#alter says what lancer won’t
akampana · 2 years
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“You don’t seriously think friendship is all I want from you, do you?”
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tainbocuailnge · 2 years
i love. bazett. i love that the catalyst for the valentines event is that she’s avoiding cu not because she’s unsure of how he feels about her (she proudly tells guda they were partners who trusted each other with their life) but because servants aren’t supposed to remember their past summonings and she doesn’t know if she can bear hearing him say he doesn’t know her. cu denied knowing her when they killed each other in fha, of course she doesn’t know if she can bear hearing those words again. but back then they both knew that was a lie because immediately after he drew the four branches to prevent either of them from withdrawing, an oath that only applies to the knights of the red branch so he could only have known that would work on her if he did know her. when the event has her faced with a manifestation of that fear she is the one to draw the four branches and recreate that encounter because painful as it was it is proof that even if he says otherwise, they did know each other and they were important to each other once. even if he genuinely doesn’t remember her this time it won’t change what he means to her and it’s with this resolve that she decides to give him a valentines gift to give form to what he means to her.
and they used cu alter as representative of her fears bc he's the big evil looking one but i think she'd actually work with him perhaps even better than lancer because they have similar mindsets of considering their only use to be as a tool of war. i think seeing cu like that would be good for her because the fallibility of her idol makes him less unreachable and even the cu chulainn who is like her has pride in himself so why shouldn't she when the difference between them is so much smaller than she thought. and there's also something in how cascu was guda's first ally back when they had just lost everything and knew nothing so while the circumstances aren't quite the same guda can relate to looking up to him as someone who gave you direction when you had nothing else to hold on to. and maybe there's some comfort in knowing he's just that kind of person and even if he did forget her he'd surely save her again, or rather show her how to save herself again.
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fandom-go-round · 2 years
How do you think the various Cú who know how to use runes (I know Caster, Lancer and Alter know how but I'm unsure about Proto Cú)would feel about having to hide their master who's been shrunk, in their mouth because they had to have their hands free and keep master out of harms way in combat and had no other options at the time, providing that they already had necessary precautions in place just in case it was ever absolutely necessary to do so, also one set in place just in case they accidentally swallowed so master would still be safe even if they happened to end up in their servants' stomach? And how they would feel knowing said precautions were asked for by their alright but also overly cautious Master in the first place? ( if runes magic can give someone the genitals of the opposite sex (source his scary teacher, Scathach, during an event in fgo) who's to say they couldn't be used for this purpose)
Warnings: Vore, Soft Core Vore, Swallowing Reader Whole, Throwing Up, Puke, Being Trapped in a Stomach/Throat, Graphic Depictions of Mouths
Lancer isn’t super excited about your hiding place, mostly because it’s hard to focus with you in his mouth. He tries to be extra careful because of his teeth (he doesn’t want to cut you) and as long as you don’t move too much he can deal with it. It’s harder for him to focus than some of the others because he likes to shit talk while he fights and now he can’t. It makes things go faster honestly, just don’t tell him that.
He may swallow you on accident, getting distracted by something and moving his throat without thinking. You’re not going to make it into his stomach though; Cu has excellent reflexes and is able to catch you in his throat before you go all the way down. It’s like you’re being squeezed by a wet towel and it’s not fun at all.
He finishes the fight quickly and gently pries you out of his mouth, snickering at the dazed look on your face. He’s unapologetic that you almost got swallowed, letting you recover a bit before moving on. You were completely safe with him! He’ll let you lecture him a little if you’re feeling really stressed about it but will move on quickly. Cu knew that the ruins you had would protect you, even if he never talked about them out loud.
He notices that minute you set the runes up for yourself. He raises an eyebrow and teases you a little, wondering what you’re worried about happening. If you talk about your fear of being eaten, he’ll be a little confused but ultimately get it. Ok so you’re tiny and you’re worried about stuff, he can get behind that. And if he boosts your runes to make them better, he won’t say anything.
He can feel you saying ‘I told you so’ after he gently puts you into his mouth. It’s not as smooth of a transition as he would have wanted considering it’s the middle of battle but he makes it work. Cu tires his best to hold you still with his tongue, keeping you pinned down and unable to move. It’s safer for you and him.
He actually wards his own mouth quickly before placing you inside to help keep anything else from happening. It’s uncomfortable to have the ‘stopper’ in the back of his mouth but he’s able to handle it the entire fight. He does debate about swallowing you to make things a little easier but decides against it. No need to traumatize you more. The fight ends well and you’re unharmed, if a little wet.
Proto is probably the least prepared of all the Cus. He’s only in this situation because he had panicked and shoved you into his mouth. He was afraid of the others blaming him for what happened to you and all he wants to do is get you fixed as quickly as possible.
He’s very good about not swallowing you, hyper aware of very move that he makes. You’re very good about staying still and Proto will only have issues if someone surprises him. One good pat on the back has him swallowing involuntarily and he’s panicking all over again. Cu doesn’t know how he gets out of public but he’s in your room the next time he’s aware of where he is.
There isn’t anything glamourous about the next few minutes. He shoves his fingers down his throat and pukes onto your floor. It’s nasty and effective and he’s pretty sure you’re going to kill him. To see that you’re perfectly fine is a relief to him and he swears that he’ll make it up to you. Later, when you casually mention that you had a mystic code on to protect against you dying by stomach acid, he’s impressed but also concerned. You thought this was going to happen?? He loves you Master but what the fuck.
Alter is not happy. Not happy at all. The people who are forcing him to do this are going to die very painful, bloody deaths and its better that you don’t see it. He doesn’t like having you in his mouth, mostly because he’s tempted to bite down and that’s a big no no. He’s growling the entire time so you’re bouncing up and down, not able to just sit still and ride it out.
He’s keener to spit you out than swallow you in all honestly. His teeth are even sharper than Lancer’s and any kind of swallowing will rub you against those. He’ll die before he admits that he also has a horrible gag reflex and there’s no way he’s going to let you find out. Worst case scenario he’s going to spit you out onto another surface, either a shelf or at someone else to catch. This isn’t all on him, you should be able to help a little.
Cu doesn’t notice the ruins and even if he did, he wouldn’t be inclined to say anything. He thinks you’re being paranoid about ending up in a stomach; he’s here to protect you. That would never happen. In general, he doesn’t mind you being extra cautious, even if he thinks it’s a waste of time. Alter likes it when you rely on him most of all, not matter the situation. He wants to get you back to normal as quickly as possible because that means you’re in less danger of leaving him.
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BNHA X DP Crossover HCs
After the long wait and finals, here are my ideas for all the quirks/occupations and other concepts I devised for the DP characters in the BNHA universe. This was just for fun and for inspiration towards others interested in this crossover au in general. 
Tagging the people that were looking forward to this post based on the replies: @qoinq-qhost, @floralflowerpower, @tgfangirl4eva @goodfish-bowl, @whitehairglowinggreeneyedcrush and more. 
Anyways, happy reading, folks!
Mr. Lancer
Hero name: Mr. Scholastic
Quirk: Bookworm
Involves his iconic usage of literature titles & quotes for swears to become abilities corresponding to the novel’s contents/themes. Course, he is limited to only books he has read and can quote accurately. Additionally, his voice gets very raspy past two or three quotes as well.
Occupation: Homeroom Teacher for Class 1- A; He’s very dedicated to his new students and teaching the fundamentals of being a pro hero and more! Course, I don’t think his chamomile tea with a wedge of lemon is enough to help him relax from his students (*cough* Danny, Tucker and Poindexter) from their antics at times. 
Hero name: Phantom 
Quirk: Ghost core (Ok, @coffeecakecafe had the best name for this one gotta give credit here)
Able to do anything a ghost is perceived to do. Go through walls, disappear and fly. This is a one of a kind quirk as it was obtained from Danny’s old quirk being altered by a machine his parents made that would repurpose/alter an individual’s quirk based on their past family members' own metahuman genetics.
Danny is doing his best and trying to understand his new quirk without causing too much attention to himself while doing so but it seems like its been doing the opposite as of late. Thankfully, he won’t be doing it alone with all his classmates around to help him!
Hero Name: Black Dahlia 
Quirk: Overgrown 
Able to create any plant that she knows the biological makeup and content of in almost any environment. However, it is important for her to drink lots of nutrient rich water and take in enough sun if she plans to create larger versions of these plants.
Hero name: Tech Master
Quirk: Tech Core
Located on his chest/heart area is a special energy core capable of powering electronics at a rate faster than anything made-man could ever hope to achieve. As a kid, Tucker would tinker away in his family’s garage on a suit that would harness his power to the fullest extent and lead a new era of support tech in the hero world.
Hero name: Red Huntress
Quirk: Electromagnetism (Someone I’ve been trying to find their post on my blog had posted this idea and I fell in love with it ever since)
She’s like Static Shock but with a dash of magenta/ruby lasers she can create through focusing her electromagnetism through her finger tips. She is an expert with her quirk and has the best handle of her quirk than most of her peers. She is the most frequent visitor in the support equipment workshop next to Tucker, Poindexter and Danny. It’s how she built the hoverboard she has in the show that utilizes her electromagnetic abilities for both offensive and defensive maneuvers. (Also, I enjoy the idea that Bullet is Val’s uncle on her mom’s side and is her biggest supporter alongside her dad, Damien Gray).
Quirk: Serenity 
Helps calm individuals and give them a sense of safety/security when they’re around her in a 10 feet radius. Though, anyone out of range cannot be affected by her quirk and she needs to be conscious in order to use it.
She planned on becoming a pro hero but felt her powers were best suited for her dream profession as a psychologist. She has used her quirk a lot when Danny was overwhelmed with his studies prior to UA. Course, a phone call and sibling chat over the phone certainly does the job for Danny now when it comes to preparing material for exams. (Course, its up to you guys to decide)
Hero name: Rager
Quirk: Strength Magnification
Improves his physique and stamina by a large percentage for a set amount of time. Needs to be careful of how much/long he magnifies his body or else his body will become immensely sore. 
Hero name: Rallier 
Quirk: Team Rally (50/50)
Able to duplicate himself 3-4 times while being able to power-up allies’ quirks or stamina with a rally chant to help the team. The more duplicates there are the rally effect multiplies/stacks on the individual but it can lead to dangerous outcomes for their quirk output. 
Kwan is the class representative for 1-A, he’s the best at the job and was more than thrilled to be the one leading his class in more ways than one.  
Hero name: Enchantress
Quirk: Charm
If the opponent is flustered by her taunts or flirting, their vision will become altered and start seeing things that are not there. It works better on men than women and the opponent can snap out of it with enough willpower or if they’re not interested in her.
Hero name: Ms. Meteorite
Quirk: Comet
Similar to Gran Torino’s Jet quirk except faster and she can create an explosive impact on where she lands. Similar to a meteorite landing on earth, she also learns to use this as a long distance move by punching fast enough as she descends to create wind pressure punches.
Hero name: Tex (like in Tex Avery; Danny gave him the idea!) 
Quirk: Slapstick
His appearance is black and white just like an old timey cartoon character as well as having the durability and cartoon powers of one. However, his quirk can only work as long as what he does with it is funny in the circumstance it’s used for. Sort of like “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” rules in a sense. 
Sidney is part of Class 1-A just saying, I don’t care, this is Poindexter’s time to shine here to be the coolest/funniest person in the class. Also, Tucker’s most loyal friend/tester for new support items. 
Wes Weston
Hero name: Vigilance
Quirk: Deduction
He is able to deduct people’s identities to flaws/weak points for him to use against them and  exploit against problems. 
Class 1-B Representative and the most annoying/terrifying person that Danny has dealt with in his life. He was able to figure out that Danny’s quirk is not his own or more so that it's not natural and takes every opportunity to state this regardless if anyone is listening or not. 
Amber Mclain
Hero Name: Ember
Quirk: Fiery voice (50/50)
Her quirk uses the vibrations in her sining voice to conduct intense heat waves onto opponents or utilize to rumble the structures around here and even put out the flames from her quirk. Its like a combination of Present Mic and Endevours quirk but it leaves her with a strained or inflamed vocal cords with overuse. 
Third year student or an upcoming rock star that has certainly gain huge popularity after her song “Remember” was a nationwide hit amongst the younger generation. She’s striving to be the top hero while making her next hit to become the 1# song on the listings. 
Hero name: Phantwo (lol jk; unsure what her name would be)
Quirk: Poltergeist 
Similar to Danny’s quirk “Ghost”, except she has the additional ability to melt herself to a slimy puddle and use her ectoplasmic slime to trap or surprise opponents.
Hero Name: Clockwork
Quirk: Time Keeper
Clockwork’s quirk allows him to stop time for 5 to 15 minutes and be able to rewind it in the same amount of time. It can be one to multiple objects as long as he touches them in order to interact with them.
Principle of UA in this au. He’s quite a reserved man but still manages to visit and congregate with students throughout the school during lunch period. 
