#also lol @ kate trying to cover up that bump
waltricia · 28 days
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Can someone please provide some input on this- I’ve been struggling with it all day. Is he seeing her and just not acknowledging her for some reason? Or are we to assume he cannot see her because she’s half hiding behind a bush (although how could he not see her in that outfit and also she’s barely hiding??) and he’s just looking over to the Featherington estate because he’s thinking about her?
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Meeting and Dating Tom Roberts
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I love Tom, I love Kate, I especially love Riff, and I love you for making me watch this. One of my new favorites lol)
- When you first met Tom, you weren’t aware of his reputation. You’d just started attending the school and only knew him through your science class: the same science class which had you writing a report on meteorology. 
- When he came up to you after class and launched into his rehearsed “cats and dogs” line, you were none the wiser and figured he was just trying to break the ice with something he assumed you were interested in. Sure it was dorky and lame, but you also thought it was kind of cute, so you brushed off the awkwardness and spoke to him normally. 
- It wasn’t until you’d been at the school for a bit longer that you realized mentioning Idaho’s proclivity towards rain was just a sort of quirk of his.
- Did it make him seem less cool than he already was? Kind of. Did it turn you off completely? Absolutely not. You still found him cute ...in a dorky sort of way. 
- Admittedly, you joined in on the long running gag that surrounded him from time to time, throwing his line back at him whenever you bumped into each other in the halls. But you didn’t just do it to amuse yourself, you did it to get past the typically awkward first sentences of your usual conversations and get to know him better. And though it took a while, your work finally started to pay off.
- You actually managed to get somewhere with the boy: talking about things other than the dryness of your state and on more than a few occasions, getting him to walk you to class or sit with you at lunch. He even started driving you to and from school every now and again; even though your house wasn’t on his typical route at all. 
- It’s easy to see that he has a crush on you; just about everyone in your school can see it. It’s obvious in the way he blushes and smiles and talks all nervously when the two of you are together. And though you aren’t aware of the extent of his feelings nor the fact that he dreams about you, you’re entirely sure that he’s got a pretty decent sized crush on you and that it’s only a matter of time before he asks you out. 
- Unfortunately for you, Tom; without meaning to, edges you with his confession; bordering on telling you how he feels before tearing it away completely just before he can finish. 
- Whenever you’re alone together you more or less expect one and he does, on multiple occasions, gear up to give you one, but he always chickens out at the last minute and covers it up with a nervous goodbye or a not so subtle shift in subject/end of sentence. It’s enough to make you scream into your pillow and decide on taking matter into your own hands. 
- So one day, while you’re sitting together at your typical empty lunch table, you just up and say it. “Tom, do you want to go out with me?”
- He chokes on his sandwich and you almost immediately regret saying anything, watching as he coughs and attempts to dislodge the bread from his throat. 
“Geez, I was just trying to ask you out on a date, not kill you.” You mutter, sliding him his drink while he tries to clear away the last bit of inhaled lunch in his breathing canal. 
“You wanna go out with me?” He questions, swallowing the last of his suffocation down while you glance down at your hands.
“Well, yeah? I mean if you don’t want to-” He interrupts you immediately.
“I want to! I mean I-I would love to,” You watch as his face turns pink for an entirely different reason than his prior coughing fit. 
He smiles before continuing. “...When do you want to?”. 
- The two of you make a few vague plans before you carry on with your typical lunch conversation, trying and failing to contain your smiles as you look at each other and picture hanging out after school; not only as friends but now as two potential lovers. 
- He picks you up in his van later that day and though he’d had a few halfhearted expectations when it came to getting laid by the end of the night, all those sexual thoughts vanish the minute he parks at the sidewalk in front of your house and sees you in your date outfit. 
- You’re more beautiful than he ever would have anticipated and all he can feel as he looks at you is love. And so, with sex taken off the backburner of his mind, the two of you continue on with your date like normal, heading to your towns bowling alley for a couple games, French fries, and soda. 
- He contemplates kissing you a lot more than he manages to do it but luckily for you, this time you don’t actually have to wait very long for him to find the nerve to accomplish the feat. He’s walking you to class a couple days after your first date and as you’re saying goodbye in front of the door, he just sort of leans over and lays one on you. 
- It’s quick and soft but you love it all the same and it makes your most boring period feel a lot less grim. Not only that, but you get to watch him walk away with an extra pep in his step that he hadn’t had before. 
- And just like that, he couldn’t care less about Idaho. Instead, he’s thinking about here and now and how much he loves being with you. 
- If you’re a very affectionate person then you’ll probably wind up showing him more affection than he shows you but that doesn’t mean he never touches or loves on you. In fact, pda is very common is your relationship, it’s just that he tends to let you take the lead: putting an arm around your waist when you cuddle into him or happily letting you lean on his shoulder/hold his arm. 
- He puts his arm around your waist a lot: either having you snuggle into his side while he does so or wrapping both of them around you while you talk in the hall; your own hands on his stomach or the opening of his jacket. 
- He also has a tendency to pinch your chin/lift it up with his finger from time to time. It’s a fairly adorable habit of his. 
- When it comes to chaste kisses, he prefers kissing your lips more than anything else; planting a soft one onto the area instead of pecking your cheek or forehead. He just thinks its more worth his time; and he also sort of hopes it’ll evolve into a longer and deeper kiss depending on where you are/how much time you have. 
- Speaking of long and deep kisses: makeouts are quite common in your relationship and definitely aren’t reserved for just behind closed doors. He’s grown to not care about public response so don’t be surprised if he starts making out with you on the steps of the school or somewhere equally in view. 
- But if you aren’t down for a French kiss in front of your French teacher then he’ll dial it down a bit and just kiss you softly and sweetly. For someone who isn’t very good with his words or with romance in general, he’s a surprisingly good kisser. 
- Pet names aren’t really his thing, they tend to feel a bit awkward coming out of his mouth; sort of like he’s putting on an act, but they do slip out from time to time; mostly baby or something like “sweetpea”. It’s kind of a jarring experience to have your relatively dorky creampuff huskily groan out “baby” in the middle of sex/makeouts but you certainly aren’t complaining. 
- Tom’s a pretty big cuddler, so much so that he feels a bit betrayed when you call off your weekly hangouts; the times where he’d get his affectionate fill. He’s mainly a big spoon; or a variation of a big spoon depending on where the two of you are lounging, but he also enjoys laying his head and shoulders in your lap from time to time. 
- You’ve pretty much got a perfect hangout place to go to whenever the two of you want to be alone; his lovely little van. He can park it anywhere and the two of you can sit and relax: listen to music, cuddle, drink; whatever you want to do. It’s like having your own little apartment away from your parents and any other worldly interruptions.  
- Speaking of his van: he most definitely bought it with you in mind and it’s a perfect representation of how much he’s willing to shell out or sacrifice for the sake of love. He’ll bleed himself dry trying to make you happy or make things perfect for you so try not to abuse your power. 
- Him trying to make things perfect for you is a running theme and you won’t even know the half of it. He’ll spend an hour getting ready, change the placement of the pillows on the couch five times, jog a mile to pick flowers because he thought a vase needed to have them, etc. He won’t mention any of it and you’ll take no notice for obvious reasons but it makes him feel good knowing that he did whatever he could.
- Listen, I’m just gonna tell it like it is: you’re his first girlfriend and probably his first everything else so try to be nice and understanding with him. He gets deterred pretty easily when he feels like he’s making a fool of himself so try your best to silently let him know you don’t mind his clumsiness and that he hasn’t killed the mood. 
- He doesn’t totally realize that you like him just the way he is: that his dorkiness is more appealing to you than any inherently smooth or suave move another guy in school can pull off. When you finally let him know that this is the case, he’s over the moon and turns the brightest shade of pink you’ve ever seen. 
- Bridal carrying and other gentlemanly acts. He might not be able to unclasp your bra with one hand but he is able to pick you up like you weigh nothing and carry you over a puddle so your shoes don’t get dirty, or make you guys look like the coolest couple at the dance. 
- Speaking of dances: he loves dancing with you; even if he’s more of a ‘twirl you around’ kind of guy. He’s not a great dancer but he learns pretty quickly and he’s never afraid to do it just to make you happy. 
- Concert dates. 
- Road trips. 
- Going to pep rally’s and all of his football games. 
- Playing dungeons and dragons and engaging in other high fantasy hobbies. He’s a secret enjoyer of all things geeky so don’t be surprised when he takes you to the newest movie about wizards or gushes to you about a book that centers around dragons. 
- As geeky and dorky as he is, he’s got a bit of a thing for girls who are rock n rollers or other more inherently cool subgenres; though he’s kind of got a thing for all girls so I suppose that doesn’t really say much. I’m just saying not to be surprised if you’re the badass of the school and wind up with a boyfriend who looks like he’d describe your breasts as being “neat”. 
- Speaking of breasts: he’s obsessed with yours! You can very easily get your way if you wear a low cut top or flash him at random, and he’ll most certainly be heavily distracted by them on more than a few occasions. 
- Yes he’ll go to the beach with you even though he spent like five minutes talking about how he didn't have the time. No it has nothing to do with seeing you in a bikini....
- He’s not really used to rebelling but he soon becomes your partner in crime: doing everything with you and enjoying little pranks and equally troublemaking activities. He’s surprisingly open to engaging in wild shenanigan's so a majority of the time just ask and you shall receive. 
- He’s open to a lot of different things, wanting to broaden his horizons more than anything, so 90% of the time he’ll be willing to try anything at least once. Tell him about your favorite music, take him to your favorite places, show him different games and sports, etc. He’ll probably really enjoy at least a good few of them. 
- Doing little self care routines. He’s a man who cares about his complexion and that’s a man you want to keep. 
- On that same note: if you want to make him over than all you have to do is ask. He kind of gets a kick out of letting you fuss over and dress him up, especially when you get all touchy after turning him into your ideal type; clothing-wise that is. 
- Almost everyone in school is gonna wonder why you’d choose to date a dork like Tom but they also sort of get why at the same time. You don’t appreciate everyone thinking your wonderful boyfriend is boring but it is kind of reassuring to have him all to yourself; not that he’d ever stray away from you to begin with. 
- And most people are well aware when it comes to how in love with you he is. All they have to do is take one look at his half lidded expression and the way his eyes are locked onto you and they’ll know in an instant. 
- Eaglebauer is sort of embarrassed by how whipped for you he is but at the same time, it seems to be working for him so he guesses he’ll let him off the hook. Not everyone can be a stud like him. 
- Just don’t be surprised if the man comes sniffing around every now and again, filling your boyfriends head with ideas and making him try out different out of character moves on you. Though some of them are kind of fun sometimes....
- It might not be technically “smooth” but being subtly reminded that your boyfriend dreams about you does a lot more for you than any other playboy move. Like, seeing him go all pink when he realizes he’s describing a raunchy dream he had about you to you or watching him stop himself before he gives you any details because he realizes it’s kind of lame makes you fall for him even harder than he already had. 
- Don’t use sarcasm with him or try to tease him, he doesn’t pick up on it and it’ll just end up making you feel bad. 
- Sneaking drinks when you’re with him. He tends to get a bit bolder when he’s drunk and loses his nervousness so it’s fairly amusing to be with him. You like seeing the different side of him from time to time. 
- Jacuzzis are his kryptonite. Mention that a party has a hot tub and he’s bound to agree to go with you. 
- Him picking you little flowers while you’re out walking together or before the two of you are meant to see each other. 
- I’m convinced he made you a bracelet, or any other sort of thoughtful little present, and you cannot convince me otherwise. 
- He’s got your picture hanging up in his locker and seeing it never fails to make you smile. 
- A big bonus to dating Tom is just how much your parents trust him. On the outside, Toms a football playing, all American, star student: he looks as pure as American pie. So; even though he still is pretty sweet and innocent, they’re completely unaware of his more mischievous side and they give the two of you much more leniency than they probably should. 
- Tom isn’t terribly prone to jealousy; unless you really start to blow him off and/or play into it. He’s fine with you having male friends or other things of the sort but as soon as you start neglecting him and your couples hangouts he starts to have a problem with it; and starts biting his telephone when you call off yet another date of yours. 
- He’s both protective over you and not protective over you at the same time. He blindly follows your orders to chase someone and has a habit of trying his best to make sure you’re okay but he’ll also occasionally hide behind you when things get scary so I guess you can say he views you as equals. 
- The two of you really don’t fight all too often. You’ll whisper yell and bicker on occasion but that's usually the extent of your fights: you never have screaming matches or insult each other; just argue and then resolve things. 
- He’ll give you some space, maybe hang up the phone and relax for a little while, but it doesn’t take long for him to call you back and apologize or for the two of you to mutually work things out. Most arguments end as quickly as they begin so it’s really not something to worry about. 
- Tom would tell you he loves you constantly and you can pry that idea out of my cold dead hands. He is the whiney boyfriend who can’t leave until you say it back so you can cry about that if you want to, but I refuse to not acknowledge it. 
- He’s the blueprint for a malewife/the lame husband who has a much cooler and accomplished wife so do with that what you will. Just know that he’s going to the college of his choice and that he has a lot to offer you. 
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castle-dominion · 1 year
c3x9 close encounters of the murderous kind
I like how my man had a baton not drawing a gun
Hun if you’re timing yourself then don’t chat with other people.
MR: Please, I’ve had relationships that haven’t lasted this long.
RC: No, we want to impress them!
Poor security guy. Lanie’s outfit. Also esposito’s, v normal but nice. Vaccum sealer obv. Or the place they test airplanes. Maybe she was killed by Big Pickle.  Oh no castle. 
Esposito, u growing a beard? I can’t tell. Transcendent.
KR: Before version (Love ryan’s outfit. You know, his hair is short these days but his hair is short in later seasons but he looks way different. His face is longer, cheeks sharper, he almost seems taller) oOH ASTROPHYSICS. I used to love reading my dad’s old astrophysics textbook. I almost wanted to go into it but then I realized it was all math & even if I just wanted to take the course for fun I would need physics 30 & that wasn’t going to happen.  I love how he flips his notebook Wait isn’t that esposito’s pin? Maybe it was montgomery’s... Or maybe they all got one bc it’s a pride flag with only the blue stripe coloured in.  Oh no seti can’t have given the grant RYAN TELL ME YOU DON’T BELIEVE IN ALIENS (physically moves onto castle’s side) (nice castle outfit) KB is right.  KR: Maybe... Raymond always was the lightweight in the family. (Sorry now I’m just remembering the “I’m italian I burn pasta calories like nothing” guy from back in gr10 & “I’m irish I don’t get drunk”)
Ooh radio telescope!
