#also im really happy with how my style is going atm <333
piknim · 3 months
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A little wip of a ref for my sona
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kyeomblr-remade · 3 years
hi maddie <3 carat anon again. nothing to be sorry for. you had your reasons and i totally get that bcs I am busy myself currently and probably just my unhealthy relationship with tumblr is the only reason i am still daily on here (but therefore i lack of sleep).
I really like the lyrics of highlight and all my love atm but i am also a big sucker for all their bops. Any song that has an eletric guitar included I am probably in love with. Also really love happy ending, probably my fav out of an ode even tho the whole album is a chefs kiss (like every svt album)
About my bias: i saw this on another blog so I think I will do this too... I wont tell you yet bcs I am very curious what vibe I give off. Is it ok if I let you guess after Ive send you a few asks and tell you afterwards? I think that would be fun :) I guess yours is seokmin, right? I actually ticked off about 50% of the members for the bias ask in the form bcs I do have a bias but I love many other members almost equally.
Do you have a favourite subunit? Is it maybe the vocal line?
Do you like watching going seventeen? if yes what are your top3 episodes?
++ oh and i forgot. hope you getting through those stressful times. I am sending lots of strength and hope it will get better for you soon. Also hope you have a wonderful day/rest of the day/night!
hi love !! <333 naww thank u for being so understanding and considerate :-( im doing alright tho so don't worry about me ! a couple of busy, stressful days but nothing that cant be fixed w a good long nap hehe i hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself too <3
oooh happy ending is one of my favorites too ! i remember playing it on loop for days when it was released,,,, whatever drug svt puts in their jpn releases im hooked hdfhh speaking of electronic guitars !!!! run to you was one of the songs i considered listing in my top 5, the anime op vibes are impeccable,,, i feel like the hype for it kinda died down a bit but its such a gem still, truly an icon among icons <333
personally im not a big fan of darker bg concepts and "noise" music so i was a bit nervous when svt released hit pre-an ode,,, but the album itself turned out SO GOOD !! bop after bop after bop-- after a while even hit kinda grew on me HFHDS thats when i realized, when it comes to svt i really shouldnt worry about the music because they always deliver 😌😌
ticking off almost all the members is such a mood hfhdsh i really have to hand it to pledis, they have an amazing knack for talent scouting,,, isnt it crazy how they managed to find 13 unique boys who are all so talented and lovable in their own ways ? seriously.. but yea guessing your bias sounds like so much fun HFHDS lets do that <33 you already guessed mine correctly ^^ performance unit was actually my favorite unit when i first got into svt; i really love their brotherly dynamic and honestly dancers are just ??? so ??? cool ??? but then i kinda swayed to vocal unit hehe ;; (i promise its not because of dokyeom tho ... mostly 😳😳 i just love how playful they are together and like i said, im a slut for ballads so it was inevitable HFHDS) what about you?~
OFC <333 I LOVE GOSE !! i loved it when it was just behind the scenes stuff, and i still love it now that its more variety style ! my favorite episodes are the TTT's for sure and hm.. the don't lie's ? i actually missed a lot of this year's gose episodes because i was so busy w my internship and my bachelor's project,,,, i really need to catch up ;-; (and while im at it, i wanna rewatch the older episodes too <3) what are some of your favorites? ~ and since u wont tell me your bias yet, do u maybe wanna share how/when you got into svt? im really curious ^^
hope u have a lovely day, and again thank u for your kind words <3 sending u lots of positive vibes back mwah <3333
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wonwooridul · 3 years
Thank you so much for the gfx maker recs!! I am mutuals with one of them heheh, and I really love their work ♡ I will definitely check out the others, I think the gfx makers on caratblr are soooo talented, seriously. The quality is always super incredible...Ive been on here for like 10 years and they always blow me away.
Top 5 Seventeen songs ATM are: GAM3BO1, Ready to Love, MOONWALKER, Fronting, OMG. These aren't my faves of all time, but I have been listening to them the most recently.
