#also can’t use carbon transfer paper
rowanthestrange · 5 months
Also painters pls help me with noob hacks:
I want to copy a Real Art onto my jacket. A pretty simple and small one but a Real one nonetheless. Are there any secret hacks for that kind of copying, or is the pinnacle really just the way I do it when drawing, i.e. put reference image as close as humanly possible, flick eyes between fairly rapidly, make a high-pitched whining noise the whole time etc.
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no-name-publishing · 2 years
Manacled by SenLinYu
My 8-month marathon on this project has finally come to a close, and I have a ton of pictures to share!
We’ve got a split-board binding with made-endpapers and a built-in tab for extra support. Hand-sewn endbands with silk-finish cotton sewing thread. Done in a millimeter binding style with black leather, and a hand-drawn and -painted floral motif across the middle. Final page count is just under 1.4k. I figure altogether this was around ~50 hours worth of work for the whole binding, from beginning to the typeset to pulling the final book out of the press.
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More pictures of the binding and typeset under the cut! If you have any questions or want more info about the process don’t hesitate to ask!
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In truth I over measured/estimated the needed length of my leather; this and my poor pare job is definitely visible through the cloth lol, but I’m still jazzed with the result since I’d never touched leather before this. I designed the spread digitally in Procreate, printed it, transferred it to my cloth using carbon transfer paper, then painted using Jacquard Lumiere Metallic gold paint and a refillable .75mm paint pen.
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From starting the drawing to finishing the painting I’d say this part took ~15 hours. Close up of the spine:
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Each endband measures around 3 3/4″ (9.5cm) in length and took around 5 hours to complete. The core is 4-ply hemp cord that I coated with PVA glue. Wrapped with a single strand of red silk-finish cotton thread, and one strand of polyester yellow thread, since it’s kinda shiny. Last I counted it was something like 300+ wraps of thread for each band. The uh, cat hair here is just an added bonus I suppose. Like when you buy a new pair of jeans and get that free sticker.
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Some progress shots:
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The tie downs. I usually will try to tie down every other signature. With 68 signatures you can understand this ate up a metric shitton of thread.
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Different angle. Also a good few of the top of the textblock, which was trimmed painstakingly by hand with a wood chisel.
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Smooth as a shark etc.
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And some shots of the innards!
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Each chapter page when through four rounds of printing: 1st through an inkjet, for the floral; 2nd through a laser printer for the number; 3rd through a laminator for the gold toner-reactive foil; and 4thly for the rest of the text.
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Half-title page:
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One of the attempts to foil a crane. The toner may have been too thin a line for it to work, or perhaps not dense enough tonerly. I don’t have control over that setting on our Xerox unfortunately.
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A second shot of a golden crane. This was slightly more successful but lord knows why. Luck.
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Fun fact is that this Daily Prophet page ALONE was about 8 hours worth of typesetting. I do all my typesetting in Word, and this page was recreated line-by-line individually. A few of these elements I also had to redraw by hand since there were just no good alternatives online. Anywho though, good payoff.
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Nextly, some in-progess shots I don’t have a good segway into lol. A detail you can’t see on the book but I know is there, is hand-dyed scarlet linen thread, drip drying on my shower curtain rod:
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Freshly sewn. 68 signatures, no waiting:
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Rounded and backed:
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And a close up of the special tab/made-endpaper construction. Stupidly I didn’t take any shots of gluing the split boards on, but I think the idea is pretty easy to imagine. Just picture this tab getting glued in between the cover boards.
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You can kind of see it here:
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And finally, the behemoth on the shelf. This bad boy tips the scales at just over 4 pounds (about 1.8 grams). Glad to have it; more glad to move on with my life.
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Thank you for reading!!
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bumblebeeappletree · 2 years
Josh provides the lowdown on hot versus cold composting methods. Subscribe 🔔 http://ab.co/GA-subscribe
Composting is part of Josh’s life routine; he loves it so much he has both hot and cold composts on the go with multiple versions of each. He helps explain which method’s right for you.
Cold compost:
Cold compost is largely made up of kitchen scraps - the most regular type of organic matter most households produce.
Josh uses large open bottom bins, partially buried to keep out rodents and other pests. When it comes to position, Josh places his bins under his deciduous pear tree. It shades his compost from the heat in summer and when it loses its leaves in winter it allows the sun to warm the bins, keeping the microbes working.
While cold compost is relatively low maintenance and easy to manage, you must be patient, as it may take up to six months until it’s ready to use.
Josh’s recipe for cold compost:
Kitchen scraps are usually full of moisture and rich in nitrogen so it’s a good idea to balance that with a layer of fine brown organic material that is high in carbon.
Add a layer of any of one of these: wood shavings, dry leaves, even old toilet roles or paper that can also be used to line your scraps bucket. Microbes will breakdown the dry material as part of the decomposition process, but the added organic material also provides structure to the pile which is important for aeration. Air is important so the compost doesn’t become anaerobic, or sour, producing ‘stinky’ gases like methane and hydrogen sulphide.
The aim is to keep your compost ‘nice and sweet’ but if it does become sour and smelly you can lightly sprinkle some ordinary garden lime.
Next, give your compost a good forking, to open it up to get some air in so it remains aerobic. Josh does this every few weeks to help break things down.
He also has two compost bins on the go as one gets filled up the compost from the second is ready to go and can be emptied.
But something that cold compost can’t do is kill off weed seeds and plant diseases like powdery mildew, to do that you need to make hot compost.
Hot compost:
Hot compost is largely made up of garden clippings – they’re too valuable a resource to throw away. The decomposition of pruning and spent plant material are a source of carbon and nutrients to benefit your garden. Instead of throwing them away, you can reintroduce them to your garden as compost.
While Josh has used bins for his cold compost, he’s constructed bays consisting of a frame made of salvaged steel, some steel sheeting and timber including timber panels at the front for his hot compost - this helps keep things nice and contained and tidy.
Josh’s recipe for hot compost:
Gather all your clippings in one large batch of at least one cubic metre to get it nice and hot to give things a nice ‘cooking’. Then it’s just a matter of putting the right ingredients together gradually building up layers. Your layers of fresh leafy chopped up garden material are high in nitrogen and dry pruning’s are high in carbon.
- Add a 50 to 100mm layer of dried plant material like chopped up dried broad bean stems
- Sprinkle of pelletised poultry manure
- Spray some water
- Add some more green leafy pruning’s
- Add some soiled straw (Josh got his from his rabbit hatch)
- Add more pelletised manure
- Spray more water
The main thing to remember is to roughly use two-thirds fresh green material to one-third dry material and add manure for extra nitrogen and water to kick things off.
Josh uses two bays, allowing the first batch to ‘cook’ while the second bay is used to store more mature compost. Once the latter is empty he can transfer the first bay into the second empty bay and in doing that give it a second ‘cooking’ adding some extra moisture and manure and chopped fine greens to get the mix ‘just right’. This ‘second chance’ will get it hot again and hopefully kill off any weed seeds and plant pathogens.
Hot or cold compost - choose one which is right for you or like Josh, do both.
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cryptotrendznews · 2 months
NFTs: Unveiling the Mystery of Definition and Importance
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Understanding NFTs
NFT meaning, A blockchain-based one-of-a-kind digital identity used to verify ownership and validity is called a non-fungible token (NFT). It can't be divided, swapped out, or copied. An NFT can be bought, sold, or traded since its ownership is documented in the blockchain and transferable by the owner. NFTs are easy to make and don't require any or very little coding knowledge. NFTs frequently make reference to digital data, including pictures, audio, videos, and artwork. NFTs are distinct from cryptocurrencies, which are fungible, in that they are uniquely recognizable. Between 2020 and 2021, NFT trading grew from US$82 million to US$17 billion. The energy costs and carbon footprint of some blockchains, as well as the fact that NFTs are utilized in art frauds, have been criticized for their usage as speculative investments. A Ponzi scheme or an economic bubble have also been linked to the NFT market. At the height of their popularity, Ethereum, Solana, and Cardano were the three largest NFT networks. A May 2022 projection stated that the number of sales was almost 90% lower than in 2021 due to the collapse of the NFT business. According to a report published in September 2023, more than 95% of NFT collections were worthless.
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The highly popular Ethereum blockchain game CryptoKitties debuted in November 2017 and is recognized for having been the first to introduce what is regarded as the first legitimate non-fungible token standard, or ERC-721. It made use of an early version of ERC-721 that was not the same as the version that was officially released in 2018. ERC-721: Non-Fungible Token Standard A community-driven paper called ERC-721: Non-Fungible Token Standard was published in 2018 at the initiative of civic hacker and lead author William Entriken. Although non-fungibility experiments have been conducted on blockchains since 2012 with Colored Coins on Bitcoin, this paper is acknowledged for having laid the groundwork for NFTs and facilitating the expansion of the broader ecosystem. With the establishment of "ERC-721," a standard for smart contracts, it formalized and defined the term "Non-Fungible Token" (NFT) in blockchain terminology. Each token would have distinct characteristics and ownership information, guaranteeing that no two tokens are the same. As a result of its influence on other blockchains and Ethereum (such as ERC-1155, which enables semi-fungibility), derivative standards were developed. Due to its adaptability, it has been used to pioneer a wide range of use cases, such as virtual and actual real estate, digital artwork, access passes, and game materials. In the end, the development of ERC-721 is acknowledged for having significantly altered the environment surrounding digital ownership, verification, and identification. - Each NFT has a distinct value and specific information that differentiates it from other tokens. - NFTs can represent digital art, collectibles, music, videos, virtual real estate, and more. - The ownership of an NFT is recorded on a blockchain, providing a transparent and decentralized ledger of ownership. - Artists and creators can tokenize their work as NFTs, enabling them to sell directly to collectors without the need for intermediaries. - NFTs have gained popularity for their ability to provide creators with greater control over their work and enable fans to support artists directly. - The NFT market has experienced significant growth, with high-profile sales and increased interest from collectors, investors, and enthusiasts. - NFTs have the potential to revolutionize ownership rights, royalties, and provenance in the digital age. - Understanding NFTs requires grasping the concept of digital ownership and the transformative potential of blockchain technology in the creative industry. Commonly associated files and General NFT market Digital tokens connected to digital file assets have been exchanged via NFTs. The ownership of a non-fungible token (NFT) is sometimes tied to a license to utilize a linked digital asset; nevertheless, the buyer is typically not granted copyright. While some licenses only permit personal, non-commercial use, others let the underlying digital asset to be used for business purposes. A viable alternative to conventional systems of copyright protection overseen by government agencies and middlemen within the relevant industry is this type of decentralized intellectual copyright. In 2020, the NFT market expanded rapidly, tripling in value to US$250 million. NFTs cost more than $200 million in the first three months of 2021. NFTs saw a spike in interest in the first few months of 2021 following several high-profile sales and art auctions. The Wall Street Journal said that the NFT market was "collapsing" in May 2022. The number of active wallets in the NFT market dropped 88% from November 2021, and daily sales of NFT tokens had decreased 92% from September 2021. The financial markets had seen an influence from riskier bets due to rising interest rates, but according to the Journal, "NFTs are among the most speculative." The cryptocurrency gaming platform dappGambl reported in September 2023 that 95% of NFTs had lost all of their monetary worth.
The Importance of NFTs
I believe that NFTs are crucial for various reasons in today's digital landscape. Here are some key points highlighting their importance: - Ownership and Authenticity: NFTs provide a unique way to verify ownership and authenticity of digital assets by leveraging blockchain technology. This ensures that the digital assets are original and cannot be duplicated, offering a sense of exclusivity to the owner. - Empowering Artists and Creators: NFTs have revolutionized the way artists and creators can monetize their work. By tokenizing their art, they can reach a global audience directly, eliminating the need for intermediaries and ensuring fair compensation for their creations. - Tokenization of Assets: NFTs have paved the way for the tokenization of real-world assets such as real estate, music royalties, and even ownership of physical art pieces. This has the potential to democratize access to investments and assets that were previously reserved for a select few. - Creating New Economic Opportunities: The NFT market has opened up new economic opportunities for individuals and businesses alike. It has created a vibrant ecosystem where collectors, investors, and enthusiasts can trade digital assets, driving innovation and growth in the digital economy. - Cultural Impact: NFTs have had a significant cultural impact by challenging traditional notions of ownership and value in the digital age. They have sparked discussions about the future of art, collectibles, and ownership in a world that is increasingly driven by technology. In conclusion, the importance of NFTs cannot be understated as they continue to reshape the way we perceive and interact with digital assets, opening up new possibilities and opportunities for creators and collectors alike.
How NFTs are Revolutionizing the Art World
I. Authenticity and Ownership: NFTs have revolutionized the art world by providing a secure and transparent way to establish ownership and authenticity of digital artwork. Through blockchain technology, each NFT is unique and cannot be replicated, ensuring artists can prove ownership and establish scarcity for their digital creations. II. Direct Artist-to-Consumer Relationships: NFTs enable artists to sell their work directly to consumers without the need for intermediaries like galleries or auction houses. This direct connection allows artists to retain more control over their art and receive a greater percentage of the sales price, empowering creators in new ways. III. Artistic Innovation and Experimentation: NFTs have encouraged artists to explore new mediums and concepts in their work. The digital nature of NFT art opens up possibilities for interactive and dynamic pieces that push the boundaries of traditional art forms, leading to innovative and engaging creations. IV. Global Accessibility and Inclusivity: The decentralized nature of NFT marketplaces means that artists from around the world can showcase and sell their work to a global audience. This accessibility has created opportunities for emerging artists to gain recognition and reach collectors who may not have been able to discover their art otherwise. V. Market Disruption and Democratization: NFTs have disrupted the traditional art market by democratizing the buying and selling process. Collectors of all levels can participate in the NFT art market, breaking down barriers to entry and creating a more inclusive and diverse art ecosystem.
