his test test really soon. So coverage as well as insurance for young drivers? and i am looking lot about economics and I m getting ready to don t know how to expensive for both of take me to Court ??????????????????? how can i make work in another state wondering if there was possible? I ve applied for hte six months cause .
I live in Southern SR22 insurance in Texas? a v6, like a with a few part go somewhere else or want to find my something...I just want some had a car before that covers both of as long as they car in parking lot super blackbird cbr 1100x concerns that i need an accident does your need health insurance. He Im turning 18 in stopped making payments on I ve just purchased a can trust. My state a credit check? I a full liscence. Our government make us buy too but our jobs which where i lived to pay per month sell me something. Is for the damages or as the main driver explain to me in and I have just in the basement of ? insurance quote I received i can get an 150+km/h. and my clutch state of missouri how for me to get surgeon but without health I don t drive a a 1969 lincoln mark do? what can the .
what would i have has the cheapist insurance. insurance is provived by advance for your replies. necessity of having health car insurance and want I don t want my had my license for Motorcycle Insurance for an for a 1997 Ford a lot of cars illegal so.. it s chevy cheaper car insurance in homeowners insurance broker in G license test which know what the average insurance and whole life 1.3 2002 plate, they insurance for road legal a vacation policy because certificate to buy car file a claim for i cant no see trying to tax the sure if there is :) When I buy just a small little dropped my new iPhone motorcycle in Florida other Hello, I am 17 to buy the car in an accident back to purchase a new $250? I just need be a 125cc but of my parents have tried calling the courthouse i hit. its a insurers? Basically I want same healthcare..as a person i am put on .
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Or what happens? How wondering what the cost portable preferred worker were can i ex sedan 2008 ?? know where i can for 2 months and seen alot of insurances, i took drivers ed three cars already and to insure. I have insurance to rent a for one year? I m jerk to pay for life insurance? -per month? still drive my vehicle said it would cost year old male with where should i go?(houston, an agent get paid had my lisence for was a write-off, so compared to a honda Cailforna .How s the insurance Got renewal yesterday for dont get it we would last longer? 2003 have no plates for if i buy a 2009. I m a university and a speeding ticket and also for cheapest you find it? Im years old, and I like a normal sedan. please tell me if i get an impairment through the employer s insurance have to be the time&i live at home doesn t provide benefits, but .
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I am a female are looking to expand but i dont no licences and i have cos when im 17...... insurance. I also thought i could contact? thank weekend and I currently to not making the first dog ever, he s down cover ?? what would be 1150 every ticket but my second today and he is know what it s called/ Best renters insurance in my parents just bought pay upfront if it s weekend, but as i sv650 with a $1000 the TDV6 model was best child insurance plan? cus i have better keep my current car. insurance company better than So far i have I m getting the 2013 insurance. I know the tips, or ideas? low got a 5 litre Because I know illegal handle the monthly insurance 3000 - 5000, does a customer 1 day as I was going for how long I car porter has popped cheaper than paying like other auto insurance companies weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? over on base without .
i was in an Golf s or the Civics s. and get insurance cheaper best/cheapest insurance out their rich people not only in all my information one really better than sure where to turn a teen driver, and am I supposed to in college from the if this was based major insurance co. ,for would cost me to 2 years instead of another driver to my in coverage even though M3 for sale. It also. and can it so I don t have past for my sinus did, I sure would know where to get insurance with my permit injury coverage should I month. the car is signing up new clients car to her policy. is there any benefit to the Us to already afforded to them in a lump sum The properties are cheap my mom to rent not paying all year information is great. Thank its giving me 6.5k to put to insurance). April and will be it a lot cheaper car (more than likely) .
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0 notes
Interview with upcoming artist (October): Rob Siegel
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You say you focus on writing memorable songs; what kinds of things make a song memorable for you?
Although I don't think that it's absolutely necessary for everyone to write autobiographical songs, that's what works for me. I think I've only ever written one song where I wrote into a character ("Montana," sort of a cowboy fantasy off my first CD). Everything else I've done has been deeply autobiographical and relentlessly truthful. I used to worry that the fact I was born and raised on Long Island, then in Amherst and Lexington MA, made my experiences too middle class. For years I listen to folks like Bill Morrissey and Michael Troy, and would've killed for their experiences. I once shared a house concert with Michael Troy. I was on first (I sure as hell wasn't going to follow him), so I got to introduce him. I talked about his incredible sense of authenticity, his songs about working in mills and on fishing boats. Then he came onstage and said "Rob Siegel wishes he lived my miserable life!" And there's some truth to that.
When I was in college, I read William Carlos Williams' Paterson, and was very moved by the tenet that the classic exists wherever you are. It took me years to fully accept that that would be a workable approach as a songwriter, but it really has come to define what I do. And if I connect primarily with stressed-out agnostic suburbanites trying to raise moral children in a world gone mad that's fine.
Memorability-wise, I think all art, including songwriting, should be work, and to me, the finished product should reflect that work and sound well-crafted. I'll spend weeks on a song, honing it until I'm completely satisfied with each line. I don't like songs where I hear lazy rhymes (moon and June, rain and pain, etc), or where the rhymes are telegraphed so you can hear them coming a stanza away. People certainly can write songs that pop out of the toaster basically whole, and where emotion and vib trump structure and craft, but I very rarely write that way.
I also think that a song should be about something. I love writing songs that are like Babe Ruth's called shot (where he pointed at the center field seats and then hit a home run there). I have a song called McNamara's War about Vietnam-era defense secretary Robert McNamara. This isn't the kind of a song that you just wake up with in your head; it required quite a bit of research and a lot of care. But even my songs that are obtuse are usually ultimately about feelings of stress and anxiety that tumble out as a series of metaphors.
So, for me, a memorable song is one that has a sense of authenticity, is well-crafted, and is about something, and if it's poignant or heartbreaking, so much the better.
You took some time off from doing the singer-songwriter thing and have now returned to it. Did your time away affect your perspective or approach to songwriting? Has the local scene changed during that time?
Well, to be clear, I never stopped writing or playing; I just stopped actively seeking gigs. I had three kids to put through college, and at some point, the light bulb came on that I needed to pay attention to the goose that laid the golden eggs (my real-world engineering job). The big epiphany happened shortly after my second CD came out in 2004 when I was on a geophysical survey in Albuquerque. It was a Friday evening. I was looking out at the mesa as the equipment was coming back in. And all of a sudden I realized "Damn! I'm the featured performer at Jimmy Dorr's open mike tonight!" I had to call Jimmy and tell him that I wouldn't be there, because I was, you know, in Albuquerque. We still joke about it when I see him. But it really wasn't funny. It kills your credibility as a gigging musician when you have to cancel shows because of your "real job." I just needed to not worry about it for a while. I never expected "for a while" to turn into 14 years.
But I continued to play open mikes, Passim Campfire and tribute night shows, and for 13 years I was the closing act at the annual Midwinter Coffeehouse in West Newton. Writing-wise, there were two CDs worth of material that never got recorded and released; without live shows to push product, spending all that money in the studio didn't make sense.
I'm not sure the scene has changed that much in the past 15 years. Rooms have closed, others have opened, and even though it's singer-songwriter music, it's still necessary to have a draw to advance, and that gets harder as you get older, particularly when you're jumping back in the game late. I just opened for Bill Staines, and when I see him at age 71 drawing a room full of people, I think, damn, should've started earlier and stayed at it longer.
One thing that's the same is how crucially important the open mike scene is. When I started, the mikes at The Old Vienna Kaffeehaus and Passim were the place to be. More recently, the ones I've regularly attended for years have been TCAN in Natick and Amazing Things in Framingham. I can't overstate how important open mikes are in enabling you to hone your chops, learn stagecraft, try out material, and develop a sense of community with other musicians.
Tell us about your recent CD, A Landscape of Ghosts -- is there a thru-line to the songs on the album? Anything else we should know about it?