Ooh this is cool! It’s like when you go from underwater to emerged & get the bumps or whatever
Nicotine addict. Esposito just sits down right beside the guy (their outfits) Ryan’s tie got spun funny XD
Why would he kill her with the altitude chamber & then try to throw u off the trail by moving her body? Not v smart (the thick white guy behind her is a detective I see often, but what is his name?)
Beckett is so right. Alien abductions aren’t real. KB: That reminds me of the lego I got stuck up my nose when I was six. We’ve all done it.
Esposito are there cleaning agents tho? Kate those things are probably expensive af.  PICKLE MANUFACTURERS BESTIE.
Dr Parish is the best
Oh no Rick is a Silly Guy! He is too good of a dad for these “serious people”
Wow that’s interesting. Screw the military tho bestie.  KB: Well we started a conversation so I guess it worked... (I won’t clip) It is not a piece of an altitude chamber babe. It would not flake off like that. 
Ooh Ryan’s outfit! Love it! Dark blue with black stripes in like a flannel gingham type pattern (idk the word) with a tie like that? Hoo! (Benny Stryker? THE derrel meeks? moment)
Lmao I’m glad I have captions. They intentionally made it sound like “in prison” Girl this is cult stuff. BS: Huh! Sign each other’s books! Castle & Stryker! Contact should totally have been capitalized. It wasn’t aliens. (btw his outfit is nice) XD like that will smith movie B’y everyone already knows about aliens & we also all already know aliens are not real.
RC: ... Overall, big week (castle’s jacket lol)
Governments cover stuff up all the time, it is not a stretch whatsoever. 
Esposito honestly looks pissed Pickles Ooh Lanie & Esposito looked into it & found industrial vaccum sealers! Just like I said (he looks interesting. idk if I like this outfit. At least his short hair is not THAT short. & he checks into stuff with lanie <3) JE: Castle. JE: Just prove that ET did this bro, please. I hunt people, not machines. RC: I’m working on it *feeds a bird* JE, whispering: Thank you *bird feeds* (& esposito hates castle’s theories!)
Jersey turnpike, just where uncle raymond woke up! Voice activated phone, love it.  RC: This place, that place, the other place KB: *looks at ryan* :| KR: *looks at becket* ??? (not clipping)
Mothman? Maintenance just replaced it so is this beckett’s car or is it a cop car? Is this a halloween episode? It’s got to be a helicopter...
First thing they ask is where the other is. We don’t know what she was involved in... Nazi with the dentist drill Our way of life? Human life? Government stuff? USA rich capitalists making life worse for the poor than the average of communism? Castle is great, just taking it in stride writing his silly little books Obviously these ones killed her Funky little gun thing Why do they always go for the neck? I mean I know it’s an easy access place but it is also hella scary.  Lol looks like hickeys They are not good to drive... Ooh I should go out to the country & go stargazing
I love montgomery. He’s the dad. My people plural! Monty considers castle part of the fam!
RC: They also refused to confirm J Edgar Hoover liked to wear dresses JE: Abducted by government agents? Come on. What were you two really doing? KB: It’s not a kickey esposito. JE: You both have one.  RC: I wish it was a hickey. (This is how u know he’s telling the truth) RC: It’s from the injectors! JE: Is that what the kids are calling it these days? RC: They were Men In Black! KB: *turns convo to vaccum packers & chinese cigarettes* (idk if I should laugh at the illegalalien comment or if that’s not ok.) KR: Hey. KR: Are those hickeys? JE: Yes KB: No RC: I wish KR: Ok!
An emp! Oh calcium.  (esposito looks at castle like “you are so stupid for believing that” but he also begs castle to make it aliens so he doesn’t need to chase machines)
I love how beckett has that cute high necked shirt Castle hops to look thru the stuff CD just happens to be in the one he opens? (Maybe he opened a few already offscreen) (he holds it so poorly) Oh no. I swear it’s going to be a home movie & when I say “home movie” I mean... Obviously doctored or fake.
RC: Behold gentlemen & lady (esposito’s sweater right after the suit, why does he change so drastically) Just... all of their outfits actually. They stopped doing so many multiday episodes in laterseasons so they don’t need to change as much They are twins I swear
When beckett herself says “idk if it’s doctored” that gets the boys shocked Oh btw look at esposito’s cute sweater there. 
KR: How? It’s not like we can call them up. RC: We do have a box of bugs Lol the audio matching castle raising his eyebrows
Montgomery is the coolest (You thought they knew what was going on? seriously?)
Oh capitalism. Totalitarian governments suck ig but communism on small scales works fine so protect your way of life all you want Bloggers, that’s a good point castle. Y’all stuff will definitely leave this room. 
Ok leave the murder be.
Wow ashley’s parents suck. (calls castle’s pop fiction tawdry; castle calls him ordinary & assumes he would commit a murder) Lol at least castle gets to make a cool phone call about aliens & spies & cops & murder & surprise the parents like that. (I thought for sure the ppl questioning her were the agents that took caskett. But here’s a question, caskett got drugged: why didn’t they get blood tests done or smth?)
I’ve forged my TA’s initials on my high school agenda enough to know that if you want to forge a signature you need to do better than that
Ryan & esposito are not together much lately
Agent: I might want to put you guys on my friends & family plan
This is so gross. I hate the surveillance like that. Let people have privacy. 
RC: Where are the helicopters & swat teams swinging down on ropes? Agent: Budget cuts Westfield: We’ll worry about their teeth when the time comes. (love them putting on their vests) Hm, the agent didn’t know about the basement intel! KB: Welcome to new york
(firefly reference?????)
Captions said Castle was speaking mandarin (which was the chinese spoken on firefly I think) but the captions say there is cantonese chattering. Fun fact I had a kung fu teacher who spoke cantonese, a white euro-canadian meat fabrication teacher who would speak mandarin to the lab tech in the meat shop, & my little brother can speak some mandarin. Ofc I know other ppl too but shush.
Hand signals my beloved Ryan just jumped this guy! Oh I forgot about the other agent lol Castle XD KR: :D think we’ll get a medal for this? Agent: This never happened
Ooh a private word with beckett!  Oh no not camping with them... I hope we get to see that episode Argh it was confidential! (what did they actually say?) But anyway I think it would be cool to have an episode where rick & the families are away from new york camping & they need to solve a murder w/o the precinct, or at least w/o much help & it impresses ashley’s family (fanfic idea?) Lol castle just asks her what the confidential thing is
Ooh nice ending sound. It’s the theme song but played in the alien style
0 notes
alj4890 · 4 years
Kiss Prompts
(Maxwell Beaumont x Nadia Park) with the prompt: A gentle kiss that quickly descends into passion, with little regard for what’s going on around them as requested by Anonymous. (Thomas Hunt x oc*Amanda) with the prompt: Staring at each other’s lips for a moment before moving closer, as if drawn together by some unseen force also requested by Anonymous. And the prompt: “I shouldn’t be here.” As requested by @krsnlove​ ​
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(Maxwell x Nadia) (Thomas x Amanda) in a The Royal Heir/Red Carpet Diaries/Perfect Match crossover Fan Fiction
A/N Sorry! Technical difficulties occurred with this and the next part being deleted. It broke my heart. But without further ado, here is the next fluffy part to this short series. One more part is coming with an epilogue. Who knew the kiss prompts would cause this? LOL!
@lxaah11​   @alleksa16​   @penguininapinktuxedo​   @blackcoffee85​   @stopforamoment​     @hopelessromantic1352​     @krsnlove​​     @annekebbphotography​  . @sunflowergirl05​   @desireepow-1986​  @greywitchyshots​   @moodyvalentinestories​  @emceesynonymroll​   @my-heart-beats-for-ya​ @aworldoffandoms​   @ab1901​     @lolablackwrites​     @flyawayboo​   @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​​   @trappedinfandoms​​   @kate-mckenzie​
Part 1 Part 2
Part 3
The next morning...
"You want me to do what?" Thomas repeated.
"Invite Amanda over." Addison stressed. "Tonight."
"She already has plans." He reminded her. "As do I."
"About that," Addison sat down. "I think she wishes she could get out to them."
"Addison." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not intruding on her dinner with Ryan."
"Well, if you aren't attracted to her," Addison's words trailed off as she got up to leave. She counted silently as she walked towards the door.
He lasted only seven and a half steps.
"I do find her attractive." He corrected. "But there are some actions one doesn’t do to a friend."
"Ryan isn't interested." She informed him.
"Then he's a fool to not take advantage of having her to himself." Thomas handed her portfolio back to her. "Your designs are striking. I would keep going with that trend for the clothing."
"Thank you." Addison clutched the binder to her chest before she dropped a bombshell. "I think Holly has a crush on Ryan."
Thomas coughed on his shocked laughter. "What? Holly likes Ryan? Ryan Summers?”
"I think neither will do anything about it because they automatically think the other isn't interested." Addison persisted. "But I intend to change all that with you occupying Amanda's time."
Thomas leaned back in his chair and silently studied his former student.
Addison remained unruffled, knowing this was her one shot to make things right for more than one person tonight.
"Even if I were to consider your plan, I can't purposely hurt Rachel's feelings by standing up Nadia. She did this out of wanting me to find happiness." He grimaced. "Not that I wasn't already content with my life.
"I have a plan for that too." Addison leaned forward. “I think she—”
“No, Addison.” Thomas stated firmly. “It is dinner. I can spend a couple of hours appeasing my sister by being a gentleman.”
“But, what about Amanda?”
Thomas hesitated, giving Addison a glimmer of hope.
“If romance does not occur between her and Ryan, then I might think about seeing if she is interested in having dinner with me one night.”
“You know she’s interested in you and not Ryan.” Addison pointed out. “He might as well have not been there last night with how she immediately focused on you.”
Thomas was not humble enough to not feel a bit proud over it being obvious that Amanda preferred his company over Ryan’s.
“Be that as it may, tonight’s plans will remain as they are.”
His costume designer sighed in defeat and wished him luck.
Once she was gone, he thought of Amanda and not returning to her room last night to further discuss her admittance. Once the elevator stopped at the lobby, he had left the hotel, stunned that she actually wanted him to ask her on a date. He had fought the instinct to not only go back to her but also in discussing it with Ryan. Thomas knew his old friend would not mind at all in stepping back and letting him have a chance with the duchess.
But he also knew with the situation he was currently in with Rachel and her matchmaking that he was not exactly free to pursue her.
Surely though, there was something he could for the time being that would not necessarily affect their dinner dates tonight with Ryan and Nadia.
After arguing with himself, he left his office.
Across town...
"What do you think?" Nadia asked, forcing herself to do a little twirl.
Rachel smiled softly. "You look beautiful in pink."
"Thanks." Nadia studied her reflection with a critical eye. She then focused on Rachel and broached the topic she was most worried about.
"Rach? If Thomas and I don't work out like you want, you won’t be upset with--"
“You will.” Rachel stubbornly insisted. “Just wait until you meet him, then you’ll see.”
Nadia took a deep breath as she prepared to admit to some of what happened last night.
“I already met him.”
“What? You did?! When?” Rachel demanded.
“Last night after you left, I bumped into Maxwell Beaumont at the elevators.” She gripped her hands together while trying to think about what to leave out. “He invited me to meet with his friends at the restaurant.”
“I can’t believe I missed that!” Rachel grumbled. Her brow furrowed in thought. “But how did you meet Thomas? He isn’t friends with anyone in The Royal Romance.”
“Along with the Cordonians, Ryan Summers and some others that I think work on the film were there too.” She took a steadying breath. “Including Thomas.”
“Oh no.” Rachel grimaced. “Let me guess. Ryan made it impossible to notice my brother.”
Nadia bit back the fact that it was actually Maxwell Beaumont who had been the one to keep her attention from Thomas. She then thought of his friend. Amanda had certainly ignored Ryan’s presence in favor of Rachel’s brother. “Nope. Ryan didn’t keep him from being noticed.”
“NADIA!” Rachel jumped up and hugged her startled friend. “I always knew that the perfect woman for him would be able to ignore everyone else for him!” She took her friend’s hands and jumped up and down with her. “I just knew you would be the one!”
The petite artist felt her panic grow with Rachel’s excitement.
There was no possible way Nadia could admit to falling for Maxwell. Now she worried that this trip to California would end with her losing one of her best friends.
The Beverly Wiltshire...
Amanda blinked at the sound of someone knocking.
Having told her friends that she was not going to the studio with them but instead decided to take a day to sleep in, the last sound she expected at ten a.m. was someone ignoring the carefully hung Do Not Disturb sign.
"I'm coming!" She growled, wondering what rude, illiterate, morning person was out to get her.
She checked the peephole and jerked away. Her hands covered her mouth while her still very much asleep brain tried to figure out how to answer the door without Thomas Hunt seeing her rolled directly out of bed appearance.
"Just--um--hold on a sec--" she softly cursed and opened the door.
She tried to keep much of her body behind it and in the shadows.
Thomas paused on his way in. "Did I wake you?"
She bit back the sarcasm that always lay ready when people asked her that.
"It's fine." She tried to push her hair back into some semblance. Keeping her head down, she folded her arms and waited for him to state his reason for coming here.
After the previous night's admission that she would hope his asking her out meant a date followed by the elevator immediately taking him down to the lobby, he had yet to say he wanted to do anything with her.
Except wake me up, she thought bitterly.
"Do you have any plans today?" He asked.
Her eyes narrowed in further irritation. He knows what I have planned!
"Yes." She followed him into the suite. "We discussed this very thing last night."
His lips dipped into a brief frown. "Just tonight’s plans?"
"Good." He took her by the shoulders and turned her toward her room. His lips brushed against her ear as he spoke softly. "I want the rest of your day."
Her lips parted at his words and touch. Then she was gently nudged forward.
He used her room phone to call room service. "I'll order breakfast while you dress." He called out to her when she disappeared into her room. "Also pack a bag with a change of clothes."
Ten seconds after he said that her bedroom door burst open. Amanda was wide awake now. "I beg your pardon?"
His lips curved briefly. "I thought I could take you to my home for a swim."
Her cheeks flared with color over what she had originally thought of when he suggested she pack a bag. "Oh."
The door closed again.
Anticipating a day of flustering Amanda, he chuckled softly to himself.
Around lunch time...
"Stop pressuring me." Steve muttered. "I know how to ask a woman out."
"Then hurry up and do it!" Addison ordered. "If Thomas persists in being a gentleman, then I can’t have Rachel tempted to go to the restaurant and encourage his romance with Nadia!"
Holly flicked her hand impatiently. "Come on Steve. We don't have all day. Addison has to get back to the studio.”
"Okay." Steve buttoned his suit jacket. He took a deep breath and made his way through the crowded restaurant.
"Are we stalkers?" Addison whispered.
"For following Rachel and Nadia everywhere today?" Holly asked. "I prefer to think of us as vigilantes, with the sole purpose of keeping the wrong people together."
