#ahrar organization
shayansaoshyant · 11 months
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germiyahu · 4 months
The Ahrar Gaza group which is said to be organizing recent protests calling on Hamas to stop the fighting, announced that one of its main organizers, Mohamed Abdel Salam Abu Tabaneh, was arrested in Rafah by Hamas, where he was tortured to death, and he died yesterday in custody
Let us uplift Palestinian voices on the ground calling for lasting peace solutions.
I know I'm orders of magnitude less qualified to run any country, much less Israel, than a literal child buffoon like Netanyahu and his traveling circus. That said...
If I were in charge of Israel, I would be expending more than zero effort on what the exit strategy looks like. That includes keeping a close eye on the situation in Rafah/Gaza as a whole. You want someone to step in and run the strip after you "destroy" Hamas? Listen to the people. Find emerging voices like these people and foster them to become leaders.
You want to do everything in your power to make sure a non extremist government quickly and efficiently consolidates power in a way that makes the people of Gaza happy, that Arab leaders consider legitimate, and that you can see yourself working with in the future. And I don't mean installing puppets, that's the last thing you want to do. The Gazans who are meant to lead Gaza will not like Israel, they won't be mindless cheerleaders doing Israel's bidding. But they'll have to work with Israel regardless. They could be frenemies.
Begging Fatah to try to take over Gaza is basically a nonstarter. Their hold on power is already weak enough as it is in the West Bank, and they're not exactly committed to peace much more than Hamas is. You want new faces and new voices. You want something grassroots, pro People, pro democracy, pro coexistence. Maybe we'll get actual real Leftist governance in Gaza.
This will almost certainly require a government change in Israel as well, which is nigh guaranteed to happen as soon as an election can be called. And then Israel needs to recognize a new government in Gaza and get the West on board ASAP, and that might mean recognizing Gaza as a sovereign nation without the rest of Palestine. The details can always be ironed out later. They could always vote to join an independent West Bank. That's up to them.
You can't negotiate with Hamas, they're not interested. You can't negotiate with a chaotic power vacuum where there are no clear leaders. You can't negotiate with Fatah, that just leads to more of the same. Israel and Gaza need new leaders. Gazans are demonstrating that they are political and they are motivated. Pay attention. They, the actual People, won't exactly have the warmest relationship with Israel but if it's a functional relationship that is so many leaps and bounds above what is going on currently that it's completely worth it.
Israel and the international community should do more to protect these protestors, offer them assistance and guidance. Help them organize. Give them support but don't seek out sycophants. You definitely don't want to occupy Gaza and you certainly don't want to look like you're pulling the strings once you pull the troops out. You don't want to look like you're choosing someone for Gazans and grooming them to lead. You want this to happen as organically as possible.
It's a delicate situation but if Israel had a talented and competent leader with integrity and morals... well this whole war could have been avoided... but I think it's safe to say that no one trusts Netanyahu's "plan" for what happens to Gaza after the war. Hamas is actively trying to eliminate any strong voices of opposition because they're terrified of this very outcome. Of a true People's Revolution... against them. They have to snuff out any potential leaders who want them gone, because those people would be willing to sit at a table with Israel. Negotiation and compromise and mutual respect is antithetical to Hamas' strategy and philosophy.
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yousef-al-amin · 23 days
New wave of confrontation in Idlib: brutal raids on Hayat Tahrir al-Sham ordered by the US Western Coalition
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Idlib province in Syria has witnessed a new wave of confrontation between armed groups after Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham militants began carrying out raids to forcefully arrest representatives of the Hizbut Tahrir organization on orders from the International Anti-Terrorism Coalition.
Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham, the most dominant terrorist group in Idlib, is supported by the West, including Turkey, and controls most of the northern provinces. Hizbut Tahrir, in turn, is a pan-Islamist movement seeking to create a caliphate, positioning the focus of its activities as a kind of liberating political force, and not an armed formation. The organization is banned by the Syrian government. Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham views Hizbut Tahrir as a threat to the development of its geopolitical influence in the region.
According to some information, Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham militants began conducting raids to detain Hizbut Tahrir field commanders in the provinces of Idlib. Thus, in the Sarmad region, during such a raid, relatives of the field commander of the main division of Hizbut Tahrir were taken hostage. According to eyewitnesses, the detention took place in a brutal manner and several people were injured when trying to resist. It is also reported that the raids were carried out in coordination with special forces of the International Anti-Terrorism Coalition, led by the United States and other Western allies. The militants' aggression caused discontent and indignation among the local community.
Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham said in official statements that the raids were aimed at “preventing terrorism” and “defusing threats” posed by Hizbut Tahrir. The radical actions of Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham have caused condemnation and wariness of other armed gangs in Idlib, as well as other regions. In addition, these illegal actions cause a violation of ceasefire agreements reached through the mediation of Turkey. Some groups, including Ahrar al-Sham and Jabhat al-Shamiya, condemned the raids and called for their immediate end. As a result, the confrontation between the armed formations escalated even more and developed into bloody clashes with casualties of all armed formations.