NFTs in the Music Industry
I find it fascinating to see how NFTs are revolutionizing the music industry. Musicians now have the opportunity to mint their music as unique digital assets, allowing them to retain more control over their work and create new revenue streams. Here are some key points to consider about NFTs in the music industry: - Direct Engagement with Fans: NFTs enable musicians to interact directly with their fans by selling exclusive content or experiences. Fans can purchase limited edition music, access exclusive behind-the-scenes footage, or even buy special concert tickets using NFTs. - Ownership and Royalties: With NFTs, artists can ensure that they retain ownership of their music and receive royalties directly whenever their NFTs are sold in the secondary market. This provides a more transparent and fair payment system compared to traditional music distribution models. - Innovative Marketing Strategies: NFTs offer a new way for musicians to engage with their audience and stand out in a crowded industry. By releasing exclusive NFTs, artists can generate buzz, attract new fans, and differentiate themselves from other musicians. - Collectibility and Value: Just like collecting rare vinyl records or concert memorabilia, NFTs in the music industry have the potential to increase in value over time. Fans may collect NFTs from their favorite artists, creating a secondary market for trading these digital assets. - Challenges and Opportunities: While NFTs present exciting opportunities for musicians, there are also challenges to navigate, such as ensuring copyright protection and addressing environmental concerns related to the energy consumption of blockchain networks. In conclusion, NFTs are reshaping the music industry by offering new ways for artists to connect with fans, monetize their work, and explore innovative marketing strategies. It will be intriguing to see how this technology continues to influence the music landscape in the years to come.
NFTs in the Gaming Industry
I have seen a significant rise in the use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) within the gaming industry in recent years. Here are some key points to understand the impact of NFTs in gaming: - Virtual Assets: In gaming, NFTs are primarily used to represent virtual assets such as in-game items, characters, skins, or unique collectibles. These NFTs are stored on blockchain technology, providing ownership and scarcity to digital items. - Ownership and Authenticity: By utilizing NFTs, players can truly own their in-game assets. This ownership is secured through smart contracts on the blockchain, ensuring authenticity and preventing duplication or counterfeit items. - Interoperability: NFTs have enabled interoperability between different games and platforms. Players can now use their NFT items across multiple games that support the same blockchain, enhancing the value and utility of these digital assets. - Economic Opportunities: The introduction of NFTs in gaming has created new economic opportunities for players, developers, and even artists. Players can trade their virtual assets in decentralized marketplaces, and developers can benefit from a new revenue stream through the sale of NFT items. - Growth of the Gaming Industry: NFTs have the potential to reshape the gaming industry by adding a layer of ownership and value to virtual assets. This innovation is attracting more players and investors to the gaming sector, driving further growth and innovation. In conclusion, the integration of NFTs in the gaming industry is revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with digital assets in games. The technology behind NFTs is transforming virtual ownership, authenticity, and economic opportunities within the gaming ecosystem.
NFTs in Real Estate
I believe NFTs are beginning to make a significant impact on the real estate industry. Here are a few reasons why: - Title Deeds: NFTs can be used to represent ownership of a property. By minting a digital token representing a specific property, ownership can be transferred securely and efficiently on the blockchain. - Fractional Ownership: NFTs allow for the division of real estate into smaller, more affordable shares. This opens up investment opportunities to a wider range of individuals who may not have the means to purchase an entire property. - Smart Contracts: Through the use of smart contracts, NFTs can automate various aspects of real estate transactions. This includes escrow, rental agreements, and property management, making processes more transparent and secure. - Tokenization of Assets: Real estate assets can be tokenized, enabling investors to buy and trade fractions of properties. This can unlock liquidity in traditionally illiquid assets like real estate. - Verification and Transparency: NFTs provide a secure and immutable way to verify ownership, title deeds, and property details. This transparency can reduce fraud and disputes in real estate transactions. NFTs have the potential to revolutionize the real estate industry by streamlining transactions, increasing accessibility to investments, and improving transparency and security.
Risks and Challenges of NFTs
I. Market Volatility: NFT prices can be highly volatile, making it risky for investors to predict their future value accurately. II. Lack of Regulation: The NFT market is relatively new and lacks comprehensive regulations, exposing participants to potential fraud or legal issues. III. Copyright Infringement: Due to the digital nature of NFTs, there is a risk of copyright infringement if the creator of the original work is not properly attributed or compensated. IV. Environmental Concerns: The process of minting NFTs consumes a considerable amount of energy, leading to concerns about the environmental impact, especially in terms of carbon footprint. V. Security Risks: NFT platforms and marketplaces are susceptible to hacking and cyber-attacks, putting both creators and buyers at risk of losing their digital assets. VI. Liquidity Issues: Selling NFTs can be challenging at times due to the lack of a liquid market, making it difficult to find buyers or establish fair prices. VII. Ownership Disputes: The unique nature of NFTs can lead to ownership disputes, especially when multiple parties claim rights to the same digital asset. VIII. Long-Term Value: There is uncertainty surrounding the long-term value of NFTs, as trends and preferences in the digital art and collectibles market can change rapidly. IX. Tech Obsolescence: Constant advancements in technology could render certain NFT formats or platforms obsolete, potentially devaluing existing assets. In navigating the world of NFTs, it is crucial to be aware of these risks and challenges to make informed decisions and protect one's investments.
Legal and Ethical Considerations in NFTs
When it comes to NFTs, it's essential to consider both legal and ethical aspects to ensure a responsible approach to this fast-growing market. Here are some crucial considerations: - Intellectual Property Rights: As an NFT creator or buyer, it's important to understand the implications of intellectual property rights. Make sure you have the right to use, sell, or reproduce the digital assets you are dealing with to avoid copyright infringement issues. - Smart Contract Security: NFT transactions are facilitated through smart contracts, which need to be secure and reliable. Before engaging in any NFT transaction, always verify the integrity of the smart contract to prevent any potential vulnerabilities or scams. - Legal Regulations: The legal landscape surrounding NFTs is still evolving. Stay informed about any regulations or guidelines that may impact your NFT activities, including tax implications, securities laws, and consumer protection regulations. - Environmental Impact: The energy consumption associated with minting and trading NFTs has raised concerns about the environmental impact of this technology. Consider the carbon footprint of NFT transactions and look for eco-friendly alternatives. - Authenticity and Fraud: Verifying the authenticity of NFTs is crucial to prevent fraud in the digital art market. Do your due diligence to ensure that the NFTs you purchase are genuine and backed by the rightful creators. - Community Standards: Uphold ethical standards within the NFT community by respecting the rights and contributions of artists, creators, and collectors. Engage in fair and transparent transactions to foster a positive and sustainable NFT ecosystem. Navigating the legal and ethical considerations in the world of NFTs requires mindfulness and diligence. By staying informed, following best practices, and promoting responsible behavior, we can contribute to the growth and ethical development of the NFT market.
How to Create and Sell NFTs
Creating and selling NFTs can be an exciting venture, allowing you to showcase your digital art or unique creations to a wide audience. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create and sell your very own NFTs: - Create Your Artwork: Start by creating a digital artwork or unique digital asset that you want to turn into an NFT. This could be a digital painting, animation, music, video clip, or any other digital creation. - Choose a Blockchain Platform: Select a blockchain platform that supports NFTs, such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Flow by Dapper Labs. These platforms will enable you to mint and sell your NFTs securely. Read the full article
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thekingofvinyl · 2 years
Spice Up your Clothes with Garment Films
If you’re like me and you don’t like to follow the trends (especially when it comes to clothing) then you will LOVE garment films! These films are so easy to use and can transform a bog standard t-shirt into something funky, with an actual design that you want. There have been so many times when I have walked into a shop or browsed online and found a top I have loved however, there is always one downfall – the printed design on top! I don’t know what it is these days, but I find that all fashion brands copy each other with the same cringey text/phrases and images printed on their clothing. Over time I have looked for numerous solutions to resolve the problem I have with clothing, and I have found the perfect answer, which is both inexpensive and fun to do, and that is garment films.
Numerous companies sell all kinds of garment films, from glitters and vibrant colours, even to carbon fibre effect, you can find many films on the market! Click here. Most garment films are made from transfer paper, using heat to transfer designs onto clothing. It’s that simple!
In this blog post, I have listed some ways in which you can use garment films. So, let’s get started…
1.      Personalised gifts
Garment films come in very handy when you’re wanting to make that perfect gift idea a little more personal. Whether you have got a baby shower or wedding anniversary coming up, you can use transfer films to create a gift that no one else will have. Even if you want to gift a funny t-shirt with an inside joke to your best mate, garment films can be printed with any design.
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2.      Matching party T-shirts
Next, we have matching party t-shirts. Now, you may be thinking what are these? But have you ever witnessed a stag or hen do? That’s exactly what I mean, or if you have watched the inbetweeners movie, those are an example of matching party t-shirts (although I don’t expect yours to be as rude). Multiple designs can be printed onto any clothing item with garment films, so you are not limited with choices. You may even want to draw your own design!
3.      Holiday occasions
The Christmas holidays are a perfect example of when you might want a piece of clothing more personalised. Whether you need to prepare for a Christmas work do or have a Secret Santa to prepare for, garment films can set you out from the crowd. No one wants to see the same Christmas jumper making an appearance every single year! If you are interested in adding a bit of sparkle, there is no better time than now to try out glitter garment films. Even if you’re not preparing for Christmas, there are still so many other holiday dates to choose from including Easter, Halloween, Guy Fawkes, and Valentine’s day!
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4.      Starting up a business
Setting up a business is probably one of the most common uses of garment films, using your own imaginative designs to sell to others. Garment films are a cheaper alternative to other printing methods such as screen printing, and for this reason, are popular with small businesses. If you are looking to start a clothing brand or want a new side hustle, these are a perfect starting point.
5.      You are not limited to clothing!
Although garment films are predominantly used on clothing items such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies, they can also be printed on other items made out of the same fabric. One example I can think of is customised tote bags or canvas bags, which have grown in popularity this past year or so. You don’t even need to think of a new design, simply print what you have on your t-shirt onto a bag, and you’ll have a full collection of unique designs, personalised to you.
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 And those are my top 5 ways in which you can use garment films! Now it’s time for you to get your creative juices flowing, and let your artistic side come through. Even if you can’t draw, type something up in a word document and print that out, overall it’s just a bit of fun!
If you have enjoyed this blog post, make sure to check out my others😊
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tectonicduck · 2 years
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woo woo @gallacrafts time!!! I can’t remember the name of my theme but it was S2. 🤗 this was my first time doing a wood burning project and it was super fun! The best part of gallacrafts is that it forces me to try new things and learn techniques on the fly 😅
I made the design in photoshop using screenshots from the dugout scene then printed it and used carbon paper to transfer the design onto the ornament and then burnt it! If I did it again I’d use some of the different tips that came with the burner but I was too lazy to wait for it to cool down to change them.
I also tried a version where I painted the banners but I think that made it worse oops.
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lmao also it was so hard to find a profile shot of mickey where he isn’t doing some weird shit with his mouth xD
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andmaybegayer · 4 years
The cultural positioning of typewriters, or: I promise I’m not corporatecore come back it’s fine.
I got a typewriter! If you want a documentary breakdown of that you should read this post, but this is going to be about what typewriters were used for back in the 20th century and how utterly batshit the entire ecosystem there was.
Typewriters were used by three main groups of people: journalists, authors, and secretaries. I don’t really care much about the first two, because while they used typewriters, their job was not typewriting. Typewriters were popular for journalists and authors because typewritten drafts and manuscripts were easier for editors and typesetters (and indeed, legibility is a big reason for the adoption of the typewriter in all parts of the world) but typing is not what journalists and authors do. Authors compose and edit, and journalists research and write, but only secretaries type.
(I read an interesting paper about this three-way split, you can read it here)
In the 1800′s, secretary was a job given to a strapping young man with a bright future in business so that he could learn the trade, but after some wars and other social pressures that reduced the supply of male secretaries, and a convenient confluence of women learning the skill of typewriting, the female secretary became a thing. Suffrage movements were pretty happy about this for a while: Women in the office! How progressive! Of course, the role of secretary very quickly stopped having a progression path to management, and it picked up all the usual misogynistic stereotypes that you probably know today.
If you’re over 45 you probably know what the job of secretary used to look like, but for those of you who aren’t, for most of the 1900′s secretary was a job that revolved around typing letters, missives and notes in a legible and consistent format. This is important, because the alternative sucks shit. If you were mid level manager Johnson Q. Goodfellow at the Racism Company, and you needed to tell the Racism Factory that they needed to produce 400 more units of Racism this week, you could try calling up the manager at the factory and telling him this. Unfortunately, there’s all manner of things that could go wrong here. He might misinterpret you saying “produce 400 more” as “produce 400 only”, in which case you might have a Racism shortage. Or he might mishear entirely and produce only four more, if your accent is particularly bad.
Instead, Johnson Q. Goodfellow could get a secretary to create a missive (in quadruplicate, using carbon paper) and get the 17 year old who hangs around your lobby to courier two copies out of town to the Racism Factory, and you can keep two copies for your own records. Very low chance for errors now, since either side can refer to their copies to find out what was intended. A secretary would also add dates and ensure all communication meets business standards.
(This is also why there’s no red telephone between Washington and Moscow. It used to be a teletype: a text transfer machine. Later, it was Fax, and nowadays it’s encrypted email and text chat. All text-based systems, written in the sender’s native language and translated on the other side to provide the lowest chance of a misunderstanding and high chance of being correctly recorded.)
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How would that letter get written? If you were an audio or shorthand typist (a highly skilled profession requiring extensive training at a secretarial school) you would either be a personal secretary to a single executive or a high-ranking member of a secretarial pool. Either way, your manager would dictate a letter, and you would have to convert it into a typewritten document. Originally this would be done by a secretary capturing the speech in real time in shorthand, and later it would be captured on a microcasette and transcribed with the assistance of a dictation machine. On the other hand, a simple copy typist can only work in the secretarial pool, and you would get a hand-written draft from a manager, likely one too low-level to have his own secretary or even his own microcasette recorder. This would possibly be sent back for checking, either by the manager or by your superior, and then all copies would be sent wherever they were needed. The jobs are otherwise similar, apart from a lack of real progression for copy typists.
