#also to commit destruction of private property
zibiscusloon · 7 months
The guy who had to get transferred and the guy that got fired on her first day
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cyndrastic · 8 months
hey remember when i said i was drawing Vic Chaos as a milf?
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alternates with different lighting (with and without words) and a time lapse under the cut! (btw the words on the cover all have to do with lore in my post covid au so send asks if you’re interested <3)
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tw for nudity (without genitalia) in the time lapse cause i shaded the whole body before drawing the dress
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good-old-gossip · 2 months
Israel continues to violate ICJ ruling on Gaza
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Geneva – Over the course of the two months that followed the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling, Israel did not abide by the order and continued to commit genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. The genocide has been ongoing since 7 October 2023, amid a total lack of accountability and a complete international failure to protect the Palestinian people from the crime.
A newly released report by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor titled “Two Months after the International Court of Justice’s Ruling on Gaza: Escalation in Genocide and Absence of Accountability” contains documentation of Israel’s ongoing acts of genocide against the Palestinian people in the Strip. The report examines Israel’s lack of response to the Court’s ruling, which ordered Israel to take six provisional measures.
The ICJ issued a decision on 26 January 2024 ordering Israel to take specific provisional measures to prevent the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. Stating that it was convinced that Israel’s actions in the Strip posed a real and immediate threat to the Palestinian people, the ICJ cited the possibility of irreversible effects and harm to Palestinian rights protected under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
Based on efforts to monitor and document the crimes and violations that Israel has committed in the Gaza Strip, as well as on investigations into and assessments of its level of compliance during the two-month period following the ruling, Euro-Med Monitor believes that Israel has not complied with the ICJ ruling. The majority of the provisional measures outlined in the ruling were violated, and the crime of genocide was carried out on the same scale. Various forms and acts of genocide were committed with the intent of destroying the Palestinian people.
Two months after the ICJ’s ruling, Israel proceeds to carry out its crime of genocide at the same scale, including killing civilians, targeting civilians through systematic and widespread military attacks, and using illegal, indiscriminate, and highly destructive weapons.
Targeting civilian gatherings around humanitarian aid trucks with direct gunshots, quadcopters, and Israeli tank shells is one of the most well-documented examples of the unlawful killings and executions carried out by the Israeli army against Palestinian civilians over the past few weeks. These incidents, which have become known as the “Flour Massacres”, resulted in the deaths of 563 citizens and the injury of 1,523 others. This figure includes civilians awaiting aid and workers in charge of planning, securing, and distributing aid.
The report also addressed the crimes that Israel continued to commit with the aim of inflicting severe physical and psychological harm on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, particularly through deprivation of healthcare, torture, inhumane treatment, sexual violence, and the use of prohibited, indiscriminate, and highly destructive weapons.
Furthermore, the report outlined the ongoing crimes committed by Israel aimed at deliberately causing material destruction to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including forced displacement, starvation, rendering the area uninhabitable, and eradicating the Palestinian identity of the region. This is achieved through the systematic destruction of sources of income, infrastructure, civilian objects, and private property, as well as deliberate military attacks on buildings designated for religious, educational, scientific, and historical purposes, hospitals, and places where patients and wounded gather. Additionally, Israel persists in committing other crimes aimed at destroying the unity of Palestinian families and preventing procreation.
Israel has in fact committed more violations in some instances than it did in the time leading up to the Court’s ruling, particularly in relation to the entry of humanitarian relief aid and the threats and persecution of Palestinians in the Rafah Governorate, which is thought to be the last safe haven for survivors and internally displaced people in the Strip. The ICJ ruled on 16 February that any Israeli military action in Rafah under the current circumstances would worsen the already tragic situation and put the lives of Palestinian civilians in further jeopardy.
The report also provides evidence of Israel’s failure to adhere to other provisional measures included in the ICJ ruling, including ensuring that its army does not commit acts of genocide in the Gaza Strip, preventing and punishing public incitement to genocide, and protecting evidence related to alleged crimes. 
As for Israel’s commitment to providing humanitarian aid, the report concludes that Israel has used starvation not only as a tactic of war, but also as a means of carrying out the crime of genocide against the Palestinian People in the Strip, especially in the northern Gaza Strip, continuously and severely for six months now. As part of its starvation campaign, Israel commits other serious crimes, including imposing a strict siege on the entire Strip, i.e. cutting off fuel, electricity, and water; demolishing local food production sources by destroying crops and bulldozing agricultural land; and repeatedly obstructing and even halting the entry or distribution of humanitarian aid.
International humanitarian law states that Israel, as the occupying force, is responsible for supplying the civilian population in the Occupied Palestinian Territory with food, medicine, clothing, bedding, shelter, and other necessities for survival. However, Israel persists in committing grave crimes and breaching its international obligations, putting the lives of all Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip at risk of famine and extreme hunger.
In light of the aforementioned, Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor urges, among other recommendations, the international community to uphold its legal and moral duties to the people living in the Gaza Strip, to guarantee that the International Court of Justice ruling is carried out, and to end the genocide that the Court declared in January was likely taking place in the Gaza Strip.
Euro-Med Monitor also calls on all states to fulfill their international obligations by halting all military, financial, and political support for Israel’s attack against the Gaza Strip, and in particular, all arms transfers to Israel. Otherwise, these states will be held accountable for their complicity in Israel’s ongoing crimes, including genocide.