Flynn Fenton/Flynn Walker
Hero Name: The Green Knight
Quirk: Mineralization 
His quirk allows him to manipulate the minerals and inorganic materials in the atmosphere to create into crystalized constructs that are almost stronger than diamond. Luckily, the crystals have no value so he doesn’t have to worry about that aspect of his quirk. He does have to worry about his skin becoming dried out as a result of his quirk usage. 
Flynn is a third year student that loves to check up on his cousin, Danny, any chance he gets bc of the amount of work he does with his internships.
James Walker (or James W. Hausermann)
Hero name: Warden Wraith
Quirk: Plasma Apparatus
His quirk ionizes the electrolytes in the blood system into plasma. His entire body is composed of plasma giving him his skeletal appearance. He can create plasma chains, teleport from point A to B and more as long as he focuses and has enough energy at use. Course, he can have minor to severe dehydration and imbalance in his electrolyte levels from overuse. 
Occupation: CEO of an infrastructure security company/Provisional License Examiner just like Gang Orca.The ghost prison guards become his backup/helpers for the exam phases. (They’re just trained stuntmen with combat or military experience for the occasion).
Also, I like to think Walker has kids in this au who are in the Class 1-A group; they’re not hard to spot they take after their father with their skeletal complexion. 
Villain name: Quirk Hunter
Quirk: Tracker
The moment Skulker makes eye contact with his target he will be able to hunt them down and find them anywhere no matter how good they are at covering their tracks. He can lock on to only one target, but he will be able to know their heart beat, quirk, be able to place a tracking/scent line that only he can see and will lead him to his target’s location. It lasts for over a day or a half.
Occupation: Skulker is known for capturing, info-detailing or “retiring” newcomer pros or specific quirk users for his clients that pay him handsomely for their targets, dead or alive. Thanks to Vlad, Danny was strictly intended to be captured alive by Skulker but sometimes he gets too thrilled by the hunt to not have a memento. Trust me, it's more of a dangerous 
Nicolai Technus 
Villain Name: Technus 
Quirk: Technopathy
A genius in his own right, even if he’s a little crazy, with the best ability possible for a man of science and innovation. As long as he knows the makeup and attributes of the machine, Technus is able to completely repurpose or change a machine’s qualities for offensive and defensive qualities. Whenever that be for a mech suit or hacking a high tech system for entry, he’s able to do it as long as he knows what it is and how it functions. An example is repurposing a slot machine into a submachine gun that shoots coins at the target. 
Vlad Masters
Name: Vlad Plasmius
Quirk: Vampire
Can do anything a vampire can supposedly do. However, he was able to manifest an additional aspect of this quirk which is the ability to copy any quirk users ability. Based on the type of blood he ingests decides the amount of time he can use the copied quirk for.
Occupation: CEO of his own hero firm, he is extremely selective with the interns he has that there is a major waitlist to be even consider for Masters Inc. Course, imagine the surprise Danny must of felt when he received an offer from Vlad right off the bat after the Sports festival. 
Bruce Guiles (Bullet)
Hero Name: Bullet 
Quirk: Sphyraena or Chimera Fish
Able to do anything a barracuda can do or the quirk is a 50/50 mutant quirk in which he has both the traits of a barracuda, Chimaeras and a touch of piranha from his parents being of one of these fish species hence Chimera. Bullet can do anything those fish can do overall but he can’t go too long without hydration from water. Water quality and its oxygen content also affect his abilities by a noticeable percentage but he still remains quite formidable as a quirk user.
Occupation: Captain of a coast guard team, he’s a strict military man with an amazing record of saving people from any disasters both on land and sea. Him and Walker are best buddies ever since they went to school together. 
Hero Name: Vortex
Quirk: Storm Warning
Vortex can utilize any variation of a natural disaster depending on the environment he’s in. Hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, you name it he can create it for his use. However, despite his amazing control over his quirk it is still possible for him to create these disasters if he lost control or magnify another pre-existing one if he loses focus. 
Occupation: Storm-chaser/Forecaster; His control and knowledge in combating/predicting these natural disasters has led to him to be part of a storm chasing crew and they’re the best in helping disaster prevention teams evacuate citizens as a result.
Petra Eris
Hero name: Pandora
Quirk: Butterfly Effect
Can manipulate or prevent a chaotic event to happen if she was in proximity and present to prevent it to happen. Or even give a little chaos to the opponent to deal with during battle. 
One of the top ten heroes and most beloved heroes in the country. She is the best strategist in any team and has a way to predict any event before they happen given the necessity of it for her quirk to work in her favor. 
Vigilante name: Johnny 13
Quirk: Unlucky
Johnny manifests his bad luck into a shadow that will latch onto opponents and cause unfortunate events to occur more for that individual as a result. However, the shadow cannot exist in complete sunlight; it can only remain if there are already shadows in his general area or it’s nighttime and its effects are strongest at that time obviously.
Occupation: Johnny is the leader of a biker gang or de-facto leader of said biker gang who loves to raise hell and helping folks that need saving whenever he’s around or is up to the task. Kitty tags along with him to help him out of jams and bc she loves him. :3
Vigilante name: Kitty
Quirk: Lovesick
Kitty sends a smooch towards her opponent which if it makes contact causes the individual to have nausea or become disoriented for around 10 minutes. It can also have a chance of lasting longer if the individual was sort of infatuated with her regardless of gender. 
Pariah Dark
Villain name: King Pariah
Quirk: Ultimate Adaptation 
Similar to all for one except with the unpredictability for both the user and opponents. Pariah can manifest any type of quirk needed to defeat anyone that stands in his way both one-on-one and in groups. Course, drawbacks are the learning curve to some of the quirks and that multiple adaptions he utilizes at once will destroy his cells in the process. 
Pariah is a former follower of all for one who had unique quirk that All for one augmented to help him succeed if both Shigaraki and Tomura failed in their own conquest for the world. But now Pariah has his own plans to succeed where they failed and become the leader who shapes a new world order with an iron fist. 
Frederick Kingsmen
Villain/vigilante name: Fright Knight
Quirk: Burning Energy Infusion
Able to form/infuse objects with his own burning energy life force that is capable of burning or slicing through any in his sight. The sweat he gives off is what provides the material needed to ignite his unnatural flames despite it causing his body to overheat still. 
Fright Knight is Pariah’s second-in-command with a loyalty to him as strong as his control over his power. Fright Knight has faced many pro-heros as he carried out the smaller phases of Pariah’s plans and most of them barely came close towards defeating or leaving as much as  scratch on the knight. 
Rodolfo Gonzalo  
Hero name: Wulf
Quirk: Werewolf + Portal creation (50/50?)
Can do anything a werewolf can supposedly do; somehow it allows him to create portals with his claws to locations he has marked with them or visited in the past. 
Wulf was abducted on by Pariah’s forces and sent into the Nomu labs for experimentation to force on another quirk and instill complete allegiance to their cause. Course, Wulf broke free as a result of that new additional quirk allowing him to escape their clutches and his previous one helping him survive the endeavor. However, he lost his memories in the process and could only remember his native language, Spanish, and his hero name Wulf. 
Villain/vigilante Name: Overgrown
Quirk: Plant Manipulation
Can manipulate any pre-existing plant matter or create new vegetation if water and soil is present for the process or he understand the biological makeup of the plant in question. 
Occupation: Pro-hero or eco-terrorist who is tired of humanity from abusing the environment from quirk battles to industries using the land for their own benefits and none others.
That’s all I have for now! I hope this was worth the wait, guys. As well as, inspire ideas for your takes with a DP x BNHA Crossover! 
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aenxiome · 3 years
Chapter 1: Our Hero the Zero
"You have to tell them," Oh not this again, "I'm sure they will understand" swallowing a sigh, I look up from my food to my best friends and brace for impact, "It's not like you're actually dead."
"If I went up to them and said that I have ghost powers, what do you think they will do? You've met my parents; they shoot first and ask questions later." Sam didn't look impressed, "Once they realize that it's you, they won't. They love you, Danny; your parents wouldn't hurt you." I look over to Tucker, looking for support, but he was too engrossed with his new PDA, 'Simone,' to catch my look.
"Just forget it," I tell them as we leave the cafeteria, "If it's that important to you guys, I'll think about it." Under my breath, I couldn't help muttering to myself, 'maybe in a thousand years.'
From there, we split ways, with each of us having a different elective. Being our resident techno-geek, Tucker has computer programing for this block, while Sam takes a botany course. As I go down the hall, I can't help but wonder why they don't understand the issue.
My parents, the town crazies, are ghost hunters.
What do they think they will do when they find out? Hug me and tell me that everything is going to be all right? If anything, that would bring about the end of my life.
Or is it my afterlife?
Anyway, they're more likely to put me in a cage and study me than anything else. Who knows what type of experiments they would come up with. If anything, it's best to stay quiet and stay out of their way.
My thoughts leave me as I get thrown shoulder-first into the side of a locker. "Well, look what we have here, little Fentina walking all alone. Where did your friends go? Did they finally realize that you're a loser and leave you?"
"Wow, Dash, so original how long did it take you to come up with that one?" He didn't answer, not even acknowledging my question, and continued to insult me. "I'm in a bad mood Fenton. You wanna know why? One of you nerds didn't make my notes. So, I got a 'D'" He jabs the failing assignment into my face, "and I'm going to take it out on you" He pushes me back into the lockers. He gives me a couple of sucker punches to the stomach when the warning bell rings. He looks to the clock and then back at me. "I'll get you later, Fenton," He yells at me while he sprints down the hallway to his next class.
I pull myself away from the lockers and head to my next class. I make it down to the next hall when the final bell rings. I continue on my way to the science hall while dodging the teachers handing out detention slips for running late. When I got to class, the teacher Ms. Tally was waiting for me at the door. "Your late again, Daniel," looking to her watch then back at me, "three minutes late, to be precise."
The thing about Ms. Tally is that you can never figure out if she is angry or not. She has a neutral deposition that makes determining her emotions impossible. There is no way to tell what she is going to do. For the moment, my fate is in her hands. She stares at me for a second, "Get to your seat Mr. Fenton" she says as she walks away, dismissing me. That was close. I was sure that I was going to get detention.
"Mr. Fenton," or second thought maybe I will, "Come back after school we need to talk."
Great, just great there goes my plans with Sam and Tucker.
"Pass up your star charts, and let us continue where we left off yesterday." Ms. Tally called out to everyone. Ms. Tally teaches my favorite subject, Astronomy. This is one of the few classes I have with none of the A-List crowd and the only class where I'm the only one from my year.
It is perfect.
It's a fresh start.
While in other classes, I'm a 'C' average student, in this one, I get to be myself and show what I know. I hope that by the end of the year, it will still be like that. This is my only chance to show that I'm not an idiot. Okay, well, that may be a bit of an exaggeration. I do pretty well in math and other sciences in general, but those classes usually come with help from my friends and others.
No one can say that I'm cheating or getting my results unfairly. In this class, everything that I know is all me.
Once the class has finished passing up the star charts, Ms. Tally talks about sunspots. It's fascinating, really. But all too soon, the hour ends, and the stress of school comes back full force when trying to stay out of Dash or the football team's sight and finish up the day. Finally, I make it to class right before the warning bell and the hour of torture begins.
After Astronomy, anything after feels like it is going on forever. Soon enough, I start to daydream, and the real world falls into the background as I think about exploring the stars. Every once in a while, I would come back down to earth and pay attention to something, but for the most part, my head was up in the clouds.
Eventually, the last bell of the day rings, signaling the end of the day. I gather my things and meet up with Sam and Tucker by my locker. "Danny, you ready?" Well, no time like the present, "Yeah, about that," I say apprehensive when Tucker talks over me in an accusing monotone voice, "you have detention again, don't you?" I couldn't help the hand going to my neck as I said meekly, "Sorry." Sam rolls her eyes, "Can't you just stay out of trouble for once?"
"Well, it's not like I'm trying to get in trouble," I tell her haughty "Yeah, Yeah, we know," They say together. "So, see you tomorrow then?" I ask "tomorrow," she said, agreeing. "Bye, Danny," they call as they walk out of the building.
I dredge down the halls back to the Astronomy classroom, wanting to get this conversation over with. But, once I got there, I knocked on the door, and Ms. Tally walks out with a stack of papers. "Follow me, Mr. Fenton," she orders as we go back to the same halls I had just gone through and then to the front of the building. We stopped once we got to the Office. Only about half of the staff was still there. The rest of them have already gone home for the day.
She has me sit in one of the chairs for a couple of minutes when she goes to the back of the office. When she comes back later, she beckons me forward. She has me trail behind her until we reach Mr. Lancer's office, My homeroom English teacher and Vice-principal.
She knocks twice before I hear the dreaded words, "Come in."
Mr. Lancers' office is a small but clean space and outdated. The carpet has seen better years as it has become discolored and has a bit of a smell. The back of the room is filled with filing cabinets looking ready to combust. In the center of the room is his desk with stacks of paper and an old box computer.
