#ah im rambling lol
miquella-everywhere · 2 months
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Love love love this Sword Monument because while the others are written in a passive tone this one genuinely sounds like a prayer for Malenia's safety and victory.
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honeydots · 3 months
did a redraw that was going around on twitter a while back~ ♥♥
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og by _K0TTERl_ from their manga veil!!
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yellowhearther0 · 1 year
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woaugh no way is that THE cranboo in 2023.....
[like + rb mayb?]
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flareboi · 1 month
guys i dont really do tag games. like i’m never annoyed or upset at being tagged i just don’t do them
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kirnet · 11 months
im just talking myself thru the actium release schedule lol
I’m toying with starting to publicly release actium like. next month. i really wanted to wait until i had finished chapter 5 to create a pretty big buffer so that i could have consistent updates (and to have a buffer to take a break when my pain flares up). but currently im kinda struggling to stay motivated bc of aforementioned chronic pain and just the fact that i have a short attention span lol. I currently have like a 12 week buffer which is not bad. and i know i would be much much more motivated if its out there and people are responding to it cause otherwise i just get bored. now that also means that once i do eat into my buffer and if i have more pain flareups that i can’t quickly push through then there’s gonna be a larger wait in between updates. which is fine. im doing this by myself and its just a fun little passion project so that’s ok if that happens.
im also hopefully gonna have full time work soon (hopefully hopefully) which will mean less time to work on it which means more of a chance to eat into my buffer. but that also means wayyy more time to get to chapter 5 anyways.
i think im gonna release it next month publicly yeah. and if i get behind then i get behind and ill just have to be kind to myself. i think its better to just throw it out there and start than wait. idk
the thought of promoting it at all sends me into anxious overdrive lol so im just. not gonna do that. maybe later. im just gonna throw it out there. i think ill put the first three eps up tentatively august 4th :3
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alchemicalys · 6 months
I can't help but laugh when someone calls me a dickrider for showing basic empathy for someone cause.....well equating general kindness and human decency with sexual favors says a LOT more about you than it does me, doesn't it.
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roadkill-dreaming · 22 days
♡ 11:11
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everoutoftouch · 2 months
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clearlitebergaming · 1 year
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jdlaksjda totally get u, cannach is also my reason of living in HoT hahaha i love him since s2 :D (i didnt get the southsun event :'( ) also sorry to reply in post, im in the mood for rambles, i hope u dont mind!
its just such a let down the story kinda just... write trahearne out of the story. it would be so much better if he survived the crash, the we can see him either getting the brunt of the pact's destruction, like, not only held accountable, but also stripped of his rank, getting the hate from half of the surviving pact, AND trying hard making up for it.
OR make him mordremoth's thrall since the beginning. make him intentionally destroy the whole fleet while cackling like scarlet did. and the whole HoT is dedicated in fighting him who has been crowned as mordremoth's numero uno champion and his army. itd be very ironic that the beloved son, the first of sylvari, is mordremoth strongest minion.
it would make so much more interesting story than hiding him from the narrative and killed him in meaningless way. i dont mind him dying, its just written in such a disappointing way, with abrupt ending. just explosion and egg. no further closing speech or anything, just... ends with egg.
both scenarios also (imo) beneficial for both trahearne's fans *and* trahearne's haters. fans got to see what hes capable of in full glory (either to redeem himself or being ruthless dragon champion), and haters got to see him got his comeuppance (either made to answer to his blunder or die by our hands). its such a win win i cant believe its not what happened ;w;
and about eir's death, im half expected she would die protecting braham. preferably weapons drawn and stand tall. "im sorry, son, i was never good mother to you. at least let me be a good shield for the last time" something like that. sure its tropey, or 'cliche'. but that would be so badass. and tragic. and it strengthens bond between the two.
while at it, maybe expand more about nightmare court lore and malyck. malyck my vagabond tree where are you baby? ;w;
s2 is not perfect, sure, but it has proper build up, which never got delivered in the expansion's story. its like being stood up in a date, and i somehow still waiting even until 5 minutes to closing hour while the waiters are giving me pitying looks when im finally got up and left after ordering take outs. (ps: the take out is very delish even when eaten with all the tears and snot)
on the side note,
i can understand why trahearne just come at the dragon weapon drawn. not only that he ran out of time, the camp resolve destroyed, he's also at the position where if he pulls back, it means mordremoth push further into tyria than he already did --- possibly even to the main cities. so he flew with the pact on airship, thinking they'd get air supperiority (since that works with zhaitan).
he didnt expect the whole jungle swallow the fleet whole. i think no one expect the jungle to just *rise up* like that and half of sylvaris soldier stabbing them in the back.
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gremnda · 4 months
pearl is full on witnessing my hyperfixation on her hermitcraft character and videos and i dont know how to feel about that-
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shelterskimmer · 1 year
*goes to sleep hoping to wake up in that collar chained to the wall*
giggles cutely as i chain ur limp body up in my living room ^_^
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maiteo · 1 year
mls is fun…the fans are fun. def needs work & will grow in the future but I think there’s a lot of potential… random thought but I was remembering the posts I’ve seen on here (mainly from europeans) about footie here and the “culture” and…hm👁️
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ofcowardiceandkings · 10 months
ive legitimately looked up private healthcare options for otolaryngology enquiries because it drives me insane
i just want someone to look into why my throat is so fucked up without a doctor telling me that the NHS has a threshhold restriction on interventions its not fucking normal
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kue-rangi · 2 years
Hmnn after finding things out maybe i am aroace? I feel like it tho
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roadkill-dreaming · 29 days
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still-with-koo · 11 months
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY love!
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bringing all my dream guys in one place, really the best gift ever 👌🤤 (although we might need to add song kang to this list pretty soon 🫢)
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