#also look up the 270 reacts those kicks are fly
clericbyers · 5 years
okay but present day byler listening to chasing cars together and laying on wills bed and that’s where mike realizes he loves him
“I made a new playlist if you’re down to listen,” Will points out one day while he and Mike are lazing about outside on the porch. Mike’s kicking his Vans through the dirt before him and coughing out the dust that catches in his throat.
“Yeah, sure,” he wheezes out, “you always have the best song order in your lists than anyone else.”
Will laughs. “You only like my ordering because your favorite songs are almost always first.”
“You know me too well.” Mike grins up at his friend and feels his heart do that funny flip thing it’s been practicing recently. If recently could be at least the past five years or so, sure.
Mike kicks dirt again and climbs fully to his feet. “You know you’re lucky Lucas isn’t here and you’re wearing just Vans.”
“Why’s that?”
“He’d murder you for kicking your feet around with Air Maxs on, especially the 270 React.”
Mike sticks out his tongue playfully, which makes Will roll his eyes before motioning for Mike to follow him inside. It’s just them today; Joyce is out working, Hopper is at the station, Jonathan got hired to take photos all day for some Instagram influencer in Indianapolis, and Elle is out with her girlfriend Max in the city. Mike always feels a little nervous being alone with Will these days. It’s mostly anxiety in his head brought by silly daydreams of maybe holding his best friend’s hand as they sit on the porch, or of kissing him every time they see each other, small pecks and long hungry kisses that each encapsulate everything he’s wanted for a long time.
Mike often wonders if he’s projecting in some fashion, taking out all his gay feels and pressing them on Will since they’re the closest in the Party. It’s no secret where Mike’s interests lie (if the rainbow pin he wore everywhere didn’t broadcast it enough, the rainbow flag in his room was a big, well, flag. Plus, Mike almost always referred to himself as the secondary gay in town, only second to Will), but absolutely no one knows how he feels about Will. Mike’s not even sure either and that’s the worst part.
If he can get a handle on what exactly all his thoughts toward Will mean, if he’s sure he’s not taking out his celebrity crush on Jake Gyllenhaal on Will, then maybe something could be done.
Will plops down onto his bed and starts scrolling through his phone. Mike stands in the doorway for a second longer, watching Will’s fingers grip the sides of his phone before one hand reaches up to brush freshly cut bangs from his head. Mike’s heart catches on a beat and gets lost in the rhythm of Mike’s turbulent emotions.
“Aren’t you gonna sit down?” Will asks with a small chuckle. “I don’t bite.”
“Oh good,” shoots back Mike as he makes his way to Will. “I thought you were a cannibal.”
Will leans over and nips lightly at Mike’s bare arm. His tongue dances across Mike’s skin for just a moment and Mike’s face turns vibrant pink. Will though makes a face and pulls away with a groan. “If I was a cannibal, I wouldn’t eat you.”
“Am I too stringy?”
Will shrugs. “If I ate you then I wouldn’t be able to hang with you every day. I can hold off the temptation for eternity as long as you’re still here.” Mike is going to combust. “Plus, you taste gross.”
“Haha.” The curly haired boy tightens the scrunchie holding his hair back in a loose ponytail—courtesy of Elle—before laying down beside Will. “C’mon, let’s listen to this playlist of yours.”
Will turns on his Bluetooth speaker and then starts up the music. He settles in next to Mike and they both stare into each other’s eyes until Will starts giggling and then closes his eyes as he hums along to the music. They both alternate between humming and singing along, butchering lyrics on purpose and Mike belting out whatever he can when Mr. Brightside and 19-2000 plays.
“Oh,” Will perks when an unfamiliar guitar riff starts playing. “This is the last song; I found it recently. I think you’ll like it.”
Mike opens his eyes and clears out his head enough to take a listen.
We’ll do it all; everything, on our own.
“The melody is nice,” he replies somewhat distractedly. The calmness of this opening has him a little by the throat, and he’s anticipating a rise in energy once the drums start but he still takes in the simplistic instrumentation this far in.