The policies pursued by Washington are aimed at destabilizing the situation in the region, and also contributes to the growth and spread of extremism in the Middle East.
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conandaily2022 · 5 months
Did Sacramento, California's Murat Kurasev fund HTS in Syria?
Murat Kurashev, 36, of Sacramento, California, United States is originally from Russia. He is accused of supporting Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, an organization that engages in terrorism in Syria. Formed on January 28, 2017, HTS is headquartered in Idlib Governorate, Syria. It is a merger between Ansar al-Din Front, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, Jaysh al-Ahrar, Jaysh al-Sunna, Liwa al-Haqq and Nour al-Din…
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amirblogerov · 10 months
New American equipment was involved in the offensive of the Kurds on Kaldzhirbin
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The 50th division "Ahrar al-Tawhid" of the Third Corps of the Syrian National Army published the data of its fighters who died yesterday during a clash with the "Syrian Democratic Forces" in the area of the village of Kaljibrin in northern Aleppo, where the Kurds attempted a local offensive. The publication of the names of the dead is accompanied by an appeal to all brothers to avenge their deaths. It is noteworthy that just the other day, the Kurdish units located in the area received a large amount of new weapons from the American command, including those used in the offensive. Most likely, it is the United States that is behind the organization of the Kurdish attack on Kaljirbin. At the very least, it is reliably known that artillery equipment was used in the offensive by the Kurds, which was mentioned in the lists of recent American deliveries.
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newsmakersyria · 2 years
As a result of civil strife between pro-Turkish militants in the Idlib zone, civilians are dying
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In Mastum, in the province of Idlib, Jabhat al-Nusra radicals shot a local resident along with his entire family for trying to refuse to give the militants his house to ambush terrorists from another extremist group. According to rumors, we are talking about Ahrar ash-Sharqiya. At present, the radicals and pro-Turkish militants, seeing Ankara's inability to restore order in the Idlib zone, continue to divide spheres of influence here. The warring factions engage in skirmishes every day, trying to take control of the settlements and key routes of the province. Residents are forced to pay tribute to the militants: to give them the harvest, while they themselves, as a rule, have nothing left, to give humanitarian aid that international organizations supply to them, and militants often force civilians to work for themselves, doing household chores for free - cleaning and so on. . In addition, the population becomes random victims of militant shootings. Turkey, observing the actions of militants out of control, does not take any action. Probably, realizing that it will not be possible to return them to its zone of influence, Ankara is waiting for groups that are not loyal to it to destroy each other themselves. However, ordinary people suffer as a result.
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creepingsharia · 4 years
California: Former Sacramento prison counselor arraigned, lied to FBI about fighting with jihadi group in Syria
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Monday, June 15, 2020
Former Sacramento Resident Extradited from UK to Face Federal Charges
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Following three and a half years of extradition litigation before courts in the United Kingdom, a former Sacramento resident was arraigned today in the Eastern District of California, U.S. Attorney McGregor W. Scott announced.
On June 12, 2020, Brian Arthur Dempsey, 48, was extradited from the United Kingdom to the United States to stand trial on charges that he made false statements to an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation concerning his travel to Syria. He was first arrested in the United Kingdom on Jan. 18, 2017, and has been in custody since that date.
On June 23, 2016, a grand jury, sitting in the Eastern District of California, returned an indictment charging Dempsey with a single count of making false statements in a matter involving an international terrorism investigation. The indictment alleges that on or about Aug. 22, 2013, during an interview with an FBI agent at the Fiumicino International Airport in Rome, Italy, Dempsey did knowingly and willfully make and cause to be made materially false, fictitious, and fraudulent statements and representations in a matter involving international terrorism. The false statements were related to the nature of his travel to Syria in July 2013.
This case is the product of an investigation by the FBI. The Department of Justice acknowledges and expresses its appreciation of the significant assistance provided by the UK authorities. The Office of International Affairs of the Department of Justice’s Criminal Division provided significant support in securing and coordinating Dempsey’s arrest and extradition. Assistant U.S. Attorney Heiko Coppola is prosecuting the case.
If convicted, Dempsey faces a maximum statutory penalty of eight years in prison. Any sentence, however, would be determined at the discretion of the court after consideration of any applicable statutory factors and the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, which take into account a number of variables. The charges are only allegations; the defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
More: Former Sacramento prison counselor charged with lying to FBI about Syria travels
While in Syria, Dempsey lived in the small town of A’zaz, near the Turkish border. There, he and Person A are alleged to have become involved in Ahrar al-Sham, a group fighting in opposition to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. In the Rome airport, the court documents said, Dempsey told the FBI agent that no one in A’zaz was involved in fighting the regime, which was waging war against rebels and the Islamic State group.
Several months later, Dempsey was interviewed again in Italy, where he reportedly admitted to lying about his militant activity. Dempsey also told the FBI agent he had instructed his brother not to tell government officials about his plan to go to Syria, contradicting a previous statement that he had asked his brother to check with federal authorities whether doing so was legal, according to federal court documents.
He and an attorney discussed a possible plea deal with the U.S. government for nine months until he reportedly cut off communication and fled Italy in October 2014.