(A good pop-media example of shorthand typing is the “speed test” song from the musical “Thoroughly Modern Millie”, a rendition of which I will link here. It’s also a treasure trove of the kind of ridiculous stereotypes that existed around the secretarial profession, as a musical made in the 60′s about the 20′s. Millie is a fawning social-ladder-climber who gets her job explicitly to someday marry her boss, who is a self-absorbed dipshit. I was a stagehand on my high school’s production of this, so I know the whole thing from memory. Please send help.)
Why don’t the managers type their own letters? Well, partially because of the weird skill split on typing: typing was a woman’s skill back then, many men would not even know how to type, and those that did may be extremely slow hunt and peck typists who would make many errors and produce uneven, sub-par manuscripts. Secretary was kind of considered a fallback profession in some cases: schools taught it to girls the same way woodwork was taught to boys. You don’t necessarily want to become a carpenter/secretary, but if you can’t find a decent company job/suitable husband, the skill can support you until you track one down or die. Man, the 20′s-70′s were insane.
There’s some interesting status stuff to talk about here. If you’ve ever seen an old movie where a rich dude takes out a tape recorder and makes a note to himself, that’s the movie’s way of telling you that this guy is powerful enough to have a personal secretary. It implies that later he’s going to put that in an envelope and leave it on someone’s desk and the next day when he comes in, any reminders he made will be on his calendar and any notes will have been typed out in full.
Secretaries type as a profession. The speed expected of an acceptable secretary is a sustained 70 words per minute, which is about what I can do in an extended session. A good secretary could easily surpass 100, and there’s an old navy typist training video of the fastest typewriter typist in the world reaching 180 wpm on demand, and since correction on typewriters is tedious, your accuracy was expected to be near on 100%. On old manual typewriters the skill of keeping all letters even was an additional challenge, since you provided the mechanical force for the type bars. Electric typewriters, like the one I have solve this problem, but it’s still a complicated skill.
Before the invention of the typewriter, the only way to produce clear, reliably text was typesetting. Typesetting is of course, a noble profession, but not something you can easily do in the office on a whim, and wholly unsuitable for one-time messages. Standardized writing in the office reduces the chance of errors and improves your ability to find out who’s to blame when something goes wrong.
Nowadays secretary is not really a job that exists anymore? You mostly hire Executive Assistants and groups of lower managers share a single Executive Assistant rather than accessing a pool of secretaries. Typing is also no longer the name of the game, instead it focuses on maintaining schedules, synthesis of letters from prompts from your manager, and serving as a gatekeeper for mail and meetings. The name has changed because the job has changed, describing an executive assistant as a secretary would be like referring to the blades of a combine harvester as a scythe. That’s not to say secretaries don’t or can’t type, they are still often the most skilled typists in an office (I have seen multiple photos of macbooks with the coating worn clean off their keys by a legal secretary or medical scribe) but most executives are now capable of performing an adequate job of typing and editing on a computer.
If you wish to do some further reading, interesting resources I found while doing some research that I haven’t linked above for this include:
This quora answer from a woman who was a secretary in the 70′s
This series from an EE magazine about what it was like to work in a typing pool
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princesskokichi · 4 years
postgame kokichi becoming friends with s/o from school
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during this, i think it’s fair to say that i headcanon postgame kokichi as selectively mute. hear me out. everyone in the killing game hated him because he lied so much. postgame kokichi doesn’t want to lie anymore, but he feels like he’s going to every time he opens his mouth, and the anxiety of the killing game comes back to him before he speaks, and he just can’t get the words out of his mouth. he’s scared that everyone’s going to leave and hate him because of what he says, so he just doesn’t speak at all.
also, i tried to keep this as spoiler-free as i possibly could !! i didn’t reveal the plot at all. just know that kokichi in this survived the killing game, and it wasn’t as it was revealed at the end of the game. - mod kokichi
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- when you first met kokichi he was,,, a much different person
- he was reserved, quiet
- almost mute, you would dare to say
- he was,, angry at the world
- hated by the world, too, it would seem
- he wasn't happy
- he never looked happy, he didn't even try to pretend to be happy
- they say faking a smile could make a person truly happy
- but kokichi,, he looked like he had faked a hundred smiles and still ended up unhappy
- you were the only person you knew that would go out of your way to befriend someone like him
- because you believed that everybody deserved happiness
- he didn't seem like he wanted to go to school, and very often, he would ditch school or class
- he was only there once a month, it seemed
- just enough time for him to take every test he missed, and then he would disappear again
- and during that one day, no one paid much attention to him
- he typically slipped from everyone's radar
- that was until you saw him
- the only way you knew his name was because you saw him write it down on a paper
- and you immediately began to take a liking towards him as a friend
- and then you looked forward to when you would be able to see him next in school
- s / o : " hey, oma-san, good morning ! "
- he didn't respond, which was pretty typical of him
- so you just talked,, to fill up the time
- s / o : " i slept pretty well last night. i'm kind of annoyed about the test, though, because our teacher gave us the wrong stuff to study but still expects us to take the test. "
- he never really said anything back, but you could tell he was listening
- on occasion, he would remember something you said
- like if you said you really liked his pen, he would write with it more
- or it would be the one he let you borrow when you needed a pen
- he was nice in his own quiet kind of way
- and in turn, you stayed by his side, at least during school
- you had no way of knowing what he did out of school when he wasn't there
- you didn't want to overstep your boundaries, and he never wanted to show you
- so for a long time, you two stayed as school acquaintances
- all of your friends thought you were weird for wanting to befriend him when he didn't talk, and clearly had some problems of his own to work through
- but you ignored them with all of their talks
- kokichi was a nice person, you knew that
- it didn't matter what he did outside of school, or what he did before he transferred to your school
- you didn't mind that he didn't talk to you, because not talking to someone and ignoring them are two different things
- so you stuck by him with a certainty that he was your friend.
- and then, all at once, you were thrown for a loop
- people began to pick on him in school because the teacher announced that he got the lowest grade in the class
- the students were making fun of him for how he never shows up in school, and how he never speaks up, and how he hasn't joined any clubs
- typical bullying with the pretense of it being " all in good fun " and " a joke "
- kokichi didn't really look upset, but god, you were fuming
- s / o : " you people have no room to talk about oma-san like that ! he may have got the lowest score, but he was only one point off from the second lowest score ! and he / never / comes to school while you people come every day. i don't know about you, but you need to start thinking about that. "
- everyone shut up for a minute
- a few of your friends were stunned, and a little ashamed
- why would you stick up for him ? they asked each other, whispering with their hands over their mouths
- you stood up out of your desk, slamming your hands down on the top of the desk
- s / o : " it's not fair that you guys pick on him when you would get upset if someone said the same things to you. how would you like it if i began to pick on you for getting the second lowest grade, or not being the top student ? horrible, right ? he's got his reasons that he doesn't go to school, and you people need to respect that. "
- student : " it's not that serious, we were just joking. "
- s / o : " and your jokes went too far ! "
- the was some more silence, and then you felt a tug on your school blazer
- kokichi was holding onto your jacket, looking down at his desk so he didn't have to make eye contact
- s / o, whispering : " do you want to leave, oma-san ? "
- he never answered, just holding onto you as he left the room with you following him
- there was a long pause where you didn't know what to say
- but before you knew it, you were at his little apartment
- it was dirty everywhere, and it looked like he slept on a couch rather than a bed
- there were carbonated drink cans everywhere, but you hardly saw any rubbish of food left around
- s / o : " is this your place ? it's nice. very quaint. "
- he nodded a little bit, sitting down on the couch
- since that day, you came over nearly every day after school
- he still didn't talk to you, but you knew your presence was appreciated
- you helped him clean up slowly but surely, only picking up a little bit every day
- but within two months, you had his entire apartment clean
- you let him borrow a mattress that you weren't using that your parents had stuck in the basement for a little while, as well as the sheets and blankets accompanied with it
- you would talk to him throughout the day, even when he didn't speak, until the sun went down
- and even then, sometimes you would stay the night
- yeah, you were aware of the nightmares, but you didn't know what they were about
- only that he was traumatized about a year ago and he may never be completely over it
- this went on for about a year until both of you graduated from high school completely
- and then you moved in with him, so you could help him support himself because he was at the verge of losing his apartment from not having any income
- kokichi's life was not perfect by any means, but it wasn't horrible either anymore
- he had days where he would cry nonstop, and days that he didn't want to go to work because he didn't have the energy
- there were days where he needed to be alone, and days where he tried his best to cheer you up when you felt down
- but then there were days where you could actually see that he was enjoying listening to you talk, and there were days where he seemed to thrive
- and then there were days where he's got his head in your lap, scrolling through instagram on his phone
- and he looks up at you during the silence, with tears evident in his eyes, but they aren't sad tears
- and you can hear him very faintly whisper " s / o-san,, thank you " under his breath weakly, his voice wavering and shakey
- and all you can do is smile and gently pet his hair
- which had grown out a little longer since you had met him because he doesn't do well with sharp things like scissors or knives
- and DEFINITELY didn’t do well with them near his neck that he always had covered up with a pure black bandanna, an area that he didn’t like anyone touching at all
- he was your best friend, and you were his only friend
- and together, you two made it out okay
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i-growl-growl-growl · 5 years
Could you do a reaction where the boys see that their lover commited suicide because of their acts?
Since the unit for this request isn’t specified, I will go with the 127 members, however, I hit the maximum limit on tumblr for text boxes for this post so Jungwoo to Haechan will be done later if you’d like. Also, if you want the rest of the members (other than 127), feel free to request for more in the future! From what I assume, the “acts” you mention are their yandere deeds. Correct me if I’m wrong!
Sorry if it was really long, I got carried away with a lot of the reactions…especially with WinWin’s…If you don’t mind, I wrote scenarios to go with it!
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of suicide, blood, self-harm; please do not read if you are uncomfortable with this topic. Please do not be influenced by the character’s decisions in the imagine, this is pure fiction. GRAPHIC!
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When Taeil came home that evening, he expected to see you, chained to the bed and sleeping alone. But when he soon found that you were nowhere to be seen, he freaked out. 
He went out on a rampage, looking in every nook and cranny of the house the two of you shared. You weren’t in the closet, definitely not hiding under the counter, why the hell weren’t you hiding in the pantry like last time?
Suddenly, Taeil snapped to his thoughts. The bathroom. 
As he tore though the hallway, Taeil tried to think of all the ways you could’ve escaped from the chains on the bed. Taeil had punished you last night, but he didn’t think it would affect you that badly. 
Storming into the bathroom, he saw your unconscious body on the cold tiles. Taeil’s sleeping pills had been scattered everywhere on the floor and you were without a doubt, dead. 
Devastated, Taeil tried to shake you awake as if you would open your eyes and laugh at him and say it was a stupid joke. But it wasn’t. This was all real.
Taeil fell to the floor and cried, hugging your corpse like a teddy bear. It was too much for the boy to handle, despite him being the source of your pain. 
Many questions ran through his head as he embraced your dead body. How did you escape those chains? How did you find those pills even though he was the only one who knew where they were? Not to mention, those pills were locked up like diamonds in a safe.
Left with questions unanswered, Taeil was confused but beyond heartbroken that he had driven you to your breaking point. But unlike the time you ran away in the mall, you had ran away forever. 
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You had gone missing a few hours ago. It was after Johnny finally agreed to take you to the movies after being well-behaved for the past four months. Of course, he should’ve expected you to use the bathroom excuse and make a run for it outside. Sadly for him, Johnny didn’t think that far ahead and sat in the dark theater, wondering when you would come back. It shouldn’t have taken that long to have changed a pad, right?
Only then did Johnny realize how foolish and stupid he was for letting you go. How far could you have ran away? And how much time did he have left to find you?
Unfortunately for him, the headlines of the newspaper the following day had in bold letters, “Drowned Girl found by the River;  Suspected Suicide.” By then, Johnny clutched tighter onto the paper and took a deep sip of the coffee in his hand. Rather than feeling sad, strangely, he felt angry.
He was angry that you didn’t feel fulfilled by his unending love towards you and chose to escape that by following the route of suicide. He was upset that you didn’t even bother to talk to him about your problems, though he never would’ve listened and continued to hurt you. But most of all, Johnny was furious that you thought death was the only way to escape from this love. 
How could you have been so cruel to leave him alone? But not all hope was lost; who said death could separate the two of you? 
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“Y/N! Y/N! Open the damn door!”
You were currently hiding in your room, Taeyong furiously knocking. Your parents had left on a business trip and thought you were old enough to take care of yourself on your own.
Unfortunately for you, a crucial thing your parents didn’t know was your psycho ex-boyfriend, Taeyong, somehow found out with his stalkerish ways and hunted down your location. He had barged in through the window of the second-floor hallway with a small pistol in his hand. 
“Y/N! If you don’t open up the damn door, I’ll blow it down myself!”
His yelling was only making the adrenaline in your body accelerate and your heart thumped louder and louder. Any second longer and Taeyong would come in and kidnap you. 
Your dignity and survival was at stake. You were sick of Taeyong coming into your life and running it like a madman. Taeyong wasn’t even normal, he was insane!
The long curtains were just at your reach. Grasping onto the thick fabric, you tried to make a rope out of it. If you were going to die, you weren’t going to let Taeyong get to it first! 
As Taeyong continued to bang on the door, you threw up your makeshift rope onto the poles of your bed. Thank goodness your parents had insisted on a canopy bed to make your room more “grand”. 
Tying the “rope” onto the bed and giving it a firm triple knot, you held your breath as you tied it around your neck. You felt your throat slowly closing up and suffocating you.
Taeyong never blew down the door. He finally punched it open but he was much too late. Your dead body hung up from the curtain rope on full display. 
He felt tears spring up to his eyes as the thought of you dead finally struck him. Taeyong walked closer and closer to your hanging corpse. Grabbing your chest, he tried to listen for a heartbeat or a pulse. But alas, he couldn’t find one.
