#alester ash
suunkiised · 2 days
these are the characters that still need to be assigned pokemon, so if you have any suggestions leave them below!!
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[Start ID: A list of Kuroshitsuji characters that have been seperated into two parts, all have an '=' at the end of their name. The list is: Charles Grey, Charles Phipps, Diedrich, Alester, Kelvin, Beast, Dagger, Doctor, Doll, Joker, Jumbo, Peater, Wendy, Johann, Lawrence, Clayton, Herman, Gregory, Edgar, Maurice, Derrick, Joanne, Alois, Claude, Hannah, Canterbury, Timber, Thompson, Angela, Ash, Sullivan, and Wolfram. End ID.]
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Character Descriptions for Fantasy High
Season 2 episode 5
I decided to give you guys all the visual info for the notable characters from the latest episode (and a few random details I thought might help with their vibe). Please let me know if you have more to add or spelling corrections and let's have some fun! ^_^
If any of yall create art or a story using what I did here, for gods sakes tag me or shoot me an ask/PM so I can see it! I love everything yall create, but not everything shows up in the Fantasy High tag, so I would love to get the opportunity to see things I would miss otherwise ^_^
Jamina Joy
Alternate spellings for name: Jaminna, Jamyna, Jamynna, Jemina, or a nickname for Benjamina
War forged: Living automaton made of stone and rusted steal and wood
8.5 feet tall
Right eye is gleaming bright latern eye (sort of a golem magic robot look) and left eye is short circuited with visible tungsten wire (that would normally be lit) is frayed. The working eye makes a sound and (combined with Brennan's hand movement) appears to be able to zoom and/or scan.
Right hand has 3 stone fingers that close like a claw (Brennan's hand movement indicates the movement is similar to a claw machine) and left hand is a four barrel rotating cannon.
Tri-clawed "feet" (more robotic than human approximations)
Long blue captain's coat, dirty white normal sailor's shirt (under her coat), striped pants (no color given) that go down to her "feet"
Deep husky voice (inhale or growl sound before she starts talking each time).
No approximation of a heart or thing that beats. "In my chest of stone and wood, there beats no heart to keep in time."
No knowledge of Solace, it's tech, or it's culture.
Alester Ash
Alternate spellings for name: Alistair, Alastair, Alistair, Aleister, Allister, Alister, Alester, and Alaister
Teenage tiefling (Brennan said he looks young many times and sometimes called him a kid, so probably younger than the group)
Bright red skin with a tail and cloven hooves
Malnourished, scrawny, clean shaven (or just hairless)
Scarf and jangly jewelry
Said it was rumored that he was descended Geryon (deposed former lord of the Fifth circle of hell) on his mother side and Dispater (lord of the second circle of hell) on his father's side
Was a street urchin and can't read.
Currently a warlock (due to Bill Seacaster's patron pyramid scheme) with low intelligence (and probably low on wisdom too), but decent charisma.
Garthy O'Brien
Nonbinary half-orc aasimar
Descendant of "risen devils" called Za-zhear-ee (closed captioning spell it Zajiri)
Muscular and tall
Sides and back of head is shaved with a flop of black hair on top
Whites of eyes are black, irises are shimmering metalic gold, and pupils are black. Their irises can spiral when they examine things.
Top surgery scars disguised with geometric celestial tattoos
Thin line geometric tattoo work around their wrists and biceps
Floral tattoos on their midsection with some sharp leaves
No shirt, fabric heavy harem pants, and fine boots with a myriad of belts and straps
A little metalic silver accent makeup on their lips (gesture makes it seem like it's a line in the center) and a little around their eyes.
Massive two-handed scimitar (kept on their back) with gold rings stamped into the back of the blade, the sharp edge on the curve and rings jangling on the back of it.
Sexually? Yes.
Zajiri are risen devils of the orc pantheon that represent everything in life that is soft, wonderful, beautiful, pleasurable, and pleasing. Like holy succubi who tempt orcs away from the ways of their god. "The job is to fuck people into being decent basically."
James Wicklaw
Ilithid mindflayer
6.5 feet tall
Underdark humanoid with squid-like face, beady eyes, and tentacles that come out of his face (one with a peg leg) that hide his beak
Wearing a bright scarlet coat and blue shirt with an intense crystaline sabor by his side
Captain of The Crimson Claw
He eat brains, drinks mead, hates Bill Seacaster, hates Fabian, and thinks there should be a pirate king
Cathilda the Black, Terror of the Celestine Sea
Random racist dwarf with double braided beard covered in firecrackers (about an hour in the stream) which Fig disguised herself as.
Adaine: Put on a tricorner hat (but is still in her normal clothes)
Gorgug: Got a huge tin flower tattoo on his right arm at the shoulder. Also some Zajiri celestial runes on his right forearm
Fig: Pain and pleasure tattooed in Zajiri celestial runes. Edit: @daxina pointed out that Fig may have gotten the tattoos on her wrists as that was where she originally intended to get the tattoo, but she also pointed to her knuckles during the part when getting the tattoo, so it's unclear which is correct at this time.
Kristen: Neck tattoo of Tracker's name on the right side of her neck.
Tracker: Neck tattoo of Kristen's name on the right side of her neck.
Riz: All the clues he's found so far during the current investigation given to a tattoo artist. Most likely all text, but not confirmed. The words "Night Yorb" as a chest piece (unknown if other words were also put on his chest). Other clues on his shoulders. Said if they ran out of room to use his back. Edit: @mellowyall discovered that Riz got Garthy on his right inner forearm (held up his arm at a right angle with his palm forward and pointed towards the inner area of his forearm, same area as brachioradialis muscle). As Riz mispronounced the name as Gardy/Guardy, it may or may not be misspelled. Murph also motioned to his lower neck as well as his chest, shoulders, and forearm during the scene where he mentioned his forearm tattoo, so that might be the extent of the area for his tattoos.
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istumpysk · 3 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
AGOT: Eddard XV (Chapter 58)
The king eats, Robert had said, and the Hand takes the shit. How he had laughed. Yet he had gotten it wrong. The king dies, Ned Stark thought, and the Hand is buried.
Interesting theory, Ned. Let’s explore further.
Robert Baratheon💀: Jon Arryn💀, Eddard Stark💀
Joffrey Baratheon💀: Tywin Lannister💀
Tommen Baratheon❓: Tywin Lannister💀, Harys Swyft❓, Orten Merryweather❓, Mace Tyrell❓
But wait, there’s more!
Renly Baratheon💀 : Mace Tyrell❓
Stannis Baratheon❓: Alester Florent💀, Davos Seaworth❓
Daenerys Targaryen❓: Barristan Selmy❓
Aegon VI Targaryen❓: Jon Connington❓
I have to agree, all of these people are doomed, with the exception of Davos Seaworth, who could easily die and it wouldn’t shock me in the least.
Anyway, let’s add Tyrion to the list, yeah?
Cersei Lannister's face seemed to float before him in the darkness. Her hair was full of sunlight, but there was mockery in her smile.
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THE NEXT CHAPTER? What kind of witchcraft is this? @agentrouka-blog
When he thought of his daughters, he would have wept gladly, but the tears would not come. Even now, he was a Stark of Winterfell, and his grief and his rage froze hard inside him.    