If His office is this bad, I have to wonder what that says about the rest of the school. "Have a seat, Daniel; we have much to discuss." I nod and sit in one of the chairs in front of the desk while Ms. Tally sits in the other. "Um, Mr. Lancer, what is it exactly that we are here to talk about?" He gives Ms. Tally a look, "You didn't tell him?" She shifts a little while Mr. Lancer lets out a loud sigh, "We are here to talk to you about your grades and attendance." This won't be good, "you have been tarty to class fifteen times in the past two weeks, and your grades in some classes completely contradict the rest. So what is going on, Daniel?"
I stare at my hands, trying to find something to say for myself, but all I could come up with was excuses. Finally, Ms. Tally startles me out of my thoughts when she suddenly asks, "What happened today? Being three minutes late to my class is abnormal for you." Mr. Lancer gives her a questioning glance, "Only by three minutes?"
"Yes, Daniel has never been more than a minute late to my class others have but never him; he is almost always punctual." Mr. Lancer silently passes her my class attendant's log. I didn't even have to read it to know what it says, fifteen minutes late here, thirty there, leaving class and never coming back, and other infractions filled that page. "Besides being late, Mr. Fenton also has a habit of falling asleep in class," he informs her.
They both look at me and ask again, "what's going on?" I didn't know what else to do, so I told them the only thing that I can the truth. I told them about the bullying, pushing me into lockers, taking my homework, the punching and jabs in the hallway, and the constant distracting conversations and lollygagging when the teachers' backs are turned.
Ms. Tally didn't say anything while Mr. Lancer looked sympathetic. Finally, after a moment of silence, Ms. Tally broke the quiet, "While that explains why you are always late to class, and we will be doing something about that don't you worry, it doesn't give any reason for the rest of the attendance issues, grades, or the sleeping in class. Is there anything else you want to let us in on?"
"It's complicated," I started before I found myself pausing. I can't tell them about the ghost fighting; that would never end well. So, I ended up telling an altered version of the truth. Sighing, I managed to say to them, "I'm just not getting enough sleep." Mr. Lancer cut me off before I was able to say anything else, "Why is that? What is keeping you up?" Giving him an annoyed look for him cutting me off and his impatiens. "Look, this is hard to talk about. No interruptions, please?"
I ask them, irritated once I get assurance from them both, I start up again.
"There is never a quiet moment at home my parents are either inventing all through the night or going in and out trying to catch ghosts." I sigh, then look at them wearily, Oh, Jazz is going to hate me for this, "being the son of a ghost hunter isn't fun; all of these ghosts that keep coming through keep bothering me. They are either trying to get to and from the Ghost portal or trying to get to Jazz and me to get back at our parents. We never get a break. Not even at school. That's why I keep disappearing all of the time. Jazz doesn't have it as bad since she is older, but as the youngest, it puts a target on me." I make eye contact with Mr. Lancer, trying to figure out if he believes me or not. By the end of my story, his face had paled, looking close to white, while Ms. Tally looks between us with disbelief etched into her face. She looks like she is trying to figure out where the end of the joke is. Once it became apparent that I am telling the truth, her jaw became slack, and she looked at me, her eyes blown wide.
I think I may have broken her.
"Oh, Huckleberry Finn," I hear him mutter, "That definitely explains some things." But then, he looks at me with a tired look in his eye, "and your grades?"
"That's actually pretty easy to understand," I say with a nervous chuckle, "In all honesty, I'm just really not good at liberal art subjects. Give me Science or Math anytime, but I would rather run a mile around the school than do English or history. But, don't me wrong, I do try; I just never really get them." Ms.Tally, who had finally gotten back her composure, looked at me with a single eyebrow raised. " I don't really get it myself, but ill try to explain, um," I run my fingers through my hair as I tink up an analogy, "It's like im doing a puzzle, but some pieces are missing. No matter how hard I try, the pieces that I have left just don't fit into place." I blush a little at my own confession," Does that make any sense?"
"It does actually," he says, "It's like that for many of us. Though it is usually math that causes the most trouble." He sends me a small smile as he turns around towards the filing cabinet. "Just keep trying, and in time the pieces will come together." then pulls out a couple of forms from a drawer, " if you are having so many issues with those classes, why didn't you ask to transfer out?"
"Those are the only classes I have with my friends, and if my schedule changed, there is no guarantee I'll get lunch break with them," I tell truthfully, starting to get worried about the papers he brought out. "Now that you know, can't you just make it so that I sit away from them, the A-list? I would do better, I promise, please don't take me out of class with my friends," I beg him.
Mr. Lancer looked to be thinking it over when Ms. Tally interrupted, "Is that why you don't have trouble in my class, is there no one of that," she pauses, trying to find the right word, "clique; during your period?"
I nod, agreeing with her statement, "The class is filled with people from the older years too, and nobody in there has to agree with my classmates A-list." Ms. Tally looked satisfied with my answer and let it go while Mr. Lancer looked ready to deliver his verdict.
"We will give it a try," he started holding his hand up in a stopping motion when I started thanking him, "I said we would give it a try, but if things continue as they are or get any worse, you will have to transfer to another class. Do you understand?"
I was nodding, readily agreeing.
"If that's all we have to talk about, may I go?" The teachers agreed when suddenly Mr. Lancer stopped me, "One more thing. Your sleeping problem, what do you plan to do about that?"
"Invest in some really good earplugs," I say, shrugging. Mr. Lancer starts humming a bit in thought while putting the forms back into his desk, "If that doesn't work, then we will be forced to pull you out of an elective and give you a study hall. We can't have you falling asleep throughout the day."
"I'll try harder, sir."
"Have a good day, Danny."
As soon as the words 'Good Day' were out of his mouth, I reached for the door and left. I spotted a clock on my way out of the school, and to my surprise, our talk didn't take any more than forty-five minutes. Once I was out, I walked for a good ten minutes or so, hoping to make it to the Nasty Burger before Sam and Tucker decided to leave.
Once I got to the old dinner, I looked around for my friends, but I couldn't find them in our usual booth. So I looked around some more, hoping to see them sitting somewhere else, but the only familiar faces in there weren't friendly ones. I was just about to leave when I felt a chill going through my body and saw the mist spilling out of my mouth into my face.
I rushed into the bathroom and checked to make sure it was empty before entering a stall and whispered to myself, "guess it's time to die," and let my transformation take over.
My body became inverted, with my black hair becoming a startling white and my eyes going from a light blue to a toxic glowing green. My clothes left my body, and in their place was the hazmat suit from the portal accident.
I rushed out of the nasty Burger and looked around for any sign of danger when I heard off in the distance, "BEWARE, FOR I AM THE MASTER OF ALL THINGS CUBEICAL AND SQUARE!" Oh, for everything good in the world, why of all ghosts did it have to be him. I flew to the back of the restaurant and found him messing with a delivery driver.
I was sneaking up on him when the driver yelped and pointed in my direction, giving away my position. "Really," I say to the driver, "you just had to give me away" I threw my hands up in exasperation. It's going to be so much harder to catch him now. "Come on, Boxxy, do we have to do this again? I sent you back to the zone this morning." That's the thing about Boxxy, the Box Ghost. Despite not being much more than a nuisance, he is one of the most nerve-racking ghosts to catch. If I didn't know any better, I would think he has his own personal portal with how often he slips between dimensions.
Boxxy glowered at me while rushing up into my face, " I AM NOT BOXXY, I AM THE BOX GHOST" I cross my arms trying to make a point, "Isn't that what I just said, Boxxy?"
"Well, I say your Boxxy."
I wave him off. "Well, come on, Boxxy, I don't have all day" He started chucking boxes at the driver and me while floating away while grumbling about name-calling. It took me half an hour to catch the nuisance, " Any last words, Boxxy" I ask him while pulling out the Fenton Thermos.
"I AM NOT BOXX-" he said while being pulled into the device.
Once he is secured, I retrace my steps, collect the boxes, and return them to the Nasty Burger. When I got there, the driver tried to explain what had happened earlier when I called out to one of the servers.
" Excuse me, but I believe these belong to you." I land in front of the server and gently put the boxes onto the ground. "Oh my gosh, I know you! Your inviso-bill!" I cringed a bit at the name, "The name is Phantom, Danny Phantom," being annoyed that after all these months that people were still messing up my name.
Their aww quickly changed to apologetic, "I'm sorry, Mr.Phantom, sir." I started laughing a little; it was not a giggle, no matter what anyone else claims. It was a laugh, a manly laugh. I couldn't help its escape. No one has ever called me sir before, "It's okay, just happy to help," I reassured. After they had all of their boxes, I flew away.
I started a patrol around the city looking for any malevolent ghost that had managed to get out while occasionally helping little old ladies across the street and saving the occasional cat out of a tree. It's nice to be able to help out even when ghosts aren't attacking. Also, it gives me more time to relax in my ghost form, which I don't get to do very often. Before I knew it, the sun was starting to set, and it was time to make my way home.
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kaibutsushidousha · 3 years
Taking a look at what my faves can punch with their Append Skills.
* Jason - bonus damage against Caster. * Medea - bonus damage against Saber.
Of course these two would gun for each other.
* Nero (both red and white) - bonus damage against Assassin.
Agrippina was a poison maker. Makes sense for her to be Assassin.
* Nero Caster - bonus damage against Ruler.
Caster is more Beast-leaning than her Saber versions and Beast VI's Nega Skill is Nega-Messiah, so this one is probably about Jesus, I guess.
* Arash - bonus damage against Rider.
* Moriarty - bonus damage against Caster.
Eye-opening that Moriarty's natural enemy is Holmes' original Class, not the Class he got forcibly changed into by the plot. Moriarty's Interlude is all about his fears of how things can south if Holmes derails himself from his role of hero to Moriarty's villain. Him having power over who Holmes was but being ineffective against who Holmes became simply speaks volumes.
* Nightingale - crit resistance against Avenger. * Nightingale (Santa) - bonus damage against Avenger.
I won't lie this one got me puzzled for a while until I remember Nightingale interacted with Dantes in one event and one interlude. I'd rather have Berserker's advantage be against Berserkers because her biggest role was as Cu Alter's foil, or against Mooncancers because she initially conceived as a CCC character, meaning Nasu owes me nurse-on-nurse violence since 2013; and Archer's was against Sabers or Casters for Astolfo or Nursery Rhyme.
* Nagiko - bonus damage against Alter Ego.
While Heian is a story about powerful warriors using their strength as a tool to convey and legitimize their feelings, Nagiko and Douman stand out as outliers. Nagiko had powerful feelings, but also the emotional maturity to understand she had nothing to gain and a lot to lose by letting her grudges turn her into a monster, so she never sought strength. Kiyohara no Nagiko is all feeling and no power. Douman, on the other hand, impulsively sought power just for the sake and ultimately failed to achieve the strongest and evilest rank he strived for because he lacked the love necessary to deserve. Ashiya Douman was all power and no feeling.
* Nezha - bonus damage against Caster.
This one confused me for a while as well. Daji is an Assassin, Ma Yuan makes more sense as a Berserker, Sun Wukong makes more sense as a Lancer, Li Jing is technically a Lancer, I don't know what Class Ao Bing would be but Caster doesn't feel like the right answer. I was convinced this was supposed to mean Taigong was going to be a Caster for a moment there, but then I remember Xuanzang is a Caster and everything fell into place.
* Kagetora - bonus damage against Rider.
Shingen will be a Rider, I guess.
* Erice - bonus damage against Lancer.
Chitose is a Lancer's Master. Lucius himself is also the closest Erice has to a father figure.
* Ryouma - bonus damage against Archer.
Ryouma was originally designed as the guy who loses to Nobunaga. He rides a divine dragon so he can get wrecked by Nobunaga's advantage against riding and divinity. ~~Payback time, bitch~~.
* Kama - bonus damage against Lancer.
* Koyanskaya - bonus damage against Archer.
Hmm, Tamamo no Mae was killed by arrows, Koyans is closer linked to Daji, so she should get advantage against Taigong instead, and Taigong has no reason to be Archer. Maybe this is about Orion being Grand dispatched against her?
* Jalter - bonus damage against Avenger.
Weaponized self-loathing, let's goooooo.
* Jalter (Summer) - crit resistance against Archer.
Anti-sister measures.
* BB (Spring) - bonus damage against Alter Ego.
Works equally well for the daughters and for Kiara, but I think the daughters are the funnier answer.
* BB (Summer) - bonus damage against Foreigner.
General emulation of a Foreigner's super effectiveness against Foreigners, I guess, but Nyarlathotep has more specific beef against Cthugga, so I have to say Yang Guifei.
* Yang Guifei - bonus damage against Ruler.
Not Assassin for granny-in-law, huh? Well, I guess this either means Xuanzong is a Ruler or that the planner was thinking about Shi Huang for the more general concept of destroying China.
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fated-imaginings · 3 years
Would you happen to have a headcanon for how the Cu quartet might feel after hearing their blunt, "I wouldn't say it if I didn't believe to be it true", sometimes comes across as being rude Master say with full conviction and confidence that "Cù is extremely reliable no matter what class or version Cù is." To someone(maybe a staff member or Emiya who knows) asking why they always bring at least one of the Cú with them on missions knowing full well that the Cú are also in the room?