“No…no…NO! Y/N! Please tell me this is some awful trick! You’re not really dead, right? No! Please wake up! I’m sorry!”
Through his quiet sobs, Taeyong fell to his knees, the pistol popping out of his jean pockets and onto the carpet. 
“I can’t live without you…”
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Again. This happened again.
The same creepy letters were coming to your locker. But there wasn’t much that you could do to escape that. You just transferred to this school and your parents (guardians) didn’t want to move again after finally settling into your new home.
There weren’t many suspects that you could rat on. You were the new kid and that kinda meant you were an easy target. You still hadn’t made friends that could’ve supported you through this and track down the stalker.
Weeks went on and the letters became more and more graphic. Eventually, photos of you changing, walking to school, eating at a cafe, or even brushing your teeth were included with each and every one of them! It was a surprise you still hadn’t found out the person considering there was a signature at the bottom of each note.
You fell into great paranoia and depression. It hurt to even move, fearing for your life that the stalked would be there and ready to take a picture and document it on who knows what. What made it the absolute worst though was the threats included at the bottom portion.
If you find out who I am and report me darling, don’t be surprised to attend your mother’s (or guardian’s) funeral. 
Love you too,
xoxo N.Y.
N.Y.? There were multiple people with that name. Nina Yoshima. Nicholas Yen. Nancy Yerevas. Noah Yackley. Nathan Yakish. Who on earth was it? 
This drove you into a frenzy. Soon, rather than counting down the days for school to end, you counted down the days to die. Why?
You were going to end your life. You had it. This was too much for you and it was becoming so overwhelming. So you did it. When your parents left you on your own for a family emergency, you released carbon monoxide into the air, quickly killing you.
Nakamoto Yuta. The very boy who bestowed this tragic fate unto you. And now he had to pay, seeing the news flash with your suicide all over the headlines. He hadn’t meant for it to go so far like most yanderes, he just wanted your attention and for you to notice him!
He grieved for his mistakes and refused to eat and drink. Locking himself in his room, no one saw him ever again, lounging in the back of the classroom with a juice box in one hand and a pen in the other.
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Doyoung had heard about your death through the school’s gossip. He was absolutely heartbroken, knowing that he had crossed the line when he fought with you about your friend group. His jealousy blinded him to the point where he took action; he killed your younger friend Renjun out of rage.
You were terribly upset about that and cursed Doyoung out. For that, he slapped you hard on the face and threatened to shoot you too with the gun in his hand. But to his surprise, you grabbed onto the gun and pulled the trigger. The bullet flew straight into your chest and your white blouse started to stain with the crimson blood.
Collapsing to the floor, Doyoung looked at you in horror. As he stood there, internally panicking, he soon realized that you were mumbling something. 
I will never, in all my days, forgive you, Kim Doyoung.
So here he was with his friend Kun, at this cheap frat party. Scratch that, it was Kun’s party and only God knows how wealthy his family actually is. They’re too busy bathing in hundred dollar bills to even keep track of the damn bills! 
Even though it was probably the biggest party of the whole school year, Doyoung couldn’t bear to see the drunk boys and girls dancing the night away. He tried to walk out into the balcony, but was faced with a gang of youngsters, smoking some weed. The smell was suffocating and hurt Doyoung’s eyes, so he went to the only place he knew where he could find solace.
The bathroom. Doyoung locked himself up in the cold bathroom. He sat on the toilet and buried his face in his shaking hands. The memories of your suicide haunted him to this day, even though it was over a year ago. 
He sobbed and sobbed over and over again. Doyoung called out your name numerous times and screamed out of agony in the bathroom until someone knocked through the door and asked him to shut up.
Doyoung would have one of the hardest times out of all the yanderes to recover from your suicide in my opinion because of his personality. He seems to be a yandere who is sadistic, but a true softie when you actually get hurt. Your death took quite a toll on him…
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Jaehyun had walked into his art studio, ready to paint you again. You were posed on the sofa, lying so still that anyone could’ve mistaken that you were dead. 
Only this time you were. You had stabbed yourself to death with the knife Jaehyun had you pose with. So imagine his horror that his art model and lover was dead and surrounded with blood. 
But in the beginning, Jaehyun truly believed that someone had broken into the studio and killed you. Because of this belief, he tried to trace down as much evidence as he could, mainly because he didn’t want to think that your suicide was your doing. Jaehyun wanted to hope that rather than it was his fault, it was someone else’s evil deed.
Eventually, Jaehyun gave up and declared to himself that your death was indeed, a suicide. From there, the disasters began.
He didn’t expect you to resort to something so drastic like suicide, especially when the night before, you seemed surprisingly cheery, willing to cook dinner for once rather than mope around in bed. In fact, there was no sign of despair and to any stranger’s eyes, it would seem like you were a loving couple rather than a helpless girl trapped in a relationship with a psychopath.
The shock would consume Jaehyun up and it wouldn’t be until a few days later when he embalmed your body since he didn’t want to bury you that it truly hit him that you were gone.
And to think that it was all his fault that pushed you to the brink of life and death. Jaehyun would be devastated and bedridden with guilt. Even more so, he would be ashamed to feel like he was the very person who took away the girl he wanted all to himself. 
During this mourning period, Jaehyun would fall into a great depression. He would take out his anger using his art until it drove him crazy. Jaehyun wouldn’t be able to focus or bear the memories of you dying. So he packed up everything and left the country, off to a new land for adventure and a new life in America.
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I will use WinWin’s real name (Sicheng) for this reaction as it is much more fitting for the scenario.
Sicheng was the son and heir of a powerful and influential company in Tianjin, China. He was spoiled rotten as a child and was used to having things his way.
So when you entered in the building as a new intern on that fateful day, he was practically bursting with excitement. Sicheng had never been exposed to many people when he was younger and most of the employees working at his father’s company were in their 40′s and 50′s.
Young and fresh-faced, you were a new person and a new friend to Sicheng. You fell for his smooth talk and innocent eyes like any normal girl would. He had his charms and quirks that intrigued you, deeper and deeper into a trap you couldn’t escape.
About two years had passed since the two of you had become couple when Sicheng placed that diamond ring on your finger and asked you to marry him. You, being completely unaware that your sweet and gentle boyfriend would show his true colors later, accepted without hesitation.
It was only on your honeymoon did Sicheng begin to reveal his cruel and manipulative ways as a yandere. He pressured you to always be by his side as he was insecure about his persona and wanted to make sure that you would never leave him.
But this new lifestyle had become unbearable for you. Constantly calling WinWin every hour. Texting him every twenty minutes a long summary of what you did. Mindlessly waiting in your shared room, locked up with a key and the windows shut with steel shutters. 
You tried to take every opportunity that came your way to run from his clutches and escape. But he was always two steps ahead of you. He planned out your every move, took your passport, and any possible weapons that you could’ve wielded. Sicheng didn’t even let you cut a damn apple without his supervision. And half the time, he did it himself, afraid that you would hurt him.
Unable to carry the weight of the relationship, you took the route that seemed like the only way out; suicide. 
Sicheng had to bring you to banquet outside, much to his dismay. However, this may have been the only way for you to vanish from him for good. So you walked in, ready to inhale the flashing cameras and the reporters shoving microphones in your face, questioning your latest disappearance.
When Sicheng turned his back from you to talk to some of his father’s clients, you made a break for the window. But the champagne you had drank beforehand wasn’t sitting well with you, intoxicating you so you couldn’t think straight.
Rather than finding a height that would be decent to jump from and still live in your six-inch heels, you ran for the balcony on the ninth floor of the hotel. Without a second thought, you threw yourself off the building and smashed onto the concrete, sealing the deal. 
The ruckus outside certainly drew some attention on the inside as the reporters clamored in to see what had just happened. And there you were, dripping with blood all over your nice ballroom gown and several broken limbs. 
An ambulance was called and Sicheng began to freak out. The next 24 hours was him pleading the doctors to save your life and to do everything they could to help you live, even if it was just a bit longer. But it was no use. You were declared dead as an “accident” until Sicheng’s own mother demanded for an autopsy to find out the truth. She had always known her own son was a bit insane in the head, but the elderly woman felt something sinister was lurking around.
Several weeks later and your apparent “accident” was changed to a suicide after the official autopsy. Signs of trauma and depression were found as investigators dug deeper into the mystery of your sudden death. 
All over social media, it was absolute madness. Articles read with Sicheng on the front cover with suspected abuse, finally drawing the attention of the authorities to bring Sicheng into custody. However, with the help of some connections and his great acting, Sicheng managed to be released within a few hours and was “confirmed innocent”. 
Surprisingly, your suicide was just as shocking for Sicheng as it was for the media and the people around him. But slowly, after people began to forget about the whole scandal and your death, the Dong’s company was having some peace and quiet.
Yet it wasn’t at all peaceful in Sicheng’s heart. It still didn’t click in his mind that the only reason you jumped off that balcony as a last resort was because of him. He continued to blame your death on well…you. 
That still didn’t stop Sicheng from mourning your loss. As much as he hurt you emotionally and mentally, he loved you from the bottom of his heart; he just didn’t know how to express it. His days were soon filled with tears and exhaustion.
_ _ _ 
And that’s it! I hit the max number of text blocks for the post so I’m sorry about that. I’ll continue on another post if you’d like!
Edit: For some reason the “read more” button after the trigger warning isn’t showing, so I’ll try and get that fixed.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 years
July 22: 1x07 What Are Little Girls Made Of?
Today was an inexplicably good day?? Weird. Even before the watching TOS part.
My mom immediately pointed out that Christine had her hair done. Well of course! It’s seeing the fiance day!
I can’t believe she hasn’t seen Roger in 5 years.
Perhaps why she feels comfortable drunk-confessing her love for an alien lol.
Another story of a person exploring an abandoned planet and playing around with the stuff he finds there. I gotta say truly and unironically this never gets old for me.
Also another story of Kirk meeting one of his heroes. The boy likes to read, and then imagine meeting the authors.
I always get so excited just to be watching Star Trek that I miss half the exposition at the beginning of each ep.
Mmmm, underground ruins built by past inhabitants.
HavE YOU evER BeEn enGAGEd mr SPOCK?
He’s married right now.
Love how both Jim and Christine are like “I must know, I must know the answer to this.”
Christine so sure that it’s Roger BUT IT’S NOT ROGER like???? This relationship isn’t gonna work.
The cute Christine and Uhura moment in the background (is it gay?? it isn’t on its face but that lip touching moment sure is!) and Spock in the Captain’s chair.
The long shot looks like a realistic ice planet and the close up looks like boxes covered in soft white blankets.
“Beam down..............hmmmm................two security men.”
Look at all those penises.
Oh Kirk, every time a crewman dies, that’s all he cares or thinks about.
Christine is displeased to meet Android Andrea.
Kirk’s face when Roger and Christine kiss is hilarious to me?? Like he kinda makes a kissing motion? So jealous.
Kirk’s tiny little phaser is so bizarre.
Oh no! They’re....androids!! Dun dun dun.
Spock recognizes that it’s not Kirk’s voice talking to him right away like who is the REAL engaged couple here hmmm??
Smart Kirk move #1: adding “or disobey orders from her” to Ruk’s programming.
The idea of this android just tending machinery for hundreds of years is so sad.
This is my kind of action sequence: very obviously choreographed.
“How can you love him if you don’t trust him?” A very perceptive android.
Love the shocked music at the reveal Andrea is an android as if this weren’t the MOST obvious thing from the start.
She has skin and a pulse? “How convenient.”
When Christine asks “Did you [love the machine]?” she definitely means “Did you have sex with the machine?” Otherwise she would have phrased it as “Do you?” as in a continuous action, versus, a past event.
Wish Spock were here to comment on the perfectly logical machines.
Love the green pre-android lol.
So do the androids have to be fashioned after real people and if so, who is Andrea?
Smart Kirk move #2: Programming obviously false sentiments into his brain at the right moment, so Spock will know there’s something wrong.
“I am now programmed to please you also” sounds so ominous. Ominous and a big ol’ admission she and Roger fucked.
Bringing in Android Kirk to prove his believability to Chapel is honestly, watching it now, such a betrayal. Like, sending in someone she trusts to talk to her, knowing she’ll be honest and open with him, and then telling her it’s just a trick or a test? I was never so bothered by it before but watching it now, wow, Roger is AWFUL.
Stop everything it’s SAM KIRK TIME. I love Sam. Find it weird that no one else calls him Sam if George is Kirk Sr.’s name b/c my experience with kids who share family names is everyone in the family/family’s orbit picks up the nickname/middle name/whatever.
Where did his other two sons go?
Did he ever make it to Earth Colony 2?
Sorry just picturing Sam and his family seeing Kirk off and getting EMO.
Roger describing the usefulness of androids reminds me of, mmm, Dollhouse. Altered Carbon. T100.
Either Korby just generally lost his mind or something was corrupted when he became an android.
Oh Kirk. What does he love in humans? Love, tenderness, sentiment. A ROMANTIC NERD.
Mom contends, and I agree that Ruk is very stylishly dressed. I suppose he must look like the Old Ones? I never thought about it, but based on how the androids are made, they must have been physically indistinguishable from the Old Ones.
Kirk is armed now, with a giant pink phallus.
Spock sees the Captain walk right past him, without saying hi, and he is IMMEDIATELY suspicious. Just walks right away from what he was doing like lol whatever.
Now Spock knows for sure... the real Captain wouldn’t be so cavalier with official papers and he definitely wouldn’t use racial slurs!!
Kirk the honeypot. What I say every time he uses his sexuality for a purpose (not the same as being a womanizer btw!!!).
Oh Andrea DEFINITELY had sex with Roger. “I’m not programmed for you!”
Spock would disagree that saving the Captain is illogical.
“They turned us off!” I know there are other stories that go into this type of narrative more (Blade Runner) but... I still want to know more about these particular androids and aliens.
“Survival must cancel out programming.”
