#alacritious eidolon
forsakcn-blog · 9 years
[27/07/2015 22:14:48] & ғᴏʀsᴀᴋᴇɴ ;: i'm now imagining [27/07/2015 22:14:51] & ғᴏʀsᴀᴋᴇɴ ;: as a form of emotional torture [27/07/2015 22:15:03] & ғᴏʀsᴀᴋᴇɴ ;: arthas forcing both varian and sylvanas to drink milk from bowls [27/07/2015 22:15:11] & ғᴏʀsᴀᴋᴇɴ ;: because they're his 'pets' [27/07/2015 22:15:15] & ғᴏʀsᴀᴋᴇɴ ;: and they should behave like it
enthrcned & alacritious-eidolon you can thank me later
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❣ -W
Send me a ❣ and I’ll gauge my character’s attraction to yours at this point in time
✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Sexual Attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Romantic Attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Crushing✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | Squishing✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ | Sensual Attraction✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
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queens-of-gilneas · 9 years
Good afternoon, Your Highness. Lady Crowley. [bows] How fares the day for you both? -W
"Oh, Prince Wrathion, hello," Lorna greeted him, bowing her head in return.
"Tess has been with King Wrynn, nursing her father all day. He has been unfortunately ill in recent days. As for me… I spent the evening hidden in the library with Prince Anduin. I suppose the peace has been a welcome change…”
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#self harm // The last gift from Wrathion is given in person. He takes her hand brusquely, pricks her thumb with a knife, then draws blood from it. With a quick and practiced move, he repeats the same gesture on his own wrist and draws a little of his own blood out. From these two reagents, he crafts a deep blood-red gemstone like the ones he wears on his outfits - which he then passes to her with a bow and a smirk.
She’s seen him do this before, and she doesn’t stop him. Still, she looks  a little shocked as she takes the bloodgem, turning it over and over in her hands. “I am honoured, Wrathion.” She smiles at him.
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ask-king-wrynn · 10 years
"You!" The young prince's furious voice sounded harshly off the walls of the keep, though the strange crack to its tone indicated the topic of this conversation was likely going to be far from impersonal. He stormed towards Varian, looking as distraught as he did angry. "How /dare/ you!" -w
Varian sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose out of partial frustration. Still, he wasn’t exactly surprised by this outburst - confused, If anything. “I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand what you are referring to,” he mumbled wearily, giving the prince a rather blank look.
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fanduin · 11 years
In Which a Hapless Whelp with a Broken Limb is Snuggled and Made Better
Anduin breathed in the fresh morning air as he shuffled slowly up to Mason's Folly. His leg was beginning to strengthen but it was still fairly sore at times. He had a feeling that it was going to be one of those lifelong things where a rainstorm made it throb.  He smiled over at Wrathion, who, to his surprise, seemed to be having a difficult time himself. 
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nzoth-the-corruptor · 11 years
it's not even tl;dr it's 2k words why was everything too important to cut
After a disasterous meeting of the former Aspects ending with the decision to disband the Wyrmrest Accord in a month, Kalec detects a magical anomaly at Galakrond's bones and finds an old artifact made up of an ever-changing metal (hold it one way it looks like gold; another, iron; yet another palladium) that he takes to the Nexus to study.
Shortly after arriving at the Nexus he is dragged into a vision of the past through Proto-dragon!Malygos' eyes. He's hunting aquatic life over the frozen sea near Coldarra when the sudden appearance of an orange proto-dragon startles him.
Some misogynistic undertones later, proto-Alexstrasza says she is looking for her missing brother [Dralad, though he isn't named until much later]. Malygos agrees to help her look and after scuffling with a non-intelligent charcoal proto-dragon they find Dralad dead, a shriveled husk of his former self.
The vision ends and Kalec has some magic portal chit-chat with Jaina before he is taken into another vision.
During a hunt of migrating caribou Malygos meets Ysera, a runt who would have been slain at hatching in a "normal" proto-dragon family and kept alive only by her sister (and potentially the late Dralad's) dedication to caring for her.
Galakrond appears, devouring several caribou and scaring thev herd off while the proto-dragons cling to their perches because goddamn he's fucking massive. After he leaves, Neltharion appears, taunts everyone for being afraid and challenges them to fight him.
Malygos leaves but is accosted by his rival, Coros who ambushes him with the help of some others. Neltharion appears and saves the day, starting their friendship.
Malygos briefly sees Tyr, as nothing more than a magically cloaked ripple in the landscape.
Vision ends, Kalec decides to seek out Alexstrasza, finds her disguised as a tree watching a remotre village and decides that it wasn't important and he should just leave. He attends to destroy the artifact, fails, goes back to Galak's body where he meets Buniq (who's actually Tyr?) and finds a second part of the artifact, a blue gem, and Tyr's literal hand.
