#alan is so damn precious baby boy
willow-salix · 3 years
The story... Of my precious one.
So, I was knocking around ebay and I see a listing pop up for an 'Allan Tracey " action figure. Meh, thinks I, it'll just be the carton one from 2000's...but I click... And audibly gasp, like full out" my fucking Gods!" scream.
Because I know that face anywhere, and that ain't no Alan... THAT'S JOHN BITCH!
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He's lost the tip of his nose, he's wearing what might be either a sack or a sock... We aren't quite sure.
I show him to the girls and @misssquidtracy proclaims him to be hideous and haunting her when she closes her eyes... @olliepig says he has a flipper for a foot... I squeaked a protest because I was already in love by this point, totally and utterly in love with this gorgeous beast. @inertplanetary went awww because she's supportive. Not like those other two cow bags... Anyway....
I slap a bid in quicker than I would slap the next person that tells me Gerry hated John.
For six days I watch, I lurk, I pray to every Thundergod up there, because damn do I deserve some luck right now. So I pray, I pray with everything I have inside. I pray that people will be put off by the sack, that they will think he is ugly too, that they will miss him because he's misspelt and mislabelled. I want him more than anything in the world...
You see, I know my shit, I've done my research, and I know that they DO NOT make John stuff very often, either they make a full set or they make Scott, Virgil and Alan, you never get Gordon or John, and I was fully aware that in recent times there had been no John action figure made, which meant... Original from the 60's yo! So I tracked that sucker down...
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Made by Fairylite, limited production run, genuine 60s and I was determined to get him.
I'd stuck on 99p and it didn't move at all. Twenty minutes before the end and I was sweating, like heart palpitations, anxiety attack for days, because I hate bidding on things, hate it. This little voice in my head, the one I always listen to says "up your bid" I'm like, but no one else is here... But I do it anyway, throw in £25 as a starter.
And I wait...
I have a minute to go and I literally cannot look, I'm laying on the couch with my big chief John sat on my shoulder like a gorgeous blue parrot and the cat staring at me. My eyes are covered... Kid had control of the stereo and for some reason best known to itself her Spotify takes that moment to throw up "Phantom of the Opera" dun... Dun dun dun dundun... I scream at her to get rid coz that's not helping my anxiety... She scrambles... Finds soothing 5sos apparently.
Eyes still covered... I peek... 25seconds to go. Close eyes again...
I feel my phone vibrate at 15 seconds, that means I got outbid.
I almost start to cry. It finishes. I opened my eyes....
Some bastard had tried to outbid me in the last seconds but aimed too low and I got him!!
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Baby was coming home!
I was an anxious mess until my lovely postie handed me a box five days later...
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He looked like a mummified body... The sack didn't help. But my gods he was gorgeous!! Just the most amazing nose missing, slightly crossed eyed, fading at the temples boy I had ever seen!
I quickly order him something more dignified and it arrived today
I get the scissors and prepare him...
Strip tease... Oh mmmmmyyyyyy @selene-tempest I'm sorry about this...
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Cover ya bits baby, this is a family house... Cat is trying to help but its not Virgil so she doesn't really care, he's the only one she's got a crush on. She doesn't mind Scott but she does not care for Alan.
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It won't go over his peachy ass! I had to wrestle this bad boy on.
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Baby too thicc... He got muscles for days...
Look at those pecs...
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And he's on the John shelf!!!
Edit: I wanted to have him sitting next to Big Chief John but the suit is so tight he can't bend, coz he muscle man. So until I get him more wardrobe items he's standing like Bond in the background.
Also his flipper feet are too big for the shoes that came with it. So he barefoot.
It was a saga, it was a battle that I valiantly and willingly fought... And he's mine! I'm in love.
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nanoland · 3 years
new chapter (supernatural fic)
(earlier parts are here; whole thing is here) 
Clean Hands, part 3 
Crowley/Castiel/Dean Winchester, warning for violence and spn demons being spn demons   
Another day, another assassination attempt.
“Congratulations, sir,” said Paula, bustling in with his coffee and daily planner. “That brings it to eight, yes? I recall your making some remark about throwing a small office party if we hit ten before the end of the month.”
Lifting the corpse off the row of retractable spikes he’d installed in his desk, Crowley grunted, “It was a joke. On the other hand, maybe it would be good for morale. Make the blighters less determined to snuff me.”
“I’ll add it to the calendar. Sir, your ten ‘o clock is waiting in the lobby. Should I send him in?”
Technically, ‘ten ‘o clock’ didn’t exist in Hell. Time didn’t exist in Hell.
But by God, it did for Paula.
Infamous among Crowley’s minions, she ruled his appointment diary with an iron fist (well – iron talons, more accurately) and kept a horseman’s pick tucked neatly under her workstation for anyone who was more than five minutes late.
She’d been the most competent corporate PA in the business when Crowley had purchased her soul in exchange for a medical breakthrough that had beaten down her cancer and allowed her those ten precious years. It would, in fact, have allowed her a normal human lifespan, if not for Crowley’s hounds.
(Her wish was among his favourites and her contract had pride of place in his trophy cabinet. She could have just said ‘cure me’; she’d dreamed bigger. Ambition! Now that was what Crowley liked to see. Very few people who sold their souls managed to leave the world a better place than they’d found it.
Truthfully, arranging the breakthrough had taken an amount of power on his part that, ordinarily, he’d have objected to. Ever since the Zuckerberg Incident of 2004, Crowley had maintained a policy against granting wishes that fundamentally altered the pace and trajectory of human scientific development. But he’d wanted her. Reliable PAs were like gold dust and they almost always went to bloody Heaven. “And for what, I ask you?” he’d said to Dean once. “How much admin is really involved in keeping people locked in a lotus-eater machine?”)  
“The ten… oh, piss. It’s Alan, isn’t it? Yes, yes. Let’s get this over with. Send him in.”  
Another day, another fucking workplace harassment mess to sort out. How many more sodding seminars was he going to have to host before they all got it through their heads that biting off a co-worker’s arm was not a viable long-term conflict resolution strategy?
It was only after four meetings and sixteen calls that Crowley remembered he’d not yet disposed of the assassin.
“I suppose I should make an example of you,” he huffed, already imagining it.
The hassle.
The bother.
Getting an apron on.
Finding the hammer.
Lugging the stupid bastard up a ladder and nailing him to the office noticeboard by his scrote.
He could always ask Paula to do it. But, bless her heart, she’d only been a demon for six years and arranging a corpse for maximum intimidation was just as much a matter of practice as talent.
As Crowley was fetching the ladder, Gwen from Legal arrived whey-faced and dogged by two dozen assistants and interns.
“Sir, it’s a catastrophe,” she wailed.
Five minutes later, Crowley was back at his desk, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Avoidable. Utterly, pathetically avoidable. All you had to do was amend the contract to state that the phrase ‘ten years’ refers solely and specifically to Earth’s orbital period, not the orbital period of the contractee.”
Gwen hung her head. “I don’t know what to tell you, sir. Finding qualified staff to manage this sort of deal is tricky. When people with, you know, science degrees and stuff die and are damned, the assholes over at the Experimental Punishments Department always snatch ‘em up first. It’s a real problem.”
“I’ll have a word with them. Ugh – alright, alright, let’s try and sort this out. How long is a Martian year?”
“The internet says six hundred and eighty-seven days.”
“Damn. Almost twice as long,” Crowley grumbled, pouring himself a drink. “What did he even want from us? He’s a billionaire. The list of things they can’t get without our help grows shorter by the day.”
“He wanted to guarantee that he’d be the first man on Mars, sir; that none of his competitors would get there before he did.”
“Wait. Hold on. The thing he wished for and the mechanism by which he’s attempting to fuck us over are one and the same? Oh, no, no, no. I’m not going to take that cheeky bollocks lying down. Get the head of Research and Development in here, now. We’re going to find out how to crash a spaceship.”
Gwen’s gaze flickered to the assassin’s corpse. “Um.”
“Fuck,” Crowley muttered.
At which point Paula tapped on the door to ask if he wanted to reschedule his next five meetings, because unless he could deal with them all in a grand total of twelve minutes, he’d be late for his call with the NRA’s chairman.
When Castiel arrived – without an appointment, as per usual, but Paula had standing instructions to let him through – he found Crowley resting his head on his desk, fantasising about being a paperweight.
“I’ve come for more sex,” he explained.
Dragging himself from despair’s depths, Crowley slurred, “T’riffic.”
He instructed his meat suit to sit up and turn on the winning smile. Unlike more reliable vehicles, possessed bodies didn’t have dashboard lights to indicate an exhausted battery; instead, it announced its displeasure by growing three new tumours.
Castiel stepped back, confused. Displeased. “You’re usually more enthusiastic than this. Why is your desk covered in diagrams of rockets? Is this a ‘new hobby’?”
Exaggerated finger quotes. Damn him to the pit, he was precious.
“Kitten, rest assured I have only two hobbies and they both dress badly.”
He expected retaliation for that. Castiel hated being reminded that Crowley regularly dallied with his favourite human. It came as a surprise, then, when the angel simply reached out and firmly gripped his shoulder, declaring, “You need to rest.”
Wings flapped. Suddenly, Crowley was standing in front of a wide, glassy lake, surrounded by dense forest, and in the distance…
“Is that Mount Fuji?”
“Indeed,” said Castiel, smiling briefly. “She’s a childhood friend. I first visited when she was little more than an unusually picturesque bump in the ground.”  
There was no one around. There was nothing around. No boats on the lake, no fishermen, no families on holiday, not even the distant roar of traffic. Just them, the view, the water, and a – huh – a bright orange tent pitched nearby.
“This is where I come to relax,” Castiel informed him, opening up the zipper.
“Whose is it?”
“Huh. I wasn’t aware that you…”
“That I what?”
“Owned things. Or even grasped the concept of owning things. Don’t give me that look; you’re the one who’s worn the same socks ever since you slipped into that God-bothering flesh puppet.”
Castiel sniffed. “Materialism is a disease. But I’m not a child, Crowley. For your information, in my time on Earth I have owned many things.”
Always fun to ruffle the pretty bird’s feathers. “Yeah? How many of them were hand-me-downs from the Hardy Boys?”
“Most of them,” he said, levelly. “With the exception of this tent and your ass, demon.”
A pin drop pause.
Castiel maintained unblinking eye contact for exactly twelve seconds, then turned and crawled into his neon den.
Practically vibrating with adoration, Crowley followed.
It was evident that Castiel, despite his laudable efforts to create a space for himself in a world that had no space for him, didn’t entirely grok camping.
There were no sleeping bags. Instead, the tent’s bottom was covered in duvets, dozens of them, soft and fresh as if they’d come directly from the shop – or, more accurately, Crowley suspected, someone’s washing line.
“I cured her dog’s foot infection,” Castiel said, somewhat defensively, settling into his cotton and fleece nest.
“Ah. And she was so grateful she said you could make off with all her laundry, hm?”
“She… did not say those words, precisely. But it was heavily implied.”
Thank sin this was only a meat suit. Thank sin, thank everything that Castiel couldn’t see the expression of hopeless, pitiable fondness that would have adorned Crowley’s true face at that moment.
It was a relief when Castiel, without further ado, started undressing. Crowley, copying him, took the opportunity to talk sense into himself.
Come on. Grow up. Get it together. You know what you are. More importantly, you know what he is. Ageless. Unfathomable. Demons, at the end of the day, are just distilled human nastiness, but him? He existed before humans. Before microbes. He’s nice to babies and bees and pot plants and Dean and that makes it easy to forget that… that…
Oh, yes. Remember when he came to Hell? The first time he saw Dean; the start of their epic, eternal, infuriating romance? And where were you? That’s right. You were with the others, standing there slack-jawed and helpless, like dinosaurs watching the comet hit. Like children gazing up at a mushroom cloud.
Twelve thousand. That’s how many demons he burned out of existence, without even trying. Twelve thousand.
Do you think he ever thinks about them? Do you think he even noticed?
Twelve thousand.
Do you think he knows how close you were to being one of them?
Do you think he cares?
He’s nice to babies. Bees. Pot plants. Dean. You, even, sometimes. He’s sweet. He’s got big, soft blue eyes and hair that aches to be tussled. He’s a top-tier, world-class fuck. And at any moment, for any reason, he could end you, easy as blowing away dust, and you can’t say for certain he would even remember your name in a month’s time.
“What? No,” Castiel protested when Crowley kissed him. “We’re here to rest, Crowley.”
Drawing back, Crowley leered. “That’s what you want to do, is it? Rest?”
Perpetually thirsty tart that he was, Castiel bit his lip and looked torn. “I… yes.”
Crowley pouted.
Firmer now, Castiel said, “We will rest for a while first. Then we will have sex. Is that satisfactory?”
No sooner had Crowley resignedly nodded than Castiel seized him and finished undressing him, tossing his undershirt and socks out the tent. When they were both naked, the cold air coming off the lake making Crowley shiver, Castiel burrowed into his pilfered pile and dragged the demon down with him.
“Rest first,” he ordered him. “Sex afterwards. No, no – stop that. Afterwards, I said.”
Crowley groaned and whined and fussed, but obeyed.  
And bugger him gently if it wasn’t actually pleasant, very pleasant, to lie there with Castiel’s strong arms locked around his torso, toasty warm under layers of wool while, outside, the lake lapped at its bank and wind rustled through the trees. No assassins. No paperwork. No blood. Everything nice and quiet. Everything calm and clean.
Then Castiel sighed, a hot puff against the back of Crowley’s neck, and said, “You know, the thing that vexes me most about Dean is the way he…”
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hedwigstalons · 4 years
SpaceBear - bit 4 (end)
So this has finally reached the end (for now).  I will probably return to these precious babies at some point because the SpaceBear ship is just glorious.
Huge thanks to @willow-salix for naming this ship and for massive amounts of help in pulling this to some sort of conclusion.  
Bit 1 is here, Bit 2 , Bit 3
Bit 4
The shamefaced pair trailed down to the kitchen after Scott, like condemned prisoners following behind their jailor who led them in stony silence.  As if having big brother walk in on them hadn’t been bad enough he had stood there, tall and imposing in the doorway, waiting while discarded clothes were found and reclaimed.  Despite all the times he’d changed in front of his brothers Alan had never felt more naked and exposed even though he had still been half dressed.
Entering the lower level of the villa they found the table all set, Virgil and Gordon already seated and staring hungrily at empty plates.  The warm smells coming coming from the kitchen module were actually pretty good for a change although Alan wasn’t too sure he had much of an appetite any more.