We don’t need; anything, or anyone.
Fair enough.
If I lay here, and Mike snorts to himself given he and Will are just laying around themselves, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Mike feels his throat clench at that. That hits a little too close to home. He chances a glance at Will, who has his eyes closed and oh, oh, there goes Mike’s heart again doing those dumb cartwheels in his chest because Will looks so content and happy being here with Mike.
I don’t quite know; how to say, how I feel.
Mike feels the bottom drop out his stomach. Fuck.
Those three words are said too much; they’re not enough.
Those three words…those three words. Oh. Yeah. Mike stares up at the ceiling and takes in a deep breath. Yeah, it’s—it’s not enough is it? Not really. Will knows Mike loves him, everyone knows Mike loves his friends but this…emotion that consumes Mike unwillingly when Will just glances at him? Those three words really aren’t enough after all.
If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Will fidgets and peaks open an eye before sending Mike a sleepy smile.
Forget what we’re told, before we get too old.
Mike thinks back to their younger years, when all the adults in town admonished him for being so close to Will, for daring to show interest in other boys outside of friendship. How they told him he couldn’t like boys, that it was wrong and evil even now in this century despite what big city life promoted. So he came out in 8th grade, wore rainbow pins and socks and anything he could, went with Nancy into the big city to buy a pride flag in 9th grade, went to prom with his (very short term) boyfriend in 10th grade, and promptly ignored everything he had been taught before about it being wrong to like who he liked.
He won’t grow old enough to be unable to escape the rhetoric. None of the Party will.
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life.
Will opens his other eye and scoots in just a bit closer. Mike can feel the heat from his leg even though they aren’t touching at this distance. He thinks he might passing out if he can’t get his breath back.
Let’s waste time chasing cars around our heads.
Mike feels a little fuzzy now, almost punch drunk from Will’s closeness. He scoots in too, turns on his side to face Will a little better. Will turns as well and now they lie so close, knees knocking together and barely enough space between their faces. Will’s bed is far too small for two people, but right now it seems just about the perfect size.
I need your grace to remind me to find my own.
“Mike?” Will whispers, too gentle in the rising beat of the song.
Mike can’t stop thinking; he can’t shut off his brain, it’s only processing one thing and it’s putting a label to those stupid emotions that have been consuming him since they were kids. The emotion that he knows is more than friendship for the past five years. But now…
“I’m in love with you.”
If I lay here, if I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Will is crying. No sobs, no messiness, just one of those uncontrollable smiles framed by sweet wetness dripping from his eyes. Mike leans forward to brush the tears from his best friend’s face, no, not just his best friend, someone he loves more than any words could detail.
Forget what we’re told, before we get too old.
“I’m in love with you, too.”
There’s something so liberating about saying it aloud, something so freeing about hearing something known since they first sat on the swings together and decided to become friends. Mike feels like his life is starting all over again now that he’s basking under the rays of Will’s returned affections.
Show me a garden that’s bursting into life.
The garden, it’s his heart, tended to by the only boy he’s ever truly loved.
All that I am, all that I ever was, and Mike takes Will’s hands in his own as the other boy blushes slightly, is here in your perfect eyes.
Perfect green eyes that go soft at the edges and look blue under the right lighting, expressive big eyes that echo everything Mike’s ever felt like twin mirrors reflecting his soul.
They’re all I can see.
Mike can’t look away now, if ever. God, he’s so in love, huh. It took him this long to realize it.
I don’t know where. Confused about how as well.
How did Mike fall anyway? He doesn’t know. It wasn’t much of a fall anyway, more of a sink, a slow dip into deep rich waters lavishing the beaches of his mind. Gentle waves of reminders about how much different Mike feels toward Will, but never a label until now. Now, there’s only love crashing to shore and Mike accepts the waves with the ease of a Californian surfer.
Just know that these things will never change for us at all.
Nothing’s changed. Nothing has ever changed really.
“If I lay here,” Will whispers with the last verse of the song, singing just enough to keep the pitch but breathy with emotion he can’t contain. “If I just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world?”
