#all the awakening parents have been attracted to Libra and some still are
someobscurereference · 11 months
gotta ask, whats your favourite bizarre headcanon that has zero or maybe even negative canon backing/basis. mine is that ophelia is the result of a magic accident and only has odin's genetics
I’m trying so hard to think of what would count as bizarre. I have so many AUs and so many of them are joke-y, lol.
OH WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED my hc that Owain once propositioned Gerome purely and only because he thinks Inigo would hate that they got action before he did and he was pissed at Inigo at the time.
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clericallis-blog · 6 years
All of them. Jkjk 2,3, and 6
Questions for Muns of Canon Muses  || @eiriini
2. Do you have any controversial headcanons that go against what is generally accepted by the fandom? Do you incorporate this into writing your muse or keep it to yourself?
CARRIE HOW DARE  YOU ASK ME THIS OUT OF ALL THE QUESTIONS. OKA Y but--- I have so many feelings on this and no one to talk about them to. -clears my throat-
So, I’ve lurked around the forums for a bit and I saw a few things I couldn’t really agree with ( not to say that they are invalid, but I just have very different views for myself. ) 
Libra’s nightmares and insomnia due to his past. I can imagine Libra would have a lot of nightmares from what he experienced in his past. Although they’re not particularly severe in any case, the logic behind why Libra was so traumatized by it was because he was fairly young when it happened, and unfortunately he was never able to put it past him because Libra is someone who never forgets - both good and bad experiences, so he holds on to them into adulthood and they soon became part of his life. However, I feel inclined to to disagree that he’d pity himself and seek help from other members of the Shepherds when he couldn’t sleep *coughs coughs* which some fanfictions used as an excuse for a shippy fic. He is a very independent person and he has developed his own ways to cope with his own problems. But he might be willing to share mutual pains of insomnia if someone happens to find him awake at night, or generally sleeps less compared to everyone else not my willingness. Although, he only talks about his private problems on a coincidence or need-to-know basis, otherwise he’s very reserved and private about his own personal life. 
Libra is Lucius 2.0. I don’t really agree with this, but it’s probably their alignment that sets them apart. Part of why Lucius acquired the title of ‘The Light’ whereas Libra did not, is probably because I see Lucius being strictly on the side of good & Libra on the other hand seems to be leaning towards neutral or antagonistic. Both of them had been through similar experiences, backgrounds, and ended up as members of the church, but you... know..... when they say experiences changes people, and I truly think Lucius and Libra picked up very different views on life based on what Life had put them through. Lucius is determined to be of help to the good side of a conflict, whereas Libra is still unsure of what he wants in life, with no sense of direction and is apparently blindly continuing in life as a man of the cloth; and it is hinted that part of him knew this wasn’t the type of life he wanted. 
Libra is commonly addressed to be bisexual; but my Libra is pansexual. Oh gosh-- I’ve actually, thought really really long on this before I came to this conclusion. Even though wiki claims him to be bisexual and ‘being courted by many men and women’. but I do really view Libra as the type to be attracted to personality. It’s not really a gender preference for him.
& more but the list would go on and on if I continue ajksdhlaksd.
3. What is something that was never addressed at all in the canon material that you have independently developed for your muse?
I would say that 80% of my blog are self-generated material but that would be too proud asASDAFJKSDLF. B u t , I’m mostly proud of the religion & belief headcanon I’ve made based on the vague information that was given by canon. This particular topic has been a pain since the beginning of my career as a Libra roleplayer ;;;; so I am really happy that it’s settled! Other than that, I’m still working on a headcanon on Libra’s parents & also his axe.
6. What is the general opinion of your muse’s fandom about them? Do you agree with it?
aaaaaa, my answer to this question is mostly the same to Libra being Lucius 2.0 in the first answer & the idea of Libra being strictly gay bcs ironically, I started out with the idea that Libra is a bi with a lean towards female since in Awakening, only heterosexual pairings were allowed. But as I rp’ed him I found that he’s capable of habouring romantic feelings for men as well, so I changed my profile a bit and made him pansexual with no preference towards either genders. 
In a nutshell though!!  I generally don’t agree with 50% of the fandom’s opinion of Libra of being simply a religious, priestly & dad figure. I would claim my view of him is more towards a scholarly type, neutral that is bordering on a chaotic alignment, & a teacher. And that while everyone around him expects him to be perfect, Libra is actually more flawed and problematic compared to everyone who used to ask him for advice & help. It’s just that different people cope with their own problems differently, and Libra was naturally good at covering up all of his.
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thezodiaczone · 6 years
March Forecast for Virgo
And…you’re off! The month opens with a Virgo full moon on March 1, the only one in your sign this year. It’s a perfect moment to fertilize seeds planted near your birthday, which hands you the metaphorical microphone. Well, Virgo, what do you want to broadcast to the world? If you have a big ask to make or a message to share, you’ve got the floor—so take full advantage!