A grand jury in Sacramento indicted Dempsey in 2016 for knowingly making false statements to an FBI agent in Rome.
The indictment alleges that while in A’zaz, Dempsey came into contact with members of IS and al-Nusra Front, both designated by the U.S. as terrorist organizations, though he denied to the FBI agent that he’d met anyone in A’zaz who was involved in terrorism.
And more:
Dempsey, from California, who was arrested in Derbyshire last year, is said to have converted to Islam while working as a youth counsellor with US prisoners.
US court papers say Dempsey had conspired to travel to Syria in July 2013 to ‘participate in combat’.
When, just six weeks later, he tried to return home via Rome, he was intercepted by FBI agents because he was on a no-fly list, which bans named individuals from travelling by plane to, from or within the US.
A former senior British terrorism officer said the US shared the list with Britain but added: ‘It is not a perfect system.’
After the first FBI interview, Dempsey returned to Syria and in January 2014, when he once again landed in Rome, he was intercepted by FBI agents. This time he ‘admitted he had travelled with the intention of fighting’ and had, according to the High Court judgment, told a witness ‘he had joined a group called Ahrar al-Sham in Azaz [a rebel-held Syrian city 20 miles from Aleppo] and, with that group, had engaged in fighting on two occasions’.
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unrar · 6 years
This ‘anti-imperialism’ of idiots is one which equates imperialism with the actions of the US alone. They seem unaware that the US has been bombing Syria since 2014. In its campaign to liberate Raqqa from Daesh all international norms of war and considerations of proportionality were abandoned. Over 1,000 civilians were killed and the UN estimates that 80 per cent of the city is now uninhabitable. There were no protests organized by leading ‘anti-war’ organizations against this intervention, no calls to ensure that civilians and civilian infrastructure were protected. Instead they adopted the ‘War on Terror’ discourse, once the preserve of neo-cons, now promulgated by the regime, that all opposition to Assad are jihadi terrorists. They turned a blind eye to Assad filling his gulag with thousands of secular, peaceful, pro-democracy demonstrators for death by torture, whilst releasing militant-Islamists from prison. Similarly, the continuing protests held in liberated areas in opposition to extremist and authoritarian groups such as Daesh, Nusra and Ahrar Al Sham have been ignored. Syrians are not seen as possessing the sophistication to hold a diverse range of views. Civil society activists (including many amazing women), citizen journalists, humanitarian workers are irrelevant. The entire opposition is reduced to its most authoritarian elements or seen as mere conduits for foreign interests.
A number of anti-war organizations have justified their silence on Russian and Iranian interventions by arguing that ‘the main enemy is at home’. This excuses them from undertaking any serious power analysis to determine who the main actors driving the war actually are. For Syrians the main enemy is indeed at home – it’s Assad who is engaging in what the UN has termed ‘the crime of extermination’. Without being aware of their own contradictions many of the same voices have been vocally opposed (and rightly so) to Israel’s current assault on peaceful demonstrators in Gaza. Of course, one of the main ways imperialism works is to deny native voices. In this vein, leading western anti-war organizations hold conferences on Syria without inviting any Syrian speakers.
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canadianabroadvery · 6 years
" ... home to Al Qaeda affiliates, partners, and allies including Tahrir al-Sham – formally Jabhat Al Nusra, a US State Department-listed Foreign Terrorist Organization, Nour al-Din al-Zenki – a US-armed and backed military front notorious for its many war atrocities involving torture and executions including the beheading of a child, and Ahrar al-Sham which has repeatedly cooperated with the self-proclaimed “Islamic State in Syria and Iraq” (ISIS).
 The nature of the militants occupying Idlib is well known to Washington, London, Brussels, and the Persian Gulf nations sponsoring them. It is because of this knowledge that the West’s media monopolies work feverishly to cover up, deny, defend, or even excuse their atrocities. When Idlib-based terrorist front Nour al-Din al-Zenki beheaded a child, the BBC disgracefully attempted to defend the atrocity by suggesting the boy was a “fighter,” and attempting to dispute his age, claiming:
…he appears to be as young as 10, although other reports suggest he is considerably older.
