#also wish i could provide goat pics
shoku-and-awe · 9 months
Do you have a personal ranking of the different convenience stores in Japan? The ones off the top of my head I can think of are 7-11, Lawson, Family Mart, Daily Yamazaki, and Ministop.
This is a great ask, very much my field of interest! But I don't rank them hierarchically so much as.... territorially(? situationally?) because they have different strengths but here it is!
------------------------------ 7-11: The conbini I'm most attached to! Generally has the best bento selection, and also the best-smelling coffee. (All the grind-and-brew coffee machines are basically the same quality, but the 7-11 ones really smell great.)
FamiMa: The best fried chicken! And generally a good chuhi selection. Also has far and away the most iconic jingle, and now I get this absolute bop by Miyachi stuck in my head every time I visit.
Lawson: Best for its special stores! Discount store Lawson 100 was a godsend for groceries and household supplies my first year in Tokyo. And I will stop basically anytime I see a Natural Lawson (aka Natty Law aka Naughty Lad) because they have organic/imported/upscale/health/vegetarian stuff you won't find elsewhere.
Ministop: Great for softserve ice cream and also hotcase and deli items! The deli items feel more homemade than at the Big Three. Also they have halohalo and sticky rice dumplings that I always mean to try.
Daily Yamazaki: Kind of a wild card! These days they have interesting variety and grocery items (the other day I got these kimchis and a liter of unbelievably sweet organic soymilk that was in a plastic bag for some reason), fresh breads/pastries and Japanese sweets, and snacks that aren't major brands. But! Until recently, they were kind of..... hmm. Of the two near me, one was staffed by a very old woman on an oxygen machine who completely ignored you (both things *very* unusual for Tokyo) and one by the absolute tiniest old woman I'd ever seen and a very smiley man who was either her elderly son or somewhat younger husband, both utter sweethearts. The stores were dingy and poorly lit, and the selection was somewhere between basics and bare bones—but also some nights they would sell fresh cream puffs from a French bakery?? Chaotic, kind of a grab bag, some Building 19 vibes (IYKYK). Then in maybe 2018ish, there was a major overhaul and now they are as shiny, well-lit, and antiseptically clean any other chain. If a little less friendly.
New Days: I added this one! Easy to overlook because they're teeny, with a very basic selection, but that's because they're only found inside of JR train stations. I don't think that they're anyone's conbini of choice, but they're there when you need them! (Sometimes.) ------------------------------
Also honorable mentions to Poplar, which I never see anymore (East Tokyo only?), and to Three-F, which seems to have been bought by Lawson, and 🫡 RIP to Sunkus (run by Circle K), which I always liked. When I lived near the red light district, we always used to stop at Tokyo's last surviving Sunkus on our way to see the pharmacy with the goat.
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gainaxvel3o · 11 months
Observations watching My Adventures with Superman Episode 2
Finally got access to Episode 2, so here we go:
- Jimmy having a YouTube channel is hilarious and fitting. The reference to Flamebird is cute, but Clark stumbling in the dark and messing up Jimmy’s stream is priceless.
- I like that Clark’s first encounter with Jor-El wasn’t pleasant for him. It contextualizes his attitude as him being afraid of his alien heritage, desperately trying to fit in after being scarred by that experience. It gives Clark more of an arc throughout the season of him coming to terms with it and embracing that heritage.
- Jor El is Big Boss, lol. I like the subtle touch that once he sees his son is terrified of him, Jor-El’s face breaks a bit and he immediately shows Clark images of the past to show he isn’t here to hurt him.
- In the same vein, I like how Lois ends up being the one to convince Clark to explore that side of him, even inadvertently. Praising his heroics, Lois showed Clark that he doesn’t have to hurt people with his powers.
- The Kents are alright, loving parents like most versions. I like how Martha is more concerned about Clark and how he feels about being an alien. Especially as she seemingly almost died from digging up that spacecraft, her reassuring Clark he’s human is lovely but also kept him from exploring his powers for years. She’s worried about the way he might change, which is rewarding when he still comes out of the ship as himself. Jonathan doesn’t do much, but he gets some funny lines and him excusing himself by acting sick is such a cute touch. Clark probably got his lame excuses from him in this version. XD
- Lois caring about Clark and offering to buy soup is nice, I just wish they toned down the ship tease tbh. Jimmy providing the pics to track down Leslie also shows him being competent, which I like.