The action keeps going from there. March, just like January, is bookended by a rare two full moons. This double dose of illumination could cause events to rapidly transpire. You might actually be grateful that two planets (including your ruler Mercury) will turn retrograde in March, giving you the chance to slow down, process and digest all the new ideas and information. While retrogrades have their hiccups and signal-scrambling moments, they can also provide much-needed quiet moments to work through all the energy that’s gotten stirred up.
If you’ve been reeling from the eclipses of January 31 and February 15, you might finally start to make sense of it all now. The full moon in your sign offers an important chance to integrate all the soul-searching that was instigated by these potent lunations. You dealt with themes of control and surrender and had a few epiphanies about where you needed to let go or change. While there may have been a few teary-eyed moments, ultimately you released what no longer served you. Now the Virgo full moon on March 1 hosts a cosmic coming-out party for the lighter, brighter you that’s emerging from the shadows.
Which leads to the next question: Who will join you on this adventure? The Sun is moving through the most partnership-driven zones of your chart all month. It’s time to find your celestial squad—the handful of people (or that one special person) who can weather life’s ups and downs with you, and make both ends of the spectrum more enjoyable.
But careful who you give “kindred spirit” status to now, Virgo. Risk-taker Jupiter will be retrograde in Scorpio and your third house of communication, friends and interactions from March 8 to July 10. A person who seemed like your long-lost soul twin could actually turn out to be flaky or not quite as in-sync as you initially thought.
It’s okay, Virgo—you gave it a try. And taking risks in your social life has been good for you, no matter what the outcome. Expansive Jupiter is in Scorpio from October 10, 2017 to November 8, 2018, a 13-month cycle. You’ve learned a lot about yourself by expanding into your community, exploring new relationships or trying to be more vocal and visible. You might be on social (and social media) overload, and in need of some head-clearing downtime. Since retrogrades can bring back the past, you might reconnect with an old friend or crew over the next four months.
Until March 20, the Sun is in your opposite sign of Pisces, sounding a call for balance and harmony. Pisces rules your seventh house of commitments, and this month is prime time to take inventory of yours. If you’re in a relationship, in what ways could you be more present and connected? Do you or your mate feel unappreciated or neglected? For single Virgos, Pisces season helps you define what you’re looking for in a long-term mate (if you happen to be looking at all) or just how much you’re willing to allow other people into your life. Even the most self-contained Virgo still needs people. How can you make an effort to let the trusted few in a little closer?
The March 17 Pisces new moon kicks off a six-month chapter of growth and opportunities to partner up, whether that’s for business, love or a creative project. One person may rise above the competition now. And once the Sun moves into Aries and your eighth house of intimacy, joint ventures and shared resources for a month on March 20, you’ll be even more interested in “going all the way.”
Should you talk about making things official? Sure, but do it before March 22, when your ruling planet, mental Mercury, turns retrograde in Aries. You could get cold feet about diving in too deep when the quicksilver planet makes its U-turn, disrupting communication, technology and travel. Between now and April 15, address any doubts and concerns—but don’t necessarily act on them. Maybe you have legitimate reason to hesitate about signing on the dotted line. Get your questions answered!
Don’t just write those nagging feelings off as “trust issues,” Virgo. Mercury retrograde is YOUR chance to conduct due diligence. Note: This is NOT the same thing as snooping—although a sneaky streak could crop up. A complicated but compelling ex might resurface, and with a retrograde Mercury drawing you toward intensity, temptation could be hard to resist. Try to view destructive people as messengers: What are your craving more of in your life? If it’s excitement, risk or unpredictability, try to get it from a healthier source instead of walking back into that old trap.
Luckily, the month ends on a grounding note as the March 31 Libra full moon plants your feet on terra firma. Shining a spotlight on your second house of money, security and self-worth, la luna asks: What do YOU stand for, Virgo? When you root yourself in your personal values and priorities, your inner compass will always steer you right. This full moon can bring an exciting job offer, financial boost or clarity around your next money moves. Take a look at your daily routines and practices. Do they sustain you and support your bigger goals? If not, uplevel to new habits that do.
Love & Romance
Romantically speaking, the month opens on a high note, so listen up, Virgo! On March 1, a full moon in your sign—the only one of 2018—cranks up your charisma, drawing people to you almost magnetically. But wait, there’s more! That same day, love planet Venus forms a glowing trine to expansive Jupiter in your communication corner, handing you the talking stick. From flirty banter to soulful confessions to dropping the “L” bomb, this blissful hookup between the “benefics” (which these planets are called for their positive and helpful influence) brings everything into the open. So out with it!
Meanwhile, passionate Mars is marching through Sagittarius and your sentimental sector until March 17. Try as you might, being all “stiff-upper-lippy” isn’t going to work. Your emotions are amplified, and you might be fully forthright about your feelings. Sure, this could scare off some weaker types, but living authentically is always the best filter! Anyone who’s worthy of your time and attention can handle the truth (and the occasional moody moment this Mars cycle can instigate). Couples could naturally glide into their next step without a big discussion, so be prepared to meet the parents, make space in your closet for someone else’s wardrobe, and have some candid emotional discussions. Single? It might be hard to force yourself to get out and date, so be selective—yes, even more than usual. You don’t want to miss out on a suitable suitor on account of your Netflix queue!