These androids, not counting Ruk, are like honestly not very smart at all. Kirk is very much distinguishable from real Kirk. (Just brushing off a weird attempted kiss with “it is illogical.”) Andrea is very easily confused. Doesn’t know who she’s killing, doesn’t know what she’s about.
Spock got the message!
“Your flawless beings killing one another.”
Korby is honestly a lot more interesting than I remembered. I remembered the part about him being an android, and pretty quickly the part about him actually transferring his consciousness, but... he’s so different from the Korby Kirk read about and Christine knew. Would that have happened anyway, just from his experiences? Or was it becoming an android that did it? I think there’s some evidence for the latter, like how he tries to prove his humanity and can only think of actions a machine would take. Plus all the emphasis all the way through on them being “just machines.” And it must be said, we don’t know how different Ruk is from the Old Ones, intellectually or personality wise, but we know that Kirk is a poor substitute, so it doesn’t seem likely Roger was actually all that good at his experiments yet. Doesn’t seem plausible he transferred himself correctly.
“Everything you’ve done has proved it isn’t you.”
I wonder why Ruk was the only android left? Did the others break down? Are there rusted android carcasses hanging out somewhere? Or like... rotting android bodies?
And THEN the little last minute twist with Andrea--DID she have feelings? Was she becoming human in some way?
Look Christine, your other boyfriend Spock is here!
Spock’s expression at the end totally kills me. “Ugh, fine, I GUESS I understand you were in a really WEIRD situation what with being turned into an ANDROID and all.”
I feel bad for him that he had to hear Kirk say such awful things to him. But that was the point! It had to be something the real Kirk would NEVER say!
This was a really good Kirk ep, and I definitely saw nuances in the android story that I didn’t see before/didn’t remember. Like Mudd’s Women, it put a lot of its most interesting stuff really fast into a few scenes, mostly at the end, but still overall a really solid episode.
And I’m still ASCENDING over the “Have you ever been engaged, Mr. Spock?” I can’t help it, I am a simple being.
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knifesgeek · 4 years
Best Chef Knife Under $150 - Pick your multi-purpose masterpiece for your needs
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Description: A good knife is undoubtedly the backbone of any meat and for every kitchen. Are you looking for a level quality cutting tool? Check out the Best Chef Knife Under $150 that looks great on your hands. Here you will see a comprehensive list, their features, and the buyer's guide.
Best Chef Knife Under $150 overview:
The most crucial question comes in a chef's or any person's mind that loves cooking, is that how much time you can spend with a knife in your hand? A proper knife can make a big difference by giving you a pleasant feeling and enjoyable cooking experience. For that, you can go for The Best Chef Knife Under $150 that you can afford and comes with several benefits as well. Imagine you are on the market searching for a cutting tool that will do justice to your money and equally provides you the performance you expect from it. Most people are looking to equip a kitchen cutting tool with a long-lasting effect, not just one but something that comes in a bundle set to use for different purposes. As we all know that this not an easy task, and searching a knife set under your budget is like finding a needle in a haystack, you need to gain some knowledge first and then set out to get your kitchen's ultimate cutting tool.
    What exactly is the Best Chef Knife Under $150?
For those of you who don't know that about knives set that comes under $150 price range means one thing, they will not live up to your expectations and you will eventually drop the idea. But in reality, it is the different folks. It is a perfect price quote you can get where you will find performance efficiency and longevity in any knife set. Knives are kitchen's most necessary items, and you need to keep the proper shape by maintaining their razor-sharp that makes them a pleasure to use. Also: (Checkout Best Knife Set Under 200 dollars) 15 Best Chef Knives Under $150 you can choose under your budget: Ask yourself a question what knife you are holding will probably work best for you? Finding a knife set that would perform multiple kitchen errands seems impossible. Using regularly and repetitive use means only one thing the knife you are using has become dull, lost its edge and will get rusted. But now preparing kitchen food seems likely because Best Chef Knife Under $150 that could provide you a durable, comfortable to hold, and fit for kitchen needs. Below you will see a good selection of the knife set you can right now, and most of them come from Top Brands Of Knives as well.  
1) DALSTRONG Gladiator series forged high carbon chef knife:
Laser control-blade edge, full tang construction, and firm grip The DALSTRONG Gladiator series formed knife set is one of those highly recommended and popular battle-ready cutlery kitchen tools you can't miss anytime.  
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View On Amazon The knife offers you a balance, durability, and sharpness combined in one with a 10-inch blade. It crafted with premium Japanese super steel that will provide enough strength to cut through meat or vegetables in more pieces. One of the significant aspects of owning this knife is that it will serve you for a long time, all thanks to the deep cutting design that gives effective slicing and stylish ergonomic handle makes it a superb addition to your kitchens. The design and usability of the knife is the main point, the broad blade has elegance, and delicately curved edge ensures you will get balanced cutting, chopping for many hours. Users can expect more control with less effort because it comes with a smart design and bolsters ideal for new cooks and chefs who are looking to sharpening their skills.   Key features: Outstanding craftsmanship Cutting edge technology Superb design element Made with premium materials Incredible razor-sharp with full tang Hand polished edge at 16 to 18 degrees Stain-resistant Satisfying heft Triple rivet handle Tapered with improved hardness Comes with five years of extended warranty   Users score: 4.6/5 Personal thought: The DALSTRONG Gladiator series knife has become quite famous due to its top-notch qualities and revolutionary design. Stop reading the reviews, and buy it now, it is that good you will love it.  
2) IMARKU 8 inch high carbon sharp paring pro chef knife:
Versatile, durable, and classy IMARKU is a professional knife brand that has made fantastic kitchen tools, and this one is no exception. It is something that comes with similar aesthetics, details, and features you will appreciate.  
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View On Amazon This knife is suitable for professionals like culinary experts, chefs, and an ordinary person to deal with various cutting and shopping tasks. You can deny the fact that this knife's quality is so much incredible and look fantastic thanks to the high carbon stainless steel and wood handle. If you want to improve your cooking skills and enjoy preparing meals, then this is a must-have essential knife with the price you are looking for. What genuinely makes it more stand out from other knives is the construction and efficiently deal with wear and tear because it feels lightweight. People who have joint problems or writs issues will find this knife enjoyable in using, meaning your cooking does not stop but evolve the experience. The knife is made initially for significant disjointing cuts, and torque in handle requires only a little pressure to perform. Overall it is a one-stop solution that you can use for general purposes in a variety of functions.   Key features: High carbon stainless steel Made with high-quality sturdiness Good functionality Multi-function knife Provides slices, chops, cuts, and disjointing the meat off bones HRC hardness scale Can reduce finger numbness, fatigue, and aches for an extended time Ultra-sharp edge to cut through flesh Anti-tarnish and corrosion knife Money-back guarantee   Users score: 4.7/5 Personal opinion: This knife is a beast and makes a reasonable purchase value for your budget. With this one, you can use any food preparation techniques with its thick blade.  
3) J.A HANCKLES international 31161 classic 8-inch chef knife:
Beautiful steel, hollow ground design, and arched handle The J.A HANCKLES 31161 excellent Chef Knife will give you the confidence to cut with a fine edge, excellent precision, and long-lasting sharpness.  
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View On Amazon Once you got your hands on this one, you will be able to chop the vegetable, fruits, slice salmon, and mice shallots effortlessly. This knife is a workhorse almost perfects for any task, all thanks to the German stainless steel and seamless transition from blade to handle. You will be getting to see a fully forged construction with triple rivet handling that will increase a tireless cutting. The design, stability, and quality make it a kitchen tool for every home needs. Every time you swing the blade, it will offer excellent slicing abilities thanks to 2 handle design option If your meal requires a paper-thin slicing, then J.A HANCKLES 31161 classic chef knife is definitely for you. Moreover, its sharpness is equally worked with bolster as well.   Key features: Fabricated with a high level of German stainless steel Fully forged construction Extremely durable Professional satin finish blade Precision cutting Finely honed for long sharpness Dishwasher safe Multi-purpose knife for various cutting tasks Ergonomic handle offers comfort and balance Comes with a lifetime warranty   Users score: 4.5/5 Honest opinion: J.A HANCKLES 31161 is an essential kitchen tool that comes with great value and ease of use. The time has come for you to equip a kitchen product under 150 dollars mark.  
4) DALSTRONG full tang Gladiator series chef knife:
Hand sharpened, precision forged and maximum resilience If you are searching for a knife that can serve you both domestically and professionally then DALSTRONG full tang gladiator series is the perfect decision.  
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View On Amazon You can go for the Best Chef Knife Under $150 because it is an all-rounder tool that can use for peeling, chopping, dicing, and cutting. The blade is razor-sharp and also a little bit rounded, making it suitable for rocking motion tasks. It constructed with a particular type of steel that ensures the knife does not stick on food while slicing. Finally, the most noticeable thing is the beautiful handle that feels great in hands and comes with imported premium quality to ensure you get an ultra-sharp edge with stain-resistant. With minimal effort, you can perform your entire kitchen's food preparing tasks in no time, all thanks to the wide blade that comes with easy knuckle clearance and transfer food on cutting board or to a pan. From a quality standpoint, the DALSTRONG series brand has all the perks to be your constant and helpful knife. Nonetheless, you won't need to be extra careful while using this knife, because it also comes with few safety measures and with visual appeal that will excite you.   Key features: 12 degrees angle per side Military-grade handle Mirror polished blade Finger protective bolster Great maneuverability Low maintenance Includes sheath Long time warranty   Users score: 4.4/5 Final verdict: As far as the performance is concerned, this knife will give you double the result compare to the amount you paid for it. You will be stunned to see how fantastic the quality it brings to do all the kitchen chores.  
5) VICTORINOX FIBROX pro-8-inch chef knife:
Excellent carving, minimalistic design, and optimum performance For serious home chef's you can quickly turn your attention to VICTORINOX FIBROX pro chef knife that will easily cover all your needs from mincing, slicing, chopping, and do a lot more.  
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View On Amazon This one is carefully constructed with high carbon stainless steel and brings a unique partial tang that will embed with a plastic handle. Once you begin using this knife, you will experience so many advantages like cutting with minimum efforts, and the result you get an impressive depth in the blade. There are many health benefits this knife comes with it as you will never suffer from any wrist strain and use it for hours. This one made from those cooks and food caters who holds a solid grip on cutting skills and wants a versatile tool with marvelous grip. The knife is crafted with a comfortable handle, superior weight, and razor-sharp to handle any kitchen task imaginable.   Key features:  Ideal for home and professional chefs Expertly crafted with a tapered stainless steel edge Makes cutting easy and efficient Suitable for both big and small kitchen tasks Laser tested blade Non-slip grip NSF approved Knife dimension is 8.9 inches Easy to clean Trusted brand Comes with a lifetime warranty   Users score: 4.8/5 Expert advice: For beginners who want to master every cut, this exceptional chef knife probably fits in your hands to help for many years to come. It is a one-time investment you can't simply afford to lose.  
6) Mercer culinary genesis forged short chef knife:
Laser control edge, substantial handle development, and increased efficiency The MERCER culinary genesis chef knife is one of those firmly prescribed and well-known fight prepared cutlery kitchen devices you can't miss whenever.  
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View On Amazon The blade offers you equalization, strength, and sharpness consolidated in one with a 10-inch cutting edge. It created with premium Japanese super steel that will give enough solidarity to slice through meat or vegetables in more pieces. One of the significant parts of owning this blade is that it will serve you for quite a while, all gratitude to the profound cutting plan that gives powerful cutting and smart ergonomic handle makes it an eminent expansion to your kitchens. The plan and ease of use of the blade are unquestionably the central matter, the full sharp edge has tastefulness, and raw tendency edge guarantees you will get adjusted cutting, cleaving for a long time. You can expect more control with less exertion since it accompanies a smart plan and reinforces perfect for new cooks and gourmet experts who are hoping to hone their abilities.   Key features:  Outstanding craftsmanship Cutting edge innovation Superb structure component Made with premium materials Incredible extremely sharp with a solid handle Hand cleaned edge at 350 degrees Satisfying NSF certified Tapered with improved hardness Comes with a lifetime guarantee   Users score: 4.8/5  My idea: Mercer culinary genesis blade has become a massive success because of its choice characteristics and progressive designing get it now, it is that much good.  
7) DALSTRONG Shogun series AUS 10v super steel vacuum chef knife:
Supreme function, stunning elegance, and incredible edge retention DALSTRONG SHOGUN series blade has become an astounding kitchen instrument and this one is no other razor can touch its elegancy. It is something that accompanies similar feelings and highlights you will appreciate.  
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View On Amazon This blade is appropriate for experts like culinary specialists, cooks, and conventional individual to manage different cutting and shopping undertakings. You can deny the way that this present blade's quality is such a lot of stunning and look fabulous gratitude to the high carbon hardened steel and wood handle. You need to improve your cooking abilities and appreciate getting ready suppers. At that point, this is an unquestionable requirement that has the first blade with the value you are looking for. What makes it more stand apart from different blades is the development and effectively bargain w with mileage since it feels lightweight. Individuals who have joint issues or writs issues will discover this blade magnificent in utilizing, which means you're cooking stop doesn't, however, advance the experience. The knife initially made for disjointing massive cuts and torque in handle requires just a little strain to perform. By and large, it is an ultimate tool that you can use for general purposes in an assortment of capacities.   Key features:  High carbon hardened steel Made with excellent toughness Good usefulness Multi-work blade Provides cuts, hacks, cuts, and much more Hardness scale Can lessen finger deadness, exhaustion, and hurts for broadened time Ultra-sharp edge to slice through substance Anti-stain and consumption blade Money-back assurance   Users score: 4.7/5  My final word: This blade is a mammoth and makes a decent buy an incentive for your spending limit. With this one, you can utilize any nourishment/recipe procedures with its enormous cutting edge.  
8) VICTORINOX FIBROX pro chef knife:
Extra-wide blade, grounded structure, and curved honing steel The VICTORINOX FIBROX pro chef knife will give you the certainty to cut with a long edge, incredible exactness, and durable sharpness.  
