#alex karev edits
moodscreens · 2 years
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alex karev (grey’s anatomy) ; simple lockscreens
like/reblog | @spearbinsung
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jobrookekarev · 5 months
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Jolex Instagram AU: Friends and Family
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esc3479x · 10 months
19x15 Mama who bore me
Jo & Luna wearing matching/very similar colours <333
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beholdtheapocalypse · 11 months
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Grey's Anatomy (2005-) Season 10 | Episode 12
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whimsicalangst · 7 months
*.:。 if I was a character in grey’s anatomy 。: . *
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I wish I could feel the way I felt watching Grey’s Anatomy for the first time 🫶🏻 (heavy on the first 2 seasons)
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bowielovesyou · 3 months
my fave edit I've made that i think doesn't get enough recognition.
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dumbs0ckss · 11 months
they are so gay for eachother it's insane
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[song: Out of The Woods — Taylor Swift]
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she-karev · 5 months
You Can't Handle the Truth (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev's Sister)
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Age Rating: 12+
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev's Sister)
AN: Hey guys I’m on a roll since I just finished my fanfic story that you can check out from the links I posted below. I hope you guys are enjoying these stories and I’ll take requests. This chapter takes place immediately after the last one that you can read below.
Summary: Amber tries to figure out why DeLuca is avoiding her after his sister interrogated her.
Words: 5775
I walk down the hall in my light blue scrubs to convert paper charts to electronic because apparently there’s enough paper to convert for the next five years. I carry the stack of folders against my chest and try to find a room to work in quietly. I know I’m an intern and scut is how we learn but I’m failing to see how we learn from reading about other people’s surgeries.
I was salutatorian of my private high school, graduated magna cum laude from Iowa State University and was top of my class at NYU. I worked harder than anyone here because unlike some of them I had challenges to overcome and no infinity pool to dive in. And somehow all that hard work got me here looking around for a room so I can convert papers into electronic files. I’ve become an office worker with a medical degree.
I finally find a room but stop when I see that Andrew DeLuca is already inside going over his charts. He looks up and sees me standing outside the door with the files under my arm.
“The attendings are piling you with scut?”
I nod uneasily, I’ve been trying to figure out how to avoid him at work so I can ask him in private tonight why his sister cornered me in an elevator and asked me personal questions. I didn’t want to risk inciting another elevator ride/interrogation with Carina by talking to Andrew. It’s bad enough I have to deal with one sibling here I don’t want to deal with another who’s not even related to me.
“Yeah you know how it is intern year, I’ve read so many charts I’ve memorized the numbers their labeled. Well uh anyway I should go.”
Andrew nods too quickly, “Yeah the radiology room on 4 is pretty much empty all the time. People say it’s haunted I won’t keep you.” He turns to his chart like he wants to ignore me too. I raise an eyebrow at him as a pattern starts to occur to me. He’s been cold and distant towards me ever since we met at the mixer. I tried to pass it off as him being busy or trying to be professional at work but there’s being professional and being standoffish.
Every time I tried to set a date with him, he didn’t give me a clear answer. I have an idea on why he’s distant now and it has something to do with his sister ambushing me. My eyes narrow at him as I come to the hypothesis that he sent his sister to interrogate me and doesn’t like what he heard back from her. I close the door behind me and stand in front of him with a stern face despite the heavy weight of the files. He widens his eyes at me like a cornered animal which gives me satisfaction as that’s how Carina made me feel yesterday.
Andrew hears the door closing and he looks up to find Amber standing in front of him with a scolding look like he’s in third grade and she’s his teacher. He stays seated in his chair as she closes the blinds on the window to give them privacy. He didn’t know if this was a good thing or a bad thing but based on her body language it was a bad thing.
“Um why did you close the blinds?” He tries to be casual, so he doesn’t give his terror away.
“Is this what you do to all the girls you sleep with?” Amber asks with a straight face.
Andrew tries to keep calm as he retorts with a question, “Do what? Did I do something that night you thought was exclusive for you?”
She narrows her eyes at him, “That depends was it exclusive for me when you sent your sister into the elevator with me so she can ask me a bunch of personal questions and report back to you with the answers?”
Andrew blinks at her completely confused, “Wait what?”