Ah, but when amorous Venus parades into Aries and your sultry eighth house on March 6 for the rest of the month, you might put the spurs to your own sides and become a prominent figure on the dating scene. Nor will you have to exert much effort. Unleash your sizzling sensuality, and it’ll be like taking candy from a baby.
Be ready to pounce on March 11, when a transformative Mars-Uranus trine sparks strong emotions, surprising confessions and a mind-body-soul connection. You CAN have true love and lusty attraction with the same person. But you need to be honest about your emotional needs, Virgo—and courageous enough to test the waters of vulnerability. Not to get all Fifty Shades here, but you might even explore playing with consensual power roles and dynamics with someone you trust deeply.
Whatever your fancy, the Pisces new moon on March 17 in your partnership house can bring things to a head. You may have a big decision to make before March exits stage left like a lamb, so make time before then to take emotional inventory. This one is worth it!
Key Dates
March 13: Venus-Saturn Square Pump the brakes to make sure you’re on the same page and moving at the same pace. If you’ve merely assumed that your partner or amour du jour wants the same things out of the union that you do, you could be in for a rude awakening. Have a serious talk to see how in sync you really are. Better to find out now if you’re not than to invest even more time and emotional energy.
Money & Career
Bring on the dynamic duos! The Sun is visiting the most partnership-driven zones of your chart all month. Shouldering the burden alone can be exhausting, so why do it? As el Sol two-steps through Pisces and your balancing seventh house, some top-notch collaborators could enter your world. You may even field a few offers to team up, especially near the March 17 Pisces new moon.
But if you’re going to sign on the dotted line, do so before March 22: That day, Mercury goes retrograde, which is considered an unfavorable time for contracts since details can get lost in translation. Use the early part of the month to back up important data and files, create new, stronger passwords, and get everyone on the same page. Mercury will reverse through Aries and your eighth house of privacy, joint ventures and long-term finances. As the planet of information backspins, be extra careful with technology, especially when it comes to entering sensitive data into a device. Make sure you used secured sites—and networks—when you shop online, and don’t send anyone your credit card number by text or email. Encryption is your friend!
March also presents a wonderful opportunity for a public image revamp. Are you presenting yourself in the most compelling way possible? From March 8 to July 10, outspoken Jupiter turns retrograde in Scorpio and your third house of information. Evaluate the way you’re “marketing” yourself, whether that’s with a business or just the public impression you make. This is a fruitful time for taking classes, working with a media or voice coach, or polishing up your writing skills. Even the best ideas can get lost in the shuffle if your visuals and copy aren’t up to snuff. Hire a pro to make you a logo or take fun new headshots that are glamorous but also capture your personality. Give your social media and other profiles a makeover, and ensure that everything is consistently of the highest quality.
With go-getter Mars in Sagittarius and your domestic fourth house until March 17, your home could be a hotbed of career inspiration. Set up a workspace or creation station where you can be productive. Sick of cubicle life or working for “the man”? Look into freelance options, home-based businesses or starting a cottage industry. (There’s in Etsy store in many a Virgo!)
Your creativity will be even more off the charts when Mars marches through Capricorn and your expressive fifth house from March 17 to May 16. Don’t hesitate to promote your talents or put your new media-savvy skills to work; the red-blooded planet in this spotlight-stealing zone could bring a hit of fame. Look at it this way: You’re not pushing yourself on people. You’re just sharing something you believe in with an open and generous heart. Who knows? Maybe your brilliant idea could change someone’s life for the better. Totally worth stepping out of your comfort zone for that!
Key Dates
March 2: Mercury-Jupiter Trine Under this golden alignment, you’ve got the trifecta: brilliant visionary ideas, motivation to see them through, and laser-like attention to details. Plan it, manifest it!
Love Days: 11, 17 Money Days: 23, 31 Luck Days: 20, 1 Off Days: 19, 27, 13
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odogaronfang · 6 years
Zombie apocalypse aus are neat. Tell me more.
oh thank you so much for asking!!!!!!!!
okay this might get long so prepare, uhhh where do i start
so basically. henry is my main character. in this au, the risen are the zombies, makes sense yknow. difference is, while most zombie media tags zombies as slow to move, slow to act, and without capability for higher thinking, the risen are still, on some level, fundamentally human. (this kind of stems from the risen’s capability to fight in awakening, and from of a support between ricken and henry; see “they’re just like us, but dead” (((: ) given, the risen are slow and not all too strong, they’re dead and decaying and atrophying- but the fresher risen, the recently turned, can in some cases rival a healthy, living human. i’m still thinking on what caused the pandemic, i’ll be honest, no haha-no-one-knows cop-out, i’ll get back to you on that. but no one knows of any cure yet, of course, or this au wouldn’t exist.
