fanficteen · 4 years
Old Friend
deucalion x reader
“(Y/N)?” Rafael’s voice crackled on the other end of the phone. “McCall?” “I need your help.” Sirens whirled in the background. “You what?” “There’s a hunting problem.” That cleared absolutely nothing up. “I’m an author, not a cop, McCall.” “At the shipyard,” he continued, as though he hadn’t heard you. “Remember I told you about the Hale attack?” “McCall,” you heard, muffled, on the other end of the phone. “Name’s a little too close to home, ain’t it, Ferrell?” “Please.” The line went dead. “Hale attack? That was a fire.” Your heart plummeted in your chest. “Hunters.” You scrambled for the door, not even bothering to lock it as you ran. You’d heard about them coming, heard about the new pack, the True Alpha. Hell, you’d even helped once or twice, when Melissa or Argent called you in. But you hadn’t made the connection between McCall and Scott McCall, the tiny, chubby little kid you’d looked after while his mom worked.
Guns were already firing when you reached the shipyard, and someone was crawling for cover. Or, trying too. He was far too old to be Scott, even as his eyes flashed red, claws extending to drag him across the ground. Three teenagers were scattered around the yard, another man crouched behind a steel beam. You waited, as the Hunters moved forward. Then the barrage ceased, though they kept their guns raised. You launched forward, then, and cut off three from the back with ease. You grabbed a fourth by the throat and tossed him into another, finally drawing their attention to you, as you managed to grab the wounded wolf and bolt in their confusion. “Made a new friend, Scott?” That voice sent chills down your spine, blood-soaked memories clawing their way from the pit of your mind. Your parents – human parents, dead on the floor, just for protecting you. “Just in time to bury them.” You swept through the group to the woman speaking, throwing her to the ground. She spun to look at you, as she landed, but you were already moving, surging towards her. Through the corner of your eye, you caught sight of one of her hunters moving towards the stone column, where Scott was crouched, and you changed courses, knowing you wouldn’t get there in time. Then an engine revved, and suddenly there was a Jeep spearing into the shipyards and the Hunter went flying from the impact. You felt a bullet shatter your shoulder and growled, turning back towards Monroe as two new faces joined the fight. She glanced at you, then behind her, and took off for her car, her men following behind her. Half of you wanted to go after her, but Scott needed you more than you needed revenge. Scott’s pack soon grouped up around where he was struggling, vainly, to stem the blood flow of the wounded man. You pushed him aside, lightly, kneeling in his place. The man ignored you, still focused on Scott. Something about Gerard and knowing he couldn’t win. His breath cut off. “It’s really started, hasn’t it?” None of them stopped you, but you could feel them staring as you leaned forward, eyes flashing black, as you buried your claws in the back of his neck. “Hey!” The late werewolf – a Hale – grabbed Scott’s arm as he protested. “She’s a Grim,” he breathed, as the man’s flashed open and he gasped for breath. “She just – she just brought him back from the dead, right?” Stiles asked, jaw dropped. “I’m not insane?” “She just brought him back from the dead,” the redhead agreed. “He wasn’t quite dead,” you corrected, immediately darting out of the way as the man swung onto his hands and knees, choking in mouthfuls of air.
