#all the gfs for aloy
hzdtrees · 1 year
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Aloy, Burning Shores edition
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wykart · 1 year
Interesting fact for those who have finished the main story, Beta and Gaia have more dialogue in between missions if you go back and visit them. A couple of Beta’s lines shed some more light on her character and her reactions to what’s going on, but there’s not a lot of it. I find it weird that the devs wouldn’t just have Aloy contact them between missions on Focus and get this dialogue because I can’t imagine many people would go back and forth between missions…
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artekai · 2 years
Big fan of the Aloy-Artekai relationship that exists solely in my head
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loumauve · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
kay. different songs for you (thank fuck for more than one person sending me this ask bc I would have died narrowing it down to only five)
The One I Love - Greg Laswell
Clearest Blue - CHVRCHES
Challengers - The New Pornographers
How You Survived The War - The Weepies
Graceland Too - Phoebe Bridgers
Bonus: Humane - Lacuna Coil
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stem-sister-scuffle · 4 months
Elisabet Sobeck (Horizon games) vs Jade Harley (Homestuck)
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Elisabet Sobeck is a Roboticist!
Jade Harley is a Nuclear Physicist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Elisabet Sobeck:
"She used her exceptional skill and intelligence to combat the world's destruction by the hands of a greedy billionaire."
"Saved the world"
"She created world-saving technology."
"ohh my god where do I start. ok first of all she is (was) like the only sane one on her project. this bitch ass trillionaire accidentally caused the apocalypse bc he's a dumb bitch and she literally led a project in order to re-terraform the world and continue humanity, just to make sure they didn't literally go /extinct/. also, the main character aloy is a sorta clone of her, which is cool. OH SHE'S A HOMO!!! in the second game a character is revealed to be like ~1000 years old and was actually her gf for some time before that character left to go on a space expedition and they split up. the credits song for the second game reads like an angsty gay love(?) song from elisabet's pov. to me at least. she makes me so unwell"
"She's a genius roboticist and AI programmer whose heart is just as important as her brain. She creates (under IMMENSE time pressure) an AI that can not only design its own robots and crack codes and terraform, but has its own feelings and cares about the world as much as Elisabet does. She makes some hard, cruel choices but it really is always for the best. She's even gay"
Jade Harley:
"She's soo fun and silly and her symbol is literally an atom. she regularly irradiates steak to feed her weird dog"
"She and her nuclear powered dog creating a new universe. she's cool"
"Built a modded bass guitar that's only playable when she's in her robot form and has extra arms. Became a doggirl. She also plays the flute :)"
"i think you have enough ramblings about her already but i couldnt NOT submit her, she is so dear to me <3"
"bbg has THREE scientific specialties!! she genetically modifies plants and makes them grow beautifully high just because she can and loves science. in her alpha timeline she’s a tech mogul and creates technology that challenges the evil empress that brought earth to ruin. AND she’s a furry"
"She plays a silly flute refrain. She's a furry. Literally, she's a doggirl. She's also a god and created the universe. JADE BEST GIRLIE!!!!"
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focusontheheart · 7 months
Meet the Team - Pseu
You can also find @picksleydust on: Twitter @ pseuboo
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Ahoy friends, from the Land Down Under. I’m a fandom artist who spends my days as a barista and painter and nights hunched over my computer drawing or my ps5 playing something. Should I get more sleep? Yes. But we all know it doesn’t work like that. In 2017 a good friend of mine was constantly insisting I had to play Horizon, and that I would enjoy it, but I was so down the BotW rabbit-hole I was a bit blinkered. I also didn’t have my own PlayStation. But in the year 2020, my then GF had a PS4 she wasn’t using and let me borrow it and that’s when I played Zero Dawn. I adored it and the story but I never fell into fandom because I personally didn’t see Aloy with anyone in the first game (maybe Petra…?) and so I continued on until I caught the Spicy Cough on the release week of HFW and played it endlessly while hacking up my soul. And of course, at one point I was sucker punched by my sweet, earnest and rather poetic Marshal of the Tenakth and the rest is history.
See the Q&A with Pseu below the cut!
Q: What is a favorite piece of work you've done (i.e. completed, working on, in concept)?