"I don't know if that makes it better or worse." Addison mumbled.
"Oh! He's approached her!"
The two ducked behind a set of menus.
"Hello." Steve flashed a smile. "I thought I saw you come in."
Rachel gasped. "Steve!  I didn’t--hello." She looked around. "What are you doing here?"
His smile grew. "Are architects not allowed to eat here?"
She blushed under his steady gaze.
Nadia watched them with a growing fascination. "Hi. I'm not sure if you remember me from last night. I’m Nadia."
"Good to see you again." Steve grinned at a suspected comrade. "Mind if I sit down?"
"Not at all." Nadia moved her bags.
Steve sat down beside her and enjoyed the fact that he was directly across from Rachel.
“You met last night?” Rachel asked.
“We did.” He relaxed in the booth. “Addison introduced us to the Cordonians that everyone is crazy about.”
“I can’t believe I left and missed everything.” Rachel grumbled.
“You were there?” Steve flashed her a flirtatious smile. “If I had known that I would have searched the restaurant for you.”
Nadia barely kept her squeal from escaping over his words and the effect they were having on Rachel.
Her friend’s cheeks were rosy under his steady regard.
Rachel reached for her goblet of ice water, doing her best to not admit that he had been the very reason she had gone out last night.
Steve turned his attention to Nadia. “I bet you could help me.”
“With what?”
“I need some information about Ms. Hunt.” He replied, winking at Nadia.
“Oh?” the petite artist grinned at his game. “That all depends on the type of information and what you intend to do with it.”
Steve cut his eyes to a baffled Rachel. “I would like to know her favorite things. Flowers. Food. Activities she prefers to do on dates.” He turned back to Nadia. “All for the purpose of giving her the perfect date.”
Rachel’s lips parted in a breathless gasp.
Nadia dug in her purse for a pen and paper. “I’ll make you a list.”
Steve reached for Rachel’s limp hand. “Any chance you would be willing to go out with me tonight?”
Before Nadia could answer for her, Rachel nodded. “There is a chance I would.”
His smile made her feel warm all over. “Seven o’clock work for you?”
“It does.”
The Royal Romance Set…
Maxwell’s usual friendly smile was noticeably absent as he observed his story being brought to life.
His friends shared concerned looks as they watched him continue to be silent. His jittery excitement that had been prevalent on days at the studio was gone. He sat in a chair, only responding to questions directly asked to him.
Maxwell’s eyes narrowed slightly as he watched Ryan go through the lines. He was determined to have Amanda end up  happily ever after with the actor. If his own romance was fraught with uncertainty, then there was no way he would allow hers to be.
At least this project could help keep his thoughts from Nadia possibly falling in love during dinner tonight with Thomas.
When Tommy yelled for everyone to break for lunch, he pushed out of his chair and approached the actor.
“What do you think?” Ryan asked. “I tried to be a little more spontaneous with the lines in that last scene. Is it—”
“You did great.” Maxwell cut off his questions. “About tonight…”
“Tonight?” Ryan repeated before it clicked what he was talking about. “The dinner? Has Amanda changed her mind about going?”
“No. Not at all.” Maxwell quickly responded. “She’s looking forward to it.”
Ryan grinned while browsing the food that had been set out. “I’ll try not to drive her too crazy with my questions about you.”
“She won’t mind.” Maxwell muttered. He eyed the actor closely. The man didn’t seem interested in her at all save for the information she could provide. “Amanda is a big fan of yours.”
“Really?” Ryan chose a few sandwiches.
“Yeah.” Maxwell was struck with an idea. “How’s the dancing going?”
“About that,” he hedged, “I’ve taken some lessons—”
“Ryan, Ryan, Ryan.” Maxwell shook his head. “It isn’t something one can learn in a classroom.”
“It was a dance studio.” Ryan muttered.
“You have to learn it in the moment.” He continued. “You have to be where there’s a crowd. Music. Lights.” He poured something to drink. “A partner.”
“I’ll try and work that in.” Ryan replied.
“You know,” Maxwell continued, “Amanda was my go-to whenever I needed a night out at the clubs.”
When Ryan merely grinned while eating, Maxwell continued to press him.
“I’m sure she would be willing to give you some pointers on your dancing.”
“I’ll ask her tonight.” Ryan replied.
Thomas Hunt’s new home…
After giving Amanda a tour of his home, Thomas led her out to the pool.
“This is beautiful.” She said, admiring his backyard.
His lips curved somewhat. Something about her had made him relaxed enough to share personal stories about himself and his reasons for his home’s décor and design. Her comments either surprised him with her understanding or caused him to chuckle at her humor.
He liked her. These last few hours in her company only caused his initial attraction to grow.
Thomas cleared his throat. “Would you like to go for a swim?”
“I was promised it.” She teased.
Amanda began to unbutton her sundress.
His eyes widened. “You can change inside if you—”
Her laughter made him pause.
When her bathing suit strap peeked out from her dress, he narrowed his eyes at her.
She innocently smiled at him after taking the dress off. “You were saying?”
He shook his head while trying not to stare too hard. “I’ll go change.”
Once he was gone she allowed her smile to turn a bit smug at having got him back for this morning’s flustering.
The two spent the rest of the afternoon talking while enjoying being alone in the water.
They both were trying to ignore the time drawing near to their dates with others.
As the pool grew in shadows, their conversation paused.
Their eyes met each other’s then dropped to the other’s mouth.
“I should probably go.” Amanda said, breaking the silence.
“I’ll drive you back.” Thomas eased closer to her.
“I had a lovely day with you.” She mumbled, turning toward him.
“I did too.” He reached out and gently brushed a damp curl off her cheek.
“I wish…” She bit her bottom lip.
His arms wrapped around her waist at the same moment hers moved to wind around his neck.
“I wish it too.” He said softly brushing a kiss to her cheek. “After tonight, you and I will need to have a talk.”
“We will?” She asked. Her breath hitched when she looked up at him.
Their lips met in a heated kiss.
“We will need to talk about us.” He managed to say once the kiss ended. Thomas held her tight to him when they met in another tender exchange.
*************** The Beverly Wiltshire…
“You better hurry home.” Nadia smiled at the still dreamy expression on Rachel’s face. “You have a big night ahead of you.”
“I’m still in shock he asked me.” Rachel broke into an excited smile. “Just think after tonight, we can go on double dates.” Her excitement dimmed with her next thought. “I mean, if Steve asks me out again.”
“I think from how he acted at lunch that many dates with Steve are in your future.” Nadia hugged Rachel. “I’m so happy you met someone who already seems to know how special you are.”
“Don’t worry.” Rachel squeezed her tight. “Once Thomas has you all to himself, you both will feel the same way.”
Nadia forced her smile to remain while walking her to the door. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“I want all the details.” Rachel reminded her. “Well, not every detail.”
“Rachel!” Nadia laughed while pushing her out the door. “You’re horrible!”
“I know.” She waved goodbye.
Nadia closed her door and dropped her head.
She was not looking forward to a dinner with forced conversation with Thomas.
If it weren’t for Rachel, she would have already used a hundred different excuses to get out of tonight.
With an overly dramatic groan she pushed herself back into her suite.
Her room’s phone caught her attention with a red light flashing.
Her first genuine smile of the day appeared when she heard a familiar voice.
Nadia, it’s Maxwell. I was hoping to actually talk to you. But maybe this is for the best. I won’t lose my train of thought with thinking how cute your voice is. I know you have plans tonight. How about meeting tomorrow for brunch tomorrow? Then maybe I can talk you into dinner later. Perhaps dancing? After all that exercise, we will probably need to have a late-night snack. Exhausted, I will need to make up for my yawns by a date for the next day. It will probably become a vicious cycle so you might want to clear all your nights for the next foreseeable future. If you would like any of this, then don’t hesitate to meet me downstairs at The Blvd around 10:30 in the morning. I’ll be the guy with the big grin on his face at having a date with you.
Nadia wanted to call Maxwell right away and tell him that he didn’t have to worry about her hesitating. She would probably beat him to the restaurant by a good hour.
She just hoped Rachel would somehow understand.
“Where have you been?”
Amanda let out a slight scream at Maxwell being in her suite. She shut the door and brushed her damp hair back. “I went for a swim.”
He shook his head in frustration. “You’re going to have to rush to get ready.”
“I will.” She smiled at him. “I’m assuming you’re here to bolster my confidence.”
He chuckled . “Nope. I’m here to improve upon perfection.” He held up a garment bag. “My bff has to cause jaws to drop with how gorgeous she is.”
“Maxwell!” She exclaimed at the very unlike her dress. “I’ve never worn anything that low cut.”
“I know.” He pushed her toward the bathroom. “But this dress was made for your debut as the next siren.”
“But, shouldn’t I not look like I’m trying too hard?” She argued, not wanting Ryan’s attention at all on her body.
“Trust me. With this dress, your beauty will be effortless.” He grinned at her doubt. “When have I ever led you wrong?”
She bit back her smile. “That one time driving to Baron Everton’s estate. Then there was—”
“With clothing?” He said after laughing at the reminder of numerous times they had gotten lost due to his nonexistent sense of direction.
She reluctantly took the garment bag. “Alright. But if I end up in the tabloids under the worst dressed, I’m asking Olivia for revenge options.”
“Deal.” He shook her hand. “Now hurry up.” He pushed her into her room. “I want to see you dressed up before you leave.”
La Boucherie, Downtown Los Angeles…
“Wow.” Nadia sat down and looked out at the view. “L.A. looks gorgeous at night.”
Thomas took the seat across from her. “It does.”
They gave their drink orders and focused on the menus.
Nadia glanced up at him every few seconds. He isn’t unattractive, she supposed. He just didn’t have that spark of life. Humor. Fun.
He wasn’t what she would have chosen in a date.
He looked up at her. “Nadia, I should be honest.”
“I know my sister hopes this turns into something serious, but I recently met someone who I plan on spending more time with.” His face held a hint of embarrassment. “I’m sorry if that isn’t what you were hoping, but—”
“Omg.” Nadia smiled at him. “I feel the same way!”
He relaxed back in his seat. “You do?”
“Yes!” She let out a relieved laugh. “I met someone too that I would rather date.”
Thomas chuckled and raised his glass in a toast. “That is a relief.”
She clinked her wine glass against his. “I only went through with this because of Rachel.”
“I did too.” He picked up his menu again. “She might drive me insane, but I do love her enough to try and do as she asks.”
Nadia laughed. “I know what you mean. I’ve never been able to say no to her.”
Thomas paused in responding when he caught a glimpse of another couple coming in.
Nadia looked over her shoulder when she saw his smile disappear.
She saw Maxwell’s friend with her arm looped through Ryan Summers’s.
“I was right!” Nadia turned back to Thomas. “You like Amanda!”
He slowly nodded. “I do.”
Nadia tapped her fingers against the table while trying to think of a way to help him be with the duchess.
As the hostess led them toward the starlight booth that Maxwell had booked, Ryan smiled with recognition. “Give us a moment, please.”
Amanda followed his gaze and felt a flutter of butterflies in her stomach.
Of course, Thomas would have his blind date at the same restaurant that she was at.
“Good evening.” Ryan greeted the couple. “It’s good to see you again.”
“You too.” Nadia shook his hand.
Thomas stood and took Amanda’s hand, affectionately squeezing it. His eyes drifted down the cocktail dress she had on and felt his greeting slip away. Words failed him for the first time in his life.
Amanda’s cheeks were a shade darker as she turned away from him to greet Nadia.
Thomas felt a slight twinge of jealousy when Ryan placed his arm along Amanda’s waist. He knew his friend did these type of actions without any thought, yet with the way she looked tonight…Thomas was not happy at all.
Then the next words he heard, made him even more disgusted.
“I ran into Rachel earlier. She was on her way out with a date.” Ryan grinned. “Seems our buddy, Steve, took one look at her and fell head over heels.”
“I know!” Nadia exclaimed, “They are so cute together.”
“She also gave me a message for you two.” Ryan added with a wink. “She expects full reports tomorrow, plus all recognition for her amazing matchmaking skills at your wedding reception.”
Amanda’s eyes met Thomas’s.
“We will let her know tomorrow how we feel.” He said softly.
Nadia’s brow was furrowed. “She really wants this to work out.”
Ryan seemed oblivious to the three’s worry. “Did you doubt it?” He stepped back, taking Amanda’s arm. “She made certain to match two of her favorite people together.”
He led the duchess to their booth, leaving Thomas and Nadia alone together.
Their earlier relief was now overshadowed with Rachel’s possible reaction.
Amanda tried not to stare at Thomas once she was seated. It seemed that after they left, he and Nadia were both now in a very serious conversation.
“…so then I—Amanda?”
She cut her eyes to Ryan. “Sorry. What were you saying?”
He looked over his shoulder to see what she kept looking at. He then noticed Thomas staring at their table.
Ryan put two and two together. “You and Thomas, huh?”
Amanda nodded, averting her eyes.
“And here I thought the reason Maxwell was encouraging our time together is because you liked me.” He said, grinning warmly at her.
“Ryan, you are a great guy, but—”
He held his hand up. “No need to say more. We’ll leave it at me being a great guy.” He then took her hand in his. “What can I do?”
“Nothing, unless you can convince Rachel that those two are not a perfect match.” She squeezed his hand before easing hers away.
“She isn’t the only one you need convincing.” Ryan reminded her. “I don’t know if you noticed, but Maxwell thinks you and I are meant to be.”
“I am well aware.” She quickly apologized. “I don’t know why he is so set on us being together. I hope it hasn’t put you in any uncomfortable situations.” She snorted softly and waved her hand out at the restaurant. “Like this for instance.”
Ryan’s charm shined in the moment. “Not at all. It does help to know that I shouldn’t push to see if he is right.”
Amanda nearly choked on her drink. “You were going to actually consider this a date?”
He shrugged. “You’re an attractive, kind person. Why wouldn’t I take advantage of the situation and see if something more could happen between us?” His smile flashed. “It isn’t like I have anyone else interested in me at the moment.”
Her laughter made his smile remain. “If I had not met Thomas, I might be tempted to let you.”
“Fell hard for Hunt?” He asked.
“I did.” She rested her chin on her hand.
“What are we going to do about Rachel?” Nadia asked. “I don’t want to lose her friendship.”
“Rachel isn’t the kind to hold something like that against you.” Thomas muttered, tearing his eyes from Amanda and Ryan.
“You have nothing to worry about.” She pointed out. “You’re her brother. She has to forgive you for not liking me.”
“Nadia, you’ve been friends with her for a decade. She knows what kind of person you are. You have to stop looking at it from the worst possible angle.”
“I can’t help it.” She mumbled. “You were the reason she wanted me to come to California.” She slumped back in her chair. “I wish I had never shown her my bulletin board.”
