#ahhhh Gil Gil Gil Gil Gil Gil Gil
softquietsteadylove · 4 months
more spicy chapter for the spy AU please? 🤏
"Holy shit," Gil groaned as he flopped into the bed loudly. "What a day."
It had been a hell of a mission, from start to finish. There was some rescuing, some extrication, some very narrow escapes. But at least it was completed. All they had to do was actually get back home to report in. But that could wait until tomorrow.
"I agree," Thena sighed heavily, lying herself down next to him more delicately. They didn't usually make stops after a mission, since the only real safety for them was back at base. But this stop was necessary to avoid the suspicion of boarding a flight right then and there.
Gil stretched his arm out, slithering it under Thena's neck. Other than that, he remained on his back.
Thena rolled over, keeping her head cushioned on his arm and shoulder and tucking herself into his side as well. She inhaled as his head tilted, hovering closer to hers. "We said we wouldn't."
"Oh, right," Gil mumbled, even as he pressed his lips to her forehead.
"We did," she repeated as she leaned into him more. His arm moved and his fingers toyed with a few strands of her hair. "We did."
"We did," he whispered as he rolled over too, nuzzling her face until his lips could find hers.
"We promised," she whimpered into the kiss, even as she grasped two handfuls of his shirt. She straightened her spine and her legs, pressing herself closer to him.
"Did we?" he inhaled against her cheek before moving his lips to her neck. He rolled even further, until he could lie over her. He flicked open a button of her dress. "Why did we do that?"
"Because," Thena inhaled as he worked on two more buttons before running his finger along the edge of her bra. She wasn't often in civilian clothes.
"Because?" he prompted, enjoying taking his time and burying his face in her cleavage.
"The job," she uttered simplistically, her considerable mental faculties leaving her as Gil dragged his teeth along the inside of her breasts.
They said they couldn't be physical anymore because of the job. It could interfere with their effectiveness, and complicate their partnership, something upon which their lives depended.
That one instance in the garage had been a mistake.
"We're off the clock, Ghost," Gil chuckled into her shoulder as he moved his hands to work from the bottom up, slipping up her dress. "If you want me to stop, just tell me."
It would make good sense. It would be better for the mission, and for all future missions. It would be probably be better for their work partnership, too. Certainly their handler would feel better about not having to suspect that their feelings were more than professional.
"Talk to me, Thena," he whispered, pulling away from her just to look her in the eye.
How she loved him. She loved him in every cover, every mission, every rare instance in between when they were just Gil and Thena, partners since the beginning. She loved everything about Gil, and she always had.
It was only recently that she had added his body to the list of things she loved most about him.
Gil moaned as she pulled him into another kiss, firmer than before. He wrapped his arms around her to truly hold her, his hands sliding over her.
Thena gasped as he pulled her dress up the rest of the way. His fingers were deft and firm, immediately slipping into her underwear. Gil never wasted time when there was a mission at hand. Her hands closed into fists, rumpling his shirt hopelessly.
"Easy," he rumbled into her ear, his voice low and rough. He stroked and circled his fingers, coaxing her pleasure out of her. "Just relax, sweetheart--I got'cha."
Thena inhaled sharply and let it out, although it trembled the whole way. Her whole body started trembling as he circled a particular spot, his thumb pushing against her most tender nerve centre as leverage. She stared up at the ceiling, clinging to him as if she were at sea. "Gil!"
He pulled up hard, keeping his hand still as she writhed against him gently. He was far from done, but he considered this a necessary step. He bent his head to kiss her cheek, "that's my girl."
Thena tilted her head, whimpering again as she felt him pull his fingers out of her. She didn't give in to pleasure often. She didn't consider herself someone who needed it often, either. But the things Gil could make her feel...
"You good?" he asked, their voices soft, their breathing mixing together in the silent room.
She nodded, her chest heaving. Gil laid over her again, having gotten his belt undone and his pants out of the way just enough. They didn't have the luxury of ripping all their clothes off and making tender love. Nor could they afford to fuck like wild animals rutting against each other. What they could afford was a quick relief of tension in a whole world against the two of them.
Gil kissed her as he pushed in. She groaned; his fingers were already thicker than she was used to, and he was much, much thicker than that. He peppered her face with kisses, "you okay?"
She nodded, clawing at his back as she adjusted to him being fully inside of her. This was actually the first time they were being connected in this particular way. Her head felt like it was floating off her body, her vision was starry.
"S'okay, just breathe," he whispered in her ear.
She did so, slowing her breathing until her startled muscles could relax. She turned her head, seeking his lips again. He gave them, and she demanded his tongue as well.
Gil moved gently, never one to risk hurting her in any way. He nuzzled her cheek, both of them breathing for their lives. They had both done underwater training, could hold their breath for upwards of five minutes. But they were panting for air.
Thena gripped the muscles in his back as his hips met hers. She tried not to sink into the feeling of it and keep her mind alert. But the feeling of Gil inside her, a heat like nothing else filling her. The warm, solid weight of him surrounding her and the musky scent of him mixing with the scent of their intimacy. She felt dizzy.
"Thena," Gil uttered, sounding more strained as he moved somewhat faster. He nipped at her neck, feeling around for her pulse until he could pay it proper attention.
"Gil," she gasped in response, her voice high and stringy--fluttery. Everything felt fluttery right now. She wasn't a fluttery person. Her codename was not Butterfly. But her whole body trembled as she felt him swell even further. "Gil!"
He pressed his lips to her cheek again, and she could feel him smiling against her skin. "Sorry, you sound really cute right now."
Thena felt herself clench around him reflexively. She blushed.
Encouraged, Gil picked up speed even more. His arms dragged over the bed sheets, curling around her protectively, hoarding what was his. His breathing came faster and rougher, his leverage angle changed.
Thena sought his mouth again, hungrily this time. Her legs slithered around his and her hips rose to meet him halfway. She was much closer than she anticipated, and probably closer than he thought she was. "Gil, yes, so close."
What few words she did have to offer seemed enough for him. He moved his hand to grip a handful of her behind, "any time now, hon."
Thena bit into her bottom lip as he continued to push and push her closer. She was a seasoned spy, and there was little she couldn't endure. But she would give up absolutely anything to come right now.
Gil let her dig her nails into him as she came around him, her whole body shaking as she gripped him. He groaned into her hair splayed over the sheets as he followed, spilling into her unabashedly. He smashed their lips together again before reeling himself in, making their kisses more gentle again. He held her cheeks, looking for signs she would never speak aloud. "You okay?"
Thena opened her eyes, blinking up at the ceiling again before Gil moved into her line of sight. She was still seeing stars, everything hazy and dreamlike. Her biochemical addled brain sang Gil's praises as she looked at him, screaming at her to yearn for him.
He kissed her again, their lips moving languidly. He still held her like she was fragile, and he was still lying over her like she was all his.
She was, in ways she couldn't afford. But she clung to him, even as he pulled out of her, even as he laid down beside her just to pull her closer once he was comfortable. Her hands sought his skin like she was burned and he was the salve.
Physical pleasure was too dangerous for the brain to endure.
Thena sighed as she settled against his chest. She was far too exhausted to move, and she had no desire as Gil pressed his lips to the top of her head and exhaled deeply. She rose and fell with the rhythm of his chest, as if bobbing along at sea on a raft of him.
