#aftermath of MoS
zacksnydered · 3 months
You know what - I'll always be of the opinion that while the Ultimate Cut is better and should have been released as that - you would still get the same general plot from the Theatrical Cut as you did, the ultimate cut just gave me more Clark so its ultimately better by that regard
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minecraftbookshelf · 10 months
The Best Laid Plans
Have a snippet from the Marriage of State AU!
Ft. Xornoth, Scott, Laurenzside, and a surprising lack of demonic peanut gallery. (I guess Exor was taking a nap)
This takes place between the initial meeting where the marriage is first proposed, and the follow up meeting, where Lizzie and Jimmy go to Rivendell, and everyone finds out that Jimmy is Lizzie's brother
“Okay,” Lauren leans back in her chair, feet stretched out in front of her, and almost slides right out and onto the floor, stopped only by the speed with which she grabs onto the armrests. Both Scott and Xornoth hover awkwardly over her where they had lunged to catch her. She glares up at them and tilts her head so she’s poised to jab her antlers into Xornoth’s arm. “Can I help you? I’m not pregnant anymore you know, falling on the floor won’t hurt me. I'd even be able to stand up all on my own and everything.” Chastened, the king and prince back up and seat themselves. 
Lauren continues as if the little interlude hadn’t occurred. “So we need to go over everything about this before you take it to the council, and definitely before you meet with the Swamp Man.” “Codfather,” Scott mutters under his breath. “His title is The Codfather.” Lauren waves a hand dismissively. This is why she’s an infrastructure counselor and not a diplomat. (And by ‘infrastructure’ Xornoth mostly means she is there to tell them when she thinks they’re being stupid. She’s very good at it.) “They’re going to use this as an excuse to bring up the heir thing again.” Exor’s tailfuzz she’s right. Scott looks like that just occurred to him for the first time as well, but he’s clearly contemplating something. Xornoth will take any solution to certain people’s insistence that they either find an heir or make one. “Does it need to be a concern though,” Scott says slowly, feeling his words out as he speaks them. “Is there any reason I cannot continue to be the heir for now?” Lauren stares blankly at him. “You’ll be marrying in. Best case scenario, we’re able to work it into the official marriage agreement. More likely that would be at your husband’s discretion. Either way its a potential conflict of interest between your duties as heir in one kingdom and consort in another.” “I mean long term,” Scott says, now sounding more sure of himself. “The Codfather is mortal, unlike the other members of his alliance. He’ll live what? Sixty more years? Maybe seventy if fate is kind to him? And then what, another few years of being the grieving royal widow? I could be home before my two hundredth name day.” Lauren glares at Xornoth again, reminded of Scott’s age. (Or lack thereof.) Xornoth, who was even younger when he and Iona were thrown at  each other (By Scott and Lauren no less) ignores her. “It’s possible,” they admit, trying to keep the hope from swelling too much in their gut. Best not to tempt fate. “If need be I can just name one of the cousins as heir in the interim, in case of emergency.” “Not it!” Lauren says immediately, finger on her nose. “I refuse. It’s bad enough you made me a politician, I won’t be a royal.” “Aimsey or Acho probably,” Scott says, looking a million times more relaxed now. “You might need to bring them both to the Peak for a couple of decades, Aimsey at least until star’s first shed. So you can say you’re training them for the role.”
Part 2!
AU Masterpost
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unrelatabledude · 4 months
genshin au sketches. i am very sick so they r no good
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shadowglens · 1 day
rewatching catws so you know what that means: lyssa is on the brain
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venusmages · 2 years
very excited getting to drop that the rouge was a harper in his last life, had another(?) mentor/dad figure, and show what might have been the moments leading up to Impending Disaster in a flashback
and then have that npc rattle off a bunch of harsh shit bc he’s the most opinionated and unpleasant take-no-shit bitch that loves to hear himself talk
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midnight197 · 5 months
There needs to be more MO Fanart out there. The sheer lack of it makes me sad
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aquickstart · 5 months
i need to talk to you guys about the colors of the Cattons (Felix specifically) and Oliver. the clothes they are wearing are telling the story of Oliver taking over and leaving his mark throughout the whole movie, with Oliver's failures and successes and a final triumph. holy shit. get in. this is long and ends in ancient greek culture trivia. let;s talk please.
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disclaimer: am starting from Oliver's arrival at Saltburn. before that the outfits are also very intentional, but it's a lot more complicated and it has been discussed before. the world distorts once we are at Saltburn and the story gets truly gothic there, and every detail—including color!—is enhanced in meaning. also, special thanks to @kivlaro for doing this with me, the thoughts on this specifically and the Saltburn craze on the whole. pics and detailed analysis under the cut!
let's start from the beginning. here is Oliver at the door. simple, blue shirt.
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the shirt is sort of its own character. logically it makes sense as Oliver's suitcase is small and he spends the whole summer there, of course he'll rewear stuff a bunch. but it is blue.
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in contrast to Felix, in yellow. yellow is one of Felix's colors (he is the sun, which i've talked about here btw, so this makes sense).
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same to Pamela, in blue. first time we see her, she is next to Elspeth, wearing the color that is Oliver's, taking the place that he takes right away, in this very scene. the only other time she is physically present on screen is at dinner, in black and white, and black and white are a blank slate. she is stripped of color and gone very fast.
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a bit of crucial data for later: Oliver, in blue, and Felix in pink. pink is very important on Felix. this is their first morning together. they are separate and opposite, solid, contained.
where it starts to get good is the morning after the vampire strike.
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Venetia is a Felix extension, just as everyone in the house is to Oliver. i will eventually rant about Saltburn as a whole entity and Cattons as aspects of one self, and Oliver as psychosis, but not here. so, yes, Venetia is a pink riot, a euphoria of self-containment because Oliver gave her a piece of something she felt she lacked to feel whole (validation, attention, care), not a piece of blue, of himself. Oliver is expectedly solid blue. Felix is incredibly interesting and something i didn't pay much attention to at first: predominantly blue, incredibly upset at Oliver for ditching him, with a tile of bright red (on the left! close to heart! over-reaching here but like still!), which still tracks. i mean, really, if i had so much foreign color bleed into me and then abandoned, i'd be pissed, too. nice little touch is sir James' beloved hydrangeas, behind Felix, also pink, very pink, always pink; i don't think i've seen them blue in the movie, although the sort exists.
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Farleigh. sweet baby Farleigh i love you. I'm not dead-set on my interpretation of this specifically but i think multiple things are happening with Oliver and Farleigh here. like Rent, which is their song, blue is their color of outsiders and the triers to fit in. Farleigh points out the favoritism and preference of Oliver to him and his mother here, so it may also be appropriation of color to draw attention to Farleigh as almost (but never quite) Oliver. it may also be as simple as that Farleigh, as much as he denies and resists, still retains Oliver's influence, which bleeds into him very slowly.
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a nice little moment of Felix wearing blue swim shorts with just tiny specks of a pink pattern. Oliver's shorts also have a bit of pink, but less than Felix's. Oliver is pretty good at remaining unaffected and uninfluenced overall.
and we're getting to where it all clicked and started for me. the Quick family house, the failed reconciliation, and the immediate aftermath. oh it's so good.
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on the drive there, Oliver is blue, Felix has a pink polo shirt with a solid blue pullover over it. this is the most blue Felix has ever been (this is the most blue he will ever be!), this is trust. however shaky and toxic it is, Felix loves Oliver and accepts him into his world. as a side note, Oliver's parents are also very blue, mom more so than dad. nice!
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and then it crashes. immediately after, it's the evening of the same day, but Felix is not wearing the blue pullover anymore. this is very, very important. this is rejection. it's the end for Oliver in Felix's world and with his trust. Felix, again, in solid pink, Oliver in solid blue. Felix successfully rips him out with the roots and everything. ouch.
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daddy. sorry. is that highlighter? sweat? fuck. let me- daddy. SORRY
no i actually have a point about this.