“Because if that’s what you do to all the girls you’ve had one sort of date with you’re not gonna get a second one buddy. Now what did she tell you to treat me like a leper?”
Andrew groans as he understands now, “Damn it Carina. Look Amber I didn’t-”
Amber has none of it though, “Listen if you don’t want to hang out again just give me a straight answer. I’m not in the mood for childish games or being screwed over, and I am certainly not in the mood for being ambushed by an Italian woman in tight spaces at work.”
“I didn’t send her after you I swear I told her to leave you alone.” Andrew explains hoping to rectify this but Amber is still mad.
“And why would you need to tell her to leave you alone? Does she make it a habit to steal your…whatever I am to you right now?”
“No usually after we break up but not during no.” Andrew says bitterly about his sister.
Amber sighs as she puts the files down on the table, “Your cute and your nice and you’re a doctor like me. It’s a combination I haven’t encountered before but with that being said if you’re not interested just tell me and I will reduce you to acquaintance. I’m a big girl and I have had to grow up very fast and keep shields around my heart so I won’t fall apart every time someone I like rejects me. I have worked hard to get here and I don’t need some boy distracting me because he can’t man up and tell me the truth.”
“Look it’s complicated, really complicated.” Andrew explains but Amber doesn’t have it.
“I can handle complicated, if you knew anything about me you would believe that. Now I have had enough excuses and you can’t run from this or me forever so just treat me like a person and tell me why you have been avoiding me? I think I deserve that much and I don’t deserve to be treated like this.”
Andrew looks at her in thought as he feels bad about his behavior towards her recently, “Your right, you deserve to be told the truth and treated like an adult so…I’m just gonna ask you what I’ve wanted to ask since the night of the mixer.” Amber crosses her arms listening closely, “Did you know who I was when we met?”
Amber curls her fists in frustration, “Dear god why do you and your crazy sister think I was after you? Do I strike you as some assassin who seduces her targets and slits their throats during climax?” Andrew eyes widen at her suggestion as she continues, “I didn’t know who you are when we first met! You were just some clumsy goof who almost broke my nose and then you bought me a meal, you flirted, you’re objectively hot, the math isn’t that hard DeLuca. Let me spell this out for both you and your sister.” Her patience reaches its limit as she leans forward on his chair to look him in the eyes that widen in fear, “I didn’t know who you were when we met and I didn’t know your name until you said it to me. I am the only person lost in whatever you and your sister are clearly discussing about me and I don’t know if it’s my past or the fact that I work here but the point is I am completely left out.” Amber stops leaning as she takes a deep breathe to control her emotions with Andrew looking at her intimidated, “Now that that is settled man up and tell me what the hell this is about?”
Andrew looks at her and realizes that she is telling the truth due to how mad she is about this. Only an Oscar winner could lie that good.
“You really don’t know do you?” Andrew asks.
“Know what?” Amber asks with clear annoyance.
Andrew sighs and decides that she should hear it straight from the source of this problem, “…You need to talk to your brother. Ask him about me and him and…hopefully he tells you better than I could.”
Amber looks at him confused over this sudden turn of the subject, “What does Alex have to do with this? We haven’t talked in almost a decade and you’ve never brought him up until now. Did he talk to you about me or something?” She has a dark look in her eyes as she asks. Andrew has a feeling Alex knows something about her and she thinks he told him about it.
“He didn’t say anything about you I haven’t even talked to him since the mixer. It’s just…something happened with us and you’re his sister so this makes us wrong for reasons you need to ask him about.”
Amber narrows her eyes at him in disturbance, “Did you and my brother…?” Andrew widens his eyes as the pause finishes the question.
“No, no, it’s nothing like that it’s not.” Andrew emphasizes not to make it clear that there was nothing between him and Alex.
“Okay then what’s the problem?”
“Look you have to talk to Alex, he should explain it to you because…I don’t think you’ll believe it coming from me.”
Amber looks at him in frustration but relents, “Fine I will ask him.”
Andrew adds one more thing, “And if you tell him we spent the night together I beg you to say I didn’t know your last name that night, that tidbit is very important here.” His fear for his life makes Amber calm down a bit and look at him in thought.