- The Cu’s are loyal. Incredibly so. If they have a Master who treats them well and returns that loyalty, then barring wild circumstances, there’s nothing that could make them do anything but their best. And the Master of Chaldea knows this. They won’t hesitate to say it, either. They know that no matter what, they could trust life and limb to any one of the Children of Light, and the chances are very high that they’ll come out the other side perfectly intact.
- So when a staff member asks them why they always bring at least one of the Cu’s along on missions, even if they don’t have class advantage, it’s easy to lay it out. "Cu Chulainn is extremely reliable, no matter what version of him it is." Simple as.
- Really, this makes all but Alter puff up with grins and pride. Hell yeah they’re reliable, and they’re extremely gratified to know that Master sees that and trusts them so much. 
- Alter’s reaction might be a bit more muted, but he’s secretly pleased too. He’s just a weapon, in his mind, but he’s a weapon that works well, and one his Master is confident in wielding. What? His tail is wagging? Shut your mouth, no it isn’t. 
- So maybe either Lancer might show off a bit more for Master from then on, or spend a little while going above and beyond. They know they don’t need to, they know they’re more than secure in their places at Master’s side, but they want to do well for someone who trusts them so much. If Master bluntly asks why they’re acting as they are, that’s what they’ll tell them. 
- Caster isn’t so overt, but he does it too. He’s more chill than his other selves, but it feels good to be trusted and relied upon, and he enjoys showing off a bit now and again, too. 
- Alter doesn’t follow suit. He’s always going at 100%, and he doesn’t feel the need to try for 105% just for the frivolity of it. But maybe he’s feeling a little more warmed to Master, even if as always, he keeps that to himself.
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rexcoatlarchive · 3 years
Such a thing as too much love (rewrite)
After receiving some criticism and advice and taking a look back at Quetz in game I've decided to rewrite this story. I'm leaving the other one alone for comparisons sake.
Palingenesis was a unique ritual chaldea used to help improve the servants and help them reach their fullest. The process caps out at what would be considered lvl 100 but it was never said whether or not that was truly the maximum.
Rex, in his deep love for his wife, had already helped her achieve the maximum for both her rider and ruler forms. But he always considered the possibility of going further. He wanted his goddess of a wife to go even further beyond her limits in this fight to save humanity.
Quetzalcoatl on the other hand saw the idea as him picking favorites. She thought it wasn't right and would rather prioritize grailing others to help. He wasn't afraid to admit that he really was biased, but that it only made sense, she was his wife so why shouldn't he treat her better.
Eventually after enough convincing she finally agreed on the condition that he only use 1 more grail, and any others would be used for other servants. Rex was fine with this, since she would go beyond 100 but others would still cap off at 100.
Quetz: mi amor, I understand that you love me very much. But it still doesn't feel right for you to spoil me in this way.
Rex: I understand mi corazon, but what kind of husband would I be if I don't spoil you once in a while.
Quetz: even if you did, I rather other forms of spoiling. Like setting up another lucha match like before.
Rex: we can do that another time. Now it's time for you to go beyond!
The ritual was being done in the couple's room rather then where it was traditionally done, as it wasn't allowed to try to go beyond the maximum. It also took a large amount of concentration, which was not Rex's strong suit.
Quetz: since you're doing it anyways, make sure you concentrate as hard as you can. You know you're not that good at it, your mind wanders too much.
Rex: I understand, and I will make sure it goes without a hitch!
He would be unable to do this however. As he was focusing, he couldn't help but get excited at the idea of a stronger Quetzalcoatl, this would cause him to botch the ritual and lead to the creation of something very interesting.
Rex: here goes nothing!
As he said this the grail glowed a bright white color and then light filled the room, before subsiding revealing the couple to be left on the floor.
Rex: oooohh, Quetz are you good?
Quetz: si. What about you mi amor?
Rex: I'm fine, what happ-
But before he could finish this thought the two noticed the new presence in the room. Another female servant, who looked remarkably similar to the floored sun goddess.
Quetz: eh?! Who are you?!
The other Quetzalcoatl stood there, with a more aggressive demeanor. Her smile was far more toothy then the original, her skin a pale snow white. Her headdress consisting mostly of feathers, her clothing colored an obsidian black and her choice of weaponry, a large spear rather then the sword the original wielded.
???: I'm you, pendeja!
Her words felt different from how the original would've spoken. They felt like the words of someone trying to start a fight. Her eyes shined a sharp gold color, and were slit like those of a snake's. When she opened her mouth a forked tongue could be seen, flickering like a snake's.
Quetz stood up, ready to fight if need be, but prioritized protecting her beloved master. She stood in front of Rex to keep him safe.
Quetz: mi amor! Stay behind me! We don't know who she is or what she'll do
The other one was clearly annoyed by this, when she looked at the original Quetzalcoatl her eyes stared daggers, she clearly wanted to start fighting the original. But when her eyes met those of the master they dilated like a cat seeing their prey, she seemed to harbor genuine affection towards him. It seemed to be something that carried over from the original.
???: you trying to keep master away from me is really irritating other me. Things would go smoother if you learned to share.
Quetz: I don't know what you mean by "other me" but I do know I won't let you get to my master.
???: isn't it obvious? Do you not remember Christmas? Or do you need another lucha match to help jog the memories?!
The other goddess spoke in a very aggressive manner. She was like a heel wrestler in WWE, or a Ruda as they would be called in lucha libre. She wanted to fight, she loved the idea. Especially with the original. Perhaps it was a way to show dominance.
Quetz: are you telling me you're Black Quetzal mask?
???: close enough, I have the memories of her from that Christmas. But I'm so much more this time around.
Rex: so did I end up splitting you like before?
Quetz: I don't think so, I don't feel any different. Maybe that's what she means by more?
???: exactly! Now you're getting it other me! I'm the new aggressive ruda Quetzalcoatl! Tho I guess another name would be more fitting? Hmmm, how about Kulkucan!?
Rex: the mayan feathered serpent? The one far more ok with the sacrifices and acted more like a war goddess?
Kuku: that's exactly right! My how smart mi amor!
She spoke to Rex in a far more kind manner then towards the original, she almost felt like the original gentler version when speaking to him. It was clear she seemed to want to be with him, but Quetzalcoatl wasn't having it.
Quetz: you don't have the right to call him that! Es mi esposo! Not yours!
Kuku: I knew you'd be like this! I was ready for a fight! Now we can have a real lucha match, no holding back!
Quetz: fine by me!
Rex: wait! Not here! You'll wreck the room!
Quetz: he's right, we're better off doing this somewhere else.
Kuku: fine by me! Anywhere's fine, I'll kick your ass regardless!
But as this was being said, the door opened
Mash: hey senpai! Da Vinci needs to ta- what the!? Whose that?!
Rex: it seems we've stumbled upon a Quetzalcoatl alter.
Mash: how do you stumble upon an alter in your room?
As she said this she noticed the grail on the floor
Mash: senpai! Did you try to use palingenesis more then what's allowed?!
Rex: ...maybe
Quetz: wait is that why?! Did you not concentrate?!
Rex: I was trying to but I guess my mind wandered. I didn't think this would happen tho!
Mash: it seems like you accidentally did the same thing Gilles and Medb did in their respective singularities.
Rex: not sure how to feel about those comparisons.
Mash: now what do we do?!
As this was happening Kulkucan took the opportunity to try and steal away the master, but Quetzalcoatl managed to grab him before she could make off with him.
Quetz: please let go of him! *she says as she starts to pull*
Kuku: I don't think so! He's mine now! *she pulls in her direction*
Quetz: like I'll let that happen! You're hurting him anyways so stop!
Kulkucan reluctantly conceded, if there was one thing she didn't want to do it was hurting Rex.
Kuku: ugh fine! *she says as she let's go of him*
This action lead to Rex and Quetzalcoatl falling over.
Mash: senpai are you ok?!
Rex: I'm fine
The alter stared daggers at the original again, annoyed that she had to let go
Mash: I think we need to get the others involved.
Later the group were in the command room. When Da Vinci was informed of what had happened, she was annoyed.
Da Vinci: you see stuff like this is why we cap it off at 100. And why we have a special facility for the ritual in the first place!
Rex: I'm sorry!
Quetz: ...si, I'm sorry too.
Da Vinci: what the hell are we going to do with the 2nd Quetzalcoatl.
Kuku: there's nothing to do! Just let us have our lucha match! Winner takes Rex!
Quetz: like I'd ever agree to those terms!
Kuku: ha! Afraid of losing!?
Quetz: I won't risk my marriage on a single lucha match! Regardless of how confident I am of victory!
Kuku: that just proves you don't think you can handle it!
Rex: that's enough you two! Please stop this, you don't need to fight so much!
Quetz: I'm sorry mi amor! I guess the idea of losing you riled me up too much!
She says this while hugging Rex, though it seemed that Kulkucan had something to say about this.
Kuku: don't hog all the love for yourself!
Now she started to try and hug him, leading to pushing and shoving from the two goddesses.
Da Vinci: cut it out! You might hurt him!
This lead to the two to stop what they were doing. It seemed that their master's safety was of the utmost importance to the both of them.
Both: sorry.
Da Vinci: Rex, you have to decide what to do. You caused this so now decide how to resolve it.
Rex: I mean, I'm not sure what to do. I know Quetz doesn't like Kuku. But she's a lot like Quetz, just more aggressive, so getting rid of her sounds wrong too.
The two goddesses didn't like that the situation frustrated their master, so they did the unexpected.
Quetz: ...well, I guess I can deal with her for your sake.
Rex: are you sure?
Quetz: si... I don't Ike sharing but you don't have to get rid of her.
Kuku: and I won't try fighting her so much, for your sake. It's the least I can do.
Rex: well I guess that's fine.
Da Vinci: well another servant joining isn't too bad.
Mash: what's her clas anyways? Is she a rider?
Kuku: I'm actually a Lancer! If you couldn't tell from my spear.
Rex: now we have 3 classes for Quetz! Interesting.
There's the rewrite. Hopefully I did a better job of keeping the original Quetz feeling more like herself and Kulkucan feeling more aggressive.
Tagging again
@panyum @hasereshdoneanythingwrong @haspaulbunyandoneanythingwrong @gxymlky @hasishtardoneanythingwrong @grievouslyxorvia @hasabbydoneanythingwrong @castlecsejtespeakertechnician
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
The Rayshift Thefts (Cu Chulainn, Rin Tohsaka, Hakuno, Gilgamesh)
He couldn’t help it.
Sometimes, when his master wasn’t around, he found himself closing his eyes, thinking about that brunette. His other selves were in the midst of a good poker game with Gudako, laughing it up or simply grunting as Gudako made poor jokes. The whole place was cheery enough, filling the air with a collection of sounds that were hard for any servant to imagine before coming to this place.
A facility that summoned servants not to fight one another but to protect humanity.
“You’re remarkably easy to persuade to help us fight,” Gudako had once commented.
He’d laughed at the remark, asking if it should be difficult for him to agree to such terms. However, he’d just been avoiding the answer that had been in his mind.
His eyes still saw the brown hair, glinting in the light of that basement. He could still see the eyes that had finally held fear in them, the pain and the torment slipping away as he pulled Gae Bolg from the body of the priest that had been trying to destroy her life any further.
Sometimes it felt like he could feel her hands on him, lightly touching at his armor as all that mounting hope broke into pieces.
“I need to smoke.”
Cu glanced over at his other selves.
“Oi! Who needs a break?”
“I smoked before I came,” Caster him complained, glaring over at Gudako.
“I don’t smoke those flimsy twigs,” Alter growled.
“I’m going cold turkey,” Proto replied.
So just him.
Lancer shook his head at them, climbing to his feet and fixing the turtleneck he had on. Guess all this meant was that he was meant to be ponderin’ that cute brunette a little longer. He could imagine the knee high socks, the long coats and the tumblin’ dark hair that she tied up on the sides to keep out of her way.
Wandering through the facility, he looked out to the lakes in the distance, just below the mountains, noting how the blue color seemed to look like the depths of those intelligent eyes.
He was an obsessive old man, wasn’t he?
Confident women with brains and a lack of ambition for ruining a man were hard to come by. Too often, he’d ended up with women like that Medb or his master; women who had their own ambitions and were all too happy to mow you down just to get to their goals.
That Rin Tohsaka had been a rare gem.
“You look entertained.”
It looked like he wouldn’t be smoking alone, after all. Not that he could call the other company, but…
“You got a light, Gorgeous?”
Gilgamesh rolled his eyes at that, flicking a thing from his pocket and handing over the cigarette he’d had close at hand.
If nothing else, the other’s taste in good tobacco hadn’t changed at all. Cu found himself settling against the wall of the rayshift room, knowing full well that they’d have to run the damn fan in here when they were done.
Worth it though, he thought.
“Mutt, I’m bored. At least bark a little.”
“Woof woof, Goldie. I ain’t up for that shit. Entertain yourself.”
“Entertain myself?” The man’s eyes glinted. “Are you truly thinking yourself that cocky after all we’ve been through?”