You and Catelyn should work on that, it can’t be healthy.
He made plans to keep himself sane, built castles of hope in the dark.
Father and daughter building castles of hope!! 😭🥺
I failed you, Robert, Ned thought. He could not say the words. I lied to you, hid the truth. I let them kill you.    
I mean yeah, you kind of did. Really fucked over your kids too.
Cracks ran down his face, fissures opening in the flesh, and he reached up and ripped the mask away. It was not Robert at all; it was Littlefinger, grinning, mocking him. When he opened his mouth to speak, his lies turned to pale grey moths and took wing.    
Littlefinger with a mouth full of moths! How fun. Let’s look at some other passages featuring moths:
A moth had gotten into the lantern Ser Boros was holding; she could hear it buzzing and see the shadow of its wings as it beat against the glass. 
Her heels scraped against the stone as she climbed, and she could still hear the moth fluttering wildly inside Ser Osmund's lantern. Die, the queen thought at it, in irritation, fly into the flame and be done with it. - Cersei I, AFFC
He did not remember if they'd been warm or not. As the strength went out of her, her blows became moths fluttering about his face. Each time he gave the chain another twist the golden hands dug deeper. - Tyrion II, ADWD
Clutching the bars of his cage with bound hands, Mance sobbed and begged. When the fire reached him he did a little dance. His screams became one long, wordless shriek of fear and pain. Within his cage, he fluttered like a burning leaf, a moth caught in a candle flame. - Jon III, ADWD
"Risk is part of war," declared Ser Richard Horpe, a lean knight with a ravaged face whose quilted doublet showed three death's-head moths on a field of ash and bone. - Jon IV, ADWD
You’re dead, bitch.
The memory came creeping upon him in the darkness, as vivid as a dream. It was the year of false spring, and he was eighteen again, down from the Eyrie to the tourney at Harrenhal. He could see the deep green of the grass, and smell the pollen on the wind. Warm days and cool nights and the sweet taste of wine. He remembered Brandon's laughter, and Robert's berserk valor in the melee, the way he laughed as he unhorsed men left and right. He remembered Jaime Lannister, a golden youth in scaled white armor, kneeling on the grass in front of the king's pavilion and making his vows to protect and defend King Aerys. Afterward, Ser Os well Whent helped Jaime to his feet, and the White Bull himself, Lord Commander Ser Gerold Hightower, fastened the snowy cloak of the Kingsguard about his shoulders. All six White Swords were there to welcome their newest brother.                 
Yet when the jousting began, the day belonged to Rhaegar Targaryen. The crown prince wore the armor he would die in: gleaming black plate with the three-headed dragon of his House wrought in rubies on the breast. A plume of scarlet silk streamed behind him when he rode, and it seemed no lance could touch him. Brandon fell to him, and Bronze Yohn Royce, and even the splendid Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning.
Robert had been jesting with Jon and old Lord Hunter as the prince circled the field after unhorsing Ser Barristan in the final tilt to claim the champion's crown. Ned remembered the moment when all the smiles died, when Prince Rhaegar Targaryen urged his horse past his own wife, the Dornish princess Elia Martell, to lay the queen of beauty's laurel in Lyanna's lap. He could see it still: a crown of winter roses, blue as frost.    
Such vivid memories of the whole affair.
Wait, no Ashara Dayne?
Ned Stark reached out his hand to grasp the flowery crown, but beneath the pale blue petals the thorns lay hidden. He felt them clawing at his skin, sharp and cruel, saw the slow trickle of blood run down his fingers, and woke, trembling, in the dark.    
That’s the thing about blue roses, they may represent daughters of House Stark, but they’re also synonymous with death.
I’m just saying if a blue flower surrounded by ice showed up in one of my prophetic dreams, I might be worried. Especially if I’ve been warned about the colour blue, and sweet smells.
"Can you free me from this pit?"         
"I could … but will I? No. Questions would be asked, and the answers would lead back to me."    
✨ foreshadowing ✨
"Your own ends. What ends are those, Lord Varys?"                 
"Peace," Varys replied without hesitation. "If there was one soul in King's Landing who was truly desperate to keep Robert Baratheon alive, it was me."
There’s a popular theory that Varys never outright lies, he only omits truth.
That theory is bad.
Ned Stark laid his head back against the damp stone wall and closed his eyes. His leg was throbbing. "The king's wine … did you question Lancel?"                 
"Oh, indeed. Cersei gave him the wineskins, and told him it was Robert's favorite vintage." The eunuch shrugged. "A hunter lives a perilous life. If the boar had not done for Robert, it would have been a fall from a horse, the bite of a wood adder, an arrow gone astray … the forest is the abbatoir of the gods. It was not wine that killed the king. It was your mercy."
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It’s me, the village idiot.
If you will give her the peace she needs and the time to deal with Stannis, and pledge to carry her secret to your grave, I believe she will allow you to take the black and live out the rest of your days on the Wall, with your brother and that baseborn son of yours.
“Pledge to carry her secret to your grave” followed by a mention of that baseborn son.
I don’t believe Varys knows about Jon, but sometimes I do wonder.
And spare a thought for this as well: The next visitor who calls on you could bring you bread and cheese and the milk of the poppy for your pain … or he could bring you Sansa's head.                 
"The choice, my dear lord Hand, is entirely yours."
Up next, an honourable lie actually worth telling.
Final thoughts:
Thus concludes the last Eddard Stark chapter in the series. Not sad to see them end, to be honest.
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fordboyle · 3 years
Emphasize that the same pride you take in caring for your pet extends to taking care of your home.
