#ahh my first request fulfilled ❤️
the-kr8tor · 11 months
Hello can you please do a jealous Hobie x reader
Where they were out at a party while at the party reader just happened to see one of her male best friends and they're like in a back room smoking together and Hobbit just happens to walk in to see readers male best friend blowing smoke in her mouth 😊🥰
You don't have to put in the smoking pot if you don't want to 😊😋
Hello hun! Thank you for your request! I changed some things, hope you don't mind!
Some drinking and smoking, a lot of cursing. 1.2k
You feel lightheaded, the booming music pounds into your skull, coupled with the bright strobe lights, and people screaming over the loud music trying to hear each other, you feel your social battery draining with every clink of glass.
Partying seemed like a good time for the first two hours of being there, but as the night continues on, you just want to go to bed, and wash the smell of cheap beer off of you.
The only good thing about this is spending time with Hobie.
You wince when another screech of a guitar riff booms out of the speakers, you lean towards Hobie's ear, an excuse falling on your lips.
"I'm gonna go to the loo for a bit"
"Sure, love. I'll watch your drink" Hobie moves your pint closer to his while he continues talking to his friend.
You slide off the booth, fixing your shirt. Weaving through the sea of people, you try to avoid crashing into them, the wc sign looks like a beacon, beckoning you for a much needed reprieve.
Suddenly you hear your name getting called, or rather screamed at you. You do a 180 trying to find who called you.
"Here! On your right!"
You're not sure if that was for you, still you looked to your right. Lo and behold you see your old high school mate, peeking behind the doors to the bar's balcony.
"David! Is that you?!" You squint trying to find his distinguishable features.
"Yeah! Get your arse over here!" He opens the door fully for you.
Scrambling towards the door, you try to push past dancers. Finally entering the balcony, your best friend hugs you tightly, slightly lifting you off the floor. You giggle at your reunion.
"Holy shit, duck! Long time no see!" He pulls away, taking a good look at you. "I haven't seen you since graduation! You look fucking fit!"
"Shut it, you arse!" you playfully slap his arm.
"Come, it's quieter over there" he leads you towards the railings, bringing out a fancy case of smokes. "You want a ciggie?" He offers you one. You take it.
You whistle at the fancy engravings on the cigarette case.
"Wow, Daddy dearest is still paying your bills? You daddy's boy" you tease him as he helps you light your cigarette with a matching lighter to the fancy case. "Fucking hell, even the lighter!"
"Shut up! It was a gift!" He teasingly shoves you. "Do you remember when we used to sneak around chain smoking in our attic?"
"Yeah, we almost burned your dad's postcard collection" you laugh at the memory.
"So how're you?"
You two get to talking, exchanging stories, remembering fond memories, until you get to talking about your love life.
"Ooh, little duckie has a man" he jokingly blows smoke on your face.
Meanwhile Hobie leans against the doorway, watching the interaction. He got worried when you didn't come back to the table. Basically searching the entire bar, he finally found you cozying up to an unknown man.
See Hobie isn't usually a jealous person, whenever someone flirts with you, while he's sidled up close to you, egging them on.
"Can I have that drink too?"
"Oh shit, look at that black card, you're loaded bruv"
"She has two left feet, I'm available though"
"Mate, you like the Ramones too? What's your favourite song?"
"Oof, nice shoes bruv"
He does this because he trusts you fully, at the end of the day, he's the one who goes home with you. Of course whenever someone gets a little too touchy, or invades your personal space, he jumps to being protective. If they don't let up, he's more than ready to square up.
When he sees the blond blowing smoke on your face as you giggle, it's the same smile you give him, he sees the man lightly push your shoulder. Something snaps at him, his ears ring, he didn't even catch what the man said.
Hobie stomps towards you, not noticing him, you continue on smiling and talking to your friend.
Feeling a familiar arm snaking around your waist, you look towards Hobie, His eyes glare angrily at your friend, a dark aura emanates from him.
Hobie's knuckles shake as he clenches it tighter, he's ready to strike.
Noticing his emotion, you quickly try to douse his anger, but he opens his mouth before you.
"Who the fuck are you?" He holds on to your waist tighter "and why the fuck are you flirting with her?"
Some nosy people start looking towards your way. You try to speak up, but again David beats you to it.
"I'm guessing this is your man? I'm David a –"
"Fuck off, David" he barks out "stay the fuck away" he angrily points at your friend.