Thomas quirked an eyebrow at her last words.
She dismissed his silent question with a flick of her wrist. “You don’t want to know.”
He cleared his throat and leaned forward. “I will break the news to her. If you want, I can even take the blame for things not working out.”
Nadia looked up at him. “You would do that?”
“I’m used to disappointing Rachel.” He explained with a slight curving of his lips. “I might have even done so on purpose once or twice in the past.”
She laughed and shook her head. “That’s horrible, but I do appreciate you being willing to take the brunt of her reaction to us not falling in love.”
Before Thomas could respond, the waiter approached their table.
“Excuse me, sir, but Mr. Summers asked that you meet him at the bar.”
Thomas looked up and noticed Amanda sitting by herself, studying her menu.
“I’ll be right back.” He told Nadia.
“What’s wrong?” Thomas asked.
Ryan snorted into his drink. “Why is your first thought that something is wrong?”
The director didn’t bother responding.
“I need you to switch tables with me.” Ryan said, laying some money on the bar.
“Switch tables?” Thomas repeated. “What’s wrong with yours?”
“I have a lady sitting there that is immune to my charms.” Ryan teased. “In fact, all she can do is look at you.”
Thomas didn’t bother to hide his proud smile. “I see. And what will you do at my table? Nadia has fallen for Maxwell Beaumont.”
“I know.” He grinned at his old friend. “Lucky for me, I’m playing the man in a movie. There is a slight chance she will at least pay attention to me.”
He patted Thomas on the back. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Ryan walked over to Nadia and charmed a smile out of her when he said he was now her date.
She looked over at Thomas and waved, mouthing good luck.
After smiling his thanks, he made his way to Amanda.
She looked up with a start when he asked if he could join her.
“Of course.” She looked around. “I have no idea where Ryan—”
The actor winked at her when her eyes met his before he turned back to Nadia.
“Ryan decided that we should switch places.” Thomas explained. “I hope you’re not disappointed.”
“That all depends,” Amanda teased, “on if you’re disappointed with what you are now stuck with.”
She looked up him, her smile glowed with the way he was looking at her.
“Trust me.” He took her hand. “I will never be disappointed if you are what I end up with.”
A few streets over…
“This is one of my favorite places.” Rachel sat down, nodding her thanks at Steve holding her chair out.
“I know.” He winked at her. “I went through Nadia’s list and made certain I picked the ones she had starred.
Rachel lowered her eyes. “It seems you went to a lot of trouble for this date.”
“Well,” his grin grew, “I don’t want to brag.”
“Why?” She looked up at him. “Why are you going to all this trouble for a date?”
He leaned closer to her. “Can I tell you a secret?”
She nodded; brow furrowed at his unusual response.
Steve motioned for her to come closer.
She did so.
He captured her lips in a tender kiss.
Her lips were still tingling when they slowly parted.
His own turned up in a smile. “Now you know why I went to all this trouble for a date with you.”
11 notes · View notes
peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Re-watching Lizzie Mcguire: Episode 1.28 (Lizzie and Kate’s Excellent Adventure)
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I wish we got to see more of this unexpected friendship
- We find out that Lizzie has the flu and had to miss a day of school. Gordo and Miranda greets Lizzie in her room with a stack full of books for her homework. It’s middle school, not college; That’s too many books.
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I feel like I’ve seen this pic everywhere
- Lizzie asks her friends about what she’d miss in Mrs. Stebel’s Social Studies class and they give each other a strange look. Their teacher instructed the class to work in pairs to do a book report on a country and its native dish. Since Lizzie was absent, Gordo and Miranda naturally paired up, leaving Lizzie out of the picture.
- Well, it turns out that Lizzie is paired with her frenemy Kate Sanders, who was also absent from school. And as you can guess, Lizzie did not take to this news too well:
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Let it all out girl...just let it all out
We get it; Lizzie and Kate don’t like each other. What’s new?
- The next morning, Lizzie is dreading going back to school since she’s forced to work with Kate and even considers calling in sick for an extra day. Her mom, Jo already knows about the whole Kate Sanders situation because Kate’s mom called in last night. Did Kate’s mom ever appeared on the show? I can’t recall. 
- Anyways, Jo insists that Lizzie should suck it up and deal with Kate being her project partner. On top of that, Matt’s adding fuel to the already raging fire by throwing his two-cents into the discussion. I’m now back to being annoyed with him after somewhat liking him last episode. 
- In school, Lizzie is complaining about the country that was assigned to her, Latvia and how the signature over there is jellied meat, which is called Aspic (after doing a quick Google search). 
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- Kate and her crew walk up to Lizzie and Kate establishes some ground rules with Lizzie i.e. spending as little time together as possible, not being seen in public and not making jellied meat. Lizzie accepts her conditions and they also agree to meet at Lizzie’s house after school. 
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It all seems like it’s going to work out but Lizzie still needs to let some steam out
Kate and Lizzie Working Together
- That evening after school, Lizzie is on the phone with Miranda, who’s with Gordo to work on their project on Mexico. 
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Well, it’s mostly Gordo doing the ground work. Miranda’s more focused on jumping...
- The doorbell of Lizzie’s house rings and it’s probably Kate outside. Lizzie is still mad at Miranda for not covering for her. What does she want for Miranda to do exactly? If Kate’s the only other person absent in class, it makes sense for the two absent students to get paired. And if Lizzie and Miranda pair up, Gordo wouldn’t have anyone but Kate to partner with. 
- Kate’s in the kitchen talking to Jo and they’re awkwardly trying to make small talk. As soon as Lizzie steps into the kitchen, Jo quickly scurries on out of there because it seems like she doesn’t like Kate either lol. 
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This stare-down between the two of them is even more awkward
- But things take a turn when they both agree that their friends are lousy for not picking them as their partner for the project. And it’s so cute how they laughed at the same time. As time went on, they seem to be getting along well due to being on the same page when it comes to Latvian food. 
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Do y’all see this interaction? It’s so rare; It’s like watching a dog walk on its hind legs (I had to include a Mean Girls reference)
- Even Jo notices them getting along like old times. But as soon as Kate realises this, she quickly excuses herself and they say bye to each other awkwardly. I wish they could go back to being good friends because I don’t like the idea that popular kids can’t be friends with the non-popular kids. I mean, I don’t think they even got to that place after the Lizzie Mcguire Movie. 
A Broken Friendship
- The next morning, Miranda and Gordo ask Lizzie how things went with Kate to which she tells them it was alright. Not only that, she tells them that she and Kate are going to work together after school at the Digital Bean even though one of Kate’s earlier demands is that they are not to be seen in public together.
- At the Digital Bean, Lizzie and Kate are researching on what their dish should be and they decide to make Alexandertorte, which is a pastry dessert that has raspberry jam inside. 
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Nice contrast
- Gordo and Miranda followed by Claire and her other crew members then stop by to throw shade at Kate and Lizzie respectively. But Claire was way worse than Lizzie’s friends; She even bragged about being able to work with Ethan over Kate. 
- They then start prepping in Lizzie’s kitchen to make their torte dish. Things start a little rocky at first but when they start talking about old memories from the time they were best friends, they begin to open up to each other again. Basically, they were talking about Kate’s 9th Birthday party and how Kate really loved a Baby Spice shirt that was given to her by Lizzie and she couldn’t wait to try it on. It’s kinda sad that they used to be that close. 
- All of a sudden, Matt runs into the kitchen with his blindfolds on and bumps into Kate who was carrying an egg carton; This, of course causes the eggs to drop to the ground. But it’s all okay because luckily, it was only a few eggs. 
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The Queens of Falling
- This is when it gets kind of juicy; They finally talk about the reason why they’re suddenly not friends anymore. Before this, we were told that it’s because Kate developed really quickly and got a bra, which made her popular. I guess that’s still true but it’s also because she went away to camp and there, she had made new friends, whom might or might not have influenced her to treat her old friends badly. 
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I got so many feels from this moment. Like I’ve said before, I just love the way they smile at each other; It’s so endearing. 
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Look at them, working together as one and everything
- Next, we see them giving their report on Latvia in front of the class and they did a great job. After completing their presentation, their friends come over to throw unnecessary shade again and basically act as if Lizzie and Kate did not get along fine when they clearly did. 
- I think this is the moment where I really questioned ‘What Would Happen’ if the writers had decided to change the outcome of this episode since Lizzie and Kate went back to hating on each other just to please their friends. I actually envisioned the other alternative to be Lizzie and Kate standing up to their friends and basically letting them know the truth, which is they are actually back to being friends. But that’s not the case with what happened in this episode but still, I think the other possibility I mentioned could be a really powerful moment for this show. 
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BUT we did get this moment, which tells the audience that Kate and Lizzie actually like each other deep down inside. It’s just that with the way middle school and its social groups are set up, it doesn’t allow them to publicly be friends. Well, who cares? But unfortunately, that’s just how school is; It’s full of petty drama.
B-Plot: Matt’s Psychic Y’all *Rolls Eyes
- In Matt’s school (we finally see him in school after spending so many episodes away from the place), he and his friend, Oscar are having lunch together and Matt is able to predict that their substitute Math teacher has on big red clown shoes before they even saw her. Matt concludes that he is psychic. And here I go, going back to not caring about Matt’s storyline again lol. 
- They set up a ‘Psychic Readings’ booth in the backyard and Matt gives predictions to three different kids, which seem vague and ludicrous at first but it turns out that all his predictions came true:
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The predictions are as follows: Buying an expensive gift, getting a haircut and going on a long trip
- Similar to majority of Matt’s storylines, his one-off interests, which in this case is his psychic ability starts getting out of hand as he now thinks he is able to predict every single event, regardless of how insignificant it may be. Jo doesn’t buy it for one second but his dad sure does as he asks him to predict the next day’s lottery numbers. 
- Matt even predicted that Jo was going to send him to his room and later on, she would try to convince Sam that he’s not psychic. That was actually kind of cool but I guess it’s because he knows his parents very well. 
- Jo is very adamant on proving to both Matt and Sam that Matt isn’t really psychic and administers a test to help with that. And look, Matt answers the question correctly! If Jo is going out of her way to do all of that, I have to think that she low-key thinks that Matt is psychic, no? 
- Anyways, his antics finally end once he randomly realises he cannot read other people’s minds anymore. Oh well, too bad...goodbye.
Overall Thoughts
- This is easily one of my favourite episodes of the entire series. We finally get to see something fresh and new that we’ve never seen before on this show and that is Lizzie and Kate getting along as friends. 
- In Kate’s earliest appearance on this show, she was introduced as the mean, popular girl who was actually Lizzie’s best friend in elementary school up until she became popular. Since then, their old friendship wasn’t really touched upon at all till now. I love how they gave us a deep insight into their past memories as childhood friends and how she, Lizzie and Miranda were really close with one another back then. 
- This episode alone really makes me hope that Ashlie Brillault (the actress who plays Kate) will consider coming back to guest star in the Lizzie Mcguire revival series next year but I highly doubt it since she’s now an attorney. But honestly, I’d be okay if they mention to us that Lizzie and Kate are still friends in adulthood; That would make me pretty satisfied with Kate’s overall story arc. 
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I love your guys work so much! You have made it so much easier finding stories I love to read. I was wondering if you guys could help me with some fics where Derek seems to be "ultra masculine" and is all about black clothes and black coffee, but really loves soft sweaters and hot chocolate. I love the idea of Soft!Derek. Thank you guys again for all your hard work!!!!
Anonymous said: hi queens, any sterek fics where derek is only soft and cuddly with stiles?
Anonymous said:ello!! any sterek fics where derek is soft and whipped for stiles? like, derek is grumpy sourwolf with the pack members but with stiles he's like a puppy? and he lowkey doesn't realise it lol. thank you! preferably oneshots but chapters are fine too. 💛
Hi anon and @dreamingtheimpossibe! Here’s Derek is Actually a Giant Softie fics. - Anastasia
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The Words You Speak by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(1/1 I 3,899 I General I Sterek)
Stiles just stared at her. “Derek’s a Werewolf, why the hell would he be in the hospital?”
Melissa gave him an odd look, then turned to Scott for help, who looked just as lost. At least it wasn’t another one of Stiles’ oblivious moments, though considering Scott’s IQ, it wasn’t exactly hard to be down at his level.
Melissa turned back to Stiles, still looking confused. “Whenever Derek has a bad day, he always goes to the postnatal ward at the hospital. He likes being around all the babies, and he’s actually really good with them. The women up there love him, he can get the crying ones to stop in a second. Not sure if it’s a wolf thing or a Derek thing, but it’s very sweet.”
Derek did what now?
“Did you both not know this?” Melissa turned to include Scott in her inquiry. “He’s been doing this for well over a year, I figured you knew.”
Give Me Shelter by WonderWolf
(1/1 I 8,295 I Teen I Sterek)
“I don’t make a good impression, I know,” Derek grumbles. “It’s fine. I get it.”
“Noooo,” Stiles groans in frustration, “but it isn’t fair because you’re not that guy, you’re not an asshole and you give cats punny names so they have a better chance at being adopted.”
“Who told you I named the cats?” Derek asks, his brows scrunching together in confusion.
“Scott,” Stiles smirks. “My favorite so far was Purrsephone.”
(Or the one in which Derek and Stiles both volunteer at an animal shelter, Derek works with cats and gives them punny names, Stiles works with the dogs, and misunderstandings ensue).
one by one, we come home by ericaismeg, foxerica (ericaismeg)
(1/1 I 15,737 I General I Sterek)
Six years ago, Scott kicked Derek out of the pack for a stupid reason. Derek's had six years to make his peace with it, but after he bumps into Kira at the grocery store, his quiet life isn't the same.
(Basically, a fic where everyone loves Derek.)
Cat Got Your Tongue by sysrae
(6/6 I 18,243 I Explicit I Sterek)
Derek is having a bad day and breaks down on a stranger's doorstep.Stiles is the stranger. He really doesn't mind.Also, there's a cat.
Inevitable You by Red_City
(1/1 I 22,261 I Mature I Sterek)
"I'm Derek's mate," Stiles gets out, breathing hard. There is silence in the room.
As he looks around, he realizes that everyone else knew.
Written in the Stars by Quixoticity
(6/6 I 26,596 I Mature I Sterek)
Derek Hale is a lucky guy. He's got a great family, good friends, and a fulfilling job as a tattoo artist.
He's also one of the twenty-five per cent of the population born with a soul mark.
He likes his life, but he's waiting for his soul-match. The odds of meeting them aren't great but hey, Derek's a lucky guy. He has faith.
He can't believe how good his luck really is when one day his soul-match wanders right into his studio, all long limbs and copper eyes. There's just one problem: Stiles is there to get his soul mark covered up. Permanently.
