#also no this is not bc i write a lot of pk or wl. i do not care to defend them. they're fun bc they're awful
ruthlesslistener · 10 months
Seeing a white person say unironically that PK and WL are colonizers is so fucking telling that they have zero idea of what racism actually is or the implications behind it, they're just parroting the most basic bullshit to look good. Like come the fuck on that take is racist as shit and its not because PK and WL are any less awful than colonizers. It's incorrect at best but genuinely an awful fucking take when parroted for clout bc you dont wanna be seen as problematic
(It's racist bc equating a genocidal god who you have to shred apart with extreme violence in order to have peace with the pain and anger of indigenous people is. Hm. Bad!!! Not to mention the fact that Radi has a very strong Christian angel motif going on and engages in a 'holy crusade' against everyone in Hallownest INCLUDING OTHER INDIGENOUS TRIBES NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE PALE KING like how the actual fuck can you look at her and go 'oh yeah she represents indigenous people because the moths have what look like dreamcatcher motifs with the essence motes' and unironically think you're not being racist. What the actual fuck)
((Double disclaimer: you can actually write a really interesting and nuanced altcanon narrative with this concept but the problem is that almost nobody ever does, they only ever flag it as 'problematic' because they want to look good, not bc they know the implications))
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nonuggetshere · 3 months
I loved reading all of that. It's so funny how PK's sibs, and at points his dame, tease him. I love it so much 😆
It also got me thinking.
Would it be possible, in another AU (maybe like wayward royals or somewhere waaaaayyy down in FAaF), for Flower them to run into WLs Father. Or, maybe Flower gets separated and meets him by accident. Would he realize their kin or just see him as a territorial threat?
THANK YOU it's one of my favourites, writing family dynamics is so entertaining
AND FUNNY YOU MENTION THAT because I actually have an AU where they meet both of their grandparents! But first, some info about Quercus, then more info about the AU itself
This is gonna get super rambly bc I'm copy-pasting mine and Integrity's messages from discord
His name is Quercus and he is old as balls
He had Amanita when he was very very old too and these two were particularly close because she was the only surviving seedling. She's never seen his persona face to face but they talked a lot and he took great care of her (I think I already mentioned how roots grow up and how he's like with his children)
The kingdom he resides in is quite literally built around, on and into his giant ancient root body. He hasn't fully abandoned his former form like his daughter had and resides in a sort of in-between, which roots can do. His smaller form is connected to his body and is more residual from ages long past when he used to properly rule the kingdom. Now he's retreated from this role and many of the kingdom's peoples don't even realise that the higher being whose body they live in is still alive
He keeps his body beneath the ground, in a chamber he dug amongst his roots, where he mostly resides in and feeds on any poor schmuck that decides to venture into (and get lost in) the twisting, long tunnels amongst his roots
It's been a long time since he's communicated with anyone face to face, which he doesn't mind, roots aren't particularly social and are quite literally built to remain stationary with very little outside stimuli for a very long time
A mortal would have probably go insane if they spent their human lifespan's equivalent in isolation like he did but he's quite literally built different
And when I say ancient I mean ANCIENT
When he had Amanita he probably would be like the human equivalent of a 110 year old
But roots don't die of old age and he's strong and healthy so he's still kicking
The few AUs where he and Adamas meet they do NOT get along its actually so funny
Worsties in law
I've mentioned that higher beings in my AU have the ability to sense who is their kin and it's especially strong in rootfolk, it's needed considering how they reproduce to avoid inbreeding
LONG story short, Flower needed a fucking break from Everything, ended up getting lost, ended up chancing upon their grandma and almost got their ass beaten by her before she realised they're her kin, after they left she had a bad feeling and decided to follow to keep an eye on them, they arrived at their grandfather's former kingdom and decided hey checking out these tunnels that supposedly nobody came out of alive would be a good idea, Adamas obviously sensed this ancient god in there and followed to keep Flower's dumb ass safe, bullshit ensues when she interrupts him excitedly introducing himself to the first grandkid he's ever met and asking about his daughter
And the two get into a massive argument. Because it just didn't occur to them that their children could EVER end up together
And Flower can't get a word in to explain
Adamas might not be a god but she's so willing to square up against one about this, Flower is HER kin so you can go fuck yourself you overgrown carrot
Flower: Fucking hell, now I get why my parents are Like That
Quercus: they’re clearly a root!