Emphasize that the same pride you take in caring for your pet extends to taking care of your home. And the nights were worse. The Court decided this lawsuit should be a class action on behalf of a "Class," or group of people, that could include you. Melisandre had given Alester Florent to her god on Dragonstone, to conjure up the wind that bore them north. Where is my Pulitzer?Close students of presidential politics such as the eminent Michael Barone and Charles Krauthammer know that liberals go to painful lengths to live up to their prototypical image. If Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS resented in the heat of blood, it would probably extenuate a homicide to manslaughter, upon the same principle with the case stated by Lord Hale, that if A riding on the road, B had whipped his horse out of the track, and then A had alighted and killed B.. With an impatient gesture he puma red bull racing evo cat papuci de casa din pasla ii flung the paper on the table, rapping it vigorously with the stick to which the paper was fastened, and blazing with personal dignity, and crimson with punch and amour Propre, in his turn he fastened his little bloodshot eyes on the offensive old man. They sit in camping chairs, drink Big Gulp sodas, and get blank stares.. Black ash and dying embers were all that remained of the hearthfire. The captain had only to look at him to see that the white knight was ghete galbene piele ill at ease. G. The watchdog group specifically called out a 2007 episode that featured dialogue about bestiality and sex with vegetables and filed an indecency complaint with the FCC for a strip club scene in a 2008 episode.. So this mat and the plug I linked would work together, yes?Any ever so slightly conductive surface should easily provide sufficient conductivity for ESD purposes. “A sure cure for constipation,” said Tyrion. "It may be bikes btt usadas that a family may need to pay an electricity bill, and there aren't any organizations in that community that can help them address them, so they take care of that with a grant awarded to the school district," Garza said. Tahanto Regional, at Fino Field in Milford.. Violence, displacement and hunger are on the rise in the country as the Obama administration has extended the war for a third time. In 2011 Lewis McGowan starred as a little boy who could barely wait for Christmas, the star last year was Monty The Penguin. He thought of Tysha and wondered where whores go. I shuddered, and I, too, cried out. We hope that consumers will engage with our rich brand story that is 104 years in the making.". The right of masters to dispose of the time of their slaves has been distinctly recognized by the Creator of all things, who is surely at liberty to vest the right of property over any object in whomsoever he pleases. A Hindoo, who knew nothing of this generous and beautiful book, except from such pamphlets as Mr. The Narraqqa could stand a new rudder and lines, and the Banded Lizard has some cracked oars, but they will serve. We went in to Natasha. "And if I can help, even with a loaf of homemade bread to a family, then that's great. His account says it was Syrax, Rhaenyra’s she-dragon, which makes more sense than Munken’s version. Tickets are $7, available at the door. There will be spearwives too. It was a mode of death which, to use the language that Cicero in his day applied to crucifixion, “ought to be forever removed from the sight, hearing, and from the very thoughts of mankind.” And to this horrible scene two white men were WITNESSES!. “Of course not. His goal set the stage for a wild finish in the gold medal game.. The way the mists threw back the shifting light made their features seem bestial, half-human, twisted. His rondels were wrought in the shape of human heads, with open mouths that shrieked in agony. All experience proves the contrary. But this he dolce gabanna adidași bărbații neglected to do.. This was a good meet to help me get ready for states. The taste was sweet solace on his tongue, so he lit a candle and poured himself another. Metrics have become very important in the overall measurement of how effective social media is. And she told me to be nice to grandfather and to talk to him. That when we made the decision to partner with Renee Yarbrough in our adidas stan smith j white tactile blue first Be Healthy Challenge. Miller called to her husband, who was in the front porch, and he ran out and seized the man by the collar, and tried to stop him. He passed over a warhammer (too long), a studded mace (also too heavy), and half a dozen longswords before he found a dirk he liked, a nasty piece of steel with a triangular blade. If you want to talk or anything even a question or two you can contact me through facebook (Braxton Brown Dumas). Each of them had given her a silver stag, so she would only need to count the coins. Website is promoting stolen property and land. You despise me, don’t you? You see how much charming simplicity there is in me, what candour, what bonhomie! I confess everything to you, even my childish caprices. The justification for issuing the very intrusive search and production warrants have given the the public insight into the conduct of those very close to the mayor some of whom are clearly associated with the criminal element of society.. Crowfood, they call him. Yandry stole a glance at Septa Lemore from time to time as he was checking the lines. * * * You have made that resolution absolutely necessary to the quiet of the South! But you now revoke that resolution! And you pass the Rubicon! Let me not be misunderstood. Any one who should have travelled in the cars at that time might have seen a venerable-looking black man, all izraeli kézműves ékszerek whose air and attitude indicated a patient humility, and who seemed to carry a weight of overwhelming sorrow, like one who had long been acquainted with grief. Prince Valkovsky had a rather large flat, though he lived alone. Bailey, to help me out of it. Headlines: Brittany Murphy to be buried today after private funeral; father plans to skip service. In lieu of flowers, donations to Heart Stroke Foundation or the Northumberland Humane Society would be greatly appreciated.. Maesters are supposed to put aside old loyalties oneil mellény when they don their chains, but I cannot forget that Theomore was born a Lannister of Lannisport and claims some distant kinship to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock. He took my hand and began to press it in his. But this feeling soon passed off. My son’s men have searched every inch of that damp and dreary island and turned up not so much as a single gemstone or speck of gold. Joins seven other states that have beefed up security measures for National Guard members.Many of those states governors signed executive orders in the days following the Chattanooga shooting. For notwithstanding nike jean jacket (for some purposes) a slave is regarded by law as a person, yet generally he is a mere chattel personal, and his right of personal protection belongs to his master, who can maintain an action of trespass for the battery of his slave.
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dglovesfood · 4 years
Male English Names and Meanings
A correctly chosen name has a strong positive effect on the character and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of style and condition, strengthens health, removes various harmful programs of the memory. But how to choose the perfect name?
 The meaning of the name has no real effect. For example, the meaning of Agshin is brave, strong. It does not mean that the young man will be strong, and those who have other names will be weak. The name can block his heart centre, and he will not be able to give and receive love. On contrast, another boy will help solve problems of love or power and achievement of goals. The third boy may not affect. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological, and other characteristics.