so. in a world of the living dead(?), where being a mage translates to being a gunslinger, cut to henry. was this an excuse to make henry dual wield handguns? maybe. will i apologize for it? absolutely not.
i digress. henry is the chaotic neutral/neutral evil gunslinger with incredible aim and a questionable at best moral compass. i’ve actually got a sketch of him somewhere, of him pointing a gun at someone saying “give me your stuff. or die! i win both ways!” ‘course i didn’t draw the other person, but it gets the message across. he’s generally just kind of desensitized to things. he comes from a neglectful but wealthy family (as he does in canon), so he never had much of a mentor or anyone to guide him in what’s right versus wrong. mostly he’s just interested in self-preservation, and the preservation of his birds; he’s been rescuing wounded birds (read: crows) since he was old enough to know how, and he names them bird puns and keeps them as pets, and now he’s got what’s basically a murder of loyal crows at his beck and call. they feed on the risen (and humans) he kills, and warn him when something is approaching. he trains them well. he’s the pavlov of corvids.
gaius is a slightly more morally responsible survivor, who probably raided a bass pro outdoor shop/renaissance festival as soon as the pandemic broke out. he’s got a sword, and throwing knives, and some daggers, and a bow (before it breaks and he doesn’t know how to fix it). the good thing about it is that he doesn’t spend time looking for ammo- the bad thing is he has to do a lot of maintenance on them. he is a thief, steals from encampments and sleeping lone wanderers, but he isn’t killing anyone for supplies, usually. except candy. he’d probably kill for candy if he liked the brand enough.
the shepherds are a survivors’ group dedicated to assimilating, training, and protecting fellow survivors- think alexandria, hilltop, or the kingdom from the walking dead, if you know it. their HQ is an abandoned castle, a historical landmark, that they filled with traps and alarm systems, and is practically impassable if you don’t know it. chrom founded the group, along with his (boy?)friend robin (that’s actually his nickname, because of his fighting style, not his real name).
-lissa is chrom’s little sister, an aspiring general surgeon and the current medic of the shepherds alongside maribelle, her close friend since VPK.
-frederick is a good family friend to chrom and lissa, and by extension the rest of the shepherds- he’s a war veteran and former hand-to-hand combat instructor, and does his part by training new recruits, and often acting as chrom’s and lissa’s bodyguard.
-sully is my wife also a veteran, was actually trained by frederick while still in active service. she leads a lot of patrols around their HQ, and interrogates new recruits. just to make sure.
-stahl is the resident herbalist/apothecary, it was his father’s trade and he grew up learning it. he’s often an assistant to lissa when she needs it, as he can make the salves and ointments and medicines that she needs to treat injuries. he also sometimes helps in the kitchen, because of his extensive knowledge of plants.
-miriel is their sniper, and hobbyist historian. the historian part doesn’t matter so much, but she likes to talk people’s ears off about things if they’ll let her. she’s pretty okay with math and science too, so she’ll help stahl with measurements, ratios, etc, but mostly she likes history and shooting things from 200+ yards.
-ricken is the baby boy of the shepherds. “it takes a village to raise a child” they say, and he’s the village’s child. everyone looks out for him. everyone is his parent. he is well loved and being trained by miriel in the art of sharpshooting. (he’d rather be with stahl learning how to make things.)
-donnel is their agricultural expert, and directs all their non-specialized workforce in the maintenance of their fields. he’s very strict about their schedule, about how things are planted and pruned and fertilized and harvested, about how croplands are rotated for optimal yields, but damn if the results aren’t better than anything they could’ve gotten at a market pre-apocalypse.
-virion is their bowhunter. they could use guns, but it wastes precious ammo and is loud and attracts attention, so he trains archers and leads them out on hunts when their tame livestock are running low or they feel they can risk the venture. it’s more sensible to take from the wild than their personal resources, robin says, and robin’s advice seldom fails them…
-panne and nowi are in charge of livestock (and nowi is a herpetologist on the side. she loves reptiles. she has a pet python.) panne hates to see any animals killed, but especially her babies, as she calls the one she raises, and fully supports virion and co’s ventures as long as it spares the lives of her animals. she recognizes necessity when she sees it, however, and if an animal needs to be killed for whatever reason, she does it herself, to make sure it’s quick and painless. she’s not the most social, but she and donnel get along well, and when henry joins their number she takes quickly to him and his avian following.
-generally, their guards/patrols consist of vaike, gregor, cherche, kellam, basilio, flavia my other wife, lon’qu, and say’ri. they’re alternating shifts on castle patrol, two to each group, one pair on each side of the castle, east and west. they’re always up late but they’re allowed to sleep in as compensation.
-cordelia, sumia, and libra jump around a lot, help a lot with donnel’s farming but also with out-of-camp ranging, as they’re skilled riders. cordelia helps tend to the horses, and ricken sometimes joins her.