“Okay I’ll add that. Now I’m just gonna ask my estranged borther what he did to a guy I slept with once that’s causing him to act weird…weirdo.” Amber leaves the room with her files causing Andrew to lean back inhaling and exhaling as his worries skyrocket over that conversation.
I walk down the hall after finishing that huge stack of paper charts and find Alex at the nurse’s station conversing with Jo. I steadily approach him and Jo who looks at me confused by my presence. Alex probably noticed as he turns surprised to see me approaching him after I made it clear he was dead to me several times. I put on a stone-cold face as I need to ask him this question quickly and quietly so I don’t attract attention and people figure out I slept with a senior resident. He looks at me confused but greets me.
“Hey what are you doing here? I thought you were on scut.”
I’m frustrated with this situation so I cut right to the chase, “I need to ask you something and I want you to answer it.”
Alex looks at me confused but goes with it, “Um okay what is it?”
“What happened with you and Andrew DeLuca?”
Jo’s face falls as if she knows something too which only irks me further that even my brother’s girlfriend I barely know is in the inner circle. Alex narrows his eyes at me confused about the subject of Andrew DeLuca.
“Why are you asking about him? Wait, how do you know him?”
Jo clears her throat, “Um Alex maybe we should talk in private.”
I roll my eyes at her, “Dr. Wilson I don’t know you but I am pissed as hell and I need to know why everyone is talking like I’m not even in the room. So this is between us.”
“What is between us? Because I am lost in how you know DeLuca.”
“And I am lost in how you know him because so far it is causing him and his sister to act weird around me.” I wasn’t in the mood to expose my love life to him but he needs context, “We need space, closet now.”
Alex raises his eyebrows at my request, “What?”
I roll my eyes at him, “Closet now.” I go to a supply closet nearby and Alex follows as I hold the door for him. Jo looks at us uneasily as I close the door giving us privacy, “Andrew and I met at a bar the night I came for my interview. We drank, laughed and…we got along really well.”
Alex’s face is blank as if he’s been run over by a truck. It takes him a moment before he speaks again, “…You and…DeLuca are dating?”
“No we’re not dating it was just one night but I like him so far but him hearing my last name is causing him to run like the Roadrunner when I try to talk to him.” I look around the room to make sure no one is here and continue, “Now what is this about? Because I feel like you three are in something together and I am the only one left out. It’s like you and Aaron playing baseball and excluding me because I was too short.”
“In fairness you were five.” Alex explains before going back to the topic of this conversation, “I’m guessing he didn’t know you were my sister when we met otherwise we wouldn’t be here right now.”
I groan in frustration again, “No he didn’t now he told me to tell you that which is another thing I’m confused about. Now tell me what the hell is going on before someone gets punched.” Alex grimaces at the punch word as if I triggered him.
Alex sighs heavily as if trying to find the right words, “Okay fine…it started a year ago…”
Andrew sits next to his sister at her research table going over the screen of another woman in the MRI. He reprimands her for talking to Amber despite him specifically asking her not to.
“You should have listened to me. I told you not to go to her and you did and now she thinks your crazy and honestly I kind of agree with her.”
Carina rolls her eyes, “I was trying to protect you I wanted to know if what I feared was true. Her brother beat you to near death I didn’t know much about her before then. I didn’t scare her too bad and she held her own when I asked her.”
“I would have asked her eventually tonight when we hang out. I was planning to confront her and ask her if she was after me to get revenge for her brother.”
“Andrea I am more scary out of the two of us and you would’ve jumped back into bed with her if she said no. I can tell if a person lies not you.”
He wants to storm out but his curiosity over Amber gets the better of him, “…Just tell me what you found out.”
Carina turns fully to face him like she can’t wait to gossip, “Well she didn’t know who you were and she doesn’t know what her brother did to you.”
“How could she not know?”
“They haven’t spoken in 8 years I think she resents him for some reason but I didn’t get the specials.”
“Specifics.” Andrew corrects, “Are you sure she didn’t know?”
“She was very honest with me in that elevator. I think I scared her actually and she’s using the stairs now. She’s a little young but I think you can look past it.”
“How young?”
“23, she’s some kind of bookworm who skipped three years of school. She’s funny she made jokes even when I was all up in her face. She’s bisexual I think, she mentioned sleeping with women.”