 The mystery of a man's name is shared by a unique smell primarily in a person, and not in the grammatical meaning and characterisation of the name. If this name destroys the child, then it would not be beautiful, sweet with the surname. It would still be harm, destruction of character, a complication of life, and aggravation of fate.
 Below are beautiful male English names. Try to choose some that are most suitable for your child. 
 List of male English names for letters A, B, C & D:
Aaron - high mountain
Ab - father of the light
Abbot - father
Abel - father of many
Abell - shepherd
Abner - father of light
Abot - father of
Abram - father
Abran - father of many
Abraham - father of many
Absalon - my father - world
Averill - fighting boar
Adam - the land of
Addison - son of Adam
Aden - fire
Addison - son of Adam
Adlay - Jehovah the righteous
Adney - nobleman island
Adolf - the noble wolf
Adrian - from Hadria
Adair - the rich spear
Asia - eastern
Azelstan - the magnificent stone
Able - the shepherd
Ak - oak grove
Akey - number one
Akerley - oak grove
Alastair - defender of humanity
Alwar - elf army
Alfven - a friend of an elf
Alvis - all-wise
Algar - spear of an elf
Algernon - with a mustache
Aleister - defender of humanity
Alec - defender of humanity
Alexander - defender of humanity
Alain - beautiful
Alester - defender of humanity
Algeria - Elf Spear
Alik - Defender of Humanity
Alexander - Defender of Humanity
Allan - handsome
Allen - beautiful
Allister - defender of humanity
Alton - old city
Alf - elf
Alfonzo - noble
Alford - old river ford
Alfred - elf council
Albert - bright nobleness
Aldina - an old friend
Alpin - white
Altair - pilot
Alfred - elf council
Alister - protector of humanity
Ambi - immortal
Ambrose - immortal
Amedeus - loving god
Amias - from Amiens
Amory - loving
Amos - bearing, carrying
Amyas - from Amiens
Anakin - kind, merciful
Angel - Angel, messenger
Anges - one, the only choice
Anderson - son Andrew
Angelelli - angel, messenger
Ange - angel, messenger
Anskom - stone valley
Anson - son Agnes
Antwan - invaluable
Antoine - invaluable
Arden - eagle valley
Arik - ruler
Aryl - lion of the god
Arin - peace
Arkell - helmet, protection of the eagle
Arly - the forest of the eagle
Arman - brave, hardy man
Arn - the power of the eagle
Arne - control of the eagle
Arni - eagle power
Arnold - control of the eagle
Arran - high mountain
Arrin - high mountain
Arron - high mountain
Arthur - man - bear, warrior, eagle Thor
Archie - genuine courage
Archibald - true courage
Ancelet - noble from birth
Aselin - small nobleman
Acer - number one, first
Aston - eastern settlement
Afton - Sweet Afton
Affton - sweet Afton
Achill - painful
Ash - ash
Asher - happy
Ashton - ash colony
Bad - friend
Buddy - friend
Baz - king or basil 
Basil - king
Byron - in cowsheds or covered barnyards
Bayard - red-brown or bright sunset
Buck - a courageous young man
Baxter - baker
Balder - prince
Baldrick - brave ruler of
Bambi - child
Baptist - Baptist
Bardolph - the gorgeous wolf of
Baria - king or basil 
Barclay - birch forest
Barnabas - son of a preacher
Barney - son of a preacher and bold as a bear
Barnaby - son of a preacher
Barrett - bargainer
Barry - blond
Bart - son Talmey
Bartolomei - son Talmey
Bassett - a little short, low
Baster - the destroyer
Butch - the butcher
Bevan - the son of John
Beverly - the beaver
Bevis - the bright
Babe - the baby Ruth
Bailey - the assistant to the sheriff
Bailie - deputy sheriff
Ben - son of the south, or blessed
Benjamin - son southern
Benji - son southern
Benedict - blessed
Benet - blessed
Bennett - the sacred
Bennie - the south and the son of Benedict blessed
Benson - son Ben
Bentley - cleansing
Benton - grassy meadow
Beauregard - a beautiful perspective
Berndt - a fortified settlement
Berenger - a spear of a bear
Beret - a merchant
Bernie - as brave as a bear
Berry - blond
Bertie - bright
Burton - fortified settlement
Bertrand - bright raven
Beavis - radiant
Bill - helmet
Billy - helmet
Biersch - bush
Beef - punch
Blaine - small yellow-skinned
Blize - cheerful, happy
Bliss - joy, happiness
Blaze - sizzling
Blake - black
Blaine - slightly yellow-skinned
Blair - battlefield
Bob - famous
Bobby - famous
Baldwin - brave friend
Bollard - bald, rounded like a ball
Beaumont - beautiful Mount
Boniface - good fortune
Boris - fighter, warrior
Bradley - wide wooded area
Braden - salmon
Brian - strength
Brion - strength
Branden - hill covered with broom
Brannon - covered hill broom
Brayden - salmon
Brennan - Prince
Brent - hill
Brenton - burning city
Brett - Breton
Briard - rosehip
Brion - strength
Brice - colorful, spotted, variegated
Brisko - birch forest
Britton - from Great Britain
Brigham - house near
Broderick bridge -
Brody's dream - dirty place
Broz - immortal
Brock - badger
Bront - thunder
Brody - dirty place
Brooke - stream, Feed
Brooke - brook, stream
Brooks - from the creek
Bruno - brown
Brutus - hard
Bryant - the power of
Brady - chested
Bradford - wide ford
Braden - salmon
Brady - chested
Bram - father of many children
Brutus - multi-colored, spotted, motley
Buz - contempt
Booker - bookbinder, scribe
Bew - handsome
Bailey - sheriff's assistant
Chad - fighting
Chaz - man
Chuck - man
Chucky - man
Charlie - man
Charlton - settlement of free peasants
Charles - man
Chase - chasing, hunter, hunting
Chandler - candle merchant
Chance - chance
Cherokee - name of native Americans
Chip - man, a follower of Christ
Chunky - report keeper, secretary
Chauncey - report keeper, secretary
Dee - shortening of longer names starting with "Dee"
Deacon - serving
Digby - ditch around
Diggory settlement - lost, lost
Digory - rejecting, lost
Dison - son Dew
Dick - powerful and brave
Dicky - powerful and brave
Dicky - powerful and brave
Dil - big sea
Dylan - big sea
Dilbert - having some specific meaning
Dimer - judge
Dean - Dean, spiritual observer
Diner - man, warrior
Dirk - king of nations
Dob - of ad hoc
Dodge - a famous spear
Dolph - a noble wolf
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blackcur-rants · 5 years
Musical Theatre Songs that remind me of characters in “A Song of Ice and Fire”
01. Eddard Stark: Tradition (“Fiddler on the Roof”)
02. Catelyn Tully-Stark: Meadowlark (“The Baker’s Wife”)
03. Lyanna Stark: Heart of Stone (“Six”)
04. Jon Snow: Proud of your boy (“Aladdin”)
05. Robb Stark: Go the Distance (“Hercules”)
06. Sansa Stark: Home (“Beauty and the Beast”)
07. Arya Stark: Reflection (“Mulan”)
08. Bran Stark: Strangers like me (“Tarzan”)
09. Meera Reed: On my way (“Brother Bear”)
10. Jojen Reed: One Song Glory (“RENT”)
11. Rickon Stark: Good Kid (“The Lightning Thief: The Musical”)
12. Wyman Manderly: What I did for love (“A Chorus Line”)
13. Beric Dondarrion: Do you hear the People sing? (“Les Miserables”)
14. Daenerys Targaryen: Defying Gravity (“Wicked”)
15. Rhaegar Targaryen: Love is an open door (“Frozen”)
16. Viserys Targaryen: Lonely Room (“Oklahoma”)
17. Aerys II Targaryen: Hellfire (“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”)
18. Rhaella Targaryen: Baby Mine (“Dumbo”)
19. Khal Drogo: I wanna be like you (“The Jungle Book”)
20. Tyrion Lannister: One Last Hope (“Hercules”)
21. Bronn: Money, money, money (“Mamma Mia”)
22. Tywin Lannister: Things you see in a graveyard (“Repo: The Genetic Opera”)
23. Joanna Lannister: I know him so well (“Chess”)
24. Cersei Lannister: My Lullaby (“The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride”)
25. Jaime Lannister: As long as he needs me (“Oliver”)
26. Aurane Waters: On the Amazon (“Mr. Cinders”)
27. Kevan Lannister: You’ll be back (“Hamilton”)
28. Theon Greyjoy: Prince Ali (“Aladdin”)
29. Asha Greyjoy: Just around the Riverbend (“Pocahontas”)
30. Balon Greyjoy: Why we build the wall (“Hadestown”)
31. Euron Greyjoy: Alive (“Jekyll and Hyde”)
