#also need a vent hood on the oven
genuinely need a dishwasher and washing machine in the next place I move, these are chores that I don’t hate when they’re actually easy to accomplish 
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piracytheorist · 19 days
The Forgers' Kitchen
It's very interesting to me to spot small differences between manga and anime in Spy x Family, considering how closely and faithfully the anime adapts the manga. That way, small differences stick out and sometimes I have the need to document them and share with the world!
So in the manga, the kitchen is basically a long room, with an opening on the wall that connects it to the dining area and living room.
The stove is at the far end, with the fridge on the left side.
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Above the stove is a simple ventilation fan, with a cord to turn it on and off. The fridge has separate doors for the main fridge and the freezer. Comparing it to the height of the counters, it looks like it may have a base that makes it higher, judging also by this screenshot here.
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It looks like to the left are the counters, and the red circle is where the fridge is. A quick search for "60s fridges" gave me this
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so it's entirely possible Endo saw something like this that inspired him for the fridge design.
Finally, the sink is across the fridge, right by the opening in the wall.
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A cool design, if you ask me. Washing dishes can be way more pleasant if you're facing a window or open space in general, than facing a wall.
The anime follows the design pretty closely, with two basic differences; the placement of the fridge and stove, as well as the design of the fridge.
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This time, the fridge is at the far end, with the stove on the wall next to it, across the sink which is again facing the opening in the wall. The fridge is also of a different design, being the single-door type, I'm guessing with the freezer being inside it and smaller, like this.
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And a small difference too. This time for ventilation there's a range hood (I hope that's the right word, I actually never had to use that word in English before so I never learned it, haha) instead of a simple vent with a fan.
It looks like the stove has three hobs, while in the manga it has four. It does, after all, only have three switches for the hobs in the manga. Though it has seven switches in the anime, with the one in the center being further from the other ones. That's a little peculiar, since the switches for the hobs would usually be close to each other, with the hobs for the oven a little further away, if there's any distance at all. In both cases, however, they are gas hobs and the stove is quite spacious!
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Almost ridiculously spacious, I'd say XD Look how small Yor looks in front of it, it almost looks like it's two stoves merged together, with a combined oven space!
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A few more details:
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Note the Bondman magnet on the fridge! I do find the placement of the utensils weird, since they're mostly needed during cooking so you'd need them right by the stove. On the left side of this screenshot, behind Loid, you can see another small appliance. Judging from the above anime screenshot, it's missing from the anime. I checked later episodes too, and it's still not there.
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At first I thought it's a microwave since it seems to have a glass window, but it looks too bulky, so I think it may be a countertop dishwasher. After all, the buttons are above the window, where dishwashers usually have them, while in microwaves it's usually next to the window. A quick search shows designs of such dishwashers that include windows to see inside, (though not from the era Spy x Family is inspired from, but I can get behind artistic liberties!).
I'm not super familiar with kitchen designs from that era, but it's certainly interesting to spot all the small details! Reminder that I don't read manga chapters that haven't been animated yet, so please don't spoil me for any further developments!
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rjzimmerman · 4 days
Excerpt from this story from Inside Climate News:
In recent years, gas stoves have been an unlikely front in the nation’s culture wars, occupying space at the center of a debate over public health, consumer protection and the commercial interests of manufacturers. Now, Norton is among the environmental advocates who wonder if a pair of recent developments around the public’s understanding of the harms of gas stoves might be the start of a broader shift to expand the use of electrical ranges.
On Monday, lawmakers in the California Assembly advanced a bill that would require any gas stoves sold in the state to bear a warning label indicating that stoves and ovens in use “can release nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and benzene inside homes at rates that lead to concentrations exceeding the standards of the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and the United States Environmental Protection Agency for outdoor air quality.” 
The label would also note that breathing those pollutants “can exacerbate preexisting respiratory illnesses and increase the risk of developing leukemia and asthma, especially in children. To help reduce the risk of breathing harmful gases, allow ventilation in the area and turn on a vent hood when gas-powered stoves and ranges are in use.”
The measure, which moved the state Senate, could be considered for passage later this year.
“Just running a stove for a few minutes with poor ventilation can lead to indoor concentrations of nitrogen dioxide that exceed the EPA’s air standard for outdoors,” Gail Pellerin, the California assembly member who introduced the bill, said in an interview Wednesday. “You’re sitting there in the house drinking a glass of wine, making dinner, and you’re just inhaling a toxic level of these gases. So, we need a label to make sure people are informed.”
Pellerin’s proposal moved forward in the legislature just days after a group of Stanford researchers announced the findings of a peer-reviewed study that builds on earlier examinations of the public health toll of exposure to nitrogen dioxide pollution from gas and propane stoves.
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bomberqueen17 · 5 months
the home stretch
Went over to the house yesterday morning and Jim was there sawing a hole in the exterior wall.
Not alarming at all once I remembered part of this remodel that i'm really excited about is that we're getting an actual exhaust hood for over the stove. Not one of those ones that goes through a microwave either, a real exhaust hood that goes to the outdoors. (The real ones are mounted 30" above the stove top. Microwave ones have to be lower so you can reach the microwave. i can't stand cooking in such a constrained space like that. No thank you. Keep my microwave separate!)
He had sawed out a big chunk of drywall on the interior too, and replaced it with plywood, which is much sturdier to screw mounting hardware into. At my request, he'd extended the plywood down a couple more inches (it'll be covered by the tile backsplash so it won't even show!) so I can screw a couple of heavy-duty mounting hooks in there and have a place I can hang both my cast-iron skillets when they're not in use. I don't like leaving them on the stove (my mother's approach) or stacking them on a shelf (dude's approach) because one is untidy and the other requires me to lift every piece of cast iron i own at once to access any of them. (I also have a square griddle and a Dutch oven and also a tiny skillet which Dude uses all the time when I'm not around and neither of us uses at all when I am around, because it is very much a Cooking For One mini skillet LOL.)