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the clothes are replaced by the lights, but we roll with it. Oliver basks in the blue-green light, while Felix is on the other side, in pink and purple and red. sure, blue shines through, and Oliver also walks through the slashes of pink, but it is mostly pretty separate, Oliver watching Felix's pink in his own blue from a distance.
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the morning after palette is deep. the wine color that is so prominent in these scenes is fascinating to me. if i were to over-reach again i'd say it's the Oliver in Felix's attributes and in his place that requires the robe to be so dark, not usual definite pink, because deep blue has leaked into the color itself, mixed with it, made itself integral to the shade. but it's also just a nice color, and it is pink in its core. the flowers (with sir James in the background) i think are also this specific shade for the same reason. you look at what remains of Felix everywhere here, and it is his color.
and finally oh the lunch scene. the last supper. the judgement day. the who's afraid of virginia woolf madness.
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i think we've established what's up with Oliver, but i also think it's important that he is his own color at lunch but in Felix's pink/wine right before and after. lunch is where he attacks, whereas before and after is where he grieves and enjoys. Farleigh is almost completely blue save for a strip of the same deep pink, and he is soon cast out, and Venetia is striped, blue and pink/salmon, affected deeply by Oliver yet still clinging on to the Catton pink with grief, probably, but also love for Felix.
and after all this, Oliver leaves himself.
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no, like, actually, literally himself. sure, he'd got a taste of the Cattons and the pink, but he is a monolith, a solid blue when he leaves Saltburn. he has not been affected by the house, he has taken what he wanted but stayed true and whole. what a power move, honestly.
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but it's an even bigger deal that 16 years later, Elspeth runs into Oliver wearing all white and a blue scarf. oh, she's not let this go, alright; it was a long time ago, "but not to me," she says. What Oliver has been up to in that time is a great question, without a doubt he's been keeping tabs on the remaining family as much as he could; but Elspeth has never moved on, either. She has held on to Oliver's blue and the pink is not important at all now. Oliver, of course, is invariably, unwaveringly blue. welcome back to his show.
and welcome back to his triumph.
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the only color (except for, again, white and black) we see him wear in the flashback about Saltburn inheritance is the all-too familiar deep pink. wine. bright pink mixed with deep blue.
now i will take a liberty and step back, over-reach, over-interpret and go insane. here's a fun bit on ancient greek culture trivia for you.
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this is an interesting and complicated historiographical and linguistic debate that i will not even attempt to relay here, but the essence of it is this: for us, the sea is conventionally deep blue. historically, one of the most prominent civilizations considered "deep wine" to be the descriptor for it (not necessarily the color but the property. highly rec to look this up it's so fascinating). what it gives me here is that Oliver has changed color, but not his self. he has integrated, mixed, but persisted, completely winning over, triumphing. long live the king!
in conclusion, i would just like to propose "colors" by halsey as the next cattonquick anthem. thank you for your attention, please let me know your thoughts. yours, yes, you. cheers. god. peace out
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luobingmeis · 2 years
i am sticking my head in the dirt over like. the concept of wei wuxian + a disconnect from himself throughout the post-res.
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wyniepooh · 1 year
hotch doesn't really like when fellow members of the team calls him by his first name. for you, however, maybe he can make an exception.
traumatized!hotch core, mentions of stabbing and TW: foyet 😔. The team investigates a case that reminds hotch of f*yet, he is not well and reader sees right through him. bau!reader, hurt/comfort/fluff that turns into something a lil more towards the end slightly bc it’s hotch so i can’t help myself .
hotch preferred when everyone called him by his last name. he never explicitly said it, but it was an unspoken rule of sorts. whether it was hotchner, hotch, or even whatever nickname penelope often came up with, he didn’t mind. as long as it wasn’t aaron.
'aaron' felt too personal to use with his co-workers. too intimate. as much as you guys were like a family, hearing aaron come out of spencer’s mouth would be as strange as a quiet crime scene.
and heck, was this crime scene hectic. the aftermath of a negotiation involving drawn weapons was always hazy— body overfilled with adrenaline and running on approximately three hours of sleep. all the law enforcement agents you could think of was present, interviewing people, collecting samples. all the lights and voices didn't help with the anxiety. but this scenario in particular had everyone scrambling to collect their thoughts.
hotch, especially. the mo of the unsub was eerily similar to that of foyet— the intricate stabbing that ensured the victim suffered long and hard but was still conscious enough to feel every inch of the next stab. the whole team was aware of the elephant stealing all the oxygen in the room, but no one really knew what to say or do given hotch’s constant stern affirmation that he was fine.
and so the whole team walked into the local police department in silence, hotch leading as the rest of you trailed behind. tired of the crickets practically sounding, you cleared your throat and exclaimed,
“so, does anyone want to get some food? i saw an authentic taco sta-“
your words trailed off as your eyes followed the figure in front of you, who was walking away haggardly towards the washrooms. you turned back towards your teammates, all of them shrugging and letting out a sigh. eventually, they all walked away with a promise to fulfill your hungry request and disappeared to their work stations.
you stood outside the bathrooms for at least five minutes, taking a step forward, then back. forward, then back. finally, you shook your head quickly, straightened your shoulders, and pushed the door into the room.
"h-hey! this is the men's-"
you didn't bother to acknowledge the young police officer by the urinal who was frantically pulling up his pants. you simply lifted an extended arm and nodded to silence him. you walked to the front of the stall where you spotted hotch's perfectly polished shoes, and stopped. once the guy left, you knocked on the door.
“hotch? i know you’re in there.”
silence. you began tapping your foot and crossed your arms, blowing out a rush of air. exasperated, you repeated again, “hotchner. open up. please.”
a click enabled you to release a breath of relief, the door opening to reveal hotch sitting on the closed toilet, head looking down with his hands crossed in between his legs.
“listen… i know you said you’re fine and that you're good to keep going, but we both know that’s bullshit. we know you. too well, even. we can tell that you're struggling, whether you like it or not. it’s obvious this case has brought up…”
your voice progressively got more silent as you noticed the response you got. silence. it wasn’t until you stopped talking did you realize his rapidly rising shoulders for each breath he took, and the way he fidgeted with his hands to hide the shaking. you immediately knelt down to his level, putting both hands on his shoulder.
“hotch? hey-“
“i'm sorry,” he mumbled.
“i’ve been dismissive the whole day. i want to say it’s simply because i didn’t sleep last night, or the night before that, and that is part of it but… the reason i haven’t been able to sleep is because of the case. i thought the therapy was enough, i thought it would be fine once i was distracted with work,” he sighed, “i know i’ve made you all uncomfortable and i don’t know what to do about it. i wish i-“
“-could just open up. i’m so sor-“
he stopped his sentence midway and found your concerned eyes.
you chuckled, “if you say sorry one more time, i’m going to really make you sorry.”
it took a second for aaron to muster out a laugh as well, but eventually he did, and the sound put a genuine smile on your face.
still kneeling, your hand came up to softly caress his jaw. “don’t apologize for how you’re feeling, aaron. i’ll admit that the atmosphere is a little more tense than usual, but let's be honest here," you dropped your hand from his face, “we're all tense. we're profilers, for gods sake. what are we but tense?"
aaron gave a nod of approval, his lip curving into a small smile.
"and also, don't feel obligated to talk to us. everyone has their own coping methods. we're just reminding you that if you do need a person to talk to... we're here to lend an ear. and of course, we hope you remember that it's more than okay to take a break or admit you're uncomfortable. we get it. we won’t judge.”
you feigned a thinking face, “well, rossi might judge a little, but at least we won’t!”
he snickered and nodded again at your words, taking a deep breath. his hands had stopped shaking and his breaths seem to be more regulated. you smiled at him one last time before the both of you began to stand up.
as aaron straightened himself, he realized something. he didn't like the others calling him by his first name, but there was something different about the way his name sounded rolling off of your tongue. in fact, he would do anything to hear you say 'aaron' again.
before you could both exit, the stall door behind you suddenly closed. a surprised ‘oh’ left your lips, and aaron looked equally as confused. the inclosed space pushed you closer to him, and just for a second, you saw his eyes flicker to your lips. you expected him to open the door like a gentlemen or apologize for the close proximity, but nothing ever came. you opened your mouth to say something, but all you could breathe was a quiet whisper of his name before he crashed his lips onto yours.
a/n: the washroom stall door was truly a paid actor.