-olivia was an aspiring actress before the pandemic, and before she became a single mother- now she’s practically a secretary, keeping their records of harvests and hunts and slaughters and rangings and patrols. she’s mentored by miriel, who adores that kind of boring work. olivia is also an excellent liar and if they ever need to negotiate with other people, she’s their go-to.
-tharja is also a sniper and everyone’s favorite hot topic membership cardholder. she and miriel like to have cynical conversations about the state of the world and complain about men with sully. the three of them definitely have a girls’ club going.
-inigo (the only child character i bothered to include) is olivia’s son to an unnamed father. his interests have always been in the performing arts field, but as that isn’t realistic anymore, he spends a lot of time with everyone. sometimes he’ll go and sit with ricken, and they’ll browse the castle library for fairy tales and folklore and read it together, and sometimes they’ll try and write their own and then perform it for everyone else, on stormy nights when the mood is dismal. they’re always stupid but they’re funny- they both have a gift for dramatic comedy- and everyone looks forward to their shows.
i feel as though i should warn people that it’s henry/gaius, though that isn’t the focus of it. it started as a bad shitpost and now it’s a ship so… [wattpad voice] don’t like don’t read, you feel
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cryptomindzone-blog · 4 years
Bankruptcy, bad luck and Libra: Facebook’s crypto currency in retrospect
2019 was not a good year for Facebook’s sensational crypto currency Libra. Having started with big goals, the project had to take some setbacks and is staggering on shaky legs towards the end of the year. A review of the history of stable coin to date that has kept the financial world on tenterhooks – and perhaps never goes beyond a white paper.
Like no other project, Facebook’s crypto-currency Libra has shaped the year 2019 and brought regulatory authorities worldwide to the scene. This is particularly remarkable, as the currency still exists only in the form of a white paper. A look back at wasted and remaining opportunities of the Libra project.
Sleeping Giant
A glance at bare figures explains the broad interest in Libra. Despite various data protection scandals at the parent company Facebook, the number of monthly active users is rising steadily and will reach around 2.45 billion people by the end of 2019. All Facebook channels together, including WhatsApp and Instagram, reach more than 2.7 billion active users every month. These figures also explain the media and political echo the company received when it announced the stable coin libra.
Facebook’s underlying calculation is very simple: 2.7 billion Facebook users also mean 2.7 billion potential Libra users. This range did not escape the attention of the financial authorities, who quickly feared a threat to financial sovereignty. Since Facebook’s followers represent (roughly) one-third of the world’s population, there is concern on the part of politicians and central banks that Libra could endanger the traditional monetary system, so it is not something that can be taken lightly.
Awakening giant
roject Libra sprouted from the ground in spring. The project quickly bore fruit and attracted important partners, including Visa, MasterCard and PayPal. At first it seemed as if a stable network was rapidly growing and that Zuckerberg’s crypto project had a bright future.
At the beginning of June, the Tech Group was also in talks with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the US stock exchange supervisory authority, to clarify regulatory responsibilities for what was then still ambitiously termed the “global coin”. But the Libra’s blossoming did not last long. After a brief flirt with the exchange supervisory authority, it had to prepare itself for an impending period of drought.
party pooper Europe
In Europe, resistance to the Libra project gradually began to emerge. In June, French Economics Minister Bruno Le Maire explicitly spoke out against the introduction of the stable coin and warned against the data octopus Facebook. According to Le Maire, a corresponding currency would have to be embedded in existing regulations. Moreover, Libra should be prevented from acquiring the status of a sovereign currency.
The European Central Bank also expressed scepticism. In July, ECB Director Benoît Cœuré warned of a regulatory vacuum into which Libra would fall. He therefore recommended that the penetration of private companies into the financial sector be prepared as quickly as possible by means of appropriate legislation. He repeated his criticism in September in Basel at a meeting between representatives of the Libra Association and 26 central bankers. The conference, organised by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), once again raised doubts about the stable coin and stressed the need for international cooperation between regulators.
Speaking of Switzerland: In the financial oasis, the verdict on Libra was comparatively mild on the political side. A declaration by the Swiss Federal Council in June held out the prospect of introducing Libra in Switzerland in principle, provided that the Banking Act, the Financial Infrastructure Act and the Money Laundering Act were complied with. However, the President of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), Thomas Jordan, expressed concerns in a speech at the University of Basel in September. According to Jordan, Libra could cause financial stability to collapse.
Coffin nails from all over the world
On the other side of the pond, scepticism about Facebook coin is also spreading. US congressmen from both parties sought the expertise of Kenneth Blanco, director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), in a hearing on this issue in June. The chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security, International Development and Monetary Policy, Emanuel Cleaver II, also spoke of a high risk in connection with Libra. The crypto-currency was a potential danger, especially with regard to financial crime.