I think my commissions and my comic adjacent pieces are my faves, but honestly, I don’t think I’m the best to judge, I can be a little harsh on myself. Most of my work is inspired by the strange goings on in the different channels over on the Kotaloy Server. I really enjoy drawing facial expressions and fun poses as well as funny comics and tableaus that amuse me.
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Q: What are some of your favorite tropes to write, draw, or read?
My old desire for enemies to lovers is strong, but this fandom has further kindled a love for subservient men who love their feral wives. I’m also very keen on accidental marriage and “oh no there’s one bed” tropes, but who isn’t >_>
To draw? I’m basically one big rubber arm, if you can make it appeal to me then I will draw it with gusto.
Q: What is an unexpected thing or fun fact about you?
I live in one of the HOT parts of Australia but I’m originally from the frigid Northern hemisphere in Scotland. Ironically though, I feel like it was my destiny to be Aussie. I love beaches (including the sand), hot weather and vegemite with all my heart.
Q: What has been your favorite thing about working on this project so far?
Honestly, I have really enjoyed working on the sprites for this game.  My main inspiration here is the other incredible artists and writers in this fandom. I’ve never been part of such a kind and encouraging one before and while I can only speak for the Kotaloy crew, I have found a frankly staggering number of amazing people in the general fandom. Y’all keep me going, I swear.
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Ciel, Alois, Charles Grey and Edward on a stroll with their gf. During that stroll she overhears a child fall into a nearby river and jumps in herself to save them pulling the child to safety 💗
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What in the world is she…?! Wait!! Just, at the very least wait for him! He’s stunned that he didn’t hear anything… or perhaps he was deep in thought and had just blocked the world out. Regardless, he runs after her almost immediately, wanting to know what she’s heard and what’s going on. The scene hits something in his heart — a person pulling a child out of danger, offering help, wanting to take care with this little one. He… wishes someone had done that for him. So he looks at her in even more of an admiring light than normal. It may be that he gets lost in his own head for a moment, especially if he was thinking about his past earlier. After a moment, though, he shakes himself out of it and tugs off his coat, wrapping it around the child. “Look at you, lad, like a drowned rat! Haha. Let’s go find your parents.” Of course, if the kid happens not to have parents, well… this one is his now!
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What in the world… there must be a reason she’s running like that. He won’t stop her, but he does follow after her. Just in case this turns out to be something she can’t quite handle by herself, or if she needs help, he has to be there. While he did hear something himself, he wasn’t fully sure what it was until he catches up with her. To see her pulling a child to safety, someone who could have easily died if not for someone else… it makes him feel something he isn’t sure of. It’s a complicated feeling, and yet, it’s also soft. He’s more worried about her than anything else, which unfortunately includes the child. His cloak is off in an instant, wrapping around her and asking if she’s alright. On the heels of that is an order, “Sebastian, take care of the child. Find their parents and reunite them.” Although he’s not without a heart, he’s infinitely more focused on his girlfriend. He certainly shows a little more praise for her the rest of the day, including giving her small smiles and calling her his brave girl.
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No, what was that — he heard it too! He’s actually surprised that his girlfriend is faster to respond to it than he is, so color him impressed. And maybe a little flustered about that fact, that sort of in-awe flavor of flustered. There are no questions, no hesitation, he just follows her. Though he isn’t sure what exactly it was, he knows something is going on, so he needs to be there to give her a hand. Make no doubts, once he sees what’s going on, he jumps into action and is pulling this child out of the river, right along with (Name). It’s a sad situation, though not one that he imagines is particularly rare, so he feels like if they can make a difference once, then that’s something. He quickly pulls the child into his arms, putting his jacket around their shoulders in an attempt to dry them off. Then he carries them, talking to his girlfriend and asking where she thinks they should go to find the little one’s parents, if they have them. He very much takes charge of the situation, wanting to make sure that both the child and his darling are taken care of.