He paused to show me the deer hunting hut he'd meticulously constructed for himself while he was on Christmas break and then artistically had painted camoflage. ("My friends were like omg how long did that take you? I dunno, I wasn't counting, I had a blast. Had a beer in one hand, spray paint can in the other, I just let it take as long as it took. It's like arts and crafts! Who's keeping track of the time?") It did look great. As he was swiping his finger accidentally slid onto the later bits of the camera roll and it showed me the deer he'd gotten on the last day of hunting season. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you look at that," he said, and then looked at me and laughed, remembering I had told him I work in a slaughterhouse. "Right, you don't mind that kind of thing, but still." It was a nice big doe, cleanly felled, nothing to object to there.
I went and called the appliance company, who'd said they'd deliver my dishwasher and vent hood on new year's eve probably. They seemed confused that I'd called, and then were confused when they discovered that indeed both my items were in stock and should have been delivered. I said I figured the holiday had confused things (genuinely, probably the vent hood had come in on NYE like the salesman had thought it might, but I bet somebody had the day off and they weren't on the ball about calling people) so I just wanted to call and find out if anything needed sorting. They told me they'll call me today to tell me the two-hour delivery window. So I'm getting my dishwasher today! Pumped. It's gonna go into the living room to start with but like, y'know, that's fine.
The counters are going in on Thursday. Hopefully, Jim said, the counter people could do it in the morning, because then he could start on the tile that afternoon.
Ah they've just called, my delivery window for the appliances is 11-1. OK cool.
The plumber can't come until Monday. But then once he's been there I'll have my stove and sink and dishwasher. And, Jim says, that means the final, last little button-up details will be done on Tuesday.
"And then," he said, amused, "I can go back to the regular schedule, because the people who refused to have their houses torn up over the holidays will be clamoring to get the work done now. It's good you didn't mind." Which is precisely why we thought we'd gotten bumped up by two months, but it's funny to hear him so directly confirm it.
"I'm the luckiest person in the world," I said, "with my mother-in-law's house vacant walking distance away for this whole time, so it's been genuinely no trouble at all." And I am. She's coming back on Tuesday, so I figure we'll move back into our house over the weekend, and I'll deep-clean her house and (sighhh) put all the beautiful sewing equipment back where I found it. I won't really miss her fancy modern sewing machine (which she just got and is third-hand and I don't think she knows how to use either) but her old workhorse straight-stitch machine is a beautiful, unfussy beast I've really enjoyed spending time with.
OK i gotta get off my ass and go get the grocery shopping done so I can go sit in my house for the delivery window. I saved plenty of things to do, don't worry. I'm starting to put stuff into the cupboards, made Dude come sit with me over the weekend and give his opinion-- he's been busy at work and has had no attention span but I refuse to take his "idk just put stuff wherever" at face value, he spends more time in this house than me and i will NOT have him after the fact annoyed with how I chose to organize things. So he did give opinions, finally. And I need a few more lazy susans and storage baskets and half-shelf-rack kinda thingies here and there but I'm getting there.
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swampgallows · 2 years
91. I have never seen this question asked before and I am at war with myself over the answer. Please, Swamp. I must know.
91. Best room for a fireplace?
okay i saw this question and i was like... is that even possible. is it truly even possible for a fireplace to be in a room that isn't like the main room of the house? then i realized my parents' fireplace is in the room we call the "den", whereas the one at my sister's is in the living room. to me the fireplace actually determines the function of the room, don't you think? it's not as if the fireplace can be easily relocated or removed, so i'd assume the tenant would have to plan around it, unless they really insisted on their bedroom or bathroom becoming the room with the fireplace...
regardless it makes the most sense for the functionality of the fireplace to be in a "main" room of the house to distribute heat, but also to have access to an exterior wall because it requires a chimney. maybe if you lived alone in a big house you could make whichever room you were in the most the one with the fireplace and use all the other rooms for storage or something. or maybe youre some blueblood with a "study" and want to smoke your pipe in a big velvet chair backlit by the fireplace or dramatically toss wax-sealed letters into it a la dracula.
my perspective is a bit different because i live in california so many fireplaces are actually illegal! i think some building codes prohibit building new homes with fireplaces in certain counties, and woodburning and vent-free gas fireplaces have the highest restrictions, if not being outright banned. so maybe it's possible to install a fireplace somewhere like a bathroom but it's a practice that's unheard of in california. (most rooms also have exterior walls, all of which are required to have windows, for earthquake safety, so just by default any chimney would share an exterior wall.)
now im pondering scenes i've seen in anime where they have that recessed stove deal goin on. does it get hot enough to warrant a chimney? i just looked it up: it's called an irori and it's generally a vent-free charcoal fireplace, usually in the center of main room as a hearth. so theoretically an irori fireplace could be in a room with a kitchen as an adjunct, considering you can heat the kettle there. but i wouldn't call that room "the kitchen". one picture shows an irori at a train station waiting room. hello?
okay apparently there are thru-the-wall chimneys that are built at an angle? but they only appear to serve like a hood for an oven rather than for a fireplace. does the flue need to be built externally or can there genuinely be a whole-ass fireplace with flue and chimney established in an inner room?
this question was put here by big chimney i swear to god
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ineffablehogwash · 1 year
I'd like to vent about my service industry job for a moment, feel free to ignore. I'd put a break if the fucking mobile app would let me, but I can't get it rn, so I'm sorry.
As a preface:
Already having 10+ years food service experience, I slid into this job with practically no training needed, and have now been here for a year, busting my ass and doing far more than I ever should have between prep, cleaning, service, etc. (and just to side-gripe, never gotten any sort of raise or recognition from the men with the money.)
