#aka eliminating the root cause lmao but this is more unlikely to happen
nnnneeev ยท 1 year
Now Solomon told you to side with humanity, not him, right?
If humanity stands against Solomon, who ardently wishes that you stand with humanity, which side would you choose, O Solomon lover? ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
Nah but i was also thinking of the same question since lesson 11 dropped ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Let's see... i guess i may have to choose humanity. It's what he would've wanted ๐Ÿ˜” (lovers to enemies arc, ugh the potential)
on the other hand, if i sided with solomon, we'd become the enemies of the state (which isn't half bad i guess..) (it's us against the world <3)
secret third option: choose both. surely there must be some way to side with both...right? perhaps a divine intervention? another possible solution that we're not aware of? if humanity is really against him, we'll just have to find a way to fix things up. and if solomon's really pushing me to choose humanity over himself, i'll just have to convince him that it's not really necessary to leave himself out. what do you mean you love humanity so much you're willing to sacrifice yourself for their sake? nah dude you're coming with us
this is really interesting lol. let's hear what other people would do in this situation! ๐Ÿซต
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