#all jeff davis remembers from teen wolf is scott and allison love story
youreastargirl · 1 year
Hey Jeff Davis one note among many, but did you know that for a wound made with wolfsbane, you actually need to burn it with the ash of that specific strand of wolfsbane to heal it?
This particular piece of knowledge comes from the tv show you created called Teen Wolf which you may or may not be familiar with.
Ten thousand fanfic writers have gotten this particular piece of lore correct for a decade since you invented it. There are fics where Stiles’ love language is gathering different kinds of wolfsbane to always be able to save Derek Hale.
Truly, get yourself sorted sir (disrespectful).
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reblogs-galore3 · 1 year
Spoilers ahead for the teen wolf movie!!!
Scott is alone and apparently wistful
Lydia and Stiles broke up after it taking six fucking years to get together
Derek having a teenaged son with a mom we never find out about. Said teenaged son named Eli can’t wolf up
Malia and Parrish hooking up and I hate it. I don’t love the fact that Scott and Malia broke up in the first place.
Liam and replacement Kira. I would have like her more maybe if she actually had more scenes. She was just kinda there.
Mason is a cop. Hate that.
Argent and Melissa broke up. So whatever I always wanted her to be with Stillinski anyways so whatever.
Allison comes back to life. I literally cried so hard the episode she died to have it all be for naught. Whatever.
Allison doesn’t remember anything. Great, fantanstic, whatever.
Everyone fights the oni and gets transported to the nogitsunes world. Fun.
Allison tries to kill Scott. He pleads with her to listen to him. Very reminiscent of season 2 Allison trying to kill Derek.
Harris is one of the villains after he was literally dead in season 3 cause of Jennifer but blames Lydia. He makes Lydia watch as her friends suffer. Um okay. Random but okay.
Jackson empowers her with some speech about saving Allison cause that’s her best friend. She screams and it like kills the oni. That part actually got to me. Because when Allison dies in the show it was Lydia’s scream that broke me.
Because Lydia screamed it also brought back Allison’s memories which was like a whole recap of her and Scott’s relationship.
Lydia and Allison’s hug was lackluster. I felt it should have been a bigger scene.
Derek sacrifices himself to kill the nogitsune and in doing so he becomes a true alpha right before he burns to death. Despicable! The most tortured character on the show gets killed off by being burned to death. That’s how most of his family died so I’m sensitive.
What was up with Peter. Him and argent literally at each others throats the whole time. Like that was some season 3 shit. We need to leave it behind. And he just seemed off
Scott and Allison are back together but while I thought it was cute, it just didn’t work. Scott has literally grown so much from who he was with Allison. It felt like all the stuff with the beast of gevodan (idk how to spell it) was all for naught. And where the series left off was swept under the rug. I actually really liked Scott and Malia, hell I even liked Scott and Kira or even Allison and Issac and the fact that they just acted like that didn’t happen angers me.
And the elephant in the room, without Stiles and Kira it felt wrong. The nogitsune story line was literally so well received because of Void Stiles. Kira also played a pivotal role in that story line. It was wrong.
What also bothers me is where the show left off with the hunters and that was never discussed, like what happened to that beta? what happened to that lady?
Also I wish that they had brought back Isaac and Danny or even Cora. Braedon, Kate so many characters.
Overall I hated that movie so much. It just wasn’t a teen wolf movie. It was fan fiction. Jeff Davis literally took his own story that he wrote and ruined it and didn’t know how to expand. It was all wrong. I don’t accept this movie as canon.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
i'm gonna rant about this for two seconds just bc i saw a lot of stuff about it on twitter and don't really feel like bitching about it there lol
so the teen wolf movie… i knew from the get go this was gonna end up being shit the moment dylan wasn't gonna be in it sksks
but what i've heard about this movie (bc highkey i ain't gonna watch it sorry), it somehow is worse than imagined.
i used to love teen wolf. literally watched it as it was airing. used to have a blog dedicated to it, used to do live recaps on my personal tumblr. i loved that show. but i started to not care about it around season 4/5ish. basically, they introduced too many characters and i just didn't care about a single one of them. hilariously one of the characters i despise is now loved deeply (theo) so… go figure.
but what i don't understand is… why are any of you surprised that jeff davis did what jeff davis does best and fucked up teen wolf?
like this man was notoriously hated for years in the fandom after season 3 bc everything he did to the characters sucked ass. and then topping all of that off, the queerbaiting. that man originated it (not really, but you get my point) so why are you guys surprised that he basically did all of this again just a decade or more later??
of course this movie was a cash grab and not really meant to bring back the love or respect the fans' love for this story. it was just to make money and keep the property rights going.
personally, if i was going to make a teen wolf movie, this is what i would have done:
the overall theme of the movie - letting go of the past.
assuming you could get most of the cast to come back, this is how the movie would have went: after everyone graduated high school (at least the main cast like scott, lydia, stiles, malia, that group), they all immediately left BH. maybe even make it seem like it was a supernatural reason or something, like something pushed them away from BH but they didn't know it at the time. years later, scott is starting to see visions of allison again, like how this movie alluded to it in the trailers. have the others start to see it too. maybe they even see past monsters coming back and haunting them, which makes them all go back to BH. imagine it kinda like in "it" where all the adult versions of the kids didn't remember their old home town, but once they are told about it, they are drawn back. kinda sorta like that.
they get to BH and everything seems okay-ish. hell, maybe you can even make it where it's their 10 year hs anniversary or something just so you get to see all the familiar faces. all of sudden, old monsters that they have fought and killed before come back. bring out all the old hits, maybe some new ones - idk. then, have allison appear. but she's not how she used to be.
she's now void!allison.
each of the main characters has to go on their own journey and fight their own battles - past monsters they once faced they now have to deal with again. there is a bigger monster controlling all of the older monsters (maybe it's void!allison or maybe it's someone pretending that it's her) and if these monsters aren't defeated by the red moon (or some other bs werewolf lore shit that can be made up idk) these monsters will ACTUALLY come back and start killing all the citizens of BH bc in the current period they are only half as strong as they could be. and make it bc, as deaton had mentioned oh so many years ago, BH is a beacon for the supernatural. and something buried deep in BH is drawing this Main Monster to create and resurrect all of these old monsters.
and the whole point of the movie is showing that even tho they moved away from BH and continued living, none of them ever really moved on from what happened to them. you can have malia have to face off against her mother again. lydia maybe is back in eichen house or something. as for derek and scott, they are facing bigger issues.
scott - he has to get over losing his first love, allison. especially since in this state, she is trying to constantly kill him and his pack. he never truly got over her death, and so in the end… he has to kill her. bc realistically allison wouldn't want to be fighting him or trying to kill him or any of her friends. and more she is "alive" the less like her she is being. she is becoming more and more a monster, and scott knows that that isn't something she would want. maybe even have it where the Big Monster offers him the chance to have her be actually resurrected and not just used as a puppet if he relinquishes his powers to the Big Monster.