“You’re late, boys.  Now hurry up and wash your hands then you can help me carry over the dishes, I made the others wait for you.”
With a quick chorus of “Sorry Grandma” and “Sorry Mrs Tracy” the pair hurried over to the sink to get washed up while Scott headed back to his place at the table.
“I really shouldn’t have to send Scott to fetch you, you know,” Sally scolded.  “I’d have thought after spending all day at the Expo you would have had enough of playing games.  Never mind, you’re here now so we can get started.”
She hustled them about, setting them to ferrying the serving dishes over to the table where they were eagerly pounced upon by Gordon and Virgil.  Scott was more reserved but she put it down to a tough day in the office, TI business was a necessary evil for him and he was often a little bit muted after a day stuck in a suit.  
Once everyone had had a chance to load their plates, and the initial babble of conversation between those who weren’t privy to the scene in Alan’s bedroom had faded as eating took priority, Scott finally broke his silence, his words falling like lead.  “So, when were you going to tell us?“  Walking in on his baby brother had come as something of a shock, Alan had been his responsibility for so long it was sometimes hard to accept that the kid he had taken custody of was growing up.  It probably didn’t help matters that the other party was Brandon.  He tolerated Brandon’s presence, mostly because he had been persuaded how good it was for Alan to have a friend outside the family, but the vlogger was definitely more worldly than his brother and preceded by a reputation that Scott did not approve of.  His protective instincts had been ignited and right now he was wishing he’d followed his gut and kept Brandon away from the island.
Alan shifted uncomfortably in his seat.  He’d barely had time to come to terms with things himself and he and Brandon hadn’t actually got as far as defining what they were before giving in to their physical wants.
"Tell us what?” Virgil put down his fork and looked between his oldest and youngest brothers, Scott was radiating animosity and Alan looked nervous as hell.   
“Alan and Brandon here have been getting a little up close and personal." 
"Lighten up Scott, it was one kiss.  You make it sound like the end of the world”
Scott had been expecting an answer but he hadn’t been expecting it to come from Gordon.  “What do you mean ‘one kiss’?  It’s a damn sight more than that."  
Confusion reigned supreme on Gordon’s face.  "No, it wasn’t.  I saw the footage.”
“What footage?  What are you on about Gords?”  The question was low and threatening and Gordon found himself swallowing nervously despite having a pretty clear conscious for once.
“The Expo of course, what are you on about?”
“I just caught these two,” the words were spat with more force than was strictly necessary as Scott waved vaguely in the direction of Alan and Brandon, “fooling around in Alan’s room.  Now what’s this about the Expo?”  The pair in question were subjected to the full force of the Commander’s stare; Scott knew he was coming across as intimidating and probably overreacting but after a day spent examining share prices and and listening to market forecasts he was in no mood to be dealing with unexpected surprises. 
“That was all my fault, Scott,” Brandon stammered.  “I kinda got carried away with all the cameras there and surprised Alan, he…he had nothing to do with it.”
“Hmm,” Scott frowned, not missing the slight shift in movement that suggested Alan had grasped Brandon’s hand under the table or the grateful look Brandon shot him in response; it was a show of unity he hadn’t expected.  “That doesn’t make it any better.”  He reached up and activated his comm “Come in Thunderbird Five, I’ve got a job for you.”
“What is it, Scott?” the missing sibling popped into being via the nearest holoprojector, looking puzzled at being summoned.
“I need you to go through the footage from the Expo Alan went to.  You might need to do some damage limitation.”
“Uh, okay.  Are you going to give me a clue what I’m looking for?”
“Oh I think you’ll know when you see it.”
“FAB.”  The slightly puzzled Space Monitor winked out of existence as the link was cut.
Knowing that John was dealing with whatever had happened at the Expo, and taking Gordon’s lack of concern over the footage as a sign that whatever had been caught on film wasn’t too major, Scott focussed his attention back on the unhappy couple.
“So is this serious between you or what?”  
The tension between oldest and youngest was palpable.  Alan licked his lips nervously, trying to work out how to phrase things and desperately wishing there wasn’t such an audience as all eyes turned towards him.  Was it serious?  Was Brandon his boyfriend now?  He certainly knew what he wanted it to be.  
“Yeah, yeah it is.”  Brandon had cut in before he had the chance to answer, giving Alan’s hand a reassuring squeeze at the same time.  This time it was Alan giving Brandon the grateful look; he knew how hard it was to face up to Scott when he got like this.  
"Well I think it’s great, honey,” Grandma stepped in, giving Scott a brief warning look that clearly said the interrogation was over before turning her attention on the new couple.  “Hey, maybe you can come on a double date with me and Kip.”  She knew Scott had to get whatever concerns he had out of his system but his attitude needed keeping in check.  This was meant to be a nice family dinner after all.
“Ewww, Grandma!” Alan exclaimed.
“Don’t worry, I’m only messing with you.  I wouldn’t want any of you boys along anyway, it might cramp my style.”  She winked at Alan, causing him to shudder.  “Now will someone pass me those bread rolls, I’m hungry.”
The meal passed in relative normality after that although the oldest and youngest brothers ate barely a fraction of their usual portion.  Alan’s stomach was still in knots and he could only pick at his food while Scott was obviously still brooding but with Grandma giving her seal of approval any further discussions of Alan and Brandon’s fledgling relationship were clearly off limits.  
Mostly off limits.  Alan knew the silence from Scott was too good to last.
“Virgil, I’m going to need you to have a talk with Alan and Brandon after dinner.”  While he might not like the idea of his baby brother having anything that even remotely resembled a sex life he had to accept that this was a likely progression.  He would be failing in his duty if he didn’t make sure the couple went into this with their eyes open but same sex relationships were outside his personal realm of experience, hence calling on his next in line.  
“Huh, what about?”  Virgil looked up from his plate, he was far less bothered than Scott about the whole situation and wasn’t too sure what else there was to discuss.
“Alan.  And Brandon."  Scott gave his brother a pointed look. 
Virgil’s brow furrowed in confusion before realisation hit.  "Oh, right, couple stuff.  Really though Scott the rules aren’t any different just cos it’s a guy, but sure I’ll talk to them."  
Alan wanted the ground to swallow him up and he could feel the rising blush creeping towards his ears.  He could not believe this was happening.  He wasn’t completely clueless on the facts of life and Brandon definitely wasn’t.  To make matters worse Gordon was grinning like a Cheshire cat at the prospect, probably thinking up his own contributions Alan suspected.
"Really, it’s okay, we’re good.” Feeling the discomfort radiating off of Alan, Brandon tried to ward Virgil off.
“Oh no,” Virgil smirked, although to Brandon the look seemed vaguely reminiscent of a shark circling its prey, “if you intend to be involved with my little brother we are definitely going to talk.”
“Grandma, is this really necessary?” Alan tried to appeal to the one person who he thought he could count on as an ally.
“Actually dear, I’m with your brothers on this one.  Now if everyone’s finished I’ve got some jobs I want to do.  Gordon, can you give me a hand please, I’ve got some boxes I want shifting.”  She knew she wouldn’t be able to persuade Scott to leave but she could at least take some of the pressure off the situation.
The aquanaut grimaced but knew better to disobey.  Much as it would have been fun to watch Alan squirm he knew his Grandma was deliberately giving the others space; two big brothers was more than enough for Alan to be dealing with and Virgil would stop Scott from going overboard.  Anyways, he could impart his worldly wisdom any time he fancied grossing his brother out.
With Gordon and Grandma out the way a heavy silence settled over the table.  Scott was still radiating animosity and the attitude was starting to bug Virgil.  So what if Scott wasn’t a fan of Brandon?  Alan obviously was and if the feeling was mutual who was he to get in their way.  He took a sip of his water and waited for Scott to say something but Scott had evidently decided it was all on him now.  He cleared his throat.
“Now I don’t know what the pair of you have been getting up to, and to be honest I don’t want to know, but if you two are now an item there are some ground rules you need to follow.  Alan, you have a lock on your bedroom door, I suggest you start using it.  Brandon, whenever you stay over there will be a guest room for you as normal; it’s up to the pair of you if you use it but it’s there.”
“Now I don’t think…” Scott tried to butt in but Virgil cut him off.  If big brother was going to pass the buck on anything that wasn’t strictly hetero then he could keep his mouth shut for the moment.  And anyway, Virgil thought, Scott was a hypocrite.  He could well remember Scott’s own early forays into the world of dating which had started far earlier than Alan’s.
“No, Scott.  Alan not a kid any more and neither is Brandon.  I don’t want them to feel like they need to sneak around and neither do I want to barge in on anything.  Or have you forgotten how many times I had to cover for you or come up with some excuse to keep Dad out of wherever you’d chosen to mess around with your latest squeeze?”  Once he was satisfied that there would be no more interruptions he turned back to Alan and Brandon. “Now judging from the way Scott here has decided to drag me into all this I guess things have already started getting pretty physical between the two of you.”  Alan didn’t think it was possible to sink any lower in his seat but he tried.  “Now there are only two rules but they are absolutely non-negotiable.  Firstly, if you choose to go that far, you always use protection.  You have no excuse not to, there is always a stock in the cabinet in the infirmary, just make a note on the pharmacy order if supplies are running low.  And secondly, you do not do anything that you aren’t both wholly comfortable with.  You always check the other person is happy and if either of you want to stop at any point you stop.  Oh, and Brandon, if you dare hurt my little brother I personally know of at least 6 ravines where you could have a very convincing accident.“
Once Virgil had said his piece Scott launched in again, mostly about not broadcasting everything about their lives to the public or splashing it all over the vlog.  It was a request the pair happily agreed to; Alan wasn’t keen on the idea of navigating life with Bradon in front of millions of viewers and Brandon felt like he would have agreed to anything if it meant being able to get away from the combined force of Tracys one and two.
When they were finally released from their lecture Alan and Brandon fled back to the sanctuary of Alan’s room.  Alan clicked the lock into place behind them; still a bit shaky after the ordeal at dinner it wasn’t that he was in the mood to continue where they left off, more that he didn’t want to be on the receiving end of any more rules or advice from the family, well meant or otherwise.  
Brandon climbed up onto the bed and sat up against the wall, resting his forearms on drawn up knees.  “Man, Scott was like, so intense and boy I do not want to go piss off Virg, I used to think he was the soft one but I kinda think he scares me more than Scott.  Are your family always this extreme?”
“Yeah, sorry, they can get a little over protective sometime.  You do know Virgil was joking about the ravines, right?” 
“Right,” Brandon looked like he wasn’t wholly convinced though.  “Just as well I like living life on the edge.  Always be extreme and all that.”
“Were you alright with what they said, about not putting stuff about us out on your vlog?”
“Well clips with you or your brothers in already get 30% more views, think of the ratings.”
“Relax Alan.  No cameras, no clips.  I don’t have to put everything about me online and I don’t want to.  The media, well, you’ve seen how it can chew you up and spit you out and I don’t want to do anything that could hurt you.”  
Brandon patted the bed and Alan responded to the invitation.  He climbed into the gap between Brandon’s legs and settled his back against Brandon’s chest, feeling a slight thrill as warm arms circled round him in a gentle hug.  This was a side to Brandon that was rarely seen, a softer, gentler, more serious side that was at odds with the carefully curated persona of the Bear.  
As Alan’s weight settled comfortably back against him, the smaller form cocooned by his own slightly taller frame, Brandon felt luckier than he had done in a long time.  Alan wasn’t what would normally be considered his type, not if the string of conquests behind him was anything to go by, but there was something about the young Thunderbird with his raw and open honesty that had Brandon craving more than a quick fling.  There was a connection he’d never felt with anyone else before and he made a sincere and silent promise to look after the man who had first welcomed him into his life and his family and then invited him a step further into his heart.
He didn’t know if this would be a forever thing but he did know he was grateful for the chance to try, the chance to prove that he could be more than just a jackass pulling stunts for the cameras.  There was something about Alan, nestled comfortably against him like a puzzle piece where he had drifted off to sleep half way through a movie, that gave him a feeling of deep contentment and he dropped a gentle kiss onto the slumbering head beside him.  Commitment had never been on his radar before, uncomplicated fun was more his usual style, but this was different; a relationship to be explored slowly at whatever pace Alan felt comfortable with and if that meant starting off with movie nights punctuated by tentative kisses, well, he was happy to go along with that.   
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lenle-g · 4 years
Tbirds  | AAAAA
I’m so anxious about this i can’t believe it
Aaaa Alan’s so smart i love him dlkfjsla Graduating highschool that’s my boyyyyy
AAAA GRANDMA that’s so precious im GONE
holy SHOOT the 0X looks cool
i don’t usually watch the preview bc spoilers but HOLY SHOOT AAAAAAAAAA WAS THAT IT FALLING APART
A FEW DAYS holy shoot this Tdrive is gonna be fast?!?!?!?!
Sa;dlfkgjfdlsa;dkfjdslfj KAYO DARLING BLESS YOU
“John we’ll see you in space” What the hell?? Well that explains why he wasn’t walking to it in the previews... kind of cool though
Am so glad they’re taking kayo tho
Oh boY it’s the ultimate getting ready sequence with them ALL... though Virgil... there’s no TB2 at the end of that chute...??? Are you just gonna get launched into thin air????????????
“Makes me feel like a real astronaut.” “Alan, you are a real astronaut.” DARLING BLESS YOU
OFC ALAN’S PILOTING, I’M SO DELIGHTED, Jeff’s sure gonna be surprised when his baby boy is there, all grown up, fLYING HIS ROCKET
EOS!!!!! THANKYOU!!!!!!!
Lkgjdfls;kfjho;jlgkbfdl Kayooooo whaaaaaaa awh man i wanted her to go, need that girl representation
“Yes MRs Tracy.” Grandma you are so PRECIOUS
“Brains we don’t have a second.” HOLY BAGELS
Am really glad Penny and Parker came to watch too. Ah glad they didn’t use Thunderbird Shadow for parts then. Brains’ lab is the most protected part of the island? Nice
PARKER GOING DOWN SCOTT’S LIFT OMG also good to know he has a spare suit
“If we don’t launch now we’re definitely going to end up a fireball.”
Probably fault hatch sensor ha, i’ve heard before (John Glenn, Friendship 7)
Oh boy look at those rocket engines firing, hoo boy
“Good luck boys.” Bless you
Are they gonna go pick up Johnny, they better damn go pick up Johnny
Ds;lfkgjfdkslfgjfdsk there it goes,
They’re doing with Five and are gonna, what, take her with them???? AAAAAAAAAAAAAA Can I see all the bros in the gravity ring please
Wow that does NOT look aero dynamic.