"I've got you, Thena," Gil mumbled before dropping off into sleep, his fingers entangled with hers and his arm around her shoulders.
She nuzzled into his chest, just this once, to indulge her silly, love stricken brain. He had her in ways he didn't even know about--ways she could never really tell him. But just for tonight, she could add her body to that list.
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runawaymun · 28 days
i'm sorry for the person i will become as Rings of Power season 2 comes out. I'll keep it mostly contained to my sideblog but there may be spillage because I am going INSANE.
if you don't already block the tag, I usually tag it as: 'the rings of power'
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brightmalcolm · 8 months
Ainsley and Gil literally could have had such a fun dynamic that season 3 could have done so much with Ainsley who is so so desperate for a father figure but who has spent so long being denied one vs Gil who feels guilty for not being there for her when unlike Martin he's actually been able to all these years and Ainsley I think is just a little bit jealous and resentful still and she has buried that anger and resentment but if he even tries to acknowledge any of this it will come right up to the surface. Sorry I have a lot of feelings about Ainsley Whitly and it's easier to scream them in someone's ask box than make my own post
we were robbed of so much good gil and ainsley content like I think they may have interacted once in the entire show??? in season 3 I could imagine gil trying to reach ainsley and her just snapping that he's twenty years too late...and the way this all connects to mr boots and how she was so desperate for a father figure in her life and why she kept going to visit martin in secret and AHHHH
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wasyago · 10 months
The little style aspects you give each of them on top of their canon designs is so... ough... Gil's stripes and the design for his TAIL RAGGGHH, the little shines on his skin... the ropes on chip's swords to replace the chains, how you draw his tattoos... Jay being TALL because YES her dad IS a wall she SHOULD be as well I think she deserves it, and the way you draw her hair oururhsrhfh
I am normal about them grgrgshfh your art is gorgeous
AAA THANK YOU!!!!!!! im so happy you like all the details and little design bits :D i really enjoy drawing them and thinking of small things that make the characters look unique and alive and like, a part of the world, so i feel really good when people share my excitement for all this! thank you anon it means a lot <333
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hangfromthewyllowtrees · 11 months
Okay look. I know we don't know much about Cynthia's dad and Gil's mum okay? BUT we do at least know that Cynthia's mum and Gil's dad are definitely not in the picture, right? I saw a post about Cynthia and Gil bonding over having a parent abandon them, BUT WHAT IF I WRITE A FIC ABOUT CYNTHIA AND GIL TRYING TO SET UP THEIR MUM AND DAD!!?? Not only would you get more Cynthia and Gil bonding/shenanigans, you could get them as ACTUAL siblings!! Maybe I rope the other Pink Ladies and the T-birds into it? Maybe gils other sisters find out and help?? What do we think??
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xelinezeddiorsstuff · 8 months
Chapter 1: Make it out
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"An escape to meet others like me means breaking down connections such as what happens within"
Words: 4664
I open my eyes, I am standing in the middle of the ocean near my house. The breeze was strong, the sky was a dark grey, and the waves of the ocean were big and dangerous. It was almost like a typhoon. Something didn't feel right at all. In fact, it was like another presence was there with me. The wind blew stronger, I felt like it was about to push me, but for some reason, it didn't.
I look around only to see nothing but the whole ocean surrounding me. But then I hear a voice and I recognise it, it was my mom's. "Isla tulungan mo ako please" (Isla please help me). I froze I haven't heard her voice since I was 8 years old, the words kept repeating.
I slowly turn to the direction of her voice but it was too late the water around me became blood and I started to hear sobbing. I tried to move but for some reason I was stuck, it was like being trapped in a box or something. Then I tried to scream, nothing came out. Then my mom appeared infront of me looking at me, angrily.
"AHHHH!" I screamed as I woke up. I look around me and suddenly felt safe to see that it was my room that I saw. I tried to calm myself down by doing the breathing exercises my aunt told me to do. My forehead was covered with sweat and tears started to form in my eyes. I continue to do the breathing exercises until I finally calmed down.
"It was one of those dreams again." I sighed as I get the glass of water I prepared for myself in case something like this happens again. These days it's becoming more and more frequent for some reason.
I put the glass down and looked at my phone. It was 2:30 am, it was the time of day once again. I leave my phone and start preparing for my daily swim. Normally I would do this in my family pool but there isn't a crime in doing this in the ocean, but my extended family thinks of it as a crime. Maybe this is the time to prove them wrong.
"Vitamins are taken, My temperature is normal and regulated, skin checked. Alright time for my swim." I say as I go downstairs and head for the front door.
I get out of the house and lock my door. I put my keys in a pot of plants, knowing no one will get it since I'm mostly the one who takes care of the garden. Then I head out into the ocean. The night was cold, and I shivered as I walked down the beach since I was only wearing a robe.
The dream I had would have been a sign, people will think it would be a sign to not get into the water but I knew that it was definitely a warning for something else. The dreams keep coming back, I haven't had them since I was 18 but they came back 6 years later. I start to think to myself as to why they came back but then stop when realised I was already at the spot.
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Thankfully this part of the beach is private property of ours. I look around me to see if maybe a family member was out or if someone came looking for me but thankfully no one came looking for me. I took off my robe and walked into the ocean nude.
My body then started transforming. Scales appeared in several parts of my body, and gils started to appear. My hands started becoming webbed, and most importantly, my tail, yes I am indeed a Serena (Filipino siren). My mother was a siren. She was also famous as she caught people's attention in her siren form.
I look at webbed hands only to see how poor the condition of my siren form was, my webbed hands were stiff and slimy unlike a healthy Serena where it is flexible and rubber like, my gils felt clogged and I couldn't breathe properly, and lastly my tail and scales they were loosing their original color from a bright red tail to a Grayish pink. I knew I wasn't crazy. The pool that my aunt kept me in since they thought it was safer was more dangerous than they thought.
The pool chemical were killing my siren form slowly, but they wouldn't see the problem. A Serena needs natural minerals from natural bodies of water in order to maintain our fish like bodies. 'Hopefully, I have enough time before they wake up to at least help myself in this form,' I thought as I began swimming around
It has almost been four hours at most. My Serena form started to heal almost immediately, but I knew it still wasn't enough. I explored parts of the ocean that was near the beach, the oceans in the Phillippines are so polluted I wasted nearly half my time picking up trash and objects from the ocean floor. There was nothing exciting about swimming in that area since there was nearly no fish or anything, but I knew I had to stay just for my own health.
Another hours passed and I was relaxing on the ocean floor when all of a sudden I saw a familiar boat, my cousins boat. I immediately swam up since I knew they were already looking for me.
"Isla, Isla!! Isla bumalik ka na, galit na si tita!!"(Isla, come back, Auntie is getting mad already) I heard from underwater before popping my head out.
"Nandito na ako, bakit naman sila galit eh kailangan ko naman talaga ng tubig para mabuhay" (I'm here already, why are they even mad when I really do need water to survive) complained. My cousin then pulled me up and gave me a robe.
"Eh kasi naman alam mo may mga mangingisda na dumadaan dito. Baka makuha ka at ibebenta ka sa palengke sa Presyong 100k" (Well, because you know that there are fishermen who pass by here. Maybe they'll catch you and sell in the market for the price of 100k) My cousin joked, and I just kicked him while he was rowing back to our house.