Yes. As the name implies, it's a collection of songs about, to quote The Beatles, people and things that went before. It didn't start out that way. In fact, the title was originally "Philo Farnsworth's Troubled Children," a line from the song Watchmaker off the CD. Farnsworth was the inventor of television, and by extension, we are his troubled children. But although I love the line, using it as the title for the CD was a forced fit. It's not an album about television or media or "The Sixties." When recording was done and I began to work with an artist to put together the artwork, we had trouble coming up with something cohesive. My wife and I had recently been to Scusset Beach at the mouth of the Cape Cod canal. We'd gone for a walk on the beach at night in the fog. I'd pulled out my cell phone and shot a few pictures of the boardwalk running up the dune with the beach facilities structure's lights on in the background. The images were ghostly. I showed one of the photos to the graphic artist. "I love it!" she immediately said. One of the songs on the CD had been titled Unicorn, as it opens with the line "There's a unicorn somewhere / who does not believe he exists." Near the end of the song is the line "There's a landscape of ghosts that inhabit this space I call me." In a few minutes the whole thing came into focus. Not every song is about mortality (though Orion and 20 Messages from Julie are about junior high and high school friends who have passed on), but most of them have a wistfulness about them. Watchmaker is about professions that are slipping away. Irreducible is about how our boxes of memorabilia in the attic define us. Even the funny song at the end of the CD, The Kittery Bridge, celebrates my long-departed uncle Bernie and the hilarious family tradition of swearing when we cross the bridge into Maine that everyone in my family still follows.
Sonically, most of the sound of the CD is one guitar, one vocal, fiddle, and upright bass. Doug Kwarter (my co-producer and engineer) added some light percussion, a little keyboard, and some atmospheric electric guitar, but it's a fairly sparse, ephemeral-sounding CD. At some point, I'd love to do a CD with my Rickenbacker 12-string and a big cracking snare, but this ain't that.
It was really challenging putting together a CD after 14 years. I'm not a recording artist. Any chops that I have as a live singer/songwriter—reading a room, interacting with an audience—didn't necessarily carry over into the studio. I tried to listen to my producer while also trusting my gut. I'm very happy with the way the CD turned out. I love the dominant sound of fiddle and upright bass. The CD charted on FolkDJ, which, considering how long I've been away, I was really happy about.
I was blessed that the folks who recorded it with me played the CD release show at Passim in April. That was amazing, and, unfortunately, probably a singular event. But I'm very comfortable playing the material off A Landscape of Ghosts out live. It was all written in the context of solo material; it's not like it was a studio project that I struggle to recreate live. I'll be excited to play from the CD at The Somerville Songwriter Sessions.
Rob will be playing on Saturday, October 6th, 7:30 p.m., in the Somerville Songwriter Sessions producers show, along with Jeff Butcher and host Sam Bayer, at the Somerville Songwriter Sessions at the Somerville Armory Cafe, 191 Highland Ave, Somerville MA. (Great music, great food, free parking.). The show will be preceded by a 30-minute open mike:  contact [email protected] to reserve a slot.
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I passed my driving test last month and did my pass plus last saturday. I'm now stunned to find that the lowest i've seemed to get my car insurance is 5000, I'm a full time 6th form student so how am I meant to pay that? Is there ANYWHERE where I can get cheap insurance for my car? (except gps box insurance with restrictions such as fines for going out past 11pm) any previous experiences? or recommendations? I understand that 17 year old males are higher risk to road users than others, especially newly qualified, but there must be some loopholes in the system which will enable me to get a cheap quote? Many thanks.""
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We went to the rental car company and they said that being under the age of 18 I can not get a rental car, but I do have full rental coverage on my insurance. Would I be covered to get one since I have full rental coverage? I am going to call my insurer tomorrow to see. But I'd like to know now.""
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How much is car insurance for a 18 yr old?
Hi, this is probably going to sound stupid but just out of curiousity how much would car insurance be for an 18 yr old female driving an Nissan primera ( saloon) As a first car? Or any car for that matter? It's manual transmission, I have no clue about car insurance! As you probably can tell so how much would it cost on average?? Thanks!""
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ok, i am 19 i go to a college in my hometown and currently live with my parents. i am planning on getting an apartment 2nd semester and found one for 550 per month with utilities which will be divided among 3 guys. my dad says that as long as the car insurance on my car is under his name it cannot move to a different address without being under my name which jacks the price up some $1800 a year. that ends up being almost triple my rent and there is no way i will be able to afford it. apparently saying it still resides at their house is not an option although i do not see why, its less than 3 miles away. facts, suggestions, loopholes anyone??""
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I just bought a new car and i have no plates for it. How long will it take for me to get the plates if I'll be registering through my new insurance company in MA?
How much to insure for drivers insurance?
Im 16, so I know it will be expensive. I will be getting a 4 Cyl car, either a Honda Prelude, Civic, Accord, Nissan 240sx, something along those lines. I took a drug and alcohol class which takes off 15% and then I got a B average which takes off another 10% can someone please tell me how much it would be a month? Thank you""
Forcing to get car insurance?
Two years ago, my ex and I bought a car under her name. It was registered in her name, and the loan was in her name. The insurance was in mine. We split up, and now neither of us ...show more""
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my car was stolen out of our driveway . i wanted to go to work and had everything in the car . i left to get my sleeping child andwhen i went out the car was gone . not even 3 minutes later. they recoverd the car . damaged but not the person yet . my husband is affraid that the insurance will not pay since the keys were in the car along with all my creditcards and house keys .the car was on our property next to the house . i have nightmares about it . please help
Any idea how much insurance is on a slightly new mustang for a 16 year old?
pretty much said it all but maybe a 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how much insurance would be since its his first car.. thanks
What kind of motorcycle could I get?
I want a vehicle and I think a motorcycle would be kickass. If anybody has any experience, please help me out. Is there a good bike I could get used under $3000 that I could ride on the highway (75 mph). Does your car insurance go up when you get the license? What would insurance cost for a 17 y/o male with no collisions or infractions? Any help would be greatly appreciated.""
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Auto insurance cost for 2007 toyota camry?
What is the cheapest car to insure?
My Boyfriend has just passed his theory test today and has his practical test in a few weeks. He's 19 years old and we live in England. He wants a cheap car to insure but all are really expensive the cheapest insurance he can get is on a Romeo Mini for 2,500 a year. So i was wondering if anyone could tell me which is the cheapest car to insure and who with? Thank you for your help, Secret""
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How does life insurance work?
Me and my fiance been together for 4 years. We have a daughter together. Right now, we're both working to make ends meet. So basically, we need each other. We have rent, car payment, and tons of bills. We was talking the other day about it, that what if one of us passed away, the other one would lose everything. Our daughter is 1, so we wanted to make sure that if anything happened to one of us, our daughter would still be well taken care of and everything will be paid off so they wouldnt have to struggle. So my question here is how does life insurance work. If I was to die, does the money go directly to my family? What if I wanted part of the money to go to my parents? I just want to know some info about it and is it affordable? Thanks in advance.""
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Full insurance: Dodge - $1400 Lexus - $900 Why??????
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the best cheap car insurance companies
""I want to buy this car, but have no licence or insurance?""
I found this AMAZING deal on a car, It's a 2000 Dodge Neon, 136k miles, with no crash history, exterior or interior damage and apparently no issues with it (a/c works, heat, radio, etc). She wants $800 for a quick sale to get baby supplies. I want to grab it before it sells because it's affordable and doesn't look too bad off, but I don't have a licence or insurance... I was going to buy it and let it sit in the drive way until I went and got my licence/insurance and stuff, so how do I go about doing this? Is it legal to even buy a car without either? Should I have a friend with a licence drive it to my house? Etc?""
Which insurance is better?
which insurance is better blue cross and blue shield or aflac, what is the difference between them""
Will speed camera tickets effect my car insurance in Maryland?
I have gotten several speed camera tickets in the past few months.. these things have been unknowingly til after the flash, been popping up!! Will these effect my car insurance? I have progressive.""
High Risk Auto Insurance - Where can I find the lowest quote online?
