#also fossil fighters
keymintt · 8 months
Fun fact: Dimetrodon was not a dinosaur. It's not a reptile at all and is way more closely related to mammals than anything else. It's a synapsid! Dimetrodon was called a "mammal-like reptile" when it was first discovered, but then we realized that was wrong.
exactly! i've always found that super interesting tbh
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wonderbeests · 7 months
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assorted ff doodles
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beast-feast · 8 months
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I spent 2 long on this but I'm digging it :]
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Finally doodled some fanart of my favorite funny dinosaur game! :>
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rosie-richmond · 1 year
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In both Fossil Fighters and Fossil Fighters: Champions, vivosaurs reuse body types and animations. One of these animation sets has an oddity: The rightside knee is strangely sharp and protruding. Not even T-Rex, the series mascot, is safe.
Interestingly enough, this issue was not fixed for Fossil Fighters: Champions. However, due to various design alterations, it affects different vivosaurs compared to the first game. Some (like Cryo) keep the error in both games. Others (like T-Rex) see the error disappear. Meanwhile, some that did not have the error previously (like Allo) gain it in Champions.
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captainmvf · 3 months
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When you take seven years of Mandarin through grade school but then get a compliment when you're nervous so you start speaking some German you picked up.
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very-best-vivosaur · 5 months
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She is bueaty and she is garce
Very Best Vivosaur Bracket coming sometime in 2024
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some quick queer fossil fighters headcanons
-Several vivosaurs have been treated throughout the ages as queer icons. Generally, dromaeosauridae, particularly Dilopho, Breme, and Nychus, are seen as representative of all forms of queerness. Moreover, Aopteryx, Proto, and Guam, who are gifted with the ability to transform into yet more glorious iterations of themselves, are commonly used in trans iconography. Shanshan tends to be used as a transmasc icon solely, while Guam is usually used for transfem iconography. Aopteryx is used dually as a generalised trans icon and as a representation of nonbinary Fossil Fighters. Also; Sinopteryx is often incorporated into lesbian iconography.
-Most assume that Holt, for his love of V-raptor, would be gay. They're not wrong that he's queer, but his specific brand of queerness is asexuality.
-Dinaurians have more complex chromosomes than humans, so have their own approach to classifying both sex and gender. While there exist both female and male Dinaurian phenotypes, these phenotypes don't always match with their BC/CC chromosome distributions—environmental influence plays a far greater part in Dinaurian than human puberty, so BC males and females both exist, as do CC males and females, and BC and CC intersex Dinaurians. While Dinaurian standards of masculinity and femininity exist, they present more guidelines than cultural imperatives—as such, many Dinaurians fit into neither box socially or biologically, and this is broadly considered normative. Human ideas of straightness, gayness, and bisexuality thus don't always translate well into Dinaurian culture, as the idea of inherently being attracted to especially stringent expressions of certain chromosomal phenotypes just doesn't compute when those phenotypes aren't straightforward. Dinaurians might mention preferring masculinity or femininity somewhat if asked about their sexualities, but are more likely to emphasise personality, intellect, or specific nondimorphic physical characteristics. That is, most dinaurians are sapiosexual and pansexual to some degree, but pansexuality doesn't tend to entirely translate as a cultural construct.
-Near the Hare Club, Cranial Isle has a small hangout room labelled 'the Aopteryx Club'. It's a de facto space for trans Fossil Fighters to meet up and trade anecdotes, and Terry insists on setting aside a portion of the Fighter Station housekeeping budget to make sure the Aopteryx Club is furnished as well as possible.
-Terry is gay, and Cole is a bisexual who long assumed himself to be the sole queer man worth his own attention. The two attended highschool together, and slowly, ever so slowly, have been seen becoming more and more affectionate with each other in public.
-Lola is nonbinary and aroace, but doesn't tend to mention her gender identity unless asked. She's seldom felt quite comfortable with they/them pronouns, but considers herself human before she considers herself in any way female. Though she's ace, she absolutely adores gossiping about others' love lives, and has made every effort possible to nudge Cole closer to Terry.
-Lester is nonbinary and transmasc (he/they pronouns). He and Lola spend a great deal of time making music after hours at the Aopteryx club.
-Pauleen and Dina are lesbian. Oh so very lesbian. Dina is usually entirely oblivious to any male expressions of attraction towards her. Pauleen is not oblivious when men adore her, but tends to be upfront about seldom returning feelings.