The BBC appears indifferent to the fact that if the victim had been a fighter and was over the age of 18, Nour al-Din al-Zenki would still be guilty of an egregious war crime. ... “
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shayansaoshyant · 10 months
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bekutupapi · 3 years
Al jihad fil islam pdf books
            PDF Drive offered in: English. islam felsefesi. laşamıyoruz (aslında düşünürsek bu soruyu cevaplayabiliriz). Bütün Helenlerin katılabildiği olimpiyat oyunl Daha fazla benzer PDF göster. Al Islam - Official website of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community - an Islamic organization, international in its scope, with branches in over 200 countries. Al Islam. The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (as) Giriş yap. ×. PDF Drive предложил в: Русские. Hadislerle İslam. 651 Sayfa · 2015 · 14.94 MB · 804 İndirme · Türkçe. giysilerin bazılarının kullanımında birtakım. Hadislerle İslam 7 Al-kitab_Al-Asasi_volume_1.pdf. Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri has authored one thousand books in Urdu, English and Arabic languages. About 551 of these books have been printed and published while 449 books are in the pipeline, undergoing various processes of publication. E-Kitaplar. Here is The Complete PDF Book Library. It s free toregister here to get Book file PDF The Dream In. Télécharger Ebook gratuit, Magazines et Journaux en EPUB, PDF. Powerful Nasheed Islam Will Remain Forever ᴴᴰ. SYRIA JIHAD NASHEED - Ya Jaish Al-Ahrar Taqaddam! O Free Army Forward March! Heart Touch Jihad Nasheed Elegant. İslami ilimler PDF kitaplığı. Kaynaklar. Resources in English. The Religious and Moral Doctrine On Jihad -from Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah on Jihad "Al-Siyaasa Al-shar`iyya fee slaah Al-raa`ee wa Al-raa`iyya" The Decisive Word on the Factors of Victory and Establishment - Shaykh, Dr Muhammad bin Moosaa Aal Nasr [PDF] An Excellent work on what
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Four Rebel Factions (JTS; Suqour al-Sham, Jaish al-Ahrar, Jaish al-Azza) Preparing To Merge in Idlib as part of Turkish efforts to extend influence in the last major rebel territory in Syria
body of the text via google translate:
Four military factions operating in the Idlib province are preparing to integrate into a new military body, days after the formation of the National Liberation Front.
A military source said early Wednesday (June 6th) that the "Syrian Liberation Front" is preparing to merge with factions, "the Hawks," "Free Army" and "Army of pride."
The source added to the grapes of my country that the expected integration parallel to the integration of factions, "the Free Army," noting that all factions "free" that did not join the "National Front" will be part of the new formation.
According to the source, did not oppose the Turkish side of the efforts of the factions mentioned integration, stressing his knowledge but did not support him.
The talk about the formation expected after a week from the declaration of the factions "free army" in Idlib for the formation of the "National Liberation Front" led by the faction, "the Levant" backed by Turkey.
The "liberation of Syria" includes the "Ahrar al-Sham" movement and the "Nur al-Din al-Zanki movement", and was engaged in military confrontations against the "Sham Liberation Organization" ended with a complete cease-fire agreement between the two parties.
Idlib is awaiting what it expects after the deployment of the monitoring points under the "easing tension" agreement, and the subsequent developments, most notably the internal military movements by the factions operating there.
And depends on Turkey in Idlib to organize the next phase of the province, especially the service reality and civil life and military structure, the same scenario applied in areas of the "Euphrates Shield" in the northern suburbs of Aleppo.
Turkey had the largest role in forming the National Liberation Front (FNL), which receives substantial military and financial support, and is trying to start a new military structure for Idlib.
Earlier, my country had received information that the "liberation of Syria" had received additional support from Turkey after its formation and that new steps had been taken with regard to the organization and numbers of fighters.
The movements of the factions in Idlib coincide with the security situation in the province, which killed dozens of civilians and military in the past days.
It did not specify the main source behind the chaos, but "liberation of the Sham" has confirmed repeated periods of cells to organize the "Islamic state" and behind.
First thing i wanna mention, Nur al-Din al-Zenki, one of the mentioned groups, is the faction that infamously recorded themselves beheading a 12 year old child for allegedly sympathizing with the Assad government
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Zenki, like many members of this upcoming merger, are what remains of the surrender negotiation green bus population/fighter transfer to Idlib from previous rebel hold outs like Aleppo, Damascus and Hama.
Zenki merged with local hardline islamist group, Ahrar al-sham, to form JTS. Ahrar al-sham was at one point the second largest rebel faction against Assad after the FSA early in the revolution, 2013. It is Ahrar al-sham that pundits and observers of the war would primarily point to in highlighting that the revolution was not “moderate”
The sudden influx of rebel factions to the area from other parts of the country has destabilized it greatly (more than it ever was when it was al nusra/jabhat fatah al sham versus the FSA and Ahrar al-sham), where a new “Tahrir” titled faction sprouts up every other month and some even fight over it, as was the case between HTS (Tahrir al-Sham) and JTS (Jabhat Tahrir Suriya) when they began hostilities in February 2018 the day after the formation of JTS, lasting until late April. Al Zenki was especially called out by HTS, saying Zenki a little bitch betrayer of the revolution who wouldnt come to sharia court for a laundry list of shit like sending YPG recruits against HTS and killing HTS leaders. JTS in response produced a slur for the HTS akin to the one produced for the Islamic State, Daesh. The JTS now calls the HTS “Hitish”
Oh look, a map of that conflict last february:
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The Al Qaeda dominated salafist HTS (Tahrir al-Sham, Syrian/Levant Liberation Front) exerts the most influence in Idlib besides the JTS (Jabhat Tahrir Suriya, Syrian Liberation Front), who are second in power and influence.