Also, I just checked out the playlist and wow....1) your taste is impeccable and we have lots of interests on common (music wise) and 2) I cannot explain how thankful I am for the playlist. When I was going through it, I actually started crying bc I felt so nice to have someone make a playlist for me 😭😭😭
I was thinking about making you one as well, but since my spotify name would inevitably reveal my identity, I will send the songs on anon instead....unless I find another way to do it!! Either way, I have something planned for you as well :))
Thank you so much for the playlist, I will be listening to it when I am studying later tonight!! Have a great day or night ♡
so sorry for such a late response <///3 i got caught up with uni stuff
i’m curious to know who you’re mutuals with!!! Our caratblr grfx makers are so talented, i just *heart eyes* for each one of the creators. all the them have different styles and it’s so beautiful !
your choicessss!!! Ready to Love, moonwalker and omg are my faves too <333. Hao’s starting part in OMG of that specific stage is just wow. AND LAST YEAR CARAT LAND VU MOONWALKER PLS THAT WAS SO CUTE!!! have you been to a concert before ?
what are few of your favourite svt stages ??
also i’m so glad that we have similar taste music wise cause mine is pretty weird and mixed up with all sorts or rock, edm, pop and ballad cnrjxn . AW DONT CRY IM SO SO HAPPY THAT YOU LIKED THE PLAYLIST!!!!
omg i can’t wait to see what you have planned <3333 plus i saw your ask about the songs and i haven’t heard most of them </3 time to check them out !!!! thankyou for sending themmm! i hope the playlist helped you concentrate more than dance to it cjrj
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memedokies · 7 years
(almost) every anon ask since fall 2016
if u havent noticed i am BAD at answering asks so here’s a Big Dump of most of the asks i’ve gotten in the past few months
ps; i’ve excluded pokemon suggestions bc i plan on getting to them at some point
Hihihi!!! What brushes do you use in fire alpaca??  i dont do much in firealpaca (esp not lately lol) but when i did use it a lot i just used the fill bucket and the standard/default brush to fill in gaps n such lol! i dont really draw in it, i used flash/adobe animate for the lineart and just fill in color in firealpaca :3
when did you start animating?   uhh when i was around 11 or 12 when i started digital art i guess? i just used photoshop for the longest time then got flash when i was like 15 or so
 How did you get flash?  i got the creative cloud dealie, its technically required for my school :—-0 
 hello!! what are you majoring in in vcu?? im thinking about going there for college  im in communication arts! omg cool lmk if u come here ill tell u where to get the best bubble tea
 how many fps do you use for your wiggly animations? i work at 24 fps in flash on twos but just end up using photoshop’s 0 second frame delay/ “no delay”?
 Hey love your animations! What do you animate with?  adobe animate 2017! (previously flash) 
You mentioned a YouTube channel but I can’t seem to find a link to it? Do you post processes on there? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCovvoZxlQjFaIA7A3w_94Zw theres not much atm but i plan on posting a lot more, including process/speedpaints! 
i really like your art style gosh darn!!! everythings so fluid and stylized and nice aaa (also ur animations are goals) do u have any tips for someone still developing their artstyle????  WAH TYSM!!!!! compile art you already like and incorporate aspects from their styles into yours, BUT dont limit urself to one style! if u like something then try it out! do straight up copies (as PRACTICE, DONT CLAIM IT as your own ofc) of stuff you like to see how they work and what you’re clicking with. spending time on fundamentals is MEGA helpful so keep going back to that too! USE REFERENCES!!! draw …from ur soul…what makes u ..FEEL good
 how do you make that burn effect on your lineart? it makes it your pieces look sharper and even more interesting, it’s super cool!!  when i used to use flash for lineart and firealpaca for coloring a lot, setting the lineart layer on BURN with the coloring layer seeping a lil past the lineart would get this effect automatically 
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(like on the whiskers. u can see it gets a brighter brown(?) and the warmer yellow on the ears)
but since then i’ve been using sai+photoshop more so i just do it manually! i’ll use this funny pic of me and my cat as an example lol
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^i select the lineart/everything i want the funky color around
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^slam that INCREMENT button a couple times
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^make a new layer under the lineart
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^fill that puppo with ur preferred color! something brighter works best, or even straight up white
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that’ll give you something like this
then i open it in photoshop
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and i mess with the pink line layer’s blending mode..color burn usually does the trick but depending on the Look you’re going for, saturation, multiply and overlay have some similar effects that look cool. 