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View On Amazon When you got your hands on this one, you will have the option to slash vegetables, natural products, cut salmon, and mice shallots quickly. This blade is a workhorse that nearly consummates for any assignment all gratitude to the German tempered steel and consistent progress from cutting edge to deal. You will find a workable pace entirely fashioned development with triple bolt dealing with that will expand a vigorous cutting. The structure, steadiness, and quality make it a kitchen apparatus for each home's needs. Each time you swing the edge, it will offer high cutting capacities on account of 2 handle structure alternative Your dinner requires a slight cutting. At that point, the VICTORINOX FIBROX pro chef knife is undoubtedly for you. Additionally, its sharpness is similarly worked with maintenance too.   Key features:  Fabricated with a significant level of German treated steel Fully fashioned development Extremely tough Professional silk finish cutting edge Precision cutting Finely sharpened for long sharpness Dishwasher safe Multi-reason blade for different cutting assignments Ergonomic handle offers solace and parity Comes with a lifetime warranty   Users score: 4.8/5  My judgment: VICTORINOX FIBROX pro chef knife is a first kitchen device that accompanies incredible worth and usability. The opportunity has arrived for you to prepare a kitchen item under $150 price range.  
9) ZELITE infinity 8 inches super stainless steel chef knife:
Hand honed, accuracy produced and most extreme strength You are looking for a blade that can serve you both locally and expertly. Then ZELITE infinity chef knife is the ideal choice you can go for Best Chef Knife Under $150 that it is an all-rounder device that can utilize for cubing, stripping, piercing, dicing, and cutting.  
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View On Amazon The edge is extremely sharp and smidgen adjusted, making it appropriate for shaking movement assignments. It’s built with an uncommon sort of steel that guarantees the blade doesn't stick on nourishment while cutting. At long last, the most recognizable thing is the beautiful handle that feels incredible in hands and accompanies an imported premium quality to guarantee you get an ultra-sharp edge with recolor safe. With negligible exertion, you can play out the entirety of your kitchen's nourishment planning errands in a matter of moments, all gratitude to the full sharp edge that accompanies pure knuckle freedom and move nourishment on slicing board or to a skillet. From a quality outlook brand has all the advantages to be your consistent and accommodating blade. In any case, you should be extra cautious while utilizing this blade since it additionally accompanies scarcely any wellbeing measures and with intrigue that will excite you.   Key features:  40 degrees edge per side Military-grade handle Tapered bolster Mirror cleaned sharp edge Finger defensive support Great mobility Low upkeep Includes sheath Long time guarantee   Users score: 4.7/5  Ultimate decision: Undoubtedly, this blade will give you a massive impact on the amount you paid for it. You will be a force to perceive how astounding quality it brings to do all kitchen errands very quickly.  
10) Mercer Culinary M23510 renaissance forged chef knife:
Incredible cutting, ideal execution, and ergonomic DELRIN handle For genuine home cook's you can undoubtedly direct your concentration toward MERCER culinary M23510 renaissance chef knife that will adequately cover every one of your needs from mincing, cutting, hacking, and do much more.  
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View On Amazon This one is deliberately developed with high carbon treated steel and brings a one of a kind halfway tang that will insert with a plastic handle. When you start utilizing this blade, you will encounter such a significant number of points of interest, like cutting with the least endeavors and the outcome you get a great profundity in the sharp edge. There are numerous medical advantages this blade accompanies it as you will never experience the ill effects of any wrist strain and use it for a considerable length of time. This one mainly produced using those prepares and nourishment cooks who hold a firm grasp on cutting aptitudes and needs a flexible tool with great hold. The tall blade made with a soft handle, predominant weight, and dangerously sharp to deal with any kitchen task possible.   Key features:  Ideal for home and expert culinary specialists Expertly created with a decreased tempered steel edge Makes cutting simplicity and effective Suitable for both of all shapes and sizes kitchen assignments Laser tried sharp edge Non-slip grasp NSF affirmed Knife measurement is 8.9 inches Easy to clean Trusted brand Comes with a lifetime warranty   Users score: 4.7/5  Personal opinion: For a surreal item that needs each cut job, this blade presumably fits in your grasp to help for a long time to come. It is a one-time trial. You can't just stand to lose.   You might also need to check out: (Best Knife For Cutting Meat)  
11) SHUN classic VG-Max cutting core all-purpose chef knife:
Advanced Japanese steel, stable handle development, and durable The SHUN traditional VG-Max cutting chef knife blade is one of those firmly prescribed and popular cutlery kitchen instruments you can't miss whenever. The module offers you sturdiness and sharpness consolidated in one with an 8-inch cutting edge.   View On Amazon It made with premium Japanese super steel that will give enough solidarity to slice through meat or vegetables in more pieces. One of the significant parts of owning this blade is that it will serve you for quite a while, all gratitude to the profound cutting structure that gives viable cutting and modern ergonomic handle makes it a significant expansion to your kitchens. The structure and ease of use of the blade is undoubtedly the central matter, the full edge has tastefulness, and raw bent edge guarantees you will get adjusted cutting, cleaving for a long time. Expect more control with less exertion since it accompanies a brilliant structure and reinforces perfect for new cooks and culinary experts who are hoping to hone their aptitudes.   Key features:  Outstanding craftsmanship Cutting edge innovation Superb structure component Made with premium materials Incredible extremely sharp with a solid handle Triple bolt handle Tapered with improved hardness Comes with years of guarantee   Users score: 4.8/5  My point of view: For home use, only this blade has popular features because of its first-rate progressive structure. You should gift this to your loved ones and see how happy you make them.  
12) ZELITE Infinity 10-inch comfort pro series stainless steel chef knife:
Rust-resistant, robust and edge sharpness ZELITE Infinity 10-inch comfort pro series is a proficient blade brand that has made astounding kitchen and this one is no exemption. It is something that accompanies equivalent best in class and features that attracts any buyer.  
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View On Amazon This blade is reasonable for experts like culinary specialists, gourmet experts, and customary individual to manage different cutting and shopping undertakings. You can deny the way that this current blade's quality is such a lot of stunning and look fantastic recognition to the high carbon treated steel and wood handle. You need to improve your cooking abilities and appreciate planning dinners at that point this is an unquestionable requirement have a primary blade with the value you are cooking. What makes it more stand apart from different blades is the development and effectively bargain w with mileage since it feels lightweight. Individuals who have joint issues or writs issues will discover this blade magnificent in utilizing, which means your cooking doesn't stop; however, develop the experience. The blade initially formed for disjointing massive cuts and torque in handle requires just a little strain to perform. In general, it is a one-stop arrangement that you can use for public purposes in a combination of capacities.   Key features:  High carbon tempered steel Made with top-notch durability Good usefulness Multi-work blade Provides cuts, cleaves, cuts, and disjointing the meat off bones HRC hardness scale Can diminish finger pain, exhaustion, and pulses for broadened time Ultra-sharp edge to slice through tissue Anti-stain and erosion blade 100% satisfaction   Users score: 4.7/5  Genuine belief: Treat yourself by wielding a powerhouse and makes a decent buy an incentive for your spending cash. With this one, you can cut anything with its tremendous cutting non-sticky edge.  
13) TUO cutlery German X50CRMOV15 chef knife:
High tech ergonomic handle, best performance steel, and excellent cutting endurance TUO cutlery German chef knife will give you the certainty to cut with a discover edge, incredible accuracy, and enduring sharpness that offers more resilience and superior cooking experience.  
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View On Amazon Dependability and quality make it a kitchen appliance for each home's needs. Each time you swing the sharp edge, it will offer magnificent cutting capacities on account of 2 handle plan choice When you got your hands on this one, you will have the option to cleave vegetables, meat products, cut salmon, and mice shallots quickly. This blade is splendid that nearly consummates for any errand all gratitude to the German hardened steel and consistent change from edge to deal. You will find a good pace entirely manufactured development with triple bolt taking care of that will build an indefatigable cutting. If your dinners require a paper slim cutting, at that point, this culinary blade is undoubtedly for you. Besides, its sharpness is similarly working with support too.   Key features:  Fabricated with an elevated level of German hardened steel Fully manufactured development Extremely solid Professional glossy silk finish edge Precision cutting Finely sharpened for long sharpness Dishwasher safe Multi-reason blade for different cutting undertakings Ergonomic handle offers solace and equalization Comes with a lifetime warranty   Users score: 4.7/5  My final words: The knife is everything you can expect from it that accompanies incredible worth and convenience. So do not overlook it, people.  
14) Mercer Culinary M22610BR millennia 10-inch chef knife:
Great versatility, high-quality surface care, and protective finger guard Mercer Culinary M22610BR chef knife is the ideal choice you can go for best gourmet specialist blade under $150 and lower price range that it is an all-rounder device that can be utilized for dicing, stripping, hacking, dicing, and cutting.  
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View On Amazon The cutting edge is exceptionally sharp and tad adjusted, making it reasonable for shaking movement undertakings. It built with an exceptional sort of steel that guarantees the blade doesn't stick on nourishment while cutting. At last, the most obvious thing is the delightful handle that feels incredible in hands and accompanies an imported premium quality to guarantee you get an ultra-sharp edge with recolor safe. With an insignificant exertion, you can play out the entirety of your kitchen's nourishment planning errands in a matter of seconds, to the full edge that accompanies simple knuckle leeway and move nourishment on slicing board or to a skillet. From a quality point of view, the brand has all the advantages to be your consistent and accommodating blade. Regardless, you won't have to face any errors or problems while utilizing this blade since it additionally accompanies hardly any wellbeing measures and with visual intrigue that will energize you.   Key features:  Offers a combination of polypropylene and Santorini Military-grade handle Mirror cleaned cutting edge Finger defensive reinforce Great mobility Low support Includes sheath Long time guarantee   Users score: 4.8/5  Ultimate decision: This blade will give you outcomes beyond your thoughts with zero issues, especially to hands. Just the review and buy it for the ultimate cutting experience.  
15) Stainless steel knife set with 13 pieces kitchen chef knife:
Incredible cutting, innovative design, and premium material hardware For genuine home culinary specialist's you can without much of a stretch direct your concentration toward stainless steel chef knife set that will effortlessly cover every one of your needs from mincing, cutting, slashing, and do significantly more.  
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View On Amazon This one is deliberately developed with high carbon hardened steel and brings a one of a kind incomplete tang that will install with a plastic handle. When you start utilizing this blade, you will encounter such a significant number of focal points like cutting with the least endeavors and the outcome you get a great profundity in the sharp edge. There are numerous medical advantages this blade accompanies it as you will never experience the effects of any wrist strain and use it for a considerable length of time. This one mainly manufactured using those prepares and nourishment cooks who hold a firm hold on cutting abilities and needs a flexible with sublime grip. The tall blade made with a friendly handle, prevalent weight, and well-honed to deal with any kitchen task possible.   Key features:  Ideal for home and expert culinary specialists Premium sharpener included Expertly created with a decreased treated steel edge Makes cutting simplicity and productive Suitable for both of all shapes and sizes kitchen errands Laser tried sharp edge Easy to clean Trusted brand Comes with a lifetime guarantee   Users score: 4.6/5  Expert view: For amateurs and experts who need to cut meats no matter how hard they are, this one, in particular, gives 5-star restaurant experiences with fast cutting. Put your eyes here as well (Best Knife For Cutting Cheese)
Best Chef Knife Under $150 Buying guide
How to choose the Best Chef Knife Under $150 in 2020? It does not matter if you want to become a professional chef or just want to cook for your family, having a tool that works right for your kitchen will certainly give you so many benefits. There are many factors you need to keep in mind while buying a chef's knife to make your purchase worthwhile. Without further ado, let find them shall we, 1) Weight: Many knives come in various sizes and shapes. The most noticeable thing that makes them different is the weight. A heavy knife can cut through even the dense meat or food because of its weight, while, on the other hand, a lighter knife offers you incredible versatility and maneuverability. It is all about personal choice for the typical takes you are looking for. 2) Balance: Balance is another factor you should pay attention to. Too much weight on either handle or blade will make the work harder compared to a reliable tool. You need something that offers side by side stability while holding a knife in the palm of your hand to see it teeters on one side or another. But if the knife feels natural gripped, then you can buy it in an instant. 3) Size: The Chef Knife is quite famous for home cooks because it brings versatility and wonderfully agile with detailed work. Some might come in 8 inches, 10 inches, and 12 inches that are solid enough to cut through large pieces with a single cut. Conclusion: These are some real facts about the Best Chef Knife Under $150 that you can look at and make your decision based on this post. The above-mentioned Chef's Knife products truly justify your needs and exceed your expectations, unlike any other. So check out them finds what is best for you and buy it. Read the full article
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sasuhinasno1fan · 5 years
The ultimate change
I kinda hate this but have no time to rewrite it. I'm sorry there isn't much klance except for a bit of bonding. Cannon Divergance
How did it come to this? It seemed like a week ago, Lance was just trying to prove he deserved his place in the fighter pilot program, though a certain asshole named James liked trying to prove he didn’t. he and Hunk had planned on grabbing Pidge and just going to town. Instead they found Pidge on the roof searching for something and hearing about Voltron. Then, Shiro came crashing down in his escape pod. Alive, with a bit of white and a new arm, but alive. But the Garrison wasn’t interested in listening to what had happened to him. they wanted answers on Shiro’s arm more. Lance lead them down to try and stop them only to see his own cousin Adam knocking Iverson to his ass.
“I thought you said you didn’t like him anymore?” Lance asked as he helped Adam drag the unconscious pilot to a nearby Jeep to get away from the Garrison.
“Not the time Lance.”
“I’m just saying. You two were engaged and you weren’t over him when he left and you’re risking your job to save him.”
“Lance, be quiet!”
Adam drove them to the house of an old Garrison professor, who apparently had a lot of secrets.
“He married an alien? Like an actual alien?” Lance asked, even as he looked at the picture in his hands. He also noticed the young baby in the woman’s arms.