And Russia’s response to Libra? Niet! Unsurprisingly, there was no enthusiasm for a currency of the US-American conglomerate. The chairman of the parliamentary committee on financial markets, Anatolij Aksakow, expressed himself accordingly dismissive in a radio interview in June and spoke out against an adaptation of the coin on Russian territory.
Even down under, one does not leave a good hair on Libra’s head. As was announced in November, Australian tax authorities, together with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner responsible for data protection, are demanding more transparency from the Group. The demand was preceded by an unsuccessful meeting between a Facebook delegation and representatives of Australia’s key financial authorities in October. After a special committee of the Australian financial supervisory authority warned of risks for investors and consumers as early as July, the negative attitude towards Libra appears to be confirmed once again.
But Facebook had to swallow what is probably the bitterest pill from the G7. In October, the world’s most powerful industrialised nations expressly positioned themselves against Libra in a Stable Coin report. According to the report, there are considerable risks in terms of financial stability and consumer protection. As long as Facebook does not improve its Libra concept in essential points, the coin will be a long way off for the time being.
Turn one into many
While clear resistance is forming at the political level, the network around Libra has also cracked. In October, MasterCard as well as PayPal and Ebay announced their resignations from the Libra Association. Project Libra increasingly threatened to collapse.
But necessity is the mother of invention. In view of the regulatory hurdles that stand in the way of the Group Coin, the head of the Libra Association, David Marcus, demonstrated his sleight of hand and suggested the introduction of several stable coins at once. Instead of a global Libra currency, the idea of introducing country-specific stable coins would in principle be open. But even this manoeuvre has – at least so far – not been able to save what was already in ruins.
Roasting à la Zuckerberg
Although Facebook is quite liberal with its users’ data, the Group does not take the requirement of transparency quite so strictly with regard to its own corporate structures. In October, Zuckerberg had to answer questions to the US Congress. During the six hours of cross-examination, Zuckerberg may have dripped a few drops of sweat from his forehead. Time and again, the subject was the misuse of data that Facebook was engaged in. Another important topic was how to reconcile this with sensitive account data of users of a possible payment network.
Zuckerberg endeavored to direct Facebook’s focus to the Libra Association. Admittedly, the group was a member of the organization. However, the business areas were basically separate. However, Zuckerberg’s argument literally got lost in the harsh criticism he received from MEPs. From election fraud to discrimination to child pornography, no criticism was left out of Facebook.
In this country, too, a hearing was held before the “Digital Agenda” committee in the Bundestag in October. The hearing was somewhat more restrained than that of the American colleagues. However, there was no shortage of clear criticism of Libra. The main focus was on the issue of data integrity and concerns that Libra would undermine national financial sovereignty.
The spirits that Libra called
Facebook has unintentionally sparked the ECB’s introduction of a digital central bank currency (CBDC) with Libra. In view of a global stable coin that weakens countries’ financial sovereignty, a recent EU draft advises central banks to step up the development of a pan-European virtual currency. The effort to create a CBDC has become a global trend in 2019. Not only the EU is currently preparing for the introduction of a corresponding currency and has recently laid the first stone with a proof of concept. The USA, Canada, China, Singapore, Tunisia, Thailand, Sweden and the Ukraine are also currently taking a stand.
Seemingly unperturbed by all this, the Libra Association only a few days ago presented a roadmap for the introduction of Libra next year. According to the Association, the infrastructure has been developed and the Mainnet is in the starting blocks.
So the project will still be with us in 2020 and cause worry lines in the financial authorities. However, since Libra has not been very successful so far and will have a negative impact on the group if it fails, Zuckerberg should perhaps never have woken the sleeping giant.
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libramoon2 · 7 years
[evening dionysian]
working title: [evening dionysian]
Dancers dance musicians play Enchanting sylph narrates stories while seductively moving to sinuous back beat, tick of chimes. Occasionally emphasizes subtle percussions with intense expressions, leaps, cunning stumbles, falling to crawl into spellbound speech. Scheherazade myths, archetypal passion escapades, poignant weeps, salient shouts to power. Exquisite meditations on mystic climes, spirit and form. Merry masks, sparkly costumes, paint and glitter as embellishment to the tellings. Theater as intimate ritual. Anything could manifest.
Pisces murky androgeny Libra emits graceful beauty Scorpio at home in passion Deeply attractive Complicated self-hatred urging service and demeaning. At core strong self-belief expressed intuitively. Stories from the collective well, mystic ether, imbued in earth, exhaled by flames. Centering, sense memory trances exhibits as sinuous performance.
This world is ending …
Even happy families share dissonance, complex histories, emotional triggers. Happy families learn to thrive, profound mutual respect as guide, resort to good humor for smoother passage. Why fight, divide strength from where it is better spent? Folk who pull together by choice rejoice in shared communion.