“All Five thunderbirds are locked in” John floating in aaaaaa, there’s my lad
I’m so glad Brains is there with them, disappointed Kayo didn’t get to go through
“I have something to say before you go.” Grandma Tracy I’m going to cry, GRANDMA I’M CRYING GRANDMA I’M SOBBING STOP THIS
“I’m proud of you, we’re all proud of you. NOW GO BRING MY BOY HOME.”
I’m SO glad Alan’s piloting, I’m so proud of him????
FRICK THERE THEY GO, you’re on your own now boys
John holding his head HELP
The planetoid Jeff’s on is breaking apart?? How long Jeff been there, 8 years??? On a planetoid???? What???
PENNY I LOVE YOU BUT I HAVE NO TIME FOR YOUR SIDE PLOT AAAAA Fuze stopping her from blowing them up aaaaaaaa
It’s so nice that the big red ‘International Rescue’ of Thunderbird Five is right up front
John and Virgil together is a nice shot
There they gooooo, lucky all the birds are space proofed...
My heart is literally beating so fast, i cannnnt
WHAT IS THUNDERBIRD FOUR GOING TO DO IN SPACE WHAT THE HELL !?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!!?! UM ????? they’re just dangling him on a cable that’s hilarious. Gordon at least put your helmet on though?
Lokdjfhbdfijaokdlfijhfd this is so tense
OH MAN THE RUSTY OLD 0X AAAAAAAAAAAA Them running up to the door, like, what are you gonna do, knock?????
Apparently, yes.
THAT DRAWING OF THE ISLAND well that’s where Virgil gets his artistic talent #confirmed
Alan’s little ‘Dad?’
Scott reassuring Alan aaaa, Alan’s so short compared to him
Scott that’s a bad ideaaaaaaa
Scott you HAVE a jackpack
His nose is so big why is his nose so big, what’s this Parker vibe going on, I LIKE HIS STUBBLE THO, is that eight years of stubble pfft
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bafflinghaze · 5 years
Original Fic Recs!
People wonder if anyone ever reads original fic on AO3. Well, I do 😂 The messy Wattpad layout kills me when I look at it, and Tapas shows tiny little cover thumbnails and only part of the title name, and filtering multiple tags on tumblr? You wish.
So here are 10 recommended original fics 😘 Details below the cut!
With Love in Mind / Raindrops In The Desert / I Can't Eat Love / As the Crow Flies / Go Tell the Bees / Junior / A Well-Appreciated Gift / The Peacock Prince / In Glorious Excess / Instinctual    
With Love in Mind
TuppingLiberty | 82k, Explicit
Tongue stuck between his lips, his mind goes quiet for a few precious moments as he concentrates on the polish. He sighs with happiness when he’s done, admiring his toes, wishing he could wear the color on his nails. Graeme Webster, 20, is clawing at survival the best way he can. He works two jobs, but can't make rent. He has an anxiety disorder, but can't afford his meds. He's trying his best, but he needs help.
“You might be leaning on urban geekster a bit too hard.” “Okay, I’m probably going to regret asking, but ‘geekster?’” “Geek-hipster. Geekster.” Alan Garry, 30, is an app programming millionaire with a middle class background. He may be a workaholic, but he's carved out time for the Seattle kink scene since being introduced to it in college. He sits somewhere on the asexual spectrum, and the fact that he can't figure out precisely where bothers him more than he'd care to admit.
“It’s going to be okay, Graeme. Where do you hurt the most?” An unfortunate chance encounter brings them together, but they realize quite quickly that neither of them are willing to part again.
Contains: M/M. Sugar Daddy Alan, who is also an asexual dom!!!!!!!!! The sugar baby in this relationship, Graeme, has been hurt so much and it’s so so lovely to see Alan wrap him up and love him to bits. It’s a very kinky fic, and there’s so much communication and 😍😍😍 There are also smutty sequels too 😉
Raindrops In The Desert
Diamond_Raven | (WIP) 100k so far, Explicit
After years of bad experiences with doms, Scott decides to stop having sex. Unfortunately, his attempt at celibacy only succeeds in frustrating himself and his detective partner Ryan, who happens to be a dom. When Ryan offers to be Scott’s dom, the arrangement seems like a good solution to Scott’s problem. What neither of them are counting on is falling in love.
Contains: M/M. Okay, it’s a WIP but I have every trust that this author will finish, because it is amazing. It’s like, friends-to-friends-with-benefits-to-lovers. There’s mutual pining, and such damn heartwrenching communication. Ryan is like the softest dom and he loves Scott so much. Also, a lot of BDSM kink, and the aftercare leaves you soft and warm and so happy for the two of them.
I Can't Eat Love
@screamingatanemptyroom​ | 127k, Teens and Up
Lenora did not have a wonderful life. After her engagement to Prince Ronan is broken, she loses everything... her reputation, her home, and her family. Starving on the streets, she dies angry and bitter at how her life unfolded... Only to wake up in her old bed, fifteen again, five years before she died.
Now she must struggle to change her fate, and the fate of those around her. This time she won't trust in something as flimsy or changeable as love. No, this time she'll have the power and the money to protect herself.
Lenora has already lost everything once. She's not going to lose again.
No matter what the cost.
Contains: F/M. A medieval-type setting, a badass princess and FOUND FAMILY is absolute buckets. The main character is so damn cool, helping reform her family’s Duchy. She’s also oblivious to love AF 😂
As the Crow Flies
octoberburns | 12.3k, General
Adi had their reasons for stopping spirit work, but when Dione's little girl goes missing, they can't turn her down: they owe them both. Fortunately, the crows are along to help. There are lessons Adi hasn't learned yet, and things they'll need to confront if they want to bring Saffron home safely...
Contains: Magical Realism, Main Trans Nonbinary Character! Imagine it, a spirit worker nb character. An affection Crow-familiar on their shoulder...the crows are absolutely fantastic. Also, Crows-Ravens rivalry 😂
Go Tell the Bees 
octoberburns | 3.7k, Teens and Up
Summer has a beehive. The bees have a problem. And Warning is living up to his name, which really should come as no surprise, considering he's a cat.
Contains: Hints of F/F. More magical realism! Summer is a witch, and her cat’s full name is A Warning of the Coming Winter Storm Arriving on the Eve of Autumn’s Close, which tells you this fic is going to be fun and actiony and very badass!
Super_Lu | 3.2k, General
A retelling of the original Frankenstein story, with a much happier ending and a lot more queer women that the original.
Contains: F/F. From the point of view of Frankenstein Junior, who is such a lovely boy! Victoria Von Frankenstein is a bit of a disaster mad doctor, but we love her anyway  😂
A Well-Appreciated Gift
plothound | 5.3k, Explicit
In a vaguely 16th-century world, a minor landowner gets a surprising gift from his lover. It's a raging success, and they try it out immediately.
Contains: M/M. Smut! There’s Mykal, who’s a buff manly man, and tall, thin “egret-like” Roul (who’s also trans! And the top!). They have a lovely relationship...and a lot of sex toys 😉
The Peacock Prince
@insomniac-arrest​ | 18k, Teens and Up
A young man is banished to a vast garden to spend the rest of his days, cursed to grow peacock feathers from his skin and walk the grounds.
A wandering soldier is charged by the neighboring town to fetch three feathers: one for health, two for luck, and three for wealth. Unfortunately, plucking the feathers off a reluctant peacock-boy is not as easy as it sounds.
Contains: M/M. Very fairy-tale elements to it. There is this...exquisite push and pull between the two main characters. The Peacock prince is cocky, but under that hides vulnerability. Enemies-to-Friends-to-Lovers.
In Glorious Excess
@daily-droidcaptain /  cynical-harlequin | 3.8k, Teens and Up
The Glorious Excess is hailed as the most romantic honeymoon cruise ship this side of the Andromeda Galaxy. It's too bad that Aura, the pilot, has fallen in love with the one person aboard who seems to have very little interest in romance: the ship themself.
Contains: F/NB. SCI-FI! The ship has artificial intelligence, and the pilot and the ship have this kind of banter and close relationship. And pining!!
Only_1_Truth | 209k, Teens and Up
Inside a Werewolf pack, Omegas are prized: they calm everyone around them, like a cool sea on a hot day, making it possible for that many people with fanged alter-egos to live together.  The problem is, no pack ever has more than one Omega.  
Marcus Rushton lost his pack, and has been learning the hard way how impossible it is to find another one when you're an Omega.  What he's learning even more is that a lone Omega is wrong - an aberration.  A threat.  Loved within packs, without one, Omegas are seen like blood in the water, and he's already spilled enough of it whenever he's stumbled upon others of his kind...
Werewolves can look very human, and mingle freely with their human counterparts, but Declan Fen (a resident Alpha who just found out that he's got a lone Omega in his territory) is learning the hard way that Wolf instincts can override just about anything - even the side of him that says he should be nice to Marcus, whom he's only just met.
Contains: M/M. I’ve probably recced this before. I’m doing it again. Werewolves, and a great twist on A/B/O dynamics. Omegas have POWERS and this particular omega, Marcus Rushton, IS SUPER STRONG...but he doesn’t realise it. Features heartwarming found family.
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winryofresembool · 6 years
EdWin/Dad!Ed fic: The Elric Family Trait
A/N: I asked @wrongnote if she happened to have any fic ideas, and she said there aren’t enough fics of the time when the edwin children are not babies anymore. Well, I got immediately excited about the idea, and this is what I came up with. (Excuse the language once again)
Genre: fluff/humor
Words: 2,1k+
Rating: T, probably (I’m sorry I had to add that last part :S)
“Emma, was it? Come here for a sec.”
The golden haired, blue eyed little girl turned to see who was talking to her. It turned out she didn’t know the speaker; he was an older boy, about her brother, Alan’s, age. Even though this kid was only two years older than her, he seemed so huge to the small sized 7-year-old. The boy had a messy, light brown hair and grey eyes that were gleaming mischievously. Something about him made the normally brave Emma Elric withdraw into her shell, and she wished she wouldn’t have decided to wait for her friend with whom she was supposed to walk home.
“My brother says I shouldn’t talk with anyone I don’t know.” Emma turned her face away from the boy and lifted her chin proudly, trying to make him leave. However, her actions only seemed to provoke him, because he mumbled, not quite clearly enough for Emma to hear:
“You Elrics are so damn proud. I hate you!”
“My name is George. There, now you know me. I want to talk to you outside.”
He pointed towards the door, and tried to take a hold of Emma’s arm, but she was faster.
“W-why? I don’t want to!”
“You will! Or else!” 
“Or else what?” the girl finally found her voice again. She had Elric and Rockbell blood in her, damn it. She would not be afraid of another kid, even if he was bigger than her. Luckily her father had prepared her for situations like this.
While George considered his answer, she continued: “I haven’t done anything to you! Why are you being so mean?”
“Maybe you haven’t, but your brother beat me the other day, and I swear I will get back at him!”
“My brother never beats anyone unless he has a reason! You must have done something awful!”
Emma’s eyes narrowed, and her scowl was so frightening that her father would have been proud. Without even noticing, she took a step closer to the boy. Never before had she felt a need to fight, but now…
“Nuh, I only said him that your dad is such a loser, probably just drinking all day and fucking your mo…….. OUCH YOU CRAZY SHIT!”
George didn’t even have time to finish his sentence when he felt a small but hard fist hit his face.
“You. Don’t. Call. MY. DAD. A. LOSER!” She yelled between each hit she managed to deliver. George was so dumbfounded by the girl’s attack that he didn’t even manage to protect himself.
Unfortunately for Emma, she was being so loud that one of the teachers, who was on her way to the teachers’ lounge, heard her, and hurried to see what was going on.
“Emma Elric!” she yelled as she saw a fierce looking girl with slightly bloodied knuckles, and the older boy holding his nose under his sleeve. “What… What is this about?!”
“He insulted my dad,” the girl simply stated. George was lucky that looks couldn’t kill because the glare she shot at him as she answered was murderous. The boy turned his head to the other direction quickly.
“And since when does that give you a right to get violent?!” the teacher wanted to know.
“If I hadn’t hit him, he would have attacked me! My dad has always said a girl has to be able to defend herself,” Emma stated, not understanding why the woman didn’t see her point of view.
“Your dad has without a doubt said a lot of other stuff too,” the teacher sighed, knowing Edward Elric’s reputation.
The truth was that ever since getting a family of his own, Ed had calmed down a lot, not fighting every passerby if given a chance, but he still didn’t stand it if someone insulted someone he loved. That’s why the teacher, Mrs. Evans, was worried for a reason about what would happen when she had to contact Emma’s parents about this incident. School rules, she had to let them know, even if Emma was just a little girl, and George had probably deserved it. Maybe, if she was lucky, Winry would be the one to answer the phone, although Mrs. Evans had heard rumors about her wrench too. That family was crazy, the teacher concluded in her head. It had been only a few days earlier that Alan Elric had beaten the very same boy…
Then she remembered that Alphonse Elric’s eldest would start in the same school next year, and wondered if it was time to start asking for a transfer. Well, at least Emma and Alan didn’t have more siblings… Yet.
Reluctantly, Mrs. Evans pulled herself from her thoughts and asked Emma to come with her. She would deal with George later.
Soon they reached her room where she told the (surprisingly calm) girl to wait until she’d call her parents. The phone rang three times, and Mrs. Evans almost sighed of relief imagining that they wouldn’t answer at all, but just in that moment she heard a clicking sound on the phone, and the person answering introduced himself as “Edward Elric”.
Great. This wouldn’t end well.
“Um, he-hello. It’s… It’s Sophie Evans from Resembool elementary here.” she said with a shaky voice.
“Don’t tell me this is about Alan again.” Ed immediately jumped to a conclusion after hearing who the caller was.
“N-no! It’s not!” Mrs. Evans asserted quickly.
“Oh. What is it then?”
“It’s… Emma,” she answered quietly, expecting Edward to explode any minute now.
“Has she hurt herself, has someone bullied her, has someone…?” the protective father asked immediately, but her response wasn’t what he was expecting.
“No, she is fine. But she just hit someone.”
“My Emma would /never/ do such a thing! If I believed in angels, I’d say she’s the angel of the Elric house!” Ed wasn’t yelling quite yet, but Mrs. Evans could feel a vein starting to pull in Ed’s forehead even from this far.
“I’m afraid I just caught her in act, so what you believe isn’t important here,” the woman responded, finally finding her confidence. Damn it, that man was so infuriating! It was safe to say the two of them had a very different idea of what was right and what was wrong.