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morallyinept · 2 months
Adrift With You - A Frankie Morales Series - Chapter 14
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Summary: Heading away on a work re-location, Frankie embarks on a flight, but unbeknownst to him, his life is about to change forever. For starters, he will need to fight for it; harder than he's ever fought for anything else before.
Marooned on an isolated island in the middle of the ocean, still recovering from an addiction, his chances of survival are bleak; but he’s not alone on the island, and soon he’s running towards a different kind of life - a life with fellow survivor, Jude, fighting right beside him every step of the way.
And if they can both survive the island together, they can survive anything, right?
Pairing: Frankie Morales x OFC Jude
Chapter word count: 7k
☝🏻See Series Masterlist for full smut warnings & triggers in this story. Chapters that contain smut or triggers will be highlighted in the chapter notes below. 👇🏻
Chapter notes: In the aftermath of the tsunami, Frankie and Jude are haunted by dreams, and struggle to determine what is real and what isn't. Very, very brief mentions of suicidal thoughts, and mentions of drug taking.
Song sung in the chapter is:
Enjoy! 🖤
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Chapter 13
As Frankie slowly regains consciousness, he finds himself enveloped in a disorienting haze - a fog of confusion that clouds his mind and dulls his senses.
The sterile scent of antiseptic assaults his nostrils, and the rhythmic beeping fills the air; a cacophony of sound that seems to echo in his ears, its rhythm erratic and unsettling.
His head throbs with a relentless ache, every pulse sending a sharp stab of pain shooting through his skull. His mouth feels dry and parched, as if he hasn't had a sip of water in days, and a bitter taste lingers on his tongue - a reminder of the poison he’s willingly ingested.
Every movement is an effort, every breath a struggle against the weight of exhaustion that presses down upon him. His body feels heavy and sluggish, as if it’s weighed down by invisible chains, tethering him to the hospital bed with a cruel inevitability.
And then there’s the sensation of the IV line - a thin, plastic tube that snakes its way into his arm, delivering a steady stream of vital fluids and medication into his bloodstream. The sensation is strange and disconcerting, a constant reminder of his own frailty, his own mortality.
He can feel the cool touch of the saline solution as it courses through his veins, a lifeline tethering him to the world of the living, anchoring him to the present moment.
With a groan, Frankie attempts to sit up, only to be met with a wave of dizziness that sends him reeling back onto the hospital bed. Blinking against the harsh glare of fluorescent lights, he struggles to piece together the events that have led him to this place - a place of sterile white walls and solemn faces and plastic name tags who speak in foreign medical terms; a place that feels worlds away from the place he once called home.
And then, like a bolt of lightning striking through the fog of his memories, it all comes flooding back - the overpowering rush of euphoria, the reckless abandon of his actions, the acetous taste of regret that lingers on his swollen tongue.
He’d overdosed on the coke, lost in a haze of self-destructive impulses and desperate cravings, until the world had faded to black and he’d slipped into unconsciousness.
His eyes adjust to the dim light of the hospital room, and he surveys his surroundings with a growing sense of unease. The other bed beside him lays empty and untouched, the sheets neatly folded back as if waiting for someone who’ll never come.
The silence that fills the room is deafening, a hollow echo of the emptiness that gnaws at Frankie's insides. 
Something doesn’t feel right. He shouldn’t be here. 
For a moment, he lays there in stunned silence, grappling with the enormity of his solitude. His mind replaying the moments leading up to this candid awakening - moments filled with reckless abandon, self-destructive choices, and a blind refusal to acknowledge the consequences.
He’d driven them all away with his addiction, with his lies, with his inability to see beyond his own needs. And now, when he needed them the most, he found himself abandoned, left to face the consequences of his actions alone. 
To wake up, alone. 
Frankie feels the sting of tears prickling at the corners of his eyes, a silent testament to the pain that grips his soul tightly in gnarled claws. He’s pushed everyone away, burned bridges with those who had once stood by his side, and now he’s paying the price for his folly.
As the reality of his situation sinks in, Frankie feels a cold knot of fear tighten in the pit of his stomach - a sinking realisation of the depths to which he’s fallen, the consequences of his actions laid bare before him in stark relief.
He’s come so close to losing everything - his life, his sanity, his chances at redemption - and yet, somehow, he’s been given a second chance as he feels that familiar shake in his fingers tingling.
The heavy silence of the hospital room is suddenly pierced by the sound of the door swinging open. His heart skips a beat as he turns his gaze towards the entrance, uncertainty flickering in his eyes.
And there, standing in the doorway, is Benny - the steadfast friend who has never quite given up on him, even when Frankie's given up on himself.
A small smile tugs at the corners of Frankie's lips as Benny strides into the room, a personality as big as his boots, holding steaming coffee cups in his hands.
"Hey, Fish," Benny greets him, his voice warm and familiar. "Figured you could use some of this to chase away the cobwebs."
Frankie nods gratefully as Benny places a cup on the bedside table, the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. He watches as Benny winks with a knowing smile.
And then, as if on cue, the door opens once more, and Frankie's heart skips another beat as Will and Carla enter the room.
There’s a moment of hesitation, a brief flicker of uncertainty in their eyes, before they approach Frankie's bedside with tentative smiles.
"Hey, buddy," Will greets, his voice tinged with concern. "How you holding up?"
Frankie meets Will's frosty gaze with a mixture of gratitude and relief.
"I'm... I'm okay," Frankie replies, his voice hoarse with emotion.
As Carla steps into view, her gaze immediately falls upon Frankie, but she can't bring herself to meet his eyes. Instead, she keeps her focus fixed on the floor, her hands nervously fidgeting with the hem of her shirt, the tinkling of her bracelets like familiar music in his head.
Frankie can sense Carla's discomfort, the tension radiating off her in waves. He wants to reach out to her, to offer her some measure of comfort, but he hesitates, unsure of how to break through the barrier that seems to have sprung up between them. 
It’s clear from the tightness in her expression that she’s anything but okay with him right now. She’s struggling - struggling to come to terms with everything that’s happened, struggling to face the reality of Frankie's addiction, struggling to find the words to express the turmoil raging inside her.
The anger. The love. The hatred. The helplessness. 
Frankie watches as Carla takes a hesitant step closer to his bedside, her eyes still fixed on the floor. He can see the conflict etched in her features - the desire to reach out, to offer support, warring with the fear of saying the wrong thing, of making things worse somehow.
And yet, despite this comforting picture, something feels off. Something’s askew, not quite right. A weird sense of Déjà-vu almost. It’s like trying to grasp at smoke - elusive and ephemeral, slipping through his fingers just when he thinks he has it within his grasp.
The disquiet within him grows stronger, a nagging voice at the back of his mind urging him to question, to probe deeper into the recesses of his memory. Prickles on his skin making him shudder.
But try as he might, Frankie can't quite put his finger on what’s wrong - only that something is amiss with this scene.
“Frankie?” Benny asks. “You alright, man?”
Frankie swallows and looks up at his friend, and that’s when he sees it. See’s odd movement in the IV bag out the corner of his eye.
There are fishes in the bag, swimming around. 
“W-what-” Frankie stammers.
His attention is pulled by the sudden screeching, and he turns his head to see a monkey sitting casually on Carla’s shoulder as she speaks with Will. A tiny monkey with big, yellow eyes staring back at him. 
“What’s h-happening?” Frankie queries, feeling dizzy. Like he’s being tossed about on an unsteady bed that feels like it’s floating. “¿Qué está pasando?” (What’s happening?)
Water is trickling down the walls, steady tracks that grow in width and speed. 
Frankie's voice echoes through the building furore, but his friends seem oblivious to the rising floodwaters around them. They continue to move about the room with casual nonchalance, as if nothing out of the ordinary is happening.
That their feet aren't sloshing around circling waves of water flooding in from under the door and through the windows now. 