Adamas: they’re clearly a wyrm!
Flower: I—
Adamas: where’s their vines and roots and flowers than Hm? You’ve gone mad in old age
Flower: hey guys—
Quercus: Bold words from a mortal
Adamas: I might not be a god but I still don't mind kicking the ass of one!
Flower: OKAY! Alright! Enough fighting! Here's a wild idea; I am both of yours grandchild
Quercus: ...No
Adamas: Impossible
Quercus: Why would any of my children lower their standards so much as to take something as beastly as a wyrm for a partner?
Adamas, bristling: What could a root even provide for any of my clutches, besides sustenance after ripping into one? You're all soft, lazy pushovers
Flower: Fucking hell–
Flower: what if I ditched you both and left. What then. What if just leave
They just. Ditch their grandparents but of course Adamas goes to hunt them down
Adamas: Didn't your sire and dame teach you it's rude to sneak away like that?
Flower: I didn't sneak away, I even said goodbye, you were just too preoccupied with tour squabbles. Why do you keep following me anyways?
Adamas: It's not often I get to meet my grandchildren, let alone one's so careless or stupid enough to not only wander into another wyrm's densite but to also march into an ancient, hungry God's open maw. Somebody has to teach you self preservation because clearly whichever of my children had you failed at that
Flower: Oh, joy...
Adamas: …which one was it anyways?
Flower, who doesn’t even know PK or WL’s name: ….. the pale short one?
Adamas, also pale and kind of short: .......Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?
Adamas, starting to list names:
Flower: I don’t know his name
Adamas: ??????????
Adamas: Are you serious?
Flower: ...Does the Pale King of Hallownest ring a bell?
Adamas: You only know him by his title?
Flower: It's a long story, don't dodge the question
Adamas: I suppose I've heard of him, wyrm kingdoms aren't that common nowadays- isn't he a god? One of my children is an actual god?
Flower: Wh- how did you hear of him but never realised he was your son? You have no right to judge me holy shit
Adamas: So it's decided, I'm going back to Hallownest with you and beating your parent's ass
Flower: HUH WHAT
Adamas: Fucker can't teach you how to take care of yourself and makes you use their title, I'm setting their ass straight if that's the last thing I do
Point is, Quercus would recognise Flower (and any other grandkid) and would ADORE them, especially if he knew they came from his little princess. But PK and his part of the family? Yeah uh. The old man does Not like nor approve of them
I think the only thing Adamas and Quercus would agree on is that Flower's parents kind of suck
Especially if they find out about the whole vessel thing
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goblinbugthing · 9 months
sorry to the person that sent this ask, i deleted it on accident
someone on anon sent an ask saying “why do you want the white lady to be stereotypical?” in reference to this post where i said i reject the canon that she doesn’t care about any of the vessels, just seeing them as tools to seal the radiance and only experiencing shame in the fact that it was her eggs that were used to produce them.
lemme elaborate on what i meant by that.
(tl;dr at the bottom of the post)
(cw: mentions of child neglect + implied child abuse)
it’s not that i want the white lady to be the general fanon stereotype that she’s actually a loving mother to all her kids, including the fallen vessels in the abyss, i simply want her to treat holly like her child because thats what they are. they’re a living being who deserves all the love and more that they never got in their childhood because their parents thought they were effectively a lifeless creature.
now, i project onto them a lot. they’re my #1 blorbo and comfort character in hollow knight, so i give them the same needs i have and write other characters as providing to those needs. that includes parental love from the white lady, their mother.
in my aus, wl isnt a motherly figure to all the vessels — in fact, she’s actually kind of scared of most of them. she only really acts as a parent to holly, because she knows they’re alive and that they literally need it to stay that way. they call her mom, she calls them her child, and she’s grown really attached to them because of that.