“Who – wait, (Y/N)?!” “It’s been a while, pup.” He stared as you rubbed the back of your neck, awkwardly. “Pretty impressive pack you’ve gathered. A handful of Hales, a Banshee, another Alpha…” You glanced at Stiles. “…the Sheriff’s son. Very human, very smart. You’re taking good care of him, right?” You carefully placed your foot on the wounded man’s back as he moved to stand. He swung his head around to glare. “Sorry, but you should stay down there, sir.” “Gonna introduce us, Scott?” the late Hale prompted. “Oh! Yeah, sorry,” Scott gestured between you and the pack, “Everyone, this is (Y/N). She used to babysit me as a kid. I did not know she was supernatural. (Y/N), this is Derek, Peter, Malia, Lydia, and you know Stiles.” You tilted your head, surreptitiously, towards the recovering wolf. “That’s Deucalion.” “He’s who?” you questioned, earning a half-hearted laugh from the man on the ground. “Can I get up, now?” he requested, lightly, his voice still rough around the edges. You hesitated, then offered your hand. “You have to let me help you, though.” He glanced from your hand to your face, then sighed and took it, letting you help him to his feet, supporting his aching body. “Nice to meet you, oh Mr Demon Wolf, Destroyer of Worlds, pep-talker of my favourite kid.” He chuckled, lowly. “Nice to meet you, Miss Death-Defier, Beacon Hills’ Grim, babysitter of the True Alpha.” The others were all staring at you, wide-eyed, when you both looked back at them. “We should leave.” “I want to take him to Deaton,” you added, as they all nodded. He sighed, and you all waited for him to protest. “What?” he challenged, letting you help him towards your car, “I’d rather see the Druid than die.”
The roar echoed through the school, reverberating in your chest – pain, anger, hurt. “Scott?!” Before you could take off, Deucalion grabbed your arm. “You don’t know how to fight it.” “Scott’s hurt!” “He’ll be more hurt if you’re dead.” You sighed, but nodded, mutely. “Let me go ahead.” He offered you his hand. “Unless I squeeze your hand, don’t open your eyes. It knows how to trick us.” “Don’t you need that?” You glanced at his hand, and he offered you a lopsided smirk. “If I do, I’ll just throw you with my punch.” You snorted, but took his hand anyway. “Give me some warning, I’ll even put my claws out and actually make myself useful.”
“Bobby?!” The Coach spun at the sound of your voice. “What the hell are you doing here? Are you hurt?” “Just looking after my players,” he answered, brightly. You raised an eyebrow. “Some asshole thought he could get away with touching my boys outside my office. I mean, sure, Jackson and Ethan aren’t my team anymore, but they’re still –” “Bobby, are they okay?” “What? Of course,” he huffed, folding his arms. “I hit him with a lacrosse stick.” Deucalion raised an eyebrow. “Not all of us have fangs and claws.” Then he paused for a moment. “Hang on, you’re the asshole–“ “Coach?” You heard a clatter in the nearby entrance hall, as Scott appeared, but just surged towards him. Deucalion headed for the noise. Blood still stained around his eyes but he smiled, offering a soft laugh, as you checked him over. “I’m fine.” “You blinded yourself?” Horror coursed through you. “He what?” Bobby demanded. Jackson and Ethan appeared, from the same direction Bobby had come. Ethan did a double take, but Deucalion held up his hands in surrender, and the boy approached, warily. “Coach, why are you here?” Stiles questioned, still entirely bewildered. “He just saved us,” Ethan admitted, making Derek raise an eyebrow. “Malia?” Peter crashed through the doors behind them. “Malia– you’re okay.” The girl in question smiled, brightly, crushing her father into a hug. Peter froze. Derek kicked Stiles before he could snicker. “Coach saved you?” Stiles asked, returning his attention to the boys. “No need for that tone, Stilinski.” “He beat a hunter unconscious with a lacrosse stick,” Jackson explained, and Stiles’ jaw dropped further. “Wait, do you know about this, Coach?” Scott asked, brows furrowed. “Of course I know. That’s my sister fussing over you.” “She’s your what?” “I’m adopted,” you assured the baffled teenagers.
