#aelenko 1 year celebration
wildler · 4 years
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The last few months have been a bit up and down for me personally... but in amongst all that, my blog turned 1 and I turned 29! 🎉Well worth celebrating! So, as a belated blog-versary, I’ve put together a list of wonderful creators who have inspired me this last year! 
If you’re looking for more writing content on your dash... see the list below! 🔥
First off are my must-follow Prompt Blogs:
(I gotta give them a shout out because prompts and flash are my life!!)
@alexprompts – My number 1!! Run by the lovely @alexwillow. This blog has been my main source of flash inspiration this past year.  Amazing prompts of all kinds (picture, quickprompts, monthly) and Alex’s feedback is always so wonderfully encouraging!  Also, a wonderful way to get your work out to a larger audience! I discovered some of my favourite writeblrs by reading their work here.
@tcstu– monthly picture prompt competition. Again, a wonderful host with wonderful feedback! These prompts are all so unique—each coming from a featured artist getting a chance to spotlight their work! I was lucky to win the February round with this piece.
@flashfictionfridayofficial – I’ve been too time poor to participate in this one so far, but I LOVE reading the works that come from this each week! If you’re looking for more original writing content on your dash, then follow, follow, follow 😊
 Flash/short story writers I adore:
@sulfurousdreamscapes – one of the first writeblrs I stumbled across and one of my all-time favourites.  Rahul’s talent is insane! His ability to craft entire worlds in very few words and his flexibility with POVs and themes always leaves me awed and incredibly jealous! Each day brings a new story that is vivid, well-crafted and totally unlike the one before. I would have a lot of trouble picking a favourite from Rahul’s work (as they are all so good!) but two that have still stuck with me (even after reading them over a year ago) can be found here and here. If all this wasn’t enough, his Mirrorscapes blog is incredibly supportive of other writers and is a showcase of others amazing and inspiring work.
@pied-piper-of-hamlet fits both the flash and WIP section’s here. I am in love with their OC Maya from Burying Deceit, this piece is a tiny example of what a badass she is! (blood and violence tw). PLUS their flash work is amazing too, I still think about this piece often!
@hyba —Ohhhhh where to begin!! Writing advice, flash fics, amazing WIPs AND a podcast—Hyba has it all! Not to mention a wonderful side blog @writeblrcabinetofwonders that showcases other writers’ amazing works! Every piece that comes from with writer is well worth the read, but a couple that have stuck with me can be found here and here.
@alexwillow —As if hosting an amazing prompt page wasn’t enough, Alex also writes incredible flash! Two of my favourites in particular can be found here and here.
@projecthypershort​ —These tiny stories pack a punch! A new hyper-short piece is posted each day—each one rich in worldbuilding and story telling, whilst being economical on words. Amazing writing! One of my absolute faves is this one.
 WIPs I worship & Wattpad recommended reads:
@kd-holloman​ —anyone that follows this blog would know I have an obsession with kd’s WIPs. Every snippet of The Traveller’s Gift and The Reaper’s Curse that I have read is full of immersive, vivid details and imbued with such strong characterisation. I’m completely invested in Louis and Slater’s journey and can’t wait to read both works in full one day! 😊 ❤️ One of my favourite snippets from The Reaper’s Curse can be found here and another scene (which I know is a POV switch—but still sticks with me) can be found here.
@cirianne​ —Chasing Demons on Wattpad // Chasing Demons on Tumblr —my newest obsession!! I’m totally in awe of Sara’s writing, Chasing Demons is the perfect urban fantasy work—full of action, mystery, sassy dialogue and tangible characters. I’ve been sucked into Anna’s world and am loving it!
@aelenko​ —Sound Carries on Wattpad  I am so impressed by (and jealous of) Abby’s ability to continuously create amazing works! The prose in Sound Carries is so incredibly immersive and the characters/plot so intriguing, that there is no helping getting wrapped up in the secrets of the Conolly Institute. Amazing read!
@the-scum-initiative​ —The S.C.U.M Initiative 01 on Wattpad Kfyaris has built a rich and intriguing post-apocalyptic world that is too easy to get absorbed into! TSI01′s large cast is full of solid characterisation, with diverse and compelling backgrounds driving strong motivations and palpable tension. The high-stakes action makes it tough to stop reading—such amazing writing! 🔥
There are so many more writeblrs that I would like to add to this list (I might have to make a second one when I have a little more time!)—and I’m so excited to find more wonderful writers to follow and support this next year! Thanks so much to all the lovely peeps that have read and supported my work this year! Every reblog, comment and ❤️ means so much!  🎉
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aritany · 3 years
Giveaway Results
Thank you so much to everyone who entered my art giveaway to celebrate 1 year of writeblr! (There were almost 30 of you!) As of today, Feb 26th, it’s officially been one year since I made this post and took the leap into the community, and I haven’t looked back since! 
I consulted with my dice for the winners of the giveaway, and I wanted to let you know the results! I’ll be in touch with all of the winners today. :)
@readerofthewilderwest (it’s not letting me tag you for some reason but congrats!! i will be in touch via dms!)
Again, thank you so much for entering my giveaway, I can’t wait to bring your characters to life! 