“He told us that his wife had come here trying to make sure no one found this ship. We don’t exactly know where it is, just nearby.” Shiro explained. “In order to make sure no one found it, she had to leave and she took their kid with them. We could tell it still affected even though she promised he’d be safe. He made us promise that if something happened, we’d make sure this ship wasn’t taken. And I’m sure this ship we was talking about is part of Voltron.”
“Luckily for us,” Pidge said, looking at the paperwork that Adam had located that they were scanning into their laptop, “he left us with a lot of clues.”
“Plus with the info Pidge had in his diary,” Hunk started, ignoring the fiery glare he was getting from Pidge, “I can track the energy.”
So they followed Hunk’s tracker to the cave and after Lance activated the seal, found the Blue Lion. He had flown it from Earth and away from the Galra as Blue wormholed her way back to the castle. They then awoke Princess Allura and Coran and found out what was actually happening. Then Adam dropped more surprises on them.
“This woman, the one you said found the Blue Lion, was Galra?” Allura asked, her voice hard.
“Princess look, I get that you are angry with the Galra for what they’ve done, but you can’t tell me that the idea that a rebel group within their ranks isn’t too hard to believe?”
“The Galra are all the same.”
Adam looked frustrated. “Here’s a history lesson for you. Earth had a guy almost as bad as Zarkon. Believed that his race was superior to everyone and was responsible for thousands of deaths through genocide. But not everyone in his ranks were on his side. There were people who would be killed for hiding those people he believed were less than them but they did it anyway because they knew that man was wrong. Don’t stand there and tell me they’re all the same when what you’d considered to be a primitive race managed to look past that.”
In the end, the princess agreed to give them a chance and paired them up with a lion. Lance and Hunk got the Yellow Lion, Shiro and Pidge found the Green and Adam stayed with the Princess, who still couldn’t locate the Red Lion. Once they were back at the castle, they decided to leave Arus.
“That ship that was after the Blue Lion will no doubt still be tracking us and I don’t think 3 Lions is enough to take it out, judging from it’s size.” Adam pointed out.
“You’re right. The Black Lion is still under lockdown until we can find the Red Lion. My father was its Paladin. It’s possible that Zarkon could have taken it.”
“Well let’s hope it’s not on his ship then. The Blade of Mamora might be able to help us track it.” Shiro said, Allura still looking sour at the thought of having to work with Galra.
So here they were, on a set course to the coordinates that was left in that pile of papers the former professor left. God, he didn’t even know his name. Adam and Shiro said that he told them to call him Texas, never giving his real name. after he left being a professor, he’d become a fire fighter but died saving a family. Did his wife and child even know? Did they keep contact after they left? This was making Lance truly think about relationships. He never had a stable one, people calling him clingy and immature. He’d idealized Adam and Shiro’s relationship, but he saw how Adam’s worried made Shiro think Adam didn’t trust him and they split. He knew they still had feelings for each other; Adam had been inconsolable when the news about Shiro and he’d seen Shiro staring at Adam when he wasn’t looking. Their love was real but they weren’t trying to fix it. Texas obviously loved his wife, despite she was from a completely different planet. He loved her enough to let her go, so she could keep him safe. Lance didn’t want to take risks that would cause him to lose the person that mattered the most to him, whoever that might be. If he had the chance to be with that person, then he was going to take it. He was involved in a war now and now more than ever was no reason to be scared of taking chances.
Allura had been mad when the Blade on the other line said only one lion could come in, even more so when they decided Shiro would go with Blue and by default, Lance.
“I should be the one to talk to them.”
“Princess, I’m sorry, but you haven’t exactly shown a good spirit about this. We need their help and if you stand there spitting at them for something they can’t control we won’t get anywhere. You said the Black Lion would pair with me so that makes me leader and I’m doing this for the good of everyone. Lance is a good pilot. I trust him to get us there safely and I know he can provide support if I need it.”
Allura didn’t look too convinced. “Fine.”
They were on the path when Lance thanked Shiro.
“I know you and Adam aren’t really together anymore, but it’s nice to know you still trust me.”
“My relationship with Adam isn’t going to change your skill. You earned your place amongst the fighter pilots Lance. Blue choose you out of everyone and I think that counts for something. Besides, like your cousin, you have an open mind and the ability to make people feel comfortable around you. I feel like we’re going to need that.”
“You know, you could use this as an excuse to make up with Adam.”
“Lance, I appreciate it, but no. I don’t think Adam and I have a chance.”
“Even though this is a war, you’re not even going to try?”
Shiro smiled down at Lance. “You really want everyone to have a happy moment, don’t you?”
“I mean I think at the very least we deserve it.”
They reached the base and walked in carefully cautious. They entered a hall filled with masked beings of different sizes and builds.
“You claim to be Voltron, but what I question is how you ended up finding us?” the one in the middle asked.
“We followed coordinates left by one of your members. She crash landed on Earth and met someone who protected her. It was because of him we found out where the Blue Lion was.” Shiro explained.
“One of our members?”
“Yes, I believe her name was Krolia?”
One of the members moved away from their rank. They were much smaller than the rest of the group. Lance and Shiro watched as the mask dematerialized and a human face stared back at them, purple marks on either side of his cheek. Lance had only seen Krolia’s picture fully once but he could tell this person was almost her carbon copy.
“How do you know about my mother?”
Keith, as he told them, stared at the picture Lance had known. Shiro thought they should at least take it from the cabin so they had proof of who Krolia was. Lance sat next to him quiet, glancing over at where Shiro stood speaking with the head of the Blades, Kolivan. Another Galra, Ulaz, was also nearby. Ulaz had been the one to get Shiro out of capture from the Galra and sent him to Earth.
“My mother told me about my dad but I never knew him. I was still a baby when we left.” Keith said.
“According to Shiro, he talked about you a lot. He could tell your dad missed the two of you.”
“I wish I could have met him.” Keith said, eyes trained on the man he never knew. “Can I keep this?”
“I don’t see why not.”
“Thanks. It’s just, my mom gave me the only photo I have of him but I keep it on me and got hurt during a mission. It was pretty soaked with blood.”
“Keep it.” Lance insisted. Keith was certainly different. For one, he seemed to fight against everything Kolivan said, so he had a rebellious streak a mile wide. Lance wasn’t gonna deny he seemed pretty and really fit. He also seemed like he needed a friend. The Blades seemed protective of their members but the way Keith fought against Kolivan, something told Lance he kept to himself.
“So why haven’t we heard about anything from Voltron until now?”
“Well, we’re still missing one Lion, which in turn keeps the Black Lion locked up still.” Lance confessed.
“What colour?” Keith asked.
“What colour is the Lion?”
“Red, why?”
“My uncle, well he’s not actually my uncle but my mom grew up with him so their like siblings and he helped raise me so-”
Lance cut him off, crying to stop a smile from coming on his face. For a guy who seemed pretty serious, he rambled on a lot. It was really cute. “It’s ok, I get it trust me. Your uncle?”
“Right, he’s in Zarkon’s ranks as a spy right now. He said that he heard the Red Lion had been transferred onto Commander Sendak’s ship as a way of trying to track the other lions. I don’t think it worked since he never found the others except the Blue Lion from what we heard.”
“Then he must have been the guy chasing after us when I got Blue off Earth. He’s been chasing after us and he had what we needed this whole time. Does Kolivan know this?”
“Yeah, Thace only told me because I asked. If Kolivan’s smart, he’d send some of us with you guys to get it.”
And he did. The plan was that Lance and Hunk would distract Sendak and Pidge, who implanted the training mazes invisibility into the Green Lion, would take Shiro and the small group of Blade members onto Sendak’s ship. As Lance piloted Blue in the direction of Sendak’s ship, a private line came onto his coms.
It was Keith.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’m just…nervous I guess and I trust you and wanted to talk a bit.”
The fact that Keith trusted him after such a short amount of time made him feel good. “Hey, your going to be fine.”
“I know, it’s just, I have this weird feeling. Like something’s gonna happen.”
“Something bad?”
“No, not bad exactly. Something big is gonna happen. I can feel it and I feel like it’s gonna change everything.”
“Well be careful ok? You said your mom was undercover as well, I think she’d like to come back to you in one piece. I know I would.”
Keith laughed a bit, brightening Lance’s mood more. “I’ll try my best. I do have a habit of getting into trouble.”
“Well try to curb the desire.”
“We’re at the ship.” Keith announced the jokes in his voice disappearing.
“And we’re nearby. Good luck.”
“You too.”
He’d been piloting Blue away from the fighters, waiting for an answer on where the Red Lion was when she burst out of the ship, quickly taking out fighter ships.
“Keith? Wait, are you?” Lance asked looking as the Red Lion flew near Blue.
“Yeah. Let’s get to the castle to get the Black Lion first ok?”
While Allura certainly wasn’t happy about a member of the Blade being the chosen pilot, they quickly released the Black Lion and in a feat of desperation, were able to form Voltron and destroy the ship.
Lance found Keith in the hanger for the Red Lion.
“Well, you are certainly full of surprises, aren’t you?” Lance asked in a teasing voice.
“That’s one word for it.” Keith said, patting the ground next to him. “I guess I was right when I said I felt like everything was gonna change.”
“Change is good. It’s scary as hell yeah, but sometimes you just have to go for it. Kinda like love, the ultimate change.”
Keith got a wistful smile on his face. “My mom would say how she could have turned her back on almost everything if it meant staying with my dad. She loved him that much that she questioned her mission as a Blade. Just for those few years of happiness. Part of me wondered if it was worth it but now being a Paladin, I know it is. I’ll be doing something good and learning as I go and that makes me pretty happy.”
“I’m glad. You’re gonna do great.”
“Thanks. So, I’m gonna need some help figuring all this Paladin stuff out. Think you can help me?”
“Get ready for you first lesson in human culture Keith, the person you know and love who won’t leave you alone.”
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Am I Being Unfair To Dash?
Am I Being Unfair To Dash?
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Titanium is the perfect metal to make replacement human body parts
Titanium material is expensive and can be problematic when it comes to traditional processing technologies. For example, its high melting point (1,670℃, much higher than steel alloys) is a challenge.
The relatively low-cost precision of 3D printing is therefore a game-changer for titanium. 3D printing is where an object is built layer by layer and designers can create amazing shapes.
This allows the production of complex shapes such as replacement parts of a jaw bone, heel, hip, dental implants, or cranioplasty plates in surgery. It can also be used to make golf clubs and aircraft components.
The CSIRO is working with industry to develop new technologies in 3D printing using titanium. (It even made a dragon out of titanium.)
Advances in 3D printing are opening up new avenues to further improve the function of customised bodypart implants made of titanium.
Such implants can be designed to be porous, making them lighter but allowing blood, nutrients and nerves to pass through and can even promote bone in-growth.
Safe in the body
Titanium is considered the most biocompatible metal – not harmful or toxic to living tissue – due to its resistance to corrosion from bodily fluids. This ability to withstand the harsh bodily environment is a result of the protective oxide film that forms naturally in the presence of oxygen.
Its ability to physically bond with bone also gives titanium an advantage over other materials that require the use of an adhesive to remain attached. Titanium implants last longer, and much larger forces are required to break the bonds that join them to the body compared with their alternatives.
Titanium alloys commonly used in load-bearing implants are significantly less stiff – and closer in performance to human bone – than stainless steel or cobalt-based alloys.
Aerospace applications
Titanium weighs about half as much as steel but is 30% stronger, which makes it ideally suited to the aerospace industry where every gram matters.
In the late 1940s the US government helped to get production of titanium going as it could see its potential for “aircraft, missiles, spacecraft, and other military purposes”.
Titanium has increasingly become the buy-to-fly material for aircraft designers striving to develop faster, lighter and more efficient aircraft.
About 39% of the US Air Force’s F22 Raptor, one of the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world, is made of titanium.
Civil aviation moved in the same direction with Boeing’s new 787 Dreamliner made of 15% titanium, significantly more than previous models.
Two key areas where titanium is used in airliners is in their landing gear and jet engines. Landing gear needs to withstand the massive amounts of force exerted on it every time a plane hits a runway.
Titanium’s toughness means it can absorb the huge amounts of energy expelled when a plane lands without ever weakening.
Titanium’s heat resistance means it can be used inside modern jet engines, where temperatures can reach 800℃. Steel begins to soften at around 400℃ but titanium can withstand the intense heat of a jet engine without losing its strength.
Where to find titanium
In its natural state, titanium is always found bonded with other elements, usually within igneous rocks and sediments derived from them.
The most commonly mined materials containing titanium are ilmenite (an iron-titanium oxide, FeTiO3) and rutile (a titanium oxide, TiO2).
Ilmenite is most abundant in China, whereas Australia has the highest global proportion of rutile, about 40% according to Geoscience Australia. It’s found mostly on the east, west and southern coastlines of Australia.
Both materials are generally extracted from sands, after which the titanium is separated from the other minerals.
Australia is one of the world’s leading producers of titanium, producing more than 1.5 million tonnes in 2014. South Africa and China are the two next leading producers of titanium, producing 1.16 and 1 million tonnes, respectively.
Being among the top ten most abundant elements in Earth’s crust, titanium resources aren’t currently under threat – good news for the many scientists and innovators constantly looking for new ways to improve life with titanium.
Titanium Forgings Shapes
Titanium forgings refer to products manufactured by the process of shaping metal utilizing compressive forces. The compressive forces used are generally delivered via pressing, pounding, or squeezing under great pressure. Although there are many different kinds of forging processes available, they can be grouped into three main classes:
Forging produces pieces that are stronger than an equivalent cast or machined part. As the metal is shaped during the forging process, the internal grain deforms to follow the general shape of the part. This results in a grain that is continuous throughout the part, resulting in its high strength characteristics. Forgings are broadly classified as either cold, warm or hot forgings, according to the temperature at which the processing is performed.