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Oh, dear, what?? When it comes to a normal day, he’s all over whatever action happens to be going on, so… he’s not going to miss it now! He’s taken aback (in the best way possible, of course) that his beloved could hear something like that happening. As far as he thought, he was pretty sure a drowning person didn’t make much noise. Still, he’s right there ready to help in any way he can, even if that means getting a little damp. Not only does he want to be a complete hero in his girlfriend’s eyes, he also truly does think saving someone who needs saving is the right and noble thing to do. He’s a gentleman, after all. So regardless of the fact that he doesn’t necessarily offer the child his jacket, he does scoop them up to keep them warm and carry them off. If nothing else, he at least knows the proper channels to go through in order to find their parents. He’s forever proud of (Name)’s loving heart that she’d possibly risk her life to save someone else’s… just… she better not worry him with that tendency!!
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MUSE LIST, you can ask one, or both if they are grouped up.
Loona and Millie.
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Alex, clover and Sam
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Class 1-A ladies
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Marinette and Ayla (aka ladybug and Rena rouge)
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Any lady from borderlands
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Nicole watterson
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Garnet, amithest, and Pearl
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Chloe and Nadine
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My kinks are, weight gain, burping, farting, inflation of any kind except pregnancy, shrinking, growth, hypnosis, and animal tf.
Just no extreme nsfw popping, scat”
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foibles-fables · 1 year
I just think tilda/aloy is good… what are your 20s for if not about emotional self-harm thru fucking your genetic progenitors toxic milf ex-gf who has the both of you on an unreachable pedestal built over a millennia
YEAH it's like...it took a little bit to really sell me on the ship but it's kinda very delish tbh. Especially in an iteration of it where Aloy is THEE holder of the agency in starting the relationship, using Tilda just as much as Tilda is using her and getting ALL tangled up in the mutual toxicity. A nice little fucked-up dynamic for the both of them to wallow in. Would eat it like dry cereal right outta the box
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milfhandholder · 2 years
Black Butler actor AU part 2 bcs I forgot to add the season 2 gang
I shit you not, Alois and Sieglinde subscribe to each other on Ao3 (mutuals if you will) and they found out while going live on Instagram
Sieglinde: I remember reading about this fic from a mutual on Ao3, where this show is set in an AU about DnD or some shit and-
Alois: wait is the user *insert dumb fuck name*?
Sieglinde: yeah! How did you know??
Alois: girlie that's my account 😭😭
Sieglinde: HUH
Hannah is a model and holy shit she's so pretty irl you have no idea. So pretty that Mey Rin—bless her heart—accidentally bump into a wall on set when she first saw her. Luckily nothing broke, only her pride 💔
I am stuck between the triplets are actually triplets or it's just one actor running around playing 3 whole characters
Claude originally auditioned for the role of Bard but obviously he didn't get it. Later on, he was called again to play the spider demon
Claude is his character's number one hater
Claude: I hope he burns in hell- no, he should get paper cuts all over forever. Fuck that guy
Hannah: my brother in demoncraft, you are him
Undertaker reads the most explicit NSFW fic fans have written about their characters. He very much enjoys it and wants the cast to do a script reading bcs he thinks it'd be funny BUT he is too embarrassed to admit that he spends 3 hours late at night until the crack of dawn reading about idk Grell, Vincent, Will or Sebastian giving him the nastiest 'tango in bed' of the century
Undertaker: I've read fanfics of our characters actually. It's pretty good
Someone: really?? What were we doing in the fic?
While Lizzie and Ciel were going live on insta, Grell and Will just wrapped up filming the reaper ova so the children freaked out when short haired Grell suddenly entered the room. She insisted it was fine and even took Lizzie's phone to show everyone her cute hair, but then the comments started acting bitchless
Grell: damn I'm hot but why are you barking in the comments
Will: ma'am 😭
Hannah may be hot and all but outside of filmings, she is the BIGGEST nerd / weeb you've ever met. She is competing against Ran Mao for the title of 'biggest nerd in the cast'
Back in elementary school, Hannah and Claude got into a fistfight before Hannah moved schools for middle school
Claude: hey didn't you broke my nose back in elementary school?
Hannah: wait that was you??
Claude: YES GIRL
Hannah: I'M SORRY 😭😭😭
Hannah really thought Sebastian was dating Grell and blurted "your girlfriend is so pretty! ....why is she dating you?"
Sebastian: she's not my gf???