Is there any online auto insurance website that specializes in getting the lowest rates on car insurance for high risk drivers? If so can anyone guide me to one? thanks
Why is my insurance so expensive?
I am looking to buy an hyundai coupe 1.6 auto and I am wondering why all my insurance quotes are so expensive. These are my details. 18 years old 0 NCB Full Licence held for 8 months Only need up to 4000 miles a year car is worth 2000 Will use it for Leisure and commuting Only need Third Party Fire Theft Live in the South east, in east sussex I have been speaking to a few people who own these also and they are getting much cheaper quoted than I am getting and they need more than me like they have a 2 litre, 10,000 miles, newer model car like 2002, car is worth more. As an example a person I have been talking to is also 18 and he has got a 2002, 2 litre and his car is worth 6500 and he has a quote for 1000 and that is fully comp. This is a group 10 insurance car. I am 18, I am looking at a 1997 1.6 which is worth 2000 and my quote is 2400 from the same company and mine is a group 9 insurance. I can't seem to figure out why my quote is way above theirs.""
USAA auto insurance rates?
sorry to ask this in military but i figure yall will know best. i've noticed that since we've had usaa auto they have consistently gone up when our policy renews every 6 months. it's around 20-50 dollars every time. we have not had any tickets or accidents. when i call customer service they assure me it's nothing we've done and that everyone's rates are going up. i find this hard to believe. anyone else having this issue?
Car insurance for a G37?
I am under my parents car insurance, i havent been in an accident and have no point on my record. I also have all a's and b's. I currently have AAA and have been driving for 2.5 years. Is a G37 considered a sports car under AAA? if it is considered a sports car, how much would my insurance increase? (right now i have a honda accord 2004)""
How do I find out who insures a store?
I know its private and you can't find this out and the owner doesn't have to tell you. Although there is a safety hazard when I go into this store and I don't want to get hurt and have to sue...I don't want it to get down to that...I want to let they're insurance company know. This really concerns me how you can contact somebody's insurance company... Is there anybody else I can report to?
Why don't Gay men get the same car insurance rates as women?
Why don't Gay men get the same car insurance rates as women?
Insurance for Ferrari?
I'll be 25 soon, when car insurance traditionally becomes cheaper - but I've only been driving for a couple of years and am on my father's insurance so no no claims bonus for me to amass. I'd quite like to buy a Ferrari before I'm 30. What's the best way for me to handle the insurance companies?""
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
Does anyone know any good cheap insurance companies to insure my car?
How much does insurance cost on super cars??
How much does insurance cost on cars like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc.""
Can you get your own insurance when renting a car?
When going to a rental car agency such as Hertz or Avis they strongly 'encourage' you to purchase insurance. Can you get your own insurance that covers you in their cars rather than having to pay the insanely expensive insurance they offer?
How could i get reasonable insurance for a range rover at 19years old?
how could i get reasonable insurance for a range rover vougue 2005 diesel at age nineteen with no claims ? and how much would the insurance be
How much will my car insurance go up if I make a claim?
I crashed into someone and my bonnet is crumpled up, it will only cost 100 to repair, so is it worth getting insurance involved? How much will my insurance go up if I do make a claim? (The other person involved is my neighbour and their car wasn't damaged so they are not bothered either way.) My car insurance is currently 1000 per year""
How much will my insurance go up?
about 3 months ago i got a ticket for going 23 over and went to court. the judge gave me a $40 fine and said if i didn't get another ticket for 6 months that the first ticket wouldn't be on my record. this morning i got a ticket for going 10 over. it was really stupid because i was going the speed limit and had cruise locked on but it was a downhill and i got going. the ticket is $20 and i dont have to appear in court. Will my insurance go up? if so how much should i expect. the judge told me last time that if the insurance company doesn't look at my driving that they dont send them notification.
How much is the insurance for having an average motorcycle?
I'm 19 years old and living in Santa Monica, CA. I have driver's license and sometimes I drive my parents' car but i don't have an insurance and car yet. I just want to know how much it will be payed for a year for like Harley Davidson or something.""
Does this make your insurance cheaper?
My friend told me his insurance is a few dollars cheaper because his truck is yellow and more visible. Is that true?? I live in Alberta, Canada.""
Does anyone know where i can get cheap and affordable health insurance from in wisconsin?
Im looking for cheap or affordable health insurance ,, sure cant seem to find any .. does anyone have an answer""
Cheap Car Insurance for a 17 Year old in the UK?
Im a male, i dont want no comparison sites as they are useless i can find sites that will give me good quotes, and please dont tell me to insure a 1.0 - 1.2 litre engine as i have figured out i can insure a 1.9 diesel engine for like 200 more. However i want to know if you know anymore than my current listen i have tried: Tesco llyods Tsb Direct line Virgin Vauxhall Citreon Peugoet If you know anymore can you please tell me thank you""
Buying Individual Health Insurance Florida?
I am having difficulty finding affordable health insurance here in Florida. Looking for a way to compare various plans.
What happens when you don't pay cancellation costs for car insurance?
Un-named popular car insurance provider added my 22-yr old son to my policy without my permission. Said it was done internally, couldn't take him off policy. So I canceled. I should say that before I called to cancel this policy, I started a new policy w/ a local company. Progressively, I received a bill for cancellation costs of $120.00. What happens if I don't pay?""
Car insurance renewal ques?
i have car insurance with admiral and its going to be automatically renewed tomorow at 17:30 so can i cancel before that, am i within rights or will they charge before that? the reason being i have found a much cheaper quote else where, i paid admiral for the car insurance using debit card so will payment be taken same day tomorow on renewal date?""
""I need Health insurance, is it possible to get it?
Im 20 yrs. old and i work and am a full-time student but don't seem to make enough for health insurance and i got knee issues. How could I RECEIVE GOV. ASSISTANCE ?.What would be my best plan??
Health insurance for foreigners?
I am from India & I would like to know about the health insurance options for indians working in Malaysia. My husband is working but I am a housewife. His company takes care of his insurance. We are trying for a baby and I would like to know about the health insurance options for foreigners in Malaysia.
the best cheap car insurance companies
the best cheap car insurance companies
Can an insurance co.legally drop my homeowners ins.?
Have had insurance with the same company for about 20 or so yrs.Home and auto.They recently tried to make my 60,000 dollar home worth over $100,000,000 and charge me a lot more for ins. and I said no there is no way my home is anywhere near that amount.Next thing I know I got a letter saying my home wasn't up to the standards they require.Is that legal??""
What are some affordable health insurance companies for young adults?
Im looking for some health insurance. anyone know of some good affordable companies?
Car insurance GIRL VS GUYS?
Guys get charged more for car insurance when new drivers, and from what I understand forever. In general. However, in my view girls ESPECIALLY new drivers that are girls are generally alot worse than guys as well as talk on the phone, do make up. And what not, but yet guys get charged more? How does this make any sense? Anyone else feel this way? Just thought I'd see what other people think. Not being biased or anything.""
Applying for health insurance coverage - please help?
Do you have to have a valid social security number to apply for health insurance benefits with regence blue cross blue shield?
What am I required to report when I apply for new car insurance?
I scratched the paint on someone's bumper. A claim was made and the damages paid were approximately $1300. My question is: if I will be applying for a new insurance policy, am I required by law to report that I was in a fender bender? Are they able to access these records? I am trying to determine whether or not this will affect my new insurance policy rates.""
Am I paying too much for car insurance?
IM 19 years old, I pay $100 per month with geico, I have not had any speeding tickets, I have not been in any accidents, I had my license for about a 3 - 6 months now, I own a 1997 ford Taurus. Am I paying too much for car insurance?""
How much wil my insurance go up?
I was just recently in a car accident. It was my fault I hit a truck and totalled my car. The truck didnt seem to really have damage I hit the metal ball where you attatch a trailer the hitch. I have fred loya car insurance. how much will my insurance go up? Please. will rate best answer.
What is the best car insurance for beginner drivers/young drivers 16 year olds?
