#also SOMEONE would proably find a contrived way to call me an anti for this post so ill just say it again
lvtvr · 6 years
hey, i just wanted to. like. talk to someone? and you seem really nice ;-; i feel like sk relationship is going to go in a direction i won't like and that makes me uncomfortable (i.e romantic). i don't mind people shipping it but in the actual show it makes me very uncomfortable, is it bad that i'll feel disappointed if it happens? i'll live because it's a show lol but i can't help but feel like i'll be disappointed about that if it becomes true
“i’ll live because it’s a show but i’ll be disappointed” A PERSON BEING RATIONAL? ON MY TUMBLR? IT’S MORE LIKELY THAN YOU THINK... bless ur soul friend...
dgsjdgsdlgk jokes aside pal, you’re not alone in this!! i used to be fine w sk (and i still am totally okay with people shipping it) but after canon established certain things about their relationship i’m not really comfortable thinking about them together that way anymore. with that said, i truly do not think it’s being set up to be canon. part of the sk fandom has developed a weird, obsessive conviction that their ship will go canon, similar to That part of the kl fandom, so a lot of the content floating around tumblr is deliberately cherrypicked to make the framing seem romantic when it’s really, really not. not saying you can’t read romance into it -- they’ve got chemistry for sure -- but objectively, it’s just not in the cards.
here’s some reassurance for u why sk will Not go canon!
voltron is a show for kids aged 7 and up, which means there are themes that would be acceptable in a show for adults that are simply too mature for this material deal with. romantic sk would deal with a LOT of such themes.
for instance, shiro has been shown onscreen in an instructor/teaching position to a class keith was in, and has continued being a mentor/guiding light to keith even in current canon. while there are tons of YA novels and stuff where older teens get it on with their teachers/authority figures, it’s, um, not very common for the younger demographic. (inb4 “keith’s the leader now not shiro so he’s not an authority figure anymore”: take your navel gazing technicalities elsewhere and use some common sense bls.)
keith has referred to shiro as being “like a brother to me” and said “you’re my brother, i love you” (bc yes, people do in fact say "i love you" every day and mean it platonically, regardless of what the fandom tries to tell you -- “i love you” is not romantically coded lol wtf). while i absolutely do not condone shoving these lines in shippers’ faces to make them feel bad about their ship, they’re still explicit canon. we haven’t been shown anything that indicates keith’s saying it to deny his feelings in some way. like, by the time katara said aang was like a brother to her, aang had been shown to have a crush on her from day one. the set up is entirely different.
going off both the above points, krolia also thanked shiro for helping raise keith. now, obviously, shiro didn’t rear him from the time he was a baby, but he was the adult figure in keith’s life during his adolescence and formative years. i believe i’ve also seen word of god that confirms this. a young twenty-something seems very adult to a preteen/young teen. sending the message that the trusted adults around you will end up as your romantic partner one day is... probably not something the show intends to do.
voltron is a MAINSTREAM kids’ show. the mainstream is not tumblr. it does not -- and often cannot -- correspond to tumblr levels of progressiveness. the crew had to fight to get shiro confirmed mlm. they’ve mentioned they had to be adamant, no pun intended, to make sure adam was acknowledged as shiro’s boyfriend and not just his “roommate”. making one main character mlm is already a HUGE step. two characters would be nearly unheard of -- especially two members of the main cast in a relationship with each other. like, don’t get me wrong: i want to live in the world where we can have that. but we aren’t there yet. we just aren’t.
which btw is why NO gay ships between any paladins will be canon. any same-sex romance will be between a paladin and a side character, as we’ve seen with adam. and THAT’S the tea.
i hope that could help put your mind at ease!! now let’s hype s7, ship whatever we want, and remember that it’s just a show. have a great day
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