Outside self-circumscribed worlds Diverse perception of views Sight with wide spectra of hues
She heard him crying, a lost child in the night. In her prophetic heart she knew only she could comfort him. But she was only a child who was never allowed to be lost. How could she comfort this lost boy when she had no freedom to reach out? Late in quiet dark, after her people, asleep, would not be checking on her, she opened her window and made daring escape. Wandering in the outside dark, she listened for his cries. At first she discerned wind among leaves and branches, small creature forays, clash of metal against pavement, perfumed strains from afar. Then, yes, whimpers, ragged rhythm past exhausted weeping. He was huddled, hidden, on the alley side of a cold brick building. Seeing him, frightened, lost, she did not know what to say. He smelled of rancid sweat and fear. She did not know how to speak. She cried. She emptied herself of every caustic tear, every regret held for guilty ransom, every sadness kept inside so no one would fuss. He looked up at her watery face and asked with amazed concern: “Are you lost, too? Because if we are lost together, really we have found each other. We don’t have to stay scared and alone.” She looked around, realized that in al her blind wandering she had lost her way. She had no idea where they were. She knelt beside him. They smiled and hugged. For that precious while they became beloved kin. Perhaps some special night they’ll meet again.
Mythy visions to transcribe; thought fragments to form. Myths we live, and how to rewrite them.
She knows she has awakened. Every effort of her body pinches, aches, demands refuge in self-talk, reason, mental override of pain. Carefully, she measures out tools of destruction, what she must carry in her pack into the city, to her place of destiny. Doing what one can to make sense, have meaning. Life is short, ugly, pointless, unless you get that call. Trying to act cool with familiar friends, laying low, hiding from everything that doesn’t allow relevant existence for dregs like us. Recognition? Commendation? A scrap of real notice? To sacrifice this humorless joke to Godly cause, that’s got to be imbued with meaning, to be holy. How not find zealous courage, so dishonor numbing a drug, one point of focus. All my sins, my impoverishments, inadequacies, forgiven in ultimate atonement. God can love me. I am made pure in His sight. A tool, a weapon, no matter how lowly, bestowed sacred purpose in this great fight. My parents, my kin, vindicated, their suffering denied nobility avenged. Cleansed in adventure’s icy plunge, only ever young in throes of romance, a chance for breathless rush of brief immortality.
. question everything accept or reject with clear awareness and flexibility
. purity of essence is to will one thing
. She didn’t like her skin. So hard to blend in. She didn’t like her body, jutting awkwardly, too bulky, not compliant to conscious control. She ached to let her spirit free from matter’s burden, to ooze out onto open air. Her envisioned wish took her to aerial glee, and no more. “What would I see, outside of eyes, no biological boundaries?” Her attention, turned to this yearn for omniscient sight, was caught, held strong and seduced. Ever present, ever expanding through every crevice of her consciousness, she became inured to matter’s inadequacies. She desired entirely. No one could reach her, though no one tried. She trance-walked through her duties and habits with none to notice any lack of aliveness, lack of any impish spark within her eyes. Self-consumed, obsessed, absorbed in apotheosis, physical possibilities no longer matter. Her spirit no longer held to this room, this body. Blind to her unseeing world, enraptured in unfiltered light, colors far beyond our rainbow.
. A brave and learned man hired out to guide a motley assortment through a narrow, rocky passage to a settlement in need of laborers. At this time, he was a stranger to settlers and these prospective immigrants. He had an idea of joining their project, but felt nag of doubt enough to only commit as far as hiring out for specified work and pay. This Job – this man who gave his name as Job – was curious, clever, aloof because caught up in thoughts complex, calculating, critical, cynical, contemplative, entertaining. He spoke as necessary for terse communication. He listened as if a subtle etching of rain on sand. He sucked in sounds and all their meaning to nourish his chattering brain. Though his behavior, demeanor, presentment appeared distancing, others tended to respect his leadership, his abilities. Even those who mocked or boisterously complained in private camaraderie in which he did not join agreed that he bested them at coming through. After their passaging, safely gathered at the settlement, words and gestures of gratitude lauded upon him were spontaneous and sincere. As settlers and new arrivals met together to discuss their common project, ask questions, give opinions, figure out teams and chores, Job continued his passage. Busy in their plans and adaptations, no one noticed him disappear.
. Capture my imagination Take me for a ride self-discipline, acknowledge without judging
Philip, he so tired, exhausted, can’t bear the nattering. Silly people, spew of soft-heart advice. Stupidly happy people, smug in their hugs and white smiles. Philip recedes into deep, dark hate – so mired and convoluted spirals down his mind. Lethargic impulses, held back, kicked down, pounded to weakness as he grew in twists and turns. “Don’t look at me.” He hears his silence scream. Horrid beast snarls, whimpers. Philip aches to hide from his own mind, beastly child whining, cringing around cutting steel for comfort. Snappy, happy babblers burst like saliva balloons, insult, annoy. “Don’t speak to me. Don’t daintily pretend you understand; oh so precious extended hands, limpid eyes question, judge, sentence to demented status. “I am fine, or will be when you all leave me alone. Ignore my retreat into secure solitary recrimination, whip lash of vengeful sin. You know you don’t really want to be let in, to feel the wrath I am. Scatter, you flesh-covered delusions who choose to disturb my sleep, my darling nightmares’ stomping victory. You clearly don’t need my input to be complete. Complete fools – go do your better things. Enjoy your day. I’ve no more to say, to share.” Aloud? Allowed? He allows himself to voice complaint aloud. And the folk crowd ebbs out beyond his self-fixed point. “Express your truth,” he silently affirms. People may listen.