Mike smiles and he knows it’s the dopey one, he can’t help himself, but Will is going pink and he’s so lovely. Mike’s sure Will knows his verbal answer so he shows it instead, closing the gap with a kiss that should have happen years ago. But things happen for a reason, and now, Mike decides as Will clamps his fists into Mike’s shirt and deepens the kiss until only the sound of their slow but needy kissing takes the room after the song ends, is the perfect time and reason for it all.
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jazeoth · 7 years
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Okay so I’ve joined in on the BNHA OC bandwaggon—but, I just love him so much? Like, he’s a lil birb. I based him off of two owls, the Reddish Scops, and the Eurasian Eagle Owl.
This template was created by Yuminari. They gave permission to use it, only if they were credited—they deserve that much!
Biographical Information
Name (English): Fukuro Hoshoku
Rōmaji: Hoshoku Fukuro
Kanji/Katakana: 捕食  梟
Alias: Robin Hoot—it's not set in stone, but he thinks it's funny
Personal Description
Birthdate: November 22nd
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Blood type: O-
Height: 142 cm
Weight: 47 kg
Hair Colour: Mahogany with red and orange tints.
Eye Colour: Vibrant Orange
Skin Colour: Dark Chestnut
Quirk: Owl-Body
Quirk type: Mutant
Quirk range: Close-Mid range
Status: Alive
Family: Mother, Father, Younger Sister, Grandfather, Grandmother
Affiliation: Yuuei
Occupation: Student
Department: Department of Heroes
Class: 1-A
Love interest: N/A—at the moment
Voice Actor: Sakamoto, Maaya (Nino, from Aikawa Under the Bridge, and Ciel Phantomhive, from Black Butler)
Hoshoku Fukuro ( 捕者 梟 ) is a first-year student at Yuuei, training to become a Professional Hero. He became interested in becoming a hero after moving to Japan when he found out that his Uncle became a Villian.
   Fukuro is very short in stature and is quite skinny which aids in flight. He has straight short mahogany bobbed hair that goes to his shoulders and gets longer in the front, he also has feather tufts at the top of his head with patterns on them. His eyes are large, expressive, and orange in colour. He has a dark chestnut type VI skin tone and has a beauty mark under his right eye. His fingernails (talons) are black and curve down to a point—they're sharp. He always has a pair of feather earrings on and colourful braided bracelets. All in all, he looks very exotic.
- | Patient | Kind | Cheerful | Accepting | Flexible | Meticulous | Daring | Stubborn | Mischievous | Keen | Socially-Awkward | Greedy | Facetious | Forgetful | -
   Fukuro usually appears to look calm and indifferent, but when eye contact is made, he always makes sure to smile back—if a bit nervously. He's nice, but awkward in first-time social situations and it takes a while for him to warm up to people. He's a cheerful person and even when alone, he'll usually have a little skip in his step. When warmed up to, his darker humour tends to come out and surprise those who don't expect such vulgar things to come out from his mouth.
   Fukuro does not like voicing his opinion because he doesn't like to offend people, but he will voice what he thinks needs to be said on occasion. Despite his initial soca awkwardness, he can take initiative in a conversation and keep it on track. He is very accepting of people and is a great listener. He doesn't care about people's appearance, gender, or sexual orientation. Because he's a good listener, people turn to him when they want to talk about something, or to tell a secret. He's good at keeping secrets because he usually forgets them a day later.
Good: Accepting, appreciative, cheerful, daring, flexible, meticulous, non-judgemental, patient, tolerant, witty
Bad: Assertive, deceptive, dark humour, facetious, forgetful, greedy, keen, mischievous, obsessive, socially-awkward, stubborn
horror and comedy movies
coffee/hot chocolate
spicy food
shiny-sparkly-colourful things
public transport
closed in spaces
carbonated drinks
rainy days
spending time with his sister
   His quirk gives him the abilities of an Owl! His wings have feathers that make him able to fly silently and hover in place. He has enhanced perception with his sight, hearing and can feel disturbances in the air with his feather tufts, making him quite observant and hard to sneak up on. Like a bird, he can projectile vomit to ward off threats—but he avoids it because it burns his throat. He has hybrid humin-bird feet that are just as dexterous as his hands—his nails are black talons. He can imitate noises and voices like a Mockingbird and his screech can disorient people. He also has a flexible neck and can turn his head up to 270°.