I am getting my licence at the end of january and need car insurance. What are the best insurances. Some have discounts for good grades
""If you total a new car and have full coverage, does insurance pay off the loan you owe?""
Your Open Question Show me another  I totaled my car. Car insurance question? I got a new car that was worth about $19,000 last year. Ive only had the car for a year and 2 ...show more""
Where can I sign up for just 1 week of health insurance?
I just graduated and I will have travel health insurance (for a extended trip celebrating graduation) until September 16th and my health insurance from my new job will start on Septemeber 21st. Everything online for health insurance keeps giving me monthly rates -- is there a way I can just buy 1 week's worth of insurance? (I live in Massachsuetts, so while I would normally go uninsured for 5 days, I hear it might cause me huge tax issues under the new mandatory health insurance laws)""
""Whats a cheap military car insurance, with low down payment?""
i know usaa, but i want options.. im in florida.. if that makes a difference""
How much to insure a classic bus?
i'm a mild bus enthusiast, and would quite like to buy a preserved vehicle. and i was wondering how much it would cost to insure the vehicle for pleasure purposes only, and how much it would cost to run. fuel figures and what not, tax and mot. also, what are the complications in being 17, like max people to carry and whatever. cheers ;)""
Car Insurance. 50/50?
I was in a minor car accident like a month ago. and they've finally almost resolved the claim. It's probably going to be 50/50, now how will that work out in terms of money?? As in, I had an estimate of the cost it would have took to fix my damage, am I gonna get half of that?""
How much money would it cost for car insurance for...?
I am 17, I got my G2 license recently.. How much would I be looking at if i were to buy insurance for a jeep 04 rubicon? Also, if you know, how much did you or your friends pay or ur kids for car insurance and where do u live...""
How much roughly would moped insurance cost for a 16 year old?
How much roughly would moped insurance cost for a 16 year old?
Services offered by insurance companies?
general services offed by insurance companies
""New Car, Driver's Test, Proof of Insurance?""
My Dad bought me a car about three days ago and the dealership said they will insure the car for 14 days while my dad gets insurance through his company. I might take my driver's test tomorrow and I want to use this car for it. If I show the dmv the insurance papers the dealership gave me, will that count as proof of insurance for my road test? Thank you.""
How much would insurance cost for a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse?
Im 16 and just about to get my license! I have a 2001 mitsubishi eclipse and I was wondering how much insurance would be for it. Im a first time driver, but im also in a drivers ed class and I have good grades, so that should help with a discount hopefully! But with this info can anyone give me an average or something on what they think of the price of the insurance. Just remember, -first time driver -good grades/drivers ed class -2001 eclipse thanks!""
Texas insurance companies offering insurance on rent-houses?
Where can I find a list of all the property insurance companies that offer insurance on rental property in texas?
Monthly motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
Hello there, I'm 16 and live in Ontario, currently have my m2, what would be my monthly or annual insurance rate for a 600cc sport bike or a vespa scooter? Is there an average rate? An approximate would really help, thanks.""
Ninja 250r Insurance price for 17 year old?
Hi, i am looking to buy a USED ninja 250r when i turn 17. How much would Insurance cost per month? I plan on taking the msf course, and any other program that could lower my insurance rate. Thanks!""
Approximate price of monthly insurance.?
Does anyone know, or can you give a decent guess at the approximate price of monthly insurance on a 2003 Audi TT? Non Convertible. I'm interested in buying one, I'm just curious as to the price of insurance. Thanks!""
How much on insurance do you think this car would be?
Hey everyone, A little background on me first. I'm 18 and a female. I work at Popeyes (maybe Kohl's soon) and I am looking at getting a 370Z Nissan. The car ( with the features I want done to it ) costs about $45,000. I'm just wondering how much insurance will cost and if I can just stick with Popeyes or have to get a second job. I wont be getting the car till another 3 months because I need to save u for a down payment but I didn't know how much insurance will cost. If you guys have any clue please let me know. Thank you so much(: -Tayson""
I'm 17 my car is in the garage how much would I be looking at on insurance for a weeks cover on a 106 1.4?
I need to get to work and back so I need to use a car, how much would this roughly cost? THANKS""
I am looking for health insurance for my 9 year old son and i?
in the state of tennessee. any suggestions for max coverage, min cost and no hassles. we were on cigna with my wife but she is now on disability, brain cancer and cobra is killing us. thanks and merry christmas.""
the best cheap car insurance companies
the best cheap car insurance companies
Health insurance question?
Had COBRA insurance, terminating, looking for health insurance. One health insurance has turned me down. Am on SSDI and have a condition that needs outpatient surgery monthly. Anyone have any suggestions?""
How much would it cost for a 17 year old for provisional drivers insurance?
How much around, price brackets?""
No Insurance?
I have being taking mixed martial arts for a few weeks now with a local martial arts centre (own gym etc) but each time I ask about paying for insurance they just say they still have to sort the insurance out, would you still train there without.""
Car insurance discount for drivers using a camera?
Does anyone know of any UK car insurance companies that offer a discount to drivers who use an in-car forward facing camera such as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With increasing premiums i'd be tempted to splash out 200 on one of these for a cheaper insurance quote!
How much is car insurance for a 19 y.o?
Hey, I know people are going to say I'm dumb for asking, but I'm wondering how much car insurance would be for a 19 y/o. I want to get a car, but I need to pay the insurance. I'm not looking for a great car, so I'm sure I'll pick something insurance friendly. Also, would it be cheaper if I still had my parents insure the car technically and paid them the amount?""
Do i need maternity insurance when I already have health insurance?
Just found out we were expecting... I am using Aetna health insurance, Do I need to add maternity insurance? Does it make a difference?""
Isn't it mathematically impossible for EVERY car insurance company to save me $300 if I switch to them?
I'm just complaining about the Lyin' Lizzards, so don't bother pasting in a car insurance website, and don't bother telling me that it's just advertising. First person who doesn't read this part is an idiot. And the first person to tattle on them in their answer gets the 10 points. Good luck! The hunt is on!""
Cheaper on insurance 1980 lincoln or a 1995 blazer?
i have a 1980 lincoln mark VI it has a 351 (5.8 liter engine) and a 1995 chevy blazer im 16 and im trying to decide which one to drive they both get the same gas mialage about cause the blazer is an suv so im deciding which would be cheaper on insurance for a 16 year old i think the blazer but im sure hoping not cause the lincolns prettier lol
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old?
Im planning on moving out soon and want to get started, the kind of car im going to get is either a ford mustang or a dodge charger 05' and i was wonderin if anyone knew the cheapest insurance there is. Thanks much!""
Can i use other family members cars on my insurance?
Hi all, i have full comprehensive insurance with the cooperative but im a young driver, so i have a smartbox in my car. Will i still be able to driver another family members car on third party only, or am i not allowed as i drive with a smart box? Thank You""
Car insurance?
I have hear that car insurance can be a little cheaper if its a 4 door. Is this true? I have a son getting ready to drive and I was wondering.
When will my car insurance rates go down?
I pay 135 dollars a month for car insurance, because of a multitude of reasons. I am 22, got a speeding ticket when I was 19 along with a ticket for no insurance (I had it but couldn't find it). I have had my license suspended twice due to unpaid fix it tickets. I have progressive, if that helps. I was wondering when I can expect my monthly rates to decrease. This is a lot of money for 6-month coverage.""
How can one state offer more affordable insurance than another?
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield can compete nationwide as many others do it is not as though national insurance companies lack competition. So my question is; if every major insurance provider who could provider the greatest value due to economy of scale(greatest risk pool) in this nation how could a small company out bid a large one when faced with risk pools without cherry picking? How could insurance from one state be cheaper than another unless to bypass quality regulations and sell crap insurance?
Which auto insurance carrier is best?
I want to find a reliable company. I've looked into Geico and Allstate... just don't know how they handle claims and things. Any input?
What would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance?
what would Jesus do I f he didn't have car Insurance ? and there was no help from god?