32. Victarion Greyjoy: I’m mean (“Popeye”)
33. Aeron Greyjoy: You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (“How the Grinch stole Christmas”)
34. Hoster Tully: The Private and Intimate life of the House (“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812”)
35. Walder Frey: Master of the House (“Les Miserables”)
36. Lysa Arryn: Rose’s Turn (…that one musical about Rose Lee Hovick with the very unfortunate title)
37. Myranda Royce: Dancing through life (“Wicked”)
38. Mace Tyrell: Mine, Mine, Mine (“Pocahontas”)
39. Olenna Redwyne-Tyrell: Painting the Roses Red (“Alice in Wonderland”)
40. Loras Tyrell: She used to be Mine (“Waitress”)
41. Margaery Tyrell: Living it up on top (“Hadestown”)
42. Samwell Tarly: Dust and Ashes (“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812”)
43. Gilly: Requiem (“Dear Evan Hansen”)
44. Robert Baratheon: Joanna (“Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street”)
45. Joffrey Baratheon: The Phoney King of England (“Robin Hood”)
46. Myrcella Baratheon: Dancing Queen (“Mamma Mia”)
47. Gendry: My Petersburg (“Anastasia”)
48. Jon Connington: How it Ends (“Big Fish”)
49. Stannis Baratheon: Stars (“Les Miserables”)
50. Davos Seaworth: If I were a rich man (“Fiddler on the Roof”)
51. Selyse Florent-Baratheon: Evening Prayers (“Carrie”)
52. Alester Florent: I don’t understand the poor (“A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder”)
53. Renly Baratheon: Gaston (“Beauty and the Beast”)
54. Brienne of Tarth: The Impossible Dream (“Man of La Mancha”)
55. Septon Meribald: God Help the Outcasts (“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”)
56. The High Sparrow: Wonderful (“Wicked”)
57. Doran Martell: All the Wasted Time (“Parade”)
58. Elia Martell: Your Daddy’s son (“Ragtime”)
59. Oberyn Martell: Make them hear you (“Ragtime”)
60. Sarella Sand/Alleras: What’s this? (“The Nightmare Before Christmas”)
61. Marwyn: Higitus Figitus (“The Sword in the Stone”)
62. Qyburn: The Oogie Boogie Song (“The Nightmare before Christmas”)
63. Arianne Martell: Still Hurting (“The Last Five Years”)
64. Quentyn Martell: Hero (“Ghost Quartet”)
65. Gregor Clegane: My Name (“Oliver”)
66. Sandor Clegane: When there’s no one (“Carrie”)
67. Petyr Baelish: Easy Street (“Annie”)
68. Varys: You’ve gotta pick a pocket or two (“Oliver”)
69. Illyrio Mopatis: Molasses to Rum (“1776”)
70. Barbrey Dustin: When you’re good to Mama (“Chicago”)
71. Bloodraven: Die Faden in der Hand (“Rudolph”)
72. Egg: This is the moment (“Jekyll and Hyde”)
73. Dunk: Waiting for life (“Once on this Island”)
74. Rohanne Webber: Ich Gehor Nur Mir (“Elisabeth”)
75. Eustace Osgrey: God, I hate Shakespeare (“Something Rotten”)
76. Daemon II Blackfyre: La Donna e Mobile (“Rigoletto”)
77. Roose Bolton: What’s the use of feeling, Blue? (“Steven Universe”)
78. Ramsay Snow: Dentist (“Little Shop of Horrors”)
79. Dolorous Edd: Knight of the Woeful Countenance (“Man of La Mancha”)
80. Alliser Thorne: G Company Blues (“From Here to Eternity”)
81. Satin Flowers: Pixies of the Ether (“Soho Cinders”)
82. Shae: It’s all the same (“Man of La Mancha”)
83. Donal Noye: Bare Necessities (“The Jungle Book”)
84. Mance Rayder: It’s hard to be the bard (“Something Rotten”)
85. Tormund Giantsbane: Through Heaven’s Eyes (“The Prince of Egypt”)
86. Ygritte: Soldier and Rose (“Ghost Quartet”)
87. Jeor Mormont: One Last Time (“Hamilton”)
88. Jorah Mormont: Meant to be yours (“Heathers”)
89. Barristan Selmy: They call the wind Maria (“Paint your Wagon”)
90. Ashara Dayne: Lily’s Eyes (“The Secret Garden”)
91. The Green Grace: You’re playing with the big boys now (“The Prince of Egypt”)
92. Hizdahr zo Loraq: We are Siamese (“Lady and the Tramp”)
93. Reznak mo Reznak: Was I Wazir? (“Kismet”)
94. Xaro Xhoan Daxos: Money makes the world go round (“Cabaret”)
95. Aegon VI Blackfyre: Chip on my shoulder (“Legally Blonde”)
96. Jalabhar Xho: Diva’s Lament (“Spamalot”)
97. Quaithe: A cover is not the book (“Mary Poppins Returns”)
98. Melisandre: Age of Aquarius (“Hair”)
99. R’hllor: Der Holle Rache kocht In meinem herzen (“The Magic Flute”)
100. The Others: Ewigkeit (“Tanz der Vampire”)
@musicalhell @book-sansa @daphneblakess @flightsofwonder @dumbandlazy @cynicalclassicist
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blackribbonersally · 7 years
The boat sets sail at dawn for Storm's End. The castle is now  flying the banners of House Targaryen. Jon Connington did not have much trouble conquering the apparently unconquerable castle; nominally its people were sworn to Stannis Baratheon, but just. Renly had been their lord, and the Stormlands had thrown in with him. Ser Cortnay Penrose, their castellan, had refused to surrender to Stannis. And both men had been murdered, murdered by treason and sorcery; everybody knows now who Melisandre of Asshai  is, and what she does. 
Because Alester Florent, Queen Selyse's own uncle, was burned alive by Stannis and Melisandre. Because Stannis and Melisandre  took King Robert's bastard Edric Storm, a charming little boy whom they had loved, and no one knows where he is. Because Stannis and Melisandre burned the images of the Seven. 
There is little love for Stannis around the place, and even less for R'hllor . So when Jon Connington and the Golden Company  besiege the castle - or try to, because it’s already besieged - they just have to smash the remaining Mace Tyrell’s bannermen, and then find the castle and lands handed to them without a fight.The small garrison Stannis had left was outnumbered and overpowered. The Stormlanders do not want another terrible siege, with people eating rats and dying of hunger. There will be no Davos to bring onions and relief, they can't expect any help from nowhere. So they surrender to the rightful Targaryen king and his huge army of well-trained sellswords. There are so few people left, so many of them left with Renly, so many were killed, so many joined either Stannis or Mace Tyrell and never returned. Elwood Meadows had surrendered the castle once before without a fight. He just surrenders it again.
 So Arianne, in spite of the sea being treacherous, reaches Storm's End and is taken to see Jon Connington, Hand of the Rightful King, and the Rightful King himself, Aegon VI. Arianne has no luck trying to seduce Jon Connington, but she is quite successful with the Rightful King. Afer all, she has a weakness for pretty boys and this one is quite pretty, even prettier than the Darkstar.  Aegon, who has been taught everything except lovemaking, is first delighted by Arianne, then devoted to Arianne, and finally passionately in love with Arianne - who has been taught everything about lovemaking, and besides is talented, beautiful and a princess of Dorne. 
 He will not wait for his aunt Daenerys. Why should he? They were never bethroted, he's never seen her, she appears to be a savage, in fact she's been married to a savage, she's married now to a Meerenese nobleman, she's HIS AUNT.  His father Rhaegar married a princess of Dorne. Even if his father lost a war, that does not mean he will. If he has to have a Queen, let the queen be Arianne. A known cousin with an actual army beats an unknown aunt with (possibly) imaginary dragons every time.
 His chosen bride is Arianne, not Elia Sand. The Lady Lance, who has fallen in love herself with the beautiful Rightful King, is now, more than ever, a nuisance. She's not a threat to anyone, but a bloody nuisance to everyone. She does not fit anywhere in Storm's End, with King Aegon and his Hand planning their next move, and Arianne being the King's bedmate - and future wife, if all goes well. Because Arianne believes Aegon to be the son of Rhaegar and Elia. His story is flawless, he has the right Targaryen looks, and he believes himself to be the son of Rhaegar and Elia. And so does Jon Connington, who is, without a shadow of a doubt, Jon Connington.