Quirk type: Mutant
Quirk rage: Close-Mid
Fighting style: Physical and Tactical.
+ Advantages:
+ Manoeuvrability in the air
+ Stealthy since flight is silent
+ Can confuse the enemy by imitating sounds and voices
+ Could safely transport severely injured individuals
+ Superior perceptual and Visual and Spatial Processing
+ Good for reconnaissance and stealth missions
+ Can vomit on a villain to make them easier to track
+ Can shoot arrows while flying
+ Eyes can adjust to differences in light very quickly
- Disadvantages:
- Severe disadvantage in tight enclosed spaces—cant fly in buildings
- Can't fly in the rain
- Wings can weigh him down when wet
- Other than his legs and talons, he doesn't have a lot for a close quarter fight
- Loud noises can hurt his hearing
- Can have information overload if too much is going on
- His wings and tail make it difficult to sit down
- Can unintentionally hurt allies with his talons
His quirk is very strong in open areas and he can distract and stall targets by pecking away at them. However, he cannot fight well against groups in close quarters. His enhanced senses are both a blessing and a curse.
Swoop: Coming down from a high altitude, he hits and knocks the target back with a strong kick. His talons can also incapacitate.
Advantage: Has much more power than he can normally throw out.
Disadvantage: Easy to block if predicted, difficult to change course after hitting top speed. Too long of a build up to use other than a surprise attack.
Limit of the range: Close range.
Gust: From either on the ground or in the air, Fukuro can kick up winds to blow back projectiles and people.
Advantage: Versatile and can be used Offensively and Defensively. Can be used to kick up dust clouds for cover, it can be good set up for stealth procedures.
Disadvantage: Not that strong and could only slow down larger and stronger people, and even with his sight, it would be hard for him to navigate in the cloud. If used on the ground, he wouldn't be able to fly away—he'd blow the cloud he made away.
Limit of the range: Close to Mid-range.
Feather Duster: Fukuro tickles his opponent or makes them sneeze with his wing or a feather of his.
Advantage: Creates an opening for a team member to attack. Can be used to taunt and aggravate opponent.
Disadvantage: If the opponents not ticklish, or doesn't react, he's open to a counter attack—and he'd look stupid.
Limit of the range: Close range.
Rain of Down: Fukuro can flap his wings and shoot out feathers at a target. 
Advantage: Can cover a wide area.
Disadvantage: Hard to aim with precision. When overused, it makes it harder to fly. If used too much, he won't be able to fly until the feathers are grown back.
Limit of the range: Mid-range.
Screech: Fukuro raises his voice and emits a painful sounding screech. Can damage hearing and be used to intimidate.
Advantage: Temporarily stuns targets, or startles them. If used close enough, it can cause hearing damage. Can be used for crowd control of riots, protests, and villain groups.
Disadvantage: Hurts his throat if used a lot—will eventually lose voice. Can hurt allies hearing.
Limit of the range: Close to Mid-range.
Combined or difficult techniques:
Dive Bomb: A more difficult version of Swoop. He descends straight down from above.
Advantage: Much more power than Swoop and is faster.
Disadvantage: If he misses, there's a high chance of him hurting himself. It's much harder to control with the speeds he gets up to.
Limit of the range: Close range.
Fire Whirl: He kicks up winds and enhances somebody's fire quirk, creating fire whirls that are hard to predict.
Advantage: Can be used as crowd control depending on size and control of flames by the fire quirk user. Covers wide areas.
Disadvantage: If not careful, he can set fire to his feathers. The fire quirk user has to be able to control the flames.
Limit of the range: Mid to long range.