“Oi, leave it.”
“I remember a certain man volunteering to look after the vessel candidate, insisting on twenty-four-hour surveillance.”
“I miss that woman.”
The words came out far too easily. He wasn’t sure how, wasn’t sure why, but there they were. They hung in the air between him and the archer, lingering like a storm cloud.
He remembered being stuck around the church. The memories were far too persistent, despite his best efforts otherwise. He could also remember her though, the small conversations, the blush could form as she misunderstood something or simply became too naïve to realize the truth of things.
“You miss a mongrel like that?”
“You never met her.”
The man clicked his tongue. “I met something close enough… This conversation bores me. Go get her if you are so lonesome, mutt. Who’s going to stop you?”
Gilgamesh laughed, smashing the butt of his cigarette against the wall and pouring himself some wine. “That fool? She lacked the courage to address many things in this place until they became unavoidable. A little mage hiding in your room will hardly be worth noting.”
“I don’t see you summoning anything here.”
“Is there nothing and no one that you miss?”
It was obvious that there wasn’t anyone. Why would there be? The great king of Heroes was not one for entertaining himself with women and liaisons other than sadistic trysts with malignant priests. He entertained himself with ideologies and the chaos of the inherently good becoming corrupt. A man like that-
Gilgamesh made a small hum.
“Should I allow you to assist me then? I suppose you do owe me for my forcing Kirei to treat you so well.”
“I ain’t interested.”
The man was ruining his smoke break. Pulling the cigarette out, he went to kill it when the other spoke up.
“Not even for that Tohsaka fool?”
He laughed, those red eyes meeting his own. “I’m talking about that little fool your lovesick for, you fool. You wish to go get her, but you don’t want to break any precious rules. Hate to have Gudako see you wet the floors or scratch up the furniture, right?”
“I ain’t givin’ up my place here just to catch a glimpse of the girl.”
“Control the command room when I fetch someone and I’ll control the room when you go to fetch your mongrel.”
“Who are you going to get?”
Gilgamesh eyes closed, his expression deflating until he looked about ready to leave. “I have other things to do. Decide quickly and cease your wasting of my time.”
“How do I know you won’t betray me?”
He began to nod a second before that face was close, he could see something dark in that gaze, the smell of smoke hanging between them in the intimate space.
“What a strange word coming from someone who spread me before that useless priest and allowed his slop down my throat. Do not think I’ve forgotten a second of that. That or what else you helped him with.”
“You did the same, Goldie.”
“And now we both stand here, with the man dead and the sins of that time lingering only in memory. You want something. I want something. I see no reason why we should allow a little red headed fool tell us what is and is not to be done about our needs… do you?”
“So you’re saying that sexual shit-“
“My time is precious, don’t waste it further, Celt.”
“Excellent.” Gilgamesh moved to the other room, tapping the glass with his knuckles as he settled into the command room seat. “You’ll fetch your woman first. Be quick. You know how loud this place is and I want who I want tonight as well.”
Be quick.
Funny words from someone who shifted him to the other side of the damn city. He found himself leaping from roof to roof, looking about the strangely offputting city of Fuyuki. Mid-Grail War, obviously, if he could take some damages here and there as any indication. Things had been changed, buildings torn apart and stores collapsed from what had to be a few good battles.
The woman’s own home was quiet, a lone woman lying in the center of the bed in a state of disarray. The bandages on her were numerous, her first aid kit was emptied out, a pile nearby showing that she’d bleed through enough already.
The woman jumped, spinning around only to gasp.
A stab wound.
She hadn’t had that. Cu Chulainn yanked at the bedding, bunching it in a rush as he found the woman struggling against him.
“Let me go!”
“Woman, you’re dying.” He grabbed her turtleneck from the floor as he made her hold that blanket to her chest. Her coat nearby was grabbed next, alongside her scarf and stockings.
“What are you doing?! How did you get-“
The shift back came the moment that he had the woman in his arms.
“You would find an idiot sporting a fatal injury, wouldn’t you?”
Gilgamesh stormed into the room, leaving Rin to jump again. Her body clung to him, looking around in shock.
“Kit’s on the chair. I’ve written down the instructions for my shift. Do not fail me. My little toy to keep the place distracted won’t last long and you’ve wasted my time again.”
He didn’t have time to argue, not with Rin like this. Getting her into the other room, he could see the chaos on the monitors. Gil’d unleashed a selection of Avicebron’s golems into the hallways, leaving the place to collect them and that fool Spartacus.
“What is this? Where am I?”
“Chaldea.” Cu typed in the shit on Gil’s paper, shifting him off before he grabbed the kit and looked to her. “Watch the monitors for when that golden guy has whatever he’s searching for. I need to treat your stomach wound.”
“I’ve tried healing it. Nothing’s been working…”
“Yeah, well, let’s just say I’ve had my fair share of these, as you know.”
“I don’t know who you are.”
She what?
Cu Chulainn stared up at her, watching that blue gaze try to understand what was happening. His clever Rin had been a shit liar, even worse at hiding feelings. She should have been raging, kicking and shouting ‘lancer!’ or ‘you idiot’ at him.
Instead, there was just a tired look of shock on her face, as though the world was ending but she still found herself running into that one last problem.
Where did that golden asshole send me?
It had been during the war, he knew that. The damage was obvious. Rin was the same. Right down to the hair style and the weight of her, she was the same.
“You’re a servant, I know that.”
“Shit, Rin.”
“How do you know my name?”
“What do you remember from the Holy Grail war?”
“The war… you mean that my sister won?”
Her sister-
He’d gotten an alternate time’s Rin.
That damned bastard, shipping him off to steal a Rin that didn’t know him. Whatever had happened to this one, she was clueless as to who he was. Who knew what had-
Cu paused.
“…Did anyone try to touch you?”
“W-What the hell is wrong with you!?!” The woman slammed her foot into his chest, sending her computer chair flying back as she did. The bandages he’d been applying fell loosely around her exposed waist. “WHY THE HELL WOULD SOMEONE DO THAT?!”
Thank the gods.
“You don’t know how glad I am to hear that, lass. Come here and let me tend that damn wound before ya die on me. I didn’t save your ass in one life just to lose your alternate life like this.”
He motioned her over, watching her hesitate a moment before listening.
It took a minute, ultimately ruining the outfit she was in. He pulled his shirt off and shoved it over her to give her something clean to wear.
“…I don’t get you.”
“Yeah, I get that a lot.”
He ruffled her hair a moment before checking the monitors again.
Most the golems were rounded up now. It looked like time was almost up.
Gilgamesh meanwhile was moving through a school building, slipping into a room and pulling a slumbering woman out of bed. It looked like he had what he wanted, judging by his waving of one arm.
Cu slammed the shift button and glanced back to Rin.
“What am I supposed to do here?”
He hadn’t thought that far.
Embarrassing as it was, he had no clue how to handle things from here. He’d expected to have his own Rin, the one that had yelled at him and demanded his aid in fighting that red archer. He’d expected swearings and stompings and a collection of colorful insults to fill his evening. It’d have been long enough for him to think of a reason to keep her around other than that he liked her.
This Rin was just sweet.
It was like gaining a bird with a broken wing. No matter how powerful, they still couldn’t fly. He’d have to nurse her back to health and figure shit out on the fly.
“Are they still gathering those beasts?” Gilgamesh asked, hauling the woman into the room over his shoulder.
“Last few.”
“Then move it. I won’t be caught this early just because you want to play nursemaid with the woman you missed.”
“Missed?” Rin stared at him next, earning a scoff.
“Figure your own fool out on your own, mongrel. I have things to do.”
Things was currently holding onto his shoulders, her face pressing against his neck. Whoever the woman was, it was clear she was entirely asleep, lost in a warm and comforting dream that would burst the moment she woke up to the asshole archer.
“You mind trusting me a while longer?” Cu asked the woman in his shirt, offering his back to her.
“…Since you helped me not die, fine.” Rin shifted, her body wrapping around his carefully before he grabbed her soiled clothes and the first aid kit from the floor. Her head leaned over his shoulder. “I want an explanation of what’s going on when we get to wherever we’re going.”
Yeah, he’d figured that she would.
Shame he didn’t have one for her.
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years
Obey Me! Characters and the FGO Characters I Associate Them With:
Feel free to disagree with me. Fair warning this is a sideblog, so I can’t respond to comments unless it’s from a reblog. I’m mostly going to talk about the FGO characters since I have more to say about them and show why I associate them.
Caster Gilgamesh- Lucifer is not arrogant like Archer Gil who will limit himself because he believes he’s better than his opponent. Cas Gil still has all of Archer’s pride but is wiser than when he was young and foolish. While Caster Gil is not considered a fighter mainly, he still can fight like when he fought Kingu on the beach. A quote from Cas Gil’s profile “He is sometimes cold and sometimes accepting of human emotions. He is the stern, yet great king of Uruk.”
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Artoria Lancer Alter- A version of Artoria Lancer who was tainted by the grail. Artoria Lancer was tantamount to a goddess at her peak. Alter acknowledges her malicious nature as an Alter, and acknowledges her duties.
Ishtar- It mostly comes from her love of gems. But there’s more trust me. Ishtar is never satisfied with what she has, and will do borderline anything to get her way as the goddess of war and love. She’s also super tsundere when it comes to the master in Babylonia. Also we have this, and we all know the brothers would do this to Mammon:
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Ereshkigal- If Mammon is Ishtar that it only makes sense that Levi is Eresh. So Eresh struggles with showing how much she cares about people. She’s usually very “passive and introverted” but when she gets angry she reverts back to her “terrifying (and disappointing) goddess.” She gets panicked and when she does she over exaggerates, and adds extra parts to her speech. She’s also tormented by the idea no one likes her. She also just wants people to love her the way she is.
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Atalante Alter- First of all she’s a berserker who still has her sanity. Secondly she’s a cat. She commanded a rebellion in the first Lostbelt so she’s rather educated as well. Finally when she falls into a rage (see the end of Fate/Apocrypha) it’s destructive and almost unstoppable. It took both fighting Ruler and Rider of Red to pasify her.
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Merlin- Merlin is half incubus, so already somewhat Asmo vibes. He feeds on emotions especially lustful ones. Merlin is also a cause of a decent amount of problems for various people. He also doesn’t do things in the traditional way, like instead of casting spells he uses a sword to fight. He also complains when asked to do physical labor mainly in Babylonia when they track through the forest.
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Aesterios- He looks all big and scary but he’s actually like a big softy. While Aesterios doesn’t eat nearly as much as Beel, he’s just as big a softy. When Aesterios loves someone he’ll do almost anything for them, including die for them.
Gorgon- When Gorgon is first summoned where hates her master and has attempted to kill the master before. However eventually she begins to warm up more. However she attempts to remain distant and attempt to convince her master that she’s a monster. Gorgon once whole again, does sacrifice herself against Tiamat in Babylonia.
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Nero Bride- Granted is this mostly because of the princess dress Diavolo sticker, yes. But also he’s just got the welcoming feeling that Nero has but also the chaotic bits of Nero. And the extra eccentricity of Nero Bride who’s just Nero times 10. (GIF isn’t Nero Bride but whatever.)
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Emiya Archer- He has to do a lot for Chaldea and is practically the dad there. Emiya also teaches us a lot about the system in his interludes. He’s also hella loyal at least in FGO. He won’t change sides because he thinks the enemy is stronger.
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Solomon- Do I really need to explain.
Jeanne D’Arc: The mom of the group. Extremely pure and of devout faith. She acknowledges her jobs and duties as a Ruler in both Apocrypha and the France Singularity. Also doesn’t want to be praised for her actions or called a saint in France, she feels she doesn’t deserve it every time Marie tries to call her a saint.
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Jeanne Alter Santa Lily- Simeon is the Jeanne to Luke’s Jallter Santa Lily aka the big sibling. Very innocent and young. She tries to get along with everyone and I think deep down Luke does try he just can’t get over the fact they’re demons. Jalter Santa Lily tries with everything she has to help others, but sometimes those efforts fall flat like the presents she gave out for her event.
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akampana · 3 years
I don't know how much of a ship it could be, but... What about Ruler Artoria or Lancer Alter Artoria with Gil? I know you said that regular Gil would probably dislike Saber Alter because she lost everything that made her unique in his eyes, but i wonder now how would both him and CasGil react to these drastically different versions of her.
Hello, Anon! Thank you for the ask. I spent a lot of time on this one, sorry for the wait!
Right, I’m going to preface this by saying FGO is a recent thing for me and I’m F2P, so I don’t actually even have Cas Gil or any other Arturia save for the OG. But as I love any version of these two way too much, I’ve obsessively gleaned whatever extra info I can from wherever I can with as much fervor as I apply to praying to the gacha, so I hope I can still provide some insight or at least give you a good read. :)
I’m gonna answer this in a slightly different format since we’re talking about opinions here. Lot’s of HCs included, since I wanted to illustrate better how their specific dynamics would go. See below:
Ruler Arturia is a casino owner and specifically a cards dealer. We also know thanks to Artoria’s material that despite not being the luckiest person alive, she has a talent for gambling. 