Despite her admittedly having some kind of gross hot takes and political opinions, between going through our late ADHD diagnosis and treatment together and having similar job/general life experiences, I've become decent friends with my current manager. Unfortunately, part of our shared experience is being/having been food service managers for a place with ignorant, stingy, trash-men as owners.
In a commercial kitchen it is a legal requirement here (and in most places) to have a ventilation hood, and is something that a single notification to the local fire marshall would incite immediate closure and steep fines for. There are exceptions to this rule, but that's for places like Smoothie King where they don't even as much as bake cookies in-house.
We are not a Smoothie King.
We utilize a full gas setup for a double frier, flat top grill, stove top range, and two ovens, in a kitchen that may be smaller than some of your living rooms.
When using these kinds of equipment without a functional hood, not only can it raise the temperature to disgustingly, nauseatingly-high temperatures, it also allows for smoke, airborne grease particulates, and toxic fume byproducts building up in the kitchen, and depending on various circumstances and floor plans, creep into customer areas.
Well, my manager and I had noticed and notified the owners starting at least two weeks ago that ours was making a lot of noise that did not seem normal or okay.
We were blown off, mansplained to about 'moisture on the fan belts causing a little noise now and then', and a lot of other bullshit excuses to just ignore it.
This kept going day after day, progressively getting worse every time we turned it on. I could not hear anyone over the noise it was making unless I left the grill side altogether. I feel like this goes without being said, but this makes busy service more difficult than it needs to be.
Yesterday, New Years Eve, the main owner was there while it made more Jurassic Park sound effects and still blew it off while the manager and I both stared at him. I finished my shift out and left.
Later, come time for dinner service, it finally happened.
Here are excerpts from the text conversation I had with the manager:
"The hood motor completely died during dinner tonight. That sound we’ve been hearing was the fan bearings shattering. They’re trying to still do brunch tomorrow. We will close after, stay closed until Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday at the earliest. HAPPY NEW YEAR, enjoy your day (days?) off! 🤡🔫"
..."I've been on and off the phone with them while they tried to rig it with the spare intake motor. The bearings completely destroyed it tho. I said "So no brunch?" and he said we'll still do brunch, just with the door open and a fan. I said "No one should work that grill without a hood, it's illegal for a reason." ..."
"He seemed flabbergasted that we might not want to work without a hood. ..."
"This is the most comical, theatrically written moment of karmic retribution, and they're completely ignoring the bad omen staring them in the face lmao"
Of course it devolved into meme trash:
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So since I have a child to feed and they are the type to opt towards spending thousands of the shop savings on unnecessary music equipment for events that don't pertain to us, but can't use that same pool for preventative equipment maintenance, repairs, or lost wages due to negligence of said maintenance, I went in for my opening shift this morning.
Ending up just being me watching this disrespectful, mansplaining, stoned out of his mind, "I'd vote for Obama again" performative liberal stutter and flounder, arguing with the manager about whether to be open or closed, making very insensitive comments about "needing the money too" and "no one wanting to work anymore" (paraphrasing, and a lot of comments hyper-situational to a few of our individual circumstances) until he broke and called it.
Now we're closed indefinitely because of the holiday timing. 🙃
I'm awaiting the update call from the manager - seems they stayed behind to continue yelling at one another, but she said she wants to help me fix up my resume.
Fuck this place, this job, this industry, and capitalism, and uh, thank you for reading I guess?
Anyway, want some shitty fan art done of your favorite ships or ocs? Proceeds go to this temporarily out-of-work nb parent lol
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six-of-ravens · 1 year
update: I have cleaned up the mess Drunk Cooking Steph left, started the first load in the dishwasher, and emptied out the kitchen (at least, the counters). forgot to eat anything before starting this, so I've allowed myself to order McDonalds for lunch.
haven't even started the actual cleaning yet lmao, I think the order is gonna be:
put oven cleaner in the oven since it has to sit for a while (the can says 15 mins but that is a lie unless your oven is already super clean and mine is...not)
take things out of the cupboards, wipe them down, sort things and get rid of anything expired or that isn't being used, replace everything that's staying
repeat with drawers
repeat with fridge
scrub hood vent, stove, and wall beside the stove that gets greasy and brings me much rage
wipe down tile backsplash + fronts of cabinets
wipe down counters + try and get the stains off of them
put things back on the counters, clean anything that needs to be cleaned (ie the coffee maker and microwave)
potentially scrub greasy spice jars/canisters that live near the stove (but also by this point maybe don't bc tired)
bake bread bc I didn't buy it bc I said I was gonna bake it and I haven't yet and I need it probably make a mess in the shiny clean kitchen
???? profit (cook french onion soup and take a nap and have a semi-delirious call w my aunt bc tired)
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bbqbills2 · 2 months
BBQ Bill's carry's the must-have outdoor kitchen components and cooking accessories you need to create the ultimate cooking space, entertain guests, and provide above-average creature comforts. From wood-fired pizza ovens to specialized fridges that keep refreshments chilled, here are 20 outdoor kitchen accessories and appliances for cooking and entertaining in your backyard space. As you create an outdoor kitchen with a grilling station, you need some essential accessories and appliances.
Outdoor Grills
BBQ Bill's is proud to carry a full line of portable, freestanding, built-in or BBQ island outdoor gas, propane, wood pellet, charcoal, smoker or electric grills, ovens & cookers from Aspire, Blaze, Bonfire, Coyote, DCS, Delta Heat, Gozney, Green Mountain, Hestan, Lynx, Memphis, Summerset, Twin Eagle, Viking, Wolf. BBQ Island components can include Access Doors, Storage Drawers, Trash Components, Beverage Centers & more!
Outdoor Ovens
BBQ Bills is proud to carry a full line of outdoor wood-fired, propane gas, stone or brick pizza ovens from some of the most trusted brands like Gozney, Alfa, Woodstone, Fontana Forni, Coyote, Lynx, Alfresco, Summerset & Amore. Portable outdoor pizza ovens means the best NYC style pizza in your backyard or beyond.