We finally reached the shore of our house, and to no one's surprise my aunt was there, full on ready to scold.
"Anak ng tokneneng, ilang bese ka na sinabihan Isla na wag na wag kang lumangoy sa dagat. May swimming pool naman tayo bat di mo yun gamitin?" (Son of a bitch, how many times do we have to tell you not to swim into the ocean. We have swimming pool, why dont you use that?) My aunt said.
"Tita sinasabi ko naman sainyo na kailangan ko ang tubig ng dagat para lang di masira ang Serena form ko eh. Lagi kong sinasabi sainyo di kayo naniniwala." (Auntie, I already told you over and over that I really need the oceans water just so that my Serena form won't fall ill. I keep telling you all, but you guys don't believe me.) I said as I started to walk into the house.
"Isla ano ba, alam mo naman may mga mangisngisda dumadaan doon. Gusto mo ba mamatay?" (Isla, what is it with you? You already know that fishermen pass there. Do you want to die?) My aunt yelled as I went into the garden and grabbed my keys from the pot.
"Eh pinapatay niyo na nga ako ng onti onti sa pool na sinasabing niyong mas safe. Tita, namamatay na nga yung Serena form ko di niyo ba nakikita?" (Well, you guys are already killing me bit by bit in the pool that you guys say is safer for me. Auntie, my Serena form is dying, don't you see?) I yelled as I approached our front door.
"Oo nakikita ko pero isipin mo naman kami, di kami Serena kagaya ng mama mo at baka patayin ka pa pag may makikita sayo. Kung sana lang may lugar talaga na para sa mga Serena lang talaga eh o kahit anong monster na kagaya mo puntahan namin para sayo. Kaso wala eh wala tayo magawa." (Yes, I see it, but think about how we feel, we're not Serenas like your mom, and it's possible that you can die just from someone else seeing you. If only there was a place for just you as a Serena or maybe even other monsters, we would go there just for you. But there isn't and there's nothing we can do.) Aunt said before giving me a towel and some slippers.
"Kung meron ako mahanap na Lugar para saakin kung saan di ako papatayin, papayagan niyo ba ako pumunta doon?" (If there was a place that I found that it just for me, where I can't be killed, will you allow me to go there?) I said as I dried my hair with the towel. "Oo, bibigyan kita ng pera para pumunta doon. Pero parang impossible eh. (Yes, I'll give you money just to go there. But it's just impossible.) My aunt said going inside our house.
'I don't think it's impossible. I'm not the only creature in this world. There has to be a place. I'll research on it after work.' I thought to myself as I headed inside my house.
"Ate Isla kakain ka po ng pang umaga?" (Isla will you eat breakfast?) My younger cousin said as he sat down on our dinner table. "Sorry but I still have to prepare for work," I said as I looked at the clock it was 7:12.
"Work from home ka naman, okay lang yan ah. Di mo naman na kailangan maligo." (It's just work from home, though. That's just okay already. You dont need to take a bath) My cousin teased. "Kuya naman," I said as I was still drying my hair.
"Isla, bakit ka parin nag oonline sa trabaho mo na yan? Diba pwede ka naman mag face to face sa trabaho mo?" (Isla, why are you still online in that job of yours? Aren't you allowed to have it f2f?) My cousin said. "Eh kasi naman si tita ayaw ipa face to face ako. Tsaka, just being safe lang siguro." (Well, because Auntie doesn't want me to go face to face. And you know just being safe, I guess.) I said as I walked up the stairs.
Once I was in my bedroom, I could hear my auntie complaining about me, how insensitive I was, how irresponsible I was, I was already used to how she was so I gave it no mind but it still bothered me so much that I just decided work will take my mind off it.
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I prepared myself for work, took a bath, and set up my workspace but not without greeting my boyfriend, Mark, I our usual good-morning texts, we've been distant these days but I know that it was because of our work, who would've guessed that a model and an online psychiatrist would have a loving relationship.
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It was about my lunch time, I knew that my cousins were out and so was my auntie so I was eating lunch alone or was I? I thought of maybe calling my boyfriend for lunch, we used to do that when he was travelling but when I opened his message I saw that he didn't answer my text this morning. I just thought he was busy, so I just went ahead and heated up the leftovers that were left from breakfast and went back to work immediately.
Another hour passed I was finishing up with a regular client of mine when my phone to started to ring in the middle, I was about to decline it when my client and said that it was okay for me to answer since it might be important. I thanked the client and looked at my phone to see who was calling. It was Mark.
'Finally, maybe he's going to ask me out after my shift." I thought to myself as I answered the phone.
"Love! Kamusta naman?" (Love! How are you?) I said excitingly, but then I heard him sigh, my stomach dropped, and I already sensed that this may not be good.
"Fine, but we have to talk. When does your shift end?" He said coldly, I don't know what's going on. Did something happen to him? I quickly removed those thoughts.
"The session that I'm having right now will end around 3:00. I could meet you by then. Where will we meet?" I said trying to control my voices, my siren senses and gut feeling are telling the same thing. This will not end well, his change of tone, the way he has distance himself from you in any way unlike before, the way he just sees your messages but never replies. It's all leading to one thing, a breakup.
"I'll go to your house by then." He sighed. I start shaking, I wasn't prepared for this. I have been so avoidant of love until I met him and we've been together for so long ever since my last year of highschool. We knew that our career paths would make it harder for us but I didn't think it would lead to this. Even if he hadn't said it yet, you already know that it's coming, it's coming to an end.
"Alright, be safe driving. I love you." I said with a trembly voice, everything started to become blurry. It felt like more weight was put on your shoulders. "Okay." I heard him say while he hanged up the phone.
I was about to breakdown by then but I knew I still had a job, I took a deep breath and went back to my client. I knew myself well enough that after that phone call, I'm not going to be myself at my work but I thought that maybe just maybe I could at least put in decent effort just for my client.
3 pm came, I was hoping that time would stop at that very moment. While you were having that session, you couldn't help but pray that the minutes would go slower. I pray that he would change his mind on the way there, but you thought wrong. I saw the notification. He was there already.
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I was hesitant to go down, I already knew what was about to happen, but I still didn't want to face it since I loved him so much, more than I know. But then I told myself that maybe if I pull through this quicker, the faster I have to go through it. I took a deep breath and headed outside.
Once I was there, I saw him. His face was showing little to no emotion. The hope that I held on suddenly disappeared, just by looking at his face. It wasn't like the first time he came to my house, where I ran to him with joy and excitement. Now I could barely move. I slowly approached him, and each step felt like I was going towards a cliff. Then suddenly I was in front of him, this felt like I was on the edge of that cliff.
"Isla, I think you know where this is going already. I know you have strengthened senses from your Serena nature from my call earlier." Mark said as he brought a box.
"Just say it already, I know we fell apart from our careers and I know there isn't anything I can do anymore. Even after I tried so hard to keep what we had." I said as I look at the box he was holding.
"No... it's not because we fell apart." He sighed. I look at him, senses were picking up an emotion that wasn't supposed to be in this. Guilt. Maybe he was guilty for falling out of love with me, I told myself to wait patiently for him to speak.
"Isla, I'm so sorry... I cheated on you. I cheated on you with another model who I worked with and now she's pregnant." He said as he gave me the box. Everything around me felt like it dropped. I wanted to scream, to punch him, to cry, but I couldn't. My mind was blank, the only thing I could think about were the possibilities of who he cheated on me with.