Regardless of the bet, the casino is usually at an advantage to win, which is what makes each game a gamble. And with our talented bunny dealer handling the cards, you can bet haha  the casino would earn a hell of a bunch. 
Enter Gilgamesh, with a ridiculously high rank of luck and LITERALLY ALL THE MONEY IN THE UNIVERSE 
Now this puts them both in a unique position because:
Arturia as a casino owner would want to glean everything she can out of that treasury
Gilgamesh is nigh impossible to trounce
What does that make for? The highest stakes round of blackjack that the world has ever seen. 
Funny thing is, Gil probably isn’t even playing to win. He’s so rich that any loss is immaterial. 
If anything, he’s staying for the challenge, and of course, the entertaining dealer.
Ruler Arturia is formatted after Lartoria’s attitude, though, so rather than sparks flying across the table, their battles would be quiet and consist of a lot of poker faces and piercing eyes. 
As Gilgamesh is technically a guest, it is not out of the question for them to share a few cocktails. 
He likes the bunny suit. He just doesn’t say so. 
Eventually, it comes to the point where he bets an irrefusable amount in exchange for a night with her. And boom, she loses, and gets treated to dinner. All in all, not such a loss. Especially since she finds that the amount he’d bet last night makes it into an expensive briefcase left in front of her casino the next morning. 
Ruler Arturia x CasGil
CasGil, I think would have the same interest, but rather than the kind of competitive rivalry Archer Gil brings to the table, he gets Ruler’s attention a different way:
He doesn’t lose. He just doesn’t.
Caster doesn’t even raise the stakes, nor does he bet such thriftless amounts like Archer Gil does, he just wins and wins and wins over a course of a few days, and Ruler eventually has to investigate why one of her tables consistently loses more than it gains
Lo and behold: it’s the King of Heroes, nonchalantly sipping on a cocktail waiting for her to arrive. 
Arturia offers to play against him, and they calmly proceed for enough rounds until he finally loses for the first time. 
Except when she checks his hand, she discovers he could have won again. 
Still possessing a knight’s honor, she tries to refund him, but he won’t take the money. He’d only take a date. 
The next day, they’re sharing her parasol, strolling on the beach with drinks in hand. She swears she’ll beat him for real next time. 
Oooh how I love older more mature Gilart. HNNNNNNNNGGG
Lancer Alter x Gilgamesh in General
There’s a lot of complexity when it comes to “Alter” Servants which I am still trying to grasp because not every Alter-ation is the same as I’m sure you know. 
Lancer Alter isn’t even Evil like Saber Alter is, she’s just more of a realist and in the eyes of her people, more of a tyrant. In fact, I think she’s closer to the essence of what a Lancer Arturia would be, and maybe she would have been the Lartoria we got had the Lion King not been conceptualized yet. But like other non-lancer Arturias she shoulders the same burden of a king. 
It’s on this basis that I say that Archer Gil also might not be attracted to Lancer Alter initially, because part of what he likes about Artoria is her idealism. He finds her idealism foolish sure, because he wouldn’t rule that way, but that’s also what fascinates him. 
Caster Gil, I believe, would have the better chance, because he’s already lived through and moved past the period in his life where he was a ruthless, feared tyrant, and he can therefore understand Lancer Alter’s mentality more than Archer Gil ever could. 
But whether or not Casgil and Lancer Alter Arturia ever end up together, entirely depends on CasGil’s interest, because he’ll be facing someone who is rather like his younger self. But a little more self-deprecating. Better feed her some junk food.
Thank you for the ask! It makes me happy to have stuff in my inbox. Hope I provided a good read for you at least. :) 
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tainbocuailnge · 4 years
So like, Cu Alter’s profile mentions that this isn’t how he’s supposed to look as a berserker, since he exists because of Medb’s wish using the grail. But since Cu in myth is described as a monster when he goes on a rampage, would his “actual” berserker form look more or less like him as an alter?
good question! and one that I have spent a lot of time thinking about so this might get a little longer than you bargained for. the thing that stands out the most to me regarding this topic is this exchange from chapter america
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which leads me to think that cu alter is supposed to look a lot more monstrous, but he purposely limits himself in order to keep a form that’s still approximately human. I briefly mentioned it in these posts from the other day but the key here is that while cu does’t necessarily mind being a monster, he doesn’t want to be nothing but a monster. cu alter is forced to act somewhat out of character thanks to medb’s meddling but even so he is cu chulainn and he will retain the dignity of a hero even as a warmongering beast.
this is something you can spot in the tain too: before riding out to his greatest slaughterfest he took precautions so that he could keep his sanity even as he exploded into a mass of flesh and murder, and afterwards he did his best to make sure the image that stuck was the one of him as hero and not as monster. cu chulainn is a figure that exists on the interstice between monster and hero but what I think is important is that while he is man and beast alike, he chooses to be a hero. he is by definition ulster’s greatest hero yet continuously has to prove himself as such throughout his various tales. he is a monster but never lost himself in that monstrous nature and re-establishes the image of himself as hero again and again, by choice, even after the most brutal displays of bestial slaughter. as siegfried granblue put it: “unfortunately for you, I’ve decided to side with people over beasts”
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even though cu alter was summoned as a berserker he refuses to act like the beast he is expected to be. he is merciful to his underlings, he withholds his own monstrous form as much as possible, his mad enhancement is ranked at EX(C) because he’s perfectly lucid, just stubborn to the point where he seems insane. even though he is a monster he refuses to be a monster. and I believe it is specifically this quality that makes him cu chulainn berserker alter. 
cu chulainn does not like his berserker self, and I think this is because the real berserker cu chulainn is nothing but the monstrous side of him. heroic spirits are merely individual aspects of the hero as a whole so it’s quite possible that the berserker version of him is one that doesn’t keep establishing himself as hero, doesn’t choose people over beasts. during the riastrad cu chulainn is invincible, but he only ever transformed when cornered into it and for him to even enter the berserker class requires either a forced alteration or to leave behind the part of him that would object to it. if this assumption is correct it would mean that cu alter is in fact closer to lancer cu than the unaltered berserker cu because despite everything he is still closer to cu chulainn’s heroic ideal than his true berserker self, and stubbornly clinging to his heroic pride (despite claiming to have discarded it) is what makes him a berserker cu that would not exist under normal circumstances. 
so to answer your actual question, i think the real berserker cu will be barely even recognisable as cu chulainn. he’ll have blue hair and red eyes but there will be none of the heroic pride that defines him behind those eyes. the saint graph will say cu chulainn but it won’t be him and to that effect he will probably either look almost completely different too or he’ll look and act suspiciously the same until he transforms. speculating further you might even say that cu chulainn needs at least this much mad enhancement to even willingly appear as a monster instead of a hero and that is why cu alter has such a weird mad enhancement rank. I imagine the riastrad itself will look similar to spartacus’ crying warmonger or vlad’s legend of dracula, turning him into more of a writhing mass of violent intent than anything resembling a person, but it depends on whether they approach it as berserker cu transforming for his np or being already transformed when you get him (i imagine he’ll be less monstrous in the later case cuz they gotta keep him Hot™)
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saixpuppy · 3 years
Ashiya Douman voiced lines* + translations in order of the video, ripped straight from the wiki. (Therefore translation credit goes to Reddit user ComunCoutinho, and everyone on the wiki who arranged them originally!) *I’ve skipped battle lines for the time being.
These are simply arranged in order of the video for ease of reading, for a friend’s convenience. Below the cut for length. 
This is the first time we see each other! I'm a bonze and onmyouji whose True Name is Ashiya Dōman――― My class is! Alter Ego! Well? Alter Ego. Not Caster? …Now that was a bizarre thing to happen. In any case. Hereafter, I shall be in your care. Master.
Dialogue 1
Now then, shall we depart? I shall be watching over you.
Dialogue 2
For me to offer court service even as a shadow. Fufufufu, there is a limit to irony.
Dialogue 3
For the sake of Human Order, you may use me, Dōman, until I am crushed. Do not hold back, Master.
Dialogue 4 (Tamamo no Mae) [Caster or Lancer]
Tamamo no Mae. In the past, present, and future. She continues existing beautifully by ignoring people's actions. She is always beautiful, to the point that it's repulsive.
Dialogue 5 (Minamoto no Raikou) [Berserker or Lancer]
Minamoto no Raikō. Your karma won't fade even if you become a shadow…
Dialogue 6 (Watanabe no Tsuna)/(Sakata Kintoki) [Berserker or Rider]
Oh, Raikō's Four Heavenly Kings. Did you know, it seems that warriors have ceased existing in the present. Mmmm, what a shame.
Dialogue 7 (Sima Yi (Reines))/(Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II))/(Chen Gong)
The wise men of the continent. Surely they make use of divination and Taoist arts? Interesting. Along these lines, actually I also… Mmm, ehem. No, maybe some other time.
Dialogue 8 (Kato Danzo)
Katō Danzō-dono? Do you require something from me? If you scowl at me in such a manner, I won't be able to move my body. Fufufu.
Dialogue 9 (Fuuma Kotarou)
Fūma Kotarō-dono. The head of the Fūma clan. I see, that person. Does he have any problem with me? …Surveillance? Oh? Why must he do that? I don't recall having met him before, but I'll let him do as he pleases.
Dialogue 11 (Murasaki Shikibu) [Caster or Rider]
Well well, Fujiwara no Kaoruko-dono. Is it fine to call you Murasaki Shikibu-dono? By the way Kaoruko-dono, did Seimei tell you anythi-… No? …Nothing? Mmm… Is that so… Is that so?
Dialogue 12 (Sei Shonagon)
[N/A, no translation yet. Sorry!]
Dialogue 13 (Nursery Rhyme)&(Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) (Santa Lily))/(Jack the Ripper)/(Paul Bunyan)
Hm, what? You want to play with me? So be it! Firstly I shall manufacture a shikigami identical to a human being. You may dissect it to your heart's content. …Mmm! Why are you pulling my hair, Caster Nursery Rhyme? …Dangerous playing at Chaldea is wrong? …Now it's time to play house? There is no other choice. In that case, I expect to play the role of father-in-law.
Dialogue 14
This appearance is familiar after all. What, when I did this and that at the Kyōto of Heian, I had this appearance of a sangha. I was one to protect people, and also one to harm people. Now, what will it be of me this time?
Something you like
Things I like, …Let's leave it without being said. I'm sure it's still too soon to tell you.
Something you hate
Things I hate. There is nothing I hate, but… Seimei. Abe no Seimei. That man alone is a different matter! Mmmmmm!
About the Holy Grail
The Holy Grail, the Holy Grail, huh. Fufuh, fufufufufu… No no, I said nothing. Fufufufufufufu…
Bond Lv1
Now then, Master. Let us depart together to retrieve Human order, the world, Panhuman History. Fufufufufufufu…
Master, you'd do well not to persevere too much. There is no replacement for you. That's the reason why… I understand such spirit so well that it hurts, but even so. Eei… Leave the office work to me. Since I got close to the imperial court, I learned this and that by seeing the supermen of desk work. Now now, leave it to me, leave it to me.
Bond lv3
Master, you are… Mmmmm… Mm, I tried correcting myself but, fufufufu! I just forgot what I was trying to say all of a sudden. Mmmmm! What is it? Sometimes things just slip out of your mind… you say? Huh, so it happens to you as well. Fufufufu, I'm a silhouette of Human Order, with the body of a Heroic Spirit, but I may not be so different from people.
Bond lv4
Master, my lord. Mm, mmmm… I'm supposed to fully understand it, but how should I convey this throbbing in my chest? Master, every time I see your eyes… or your profile, I, I'm trapped by unbearable thoughts. If I don't calm down, if I don't calm down… No, please forget it. I'm losing my mind.
Bond lv5
My lord, give me your commands. If it's for your sake, I shan't hesitate to do any action. Not even slaughter, nor trampling. I shall not doubt to do everything that makes you hesitate. By doing every evil, I shall open a path for you to advance.
[Skipping attack lines for sanity and length. I’d be happy to do these in a *separate post.*]  [Picks up at 13:13.]
Level Up 1
You'd do well not to touch me too much.
Level Up 2
Mmmm! That makes me aroused…
Level Up 3
Godsend! Godsend!
1st Ascension
My Spirit Origin has changed. Chaldea's summoning ritual… Mmmm! What an interesting thing!
2nd Ascension
My Spirit Origin has cha-… -nged not. However, it seems to be certain that my Spirit Origin has ascended…
[From this point onward are lines requiring the player to have cleared chapter 5.5 Heian-Kyo.]
Dialogue 10 (Miyamoto Musashi) [Saber or Berserker]
I see. So that woman has achieved her long-cherished desire.
Something you Like
Things I like. If I must choose, right, the dignity of others, and their faith, stomping on such things is so nice… Really nice. It tastes like honeydew. What about you?