Outdoor Refrigerators
Beverage centers can be installed in a BBQ grill island, or as a freestanding fridge. Wine Coolers - A step up from a compact fridge, a wine cooler can keep bottles from your favorite vintner chilled to a precise temperature. Kegerators - If craft beer is more your style, a kegerator can keep your favorite brews on draft.
Outdoor Smokers
BBQ Bill's is proud to carry a full line of propane, pellet, charcoal and electric smoker grills for the backyard, professional and commercial use from top brands like Coyote, Memphis, Pit Boss, Green Mountain Grills, Primo & Kamado. With BBQ smokers, you can grill, air fry, roast, bake, broil, and dehydrate with authentic smoky flavors.
Outdoor Fire & Water
We are specialists in creating stylish and functional patio and indoor-outdoor fire and water features for pools, patios and backyards. Fire feature ideas include fire pits, fire bowls, fire bars, fire tables, fireplaces, chimneys, fire burners, fire pans with lava rock, fire glass and fire rocks.
Outdoor Ice Makers
Ice makers and Ice bins are a convenient outdoor kitchen accessory. Never run out of ice at a party ever again! An ice machine is designed to work outdoors and withstand elements such as rain, snow, and extreme temperatures.
Access Doors
Outdoor access doors provide a way to access your built-in gas grill, side burner, or sink. It also makes for easy outdoor kitchen storage.
Storage Drawers
We have a vast selection of stainless steel doors and access drawers help you hide trash cans and propane tanks, and don't forget to add vent panels.
Warming Drawers
Outdoor Warming Drawers with Adaptable range—temperature settings from 90° to 220°F, to keep breads warm or poultry piping hot. Precision control. To keep all of the elements of your outdoor meal warm and ready.
Vent Hoods/Panels
If your grill is installed under a covered patio, beneath an overhang or in a tightly enclosed space with limited airflow, add a vent hood or vent panel for proper gas venting.
Trash Bin or Trash Compactor
It seems like a no-brainer, but a quality trash can secures food waste from critters and keeps odors to a minimum.
Grill Accessories
Don't forget to grab all the extra grill accessories you might need. Consider options such as a grill cover, drip pans, brushes and heavy-duty utensils.
What are the best grill accessories? The first accessory you’ll commonly see is a rotisserie attachment. Another contender for best grill accessories is the smoker box. So, what are the best grill accessories? Well… You’ll just have to watch the video to find out!
Patio Covers
Make your outdoor kitchen areas really pop with custom and luxury 4K patio covers, louvered patio covers and alumawood patio covers. Patio covers provide strong protection from the sun and weather, so you can spend time outdoors year round.
Fire & Water Effects
Custom outdoor fire pits differ widely in size, weight and price from top brands like The Outdoor GreatRoom & Prisim HardScapes. You can find inexpensive models and high-performance pits with extras like a cooking grate so you can make your dinner in your backyard over the embers in a fire pit instead of the kitchen. 
Outdoor fireplaces, vent free fireplaces, fireplace inserts are ideal solutions for those that love to entertain, a perfect cetrepiece for relaxation and a functional piece for added patio convenience. Nothing beats the cozy ambiance an outdoor brick or stone fireplace can bring to your outdoor kitchen, patio or deck. 
Poolside Accessories
Ledge Loungers has In-Pool Pool Floats Outdoor Umbrellas  At Ledge, we believe life’s most meaningful moments happen outdoors. That’s why we aim to help you transform your pool, patio, and beyond to turn your outdoor moments into lasting memories. We design products that encourage people to go outside because outdoor living inspires life’s most meaningful moments.
Kitchen Parts
Kitchen Parts can be ordered for all brands including replacement Drawer Kits, Insulated Jacket, Trim Kit, Umbrella Hole, Vent Panel, Wind Guards
Cooking Utensils
Cooking Utensils can be ordered for all brands including Cookware, Drinkware, Tableware, Coolers, Utensils
Outdoor Living Store in Las Vegas
For more than 30 years, outdoor barbecues and kitchen solutions have been the name of the game at BBQ Bill’s. We are your premier barbecue store in Las Vegas, NV, that can help you create the ideal outdoor cooking and living space based on your style and budget.
We design and install custom outdoor kitchens, BBQ island kitchen, fire features, fire bars, fireplaces, fire pits, fire grills, fire rings, pizza ovens, BBQ grills, griddles, smokers, cookers, rotisserie, refrigerators, heaters, sinks, patio covers, outdoor accessories and build as construction contractors.
Our experienced barbecue experts will create a masterpiece that perfectly matches your vision for function and beauty. We have access to thousands of quality items and install only superior-quality products from some of the best names in the business, including Alfa, Alfresco, Amore, Aspire, Blaze, Bonfire, Coyote, DCS, Delta Heat, Fontana Forni, Gozney, Green Mountain, Hestan, Lynx, Memphis, Pit Boss, Summerset, Twin Eagle, Viking, Wolf.  
We service Las Vegas, Henderson, Mesquite, North Las Vegas, Blue Diamond, Enterprise, Goodsprings, Moapa Valley, Mount Charleston, Nelson, Paradise, Spring Valley, Summerlin South, Sunrise Manor, Whitney, Winchester, Arden, Jean, Logandale, Overton, Primm, Sloan, Vegas Creek, Boulder City, and Pahrump. Contact us today to let us help you build the outdoor barbecue and kitchen space of your dreams.