"So you're breaking up with me just because she's pregnant? Why didn't you do so sooner?" I asked with a shaky voice, but I really did mean that question. He was already cheating on me. Why did he wait until the girl got pregnant just to break it off? I think it was obvious by now since he always said he wanted a family, but did he really have to cheat for that? I was willing to be a bride for him anyway. I was ready.
"Isla, I'll be honest with you whenever I thought about a future with you. I felt uncomfortable with the fact that my child wasn't going to be like the other kids. You told me you spent your life avoiding kids in the streets since you were always afraid that once they find out that you're a Serena, you'll be killed." He explained.
"Cut the crap. Just say that you want a normal family with a normal woman. After everything we've been through. Did that all mean nothing to you?" I yelled, starting to feel tears going down.
"No. I just really want this, and you're just not.... you're too focused on work. And I may not be a Serena, but I feel like something bigger is coming for you in your job." He paused to look at his watch. It was 3:13 pm, 13 minutes passed, but to me, it felt like a whole hour. I don't know how to feel now, am I supposed to be angry? Am I supposed to be sad? Was I even supposed to feel anything? Fuck, I don't know.
"I'm sorry but this is the end for us Isla. I'm so sorry but I have to go, we both still have jobs to do but be safe hope you find another person who loves you." He said as he patted my shoulders. I looked at him and nodded, I didn't know what to say at that moment. He went into his car and began to drive off.
As his car began to drove off. I began to breakdown, all of the emotions that I held onto for so long have finally left me. Betrayed, hurt, and empty was all I could feel.
"Isla?" I turned around to see my cousin standing behind me. I started to wonder if he saw the whole thing. "Diba sasakyan yun ni Mark? Ano nangyare.." (Isn't that the car of Mark? What happened...) He paused when he looked at me. Tears would not stop falling. I suddenly felt him hug me, then grabbed my arm slowly so that he could bring me inside.
"Kuya...." I sighed. He put me down on the couch and pulled out a tub of ice cream. "Buti nalang naiisipan bumili ng ice cream. Nagcracrave kasi ako eh nung ko papunta na ako dito. Teka lang, wag ka muna mag kwento kunin ko muna ang mga kutsara at baso." (It's good that I thought of buying ice cream. I was craving it while I was going back here. Wait for a while, don't tell me just yet. I'll just get the spoons and cups.) He said as he stood up and went to our kitchen. I'm thankful that he was here by the time Mark left because knowing how he looked at me as his sister instead of cousin, he would've beaten Mark up.
"Eto na. Yung mas malaki na baso para lang sayo." (Here it is. The bigger cup just for you.) He gave the cup and spoon. "Now, tell me what's going on? I'll just speak English for this one for you to know the therapy vibe." He joked, trying to make me feel better, which did make me giggle a bit.
"Mark and I broke up..... but he also revealed to me one thing." I whispered with a shaky voice. My cousin then looked at me as he was scooping the tub of ice cream, silently asking me for an explanation. "Turns out, he was cheating on me, and now he got the girl pregnant." I explained. My tears were starting to come out once more, and all the thoughts came back to me, but just then, I was cut off by spoon falling.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him. I FUCKING KNEW SOMETHING WAS UP WITH HIM" My cousin yelled as he stood up and marched through the door. I stood up quickly wiping my tears and grabbed him. "Kuya please. Tapos na, umalis na siya at di na rin yan babalik dito." (Kuya please. It's done, he left and he won't come back here ever.) I pleaded with him because I know him well to know that he would get his hands bloody just to protect me but in that moment I just really needed him to comfort me because I was about to breakdown again and I did since I started sobbing and feeling my tears.
Then it was like he read my mind since he just hugged me and brought me back to couch. Usually we would talk about what our problems were and how to fix it but all I needed right now was a distraction from all this. I was so thankful he bought ice cream since it really was comfort food. We just both sat there in silence enjoying our ice cream and the others company.
"You know.." I turned to my cousin who finally spoke up after half an hour of silence. "Right Auntie told you that if there was a place just for you or any monster in this world, she would do anything for you to be there." I look at him with sudden excitement because my senses were telling me he was going to show me something.
"Well... I have to show you something!" He exclaimed while grabbed his laptop out of his bag. "I hope the ice cream didn't make it wet." He whispered as he got his laptop out of his bag. "You could've just told me to get my laptop upstairs you know that?" I jokingly asked. "That wouldn't make it special." He stated as he started to open his laptop. I started to question what the hell he was going to show since he looks really excited to show mr what he found, he was typing somewhat aggressively on his laptop which made me even more curious.
"Here!" He said turning his laptop to me. I looked at his laptop and it showed me a school website, the school name was Nevermore. I took a closer look at his laptop to see all of the details, the more I read the more excited I get. It was like a finding a part of you, you didn't think exists, feeling like this is finally your place, feeling like you finally found the answers to you problem. "This.. is amazing! Kuya, where did you find this?" I asked excitingly while scrolling the page even more.
"My coworker told me she recently came back from a trip to Vernont and stumbled across that school. She told everything about it or at least everything she heard from people from the town that was located in." He explained. That's when I looked at the location of the school. It was in America, meaning I could possibly go there with my own money. "I don't know.... what will Auntie think?" I asked since I was worried that despite her words from this morning, she would not allow me to go.
"Sabi niya nga, kung may mahanap kang lugar para sayo dun ka na daw. Kunin mo na ah may job application sila o, tignan mo." (Well, didn't she say if there was a place for you, you'll be there. Take the chance already there's a job application going on, look.) He pointed at the website, and I took a closer look at it to see that there was an opening for a guidance counsellor.
"Wait, why is there an opening for a guidance counsellor position if there's literally a therapist they visit in the town that are located in?" I asked, scrolling to the part of the oage where it showed that they have a therapist they could console to named, Dr. Valerie Kinbott.
"Di ko rin ngay alam. Tanongin mo nalang pag ininterview ka." (I really don't know as well. Maybe you could ask when you get interviewed) He answered. I just nodded my head but then I looked at him with surprise when I realised what he said. "Anong interview?" (What interview?) I asked nearly shouting because of how surprised I was.
He looked at me for a second and laughed. "Surprise! I got you an interview for that job. It's going to be this Friday, do your best." He answered while patting my shoulders . I look at him with wide eyes, not knowing how he did it. "Well, to explain this, I kind of hacked into your work email and emailed the school during lunch since I know that's the time you don't check emails. It was wrong, but like this is a really great opportunity for you." He explained. I looked at him mouth agape, so many things had happened within the past day, honestly it's overwhelming.
"Thank you kuya, buti nalang na Wednesday ngayon at Friday yung interview para may ako makaprepare pa ako para sa interview na eto." (Thank you kuya, it's good that today is Wednesday and the interview is on Friday so that I still have time to prepare for my interview.) I sighed, not knowing what to feel since it's been a roller coaster. First I get scolded and talked shit about by my auntie just for taking care of myself, secondly my long term boyfriend cheated on me, and now my cousin just revealed to me that he hacked into my work email and got me a job in a place that could accommodate my occult. The emotions are mixed and I know that my cousin could tell.
