#all of you fuckers you reposted my marble hornets fanart
I know my text posts never get any attention but Imma try anyway Marble hornets fandom I need you to be like, alive and receptive ok PLEASE
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So, I'm a classical literature student, and we just got done studying and analysing Sophocles's Oedipus rex, which if you don't know, is like THE greek tragedy. And for the two/three weeks of studying, all I could think of each time we went over a different theme in the oedipus rex was FUCK!! ITS IN MARBLE HORNETS TOO!! So now im panickingly attempting to write down an essay kind of where it's just me yapping about how the same themes are found/portrayed in MH and the Oedipus Rex because to me it's just so cool and fun that a greek tragedy from 430-420 b.C. and a web series from 2009 have so much in common.
I'm thinking of submitting this to my Greek literature teacher when/if I get it done, and I was thinking of posting it too but it depends if anyone's gonna read it or not :(
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