#also don't use gaslighting to talk about dc insisting a friendship that is real does exists that's not fucking gaslighting holy shit
evilwickedme ยท 1 year
I assume that Jason misconception poll was talking about how the New 52 obliterated Roy's characterization, but even still. Like yeah, that's not MY Roy, but it is a Roy and it's not a lie or misconception to say that one is friends with Jason. And even if it were, it'd be a Roy misconception, not a Jason one
No fr like that's not Jason's fault?? Like that's not on Jason at all, he genuinely is friends with Roy. Also I'm so sick of people saying that Lobdell ruined Roy and Kori "for Jason's sake" as if Jason's characterization isn't entirely fucked in that comic as well. All of them were badly written and guess fucking what they came out the other end and they're friends now it's not a misconception and it's certainly not fucking gaslighting??? It didn't belong on that poll and it definitely didn't need to use that kind of wording
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