Source -
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mjfass · 6 months
As a general rule, if you're a professional wrestler, you're just.... allowed to commit crimes, provided your victim is another professional wrestler. There will never be legal ramifications for your actions and your boss seemingly can't fire you, even if what you did was clearly illegal and also televised to millions of people.
Be it petty vandalism, public intoxication, public indecency, assault, battery, breaking and entering, larceny, grand larceny, destruction of private property, hacking, theft of an emergency vehicle, animal abuse, racketeering, kidnapping, arson, attempted murder, successful murder, desecration of a corpse, cannibalism, or just about any other type of crime, so long as you only do it to another pro-wrestler, you're not gonna suffer any legal or employment related consequences.
Kayfabe is fucking weird
As long as you do it to another pro-wrestler AND there’s a camera there to tape it all and then televise it or share it on social media. These people are committing crimes on live tv and we are just letting them!
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This is such an incredible way to illustrate what wrestling is and how kayfabe works. Send this to any person who ever asks you what wrestling is.
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aroaceapollyon · 2 months
I am tracking all the crimes committed in The Magnus Archives on this listen through, here is what I have for season 1. please note this is crimes committed as they are revealed which is why i didn't put down 'murder' for Elias Boucahard. Also please feel free to let me know if I missed any and what episode the crime is committed in (as long as its for reoccurring characters.)
Martin Blackwood:
Breaking and entering - MAG 22
Tim Stoker:
Giving money to filing clerks to get private/personal information of a client - MAG 03
Sasha James:
Trespassing - MAG 26
Man slaughter - MAG 26
Melanie King:
Breaking and entering - MAG 28
Trespassing - MAG 28
Gerry Keay:
Murder - MAG 12
Destruction of Private property - Mag 35
Jane Prentiss:
Harassment - MAG 22
Stalking - MAG 22
Murder - MAG 26
Squatting - MAG 39
Mikaele Salesa:
The Sale of Stolen Goods - MAG 38
Improper Documentation of Imported Goods - MAG 38
Jared Hopworth:
Breaking and Entering - MAG 17
Organ theft - MAG 17
Murder - MAG 17
Trever Herbert:
Murder - MAG 10
Arson - MAG 36
Julia Montauk:
Arson - MAG 36
Breekon and Hope:
Breaking and entering - MAG 24
Robbery - MAG 24
John Amherst:
Elder Abuse - Mag 36
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4ng3l-0n-34rth · 2 years
Can I get a #2 and #11 on the hurt/comfort for Soldier Boy?
omg the minute i saw this i knew i had to write it so thank you for the request anon!!
You need to understand// a Solider Boy x Reader !Request!
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a/n: sorry if this is ooc or my facts are a bit off but i'm gonna try my best hopefully i'll do this prompt justice since i've seen s3 of the boys 3 times over
summary: it's the 70/80's when everything was coming up soldier boy and you happened to get thrown into his nonsensical life since you were employed by vought. (i feel like the prompts will work better with a solid relationship and i couldn't figure out how to write one in the present day of the series) This story is majorly fucked so buckle up.
prompts: 2) "i wish i never met you" 11) "you're hurting me!"
warnings: domestic violence/aggression, manipulation
Being employed by vought since you graduated college appeared to most as a lifetime achievement, but in your eyes it was torture. All of the higher-up's had you wrapped around their finger, but you also worked with superheros on a daily basis. You were one of the business executives behind Payback, and were required to work closely with all of the supes.
Although your position made it appear as though you had a lot of power you couldn't make an official decision without it being greenlit by someone above you. Over time you came to accept the fact the hero business was corrupt and everyone within it was their own version of a shit show, you found solace in Soldier Boy, and he with you. The relationship was private for publicity reasons, and his on camera relationship with Crimson Countess, but you knew him beyond the superhero persona, you knew Ben.
Today you were extraordinarily stressed and overworked, excited for the day to be over, but before you had the chance to finish up for the night Stan Edgar waltzed into your office. "We are on the verge of a media disaster, and you need to get your little boyfriend in line." You looked to the man confused as to what the hell he was talking about, then he placed a folder onto your desk. Upon opening the folder you were met with photographs of Soldier Boy in full uniform getting into nasty bar fights, assaulting random fans, and committing multiple accounts of destruction of property, paired with a now scrapped news article on conspiracies within vought.
"It cost an arm and a leg to keep this away from the press, and all members associated have been dealt with, but I don't want to see any of this happening again." and with that he saw himself out. You continued to stare blankly at the content in front of you, unsure of what to think. The idea of him acting like this sent chills down your spine. You knew he was hostile, temperamental even, but you'd never seen him act out like this before. You picked up the file and headed out the door to Soldier Boys room in the building, knocking on the door and entering when you heard the okay from him inside.
"Finished up for the night?" he asked as he walked over to greet you with a kiss to your temple, but you backed away. He seemed baffled as to why you wouldn't accept his affection like you normally do, and without a word you handed him the file in your hand. "What the hell were you thinking? The bar fights didn't necessarily surprise me, but innocent fans? People wanting to greet you because they idolize you? And don't get me started on the homes you've wrecked. Homes in family neighborhoods? Do you even understand the damage your recklessness has caused? You could've hurt children damnit!" You completely blew up, you were sick and tired of everyone behaving so childishly, and for once you thought you found someone within vought who wasn't a complete sack of shit, but of course you were proven wrong.