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Equipped with Safety Features to Prevent Accidents
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The compact design of ovens aims to optimise space utilisation while still delivering reliable performance and functionality in demanding kitchen environments. The heat distribution in ovens can vary depending on the type of oven, its design and its intended to use for ovens, it also use a fan to circulate hot air evenly throughout the oven cavity. This results in more uniform heat distribution compared to conventional ovens, where hot air tends to rise to the top of the oven creating hot spots as convection ovens are commonly used in commercial kitchens for baking and roasting. Deck ovens have a flat cooking surface typically made of stone or metal as heat is transferred directly to the food from the cooking surface resulting in even heat distribution from the bottom up. Compact ovens often feature energy-efficient designs to minimise energy consumption and operating costs which may include improved insulation, energy-saving cooking modes and programmable controls. Ensuring the safe delivery performance of kitchen oven involves several considerations from the manufacturing process to installation, operation and maintenance.
Combination ovens are versatile and can be used for a wide range of cooking applications as rack ovens feature multiple racks or trays that can be loaded with food items with heat is evenly distributed throughout the oven cavity. Regularly cleaning and maintaining the oven can help optimise its performance and ensure uniform heat distribution over time with compact design in kitchen oven is essential. The precise temperature management to these ovens combine different cooking methods such as convection, steam and microwave cooking to provide precise control over heat distribution and cooking conditions. Allowing for simultaneous cooking of multiple items and regardless of the type of oven, it's important to properly preheat the oven to ensure even heat distribution and consistent cooking results. These ovens feature rotating spits that evenly cook food by exposing all sides to the heat source as rotisserie ovens are commonly used for cooking meats, poultry, and vegetables. This makes deck ovens well-suited for baking bread, pizza and other baked goods as many compact kitchen oven are designed to perform multiple cooking functions. From baking, roasting, grilling and steaming eliminating the need for separate equipment for each cooking task.
Making them suitable for installation in locations where venting is impractical or not allowed and these compact ovens utilise advanced ventilation technology to capture and filter cooking fumes and grease. The modular design allows for greater flexibility in adapting the oven to the available space as manufacturers incorporate various space-saving features into the design of compact kitchen oven. As fold-down doors, retractable shelves and built-in storage compartments for accessories while ventless ovens do not require a traditional hood ventilation system. Maximising kitchen space efficiency especially in busy commercial kitchens where every inch counts many ovens are designed to sit on countertops saving valuable floor space. Allowing operators to utilise vertical space effectively as the stacking capability is particularly useful in kitchens with low ceilings or limited floor space. Modular ovens consist of separate components that can be configured and arranged according to the kitchen's layout and needs. These compact models are often used in small cafes, food trucks or catering operations where space is limited as some kitchen oven are designed to be stacked on top of each other.
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The Ultimate Guide to Oven Cleaning: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
Oven cleaning is one of those household tasks that many of us dread, but it's a necessary chore to keep our kitchens clean and our meals tasting delicious. Whether you're a seasoned home cook or a novice in the kitchen, maintaining a clean oven is essential for optimal cooking performance and food safety. In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the world of oven cleaning, offering tips, tricks, and techniques to help you achieve sparkling results with minimal effort.
Let's start by discussing why oven cleaning is so important. Over time, grease, food residues, and baked-on grime can accumulate inside your oven, not only affecting its appearance but also impacting its performance and efficiency. According to a study by NSF International, dirty ovens can harbor harmful bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli, posing a risk to food safety and hygiene. Regular oven cleaning not only ensures that your meals are cooked in a clean environment but also extends the lifespan of your appliance and prevents unpleasant odors and smoke buildup.
Now, let's explore some common oven cleaning methods and techniques. One popular method is using commercial oven cleaners, which are formulated to dissolve grease and grime and make it easier to wipe away. These cleaners often contain powerful chemicals, so it's essential to follow safety precautions and use them in a well-ventilated area. Alternatively, you can opt for natural oven cleaning solutions such as baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice, which are effective at breaking down stubborn stains and odors without harsh chemicals.
When it comes to cleaning the oven racks and trays, soaking them in a solution of warm water and dish soap can help loosen baked-on grime and make them easier to clean. For stubborn stains, you can use a paste made from baking soda and water or a commercial oven cleaner specifically formulated for racks and trays. Scrubbing with a non-abrasive sponge or brush will help remove dirt and residue without scratching the surfaces.
For those hard-to-reach areas such as the oven door and hinges, a toothbrush or small brush can be useful for scrubbing away grime and debris. Pay attention to the oven seal or gasket, as this area can trap food particles and grease, leading to odors and poor oven performance. Wiping the seal with a damp cloth or sponge will help keep it clean and prevent buildup.
In addition to regular cleaning, it's essential to perform maintenance tasks such as checking and replacing the oven light bulb, cleaning the oven vent or hood, and inspecting the door seal for signs of wear or damage. These simple tasks can help ensure your oven continues to operate safely and efficiently for years to come.
Now, let's address some common misconceptions about oven cleaning. One myth is that self-cleaning ovens eliminate the need for manual cleaning. While self-cleaning ovens use high temperatures to burn off food residues, they may not remove all stains and grime, and the process can produce smoke and unpleasant odors. Manual cleaning is still necessary to ensure your oven is thoroughly clean and free from residue.
Another misconception is that oven cleaning is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task. While deep cleaning your oven may take some time and effort, regular maintenance and spot cleaning can help prevent the need for intensive cleaning sessions. By incorporating oven cleaning into your regular cleaning routine and addressing spills and stains promptly, you can keep your oven looking and performing its best with minimal hassle.
In conclusion, oven cleaning is an essential aspect of maintaining a clean and hygienic kitchen environment. Whether you opt for commercial cleaners, natural solutions, or DIY methods, regular cleaning and maintenance are key to preserving the performance and longevity of your oven. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can achieve sparkling results with minimal effort and enjoy cooking delicious meals in a clean and healthy environment.
Find out more: https://www.greaselightningovencleaning.co.uk/oven-cleaning/rg/oven-cleaning-reading/
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Express Appliance Repair Inc. Your Trusted Appliance Repair Experts in Toronto
When it comes to appliance repair and installation in Toronto, there's one name you can always rely on - Express Appliance Repair Inc. Located at 2501 Steeles Ave W #2a, North York, ON M3J 2P1, Canada, our team of dedicated professionals is here to make your life easier by ensuring your appliances run smoothly.