Anyway, back to the article topic, this recent announcement of the growth of JTS into a new faction includes FSA factions like Jaish Al-Izzah (Army of Glory) who online mujahideen and rebel fanboys saw as being treacherous for not joining other perpetually disorganized FSA groups in their 11 group merger late last month into Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir (National Front for Liberation) aka NFL, lol
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This is notable because NFL is squarely a Turkish coordinated effort to bang much of the remaining FSA brigades together into a proxy army. The NFL includes Faylaq al-sham, which is an extremely close proxy of Turkey as it not only participated in the “Euphrates Shield” operation to capture Al Bab from the Islamic State, but also the Turkish invasion of Afrin as one of the frontline FSA proxies in the offensive there to conquer YPG held afrin canton. What’s more, Faylaq al-sham’s leader, Colonel Fadlallah al-Haji, is now the overall commander of the newly formed NFL, meaning that the primary FSA faction in Idlib is squarely in the pocket of Turkey
So with that in mind, here’s the situation in Idlib:
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Each one of these observation posts looks something like this:
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So, if it isn’t clear yet, Turkey is intent on asserting it’s influence over Idlib. Most of these observation posts rest on JTS or FSA/NFL held territory. As the article states, Turkey is entering the next phase of forming the “service reality, civil life and military structure” of Idlib province. Turkey gives support to JTS but NFL is wholly their project as part of a grander vision to coordinate the rebellion akin to how they ran shit in the Euphrates Shield and Afrin operations.
All in all, the absolute state of Idlib is as follows, ranked by strength:
1. Tahrir al-Sham, aka HTS
The independent al qaeda affiliate which is the recent amalgamation with lesser groups from previous iterations such as Jabhat Fateh al-sham, Jabhat al Nusra before it and indeed, al Qaeda in Iraq. Important perennial note: AQI split into al nusra and ISIS, the islamic state, so we can say that HTS is the radical islam faction in Idlib. There is a reason why JTS, an islamist salafist organization in their own right, calls HTS “criminal” and derisively as “HITISH” as Syrian rebels previously called ISIS “DAESH”
2. Jabhat Tahrir Suriya, aka JTS
The gulf state supported JTS is a formation of the successful salafi islamist factions of the revolution who split from the free syrian army early on, like 2013. They include the various forces who were dumped into Idlib over the last year and a half by syrian government green buses after the SAA managed to kick their barrel bomb wounded asses out of urban centres like Aleppo and Damascus. As such, JTS was bolstered with veterans of acute urban warfare against the elite Tiger Forces and Hezbollah. This is partly why JTS made immediate gains against HTS when hostilities erupted last february.
3. Jabhat al-Wataniya lil-Tahrir, aka NFL
This is the most recent merger, third smallest coalition in Idlib and wholly Turkish coordinated Free Syrian Army proxy. There ain’t much left to say besides that they have many conventionally named free syrian army components like 1st Infantry Division, 1st coastal division, 23rd Division and other cutesy AHHH SOUNDS MODERATE ENOUGH TO ME titles to a western listener even though many of them have committed war crimes such as the looting and selling of civliian property to Turkish black markets, the indiscriminate shelling of civilians within Aleppo particularly in Sheikh Maqsoud, an isolated Kurdish suburb of the city under neutral YPG control. In spite of this, many parts of the NFL pledge a moderate form of ideology such as “Islamic Democracy” or even “Syrian nationalism” as is the case with the Free Idlib Army. The 1st coastal division is officially vetted by the United Nations formed “Friends of Syria Group,” so at least within the NFL there are elements that are generally “moderate.”
So in conclusion, Idlib is now shared between the HTS, JTS and NFL with each respectively being radical al qaeda islamism, salafist islamist and moderate islamism to secularism.
But in real terms, that means that Idlib is split between an independent radical islam rebel group known as Al Qaeda in the Levant with hostility for rivals that nobody outside of their group likes and two groups allied with Turkey. With turkish aspirations in the area, it is possible for JTS and NFL to merge, as is likely the goal for Turkey in forming what they have signaled is their personal spit of Syrian land. this will inevitably put Turkey, JTS and NFL on a collision course with HTS to decide who controls Idlib.
There will be blood.
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plusorminuscongress · 3 years
New story in Politics from Time: ‘Completely Helpless.’ Afghan Americans Scramble to Help Family Back Home
As President Joe Biden prepared to address the nation on the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan on Monday, Mariam Mustafa sat in her car a few blocks from the White House, exhausted.
The past four nights had been a sleepless blur as she watched the terror of Afghans desperate to escape all over television and social media—including her own family members. She had called and emailed lawmakers, recruited others for protests, and set up GoFundMe fundraisers for the visas of strangers who contacted her on Snapchat. Finally she had asked to take the day off work, driving into the city with a sign reading, “We stood together shoulder to shoulder, but you left us there to bleed.” [time-brightcove not-tgx=”true”]
“You feel completely helpless,” says Mustafa, 30, who was born in Kabul and came to Springfield, Virginia with her family when she was four years old. “It’s overwhelming. I can’t eat, I can’t do any of my daily tasks. I’m in America but my heart’s been in Afghanistan.”