derek - he has to face his fears and forgive himself of his family's death (along with his first love's death as well). just a lot of forgiveness on his part, especially since now he has a kid. his kid shouldn't inherent the trauma that derek has had just bc he never truly got over it. have derek face off not only against past monsters, but maybe against himself. the Big Monster might try to persuade him to die and give up his powers bc he'll at least be with his family again. maybe derek finally realizes that he isn't alone in this world bc he has family living rn. and this makes him want to keep fighting.
and this would be a great time to note that if dylan didn't want to come back like he did irl, you can blame it on him being a human and not a supernatural being. or idk, come up with a bs reason like he's overseas taking care of the kids that he and lydia clearly and definitely had bc they are meant to be together.
they are just able to defeat their past demons, and they all band together and defeat the Big Monster in some way or another. all the other side characters that have existed can be included in each of the main casts' stories in one way or another. maybe have them be each other's tether or whatever. idk, i'm not working out all the kinks bc i ain't writing this.
in the end, they all live, maybe one of them can have a moment of almost dying - but they all make it out in the end. allison is still dead tho, bc she is meant to be dead. even tho it's heartbreaking, it's a part of life that scott can now finally accept and move on from. much like the rest of the characters and their past. they are finally healed.
see… wouldn't that have been better than whatever the fuck happened in the movie lol
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mystic-scripture · 5 years
tv show tag game!!
Pick 5 tv shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat!
I was tagged by the ever so sweet @darknightfrombeyond. Day, you have a sixth sense that tells you when I’m bored and wanna be tagged in things, I swear. (Well, I’m always bored and wanna be Tagged in things, but you know what I mean… :P)
 My 5 tv shows (Which let me tell ya was pretty freaking hard to pick)
1.  Supernatural
2.  Teen Wolf
3.  The Walking Dead
4. Gilmore Girls
5.  Altered Carbon
·        The Questions
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
It is a tossup between Stiles and Isaac. I love them both so much, and really it depends on the episode. (Given that Stiles is IN more, I suppose that would be him…)
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Metatron…yeah, that’s about it.
3. What was your favourite episode of 4? 
Oh damn…that is so unfair, there are so many good ones! I think my favorite has to be the one where Rory goes to water the neighbor’s garden for Lorelai. She gets stuck and she can’t get Dean so Jess saves her, but then Dean finally gets back to her saying he’s on his way and he unsaves her because he knows how important Dean is to her. It’s also just a really funny story about this random neighbor that makes you realize that apparently only the Foresters can be the only normal new people in the Hollow.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
Well there’s only the one out right now, but I love it, I don’t think it’ll be topped. It’s one of those scifi shows that is made into a pretty complete story in one season.
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Maggie and Glenn Rhee! They are such sweet babies and they went through so much together. I loved their story and it is so compelling to see where they strayed or stayed true to the comics.
6.  Who is your favourite couple in 2?
Scallison. I just can’t get over them, though Scira is a pretty damn close second. Scott and Allison were such a well rounded couple, they weren’t perfect, and they had their hold-ups, but they always loved each other and always found a way to make things work, whether they were dating or not.
7. What is your favourite episode of 1?
Oh, Jesus… Probably the episode where Dean dies a thousand different ways. It was the first real glimpse we got of what would happen if Sam lost his brother, and how far he would take things. Or really, it just shows how much he could be like Dean and John and it scares the viewer as well as Sam.
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
That would have to be the episode where Kovach saves Kristen and he just lets her be pissed at him because it was so much better than her dying. Also watching her grief over losing her partner. And the way the episode just flows into the next was so flawless. The raw emotions that were there, as well as the humanity that was being laid out in front of you was freaking amazing.
9. What is your favourite season of 2?
Season 3. And no, I will not be choosing between A or B (it’s totally B because Nogitsune was Badass, but I digress)
10. How long have you been watching 1?
YEARS! I think I watched it around the time that season 4 aired, so my sister and I were a few years behind, but I’ve been watching it ever since. I take breaks from it every now and again, but I always end up going on a binge so I can jump back into it. It’s my comfort show, my homework show, my I’m doing things and need something in the background show…if I am watching TV and it is on I zone in on that channel and will watch it, not caring where in the story I am.
11. How did you become interested in 3?
So, I remember it came out on Halloween one year, and it was a cold year. Because I wasn’t going to watch it due to trick or treating and school the next day. But then my parents said they were gonna let us skip it and I sat and watched that premier in my parents room because I was the only one that wanted to see it. I fell right down the rabbit hole, got comics for Christmas started slowly luring family members into watching it. They’ve all given up on it, but I’m still hanging on. (and contemplating watching Fear the Walking Dead as well as whatever movie special they’re gonna have with Rick in it.)
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Melissa McCarthy. I am such a Hipster when it comes to her. I loved Sookie more than anything else I’ve seen her in (except for maybe the Heat, that movie is a fuckin’ riot)
13. Which do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
I’m pretty sure that how I answered 10 should tell you the answer to that.
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Supernatural, but that’s because there is WAAAAAY more of it.
15. If you could be anyone from 4 who would you be?
Rory Gilmore. Granted, if you ask certain people in my life I already am so it may not be too much of a stretch.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
I mean maybe if there were a mini-series, but honestly, Rory and Lor would die due to lack of food and all of the physical activity. Also, pretty sure Luke would disappear and never be heard from again. Or maybe he’d just buddy up with Daryl and then it would be The Walking Dead and Danes.
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
I’m fairly certain the fandom has done enough of that for me to not make any surprising comparisons, but Uh…I really would have like to see Bobby and Ellen actually get together. We see it in one episode, so maybe that’s cheating, but I think they would work really well together.
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Not gonna lie, there were so many micro stories and branches and intricacies in Altered Carbon that I can’t even begin to compare it to Teen Wolf, sorry Jeff Davis, but you were far to wishy washy to stand a freaking chance against it.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
I love the music for both, but I think Teen Wolf has to win, because the Laaaa laaa laa-aaah lala gets to be really freaking annoying after a while.
Uh shoot Idk who to tag or even how many people to tag!!! @captdnvrs @whindsor @ceruleanmusings @ofbadchoices @have-fun-storming-the-kastle @drbobbimorse @nightstorms-universes aaaaand @purple-and-red-ribbons
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theostry · 6 years
Teen Wolf Scripts liveblog: Season 1 Episode 2
Second ep of the first season, appropriately titled:
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Teen Wolf Scripts!
Back again, Wolfiends. Another lengthy post consisting of screenshots of the Teen Wolf script alongside my own rambling commentary. I’m not here to review the show; finer minds than myself have got that covered. Nor is it a photo-recap; that has been done by crazier bastards than myself. 