(And to anyone really devastated they didn’t win... my commissions are open ;) )
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aritany · 3 years
Hello! And happy one year anniversary to you!! I'd like to enter the giveaway please! My Writeblr is @kosmosian-quills, and I would like to enter my characters Crown Princess Anjelika, and her personal bodyguard Sergeant Michał. Fun fact about these two - she was very distrustful of him at first (a man she knew for years and trusted with her life betrayed her, and now she has to trust a man she barely knows? That seems like a bad leap in logic on her father's part). But she eventually works up the courage to ask him self defence lessons 😂
yay, thank you! you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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aritany · 3 years
I'd love to enter Lydia (& Eden, if I win two) for your art giveaway! They're the MC and LI of my next book, disaster pansexual city girl meets awkward sapphic small town girl, adventure (and crushes) ensue.
awesome, thank you! you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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aritany · 3 years
Hello and happy one year anniversary! I'd love to enter your art giveaway! I'll enter with my characters Alrune and Rajani from my wip The Dawnbringer. A fun fact about them is that Alrune a big history nerd and has read many books already. Rajani isn't very good at reading, but loves to listen to Alrune gush about history and she has learned many things from her already. Have a good day! :)
awesome, thank you sophie! you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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aritany · 3 years
Hi! I'm sending an ask to enter the art giveaway! I would like to submit my character, Triel. Fun fact: she always wears a black coat that goes down to her ankles and a black wide brimmed hat because she thinks it's cool. If it requires two characters, I'd also like to submit Nesri. Fun fact: she loves fighting, and asking people to spar is how she shows affection! Thanks!
awesome, thank you! you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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aritany · 3 years
Giveaway time!!!!!!! I’ll probably ask for Jude or Adriel if I win or get the chance to commission you. Fun facts: Jude’s deadname doesn’t exist in my brain. Adriel’s spirit form is incomprehensible to humans so pretty much any interpretation of him will be canon.
Xoxo, Charlie aka violetwords/missilesilo
awesome, thank you! you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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aritany · 3 years
For the art giveaway, should I win: for the 2 person one I’d love to get a pic of my immortal battle couple Dominic and Nyssa. Fun fact: she looks like a regular person, but it’s an illusion. She’s actually made of diamond.
And for the 1 person,: my disaster MC Bethany. She’s a sunshine depressed mess and I love her.
Thanks for running the competition!!
awesome, thank you! you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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aritany · 3 years
Congratulations on the anniversary! I would like to enter the giveaway with my OCs Kyler and Acacia. They are romantically involved later in the story but they started hating each other. Your art is so amazing♡. From @writingonesdreams
awesome, thank you so much! 🥰 you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :) 
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aritany · 3 years
wait omg i just answered an ask privately instead of saving it to my drafts: whoever that was, i didn’t actually get your details into the entry yet, if you see this would you be so kind as to send me a PM please?? 
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aritany · 3 years
Hello, I am entering the art giveaway (hopefully I am not too late) and my two pcs are June Fraser and Alistair White. My two facts are; June decorates every piece of clothing she owns with her artwork (lots of painted mom jeans) and Alistair has collected over 100 pins and patches over the years which he displays proudly all over his belongings 💜
you’re not too late! you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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aritany · 3 years
Heya, Abby! Happy one year anniversary!! I'm here to enter the art giveaway (I assumed the deadline was the 26th, so I hope it's all right that I didn't enter right away). The characters I will be entering are named Juba and Sakata. Fun facts about each: Juba is scared of water, because when he was little, he got a water gun pointed in his eyes. When Sakata is bored, he'll do laundry, even if it doesn't need to be done; as a result, he usually only wears about three outfits total from day to day.
awesome, thank you so much maki! you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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aritany · 3 years
Yoyoyo - ONE YEAR on writeblr? Simultaneous “already??” And “that’s all??” Vibes. Anyway drop me in for your art giveaway for Finley (+ Emerson if we get there but 🤷🏻‍♀️). Fun fact - in my newest edition of worldbuilding soup Finley is in fact half demon. “Demon”? I haven’t worked out specifics. xxJune
awesome, thank you @iparisaltanwing!! you’ve been entered in the giveaway :)
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aritany · 3 years
Congrats on one year! Im here to enter your giveaway. 🥰🥰 A character I would love to see in your style is my character Skylar. She’s training to be a magician and is very adventurous. Other fun facts about her is that she’s an only child. 😂 ~@authortango
awesome, thank you @authortango! you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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aritany · 3 years
hi! (@ janeautsens is my writeblr) id love to enter Jules (& Kennedy) into your giveaway! jules is a college student & also a werewolf. she wears leather jackets and in general is kind of punk rock. kennedy is also a college werewolf but she’s blonde & a prep school kid (think gossip girl). i have my own drawings of them as well as more info if u need !
hi @janeautsens, thank you! you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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aritany · 3 years
hey abby, i'm entering in your wonderful giveaway. you're such a wonderful presence in this community and i always love seeing you on my dash :) i'm entering for my characters laurent and esme, who are childhood friends to lovers kings in idiotic love.
lila, thank you so much! you’re such a sweetheart <3  you’ve been entered in the giveaway! :)
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