 Prince Doran has to be told; Daemon Sand is chosen to break the news - he has been not quite as much as a nuisance as Elia, but he has been nagging Arianne from the day he set foot on Storm's End. The very pissed off Daemon travels back to Dorne. He is ordered to take a very unwilling Elia with him, for the Seven's sake and everyone's peace of mind - except his own. If he hadn’t loved Prince Oberyn so much he would have strangled his daughter with delight a dozen times. 
He finds prince Doran tired, sick and sad: the ship that brought his son Quentyn's remains has recently arrived, and now he knows the terrible fate his son has suffered. Sir Gerris and Sir Archibald have told him everything, from the death of  Cletus Yronwood, Ser Willam Wells, and Maester Kedry to Daenery's rejection of his son and his allegiance; he knows the extent of his son's sacrifice, and of his son's suffering. He wanted fire and blood, and the fire turned to ashes his own blood, and his vengeance meaningless.
 The Lady Lance is sent to her mother, and Prince Doran receives confirmation that Aegon is truly Aegon, son of Elia, rightful heir to the Iron Throne. He agrees to both the bethrotal and the allegiance. It's too late, now, to do anything else. He knows there will be no dragons. Maybe they're better off without dragons.
 He commands Arianne to get back to Dorne (without much hope), but Sir Daemon Sand begs not to be sent back to Storm's End, please. He's just barely survived a long and perilous voyage with Elia Sand, and is tired and sick. He is given leave to go to the Water Gardens and recover.
 Sitting by the pool, under the orange trees, there is a young woman  with an exotic look around her. A woman with dark hair and dark eyes whom he does not recognize, though by her manners she seems to be at home. She tells him of her lost beautiful queen at the other end of the world, of her sorrows and her slavery, and how she came to live here, in the gardens that were the first Daenerys’ home. 
 Daemon Sand has finally found home, too.
0 notes
jamiebluewind · 4 years
Charatcter Descriptions and Summary 2.15
This is the "short" version of descriptions. I have a much MUCH longer one with lots of quotes that I might have to split up to fit. As always, let me know if I need to edit or add anything and tag/ask/PM me about art and stories so I can check them out!
Warning: multiple blood mentions, torture, imprisonment, violence, stabbing, gun violence, canon typical violence, injuries, burns, homophobia and bigotry, gore mention, horror (including body horror), beheading, violence against animals, 69 mention, and disrespecting a mummy
Bad Kids
Fandrangor stats: +2 to attack and damage. Finesse, one handed. 1d8 piercing. Burn a spell slot on a sucessful hit to add an extra d6 of damage per level.
Wrapped Alistair's foot in his sheet to trip and flip him up before deeply stabbing him in the abdomen
Held his sheet out to further protect Adaine.
Slashed Dayne with a reposte (while also burning a 1st level spell slot on his sword) as he yelled "Toxic masculinity is dead! I dance now!"
Closed in on Penelope using an athletics check that involved jumping and running across the deck. His mobile flourish pushed her to the edge of the deck before he kicked her off the ship.
Took out Alistair and Penelope (details in their section)
Stood at the helm after Bill fell off, turning the ship over due to the gravity being off
Hissed at Vraz
Got so sweaty and nervous over a terrible line ("You attacked the wrong guy!") that he missed the greesers
Shot Dayne from hiding while saying "You missed spring break" before hiding again (Fabian responding "Classic The Ball. Always shooting from hiding").
Had no clue where his father actually was, telling Bill the little thathe knew.
Got sleepy while he was hiding
Was shot out of the cannon and blasted off into the city (taking some damage). Shouted "I'm the ball!" as he flew away before smashing through a dark red and black stained glass window 200 feet below the ship, tumbling into a strangly familiar building. The room was empty due to all the devils hearing the alarms and fleeing. He rushed down a familar dark hallway.
Witnessed his father being tortured and saying that he didn't care about his son, but still misty steped into the room with the unconscious Pok the minute the devils left.
Tried to scoop his dad up into his Briefcase of Holding, but the two barbed devils came back (snarling as they saw him), one grabbing his briefcase and the other grappling Riz to restrain him. He kept trying to save Pok anyway even while restrained and fought against the devils over his briefcase (see Pok area for more)
Rolled up sleeves over Daybreak attacking Tracker
Walked up to Daybreak with anger in her veins (over him hurting Tracker), said "Hi Daybreak. It's so great to see you. I've been PRAYING FOR YOU!", and slammed her staff down, using distructive wave. Light radiated out of her as every enemy was hit but Penelope (due to Globe of Invulnerability) and Johnny Spells and took out 3 Scarecrows. She then spat on Daybreak which hisses on his cheek as he yelled "Ah! Love! Love wins!"
Was knocked out by Daybreak and was back in Silvar looking at a nice tree
Used a 4th level mass healing word before her and Tracker dimension doored away from Daybreak
Arcane Hand works like a claw machine with a controler in her hands
While prone, shot a lightning bolt at Dayne, Penelope, and a Scarecrow (after counterspelling Penelope's counterspell). Took out the Scarecrow.
Hit Daybreak with a 4th level Cromatic Orb (cold damage).
Smacked Johnny's fire spell out of the air with a counterspell after calling him "a predator who didn't fuck" and then ignored Johnny completely to go after Daybreak by hitting him with a 4th level (cold) chromatic orb
Used Forceful Hand to grab Bill to keep him from falling (two of the devils stayed grapped to Bill)
Tried to shake Gilear awake
Fig The Unfaethable
Her insignia burned in her head when she used psionic blast (took out two Scarecrows)
Winked at Ayda
Used Healing Word on Kristen
Attacked Daybreak with Bombing Blade (adds bardic for extra and if he moves willinging before her next turn he takes thunder damage)
Took out Daybreak (details in his section)
Was tossed by Gorgug towards a plummeting Bill like a missile before backpacked onto Bill, snatching a scroll from Vraz's pocket (Vraz: No no no no no! / Bill: What's yours is ours.), and Dimension Dooring back to the ship with Bill.
Stood over Kristen's unconscious body to protect her
Used Reckless Attack twice on Daybreak, the first time dealing 50 damage and the second time ("I'm just so tired of you") another 48 damage.
Took out Dayne (details in his section) and two Scarecrows
Grabbed some holy oil to take with him to coat his weapon with.
Familiars and Companions
Boggy: Hit by Penelope's Cone of Cold which caused him to freeze, crack, and fall apart (can be brought back by Adaine)
Gaf: Made incorporial by Ayda to protect him/her/them during the battle
Baby: Was made invisible by Fig. Tried to pickpocket Vraz, but just got a scrap of some kind. Did a very indecent celebration dance while invisible (when Penelope was "killed").
Hangman: Freaked out over seeing Johnny before siding with Fabian. Leapt to attack Johnny Spells, but couldn't make it and settled for slamming into the greeser Sorching Ray. Frozen and knocked down by Penelope's Cone of Cold.
Hirelings and Partners
Stayed behind on Goldenrod
Held up a hand with her holy symbol to summon Twilight Sanctuary (gives everyone a d8 of temp hit which they can choose to replace or keep each round).
Cast Beacon of Hope
Knocked out by Penelope's Cone of Cold (which also ended her two spells)
Hit Kristen with a max level cure wounds, yeling at everyone to look away as she jumped onto an unconscious Kristen who was lying between Gorgug's legs (Kristen started touching his leg thinking it's Tracker's). Everyone assumed they were 69ing, but Tracker actually just gave Kristen a very sweet kiss on the mouth and said "Double clerics baby. Nobody can keep us down for long."