"Marami kang pinagdaanan ngayon Isla. Pero isipin mo ng ganito, kung di mo toh kunin at di ka na talaga paoayagan sa dagat ni tita. Mamatay ka talaga. Kahit pagbigyan mo nalang yung interview na yan. Kung hindi ka nakuha edi atleast ginawa mo ang lahat, diba?" (You've been through alot today Isla. But think of it like this, if you don't take this and you won't ever be allowed in the ocean everr again by auntie. You will die. If you don't get chosen for the job then atleast you tried right?) He comforted me while hugging and rocking me, he used to do that every time everything got intense at home.
We pulled apart and I feel he secretly has a mind reading since he immediately went into the cupboards and pulled out my favorite wine. "Sabihin ko kay tita di ka kakain ng pang gabi. Mag rest ka muna, umiyak, sumigaw, or suntukin mo unan mo. Ilabas mo lang mga emotions mo. (I'll tell auntie that you won't eat dinner. You should rest, cry, yell, or just punch your pillow. Just let out all of your emotions.) He said while I took the wine out of his hand. "Dalhin mo muna yang alak na yan, ako na sa mga baso at ice cream" (Bring that wine of yours, I'll handle the cups and the ice cream.) He added.
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
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Otometober Day 12 The One You Wish Had A Route
Well damn there is a few games that I had people in I liked that needed to have a route. I want to name a few Leo in Piofiore, Hansel in Code Realize Wintertide Miracles, Owen in Cupid Parasite, Sergio in Love Spell Written In The Stars, Watson in Code Realize as well as Miles too and last but not least . I can't choose between so just going to write a little bout what I would love to see in each.
Owen (Shelby's Assistant) - Cupid Parasite (Tell me they wouldn't be cute together)
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You spend so much time with this man since Shelby is always working. I swear you see him more than you do Shelby so I took a liking to him. He is so damn cute even his shyness is adorable. I know in one route you set him up with someone but why not give him a route so you can see what it might be like to romance that awkward assistant for yourself. I feel like he might be a bit of a kuudere but I don't know he is just so cute I would love to get to know him. I mean come on you have to deal with Gil so why not have a chance with Owen which obviously is a better pick.
Sergio in Love Spell Written In The Stars
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This man comes out in the route of Marcello and he is the opposite gang member if I remember right. Anyways whether you die in the route or Marcello dies he has the sweetest demeaner that makes you feel like he would be a very romantic and loving love interest. There is talk of him becoming a route but only after the company makes enough money to do so. That being said I don't know if this man will ever really be a route.
Leo in Piofiore
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Leo this is a sweet sweet man honestly he is very loyal and takes care of Liliana without questioning. Yes he is still young and still learning what to do like the guys that have grew up in it but he is always trying to learn. He is loyal to Dante for all that he has done for him and to Liliana as well. I honestly believe he would love her without question. Not even sure why he was never a love interest seems pretty stupid to me but here is to hoping one day he might be.
Hansel in Code Realize Wintertide Miracles
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This man is so damn hot, I know I have yet to play his route yet that he is in but I do know from reading around the internet his job is the same as Saint Germain's once was he works for the same organization. That being said I would love to see the back story of him like they did Saint as well as let him be a love interest, like who would not want to look at this man daily.
Watson - Code Realize - Wintertide & Future Blessings
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This is a confliction to me like I love Sholmes but I know Watson is like the total opposite of him yet still intriguing. Sadly the confliction I have is he has such a great personality and even a bit of a flirt but he makes it very clear his dead wife is and always will be the only love for him. I respect him so much for this but damn I would love to see that loyalty on the side of romancing him as well.
Miles - Code Realize - Wintertide
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I know absolutely nothing about this man I just surfed through Code Realize characters and saw him and drooled. Damn from his sexy smile to that beautiful face and the way he dresses.... ahhhh this man is too damn hot not to be a love interest.. Just WHY??
Orion - Amnesia
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I thought about him because my friend @misschimotosuwa-blog loves him and Leo but I wanted to add the other reasons I think it would be cool to have Orion too. I think yeah so he is a kid but everyone else ages in the other games so why couldn't they have done the same with him even if he was late teens still would have been able to work just felt they didn't bother which is sad yet brocon can make a route for a 12 yr old smh.
Anyways thats my choices of men that I really wish had a route I might bring them to life in my own fanfic at some point. Also miss chi I'm sorry would love to add Mythril Rid Pod but I love him just not with Anne in anyway lol.
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cyhaino · 11 months
Mass Effect Romance Opinions
Kaiden | he’s ok I like him just fine he usually dies in my playthrough though because my youngest sister is named Ashley and I feel weird letting someone with her name die does it make sense no but who cares I’m playing
Liara | You’d think I would love an alien archeologist and for the most part I do but when I’m not actively romancing her I find her a bit too much and I get annoyed in me3 with her whole planet being taken and her attitude about it as if Earth wasn’t the first planet taken
Ashley | I don’t romance her because of the name reason but I do like her. Also she was right about the council seeing humans as dogs.
Miranda | again I should like her but honestly prefer friendship over a romance just let her be with her sister
Tali | honestly see her as more of a a sister
Jack | love her, one of the few characters who actually has character growth but I’m still salty over not being able to romance her as female Shepard
Jacob | If you ignore the weird flirtatious tone when you go to talk to him, you’ll find he’s not that bad. He’s supposed to be the level headed character and he is for the most part. He does suffer from bad writing though and it’s pretty obvious too. Still I do like the me2 romance so I go through the pain but I do still get annoyed in me3
Garrus | nice voice but that’s it and I do like the tango dance in the dlc but honestly most of the time it felt like I was yelling at him. When I was younger he was my favorite but now that I’m older some of the stuff he says and does doesn’t sit right with me.
Thane | never romanced him because personally I would never ask someone out after they trauma-dumped like what the hell was up with that option??? Still I understand the appeal because hello??? Assassin???A distant dad who still wants the best for his son??? And he’s dying??? Why do I find all of this hot what does this say about me
Kelly | No
Samara | love her I want to marry her she deserves so much probably written by a man because hello we could have just adopted children why put her through that misfortune
Morinth | I love her mom
Steve | this man lost his husband fairly recently so no
Samantha | <3 favorite romance shes gay I’m gay what more do I need to say
Diana | she’s there I guess???
Javik | y’all say Garrus has a nice but nah Javik’s voice is way better I wish he was an actual romance option. Is he perfect? No but I doubt any of us would be in his situation. 10/10 would still bang
James | yes but no because I would have loved having him as an actual romance option but what bioware gave us was shit!!! Like what the hell!!! Thank god for fanfiction because what the hell!!!
Avela | I didn’t even know she was a romance option whoops
Cora | this woman screams lesbian romancing her as male Ryder feels weird
Gil | I hate his best friend
Liam | oh I love him he was the first romance I did his little wave his flips! And his loyalty mission is one of the best ones to do so much fun and ahhhh when he takes you out on Eos for that date!!!! I love Liam
Suvi | she’s cute but eh that’s it
Peebee | one of the more fleshed out romances in my opinion however romancing her as male ryder feels weird and I think it’s better to romance her as female ryder.
Jaal | yeah I’m a Jaal girlie my ao3 history will attest to that. He tried so hard to come across as cool and mysterious but he’s just a bisexual disaster like me and ahhh the forehead touch!!! And of course his voice???