Hannah: oh thank God, she deserves better
Sebastian: BITCH 💔💔💔
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deadspacedame · 1 year
I also hope they go the Mass Effect route, I would love for the Seyka route to properly flesh their story out! we could see what Avad would truly do if Aloy went 'alright but I'm not ersa, I'm no lady or the court. you have to come to terms with that' when they got together, Erend and Aloy could FINALLY have their heart-to-heart (my shiiiip), maybe Alva could have two hands and hold her gf and aloy's hands uwu, maybe Kotallo and Aloy could get to a point where he calls her out when needed. Like just yes god please. and that way if you also don't want Aloy to be WITH anyone you could just go 'no thanks' and go single pringle route. You have my mind going now friend
Hahaha right?! I think about this all the time. Isn't that just the best way to go? I used to sit and watch the romance clips of Mass Effect all the time to see the differences! I would loooove to do the same with Horizon. I'd definitely be curious to see how the Avad one goes, Erend is my top boy so he has to get her in my first playthrough xD Kotallo would be next. I'd have to see a Petra one too, I love that woman. Seyka would be in the list too, if she got developed more.
Just all the love for Aloy 🥰
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sunsetofdoom · 1 year
SUNSET!!! ❤️🎨👑
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Favorite line always feels like a daunting question- so many of my favorite bits are conversations or paragraphs. But lemme look.
Oh! I really like this bit in the second chapter of all my life:
When they’d finally made it up to the Solarium during the Liberation, journeying through secret passages that Avad had had memorized since childhood, Ersa took one look at the throne wrapped in bronze bars and told him, it looks like a cage. One of those fancy ones, to keep a songbird in.
Ever since, the image blazed in his mind whenever he sat down. He felt like a bird now, battering against the bars.
... this has nothing to do with my love of boys in cages. No further questions.
Or some of the descriptions from one safe place, just one safe place, like this one:
He closed his eyes, and the thick golden light of the ranch house appeared, the smell of his mama’s kitchen and the swish of her skirts. “I remember that I ran home crying, once, ‘cause… We argued, and he hit me? Must’ve been it.” He could feel the miserable memory in his face and hands: six years old and full of more sadness than a body could hold, burying his face in his mama’s lap as he cried.
I remember @miss-spooky-eyes in particular pointed this line out as Making Her Feel Things, a capitol crime. I looove writing Corso's intertwined grief and nostalgia, it's so juicy.
Or my new Owl House WIP, in which Willow gets her glasses broken in a fight right before she meets Hunter for the first time-
Willow turned and shut the enormous doors of the school she was never going to see again, not really caring if the Golden Guard got in after her or not. A few hours ago, she’d have been full of awe for the famous warrior who’d stood at the Emperor’s right hand for decades; right now, he was just a big shiny blob, which kind of killed the reverence.
I just think this is funny for some reason.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Fic that exists: I've always kind of wanted art for all my life I've been running towards the fight, that beginning section where Aloy and Ersa are awkwardly talking in Dervahl's workshop and Aloy very much doesn't know how to look or not look at a freshly-tortured woman with her tits out. (Doubly funny if one headcanons Aloy as a lesbian.) And one safe place, just one safe place is one of my favorite fics I've ever written, but I've never gotten much art of Teo and Corso, mostly because I hate commissioning people; I can take screenshots of the game, but it's not the same. I also had ambitions of paying @sleepswithvillains to draw a tasteful (if thirsty) nude of Nan, to get her body type straight in my head, because Sleeps is the only one who Really Gets It.
Fic I have in my head: later in all my life, Ersa was supposed to get hybrid Carja-Oseram tattoos over the scars on her chest; my gf designed them, but I've always wanted to commission art of them actually on her. Ended up booted out of the HZD fandom before I could get around to it, lmao.
And I'm working on a piece about my OC Yehlise and @pineaberry's Rend, both of which I'd love to get art of. Yehlise in particular is pretty un-make-able in the SWTOR engine, lmao.
👑 Do you like writing short fics or long fics?
I enjoy writing short fics. I aspire to write long ones, and unfortunately at the moment that's all my brain wants to give me.
(fanfic ask post here)
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Did some studying. Not enough tbh.
Time to brain rot further on Princess Bride! Goddess of Flowers! Nilou and how the story would play out.
- - -
Nvm. Got bigger plans for that one.
Back on big sis Rosaria brain rot.