“Fuck!” Frankie hollers as he scrambles out of the bed.
As the water continues to rise, inch by inch, Frankie feels a sense of desperation clawing at his chest. He knows he has to get out, has to escape before it’s too late and he drowns.
But as he struggles to find solid ground amidst the swirling currents, a sense of futility washes over him - a sinking feeling that he’s trapped, that there’s no way out. He looks down at the deflated lifejacket now around his torso, his fingers frantically pulling on the useless cords. 
“No, no, no…”
The walls seem to blur and warp around him, and a strange sensation sweeps through his body, like the ground shifting beneath his feet. Panic surges through Frankie's veins as he looks around frantically, searching for some semblance of solidity in the shifting, swirling chaos.
The water rises steadily higher with each passing moment, until it reaches his knees, then his waist.
“Benny!" Frankie calls out, his voice swallowed up by the roar of the water. “Will! Carla!” 
But his friends are nowhere to be found, lost amidst the churning currents that threaten to engulf him.
As the water rises higher and higher, panic gives way to a sense of resignation - a grim acceptance of his fate. He knows he’s dreaming, knows that none of this is real, but that knowledge offers little comfort in the face of the impending deluge.
He’s not waking up. 
And then, just as Frankie feels himself on the brink of being swallowed whole by the raging waters, a voice cuts through - a voice that is familiar and comforting, like a beacon of light in the darkness.
A voice that he knows only too well rushing into his ears around the water as he sinks beneath the surface. 
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A tsunami can last anything from a few minutes to several hours. 
The energy of a tsunami runs through the entire depth of the ocean. It only becomes deadly when the ocean floor becomes shallow enough, and all that energy compresses into a smaller amount of water.
The deeper the water, the faster the tsunami, travelling up to speeds of five hundred miles per hour, and taking mere minutes to reach land. 
Once it reaches the land, the raw energy of thousands of tons of water destroys everyone and everything in its path in mere seconds. It’s a myth that you can outrun a tsunami of that magnitude - you simply can’t. It will engulf you before you even comprehend the thought in your mind of running.
The survival rates of a tsunami can vary depending on several factors such as the magnitude of the tsunami, the distance from the coastline, the elevation of the land, and individual preparedness and response. Generally, survival rates are quite low in areas directly impacted by a large and powerful tsunami, particularly if people are caught off guard and unable to evacuate to higher ground in time. And even if you can, your chances are still dubious.
You just gotta hope that luck is on your side. 
Jude’s tumbling through the water, swallowing more of it as the deadly moments wear on; the lifejacket seemingly useless as she keeps being pulled under as she’s swept along with the ferocious current.
She surfaces momentarily to yell out for Frankie, before she’s dragged under again. 
“Frankie!” She screams, more water pouring down her throat making her choke and gag.
She kicks her legs, her lungs on fire as she surfaces again, blinded by the inflation of the life jacket as she tumbles like she’s in a spin cycle in a washing machine. 
She glances at her wrist as she surfaces again; part of the ripped shirt is still wrapped around it, but Frankie isn’t on the end of it anymore. 
“FRANKIE! FRANKIE!!” She screams out in the water, the waves continuing to crush her head on a relentless repeat.
She splashes around frantically searching for any sign of him in the choppy current as it pulls her along. 
“FRANKIE! WHERE ARE YOU?!” She cries out again, a choked sob overcoming her but refusing to admit defeat - he has to be here, he has to have survived this just like she’s doing.
They survive together, that’s the deal. 
But then his lifejacket didn’t inflate. What if he’d been knocked out as his head had smashed into a rock under the water? What if he’s already dead?
“NO!” Jude cries out, swimming as hard as she can as the waves try to pull her under again.
“NO! NO! FRANKIE!” She screams again until her throat is raw. “FRANKIE! FRANKIE!”
With each passing moment, the waves seem to grow taller, more relentless in their assault, threatening to engulf her completely. She fights against the current with all her strength, but it’s like trying to hold back a tidal wave with her bare hands.
As she struggles to stay afloat, her mind races with a thousand fears and uncertainties. What if he can't hear her over the deafening roar of the waves? What if he’s hurt, trapped somewhere beneath the surface? What if...
She can hear choking and yelling, and turns in the water to see Frankie swimming towards her.
He disappears under a wave as it rolls on top of him and she takes a deep breath as the wave crushes her head only seconds after. She resurfaces just as Frankie reaches her and she clings onto him as he splutters and chokes. 
“Thank God! Fuck!” Jude exclaims, thrashing amidst the frothy chaos, her body battered by the relentless force of the sea.
Without hesitation, Frankie reaches out, his strong arms encircling her trembling form as they ride the waves together. For a fleeting moment, time seems to stand still as they cling to each other amidst the fury of the ocean.
The water crashes around them, the salty spray stinging their eyes and coating them with a thin film of mist.
“Hold on to me!” He makes a weird gurgling noise as he tries to speak and coughs. “Holy fuckin’ shit!” Frankie cries out in disbelief as he paws at her and her hands grab a tight hold of his t-shirt.
He looks like a drowned rat, his hair and beard covering him and sticking to his skin with the saturation. There’s no sign of his trusty, familiar cap. 
Frankie coughs again as water splashes over his face as they ride the waves of the tsunami, desperately clinging onto one another as they tumble and swirl with the ocean’s aftershocks. 
Jude grips so hard onto him that her hands will ache for days afterwards, but she’s determined not to let him go this time. 
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It’s hard to tell how exactly long they’re in the water for.
The sun has moved across the other side of the sky as they bob there on the waves as the remnants of the tsunami begins to fade out on the ocean.
Thankfully, the tsunami wasn’t all powerful or engulfing enough that it’d taken their lives, but it was still incredibly damaging. 
Exhausted, Frankie rests his head against the front of Jude’s inflated lifejacket with his eyes closed. But he’s still holding tightly around her waist as they float in the water, aching all over from their battered bodies. 
“Look, over there!” She says to him, rousing him, and he lifts his head when they spot the island in the distance. 
“Can you swim that far?” Frankie asks her.
“Yeah. We did it before, we can do it again, right?”
He nods. “Take it slow. Don’t burn out.”
They swim together against the current slowly; their limbs searing and getting pushed back with the waves every now and again as they continue to surge.
It seems like they aren’t making much in the way of progress, stopping occasionally to catch their breath and check the other is okay to carry on, but the island seems to grow closer, until eventually they can stand on the ocean floor again and stagger up the shore to the sandbank. 
They both collapse on the sand; Frankie falling onto his back gasping for air like he’s having an asthma attack. Jude falls onto her knees, battling to get the life jacket off and dry heaving as she coughs up copious amounts of sea water until she eventually pukes it all out. 
“Are... you... okay?” Frankie gasps in between each word as he hears her upchuck relentlessly.
She looks up at the beach, front wiping her mouth when she’s done spitting out, and is dismayed at what she sees. 
“Oh God...” Jude’s voice breaks.
In the aftermath of the tsunami, the once eerily quiet island lay battered and broken, a landscape transformed by the merciless force of nature.
Trees lay uprooted and strewn about like discarded matchsticks, their branches stripped bare and twisted into grotesque shapes by the ferocious waves. Debris littered the sandy shore, a grim testament to the havoc that had been wrought upon the island in a matter of moments. 
A scene of utter devastation that seems to stretch out as far as the eye can see. The once pristine, rocky beach is now marred by the impacting detritus.
It’s gone - all of it. The shack, the fire pit, the solar stills, just... gone. Nothing but a sparsely flooded and barren landscape greeting them, and not much else.
Jude staggers up the soggy sandbank wandering aimlessly in shock and disbelief. Face blank and eyes wide in disbelief. Body trembling from exhaustion and adrenaline as it confuses her nerves.
Frankie calls after her, rolling over onto his front and taking in the overpowering sight of destruction presented before him.
He drags himself to his unsteady feet and follows behind her in a stunned silence as he casts his weary eyes about the place. Their movements are slow and unsteady, as if they're moving through a fog, each step weighed down by the crushing weight of the destruction around them.
