#alex has said that he won’t go back to rbr
likelylarks · 4 months
me, putting on my tin hat: the alex to rbr in 2025 rumors have been specially concocted by christian horner to force (his enemy) toto wolff into signing alex at mercedes (where alex will kill george in a brocedes 2.0 showdown)
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jamesvowles · 11 months
Thank YOU <33 This is a long ass story tbh... tw is only the mental issues that i had to deal with, but now I can handle them pretty well. I also has set no reblog for this ask because my friend is also using tumblr and I don't want her to see this. (no one will reblog anyway
I’m a George stan and lived with a Max stan, probably the biggest George anti for two years. I started watching F1 because of her, and thought we will be fine, because we were good friends and drivers can’t change this fact at all. I always gave her Max merch for her birthday or when I wanted to buy something for myself etc etc
We were all good and fun but on March she moved to Netherlands and won’t be back in the future I think, I have to stay here because my family are and it’s still the best option for me. I had a serious separation anxiety disorder and started crying everyday from a week before her move out day and it lasted around two weeks? I stayed in the apartment alone and tried my best to get my shit together, but on April I was laid off from my job. At that time I had no income and had to seek for jobs and also a cheaper apartment because I couldn’t afford the current one anymore. I even had to find a therapist.
I decided to go to Miami GP to relax myself a little, and you know that’s right after the George and Max argument😅 I didn’t talk about this with my friend because I thought that’s not a big deal and ppl think they're funny, until when I was on my way to the airport to Miami I saw her using some bad words (like really bad) to talk about George then blocked two of my F1 related accounts, and she didn’t want to talk to me about this at all. At first I was angry then it became self doubting, like what if she doesn’t even like me in the first place (because her other mutuals also post George sometimes), what if I was not a good friend and good roommate for her. I know I’m a mediocre person, acted like too needy to her, always making troubles when cooking, and she never liked my cat. My parents are divorced and will never have a happy and healthy family like hers. My friends said it’s not worth it because I do have other friends to hangout but it’s not that simple for me, it hurts more than when you suddenly thinking about your ex girlfriend at midnight and makes you wanna cry lmao
Then after June I am living with my friend in a new apartment and can at least earn some money, everything becomes better. At this time I started writing russtappen fic😁… At first it’s only for revenge, kind of? I know she's using AO3 as well and I do curious about her reaction when she saw it, would she read it or not. To write Max more in character, I searched a lot of contents about him (I was neutral about Max and never got to know him tbh, just followed the fellow merc fans for the anti rbr train before), found out that he’s somehow an interesting person. Then I am digging russtappen contents on tiktok and here, of course I saw all your drawing and edits, they are amazing!! <3 I still don’t think the Max that I wrote is in character, because it’s a gender reversed AU and russtappen in my fic are actually much more gentle and idealized than irl. Luckily I got more interacts than I thought, the fic is non-english but there’re ppl willing to translate it and wrote me comments, i appreciate! 
Now I think my F1 opinions may be changed compare to the time I just started watching. Of course I’m still a George stan, but i don’t even consider myself as a merc fan by how George is being treated, and I am kinda tired for the hate toward Max only because he’s fast. At least he loves his cats much much more than Alex does. While continue finishing my fic, I am actually talking to my friend again. It’s me who usually start the conversations and her responds are not enthusiastic tbh, (we don’t talk about my fic, not even our daily life, just some memes like the logan sargeant update on twitter) I don’t know if this is toxic or unhealthy for me, I just realized that maybe I don’t care about her that much anymore and don’t care about how she feels about me. And that’s the end. wOW it is long and i hope no one will finish reading this. As a conclusion I will stay away from Libras for the rest of my life because they're heartless
stranger anon i don't have anything to contribute bc wow!!! the layers!!! but im happy about ur life and f1 journey....hoping everything continues on the upward trajectory bwahaha ^_^. losing friendships is hard but sometimes it's just the best path ahead for your own sanity yk? thank you for sharing <3. my inbox is always open for anything
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and also max verstappen is a libra
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race-week · 3 years
heyy Al, im in need of your amazing analysis for this one. Also im really sorry if this is too long, I tend to waffle (but I feel like context is important lmao)
so I have been seeing a lot of silly season predictions already for 2022, specifically regarding the Alpha tauri and Red Bull seats since its rumored that Gasly would want to continue his career elsewhere and leave AT, hypothetically it would leave an AT seat vacant. Also keeping in mind the volatility with the second seat at the F1 RB team, if Sergio isn't singed for 2022 it could also mean another seat is available in Red Bull as well as Alpha Tauri.
So I know its a stretch but as far as I can see, the only two logical options is to fill the vacant seat with a current RB academy F2 driver which is either Juri, Jehan or Liam. or the other option is that if Mercedes doesn't renew Bottas's contract for 2022 then he would either go back to Williams (which is unlikely) so he would fill the Red Bull seat.
now my question is: from the f2 drivers who do you think is most likely to fill said vacant seats in AT, and who would be the best fit for an F1 seat between (Jehan,liam,juri)
thanks, and apologies again for the long question :)
Hi anon great insights!
Don’t apologise for waffling, when you read this you will realise that I waffle way more.
I have a few opinions about this, let’s say for some reason Sergio doesn’t sign a contract for a second year at Red Bull (I personally think that he will, but this calls for devils advocate) I don’t really see Red Bull/Helmut Marko putting a RBR junior straight into Red Bull, I think their academy is really strong at the moment and it’s a shame that all three likely won’t get seats but it’d be quite self destructive for RBR to put an unproven junior driver in the top team when 2022 is their best chance to fight for a championship with the new regulations, I also don’t think that at the moment Yuki is ready to step up to Red Bull and probably needs another year at AT.
There is a chance that they could take Alex Albon back but I’m not sure that they would do that without having him spend some time in AT just to get used to single seater racing again.
Valtteri (if he isn’t signed by Mercedes) is a possibility however my thoughts with what Merc will do is that they will hold off making the announcement until the very end of the year (I don’t really believe the rumour that the announcement will come at Silverstone) as Toto will want to hold his cards close to his chest, this obviously means that for him to potentially get a RBR seat Red Bull can’t announce anything until very late in the season (a possibility - they did it last year)
I personally don’t see the RBR lineup changing it’s looking like the strongest pairing that they have had for a while, and in terms of Pierre leaving the Red Bull family at first I was hoping that he’d move to Alpine but Fernando had a contract for 2022 and Esteban is looking like his 2022 contract will be signed too soon, and with their pileup of juniors it seems unlikely.
Unfortunately there just isn’t enough seats for old drivers to come back, new drivers to come in and the current drivers to move to better teams.
I do think that out of the current RBR juniors Jüri is most likely to get an f1 seat first, he has his Superlicence and all he has to do this year is get good results and show Helmut he can succeed, Liam will likely have a second F2 year (which is super common) and it’ll allow him to fully focus on the title fight next year (whilst he’s also got his dtm duties this year)
TLDR: this is my line up
RBR: max and sergio
AT: Pierre and Yuki or Jüri
Devils Advocate (Sergio and Pierre don’t re sign)
RBR: max and valtteri
AT: Alex and Yuki
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