I am here, as no doubt we all are, holding up my empty bowl to Jeff Davis and saying in a pitiful voice, “please, sir, I want some more.” Now, eat your gruel and count yourself lucky because this batch has raisins in it. 
Excerpts have been selected based on the following criteria: 1) It did not make the final cut; 2) It was substantially altered; 3) It offers extra detail not apparent from the show, such as description and direction; and 4) I felt like including it.
Fun times (and, obviously, a hell of a lot of spoilers) below the cut.
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Okay, let’s get started!
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We open on a doozie here. Is this a sign that the elusive Greenberg may actually exist? Like, in corporeal form? Not just a figment of Coach’s fevered imagination? 
The lacrosse sequence we’re shown was more montage-y than the script suggests and we don’t see Coach pass the ball to anyone directly, but here’s the first player to try for goal:
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Or actually, it might have been this guy (confusing montage is confusing): 
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Greenberg (’s hairy leg)? 
Oh but now here is where coach is telling Greenberg to take a lap, and THIS GUY starts running. 
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Coach is doing more actual coaching than I had thought him capable of, that’s nice. 
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I don’t know what these “slap checks” and “cross checks” are, but to me it just looked like two guys in plastic armour smashing into one another. But what do I know, I’m not a sportsball expert. 
Also, goats. 
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Sorry, sorry. I meant 
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Well there goes my headcanon that wolf-puppy Scott just wanted to pway wif his best fwiend!
I love this scene a lot, and I’m glad they made it more scary and dramatic than this, with the jumping up on lockers and crouching in rafters and such. Why go around something when you can go over it, amirite?
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Hello, gorgeous!
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I don’t know who you think you’re kidding, Jeff Davis. By now I think we all know that, like “a figure” and “someone watching”, this is a synonym for   
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Now 100% more grabby!
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That part isn’t news, but— Pffffft Melissa. 
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Come on though, Melissa’s not that old. She knows perfectly well what it means, she just does this because it amuses her to make Scott squirm and huff. 
Then Allison pops up to tell him that she too is excited to come and watch him play. 
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He didn’t get the line, but his face said it for him.
Meanwhile, someone’s creeping on Allison! 
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Just kidding. The script doesn’t say who it is. I guess we’ll never know. Or, canon confirmation that Derek Hale OR WHOEVER does not possess a soul
In math class— 
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Yeah, buddy. Us too. 
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Ah, Lydia 
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Is LAX a hip new abbreviation for Lacrosse? Or have airports somehow become a high school sport? I hope not, I would lose so badly. 
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Now I want a spin-off series of webisodes about Allison Argent versus the Totally Evil Popular Girls. 
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Curious. Both the spinning business and the ever-tantalising ‘OMITTED’. Don’t omit things, Jeff Davis, it’s rude! 
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Well that didn’t happen 
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That didn’t happen either 
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No theatrics here!
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Pity this bit got cut. Not a huge difference to the scene — we still got Derek’s casual disregard for others’ property and heavy-handed metaphor  — but Derek’s control is a big deal to Scott, and that could have done with more emphasis. 
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*Curiosity intensifies*
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Good to know that half-second sight gag was planned from the start. 
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Huh. I always thought he’d said “there were bite marks on the lady.” Also, he didn’t mention Allison here on screen. 
*Curiosity intensifies further*
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Good instincts, Scotty! I wonder how much that was his burgeoning wolfy-sense, and how much was just genre-savvy. 
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Ooh, that’s different - on the show Scott is not only surprised to see Stiles approaching the car, but desperately trying to signal him to stop. 
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This is not an Ok, go face. This is a face that says Stiles, no. At least they rhyme?
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The Sheriff is the Sheriff again. Order is restored to the universe. 
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The only ‘squealing sound’ I remember in this scene was from Stiles’s long-suffering Jeep. 
And now— oh. Oh holy hell. Look at this. 
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yes yes we saw that part but Scott’s gone he’s run off
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What the figgins no he hasn’t!
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Oooooh Scotty no this is stalking behaviour. Do not eat your Stiles, that is bad manners. 
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Not the Jeep! Stalking your BFF is one thing but assaulting an innocent Roscoe is just bang out of order. No wonder Stiles abandons his calm entreaties to yell at him, you can’t hit a man in the Jeep and expect him to keep his temper. 
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I’m biting my nails are you biting your nails
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well he wasn’t going to hit him what do you think he is an Argent
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It’s like all those times when--
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*deep breath*
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Add that to the list of places the Argents have canonically lived. Unless it’s a reference to [Coach Finstock voice] cream cheese. 
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*Curiosity levels approaching critical*
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A ball-peen hammer? Oh, Coach. 
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A crack? In his helmet? What and how? 
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Sensible, random Lacrosse (LAX?) player. Your captain is a douche. 
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Aw, we didn’t get Scott’s serial killer POV here. 
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Bahaha he never even went for a ‘slap check’ (whatever that is), he just growled at him from five feet away. 
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Interesting indeed, Coach! He doesn’t reply to Stiles in the show. This way it gives the impression that he’s going to be doing some investigating, maybe Scott will have to be more careful around him. 
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Lol, the referee never called the goal. Coach argued with him, then blew the whistle himself, and the refs just went with it. 
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That’s a different take - that in his heightened state the sight of Argent coming towards him triggered his flight response. We didn’t see Argent walking onto the field until after Scott was long gone, so there was no suggestion that Scott was reacting to him at that time. We do see an ominously thoughtful look on Chris’s face! 
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Awwww sweet. You hold onto that brief second, wolf boy. 
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I WONDER who it’s gonna be, say it with me now— 
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Oh hey! We’re on first name terms with our stalker now.
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Aaaahahaha no he doesn’t, as if Derek Actual Hale would smile and greet someone. Jeff you’ve been smoking again. 
 (Or, more likely, trying to seed the aborted Jackson Hale plotline.) 
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Another ripper of a script! Some fun extra moments -- and nail-biting ones -- as well as a few where the production obviously decided to go in a different direction. We got Scott marvelling at Derek’s control, Melissa trolling her son like the A+ parent she is, Scott having extremely good spidey-senses for a canid, Derek as a luring lurker who lurks, even when the script tells him not to, this man cannot be stopped, not to mention everybody’s favourite Greenberg, with an actual face! Or leg. Whatever.
All outshone by the Jeep attack scene. Why, oh why, Jeff? Do you hate us? 
Nahhh. On reflection, I can see why they cut it. This episode showcased Scott’s lack of control over his wolfy side, but we already had a fair bit of Feral Scott -- on the lacrosse (sorry, LAX) field and peeping into Allison’s window -- so that point was made. And we’d already had him attacking Stiles specifically, in that excellent locker room scene. But the visual of Scott wolfed out and roaring to the sky from atop the Jeep would have been something to see. Not to mention that moment of terror as Stiles finally sees what his friend has become, in the clear light of day, no helmet or darkness to obscure him. 