The New Normal by midnightcas
(27/27 I 63,392 I Teen I Sterek)
After Stiles gets hurt...again, Derek puts him on the metaphorical supernatural bench. Meanwhile, Stiles tries to have a normal life and make normal friends. But when a new pack comes to town and the Hales start getting threats, things start to get a little....not normal.
Catching the Wolf by LPI3
(13/14 I 68,134 I Mature I Sterek)
Stiles figured his first year of college would involve lots of studying, friends, and warming the bench on the ball field. He never figured he would be thrown behind the plate to catch the legendary ace pitcher Derek Hale. Now Stiles is just trying to survive the season and figure out what Derek is hiding.
Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back. by ColdHeartedBitch
(37/? I 77,623 I Mature I Sterek)
“It’s a private property.”
Those are his first words to Stiles who stands with wide eyes and jaw hanging low. He should say something. Like simple sorry, for example. He truly had no idea this part of the forest belongs to someone. So yeah, it is appropriate to apologize for trespassing. But guess what? Stiles' brain to mouth filter isn’t having it so instead of apology, what comes out is:
“Oh my god, your eyes are beautiful.”_
Or,the one where Stiles meets Derek in the forest. Somehow, they become friends, boyfriends, lovers, family.
For Better or Worse, We're Changing by halcyon1993
(21/21 I 101,530 I Explicit I Sterek)
With Peter and Kate dead, Derek and Stiles are finally given the chance to figure out who they are to each other. Theirs isn't the only relationship that continues to change for the better, but as Derek settles into his new role as the Hale Pack alpha and Stiles seeks to grow stronger, a new player comes to town with their sights set on revenge.
430 notes · View notes
prettyyoungtragedy · 6 years
“It’s Complicated” (3)
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Request by @fandomsfor-days - Hey love! I don’t know if you’re requests are open but I was wondering if you could do a reader insert with either Bucky  where the reader is just a normal person/ doesn’t know the avengers and is completely oblivious and always seems to find herself in trouble. (Like in the middle of Hydra business or alien business) and Bucky notices every time. At first he thinks she might be like a bad guy but soon realizes they just have bad luck. I’m sorry if this sucks. Love your writing!
Summary: You lead the most normal life on planet earth, completely oblivious to the world of Avenging that rages around you until you are suddenly thrust into it with the Winter Soldier and an unexpected photo, and now you are the center of a plot that you don’t even want to be a part of.
A/N: I was laughing at myself the whole time I wrote this, I don’t even know what was going through my brain lol. BUT I hope you guys laugh as much as I did with the ridiculousness of this fic! Drop me some feedback, I LOVE hearing what you guys think! good or bad! :D
Also If you want to be tagged, please send me an ASK, I usually miss the comments asking to be tagged! :) THANKS!
Characters: Avengers!Bucky Barnes x reader
Warnings: Swearing? and yeah
Chapters - |Fucking Avengers| Curioser and Curioser | Down the rabbit hole | Curiosity killed the Bucky | Keep Your temper | Begin at the beginning | And go on till you come to the end | Six impossible things before breakfast | Who in the world am I? | We’re all mad here |
Falling is such a hard feeling to describe, its the rush of the air passed your face and the lurch of your heart, every nerve, muscle, fiber of your being all seizing up at once from the panic of loss of balance and gravity.
And as you tumbled out that window, that was just it. An indescribable feeling. Your eyes wide with terror when you felt Bucky Barnes shove you out that window. You plummeted, that was the correct word, towards the concrete only to be grabbed around  the waist by a pair of strong arms.
Your screaming didn’t stop when he sets you down, The Falcon that is. You screamed and collapsed on all fours, feeling your knees and the palm of your hands scraped raw on the concrete beneath you, gasping for air and shaking violently from fright and mostly shock. An EMT rushes to your side,
“Ma’am, Ma’am are you okay?” He asks hurriedly, he looks at Sam for an explanation.
“She’s in shock.” Sam said, hoisting you up by your shoulders. You leaned against him, trying to steady your breathing. You look down at your bloodied palms, and your now ruined dress. 
“Window, he fucking…” You gasped, “Shoved me out the mother fucking window.”
The EMT frowned at you, “Who did?” He asked.
“That fucking fuck avenger.” You gasped and Sam laughed,
“She’s just in shock from the fall.” He said to the EMT who nodded understandingly, “You’ll be fine darling.” Sam said to you, patting you on the back before he took off once more. There’s the sound of more bullets hitting metal and concrete and shouts. Glass is shattering somewhere behind you but you are somewhat paralyzed in place as teh EMT looks over you. 
There's a flurry of people around you and you see Steve Rogers walking people out of the building, wielding his shield all self righteous and shit, quickly shoving yourself away from the EMT who was trying to attach a drip to your arm. You were about to head over to Steve and have some choice words with him when you were suddenly dizzy and fainted on the spot.
The rapid flashes of lightning lit up the city every few seconds as the torrential downpour continued. It had been two days since the Hydra attack on the Senate dinner, there were a few fatalities and casualties but the Avengers had managed to save the day once more with minimum damage inflicted.
Bucky sat on the couch in the darkness, enjoying the peace and quiet that the night brought but once again that was rudely interrupted by Steve who stormed into the living room, followed by Sam who was looking like he had just been reprimanded.
“Did you shove a civilian out the window, Bucky?” Steve half yelled at him.
Bucky looks up from the array of S.H.I.E.L.D files before him, with a frown on his face. “What?” He snaps irritably at Steve, it was almost one in the morning, why Steve and Sam were even awake was beyond him and they were ruining his peace while he tried to get some work done.
“Did you shove that photographer out the window at the Met?” Steve repeated and Bucky’s hardened gaze fell onto Sam who avoided his gaze.
“You snitch bitch!” Bucky exclaimed at Sam , getting up from his seat.
“It wasn’t me! I didn’t say anything! Someone got the whole thing on camera, its all over the news!” Sam shot back, throwing his hands in the air.
“Fuck Bucky!” Steve exclaimed, kicking a nearby chair sending it sprawling across the room. “You’re going to get into trouble one of these days! You’re so reckless!”
Bucky pulled a face at Steve, “Okay, chill out Dad.” he said sarcastically, gesturing at him with his metal arm, “She lived. I saved her life, but go off I guess”
“By throwing her out a window?” Steve said, “This footage was front and center on the fucking news!”
“I’m the Winter Soldier, I don’t know what you expected, I’m not a hero.” Bucky shrugged, and dropped back into his seat. A little cockily, he was rather proud of that moment and he’d seen the footage, it looked fucking cool.
Sam stifled a laugh beside Steve, He and Bucky had already spoken about how cool that moment was and how dope Sam looked swooping in and saving her life. Steve threw a look at Sam and then at Bucky,
“You are going to apologize to her.” Steve stated. 
“Fuck, no. Steve don’t make me do that!” Bucky groaned,
“Yeah man, Bucky saved her life, he shouldn’t apologize.” Sam added,
“I don’t care, they can sue us. You’re sending her an letter of apology.” Steve retorted, then whirled around very dramatically and stormed off. “You two are nothing but trouble together!” Steve called out as he stormed away.
The moment Steve was out of sight, Sam was jumping around excitedly like a schoolgirl, and Bucky had a big grin on his face.
“That footage is so dope!” Sam said excitedly, fist bumping Bucky.
Bucky grinned at his friend, “I know right!” He said, just as excitedly pumping his fist in triumph at the moment.
The aftermath of what had happened at the Senate dinner was all over the news. Every channel covering the developing story about the terrorist organization Hydra. Will had gone out on a limb to make sure that WC got the first scoop on a lot of the stories and it had been a week now since the dinner.
You were seated in your office, leaning your head in the palm of one of your hands, it was your first day back since the dinner. You still had bandages on your arms, and had to get a few stitches here and there but you were kind of just glad you were alive. The nightmares were still occurring about you falling from that window, and you woke up almost every night screaming in fear from the memory of it.
There were flowers and get well soon cards all over the office, the smell of the different flowers coating the air with a sickly sweet smell and it irritated you. You needed to get out of this office. With a sigh, you grabbed your laptop and camera and headed for the door.
Just as you opened it, Kate the secretary stepped in front of you.
“Hi Y/N.” She said cheerfully, much to your annoyance. She held a large bouquet of red lilies in a crystal vase in her arms.
“Hey,” You replied and before you could excuse yourself she started talking again.
“These came for you, with this note.” She practically shoves the note and the flowers into your hands, and you almost dropped it but steadied it quickly.
“Kate, I’m on my way out.” You tried to say but for some reason she wasn’t listening to you. She started babbling on about how everyone was so worried about you and you were so missed around the office, and you sighed.
“Ok thank you Kate.” You eventually cut into her babbling and she stopped talking. You threw her a tight smile and then turned back into your office to set down the flowers. You were going to discard the card, but the emblem on the envelope made you pause.
It was that damned blue A, the Avengers insignia.
“Fuck me.” You sighed, and ripped open the envelope, pulling out the letter that was inside.
‘Dear Miss Y/L/N.
I James Buchanan Barnes, would like to formally apologize for the incident that took place at the Senate Dinner. It was mighty wrong of me to throw you out of the window even if it was to save your life. Please accept these flowers as my humblest apology and know that I am only here to protect and serve as an Avenger and a fine upstanding citizen of this great city of New York.
With all the regards in the world
A very sorry Winter Soldier’
“Well shit.” You muttered, “This smug son of a bitch.”
You looked at the flowers and then had a sudden spark of anger fly through you. You grabbed them out of the vase and threw them angrily into the trash. very dramatically stomping your foot into the trashcan as if to kill the flowers dead. 
That fucking bastard Winter Soldier had practically traumatized you with his antics and now had the nerve to send you a bunch of flowers and a sarcastic apology note and think it was okay.
Grabbing a pen off the desk, and a piece of paper you scribbled out a quick message. Then put it in an envelope and titled it to James Buchanan Barnes. Placing it on Kate’s desk and asking her to send it to the Avengers Tower before the end of the day.
And then you escaped the office, out into the city, in an attempt to distract your mind from your work.
Bucky was in the gym working out, he was completely zoned out to his surroundings as he repeatedly slammed his fists into the sandbag before him. Its was a methodical movement, two to the left, one to the right. Then he would switch it up again and again and again.
He had been going at this for over an hour, his heart rate remaining steady. Fists drawn to his face, un-gloved, unprotected. He didn’t care, the contact to his skin made him feel alive. Sweat dripping down the sides of his face, matting his hair.
Everyone in the tower knew when Bucky was in the gym to stay the out of it. It was his haven, and he hated having his haven disturbed. There had been a few times when an unknowing intern had ventured into the gym, only to come face to face with a hulking angry super soldier and they would run out fearing for their lives.
So when one of the secretary’s walked into the gym, clutching the envelope that had been specifically ordered to be hand delivered to him, she was already nervous. Pausing briefly she was left speechless as she saw him. Bucky’s back was to her, his hulking figure was shirtless and dripping in sweat, the muscles in his back rippling as he moved his fists against the sandbag. 
She stepped closer and he immediately stopped moving, slowly turning around to face her. And she almost squealed, he had a murderous look in his eyes when he cast his gaze over her.
“What do you want?” Bucky snapped at her.
“Uh..Uhh..” She stuttered, swallowing nervously. His eyes go to the letter she is clutching, his name clearly written on the title.
“I am assuming that is for me?” He said, holding out his metal arm for her to give him the letter.
The secretary nods rapidly, and her gaze goes to his ridiculously toned torso, the muscles in his abs are taut and defined. Little drops of sweat rolled over them and she was entirely too attracted to him. Who wouldn’t be, he looked like a greek god.
“So do you want to give me the letter or?” Bucky said raising his eyebrows at her, snapping her out of her staring.
“Oh sorry.” She squeaked and then quickly handed him the letter, blushing furiously before she turned and practically ran out of the gym.
Bucky chuckles and shakes his head, before he looks down at the envelope in his hands. Frowning he flips it over a few times, its just titled James Buchanan Barnes, no forwarding address nothing.
This makes him suspicious.
Tearing it open in one swift motion, he pulls out the folded piece of paper inside and unfolds it. His eyes scanning across the writing scribbled on it, once twice thrice. Before he burst out laughing.
The note read:
‘Mr James Buchanan Barnes, you must an an absolute cuntknuckle if you think sending me flowers and a fucking note is going to make up for the fact that you fucking threw me out of a window. I could have died, in fact my fucking soul left my body and I was fucking positive I was going to die. Fuck you and fuck your flowers, which by the way I threw in the fucking trash. Don’t contact me again, and I hope you fall off a building soon.
Fuck you, fuck your sarcastic letter of apology and fuck your metal arm that bruised my chest. You absolute fucking dickhead.
With absolutely the worst regards in the world, (Because I truly hope you are miserable)
Y/N Y/L/N’
Three days later
The rain had come again, it was late afternoon when the torrential downpour had arrived and you were sitting in a booth in a coffee shop near your apartment. Looking through the photos from the Senate dinner, you had to prepare them for the editors. you had headphones in and the music drifting through them drowned out the sounds around you. You were entirely engrossed in your work, that you didn’t notice him slip into the seat in front of you.
Bucky watches you for a moment with an amused smile, you hadn’t noticed him yet. So he reaches over and flicks one of your headphones. The motion scares the ever living crap out of you.
You are startled back to reality , and almost scream out “What the fuck.” When you see the Winter Soldier sitting before you. A few heads in the coffee shop turn towards you and you blush furiously. Bucky leans back in the seat, and smug smirk on his face.
“Well hello there.” He said.
“What the fuck!” You snapped irritably at him. Your heart was pounding in your chest from the fright you had just received and from the fact that well, the Winter Soldier was sitting before you. Someone who you had hoped to almost never see again.
“I need to talk to you.” Bucky said, that smug smirk still on his face.
“How the fuck did you find me?” You asked, looking around.
“Irrelevant.” He replied, “I need to speak to you.”
“No you don’t.” You retorted, gathering up your items. Violently shoving your laptop, phone and other items into your black leather tote. “Goodbye.”
Then you stood up and began to march out of the coffee shop and into the rain, behind you , you hear Bucky sigh and get up following you out of the coffee shop. How he had found you, or even knew where to look sort of freaked you out.
The rain almost immediately wets you and you shield your handbag by throwing your parka over it. Not wanting the contents to get wet. It was really stupid of you to go out in the rain like this but your apartment wasn’t very far and you wanted to get away from him.
“Come on, I just want to talk.” His voice is suddenly behind you.
“Go away man, I don’t even know you, fuck!” You snapped, and sped up your steps but he kept up with you easily. Of course he did, he was a fucking super soldier.
“Accept my apology and I’ll go away.” Bucky said, and you skidded to a halt, whirling to face him. Your sudden movement startling him slightly.