wl didn’t initially view holly as her child — before their escape and rescue, to her, they were just another failure. just another impure vessel. she didn’t honestly care about what happened to them, at least not too much (they’re still her spawn, and she felt some guilt in seeing them this way, but she shoved it down and continued acting like everything was fine). but after the fact, holly themself said to her that they genuinely see her as their mother and want her to treat them as her child to make up for the decades of neglect they went through. hearing this, and knowing they’re a living being that literally just wants the love they were never given, and already having an innate desire to protect her young, she agrees to call them ‘child’ despite not fully seeing them like that.
after a while, though, she did start developing a genuine motherly love and connection to them. of course, at this point in time in my main au, holly is still very much trying to impress pk to avoid getting thrown into the abyss and dying (which he wouldn’t do, but they don’t know that), so they never call wl ‘mother’ around him, and they requested that she do the same for them (which she agreed to do bc she doesn’t want them getting hurt any more than they already have been).
tl;dr, im sad and need the comfort so i gave a lore reason for it to happen canonically in my aus.
(also, in twins of void, wl just always loved diligence. she knew right off the bat that they were alive and she decided “fuck it, they’re my child and i love them, the other one is pure they’ll be fine,” despite pk’s wishes for neither of them to form any unnecessary attachments in the case that purity wasn’t pure.)
(in reign of light, she doesn’t want anything to do with moon. something to do with them fusing with radi. more angst fuel for the angst au!)
(also, here’s rol and tov’s basic info post)
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bluegekk0 · 11 months
Alr, Anon from prior, Allow me to elaborate.
The reason I questioned PK and WL breaking up was because it seemed "Out of place", for lack of better word, It didn't seem like they were going to break up, WL still loves PK, and PK (in this au at least) seems patient enough to help someone find better ways to grieve, so it doesn't make sense (from my pov, obviously), for him to leave someone over something as simple as how she handles the death of her children, If you really wanted a good, in character reason for them to break up on good terms, you could also just say her mental instability became too much for him, and he left her bc he didn't want to play doctor anymore.
I did not know you intended this au to be a comfort space, Mostly because the whole "He went into sleep, Got beat up by his kid, and his wife left him" thing doesn't make it obvious, so sorry.
and 3:
did not intend him to be a joke character?
Could have fooled me, It seems like the only content that is posted for the au to establish any kind of storyline is either indulgent palegrimm stuff, Memes, Or somewhat descriptive images.
In short, While I hold no blame on you for what you choose to post, this is what happens when one claims something to be serious, but doesn't necessarily treat something like it is serious.
Also, I don't intend the tone nor theme of this to be harsh, Passive aggressive, or criticizing, I just had greatly subverted expectations that somewhat annoyed me, and I enjoy writing long messages, So it wasn't difficult to make.
alright. i tried to be as nice as possible, i really did. when i said i don't appreciate those kinds of comments, it was not an invitation to continue to nitpick my au. you have problems with the way i write my character, that's fair. that does not mean i will explain every single issue you have with it or change it to your liking
i will be blunt. this au was not made for you. this is something personal for me. is it perfect? no. i'm not claiming it to be. it's not meant to be perfect. maybe it does not make sense. i'm not a good writer, it's inevitable that it will have holes. i do this for fun, and i share it because people like to see it. i do not want to "establish a storyline" in a sophisticated manner that is coherent and professional. i'm simply sharing art and ramblings about the characters i love that mean a lot to me. if you're looking for a well written narrative that always takes itself seriously, you're in the wrong place. you are free to scroll past my stuff. you are free to block my blog if it bothers you. i won't hold it against you
this is the last time i will respond to this. i do not wish to turn this into a drama and a bigger deal than it is. let's be respectful to each other and just move on with our lives. i make silly posts about my au, you have your own expectations that were not met by said posts. it happens. life goes on
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For the character ask, Pale King? owo
(Also, I'm still thinking of asks for that other ask thing you rebagel'd owo the (insert character here) + (insert thing here) ask :3 )
laslkdfladskjf thank! (no worries I'm still game to answer those too ^^)
And I shall put under readmore bc long lmao
favorite thing about them:
Is it bad if I say all the murder lol? Lmao, I mean, I think my favorite thing about him is that, like a lot of the characters, there's just so much you can do with him, he can be tragic, he can be complex, he can be downright evil, the sky is the limit here! The popular fanon cement has not dried and I hope so much that it never does.
least favorite thing about them:
Hmm... I don't actually think I have a least fav thing lol. I actually had a lot of fun screaming in white palace the first time around and he's, y'know, dead, so there's not a lot there to annoy me.
favorite line:
Idk actually, it's kinda a tossup between "...No cost too great..." and "Beyond this point you enter the land of King and Creator." if PK is the one responsible for the King's Pass lore tablets.