David gestures in surrender "alright, mate, calm down, she's all yours" Hobie already turned his back away. David winks at you, thank god, Hobie didn't catch that.
Hobie guides you by your hand, you try to explain but he couldn't hear you through the blaring music.
He brings you outside, Hobie heads towards an alley, you follow closely behind, trying to get his attention.
"Hobie! Will you stop?"
Hobie kicks an abandoned box, sending it flying across the alley.
"Shit, I'm sorry" he breathes heavily, his left eye twitches. "Fuck, you okay?" Hobie finally turns towards you.
"Yeah, are you okay? I've never seen you so angry" you cross the gap between you, you tentatively try to hold him. "Just breathe" your hands hover over his arms.
He takes a deep breath, slowly calming down. Hobie pinches the space between his eyes.
"Better?" You rub his arms lovingly.
"Yeah" he avoids your eyes, his eyebrows still knit together in anger.
You can finally explain everything "Hey, David's a close friend of mine since highschool, trust me you don't have to worry about him" you hug his torso.
"I'm not jealous"
"Sure, of course not" you cup his jaw, he finally looks you in the eye.
"I'm not bloody jealous" he huffs, looping his fingers through the belt loop of your jeans, bringing you closer to him.
"I know" you placate him "but hypothetically if you were, you don't have to worry, you're it for me, babe"
You move your hands over his neck, guiding him down towards your face. "Whether it's an old friend, or some stranger, know that they'll never replace you in my life, I love you Hobie Brown, never forget that"
Hobie looks into your eyes, searching for an ounce of dishonesty, he found none, except for love and affection towards him.
He drops his forehead on yours, savoring all the love that oozes out of you. You close your eyes as you rub circles over his neck, trying to ease the tension folded into his muscles.
"Love you too. let's go home, yeah?" He reluctantly pulls away, holding your gaze.
You nod enthusiastically, "does that love extend to apologizing to David?" You ask, testing the waters.
Hobie tilts his head, with a slight glare, non verbally saying 'why would I do that?'
Understanding what he means, you continue "I invited him to lunch tomorrow" you smile, gauging his reaction.
Hobie drops his head on your shoulder with a slight thump, he groans, realizing he needs to make peace with your friend.
Hope you liked it angel! Thank you again for requesting, and for being patient ❤️❤️❤️
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nesurii · 1 year
answering asks.
all anon asks answered below! about new cc eyes, infant cc updates, cc requests + townies.
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hi! omg thank you T-T <3 !! i am going to make complete and sectorial heterochromia skindetail overlays, that's the only thing aside from vampires/werewolf eyes that i still need to do & then i'll upload them
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thank you!!! ❤️ yes, toddlers to elders, and i'll update them for infants as soon as i can as well.
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oh sorry to hear that! normally i do want to fulfill these kind of requests but personally i think adult sims look too young without it, cause they're supposed to in their 40s to 60s and most adults do have some wrinkles there. i could make a simple overlay skin detail to cover them up if you want, but it'd be too much work to make an additional default version for my skins without the wrinkles. and thank you for the kind words <3 !!
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hey AHH thank you, you're too nice <3 🥹 fadia would 100% accept your proposal!! ily have a good day too!!
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hi! i'm sorry, i made the original version like 1.5 years ago and the newer version of them that i uploaded i don't have the psd file for anymore. i'm making a new version of the asteria eyes as i mentioned in my last post with which i'll include the .psd though, and i'll add the old catchlights to it as an alternative.
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maybe in the future i will, but i have to reupload all the thumbnails per swatch and gender for each file by hand so it's just such an annoying process to add more categories for them (and i really dont feel like doing it currently sorry 😫). if you want to you can also do it yourself easily if you don't mind them not having thumbnails with this tutorial.
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hello! thank you ^-^ if it's as easy as just enabling them for infants in sims 4 studio then yes i'll do it asap, otherwise it may take a little longer cause it isn't my priority since it's such old content and i want to update newer things first. the skin will probably
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hi! yes and no lol, i have a few sims up for download under my download tag but there's only a few that are public.
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hi~ i completely forgot i used that on her! i never uploaded that one, i think it's similar to my agave skin (one of the lower opacity swatches would look most like it i think).
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hey! thank you haha!! i'm gonna update all my skins when i can, just depends on when skiniator & sims 4 studio updates since i rely on them for the default files and proper tags ^-^
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i'm still tweaking it a little here and there, when it's done i'll upload it. this ask made me giggle cause idk if its accidental but it sounds like you're annoyed with me over this reshade preset i'm not uploading HAHA
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May I Have This Dance?