The rain was pouring over the two of you and you were entirely soaked at this point. “No, I don’t accept your apology, you pushed me out of a window. I have nightmares about it so you can fuck right off. Whatever guilty conscience you suddenly have, you can shove it up your ass because I don’t care.Goodbye Mr Barnes, and stay the fuck away from me.” You snapped, it was rather unnecessarily rude of you but you couldn’t help it. The fall from the window had really messed you up.
Bucky’s whole face changed when he heard you say you had nightmares from the fall, up until that moment he didn’t feel guilty for pushing you out the window. He was only here because Steve was forcing him to apologize in person when he saw the note you sent. But now he realized it had been a lot more traumatizing for you then he had intended.
He opens his mouth to say something but you had already begun to storm off through the rain. And he knew it was best to just let this one go, there was more to this than a simple apology. So standing in the rain, he watches as your figure hurriedly retreats away from him, and he can’t help the guilt that settles in his chest.
The force with which you slammed the door when you walked into your apartment, could have shaken it off its hinges. The bang echoed through your apartment, as you angrily went about wrenching off your wet clothes and stomping off your boots.
Who the fuck does he think he is, you thought angrily as you tossed your bag onto the counter, and headed half naked to the cupboard where you kept all the booze. Grabbing a glass from the shelf and the bottle of whisky, you angry stomped your way across your apartment and into your bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind you.
You took a quick shower to warm up before you settled in front of your laptop, and for some reason had taken to researching the Winter Soldier, fuck you hated the guy and all of those Avengers. They seemed like pompous assholes. But soon, you got lost in a maze of articles, and stories, and different websites with hundreds of photos of him.
There was one name that kept coming up synonymous with his name, Hydra. You were reading through an article about him, when the phrase caught your eye.
Hail Hydra.
You paused for a second and frowned, where had you seen that phrase before. Wracking your brain, you repeated it again and again to yourself hoping to jog your memory. You take a sip of whiskey from the glass in front of you, grimacing slightly as the brown liquor burns down your throat, you really should stop drinking this shit.
Then it hits you like a freight train, almost spitting out your mouthful of whiskey. You scrambled upright in your chair and frantically scrolled through your laptop. Opening the photos from the Senate dinner, you scrolled through them quickly. Until you reached the photos of Senator Stern and Jasper Sitwell.
You scrunched up your face at the images and enhanced them on your screen. Lipreading through pictures was no easy feat but you were a professional as you scrolled repeatedly between four images you had taken within seconds of each other.
Scrutinizing the images, you were positive they were saying Hail Hydra. “Fuck me.” You muttered as it dawned on you that they might be Hydra. This was so much bigger than you, but you were curious now and decided you needed to do a little more investigating of your own before you turned this information over to the authorities. After all, you could be wrong.
Across town, Bucky paced the length of his room at the tower. In his hand is a sleek black tablet, he is reading through the latest mission report. But your words are playing on his mind, he can’t help it. Your words hit home the second he heard nightmares, it was over for him. He was going to do anything to fix it, he had to. It became an obligation. Yeah he didn’t know you from two blue bars of soap, but there was still an intriguing sense about you.
“Yo, Buck.” Sam’s voice comes through the door as he knocks on it. “You want to go get food?”
Bucky tosses the tablet onto the bed and opens the door. “Yeah.” was all he said to Sam as he walked out of the room. Sam falling into step beside him.
“Whaddya wanna get?” Sam asked, as the pair got into one of the sleek black Mercedes that was in the massive basement garage of the tower.
“Pizza?” Bucky suggested.
Sam shook his head, “Nah, I had pizza for lunch.”
“Shawarmas?” Bucky said with a sigh. This was a conversation he and Sam had every single day, food.
“No Steve and Tony had shawarmas for lunch and it just put me off because Tony kept talking about yeast infections while we were eating.” Sam said pulling a face.
Bucky looked over at Sam in the passenger seat and pulled a face, “What, how the fuck do those two even...You know what nevermind.” He shook his head, “What about Tacos?” Bucky asked as hit the push to start button in the car and the engine purred to life.
“Yes. Tacos sounds like a plan.” Sam said with a satisfied nod.
The pair drive half way across Manhattan for tacos from their favorite place. Taking a seat in one of the dark pleather cushioned booths of the richly decorated Mexican restaurant, Bucky pulls his baseball cap lower, even though it’s almost dark out and the rain is still torrenting outside, he wears the cap. It’s sort of a precaution, or a natural habit now to hide his face. He wears all black as usual, black jeans, black tshirt, black hooded sweatshirt over that. Everything black, always. It was his color.
Sam on the other hand wears bright colors, light grey shirt, blue jeans and red sweater jacket. He’s always calm and cocky when they go out, he flirts with the waitress, signs autographs for kids who recognize him. They’re always scared of Bucky, throwing nervous glances at him as they wait for Sam to take a photo with him.
“Thanks sweetcheeks.” Sam said with a wink, grinning at the waitress as she placed two beers in front of him and Bucky. She flashed him a flirtatious grin and touched his shoulder before she walks away from the table, sashaying her hips as he stares after her.
Bucky chuckles, “You’re a fool.” He said, taking a sip of the crisp cold beer. It won’t have an effect on him but he still enjoys the taste of it.
Sam shrugs at Bucky’s comment with a grin, “You could have all the ladies too, if you just dropped the brooding bad boy act.”
“I get the ladies just fine the way I am.” Bucky said.
“Oh yeah, when was the last time you got laid.” Sam snorted.
“Couple weeks ago actually.” Bucky replied, coolly.
“Okay, she doesn’t count because I lined that up for you.” Sam laughed. Bucky laughed as well, he couldn’t help it, Sam was his wingman in a weird way. The two of them had become compatriots both in the Avengers team and in life. Sam walked him through life in 21st century, taught him how to pick up women in this decade and how to flirt, taught him movies and music. With Steve’s help of course, but it was simple and easy to hang out with Sam. He would almost consider him his brother in arms.
“Doesn’t matter, I still got laid.” Bucky said.
“Yeah yeah,” Sam chided, “How’s the investigation going?” He asked, as he draws a long draught from his drink.
“There are too many files to get through to come to any conclusions. Natalia has been data mining files with me but a lot of it has encryptions so it doubled our time on this case.” Bucky replied. “We have suspects but nothing conclusive yet.”
“How are you after the Senate situation?” Sam asked. He knew how Bucky dealt with his PTSD as much as he tried to hide it and pretend he was fine.
“Fine.” Was Bucky's short reply.
“And the situation with the girl you flung out of the window?” Sam laughed.
“It’s complicated.” Bucky sighed and rubbed his jaw tiredly.
“Steve still on your case about getting her forgiveness?” Sam asked.
“Yup, the righteous mother fucker.” Bucky grumbled.
Sam was about to answer when the waitress reappeared with their food. She places the plates piled with tacos in front of the two hulking men and asks them if they need anything else.
To which Sam responds no and she leaves them be.
You’re drunk, obviously you’re drunk. You had drank half the bottle of whiskey and then fell asleep on the couch. But that’s when the nightmares started again. 
‘You’re free falling, plummeting to the ground. From higher up this time. No matter how hard you tried to scream you couldn’t get the words out. You’re flailing, hands reaching for something, anything to grab on to save yourself. You can see thr gorund rapidly approaching you as you free fall and then...you hit the ground’ 
Jolting awake from your dream, you gasp for air and clutch your chest in fright. you were shocked awake covered in a cold clammy sheen of sweat. It takes you a few moments to gather yourself in you slightly still drunk state. 
It’s cold and wet outside when you pulled on your coat and boot and stepped out onto the hard concrete of the sidewalk. The fresh cold air hitting you, immediately waking you up, and calming your mind. Pulling the zipper of your sweatshirt up, you walk across the street to the nearby Irish pub
As you reach the door to the pub, you’re about to grab the handle and pull it open when it suddenly swings at your face. You weren't expecting the movement and the door hits your square in the side of the head. You dropped like a bag of bricks, completely dazed from the knock the hard wooden door had given you.
Your hand immediately goes to the side of your head, clutching it. You can feel the wetness from the blood there, already seeping through your fingers. “What the fuck.” you groaned, your vision swimming.
“Are you fucking shitting me!” A gruff voice groans as they crouched down over you, to see if you were okay and you look up at the assumed person who hit you in the head with the door.
It is none other than, James Buchanan Barnes, the fucking Winter Soldier. And of course next to him is is pal, Sam Wilson, the Falcon.
Fucking Avengers, you thought as your gaze fell over them.
“Here, let me help you.” Bucky said, moving his hand towards the now open gash on your head. How hard had he fucking pushed the door open, he wondered.
“Ugh, don’t fucking touch me.” You snapped, shoving his hand away from you. He draws it back with a sigh and looks at Sam.
“Miss, can we just have a look to see if you need stitches or not?” Sam said in a kind voice, he switched places with Bucky and now knelt over you. Sam gave you a kind smile and you sighed deeply, still dazed you moved your hand away from the cut on your head and he looked at it.
“You’re fine,it’s just a little head wound.” Sam smiled at you. “Do you live close by? Or do you want us to take you to the hospital?” He asked,
“I live close by and I am sure as shit not going anywhere with you two.” You replied, and then slowly got up.
“You could have a concussion.” Bucky said. He moves his hand towards you as dizzily stumbled backwards once you were on your feet.
Swatting his hand away once more, you give them both an angry look and the proceeded to storm away from them, across the street and back towards your apartment. Sam and Bucky give each other a look and then start after you.
“Ma’am, wait” Bucky starts to say but you whirled around angrily, making yourself dizzy again and almost falling into his arms, you gripped his forearm for a moment as your equilibrium balances
“Don’t call me ma’am and oh my god, stop following me!” You exclaimed, shoving him away. Bucky fumbles with your arms as he tries to steady you. And Sam sniggers beside him at the sight of you shoving the super soldier away and him fumbling like a dumbass trying to help you but also not touch you.
Bucky sighs deeply, becoming increasingly annoyed with you, and he looks at Sam who just shrugs and raises his hands in surrender. “All you man.” He said, with a slight laugh.
Placing your hand on your head again, you walked away from the two men and back towards your apartment. There was a throbbing in your skull now, you knew you had taken quite a knock to the head and it was probably best to get it checked out but you wanted to get away from those two. They just smelled like trouble, and you were always having near death experiences around them.
Bucky and Sam watch as you disappear into the apartment building which they assume is where you live.
“I think it’s a real coincidence that we keep bumping into her.” Bucky mused, still looking at the building. The two of them stood shoulder to shoulder, on the sidewalk.
“I think it’s real funny that you almost broke her head with a door.” Sam laughed.
Bucky threw him a look, and shoved him lightly. “Come on, let’s go.” He said, and begins to walk away “And you better not fucking say a word of this to Steve.” He added for good measure, this just made Sam laugh.
Bucky noted the building and street name that you lived on, just for in case and future reference. He didn’t know why he did it, he just deemed it necessary in his assassin brain.
There was something about you that he couldn’t quite place his finger on it and it was starting to bug him. He had to dig deeper into your past or just your life. It sounded a little obsessive stalkerish in his mind but oh well, he didn’t care.
Bucky had an itch in the form of you and he needed to scratch it.
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Challenge #5.75
Alternately Titled: The Ice Breaker
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a/n: Hey hey heyyyyyyyyy! Fun fact: the writing of this fic has resulted to me listening to My Heart Will Go On 36 times on loop- you guys better listen to that song while reading this lol. (I also had Titanic playing in the background) Before we find out what happens to Marshall as she prepares to leave the palace, let’s do another rewind and find out what brought out certain feelings of Ms. Conceal Don’t Feel for Natalie. This was supposed to be published before challenge 6- unfortunately, I’had to prioritize Challenge 6 cause.. yeah... challenge... HAHAHAHAHA (and I was/am swamped with school work... cause you know.. I’m graduating highschool in two months time lol) Get ready for a weekend full of me posting fics everyday guys (I didn’t procrastinate my school projects just to clear my entire weekend to write- it’s a miracle). ANYWAYS. Thank you so much to @nathaniel-schreave for the RP, and YAY FOR TITANIC (guys, Titanic is actually one of my fav movies so YEEEEEEET). Hope you guys enjoy this little fic~ See you soon HAHAHAHAHAHA
A memory
I still couldn’t believe that I had kissed Nate.
A.) because I didn’t think that he’d possibly like me in that way
B.) because I knew that he was still way out of my league
C.) because I knew that he was going to break my heart anyway
I mean sure, after the initial shock things kinda died down, I got to think of things in a more rational manner- and my most rational side reminded me that the kiss only did happen as a spur of the moment. Curiosity.
Yeah, we were just caught in a moment.
That thought comforted me a little better than the thought of Nate returning any of the sentiments I was feeling for him.
Of course the universe really had to send me him.
I try to keep myself on the downlow for the next week after we had kissed, and to my surprise- yeah. It wasn’t spur of the moment, because lo and behold: feelings were still there. Hair fixing, hand holding, butterfly stomaching feelings.
Oh the butterflies were definitely there when Nate had approached me after dinner one night.
“Hey Marshall,” he greets just as everyone was leaving the dining hall, and my stomach just kinda turns when I realize that he’s talking to me- but in a good way, I suppose.
“Oh hey.. uh, Hi Nate.” My face starts to feel like it’s heating up- good lord I needed to stop acting like such a nerd.
He curls his lips in, he seemed to do that a lot… before he proceeds to ask me, “Do you want to go see a movie... or something?”
“A movie?” A smile tugs on my lips, “Yeah, I'd like that…”
Nate smiles back, “Then lets go.”
The two of us start walking with each other, catching up on each other’s lives. I’m pretty sure Nate would be sick of me telling him about etiquette lessons with Lady Collette, so I ended up sharing one of my usual target practices with the guards in the shooting range below. Nate tells me a little about his day, and I try to poke a little fun on his paperwork, knowing how boring that stuff would be. Unfortunately, he didn’t have anything on Area 51, but they did discuss the topic of how the Great Pyramids were built. Yes, definitely exciting top government secrets.
We laugh with each other until we reach the theater.
“What do you want to watch?” Nate asks as we walk in. It was an interesting little set up, like a shrunken version of the movie theaters- a little more luxurious since it was full of recliners.
“I'm not quite sure…” I say, turning back to Nate. “What would you want to watch?”
The two of us reach a case full of DVD cases, all labeled with their movie titles in Alphabetical order. My first choice would have been for the two of us to watch Top Gun, but previous experience has taught me that Top Gun was not everyone’s cup of tea.
Nate shrugs, “It's your date, you pick.”
Okay yeah, I wasn’t going to watch Top Gun for the nth time. I sigh as I search the titles, not really finding any of the movies interesting. So I decide to leave it to chance.