Deucalion cleared his throat, summoning your attention. He held up Monroe by her collar. “She’s still alive.” “You won’t kill me,” she sneered, “McCall won’t let you.” “McCall’s not my Alpha,” Deucalion responded, eyes flashing red. “Yet you still deferred to him.” Deucalion snarled, but looked back to Scott. “This is your territory, Scott.” The boy hesitated. “But it’s a war for all of us.” They hadn’t even seen you moving before her heart dropped to the floor. “(Y/N)?!” “What the hell?!” Deucalion didn’t speak through the teenaged chorus, just discarded the body, unceremoniously, curious gaze fixed on your face. “A woman after my own heart.” Malia elbowed Peter, cutting off his muttering. “Was that her?” A sob tore from your throat at Bobby’s question, raw and ragged, but you nodded. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at your brother, or at Scott, afraid of what you would see there. So you just held Deucalion’s gaze, as if begging him to understand… something. Anything. Even you weren’t sure what. The man was a killer, after all. You didn’t need to justify yourself to him. You could hear Bobby explaining, behind you, but still didn’t dare look back. You flinched when Deucalion finally broke the impasse by taking a step forward, but didn’t move away. He continued forward, slowly, until he had closed the distance between you, a warm hand coming to rest on your shoulder.
“Are you alright?” The question was stiff, awkward, but you couldn’t say you expected any different. Before you even registered what you were doing, you slumped forward, burying your head in his chest. He went stiff for a moment, but you soon felt his arms inch around you, one hand coming to your hair. Your sobs began to fade, breathing falling into sync with the soothing fingers trailing through your hair. “Am I seeing this right– ow, Derek!” A low growl rumbled from Deucalion’s chest, vibrating through your body, and Stiles fell silent. With a shuddering breath, you pulled away and looked up to meet the eyes of the Alpha of Alphas. He raised an eyebrow, but his expression was gentle. “Sorry,” you mumbled. “You just single-handedly destroyed a well-manicured, decades-old reputation.” There was no anger in his voice. “I think you did that when you started practicing pacifism,” Peter drawled, making both Scott and Deucalion glare at him. He shrugged, but didn’t try to take it back. “Can I suggest we leave?” Lydia piped up, quietly. “I don’t know about you, but I could do with a shower.” She looked down at her dust-covered hands, the stains of blood and sweat on her clothes. Murmurs of agreement followed, and you all headed for the doors. “Scott, if you see your father, tell him I’ll be by tomorrow.” Scott raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t think I just magically realised you were about to die, did you?” You didn’t bother listening to their mumbled responses, just made a beeline for your car. “Call me tonight!” Bobby shouted after you. You waved your agreement.
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the-and-sign-anon · 3 years
Like Father, Like Daughter
McCall Pack x Finstock! Reader
Word count: 1,580
When your senior year started and Ms. Monroe made some odd comments during your meeting about your schedule, you were hesitant to tell your dad. After the things you’d both seen and dealt with in the last three years, you didn’t want to worry him. Instead, you did your best to keep a level head and ignored the twisting feeling in your gut that she knew more than you were comfortable with. 
Coach Finstock had discovered pretty quickly after adopting you that you weren’t an average kid. You never got sick like the others, never stayed down for long when you got hurt. He got you into sports to work through some of your energy and aggression, which you took to very easily. When you shifted for the first time and tried to lock yourself in your room to hide, he sat on the other side of the door and offered quiet encouragement until you came out. 
For more than six years, you’d counted on him to protect you and did your best to cover for him when he needed you. It had been a real test of control when he got shot in the stomach with an arrow on a cross country run, but he’d assured you he would be okay. His muttered curses and forced smile kept you anchored, kept you human. 
You were in the library when Nolan stabbed Corey with a pen. The interaction startled you and prompted you to avoid the nervous boy whenever possible. If he was going to keep doing reckless things that could expose the supernatural, you wanted nothing to do with it. Then the testing started. 
Every day, more kids walked around with bandages on their hands, keeping their heads down in the halls. Nolan and his friend Gabe picked a fight with Liam one day, so you ran to your dad’s office and together you pulled them apart. Your dad saw the instigators to the front office while you lingered to see Mason and Corey pick up their friend and rush him away. 
While Liam was gone from school the next day, Nolan and Aaron cornered you in the library. You’d been looking for a new book by a favorite author of yours, then turned your head and came face to face with the boys. Aaron held a dirty scalpel in his hand and wore an unsettling smile on his face. 