Book : Open Heart (set post book 3)
Pairing : Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Meera Bose)
Summary : Ethan's daughter has a request and he has no way other than fulfilling it.
Category : Fluff
Warnings : None
Rating : General
Word Count : 1481
A/N : Look who is back from the dead. 🙈 Honestly I am so excited to post a fic after literally ages! Anyways this is just some pure fluff which was in my drafts forever and I could not take the time out to sit and edit. But it is finally here. This fic introduces Ethan and Meera's daughter, Avantika or Ava for short and also features their son Ishaan who was first seen in this edit.
Happy Reading Guys! ❤️✨
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"Mom, I need to talk to you!," Meera's 11 year old daughter, Ava said sitting down on the breakfast table. "Yes sweetie, go ahead," Meera said, putting slices of toast on her plate. 
"You know about the dance on Friday right? And how Jacob has asked me to it," Ava looked down as her cheeks turned red. Meera took a few minutes to recall what her daughter was saying. 
Being the inquisitive, talkative and outspoken child that Ava is, she chatters away all day and to remember something out of the innumerous things she says was quite the task. 
"Ahh yes darling, I do remember, we bought the dress last week, didn't we?" It finally strikes Meera as she puts down a glass of milk beside her plate. 
"Yes. But mom, it's not about the dress."
"Then what is it Ava?" Meera sits down facing her daughter. 
"I don't know how to dance." 
"Ahh what rubbish! You do know how to dance, sweetheart, you looked so gorgeous when you danced back in the play last year." 
"No mom, not that dance! Grownup dance. How you and daddy danced in your wedding photos and videos." 
"Ohh I see. Hmm I feel you need a little bit of assistance," Meera said in her most serious tone. 
"Yes mom, I want to dance like you. Will you teach me when you come home from work?" Ava's blue eyes lighting up with excitement. 
"Oh honey," Meera kneels beside her, taking her face in her hands. "I have so much work at the hospital today. I'll be stuck there all day! Why don't you ask daddy to teach you instead? He has the day off."
"You sure he'll teach me how to dance like you?" Ava questioned scrunching her nose, and doubting her dad's skill. 
"I promise. Well after all daddy dances well too," Meera  said, placing a kiss on Ava's cheek. 
"Kind of, but not better than you," Ava giggles and Meera shakes her head.
"Moooooom we are late," Meera's older son Ishaan rushed down the stairs. 
"How many times do I have to tell you to wake up on time? You are not leaving without breakfast, young man." 
The next fifteen minutes passed away in a frenzy, as the three of them bustled about the house getting ready for school. Meera waved goodbye to the kids and kissed their foreheads for good luck. Ishaan scoffed but Ava went in for a hug. 
As soon as the kids left, Meera took a moment to herself, she let out a long sigh steading her mind and body.
"Damn being a mother was tough," she thought to herself, "but it was so rewarding." She picked up the family picture Ava had drawn from the coffee table and looked at it wistfully. 
Glancing at the clock Meera realised how late she was. She finished the rest of her coffee and got dressed to get to work. She woke Ethan up with a kiss, "Good morning handsome." 
"Good morning, Rookie," Ethan smiled. 
"How was the shift last night?" 
"Good and calm. Nothing interesting happened. You are off to the hospital, aren't you?" 
"Yes," Meera pressed her lips to his. "Goodbye Ethan," Meera said, getting up. 
Ethan clutched her arm, "stay please, Rookie," he said brushing away the loose strands of hair and kissing her once again. 
"It's been sixteen years Ethan and yet your reaction remains the same every time we have to work different shifts," Meera laughs, tracing her husband's features with her thumb. 
"It might become sixty years, yet it'll keep being the same." 
"So cheesy Ramsey," Meera said, making both of them laugh aloud. "I gotta go, you go ahead and get the much deserved rest, okay?" She pulled Ethan into a final kiss before getting up. 
"Text me when you reach?" 
"You got it boss," Meera does a little salute before heading out. 
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Ethan sat on the couch with a book in his hand when his daughter walked into the living room. "Dad, I need a little help." 
"Yes baby, what's up?" Ethan said, promptly putting down his book and giving his undivided attention to Ava. 
"You know about the dance on Friday?" Ava continued to inform her dad about the grim problem she was facing at the moment. 
"Hmm that's a serious problem, I see," Ethan nodded in agreement. 
"So you'll teach me how to dance like mommy?" Ava's eyes glittering like the stars of the night. 