"You can't actually blame me for all of this right? People are fragile its normal for them to want to get a closer look and throw themselves in danger, that isn't my fault." He stated. He seemed completely unphased by what was just presented before him. "They aren't just trying to get a closer look at the action, they were trying to speak to you after a mission and you shoved them away so forcefully a man was sent to the ER! You threw a car at a fucking house Ben! A man died because you weren't careful!" Tears started to form in the corners of your eyes and he tried to move closer to you, to console you. He reached a hand up to wipe a tear from your cheek and you shoved him away.
"Oh so I fuck up a few time and now you wan't nothing to do with me?" You were in awe at how casual he was about this. "No, a fuck up is when you say something bad in an interview, which believe me you do plenty of, but this? Ben this is just murder!" you turned away from him. "I mean technically it was an accident so it would be manslaughter but-" you immediately cut him off, "You can't be serious right now. Like that's any better? Its still your actions killing people!" You moved to take the file out of his hand and leave, ready to go home and reconsider just what the fuck you had gotten yourself into, but he grabbed your wrist, pulling you back towards him.
"Ben let go of me, I'm going home I can't do this right now." you tried to pull away but there was no use trying to fight Earth's mightiest hero. "Please you just need to understand sometimes people are disposable, let me help you understand!" You could tell he really did want you to stay, see things the way he did, but the way he saw things was just morally wrong. "Please Ben I don't want to have to ask again." You were weaker than him, and nothing would ever change that. You had hoped this day would never come but hope doesn't get you anywhere these days.
His grip tightened as you struggled. "Saving the world is hard Y/N! I try my best, but sometimes humans are just collateral!" he pleaded. "I understand you think you're above humanity with your fancy powers, but you were just a man once too!" hearing that angered him more than anything. The one thing he hated talking about was his life before he was given Compound V. You winced as he tightened his grip more and more, "Ah, Ben you're hurting me!" you cried and you tried to pry him off of you with your other hand, the folder you were holding falling to the floor. He raised another hand up to reach around your throat, holding you still. "You know better than to talk about shit like that, bitch!" you reached up, tugging on his wrist to release you as it became harder and harder to breath. "I-I wish I never met you!" you gasped out as tears streamed down your face. He let go of your wrist and sent a harsh slap across your cheek. "You don't mean that... You know you don't mean that!" He shouted, close enough to your face to pierce your eardrums.
He just watched you struggle, your cheek was scraped from the impact as a trail of blood poured down your cheek, your tears finding their way into the would making it sting more. "Y-you don't mean that. Please, tell me you don't mean that!" You tried your best to speak but you couldn't. You began to feel dizzy and he could see your face lose color and your lips begin to turn blue. Seeing you, the one person he thought understood him, the only one he let himself love, in a state like this caused by his own action struck something in him. In a part of him he wished to cast away many years ago. The part of him that deep down was still human.
His grip began to loosen and he looked into your eyes pleadingly, "Please... tell me you don't mean that. Tell me you love me." The only feeling you had for him right now was fear. If you didn't comply you feared the loss of your life, so you nodded. "I do love you, Ben. I was upset I didn't mean it, I'm sorry." He smiled the same smile you remember falling for and the hand on your neck moved up to brush against your cheek. His other hand hovering gently over the fresh cut on your cheek. "I love you too Y/N," he leaned in and kissed you deeply, and you knew that there was no going back now. You just had to sit happily with him and try your best to stay blind to how truly horrible he really was.
As he pulled away he took a moment to observe your face, "I bet you're tired. Let's get you cleaned up then get some rest, yeah?" You nodded and he lead you to the bathroom, wetting a towel then wiped the blood from your cheek. This was the side of him you loved. The part of him that wanted to take care of you, please you. All he ever wanted was to be loved and appreciated and now that he's found someone to fill that void he couldn't let you slip from his grasp. He finished cleaning the wound and pressed a kiss on top of it.
"Can we get some rest now?" you asked. Although deep down you knew you should run, you didn't have it in you. In your eyes the pros just outweighed the cons. "Of course, baby." He swiftly picked you up carrying you to his bed. Spending the night in his room was something you did often, and in all honesty being able to drift off in his arms was just what you needed after a stressful day. He can often be the cause of your stress, but he's allowed himself to be the one to wash it all away as well.
After he placed you down he got into bed next to you. You were too exhausted to change out of your work clothes, and just curled up into him. Instantly soothed by the rise and fall of his chest, the pace of his beating heart. He brushed through your hair with his fingers and placed kisses to the top of your head.
"I really do love you, I know you'll understand one day."
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charmfamily · 9 months
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I got tagged by @smok3inm1rrors, my favorite fellow Charm Family obsesser, who asked me to pick a Charm for another round of The Bold The Facts! For this next round, I’m tagging @theosconfessions, @nectar-cellar, @smok3inm1rrors again to do a Charm of their choice, @plumbboo, and @d4isywhims! 
$ Financial: wealthy (Because he comes from a wealthy family, he has yet to acquire his own wealth but trust fund babies aren’t usually concerned with that. It’s Damien. Damien is Trust Fund Babies.) / moderate / poor / in poverty
✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable
✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other
✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying (Damien is a Caster of the Untamed School and is studying, believe it or not, Theoretical Magic with a specialty in Curse Breaking. He’s really good at it, too.) / other
✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet (nothing serious, just a little or maybe a lot of possessing alcohol underage at parties, trespassing, and maybe a few cases of destruction of private/public property.) / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children? (He thinks he does. He’s still not 100% sure and he definitely doesn’t want them right this minute, but someday.)
◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) (He’s spent the entirety of his life pretending Gemma doesn’t exist or outright tormenting her, but he’s doing his best to make up for that lately and he hopes it’s not too late. He really does want to be a better brother than he was in the past. Fun fact regarding HOW Damien was a terrible brother: Little Damien used to lure Toddler Gemma outside under the guise of being the bestest big brother ever and taking her to a super cool Big Kid Hangout, but then he’d lock her in the dark crawlspace under the house and leave her there. This is what Rohan meant when he said he’d been running to Gemma’s rescue since they were four, Damien would take off with his friends or on his bike, leave Gemma in the crawlspace, and Rohan was the one that always let her out. Damien also, once he learned about Gemma’s phobia of dark bathrooms because she was scared of what she’d see in the mirror, would lock her in there and had to stop doing that when she hyperventilated once and passed out. The thudding of her hitting the tile ended up alerting their parents and yes, he got in BIG trouble. She’s claustrophobic now, because of Damien’s antics.) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable  
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between 
♦ disorganized / organized / in between (He’s organized with the things he cares about, everything else is a giant mess.) 
♦ close minded / open-minded / in between (Hard to convince but not entirely unreasonable.)
♦ calm / anxious / in between (It varies from day to day and depends entirely on the specifics of what latest clusterfuck he’s gotten himself into.) ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between 
♦ cautious / reckless / in between 
♦ patient / impatient / in between 
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between 
♦ leader (“What if all your friends jumped off a bridge?” Damien would be that friend, the first one out there and calling everyone else a bitch for not doing it.) / follower / in between 
♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between (More often than not empathetic, until you piss him off and the Vicious Bastard side of him is unleashed. He has some pretty deep-seated anger issues that are always simmering just beneath the surface.)
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between 
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working (when he REALLY wants something) / lazy / in between (the rest of the time.)
♦ cultured (Raised by archaeologists, that tends to happen.)  / uncultured / in between / unknown 
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown Loyal to himself first and others that prove that they’re loyal to him. It certainly isn’t given blindly and freely, nor is it a blanket trait – that’s a case by case basis.
♦ faithful (He’d leave before he’d cheat. He doesn’t see the point in sparing someone’s feelings long enough TO cheat. If he’s done, he’s done… which is kind of Vicious Bastard of him. “I don’t even care enough about you to lie to you.”)  / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist. I mentioned in the Erwin post that all spellcasters in the SCKoL Universe worship the Trinity of the Fates and are culturally pagans, but specifically to Damien’s family, because Minerva’s family comes from Tartosa (which I have built in universe as a fictional Mediterranean nation that’s more Greek than it is Italian), he is a patron of the Greek Pantheon. BIG FAN of Dionysus in particular. Chaos for the Chaos god! / atheist / agnostic 
☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care 
✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care 
✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care 
❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care 
✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious 
❀ Philosophical: yes / no / sometimes (Especially when he’s been drinking, he gets deep in Sad Boi Hours and has to contemplate the meaning of his existence. Luckily, his bestie Akira can only stand so much of that, so it’s more of an interlude than it is the entirety of the night.) 
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual flexible. (He wouldn’t quite say he’s bi because he’s in denial about it lol listen if you’re drunk and you happen to kiss the bros, it’s just kissing the bros.) / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless 
♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable (Wants to be loved) /naive and clueless (doesn't know how to be loved.) / romance suspicious (He has a very hard time letting other people in and allowing them to get close to him on a deep level, like being vulnerable scares the hell out of him and it’s a problem.) 
❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious 
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all 
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none
 ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none 
✍ Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none 
✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic 
☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker 
✿ Recreational Drugs: never (He much prefers drinking) / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict
 ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess 
☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater 
$ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic 
♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
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cat-in-a-fedora · 2 years
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(credit to @stardustkay​ for the image)
Ok, so, one of @moringmark​‘s comics (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/vl5c68/eda_taught_her_well/) gave me a through: exactly how many crimes has Luz committed in the show? I went through the episode list, and just tried to list out the ones I remembered, but holy cow, it was still so much!
1.1: A Lying Witch and a Warden
Breaking and entering (breaking into the Conformatorium)
Theft (Stealing King’s crown and Francois from the contraband locker)
Starting a prison riot
Assaulting a government official (Warden wrath)
1.2: Witches Before Wizards
Accessory to Murder (When Eda ate Adegast)
1.3: I Was a Teenage Abomination
Trespassing (into Hexide despite knowing she wasn’t allowed)
Assisting in academic dishonesty (Idk if this is a crime. Please correct me if I’m wrong)
1.4 : The Intruder
Use of wild magic and being a wild witch. I’m not gonna record every instance, because this applies for basically the whole rest of the show.
1.6: Hooty's Moving Hassle
Disturbing the Peace
Destruction of private property (Tibbles’ night market stand)
1.7: Lost in Language
Breaking & Entering (into the Bonesborough Public Library with Ed and Em.)
Vandalism (She wrote in a book to try and save Amity.)