Andrew doesn’t care about that what he cares about is if this girl is just another Karev nightmare waiting to happen to him, “Okay fine but what’s your impression of her so far?”
Carina grins, “She seems like a very lovely girl, a little damaged but nobody is perfect.”
Andrew sighs as his attraction to her reignites a bit, “Yeah she is a lovely girl…who’s off limits. Do you really think her brother is gonna approve of me dating her after what happened? I highly doubt we’re gonna go out for steak and beers.”
“Did you do that before he beat you up?” Andrew narrows his eyes at her, “She said she wasn’t close to her brother and she’s an adult Andrea she doesn’t need her brother’s permission to date you. Before her genes came out did you like her?”
“…Yes, I liked her a lot but-”
“No but’s she’s not the problem here or her brother you are. You’re so caught up and scared from what happened that you want to throw away your chance at happiness. She’s not her brother and I think he’s learned not to overreact to a wrong time and wrong place situation again. The only thing that’s in the way is you.”
Andrew thinks on it before trying to make excuses, “She’s 23, that’s seven years younger than me.” Carina doesn’t have it.
“Don’t be stupid she’s not too young and you have the mindset of a teenager. You need young.”
Andrew chuckles at her comment, “So what are you saying? I should give it another chance with her? Knowing her DNA this time?”
“I think if she feels bad about what her brother did to you when he tells her about it that will tell you everything you need to know about her. Besides if it’s any consolation she seems to hate her brother as much as you do.”
Andrew looks at her in thought as that suggestion sinks in, “How do you think she’s gonna react when he tells her?”
I punch Alex in the face as hard as I can due to seething rage coursing through my veins. I’m a boxer so I know how to punch but he’s a wrestler so he knows how to take a hit and is still standing. Once he was done with the part about how Andrew dropped the charges against him despite having enough evidence to get this violent idiot in prison for years I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Everything starts to make sense from DeLuca’s reaction to my last name to why Alex was weird when I asked him about it. Also, Carina was interrogating me not because she was crazy but because she thought I was as crazy as my brother. The punch to the face doesn’t help my case but I don’t care. Even with Alex shaking it off and standing in front of me with remorse in his eyes I still want to hit him again this time in the family jewels.
He rubs his jaw, “I deserved that.”
“You deserve worse way worse.” I say with venom in my tone, I’m not letting him off easy like the others clearly did, “It would be one thing if it was a punch like mine but you almost blinding him isn’t just stupid it was evil. What were you thinking? Were you thinking?”
Alex sighs and rubs his eyes, “I saw him on top of her, she was passed out and not wearing clothes and…I saw red. He was trying to talk and-”
“You should’ve let him talk.”
“…I know I was angry and-”
“Alex, you should’ve let him talk!” I don’t want to hear his excuses because as far as I know everything, I knew about Alex ended the second he told me the story Andrew told me that night was about him, my brother I once looked up to, “I don’t even know you anymore, you beat a man to near death! I know this because he told me about the aftermath in medical terms. And those terms are the same ones I used to diagnose at the women’s clinic when a patient got jumped by a mugger or beat up by her boyfriend.”
Alex looks away when I make that comparison clearly ashamed of himself for what he did but I don’t let it get to me, “I’m sorry.”
I scoff at his apology, “You don’t get to be sorry.”
“If I could take it all back I would.”
“You can’t take it back!” Alex stops as he sees I’m becoming distressed, I take a deep breath, “I have never been scared of you. The one thing I could depend on when it comes to you is that you don’t scare me. Aaron scares me and mom scares me and dad…dad terrifies me and I was only two when he left but the stories mom told me when she was out of it made me terrified of him. I wasn’t scared when she told me you beat him up because I know you did to protect us…but what you did to DeLuca that wasn’t protecting anyone that was hurting someone who did not deserve it. As of right now I am scared of the people I was supposed to depend on.”
Alex looks at me in guilt with a heavy sigh, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t think this colossal screw up of mine was gonna hurt you too. I…I didn’t think at all that night and I am sorry. I don’t know what else to say to you.”