Iron and steel are nearly always hot forged, which prevents the work hardening that would result from cold forging. Work hardening increases the difficulty of performing secondary machining operations on the metal pieces. When work hardening is desired, other methods of hardening, most notably heat treating, may be applied to the piece. Alloys such as aluminum and titanium that are amenable to precipitation hardening can be hot forged, followed by hardening. Because of their high strength, forgings are almost always used where reliability and human safety are critical such as in the aerospace, automotive, ship building, oil drilling, engine and petrochemical industries.
For more information or to receive a prompt aluminum price quote, please contact us at 800 398-4345 or submit the Request Information form on the right side of this page.
Titanium rod and bar are made from a corrosion-resistant material that has one of the highest strength-to-weight ratios of all metals. Due to the wear resistance, corrosion resistance, high-temperature resistance, and non-magnetic properties of titanium rods, it is used in the main parts of equipment, shaft body, solid parts, mixing shaft, etc.
Titanium Rods’ Characteristics
In addition, titanium rods have the characteristics of high strength, good toughness, low modulus of elasticity, compatibility with the human body, and are widely used in the medical industry.
The forging material of the titanium rod is mainly pure titanium and titanium alloy of various compositions, and the original state of the material is titanium rod, titanium ingot, metal powder, and liquid metal.
The ratio of the cross-sectional area of the metal before deformation to the cross-sectional area after deformation is called the forging ratio. Proper selection of forging ratio, reasonable heating temperature and holding time, reasonable initial forging temperature, and final forging temperature, reasonable deformation, and deformation speed is closely related to improving product quality and reducing cost.
Generally, small and medium-sized forgings use round or square bars as blanks. If the grain structure and mechanical properties of the bar are uniform and good, the shape and size are accurate, and the surface quality is good, it is convenient for mass production. As long as the heating temperature and deformation conditions are properly controlled, high-quality forgings can be forged without requiring large forging deformation.
On the aircraft, titanium alloy is mainly used to manufacture the main force members such as girders, landing gears, hubs, and joints. Titanium alloy is mainly used to manufacture adapter rings, scraper fans, compressor discs, and blades on the engine.
In the metalworking world, every metal part possesses its own unique set of benefits. No matter what industry you’re in, it’s important to know the benefits of different metal components so that you can choose the part that will be the most valuable for your specific project. One metal part that is used in various industries for it’s advantages is titanium tubing! What are the benefits of titanium tubing? Keep reading to find out!
4 Benefits of Titanium Pipe and Tube
1. Lower Density
The density of Titanium pipe and tube is significantly lower than steel, copper, or nickel products. Despite their low density, they are very strong and rigid when compared to other alloy components.
2. Resistant to Corrosion
Another benefit of utilizing titanium tubing is that titanium alloys are resistant to corrosion. This makes these tubes an appealing option if you need a part to work efficiently in a highly corrosive environment.
3. Resistant to Chemicals
Corrosion is not the only thing that titanium tubes are resistant to. They are also resistant to chemicals. These titanium parts can withstand different chemical compounds while still preforming effectively.
4. Great Heat Transfer Properties
Titanium tubes have great heat transfer properties thanks to its thermal conductivity and resistance. The same can’t be said for copper and carbon steel tubes. Their resistance to heat also allows them to work successfully at temperatures up to 600 degrees or higher.
These are just a few of the many benefits that come from utilizing titanium tubes. Because of these benefits, you can find titanium tubing in countless important industries such as power generation, sporting goods, marine, nuclear, and paper industries.
If you’re interested in using titanium tubes for your next project, Ferralloy, Inc. can help! We also have the infrastructure and facilities to supply raw materials in numerous grades and forms! Visit our metalworking foundry online today!
Titanium is sliver grey, colored transition metal found in abundance among all minerals. Titanium has high melting point and offers very good corrosion resistant property, heat properties and strength to weight ratio. Titanium is extracted from ores of rutile and ilmenite. Aerospace & aviation industry is the major end user of the titanium product.
Titanium is used in production of super light high speed aircrafts, satellites and spacecrafts, and ships. Apart from aerospace & aviation, some other major end user industries of titanium products include paper, plastic, and paints & coatings.
Titanium products are also popular in various healthcare applications such as pacemakers, and defibrillators due to chemical properties of titanium such as inertness to UV rays and self-cleaning properties.
Based on the different product type, the global titanium products market can be broadly categorized as titanium concentrate, titanium tetrachloride, titanium sponge, ferrotitanium, titanium pigment and other. Based on the various applications of the titanium product, the market can be segmented in seven broad categories namely, aerospace & marine, industrial, medical, energy, pigments, additives & coatings, and others.
Rising demand of titanium products in aircraft carriers, defense equipments and various other chemical processing industries such as oil and gas is driving the global titanium product market. Moreover, the recent development in cost effective manufacturing technology coupled with superior weight-to strength ratio compare to some of the other traditional product such as steel is expected to boost the market in upcoming years.
Unavailability of raw material, fluctuating price of input materials, and high cost of titanium product are some of the major challenge for the titanium product market.
North America is the largest market of titanium product followed by the Europe and Asia pacific. Asia Pacific is the fasted growing market. The major end user industry such as healthcare, power, automotive and aerospace industries of the titanium product is growing which in turns helping the titanium product market in this region.
Some of the major companies operating in global titanium products market include, Huntsman International, DuPont, Ineos, Iluka Resources Ltd., Sumitomo Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation., Toho Titanium Co., Ltd., RTI International Metals, Allegheny Technologies Incorporated, Titanium Metal Corporation., Tronox Limited (U.S)., Indian Rare Earths Limited (India)., and Sierra Rutile Limited (U.K)
Titanium is a well-known material to be characterised as flammable under certain morphologies. Titanium and its alloys have a great affinity for oxygen and will form a native 2-7 nm TiO2 layer instantly if a clean metallic surface is exposed to air at room temperature. This film prevents further oxidation from taking place and protects the underlying metal powder. When heat is applied, either through a thermal source or a spark, the powder can generally or locally heat to the point of thermal runaway or burning. The consensus mechanism of self-sustaining thermal runaway of titanium powder occurs by means of ion diffusion through this native TiO2 film on the titanium powder [1, 2]. As the micron size of the powder decreases, the specific surface area (in units of m2/g) increases at a rate of 6/d where d=particle diameter. In context, to fill a typical AM machine with 45 kg of titanium powder, with an average particle size of 20 μm, this powder will have enough surface area to cover over 3000 m2. Generally, titanium powders with a particle size < 45 μm are considered a flammability hazard.
When describing a reaction of any metal powder, there are three categories into which each reaction may fall: 1) stagnant, 2) freely aspirated and 3) conveyed. Stagnant powder reactions generally are a result of powder that collects on a horizontal surface and ignition is typically from a heat source, as a more significant source is necessary to ignite a stagnant bed of powder. When powder is dispersed in the air, the fine powders may stay aloft creating a cloud. Aspiration of powder, and specifically titanium powder, does not automatically mean the cloud will ignite spontaneously. However, if the temperature threshold or spark energy necessary for ignition is met, rapid oxidation of powder can occur as it mixes with oxygen from the air. This is a result of no thermal heat sink of other powders or materials in near proximity to the powder cloud allowing it to reach a much higher temperature and propagate to other powders, which may result in a large pressure increase and possible explosion.
Ignition can come from a variety of sources, which will be discussed throughout this article. Thermal exposure to temperatures of 300-700°C can cause ignition of titanium powder despite the native oxide layer (i.e., minimum ignition temperature or MIT). Spark ignition can come from a variety of sources including static electricity build-up, electric components and friction/impact of metal components. Titanium powder can have minimum (spark) ignition energies (MIE) of 3-30 mJ.
Powder production
After atomisation, Titanium powder is traditionally collected in a cyclone system. These powders are typically non-passivated. The transfer of these non-passivated powders from the atomisation cyclone to ancillary process containers is considered to present a high risk of thermal runaway, which may require breaking of the inert gas seal and exposure to oxygen with high potential for powder aspiration. To overcome this problem, non-passivated powder requires exposure to air (or a reactive gas) to passivate at room temperature, a very time consuming and potentially dangerous process. As an example, passivation of 215 kg of aluminium powder was conducted in a powder collection canister after atomisation, requiring a 20 hour cool down (below MIT), followed by a 1.5 hour passivation period [3]. While canisters can be isolated and moved for passivation, this process concentrates a large quantity of nascent surface powders (i.e. highly reactive) in a confined vessel, which is not ideal.
A novel passivation approach
As a solution to this problem, Praxair Surface Technologies, Inc. uses a novel in-situ passivation process that prevents further oxidation of the powder during exposure to air, thus minimising any exothermic reaction, thereby greatly diminishing the possibility of thermal runaway or burning of powder. Using Praxair’s in-situ process, titanium powders are passivated prior to reaching the cyclone collection and are deemed safe to handle after dropping below the aforementioned MIT (300-700°C in air). This not only increases the productivity of titanium powder production, but also greatly diminishes the hazards of the powder.
The ability to add a specific passivation layer to the titanium powder without greatly affecting the powder making process requires the formation of an oxide shell in-situ after the powders initially solidify and descend downwards within the atomisation chamber. The most important aspect of in-situ passivation is the generation of a layer similar (in thickness and chemistry) to the native oxide film that will form on the surface of titanium at room temperature (i.e., a 2-7 nm thick oxide) [4-7]. Oxide thickness becomes extremely important because of the extremely large surface area described above. Ideally, the total oxygen content should stay below 1300 ppmw (0.13 wt.%) for a 20 μm particle, which requires a target titanium oxide thickness of ~2-3 nm if the bulk material contains less than 1000 ppmw of O2. If the target oxide shell thickness of 1-3 nm can be produced then no additional oxidation should take place when exposed to air at room temperature for extended periods of time.
The post-processing of titanium powder undoubtedly will utilise electrical equipment from sieves, blenders, feeders, etc. This challenge also presents itself to users of AM equipment. When considering electrical installations involving any flammable substance, it is highly recommended to reference National Electrical Code, NFPA 70, particularly articles 500 to 504. These sections describe the recommended best installation practices for electrical equipment in the presence of a hazardous material. Class II is relevant to combustible dusts (e.g., metal powders) and, within Class II locations, there are Divisions I and II. To determine which division a process/material may fall into, the reader is directed to read these descriptions carefully.
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sciencespies · 3 years
New Microflyers Could Soar in the Atmosphere's Most Mysterious Layer
New Microflyers Could Soar in the Atmosphere's Most Mysterious Layer
Researchers have created tiny disks out of mylar and carbon nanotubes that can levitate in conditions that mimic the mesosphere, reports Inside Science’s Katharine Gammon.
The microflyers, described in a study published in Science Advances on February 12, might be able to stay aloft in the mesosphere because they don’t use conventional methods to generate lift. They rely entirely on heat generated by light, a clever choice of materials and Newton’s Third Law.
The mesosphere is so little-studied that it’s jokingly called the “ignore-sphere,” says University of Pennsylvania mechanical engineer Igor Bargatin to Inside Science. The layer is between 31 and 53 miles high, and it’s a tough place to take direct measurements because the air pressure is in an anti-Goldilocks Zone: there isn’t enough air pressure for planes to generate lift or balloons to float, but there is enough air density that if a satellite tried to orbit at a mesospheric altitude, it would burn up. Rockets fly through the mesosphere on their way to outer space, but they’re only passing through.
“What we’re looking at is a new mechanism of levitation that has been used in the past for really small particles, ones that you can’t see,” says Bargatin to Krista Charles at New Scientist. “But what we’re doing is making it work for structures that are big enough that you can hold them in your hands and therefore, at least potentially, will have real-life applications.”
The team of engineers created six-millimeter-wide disks with two layers. The top layer of each disk is made of mylar, the same shiny, lightweight material used to make party balloons. The bottom layer is made of a carpet of carbon nanotubes, each of them only a few atoms wide.
The disks heat up when they are exposed to bright light. Then, when individual air molecules bounce off of a disk, the disk transfers some of its warmth to the molecule, which makes the molecule move a little bit faster. By Newton’s Third Law, which states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the air molecule pushes back on the disk, too.
How does that make the disk levitate? Mylar is not very good at transferring energy, but the mat of carbon nanotubes is very good at it. This imbalance in force causes air molecules to bounce off the bottom of the disk faster than molecules ricochet off of the top. The molecules below the microflyer push harder on the bottom of the disk, lifting it up like a weightlifter doing an overhead press.
The research team tested their design by putting two of the disks in a vacuum chamber that had bright LEDs at the bottom, and was filled with air at the same pressure as the mesosphere.
“We didn’t know what we were expecting to see, but we hoped to see something,” says University of Pennsylvania mechanical engineer Mohsen Azadi to Max G. Levy at Wired. “When the two samples lifted, there was this gasp between all four of us.”
The experimental disks flew in the same way that their computer model had predicted, which meant that the team could use the model to predict how different-sized disks might perform. For example, they estimate that a disk that’s just over two inches wide could carry ten milligrams worth of payload, which is enough to carry small sensing equipment, according to the paper.
Earth’s mesosphere comes with challenges that couldn’t be replicated in a vacuum chamber: 100 mile per hour winds, temperatures around minus-140 degrees, and space weather caused by sunspots could all impact a microflyer’s performance. The disks are also so flimsy that the force of molecules bouncing off of them was enough to make it crinkle, so the team is developing a lightweight frame, reports Wired.
“In general, it’s unclear how many practical aspects of this technology would work, such as delivering the microflyers to this part of the atmosphere, which would presumably need to be dropped from rockets,” says University of Bristol atmospheric physicist Karen Aplin to New Scientist. “At the moment, this technology looks like a bit of a solution searching for a problem.”
If the technology improves enough to handle the challenges of the mesosphere, then the microflyers are “a really cool idea,” says NASA Goddard Space Flight Center chief scientist of Earth Science, Paul Newman, to Wired. Newman adds that the flyers could be used to study mesospheric clouds, which are associated with climate change, or could even have applications on Mars, which has a mesosphere-like atmospheric pressure.
“I should say that every time a new flight mechanism is implemented or discovered,” says Bargatin to New Scientist, “people find new applications that are hard to think about from the beginning.”
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