- The magical girl transformation is AMAZIIIIIING. Superman’s the goat.
- Deathstroke being a governemnt agent is an interesting twist, but I don’t like him being here. I wish it was Bloodsport or another ACTUAL Superman villain. That being said, I like that the government is going to take on a villainous role in the series, if only so they could find out who the alien is.
- The fight with Livewire could have been better I’ll admit. I think Leslie was cooler as a mercenary than as a rampaging supervillain, but that’s just me. 
- Wait, PERRY screwed over Lois and Jimmy?! Why would he do that?!? Seems like an uncharateristically dick move. 
Still the good stuff, if a bit rushed. Hope to see more!
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daytimedrinkingdiary · 8 months
Perhaps - if anyone is reading this - you might wonder what on earth could keep me so busy, while not working, that I haven’t posted for weeks? Surprisingly, a lot! Visitors, Greek school, wandering around Athens.
It’s almost seven weeks since we made the journey from Marrakech to Essaouira and though mentioned in the previous post, there’s much more to recount.
The journey of a couple of hours was extended by our interesting stops. Where we didn’t stop was as interesting; villages where horse-drawn taxis were the main form of local transport and early model cars provided longer distance travel. Men - we didn’t see many women in public spaces - were often dressed in traditional robes. The ‘Universal Day of the Donkey’ should be declared for the countless donkeys we saw carting, pulling, carrying, standing around. I think the donkey holds economies together in some parts of the world….. We’d been told that we’d see goats in Argan trees but there was no evidence of that so perhaps it’s the wrong season or it’s a myth?!
Essaouira is famous for it’s connection to the hippie trail that brought famous folk like Jimi Hendrix and The Rolling Stones, to the town and the reminders of that are everywhere. Orson Welles has a square named after him in memory of both his love of Morocco and filming of “Othello” on and around Essaouira’s walls and fortress (“Game of Thrones” also filmed an episode there apparently).
G swam in the Atlantic Ocean on our first day in Essaouira which, after the Meditteranean, was bracing. You’ll see a photo below of G and Lucien having a lovely time on the shore.
Essaouira is a significant fishing port, bringing in large catches of sardines and anchovies that are shipped to Spain and Portugal. The boats, squashed together in the harbour every day, are painted blue which apparently attracts sardines. It’s possible to walk amongst the fishermen as they bring in their catches and, by walking further along the port, seeing the larger boats bringing in their nets. All along the quay, fishermen sell their catch and, if you wish, you can buy the seafood you’d like and have it cooked on an open grill back at the entry to the port. Lucien (aged 6.5) is a keen fisherman who was fascinated by everything that was happening, especially the fish being sold and the nets being winched off and on the big boats.
Away from the port, within the walls of the medina, craftspeople make and sell their wares. Like so much of Moroccan culture there’s great delight in the hidden. Behind a blank door you might find a beautiful riad or a hammam; a wooden box requires a particular twist, turn or trick to open it. I am beguiled by the pride and skill of Moroccan artisans and craftspeople and their delight when their work is appreciated.
We ate some wonderful meals with J, J & the boys especially at a restaurant where we lolled about on divans listening to the owner’s favourite tunes of the ‘60s and ‘70s!
The Essaouira bazaar, smaller but as fascinating as Marrakech, revealed everything from woven goods, clothing, second hand everything-you-can-want-or-need, jewellery, Berber crafts (astounding), birds, food, rugs, spices, scents to buy by the gram (I bought amber and orange blossom). A sensory dictionary.
On our final day, G, J, J and the boys decided that a camel ride along the beach was in order and what a marvellous time they had! I spent a blissful hour or so alone at the riad, horses being more my thing!
There is so much more to write about Morocco but this probably isn’t the place. My memories will live on through photographs and my recollections will bring me great joy for as long as I’m around to remember. I hope we return some day…..
Pics by me, G & J
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lindoig4 · 5 years
Starting our Greenland Expedition
(I have temporarily given up trying to post more photos.  I spent several hours uploading the 3 recent pics in about 100 attempts.  The internet is so dodgy here that I just hope Canada offers better pictorial opportunities.)