It would have been the perfect punctuation to Scott’s complaint from just prior: “Stop enjoying this so much!” Stiles still thinks he’s in a superhero origin story. But Scott is stuck in a nightmare horror. 
At least he got his perfect moment. 
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sweetfirebird · 6 years
dlasta replied to your post: I’m not writing (well I am but only sort of at... If you could fix one tv show that went wrong, which one would you fix and how?
You say this on the day I’ve already been yelling about Teen Wolf. 
Things I would have changed on Teen Wolf (in no particular order): 
Stiles works out his sexuality crisis/issues on the show, explicitly. (Scott can work his out too later on when Isaac is there.) 
Stiles can have a crush on Derek that is weird and awkward as crushes are, especially on older, unobtainable types, because Stiles has ever-changing feelings toward Derek as he grows up and learns more things. The crush does not have to go anywhere, but it would be as obvious as his feelings for Lydia. Which would also be shown to have once been a crush, but are now a mix of weird-creepy obsession and using her as a distraction/placeholder more than seeing her as a person. He does see her a real person later in the show. But I would have made this clear early in the first season so the TEEN AUDIENCE could see it. Lydia is smart enough to even say it to someone. 
Hey, speaking of that teen audience--let’s make it real clear that Derek was sexually abused in addition to the physical torture shit later. Derek was sexually abused. Kate was an adult. He was not. If this involves me showing that teen bb Derek actor in a flashback to make his age perfectly fucking clear, so be it. (Not to show the sex. To show that child standing next to adult Kate.) 
The show would acknowledge that abuse victim Derek, momentarily mad with new alpha power, does a bad bad thing and is super skeevy in how he chooses and grooms his new pack. (I honestly think Jeff Davis didn’t see this as creepy which is a sign of Jeff Davis’s fucking issues.) OR I would have made Derek select and talk to his potential new pack members in a way that wasn’t gross as fuck. (Look, I love Derek Hale, but the show did some weird fucking shit with his character for a while there.) 
In subsequent seasons, discuss the nature of trauma. Teenagers getting tortured? Derek losing his entire family? Allison’s family issues?! This is a show for teens but also dealt with adult issues, like abuse and consent A LOT but the show mostly treated it as a joke. I would not. 
Talked more about Scott being a POC right from the beginning. It’s important. 
Not made Scott such a fucking flake in the first season and remembering he is supposed to be the hero of the show. Start that True Alpha shit from the fucking start, even if the words weren’t said directly. Hell, I would even discuss/show what it means to be a hero. This isn’t Smallville, I expected better. If a hero sometimes also does a shitty thing, someone needs to call him on it. If the hero is mostly good and does his best even when it hurts, then let’s talk about how he/she/they deal with the pain and the exhaustion and the struggle. Fucking show the cost of being good. 
Which, by the way, would have been great because Scott’s slowly becoming a hero storyline and Derek’s wounded prince who wants to do good but keeps fucking up because his life storyline could have like.... matched up from the get go. (Jeff Davis never had a plan and it shows.) 
And in the middle of those two mirrored arcs, you have Stiles. The morally gray, left hand, Slytherin of a character. Which just... would have been great to see on TV. 
The ladies: I admit I had a hard time with them. Lydia and Allison are initially portrayed as popular pretty rich high school bitches (well, Lydia is a bitch) and it made me immediately not like either of them. Lydia grew on me. Allison was robbed of any decent plot the second the show said “Argent women lead. J/K Chris Argent still makes all decisions.) I stopped watching the show before Kira came on, so my knowledge of her is basically from fanfic but she seems delightful and also like Jeff Davis screwed her over. 
But oh my god the story arc they could have done with Lydia as epic perfect bitch idol (to Stiles) becoming a real person while also still being the delightful bitch that she was. A storyline that did not involve her becoming ‘real’ by first having Peter abuse her and her showing up naked in a very much rape-coded way. UGH. 
And Allison?!?! Scott’s storyline about becoming a hero?! How about Allison as a teenager rising up to lead her family through troubled times to be a new kind of Hunter? The show tried to go there for a half a second but the inconsistent characterization from Jeff Davis’s writing turned it to rubbish. Show it! Like a young Eleanor of Acquitaine or Boudicca or something. Warrior Queen! 
(Also, the sexual tension between Allison, Scott, and Isaac. Polyamory? Why not?) 
Erica. Just. More Erica. Not dead Erica. Not replaced with Cora because all the actors left the show because of Jeff Davis Erica. Erica getting to be soft. Erica calming down a bit after her initial transformation. Some acknowledgement that yes, trauma happened. 
BOYD. Is alive, now and forever amen. Boyd actually gets to talk more. Boyd has a delightful nerdy and wolfy courtship of Erica. I have one (1) het ship for this show and here it is and it would be great. Derek could explain weird eosteric werewolf courting stuff. Adorbs! Are True Mates a thing? MAYBE IT’S BOYD AND ERICA. LET’S TALK ABOUT IT. (And again, I like having a healthy couple around with ‘normal’ problems to compare to all the other potential ships on the show. AND doing it this way let’s you do subtle stuff for when/if the other ships do actually happen). Ooh or maybe there is a lot of pining with Erica pining for Boyd and going about trying to get his attention in the worst ways. This is also great. 
Anyway, also: consistent rules for the werewolf stuff. Consistent rules for the magic stuff. 
I’d try to remember these are teenagers. I know MTV probably made money from dressing Allison and Lydia in certain clothes and stuff, but let me tell you, no teenager, no matter how rich, looks that fucking put together. They are experimenting with looks and they are exhausted and they are bundles of hormones and baby fat and pimples and they are still developing and okay--they lack life experience which means sometimes they make bad decisions. 
And that is cool. The show would definitely acknowledge all of that. 
And I think.. I think making them look and act more like actual teens would be good for a lot of reasons. Like, for example, so the audience could see what trauma looks like on someone who is like them. 
What else? More Danny. More Jackson. No twins. No alpha pack. No whatever his face, the sheriff fire guy? Who was dating Lydia? the actual fuck. None of that shit. 
There is a bunch more stuff, but I should go write now.  
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bewitchthequeen · 7 years
Our Problems With Teen Wolf
Note: My friend, @knightedtime, and I made this a while back and I decided to release it because the world should know our feelings XD Or something meaningful like that. So here we go.
I have nothing against the actors. I have nothing against the writers. This are just my complaints. Any hostility will be exploited.
Feel free to add your own if you’d like! Just include a line break.