“And…? What exactly did you see?” Ed insisted on knowing.
“She punched George Kent on his face so hard that his nose was bleeding.”
“That’s my girl!” slipped from Ed’s mouth before he could stop himself.
“What did you say?” Mrs. Evans raised her voice. It was like she was dealing with another pupil instead of a father, she felt.
“I mean… I’m sure that little sh… pipsqueak deserved it!”
“I don’t care what young mister Kent did to provoke her, what’s important here is that your daughter used physical violence against him.”
“Well, I think you /should/ care more about Mr. Kent’s behavior, because despite what you may think, I have never in my life seen Emma fight. She doesn’t do it for fun. She’s there right now, isn’t she?”
“Ask her what he said before she hit him.”
“Fine.” She turned to Emma, holding the phone a bit farther from her mouth. “Emma, your dad wants to know why you hit George.”
“He said… he called you a loser, dad!” she got closer to the phone, so Ed could hear better.
“And you defended my honor? What a sweet, precious, adorable daughter I have!”
“Mr. Elric!” Mrs. Evans tried to sound angry, but truthfully, hearing Edward Elric using such words made her want to laugh.
“Although… You wouldn’t have had to do that just for me. I couldn’t care less what the Kents think of me,” Ed reassured her daughter, but he still had a huge smile on his face.
“But I love you dad! You are not a loser, and I wanted him to know that!” Emma tried to explain herself.
“His family is just jealous because we have it much better than they do. You are two smart, awesome, uh, butt kicking children (I know you are listening, Mrs. Evans!), both your mommy and I have jobs we love, and your mother is the most amazing automail mechanic in entire Amestris! Remember that, kiddo.”
“Yes, dad! But, uh…” Emma tried to voice the worry she had in her mind, “I think he would have attacked me if I hadn’t hit him first.”
“In that case I’m very happy you did what you did. Listen, I will talk to that George boys’ parents, and make sure he will never get close to you or Alan again. Don’t you worry!”
“Thanks dad!”
“Also, Mrs. Evans?” Ed addressed the teacher again.
“Y-yes, mister Elric?”
“If I hear that George Kent has bothered my children again at your school, I will get them away from there right away, and let everyone know how you let your pupils behave.”
Y-yes, sir, I won’t let that happen, sir.” The way Ed had managed to turn the conversation into his favor had made Mrs. Evans lose her confidence again.
“No need to call me ‘sir’. I’m just a househusband. If you excuse me, I am researching the medical effects of alchemy and alkahestry right now, and I’d rather do that than have this meaningless conversation. So, goodbye. AlsoEmmaIloveyousomuch!”
“Love you too, dad.”
Mrs. Evans let Emma go after she finished the phone call, and after sitting down on her chair and covering her face with her hand, she swore she would never get involved with anything Elric related ever again.
Later that day, when Emma had returned home, a sudden question popped into her head:
“Dad, what does ‘fucking’ mean?”
“Wait, what? Where have you heard such a word?” he asked, ignoring the fact that he may have slipped the said word on more than one occasion at home, even when the children were hearing.
“It’s just, that idiot, George, said you are doing with mum.”
“Sorry, sweetie, you’re still too young to understand. He’s not entirely wrong though…” he muttered, leaving her daughter even more puzzled. “Let’s just say it means I love your mum an awful lot. Though, sometimes I’m bad at showing it.”
Winry arrived in the room in that moment and smiled softly at the sight in front of her. Lucky for Ed, she hadn’t heard the beginning of his answer, because her reaction would have been entirely different in that case.
“Aw, Ed, you big softie,” she teased. “I love you too, my alchemy freak.” She hugged her husband from behind, and gave him a quick kiss on his neck.
“Eww, you are so gross!” Emma protested, not approving the affection her parents were showing in front of her.
“One day you will be gross with someone too,” Winry said and scooped the girl on her lap. Ed pulled his favorite girls into a hug, and stated: “But no matter what, you are our awesome girl. Our awesome girl who can already kick boys’ asses!”
“Ed! Don’t encourage her!” Winry warned, although she was worried that her daughter was already a lost cause, having Elric blood in her.
“Oh come on, a girl has to know how to fight! What do you think won me over, your kindness or your ability to defend yourself?” Ed asked his wife.
“I think alchemy has twisted your brain, Edward.” She sighed, but leaned her head against his shoulder happily. If she was honest, she wouldn’t want to have it any other way.
Later that evening, when the kids were asleep, Ed and Winry were talking in bed.
“They grow up so fast,” Ed noted, “It feels like they were born just yesterday, and now even Emma has found her Elric family trait.”
“They do,” Winry agreed. “Hey, do you think…”
Winry blushed fiercely, and she cursed her brain for making this more difficult than it should be, but finally she finished:
“That we should get a new little one?”
“When making them is so much fun? Hell yeah!” Ed agreed right away, but it was his turn to blush when he saw his wife’s expression.
“Not even trying to contain your excitement. Dork.”
“I happen to know you enjoy it too,” Ed said back, and Winry stuck her tongue out.
“Nah,” she tried, but Ed was already kissing her passionately, and sliding his hand down her waist. Soon he pulled back and raised his eyebrow questioningly.
“Fine, maybe a bit.”
Ed’s had slid down even further, reaching her inner thigh, and she moaned a bit into his mouth.
“Maybe a lot,” she admitted as she pulled him onto her, and the couple let their feelings take over.
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minaminokyoko · 6 years
Deadpool 2: A Spoilertastic Review
One thing I've noticed over the years is that there's nothing like it when someone busts their ass to make a movie happen, defying all odds, and pours their sweat, blood, tears (and in Deadpool's case, probably other fluids we don't want to know about) into a film, and it turns out to reward them spectacularly. Deadpool was one of those movies. They fought for years to get that movie made after the disgraceful ruination of the character in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and they did him justice beyond words. It was magnificently done. It damn near beat Jesus, for fuck's sake. Actual Jesus.
And that's why I think that I don't like the sequel as much.
I've seen this happen many times: a sleeper hit or an unexpected smash hit blockbuster exceeds all expectations and then puts out a sequel. Well, unfortunately, sometimes success can ruin your party. Success, accolades, and the second highest grossing Rated R film of all time had an influence on how Deadpool 2 turned out, if you ask me. When you're not starving for it, then it means that sometimes punchlines don't land as hard, writing is not as tight, and scenes aren't as memorable. When you're already fat and happy, sometimes your motivation to make the best thing ever is just servicable at best.
I think Deadpool 2 is an enjoyable movie, but I think it didn't want it as badly as the first movie did because it was already fat, happy, and satisfied from the first film. Thus, I think they didn't try as hard to make it the best movie possible. It's still a good movie, but it can't compete with the first film by any stretch, and I'll explain why. Naturally, spoiler alert.
Overall Grade: B-/C+
-Deadpool himself is still funny, even if the change in tone puts a damper on a lot of the enjoyment.
-Domino shines like a freaking diamond. I already like Zazie Beetz from what I saw of her in FX's show Atlanta, so I was jazzed when they announced her for the role. She still blew my expectations out of the water. I had never seen her do a physical role before, and she absolutely sold me. I'd love to see her in sequels and I sure as hell would watch a spin off of her with other female heroes should the Deadpool franchise get to borrow some X-Men in what I pray will someday be a collaborative effort between Fox and Marvel Studios. She's fantastic. She's the black girl magic the world needs to know about, and I'm so happy studios are coming around realizing black women are a massive untapped source of awesome in superhero films. For the longest time, Storm was all we had and she was weaksauce due to poor writing, but we've slowly been seeing more inclusion with the women of Black Panther and Valkyrie from Ragnarok and now Domino. Keep 'em coming, superhero movies. Black women deserve to conquer the genre and usher in other women of color alongside them.
-The X-Men pulling the door shut gag was top notch. Kudos. Even though it raises some seriously weird questions timeline-wise, I howled. That was brilliantly addressed, especially since it's so painfully obvious in the first movie that Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead were all Fox's stingy ass wanted to spare for poor Mr. Pool.
-Dupinder is still fucking adorable and precious and I'm glad he got his moment of glory.
-The Juggernaut getting a second shot was absolutely fantastic. I was trying to guess who it would be and then I saw that helmet and I might as well have done a fucking T-Rex roar in my seat the theater. Juggernaut was done right. He was everything I dreamt he would be ever since that disappointing appearance in X-Men 3. Don't get me wrong--Vinnie Jones had the right attitude, but making him just regular size guy defeats the whole purpose of why he's so unstoppable and terrifying. He literally ripped Deadpool in half. That was awesome, as was his grudge match with Colossus. I loved them going toe to toe with each other. It was staged extremely well. Aside from Domino, Juggernaut vs. Colossus was by far my favorite part of the film.
-Minor point, but I loved Deadpool's reaction to Yukio. He seemed genuinely charmed by her and vice versa and it was fucking adorable.
-The second post credits scene is exactly as good as the hype made it out to be. Oh God. Deadpool shooting Barakapool several times was just...I mean, it was the cherry on top of the sundae. It was so satisfying, as was the joke about shooting himself before he could star in Green Lantern. I love that Ryan Reynolds was so self aware that he severely fucked up his career from pretty much 2011 until 2016 when he finally got Deadpool made. He knew this movie was the only way he'd ever get himself out of that ditch in his career and I think it was a worthy redemption for sure. I also am so relieved they undid Vanessa's death, because that's the second biggest con I have for this movie as you'll see below.
-The Logan reference had me in stitches. It was so wrong, but so damn funny.
-The "blink and you'll miss it" Brad Pitt cameo. Fuck, that was amazing and surprising, thank you.
-The other "blink and you'll miss it" Alan Tudyk cameo. Holy shit, does Disney really like this man. I am so happy to see Wash getting some really great roles over the years. He's doing great.
-Stuffing Vanessa in the Fridge. Alright, so technically I shouldn't put this in here because Deadpool fixes it in the end credits, but it pisses me off that they even attempted this stupid fucking trope. I am tired of dead girlfriends and dead wives used for Mangst. Fucking. Stop. It. Women are just as valid as men as characters. Stop killing them just to make the hero turn Super Saiyan. It's possible to still motivate the male motherfuckers without killing the girl and putting them on a revenge spree or depression spiral. It's lazy writing and all of Hollywood needs to move on from this tired ass trope. Vanessa was extremely charming, funny, and likable in the first Deadpool movie and Morena Baccarin is and has always been so wonderful to enjoy on screen in her dramatic and comedic work. I am so pissed off they Fridged her to only be in five minutes of the fucking movie. They shouldn't have even bothered putting her in the damned credits because she was only there for such a short period. If she didn't have time to film the movie, fine, just find another excuse that she's not there. Morena deserved better, dammit.
-Changing the tone of the film franchise from a screwball comedy to an action "movie" with jokes in it. This is the biggest reason I didn't like this movie as much as the first Deadpool movie. The first Deadpool movie is arguably a parody of superhero films. It takes most of the tropes and pokes fun at them in a really great way, but it also still manages to be a legit, streamlined revenge love story. It strikes the exact tone we'd all been craving ever since we heard the Deadpool movie would be greenlit. So why the fuck is the sequel written like an X-Men movie, but with more jokes? I hate the serious tone. I hate Wade moping over Vanessa, I hate the whole "family" bullshit that is spoken with a straightface somehow despite being almost as unearned as that hideous one in Suicide Squad, I hate Cable moping over his dead family, and I hate the "you're not my friend" bullshit between Wade and the incredibly annoying fat kid whose name I refuse to learn because he irritated me so much. Why did they play it all straightfaced? Why was I expected to see a "real story" in a Deadpool movie? The entire reason I like this franchise and haven't seen an X-Men film (not counting Logan) in years is because the X-Men franchise has completely played itself out. It's substandard acting, substandard writing, it doesn't adapt the comics the way it should, and it's just repetitive. All the movies since First Class are the same. The prequel babies are finally going to just end the charade with Dark Phoenix and I think most of the world is relieved because they have nothing creative or new to offer any longer. Deadpool 2 reeks of that same kind of lame writing and execution. There was no reason to switch the format. I pray to God they go back to formula in X-Force or Deadpool 3. I hate this change with a passion.
-The fat kid is annoying as hell. There, I said it. Fight me if you must. He had no sense of self preservation and the movie didn't go into enough detail to make me care about him in spite of how teeth-grindingly stupid and obnoxious he was. He was written like a twelve year old boy writing fanfiction about himself and Deadpool becoming best buds and fighting crime together. No. No, stop that right now. I don't want any part of it. I get the "he's just a kid" thing but the kid is an asshole and even if he's somehow justified, he's a pain in the ass to watch from start to finish. I also think the kid needs some acting lessons, but that's not entirely his fault. I think he probably just wasn't directed all that well, so I can let that slide, but I did notice it during the film.
-I don't care about Cable. Cable and Deadpool are righteous as fuck in the comics. In this movie? No. This is why I was against Josh Brolin being cast. He has no chemistry with Ryan Reynolds. I get that Cable is the Straight Man to Deadpool's Kooky Man, but they don't gel together at all. I never sensed any bonding even though they are setting it up for franchise reasons. He's just not interesting and he plays the role as blandly as he does all his boring ass biopics and other bland roles. Brolin worked much better as Thanos than he did Cable. Thanos had weight and was threatening and even though his reasoning was utter bullshit, at least he was convicted. Brolin's Cable just felt like some stock stoic character thrown in there as the minor antagonist. I still would have much preferred Liam Neeson or Ron Perlman, and yes, I understand both of them are getting up there in years, but we've seen older actors still kick ass and be in shape, so I think they could have done it if they were offered the part. Brolin is still one of the most drab actors I've ever seen and he just doesn't pull the role off, imo.
-The bait and switch with the X-Force team. This is a minor note for me, as I don't have a background with these characters so it's more for people who know these characters elsewhere and were expecting an awesome team up movie but that's not what they got. Are the gruesome deaths kind of funny? Yeah, sure, but it's kind of rude to advertise them that way and they're not in the movie. I just frown on it. It's not a dealbreaker. It was just disappointing in the same way that the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 was disappointing. I expected more and I got a farce instead.
-I don't know if it's for legal reasons, but it drives me crazy that we still didn't get a Wolverine cameo from Hugh Jackman. I mean, we finally got Deadpool--the real one--and I just want him and Ryan to share the screen again because even though Origins was trash, they were magical together.
-Deadpool's last "death" went on way too long. I was checking my watch. They really should have pulled the trigger on that gag. It was exhausting and not very funny to begin with.
-Negasonic Teenage Warhead getting reduced to an extra pissed me off. She was so great in the first movie and she doesn't get to do anything here and it irks the hell out of me.