Other Statistics and Abilities:
With his enhanced sight and depth perception, archery was a natural sport to learn.
Power: 2/5 (D)
Speed: 5/5 (A)
Technique: 4/5 (B)
Intelligence: 4/5 (B)
Cooperativeness: 3/5 (C)
       Total: 18/25
- Fight -
Physical Strength: 2/5
Stamina: 4/5
Agility: 5/5
Leadership: 2/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Observation: 5/5
Mental Strength: 3/5
Willpower: 3/5
       Total: 28/40
- Natural -
Confidence: 3/5
Charisma: 4/5
Masculinity: 2/5
Sincerity: 3/5
Humor: 4/5
Social Skills: 2/5
Empathy: 3/5
Memory: 2/5
Tactical skills: 4/5
Patience: 4/5
+ Hunting: 5/5
       Total: 36/55
- Status bullets -
Crush/Love interest: 💘
Close friends: 💚
Good relationship: 💛
Developing relationship/Trying to befriend: 💜
Neutral: ⚪
Problematic relationship: 💥
Respective: 💙
Bad relationship/Rival: ✖️
✖️💙💥 Hoshoku Taka: Father (Otou-sama || Musuko)
• Relationship status: He respects him because he's his father and taught him all he knows about hunting and archery, but he started to hurt his mother when they moved to Japan. He's cautiously defiant of him and refuses to be alone in the same room at the same time. Trying to distance himself.
💙💛 Hoshoku Tsubame: Mother (Kaa-san || Hosho-kun—she calls him that because it sounds cute)
• Relationship status: She's the one who taught him his life skills, how to converse properly with people—even if he's still awkward with it. She supports him in all that he does—even his odd quirk of collecting shiny things. No one else in the family seems to have it, ironically. He respects her for standing strong against his father despite being much, much smaller.
💛💚 Hoshoku Kanaria: Sister (Kana-chan || Onii-san)
• Relationship status: He adores his little sister. She's paraplegic and wishes she had wings so she could move around freely—he takes her flying at least once a week. He's had to chase off her bullies.
⚪💙 Hoshoku Kujaku : Grandfather (Sofu-sama—he's scary and demands respect || Magomusuko—formal form of grandson)
• Relationship status: The old man's strict, but means well. He's kind and scary, but teaches the harsh lessons Tsubame can't teach. Fukuro isn't as close to the man as his sister is.
💛💥 Hoshoku Hikuidori: Grandmother (Fukaba—it means hatchlings || Oba-chan)
• Relationship status: Fukuro seems to get his mischievous gene from this crazy old bird because they pull pranks and jokes on each other frequently. The only reason their relationship's problematic is because they occasionally get other family members caught in their little wars—they've gotten in trouble numerous of times. She's the lady that taught him how to have fun and take things in stride.
Hoshoku (捕食) means "Predator", though because of it having a different kanji, it's often confused for Torimono (捕者) which means "captor" or "kidnapper". Fukuro (梟) literally means "Owl".
His canine teeth are longer to aid in picking apart and tearing into meat—his tongue is also black.
He used to live in a third world country before eventually moving to Japan.
His family all have the same types of quirks, though to varying degrees. His grandmother and little sister have bird features, but no wings.
If he's hungry and there's no food around, he'll hunt for small rodents, squirrels, or bugs.
He gets confused when his mother calls for his grandmother. Ofukuro means mother in Japanese.
Bathing is an inconvenience because his wings get really heavy with the water—they're not water repellent like other birds wings.
He likes to cause harmless mischief by imitating noises or peoples voices.
He's good at first person shooter arcade games.
Loves metal-cast disassembly puzzles and wooden interlocking puzzles—he finds Rubix cubes boring.
He has an unnatural obsession with colourful and sparkly things like rocks, jewels and feathers. He has a corner of shelves to showcase them on—his puzzles too—and always carries a small string cloth bag to put things he finds in.
When startled, angry, or scared, his hair fluffs up to make him look bigger
His whole family are named after birds.
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