1.8: Once Upon a Swap
Destruction of Government Property (the wall of the Bonesborough police precinct)
1.9: Something Ventured, Someone Framed
Destruction of public property (The detention room)
1.13: The First Day
Studying multiple tracks at once (again, idk if this is actually a crime, but it seems like it would be. Though if it is, it could be principal Bump in trouble instead.)
1.15: Understanding Willow
Entering the mind of another person (Eda outright says it’s “partially illegal”)
1.18: Agony of a Witch
Breaking & Entering
Attempted theft of government property (The healing hat)
1.19: Young Blood, Old Souls
Stepping on grass (Realistically, I know this was a gag, but she did get arrested for it, so I’m counting it.)
Multiple counts of assaulting government officials (Warden Wrath, various guards, Lilith, Emperor Belos, and Kikimora.)
Attempted Murder (She went for Belos’ head. I call lethal intent.)
Prison break (Broke Eda, King, and Lilith out of their cell, preventing their execution.)
2.1: Separate Tides
Obstruction of a law enforcement officer (Lied to hunter about having killed the selkidomus, stopping him from succeeding in his mission.)
2.2: Escaping Expulsion
Aiding in an illegal weapons trade (Hunter did come in at the end and tell the Blights that the Abomaton were considered a private army, and Luz had tried to help sell them)
2.6: Hunting Palismen
Assaulting a government official (Yeeting Hunter off his airship)
Obstruction of a law enforcement officer (by refusing to give hunter his staff to prove his identity to his subordinates, and also by drugging Kikimora with the sleeping mist to keep her from returning to the castle with the palismen)
Theft (the palismen, and also some added on livestock theft with Kiki’s hand dragon)
2.10: Yesterday's Lie
Aiding & Abetting (Got Vee to steal the Hexes Hold’em cards from the museum office)
Acomplice to Fraud (It’s not identity theft now that Vee has Luz’s blessing, but she’s still pretending to be someone she’s not and benefiting from it.)
2.11: Follies at the Coven Day Parade
Disturbing the peace (crashing the parade with mist glyph circles and siccing Hooty on the guards to cause pandemonium)
Aiding a kidnapping (doing the above crime to knowingly help Eda kidnap Raine)
Resisting arrest (Luz and Amity fighting back against Kikimora at the docks)
2.14: Reaching Out
Participating in an underground fighting ring (The Bonesborough Brawl)
2.16: Hollow Mind
Entering the mind of another person (Belos)
Espionage (To get information against Belos)
2.19: O Titan, Where Art Thou
Impersonating a guard (to break into the precinct)
Theft (Francois and the Palistrom wood)
2.20: Clouds on the Horizon
Impersonating a guard (sneak through Blight Industries)
2.21: King's Tide
Assaulting the head of state (Belos)
Attempted assassination (Belos. She may not have wanted him to die - she wanted him to stop the draining spell - but the coven brand would have killed him, and she knew it.)
In conclusion:
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Tell me if I missed something, or if I got something wrong.
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inhumaninterest · 1 year
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The Impromptu Adventure thing is a legal defense in their world.
It's where an adventurer (retired or active) found themselves in a situation comparable to those that result in adventuring contracts. In those cases the adventurer and those involved are tried under the much more lenient standards for a professional adventuring job. It exists because otherwise adventurers might feel the legal risk from collateral damages outweighed the danger posed by say, a rampaging monster. Given that multiple countries have been saved by adventurers volunteering to fight a threat in this fashion there's not too many opposed to those laws.
But basically, while adventuring, an adventurer can commit a number of smaller crimes (like burglary, breaking and entering, destruction of private property) provided doing so furthered the objective of the adventure. It also shifts liability for a number of larger crimes like manslaughter to the monster/villain.
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josdimension · 3 months
The intersection of climate past and climate future
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People say there are only 2 certainties in life and as you probably know taxes are one of them, but I’d say there is a 3rd, the short-term variability of climate. Climate is weather averaged over long periods of time and while climate is predictable, weather has a mind of its own, it never fully does what is expected of it. I have lived on 3 continents and observed a lot of what I know about how climate change can cause weather to behave in unpredictable ways. As a teen, I saw extreme rain and flood waters breach a sea wall in Guyana and days of flooding turn an otherwise warm and dry city of Georgetown into a pool of stagnant water for several days. As a young adult, I saw the destruction of Hurricane Sandy decimate parts of New York and turn the city into a disaster zone that lasted weeks as the clean up and repair teams try to restore a sense of normalcy. Lastly as a 20-something I saw extreme winds knock down people and property in the Netherlands, turning the calm city of Amsterdam into a place of flying debris and pedestrians trying to keep their balance. 
I can’t imagine seeing the effects of extreme weather in my own cities and globally on the news then go to bed at night trying to convince myself that climate change is not real, I don’t know how climate deniers do it, but I realize that it can be a lot to bear to look at the world and think it’s all at the mercy of climate change. Formally, I would say my climate journey started in January 2015, I got offered a research position to explore how public-private partnerships could help fund adaptation initiatives in developing countries, including interviewing all the top climate and sustainability practitioners in the Dutch financial sector at the time, and also talking to thought leaders on the precipice of breaking ground on climate financing. The research was commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs at a time when they were starting to see that mitigation was not enough, investing in GHG-reducing technologies or considering mechanisms like carbon offsets just wasn't enough to address the adaptation and resilience needs that were already being felt in the developing world.