Went into flying wolf form to catch Kristen when she fell off the ship.
Took out two Scarecrows, goring one before tossed them the ship and spartan kicking the other off the deck.
Ran up to a prone Dayne chanting hoot growl and yelled "I've done a lot of shit in my life because of you asshole!" as he bodied into him (nat 20).
Walked up to Fabian and Gorgug crying after Dayne was killed.
Instigated a three way chest bump with Fabian and Gorgug, not noticing Adaine who was forced to duck ("Oh god! The jocks are being fiesty!")
Was yelled at by Daybreak which he used as an opportunity to confront Daybreak both verbally and physically.
Cast a spell that poured out massive amounts of water over Avernus in an attempt to flood hell (in retaliation for them taking Fig) before checking on Fig
Touched both of Fig's arms as she checked if she was okay before casting Protection From Evil And Good on her.
Flew off Goldenrod to help Sandra Lynn protect the ship from incoming fire by throwing up abjurative wards, but came back and landed on the deck before the ship left Avernus.
Flew towards Daybreak and Penelope, teleporting multiple times per second to create a flickering group of 10 of her before slashing out with her talons to damage them both.
Cast clairvoyance to find Riz, pointing at the building he was in.
Used her portent to save Fabian when Goldenrod lost gravity (allowing him to hold on) before flying to catch Adaine.
Sandra Lynn
Left the Goldenrod to cover their tail, doing a swan dive off deck (which looked likes she flew up from the upside down deck) and landing on Baxter before knocking a teleportation missile out of sky with her arrow.
Smashed back down onto the deck with Baxter before healing a down Tracker (Kristen: Thank you Sandra Lynn!)
Hit Daybreak with arrows.
Jumped on Baxter when the ship lost gravity and went to help catch Kristen.
Was immediately killed by Bill Seacaster who shot him in the chest.
Brought back by Kristen with 1 hp, a bleeding chest wound, and covered in cenders and fire
Was told by Gorgug (who stood in front of him) to lie on the ground
Hid in the golden sarcophagus (somehow lifting the massive lid to do so)
The Pirates
The Goldenrod
The still "living" transmogrified body of Kalvaxus turned into a flying ship against his will
Kalvaxus has to swallow down the cannon coming from his mouth to talk and turning always hurts him
Shot by Bill for calling himself a boat instead of a ship
Captained by Bill Seacaster, crewed by cender zombie pirates, and the flagship of Bill's rebel armada of dragon carcus ships
The ship has it's own gravity and can sail in any direction (including upside down), but the unsecured barrels on deck are a hazard during fast turns.
Able to breached through to Dis, Bill having some way to travel through the levels that the other devils couldn't find
Broadsided The Iron City, firing tons of gold, holy water, and saints finger bones wrapped in old parchment out of it's cannons.
Captain Bill Seacaster
An enormous devil with one cender eye, a devil bone hook, and a floating skull and crossbones insignia over his head
At the helm of Goldenrod after rescuing Riz, Fig, Gilear, Hangman, and Baby/Wretchrot (via being yanked up on rope ladders to the Goldenrod).
Part of his multi level marketing scheme was to have pirates steal holy relics for spell slots and then use the holy relics as ammo against other devils and their ships.
Shot Gilear throught the chest on sight
Got a chain wrapped around his neck by Kystrona
After Gilear was brought back to life by Kristen, he said nice things to Gilear and gave him a massive glowing sword (which was too big for Gilear to wield). The bad kids were all deeply confused by how quickly he went from one extreme to another.
Offered Kristen snuff powder
Ordered his crew to shoot Riz out of a cannon to "help" him look for Pok
As his hook hand was stabbing into one of the three devils he was fighting, he took a legendary action to shake his fist and yell "That's my darling boy!" over Fabian "killing" Penelope. He corrected himself to yell "He's his own his darling man boy!"
When the gravity on the Goldenrod was dispelled, he told Fabian to take the helm before letting go on purpose, taking the three other devils with him (rescued by Adaine and Fig).
Alistair Ash
An intern on the Goldenrod
Skull is cracked open like an egg with part of it fully missing. Inside the socket is roiling fire. His eyes are rotted out, the fire shining through his sockets.
Attacked Fabian exclusively due to being left behind by him
How he was finished off: Fabian stood up, his body very bloody and burned from the beating he's took. Fire enshrouded his sheet as he wrapped Alistair in it in order to spin him like a top. As Alistair twirled in the air, the Hangman hit him in a flash. As Alistair popped of the wheel of the Hangman, Fabian took out Fandrangor (which was rippling with his own inner light and magic) and pierced Alistair's ribcage up through his heart. Silver motes of light burst out of Alistair's mouth, "eyes", and the empty socket of his skull. Bill cried a single tear out of his non ember eye as he said "It be beau-ti-ful". Fabian told his father "I'm my own man now." to which Bill answered "The story keeps getting better!" Meanwhile, Alistair changed his opinion on Fabian, seeing him as chosen one and (since he had to die for Fabian to become who he was) himself as chosen in a way. Fabian asked if Chungle Down Bim was still alive, but Alistair only yelled "He's gonna shit in your mouth!" before being destroyed. One of the many bottles on Bill's belt filled with a red mist that was Alistair, now even more in debt to Bill with another 2000 gold added to his tab to bring him back in another form later.
Cinder Pirates
The crew of the Goldenrod, most (if not all) of which being victims of Bill's pyramid scheme
Assended from ropes to their respective ships after raiding The Bottomless Pit, yoinking up crates and boxes filled with treasure (like books and weaponry) as they went.
Loaded the cannons of The Goldenrod with holy relics, books, golden reliquaries, holy water, and even the body of a dead saint (who was unceremoniously dumped out of his golden sarcophagus). All the relics almost looked like they were from other worlds.
Bill doesn't do the best job putting his followers back together, so most are in worse shape than Alistair. One was missing his entire jaw!
Most were finished off by Penelope's Cone of Cold
Bill's Pursuers
Devil Crafts
Iron zeppelins piloted by devils in pursuit of Seacaster.
Shoot ground to air missiles that shot spinning pentagrams of fire teleportation that glowed when they hit, teleporting in reinforcements.
Vraz The Mean, Lorzug The Impaled, and Kystrona The Chained
All appeared through a dimension door at the helm of the ship before the three devils began fighting Bill.
Vraz (after Fig denied a direct order) released all warlocks under Gortholax by making all his contracts null and void.
All of them (including Bill) do tramendous amounts of fire and poison damage, but all of them (including Bill) are immune to fire and poison, so the fight devolved into a bunch of very dangerous people who can't hurt each other just slapping the hell out of each other.
Johnny Spells
Appeared via teleportation missile with his crew
Roiling in flame with veins glowing in a red light, using a snap comb to brush his hair back and wearing a black leather jacket with a clean white tee.
Hit Fabian with Ray of Fire and then was IMMEDIATELY tossed off the starboard side of the ship by Adaine using her Arcane Hand.
Was saved by Kystrona (via animate chain) before he fell to his "death"
Spent an entire turn to get back on the ship only to have his fire spell dismissed by Adaine.