August 4
Today was the big changeover day when 30 of the 54 voyagers and a couple of staff were replaced with a fresh complement of crew and passengers.  Heather was still not well enough to get out of bed, but we were booked to go searching for fossils so I got togged up and waited for the car to take us fossilising.  We waited - and waited - and after more than an hour, when we couldn’t even contact the guides to find out where they were, the excursion was cancelled and we walked into town (about 2 km although we were told it was only 5 minutes down the road).  It nearly killed me.  This reflux problem (or whatever it is) made it impossible for me to keep up with the others so I just wandered along, stopping for a rest several times, but I made it - only to be told that our fossil hunt had been rescheduled for 2pm.  The guide said he thought the 9am trip really meant 3.30pm but agreed to start at 2pm instead.
I had quite a few little things I wanted to buy (like toothpaste!) so I set off for the supermarket.  Alas, it is Sunday so nothing opens until 11, or maybe noon, or after lunch or.......  The supermarket opens at 3:30!  I scrounged around the few other places that were open, but came up empty-handed.  (One think I did see in one shop that tickled me was that their extensive range of cuddly polar bears were all stored and displayed in a large fridge!)  I couldn’t find any of the things we wanted so I was forced to squat at the Radisson where a meeting room had been booked for all the Aurora people who were ashore.  They provided a ‘sort of’ lunch for us - a pretty tasteless mayonnaise-drowned wrap that I assume the Radisson is ashamed to serve.
Our guide turned up almost on time to take 5 of the 9 originally-registered fossil hunters on our excursion.  (Two were on the sick-list, one had to drop out to go shopping when the supermarket that sells everything opened, and one had withdrawn to go dog-sledding instead.  They were the lucky ones.)
We had been told that it was a short easy walk from the car to the fossil field for anyone of average fitness.  In fact, it was a challenge for an ultra-fit mountain goat with extensive mountaineering experience.  It was at least 2 km and probably a 500 metre climb over the most treacherous terrain I have seen.  We skirted the glacier along a path (in name only) that was often less than 20 centimetres wide and sloping at nearly 45 degrees to a 40-50 metres slide over precipitous shaly rocks to the ice below.  One of our team had two falls suffering minor scrapes and bruises, but I was in fear for my life at several points.  I suffered no injury, but getting up and down the stairs on board was hard work for my aching thighs for a few days.  It took us just over an hour to get there so we only had 15-20 minutes cracking rocks looking for treasures before we had to trek back to the car to board the ship at 4:45.  I had about given up looking for fossils when I had one final whack at a rock and discovered a fossilised twig - of which I am quite proud.  It is far from impressive, but it is perhaps 60 million years old and I released it from its matrix in a fraction of second today!  I hope I can get it home in our baggage.
I am really glad I did it for the bragging rights (and because I have a fossil to show for it) but would not recommend it to a healthy tahr.  We all provided some pretty pointed feedback to the ship and I don’t think they will be offering it again to anyone without very close scrutiny in future.  At least, they gave all the intrepid fossilisers a free bottle of wine to calm our nerves after the ordeal.
More than half our fellow expeditioners had to go through the mandatory lifeboat drill and safety briefings, but we experienced old-timers were exempt and watched smugly as they trooped off to their orientation practices.
It is interesting that so much of the second leg of our trip mirrors the first leg - even the menu.  The Meet the Team, Meet the Captain, the Polar Plunge, BBQ night, the Captain’s Farewell and several of the lectures all repeat the format we have already enjoyed.
Most of the stuff above (once it is posted, it will actually be below so I will leave it to the erudite reader to interpret the literary compass as he or she wishes) was written during our Svalbard circumnavigation - but our Greenland experience means that some parts of it need moderation of sorts.
We had two days with our new complement of expeditionists revisiting western Svalbard, albeit different areas than we had visited before.  They were exceptional days, including one when we went to see the Three Bears.  There is some dispute as to whether there were 3 or 4, but my photos indicate the former.  We spied one big bear sleeping way up on the mountain (shall we nominate him/her as Father Bear?) so we Zodiac-ed across in the hope of a better look - only to see another adult (had to be a female so I will call her Mother Bear) with a cub who was obviously Baby Bear, somewhat higher up and off to the left of Father Bear.  Some in our group must have had a spot of double vision, claiming to have seen two cubs - but I don’t believe them.  We are reasonably sure that the bears were unaware of the others’ presence because if Mother Bear saw Father Bear, she would take Baby Bear far away - or Father Bear would likely kill Baby Bear in an attempt to persuade Mother Bear to cooperate in making more Baby Bears next season.  But look as I would, I could not see a single bowl of porridge anywhere on the mountain - nor a broken chair or a mussed up cot!  Maybe they hadn’t read the script......