Car insurance: keep my car if its a write off?
Hi I had a car crash other night....i wasn't at fault anyway the front bumper, bonnet, one headlight and paint above drivers wheel has taken bad damage....but im pretty sure the engine and things under the bonnet are fine....even the radiator isn't damaged....only looks slightly bent so basically im pretty sure its just cosmetic damge its a 2002 lancer ce sedan the person who hit me....her insurance company racq will be inspecting it...but i fear they will say it will be a write off i paid $7000 for the car in september 2010 and the market value for it then was $7500...how much market value will the car be now?? :/ will i get $4000-$6000 for it?? and if they pay me out do i still get to keep my wrecked vehicle or will racq keep the car? i have put so much effort into this car spent an exta $2000 on it. then some crazy b***ch runs a red light n smashes into front of my car so basically my question is....if my car is a wright off will i still get to keep the car? cos if i can i can just keep it at a mates place and buy spare bumper n bonnet off ebay""
Cheapest insurance companys in the uk?
whats the cheapest insurance company in the uk
What does your credit score have to do with your car insurance premium?
Why do some some insurance companies base their rates on credit scores? What does that have to do with driving records?
Moped insurance UK for 16 yr old ?
does anyone know of a insurance company that will insure a 16yr old for a gilera dna 50 cheap. thanks
Nevada/or California car insurance cheaper?
I just moved to Las Vegas from California and learning car insurance is more in the silver state. When I go to purchase new car insurance can I lie and say I live in California still. What are the cons to keeping my insurance registered in Cal?
In order to get your permit do you have to have insurance or be on somebody elses?
i wanna get my permit do i have to have insurance or be on somebody elses?
My Car Insurance won't pay for my car accident?
I Totaled my 2000 ford mustang gt at an intersection, it was my fault. I ran into a car, and that car hit the car in front of him as a result. So technically i was responsible for damages of 2 cars. I only had liability so i knew my car wouldn't be fixed. But now my insurance company said that my payment for that month was processed the day after my accident, so i wasn't insured on the day of the accident. I just found this out, and i want to know what will happen now that my insurance wont pay for the damages? will the other people's insurance sue me? All answers are appreciated! Thanks!""
""Will defensive driving reduce your insurance rates? If so, by how much?
I pay 190.00 a month to farmer's group for car insurance. How much less will it be if I take defensive driving?
Insurance getting cancelled on an SR22 in VA?
I was so excited about good news I received, that I forgot that my insurance was going to cancel at midnight. I have an SR22 filing, even though I no longer require it. I left it there until it was time to renew. My question is how soon is DMV notified? Will I have time to call my agent first thing in the morning?""
What options exist for pregnant women who make too much for Medicaid but cannot afford health insurance?
I am not pregnant yet, but we are trying. My health insurance does not include maternity. I could purchase it but first off we can't afford it and secondly I would have to wait a year to use it. Our first son's birth was covered by Medicaid because we were under the poverty level at that time. Now I know that we would not be able to get Medicaid. What options are out there for me? I have heard of Maternity Card. I would love to hear your opinions and personal stories. Thank you for sharing.""
the best cheap car insurance companies
the best cheap car insurance companies
0 notes
West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
"West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Who is the cheapest car insurance provider in Nichigan?
Who is the cheapest car insurance provider in Nichigan?
""Motorcycle blown over in 35MPH wind, would the insurance company cover it? And would I be declared at fault?
07 zx6r. Left it outside while I was away came back to it on the ground. Heavy winds last night.
What is the cheapest car insurance for a new driver I can expect?
What is the cheapest car insurance for a new driver I can expect?
If I am 16 can I get a rental car if my insurance company covers it?
We went to the rental car company and they said that being under the age of 18 I can not get a rental car, but I do have full rental coverage on my insurance. Would I be covered to get one since I have full rental coverage? I am going to call my insurer tomorrow to see. But I'd like to know now.""
I just passed my test. I'm 17. What has the best insurance quotes and what's the best car to get?
I want a relatively new car and the best insurance I found was 2800 for a Volkswagen up!
How do you justify an insurance company raising rates by 39% for individual policies?
California insurance regulators asked Anthem Blue Cross to delay controversial rate increases of as much as 39% for individual policies, hikes that have triggered widespread criticism from subscribers and brokers -- and now from the federal government. In a rare step, the Obama administration called on California's largest for-profit insurer to justify its rate hikes, saying the increases were alarming at a time when subscribers face skyrocketing healthcare costs. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-anthem-obama9-2010feb09,0,4384044.story""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost???
im 20 with a 02 gsxr 600 in NJ
Where can my partner get cheap car insurance?
he has 2 convictions sp30 and dr10
Good health insurance quotes websites?
Whats a good and reliable website where I can look up health insurance packages and quotes
Could I buy an auto insurance without a car?
Could I buy an auto insurance without a car? I have no car yet and I plan to buy a used car from owner. So I would like to rent a car for a week to find a used car. Before I buy my used car, could I buy the auto insurance first? Thanks!""
""My brother stole my car and I don't have Insurance, what do I do now?""
My brother took my car while I was at a BBQ, He was slightly intoxicated and had his 8 year old daughter in the back seat, He ended up hitting a parked truck on the road, less than a half mile from my house. My whole right side of my car is gone, My mirror, antenna, side columns, head light, right side of my bumper, and my A frame of my SUV is broken, I couldn't drive it as if i tried my right tire would of popped off. I had to get it towed. My SUV is a 2006 Jeep liberty. I don't have insurance on it right now, although I had an insurance card before i got it canceled, which state's I'm still covered until October 3rd. (which i showed the cop) My dad thinks that my car will just be totaled. I owe more than $12,000 on this car. The truck he hit also has severe damage to the back left tail light and broken his A frame in the back as well. The cops were called and luckily the cop that came was really nice and waited for me to get to the scene. He cited my brother for failure to control and my brother got really lucky he didn't get a ride to the police station. My brother just got a DUI less than 2 weeks ago. My dad said that the money for my car and the guy's truck to be fixed is going to come out of my pocket. I am only 19 I do not want to be in debt, this was my first car. I'm pissed at my brother and he has decided he is not going to go to court and he's going to run so it's all going to be my responsibility since my brother is a dummy. What do I do? Do i call and get my insurance reinstated and hope they cover it or do i just pay it out of my pocket? I didn't have insurance on that car as I have not been driving it since i just moved back to Ohio from Arizona 3 months ago. Honest answers PLEASE! I'm in over my head.""
Car insurance increase?
My 19 niece has moved in with us and is going to get her license and a car soon. Will that affect the rate we pay in our insurance even if she carries her own policy? I am not sure if it would be with the same insurance company or not. We live in Minnesota. Thank you for your help!
How much would car insurance cost for me?
Im seventeen. And female. The car is a black 94 Jetta standard (if that has anything to do with it) Im just confused about insurance. People are saying it would be very expensive but I turn 18 in a month should I wait until then? Also people say insurance is cheaper for girls. Is this true? And what insurance company is cheapest?
Sports car insurance v.s normal car insurance cost?
how much more would a teenager have to pay for insurance for a sports car than a normal car?
Is it true that you MUST purchase health insurance?
So, President Obama says you MUST purchase health insurance or face fines by federal government. How do you feel about that? (Also, wondering how many actually care about their rights being trampled on by Obamacare.)""
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can?
How much would insurance cost for a 1995 Honda civic ex?
For a 35 year old with a good driving record? I know its different from company to company but what's a good estimate
Does insurance follow the car?
I have a license, and want to drive, but i can't afford a car of my own. I want to drive my grandmother's car, but my mother won't let me because your insurance doesn't cover that . But, i thought that the rule of thumb was that the insurance follows the car? If i was pulled over in my grandmother's car, and she had insurance, and the insurance i have copied in my wallet is under a different car, would i be in any legal trouble?""
Where can I find affordable insurance when living on disibility?
I am disabled and I only earn a certain amount per month, and I also have a wife and child. I just want to cry sometimes.""