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Fridge Repair and Installation:
Is your refrigerator acting up? Don't let your groceries go to waste. At Express Appliance Repair Inc., we specialize in fridge repair, ensuring that your food stays fresh and your fridge works efficiently. Our expert technicians are skilled at diagnosing and fixing a wide range of refrigerator issues. Whether it's a temperature problem, a malfunctioning compressor, or any other issue, we've got you covered.
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Additionally, if you're looking to install a new fridge or replace your existing one, we offer professional installation services. We'll make sure your fridge is correctly set up and ready to keep your food cool.
Dishwasher Repair and Installation:
A malfunctioning dishwasher can be a real hassle, especially when you're dealing with piles of dirty dishes. We offer top-notch dishwasher repair services to ensure your kitchen is running smoothly. Our skilled technicians are experienced in troubleshooting and repairing a variety of dishwasher issues. From clogged drains to electrical problems, we can handle it all.
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If you're in the market for a new dishwasher, our installation services will make sure it's set up correctly and ready to tackle your dishwashing needs.
Washer Repair and Washer Hookup:
Laundry day is no one's favorite, and a broken washer can make it even more of a chore. At Express Appliance Repair Inc., we specialize in washer repair, fixing issues such as leaks, excessive noise, and spinning problems. Our team will get your washing machine back in working order so you can enjoy clean, fresh clothes once again.
If you need a new washer installed or a washer hookup service, our technicians have the expertise to ensure everything is properly connected and ready to serve your laundry needs.
Dryer Repair, Installation, and Dryer Hookup:
A malfunctioning dryer can put a damper on your laundry routine. Our dryer repair services cover a wide range of issues, from temperature problems to faulty motors. We'll have your dryer up and running, so you can enjoy soft, dry clothes in no time.
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If you're looking to install a new dryer or need a hookup service, we're here to help. We ensure that your dryer is properly connected and vented to avoid any potential hazards.
Oven Repair and Installation:
A broken oven can disrupt your cooking plans. At Express Appliance Repair Inc., we specialize in oven repair, resolving issues like temperature irregularities and faulty heating elements. We'll have your oven working like new, so you can enjoy home-cooked meals again.
If you're in need of a new oven installation or wish to upgrade your kitchen, we also provide oven in-cabinet installation and oven hood installation services. Our experts ensure that your new appliance fits seamlessly into your kitchen.
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Built-In Microwave Installation:
For those seeking to enhance their kitchen with a built-in microwave, we offer professional installation services. Our team will ensure your new microwave is securely and neatly integrated into your kitchen cabinetry, combining convenience and aesthetics.Stove Repair and Cooktop Installation:A malfunctioning stove can disrupt your meal preparation. Our stove repair services cover a variety of issues, from burner problems to electrical faults. We'll restore your stove to proper working order so you can cook without worry.
Name: EXPRESS APPLIANCE REPAIR INC. Address : 2501 Steeles Ave W #2a, North York, ON M3J 2P1,Canada Phone :    +16474927773
Express Appliance Repair Inc. we understand the importance of functional appliances in your daily life. Our skilled technicians are committed to providing top-quality repair and installation services, ensuring your appliances run smoothly and efficiently. We take pride in serving Toronto residents, offering a helping hand when you need it most. For any of your appliance repair and installation needs, contact Express Appliance Repair Inc. today. We are your trusted partner in keeping your appliances in top-notch condition, making your life more comfortable and convenient.
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Step-by-Step Move In Cleaning Checklist for New Homeowners
Moving into a new home is an exciting adventure, but it can also be a daunting task, particularly when it comes to cleaning. Whether you're moving into a brand-new build or a previously-owned property, a thorough move-in cleaning is essential to ensure a fresh start in your new space. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through a move-in cleaning checklist to help you make your new house feel like a home from day one.
Gather Your Cleaning Supplies
The first step in your move-in cleaning journey is to gather all the necessary cleaning supplies. Here's a list of items you'll need:
- Cleaning solutions: Multi-purpose cleaner, glass cleaner, and floor cleaner.
- Cleaning tools: Broom, mop, vacuum cleaner, dustpan and brush, and microfiber cloths.
- Trash bags: Be prepared to dispose of any trash or items left behind.
- Gloves: Protect your hands while cleaning.
- Cleaning brushes: Toothbrush-sized brushes for detailed cleaning.
- Step ladder: For those hard-to-reach spots.
- Mildew and mould cleaner: Essential for bathroom and kitchen areas.
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Create a Room-By-Room Plan
The key to a successful move-in cleaning is organisation. Start by creating a room-by-room cleaning plan. This approach will help you stay focused and ensure no corner of your new home is left untouched.
1. The Kitchen
1. Empty and clean the refrigerator: Remove any food, shelves, and drawers. Clean the interior thoroughly and wipe down the exterior.
2. Clean the oven and stove: Degrease and scrub the oven and stovetop. Don't forget to clean the exhaust hood.
3. Wipe down cabinets and countertops: Use a multi-purpose cleaner to clean all surfaces.
4. Sanitise the sink: Disinfect the sink and faucet.
5. Clean the dishwasher: Run an empty cycle to remove any residual soap and dirt.
2. The Bathroom
1. Clean the toilet: Use a toilet cleaner and brush to scrub the bowl and disinfect the seat.
2. Scrub the bathtub and shower: Remove any mould or mildew.
3. Clean the sink and mirrors: Use glass cleaner for a streak-free shine.
4. Wipe down cabinets and surfaces: Ensure all bathroom surfaces are clean and free from any residue.
3. The Living Room and Bedrooms
1. Dust all surfaces: Use microfiber cloths to dust shelves, baseboards, and any other surfaces.
2. Vacuum or mop the floors: Depending on your floor type, ensure it's clean and free from debris.
3. Clean windows and mirrors: Use glass cleaner for a clear, streak-free finish.
4. The Laundry Room
1. Clean appliances: If your new home has a laundry room, clean the washing machine and dryer.
2. Wipe down shelves and cabinets: Ensure all surfaces are clean and ready for use.
Don't Forget About Safety
Safety should be a priority when moving into a new home. Before you start cleaning, ensure you've checked the following:
- Smoke detectors: Test and replace batteries if necessary.