i also usually get rid of the outermost edge of pink line that’s visible around the lineart, just so it looks a little cleaner? to do that you just select around your lineart, increment/expand selection, and delete/erase in the selection of the pink line layer
uhh yeah! lmk if anyone needs clarification on this, i have some other #TIPS on makin ur art look crusty and funky so…lemme know if you’re interested :—3
What do you use to animate? And, a more specific question, how do you make transparent animated gifs? adobe animate 2017! (previously flash) i export my animation from flash as a png sequence then open it in photoshop, where the background will be transparent and save it as a gif from there nyaaa
if anyone needs more clarification lmk and i’ll make a proper walkthrough :-0
 Hello!! Ur art is rlly pretty and so inspirational and nice to look at!! 💗💗 I was wonderin’ if ya had any tips on choosing shapes for characters? Like, when you draw shapes for a certain character, it looks rlly like it fits with the character’s personality n stuff!! ( e.g: Your Love Live! drawings!! The characters look so good in your style.) I’ve always admired how u did that n was hoping for some tips maybe?? Anyways, have a good day!!💛💖💟💜💝💞💖 HOOGA!! TYSM!!! and YEA you basically guessed it, i mainly just think about the character’s personality and translate that into a shape or Pheeling… 
especially for anime characters i look at the Very Subtle differences in the character’s original design..or possibly canon implications…for example kotori has slightly different eyes (it also says on her wiki page she has soft droopy eyes!) so i make sure to incorporate that Detãile
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 anime wiki pages that have details like that is nice, for love live they have cute lil “charm points” which is really cool n helpful! listening to how a character is described in their world can give clues to what differentiates them which you can make more clear in your design
taking into account each characters context is good too, what they do/hobby/personality and how that could affect their appearance/posture/attitude
 YEAH its really fun to figure out certain characteristics and make it evident in their appearance! or. idk thats just what i do lol. hopefully this helps!
Have you ever seen the anime jojos bizarre adventure? alas i have not..i have some friends whom are into it so i’ll prob end up watching it sometime lol
sorry if this is obvious but!! are you the creator of Fork and Knife: Food Fighters?? your gif of fork is super cute btw!! yes i am!! wah tysm!!
Hey my little sister found your animation on an online art gallery and she really loved it! omg cool, thanks so much!!
Your style is so lovely!! OHG thanks!
your blog is so precious i love it a lot! your art is so cute too ^u^ waa thanks!!
Your art and animations art really cool! Keep up the good work! You are amazing!! aahg thank you!! :’333
 your art is fuckening amazing hh broe…tysm
 Oh my gee, I used to follow you on Deviant Art, and now here I am, finding you on accident. You’re still as talented as ever. =w= b hUIOpugh deviantart, my homeland..my origin.. thank you!!!
- O mg I love your art! 💕💕💕 thank you!! heart emojis!!! 💖💖💖
- your art and animations give me so much inspiration, thank you! everything about your style is so fun and it cheers me up omg this validates my top tier goal in life, im so glad!! thank you SO much!
Your style is so charming and adorable ;__; thank you!!
ur art is so gross in the best way possible this is the biggest compliment ive gotten thank u so much. i love making gross squishy awful drawings
 your art style is very cute ! 🌱 oohg thanks!! thanks for the little sprout emoji, i love her
GOOD ART!!!! good art good art good art EVERYWHERE I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! OHHGG THANK YUO
how do ya draw such cutely its driving me nuts Nuts NUTS !!! I LOVE SPARKLES AND BRIGHT COLORS AND FUNNY ANIMALS..its my lifeblood..thank u.. 
You’re a really rad artist! I’m Glad there’s some cool artists that are local! Have a good time at VCU! oh wow thanks!! 
Ur shapes r so good thanks i LOVE a nice wholesome shape!
I rlly like ur art style my dude thanks!! 
hi! just wanted to let u know that you’re wonderful and i wish u well in everything u do this is making me bVERY HAPPY THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
 Im love You!! IM L OVE YIOU
that meowth boy is so good. i love him as he is my son THANK YUO i too, love meowth a Lot
 I love how your art is basically lines and curves, it’s very cute oo thanks! 
i love your art style so much!! it’s so zesty? i cant think of a better word to describe but its like. zesty & refreshing & rly rly cool !!! THATS A BEAUTIFUL ADJECTIVE I LOVE IT thank u so much!!!
You seem like you would watch Osomatsu-san. I could see you drawin dem bois in you hella rad art style. osomatsu was the wildest ride of my life. tho i dont think i could physically be able to sit down and draw them seriously ever… 
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 Pls make more angry cat comics theyr so halarious plllls 👀 more are on the way!!!!!!
Have you done a meet the artist i sketched one when the meme was still poppin..is it too late lol? maybe i’ll still do it
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