But after doing due diligence to our bear observations, we motored across to an adjacent glacier and did something really cool.  Walking on a glacier is about as cool as you can get and it was an experience of a lifetime for both of us.  It was a bit of an adventure getting up onto the glacier, but a lot easier than we imagined walking on it.  We were able to explore a couple of small crevasses and walk quite a way on the ice.  I don’t think we were the first or only people ever to set foot on a glacier, but it was certainly a big deal for me and we have the photos to prove it.  Apart from being a couple of hundred metres above sea level, we were on an emotional high, an experience we never imagined we would have but one that gave us more of a thrill than many things, including long-distance bear watching.
Greenland is very different from Svalbard. We had two full days at sea sailing to Greenland and had to detour a few times when the ice became almost impassible.  But we awoke to find ourselves surrounded by mountains even more spectacular than many in Svalbard and icebergs several hundred times bigger than anything we had seen before.  There was comparatively little snow and the vegetation was hugely larger - I saw grasses over 30 cm tall and the biggest polar willows, although still prostrate and hugging the ground, had trunks/limbs up to almost 50 cm long/tall. The vegetation was quite varied: a lot was similar to that in Svalbard, albeit often not quite as miniaturised, but quite a few other species were interspersed.  The first morning, we also saw our first musk ox, 3 adults and a calf, checking us out from high on a ridge, giving rise to almost unanimous comments about Apaches ready to attack the settlers.
I was also able to add a couple more birds to my list and I am itching to get some time on the Internet to confirm a couple of identifications and to check whether these are mainly just species we have seen before or variations (subspecies that are different from those seen in Russia and Scotland).
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tessatechaitea · 7 years
Wonder Woman #16
Imagine the chimera. At one point in the ancient world, a goat was bad-ass enough to stick on a lion to make it tougher.
This is probably some kind of metaphor for sexism, right?
• The twins who stole Isadore's identity are Phobos and Deimos. Those are the gods of Vietnamese Soup and Gay Gods, respectively. That doesn't explain why they would need the face of a little girl. Maybe I got the translations of their names wrong. • Phobos and Deimos are, of course, the moons of Mars. Apparently they've taken human form and this is going to wind up being a Martian Manhunter crossover. Maybe they needed the little girl's face so they could build more face art on the surface of Mars. • The Phobros believe that Empire Business and Hand Soap Solutions can meet their needs. They would like to know the location of Themyscira but they can't seem to find it in Diana's head. So they need Veronica's not-quite-ready-to-go technology. It will probably be ready in about five or six years. Once they get the information, Isadore will be freed from some tartar sauce. • Adrianna volunteers to hook herself up to the CyberWalker machinery. That probably explains why she's a hologram in the odd numbered issues. Unless they were, at one point, the even numbered issues. It's hard to say since there was that stupid Barbara Minerva Cheetah Origin story smack dab in the middle of everything. • Being that the technology is in that not-quite-ready-to-go status that I so scientifically detailed earlier, it fails to provide the Phobros with the information they need. But it does manage to kill Adrianna! I mean, trap her mind inside a computer. That's the way things work when you attach brains to machines and then turn switches and run currents and all the other technological stuff that I can't be bothered to explain to dullards. Not that you, the person currently reading this right now, are a dullard! It's all those other people reading this. The Ranking! No change! When I was a teenager and way too naive for the age I was, I wished the local zoo had been full of creatures from Dungeons and Dragons. That's not a great chat-up line in junior high. I can only tell you the not great chat-up lines from junior high since I never figured out the successful ones. That's no great surprise though since one time, Marilyn Mendoza, the girl I had a crush on for nearly my entire junior high school life, was writing notes back and forth to me in the library. Her final note to me said, "I love you anyway," and I instantly went into a fugue state. I would explain how Marilyn reacted but, as I pointed out, I went into a fugue state! Totally botched that one!