“Hey, Y/N. We haven’t had the chance to talk yet.”
“We have nothing to talk about.”
Nolan planted his feet on the floor as if to intimidate you. He didn’t have a clue how low he was on your list of threats. 
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
“Oh, I’m pretty sure it is.” You whirled around to see your dad standing at the end of the shelf, looking more than irritated with both boys. “Step away now, unless you both want detention for the next two weeks.”
Aaron had hidden the blade as soon as your dad spoke up and was quick to slink away, probably on his way to terrorize other students. Nolan followed him and you hurried to your dad’s side. 
“Thank you.”
“Did that kid have a knife with him?”
You nodded briefly and followed him to his office, where you settled in a chair to read. 
“I’m sure you’ve seen the other kids. A lot of them have bandages on their hands. They’re… testing us. All of us.”
“Then you’re steering clear of them until this is all over.”
“I can’t avoid them forever and still go to school, dad. I can’t afford to miss any classes.”
“We’ll work something out. I’m not leaving you to the mercy of these delinquents.”
You gave him a grateful look and opened your book. Finstock kept you in his office for the rest of the day and you walked out to the parking lot side by side after school. You both agreed to stay home together all weekend and watch whatever games came on between movies you wanted to marathon. It was a decent plan. If only you’d been able to stick to it.
It was your mistake, thinking you were safer outside of school than inside it. You’d realized there was nothing to make for dinner and you’d ordered out the last two nights, so you were determined to make a healthy dinner no matter how much your dad complained that he was plenty healthy already. 
You’d noticed someone watching when you loaded the groceries into the car and started on the way home. As you drove down an abandoned road, you caught a whiff of aggression in the air. There was a car stopped in the middle of the road with their hazard lights on, forcing you to slow down and drift to the side to avoid them. When you moved to the left for just a moment, something struck your tires and you had to move all the way to the right and pull off the road entirely. 
The second you knelt down to check the back tires, a hand grabbed you by the collar and threw you back. You scrambled to get to your feet, but a boot planted itself on your chest and kept you down. A sneering face stared down at you and you recognized the stench of aggression and anger. 
“What do you think you’re doing, man? Get off me.”
You nearly snarled, but tried to keep your tone in check. 
“You really thought you could hide forever, Y/N? Monsters like you always show their true nature eventually.”
Ms. Monroe rounded your car and stood beside the man, both illuminated by the headlights of the truck blocking the road. 
“Ms. Monroe? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You tried to sound near tears and afraid. It was as easily done as said. She pulled out a gun and held up a bullet. 
“You know what wolfsbane does to your kind, don’t you?” She loaded the bullet into the gun and pointed it at you. “We aren’t taking chances anymore. It’s time we took a stand, and that starts with putting down animals that can’t be trusted around innocent people.”
You felt your claws extend and braced yourself for a fight.
“You think you’re the innocent one here? Really?”
“I lost my innocence when the Beast tried to rip me apart in a school bus. You never had any to begin with. You were born a monster, and now you’ll die the same way.”
Just before she could pull the trigger, you took your chance. You rammed your claws into the calf of the man above you and rolled away as he screamed in pain. You jumped to your feet and ran for Monroe, catching her in the stomach and tackling her to the ground before making a mad dash for your car. Another man appeared around the door and slammed it closed, cutting you off from escape. 
Before you could lose hope, another car came barreling down the road. A rusty old blue Jeep you recognized as Stiles Stilinski’s screeched to a halt and someone threw open a door. Without a moment’s hesitation, you leapt in and the door slammed closed as the car took off again. 
A hand landed on your shoulder and you realized you’d effectively jumped into Mason’s lap. You quickly scrambled over the seat into the back, where Liam was sitting with a stunned expression on his face. 
“Thanks for the save. I’m not sure I could have taken that guy without killing anyone.”
“You’re a werewolf?”