How he was finished off: Flew off the ship (again) when it lost gravity, saying "No! I had stuff. I had plans. I had-" as he fell to his "death".
Johnny's Crew
Six teiflings greasers who appeared via teleportation missile wearing black leather jackets with clean white tees.
Two trampled over a dead Gilear to get to the teens.
How they were finished off: One was gored by Ragh before being tossed off the ship, one was spartan kicked off the deck by Ragh, two were killed by Gorgug, and two were destroyed by Fig's psionic blast
Harvestmen & Friends
Penelope Everpetal
Got to Goldenrod via teleportation missile with Dayne, Daybreak, and four Scarecrow Harvestmen.
Had sunken deep pools of darkness for eyes. She wore a burnt prom queen dress. Jagged shards of metal were stabbed into her skull like a crown (which caused blood to trickle down).
Was protected from magic most of the fight due to casting Globe Of Invulnerability
Stepped forward with a corny line ("Oh I'm so sorry guys. It's time to chill out.") before casting Cone of Cold which took out Tracker, Boggy, Hangman, and most of Bill's crew.
Was knocked off the ship by Fabian and fell down into the sky over the Iron City of Dis, shreaking and wailing as she went. Saved herself by using Misty Step to get back to the ship.
How she was finished off...
Penelope: *appeared in a twirl of magic and hit Fabian with a Firebolt, knocking him down to 4HP* I'm so sorry that you had like... some sort of collapse and appear to be fighting with a blanket now, but I just wanna tell you something. We are gonna drag you and all your shitty stupid little- what? Bad kid friends to hell. Forever.
Fig: I actually already live here. I'm an arch devil.
Fabian: Yeah! Did you hear that? She already lives here!
Kalvaxus: Again if we [re con noise] it later. This fight seems mostly lost. Use reason!
Penelope: Now. It's time for you to go bye bye Fabian *starts casting another spell*
Fabian: (crit, mobile florish, plus 2nd level spell slot with Fandrangor) *throws up his sheet so it blocks her field of vision (like how people trick their pets) and then grabs her and tango swing dancing spins her off the ship as she yells and is destroyed as motes of silver light shoot out*
Dayne Blade
Burning ember flaming vains with a hellish gleam to his eyes
Doesn't know how long he's been there
How he was finished: Begged Gorgug to not "kill" him due to him being an Owlbear, but was ignored. He tried once more, saying "Dude dude dude we're both Owlbears!" but Gorgug simply answered "You're not an Owlbear anymore" before he chopped off Dayne head. Gorgug then pretended his head was a ball and that he was going for a pass.
Coach Daybreak
Burning ember flaming vains with a hellish gleam to his eyes, a whistle, a silvered halberd, and regenerating health
Aggressively targeted Tracker and Kristen (even as Gorgug literally stood over Kristen) and knocked Kristen out at one point
Yelled "No!" while flames shot out of his ears at the thought of ending toxic masculinity
Freaked out over Gorgug being an Owlbrear
Not a true devil, just a soul trapped in hell that was powerful enough in life to fight for the devils, punished to never understand why he was there (Brennan "He cannot find peace, but he can find you").
How he was finished: Daybreak shouted "I'm gonna kill you all. All of you deserve to be here, not me. I was a holy man! *points to Fig* YOU ARE A LITERAL ARCH DEVIL!" Fig answered "Yeah bitch it's fun!" before she used a 4th level psionic blast on him. He screamed as he was knocked off the ship and eviscerated by both Fig's psionic blast and the after effects of her booming blade* (Fig also steals his visage)
Scarecrow Men
The transfigured bodies of four former harvestmen who died
Burnt charred skin, flannel button up shirts, and heads of burlap sacks with scarcrow eyes, which were slightly aflame
How they were finished off: one was killed by Adaine's lightning bolt and the other three were gone in a flash of light by Kristen's destructive wave
Dis and Pok
Iron City of Dis
Choking smoke and freezing rain
Endless sprawling cast iron metropolis of dread, misery, and torture
Alarms (clacksaws I think Brennan said?) rang as the devils shouted "It's Seacaster!"
The city was lit up by Goldenrod (while the other ships in the armada caught up)
Building Holding Pok
At least one dark red and black stained glass window (which Riz crashed through). The room within was empty due to all the devils hearing the alarms and fleeing.
Dark hallway leading to a light coming out from under a closed doorway. A slightly ajar door was next to it and a possible third door with steal thrones was next to that. The slightly ajar door had a somewhat reflective marble wall (where a reflection of Pok could be seen from the hall) and a two way mirror that showed an interrogation room.
A goblin who was strapped to a chair and had a swolen eye. A pit fiend also splashed acid in his face
Was interrogated by a pit fiend flanked by two barbed devils
Kept a good poker face around the devils, at one point was snarling and growling as he had (what appeared to be) a goblinoid frenzy come over him
Was lacerated by barbed whips handled by the barbed devils until he collapsed, asking why he was there as he coughed up blood and appeared to go unconscious.
Shot both barbed devils in the head with his gun (which he picked off of Riz) as they were restraining Riz
Reached up and slapped his right ear to call for an extraction as a halo appeared behind his head. He reached out to grab Riz (Kid, I can't believe you made it here) before a beam of celestial light smashed through the ceiling. He confirmed that he was an undercover angel before raising his fist up in a superman pose as the beam made a loud sound and took the pair away.
Questions and Thoughts
How does Lorzug move, much less fight?
Fig shouldn't have told Vraz to eat her ass. She might have taken her up on it and tried to take a bite out of her ass. O_O
What IS a potentate?
How will Fig use her warlock abilities after being released? Was her insignia burning in her forehead how she's still able to do it?
Is Dayne's curse to never know how long he's been there?
How short is Adaine that our three Owlbears (all over 6 feet tall) didn't notice her when they went in for a three way chest bump?
Destructive Wave is the power of pissed off protective girlfriend energy.
When Kristen was knocked out, she was back in Silvar looking at a nice tree. Possible connection to the unknown goddess?
Adaine still has Johnny's warlock switchblade comb.
Will we get updated Pok art now?
Where is Riz now and how will he get back in time? Was this Kalina's plan all along (blow Pok's cover and delay the party longer to give them more of a lead)?
I am well aware that I spelled Alistair several different ways because I have no clue how to spell it and don't have it on my list of how I might spell it.
Please somebody teach Bill how to not suck at making bodies. I mean, I'm over here feeling sorry for those cinder zombies and between the crippling debt and unpaid internships, he could at LEAST give them working bodies with jaws and stuff.
Really paying attention made the 69 scene so much funnier and makes Ayda's confusion over it being a sex act so much more priceless. The couple was fully clothed, Kristen caressed Gorgug's leg while she was unconscious and being healed by Tracker, and (according to Brennan) Tracker just gave Kristen a sweet kiss. Part of me wonders if Tracker was messing with the group while Kristen came to thinking something dirty happened and just went with it, the other teens too inexperienced to know otherwise (save Ayda who must be so confused! XD).
The uselessness of Johnny Spells was one of my favorite parts of the stream.
Anybody else super happy Bill was so supportive of Fabian coming into his own, being supportive of his friends, and embracing dance?
Bill/Vraz. Nuff said.
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