Every sound - the crash of waves, the creak of splintered wood - amplified, assaulting their senses with a relentless barrage of stimuli.
Jude stops when she spots something near the cave mouth as they begin to pass it. 
“Oh no,” she whimpers, and drops to her knees when she reaches it. “No, please no-”
She picks it up and cradles it to her chest, her hands trembling as she strokes his cold, sodden fur. Frankie approaches, and she looks up at him with silent tears streaming down her face.
“Egon...” Jude blubs through choked wails, as she holds the little, lifeless monkey inside of her arms; his once wide, yellow eyes closed forever in a drowned sleep. 
Frankie drops to his knees beside her and despite his will, he can’t help but shed some tears for the little critter who, as Jude had said before, he actually loved more than he let on. 
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People of faith will often be heard saying ‘God is testing me,’ when things ultimately get tough in their lives.
Like a bearded man, wearing Birkenstocks, relaxing on a cloud and sipping from a G&T, is observing your plight and revelling in it, chuckling haughtily like watching an episode of a trashy talk show. 
God is clearly a sadist after everything he’s put them through, and as she watches Frankie scooping the pile of sand back into the hole he’d dug with his shovel-like hands for Egon’s grave, Jude can’t help but feel a deep sense of harbouring resentment for her maker right now. 
Frankie rubs his hands against the thigh of his damp shorts and looks up at her as she stares down at the sandy grave.
“Do you think we should say something?” He asked her, scratching at the back of his head and squinting.
“There isn’t anything left to say.” Jude mutters and strides off, sitting on the sandy shore and staring out at the ocean. 
It’s calmed considerably; the oncoming dusk making the horizon glow pink in the distance. 
Frankie plonks himself beside her after a few minutes of staring at the monkey’s resting place; returned to the earth in the cycle of life, a festering ouroboros of gut-wrenching despair swilling inside of him, alongside copious amounts of sea water.
Hugging his knees and holding onto his wrists as he looks out at the horizon too. He breathes out a deep weary sigh and sniffs in deep.
“I’m sorry,” Jude says to him after a few moments.
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, hermosa,” Frankie turns to her.
“Yes I do. I’m sorry for berating you so much about having hope all those times. You were right not to. There is no hope for us. We’re going to die, just like Egon.” She speaks like a robot, devoid of any emotion whatsoever, and it rattles his bones to see her talk like this, to see that she’s just done.
“Stop it,” he warns, pulling her towards him, but she resists, pulling her arms back away, but he grips onto them, grappling with her.
“Hey, stop it!” Frankie yells, and pulls her in close as she wanes and falls against him without any more fight left in her.
“We’re going to die!” Jude wails into him and sobs as he holds her tight, almost like he’s a boa and is constricting the life out of her.
She writhes and her shoulders heave as she cries for what feels like eternity. Her sobs louder and more haunting and all Frankie can do is hold her in his arms and never let her go. 
But his arms feel weak, no longer the strong barriers they once were to protect her anymore. 
He doesn’t say anything to her; offers her no reassuring lies of comfort because there’s no point. She’s finally accepted it now like he had; they were going to die.
 And it kills him all over again.
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There’s nothing to pick through or scavenge. 
It’s almost as if they’re just going through the motions to stay busy and not to actually drown themselves willingly in the water to end all the pain and suffering they’ve endured. 
How much suffering can two people withstand before it finally breaks them? When is that breaking point, the crux of no return? When do you take that step and what is it that will finally give you that unwavering courage to turn your back and fall off the ledge?
Beaten, crushed... starving; on the brink of death and looking into its inviting, comforting jaws as it reaches out to you and convinces you in a soothing lullaby that everything will be okay, and you start to believe it for a while. That life on the other side will be better than this - anything will be better than this. The allure calls to you like a Siren song and it gets harder not to become bewitched by it and resist. 
They don’t speak much, in fact at all. Jude simply watches Frankie get up from the sand where they’ve slept all night from their exhaustion, and observe as he starts hunting for things - anything that he can find and strike gold on.
Knowing it’s pointless, she stands up anyway, robotically copying his every move, searching for any stray bottles or clothes and not really understanding why she’s doing it. Searching for anything at all that can prolong their survival, even just for the tiniest bit.
But of course it’s fruitless - the tsunami has washed it all away. 
Frankie reaches the tree line, surveying the damage of the wooded area that's halved in size, and he can no longer see the fuselage anymore that was previously stuffed into the bank on this side of the bay. There’s a singular piece of wood from the shack, split and broken as it floats in a muddy pool by some snapped tree trunks.
He glances up at the ridge and there’s no trace of the branch igloo and he sighs, deflated and beginning to hear that deathly Siren song tinkling inside his ears. 
Jude wanders around aimlessly; frying under the heat and constantly pulling up her jeans that are falling down when she takes a few steps forward. Her legs have that dark shadow of hair growth and she hates the fact that she hasn’t been able to shave them for some time now.
She hates the fact that her stomach seems on a constant, never ending rumble. She hates that she can’t just lie down face first in the water and just go. She hates that she can’t do it because of him.
She hates that Frankie won’t simply let her die. 
As she wanders along the shoreline, her eyes scanning the debris scattered by the waves, she spots a familiar sight - a baseball cap, swirling amidst the calming foam and froth of the ocean.
With a quickening of her heart, she wades into the shallows, the cool water lapping at her ankles as she reaches out to retrieve the cap, trembling with disbelief, she can't help but feel a surge of astonishment.
As her fingers close around the familiar fabric, fingers gliding over the sewn-on patch of the Standard Heating Oil logo, she chuckles out in disbelief. This simple piece of fabric, battered and worn by the elements, had made it back to him somehow. And she’s glad to see it - Frankie isn’t quite Frankie without his cap. 
They meet back on the beach a little while later and slump themselves in the sand defeated with heavy thuds, hungry and tired and irritable beyond all reason. That kind of heaviness that swamps your head and crushes it until your brain splurges out of your ears. 
Jude hands him the cap and he’s just as astonished, if not relieved to see it, as she is. But she doesn’t say anything to Frankie as she watches him put it back on his head under a scraggly mess of overgrown curls. And Frankie doesn’t say anything to Jude after offering her a limp smile.
She lays back and rolls over on the sand, facing away from him; willing the sand and rocks to turn into quicksand and just swallow her into the suffocating dark. 
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They stand on the ridge, the sun on high and the breeze blowing through her braid.
He’s always so fascinated with those stray wisps of hair that will escape it, no matter how tightly he ties it for her. They’ll flock to her face and cling to her cheek, pelting her with never-ending kisses affectionately.
Frankie’s sitting amongst the half constructed branch igloo; sticks scattered all around him that he’s whittling with the switchblade, and Jude’s looking over the ledge of the ridge and humming a faint tune that’s barely audible, wandering back and forth as she stretches her legs. 
His hands are tight and raw, blister with the effort exhumed, but he continues on with the job nonetheless, numbing out to the aches and splinters. As Frankie stretches, cracking his back, he hears her hum out again. 
“Sing it for me.” Frankie prompts her, and Jude turns to catch his smirk with glowy cheeks. “Go on, hermosa.”
Jude takes a breath with a grin and sings.
“In the end. As my soul's laid to rest, what is left of my body? Or am I just a shell?” 
She starts moving her head, swaying it side to side as her shoulders begin to follow. She can hear the music inside her head as though they have her playlist right here blasting out on the rocks beside them; the beat of the drums counting her in and the strum of the guitars plucking through the riffs and melodies.
Frankie stops whittling, resting the stick in his lap squinting up at her with a smirk stretching his pink, dry lips. 
“And I have fought. And with flesh and blood, I commanded an army. Through it all, I have given my heart for a moment of glory...”
He laughs as she rocks her hips with vigour and then punches her fist up in the air. 
“In the end. As you fade into the night-”
“Woah-oh-oh-oh!” Frankie yells out singing along to the tune.
“Oh fuck, you know it?” Jude exclaims, smiling in happy delight at him. 