You looked at Liam and nodded. 
“Yeah. Born and raised. Why?”
“You never said anything.”
“Why would I?” You looked from Liam to Mason and Scott, who was driving. “You guys all clearly had your own problems. My dad and I agreed I should just keep my head down and try to graduate without getting dragged into something that would more than likely kill me.”
Scott furrowed his brow and looked at you in the rearview mirror. 
“You knew about us? Since when?”
“Uh… about a day after you got bitten. You’re not as discreet as you think, at least not to another werewolf who’s very good at hiding.”
Mason turned around and tilted his head at you.
“Who’s your dad?”
“Coach Finstock.”
Scott nearly ran the Jeep off the road and slowed down to go the speed limit. 
“Coach Finstock knows?”
“It’d be pretty hard not to when you adopt a werewolf.”
“Does he know about us too?”
“Kind of. Like I said, if you know what to look for, most werewolves can be easy to find. But I’ve never outright told him about you. I figured it wasn’t either of our business, so I didn’t say anything.” You looked over at Liam for a second and your voice softened just a bit. “I’m sorry about the other day. I feel like I should have done more to help.”
“It’s okay. You threw Nolan back so hard I thought you might have actually hurt him. I’m fine now, so it doesn’t matter.”
“It does matter, to me at least. People are drawing lines and picking sides… I want you to know that my dad and I are on yours. If any of you guys need our help, we want to do what we can.”
You could hear Scott’s muttered response and racing heart as he drove further away from the ambush. 
“Careful what you wish for.”
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riley-phoenix · 3 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Malia X Reader(Gender not specified) ... eventually
Canon: Supernatural: Season 8 / Teen Wolf: Season 1
Content: murder (mentioned) , angst, fluff, smut (light)
Author's Note: -
Chapter Summary: On the night Malia enlists your help to break the ice with her estranged adoptive father, Scott revelas he was bitten the night you went into the woods.
Chapter 5: Meeting Her Parents
You walk into your house stubbornly, Slamming the door shut behind you. Sam, Dean and Cas ;shocked by the sudden sound, tilt their heads in your direction, but say nothing. With your formerly suppressed emotions now pulsing through you, you walk angrily up the staircase. "You were right!" You scream at Dean, having recently realised your feelings for Malia; and that Dean's assumptions were more than just accusations.
Dean smirks slightly, as Sam rolls his eyes, throwing Dean five bucks. Dean walks up the stairs slowly, stopping at your door and trying to find the right words before knocking. "Hey, Kid, wanna talk about it?".
He is answered only by an impending silence
"OK, well, I'm still gonna be 'round for a while if you do, and if I'm not, you can call me. You can talk to me kid, you know that, right?".
Again he is left unanswered. Dean backs away from the door, not wanting to push any boundaries and allowing you your personal space.
The next day you drive into school, with anything but a clear mind. You've got the dinner with Malia tonight, which is now infinitely more complicated than it was a day ago, Scott and Stiles want to catch up for the first time since the incident in the woods, and you're still keeping your supernatural identify a secret. As you step out of the car you notice Scott and Stiles waiting for you at the main entrance of the school. "'Sup" you say as you approach them. "*Your name* ,Check this out" , Scott says as he lifts up his shirt and revelas a bandaged scar. "The hell did you get that?" You ask. Stiles jumps in, "When I got caught by my dad and you ran off into the woods, Scott went Looking for the body and got bit by something". Your gaze shifts from Stiles to the consealed scar on Scott's chest. "Yeah, that's quite something". You say worryingly. Scott speaks again, "And check this out, My asthma is gone". Your heart begins to best faster as you consider the possibilities. "...Gone?" You ask concerned. "Completely", Scott replies. A very serious expression falls over your face as you ask Scott a question. "Scott... What bit you?" "I'm not sure, it was dark...but I think it was a wolf". He replies. "There's no wolves in California", Stiles replies. "Yea...but apparently, there are werewolves" you think in your head. "Hey, you guys have Lacrosse practice in 4th period right?" You say, now speaking aloud. "Yeah", Stiles answers. "OK, I have soccer in the 3rd and a free in the 4th, I'll be there".