When baby sib talks about seeing Sumeru on an expedition , she makes Albedo promise to promise them. As if he hasn’t already decided to prioritize their life over his if it came to that.
Baby sib brings back dried and pressed flowers for Rosaria, telling the story of meeting Tighnari and how he taught them about making bookmarks out of flowers.
Xiao and Albedo are a little sulky because they received less attention than normal. (Xiao was spying on the three as much as he could. Albedo was busy dealing with work. Aloy was there to keep them alive.)
Aloy gets a laugh out of teasing the poor boys.
This is so good and wholesome hhhhh accompanied by Rosaria's gf too and how they're comfortable as a family
For a second I thought Tighnari would join the poly too but ohhh imagine if there's a second visit, I've always thought that Albedo and Tighnari would be good friends over their research! Maybe they can all visit the desert region too, and since both Rosaria and Aloy have cryo visions, they can help cool baby sib and let the other two die of thirst hahaha
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pricknim · 3 years
thank you
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thejgatsbykid · 4 years
I do love when a game writes my fanfiction for me
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meg-noel-art · 2 years
belu bls for ship ask
BELLLUUUU belu belu belu thank you bbbbb!!! <3
Who is more likely to hurt the other? I see Beta being more likely to lash out, panic, say the wrong thing, or be otherwise unintentionally hurtful. She has to unlearn 16/17 years of being alone on a spaceship with close to no human interaction. Is okay though because Milu is the sweetest and so patient and gentle ;;; Even so, I think Beta is the hurtier of the two.
Who is emotionally stronger? Giving this one to Beta. Maybe not ALWAYS the best at *handling* anxiety, but she has had only herself for years and has had to find some way to deal with the Bad Thoughts. She's more logically minded as well. I think as she grows, she'd be more adept at handling charged emotional moments by proxy of reason.
Who is physically stronger? As you know foibs, I've headcanoned Milu gets tall and beefy when she gets older. STRONK. Butch ass gay, shaved head. Can bench a charger ... okay maybe not that much but definitely Milu.
Who is more likely to break a bone? Beta - weak ass space bones. And she's a bit less athletic as it stands. Just falls or bumbles into something or gets into a bad scrap with a machine. Bam. Broke.
Who knows best what to say to hurt the other? Beta hands down. Her calculative mind would easily stow away bits of knowledge that could be used to hurt in moments of distress or anger. She'd have weapons in her back pocket that come out in B A D moments.
Who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? Annnd following that previous one up with Beta, again. She'd be as quick to acknowledge her mistake and apologize as she would be to lash out.
Who treats who's wounds more often? You can BET that Beta treats Milu's wounds more often. She is the hunter after all. Comes back home with loads of little scrapes that Beta binds without question and Milu just ":]"
Who is in constant need of comfort? Beta, absolutely. Walks around constantly asking "do you still like me?" Milu is always patient and resssures her 😫
Who gets more jealous? Milu >:) Probably unexpectedly territorial of her gf. Beta is so cute and nice and a little naive and looks JUST like Aloy, and that gathers a lot of attention from many folks. Milu is probably half "you all leave her alone she's overwhelmed >:(" and half "why would she even pick me she's so amazing🥺"
Who will propose? Milu :] mostly likely in Plainsong, in a really quiet way, just the two of them, simple and not overwhelming...
Who has the most difficult parents? 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
Who intitiates hand holding when they're out in public? Milu does. Not just for affection, but for communication. Tiny squeezes to check in on Beta, if she's overwhelmed in public spaces.
who hogs the blankets? Milu is a blanket hog - messy sprawled sleeper
who gets more sad? Beta - anxiety riddled baby. Needs comfort a LOT of the time because her bad brain gets the best of her.
 Who is better at cheering the other up? Milu is probably a master at making Beta smile. Through affection, time spent or dumb jokes.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes? who is more streetwise? Beta - Milu surprises her with the BEST jokes and she just bursts out laughing.
who is more wise? Probs Beta! Not to say Milu isn’t a smartie, but Beta knows calculus LOL...ratio
who’s the shyest? Beta also - anxiety again. Milu can be a little shy too though, they are a bad combo LOL
who boasts about the other more? You can BET Milu tells everyone she can about her smart, cute, strong, amazing girlfriend ;;;;
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