Mustafa’s frustration was echoed by more than a dozen Afghan Americans living in northern Virginia—the country’s second-largest Afghan diaspora—who spoke to TIME. Most have been fielding a constant barrage of messages between Afghanistan, Europe and the U.S. as they try to figure out what the country’s rapid fall to the Taliban will mean for friends and family. They felt blind-sided by the chaotic manner of the U.S. withdrawal; the confusion, the speed of the country’s collapse, and the unyielding wall of bureaucracy have left them without a realistic roadmap to evacuate loved ones who will be targeted by the new regime, they say. While their neighbors argued about political blame and long-term consequences, for them the tragic scenes overseas are personal. Mustafa’s father, who was there on a visit, had left Kabul just three days before the city fell.
The U.S. already faces a major backlog for the special immigrant visas promised to Afghans who worked alongside American troops. An estimated 20,000 Afghans who risked their lives helping U.S. and international forces, as well as 53,000 of their family members, are currently waiting for their visas to be processed. As the U.S. moved forward with its military withdrawal earlier this summer, a bipartisan group of 20 lawmakers repeatedly expressed concern that the government was not moving quickly enough to streamline or accelerate the process. “The current SIV process will not work,” they wrote in a letter to Biden on June 4. “It takes an average of 800+ days, and we plan to withdraw in less than 100 days.”
Feeling like they’re out of options, Afghan-Americans in the Washington area have been organizing daily protests outside the White House asking the U.S. government to protect the people they left behind.
“My generation will not sit back and watch these atrocities happen without our voices being heard, even if some of us have never even been to Afghanistan,” says Diana Wassel, 26, whose parents left Kabul after the Soviet invasion in 1979 and whose extended family settled in Fairfax, Virginia. “We feel a deep connection to our roots and are the children that witnessed 9/11 happen at a young age.”
More than 300 Afghan Americans and supporters protested outside the White House on Sunday, with signs reading “Don’t let history repeat!,” “Save Afghan Lives” and “20 years of war for what?” They said the execution of the U.S. retreat had been a betrayal of the promises made to their community. Wassel is working with other young Afghan Americans in more than 30 cities to plan a bigger protest on Aug. 28.
Over the past two decades, Afghan Americans often found themselves intentionally or unintentionally acting as ambassadors for the U.S. mission in the country, feeling like they had to reassure family, friends or colleagues that the United States would stand by its promises.
“I became a bridge between these two countries,” says Alaha Ahrar, 29, who came to the U.S. in 2008 on a scholarship to attend university in Virginia. “And now everyone is calling me and asking me for help, thinking that since I’m in America I can do something for them. But I cannot do anything.”
Even worse, she says, many Afghans and Afghan Americans living in the Washington area like herself have long been involved in charity and educational projects in the country, often backed by U.S. officials. They now fear that has left the very people they meant to help named, exposed, and in immediate danger.
Ahrar, who runs a non-profit that works with vulnerable and displaced women and children in Afghanistan, says she has six staff members in the country. The nature of their work meant they were well-known faces in their communities for working with an American organization. A quick Google search would immediately reveal YouTube videos of their projects, or even photos of some of them with the U.S. ambassador. Some of them have already fled their hometowns after the Taliban went door to door asking about them, she said. “We received praises from people, from officials, with everyone saying they appreciated the work that we were doing, but now we find out that this will actually give these employees a death sentence,” says Ahrar. (The Taliban has vowed not to retaliate against those who worked for foreigners, but few trust the promise with reports of reprisal killings emerging in areas they now control.)
Now, Ahrar and others say they fear time is running out as they watch the hasty evacuations continue with little clarity as to whether the visas will come through. They say they haven’t been reassured by Biden’s remarks. On Monday, the President claimed “some of the Afghans did not want to leave earlier” because they were “still hopeful for their country.”
Mustafa stood in the rain outside the White House while Biden spoke that day, huddled with a small group holding Afghan flags. She has a cousin whose special visa application has been pending since 2016, and who has been posting on social media about feeling abandoned. “My family and I were able to escape from that, right?” says Mustafa. “Why her and why not me? She is me.”