-Aside from The Juggernaut vs. Colossus, the fight scenes weren't nearly as creative, cinematic, or memorable as the first film. I've already forgotten everything except the JvC fight and the convoy rescue scene. That's a bummer for me.
-The movie just isn't as funny as the first film. It's not the same kind of tight writing with excellent punchlines and ridiculous phrases that made me remember them. It's been a few days and I don't recall any insults or lines that stuck with me. I'll likely be seeing it again for Memorial Day weekend, but I still don't expect I'll remember much from it.
-Nitpick: God, I still want to push T.J. Miller off a bridge. He is not funny and never has been.
-Nitpick: WHY HAS NO ONE MADE A FIREFLY JOKE ABOUT MORENA BACCARIN AFTER TWO FUCKING DEADPOOL MOVIES?! COME ON. DEADPOOL IS ALL ABOUT NERD REFERENCES. GODDAMMIT MENTION FIREFLY YOU FUCKS. (But to be fair, this could also be because Fox is the reason we only got one season and so maybe they were forbidden from doing it. Still. That pisses me the hell off. Especially since Ryan Reynolds and Nathan Fillion (1) have both played the Green Lantern and (2) were on a sitcom with each other for years. Inexcusable.)
I'm sorry it sounds like I'm shitting on the movie. Really, it's enjoyable. I just think that maybe the first movie set the bar so high I can't help but feel frustrated by the sequel not trying as hard. Based on the online reactions, I'm on my own so...take that as you will, friends. Kyo out.
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countessofsnark · 6 years
Snarky Recap - Thunderbirds Are Go: ‘Home On The Range’
The One Where The Tracy Family Reveal Their Home Away From Home While Dealing With An Unwanted Guest.
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If this isn’t an epic way to open an episode than I don’t know what is. I’m already feeling the homely vibes. (Although I was kind of disappointed the first shot did not involve our boys riding into frame in full on cowboy gear. Rawr. *fans self*)
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Who needs an ordinary gym when you can have this facility. So that’s how they compensate for all that time sitting around the house/pool. 
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The most relentless drill instructor in the world. Grandma sure isn’t cutting the boys some slack. Damn son.
GECKO GLOVES. Brains, just when I thought your nerd levels couldn’t be any higher you go and reset the bar.
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Also, gratuitous shots of Scott and Virgil’s perfect bum are gratuitous and most welcome. *chinhands*
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‘Maybe I should take the lead for a change.’
Ask and ye shall receive - Tracy Style. The look on Gordon’s face is all kinds of precious. Also, the fact that Scott and Virgil can pick up their little bro and throw him that far up either means Virgil is way more beefed up than I had imagined *more fanning* or Gordon really is the lightweight of the family. Or both.
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'Then let’s see how well those gloves really work.’ *Misson Impossible theme intensifies*
This calls for MAXimum effort. (Sorry not sorry)
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Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s space trash falling down like a clumsy ginger baby giraffe.
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‘Thanks. Gravity is not really my thing.’
You don’t say, party boy. 
Cue MAX losing control due to a foreign signal. Looks like SKYNET’s humble beginnings are quite humble indeed.
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Scott’s face as he loses the battle with gravity is utterly heartbreaking. Someone please grab our precious rocket jockey.
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Have no fear, Big Fella Virgil is here! Look at these two taking care of each other. Be still my heart.
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Maneuver 17 - aka the Tracy Daisy Chain. SO PRECIOUS.
When Brains finally catches up to MAX, he is definitely acting like a concerned parent. Don’t worry, Nerd Boy, this is most definitely not your fault. 
Cut to... a lovely sunset shot of the beautiful Gran Roca ranch, which Grandma reveals to belong to the boys’ mother. And pardon my nitpicking, but if my geography knowledge serves correctly, that place sure doesn’t look like Kansas. *squints*
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HANG ON WAIT WHAT. Virgil is a leftie! VIRGIL. IS. A. LEFTIE. No wonder he’s such a creative genius - that’s one thing lefties are supposedly known for. Oh these details. BE STILL MY HEART.
Also, their mother took them horseback riding? AHHH. So that horseback riding prompt by @wonderavian which I turned into a fic a while ago wasn’t all that far from the truth after all! Also, Gordon facing the wrong way will never not be a hilarious anecdote, teehee. And you’re telling me Gordon did not skillfully get rid of all photographical evidence of that adventure? SHOCKING.
The lovely family get-together (which also includes Parker and Penny, for some reason) is interrupted by an intruder. However, when Kay and Penelope head to see what is tripping their security systems, both FAB 1 and Thunderbird Shadow lose engine power. HMM. The plot thickens, as they say.
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Who needs a car alarm when you can have this fearsome guard dog?
Parker doing the good old’ I’ll-just-take-a-seat-only-to-discover-a-hole-in-the-rock trick that Indiana Jones would approve of . And even a reporter out to ruin IR’s reputation deserves a fair rescue, so the boys head to their birds when suddenly...
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*cackles* Scott’s reaction is simply priceless. Scott Tracy Trademark Facepalm.
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Hover bikes. ‘Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.’ And a respectful nod to TOS. *wipes tear out of eye*
Some quick thinking by Brains and John has EOS trace the anomaly back to the hangar where their troubles initially began. Cue Brains heading in there to check things out. Heroic nerd is heroic.
Back in the canyon, Scott jumps down to comfort a scared Cath. If I were in a tough spot and needed rescuing, seeing that gentle face above me would definitely suffice to calm me down.
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And back to the hangar, where Brains realizes that he may have overestimated his ability to brave this situation alone.
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'Nice of you to drop by.’ Well look who’s talking.
Brains: ‘Wait! It could be a hologram!’ *proceeds to throw something at the Mechanic* Followed by that classic ‘oh shit’ moment when you realise one of your worst nightmares is quite real and quite not amused.
Brains: ‘I will not let you use any of our resources!’
The Mechanic: ‘I’m not asking.’
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Look at the complicated winch system our lumberjack leftie cooked up. And Scott continuing to reassure Cath. Ugh, could they be any more precious if they tried?
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Back on the ranch, Sherlock John and Dr EOS have just discovered the identity of the troublemaker. Cue Brains figuring out part of the Mechanic’s plans AND sending Grandma a coded message so she can reset the system, restoring comms and MAX to his former self. All hail our bespectacled nerd. All hail.
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You can’t spell teamwork without Tracy brothers. *squish*
The Mechanic, when he figures out the system has been restored: ‘For someone called Brains, THAT wasn’t a very smart move.’ OHHHH DAMN. The Sass is with this guy.
MAX storms in to deal with the Mechanic’s scorpion drone, followed by Grandma: so much badassery.
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John defending Grandma (’First of all, only family get to call her that!’) and disabling the Mechanic’s suit. BE STILL MY POOR HEART.
Fast forward to the ranch’s cosy living room, and Cath sitting propped up against some pillows while Scott kindly tells her that if there’s anything she wants to know, she need only ask. Well, almost anything.
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‘There are some things we have to keep secret otherwise people like the Hood or the Mechanic will use them in bad ways.’
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‘...really, we’re just an regular family.’ Cue Alan and Gordon fighting over a chair. Oh these two rascals. Pfff.
Alan: ‘You wanna hear a real story? Let me tell you some of the things Gordon says in his sleep.’
AHAHAHA. I bet it involves a certain Lady Penelope. Also, that is totally future fic material and you know it.
What a lovely little episode. We sure are being spoiled with lore and revelations this half of the season. And I am enjoying every second of it.
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irelandhoneybee · 6 years
Tagged by the awesome @murdocklovespage    This was fun; thanks my dear!
1. Nickname: I actually don’t really have one.  My name is short and doesn’t really lend itself easily to nicknames.  
2. Gender: F
3. Star sign: Gemini
4. Height: 5′5″
5. Time: 6:13 pm
6. Birthday: June 16
7. Fave Bands: The Beatles (to paraphrase Paul McCartney the Beatles are first, second and third)  But other faves include Lord Huron, The Head and the Heart,   Keane, The Lumineers, HoneyHoney, The Shins, U2, Sleeping At Last (although I guess it’s mostly a solo act now), The Everly Brothers, The Avett Brothers, Counting Crows
8. Fave solo Artists:  Ingrid Michaelson, Birdy, Donovan, A Fine Frenzy, Sara Bareilles, Marvin Gaye, Hozier, Don Henley, Sia (I literally just learned last night she has a Christmas album coming out and I could not be more excited),Sting,  Adele, Paul Simon, Taylor Swift,  Gregory Alan Isakov, Ben E. King, Brandi Carlile, David Gray, Eva Cassidy, Lucy Schwartz
9. Song stuck in my head: Birdy’s cover of “The District Sleeps Alone Tonight”
10. Last Movie I Saw: In the theater: Goodbye Christopher Robin and over the weekend I re-watched one of my favorites: Good Will Hunting
11. Last Show I Saw: Finally finished Mindhunter and also got all caught up on Black Mirror.  Next up are Man in the High Castle and Alias Grace
12. Favorite Actors:  Colin Firth, Brie Larson, Greta Gerwig, Robert Downey Jr, Jack Lemmon, Michael Imperioli, Emma Thompson, Charlie Cox, Zoe Kazan, Michelle Williams, Jessica Chastain, Ethan Hawke, Jason Schwartzman, Minnie Driver, Sarah Paulson, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Gina Rodriguez, Mark Ruffalo, Rosario Dawson, Deborah Ann Woll, Adam Driver, Krysten Ritter, David Tennant
13. What do I post: Karedevil (I love my precious babies so damn much), lately a lot of autumn photography, Beatles, DuckTales, various TV, movies and books
14. Last thing I googled: “How big can my carry-on bag be?”  I’m going to be traveling over Christmas and I am not what you would call a light packer.  lol
15. Any other blogs: nope
16. Do I get asks: Rarely these days since the plagiarizer went away.  But feel free to ask; I’m always down to talk about whatever!
17. Why did I pick my URL: It’s the meaning of my first and middle names.  Erin=Ireland and Melissa (according to my cousin’s baby names book anyway)=honeybee
18. Following: 201
19. Followers: 67
20. Fave color: blues and purples
21. Fave place(s) on earth: Venice, Italy (I only spent a day there, but fell in love with it); a cafe near where I live that makes their own chocolate, and it’s such a cozy atmosphere and I just love everything about it; my couch curled up either with a book or watching TV, with the cat on my lap
22. Lucky number: 16
23. Instruments: clarinet through junior high and high school
24. Fave hobby: reading, watching tv/movies (and then analyzing them to death)
25. Crushes: Oh boy... Colin Firth, Charlie Cox, Matt Murdock (my scruffy blind ninja), Karen Page (my beautiful badass), Dorothy Zbornak (I basically want to BE Dorothy Zbornak), Jessica Jones, Marisha Pessl (my literary crush; I cannot recommend her books enough. I re-read them every single year, in fact I just started Night Film again over the weekend.  I NEVER get tired of them), Prince Harry (if he decides to ditch the beard I will sob), Fox Mulder, Dhani Harrison, David Tennant, Luke Cage,  Brie Larson (I love her so much; she’s my imaginary celebrity bff), Tony Stark, Barack and Michelle Obama, Pacey Witter, Prince Kit (from the live action Cinderella), Chris Evans (my favorite Chris)
26. Dream Career: owning my own bookshop
27. Dream Trip: England (Liverpool, and I’m dying to explore London), and Paris (mainly just to go to Shakespeare & Company.  I don’t even need to see the Eiffel Tower!  lol) and Hawaii
28. Fave anime: I have to skip this one, as I am not familiar with anime at all (I have a friend who would smack me if she read this)
29. Nationality: American
30. Fave musical: I’m not a big musical person but I do love The Wizard of Oz and Singin’ in the Rain 
Tagging @fiphigenie @trombonesinspace @musings-from-liverpool-street @lifeisjustalonelyhighway @meinhiding @hoedontblink  @karedevil4ever and anyone else who wants to.  