PK + Monomon + Soul Master baybey! Fucking Nerd Squad!!! And PK + Ogrim!!!! Also PK + NKG and PK + Radiance bc oh boy the comedy potential
aklsdjfkaljsdf no surprise but PK x Lurien, PK x Herrah, and PK x WL
Okay, so aside from any ship with him and his kids which is a massive no from me, I have a few.
PK x Lurien, PK x Herrah, and PK x WL. Which is a bit confusing, but there are some depictions of all three of those ships that are really just never going to be for me? Like they're all fine, but they're just not my thing, y'know? I actually kinda only started shipping them way back when bc of my own fanfic ^^;
random headcanon:
unpopular opinion:
Idk if this one is super unpopular bc I have a few unpopular opinions about PK but the one I kinda hold to the most is the opinion that PK left the "Higher Beings these words are for you alone" tablets specifically for the returning vessels. I got this opinion at first bc after the "focus your soul" lore tablet I already thought "oh hey this is for me, I'm whatever a higher being is" during my first go around, but it was strengthened a bit after I think it was like my sixth-ish? go of the game (idk man I replay the game a lot) when I stopped to reread the big lore tablet right at the gate and read the words "Beyond this point you enter the land of King and Creator." and I fucking stopped because I realized that if this was for the vessels then the game was straight up telling me who PK was to Ghost, that their creator(their father) was The King! One of the big twists being hidden right there in plain sight and I fucking adore writing like that so much that I pull the same trick far too often in my own writing lmao.
song i associate with them:
For some reason, The Man Who Told Everything by Doves?
favorite picture of them:
Tumblr media
I have to love this one lmao
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bluegekk0 · 11 months
Honestly, I love your style, And I enjoy the way you design the characters we rarely see with the cloak off, like grimm or the pale king. But obviously, No artist is without his flaws, and I presume you do not view yourself to be without any. For starters, While the whole "Pale king is an innocent gubblemuncher" thing is cute, depending on how it's handled, It gets stale, fast. (especially considering purely how non-gubblemuncher PK is in the lore, but whatever, we can just ignore that-) Then, I have a bit of a nit to pick at with the way the "Feral PK au" was handled. Once again, similar issue to as I listed prior, PK being innocent and chill is cute, but it gets old fast, especially when the au is based around this characterization of the pale king. (Also, I didn't like PK and WL breaking up despite WL seeming to still care about him in the game, Unless there was some insane sit-com tier argument they had after PK reincarnated that I was never told about, But ig we needed a reason to ship grimm and pk, since, as most are aware, WL hates grimm's guts, so I doubt she would be ok with sharing, so it makes sense.) And finally, I don't like the missed potential of the "feral PK au". When I first heard of that au idea, I imagined a tragic story where PK comes back, But is almost a wild animal and WL ends up caging him bc she's too attached to let him go.... Instead, It's basically an artifact title, one that only applies to the act 1, maybe even just act 0.5, Possibly act 0.25 depending on how it worked. So, I think a more accurate title would be "palegrimm crack au" /j
(Note that "Gubblemuncher" is not an expression I meant to offend, It's 11:55 AM and I needed to make up something to describe a gremlin who is adorable in their own way.)