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trentonqmts834-blog · 5 years
14 Questions You Might Be Afraid to Ask About Vigrx Plus Canada
The brand new means of managing this problem that causes failure in everyday life has being uncovered in latest time. The robust bond has actually been damaged, to brazenly discuss the issues between on their own. Adult men have brazenly mentioned the weak erection among the on their own on the subject material, to begin with they ended up ashamed, embarrassed and sensation incomplete. Weak erections can be quite embarrassing and unpleasing. Although it is considered an erection, It's not at all difficult adequate to provide ample stimulation on your partner and this can decreased your self-assurance and self-worth. But erection can come about at other occasions as well. Quite a few Gentlemen locate their penis somewhat erect after they wake up in the morning. This is frequently because the bladder is full which is putting stress within the male reproductive organ.
The best all-natural resources are L Arginine, Ginseng, Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium but don't just will they Increase nitric oxide secretion, they will as a mixture do considerably more and provide you with the following health and fitness Rewards. To enhance blood flow throughout the human body also to the intercourse organs you might take Ginseng and Gingko Biloba and these herbs will likely hold the blood vessels balanced at the same time. It's also wise to take Cistanche Bark which is known to maintain the blood flowing during arousal and assists avoid untimely ejaculation.
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Various herbs can actually increase your penis's blood move following obtaining an erection. By doing so, you will get difficult and entire erections because they are supposed to be. As being a make a difference of actuality, several nutritional supplements can even be observed that happen to be Primarily built to make improvements to penile energy. Experiment with diverse positions which have you on top. In this way, you take advantage of gravity and guide the blood into flowing much better into your member. Sooner or later you will find the ideal "prime" positions that are both equally pleasing, and successful in marketing a more durable erection.
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The Long Schlong
Choose The pinnacle of your dick in hand (In case you have a foreskin than pull this back so it does not get in the best way, keep in mind you are pulling the penis NOT the pores and skin). Then extend it out specifically before you, holding it for 10-15 seconds. You need to be in the position to sense the stretch at The bottom of one's penis. Repeat the action four or five situations. After that, take it easy penile and therapeutic massage The pinnacle to revive typical circulation now, just take penile firmly with your hand and pull the penis to the ideal. Pull it to the appropriate until you are able to feel a strain around the left aspect of the penis.
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Ramblings From An Alpaca Farm In South Wiltshire: July 2017
Right, moving on. At the beginning of the yr we purchased a brand new subject shelter. It's now situated at the underside of the hill about a hundred yards from the place we feed the mighty herd. What happens is that we walk down to the shelter, collect a bucket of food and walk back up the hill the place aforementioned meals is placed into the troughs and the fluffsters then eat it. Why we do this I do not really know. Feed them down there or keep the meals up here sounds way more wise, anyway that's how it really works in the intervening time, strangely. Whilst strolling again up the hill with the food we're very often 'mugged' by the herd. They're greedy little whatnots. Generally, if I'm taking something heavy right down to the shed, like a piano or a fridge I will drive down. Similarly if I'm bringing something heavy back up like, Oh I don't know, a full size rubber horse or a small aeroplane I can even drive down within the mighty Land Rover.
The largest concern for alpaca breeders is healthcare for pregnant females and, after all, their babies, referred to as crias. Some homeowners desire to ship their pregnant females out to farms which have extra expertise at birthing, however in reality alpaca births are typically pretty easy. Most certainly on account of the truth that they hail from a cold climate, alpaca births happen through the day and are sometimes uncomplicated. Regardless, a accountable alpaca proprietor will need to be current at the birth ought to any bother occur. Amongst the numerous skills new owners should examine up on earlier than venturing into breeding is easy methods to deal with troubled births. Teeth and toenails must be routinely trimmed. Once more, most house owners will choose to do this on their very own once receiving instruction from a competent teacher. Many new alpaca owners will find that the breeder they buy their inventory from could be an incredible supply of data when it comes to care and maintenance information. Listed here are a number of of the primary issues to think about. Publisher: Karen Winton Except for buying coops in your hens, you may strive making DIY rooster coops. By building hen houses, you get to enjoy customization and affordability. For ideas and methods to build a rooster shed, carry on reading. Writer: Dean James Ranging from model new hen keepers to tried-and-true ones, rooster coop constructing guides are a clever choice for everyone enthusiastic about conserving their birds effectively and comfortable. Publisher: Shannon Clark If you're getting ready to build a chicken house, one thing you will want to think about previous to building is the fencing options available to you. If you're just wanting to build a smaller cellular rooster home then you could not want a fence in any respect, but if you are building a medium to giant hen coop, then it's a very good thought. The first motive you want a fence around the home is to maintain predators out and your chickens safe, but the fence also really helps give your chickens a bit more privacy and finishes off the look of the building.