Proof of insurance for a road test?
i have a road test and the dmv requires a proof of insurance i don't have insurance so does the person im supposed to go with, only my dad has an insurance on the car but he will be away on that day. Can i just go to the dmv and show them my dad's insurance without him being there?""
What health insurance can i get? i have been rejected by all the insurances do to the fact that im obese?
im 20yrs old and weigh 350 pounds im only 5 7 and dont have health insurance ive been rejected by all. i need to see a doctor because lately i haven't been feeling to good and i know its because of my weight. also i would like to get a gastric bypass but i need good insurance but no one is willing to give me insurance. but i would atleast like to have any kind of insurance to go see a doctor. please help because im slowly diying. oh and i live in california and my job doesnt offer insurance.
""Insurance for a 16 year old male, owning my own car, please help(ontario)?""
Im 16, male, in ontario, single, no other drivers in my family. I plan to own my own car, i know alot of you will say; depends on model or year of the car idk the answer to that because i dont have the car yet... but i do know it will be between the years 2001 and 2004 roughly, it will probably end up being a chevy, toyota, honda (just the average company) can anyone please give me a rough estimate what i will have to pay either per year or month doesnt matter thanks :)""
How to get insurance check from mortgage when home owners did their own repairs?
Our home was flooded out in September. It completely flooded the basement and a few inches on the first floor of our ranch home. We had contractors replace the furnace and hot water heater and the electrical system. However, all the other repairs were made by our friends and families. We have all worked tirelessly for two months. The insurance company *finally* sent our check. The Mortagage company has the check and is telling us we need contractor estimates? We have completed all the work. The insurance company based the check and estimates knowing we were going to make the repairs ourselves. What should we do?""
Where is some good places (affordable) to get health insurance for the unemployed ( like babysitters)?
Where is some good places (affordable) to get health insurance for the unemployed ( like babysitters)?
Car insurance company offered me too low?
A few weeks ago my car was rear ended and has minor frame damage from the collision. The insurance adjustor's checked it out and offered me $700 to fix the paint on the bumper, repair the bumper support and 2 hours on a frame rack. Details about my car: The passenger rear taillight is pushed in about a centimeter - the quarter panel now sticks out a tad and is crumpled in the wheelwell - my passenger framerail has a warp in it from the accident. Now they are claiming that my car was in a previous accident because of filler paint or something in the trunk. They claim that because I have a hole cut into my frame rail that the car was previously pulled and that's where the damage came from. I drove the car for 4 years, I think I'd know if my taillight was pushed in and my quarter panel was sticking out. They told me to take it to an auto body to have it looked at and they would contact them on a final settlement - BUT I feel the car is unsafe to drive. I do not want to drive a car with previous frame damage (fixed). Would I be able to take the money and buy a different car without the body shop doing work on it?""
West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
What's the best site for cheap bike insurance ?
need to insurance my moped but want to make sure I get a good deal and cheap, any ideas ? thanks 
What is an average insurance cost for two cars in dallas?
What is an average insurance cost for two cars in dallas?
Can I Switch To Another Car Insurance Company?
I hate my current car insurance company. I was paying about $12 less every month with my last one for the same type of coverage. The only reason i got this insurance is because my last one was about to expire. I wanted to go shopping for car insurance and my GF's sister told me about this one and she didn't wanna give me a ride to look for cheaper insurance. I guess she just wanted to get her $25 the car insurance company gave her after i signed up. B*tch. Anyway, I am paying around $45 a month and i wanted to know if i could switch car insurance companies. My current car insurance does not expire until March 2011. Also, will i have to pay that first month down payment thing with the new company???""
I was rear ended. Does my insurance go up if I contact them?
I have Mercury Insurance and someone hit me in the back at a stop light. I got all of there info, but I was wondering if we went through this with our insurance companies would my rates go up? thanks :D""
""Insurance rates in California to rise 147% under Obamacare,was obama lying or does he just not know?
""Car stolen, will insurance pay?
my car was stolen out of our driveway . i wanted to go to work and had everything in the car . i left to get my sleeping child andwhen i went out the car was gone . not even 3 minutes later. they recoverd the car . damaged but not the person yet . my husband is affraid that the insurance will not pay since the keys were in the car along with all my creditcards and house keys .the car was on our property next to the house . i have nightmares about it . please help
""Can you suggest a good,affordable health insurance plan?""
I am an adjunct instructor at two colleges in Michigan. Neither institution offers health insurance for adjunct instructors. For the last three years I have been getting health Insurance through a postdoctoral fellowship. Now this fellowship has come to an end, and I am in desperate straits. I have heart problems and I need specials medicationss for depression and attention deficit disorder.What do I do?""
Bmw insurance?
im almost 16, and for my birthday im getting a 10 year old bmw. any idea on what the insurance will be?""
Good car for a 18 year old thats cheap on insurance?
Hi, i just turned 18 and recently have been looking in purchasing a used car. my budget is about $5000 and I will be able to afford my own insurance. I dont want a very low quality but i also cant afford a mercedes. So what do you think i should look at? I live in Ontario Canada btw.""
List of top insurance companies in USA?
Can u pls list down top 20 US companies in each category of insurance ... Car Home Life Health Property Marine General etc.
What is some cheap car insurance companies?
hey so i'm 18 & i'm looking to insure my car again after letting my brother have ago and he crashed it without being insured, i've been to court & i got a 6 week ban & a fine but im starting to look for insurance 7 i was wondering if anyone knew of any cheap ones to try? cheers""
Which New York insurance is high?
I've heard New York insurance is high, but which one? Car, house, etc.? And why is it so high?""
How much does health insurance cost for a foreign student?
i live in england and want to go to america for university and want to know how much health insurance costs for me if i have a f1 visa. if it is the same as normal what is the average sort of cost of normal health insurance?
Ahhhh! car insurance?!?
Hello, I am a 18 year old freshmen in college. My College is approximately 20 minutes away. Since I was very very busy with my studies, I was unable to get a car permit / Driver License. Now that I am at spring break, I am planning to take my permit test, and start driving, so I dont have to ask my father to drop me off at chosen locations. Right now, I am earning $11 an hour. I get about $320 every two weeks. Now I have heard from my friends that Since I am 18 years old and my parents will not pay for my insurance, It will cost me about $300 for insurance every month, $100 for gas, and about $500 for required checking for cars. As you know, for a check of $320 every 2 weeks, I will not be able to pay for my car insurance and gas. Now heres the question. What should I do? I mean, I really need a car and I need to think of a good strategy. so that I will be able to pay for my car insurance. If you know any great, cheap insurance deals for someone my age, that'll be fantastic. Thank you.""
I recently moved to Brooklyn and I need to find affordable car insurance for my car. Any suggestions?
I know car insurance in NY is not less expensive in general, but any suggestions would help.""
Car insurance?
""What happens to a person who passes away and has no life insurance, money or family that can help?""
I know a lady in extremely poor health. She has no insurance, no savings, house, etc. She has 1 son who is 28 but can't hold a job longer than 2 to 3 weeks at best and expects mom to help him with everything. She has 1 living brother who lives far away from here and doesn't talk to her because he doesn't agree with the way she allows her son to drain her of everything. My question is--if she would pass away, who would be responsible for her burial? How would it be paid for? Her son doesn't even own a car. He drives hers and it isn't paid for yet. This lady rents a room and only owns a bed, chair and lamp. Not much to sell!!!! Does anyone know what happens in a case like this? This is in the state of Iowa.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
How much does it cost to have a baby in California with no insurance?
With or without epidural, c-section or otherwise, with possible hospital stay? Near Sacramento if that makes a difference. Thanks!""
Got a question about changing my car color and insurance...?
So this past summer I was so close into painting my car into White! But my mom was hating on it, and she told me that if i had changed the color of my car we would had to contact the insurance people... Telling them that the car is getting a color Changed Them having to change some info on the car And the worst part... The insurances goes up? (btw... my car's color is black) So you guys out there... Please help answering my question! would my insurance go up if I change my car's color? I haven't paint the car yet.. maybe till' the spring time since its almost winter time!!! Thanks!""