Frankie nods. “Keep singing,” he encourages. 
“Who will tell the story of your life? And who will remember your last goodbye?”
“Woah-oh-oh-ohhhh!” Frankie hollers again as he stands up, taking her hand and twirling her around whilst she laughs again, her eyes crinkling and throwing her head back.
“Cause it's the end and I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid to die.” Jude sings.
They both fist punch the air over the ledge as they sing the final words out loud together, echoing all down the ridge across the island.
It’s a memory that splinters him. That was the happiest he’d seen her since they’d landed upon this dreadful island. Carefree and joyous, a wild jackal roaming unrestrained and free. 
It was in that moment right there, as they’d both looked at one another with their fists in the air and turned them into the finger; giving the middle finger to the island that had bullied them for so long, through breathy smiles and wondrous awe, that Frankie realised he loved her. He fucking loved her.
I fuckin’ love you!
He’d suspected it for a while leading up to it, those sickly butterflies whenever she was near becoming more apparent. The thrumming of his heartbeat when she touched and kissed him; those early premonitions when you just know and feel giddiness from the high of meeting someone who’s so in tune to your frequency.
But that was the moment right there when it registered deep inside of the layers of his heart and winded him. Terrified, elated; utterly sound in the knowledge of the sincere truth as it flowed through his blood and over his bones.
Convinced he wouldn’t possibly feel this way again about someone, fearful that it could turn into that awful situation again where he could be selfish and push her away. But Frankie was so desperate to learn from his past mistakes, to not repeat them and be better - be better for her. 
That’s love, right? Wanting to be the best you can be for someone?
I fuckin’ love you!
No. No-no-no!
I fuckin’ love you!
Frankie glances over at Jude lying in the sand away from him, her back to him and slipping further and further out of his reach. 
‘Cause it’s the end and I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid to die!
Frankie turns towards the sea, and after he’s had enough of that horrific view staring back at him, he presses the heels of his palms into his eyes to stop the tears from slipping out of them again. 
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The droning noise wakes her, along with the muffled sounds of shouting. Like her head is under the water and hearing it pummel her eardrums as someone is yelling above the surface. 
She sits up in the sand squinting and can see Frankie at the shoreline, waving frantically. Her eyes soon look past him to the small speedboat hurtling towards the shore. 
Jude flies up on her legs, any sense of sleep rolling right off of her as she watches Frankie’s animated face astonished, and looking back at her, as his hands continue to signal to the boat. 
The little boat with the inexorable humming noise like a swarm of hornets approaches the shore closer. Out in the distance she can see a larger boat, a little like a liner. Its grey shadow is stark on the blue horizon - a cancerous smear on a perfectly undisturbed cobalt backdrop. 
It’s all lies... wake up, you’re dreaming.
Frankie begins to swim out towards the boat and Jude pads towards the shore in complete disbelief, her heartbeat kicking it up a gear as Frankie gets closer and closer to it.
The boat skids to a halt on the surface and she watches as the person inside heaves Frankie into the boat with his arm, and Frankie points back towards the shore with flailing fingers. 
Wake up! It’s a dream!
Panic overcomes her, Jude can see Frankie waving to her, and she freezes, watching as the boat turns in the waves and holds her breath. 
No, come back! 
Circling, the boat speeds towards the shore again and the spray hits her in the face as she wanders out to it, her feet sloshing through the water, stunned and hyperventilating a little. 
Oh God! Wake up! Please, wake up!
Frankie hops out of the boat alongside the person, who turns out to be two separate people, in blue and white lifejackets. Frankie reaches out to Jude, saying words that she can’t hear or understand, almost as if he’s jabbering away in excited, fast Spanish and she can’t decipher or recognise any of the sounds as they flow from his labrose lips.
She feels him pulling her into the boat and a foiled blanket is wrapped over her shoulders, a bottle of water placed into her numb hands. 
“Wake up…” Jude mutters from trembling lips. "Wake up, wake up..."
More incomprehensible gibberish is exchanged between Frankie and the men, and she glances over her shoulder at the sight of the island suddenly shrinking away forever in the distance, reaching a gnarly hand out to her that can’t quite keep up.
Come back, Jude. Don't leave me.
It’s like an out of body experience; she’s floating and watching it happen. She pinches her arm and feels the pain ebb into her skin.
Wake up!
Frankie turns her chin towards him and presses his forehead against hers, breathing out as he pulls the blanket over her wet shoulders further. 
“We made it, hermosa.”
She remembers hearing him say it to her, but the words don’t sink in; slowly being squeezed one at a time into her ear canal making the slow journey towards her brain that’s a messy pan of sloppy scrambled eggs.
“You guys, alright?” Comes a loud voice over the sound of the engine. “You get stranded after the tsunami, your boat capsize?” 
Frankie and Jude look up simultaneously at the speaker holding onto the side of the boat whilst the other one steers it. 
Frankie shakes his head. “No, we’ve been out here f-for over a year.” He speaks up through a deep hoarse voice that’s scarred from the sea water he’s swallowed in his desperate swim towards the speedboat.
“What do you mean out here?” The man asks.
“Our plane crashed, and we-”
“Fuck, you guys were on flight eight-sixteen?” The man questions taking off his sunglasses; the concern and astonishment palpable on his face. He has frosty blue eyes that instantly remind Frankie of Will’s.
“Y-you know about that?” Frankie asks with a widening mouth.
The man nods. “Sure, the whole damn world knows about it. They didn’t find any survivors. Looked everywhere.”
“You didn’t look hard enough!” Jude suddenly shouts at him over the sound of the engine, her voice tight from being throat punched back into reality.
This isn’t a dream. She doesn’t need to wake up. She can feel the vibrations of the boat on the waves as it bounces over them. She can see the island shrinking, feel the wind in her hair. 
Frankie clutches onto her as the man dips his head in sympathy, unable to meet her stunned gaze. 
“We were always here...” She trails off, looking back out at the island in wonderment. 
Come back, Jude. Don't leave me. Come back.
“You guys are gonna be alright. You’re safe and we’ll get you home.” The man confirms putting his sunglasses back on. He reaches for the boat’s radio and speaks into the receiver, his voice swallowed up by the humming of the boat. 
Jude clings onto Frankie and looks up at him, with eyes as watery as the ocean.
“Is this really happening?” She asks him, searching his eyes for the moment she’ll wake up from this terrible, reoccurring dream she’s doomed to live through on repeat forever. 
We’re never going to get off this island. It can't be this easy.
Frankie nods with a bewildered smile through his bushy whiskers, the wind from the speed of the boat rippling through the curls behind his ears as he holds onto the cap, a giant palm flat on his head.  
Jude clutches onto his wet t-shirt and rests her head against his chest hearing his heart beating as loud and as fast as hers is, even over the sound of the speedboat. 
The larger ship in the distance is a US Navy vessel; called out in the wake of the tsunami to look for survivors, and to scout the ocean for capsized boats or people who had gotten into deep water. 
Once on the ship’s main dock, a plethora of uniformed personnel busy themselves as Frankie and Jude are ushered towards the main control room.
She clocks a helicopter on the landing pad and shudders, recalling the countless times her mind had convinced her in her sleep that Frankie was leaving her on one, shrinking in the sky.
The captain of the ship greets them both with a caramel tan stark against a crisp white shirt, regarding them with some kind of disbelief when the rescue officers explain they originate from the doomed flight that had disappeared well over a year ago. 
“Are you American?” The captain asks them both and Frankie nods. 
“We’ll call the consulate. Get you some representation to help you back home.”
“Where are we, captain?” Frankie asks, and he looks back at him with a bemused expression. 
“The SS Pendrinhas; US Navy.”
“No, I mean, where are we in the ocean? The island?” Frankie clarifies.
“You’re approximately one thousand and forty-three miles off the coast of The Prince Edward Islands. We’re in the Indian Ocean, sir.” The captain explains. 
“We are?” Frankie asks him, turning white as a ghost. 
“Yes,” the captain nods. “The island you were on is one of many scattered islands that are vastly unpopulated, surrounding the main Prince Edward Islands. You couldn’t see other peninsula points?”