Jackson Whittemore. He came off as a huge asshole even when they tried to make him sympathetic and I was indifferent to him “dying” temporarily. 
No reasons for Lydia acting shallow, vapid and pretending to be dumb while she was with Jackson. It was never addressed. Never talked about why she did that and everyone just acts like it didn’t happen. Okay.
Lydia doesn’t seem to have friends. You can claim the Pack are her friends but ??? They don’t hang out much. Like hang out like normal people their age. So I think Danny was her only real friend because he showed concern and shit and talked to her outside of mystery problem stuff. 
Theo Raeken being a Peter Hale rip off. Cause that’s what he is. And trusting him about anything is bullshit. He fucked that up. Maybe had he been developed more I’d be more understanding. Nothing against Cody Christian but Theo is just another evil dude with pretty face. At least Peter had some sort of depth.
Stydia last season
Most Stydia fans
Stydia in general
Stydia being shoved down my throat.
Season 5 in general
Kira’s “ending”. It was bullshit. There was some open ended shit so her story being over was bullshit. BULLSHIT. BULLLLSHIT. and I hope Arden Cho is doing great things after that utter bullshittery.
The loss and lack of Danny. I fucking loved him and he was just gone. Another actor mistreated on this asshole show. Well, I hope Keahu Kahuanui is doing greater things than this.
Last season is about Stiles. At least 6a. I’m sorry but in NO way should the last season of the show being about the sidekick. I don’t give a shit what or who he is. STILES SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN THE MAIN GOAL OF 6A. I don’t give a shit about what Stiles fans and Stydia fans have to say about it. 
Scott and Stiles’ friendship is continuously on a downward spiral. Stiles has always been the dominating personality in the relationship. Check out all of season one if you don’t believe me. Scott just recently started coming into his own with being an alpha, a leader. I feel like Stiles doesn’t like that. Aside from this, I also feel like Stiles expects certain privileges with being Scott’s “best friend” but their relationship has corroded and they can’t really be “best friends” if Scott no longer trusts Stiles. And I don’t believe he does, regardless of what Jeff says.
The unrealistic relationships. Stydia. Stalia. Mainly. Because it’s kind of relationships that they just kind of pulled out of their asses and were like “meh”. Adelaide and Gage left and Stiles just needed someone. 
No explanation for what happened to Derek. Literally. I know that Tyler H. said he wasn’t coming back but the show never explained where Derek went. Yet another character that we’re suppose to just forget about.
Scott’s development from season 3 to season 5. Where is it? I mean, yes, he was kind of an asshole in season 2 when it came to Derek making more werewolves. Then it went stagnant.
The fandom/fanbase. The most vocal (I don’t want to say majority) are the Stydia people. The most vocal of the Stydia people seem to be bullying the actors and I AIN’T ABOUT THAT. Listen up, you little parasites, your show is ending due to you bitching all the time. Had it not been for that, might have gotten some more.
The shipping wars
Layden. Another rushed relationship that I don’t have the capacity to care about. Plus the “homage” to Scallison is just -.- exhausting.
Theo Raeken comes back for season 6, erasing the last thing Kira did on the show. Thanks.
Rehashing old relationship. Same as 19, but it really urked me so let’s put it up here twice.
Theo Raeken in general
Lydia and Jackson ever being a thing. It was a toxic relationship. They were both kind of hateable. Some people are just too toxic to be together. Maybe had Colton Hayes stayed the could have worked on that, but Colton deserves better so he can go ahead and do what he’s doing.
Stydia in General because it’s really cliche if you look at it. That whole popular girl gets won over by the nerd/geek is so worn out. Usually, I’m all for an underdog story, but Stiles isn’t an underdog. He’s kind of an asshole. He kind of treats everyone like garbage (even Lydia in some instances) and the two of them are usually at odds. Honestly, Stydia happening (to me) isn’t out of love, but out of Lydia paying homage to her dead best friend because Allison was the one who told Lydia to give him a chance. Make of that what you will.
Scott moving too quick. I mean… His relationships go from like 5 to 100 in a matter of episodes. It’s a bit concerning even though he’s a sweet boy. It makes me concerned for him. 
WTF HAPPENED TO LAHEY (I know he’s with Chris but wtf? No updates on him). Not even mentioned again. He doesn’t exist.
The last season being focused on Stiles when they knew beforehand that Dylan O’ Brien was going to be busy and it really should be focusing on the Titular Character given that it’s last season. (On here twice cause it’s BULLSHIT).
The way that Jeff Davis treats his actors. I’m looking at Danny’s actor and Kira’s.
Peter Hale never got a redemption arc until season 6, but Theo basically got his immediately. Theo’s redemption is bullshit at that. Using fear as a redemption tool is never successful. Scared Straight doesn’t work for murderers. If it doesn’t work for sex offenders, it’s not going to work for Theo. Sorry, not sorry.
The fact Peter is probably going to get screwed over again. Wouldn’t surprise me.
The fact that Brett and Liam would have been more believable than Layden and Brett and Liam borderline hating each other. Maybe it’s chemistry, maybe it’s the fact that Layden was so rushed. The world may never know.
There’s not any main queer relationships. I dare you to name your top three in season 6 without repeating any characters. I fucking dare you.
They bring in a Bi character and he’s not used much. *cough*BrettTalbot*cough*
I can’t be excited for season 6 because of the past seasons (mainly 5) being at least somewhat disappointing
The fact that they claimed there wasn’t room for Kira and yet they casted a bunch of people for season 6 who were new.
Not that I ship it, but They baited Sterek a lot outside of the show for views.
Scott trusts Theo more than he trusts Stiles. So much for best friends, am I right?
Stiles kinda being an ass to Scott after Scott died and expecting Scott to be everywhere at once, resulting in that one gif where Stiles attacked Scott very fucking violently. Scott is a werewolf, not a superhero.
The show focuses more on Stiles’ Trauma more than anyone else’s. Scott and Lydia dealing with the loss of Allison, a part of an episode of them crying and the occasional mention. Why did Lydia act dumb? What went on with Scott since he didn’t have a dad? How has them being what they are affected them mentally? What about Malia’s trauma? These things are merely touched upon everyone once in a while. Stiles’ trauma is probably enough to write a thesis paper on.
Having no real reason other than Allison’s death for Isaac leaving (even that relationship was WAY too fast and wasn’t love based, like, at all)
Allison and Isaac’s relationship to begin with. There’s so much with this relationship that just grates me.
Allison tried to justify torturing people who had nothing to do with her mom’s death. Like I understand, but that also made it seem like they were going to set her up as a villain in later seasons, which for her not to go that route made it pretty damn disappointing and pissed me off. (Especially when she seemingly expected Derek to be cool with her. Fun Fact: Once you start disliking someone with a passion, everything that person does pisses you off so I can’t fault Derek here).