Vetra | you give me hot turian girlfriend and I give you all my money. Also she’s an eldest daughter and as an eldest daughter myself, yeah I’m gonna gravitate towards her. Her romance feels really short though
Reyes | bioware made sure he wasn’t a full romance option because they wouldn’t be able to handle two bisexual Latinos
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Ahhhh second first date! Second first date! Of course i need to know how it goes!!
"And the server was definitely super jealous of me."
Thena laughed again. That was all she'd been doing since they left the house, she was quite sure. Since Gil 'picked her up', that was to say.
It was very sweet. He had showed up at her guest room door, dressed up and with a charming smile, even making an attempt to look nervous. He asked if she was ready, offered his arm; he was the perfect gentleman for their first date.
Her second chance.
Of course she had to know more about their first-first date. And Gil was happy to elucidate her once she insisted enough that telling her that much would not cause her brain to catch fire (as the doctor seemed to have implied in some way).
"But it was a nice dinner, then I walked you back to where you were staying at the end of the beach," he recounted, his eyes completely starry. "I had never gotten to actually have a romantic walk on the beach, before. Total bucket list stuff."
"It sounds lovely," she remarked mildly, without much choice with no memory of it for herself.
"The moon was out and everything, and it looked really pretty with your hair and your white dress, and the shawl thing-y you had on over it." Gil gestured vaguely to simulate the flowing garment she had worn over her bare shoulders. It certainly painted a picture, and she was quite sure she knew what he was referring to, having glimpsed a long white shawl in their closet.
She tried not to laugh too hard, mindful of the gentle atmosphere of the bakery. The tables were really just for people waiting for orders. They didn't have a fancy coffee machine, or an official barista. But Gil did bring out cups of real, boiled hot cocoa from the back--a secret only for their own, of course. They were waiting on their fresh baked pastries to come out and cool.
"I was so distracted by you that I didn't even realise when we were back at your doorstep," he sighed, but his comedic tone faded. He looked at her more softly, leaning his cheek against his hand. "I told you flat out that I was having such a good time I wished you were staying further away."
Thena attempted to laugh into her mug, this time.
"You laughed at it then, too." He sounded more wistful now. "But I told you I was serious and asked if I could see you again. I don't know why you were so surprised."
Probably because she had never been one to be asked out by someone like him. Men, sure, but not very sweet, very funny, very honest gentlemen like Gil. Just...men. She wasn't approachable enough for someone as sweet and charming as Gil.
She still thought that, to a degree.
"But you agreed, and I asked if I could kiss you too," he at least smiled at this part of the story, although his longing for the past remained. "You said I didn't have to ask, which wasn't a yes, but I guessed I was supposed to read between the lines."
Again, the Thena in the story and Thena herself in the present were different people. But she felt her stomach clench faintly at the idea.
"I did kiss you," Gil sighed, returning to his lighter, more jovial tone. "And it totally blew my mind. I mean if I wasn't in love with you already, that would'a done it."
"Gil," she admonished lightly, partly laughing and partly sheepish at the description of this passionate kiss she couldn't remember at all.
"What?" he chuckled before taking a sip of his own hot chocolate. "You wanted to know. And that date changed the rest of my life, sweetheart."
She liked it when he called her that. She nodded, looking down at her mug. "I suppose I did. It's a nice story."
"Yeah," Gil concluded, although his sigh felt a little heavier.
She still didn't have any memories of her own to contribute. But she attempted to jump over that wave of guilt, trying to put a smile back on his handsome face. "What was our second date like?"
He clearly knew what she was trying to do, but he kept quiet about it at least. He pulled himself up in his seat and started his next story. "Well, we were still on vacation. I asked a little more about you, and you at least told me you were an artist, and you were there on leave because you found teaching wasn't really your thing."
Thena winced faintly. She was sure that was an understatement. She did have memories of teaching before moving to their current residence, and none of them made her glad to have them instead of memories of Gil.
"I told you that I had been a boxer in college, and that I was just working some boring office job and also wanted," he paused to shrug and make a face, "a change of scenery."
They were both in the midst of becoming different people when they met. How fascinating, Thena mused. Although she was quite sure Gil had always been sweet and charming and funny. Just a feeling.
"It was actually you, on that date, who asked what I liked to do for fun," he admitted much more quietly. He looked down at the table, picking at a chip in the lacquer. "I told you I liked baking and you said I could try working part time in it, just to see if I liked it enough to make it my job."
"It sounds like something I would suggest," she agreed. It was hard to imagine the man she knew now doing anything else, really. Although it was almost funny to imagine him stuffing those muscles of his into a regular office suit.
"I said I'd give it a try," he chuckled, reaching for her hand. She gave it reflexively, sense memory knowing Gil much better than her own mind. He kissed her knuckle. "And now I have the best job in the world."
She smiled down at their adjoined hands as well, feeling as if the weight of the world were on top of them. "The date, Gil?"
"Right, right," he chuckled, allowing her to move the story away from the more emotional of the topics. "Well, you suggested that, and I asked about your art some more. And since the restaurant looked kind of full, and I didn't think that was your scene, I asked if you wanted to walk along the boardwalk a little first."
"We walked by a bakery there, and you asked me what everything was, since I was 'the expert' and all."
That also sounded like something she would say; Thena attempted not to roll her eyes at herself.
"I pointed out the regular stuff," he shrugged and even looked at the pastry cases in front of them in the moment. "Croissants, cupcakes, they had some tarts. You asked about one in particular."
Thena tilted her head as he paused, but she leaned back as he did, having been so sucked into the story that she didn't even notice Ajak coming over with two small plates.
"Thanks," Gil smiled at the petite woman, obviously familiar with her.
"Thank you," Thena added, keeping her eyes on the woman who only smiled and waved in response. Ajak knew her, Thena was aware, but Gil had been determined that they could meet formally when Thena felt more ready to reintroduce those parts of their life to herself.
"This is called a petit four, just a small cake," he chuckled, turning his own plate so she could admire the little dessert from all sides. "It's pretty old school, but you asked me about it when I pointed it out to you. I bought one so you could sample it, even though you told me not to."
Thena eyed the little dessert. It seemed to be vanilla, small and glazed completely white. There was something on the top of it.
"I add just a little sea salt to mine. Call it a secret ingredient."
It was just a hint of salt, but it sank into the sweetness immediately. Just like on that day five years ago, she had tasted the saltiness of the ocean air around them as she took a bite. She could remember the wind on her skin, and how warm Gil's hand was in contrast. The smell of the little shop and the breeze around them, and Gil's cologne wafting gently over to her.
Thena whipped her head up at him. He blinked at her sudden movement but didn't say anything. He was trying to read the expression on her face.
She didn't have any other memories of it. Just that one moment had jumped out at her as she had tasted that same taste--perhaps an improvement upon it. She could remember Gil's smile as she had told him that she liked it.
"You promised."
She blinked, trying not to cry over a silly little cake. "You promised you would make me one sometime. I told you I expected it to be better, since you were indeed, 'the expert'."
Gil teared up immediately. Of course he did, the gentle hearted giant. "Y-You-"
She looked down at her cake again, the pressure immediately mounting. "It's just that one moment. I can't remember past that. But-"
Thena startled as he launched from his seat across the tiny cafe table from her. He caught her lips at a funny angle, but they both tasted like chocolate and vanilla and sea salt. Her eyes fluttered.