“You know what? I'm going to pick a random one.” My hand skims over the cases as I close my eyes. I hope I pick a good one.
Once I feel my hand brush over the right title, I reach out and take out the DVD case.
I hear Nate chuckle beside me. “You want that one?”
My eyes open, and I see what Nate means.
Titanic. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet on the cover looking romantic as ever.
I let out a laugh, knowing already how cheesy this movie was.
“Sure,” I smirk at Nate. “I'm so in the mood to ugly cry over Leonardo DiCaprio.”
“I'm letting you know now, I will cry.” Nate shakes his head as he takes the case from my hand and starts setting up the movie.
“Don't worry, I won't judge you. Just give me a heads up so I'll have the box of tissues ready.” I flash him an amused smile. Nate? Crying over Titanic? Oh I’m so ready for that combination.
He finishes setting up the movie and stands, “Not like you won't.”
“I'm not saying that I wouldn't cry.” I shake my head. I got over emotional over books, how much more movies?
“How many times have you seen it?” Nate asks as he chooses one of the couch like recliners, good for two. Slick move, Schreave.
“I'm pretty sure I've seen it at least twice.” I take the seat next to him, giving us a comfortable distance between us- no matter how much I wanted to sit close to him. Personal space, Marshall. You may have been holding hands last time, that doesn’t mean that he still feels the same way.
Nate turns to look at me straight in the eye, “Five times.”
My jaw drops before I start laughing, “FIVE TIMES?”
“Everytime it was Mal's turn to pick a movie she'd always pick Titanic, every single time. Then we just stopped letting her pick.” Nate explains to me, and I try to control myself from laughing- but it was just too funny.
I cover my mouth in laughter, “Please tell me that you haven't memorized the dialogue by heart.”
“Oh yeah.” Nate nods.
“Oh my god... now I'm really excited to watch this movie.”
I try to imagine Nate quoting the most quotable lines from the movie, it’s probably going to be quite a sight to behold.
Nate simply replies by smirking and bumping my shoulder with his and I realize that we did end up moving closer to each other as we conversed.
“Come on, play the movie now.” I smirk back and Nate grabs the remote to press play.
For the next hour or so we watch the movie play out, the treasure hunters, Old Rose beginning her narration of the story, introductions for Rose and Jack. As shots of the Titanic pan out through the movie, a fact pops into my head and I end up saying out loud, breaking the silence between us.
I’ve never really had a movie date, but I could tell that it had its downsides: you had no idea if it was okay to talk with the person with you- and it was crazy, how I just wanted to talk to Nate. How easy it’s become for me to open up to him.
My eyes glance over to him, and I catch his eyes looking at me. Wait, was he staring?
Nate turns away quickly, and I laugh a little- a blush creeping up my face. “What is it?”
“Nothing.” he says as he looks straight towards the movie.
“Oh, okay..” I tilt my head and prop it on my arm on the top of my seat’s back.
We continue watching the movie, and I notice that Nate was holding out his hand, palm open to me- a hint.
I consider taking his hand, was he hinting for me to hold his hand? I look at his face, was he?
Another chance, I have to take it. I move a little closer to Nate, taking his hand in mine.
Nate gives out a small smile, looking at me. “You've changed a lot since I first met you.”
Have I really?
“Is it a bad thing?” I don’t think I have changed, maybe I just showed him parts of me I never really wanted people to see.
Nate flashes me a worried look.
“No, no, not at all. It's just I remember our first date you didn't want to even touch me,” he rubs the back of my hand with his thumb, “and now... you are more comfortable doing that kind of stuff.”
I furrow my brows, surprised by Nate’s concerned tone. “Nate... I have to be sorry about that for the most part…” I squeeze Nate’s hand back.
“It's not that I didn't want that... I was more scared…” I admit, the fear of actually having feelings for someone who wouldn’t reciprocate my own always lingered in me.
“You were scared of me?”
“More like getting scared of getting emotionally attached to someone... someone I can't exactly have.” I explain to him. This entire thing was masochistic in a way- being in a Selection… opening yourself to this kind of pain. Nate was someone I knew I liked, but I’ve always wondered… would I ever be good enough for him? He was a prince, I was just a soldier.The last time I checked, royals never ended up with their soldiers.
Nate nods and looks back to the movie, biting his lip. “I'm sorry about that... I get this isn't a normal situation.”
“You don't have to be sorry,” I shake my head and use my free hand to cup his cheek so he can look back at me. “You've been trying your hardest to make the best out of this situation.”
He gives me a small smile while he squeezes my hand again, “Thanks.”
I use my thumb to rub his cheek, smiling a little. He really was a good one, and a handsome one at that.
He was good looking, even more up close. I don’t want my hand to linger too long on his face, so I pull my hand away and let the two of us watch the movie.
We were already at the part when Jack and Rose were at the tip of the ship, Jack holding Rose up as she spread her arms. I’m flying, Jack. I’m flying.
Nate moves his hand away from holding mine, moving it to the back of my chair- smooth Nate, very smooth. I move a little closer to him, taking the hint.
He looks over at me, giving me a look. Just come here over already.
I let out a small laugh, what a dork he could be. This time, I move the closest I can be with him- leaning my head on him but feeling my heart beat wildly in my chest.
“I’m not that bad.” he says as he puts his arm around my shoulder, a joking tone in his voice.
“Of course you're not that bad. If you were, I would have split an hour ago.” I roll my eyes at him with a laugh. God, if it can be like this all the time….
I liked this, I liked having his arm around me, being this close with him- even with all the nervousness and uncertainty. It was finally nice to have someone to lean on, watch cheesy movies with- it was more than nice to have someone this close to me.
When Jack and Rose arrive at her sitting room, and Rose shows Jack the heart of the ocean. (Jack, I want you to draw me like one of your french girls- wearing this… wearing only this.) I realize how awkward this was going to get, and I was right when Rose drops her robe.
My first instinct gets me and I use my hands to cover my eyes and Nate’s- definitely one way to avoid an awkward situation.
Nate laughs as he moves my hand away from his eyes. “Come on. This is my favorite part.”
I lightly hit his arm, getting his joke. “Oh my god, you're so gross.”
“I was joking.” he smirks at me.
“Sure you were.” I return the smirk.
“I was. I promise.”
“Okay, I trust you.” I snort out a laugh.
Nate raises an eyebrow in a joking manner, “Do you?”
“You're way too decent to be that gross.” I reason out with him, snickering just a little
“Oh so I’m just decent?” he jokes.
“Okay, you're more than just decent. You're sweet... and thoughtful... and kind.. and…” I realize that I was getting away with describing him, then look away feeling myself blush.
Nate rubs my arm, asking in a curiously playful tone.“And what?”
And the most amazing person I’ve ever met.
“You're, in every way, charming.” I answer him with a smile.
“That’s better than decent.” he nods before turning to the screen again, this time to Jack and Rose running around the ship- away from Hockley’s croney, hiding out in an old car. Where to miss? To the stars.
I look away, feeling myself blush AGAIN as Jack and Rose proceed to make out in the car and well… do more. Hand print on the misty glass in all it’s glory.
Nate looks over at me, and chuckles- which makes me nudge his shoulder. How could he not find this awkward?
He pulls me closer with the arm wrapped around me and places a kiss on the top of my head, giving me tingles all over my body. Sometimes I don’t get it, how Nate was one of the few people who could do this to me… make me feel this way… all light and giddy… guard down… how…
“You know the first time I watched this movie... I was with my parents... Heavens to Betsy, it was awkward.” I share with him the uncomfortable situation of my first Titanic experience.
Nate shares his, telling me that the first time he watched the movie was when Max was around- which to Nate was both awkward and hilarious.
We talk a little bit more about Max, if he ever was like him, just having another hilarious conversation to diffuse the awkwardness of what was unfolding in front of us.
“Oh here's my favorite part,” I joke as ship hits the iceberg.
Nate chuckles. “ Your favorite part is all the people dying?”
I decide to play along, adding some sarcasm into my tone. “Oh yeah... definitely.. gives it a whole realistic feel.”
“Whatever makes you happy,” one side of his mouth quirks up.
“I'm kidding.” I laugh.
“Wooo, good.” Nate lets out a fake sigh of relief.
I snort out, “But yeah... after a couple of intense scenes... maybe Jack and Rose really needed... an ice breaker.”
Nate looks at me incredulously, “Did you really just make a pun?”
“I saw the opportunity, I took it.” I laugh under my breath, pride swelling in myself. Nate rolls his eyes at me and I laugh one last time before going back to leaning on him and watching the disaster of the Titanic unfold before our eyes.
The panic and confusion on the screen makes it a serious moment for the two of us, leaving us in silence as the rest of the story unfolds. When Jack and Rose are at the edge of the ship, about to hit the water- I take a deep breath, being my reminded of my irrational fear of sinking ships. That happens when you live on a naval ship with your dad for two months.
Jack helps Rose onto a piece of the wreckage, and Nate makes a comment- breaking the silence.
“She needs to shoot over. He can fit.”
I tap my chin, considering Jack and Rose’s situation.“That may not be the case- that piece of wood might lose its buoyancy if Jack gets on…”
Then Jack starts giving out his speech to Rose while he’s in the water and dying of the cold.
(Listen Rose, you’re gonna get out of here. You’re gonna go on…)
I feel tears starting to form in my eyes, and I try to fan my eyes- trying not to cry- Oh my God, why did Leo have to be so good at acting? I didn’t want to be the first one between Nate and I to cry because of this movie, but Nate reaches over to get me a kleenex, and that’s when I notice him looking like he was holding back tears.
(Promise me now, Rose, and never let go of that promise.
I promise.
Never let go.
I’ll never let go, Jack.)
But dang it, Leo was just that poignant. I feel a tear slip from my eye and the rest of the waterworks follow. I take the kleenex Nate offers.
“This part gets me everytime.” I wipe my eyes.
Nate nods his head, “Me too.”
“I told you that I was in the mood to ugly cry over Leonardo DiCaprio…” I comment as Rose tries to wake Jack up, to no response. Good lord, why did this have to be so sad? Jack and Rose could have been together, they should have been- they made each other happy… even if they came from two different worlds… okay… they just met each other three days before… BUT STILL- I was emotionally invested into these characters.
Jack, come back.
More tears come down from my eyes as Rose lets Jack go to float down in the water- and I felt pissed.
“YOU SAID YOU'D NEVER LET GO, GOOD LORD, ROSE!” I yell, frustrated that she literally did the opposite of what she promised Jack.
Nate pulls me closer and rubs my arm trying to comfort me, “It’s okay. It’s okay.”
“No, don't worry... I'm just frustrated…” I give out a small laugh in the absurdity of all this, wiping the tears from my eyes.
Nate continues to rub my arm in a comforting way, the two of us watching the screen as Rose gets saved and manages to wrap up what had happened to the ship with her narration. I know what’s going to happen next- the little twist of Old Grandma Rose still having the necklace- the Heart of the Ocean- but I’m still a little frustrated with her intentionally dropping the million dollar necklace into the water. That could have fed millions of people, should have been in a museum.
“It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s only a necklace…” Nate says, which makes me turn to him and realize that he’s got tears in his eyes.
“It's not okay.” I say as I turn away from the screen, knowing this is the part where Rose dies in her sleep… and somehow reunite with Jack in a resurrected Titanic- and shiiiiit, I think I’m crying. Why did this have to be so sad?
I could see that a tear or two were falling from Nate’s eyes, and I couldn’t blame him. This part literally pulled on my heartstrings, it probably did on Nate’s too. I reach for the box of tissues and grab some for me and him, offering him some tissues for his tears.
He takes it and wipes his face, and I move the arm between us to his own shoulder, giving him a one armed hug. He look like he needed a hug. Nate pulls me a little closer as Jack and Rose share another kiss before the screen goes black and fades into the credits.
I take a few glances up at Nate, seeing if he was okay… or if he needed anymore tissues… and he catches my eyes, smirking at me.
“Oh.. hah... nothing.” I dimiss before curling my lips in. Just checking up on you.
Nate smirks a little more playfully as he repeats himself, “What?”
I laugh again, then realizing that his hair was a mess- how that happened, I have no idea. So I reach my hand up, starting to fix his hair- but I just end up playing with it. It was smooth for a head of curls.
“What are you doing?” he asks in the same playful tone, tilting his head.
“Just,” I smirk as I meet his eyes. “fixing your hair.”
Nate leans himself closer to me and my heart nearly jumps, “Did it look bad?”
“Please, you could never look bad…” I say as I move closer to him, our faces mere inches apart, and my eyes quickly flicker from focusing on his face to his lips then back to his face. Now would be a good time… maybe.. to kiss him..
“That’s a lie.” Nate says just above a whisper and for a split second I thought.. maybe he thought so too.. I mean… My Heart Will Go On was playing in the credits rolling on the screen… maybe he would be okay.. if I just…
“It’s not.” I whisper back before I lean in to kiss him and as if we could be any closer- Nate uses the arm wrapped around me to pull me closer to him as he kisses me back.
My hand moves to the back of Nate’s head, and I continue keeping my lips on his. We were slow with each other, letting our hands move as we press against each other on the recliner, adjusting ourselves to the space. I feel a bit of my confidence build as he again pulls me closer and well, he wasn’t pulling away. I hope I was doing this right… My hand instinctively drags itself down Nate’s back, tracing along his spine before I settle it on his lower back, drawing circles.
I press my lips against his a little harder when I feel his hands in my hair, feeling my face heat up before a chill shoots through my body. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before… about a person.. and as much as I want to scream at myself, yell at myself, pull myself away from this situation- I only wanted more of this. I wanted more moments like this- moments with Nate, even if I knew they’d be limited, even if I knew that I could never have this permanently.
I’d take all of them if I felt like this whenever I was with him, no matter how little time I could be with him.  
No matter.
When I feel the kiss get a little more feverish, I move my hand to grip Nate’s arms and I could feel the muscles I first admired when I met him in the gym a long time ago.
“Holy hell, your arms…” I mumble in between kisses, slowing everything down until Nate pulls away with a raised eyebrow.
“What about them?” he asks looking at me.
“Oh.. I just..” I look away with a small smile, feeling embarrassed of what I had impulsively said. “I like them... a lot.”
Nate chuckles as he bites his lips with a blush, “Thanks.”
“Yeah sure.” I wish I could kiss him again, but maybe tonight.. maybe we’ve had more than enough of that… so I breathe out a laugh and run my hand through my own hair, hoping to fix it if Nate had messed up my hair- didn’t want to walk around looking like I had just made out with Nate… or did I..?
“It’s getting late, you should get back to your room.” Nate remarks and I check my watch.