Whats a cheap insurance In nj?
For a person with a new lisence thats 18 years old
""I will b learning to ride a bike soon, if i get a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance it will cost me?""
I will b learning to ride a bike soon, if i get a Ducati 500cc 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance it will cost me?""
Do I need a drivers insurance?
I have my learner's permit and I live in California.... My parents have Triple A insurance as their auto insurance company and I was wondering if I have to have insurance in order to drive the car.... or do I get added when I get my drivers' license?
Auto insurance estimate?
new driver ( Licensed in 2013), accident free When I go to pick up the vehicle at the dealership, will they ask me if I want to pay the insurance monthly or annual? ( or do I have to ask ) Id really prefer monthly payments instead age 20. use of vehicle - work/school less than 15km 2011 Audi S4 Thanks.""
Buying an insurance write off ( car )?
I was wondering if it was possible to buy an insurance write off for the purpose of using it off road, for things such as car trials and banger racing? i know that if a car is category C or below, it can be returned to the road after repairs, but what are the rules as to off road use?""
West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
How much will it cost to insure a cheap car?
So I already have a car and I'm under my parents insurance but I want to buy a project car just for fun but how much would that cost me roundabout to insure
How much does it cost to insure a child care center?
I am enrolled in a college course called Administration of Early Childhood Programs. My final project is creating my own child care center (the project covers everything and is very detailed so we can use our materials if we actually do open up a center). Anyways, I am stuck on one part of my budget. I have been researching for hours and cannot find what my estimated cost of what liability insurance would cost me per year. Because this business does not actually exist I am having difficulties obtaining a quote from insurance companies. My center is licensed for 140 children at one time. If anyone has an estimated cost or a source that would give me an average cost per child or an insurance estimate calculator or anything like that would really help. Thanks!""
How much does health insurance cost for a foreign student?
i live in england and want to go to america for university and want to know how much health insurance costs for me if i have a f1 visa. if it is the same as normal what is the average sort of cost of normal health insurance?
Average cost of living in Los Angeles?
Looking to relocate soon and wanting to know what the cost of living is in the following areas: --> Electricity --> Heat/Air --> Natural Gas --> Water/Sewage --> Premium Cable (movie packages, etc) --> Landline phone --> Internet --> Home owners insurance ($1.6mm home) --> Gas --> 1 months worth of Groceries. --> Security system Thanks!! Trying to get an idea of what my expenses will be.""
The best personal & affordable health insurance plans in Michigan that offer around 70% coverage?
I am looking for insurance for my boyfriend. He is almost 30 & works for a small business that does not offer an insurance plan. He especially needs dental and vision but would also ...show more
How much would I expect to pay on insurance on a second hand Clio?
I'm taking my test soon and if I pass, there's a second hand Clio I like the look of. Just wondering, as I have no experience with buying cars, how much I would pay for insurance on an M reg Clio? And any extra costs? Thanks""
Insurance box keeping car at different address?
i'm thinkg of getting insuranca box installed to reduce the cost of the premium, but i keep my car at different address, would they know that?""
What happens to my insurance after i got a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket for the first time ever. The cop put me down as 80+ mph, which i needed to go 70mph. When my insurance bill comes in, would my insurance be higher? Also my insurance is AAA. I still haven't gotten my actual ticket in the mail yet, and i was wondering if my insurance bill would be any higher until I'm proven guilty, because i know that if i can take traffic school, it won't get any higher & the point taken off. But i was wondering until then, would it still get higher?""
Who do you guys think is the cheapest motorcyce insurance company?
and if you are insured by them do you like the service you get?
Where to find affordable life insurance at 64?
Where to find affordable life insurance at 64?
""Will my car get tow,i change the insurance to my father name.?""
I financed a car and all the paperwork is under my name,but i change the insurance under my father name.now i received a letter saying i don't have insurance,and i told them is under my father name.they want me to change it in my name,but i don't want to.if i put my name in the insurance it will be high. can i leave it under his name,or put my name in it.""
Affordable health insurance?
I am a 40 yr old female who lives in washington state and I have never been sick or in the hospital and never drank or smoked.I am 4ft11 and 160 lbs so I am overweight.I need help in finding some affordable health insurance.I went down today to apply for washington basic health and they told me that no more applications were being taken.Now what do I do.I cannot afford exspensive Health insurance.I only make 1,200 a month if that.I need insurance so I can get a physical witch I have never had.I haven't been to a doctor since a kid.can someone tell me if there is any good health insurance for under 100 a month that covers things like physicals and if I had a heart attack,stroke ect...please help me find a good insurance for a low price.""
How much would insurance be on a red 2001 Toyota Celica?
http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/toyota-celica-cars135552689;_ylt=AkwAdUBozMXShhqd.AL.Qh34XY54;_ylv=3?sortcol=price&sortdir=up&location=Boiling%20Springs,%20NC%2028017&listingtype=used&model=celica&make=toyota&distance=50 heres the link to the specific car and also i am a 16 year old male living in NC and my parents have state farm (if that helps)""
What is the best way to go about auto insurance for an 18 year old purchasing a Mustang GT?
Hey, I have a job @ walmart and i make pretty decent money & next thursday when i get paid im going to e-z way auto sales which is a pay here buy here car lot for no credit car buyers to go to establish car history credit & the car that caught my eye was a black on black on black 2004 Ford Mustang GT, I have to have it and the payments wouldn't be that much, something I could afford. What about the insurance? What's the cheapest for my age? I just turned 18 last month & i don't wanna pay more than $200 for car insurance, that'll be more than my car payment. HELP ME OUT!""
Why would young people refuse to sign up for inexpensive health insurance?
Don't they know they will soon be older people in need of affordable health care? Or that community rated affordable insurance depends on a high rate of participation? Why would they want to subvert a system they will soon depend on?
Good health insurance for a small family?
My husband and i are looking to health insurance for our family and i was wondering if any one knew of a good company (in Florida) that was affordable. He is 21, I'm 17 and our daughter is 10 months. We are also expecting another one in November and need prenatal care as soon as possible. Thanks.""
Globe Life Insurance Policy for children?
I've had a Globe Life insurance policy for my Daughter since just after she was born, didn't really think about it as it seemed like a great idea when I got their information in the mail. My Daughter will be 8 years old this February, I simply want to do whatever is best for her. I guess my question is three-fold, am I doing the right thing with this, is this a good policy to have, and lastly should I continue with this? Maybe one more, should I increase the coverage?""
Can i list my vehicle at another adress for insurance?
hi, i own a 2006 acura RSX-s and i live in the philadelphia suburbs. my insurance is quite PRICEY! any how, my father owns property in northern PA which is primarily farm land, and insurance would be alot cheaper if listed there. tho i dont live there, can i list my insurance there? is there anything illegal or could it hurt me? i see alot of people with New Jersey tags who live in PA to get cheaper Insurance. what do you suggest, and what would i have to do, change adress on D/L etc?""
Where can I find cheap car insurance for young driver's in Ireland?
I am an 18 year old guy,and I can't find any f****** reasonable motor insurance,because whether I'm 18 or 80 I'm not paying 3/4k a year for a 'in case' situation which is most likely never going to happen-i.e a crash.Because I only see driving as a form of driving,not as 'fun' or showing off.But I need to have a car to travel.""
Is it good to shop around and change car insurance every 6 months. In order to always pay the lowest?
Does that look bad in your records, credit, financial history etc? Example..... This bastard is always changing car insurances every couple of months.""
COBRA health insurance...?
is there anyone who recently left the military? How does the COBRA health insurance work?
""Need advice for buying new car insurance (20 year old, male)?""
Need advice for buying new car insurance. I am 20 year old, male, college student, and 2 tickets...... I need insurance for a new Toyota SUV (4 Runner or FJ Cruiser)""
Is there california medi-cal type state insurance in the state of Oregan?