okay so uhh. i wanted to keep this short but i have a lot of things to say, though i'll get to the point right away. i don't appreciate those kinds of comments, i'm sorry
don't get me wrong, you have every right to dislike aspects of my au. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. i'm aware that some of my takes are perhaps a little out there. i know many of them stray far away from canon. however, i never claimed that i wanted it to stick to canon, quite the opposite in fact
this au, the whole story, is something i do for myself. it's a little comfort space for me, that i decided to share with friends and other people because they showed interest and wanted to me to talk about it. i did not make it with the intention of creating a coherent narrative, or writing something sophisticated that would have a good plot. i'm not good at those things, i won't pretend otherwise. all this is, is just a silly self-indulgent au that means so, so much to me
and so i understand if some people don't vibe with it. that's perfectly fine, it's not for everyone. what i'm not fine with is people telling me how they think i should write the characters or where they think i should take the story, treating it as if the au is meant to cater to them. that is not what you'll find here, i'm sorry. i find comments like "this is a missed potential" to be a bit rude and quite discouraging, especially since i've never done anything like this and so i'm very insecure about it
some parts of this ask come off as a bit passive-aggressive to me, but that could very well be me overthinking. and because i don't like assuming the worst in people, i want to clear some misconceptions i saw here instead
first of all, the au is not built around the idea that pk is innocent. i've stated before that i don't agree with that notion, he has done terrible things and that should not be ignored. the difference here is that i try to make him more nuanced, and i've personally always loved the theme of well-meaning people committing horrible actions in the name of good. that is where i'm going with my interpretation. he tries to do well, he is very emotional and anxious, he wants to make others happy and be loved. and yet he's still responsible for the deaths of so, so many beings that did not deserve that fate. that is not something i want to ignore, it's something that haunts him constantly, and is a huge part of his character, his struggles and his arc in the au
the reason why you rarely see that portrayed in my art is because, like i said, this is something i do for myself. while i enjoy thinking about more emotional aspects of it, i also want to find happiness and comfort in it, and so i prioritize wholesome art, as that is what i find the most comforting. perhaps it is my fault that i'm not clear enough about this, and if so, i'll try to do better
i will be more short and to the point with the next part, as i've answered many asks about this topic in the past. but no, fpk and wl did not separate because of grimm. they did not separate because of a "sitcom tier argument" either. it was a result of their vastly different approaches to dealing with their guilt and shame (among other things about their relationship), and they divorced while still on good terms. this would've happened in the au even without grimm in the picture, so no, i did not just get rid of wl to make space for the ship i like. that was never my intention, even if pale nightmare is my preferred ship
lastly, about the name of the au, i mentioned before that it wasn't a conscious decision to name it that, people simply started calling him "feral pk" and i decided to keep it. for convenience, and because i thought it had a nice ring to it. that being said, it's still accurate to his character in the au. he doesn't simply "drop the feral act" once he reunites with his family, his instincts are a part of him now. throughout the whole story of the au, he is by all accounts "feral". if you had different expectations for this, then i'm afraid that is on you. you are free to explore the idea you had yourself, it sounds interesting. but it's not something i wanted to do
like i said. i don't want to assume that your intentions were to be rude. but i wanted to respond anyway to clear possible misunderstandings, and emphasize that i don't like seeing comments like this. still, i hope you have a good day anon. if you did not mean for me to interpret it like this, then know that i don't hold it against you. we're all here to enjoy ourselves, but some boundaries need to be made, and this is where i set mine. i hope you understand
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
I really love how you’ve developed PK, Lurien, WL and all the other shit (ive been binge-reading all your hcs lol). How do you do it? I’ve been meaning to make better HK ocs by developing them more deeply, so maybe you could offer some tips?