Another vision starts.
Maly/Alex/Ysera are investigating another proto-dragon corpse reminiscent of Dralad's. Nearby a violet P-D is shrieking about how Galakrond swallowed them up. Also nearby is Malygos' dead childhood campanion, Tarys.
He sulks a ways away and is attacked by an undead proto-dragon, but Ysera and Alexstrasza save him.
The vision switches.
Galakrond is attacking a large group of p-ds, swallowing them alive. In the chaos, Malygos is nearly eaten but dear Neltharion saves him and Nozdormu distracts Galakrond with a sandblast to the eyes. Neltharion is hit by Galakrond's tail and stunned, but Alex and Maly catch him before he makes a pancake on the ground.
vision ends. do we even care about what Kalec does? Oh right this is the part where he literally WALKS OFF A FUCKING MOUNTAIN. [he has slowfall keybound don't worry]
Moving on. Next vision:
The P-Ds have begun to gather in a host for protection from Galakrond and the undead. After two of his relatives died Malygos is returning to it. Neltharion tells him Zorix is dead and that his mate, Talonixa (whom Malygos does not like), is speaking in his place.
After a race with Coros, they arrive to Talonixa howling for them to prepare for war and the host to gather when the two moons are full.
The vision changes.
Malygos finds a skeleton of an early victim of Galakrond near the behemoth's lair. He flies nearby, scaring Malygos, and heaves up a pile of dead p-ds which quickly animate. The other four Aspects-to-be show up to save Malygos.
Vision change.
Talonixa is leading an attack against the Undead who'd been lured into a canyon to be ambushed by a score of P-Ds. After the battle Ysera searches the body, thinking Dralad was a not-living and that she might find him among them.
MagicRipple!Tyr leads Malygos to the end of the canyon and knocks him out [a la poking an animal to stick to see what it does], ending the vision.
Next vision
Ysera's grown vehement in her search for Dralad and attempts at making peace with Galakrond, despite Alexstrasza and Malygos' best efforts. She has recruited Coros and co. into her attempts. She says Galakrond has spoken to her, agreeing that they can come to terms, and demands Malygos spread the word that all P-Ds are to gather to listen.
At the roost, Talonixa continues to preach for war. She beckons Ysera to say what she wants to but begins laughing when the runt said Galakrond would listen, quickly followed by many others.
Malygos briefly sees Tyr, teleporting around to check the proto-dragon's reaction to it. He follows him for a bit before loosing the Watcher's trail and going back after Coros.
Malygos follows Coros to a region of tar pits Galakrond was known to inhabit, where he falls into a tarpit and nearly dies before he manages to free himself.
He is then attacked by two undead and barely manages to slay them on his own, taking a bad bite to his leg. Meanwhile Coros and co. are cannibalising a young male from ALexstrasza's family. Malygos almost succumbs to a form of corruption spread via bites but overcomes it.
He is noticed by the take-no-shit female of the group and fights briefly, but the collapse of the cliff-face leaves them assuming he is dead and leaving him.
Coros and co. are talking with Galakrond. After learning when and where they will gather, he eats them.
Vision shift back to the roost
Malygos arrives to several battles versus the corrupted/bitten p-ds occuring in the host. The corrupted are slowly herded together under Ysera's command while Talonixa watches. Alexstrasza tells him they should be put down but that YSera refused to listen.
Talonixa finally approached, commanding Ysera to kill them. WHen the runt refused, she pushed her towards the corrupted, restating her commands.
Ysera has an unusua; ability to calm them. The two argue but when the host falls silent over which side to support, Talonixa relents, saying that are to be taken to a cave to the west under watch.
Once they are within the cave, Talonixa collapses the cliff face with three bolts of lightning and knocks the much smaller Ysera down with her tail when she tries to attack her for it.
Despite Ysera's best efforts she cannot dig out the avalanche of stone and none of the other Aspects-to-be aid her and try to pull her away before she hurts herself.
Finally, they return to the host where Talonixa is preparing them to start the hunt for Galakrond, mutated beyond all recognition.
She and her attendants approach them, although both parties spread out in preparation for battle, Talonixa merely wished to inform them that all but Ysera are still allowed to join the hunt.
Malygos tells her about Coros and co's fate and she decides to attack immediately. The Aspects to be stay behind with Ysera, who takes off after proclaiming that there must be peace.
Several days later, they are searching for her in that area that appears to be Storm Peaks. Malygos enters a cave and formally meets Tyr. Malygos demands to know what the creature it, at first Tyr only tells him where to find Ysera, then that he was hopefully a friend, and finally that he was Tyr.