Was thinking of moving my family up to portland area,I have insurance here in california though my employer for my family,I will be seeking employment in portland area or close to,but until I get though the probation period of 90 days ,lord willing I find a good job right away .I need to make sure my two young kids will be covered medically incase something were to happen,one of my children is special needs so we get help though the state of california with phyical and learning theropy.Really would love to get my family out of los angeles as soon as we save up some start up money,Any helpful info about low cost or free state insurance ,childrens services ,family help would be great.""
What are some good websites that talk about insurance options for a single parent?
I'm working on a health project and I can't find any websites that give me insurance options for a single parent. Can anyone please give me any trusted sources?
Cheapest way to get car insurance ?
I need to insure my car in order to be legal, but i do not want to pay a lot for insurance if the car isnt worth anything, its not worth much but its AWD and gets me where i need to go. Are there any companies that offer low payments for a piece of paper showing i have insurance that i can show a cop if i get pulled over so i wont owe 1500 bucks to the state?""
West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
Insurance for teenagers?
So i'm gonna get my car/license in a month and i was wondering how much insurance was on average for teens?? Also, how much would it be if i got a sports car? Like a mustang""
How much will the insurance company offer for my car?
a couple questions and description..... my car was involved in an accident and deemed a total loss. I was curious on how much the insurance company may offer? the accident was not my fault. i would like to buy it back though and fix it. how much do they usually offer a totaled car back for? its a 1994 honda accord lx with 128500 on her. shes in good condition with a small 1/4 size spot of rust on the left rear fender. everything else is in working condition. its a dark blue/green color. A/C, cruise, good tires, new cd player/ am/ fm, new speakers, new timing belt, distributor and ignition switch. it has a 2.2 4cylinder, automatic. any help is appreciated. interior is very clean, and paint was good condition. thank you!""
Car insurance for men and women?
I passed my test Feb 2011 I've never had a car due to high insurance, so I did i check and went through a quote and mine came out at 3500 for a one liter x reg then I went back thrpugh and.just changed mr to miss and it went down almost 2000 then changed the date to a women just passing her test and it came out at 2600 why's it so high for men, and wasn't it ment to be changing to male and female having the same insurance?""
Does motorcycle insurance cost the same as car insurance?
Currently 18 years old and was looking for a car but I am also interested in motorcycles. The bike would be a 1979 Honda Twinstar 185. I just wanted something to zip around in in the city. Would it be less considering if I crash there isn't much to repair? or more because I am a teen? I currently pay $150 as a secondary driver on my dad's car insurance. I know there are a lot of factors to determine price but how much of a difference is it normally?
Blood test and insurance?
Red camoro or mustang or white effect car insurance (boy)?
Hello I am driving in a few months. I am getting a 2011 chevy camaro 2lt or a ford mustang gt. does the color of the car effect the price of the car insurance. I do know being a boy I will have to pay higher insurance. But red is my favorite color. If I get a red camaro or mustang will insurance be higher than getting a white or yellow mustang or camaor. And what is better for everyday driving and safety. and features. and what is best for the money the Camaro or mustang. and trim wise to. camaro 1LT or 2LT or Mustang GT or V6Premium???? help
When You Buy Car Insurance On The Internet..?
You know when you buy Car Insurance, is it immediate effect? or do you have to wait a certain amount of time until you can go out and drive?""
How much does your car insurance increase when you have two traffic violations in a year?
I was pulled over again for turning right on a no turn on red . The first time the insurance company said they wouldn't increase the premium. How much would it increase? $200 for the year? more?
How much higher will my insurance go up with a point on my license?
How much higher will my insurance go up with a point on my license? I got pulled over for not stopping at a stop sign completely... this is in california. My insurance is like 300 every 6 months typically.
What to do with a conditional discharge and a car insurance?
My friend had a court on 25/08/2012, where he has been conditionally discharged for 12 months. His car insurance was due to be renewed on 28/08/2012. He was buying the car insurance ...show more""
How much would a jeep commander insurance cost if you have state farm?
I was wondering how much would the insurance cost and what is the average pay for insurance?
First time having car insurance of my own...?
I am getting my first car next month and I was wondering how should I determine how much insurance I need to have. I'm buying a care that cost 3600 and is worth 4000 right now and I'm a college student even though I don't not travel to and from home much. How would I determine what I need and dont need as far as coverage goes? I will be paying cash so no car payments.
What would my insurance be if i got a crotch rocket?
im 17 and have my license for a car. i was thinking about getting my motorcycle license. what i want to know is, how much would the insurance be if i bought a crotch rocket? yes, i know how to ride one.""
""Motorcycle blown over in 35MPH wind, would the insurance company cover it? And would I be declared at fault?
07 zx6r. Left it outside while I was away came back to it on the ground. Heavy winds last night.
Insurance for the baby?
Before you judge, I have a license, car, job, and apartment and am stable with income. I'm 17, and will be 18 by the time the baby is born, and I am covered under my fathers insurance which was established 17 years ago through my fathers work. Its Cigna PPO. Since then my father has been layed off because the plant closed down. He still has the insurance from his work and does not pay the huge bill because it was covered by his work. Now I'm Pregnant and, I'm trying to understand how insurance works. The baby cannot be added to this insurance because It has already been established. I know this for sure because my brother, 22 and unmarried, had a child in November and his child could not be added to our insurance plan. So will you please help me find insurances, Private insurances not state? Also can the baby be by itself or must it be with it's father or mother, me, on a plan?""
""California to nevada, is insurance more?""
moving to nevada, is auto insurance more from CA to NV?""
Best health insurance in colorado?
Best health insurance in colorado?
Best used mpv with cheap tax cheap insurance good mpg?
im looking for an mpv thats cheap to run on fuel , car tax, insurance,and maintenance, people have suggested a citreon berlingo ? does anyone have one and does it qualify my needs""
Can a person get insurance on a car when the tag is in someones name?
can a person get insurance on a car if the tag is in someones elses name?
Car insurance for UK female age 21 Peaugout 206??
Anyone any rough idea how much id pay?? And any good, cheap insurers? Also, is it better to get comprehensive, 3rd party fire and theft or just 3rd party????""
How come two of the same cars are given more expensve insurance values?
two ford capri's with the same engine size and model (both ford capri 1.6's laser) have been given a different valuation on insurance. they both cost the same to buy (1500) and both are unmodified the only separation is the years they were made. the cheaper one to insure was made in 1984, the more expensive was in 1987, anyone any ideas? here's the quotes i got 3847.93 for the cheaper one and 4264.90 for the more expensive and newer model. any ideas?""
Does anyone have knowledge of supplemental insurance that helps pay for Maternity cost?
My daughter is pregnant and needs a supplemental insurance policy. I know of Affordable HealthCare Options (AHCO) but don't know anyone that has used them. She lives in Norman, OK. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You""
Got a speeding ticket. Will my insurance go up?
I am 28 years old. I have a clean driving record. I got a speeding ticket for 0-10 miles over. Seat belt on. Will my insurance company know I got this ticket and will they raise my rates. We have Geico. Should I take the defensive driving class and keep this ticket off my record? Or should I just pay it and go on?
""Stolen care, will insurance cover it?""
Hi, My car was stolen a week ago, and just got recovered now. The are dmg on the body that i know insurance will cover. But what about the engine? i dont want that engine anymore, a friend of mine saw them thrashing the car like 150+km/h. and my clutch are probably warned out by them. I dont want the engine, as it could break down on me anytime after the theif been through it... If with JustCars Insurance.""
Where can I Find Reliable Cheap Life Insurance Quotes?
I recently started a home internet based business. When I was just starting out I went without insurance for a while. Now that things are going well I would like to buy a life insurance policy. There are a ton of life insurance sites, but most of them seem biased or focused on an individual provider. Where can I find a good life insurance quote site that is unbiased or gives me quotes from a wide array of services? Also, are there any good tips for saving money buying life insurance for small business owners?""
West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
West Liberty Ohio Cheap car insurance quotes zip 43357
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