I chuckle lightly at his feeble attempt to apologize, “You know I was worried it was my past that would drive him away from the schizo mom to the schizo brother to the junkie dad it’s a lottery. But I guess you took care of that for me when you almost killed him so…thanks for that. I say sarcastically.” I walk past him to leave when he speaks up.
“Have you tried explaining it to him?”
I sigh and turn to face him, “Explain what? How I didn’t know you beat him up before I slept with him? I don’t think he would believe anything coming from the sister of the guy who almost cost him his surgical career. And I don’t want advice from you since you caused this.”
Alex solemnly nods, “I know, I know I caused this…but you didn’t. And DeLuca is a good guy, he showed that when he dropped the charges against me to protect someone else. He’s not gonna blame you for something you didn’t even know about until now. If that doesn’t convince you to talk maybe this will, don’t let the brother you resent win by staying quiet.”
Amber looks at Alex in thought despite being infuriated at him. Unfortunately, he was right about Andrew being a good guy but I don’t know if he’s able to overlook this major complication. I don’t know if he’s willing to give this a shot because of who I’m related to. I wouldn’t do that if I was in his situation but that’s because I have enough problems in my life as it is. I don’t know much about Andrew and I don’t know if he can get past this revelation…but at the very least he should know I’m not gonna do to him what my brother did. He deserves to have peace of mind when it comes to that.
I walk out of the room and briskly walk away from the peds floor to get back to my little weird radiology room to finish up the charts. For the first time since I worked here I consider paper charts a heaven. Even the part where I have to double check to see if I got the contact info right when I typed it in. It speaks to how awful this day was and how anxious I am for what’s about to come next. I hear a knock at the door and look up to find Jo Wilson standing there looking at me in guilt. I need to check if a witch put a curse on me to encounter people I don’t want to talk to.
“Hey so I take it that Alex told you and that bruise on his cheekbone was your reaction.” Jo fiddles with her fingers like she’s anxious as well, which honestly, I don’t blame her.
“Yeah, I took boxing lessons so I know how to punch but he’s a wrestler so he can take it don’t worry. I know you were the one who was there that night and your point of view is probably worse than what I can imagine right now. If you here on Alex’s behalf don’t bother.”
“Actually, I was coming to see how you were doing.” I look up surprised that she’s concerned about me, an intern she barely knows instead of her boyfriend, “I know…I know how triggering this must be for you and I know this isn’t what anybody needs on their first week so…are you okay?”
My mood towards her softens a bit as I bite the inside of my cheek, “I’m fine it’s not like I was the one who was punched repeatedly until my eye needed to be aspirated.” Jo nods, “I didn’t exactly have a soft background so I can handle tough situations when they come. How serious are you and my brother because I don’t want to reveal too much and cause you to call psych.”
“Well I’ve known Alex for years now and the first thing we bonded over was our messed up childhoods. One of the examples he gave was stopping his mother from going after his baby sister with a knife when she was off her meds.”
I inhale as that memory comes back to me. I was seven and I just came back from school. My mom was sitting on the couch staring at the wall for about an hour so I thought I was safe. It’s sad that having your mom spaced out and looking into oblivion is what you consider safe. But that ended when she grabbed a kitchen knife and thought I was some kind of nazi intruder. I ran away as fast as I could for a few minutes screaming at her to snap out of it until Alex and Aaron came back from work and held her down so Alex could tranquilize her with a sedative. Having that kind of parent already got me pegged as the loony girl from elementary to high school and I prayed it wouldn’t follow me after that.
“You seem like a nice person, a kind of girl my brother didn’t date when he was around but I beg you don’t-”
“I’m not gonna tell anyone.” Jo says in a gentle tone to my relief, “As someone who also didn’t have a normal childhood, I’m not gonna tell anyone because I know how hard we both had to work to get away from that. And you know growing up the way you did it doesn’t make you weak or crazy it makes you pretty damn badass for you to go from there to here all on your own.”
“Thanks.” I say simply because I don’t know what to do right now. A part of me blames Alex but a small tiny part of me blames her too because she was the reason Andrew was there that night and got the beating of his lifetime. I don’t know how to interact with her further so I turn back to my charts to ignore her but she’s still there, “Is there something you need?”