After more teleporting games, Tyr talks to Malygos about Galakrond, telling him that the Watcher's never intended for him to go down that path and that their lack of interaction with the day-to-day aspects of the planet led to it. Finally he told Malygos that he and his unusual friends may be the key to defeating him.
Vision switch
Scores of proto-dragons are challenging Galakrond to appear. The host has swelled in size during the week between them leaving for the hunt and the present, likely numbering in the hundreds or even thousands.
Malygos tells Talonixa that there isn't enough air for Galakrond higher in the sky (Which Tyr told him after the vision switch). She agrees to lead the host up before his relief makes her think this is just some other undermining game and snaps at him.
After Neltharion says they should kill her and take the lead instead, they are chased from the host by her and her attendants. While following it from above and behind they bump into an undead legion flying in wait in the cloud cover.
It descends and ambushes the host. Most of it scatters, save those far enough in the front to not yet be aware of the attack.
Ysera takes off, followed by Alex and Maly. She narrowly avoids being eaten by an approaching Galakrond before Alex hauls her out of the way. Malygos, leaving the sisters to their likely fate, returns to the host.
After quick thinking on Malygos' behalf and Talonixa hesitently accepting his plan, they manage to defeat the ambush, though having lost a quarter of their host. Talonixa is described as showing "true madness" (aka being a diamond hard bitch with no time for your shit) and only seeing "her imminent triumph"
Talonixa acts like the victory was hers and, tired of him, strikes Malygos with lightning when he tries to tell them it was his idea.
Malygos realizes the host stands no chance if they aren't as one, but Galakrond descends before he can get to Talonixa.
The battle is savage. Malygos, Neltharion and Nozdormu are not participating, looking for a weakness. Too late do they realized he is waiting for the majority of the host to enter striking range. He exhales a mist that causes deep lethergy in the effected.
Malygos, being in the outer perimeter of the breath, is unaffected enough to not fall to his death. Despite battling at Galakrond's head, Talonixa is almost entirely unaffected. She tries to battle him 1-on-1 but fails. With the rest of her host struggling too hard to stay aloft to help her, Galakrond bites her in half and drops her to the ground below before beginning his feast on the host.
Malygos, Noz, and Nelth manage to attack his eyes and lure him upwards, the beating of his wings dispersing the mist and letting the remaining members of the host flee. After splitting up to escape him, Malygos finds Ysera, ALexstrasz and Tyr in a cave.
Ysera's tending to her undead relative while Alexstrasza skeptically watches and Tyr observes her. Ysera purges the residual corruption from Malygos after he goes into a frenzy and attacks the undead.
Tyr, hearing of the host's fate, vows to fight alongside them this time. He does a weird glowly thingamabooble with the Artifact to imprint the Aspects-to-be's memories to it. Galakrond appears again, followed by Neltharion and Nozdormu.
Tyr sizes up because Watcher and holds off Galakrond to buy them time to escape to properly coordinate their attack.
They find a group of terrified and mourning p-ds in a cave and the weight of the situation dawns on them.
Tyr meets back up with them and tells them to eat their fill at a nearby river before moving in to attack a now-sleeping Galak.
Galakrond is going through some weird slow pokemon evolution idek at this point but he's 50% bigger than during Talonixa's charge. They begin their attack. Tyr's the tank. Ysera, despite flying in with them, is nowhere to be found.
Galakrond attacks Malygos instead of Tyr and is just barely saved by the other three. Ysera pulls a Talonixa but is neither called insane nor bitten in half due to Alexstrasza pulling her away. Tyr's hand gets bitten off when he reaches for the fallen Artifact.
Malygos stops him from bleeding out (who knew that was a risk?) with some frost. Galakrond slumps back into his glowy evolution, allowing them to bear Tyr to the Dragonblight where Freya distracts them with magic to take him back to Ulduar.
With the burden entirely on their shoulders, they spend a bit of time learning the battling techniques of their fellows' families. FInally they set out to slay him.
There's a lot of barely saving one-another. Ysera's once more no where to be found. When the remaining few undead converge on them and the mist filling the area, she makes her reappearance to save Alexstrasza.
Malygos and Neltharion take a large rock and fly towards him. Nelth breaks off to take on 5 undead and leaves Malygos to bear the stone. He takes it into Galakrond's maw and jams it down his airway. Shortly after, Neltharion crashes into Galakrond's maw with an undead. The two use it to jam the rock in place before escaping his maw as he thrashed wildly.
Galakrond dies when he falls unconscious mid-air and violently crashes into the ground.