With reporting by Kim Dozier/Washington
By Vera Bergengruen on August 17, 2021 at 05:27PM
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mike-gilli · 3 years
Turkish Mercenaries Kidnap Nurses from Tal Abyad Hospital, Raqqa Countryside
Turkish Mercenaries Kidnap Nurses from Tal Abyad Hospital, Raqqa Countryside
Posted by Internationalist 360° on June 22, 2021 Raqqa, SANA Turkish occupation mercenaries of terrorist organizations have continued their suppressive practices against civilians in the areas which they occupy in Raqqa northern countryside as they have kidnapped four nurses from Tal Abyad Hospital, Raqqa northern countryside. Turkey-backed Syiran Ahrar al-Sharqiya member threatens Kurds with…
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amirblogerov · 1 year
Not an ounce of humanity. Gangs steal last from earthquake victims
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Residents of the Idlib zone continue to suffer from harsh living conditions in opposition-controlled territories. Almost two months have passed since the earthquake. During this time, tons of humanitarian aid from various organizations came to the affected regions in order to provide the victims with everything they need. However, illegal gangs decided not to miss the chance that appeared to cash in on the grief of people. They ruthlessly plunder what is meant for affected families. Thus, the commander of the Levant Front (Jabhat al-Shamiya), a faction of the Syrian National Army, and members of the local council in the city of Soran in the north of Aleppo province, entered into a criminal conspiracy and stole most of the humanitarian cargo transferred to the region. According to the information received, Bakri Jijo, the leader of Jabhat al-Shamiya, and Zaza, a member of the Soran Chamber of Commerce, are personally involved in the crime. Local council members gave access to their warehouses, while Syrian National Army fighters removed food, flour and tents. Earlier, there were reports that the militants of the pro-Turkish groups "Ahrar al-Sharqiya" and "Dsheish al-Sharqiya" for bribes to members of local councils include "their" people in the lists of people in need and receive humanitarian assistance and money in the amount of $ 150 per family from various non-governmental organizations. organizations on a par with those who really need this help. The falsification of documents was soon discovered, and then the militants began to withdraw the already distributed humanitarian aid from the population and then distribute it among their units. It is worth noting that all pro-Turkish groups, without exception, are robbing Syrians left homeless, including not only factions of the Syrian National Army, but also Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, the Islamic Party of Turkestan, and even more so the radicals Khuras al-Din ". It seems that only the affected Syrians living in the liberated territories of Syria feel real concern.
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Investigation Exposes Terror Ties Behind Islamic Charity's Humanitarian Facade
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Image from Zakat Foundation YouTube video.
by Abha Shankar and Martha Lee
A prominent American Islamist charity is publicizing its role in the nationwide coronavirus emergency response effort.
"Zakat Foundation of America stepped up its nationwide coronavirus emergency response ... delivering thousands of direly needed medical-grade gloves to two far South Side Safety-Net hospitals in Chicago," said the Illinois-based Islamist charity in a March 27 press release.
"We're all in as a frontline charitable provider helping people survive COVID-19, on every level — financially, medically, nutritionally, mentally and spiritually," executive director Halil Demir said in the release. (Demir also spells his first name "Khalil.")
Since its 2001 founding, the Zakat Foundation claims to "have empowered millions of people to recover from disasters and escape poverty by taking control of their own lives." A timeline on the charity's website showcases its humanitarian accomplishments over the years, from providing aid to Iraq war victims to establishing a university for refugees in Turkey.
But behind the Zakat Foundation's outward humanitarian façade lie longstanding terror ties that include support for Hamas- and al-Qaida-tied charities, a joint investigation by the Investigative Project of Terrorism and the Middle East Forum finds.
The misuse of Islamist charitable organizations to support terror is not new. American Islamist charities have been known to use humanitarian assistance as a cover to solicit funds for terrorist groups.
"While some terrorist supporters create sham charities as a cover to raise and move funds, other terrorist groups and their supporters use charities to provide funds or otherwise dispense critical social or humanitarian services to vulnerable populations in an effort to radicalize communities and build local support," says the Treasury Department's 2015 National Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment.
Soon after the 9/11 attacks, several American Islamist charities were either designated terrorist financiers by Treasury or raided by federal authorities on suspicion of funding terror. A prime example is the prosecution of the Texas charity Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF) and its senior leaders in what is described as the largest terrorism financing case in U.S. history. In 2008, a jury convicted HLF and five former leaders for illegally routing more than $12 million to Hamas.
One of Demir's previous employers also attracted scrutiny from the federal government.
Before founding Zakat Foundation in 2001, Demir worked for the Benevolence International Foundation (BIF). A business card identified him as "Public Relations Officer," and an IRS tax filing from 2000 states that, "The books are in care of Halil I. Demir."
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The Treasury Department designated BIF and related entities as terror financiers in 2002. The Illinois-based BIF and its director, Enaam Arnaout, were charged the same year with misusing charitable contributions to support al-Qaida and other terrorist groups overseas. Later, Arnaout confessed to using his charity to support Mujahideen fighters in Bosnia and Chechnya.
Arnaout served "as an administrator" for Osama bin Laden, a United Nations Security Council report said, "at times disbursing funds on his behalf." He admitted that BIF solicited money for humanitarian needs, "including refugees and orphans," concealing the fact that it "was being used to support fighters" in Chechnya with uniforms, boots, tents and other supplies.
In addition to serving BIF, Demir also has worked with the terror-tied Turkish Humanitarian Relief Organization (IHH). A 2010 news release on the Turkish charity's relief efforts in earthquake-hit Haiti describes Demir as an "IHH aid coordinator." The same year, IHH also referred to the Zakat Foundation as a "partner institution."
IHH has helped fund the Hamas military wing, which used the money to buy weapons and build training facilities, Israel's Ministry of Foreign Relations said. IHH has been designated a terrorist organization by Israel, Germany and the Netherlands. IHH was a key player in the 2010 Free Gaza Movement flotilla that sought to break a blockade on Gaza. Ten people were killed when one of the boats refused to turn back and passengers attacked Israeli commandos as they tried to board.