Gerard being alive. Just… That bitch.
The fact Scott is barely ever “single” and thus making him pretty fucking unrelateable. In highschool, I only date two people, some of my friends never dated, and some of my friends dated their s.o. freshman year or earlier to senior year. Plus, we never really seen him mourn Allison much so that could be a reason.
Kira’s story arc season 5 because that was weak to the point I barely remember wtf she was doing. Basically, made her character less memorable other being “that one girl Scott dated that wasn’t Allison”
The fact that Allison died at all, when really, they could have just let her actress leave and It’s like if you look at most people who are written off the show, the majority of Females who do DIE. 
Stalia vs. Stydia. Stiles should work on his personality a bit before he should be in a relationship but whatever
Wtf happened to Lydia’s dad?
Wtf happened to Scott’s dad?
The show just gets more unrealistic and unrelatable. These kids basically have no breaks in between problems .-. In continuation to this, I’m adding the fact that this shit always happens to these kids and while it’s a tv show and everything, it’s rly unrealistic that everything happens to them.
There’s a rumor that Scott’s going to kick the bucket for the last season and I don’t like it.
Malia getting hate for dating Stiles. 
Lydia’s sudden feelings for Stiles (Fandom would claim differently, but She looks really annoyed when he talks and their “humor” sounds somewhere between “I fucking hate you” and demeaning).
Void!Stiles not being addressed much (or the results of that rather). 
Just now delving into more of Lydia’s abilities :l and they’re still pretty fucking shoddy.
Stydia getting so much fanservice. For example, the whole Stiles holding Lydia’s hand when it reasonably should have been Scott, considering they’re closer as “friends” and he can take away pain.
The Wendigo thing. Just… What the fuck man. Don’t introduce new creatures if you aren’t going to delve. Seriously.
How everything always happens in Beacon Hills (I understand the whole Nemeton drawing people there but still :l minus when they went to Mexico which can barely be counted :l)
The fact that the show treated Kira’s departure like a joke with the hashtag, but when it comes to Stiles’ Jeep, they take it seriously. You value you a character over a car. Congrats, assholes.
There’s no actual way that Stydia would work out considering the who “Try being less scared” line Stiles told Lydia while working on his Jeep (which is just one instance. This is NOT banter. This is NOT an old married couple).
Stiles is becoming more of an asshole with the more paranoid he gets which is why he shouldn’t be involved with this shit in the first place.
The whole ‘Some of us are human’ line. Like sorry, asshole. I like you most of the time, but still.  
Tbh the way Stiles used to treat Lahey. Like, motherfucker he was abused and Stiles doesn’t acknowledge that and tells him he “milking” that. Lahey has trauma, you have mommy issues. Stop valuing your trauma over everyone else’s. Your trauma is pathetic compared to most other people’s.
The way that the fandom treats Parrish when it comes to Lydia.  She’s 18 guys and not even supposed to be in high school anymore, considering she could graduate early if she wanted. When you’re 18 you can date anyone older than you without people blinking an eye. 
Kate ending up being a werejaguar where she was scratched by werewolf Peter Hale. Just the whole “the bite effects how you feel” or whatever. No. You get bit my a werewolf, you should become a werewolf. Whatever, man. I’m tired of applying logic to this show…
JD disregards his actors feelings
Fandom being Hypocrites when it comes to Posey doing something wrong, when Dylan O’Brien’s done some bad shit too. LEAVE POSEY ALONE.
We didn’t get a funeral for Allison. (But we got one for Crazy Kate -.-)
The show is more about ships than anything else. What is a story line?
The fact Allison’s mom was a bitch and Allison’s “hallucinations” show her as a bitch but she went off the deep end because of her bitchy mom was dead.
They promote Stiles so much that most people think he’s the lead main character. Before I started watching this show, I seriously thought Stiles was the main character. Imagine my surprise when Scott was the werewolf.
All their female characters are kind of shit :l or in the process of going to shit… Or they’re dead... Or gone. My feelings for Malia fluctuate, they reduced Lydia to a crying, moping mess who was willing to risk Scott’s life for Stiles Stfuckboylinski, Erica is dead, Cora is/was female Derek, Allison is dead, Kira will be remembered as “Kitsune girl who dated Scott” because their lack of using her, Hayden… wait… who is Hayden again?, Let’s not touch Krazy Kate, who’s Braedan again? Wait, where did Marin go? Oh, fuck!
Can’t say much for their male characters either at this point.
The fact that they kinda ended Kira’s story with a cliffhanger. 
How Lydia was cool with Peter and went to him for help after the whole possession and “you” thing that happened. “Yeah, I know that you were like haunting me or whatever and literally made me feel like I was losing my mind which you never really tried to make up for, but I totally and completely trust you”
Why the fuck was it necessary to kill Erica? Is that the only way this show knows how to get rid of characters?
The fact that they probably brought theo back to make Matheo a thing. He fucking shot her. If I was Malia, I’d sooner rip his head off.
People defending Stydia with “It’s only fanservice if you don’t agree with it”. No, it’s fanservice because you bitched for it and the writers want to pacify you and hope you shut up. “The Stydia moments every season is only a thing if you ship it”. Nope, it’s fanservice. Holland Roden even admitted that season 6a was fanservice. (I say all of 6a because it was Stiles centered and seemed more like fan fiction than an actual tv show).
For how old everyone was, I’m kind of shocked that Allison and Lydia were still friends after Lydia made out with Scott… Unless she never found out about that? I don’t know man.
Allison neglecting her and Lydia’s friendship and only paying attention to get help from her resulting in what happened with Peter, but no one addresses that. Which, to me, makes Allison not the best bestie.
People sending Malia and Parrish’s actors death threats over Stydia. Are you guys serious? This is why the show is garbage and this is why it’s ending and views are dropping. Kudos to Shelley Hennig and Ryan Kelley for putting up with that shit.
The fact that none of the female cast have storylines that are front and center. They all seem to be in the background more than anything. The women of this show are more like props (excluding Allison and Melissa).
Stydia fanbase freaking out over anything bad that happens to Dylan or Holland. I’m pretty sure that whole freak out of her getting pushed is enough to explain my feelings towards this.
Then antiStydia people making hashtags telling Holland to kill herself :l That’s not fair guys. It’s not Holland’s fault there’s a bunch of oversized babies shoving their ship down your throat.
JD giving the stydia fandom what they want when they don’t deserve it and they’re just a bunch of a brats.
The fandom shipping the actors together when they are real people with lives. This is just a general pet peeve of mind. Stop shipping living, breathing functional people unless you’re shipping them with their significant other. Don’t get caught up in other people’s life and start living yours.
The fact that apparently JD hinted Stiles was Bi and never did anything with it? :l He’s the straightest person ever. Seriously, I have never seen anyone straighter than Stiles Stilinski. 