During soccer practice you're doing shooting drills when you steal a glance at the stands, shocked to see a familiar face in the third row. Malia watches, and puts on her seductive yet sweet smile, while throwing you a thumbs up for support. You stand at the halfway line of the pitch, heart rate rising intensely every second. Your job is to make a long ball from the halfway line to the striker just outside the penalty box...but you have something else In mind. "Dont do it *your name*, dont use your powers for your own selfish needs". You think to yourself. Your conscience swings back and forth trying to weigh the decisions. Suddenly someone calls out to you: "Winchester, make the pass". You take one last look back at Malia and see her cheering for you. "Ughhh, screw it" you say.
From the halfway line, you give the ball a powerful yet skillful kick, sending it rising over the rest of the field, and curling down perfectly into the back of the goalkeepers net. So fast, no one sees it coming, and so hard, it breaks the supports behind the goal net.
The stands, the players and Coach Finstock stay dead silent for 10 seconds, before erupting into an ear shattering round of applause and screams. Everyone in the Bleachers rises from their seat with their jaw hanging, while Malia comes running to you, and wraps you in a warm hug.
"HO...LY...SHIT!" ,She excliams
Coach Finstock looks at you with a determined look on his face. "You, what's your name?" He says, calling you over. "Winchester" you say as you approach him. "Winchester, it takes guts to shoot from 60 yards, but to score from there?, Kid, you just earned yourself a place in the starting 11 in next week's game". He replies. You stand infront of him in shock, as the bell rings to signal the end of the period, you head to the Lacrosse field to see if your assumption about Scott was correct. Malia catches up with you on the way. "Wow...hey...that goal was... amazing" she says, clearly impressed. You smirk, "Thanks" you say in reply, "I'll see you at dinner tonight". As the words leave your mouth you see a look of worry on Malia's face. "Hey, its gonna be alright" you say as you put a comforting hand on her shoulder. You say your goodbyes and you head to the Lacrosse field...in time to see Scott fake turn 2 players, do a flip over the third and send the ball flying past the keeper, giving him no chance. "Can you believe it, I don't know how he's been training but I've gotta try that", Stiles says in awe of Scott's newfound 'talent' . Scott was terrible at lacrosse yesterday, there's no way he could play like this today, unless...You stand Shellshocked as you come to the realisation
--Scott's been bitten by a werewolf--
But he doesn't know it. "Hes Making Jackson so jealous, IM LOVING IT". Stiles says excitedly. "I'm still kinda new here Stiles" you say. "Right, Jackson Whittemore is dating Lydia Martin, the hottest girl in school -so I kinda hate him- also he makes a point of driving a Porsche and is...well was, the best on the lacrosse team." You notice the angry young man on the pitch, glaring daggers into Scott and can only assume He's the person Stiles is describing.
After school, you demand Scott take you to the exact place he was bitten. As the three of you trudge through the woods, a tall, stern looking man yells at you "Hey! This is private property!" He says. You're about to respond with something witty and sarcastic until you look at is face and recognise him. "Yeah, uhhhh, sorry...we were just leaving". You tug your friends arms and signal for them to move. Fast.
"hey, what was that all about?" Scott asks. "That was Derek Hale" you say softly, turning your head to make sure you weren't being followed. The whole town knew Derek as a mysterious man who lived in an old burned down house, they thought he was psycho, you knew him as the only living member of one of the oldest werewolf families in California, and the Hale pack are not to be taken lightly. "As in creepy-psycho-guy Derek Hale"? Stiles asks. "Yeah, that's why we're leaving". You answer. "But that's right around where I was bitten Scott says". "Let's just come back here tonight" Stiles suggests. "No!" You say assertively. "Firstly, I have something important to take care of tonight , and secondly, this guys dangerous. Promise me you'll stay away". "Fine, fine, we'll stay away" Stiles Says. "I should head home, I scored a date with Allison Argent.", Scott adds. They get into Stiles' Jeep while you drive home in your car.