The Watchers appear to ascend the Aspects and turn them into modern dragons. It was Tyr's idea that there be several living embodiments of the world's various aspects and the Titans approved. They use the Watchers as their avatars and begin the ritual.
The vision ends.
Tyr has been watching over Kalec and led Jaina to a fix for the artifact. After they fix it, Kalec calls the former Aspects to gather so they may relive their memories of the times before their Aspectdom.
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alacritious-eidolon said: It’s ok! RL > RP, tho ofc it’s always ace to have you back :3
Yeah, I did plan to log on for a bit before I went to bed but I was always just too drained tbh. D:
Its all out of the way now though, so I'll have more time to spend here. c:
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⇜ - Tyrande's reaction to finding Wrathion drunk as hell and probably lost. RL AU maybe??
Send me a ⇜ for my Muse’s reaction to finding yours staggering, drunk, through the streets + RL AU.
Several curse words were muttered under Tyrande’s breath as she slammed the door behind her. She hated leaving the house late at night, even less so to pick up medicine for her boyfriend, who was suffering with nothing more than a minor cold. Her phone was shoved into her pocket, and her hood pulled over her head.
The street was poorly lit, and completely silent. There was no one around, with the exception of a lone drunk, stumbling towards her about 20 paces ahead. She payed them no mind until she heard their slurred mumbling. The voice sounded familar, but who it belonged to was lost to her — not until the figure stopped under one of the only working streetlights. Wild, unkept hair, dark clothes…
She finally reached him, wrinkling her nose as the smell of vodka assaulted her.
"Uhm… hello? Wrathion? Are… are you alright?"
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Wow (he promises he won't shapeshift... ;D)
Send me a “Wow” to hear what my muse would say to yours after sex.
It was at least ten minutes before Tyrande recovered enough to catch her breath.
"By Elune… I must say, I am impressed, Wrathion,” she grinned, rolling over onto her back. “I did not think you were capable of… things like that…”
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The next gift from Wrathion is an expertly balanced shortsword. It's loosely fashioned after Milanda's runeblade, but with beautiful scripture down the blade and hilt invoking the Light's love and rebuking evil. There are several empty sockets along its hilt and pommel; accompanying it is a note that the grip can be adjusted for the user's comfort, and that the sockets can be filled with whichever magical gems the user might wish. It can be used as a main or offhand blade.
She looks the blade over with a grin, turning it over and over in her hands. “Oh.. wow…”
In the back of her mind, she hears an angry chattering.
"Shut up."
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The first of Wrathion's three gifts is an elegant and sharp claw, made of metal filigree with a chain to connect it to a relatively simple, but matching, bracelet. It's designed to be worn over the index or ring finger of the hand. It's cast in white gold, with a sea-green gem set into the part of it which goes over the finger. Engraved on the inside of the bracelet is the date the gift was given.
Milanda looks over the piece with a grin on her face. “Oh… this is beautiful.” She enthusiastically puts it on, slipping the claw on her right ring finger.
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ask-king-wrynn · 10 years
i hope u ordered some feels b/c ☠ (murderously angry) w/ Anduin
Varian cautiously took at step backwards from Anduin and found himself backed Into a corner. His son had most definitely Inherited his temper, but usually, he was very good at keeping It controlled. But not now.
The look on his face could only be described as murder - and It terrified him.
"Anduin," he said, his voice breaking despite trying to force his usual firmness Into It. "Please, just talk to me. Tell me whats wrong."
Anduin didn’t say a word. He kept his Intentions silent.
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ask-king-wrynn · 10 years
ღ for Wrathion, OBVIOUSLY
The holiday seasons were the worst - this year being the worst to date. Not only had he gotten steaming drunk, but he’d made a pass at Wrathion. His memory was hazy from there.
His head pounded, and his stomach tied Itself In knots - followed by yet another promise to never ever drink again.
Of course, the hangover was nowhere near as bad as turning over and finding Wrathion curled up beside him, snoring lightly. Still, he couldn’t help but let that disgustingly smug grin of his worm Its way onto his face - first he wasn’t Interested, now he was lying naked In his bed?
He shuffled close to Wrathion, tapping him on the shoulder to rouse him.
"Wake up, sunshine," he purred, voice dripping with arrogance. "It would be wise for you to leave before Anduin comes looking for you."
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ask-king-wrynn · 10 years
Father, I'm home. -alw
Oh. Oh! He was home… His heart was In his throat when Anduin stepped through the portal; oh, he almost felt as relieved as he did when they’d met back In Pandaria.Varian had a habit of ruining things by talking: so he didn’t. Instead, he smiled - perhaps a little sheepishly - at Anduin, before opening his arms to him.
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nzoth-the-corruptor · 11 years
did i hear someone needing a meta about dota/tyr
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