 Through that initiative which was in collaboration with an energy agency, an agricultural research center, and a water research initiative, we were able to define investable opportunities for private sector investors to support the financial needs of adaptation projects in the developing world. Whether it was building dams, or planting mangroves, or implementing early warning systems, there were bankable solutions to be found in the market. Around the same time, the Green Climate Fund was receiving financial commitments from various countries to help mobilize efforts to combat climate change globally, and I thought to myself that I saw my future doing a Masters or PHD to build even more expertise on climate (because I was coming from a finance background). It took about 8 years and the exploration of many different paths and locations, but in 2022 I came across the Climate and Society MA at Columbia University and the time had finally come to make the thought I had a reality; I applied and started the following year. So my climate journey hasn’t been a linear one by any means but fortunately, every experience I’ve had outside of it is exactly what made me so prepared for it.
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pensolar · 5 months
Exploring Solar Panel Installation With Solar Company
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Solar energy has arisen as an urgent player in the global shift towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. In Malaysia, a nation favored with abundant sunlight consistently, solar company panel installation and rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems have acquired expanding ubiquity.
This article dives into the horde advantages of solar panel installation in Malaysia and rooftop PV systems, featuring their effect on energy generation, environmental conservation, and economic prosperity.
Abundant Sunshine: Malaysia’s Solar Advantage
Malaysia’s topographical area close to the equator offers to it a momentous gift — abundant sunshine. This tropical heaven experiences a predictable deluge of sunlight over time, giving an ideal climate for harnessing solar energy. By and large, Malaysia partakes in a liberal of 4–5 hours of sunlight per day, a significant resource for sustainable energy creation. This normal wealth of sunlight shapes the bedrock for the boundless reception of solar panels and rooftop solar PV systems the country over.
The central place of Malaysia guarantees that its solar resource remains unaffected by the occasional varieties of solar force experienced by districts in higher scopes. This consistency makes Malaysia an ideal candidate for solar energy harnessing, as it lessens the vulnerability related to weather patterns in different areas of the planet. As the world turns towards renewable energy solutions, Malaysia’s sun-doused landscape stands as an encouraging sign, promising clean and sustainable power generation.
Clean and Sustainable Energy: A Solar Legacy
The shift towards solar panel installation in Malaysia and rooftop PV systems is driven by an essential commitment — the development of clean and sustainable energy. As a glaring difference to traditional fossil fuel-based power generation, solar energy generation doesn’t produce destructive contaminations into the air. The shortfall of greenhouse gases and air contaminations in solar power generation fundamentally adds to Malaysia’s endeavors to lessen its carbon impression and battle climate change.
Solar panels operate by catching sunlight and changing it into electricity through an interaction known as the photovoltaic impact. This interaction is intrinsically clean and includes no ignition, and that implies there are no emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), or particulate matter. By embracing solar power, Malaysia is effectively pursuing environmental conservation, safeguarding its regular magnificence, and further developing air quality for its residents.
Reduced Electricity Bills: Empowering Consumers
One of the most substantial advantages of rooftop PV systems is the empowerment of property holders and organizations to become energy makers in their rights. These systems empower them to produce their electricity, lessening their dependence on the customary lattice. Also, during bright days when solar panels create more electricity than is required, surplus energy can be put away in batteries for some time in the future or taken care of once again into the lattice. This frequently results in net-metering benefits, where consumers get credits or reduced bills for the abundance of energy they add to the framework.
By producing their electricity, consumers in Malaysia oversee their energy costs. They are less vulnerable to vacillations in electricity prices and supply disturbances. The consistent decrease in electricity bills, combined with the potential for profit through the abundance of energy sales, makes solar energy an undeniably alluring choice for both private and business users. It sets aside cash as well as fortifies the energy strength of the country.
Long-term Cost Savings: Investing from here on out
While the forthright cost of solar panel installation might appear to be significant, seeing it as a long-term investment is fundamental. Solar panels regularly have a life expectancy of 25–30 years and require insignificant maintenance, further reinforcing their allure. As Malaysia wrestles with rising electricity prices, solar energy users can partake in the genuine serenity that accompanies steady, minimal-expense electricity long into the future. This long-term perspective converts into a strong profit from investment for the individuals who decide to embrace solar power.
The economic advantages of reaching out to individual consumers. Solar energy cultivates economic development by making positions in the installation, maintenance, and manufacturing areas. These positions give stable businesses valuable open doors to the nearby workforce and animate the development of a skilled labor force in the renewable energy area.
Energy Independence: Strengthening National Security
One more critical advantage of solar panel installation and rooftop PV systems is the improvement of energy independence. Homes and organizations in Malaysia that create their electricity become less dependent on outside sources of energy. This reduced reliance on customary energy sources, frequently vulnerable to price vacillations and supply interruptions, improves energy security.
Energy independence likewise adds to the broadening of Malaysia’s energy blend. By lessening its dependence on fossil fuels, the country can relieve the dangers related to energy supply chain disturbances and the unpredictability of global energy markets. This enhancement not only guarantees a more steady and secure energy supply yet in addition lines up with Malaysia’s obligation to decrease its carbon emissions and advance sustainable energy sources.