Tbh? I blame it on it being a special interest. I’m a person who is very dependent on highly specific details to write about specific characters, so I need to develop them extensively in order to imagine them in any set scenario, which means that I am thinking about them nearly 24/7. As for HOW I begin to develop them, I do that by gathering all the evidence that we already know from canon to try to give myself a baseline idea of their personality. For example, with Lurien I used a combination of what little we had from canon with a good portion of the cut content, with WL I spent a lot of time analyzing her dialogue, and with PK I used a lot of environmental cues, because we know that he’ll try to cover up his flaws in writing. Once I have a good idea of their personality types and how they react to things (Lurien is reclusive, artistic, and loyal, but he seems to be the thoughtful, careful type, rather than a blind follower, for example, WL is kind but severed from mortal reality, and PK is very logical and cold, but he is avoidant and a coward), I then start to imagine them in different scenarios, and try to figure out how they would react to things, or I try to imagine what past events they might have encountered in order for them to react in such a manner. For PK and WL, I typically use their species as a baseline for this, bc they’re not human-analogous at all, whereas for mortals like Lurien, their species matters less than the culture they were raised in. So that narrows down the routes that they will take if they were to react to new stimuli; for example, chucking Grimm right smack dab into the middle of their bedrooms. Lurien is not a god, and he is reclusive but polite, so he would most likely be alarmed by the intrusion, and then spend a good deal of time trying to politely usher him out before giving up. The White Lady, however, is a god, so she would be rather territorial; she’d just show it in a different manner than her husband, acting coldly and using the environment to her advantage to attempt to get rid of him. Whereas wyrms are not just godkin, but are also aggressively territorial to hell and back, so PK would be all up in Grimm’s face trying to force him to back down, while also trying to force himself to not be an instinct-driven bitch about it
Does that help at all?
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
So you can write and you can draw really well, is there anything you can’t do??? 🥺 also if you’re taking requests I’d love to see some more pale king/white lady! Or Quirrel/Monomon
ksjgbksdfh there’s actually a lot of things I can’t do, like math and talking to people, so dw!! I just spent all my brainpoints on art and writing
I’m not currently taking any requests at the moment, but dw, that’s just because my inbox is currently stuffed full of drabble requests; there’s gonna be plenty PK/WL in the future l m a o (and also just in general bc im love them) 
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
yo aren i got some shit for u 😍 ✋ 🤷
😍 What is your favourite fic trope? 
-WHEN A LOVED ONE IS HURT AND SOMEONE GOES FUCKING FERAL TRYING TO FIX IT. Either they snap or call upon their own powers, or they call upon the powers of one of their gods, seeing them break and their eyes glow with power and the environment around them simmer and change under the force of their rage and anguish as they shift into this animal instinct of ‘destroy what has hurt me, protect what i love’ is the GOOD shit. Especially if it’s from a character who has kept themselves very tightly under control the entire time before this, denying their instincts and who they are, keeping themselves under lock and key despite the wild power within dripping past their restraint (that volcano scene in Promare? PEAK. P E A K!!!!!!!)
✋ What reader or write do you think most deserves a high five?
-I can’t tell what this ask means exactly but if the word ‘write’ is supposed to have one more ‘r’ to it then that is all of my friends, obviously. I probably wouldn’t be so prolific of a writer if it wasn’t for y’alls support
🤷 What thing that your fandom loves do you just not “get”?
-Currently, for Hollow Knight? The idea that the gods of Hallownest worked like mortal bugs in terms of morals, love, etc. I admittedly haven’t read as many fics as I’ve liked, but I find that I’m very picky with the way that the gods are written because oftentimes they lack that sort of otherworldly detachment to them that makes them feel like they’re actual Higher Beings instead of really stuck-up wizards. In the case of WL and PK in particular, I have a hard time finding a balance where they’re both held accountable for their actions and viewed in a sympathetic light, because the idea that they could love their children and yet still have to destroy them for the good of their worshipers is admittedly, understandably hard to grasp for people who don’t deal with shit like that on the regular. I understand that people want to hold them accountable for their actions, but like...they’re gods. They’re unfathomably powerful immortals that don’t even exist in the same realm as their followers half the time. They’re not going to work on the same morals that we do- if you want to punish them for what they’ve done, you have to show them the pain they’ve brought firsthand, or compare them against other gods. You do not judge a lion for killing cubs the same way you’d judge a man for killing children, after all.
I also don’t really get making the original Shadelord separate from Ghost when the Godmaster ending makes it seem pretty clear that they are the new ruler of Void, but that doesn’t really bother me too much, it’s just ‘I read an aspect of canon far differently and thus prefer it as such’. I’d also like to see more pre-fall Radiance content, bc she seems to have been a benevolent ruler and her desire to take over Hallownest again makes a whole lot of sense from her perspective
Send me reader asks!
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