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GENE Concert From a Fan POV Part 2
💗During the Concert💗 As we got in I met the 2 girls i originally seperated . I was happy as long I was able to enjoy the concert with someone. From there we waited and began to spot some boys up in the balcony. We tried to guess if it either Taro Project kids ( which i need a word with Masa , Taiki and Micky because i aint going jail cause of them) or the members of FANTASTIC. In the end we didnt figure it out. But as we stay and chatted, THE BOYS CAME OUTFOR REHEARSEL. LET ME TELL EVERYONE I WAS READY TO CRY CAUSE I SAW REO. Ryota and Ryuto came out and say “ happy to meet you guys” I literally wanted to run up in stage and hug him. From there they started to rehearse Their latest song “ SUN AND MOON” and another favorite “EVERGREEN” . Let me tell yall how the boys werent in that energy but they were either trying to figure themselves on stage or some people were having a hangover *cough* Reo sano*cough*. As they finish their little piece of charm to us fans, I was ready to fight with Reo Sano ! why?WHO THE FUCK TOLD HIM TO BE LAZY ON STAGE HUH?! I was literally ready to search his ass and fight him but then a staff came out to annouce the high touch or what the online said the “ MEET& GREET” which tbh i was a little upset about because i thought it was going to be a meet and greet for each member but i guess the words are different on concert but the term means the same. Anyway I was nervous as I got near and HOLY MOTHER FUCKING GOD THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL MANS. no no no frfr i expected reo, hayato , alan and ryuto shorter than me NAHHHHHHH IM SHORT THAN THEM LIKE BITCH IM DONE. I was also in shock its high five them with 2 hands instead of one so first was mandy , reo, ryota, ryuto, yuta, alan, and lastly hayato ( If i remember correctly). All i can say i was shy nervous and hayato zoom zoom my heart in space. YES FUCKING HAYATO TOOK MY HEART WITH HIS SMILE. Also i notice how they all said thank you for coming to the show im like NO BABY BOY THANK YOU FOR COMING AND HAVE ME BE A MELTING IDIOT IN FRONT OF YOU!. LIFE COMPLETE. As we did a huge vircle to touch them, it was back to the venue where i found my buddies again. This time another spot. It took almost an hour till the show start which my legs were killing me. Btw Those fucking taro kids including scandal HIRO was there. Lol i remember I spotted his ass next to a pole and pointed at him which all the fans look towards him made him hide behind the pole 😂. Then the light turn down and all you can hear the introduction of Mr. SWAY Im like BITCH HES FUCKING HERE LIKE WHAT?! i was happy to hear him cause i know Satan Admin is screaming her heart out to him lmao. The opening act is FANTASTIC WHICH I WANT TO KNOW WHO THAT GUY THAT STOLE MY HEART LIKE BOY SLIDE IN MY DM WILL YOU! Minus taiki who was no present in the group . I enjoy their performance like i literally dance in my spot. SEKAI BABY BOY WAS THERE AND I LOVE IT! But i still want that boy who stole my attention👀👀👀👀. As they finish their performance , THE BOYS CAME OUT AND IT WAS LIT. I was happy and excited to see them live. I cant tell exactly all the performance but I can say when Ryuto and Ryota perform the lastest song alone. MY HEART LITERALLY CRIED AND IM MAD THAT MY PHONE USB WAS DESTROYED THAT I DIDNT EVEN NOTICE IT 😭😭😭😭😭. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL AND PRECIOUS. Also when the ALAN CAME OUT DJ, NY WAS LIT AND SATAN ADMIN AND MY SECOND WIFE “ Lauren” CAME OUT WITH THEIR ENERGY. Tbh most of the fans werent lit like it was chill but i know generations came to NYC for an awesome exciting fans and guest what SATAN AND LAUREN DID THAT FOR THEM . ALAN WAS SO HAPPY THAT HE GO THE REACTION HIS WAS LOOKING FOR. As DJ scene change to free style dance as the boys and fantastic came out. TELL ME WHY THEY ADDED A THE BEGINNING PART OF “ oro solido- El Beeper” IN THEIR CHOREO. BITCH IM LATINA AND WHEN I HEARD THAT IM LIKE YALL BETTER SIT YOUR ASSES DOWN CAUSE YALL BROUGHT MY SPANISH SIDE OUT😭😭😭😭. Towards the end, they did the greeting and thank you towards us fan. It was a moment like each member tried their best to speak english and im happy they did. I was emotionally touch ryota apologize for the cancellation on the London and Paris trip because the incident happen few days ago. We all understood the situation and the events was still fresh to the scene so it was safety for the boys , staff including the fans of theirs. Its funny when Ryuto introduce himself, I scream “ TE AMO” at him and hide he notice and pause it was funny. Hayato and alan saw me when I hide myself away. Damn me and my shyness lol. As we got to the last song All for you, TELL ME WHY HAYATO POINT AT ME AND I LITERALLY DIED LIKE BITCH HAYATO POINT AT ME I WAS SO HAPPY . YHIS BITCH RIGHT HERE WAS HAPPY TO THE POINT BAP DAEHYUN CAN KISS MY ASS BECAUSE IM LEAVING HIM! joking joking 😂😂😂😂. But overall the concert was great i enjoy it the boys enjoy it. Side note: Apparently Satan admin screamed REO PAPI 8x times and im frfr im embaress for coming up that name 😂😂😂🔫🔫🔫🔫 Side note: I wonder if elly and ryuji was at the concert as well cause i know damn well they were in ny so maybe they were idk.
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sage-nebula · 7 years
Top 10 pokeani characters
Alan --- Surprising absolutely no one, especially since he’s my favorite character from anything ever, Alan tops the list. I cry and cry and ride and die for how much I love him. I’ll scream it from the rooftops, I’ll write it with a plane, I will find a way to design it in fireworks and I will love him ten times more fiercely for every ounce of ridiculous hate he gets. Alan is my light, my life, my love, my everything. I adore every part of this boy and probably always will.[deep breath]More specifically, I love so, so, so much of what Alan is. I love how absolutely determined (and he is, he’s a DETERMINATOR and that’s a big part of why Lysandre “liked” him so much!) he is, how his sheer determination to carry on and keep walking the path toward his goals is a big part of his character. I love how brave and courageous he is, how although that can easily slide into recklessness when people (especially those he loves) are in danger, he will still face the destruction of the world head on because it is the Right Thing to do. Alan is a Gryffindor, undoubtedly and absolutely, and his bravery and chivalry (as in knight code---I explain it in the linked essay) absolutely shine. Alan cares not just for his precious people, but for everyone. He cares about and wants to protect the whole damn world if possible, it’s just that sometimes he gets in over his head in his attempts. But oh, does he try. He tries so very, very hard. (To the point where, honestly, this conversation could take place:Person: “Alan, what are you doing?”Alan: “My best.”And tbh it would be 100% believable.)He’s incredibly intelligent, incorporating real-world strategies into his pokémon’s movesets and into his battles, and is shown to be pretty adept at thinking on his feet and coming up with solutions on the fly. He’s compassionate and kind, and just can’t let it go if someone needs assistance. Although he’s very intelligent and very strong, he’s not arrogant, and in fact we see on multiple occasions that pretentious, arrogant behavior actually annoys him and makes him quick to dislike people. And all of these things make him a very relatable character to me, because honestly, same, but I also find him to be extremely relatable because he is a character who has been abused, shows clear symptoms of C-PTSD as a result of that abuse, and who exhibits C-PTSD in very much the same fashion I do. I’ve never related to a fictional character the way I relate to Alan and I’m honestly so, so very grateful that he exists. Light of my life, quite honestly.I could on for like . . . twelve more paragraphs, but I’ll stop there. Alan is my favorite for everything ever, and definitely tops this list. My love for him is ineffable. I’ll leave it at that.
Ash Ketchum --- However, Ashy-boy is still at number two! And while I do love all versions of Ash forever, I think I should probably specify here that the Ash I really mean, the Ash in my heart, will always be the Ash from the OS. See, the thing is . . . as the seasons went on, I feel like they’ve taken the Ash that we had in the OS, and hyper-focused on certain characteristics there for entire sagas, ignoring everything else. In the XY&Z series they focused on his heroism, his idealism, and his bravery; the one time we were allowed to see him feel down and sulky about his recent loss-streak, he was punished for it and readily adopted a smile back in place by the end of the episode. In the SunMoon series, meanwhile, it seems like they’re focusing on his exuberance and his childlike awe and wonder for the world. And those traits, just like his heroism and bravery, are great traits! And he is ten and should be allowed to act like it (he didn’t in the XY&Z series, tbh---he acted more like he was 13/14). But again, there’s more to him than just that. He is, or at least he used to be, more well-rounded than that.People complain about OS!Ash losing battles or flailing his way through life, and let’s be honest: He did a lot of flailing back then. But I also feel that we saw so many more dimensions to Ash’s character back then. I mean, looking at the first episode alone:- He was idealistic and optimistic and excitable and full of awe and wonder when it came to the mere idea of starting his journey, but similarly when he met Pikachu for the first time (“Oh he’s so cute! He’s the best one of them all!”), and when he saw wild pokémon such as pidgey and rattata. - He was heroic and brave when he shielded Pikachu with his own body and faced down each and every spearow without flinching.- He was feisty and ready to fight both when Gary pissed him off, and when the spearow flock attacked once again.- He was aggravated and a snarky little sassmouth right back at Pikachu when Pikachu was, well, being a brat as well. - His eyes shined he was so happy when Pikachu finally licked his chin.And I could go on. Ash---the Ash I know and love---has so many dimensions to him. He can be excitable and cheerful sometimes, petulant and surly at others, righteous and determined at still others, uncertain and afraid at others, optimistic and confident at others, and depressed and broody at others. Part of Ash’s characterization is that his temperament was somewhat mercurial; he could go through a range of emotions throughout an episode depending on the situation. He was compassionate and all-loving toward pokémon from day one, but he also had his moments of screwing up, such as when he insulted practically everyone in Celadon City by insulting perfume and then refused to apologize about it (and then decided to cross-dress to sneak into the Celadon Gym . . . oh Ash). He didn’t flinch once as he led the originals back out to face Mewtwo in the first movie, but when faced with the pressure of being the Chosen One to save the world in the second, he was noticeably afraid. (“Right now I wish my mom had named me Bob.” Oh Ash. That’s a dub only line, I’m sure of it, but so good.) I still think that this Ash is in the Ashes we see nowadays---I still consider this to be his characterization regardless of what the show says, tbh, just more mature as time goes on---but either way, he’ll always be my Ash. The Ash who makes silly puns (“Maybe it’s a cowterpie!”), who can be absolutely savage with his insults (“Aside from you, what are the other two most disgusting things?”), who loves all pokémon but still doesn’t get why Misty thinks tentacool and tentacruel are cute. And by the way, fuck the haters, because he’s an excellent trainer, and I’ll stand by that.Alan may be my favorite, but Ash is still a close second and always will be. I love him. 
Lizardon --- Of course I cannot mention one of my dragon sons without mentioning the other. I love Lizardon (and it should be obvious, but just in case---I’m speaking specifically about Alan’s charizard, here). I love Lizardon for who he is as well as what he has done to reshape the image of charizard that fandom (and Nintendo themselves!) have held onto for so long. Because while Lizardon is proud of his power, while he is just as determined as his platonic soulmate, and while he likes battling just as much as Alan does, he also loves to be petted, loves to be cuddled, gets really happy and croons when he is praised (or outright cheers when he gets his medal at the end of the series). Lizardon is generally very friendly and open. He loves battling and is confident in his abilities, sure, but off the battlefield he’s a complete sweetheart and he’s not afraid to show it. (And I love the heavy implication that he is male, too, due to the language Alan uses to address him, because boys can be sweethearts! Boys can love cuddles! Boys can like snuggling! Just because he’s a big boy dragon doesn’t mean he can’t appreciate these things---look at Toothless from Dreamworks Dragons! Toothless is once called “big baby boo” by Hiccup, and you know that Lizardon can sometimes be a big baby boo sometimes, too. I love it and I love him.) Lizardon is a sweetheart, but he’s also fiercely protective of his boy (don’t even think he isn’t---there’s a reason Alan moves closer to Lizardon when he feels wary or anxious, as seen in XYZ036). He is a dragon, and a fierce one at that. He just also happens to be friendly and nice most of the time, and considering how charizard have been characterized for the bulk of the past twenty years (mostly thanks to Ash’s charizard), I appreciate it.
Pikachu --- And I can’t forget Pikachu, either. Like Ash, most of the Pikachu characterization I love is in the OS (and early OS, at that) thanks to how sassy and bratty he used to be back then, but also like Ash, I love Pikachu throughout the years as well. Pikachu has his moments of being spunky and sassy (especially earlier on, when he would electrocute someone for accidentally insulting him), but he also is protective and sweet to those he loves, has a hilarious fondness for ketchup (which was one of the very, very, very few bits of continuity referenced in XY&Z!), is brave, clever, and his relationship with Ash is one of the most iconic and most precious in animated history. Pikachu has received so much hate over the years, so much of it undeserved. I love him. He’s a Pikapal.
Misty Waterflower --- My girl Misty has to make the list. I already talked a lot about her last night, so I won’t go into it all again, but essentially what I love about Misty is that she was such a well-rounded character---she was allowed to be so much, in that she was a tomboy, sure, but she was also allowed to be feminine at times and this wasn’t disparaged, nor was she ashamed of showing those parts of herself. There were parts surrounding the writing around her that could have been better, but Misty herself was a great character and she, too, doesn’t deserve the hate she gets.
Jessie & James --- This is cheating, technically, but honestly they’re so inseparable in my mind that I can’t have them here any other way. Like, it doesn’t matter how they’re together, they just have to be together. I refuse to consider them separated. Jessie and James are soulmates, absolutely, and what I love most about them (aside from their individual backstories and the like) is the role they fulfill in the show---how they are, despite the times when they actually do terrible things (as they do sometimes) so very much like Ash’s weird big brother and big sister. Like, they’re frienemies, but at this point Jessie and James have been there with him the longest (aside from Pikachu, of course). They’ll continue to be with him the longest. And while I can understand criticisms that some people are tired of them, for me it’s hard to imagine the show without them. I love Jessie and James and, personally, I’m glad they’re here.
Professor Sycamore --- I was honestly surprised with how much I came to absolutely love Professor Sycamore considering the fact that I was not wild about him in the games, but here we are. Sycamore is great for a lot of reasons, but I would be lying if I said that the reason why he makes this list is any reason other than the fact that he is, without doubt, Best Dad™. I absolutely love how perfect of a father he is for Alan, how understanding and compassionate and encouraging he is, how you know that Alan’s life would have been very different without Sycamore’s presence in it, but how Sycamore himself obviously doesn’t feel like Alan owes him anything. (Alan’s feelings on the matter are a different story.) But at the same time, Sycamore’s still great with all the other kids, too. He readily picks Bonnie up so she can pet Gabrielle. He’s protective of all the other kids (Bonnie and Serena in the kidnapping episode, Manon when that Flare grunt tried to start some shit at the start of the Flare crisis), and he’s so openly encouraging of everyone finding their own path and their own thing to do. Sycamore is great. He is Best Dad™, and I’m so happy that he can be right there at the head of this dragon hugging family. (Well, almost everyone in the family has hugged dragons. //pointed look @ Meyer and Clemont)
Tracey Sketchitt --- HATERS WILL HATE, BUT I LOVE TRACEY. Tracey is so passionate and enthusiastic and knowledgeable. He’s Best Navigator™ and it is a crime that he was not brought along for Johto, honestly, I’m going to forever be salty about this. Pretty much all of the Tracey backlash was just because he wasn’t Brock (and I mean, Brock’s great too, but come on), and it was completely undeserved. Tracey is observant, smart, dedicated, and kind, and I love him, and he deserves more appreciation. TRACEY 4 ALOLA 2K17. (This is a joke, but if anyone was going to make a comeback . . .)
Iris --- Iris doesn’t deserve all the hate she gets, either, but like Misty, I talked a bit about Iris yesterday. Iris is adorable, sassy, brave, and smart; she has a well-written and interesting character arc, and to this day I have yet to see one legitimate reason for hating her (since most of it is outright senseless bashing). I’m still salty she never got her cameo in the Kalos series, and istg Serena better stay tf away until Iris gets her proper cameo. Iris 4 Alola 2k17. (Again, a joke, however . . .)
Bonnie --- Finally, I have to mention Bonnie, because I love this little girl. I love how Bonnie was allowed to act her age, how she doesn’t always know how to handle new pokémon, but how she is so enthusiastic about it, so full of excitement and awe and love for the world around her. This is a girl who found a Zygarde core, didn’t know it was a Zygarde core, named it Squishy, made up a song for it, and then used that song to get through to the rampaging dragon. She is the third member of the family to hug a dragon (and so far last---come on, Meyer and Clemont, snap to it!), and my god that was one of the most powerful moments in the series. That scene (in Japanese at least) still makes me tear up. Bonnie is amazing, and I still think she’ll make a fantastic Top Ranger one day, reaching pokémon the world over through the power of her feelings and friendship (rather than monster balls), and being an international superheroine while she’s at it. Rock the fuck on, Bonnie.