Frankie shakes his head. “There was a-a ridge, but we couldn’t see any other land from that.”
“Damn. So near, yet so far,” the captain concludes with a frown, but it doesn’t offer any comfort at all. “We’ll take you down to the med bay, get you some dry clothes. It’ll be a couple hours before we reach the mainland. You look like you could do with a coffee.” The captain claps Frankie on the side of the shoulder and he winces. “Maybe something a bit stronger, huh?”
They’re both escorted down into the ship’s hull towards the med bay, passing officers stop to glance at their dishevelled appearance occasionally like they’re a rare exhibit in a museum.
Once inside the bay, another officer gathers some papers on a clipboard and proceeds to run through a list of questions, firing them off like ammo. 
“Can you... Can you leave us for a few minutes?” Frankie says to the officer, noting the painfully vacant expression on Jude’s face. A thousand yard stare he recognises only too well. 
The officer nods, looking somewhat relieved. “Sure. Take as long as you need.”
“What day is it?” Jude asks the officer, who stops and looks at her with a strained smile. 
“It’s the nineteenth of July, ma’am.”
“And the time?” Frankie follows up. 
The officer pulls back his sleeve and checks his watch. “Twenty-seven past six in the evening, sir.”
Once the grunt leaves, Frankie approaches Jude and puts his hands on her shoulders. 
“Look at me,” Frankie persuades “I’m right here, find my eyes…” and her eyes slowly find him. “We made it, we’re off the island. We’re alive, hermosa.”
It takes a few moments, a couple of beats for the words to really sink in. We made it, we’re alive. 
We’re alive.
Jude slumps forward into his arms, like she’s lost all her air and she sobs in abject relief. She feels him emit a small chuckle as he breathes out at his own realisation; his hands massaging her back up and down in deep circles soothing her, but they’re shaking. 
“We really got off the island?” She asks him, absolutely astonished and wiping at her eyes that are so dry and sore. 
Frankie pulls back looking down at her with a relieved smile; he smooths away the tear tracks from her face with his thumbs and kisses her gently on the forehead. 
“We did. I love you,” he whispers to her. 
Jude looks into his intense brown eyes, and remembers him shouting at her that he loved her right before the tsunami swallowed them up. She realises she hasn’t said it back.
But the look in his eyes right now assure her that saying the words out loud doesn't matter - he knows that she loves him back unconditionally.
When you spend that amount of time with someone - in that kind of situation - fighting for your life on a continuous basis, not only do you learn about your own resilience, but that of the person with you. You begin to depend on one another, work as a team; look out for each other’s well being, because understandably, if you can prolong their survival, you undoubtedly prolong your own. 
But not only that, you become company for that other person, a means of distraction and escape from your plight, even if it’s just temporary. Lost in the sounds of her melodic laugh, or the way in which his muddy eyes regard you as you speak.
You begin to care for that person, worry for them and soon enough, you become attached in so many ways. An intense bond that no-one else can ever understand, and it can never be severed, even if you were to part ways - forever bonded in your strife and survival.
And eventually, you grow to love them; to depend on them to the point that you can’t function through a single moment without them, and it kills you to be apart from them for even the briefest of moments. You fall in love with them.
Jude pushes her forehead against his, breathing out, and Frankie feels her breath warm his face and insides in equal measure. 
“I love you so, so much, Frankie.” Jude hiccups, holding onto him tightly. “Te quiero, te quiero.”
To be continued...
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Thank you for taking the time to read my story; it really means so much to me. I'd love to know your thoughts, and I'd really appreciate a re-blog so others can enjoy this story too. Thank you so much 🖤
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213 notes · View notes
seineko · 6 months
it's kind of mind-blowing how the scene that is an almost line-to-line copy from the book to the drama can be so completely different.
lan wangji meeting wei wuxian and a-yuan in the novel and the drama is kind of similar, but the underline is so different.
in the drama, it is the reunion of two friends, two zhiji's, whose relationship has strained over the course of a war and it's aftermath.
in the novel, however, it is the meeting of two people who could've been something. meeting of two where one longs to be able to help the one he loves and regrets the way he treated the said person and one who found a small piece of his old life before everything went into flames. it's full of regrets and the entire scene itself is so bittersweet because you remember that this is the most civil conversation they both had in ages that was not woven with threads of misunderstandings and insecurities.
wei wuxian from chen qing ling knew that lan wangji at least cared for him at one point. it was a matter of a best friend being worried. for lan wangji to show up at yiling for 'night hunt' means wei wuxian had the chance to talk to a friend, a somewhat constant in his life before things went into shit.
lan zhan from mo dao zu shi never got to tell wei ying that he even cares for him, wei ying never knew that lan zhan was never worried about him becoming evil but rather worried more about how much the resentful energy will affect his well-being. and for lan zhan to show up at yiling means wei ying was met with an acquaintance who he once wanted to be a constant but the circumstances and decisions on both their parts never let them be.
whenever i overthink about this series, i feel like sobbing in the shower. which is exactly what i am going to do right now. goodbye.
227 notes · View notes
morphofan · 6 months
I edited together all Tech's bits from the Training Combat from S1He, "Aftermath." I zoomed in when appropriate, and slo-mo a few of the small clips. There is no sound on the slo-mo clips. Oh, and I lightened, brightened, and sharpened everything.
Took some still shots as well:
Tech's huge Duck Paddle Feet will always make me smile. 😍😍😍
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Never noticed this. "Wrecker, wait!"
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At 0:20 watch Tech get knocked off the droid's shoulders. He lands flat on his back and his poor head literally BOUNCES off the floor a few times. Even with a helmet, this would suck bad enough for a non-Autistic person, so imagine what our Tech was feeling.
I always though he'd just had the wind knocked out of him and was being a Drama Clone. But no, he really whacked the crap out of that big old melon of his.
Also, hello neck and HELLOOO thighs.
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Wrecker picking him up with hands under his arms is so cute.
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Leaked Synopsis of Season 2, Episodes 1-10
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Synopses and titles were found on Rotten Tomatoes.
S2 Episode 1: Aftermath One year after Mandroid's defeat and the Emberstone's shattering, the Maltos go on a search for the shards. When a Decepticon creates a new foe from a broken shard, the Maltos realize life in Witwicky is about to be chaotic.
S2 Episode 2: In Ruins While searching for Emberstone shards, Mo and Thrash stumble upon ancient ruins where a Quintesson Executioner lay in stasis. The duo try to care for the creature, after it follows them home but they fail to realize it has a plan of its own.
S2 Episode 3: Control Alt Delete Hashtag helps the Autobots get rid of all the old GHOST stuff around base, which has her feeling like her GHOST van alt-mode is obsolete too. Meanwhile, Shockwave needs to acquire a GHOST hard drive that holds a key to Starscream's master plan.
S2 Episode 4: The Butterfly Effect Robby, Mo, Twitch, and Thrash attend a carnival where Robby develops a crush on a new student, while Twitch, Thrash, and Mo encounter trouble with the carnival's Fairmaster. As the heroes battle Fairmaestro, they unlock a new power: cyber-syncing.
S2 Episode 5: Togetherness Jawbreaker wants to cyber-sync, but he's left out. Walking home, he saves Aftermath from a woodland monster. The two spend the day together and accidentally sync into one awkward bot.
(Episode 6 is missing.)
S2 Episode 7: The Imposters Twitch and Spitfire accidentally swap bodies; it's hard for both to avoid getting caught behind enemy lines; the Decepticons plan to attack Twitch's friends and allies.
S2 Episode 8: Dude, Where's My Trailer? Optimus lands a prestigious photoshoot, so Robby and Hashtag take his battle worn trailer to get detailed. Unfortunately, the Decepticons steal it from them, leading the kids to race the clock to get it back in one piece.
S2 Episodes 9-10: Witwicky (Parts 1-2) Mo and Hashtag find a giant secret beneath Witwicky, and Starscream plans to use it for evil. To do so, Starscream needs to rebuild the shattered Emberstone. Robby rallies his family and the Autobots to stop him, and end the chaos once and for all.