-Rupert and Dino are gay. Oh so very gay. From a marketing perspective, Rupert's father didn't disapprove of his son's sexuality—rather, he despised his son's choice in partner, and feared that Rupert and Dino's public affection for each other would drive away potential clients for FossilDig. Rupert managed to allay most of his father's worries by pointing out that FossilDig could likely buy into rainbow capitalism more now, but look less conspicuous doing so. Nevertheless, Rupert's father remained too stuffy to follow through on such a business venture, and pride month sales remain anodyne. Joe Wildwest, meanwhile, not only dotes on his son, but has been absolutely vocal about LGBT rights since he noticed that Dino was gay. 'Noticed', rather than 'was told', since Dino never really came out—he just happened to have a first crush on a male, rather than female, classmate, and the family rolled with it from there.
-In the Patrol Team, Todd is the token straight on thin ice.
-P. A. Leon is gloriously and gorgeously aroace. Though she dated as a young woman, she came to realise she better enjoyed time spent alone with her Kraftwerk and Gary Numan records than time spent together with partners. Her team comprises solely dromaesauridae, and as such, long before she used the term 'asexual' on radio, many celebrated her apparent queerness.
-Diggins and Beth are both trans, and Diggins was the first person to popularise Aopteryx as a symbol of transness.
-Joe describes himself as straight, but also swoons over 70s & 80s rockstars. He's as straight as a 70s rockstar can be—that is, functionally bicurious at minimum. An, uh, 'extremely devoted ally'.
-Though Stryker gives extremely little away to the press, he's always been openly gay. It's not something he's ever wished to conceal; as such, he's the first openly queer head of the Wardens.
-Dahlia and Penny are probably the most prominent resident sapphic couple at INTERFOL.
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zestyderg · 1 year
Ok I know we like to joke about guhnash looking like a tadpole but what if
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beelzemon · 1 year
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i’ve been replaying fossil fighters lately and here’s my tierlist on vivosaurs i’ve used so far (level 5 fighter)
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dravidious · 10 months
You're pretty damn cool
I have a ton of untouched games in my steam library, yet I'm currently playing through my old copy of Fossil Fighters Champions, and it's fucking bonkers. This game has the most ridiculous plot points. In one scene a digging robot is breaking through a rock, but it starts running out of battery, so the main character starts trying to help (to no effect), and the robot is like "You are attempting to assist me? Thank you sir or madam. I now know why it is that humans smile. Battery at 100%, diggingdiggingdiggingdigging-" and that's just A THING that happens with no explanation. That robot wasn't even hinted to be sapient at all until that moment, and no one is like "holy fuck the digging robot has emotions" or anything, it just happens. And those kinds of moments are all over the game. This game does the most absurd things ever, I love it so much.
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aggressively-crying · 3 months
Fossil fighters turned me bi and was probably instrumental to realizing my whole nonbinary situation
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krystalrage · 1 year
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Three of them
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falselyemmit · 11 months
So two months ago ish (like, late may?) I replayed fossil fighters champions. And you want to know what I realized?
What if we weren't the protagonist? What if we didn't win the cup? What if princess pooch was actually the winner? Then what??? Would zz just possess the dog?? Would he possess Joanie instead because how do dog skulls work? But I'm assuming that the person would need to be good at fossil battles considering he does a whole tournament to decide?
They'd have to acknowledge the dog won. When we fight princess pooch, they even make corrections on how we are not fighting Joanie. Everyone now knows. In everyone else's eyes, the new owner of the park would be a dog. Who's also a princess.
Imagine being the king and queen and finding out your daughter won the tournament she wanted to take part in. Now she owns the park. All of the staff have a new owner who happens to be a dog. Would they need to learn how to speak her language? Or would Joanie help?
...In everyone else's point of view though. I don't think zz would really stick with this idea.
Also would zz actually know how to speak princess pooch's language? Cause if he doesn't I feel like Joanie would find out something is up. Imagine if you worked there and heard the dog (who's also the owner, and can probably fire you) start talking regular English.
I don't really know why I'm thinking too hard on this, and I don't know if this is really coherent to understand.
(Also side note I've been looking around this site and apparently people have introduction posts?? That they pin? Am I supposed to do that???)
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kirstenonic05 · 1 year
yes, that fossil fighters clip is actually in the game
No way...
Thank you for confirming! Fossil Fighters is such a wild game, and I remembered Duna using magic to remove the rock. (Maybe because of the manga?) But I'll be real, Duna pulling out a gun doesn't sound out of place in Fossil Fighters
I can't wait to see this in my replay through the game :)
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mikiruma · 9 months
hi i just got my first full dose of t and i just wanted to share :)
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