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willow-salix · 2 years
For the TAG asks - Questions 2, 18 and 20 with Alan & Gordon please 😊
Ok, lets do this.
2: Favourite minor character would have to be Conrad, I adore that baby so much, I just want to squish him and love him and feed him and tell him he's doing SUCH A GOOD JOB. He's smart, he's brave and he's just precious and gahhhh cinnamon roll.
18: I did watch TOS, soooo much. Things I wish they had kept in... hummm (my kid says John's bathrobe and Scott's bedhead but I say nope to that one). Ok, lets be serious for a moment.
- I would have liked to have seen Kayo have a slightly more Tin-Tin role in the engineering way. Purely because I love how they showed her as having brains as well as being pretty. I feel they might have gone a tiny bit the other direction with Kayo and made her so kickass and awesome in her own way, but I would have liked to have seen her show her intelligence in other ways than things related to flying etc.
- I wanted Penelope to have a more defined role outside of IR. In TOS they really played up her secret agent spy side but in TAG I felt they did too little with her. She tended to play more to the socialite side of things and I would have liked to have seen her doing more away from IR and the GDF. I'd have liked to have seen her with some more alter egos like Wanda Lamour and Gayle Williams.
- I would have liked to have seen more spy stuff, period. I love The Man From MI5 and 30 Minutes After Noon and their spy guys and would have loved to have seen an episode where Penelope and IR had to save a spy and the thing he was guarding or whatever.
- I'd also have liked to have seen more agents in it, like Jeremiah Tuttle and Sir Jeremy Hodge. Even if they had just been mentioned in passing.
-Most afraid of the dark: Neither really, space is made of dark, as is the depths of the ocean. I'm sure both boys are fine with it, though I do headcanon that baby Alan didn't like it or storms.
- Putting off homework: Gordon, definitely Gordon. Alan is a good boy and while he sometimes wanted to ditch schoolwork for IR work he was still a good student, and damned clever with it.
- Going off grid for fun: Gordon. He'd want to go all woodsman or deserted island dweller. Alan couldn't bare to leave his games and live streams at home.
Reading Jane Austen in their spare time: Gordon. He knows that Penny used to love them when she was younger and that she still reads them at least once a year as a kind of comfort book. So he's reading them so he has a clue what she's blushing about when she talks about Mr Darcy...
Going to move off Tracy Island first: Alan, to go to college for at least a semester or two like a real teenager.
Secretly replacing Grandma's cooking: Both, one is look out and distractor extraordinaire , the other is the one actioning the old switcheroo. Scott was in on it too, he got the take out.
Taking all the family photographs: Gordon, but they are never the ones that Grandma would like to put in the albums. He takes the embarrassing ones, the ones with someone sneezing on their birthday cake or falling down a hill while on a family hike, the one that gets stuck in the slide at the waterpark, all those moments that they would probably love to forget, Gordon captured them all.
Planning a picnic for a sunny day: Gordon again. He likes to be outside and will happily take a picnic off down to the rock pools and spend all day down there helping out the creatures that wash up there and keeping an eye on their little ecosystems.
These were fun, thanks for the asks xx
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hedwigstalons · 4 years
High Expectations - Ch18
Short fic?  Really?  How the hell have we reached chapter 18 already?  
@willow-salix has been a huge support all the way through.  She wields the red pen mightily
Earlier parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen
AO3 chapter link
Chapter Eighteen
John closed the apartment door and basked in the silence.  The last few weeks had been awful but the last few days had been hellish.  If you had asked him two days ago what had been the hardest part of this summer he would have answered without hesitation his thesis defence interview, not because he had any difficulty with his project but because, even after 4 years at Harvard some of the faculty still struggled with his presence.  
He had bounced onto the quad aged sixteen, looking more like twelve, and instantly made a name for himself by criticising the work of one of the more well respected professors on campus.  It probably hadn’t helped that he had been right.  Since then he had been dogged by whispers of ‘Daddy’s money’ or heckled as an android freak as he eschewed the company of the peers that would never truly be peers due to the gaps in both age and intellect.  University had been a bittersweet mix of unbridled access to learning mixed with a social web to navigate that made high school look like an insignificant warm up.  The culmination of it all had been his thesis defence in front of a panel who didn’t know whether to be intimidated by him or offer him a cookie for being a good boy.  Still, he was walking away from it all, with dual honours and a postgraduate distinction, at an age not dissimilar from those just starting their higher education journey.
The troubles and torments of university, however, had nothing on the hell on Earth that was Boston airport for an extended period of time. He could now categorically say that this had been the worst part of the summer.  The route between east and west coast seemed to be plagued by delays but this, his final time of making the journey, had topped the lot.  Being held up for an unspecified period of time in an airport lounge had brought out the worst in humanity and after a delay that had pushed past 36 hours in the end he would be quite happy to never see another human ever again.  With the apartment door firmly shut on the outside world he fully intended to recharge and bask in the solitude before Alan got home from school.
He padded up the hallway to deposit the travel bag containing a few meagre essentials in his room but never made it that far.
The apartment might have been silent but it wasn’t empty.  His room was next to Alan’s and through the open door he could see that self same teenager sat cross legged on the bed, head set on, controller in hand and eyes glued to the screen that flashed with neon laser cannons and moved at a dizzying pace.  Part of him wanted to tiptoe on past, pretend he hadn’t spotted his younger brother, and collapse onto his own bed.  John could have sworn that he hadn’t done anything that could penetrate the teenager’s electronic cocoon but before he had crossed the doorway Alan’s head whipped round and fixed him with an intense blue stare.
Alan paused the game, dropped the controller next to him and slid off the headset.  He continued to stare in a way that he could see was making his older brother uncomfortable, holding the eye contact that always made John squirm a little, but at this point he didn’t care.
The weeks before Gordon’s departure had been busy.  With a fixed deadline firmly etched on the calendar Jeff had ramped up the pressure on Gordon to gain his pilot’s licence and all the myriad of special endorsements he would need beyond the basics in order to complete a cross-continental journey solo.  Alan wasn’t quite sure why such a high rated licence was necessary but he had appreciated all the extra time at the airfield it necessitated.  Almost every weekend had been spent there so that Gordon could get in the required practice and he had always tagged along, partly to spend more time with Gordon and partly in the hope of getting a lesson himself; it turned out flying was something he had a flair for and he relished those precious moments in the cockpit.  But then Gordon had gained his licence and the lessons had dried up.  Time in the sky went from being a priority to something his father was too busy to provide.  It rankled that he wasn’t worth the effort. 
And then the dreaded day had come.  The day he lost the brother he was closest to to the military might of WASP.  He’d probably come across as petulant and moody, his goodbyes stilted and brief, but the sullen exterior had been his armour protecting him from breaking as something inside him died.  He hadn’t even been able to go with Gordon on the trip up the coast as had been the original plan.  A last minute change had seen their father disappear off on some mysterious overseas errand, leaving Virgil to play taxi service to the WASP to be.  He had begged to go too but unfortunately for him the start date for Gordon had coincided with Scott having some leave and Virgil was staying up north to indulge in some oldest brother bonding time.  So he had been left behind, alone in the apartment, with the promise that John would have arrived by morning. 
Morning had dawned but the promised sibling hadn’t appeared.  The logical side of him knew there would be a perfectly rational explanation for John’s delay but the emotional side of him just added it to the heap of rejection he was feeling.  No one gave a damn about him.  Noone cared what he was doing.  He’d turned right around and headed back into his room to kill zombies.  When the second morning dawned and he was still alone the only difference it made was that the zombies were replaced by asteroids.  
John was pinned uncomfortably by the stare.  Everything about Alan screamed out that he was issuing a challenge, daring John to pass comment.  If he had ignored John’s presence he probably would have been left alone but John was a Tracy too and as with all Tracys he never could resist a challenge. 
“No school today?” he queried, one eyebrow raised in preemptive skepticism.
“Does it look like it?”
“What it looks like is you playing video games on a Tuesday in term time.  The news didn’t mention any schools being flattened by freak hurricanes so why are you here?”
Alan just shrugged and went to pick up his controller again.
“What?!  It’s not like there’s any point me being there.”
“There is always a point to school.”
“Yeah?  Well I’m not learning anything there, the stuff they set is just insulting.”
This was one point John could empathise with, boredom in the classroom was a familiar feeling to him.  He felt lucky that he had met forward thinking teachers early on in his school career.  Teachers that had put the effort in to find out his level rather than being happy to have a coasting child in the class that didn’t need their assistance.  The result had seen him progressing through grade school at a pace that, while it still felt slow to him, at least meant he wasn’t inflicted with the full, tortuous twelve years.  Alan on the other hand had been forced to stay firmly in his age grade. 
“What about your friends, surely you’re bored here without them?”
That just earned him an eye roll.
“Can we just skip the questions and head straight to the part where you lecture me.”
“Would it make a difference?  I’m not Dad but you do realise he is going to be majorly pissed when he finds out, don’t you?”
“He’ll only find out if you tell him.”
“You think he won’t find out from school?”
Alan just sighed.
“Seriously Johnny, Gordon and I got all comms from school diverted directly to us years ago.  I’ve already responded to their email.”
“You and Gordon did that?” He was secretly a little impressed that his brothers had found a way to bypass the school systems although he was concerned that their father had seemingly never noticed.
“Well, okay, I did that.  Gordon’s not so hot on the technical stuff but it was his idea.  Dad’s never been that great at dealing with letters and permission slips so I just got in through a school admin account and updated the contact details.  If it’s not a report card he isn’t interested.”
John decided not to pass comment on the low level hacking his baby brother had pulled off.  Instead he picked his way across the minefield that was Alan’s floor to join his little brother on the bed.  The mattress felt deliciously soft compared to the plastic seat upon which he had been forced to spend the night and he felt his bones sigh in relief.  His own bed was still calling out to him but his big brother instincts were screaming at him to fix things, even if he wasn’t entirely sure what he needed to fix.  The screaming won.  He leaned across to grab a second controller off the cluttered bedside unit and synced it into the game.
“So, what’re we playing?  I don’t recognise this one but then there wasn’t much time for gaming at Harvard.”
Alan looked bemused by the turn of events.  Scott held an authority that demanded respect, Virgil would take a softer and more caring approach, Gordon provided a mix of straight talking and fun whereas their father subscribed to the school of parenting that was mostly indifferent until an indiscretion was unearthed.  John was still a bit of an unknown entity, he’d never taken on the role of authority figure for Alan and he couldn’t work out his brother’s strategy.  
  “Uh, it’s something I made myself.”  Alan disconnected his headset and the background music of the pause screen sounded out harshly in the otherwise quiet apartment eliciting an involuntary wince from John.  He guiltily turned the volume down to a more comfortable level before resuming play.
They sat side by side in silence for a few minutes, blasting asteroids and navigating their way through a fast moving debris field.  The game concept appeared simple and John wondered why Alan had done it; it wasn’t like he couldn’t afford to stock up on the commercially available games.
“Games design is a new one for you, this a school project or something?”
John sensed the eye roll even without taking his own eyes off the screen.
“Hardly.  School sucks.”
“So, why make the game?”
“It’s not about the game.  I wanted to see if I could model a debris field.  Thought if I could get it right it could be good training, you know, before astronaut school.”  
“I think you’ll find Tracy College already has their own simulators.  How do you even know this is accurate.”  Alan had made no secret about his desire to head into space and it looked like that was still the life plan.  Part of John hoped the game wasn’t accurate, the objects were flying in thick and fast and he was struggling to react in time to find a clear path for his craft and guide it through.  Alan, on the other hand, was having no such difficulties; his movements were lightening fast and the game seemed to hold no challenge for him.
“Borrowed your books.”  Alan set his own controller down as John’s ship took a direct hit and exploded in a mass of technicolour pixels that ended the game.  He stretched out and plucked a weighty tome off the edge of his desk.
“Borrowed?  I don’t remember you asking.”  John recognised the volume as one of the few undergraduate text books he had investing in the hard copy of.  Slips of coloured paper stuck out at intervals and the pages were rather more worn and well thumbed than he remembered.  
Alan pointedly ignored the question and instead flipped through to the relevant pages.  
“I’m not sure if I got this bit right though.  I struggled to combine the effect of an explosion induced debris field interacting with a meteor shower.”
However John had been expecting his talk to go with Alan, it hadn’t been like this.  He soon found himself drawn into an animated discussion of the core principles of astrophysics and how material behaved in a vacuum.  Alan’s grasp of the subject, considering he was entirely self taught, surprised the elder Tracy.  On his rare visits home Alan had always pestered him to go star gazing or asked him his thoughts on the latest developments in astronaut training but he’d had no idea that Alan’s interest had extended into him seemingly attempting to study most of the first year of his Harvard course from home.  No wonder the kid was bored at school.  
When Jeff returned later that night it was to find the two boys deeply engrossed in some project or other.  Books and piles of scribbled notes lay scattered around them and John’s fingers danced through lines of holographic code as he pointed out some facet or other to the younger boy who seemed to hang on his every word.  He assumed John was helping Alan with his homework and thought no more of it as he settled down to his own evening. 
“Mr Tracy, a Miss West is on the line for you.”
Jeff frowned at the unexpected intrusion from his personal assistant.  “Miss West?”  He couldn’t place the name.
“She says she is calling from the High School, Sir”
“Put her through then.”  He paused a moment until the slight click indicating a change in caller reached his ears.  
“Mr Tracy?  I’m Sarah West, Alan’s home room teacher.”  The woman on the other end of the call sounded slightly nervous and with good reason, the Tracy reputation was formidable and seeing Alan’s name on her class list when he had joined the school had led to rounds of commiserations in the faculty lounge.
“Miss West, what can I do for you?”  He tried to keep the puzzlement out of his voice.  The last time he had received a call from the school, or any kind of communication now he came to think about it, had been over Gordon’s suspension.  He hoped he was not in for a repeat of that embarrassing incident.
“I just wanted to check on how Alan was doing.  The class are all missing him and hope he is able to return to school soon.”
Jeff understood the words being spoken but the actual sentiments made no sense.  As far as he was concerned Alan was at school at that very moment.  He kept his voice carefully neutral.
“I thank you for your concern Miss West.  I will certainly pass on your regards when I see Alan this evening.”
“Thank you Mr Tracy.  Please accept my best wishes for you and all your family, it can be so hard when these things happen.  Please keep me informed of his progress through the parent portal and once Alan is well enough to come back we will look at putting a catch up and transition programme in place for him.  Alan is a bright boy and I have every confidence that he will be able to catch up with these missed weeks.”