Jo sighs and closes the door behind her, “Look I’m sorry for what happened that night. I know I played a big part in what happened with Alex and Andrew. Whatever is going on with you and Alex I can imagine your not mad enough to want to see him in prison for something that could’ve been avoided if I was honest with him. I…I know you don’t want to hear it and I know you must be mad at me but for what it’s worth I’m sorry you have to suffer from this too.”
I look at her touched by her apology. Most of the girls my brother dated treat me like a little girl and talk over me or just ignore me completely. Jo seems to be different, she could’ve just ignored me and let me stew in private but she didn’t. She’s actually making an effort which makes her okay in my book so far. She looks genuinely remorseful more so than Alex if that was possible.
“I just wanted you to know that, I’ll get out of your way.” Jo turns to leave when I decide to ask her something.
“That night we slept together…he didn’t mention a name but he said the coworker he was helping that night was hiding from someone. And that if he pressed charges and went to trial she would be on the stand and that guy she was hiding from would probably find her and kill her after. It was you, wasn’t it?”
Jo looks down in shame, “Yeah it still is. I just filed for divorce and I’m hoping he does it without a face to face but yeah that’s why he dropped the charges. He wanted to protect me and I am grateful for that always.” I nod and my admiration for Andrew heightens as does my approval for this woman. Even though she could’ve handled it better she did her best during an impossible situation to protect herself. I wish my mom did that with my father when she had the chance instead of forcing Alex to kick him out instead.
“Well for what it’s worth I’m glad you got out alive. No woman should have to go through what you went through. Especially from someone who was supposed to love you.” Jo looks at me shocked like she was expecting a backlash but I don’t give it to her. She’s a survivor like me and I can’t help but respect her for that.
“Thank you for that…and if you ever want to talk to anyone about this stuff I’m always here. I know what it was like growing up rough and let’s be honest your entire generation is spoiled and have the social skills of a hermit.” I grin at that in full agreement, “They wouldn’t get it but I would, it’s the only upside in growing up like that. So if you ever want to talk or throw stuff my door is always open.”
I look at her even more impressed with her, “Well thank you…if the time ever comes, I might just take you up on that offer.”
“Okay well I gotta get back to work and so do you, bye.”
“Bye.” Jo leaves and I go back to my charts a tiny bit better that at least I have one ally at this place.
Andrew walks out of the emergency bay slinging his backpack over his shoulder exhausted. He stops in place when he sees Amber sitting on the bench also ready to leave. He can tell she was waiting for him to come out because she stands up as soon as she sees him. Andrew could tell she already knew what happened because she looks ashamed and sad for obvious reasons.
“Hey.” Amber greets him with so much despair even in one single word.
“Hey. I take it he told you.”
Amber nods and inhales, “…I’m sorry I am so incredibly sorry for what my bastard brother did. I-I didn’t know about you or him I didn't know what happened when we met.”
Andrew sighs at her apology, “Yeah I know I gathered that from the way you denied it when you cornered me in that room.”
“I am so sorry for that if I knew what was going on I would’ve been just a little less scary when I did that. People say I can be pretty intense sometimes.”
Andrew grins slightly, “Really? How many people did you lock yourself in a room with and try to intimidate?”
Amber chuckles nervously, “Would you believe you’re the only one I’ve done that to? And in fairness I thought you sent your sister play bad cop.”
He purses his lips at that mention, “Yeah she can get pretty intense too. I don’t have to tell you that since you and I walked in on her naked with my roommate.”
Amber nods, “…I know you probably won’t believe me but I swear I wasn’t after you. I didn’t concoct some…Watergate scheme to get back at you. I’m not that vindictive, I am a shark I had to become one so I could get where I am but not in my personal life and never towards someone I like.” Andrew softens as she tells him she likes him, “I like you a lot and I am mad at my brother on your behalf and I am ashamed of what he did. You weren’t a target you were just a guy I wanted to get to know and…still want to get to know.” Andrew runs his hands through his hair at her confession as she continues, “I know it’s crazy to give me a chance this time knowing full well who I am but here’s what you need to know. I am not close with Alex; I haven’t been for a long time and I can safely say I never will be. If you’re worried he’s gonna disapprove or beat you up if you don’t treat me right don’t because I made it more than clear he is a stranger to me. I know I am forbidden fruit but I promise you will not die if you bite me.”