The website also lists June 7 as the release date for all of these.
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randomprose · 8 months
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i love that mo is just very flippant about this whole thing like 'tch. stop fucking around and just do it.' because we know he wasn't like that when she li did his first piercing. he was held down like a dog and it was done haphazardly with a thumbtack or some other random sharp thing.
but this one. this one he was the one who brought the piercer. he chose who would push that needle in for him and he chose he tian. the first time he asked he tian to pierce his ears was an impulse and he tian knew it then and so he declined respectfully. the second time mo asked him to do it, he handed he tian the piercer and he tian still didn't go through with it. he was giving mo more time to think about it. this time is the third time mo has asked him and even now he tian is still hesitating—but not because he doesn't want to but because even now he's still giving mo the chance to back out, the chance to change his mind, and he tian would let him. if mo suddenly decides he doesn't want this actually he tian would back off and they'll probably never bring it back up again (until mo wants to do it for real again) and mo knows that.
but that's not the case here. this time mo was in control—is in control—and he truly, really wants he tian to do it for him so much that he tian's consideration had stopped being sweet (slightly) and have started to irritate mo because what the hell just fucking do it he already asked thrice. what does he tian want him to do, beg?
and when he tian finally pushes that needle in, blows on the pierced flesh tenderly and mutters 'pain, pain, go away' like that's actually gonna work, mo basks in the aftermath, and the realization, and the pure utter relief that it did not hurt at all.
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s0ckh3adstudios · 4 months
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Basically the aftermath to this post
HE'S HERE. I THINK. NO-MERCY FINAL BOSS MO!!!!!!!!! This is only phase 1, phase 2 is still being figured out. It's coming eventually!
Here's "Zenith" Mo for the swap AU!!!! Oh my god I love this entire concept personally!!!
So I KNOW this isn't what you guys would have expected? Especially considering designs like Zenith Martlet and Sirius are all godlike and cool. but LMAO I HAVE SOMETHING ELSE IN MIND I HOPE THIS ISN'T UNDERWHELMING
I just think like. all that DT. injected into one small package. oh that's not gonna go well. It just makes him go Rabid /hj
Throughout the No-Mercy route, Mo shows up consistently (like Team Rocket /hj) continuing his bounty hunting efforts, trying to take down the murderous human mostly to improve his reputation. Eventually, it gets to a point where he realizes he needs to do something... more.
Injecting himself with DT, Mo descends into feral madness. Energized and manic, he LOVES this sense of spiked adrenaline. So much so that, throughout the fight, he.... keeps giving himself more.
Until his body can no longer take it.
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meowmeowriley · 1 month
Changes: A Poll-Fic
"Remember, you're not supposed to be here, so don't do anything stupid." Love you too, Price. The Captain had caved. He'd been begging to be part of this mission since they'd gotten the lead.
Soap reached up, rubbing his gloved fingers across the teeth of his mask. The mask he'd stolen from Ghost's room. Gaz had found him clutching it, dried mixture of tears and bile coating his cheeks, and forehead pressed to the porcelain throne. He'd been banned from drinking for the foreseeable future. That was the only stupid thing he'd done. Ghost wore a mask, Ghost only spoke when he had to, Ghost was hard on the rookies, and nobody questioned his mental state. But they did, didn't they? Well Soap didn't. And nobody needed to question Soap, he was fine.
"I wanna be like you when I grow up."
"You wanna be better than me, Johnny."
Well to be better than him, first he had to be more like him. So he'd donned Ghost's mask, to better embody the man's stoicism and presence. Definitely not as a way to hide his chapped cheeks and the bags under his eyes. He'd painted it red, wore a jaw print bandana. Different. Better. Yeah.
Price had finally caved to Soap's insistence he be part of this OP, but issued his warnings. "I know you don't need to be told, but I'm saying it anyway." He'd warned. "They've had him for eight months. Torture changes people, he may not be the same."
Of course he wasn't going to be the fucking same. He didn't need to be the same, he just needed to be alive.
Ghost never really spoke about his past, only left little hints here and there, but Soap wasn't dumb. He'd been through it before. Ghost could handle the torture, and Soap could handle the aftermath.
"I'm fine." He finally answered. "It'll be by the books, Captain." As if anything they did was ever 'by the books.' Price accepted his answer, though he didn't look convinced. It was just the three of them, with Laswell listening in. Gaz was in charge of collecting data on the bio weapon that was rumored to be here, Soap was in charge of the search and rescue mission, and Price was overwatch as the two Sergeants made their way in.
The trio hopped out of the truck, and Price slapped the side, sending it away. Soap and Gaz nodded to one another before splitting up to approach the building from different angles. Price silently made his way to higher ground.
The trek was agonizing, moreso because Soap found himself feeling more impatient than usual. Every time he had to lay low and wait for a patrol to pass he could hear the sand slowly falling, trickling away in the hourglass that was the rest of Ghost's life.
"You sure know how to keep things interesting, Johnny." Ghost had smiled at him, rare that he didn't have his mask, but then again, who other than Soap would challenge the Ghost to strip poker? And who other than Soap would cheat be really really good at strip poker? So good as to force Ghost to choose between his pants and his mask, the last two articles of clothing he had on. Soap himself had only one sock, and his jumper on, choosing to doff his pants so he could keep access to the cards in his sleeves. The  unpleasant cold of the metal chair against his junk was worth it, just to see the surprising decision on Ghost's part to lose the mask and not the underwear.
"Aye, like to shake things up, Sir." He'd said with a wink as he laid yet another winning hand down, only slightly supplemented by his sleeve stash.
He was certainly always one to shake things up. Here he was, itching to shake that damn hourglass up. He'd shake it, flip it upside down, bash it over someone's head and stuff the sand down their fucking throat, if it meant he'd get more time with the enigmatic phantom that had haunted his mind since that shitshow in Mexico.
Price gave the signal, they crawled forward once more.
"This is takin' longer than a constipated snail takin' a shit." He grit out into comms once the coast was clear.
"Soap, while it's nice to hear your voice again, one more quip outta you and I'm pulling you. Watch it." Laswell had gotten the cold shoulder, she'd fed Ghost bad intel. He blamed her, he didn't, couldn't blame her. She was just as worried. Probably.
He just needed to get Ghost back. Repay his debt. Ghost had saved him back then, after all. That's what this was. An eye for an eye, but in a positive way. They were good for eachother. Fixed eachothers problems. Complimented one another, personality wise. That's all.
He crept into the building, silent and unnoticed.
They didn't have much on the layout, just the outer perimeter, so they were going in blind. That didn't bother Soap, he was thriving for the first time in months. He finally had something to do other than run the rookies into the ground.
He dodged patrols, picked off the ones he could get away with had to, using the knife he'd kicked so long ago after Ghost had left it behind.
He found some unlit stairs leading into a basement they hadn't known existed. If I were keeping an incredibly dangerous prisoner, now where would I keep him? Three sets of teeth, plastic, cloth and bone, were bared towards the darkness. He couldn't help it, he felt giddy. He tried to quell his excitement, didn't need to make any mistakes now.
He made his way, thankful for his NVG's as there were no lights, even after descending the stairs. The hallway he entered had doors along one side, nothing much in the rooms, but he cleared each one as he passed. No fuck ups.
Near the end, he found a door with seven locks. Suspicious. Good. Suspicious was good, here. The other doors had been wood, dry rotted and deteriorating, this one was metal.
His eyes itched. He flipped up his NVG's.
Curiously, whenever he blinked, Soap could've sworn he could see symbols on the door, but they'd disappear the longer he looked. He'd blink, a sickening yellow circle with lines and symbols within would appear just as he opened his eyes, but faded so quickly, he couldn't convince himself it had ever even been there. The harder he stared the more the door looked perfectly normal, if you ignored all the locks.
Many many thanks to @stuffireadandenjoy for brainstorming with me on how to make this poll fic work, and to @resident-idiot-simp for being my beta, as always ❤❤❤
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