"Sorry," he chuckled, offering a sheepish grin as he seated himself, ignoring the worried glances of other bakery patrons. "Couldn't help myself."
"Hm," she pursed her lips faintly, and he returned to his cake, unable to keep himself from staring at her. She dabbed at her lips, resisting the urge to fan herself. She still had her coat on, but it felt far too hot now in their little corner by the window. "Whatever happened to asking?"
"You told me I didn't have to ask."
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runawaymun · 19 days
i'm very obsessed with your depiction of Song in and the stars shine the same. you write it with such a different feel for each character, if that makes sense? especially since it's always been to me such a difficult concept to portray well in fic. i've been wondering, what do you think everyone's Singing is like, if you've thought about it? whether just as like the general feel to it to a bystander/listener, or just purely sound qualities, like i seem to remember glorfindel's baritone singing voice as a thing a lot of people would write.
i'm very sorry if this was asked/discussed before however i am...well not *new* but it's been years since i was active around lotr/silm tumblr. i am rapidly getting pulled back in to fan spaces it would seem. anyways. <3
Ahhhh oh wow! What a cool ask this is! Thank you so much. Playing with Song and Music and Themes in my fics is one of my favorite things to do. Songs of Power are just soooo damn cool I can't help myself. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond to this, I've just been trying to compile my thoughts! Buckle up cause this is gonna get kind of long.
Elrond is easiest for me to nail down for obvious reasons. I've dug into his Music the most out of everyone, but it feels different to different people. For a lot of elves it can be very overwhelming because there is just SO much going on in his Theme. A lot of syncopation and dissonance (in the best possible way. Just super fun note combinations). Usually his Music is quite steady and calming. Generally I think of his actual singing voice to sound like Colin O'Malley does in Thomas Bergensen's Sonera. Strong and open-sounding and just....the slight rasp but like it's still so gorgeous and hngggggg. Though, with Rings of Power (or just a younger) Elrond specifically I imagine more like Reeve Carney's voice -- especially as Orpheus in Hadestown. Again you get that bright, open sort of voice but there's a sweetness and a vibrato to Reeve's voice that I just adore for a young Elrond!
Gil-Galad is another character whose music I have thought about a whole bunch (mostly in contrast to Elrond's, due to To Partake), and he has a very even quarter-time beat and just. Idk he sounds and feels so orderly and steady and kind of brassy to me. I don't have headcannons on his singing voice, though.
Celebrimbor also has an even quarter-time beat but his music is more relaxed and there's room in it for play. Like it has a swing beat every once in a while, and in general he just has this very big, open, echoing feeling. Like he is just huge idk. Music that just thunders around your ears in the best possible way. I also don't have a headcannoned sound for his singing voice yet but in general I think it would be pretty low.
Maglor is different for me depending on pre or post Oath, in terms of his actual Theme. Pre Oath there is a lot of interest and complexity, and post Oath that sort of gets drowned out by the overlaying Theme of the Oath (which feels horribly loud, with this plodding sort of beat that gets faster and faster the more Oath-madness is upon the Feanorians). His singing voice is like Joey Batey from The Amazing Devil. The way that Joey is capable of singing with this gorgeous, soulful, sweet voice and then he can turn on a dime to sound like he's about to tear someone to shreds and you're pretty sure that nobody should be able to sing THAT fucking loud without breaking their vocal chords? The RANGE? The way his voice just sends shivers up your spine? Yeah. Maglor.
Galadriel I don't have much on because she is kind of an enigma to me. But I think there would definitely be an aspect of her Theme that would put you on edge. As far as her singing voice go, I actually wrote Convergence I while listening to "Sonera" and yeah the male voice in Sonera I headcannon as Elrond, and the female voice I headcannon as Galadriel for that specific scene. In general though, I tend to hear her voice as sounding like Kate St. Pierre in Hurt by Thomas Bergensen.
Celebrian has a lot of strings and flutes in her theme to me. It's orderly but more like a 3/4 time signature. The kind of thing you want to dance to or listen to while you're taking a long walk. Mostly high notes. Her singing voice sounds like the the female part in Sun and Moon (which I would like to find out who that is but unfortunately I can not seem to find her credited anywhere). Like it's pretty but there's this sort of untamed edge to her voice, just a bit. (Also I am a big fat nerd about Sun and Moon because a) Cel and Elrond are sun and moon coded to me and b) the male voice which is actually the song's composer sounds CLOSE enough to my headcannoned Elrond singing voice that I can sit back and imagine they're singing a duet haha)
Arwen is like a mix between her parents. She's got that 3/4 beat like Cel but there IS a bit of syncopation from Elrond in there, but similar sort of harps/strings vibes. Purple, to me. I do not know how to explain what purple even means or sounds like in this context asdlkgh. But her voice sounds like Eurielle - very much thinking about Luthien's Lament, specifically.
I unfortunately do not have a lot of headcannons for Elladan and Elrohir yet but we'll get there quite shortly with boundless sky.
Luthien has the sort of voice that will just fucking blow your socks off. I know she sang Morgoth to sleep blah blah but girl has power in that voice and the world's most ridiculous range. I am thinking specifically of ghost love score. And yes, her Theme sounds like orchestral metal. Sauron fucking hates it.
Morgoth is jazz. That is all I have to say on that.
That's all of the people I have nailed down as to what they sound like! Thank you SO much for this ask. It was so much fun to respond to!
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cynthiaandsamus · 7 months
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Kill Gil Vol. 1-3
God damn that fight was annoying, he has so many just 'snap and you're dead' attacks and in the second half he just reapplies his shield instantly but I upgraded the Earth Stance path and unlocked the Block Button and a lot of his barrage attacks stop if you block one of the hits but even with the halfway checkpoint it took like five tries, I'm glad that's done.
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number1mongrel · 1 year
hello i would like to send you gilgamesh (im sorry i always do) and ASA chainsaw man please
no no dont apologize tysm!
favorite thing about them: HES SO CUTE!!! THE CUTEST!!! I love that he's arrogant and acts like he's better than everyone but only because he is better and more important than everyone (in a way). he actually has the strength to back up his boasts, even if he's also an idiot and loses most of the time bc he's stupid and has too much hubris. he has so much gap moe too!!! and he's a tsun to the people he cares about!!!!! so much to love!!!
least favorite thing about them: i have a hard time dealing with Fate route Gil in particular. i really can't defend him at all and a lot of it still makes me uncomfortable (no offense to those who like Fate route Gil this is just me)
favorite line: GOD too many to pick but i guess i'll go with the classic: "Your birthday is it? Fool, you should grant me at least a week's notice!"
brOTP: I do ship ozygil, but I also love them just as buddies with similar tastes that love to hang out and fuck together
OTP: hnggggg also so hard to pick. Kotogil still has a very special place in my heart and i love it so much, but in terms of what i think is best for gil in the long run than gilkidu or gilhaku.
nOTP: I'm not really a fan of regular gil//saber... BUT i do like it in very specific circumstances, namely if they're part of a larger ot3+ or if it's gil/salter or something (again no offense to people who like it! i see the appeal!)
random headcanon: i think i've mentioned this before but he keeps a bunch of sweets and desserts stashed in his treasury and around the church bc he can't handle kirei's spicy cooking
unpopular opinion: if i have to see one more person say "casgil is the only one who cares about other people" i'm going to lose it
song i associate with them: i don't listen to much non-anime music but i did once see an MEP with gil set to slither by bohnes that i liked, so i associate that song with him now especially for kotogil purposes
favorite picture of them: AGAIN TOO HARD TO PICK AHHHH. i guess i'll just share this again for now (i need to add to it too!)