The Panic Attack kiss .-. I don’t wanna say it was OOC but it was a lot less Lydia like than everything else and the begin of Lydia acting less like herself like people do when they’re in an abusive relationship! (That was also the kind of panic attack that requires space too.)(Yeah -.- but oooo stydia)
The fact that the fandom was anti Malia (partially because she punched him once) but was totally cool shipping Sterek despite the fact that Derek p much assaults Stiles whenever Stiles steps out of line
Stiles also kinda treats Derek badly and Really? I don’t see why anyone would consider them to be ‘Friends’.
Lacrosse is somehow popular.  Don’t know how, but Beacon Hills seems about the same size as Fresno is and really? I don’t know how lacrosse got so popular when beacon hills has a football team and that’s the so called american sport.
Fandom is woo girl power one minute, then bitching about Malia and Kira (Lydia less than those two) as individual parts.
The fact that everyone’s character development is all over the place, basically all the time
Basically all the female characters getting slut shamed
People thinking that Stiles deserves Lydia, like she’s some sort of prize to be won. Lydia is a fucking person. Fucking chauvinists. 
Tbh the people who get the least amount of hate are more abusive? (examples?)(Jackson, Derek (though Derek’s “hate” is more the fandom sexualizing him?)) (I’ve seen them call Scott abusive and I’m like okay HOW.)
Ima just say this now, which prob ties to a lot of the actor stuff earlier, but the way the fandom treats Tyler Posey specifically like… I really just… :l (It’s frankly disgusting how they treat him.)(It really is :c) So much love in my heart for that boy. I just want to fucking hug him and make him feel better. 
The fact that they’re putting Parrish in a Freezer during season 6 when he could help.
Ik that Lydia wouldn’t do this because Lydia and Allison were “best friends” but tbh Lydia has more romantic and even more friendship chemistry with Scott than she does with Stiles (Yeah. I noticed that.)
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lostinthemargins · 7 years
Some real talk about Sciles/Stydia/Sterek and the shitshow that is Teen Wolf
Thoughts on Teen Wolf (Scott/Stiles brotp/Stydia/Sterek) after reading a lot of vitriolic and just plain sad TW posts, from ALL ship bases and fans:
For one, I never hated Scott nor wished he’d die or anything, even though I don’t particularly “like” him. That’s because of how’s he’s been written. My issue with him is NOT that he’s imperfect (because he is), in fact, that’s one of the things I LOVE about Scott. He can (and always has been able to) be an utter asshole, and that makes him normal. No one is all good or all bad. Unfortunately, showrunners typically think that way. And partially because of that (I believe), Scott is written as this happy go lucky, gullible, perky puppy dog who loves everyone and has a messiah complex. But that’s not true. He is not the best friend in the whole wide world, although that doesn’t necessarily make him a “bad” friend. He can be both a bad and good friend because he can be both a bad person and a good person. He is not infallible or perfect, as we would be led to believe. Watching all of the seasons over again really cleared my head on this and reminded me why I had begun to build up some animosity toward the character, which surprised me. I began to get really fed up with him and liked it when Stiles and he butted heads because I thought Scott was acting like a total idiot and, yes, a shitty friend. The answer was simply that he’d always had the capacity to be that way, even back in season 1. He was the stereotypical dorky teenage boy who got lucky with a pretty girl and began to think he was hot shit, certainly better than his friend because he was succeeding at having what he called a “normal life.” He didn’t really “need” Stiles at that point, and he just used Derek over and over. It happens to the best of us. To be fair, Stiles was written to type as well as the dorky best friend who’s pining over the girl he can’t have. The difference for me is that Stiles has had Scott’s back more often then visa versa.
So for me, my agitation with Scott stems partially from the writers inability to allow Scott to own up and make some real changes. Think about this, in the final 6a scene, it’s Stiles who’s directing the “I need you” “I miss you” conversation. Scott doesn’t have a lot of self-reflection or heartfelt epiphanies as much as you think he would. His mostly deal with his status as an alpha and the responsibilities that that entails.
Another part of it, again not really the character’s fault, is how his status as a POC is used. I think it’s great that he’s a POC, but I also feel that the showrunners use that as a cop out. It almost lets them feel entitled to shit on other POC characters because they can still point to Scott and say “Look, our main character’s a POC, we’re so modern.” Honestly, Scott could totally be white and it wouldn’t affect his story, that’s how little a role his heritage plays, so the fact that he’s a POC to me just seems like Jeff Davis and company patting themselves on the back for being inclusive. I mean, let’s be honest, his acting ability in season 1 was embarrassing, so I’m a little cynical as to why they chose him. The shitty way they’ve written his character just rubs salt into the wound.
On Stydia:
First, to be fair, I’ll throw it out there that I’m not a Stydia shipper, but that’s not because I don’t like them together or because I ship Stalia or because I thought something crazy like he was secretly with Derek in canon (although I do ship Sterek). I’ll touch on Malia, but I honestly ship Scalia, so there.
I love them in a close friendship (kind of like the one he was establishing with Derek before it all went to hell). I thought it would be SO MUCH more meaningful and have much more of an impact if they remained friends. Why? Because it would have been playing AGAINST TYPE, something TW showrunners can’t seem to grasp. So Stiles was the stereotypical dorky best friend who pined and borderline stalked the hot girl and eventually “won” her affections. Is it a cute love story? Sure. Does it make me want to stab my eyeballs out with how cliché it is? Absofuckinglutely. Do I think it reduces both of their characters to the single purpose of satisfying an artificial and set in stone “ship”? YES. I say artificial because they’re fulfilling the roles that have been laid out for them since EPISODE 1. What is exciting, cute, sweet, or even remotely celebratory about that? And so all close male/female friendships have to end in them dating? Come on people, we’ve been fed trope after trope after trope, starting with the teenagers falling in love at first sight aka Scallison. Not hating on Scallison by any means, just how they got pushed together like wham bam thank you ma'am; although, yes, teenagers do fall in love easily so I can at least understand it even if I don’t like it. Allison falling in love with Isaac and him learning to trust her, someone who had tried to kill him, after everything he went through? Now that was something special. It was sad that it never had the chance to go anywhere.