Imbibe trance Fall into story Record intimately
Become one story Imbibe trance intimately Record while falling
face shifter. story spinner. dervish zeitgeist possessed. defined by shades, by shadows, by negation.
Sammy scary loco crazy. They say he got the paranoid schizophrenia. What he got is commandos tracking his thoughts, grinning. Party of demons who been with him, telling him what to do, clever talk when he needs to answer some fool. He’s got my nightmares, but can’t shake them awake. No one wants to listen to me or him when we say what’s real. They want us to be kids, whatever that is. They want us to make them feel alive in their self-comforting fantasies about responsibilities. What is Sammy responsible for or to? Because he suffers disability, because he can’t break through Hell’s circles, flames of purity. I walked from Hell. My mind still burns. I am strong, a born survivor. He survives as he can. Is that weakness, or alternative dimensions habitated? I am amazing, mobile, continuing, sensibly explaining, harmoniously relating, conversing like a pro. I struggle. I hurt, it feels unbearably. I work until I want to scream, become explosive screaming. I stifle, call up mania to work on. Efforts only I applaud – amazing me! Nothing spectacular to entice the jaded they. Sammy is spectacular. I am seriously amazing. I won’t let them blind me.
. They walk in and out of patterns, broad swath of night. No designated home; no one has to accept them. They walk. Dust, dirt, soot, effluvia collect, protect in the sense of repel. In safe dark none encounter to harass. Those alive by day buried in bed. They walk without notice or plan. This is their closest approach to sleep, hypnotic glide through distance. Landscape undifferentiated by visible presentation. Footsteps feel clearly what comes under, it seems by instinct — or possibly familiarity. They walk on perhaps forever with no where to stop. Pit stops. Beg for food or find leavings. Play merry fool, eyes gleaming, lips voice hands form expressive grand soliloquies, hoped fee implied (implored). Sustenance they afford varies by mood of kindness, unswayed by desperation. Exhaustion only dulls, removes any attractive shine. As air blows colder, nights freeze over, they seem to dissolve into neverwere. Empty shadow, haunted tingle bereft of cause. “They were never us, nothing like us.” Unspoken song bears rhythms of walking unseen.
She awoke in a body, young, womanly, driving consciousness on hold somewhere like dreamless sleep. It was her occasional brief invasion to feel in touch with mortal concerns. She is to be a bride, again. Foolish, innocent yet of so many regrets and betrayals to come. She is ready to exult in the veil and it symbolic lift. Happy to perform, darling of her audience of familiars. Happy day, swept clean of trepidations, of all yesterdays and their burdensome effluvia. Today is always hers. These ceremonies, traditional duties and pleasures, bind her to cults, cultures, accumulated lore and intuition. Not creature, but weaver – still she is inseparable from the story. Today she again assumes bridehood. Tonight, awash in festivities, again she removes her spell of possession. This new bride returns to a familiar world, changed. No longer civil child nor spiritual supplicant, she has ascended. People see her differently, treat her with more deference, more distance even as they proclaim her their precious chosen intimate, ply her with cherished secrets as if her allegiance would add value. Her bearing carries an air, an enhanced spirit, a subtle awareness, unspoken by any inner voicing. Language is a human art.
Gathered on picnic table benches behind the home, hot in sunshine. Karen explains, fact by fact, how Gus became her inseparable soul. They beam together. He gives consoling hand to shoulder as she grieves children left with their father, her ex’s condemnation, stern paternal assertion of power. Saving his kin from this unrepentant whore. Karen cries, again – unrehearsed habit. She carries sadness; leaks occur. Gus hardly speaks. His troubled eyes, weary stance, gentle pull and pass of their pint bottle as he glances with deep countenance to each face around is eloquent conversation. Sweat smells, condensed alcohol, burnt tobacco, drying shit from local dogs, passing fumes from the road out front, all permeate, help set the mood. They treat the stranger in their midst as a friend of long acquaintance, just another straggly member of a morphing crew. “Ain’t we all strangers of long acquaintance – everybody a wrapping of layers, appearing in colored bits along our drowsy companionship. Strange friends, welcome distractions, smoky mirrors that let us see as we discern.” Bonnie and Denise giggle at Big Dan’s pedantic speech. They solicit contributions for their liquor store expedition. Enough gets thrown in to make it a go. Go, girls. We’ll be waiting, celebrating what we can because here we are.
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