When the decide, Liz Barlow, gave me the rosette I think I kind of squeaked at her. Thanks for the photograph Joy! Talisker picked up the third place rosette and we have been executed for the day. Everybody had gained something and I used to be very completely satisfied. The colour championships can be held on Saturday morning and Tsar, Vickery and Wasimba would be battling it out on behalf of crew Patou. The workforce calm down after a tough days work and that i pose for the digital camera with the times winnings. Friday, I used to be honoured to be in and out of the ring with see-via Suris as Moonsbrook had a string of great results. Opposite end of the alpaca spectrum for me however they are intriguing beasts these Suris. Strong, feisty and a bit of bit mad, however stunning when they're in full movement, however no, we won't be wavering from the fluffy path of darkness. Late on Friday we had been instructed that the main show was cancelled on Saturday, torrential rain overnight, each evening, meant the automotive parks were mud baths and other people merely could not get on to the present floor.
Dwamus discovered you when she was mowing the lawn (Grandma was ferret sitting you and you gave her some major gray hairs on that one!). We will all the time remember how much you cherished squeaky toys and would come operating each time you heard one calling you. We will all the time remember the way you beloved to sleep underneath the sofa cushions inside the sofa. We will all the time remember the time we thought we lost you while you had a horrible response to a vaccination at the vets office, however you have been strong and pulled via. We will always remember how a lot you loved Whisker Lickin's Hen and Cheese snacks. We are going to always remember how a lot you hated baths and would float within the bathtub with the bubbles round you. We will all the time remember how scrawny you have been when you got wet during your bath. We will at all times remember how crazy you would get after your bath; your tail would seem like a bottle brush and you'll run around rubbing all over all the things trying to dry off. There were even some composed again once more in the 1940's that had been the base for a lot of balloon sculptors. They had been there to provide some of the one assist for the early balloon sculptors when there was no different way. Luckily for these wishing to find to those strategies now there are many strategies that an individual can discover how. There are quite a few gadgets that you will want to preserve in head whenever you perceive to make balloon animals. In essence there are two standard kinds of balloons that are used. A "260" and a "160" balloon are those that you'll mostly see a twister utilizing. These numbers notify you the diameter and length of them. A "260" implies that the balloon will likely be 2" in diameter and 60" in duration the second inflated. Additionally with a "160" balloon that suggests that it will be 1" in diameter and 60" in length as soon as inflated. A thing that will likely be genuinely helpful is slightly hand pump.
Sol is white, large and prolonged. We are hoping that the cria can be coloured and be smaller in measurement like Smokey. This was the coolest ultrasound to see because Sol was about 4 1/2 month along and you can see the cria rib cage and legs moving around. The vet tried to seek out the top and coronary heart, but couldn't get a clear sufficient picture. I had a tough time getting a transparent pic of this ultrasound. The next in line to provide start are Snowflake and Cinderella. They are each due in August. It's superb as a result of Smokey impregnated them each on the identical day, just a few hours apart. Then spring of 2008 we worked on getting her bred again. She nonetheless seemed uninterested in the males and when mounted, refused to kush. She was bred, however it did not take. Lastly summer 0f 2008, around August or so, it was like she went via puberty in someday and something clicked. She was very very very fascinated in the males all of the sudden. Their toenails need to be clipped. You may get particular alpaca toenail clippers, but many people simply use garden shears, or typically hoof nippers or nippers designed for ceramic tile. Camelids use communal piles of droppings. This makes it simple for farmers to collect and compost the manure. In barns, peat moss or bedding can soak up the urine. The ease of collecting droppings leads to a secondary earnings supply — ‘paca poo.’ Because of its relatively low nitrogen level, the uncooked manure won’t burn plants. Nevertheless, earlier than getting used on edible plants, the manure needs to be composted to destroy potential pathogens. Alpacas are vulnerable to many of the intestinal parasites that have an effect on ruminants. A critical parasite is the meningeal worm, carried by whitetail deer, slugs and snails. The parasites are controlled by the same dewormers used in goats and sheep. Additionally, some ranchers apply diatomaceous earth (DE), a nontoxic powder, across the pellet pile.
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