- Carbon monoxide detectors: Ensure they are functioning properly.
- Fire extinguisher: Check its location and make sure it's operational.
Tackle Hidden Dirt and Dust
In a new home, dirt and dust can accumulate in unexpected places. Here are some areas often overlooked during move-in cleaning:
- Light fixtures: Remove covers and clean any dust or dirt inside.
- Vents and air ducts: Vacuum or wipe clean.
- Curtain rods and blinds: Dust or wash, depending on their material.
- Behind and under appliances: Don't forget to clean behind the refrigerator, oven, and washing machine.
Move-In Cleaning Kellyville: A Local Perspective
For those moving into the picturesque suburb of Kellyville, a thorough move-in cleaning is essential. Kellyville's charm is undeniable, but your new home should reflect that charm from the moment you step inside.
Move in cleaning in Kellyville ensures that you not only enjoy the breathtaking scenery but also the cleanliness and freshness of your new space. From the stunning landscapes to the local amenities, Kellyville is a place that deserves a clean and welcoming home.
A move-in cleaning checklist is your roadmap to transforming your new house into a comfortable and hygienic home. By following these steps and paying attention to every detail, you can ensure that your new home in Kellyville, or any other location, is a space where you and your family can thrive. Start your journey in your new home with a clean slate and a fresh beginning.
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charliesplumbing · 8 months
A Guide to Proper Maintenance in Commercial Kitchens
In the heart of every successful food service establishment, from the bustling kitchens of restaurants to the behind-the-scenes operations of hotels and catering businesses, lies an essential hub where culinary magic unfolds: the commercial kitchen. This dynamic space is where ingredients are transformed into delectable dishes, where creativity meets precision, and where the demands of gastronomy are met with finesse. But beyond the sizzle of pans and the aromatic symphony, lies an equally crucial aspect that ensures the seamless functioning of this culinary symposium - proper maintenance. Below are some key aspects of maintaining a commercial kitchen. 
Regular Cleaning Routine
Establish a clear cleaning schedule that designates specific tasks to different shifts or days of the week. This can include wiping down countertops, cleaning grills, deep-cleaning ovens, and sanitising cutting boards. Pay special attention to high-touch areas like door handles, light switches, and faucets. Use appropriate cleaning agents and ensure staff are trained in proper cleaning techniques.
Equipment Maintenance
Create a maintenance calendar that outlines when each piece of equipment should be inspected, serviced, and cleaned. Regularly check for signs of wear such as frayed cords, rust, or unusual noises. Keep track of when filters, gaskets, and other components need replacement. Train kitchen staff to use equipment properly to prevent unnecessary stress on machinery.
Ventilation and Air Quality
Inspect exhaust hoods and ducts for grease buildup regularly, aiming for monthly or quarterly cleaning depending on usage intensity. Clean or replace filters as needed. Test the effectiveness of ventilation systems by checking for lingering odours or excessive heat. Proper air quality enhances the comfort of the kitchen staff and maintains a more pleasant dining environment.
Plumbing and Drainage
Educate staff about proper disposal practices to prevent the introduction of grease and food particles into drainage systems. Implement a routine of snaking and flushing drains to prevent clogs. Regularly inspect plumbing for leaks and address any issues promptly to prevent water damage. Better yet, seek the help of your trusted local plumber Brisbane North professional.
Food Safety and Storage
Train staff to follow food safety guidelines, including proper temperature control, cross-contamination prevention, and hand hygiene. Ensure that refrigeration units have consistent temperatures to prevent food spoilage. Use colour-coded containers and labels to easily identify different types of food and their expiration dates.
Flooring and Safety Measures
Invest in slip-resistant flooring and promptly repair any damaged sections. Create a cleaning protocol for spills to prevent accidents. Place anti-fatigue mats in areas where staff stand for extended periods to reduce strain and enhance comfort.
Pest Control
Develop a pest control plan with the help of professionals, focusing on prevention rather than reaction. Seal entry points such as gaps around pipes and vents. Maintain a clean environment by promptly disposing of trash and storing food in pest-proof containers. Regularly monitor for signs of pests and take immediate action if any are detected.
Staff Training
Conduct regular training sessions on various aspects of kitchen maintenance and safety. Provide clear guidelines for cleaning procedures and equipment handling. Encourage staff to report any maintenance issues they encounter promptly. Foster a sense of pride in maintaining a clean and organised kitchen environment.
Record Keeping
Use digital tools or physical logs to document maintenance activities, repairs, and cleaning schedules. This information can aid in tracking trends and patterns, enabling you to make informed decisions about equipment replacement or upgrades. It also demonstrates compliance with regulations during inspections.
By paying attention to these elaborate details and consistently implementing them in your commercial kitchen, you create an environment that operates smoothly, upholds high standards of hygiene, and ensures the safety and satisfaction of both staff and customers. Proper maintenance is an investment that pays off in the long run by preventing costly breakdowns, health code violations, and reputation damage.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 9 months
6 Vital Components Every Kitchen Should Have
A kitchen is one of the most important rooms of your home and where you likely spend a tremendous amount of time, especially if you are passionate about cooking or if you also eat your meals in your kitchen.
 What Is a Kitchen? 