“Thank you Miss West.  I will of course keep you informed.  Now if you will excuse me.”
“Of course Mr Tracy, goodbye.”
“Goodbye Miss West.”
Missed weeks.  The words rang out in his head, causing him to rub his temples.  Trouble at school had always been Gordon’s domain, he’d been gone for months but still his influence was being felt.  Alan had always taken after John until now; good grades, generally studious and with a passion for space. Whatever was going on Jeff knew he needed to nip it in the bud.  Pausing only to inform his PA that he would be heading out for lunch and might not return that day Jeff headed back to the apartment.
Jeff found Alan in his room, engrossed in some project or other.  He rapped smartly on the doorframe, breaking the teen’s concentration and causing him to look round in surprise.  The look Jeff was treated to wasn’t one of fear or remorse though and there was certainly no sign of guilt at being caught where he shouldn’t.
“Alan, my study.  Now!”  He strode off down the hallway without waiting for a response.
Alan sighed and followed, knowing that to ignore a direct command would be foolish.  By the time he reached the study Jeff was already behind the desk in his customary position for dispensing judgement, a situation Alan had rarely been in but had certainly heard about often enough from Gordon.  He was more than a little intimidated at the prospect of what was to come but he tried not to let it show as he stood there, ramrod straight, waiting for his father to make the opening move.
“So Alan, I had an interesting call from Miss West today.  Explain yourself”  
The words caused Alan’s stomach to drop, there was no way he could pass today off as an isolated incident now.  He had been signing off on his absences via the parent portal but if his teacher had actually called up then it was likely his father knew everything.  Not knowing what to do for the best he opted to say nothing.  The silence stretched out uncomfortably as he felt himself being appraised by eyes as hard as flint.
“I see.  Let’s keep this simple.  How long have you been skipping school for?”
“Since the beginning of the semester.”  There was no point lying about it now.  After his few days of indiscretion when Gordon first headed off to WASP John had made sure he went off to school each day.  At the end of the summer holidays though, with John and Virgil departed for Tracy College, there was no one to force the issue.  September had arrived and with it the start of a new school year but among the faces arriving for a fresh round of learning Alan’s had been notably absent.
“Why?  Your teacher seems to be under the impression you are unwell.  Are you unwell?”  The skeptical lilt to the voice and raised eyebrow would have made even John proud.
“So why are you risking failing high school?” 
“Failing it?”  Alan snorted  “School’s boring.  I’d be able to get my diploma now if they’d just stick me in the right classes, then I could be done with the place.”
“And what makes you think you could complete your diploma now if you won’t attend class” 
“John did.”  Alan’s chin jutted out in defiance and Jeff was given a sudden and uncomfortable reminder of another son who had found school far too easy.  The arguments may have had a different focus but Alan wouldn't be the first Tracy to have found the system too limiting, the difference being that John had been fast tracked before the boredom got too much.  “I’m not learning anything at school.  It’s not like I’m just flunking out though, John’s been sending me some stuff through that’s far more interesting.”
“That’s as maybe but did John tell you to just ditch classes?  I seem to remember him maintaining an exemplary attendance record”
For the first time Alan felt a wave of guilt, the weight of it causing him to bow his head in shame.  John may have agreed with him that the school work he was being set was far too easy and been coaching him on more challenging topics to feed his thirst for knowledge on all things astronomical, but his brother would never have condoned him skipping class.  He was not going to let John take any of the blame for his choices.
“No, Sir.”  
“I see.”
Alan wasn’t quite sure what it was his father saw as he stood there being appraised like some interesting specimen.  There was another drawn out silence.  He could almost hear his father’s thoughts as he considered his next move.
“Show me.”  Alan’s head jerked up in confusion.  “Persuade me.  A key skill you would learn in school, if you were there, is how to present a well balanced and constructed argument.  Prove your case.  I’ll be here waiting.”
Alan had been expecting some sort of reprimand, either a bawling out or a quietly pronounced punishment.  So far he had received neither and he was feeling a little on the back foot but then his father had a flair for the unexpected, it’s what made him a formidable adversary in the boardroom.  He retreated to his room to think upon the challenge.  He wasn’t sure what he wanted to prove, didn’t have a clue what his argument was or what he wanted to achieve but he knew he had better come up with a plan fast.  It felt like he was being offered a lifeline of some sort but a lifeline that had the potential to cut you down if grasped in the wrong way.
He retreated into his room and sat down at the desk, the detritus of his latest project from John scattered in front of him where he had abandoned it at his father’s command.  What did he want?  He knew he didn’t want to go back into that hell-pit high school, each day of drudgery just sapped the life out of him, but how could he prove to his father that school was only holding him back?  He gazed unseeingly as the scribbled formulae he had been working on, all the time conscious that his father wouldn’t wait forever.
Those same formulae presented him with his answer.  His father had always been focussed on results, getting the most efficient return on his investment and abhorred anything he viewed as a waste of time.  Alan knew that if he could prove beyond doubt that attending school was just wasting precious learning time then he might never have to go back.  He started gathering together the work he had been doing for John as evidence that he really didn’t need to sit through another hour of basic trigonometry when he was already able to apply it to complex problems.  
Jeff sat back and waited.  He couldn’t predict Alan’s next move but then he realised he didn’t really know Alan at all.  All the way through the young boy’s life his care had fallen to others.  Others had formed him and moulded him and evidently turned Alan into someone capable of missing several weeks of school under his nose without him realising.  Those influences had all been evident during their short exchange.  He had witnessed Gordon’s defiance and determination, John’s intellect and Virgil’s sense of justice.  Even traces of Scott were evident in the set of Alan’s jaw and the way he held his shoulders despite Scott only really being present for half of Alan’s short life.  How telling that a brother absent some eight years held more influence than he did as father.  If there was one thing common to all his sons though it was the ability to rise to a challenge; the afternoon had the potential to be surprising.
Jeff never made it back to the office.  He couldn’t remember the last time he had had a meaningful and in depth discussion with his youngest son.  His conversations with Alan were normally limited to a few perfunctory exchanges in the evening and maybe a goodbye if Alan was up before he headed to the office.  Over the course of the afternoon he got more insights into Alan than any mere report card could give.  For a start those bland documents could only show that Alan had met the maximum expected standard for his class, behind the lists of grades his son’s true abilities had been hidden.  
Alan might have been skipping school but he hadn’t been squandering his time.  Jeff was treated to comparisons of the high school math curriculum compared to the problems John had been setting, ostensibly as a way of Alan bolstering a future college application as the middle Tracy had been unaware that the youngest had abandoned his traditional studies completely.  Physics, coding and a raft of other topics handy for the modern astronaut similarly followed and it became clear that Alan was willing to put the effort in on the topics that interested him. 
Once Alan had finished lambasting the Californian education system he turned hopeful eyes on his father.
“So, can I quit?” 
If there was one thing that Jeff agreed on it was that the current curriculum being inflicted on Alan was uninspiring and certainly not challenging for the youngster.  He was also conscious that his lawyers had not managed to secure the removal of their family tragedy from the text books in time for this academic year and therefore Alan would be subjected to the same ordeal as Gordon in just a few short months time if he stayed in the classroom.   However, he also knew that without a high school diploma Alan would be unlikely to be able to access the higher education he needed to turn his dreams of space into a reality; he knew this from his own path to the stars.
“But Dad…” 
“No Alan, I will not have any son of mine walking away from education without a high school diploma.  If you are at all serious about becoming an astronaut then you need to play by the rules, without a diploma you would be ineligible for any of the space programmes out there.”  
Jeff watched the disappointment flood his son’s features and wondered if Alan had really been paying attention to his words and whether he would spot the loophole in his pronouncement.  He waited as Alan put together his next move, he could almost see the thoughts as they played out.  Alan always had been the son to wear his emotions closest to the surface.
“I just have to get my diploma, right?”  There was a hesitancy as a glimmer of hope was seized on.
“That’s right.”
“But there are other ways of getting my diploma, not just in school.  Right?”  
“Potentially.  So what do you want to do?”
“Can I...can I do homeschool?  I’m sure we’ve got everything I need to join an online programme and then just get it done.”
Jeff paused as though contemplating the request.  Really, having Alan homeschooled would be better for both of them; Alan could learn at his own pace and he would find it easier to have oversight of his son’s progress and commitment.  
“You have until the end of the week to find a suitable programme otherwise I will march you straight back to the classroom myself on Monday morning.  I know you don’t see the point of half the subjects you have to take but they are important, your diploma is important, even if it’s only as a paper steppingstone to better things.”  Jeff found himself on the receiving end of one of Alan’s grins and realised sadly that he hadn’t seen one of those since their last flying lesson.  “Now, don’t you have some research to do?”
Alan took the hint and headed out of the study with far more bounce than he’d had when entering it.  Jeff had no concerns about delegating the task to his son, the similarities to John had been clear to see and he had every faith that Alan would find a suitable programme within the allotted time frame.  The fact that the change to homeschooling came with the added bonus of one less loose end to tie up when the time came to relocate was not lost on him.
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countessofsnark · 6 years
Snarky Recap - Thunderbirds Are Go: ‘Grandma Tourismo’
The One Where We Find Out A Shitload of Interesting Facts About The Tracy Family, Grandma And Virgil Go Shopping - A Horror Story - And Some People Get Saved By Our Aforementioned Duo. (And Space Trash Helping Out Via Comlink)
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Where do I begin? Oh right, that episode title wins all the awards, your argument is invalid. Seriously. 
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‘You sure you’re fully prepared for today’s mission, Virgil?’
‘Everything’s a-okay, John.’
‘You sure you don’t need back-up?’
‘Situation under control.’
‘You’re braver than I am, big brother.’
WAIT WHAT. VIRGIL IS OLDER THAN JOHN? Well. I just fell out of my chair ahahaha.
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Dramatic zoom is dramatic. 
Grandma: ‘Let’s do some shopping!’
Virgil: (fake happy voice) ‘This is going to be so much fun!’
We are all Virgil.
You can tell a lot about a person by having a closer look at their shopping habits. Things We’ve Learned So Far:
- Scotty likes his hair super shiny. And here I was, figuring Virgil would be hogging all the hair products on Tracy Island. Though that perfect rooster comb doesn’t shape itself, I assume...
- That’s a lot of TP. 
- Grandma loves onesies. Provided they're all purple/fuchsia.
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Saved by little bro (yeah I’m still getting used to this but I like it!). To the Sahara we go!
I bet their account handsomely provides for this store, lol.
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Interrupting this recap for a Virgil Tracy’s Booty Appreciation Shot. I also love the fact that the tool belt looks clunky but actually is perfectly designed for Virgil’s enforced/padded suit, or the way it’s looped around his thigh. Function meets form, ladies & gents.
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But wait! Another emergency emerge(nc)es. 
Virgil: ‘I can’t be in two places at once.’ Have no fear, Grandma Tracy is here!
Also, autopilot to the rescue.
That moment when Thunderbird 2 takes off, and a power suited Virgil looks up with a worried look on his face. 
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Parkour with Virgil Tracy 101.
John checking in on Grandma is all kinds of sweet and hilarious. Sometimes you do wonder if this is a who-worries-the-most-about-who competition. 
Virgil being able to remote control TB2 with such precision is pretty damn cool. (Though for his sake I hope he’s not using a Bluetooth link, ahaha)
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If you can't come to us, we’ll come to you - a possible IR marketing tagline.
Virgil: ‘Let’s just hope I can do this.’
Grandma: ‘I heard that. Of course you can do it!’
Cheerleading, Tracy Style. Precious af.
‘Okay Grandma, open the bay door.’ I’M SORRY VIRGIL. I’M AFRAID I CAN’T DO THAT. (Sorry couldn’t resist)
Hello Kate, meet the boys’ Grandma. (Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Grandma whips out her phone to show Kate a slide show of Embarrassing Baby Tracy Boy Pictures)
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Helpdesk!John, at your service.
So that’s how to anchor TB2 - filed under More Shit We’ve Learned Today.
So basically, they’re gonna sit there, go to the Winchester, have a pint, and wait for all this to blow over. (Also, unintentional wind pun is unintentional I assume)
Virgil effortlessly and gracefully power suit sliding over to the back of the crumbling office. Damn son, you got moves.
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The ceiling is lava.
Grandma: ‘Don’t need remote control or auto pilot. I’ll do it!’
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Virgil and John: ‘YOU?’
Yeah boys. Guess who taught your daddy how to fly and spread those maverick genes in the first place? YEP.
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‘My Grandma says don’t worry, she’s coming to pick us up.’
Construction crew: YOUR GRANDMA?
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Filed Under: Embarrassing Moments In The Life of Virgil Tracy. Though cheer up, Virge. Could be worse. Could be the girl of your dreams in that office when you’re telling folks that your nan is about to save the day.
Grandma, while trying to land TB2 over Pod 2: ‘I can do this. I think.’
Virgil: ‘I heard that! Of course you can do it.’
P R E C I O U S  A F . *squish*
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Grandma Tracy’s pod assembly skills: the IKEA of International Rescue.
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Those green dice. Kind of looks like a mix between cute and the dice you might find in a pimp’s ride. Grandma Tracy channeling her inner Macklemore? (Now imagining ‘Thrift Shop’ blasting through the pod’s speakers while they’re on a shopping trip - or, How To Make Virgil’s Life Worse)
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‘I’ve never been more glad to see anyone’s Grandma in my life.’ LOL
The Mole Pod has left the building.
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This guy is taking gratitude to a whole new level.
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How to sell your stuff and be a terribly charming inventor: a guide by Kate. I do hope we get to see more of her in the near future! 
Virgil: OH BOY I CAN’T WAIT TO GET BACK AND GET A SHOWER. (No doubt to get dust out of places where the sun don’t shine, poor soul)
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Grandma: LOL NO YOU DON’T. WE HAVE SHOPPING TO DO. (And tracksuit trying out to do, which will likely take up 99% of this shopping trip)
We are all Virgil.
First things first. I’m so glad SO GLAD that the boys’ birth order can no longer be contested canon wise. Scott, Virgil, John, Gordon, Alan. And let me tell you that I have no issues with this. I did think John was the second brother in line but to be fair, this new revelation does make sense with regard to the relationship that is established between Scott and Virgil. Here we have the Dynamic Duo, the Space Trash Middle Child, and last but not least, the Terrible Two. Nice. Secondly... Sally Tracy, how lovely to make your acquaintance. *curtsey* Oh right. And that shopping list will never not crack me up. 
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