Solar panel installation and rooftop PV systems in Malaysia offer a large group of advantages, driven by the country’s abundant sunshine, obligation to clean energy, and economic advantages. As Malaysia takes steps towards a greener and more sustainable future, solar energy in Malaysia plays a significant part in lessening carbon emissions, rationing the climate, and getting the country’s energy needs. With the consistent advancement of solar innovation and continuous government support, solar energy is set to sparkle considerably more splendidly in Malaysia’s energy landscape, giving enduring advantages to generations to come.
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healthstyle101 · 8 months
Fired Washington deputy, who stalked wife and violated no-contact order, sentenced to prison
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Former Sheriff's Deputy Sentenced to Prison for Stalking and Violating No-Contact Order A former sheriff's deputy from Washington state has been given a hefty dose of justice for some pretty serious misconduct. Michael Phipps, who's 50 years old, pleaded guilty to a laundry list of charges, including stalking, malicious mischief, violating a no-contact order not once, not twice, but three times, and even disclosing private images. It's safe to say he had quite the rap sheet. Locking Up the Perpetrator The judge, TaTeasha Davis, laid down the law, slapping Phipps with a whopping 2 1/2 years in prison. That's not your average time-out! And just so you know, this guy's been locked up for 468 days already, with 345 of those spent on home monitoring. Yeah, he hasn't exactly been living the high life. Home Sweet Home? Not Anymore To make matters even more interesting (and by interesting, we mean jaw-dropping), this former deputy caused a whopping $50,000 in damages to his own home in Eatonville. All that destruction happened back in May 2022. The shocking part? He was still living with his wife at the time, and she'd already gotten a protective order against him. Stalking and Threats Galore But wait, there's more. Prosecutors didn't stop at the property damage. They said Phipps knew about the protective order before it was served, and he wasn't a fan. So what did he do? He sent explicit photos of his wife to her, with a little threat sauce on top – he threatened to show them to her boss and everyone they knew. Violent History In the protection order case, his wife also spilled the beans about a scary 2021 incident. She claimed that he fired a gun into the floor and grabbed her neck. That's some serious business. To make it worse, she said he ended up getting involuntarily committed to a mental health facility after a few more incidents in February of the following year. Downward Spiral His lawyers said that he sought mental health treatment after the loss of some colleagues and his father. Unfortunately, the prescribed medications didn't quite do the trick. So, what did he turn to? The bottle. Self-medicating with alcohol only added fuel to the fire. Pink Slip from the Sheriff's Department Phipps got the pink slip from the Sheriff's Department soon after he was arrested in California. Apparently, he ran into some trouble with the law down in Corona. The department's spokesperson was clear: Phipps had a bit of a problem following department rules. And that's why he was sent packing. He'd been on the force for quite a while – since November 2000! California Getaway After wreaking havoc at home, Phipps made a run for it to California, leaving quite the mess behind. When the police finally got into the house, they found water pouring out of light fixtures and vents. The upstairs toilet had seen better days, and the kitchen floor looked like it had been in a fight with an ax. Paying His Dues Phipps posted a hefty $100,000 bail bond in October 2022 and got to experience life on electronic home monitoring and alcohol tracking. But the judge also made sure he got some treatment for his substance abuse and post-traumatic stress. It looks like Phipps has quite a bit of work ahead of him to get back on track. Read the full article
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rottenscare · 10 months
List of be gay do crimes I've commited
Breaking and entering
Technically assisted grand theft auto?
Oh vandalism also - and by extension destruction of private properties
I have never commited arson and honest to God I think that would be kind of boring
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guardiantech12 · 11 months
Why Cyber Security is Important for a Modern Day Society
Cybersecurity has evolved to become an essential element of society in this digital age because technology is embedded in every aspect of life. Our dependence on computers, networks along with the Internet has offered us numerous benefits and opportunities however, it also makes us prone to risks that were never prior. Our electronic systems, networks as well as information are protected by cybersecurity against unauthorized access, theft, and harm caused by malicious actors.
Cyberattacks have become incredibly complicated and persistent, resulting in potentially disastrous consequences. Everyone is at risk from these threats Not small companies as well as governments and even large corporations. To safeguard our privacy, financial information critical infrastructure, or even security for the nation, it's imperative to adopt security measures that are robust and secure.
What Do You Mean By Cyber Security? Cybersecurity is the practice to prevent unauthorized access, destruction, or interruption and the theft of servers, computers and electronic systems, networks, and even data. It involves the use of diverse methods, techniques, and procedures to secure digital assets as well as ensure the security, integrity as well as accessibility of data.
Threats dealt with by the field of cybersecurity may include but not be included in:
Authorized Access: Blocking unauthorized individuals or companies from accessing the system or data that is sensitive.
Malware: Protecting against malicious software that can be a threat to systems and the integrity of data, like trojan horses and ransomware, and even spyware.
Social engineering and phishing Beware of the bogus techniques used by attackers to get victims to reveal personal information or commit risky behaviors, such as social engineering and phishing.
data breaches Protection against theft or unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information, including documents about finances, private data as well as intellectual property.
DoS attacks: Denial of Service (DoS) attacks Protection against attacks that overpower networks or systems making them inaccessible to users who are authorized.
Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) to combat persistent, sophisticated attacks from skilled adversaries who seek access to vital information.
Vulnerability Management: Vulnerability Management refers to the process of finding and repairing vulnerabilities or flaws that attackers might exploit in systems, software, or networks.
Governance and security policy: establishing and implementing security regulations guidelines, standards, and guidelines to ensure uniform and effective security practices throughout an organization.