Andrew smiles at her innuendo which she catches causing her to grin as well, “Yeah that came out way more dirty than I thought.”
Andrew chuckles, “ Yeah I would be disappointed if you didn’t catch it after you said it…I can tell you feel bad about what happened even if it happened before we met. If it was under normal circumstances, I would ask you out again so…I’m gonna try to move past this awkward revelation. Your funny, and nice and smart and we had a great time, how about we start slow and work our way up?”
Amber looks relieved, “Yeah slow and steady sounds good to me. How about we start with that dinner you promised me that morning?”
Andrew looks at Amber affectionately before making a decision, “Yeah sure the bar across the street has surprisingly good burgers. And the bar counter isn’t sticky.”
Amber grins at him, “Okay lead the way.”
The two of them walk side by side towards Joe’s Bar both of them feeling relaxed in each other’s presence for the first time.
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mazzystar24 · 1 year
Hear me out:
Evan “Buck” Buckley 🤝 Meredith grey:
Both being reckless and acting like they are expendable under the guise of helping people, and this self destructive behaviour is caused by their parents traumatising them and making them think they don’t matter
Both miraculously surviving a billion different near death or actual death experiences
Both having a scene where they consider giving up but the people they love help them
Both having a “slut phase” + being called out on it + when they develop in the later seasons they make reference to “the old Meredith” or “Buck 1.0”
Both with have a pseudo-father who is their work superior (captain/chief of surgery) + the entire found family trope in both shows
Both have secret siblings they didn’t know about
Both have shitty parents who both used their traumas to justify being shitty parents to them
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jobrookekarev · 3 months
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Jolex Instagram AU: Part Four: Baby #3 Robin Karev
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godsfatassspheal · 9 days
They don't all fit :( I will be doing the women I am in love with aswell :) I am mentally unwell :)
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prpfs · 7 months
❀ 🕊️ hiii all! im searching for a few different fandoms. to roleplay with me, you must be 18+. i mainly roleplay on discord, and i'd really like to have roleplay partners who i can become friends with and talk ooc. i love plotting, headcannoning, making fun little edits, playlists and moodboards for our roleplays! im fine with any genre really, romance, fluff, darker themes, and even certain dead dove themes. i have no triggers. i do double up and i do oc x cc or oc x oc. i rarely, rarely do cc x cc.
Fargo 5 im looking for someone to play as Gator Tillman for me. I know it doesn't come out until the twenty first but im already so invested into this character it's unreal.
Stranger Things my character will be paired with Steve Harrington.
The Walking Dead my character will be paired with another OC of mine
Spree my character will be paired with Kurt Kunkle. if you want him as well, I don't mind doing separate universes
65 my character will be paired with either Mills or another OC of mine
Greys Anatomy my character will be paired with either Alex Karev or another oc of mine
like if you're interested and op will get back to you
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sunmoon9129 · 7 months
greys anatomy roleplay
Hey, my name is Sun! I'm a 23-year-old female, and currently I'm looking for a Grey's Anatomy roleplay. I've just recently gotten into the show and just finished it, and I am in love, and I've really been wanting to do a roleplay based on it.
What I'm looking for is an OCX canon roleplay. I'm currently in love with Alex Karev and Mark Sloan, and I would absolutely love it if somebody could play either of them for me. I'm also in love with Preston Burke, Jackson Avery, and Callie, so if anybody could play those, I would be so internally grateful, and I would happily play somebody for you. I feel most confident playing Izzie Steven's, George, April, and Meredith, and Jo Wilson. If you want me to play someone, I could. I'm just not super confident, but we could always talk it out.
I write about three to four paragraphs per reply, but I always match with you just to make sure everything is even and nice. The only real rule I have is that you tell me if you don't like something so I can go in and fix it. Please do not block me or unfriend me just because you don't like something I said in my reply. I'm always happy to fix those and edit those if you would like me to.
Right now, I don't have a plot in mind, but again, we could always talk. If someone is interested, please contact me on Discord or here. My tag is sunmoon4098.
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gonna take you away from harm💕🥺
[song: Big Jet Plane — Angus & Julia Stone]
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