I’ll never get over how they really just slammed Stydia in everyone’s faces with 6a. What was it really about other than to force Lydia into accepting her feelings? …Nothing. Literally nothing happened that changed anything from premiere to finale. Except for Mama McCall and Papa Argent getting their smooch on. Which I’m down for. I didn’t buy into her and the Sheriff, partially because it would have been so obvious and I think a little too campy and saccharine. So 6a just accomplished the “full circle” plotline of Stydia, in all its romantically forced and melodramatic glory. Again, I like them together, and I think her devestation felt real and it was sweet. But they really just slammed the romance aspect together like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. With STALE peanut butter and jelly. As in Lydia didn’t really give an inkling of romantic feelings beyond a few shared glances throughout the seasons and both she and Stiles were busy with other people. A Stiles and Erica relationship was baited right before the actress left, and then we were baited with Cora, who Stiles seemed interested in, and then of course we had the underage Stalia sex in the basement of a mental institution AKA one of the few black marks on an otherwise good season. And then he drops her and what, we’re supposed to pretend like they weren’t a thing for 2 whole seasons? O.K. Once again, we have another character introduced to serve very few purposes with no real plot herself, and that’s mostly to be a girlfriend to Stiles and Peter’s reason for self-improvement. What other purpose has she served? But yeah, we’re supposed to forget her because Stydia is a thing that must happen and it’s the last season. Jeff Davis pretty much said about a lot of season 6 plot lines and decisions, “It’s the last season, so we thought ‘Why not? Let’s do it.’” That is so unbelievably shitty and unfair to characters and their actors. Like, have some self-respect. THAT is why a lot of fans think Stydia is fanservice. Because of the showrunners attitude that they’ll just throw it all against the wall, give “everyone” the happy ending they always wanted because Teen Wolf is ending. Davis said he always wrote every season as if it was the last before they knew it would end with 6. HELLO. Stiles and Lydia don’t get together until 6a. That means if the show had been cancelled like Davis suspected it might, Stydia wouldn’t have been endgame after all.
As for Sterek, it’s my otp but not because I think they were romantic on the show. They weren’t that we know of. I just like them as a pairing, always have, and always will. Some of you spout that’s it’s gross because of the age difference, so obviously that means you’re not OK with all of the baiting they did with Lydia and Parrish? And you have a problem watching underage characters having sex on screen and constantly seeing minors being sexualized? Right? You have to if you think Sterek fans are disgusting. So I don’t put too much thought into the like 6 or 7 year age difference because when Stiles is 18 Derek would only be maybe 25. Hell, I’m 23 and I can tell you a few years means shit, especially this particular period of your life. Derek is still pretty much a kid. Not that I’m going to get into the age difference debate and the sexualization of Sterek. I don’t write, nor do I read fanfiction featuring a sexual canon Sterek relationship; if I do at all, it’s in AUs.
I do think there was more Sterek content in 3b and 4, despite them being apart, but what troubles me is how they pretty much did it on purpose to upset Sterek fans. Dylan and Tyler loved working together, they said as much, and they commented on not having as many scenes together. Meanwhile you have certain people making derogatory public comments and putting the ship and it’s fans down. Of course the fan base is going to be hurt by that, why wouldn’t they if they feel like they’ve been disrespected by the very people their viewership supports? And then they watch their two beloved characters have less and less screen time together and it feels very deliberate. Obviously Jeff Davis and company felt the need to send a message that Sterek was not going to happen, which is fine, but they did so at the expense of a very funny and interesting relationship–something that has hurt the show, no matter how much you dislike or disagree with Sterek as a “ship.” Stiles and Derek could have been real friends, something they were working toward; anyone remember Stiles being the one to show up in Derek’s semi-lucid dream state when Kate shot him? Some point out that could mean Stiles is an anchor-like figure for Derek, or that at the least he is someone Derek feels comfortable around to imagine him there at a time when he is hurt and needing reassurance and advice. And that emphasis on Stiles when Derek left in 4 and the touchy subject of his absence in 5a? Yeah, Stiles had begun to like Derek, and the show did a fair amount of queer baiting–not just for Sterek but a lot of other pairings. But that relationship was severed mostly because A. the showrunners were determined to make any ship other than Sterek exist B. they separated them a lot from seasons 1 and 2 to reduce the Sterek support and C. Tyler eventually decided to leave for his own personal reasons (the show wasn’t kind to his character for sure). After that we saw the slow decline of Stalia and the continued crawl of Stydia scenes, meanwhile having the brand new ship of Larrish being dropped on us out of the freaking blue.
The showrunners didn’t really want to commit to going all in with Stydia before the absolute last season. That’s gotta mean something to Stydia shippers. I don’t understand how you guys can gloss over that and ignore how it affects the integrity of the characters. Would I rather see Stydia than Stalia? Yes and no, but only because I acknowledge that Stalia was a crack pairing to begin with and it made no sense storyline wise. Stydia still feels rushed in 6a after a slow burn that could have just meant a strong friendship. And now we have these revelations such as Lydia admitting that everything changed when she first kissed Stiles. O.K. then, now why don’t we get an explanation as to why that’s just now a thing for her when the kiss took place back in freaking 3a, in a scene that was unrealistic to begin with? I understand the excitement of seeing your otp come true, but the lack of romance until the crazy plot of 6a harms the integrity of everything.
They should have made Stydia a thing before 6a instead of saying “What the hell, why not?” Believe it or not, Sterek shippers might actually be pissed if they’d done that to Stiles and Derek. Can you imagine? Having Derek come swooping in at the last season and have Stiles suddenly realize his romantic feelings for him? The fan base would be in an UPROAR for the lack of development and rightly so. Is Stydia more believable? Of course. Has Derek been absent since 5? Obviously. So they had no chance to develop any relationship at all, friendship or otherwise. Stydia makes more sense because they’ve had more time to become friends and have been pushed together, in part as a response to Sterek as an insistence that Stiles and Lydia would always be important to each other and would definitely get together. Meanwhile, characters like Malia are getting used like a rag doll, taking up space as Stiles girlfriend when it’s convenient, and tossed back aside to make way for Lydia once Davis and company feel good and damned ready to make Stydia a thing.
At the end of the day, the biggest reason I don’t want Stydia to be a thing is because their relationship matters more when they’re not doing the thing you expect. It’s much more mature for Stiles to say, “You know what? I always had this childish notion that we’d be together because it was fate, but I realize now that we’re too good of friends for this to be the right decision. I value your friendship more than the desire to fulfill my immature ambition of winning you.” The romantic subplot that never came to fruition between Rachel Green and Joey from Friends come to mind. They realized it didn’t feel right because they were too close, their friendship too strong. They made an adult decision not to pursue it further.
But no. We don’t get that kind of growth. We get the same old regurgitated same old, and that’s why I won’t really miss TW when it’s gone because let’s face it, the real show’s been gone for a while now.
Jeff Davis and company kind of gave up a long time ago for various reasons, but unfortunately by then the oldest fans, making up the loyal fan base, were hooked and still came back for more torture. The fact that we’re less than a month out, have only just been told that, and still don’t have a trailer, makes me livid in ways I can’t describe. MTV/TW showrunners have really shown their disdain for their own characters and their fans for the sake of going out with a bang, and it’s utterly disgusting.
Rant over.
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