In the field of incident response and recovery, Making strategies and tools to swiftly and efficiently identify, resolve, and resolve cybersecurity concerns is referred to by the terms incident response as well as recovery.
What Purpose Does Cyber Security Serve: In today's digital age cybersecurity plays an important function. Its primary goal is to guard digital data computers, systems, and networks from unauthorized access, misuse, and disclosure, as well as disruption, modification, and destruction. Security measures for cybersecurity are essential for businesses, individuals as well as governments due to the increased dependence upon technology, as well as an ever-changing threat landscape. They can keep sensitive data from entering the wrong hands, by implementing solid cybersecurity procedures in place for the protection of financial information, personal information, and intellectual property.
Apart from preventing unauthorized access, protecting data integrity, and guarding against online threats like hacking malware, phishing attacks as well as security breaches, cybersecurity ensures the security of data, its integrity, and the availability of information. In addition, cybersecurity is vital to maintain confidence in transactions online, protecting your data, and securing vital infrastructure systems like transport networks, power grids as well as healthcare systems. At the final level, security helps to limit risks, minimize the risk of harm, and help facilitate the secure and safe use of digital technology within our connected society.
Why Modern-Day Society Needs Cyber Security: Cybersecurity has become an integral aspect of modern-day life in this age of digital. The dangers and vulnerabilities relating to cyberattacks have risen due to the increasing dependence of society on technology and interconnected network and online platforms. Cybersecurity is vital to prevent fraud, identity theft, and unauthorized access to personal information. It is crucial for safeguarding the interests of both businesses and consumers as well as preventing losses to company finances, interruptions to operations, and theft of intellectual property. Furthermore, by shielding the network from interruptions that could cause serious social implications, cyber security aids the maintenance of critical infrastructures, like electric grids and transportation networks. It is vital for ensuring the security of our nation, as well as protecting government organizations, private data, as well as democratic procedures. Cyber security creates a more secure and safe environment for organizations, individuals as well as nations, safeguarding the foundations of modern society through ensuring safety for the public by ensuring trust and security in the digital world and coping with the expanding threat of cybercrime.
Conclusion: With increasing cyber-related threats security is essential for safeguarding the security, privacy, and resilience of our modern civilization. Its importance cannot be understated because it protects information on the Internet as well as computer networks and systems from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction. Strong security measures are available to individuals as well as businesses and government officials to minimize risks, protect sensitive data, prevent financial losses, and protect crucial infrastructure. Cybersecurity increases confidence when it comes to online interactions, safeguards intellectual property rights as well as bolsters the nation's security and economic growth.
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aliceward · 1 year
What does arson mean
Arson, crime commonly defined by statute as the willful or malicious damage or destruction of property by means of fire or explosion. In English common law, arson referred to the burning of another person’s dwellings under circumstances that endangered human life. Modern statutes have expanded this definition so that arson now includes the wrongful burning of any public or private property.
What does arson mean
Most jurisdictions have divided arson statutes into two or more degrees, reserving the heavier punishments for burnings that pose a danger to human life. Such acts generally include the burning of vehicles, bridges, and forests as well as habitable dwellings (e.g., houses, stores, office buildings, and factories). In nearly all countries, an arsonist may be prosecuted for murder if someone dies as a result of the act, even if the intention to kill is absent. Some jurisdictions (e.g., Germany and some U.S. states) also impose a higher penalty for arson committed for the purpose of concealing or destroying evidence of another crime.
It can be arson to burn personal property as well as real estate. Statutes also have forbidden burnings caused by incendiary devices. By contrast, a fire caused by accident or ordinary carelessness is not arson, because criminal intent is lacking. Nonetheless, reckless activity—or burning without regard to consequences—can result in an arson conviction.
An arsonist may act from a variety of different motives, including rage, jealousy, profit (e.g., burnings undertaken to commit insurance fraud), and the desire to conceal or destroy evidence. Persons suffering from pyromania have a pathological and uncontrollable urge to set fires.
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naughtybooks · 1 year
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Free US & UK Promo Codes Upon Request
It is the mid-21st century and the world is recovering from what scholars will refer to as the "Jihad War".
Nations of the world united to bring a permanent end to radical terrorism. The unification of the nations has also given birth to the popular concept of a governing World Union, in which the United States intends to be a major player. The timing could not be any better. A presidential election year is on the horizon and a faceless rogue element is committed to having one of their own in the White House. 
There were extreme losses of life and property in the concentrated battle theater of the Middle East.
The leading nations of the world emerged victorious over the oppressive extremists that threatened the civil and moral fabric of modern society. The high price of victory was unavoidable.
Nuclear weapons were used in order to bring the destructive war to an abrupt end.
The United States found itself as the sole military and financial leader of the world's war against the radical terrorists. The war's length lasted far beyond what had been predicted, diminishing many of the United States’ resources, specifically, it's wealth, bringing the proud nation to the brink of bankruptcy.
Radiation from the nuclear weapons contaminated 85% of the water supply in the Middle East and large amounts were now being detected in the Atlantic Ocean.
A private and well-funded individual has been anticipating a catastrophe such as this, and has spun a web so delicate, its victims don't realize they are trapped until it's too late. She has assembled the best minds in order to develop a device that would instantly purify polluted and contaminated water.
However, this device is not being developed for humanitarian reasons. It is being developed for wealth and power. Not for an individual, but for a nation…the United States of America.
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