Reports from that time allege that IHH distributed aid to the Salafist group Ahrar al Sham, which fought alongside ISIS and the al-Qaida affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra. Turkish authorities additionally found evidence that IHH not only recruits militants for al-Qaida and other terrorist groups, but also provides terrorist groups access to arms and medical treatment.
According to a 2009 IHH report, "The US-based Zakat Foundation and Helping Hand, with which the IHH co-organizes social projects in different regions, sent $80,000 and $30,000 respectively to Gaza through the IHH."
Helping Hand is the overseas charitable arm of the Islamic Circle of North America, which has been described as "openly affiliated" with the Sunni revivalist movement Jamaat-e-Islami (JI). The charity has partnered with people closely tied to the U.S.-designated Kashmiri terrorist organization, Hizbul Mujahideen and its leader Syed Salahuddin. Zakat Foundation also partners with the Al-Khidmat Foundation, JI Pakistan's charitable arm.
Despite these documented connections, often promoted by the charities involved, Demir denies his and his organization's terror ties. He blames terror financing crackdowns targeting American Muslim charities after the 9/11 attacks on "Islamophobia."
"The Islamophobia was so strong, emotions ran so high against the Muslim community that whenever we tried to do good work, some people and organizations tried to portray us as bad guys," Demir says in an advertisement for his book, 9 Myths About Muslim Charities: Stories from the Zakat Foundation of America.
Demir made similar accusations in a January interview with the Daily Southtown. "This is propaganda, Islamophobia of white supremacists and hate groups that spread poison against the Muslim community and charities that do great work," he said.
Demir's book bashes national and international agencies for demanding transparency and oversight of Muslim charities. For instance, he calls the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) global terror finance watchdog "the most powerful and pernicious entity in the world," and asserts that "FATF's recommendations, and counterterrorism financing in general, constitute a complex ineffective sham."
The book also criticizes a 1996 CIA "Report on NGOs with Terror Links": "This two-decade-old CIA-write-up's simple-minded, unvetted, erroneous presumption of a 'regular correlation between Muslim humanitarian organizations and terrorist activity' – which shows nothing more than chauvinism—still underpins global policy of transgressing the civil rights of American Muslim charities."
Terrorists are known to use "charities to provide funds or otherwise dispense critical social or humanitarian services to vulnerable populations in an effort to radicalize communities and build local support," the 2015 National Terrorist Financing Risk Assessment said.
Hamas' dramatic 2006 election victory was fueled in part by its social welfare networks that received funding from American Islamist charities. In fact, the Holy Land Foundation was part of a network called the "Palestine Committee" that the Muslim Brotherhood created to advance Hamas's agenda politically and financially in the United States.
The Zakat Foundation has also generously supported the Islamic Charitable Society (ICS) in Hebron. In 2003, Zakat Foundation "worked in coordination with the Islamic Charitable Society in Hebron to supply $10,000" worth of school supplies to Palestinian children. This is not the first time that the ICS has received funding from U.S.-based charities. HLF gave ICS more than $1.6 million between 1991 and 2001. In 2002, German intelligence services described ICS as "the most important HAMAS association in the West Bank" and concluded that its leadership included "numerous" Hamas members.
The Zakat Foundation's work with ICS and association with Hamas continues. It announced in 2017 that it had "taken on costs for 200 students" of the ICS's Al Rahma School. Dina Karmi, an Arabic teacher at Al Rahma, is the widow of Nashaat al-Karmi, Hamas's southern West Bank armed wing leader. Israeli anti-terror police shot and killed him in 2010 in a raid connected with the murder of four Israelis.
In 2018, Israel's Shin Bet arrested Dina Karmi for "serving as the 'operational arm'" of a ring that "operated in coordination with both Hamas headquarters abroad and in the Gaza Strip."
A year earlier, ICS officials expressed their "deepest of thanks to Zakat Foundation" for its support, and "especially" its executive director Khalil Demir.
Zakat Foundation lists a U.S.-based Islamist charity called Baitulmaal as a partner. The Israeli government in 2006 accused Baitulmaal co-founder Sheikh Hasan Hajmohammad of funding a Hamas charity.
However, instead of calling for more intensive oversight of an Islamist charity with established terror ties, U.S. government officials continue to engage with the Zakat Foundation. In 2017, the charity co-sponsored an Iftar dinner with New York Mayor Bill de Blasio's office. Last year, Halil Demir was invited to Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot's 100th Day Recognition.
Today, as the nation ramps up its fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the Chicago mayor's office "now keeps contact with Zakat Foundation and has welcomed its creative capacity and stalwart efforts, as do an ensemble of social service agencies, not only in Chicago, but in key metro areas across the nation."
For decades, Islamist charities have hidden their terror funding and support under a charitable guise, sometimes winning acclaim and support from federal government officials and others for their efforts. The terror-tied Zakat Foundation's response to the coronavirus pandemic, is the kind of thing that might provide a public benefit, but it also serves as a building block toward legitimacy, opening doors at City Hall and elsewhere.
It also helps the organization further obscure its work with charities tied to Hamas and al-Qaida.
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