This made Ava smile and Ethan swore she had the same infectious smile like her mother. 
Ethan let out a laugh, "see mommy is the best in business, I am nowhere near her, but I'll try my best."
Ethan got down on one knee to get to Ava's height. "May I have this dance, Miss Ramsey?" he said, his blue eyes meeting the ones of his daughter. 
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Meera came home after a busy day at the hospital, still on the phone with Dr. Rosario. She walked into the kitchen and got herself a glass of water. "I completely understand doctor. Let's continue the treatment and we'll circle back in three days?" 
Meera emptied the glass waiting for the response from the other side. "Yes, sure I'll keep you posted," she said and ended the call. 
Massaging her temples she put her phone down, the sudden silence of her home contrasted to the entirely chaotic day she had at the hospital. 
Moments later she heard one of Ethan's favourite classic waltz music from somewhere in the house. Meera couldn't help but follow it. 
What she saw through the little gap in the living room door overwhelmed her heart. Her husband and daughter : dancing. Ethan sure was having trouble crouching down to Ava's level but he didn't leave her hand. 
Tears formed in Meera's eyes as she saw them slow dancing and swaying to the music. Ava looking up to Ethan's tall figure with complete adoration and admiration in her eyes and Ethan looking into her mini version with so much love and warmth. Their orbs sharing the same hue of blue. 
She brought out her phone and captured this priceless moment. Ishaan walked into the room,"mom you are home." He hugged Meera from the back. 
"Shhh, look at them," Meera said in a low voice. "Oh my god, I swear I have never seen Ava so stressed about a school event," Ishaan giggled. 
Meera's eyes gleamed with mischief, "what do you say, we go in there and show them who the better dancing duo in the house is?" 
"Yes! That's going to be so cool" 
"So may I have this dance Mr. Ramsey?" Meera said, taking his hands in hers.  
"You got it."
As the music started building up towards a crescendo, Meera entered with her dance partner. As someone who takes dance classes, Ishaan danced impeccably compared to any other fourteen year old. They did a series of complicated steps, and twirls, and finally ended with a dip. 
As the music ended, the mother-son duo gave a dramatic bow, to Ethan's applause. Ava was not particularly pleased. 
"That's not fair mom. It's me who needs help and you are here showing off your moves with Ishaan!" 
"Listen little sis, see I told you are adopted, dance clearly runs in the fam." 
"Hey, hey that's enough banter for today," Ethan stepped in between the siblings. 
"Yes. Since I am here now you don't need to worry, get hold of your dance partner and follow my lead." Meera said, making the face of her daughter light up. 
"But before that I am very hungry," Ishaan declared, flopping down on the couch. 
"Ohh me too," Meera followed suit. 
"Me three," Ava joined in. The three of them looked at the head of the family. 
Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose, "I swear you all have inherited this from your mother. And I haven't been able to say no to that face for the past twenty years." 
"That's 'I am calling for pizza right about now' in dad's language," Ishaan smirked. 
The next few hours are spent blissfully as the Ramsey family continues dancing for the rest of the night.  
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Later much into the night Meera comes out from the shower to find her shirtless husband sipping champagne on the bed. 
"Holy Moly," her jaw dropped on the ground. "You like this, Rookie?" Ethan said, handing her a flute of champagne. 
 "You bet I do," Meera smiled. "But are you asking me to drink on a work night? What has happened to you Ramsey?" 
"One flute won't hurt," Ethan got up and played yet another classical waltz from his phone. "So, may I have this dance, Dr. Ramsey-Bose?"
"Now? In a bathrobe?" Meera questioned. 
"Yes to now, no to bathrobe," Ethan cleverly twirled his wife out of the robe as the music mixed with Meera's infectious laugh filled the bedroom.  
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Thank you so much if you have read till here, it means the world to me. Hope to see you go on other different adventures with me, Ethan and Meera, till then sending love and hugs your way! ❤️
Taglist : @starrystarrytrouble @mm2305 @charisworld @choicesfanaf @potionsprefect @genevievemd  @shanzay44 @little-flowers-on-heaven @schnitzelbutterfingers  @coffeeheartaddict  @gryffindordaughterofathena @chemist-ana @adiehardfan @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @natureblooms24 @mainstreetreader @izzyourresidentlawyer @a-crepusculo @quixoticdreamer16 @starryeyedrookie @barbean @theblueestonedpendant
+ @openheartfanfics & @choicesficwriterscreations
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