Bond lv5
Mmfufufu, fufufufu! Enough with the lies… is what you said? Fufufufufu… Mmmmm! Indeed, it is nonsense. I have all my memories as myself, Alter Ego, Ashiya Dōman, or Alter Ego Limbo. In that regard, for playing along throughout my little game, I truly, truly… Yes? …Ah, no no, there is no way! This Spirit Origin has reeled in its ties, and now that I have become your Servant summoned by Chaldea's summoning ritual, my ties to the Alien God have already been severed. If you don't trust me, I don't mind cutting this head of mine at any time. Fufufufufu… Yet if possible, since I was called I would like to accompany you to the bottom of Hell… My lord.
3rd Ascension
Oh, oooh! This is the first time I see this appearance. If I had to name it, right, Skull Eboshi - Ashiya Dōman. It's as if the three spirits that were introduced in my body for some reason melted together and became familiar. Should I call myself the one to go beyond humans, beasts, and gods, Rakshasa King - Skull Eboshi - Ashiya Dōman, so to speak? I just jest, Master. 
4th Ascension
Over here, I'm over here, Master. It appears I got slightly aroused. What says you? Would you like to accompany… Yes? Yes, yes. This is, well, a skull but… Don't shiver like that. Of course, of course, it's a falsehood of the simulator, something similar to a dream.
[Again, skipping battle lines.]
[Thanks y’all.]
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freyayuki · 3 years
Fate/Grand Order Servant Summer Festival 2020
The Servant Summer Festival 2020 event is currently ongoing in the Fate/Grand Order (#ad) (FGO) mobile game. One of the banners that came with this event features the following characters:
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5-star SSR Archer Jeanne d'Arc
4-star SR Lancer Ibaraki-Douji
4-star SR Assassin Ushiwakamaru
Saving for Jeanne d’Arc
I’ve been interested in Jeanne d’Arc ever since I first met her Ruler version in the Orleans Singularity way back when I started playing this game. I wish I had her Ruler version. Heck, I wish I had all the Jeannes. Even her Alter forms. When I first heard about her Archer version, I wanted to have her too. This was the case even though there were those saying that she wasn’t as good as other Archers. She may not be meta, but I don’t care. I already have a lot of Archers, but it doesn’t matter. I wanted to Summon Jeanne anyway.
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And so I started saving for Archer Jeanne. Naturally, that was easier said than than. I ended up using some of my Saint Quartz (SQ) on the banners that featured 5-star SSR Rider Achilles and 5-star Caster Anastasia. As can be expected, I failed to get either of them. I can only be glad that I was able to avoid using any SQ or Summon Tickets during FGO’s Anniversary celebrations. It helped that I left all the SQ we got in my present box. That’s what I’ve been doing with all the SQ and Tickets that aren’t automatically added to our stash. I just left them all in my present box to avoid being tempted to spend them. I don’t bother redeeming the SQ Fragments either.
Summoning Jeanne d’Arc
Currently, I only had 93 SQ and 51 Tickets on hand. I doubted that’d be enough to Summon Jeanne, but I had to try anyway. And so I started pulling on the Servant Summer Festival banner that featured her. I decided to go straight to pulling with my SQ. 
My first multi-draw gave me another copy of Formal Craft, a 5-star Craft Essence (CE) that increases Arts performance by 25%. I also got my first copy of the featured 3-star CE, All-Night Fever.
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My second multi-draw gave me my first copy of 4-star SR Assassin Ushiwakamaru as well as another one of the featured CEs. This time it was the 4-star Raging Wind. Unfortunately, the app suddenly closed on me so I wasn’t able to take a screenshot of this pull. I didn’t even get to see the pull results. I had to look at my inventory to see if I’d gotten anything noteworthy. It’s too bad that I ended up missing Ushiwakamaru’s summon lines. Yeah, I can still listen to them since I already have her, but it’s not quite the same as when you see it happening the very first time you successfully summon a Servant. Ah, well. 
Anyway, my third pull didn’t really give me anything noteworthy. I just got a lot more copies of All-Night Fever as well as a bunch of 3-star Servants that I already have at NP5 (Noble Phantasm Level 5). I also got some CEs that I already have and that really aren’t that good.
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That last multi-draw brought my current SQ down to 3. That was when I decided to get all the SQ that was in my present box. There was a whole lot in there - the SQ we get for logging in, the SQ we get as apology every time there’s maintenance, the SQ we get from some special events, all the anniversary celebrations SQ, and more. All-in-all, I ended up with 481 Saint Quartz, which was surprising, to say the least.
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Honestly, I didn’t think all the SQ in my present box amounted to that much. Of course, I wasn’t complaining. I’m very happy I can keep pulling. I can only hope that this’ll be enough to get even just 1 copy of Archer Jeanne. Please come home, Jeanne. I also wouldn’t say no if your Ruler version decides to show up as well.  
And so I started pulling again. This draw gave me my second copy of Ushiwakamaru as well as another copy of All-Night Fever and Raging Wind. I also got my first copy of the 5-star featured CE, Emerald Float.
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My next pull gave me a new Servant. Unfortunately, it wasn’t Jeanne. Instead, I got 4-star SR Lancer Ibaraki-Douji.  
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I won’t say I wasn’t disappointed, but I am glad that at least I got someone new. I’m also pleased that I got to see Ibaraki’s summon lines.
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Apart from Lancer Ibaraki-Douji, the rest of what I got wasn’t that bad. It could have been better, of course, but then again, it could also have been much worse. I got another copy of Emerald Float as well as 2 more copies of All-Night Fever.
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A gold Lancer card showed up on my next multi-draw. It turned into my second copy of Ibaraki-Douji. I also got yet another copy of Raging Wind. Surprisingly, there was no All-Night Fever though I did get a whole lot of 3-star Servants and CEs. There was even a new CE though it was only a 3-star.
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The results of my next multi-draw was crappy, to say the least. I didn’t even manage to get a 5-star CE. There wasn’t anything new either, not even a 3-star CE.
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Thankfully, my next pull more than makes up for the crappy results of the previous one. In fact, I’d say this multi-draw was one of the best ever. Because I just got a gold Archer card.
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Yup, that’s right. That gold Archer card soon revealed itself to be Jeanne d’Arc. Hell, yes! I have no words for this. Just- OMFG! Cue keyboard mashing and a whole lot of screaming. Yes, yes, yes! So freaking happy! She came home. She came home. Thank you, thank you. So happy. Yes!
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Just look at her summon lines. *Screaming* Thanks for coming, Jeanne. *More screaming* Still so freaking hyped about this. Seriously though, I don’t know what to say. Honestly, I thought I’d fail to get her. I thought I’d end up running out of SQ and Tickets with no Jeanne to show for it. I've been waiting for what feels like forever for her banner, and yet, at the same time, I dreaded this moment since there was a part of me that believed it would all end in failure. I’m so glad that wasn’t the case at all.  
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There isn’t much to say about the rest of what I got from this pull. If Jeanne hadn’t shown up, this would have been a very bad draw, considering it was made up of 3-stars that I already have.
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My last multi-draw left me with 331 Saint Quartz on hand. Definitely not bad at all, especially considering I fully believed I’d end up at 0 with no Jeanne. Since I just got her, that should have ended my pulling spree. I could and should have saved my remaining SQ to try pulling for other Servants in the future. 
For instance, I could try pulling for Jeanne’s Ruler version as well as 5-star SSR Avenger Jeanne d’Arc Alter. I also wanted 5-star SSR Caster Merlin. I’d already failed to Summon Merlin before so I definitely need all the SQ I can get my hands on to increase my chances of getting him. In short, the smart thing to do would have been to save my remaining resources. And yet, instead of doing that, I found myself back on the Summon screen, about to do another multi-draw. 
Why? It’s because I wanted to try getting a second copy of Jeanne. I know this is utter foolishness. It’s not like there’s a pity system in this game, so there’s no guarantee I’d get her a second time. It was already a miracle that I even managed to Summon her in the first place. Nevertheless, I found myself wanting to try anyway. 
I wanted to increase my Jeanne’s Noble Phantasm Level because I read that this would help increase her damage output and make it easier for her to loop her NP. Since I have her now, of course I want to use her as much as possible. Ideally, I’d want to NP5 her, but that’s likely obviously asking for too much. Heck, even NP2 is already asking for too much. It’s not like I have an infinite supply of SQ and Tickets. I don’t even have that much left anymore. I’ve heard of people who’ve spent thousands of SQ and yet they still failed to get the Servant they wanted.
Still, I felt like trying anyway. Even if this ends in disaster, I had to try. I can only hope it would’t be so bad. And so I did another multi-draw. I got 2 Archers, but they were only 3-stars - Euryale and Billy the Kid. The only 5-star that showed up was yet another copy of Emerald Float.
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The next multi-draw gave me more copies of All-Night Fever and Emerald Float. I also got my third copy of Ushiwakamaru.
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The results of my next multi-draw were horrible, to say the least. Aside from 0 5-stars, there was also nothing new to see here.
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This pull gave me my third copy of Ibaraki-Douji. Man, how I wish this had been Jeanne instead. Ibaraki makes it seem really easy to up a gold Servant’s NP Level with the way she keeps showing up in my rolls. Could she switch places with Jeanne, please? I’d gladly take NP3 Jeanne and NP1 Ibaraki instead of the other way around. The same could be said for Ushiwakamaru since she's now also NP3.
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This draw gave me another copy of the 5-star Craft Essence, Devilish Bodhisattva. I also got 2 more copies of 3-star Caster Avicebron. I thought I had him at NP5 already, but it turned out that wasn’t the case at all. I wish I’d known that before I decided to burn him as well as all the other 3-stars I just got in order to clear up space in my inventory. Ah, well. At least, he’s only a 3-star so I’m bound to get more copies of him sooner or later.
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I got all the featured CEs on this draw. Again. By now, I’ve lost track of how many I’ve managed to obtain so far. I’m pretty sure I can MLB all of them already. My SQ is now down to 151. I’m starting to lose hope I’d ever see a second copy of Archer Jeanne.
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OMFG! A gold Archer card actually showed up on this multi-draw. Hell, yes! I can’t believe this. I just got- a Servant who is definitely not Archer Jeanne. She’s not even a 5-star. She’s not new either. The gold Archer card turned into 4-star SR Archer Tomoe Gozen (Archer of Inferno). Argh! This is so frustrating beyond words. I thought I actually managed to get another copy of Jeanne. Why’d it turn out like this? So pissed off. Right now, I’m so tempted to burn Tomoe. I already have a copy of her. I don’t need another. Heck, I haven’t even finished leveling up the first one I’d obtained. I wasn’t rushing to level her up since it wasn’t like I was using her anyway. Like I said before, I already have a lot of Archers, so I don’t really need more. If I was pulling purely for gameplay reasons, then I wouldn’t bother going for Jeanne.
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There’s nothing to say about this next multi-draw. I didn’t get anything new. No 5-stars showed up either. I did get another copy of Avicebron, but this happened before I realized I didn’t have him at NP5 yet, so, yeah, he joined the rest of his copies in being burned alongside all the other 3-star Servants I kept getting in these pulls.
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It was around this time that I decided to start using my Summon Tickets since I was starting to run out of Saint Quartz. One of these Tickets gave me my fourth copy of Ibaraki-Douji.
My next multi-draw gave me more copies of Ushiwakamaru, but it was her 3-star Rider version. I also got more copies of the featured CEs.
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The next draw was crappy, as usual. Nothing new and 0 5-stars. Man, at the very least, I wish a 5-star would spook me, or that I’d get one of the more useful 5-star Craft Essences. How ‘bout more copies of a Kaleidoscope or The Black Grail? I’m now down to 31 SQ. Only a miracle is gonna get me Jeanne on the next draw.
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Unfortunately, there was no miracle. I’m down to 1 SQ with 0 Jeanne. Overall, this draw was pretty bad even with the appearance of a 5-star CE since the Craft Essence in question was yet another copy of Emerald Float. It may be a 5-star, but it’s not that good, especially since it doesn’t come with starting NP charge. Besides, I’ve already obtained what feels like a million copies of this CE. It’s way past MLB by now. I really don’t want any more copies of this CE. Could I at least get something else this time? How ‘bout something new?
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I used up a few more of my Tickets, one of which turned into a golden Berserker card. It revealed itself to be 4-star SR Berserker Heracles. While I’m glad to be able to get a new Servant, I still can’t help but wish this had been a second copy of Archer Jeanne instead.
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After using up my current Ticket stash, I redeemed all the other Tickets that were in my present box. Too bad I didn’t get anything noteworthy from these Tickets. Now, I was all out of SQ and Tickets. But wait, I still have Saint Quartz Fragments. After exchanging them all for Saint Quartz, I ended up with 135 SQ.
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Okay, time to start pulling again. This time, I ended up with- OMFG! *Speechless* This was one of the most super special awesome pulls ever. I got another copy of Formal Craft. Ibaraki-Douji also showed up again. 
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More importantly, Jeanne came home again. Hell, yes! She’s now NP2. Yay! Thank you, thank you. Looks like a miracle ended up happening, after all. Really super thankful about this. 