I nod back at him, “Umm.. yeah.. I didn't realize how late it was getting…”
“Same.” he says as he stands and offers me his hand, and I take his hand and stand.
We leave the theater and walk hand in hand to my room, enjoying each other’s company. We reach my door and Nate turns to me. o
“I had fun, you got to see me cry, but I had fun.” he says.
A laugh escapes me, “I'll never forget your face when Rose dropped that necklace into the water... but..” I nod, feeling a smile creep up my lips,“Me too... I liked it…”
“Please don’t.” Nate shakes his head when I mention the necklace.
“Never gonna let you live it down, Natalie.”
I’d never let that memory go, never.
“Whatever.” Nate jokes as he leans to give me a small peck on my lips, making me blush. “Good night Michelle.”
“Good night, Nate.” I smile through my blush, opening my door from behind me, waving good bye.
I catch one last smile on Nate’s face before I see him walk away. I step into my room- closing my door behind me and pressing my back against the door still feeling the residual giddiness from being with Nate.
Moments. I was starting to live for moments like these.
I wipe a tear from my eye, pressing my back against the sitting room door.
If only memories like those could really convince me to stay in this palace.
To be continued
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alj4890 · 4 years
Prompt Request/Ross Gellar Friends Prompt
(Thomas Hunt x OC*Amanda) with the prompt: "You could not be any more wrong. You could try, but you would not be successful." As requested by @krsnlove. And a request for a reconciliation between the pair by Anonymous.
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(Thomas x Amanda) A Choices Red Carpet Diaries/The Royal Romance Fan Fic.
A/N One shot for this pair. Not set in any particular AU, yet another look at a possible dating relationship between this pair. A little angsty in parts. It takes place during Book 2 of The Royal Romance.
Song inspiration: Lonely For You Only (I'm not a big country music fan, but this song caught my attention when I checked for possible song titles. Angsty/need a shot of whiskey sound was perfect, LOL.)
@lxaah11​  @alleksa16  @penguininapinktuxedo  @blackcoffee85  @stopforamoment    @hopefulmoonobject    @krsnlove    @annekebbphotography       @hopelessromantic1352  . @sunflowergirl05  @desireepow-1986 @greywitchyshots  @lilyofchoices @moodyvalentinestories  @emceesynonymroll  @dr-nancy-house  @aworldoffandoms  @ab1901    @lolablackwrites    @flyawayboo  @i-bloody-love-drake-walker  . @trappedinfandoms  @kate-mckenzie
Lonely For You Only
A Los Angeles Bar...
Rachel drummed her fingers on the scarred wood table. She glanced repeatedly at her watch while her lips firmed into a slight frown.
"Where is he?" She muttered.
Each time the door opened, she rose slightly out of her seat to see if it was her brother.
Another ten minutes passed until she saw the familar head of black hair. She held her hand up and waved.
Thomas scanned the crowded bar and relaxed somewhat when he saw his sister. He slowly made his way over to the table she had secured in a secluded corner.
"Finally." She said once he sat down across from her. "I was beginning to think you weren't coming."
"I told you I had to finish up a few things before I came." He grumbled. He got the waiter's attention and placed his drink order.
A few minutes later he relaxed in his chair, sipping his old fashioned, and focused his attention on his sister. "Now. Why was it so dire that I meet you tonight?"
Rachel twirled her swizzle stick around the rim of her martini glass. "I'm worried about you."
He cocked an eyebrow. "Worried?" He took another swallow of his cocktail. "Why?"
"Because," she began impatiently. "You're lonely."
He set his glass down with a thud. "I am not."
"Yes, you are." She persisted. "And I think it is over Amanda."
He hesistated. A hardness seemed to infuse his features as he glared at her. "You could not be any more wrong. You could try, but you would not be successful."
She narrowed her eyes. "I'm right!"
"Look," he bit out. "Amanda and I dated briefly. When she had to take part in that ridiculous search for the next queen of Cordonia, she and I realized there was nothing else we could do except part ways."
Rachel shook her head. "You should have told her you were in love."
"I--" he cursed under his breath while downing the rest of his drink. "I wasn't in love. We dated barely six weeks." His frown deepened when he recalled how easily Amanda distracted him from everything but her. It wasn't as if she demanded attention. He simply had been unable to resist her.
"It doesn't always take years for two people to fall in love." Rachel snapped. "And you were in love! I've never seen you as happy as you were with her."
He waved toward the waiter and ordered a refill. "It doesn't matter what I felt. She's back in her country and I'm here. End of story."
"Her prince picked someone else." Rachel told him. "The entire court is touring around Europe." She leaned forward. "I think this is your chance."
"For what?" He asked.
"For you two to get back together!" She rolled her eyes at his stupidity. "Go to her, make some grand gesture, and be with the one that makes you truly happy!"
Thomas leaned back in his chair, silently glaring at his sister. "It's too late for that."
"It is never too late." Rachel snatched his glass out of his hand. "Stop being an idiot and do something." She gestured toward him. "Stop wallowing in misery."
"Wallowing?" He bit out. "Who said I've been wallowing?"
"Everyone that truly knows you has seen how you've been since Amanda left." Rachel gentled her tone. "She's not happy either."
His hardened heart softened at hearing that. "She's not? How do you--"
"I have friends and colleagues all over Europe." She replied. "They have seen her. She smiles for the cameras, but once they are turned elsewhere, her smile disappears completely." She placed her hand over his. "Go fix this. You'll never forgive yourself if you don't at least try."
Thomas looked down and thought through everything. "I--I can't just accost her on this tour."
"Of course you can!" Rachel encouraged. She pulled out her phone and scrolled through the schedule she had downloaded. "They will be in Paris tomorrow. That city is designed for romance to be rekindled."
He ran a hand over his face, scratching at his stubbled chin. "I suppose I could fly over for a visit."
"Good." Rachel patted his hand. "Your flight leaves in two hours."
"What?!" He stared at her with his mouth agape.
"Your bags are already on the plane." She stood up, paid for their drinks, and took his arm. "A private plane is waiting just for you to plan out what you will say when you see her."
"Rachel." He grumbled between clinched teeth.
"Yes?" She paused outside.
He pulled her into a hug. "Thank you."
Fashion Show, Paris...
"Where have you been?" Olivia hissed.
Amanda slid into the chair next to her and softly groaned at the glaring disapproval Madeleine leveled on her from across the room.
"I overslept." She admitted. "Plus I hate fashion shows."
Olivia hmphed and focused on Riley and Hana walking down the runway. "They are boring."
"Very." Amanda covered her mouth as she yawned.
As the show continued, she began to look around the room at the number of people attending. She noticed Liam staring longingly at Riley while Madeleine held court with a number of dignitaries. Drake looked as miserable as she felt. Maxwell was laughing with Hana and Riley.
"How much longer?" Amanda groaned, stretching her legs out in front of her.
"You've barely been here an hour." Olivia reminded her.
Amanda tried to sit still. Her nerves were on edge. It seemed that the last few months she had lost her ability to remain patient and content. Her fidgeting drew a frown form Olivia.
"I can't take it anymore." Amanda whispered. "I'm leaving."
"Where are you going?" Olivia asked, eyes wide. She had never seen her friend act like this.
"Anywhere that's not here. I'm not wasting my time in Paris watching this." Amanda apologized as she edged her way sideways down the aisle of seats.
She met Liam's eyes and gave a brief wave goodbye on her way out before Madeleine had a chance to corner her.
The queen to be had begun to hint that Amanda should join Hana, Kiara, and Penelope in finding a suitable match.
As if making an arranged marriage was what was really important in life.
How little Madeleine knew that marriage to anyone was impossible. She had made the mistake of falling in love and leaving her shattered heart in California.
Amanda slipped out the exit and breathed a sigh of relief. She was free. Free to do something that would keep her actively engaged and hopefully keep her mind from drifting to Thomas.
For now, she could simply do whatever she wanted.
At least until the dinner party this evening.
She waved a taxi down and felt her lips curve somewhat as the fashion show disappeared from view.
If only she had exited a few minutes later, she would have seen the very one she couldn't completely forget.
"Hunt?" Drake held his hand out. "I thought that was you."
Thomas shook his hand. "Good to see you again." He searched through the audience as models continued to strut down the runway.
"I never figured you for a fashionista." Drake remarked.
"I'm not." He replied dryly. "Since this is a charitable function for Cordonia, I thought that," he hesistated, "I thought Amanda might be here."
"She made a brief appearance." Drake explained. "Then did the very thing I had planned: she escaped."
Thomas checked the schedule Rachel had sent. He wasn't sure when he would have another opportunity to casually bump into her again. "Are there any plans this evening?"
"Some dinner party at the hotel we're at." Drake frowned at the thought of yet another stuffy event. He noticed Thomas's frown. "Why do you ask?"
Thomas realized he needed help if he was to have a moment alone with her. "I had hoped to have a chance to talk to Amanda."
"About?" Drake persisted.
"About a possible reconciliation." Thomas reluctantly answered.
Drake studied him silently for a few seconds. "Wait here."
Thomas quirked an eyebrow while he watched Drake go to where Liam sat. The king glanced over at Thomas and nodded in greeting. After a few more words were exchanged, Liam's lips eased into a smile as he walked over to him.
"Good to see you again, Thomas." Liam shook his hand. "I would like to formally invite you to our dinner tonight. It is blacktie and in Le Salon Haute Couture of The Plaza Athénée. It starts at seven."
Liam waved Bastien over and explained that Thomas should be added to the list of guests.
As he stepped away to return to Madeleine's side, he looked back at the director. "By the way, Amanda's in suite 878 in case you don't feel like joining us this evening."
Drake thumped Thomas on the back. "Good luck." He too disappeared into the crowd.
The Plaza Athénée, Suite 878...
Amanda burst into her suite, quickly yanking her clothes off while trying to talk on the phone. "I'm hurrying!" Her yell was muffled in her shirt. "I spent too much time wandering around the Louvre."
"Madeleine was ticked that you were not only late to the fashion show but also left early. The only thing that distracted her was Penelope forgetting her donation." Maxwell explained. "You should probably try and get downstairs on time."
"I will." She ended the call and started the shower. Once she was free of distraction, her mind returned to her tormented thoughts.
"I could call and say I'm sick." She mumbled, tempted to crawl into bed and never leave again.
Her head dropped back for a moment. She took a deep breath and forced herself to get ready.
She didn't know why she bothered anymore.
It wasn't like she had anything else going for her. No one was waiting in anticipation to see her.
No one here held her heart.
With a moan of frustration, she began the process of dressing up for a formal dinner.
She finished applying her lipstick and did a final twirl. Her midnight blue gown swirled perfectly, settling around her feet.
She paused on her way out of the bathroom when she heard a persistent knock.
Her brow furrowed as she looked through the peep hole. Baffled at what she saw, she opened her door.
"Yes?" Her gaze dropped down to the number of covered dishes the porter had on a cart.
"Mademoiselle Bridgerton?" He asked.
"Yes." She stepped back as he motioned for her to move. "I'm afraid you have the wrong room. I--"
"This is room 878, no?" He asked.
"Yes," She replied, "but I didn't order room service."
He spoke quickly, telling her that someone must have ordered for her as he set a romantic table for two in front of the windows looking out toward the Eiffel Tower.
Her eyes widened when he lit a candlabra and turned the lamps off. He took a step back to study his creation and nodded his approval. He bowed and left without another word.
Amanda stared speechless at the table. She stepped forward intending to blow the candles out, when there was another knock.
She opened the door and had bouquets of tulips thrust in her arms.
"What?" She mumbled. "Who--"
A different porter walked past her and set vases down at different end tables then took the bouquets from her.
"There's been some mistake." Amanda began. Her temper snapped when the porter shushed her as he finished arranging the flowers.
"Now see here--" her mouth dropped open as he bowed and left.
"What is going on?" She said to the empty room.
Another knock at her door had her stomping over. She whipped it open, ready to deny entrance to the next porter.
She raised a hand to her chest as she tried to comprehend the sight before her. Thomas was casually leaning against the doorframe. He was dressed in his tuxeudo and held a single red tulip.
"Thomas! Did you--how--what are you doing here?" She stuttered.
"May I come in?" He asked.
"Yes, of course." She snapped out of her daze and stepped back.
He walked over to the table and checked that all he requested had been done. He opened the bottle of champagne and poured them each a glass.
She watched him in utter confusion. "Did you send all this to my room?"
"I did." He admitted handing her a glass.
"Why?" Her brow was furrowed.
"Rachel." He replied.
"I beg your pardon?" She felt like she had been thrust into some sort of farce and was missing the first twenty pages of the storyline.
"My sister,” he began, “had a revelation.”
"She did?" Amanda wondered what on earth his younger sister had to do with any of this.
"Yes." He set his glass down then plucked hers out of her numb fingers to place beside his. He took both of her hands in his warm grip.
She watched as he struggled to explain. She gently squeezed his hands. "Thomas?"
He raised his eyes to hers. "She made me realize a few things."
"Such as?" Amanda prompted when he became silent again. His steady gaze held her mesmerized.
"That I'm lonely." He replied. "I'm lonely for you."
Her lips parted in surprise. "You are?"
"Second, that I am in love with you. Which in itself makes the first of being lonely more feasible." Thomas pointed out.
"Feasible." She repeated, completely stunned with his confession.
He stepped closer and cupped her cheek. His thumb softly carressed her skin as his intense gaze held hers. "These last few months have been some of the worst of my life. I should have never let you go."
Amanda closed her eyes when his lips tenderly met hers. She wrapped her arms around him while his hands cradled her face.
He lifted his head and softly smiled. "I hope you feel some of the emotions I do."
"I don't." She said, pulling him closer to her. "I feel them all just as deeply. I love you and wish that I had never felt obligated to return to Cordonia for that courtship season." She softly kissed him. "I've regretted it every single day since I left you."
He whispered her name as his lips crashed down on hers.
She felt her heart sing with each touch and each word he spoke. Her eyes drifted down his tux and she froze as her memory of tonight's schedule returned.
"The dinner! I was supposed to--" she saw what time it was and dropped her head forward in frustration. "I'm not in the mood to hear Madeleine berate me for missing that ridiculous dinner."
Thomas tugged her over to the table. "I believe Liam made our excuses."
"You do?" She asked.
"He gave me your room number in case we didn't quite feel up to joining everyone." He explained, holding a chair out for her. "He must have known I would want you all to myself."
"Now you've given me one more reason to love you." Amanda teased. She sat down and closed her eyes when he lowered his head and kissed her neck.
She turned her face to meet his lips. Her hand caressed his cheek, marveling that he was truly here.
He tried to frown at her when they broke apart. "I see you are already back to distracting me."
Her smile was warm and filled with joy. "I'm sorry. I will behave and stop doing so from now on."
He leaned down and kissed her once more. "You better not."
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