A kitchen's most important feature is being a place to prepare and cook food, possibly eat it too. It is also where food is stored and where the dishes that had been used while cooking and eating are cleaned.
Also note the differences between a kitchen and a kitchenette. The latter is not only smaller, but it also tends to contain much smaller versions of similar items that are usually found in a kitchen, such as a mini-fridge and a hot plate.
6 Vital Components of a Kitchen
Here are six of the vital components that every kitchen should have.
 Multiple Cutting Boards
Whether you use plastic or wood cutting boards depends on a number of factors. For example, wood ones tend to be durable while plastic cutting boards are usually more affordable.
Regardless, it is important to get multiple ones, at least two. That is because you should cut fruits and vegetables on a different one than what is used to cut meat. The most important reason why is that you do not want to transfer any pathogens from the meat being cut into the salad that you are also preparing.
Make sure to regularly wash your cutting boards and replace them once they begin to wear.
 Oven Mitts and Pot Holders
You must protect yourself when taking hot trays and pots out of the oven or off of burners on your stove if they do not have safe handles to grab. That is where oven mitts and pot holders come in.
It is possible to get specialized ones that, for example, have five fingers or feature a non-slip silicon option. Also consider getting oven mitts that are especially long. Ones that exceed a foot in length can ensure that your forearms are protected from any heat exposure as well as your hands.
 Stainless Steel Colander 
A colander is essential, particularly if you regularly cook pasta or any other food that needs to be drained of its water before being served. It also allows you to easily rinse off your fruits and vegetables prior to preparing them.
If you get an expandable one, it could be held in place over your sink to help ease this process.
Note that stainless steel colanders are preferred by many for numerous reasons. For example, plastic ones can melt if they are exposed to too much heat, and oil can be difficult to eradicate from cylinder colanders.
 Vent Hood
You want to ensure that the air quality in your kitchen is as high as possible, and this can be best assured with the use of a vent hood. It protects you from the carcinogens and irritants that cooking can cause. A vent hood also helps remove carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde from your kitchen's air flow. Conversely, if you do not have a vent hood, those will linger in the air and expand into other rooms.
A vent hood will also help keep grease and related residues from sticking to your floor, walls and cabinets.
 Kitchen Timer 
It is important to have a timer to ensure that the delicious food that you are cooking does not end up being overcooked or, for that matter, undercooked. Many recommend getting one that can offer multiple timers simultaneously. That way you can keep track of numerous things that you are cooking, ensuring that they are all removed from the heat or receive hotter or cooler temperatures at the correct times.
Also make sure to get a timer that is designed for kitchen use in that it is protected from messes.
 Electricity and Ample Lighting
In today’s time, 9 out of 10 kitchens will have direct access to electricity, unless powered by some alternative energy source such as hydro, solar, etc. The general electric part is moreso a worry that must be addressed by those building their own homes, in which they need to hire an experienced electric contractor or electrician to help them in setting up and distributing chords, wires and other parts.
Lighting is another no brainer when it comes to your kitchen. Although some areas of your home may be enhanced with darker lighting, that design strategy does not work nearly as well in the kitchen. Here, you want to have access to ample lighting that illuminates every area of the room, ensuring that you can find what you need and that you experience no issues doing cooking-related activities, such as measuring, mixing and cutting.
Of course, you can also offer mood lighting here, which you may want if you also eat in your kitchen. Just ensure that bright light is available for use as well.
 Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Freedom Electric
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I need to move out for so many reasons but I also just need to vent in a specific way right now. Just skip over this it's bullshit.
So the tub faucet gets fixed. I LIKE BOILING WATER ON THE STOVE TO HAVE A HALF WAY HOT BATH. So sure everyone else does! So what? The sink downstairs that the washer drains into will still be clogged and you're still stuck waiting on a laundromat to do clothes because why would you get that fixed literally a year and a half ago when that happened.
Not that you can even see what's going on in the bathroom after dark because the lighting has been broken for years. Who needs a light switch when you can just use a rechargeable lantern for that entire half of the house. Because the bathroom main light, mirror light, the hall light, the main living room light, the hall light leading to the attic the main kitchen light, the main basement light, and my bedroom main light just doesn't work anymore and hasn't for years. And that's just fine!!
Who needs functioning wiring? Not most of this house! If we just don't turn it on then it's not a problem!
If we ignore it it doesn't exist just like the black mold growing in every corner of this death pit!
Sure the fridge is way beyond it's lifespan and a little scary but if it's still cold we can still use it! A stove with one working burner is still a perfectly functioning stove! The oven works just fine. This house was not built with an exhaust hood for the stove? Eh, that's fine we'll just let the gross shit collect on the ceiling.
Everything is completely fine and I've totally not been losing my mind slowly over the past 20 years in this inescapable hoarder house.
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prokitchendeals · 1 year
Ultimate Guide To Finding The Best Range Hoods For Chinese Cooking
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A range hood is a vital kitchen appliance that helps to remove smoke, steam, and odors from the air while cooking. Chinese cooking often involves high heat and lots of steam, so a good range hood is essential for keeping your kitchen air fresh and free of grease and grime.
There are two main types of range hoods: ducted and ductless. Ducted Best Chinese Kitchen Hood are connected to an external venting system that directs fumes outside of your home. Ductless range hoods have an internal fan that filters and recirculates air back into your kitchen.
When choosing a range hood for your Chinese cooking needs, it’s important to consider the size of your stovetop and the power of the fan. For example, if you have a wok burner or other high-heat cooking surface, you’ll need a range hood with at least 350 CFM (cubic feet per minute) of suction power.
In addition to removing smoke and odors, range hoods can also help to keep your kitchen cooler by circulating fresh air. This is especially important in hot summer months when cooking with high heat can make your kitchen feel like an oven.
So whether you’re looking to improve the air quality in your kitchen or simply want to keep cool while cooking up a storm, investing in a good range hood is a wise decision.
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