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Now that I have NP2 Jeanne, it’s definitely time to stop pulling. I mean, of course, I’d love to max out her NP, but that’s nothing more than a dream now since I’m running out of resources. It already took me this much just to get her twice. I highly doubt I can get her 3 more times with what little I have left. It’s fine. I’m more than happy with this already. NP2 Jeanne was way more than I could have ever hoped for.  
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Servants and Craft Essences
Since I did so many pulls, I ended up with a whole lot of Servants and CEs clogging up my inventory. So I started fusing CEs that could be fused and then proceeded to burn all the 3-star Servants I got. Yeah, yeah, note to self: next time, double-check and make sure all your 3-stars are actually NP5 before burning them all.
Anyway, so I ended up with 3 MLB copies of All-Night Fever with 3 extras that couldn’t be limit broken anymore. I got 2 MLB copies of Raging Wind and 3 extras. I got 2 MLB copies of Emerald Float and 2 extras.
Special mention to Formal Craft. I think this pulling spree gave me like 3 copies of this CE. I already have 1 from previous pulls on other banners. If only I’d been able to get 1 more copy, I would have been able to MLB this already. Ah, well, maybe next time I pull on a banner, another copy will show up.
I also managed to NP3 Ushiwakamaru and NP5 Ibaraki-Douji although I haven’t leveled them up yet. I didn’t burn the Archer of Inferno, but am still super tempted to do so. Needless to say, I haven’t bothered to keep leveling up the copy I got prior to this banner.
Jeanne d’Arc Skills and Levels
The reason I haven’t leveled up Ushiwakamaru, Ibaraki-Douji, and even Heracles was because I chose to focus on Jeanne first. Thankfully, I had enough Exp cards to be able to get her from Level 1 to 90. Then I decided to Grail her to Level 100. 
It’s a good thing I haven’t obtained any new Servants lately and I haven’t felt the need to level up the Servants I do have but that I’m not really using because I needed way too many Exp cards to get Jeanne to 100. While I was able to get her to 100, that did mean I didn’t really have much left for the other Servants I just got, so it looks like they’re gonna have to wait until I can get more Exp cards.
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I was worried I wouldn’t have enough materials to max Jeanne’s skills since I don’t really farm for these things. I just get the ones that are available in the shops that come with events. I think the last time I actually farmed mats for a Servant was way back when I first got 5-star SSR Caster Waver (Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II)). Waver’s one of my favorite Servants, which was why I didn’t mind farming just to be able to max his skills as soon as possible.
Thankfully, I didn’t need to farm for Jeanne because I had enough materials to get all 3 of her skills to Level 10. This really put a dent in my stash though, so definitely gonna need to make sure I clear out all the shops of all the events so I can replenish my stock. I’m all out of the 4-star Fous so I can’t get her Attack and HP to 2,000 yet, but that’s definitely something that will hopefully happen sooner or later.
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I also ended up maxing out 2 of 3-star Caster Paracelsus’s skills so that ate further into my stash of materials. I had to max out Paracelsus though because he has skills that can help Jeanne loop her NP.
Servant Summer Festival 2020 Event
I’ve started playing through the Servant Summer Festival 2020 event. So far, I’m enjoying the story, but the event is quite grindy. I’m thankful I actually have some of the gacha CEs and Servants, otherwise I’m sure this’ll be even more grindy.
I’ve been using Jeanne everywhere I can, testing her looping capabilities against various enemies and with different teammates and Mystic Codes. I’m really enjoying having her and being able to use her whenever and wherever.
So, what about you? What do you think about the Servant Summer Festival 2020 event? Did you pull for any of the summer Servants? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
pics are from Amazon.com; links shown above
screenshots are from my Fate/Grand Order game account
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ato-matsuri · 4 years
You’re doing your first AMA. Congrats. What’s your favourite film? Who’s your favourite servant of each main class? What are your top 3 periodic elements? What’s your greatest weakness? Do you microwave or oven nachos? How do I defeat you? Would you rather have wings or a tail? How many carrots could you eat if someone like, forced you to eat as many carrots as possible? You made a Tungle and now I can send anons. Fear me.
1. I wanna say Your Name, but it’s honestly any of the InuYasha movies. God save my soul.
2. Saber would likely be Rama.
Archer would be Gilgamesh or Tomoe.
Lancer would be Lancer Alter.
Rider would be Quetz.
Caster would be Tamamamamamamamamamamamamamo.
Assassin would be Shiki.
Zerk would have to be either Penth or Koyo.
3. Barium, Francium, and whatever the hell Ununpentium is called now.
4. I have self-confidence so low that I’m terrified to share my takes on FGO here or anywhere else in the fear that even a single person will disagree.
—Wait, was I supposed to make a joke here?
5. Microwave. I can’t use any kitchen stuff beyond a microwave.
6. Compliment me repeatedly in quick succession. I legitimately can’t handle compliments.
7. Wings, ez. They look cool, I can fly, and I can say I’m an angel and people won’t doubt me.
8. As many as they can fucking get.
Ask me whatever you want! 
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queenofnohr · 5 years
Fate/Grand Order Gareth Line Masterpost
Here’s what I’ve been working on alongside my other work! I’ve been taking more time on my translations to be a bit more liberal with phrasing/making it not so literal, so I hope it’s paid off? Gareth is one of those types who’s kind of a huge Round Table fan, so while she speaks politely, her excitement shines through a lot. I hope I was able to capture that kind of youthful energy.
EDIT: All her lines are now available!
I.... should be using my patreon, probably, but I feel like voice lines are things that won’t really benefit me by being on there. I will hopefully have my first patreon only post up by next week (it’ll be a Material Book Profile from Book IV!)
💜 If you like these translations, please consider supporting me on my patreon - for just $1 you’ll get early access to translations I do that aren’t commissions, and for $5 you can have a say in what I decide to translate! If patreon isn’t your cup of tea, I also have a ko-fi you can donate to! As always, thank you for supporting me!
Summoning: I am Gareth. A knight who sat 7th at the Round Table, and as such served King Arthur!
Level Up: I could get used to this magical power! Ooooh~
Ascension 1: Yeah, this is what I’m most used to wearing after all. If I’m armed, I’ll be able to fight with you, you know? By the way, this armor is from back in the day, when I was traveling around as a page. Ascension 2: Hm? Did anything change? I don’t really think so, but thank you anyway! Ascension 3: Ooooh! Incredible!! This is my Round Table armor, Master! So cool, so cool!! Ascension 4: My lance was once praised by my former king, His Highness, King Arthur. If it is by your decree, it shall pierce through anything. In accordance with your will, it shall pierce through anyone. But, please, I pray you use me for the sake of building a peaceful world. —Whaaat. I tried to be just a little cool. Ehehe.
My Room Generic 1: If you just stand around, roots will start growing out of you! You’re young, Master! I’m young too! So let’s get up and get out there! My Room Generic 2: Masters and Servants are like kings and knights…… Hm? ...It’s….. A little different than that? Mm…… Ehehe, it’s kinda complicated, huh. My Room Generic 3: Okay, so, with knights and kings, King Arthur would be my superior…… That makes the relationship between a “senpai” and “kouhai” easy to understand, but…… Your kouhai is Miss Mash, so…… Hm…… Hmmmmm…… I don’t really get it…...
With Arturia: Our King of Knights…… Ah! Your Highness, King Arthur! ……To be able to meet again…… *sob*... *sob*....... I’m so sorry…… I’m so very sorry…… I wasn’t able to fight alongside you in that final battle…... With Bedivere: Sir Bedivere! Aha, it really is you! Oh, what’s with that arm? Strictly speaking you’re a different person? What do you mean by that? With Gawain: Brother, it looks like you’re in a good mood. …….Lord Gawain. Um……. Ehehe…… If you don’t stop ruffling my hair, I’ll get mad! …...But, Brother, I really am happy to see you again. I love you! With Mordred: It looks like Mordred is here too, but…… Mm…… I want to talk more, but I feel like there’s no chance of it happening. With Tristan: Infidelity is bad, you know! Sir Tristan? …...Sir Tristan! Don’t just look away, Sir Tristan. With Merlin: A- Actually, Lord Merlin is kind of difficult to deal with. I like him, but he’s a little…… how should I put this - a little scary. I can’t really put it into words. Master, please keep this a secret from Lord Merlin, okay? After Chapter Camelot (?): Ah, Sir Galahad? Sir Galahad…… that’s you, right? Why did you turn into a girl? …...Oh, my mistake, you’re Miss Mash! My apologies! Aha…… That was close. With Lancelot (Saber): Kya! N- No way…… no way, no way, no way!!! …...Could that really be……? No, it can’t be…… The great Lancelot from back then…… It is him- No way, you’ve gotta be kidding me! Awawa.... Awawa… Awawa…. What am I supposed to do with myself…... With Lancelot (Berserker): This sinister aura…… It’s just like from the day I was killed…… Sir Lancelot…… Even now, my voice still can’t reach you. With Astolfo: Oh boy! A Frankish Knight! Let’s joust! I won’t take no for an answer! With ???: Joust!!! With me!!! With Arturia (Lancer/Lancer Alter): Eh…… Is that His Majesty, King Arthur? But, there’s so much that’s different…… Like, um, it’s really hard to say this directly, but…… How did his majesty get a horse indoors……? With Arthur Pendragon: Your Majesty…… that’s you, isn’t it? Isn’t… it? Hmmmmm.
Likes: What I like? A spear and shield! Or even just a spear is good with me! Is there anyone who’s up for a joust? Then again, we can’t really have horses running around indoors…... Dislikes: What I hate most is oil slicks. It’s really easy to slip on them, you know? Holy Grail: A mass of magical energy? I have no interest in the Holy Grail. Perhaps if my former king wanted it, then maybe…… No, even if that happened, I wouldn’t be able to get it. Of all the Knights of the Round Table, only Sir Galahad was able to obtain it. If there was anyone else who might be able to…… Oh, that’s right. Sir Percival probably could.
Bond 1: I’m the child of King Lot and Morgan, Gareth. I once served King Arthur, and received the seventh seat at the Round Table. Oh, of course, it wasn’t the original seventh seat. The Knights of the Round were constantly shifting members around. Bond 2: You want to know…… how I became the final knight of the Round Table? Even though I was inexperienced, the other knights - and more than anyone else, His Majesty and Sir Lancelot - supported my joining. Oh, that’s right, I don’t think I mentioned that. I served as Sir Lancelot’s squire. Bond 3: “One day, you’ll rank among the greatest of knights. In time, you’ll become a true knight, comparable to your elder brothers.” Those are the kinds of things everyone used to say, and they were more than I deserved. …...Eh? Was there a lot of pressure? O- Of course there was back then, but certainly not now! Bond 4: When Big Brother Agravain decided to accuse Sir Lancelot, I was sad. I was just... so, so sad. I objected, of course. Because he was Sir Lancelot, the one who bestowed upon me the ranking of “knight.” To me, he was the ideal knight - someone I wanted to be. Bond 5: Yes, long ago…… I was killed by Sir Lancelot. I didn’t really understand what happened…… I was helping Lady Guinevere, and then I saw Sir Lancelot running toward me, and I- He-...... No, it’s all simply a shame. No matter what I say, I cannot stop that day. My words can’t yield anything, and so the past- the moment he took my head in his hand and crushed it- it can’t be changed. In his eyes, I didn’t exist - not one bit. This, I am perfectly aware of. I don’t regret it anymore. But, I was summoned in peak form, spear in hand! And so I’ll fight with all my strength, just like I did back then! I’ll do my best!
Event: It looks like there’s some kind of fun festival going on! An event… Aha, so that’s what it is! Then, let’s head out right away, Master! Birthday: Happy Birthday! It’s an auspicious day, so even though it’s been a while, I’ll try to occupy myself in the kitchen. Just leave everything to me. I’ll even pretend to be your assistant for the day.
Battle Start 1: You face the seventh of the Round Table, Gareth! Battle Start 2: I will absolutely attain victory! Battle Start 3: I’ll go all out. That’s okay with you, right?
Card Select 1: Yep! Card Select 2: I got it! Card Select 3: Hm…...
Extra Attack 1: Ei! Ya! Haugh…… Fire! Extra Attack 2: Ei! Ya! Take my Arondight Overload!
(she actually has 4 Extra Attack lines - but the other two are just variations on these 2 with different yelling)
Skill 1: I have confidence in my endurance! Skill 2: My hands are often praised! Ehehe! Skill 3: O, ring! Lend me your power!
NP Select 1: Is it really okay? NP Select 2: Absolutely!
NP 1: Face me! Augh! Haugh! Time for the finishing blow! Ira Lupus (Rampaging Wolf Maiden)! NP 2: I’ll take you down! I am a wolf! My spear is my fang of certain death! Here I go! Ira Lupus (Rampaging Wolf Maiden)!!
Damage 1: What was that? Damage 2: It’s not over!
Defeated 1: How…… regrettable…... Defeated 2: I- I…… can still…...
Victory 1: Victory! I won, Master! Victory 2: Fufufu, think I’m small and you’ll be sorry. Victory 3: I’m still a Knight of the Round! I won’t lose!
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