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favorite thing about them: i love how socially awkward she is. i like her making plans and then immediately failing every time. i feel bad for her but sometimes it's also endearing. i wasn't immediately super attached to her like i was with the original trio but i've grown to like her a lot more!
least favorite thing about them: not really sure... haven't quite seen enough of her yet. nothing's really bothered me
favorite line: this whole bit
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brOTP: I like her two-man comedy bits with Yoru
OTP: her and Denji!! Though i do also like them platonically. I hope they can be happy but i dont trust fujimoto...
nOTP: not really sure i have one
random headcanon: she's got that autistic swag
unpopular opinion: again i'm not sure if i have one... i pretty much agree with most takes i've seen on her so far
song i associate with them: dont have one again (sorry)
favorite picture of them
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gretagerwigsmuse · 1 year
I'm going to be so obnoxious here... you should know this is coming... for a director's cut, can you tell me more about Zach and his car from your jealousy fic?
ahhhh thanks emily!! i remember us talking about this way back when!
so i gave zach a shelby cobra because i had just watched ford v ferrari on tv and have the absolute biggest crush on matt damon in that movie (fun fact: he's actually filming a movie on my block for a couple days this and next week!!) and the shelby cobras are just so cool even though they're laughably not safe for a five year old?
but it was something i knew bradley would be really jealous of - especially since he switched over to a rover when gil was born? (that bronco is def not safe for children like i'm sorry this isn't the 70s, i don't trust those airbags or lack thereof.) and bradley definitely loves staying at home with gil (and later maggie when she's born), but seeing guys like zach and how he's exactly like someone smart aleck may have gone out with before bradley always makes him feel a little insecure?
fic for reference
director's cut asks
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chocolateturnip · 1 year
HI omg I saw you in the notes of a post and didn't realize you had a tumblr! I love your fics, especially Fireball Outfit!!! I have a question: was there any particular inspiration that made you write Gil as asthmatic or was it just you know, vibes?
Ahhhh, thank you! People rediscovering Fireball Outfit 5+ years on wasn’t on my bingo card, but I’m enjoying the attention, hehe 😊
I made Gilbert asthmatic because I’m particularly squeamish about respiratory problems, and I thought it might help to inject a sense of panic into the narrative if I wrote about something I find slightly disturbing. (My partner is asthmatic and it’s only very mild, but I do sometimes have nightmares about him having an asthma attack.) Also, there’s a scene in an Agatha Christie novel (I won’t say which) when a victim dies after the murderer poisons their inhaler, and that messed me up a lot 😬
I was initially planning to kill Gilbert in the scene under the stage with the smoke. I changed my mind, but decided to keep it in for the tension and foreshadowing.
Anyway, thanks for the question, and I’m glad you enjoyed the story!
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fivekrystalpetals · 1 year
Not having your live reading of Pandora Hearts will be sad ! I loved seing your analysis, I'm happy you enjoyed it :3
Awwww thank you so much ❤!! yes it’s gonna be so sad for me too to not have my weekly live screaming sessions,, nooo this masterpiece of a story got over ;_; as they say, every good thing has to come to an end (nooooo~) so we gotta enjoy it till it lasts ;_; [I want to reread it again, but not anytime now... I need time to recover, sadly it seems I am getting increasingly upset and frustrated seeing A Certain Someone’s logic and arguments so I need some time to get over it and read again with a clearer mind; lol I generally don't get this upset over a fictional character but this guy’s character resonate a lot with someone ik ig that’s why I associate one with the other in my mind idk]
Break continues to be my favorite character which is honestly a surprise bc I tend to change my favorite midway through the series (I am not faithful shhh); Lottie and Lacie come a close second (well-written female characters tho they had not enough screen time (at least not for me, I wanted to see more of them!), they have lots of gaps and flaws I can develop on in my mind and in my fics if I ever post anything) 
The two Alices, Oz and Gil: they are my babies now I adopted them, already signed adoption papers and all 💪 (once again, a surprise bc I hardly ever care about the main characters but these four are just... made-to-be-loved how dare anyone hurt them?!?!? *looking at a Certain Someone 🔪🔪* I just wish we saw more of Alyss and her thoughts, likes, dislikes etc. before the end. Since Cheshire loved her but was dead scared of our Alice, Alyss must have craved for meat less lol) 
Fun fact: my favorite arc in Pandora Hearts still remains *drumroll* Headhunter Arc my beloved <3 
not only was it mochijun’s super self-indulgent glamorous-makeover-for-all-my-characters arc but also has some of the best cliffhangers, plot twists and lore—humpty-dumpty (this chain damn!), Fianna’s house and their eerie ritual of making contractors out of little homeless kids, the doings of Isla Yura, his cult of Jack worshippers and the Nightrays (except Elliot ofc) all gave me chills and thrills, kept me to the edge of the seat,, say, if you see, I have less live drafts for that arc, it’s because... I was so invested in the story I couldn't even bother to pause and log on to tumblr; I just had to get to the end. It was like a standalone, little whodunit+thriller story arc with Eliot as the detective/protagonist set out to investigate his family’s curse ;_; and then the final reveal of the actual criminal (Retrace 61) 😭 (something I had guessed at in the beginning from Lottie’s words but the rat is just that good at distracting us from the truth =_=)
The rest of the story is, well, do I need to explain aghfhshfg why is this story so compact and coherent and filled with so much foreshadowing right from the first panel of the Retrace 1 that it still gives me goosebumps (I was actually talking about Retrace 76/77 with my friend (no, not specifying names or giving out spoilers, she hasn’t read PH yet and I am slowly luring her in with a carrot into this rabbit hole)—kinda like: See? I think I have uncovered a huge conspiracy theory— you know the suspected immortals in our world? I think they never die but go full Benjamin Button mode back and forth! She is super interested to know more and I am waiting to cast The Question: *conspiratorial tone* Do you wanna read something with a plot like that?)
ahhhh lol I was rambling but thank you so much for sticking around with me til the end, reading my analysis and posts (most of them were my incoherent screams fgsghghsj) and for this ask! It was so sweet of you <3 <3 And although I ran out of my live drafts, I do plan on writing a lot on the other characters too (in fact, I have three posts—character analysis of sorts—about Oswald, Gil, Vince and the Baskervilles in general—in my drafts and then, a few others in plans.) I will also be screaming (and probs writing fics bc what else to do when a ship takes its roots inside your head) about my favorite ship ahem ahem, which no one but me likes 😭😭, so that too.
So no worries, PH brainrot is going strong! my reactions on tumblr is actually minimal,, only about 10% of how much of a nuisance I was with people here irl at Certain Points in the story lmaohgjsgj
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antariies · 2 years
the initial poison that the toxic alliance used was a poor replica of gil’s own formula so when harley got poisoned by them for the first time he was just like AHHHH— oh wait this feels like drinking gil’s tea but not as bad. what is this weak shit
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