You head home, visibly tired, hoping to grab a few hours of sleep before the dinner with Malia tonight. As you head inside, you greet Sam. Dean walks in nonchalantly. "Well... Scott's a werewolf". You blurt out. Dean chokes on his beer, visibly taken back. "How the hell did that happen?" He says, wiping his mouth.
"OK, so the night we went into the woods we got seperated, he got bitten then. He thinks it was just a wolf, or a mountain lion. He doesn't know where all this superspeed and strength is coming from."
"Well, that's not good, tomorrow's a full moon, did he mention anything else?". Dean asks. "Nah, he didn't say much. I just watched him during Lacrosse and saw his powers go crazy. The only plans he mentioned was a date with ;uhhhh , Allison Argent". You answer
"ARGENT!?" ,Sam and Dean both exclaim
"Yeah, why, what's wrong?" You say, very confused. "The Argents are one of the oldest werewolf hunters in America. Gerard Argent went on a hunt with dad a long time ago when a case pulled him all the way out to California." Dean explains. Terror washes over you as you take in the information. "Son of a Bitch". You say worryingly. "So there's a full moon coming up tomorrow and Scott's In bed with a hunter's daughter?, And I thought I was coming to Beacon Hills to escape the Supernatural."
"What are the risks?" You ask in anticipation. "Well, just like the bite, if it doesn't turn you it kills you, other than that I'd say the biggest risk is Argent finding out before we cure him",Dean adds. You ponder for a moment. "This could kill him...but If Argent finds out he'll do it first... You guys get the other ingredients, I'll handle the blood." "How're you gonna get the blood of the sire if you don't know who it is that turned him?" Sam asks. "...I have my suspicions" you say in response.
Dean thinks for a moment. "There is something we could try, there's a 'werewolf cure'", we'd need a few general ingredients, the tricky one is 'the living blood of the sire'"
You manage to get a few hours of sleep before getting ready for Malia's dinner. You're putting on your leather jacket as Dean walks shyly into the room. "Hey kiddo, I got ya' something". Dean pulls out a garment bag with a lavish and extravegent outfit and shows it to you. You smirk and turn in his direction, "its just dinner, we're not acting in a James Bond movie". "Yeah but it could be romantic" he says. "Yeah, right after we tell her dad about the supernatural and that his daughter is the reason his other daughter and wife are dead". You say in response. "...so that's a 'yes'?" Dean asks. You sigh, "I appreciate the thought Dean",you say before patting him on the shoulder and heading out.
When you arrive ,you and Malia begin preparing dinner(with you taking the lead because she's not good in the kitchen) .As you pull the roast out of the oven you notice she's having trouble 'chopping the vegetables', really, she's just throwing the knife down aimlessly. "Ok, ok slow down, here let me help you." You stand behind Malia, taking her right hand in yours, then holding a carrot with your left hand. "You're gonna hold it like this". You say before adjusting the angle for her. "Then you just cut it". You say, Taking her hand in yours, making thin slices with every swift motion. Soon you've done all the vegetables. "Malia turns to look at you "Thank you" she says, her breath is sweet, and delicate and you now notice how close her lips are to yours, your hands still lingering near her hips. "Malia, I--"
you're cut off by the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway. "That's my dad" she says. Later, Malia is bringing the dishes to the table as you make small talk with her dad, who is very engrossed in a soccer game. He sets his head back and moans as the other team scores. "Well that's just silly, they're playing a back 3 against a team that's using they're wing backs to push forward, they can't handle that much pressure." You say thoughtlessly. Mr. Tate looks up at you in shock. "You...you know alot about soccer?" ."I'm on the Team at school" you say Without trying to seem too concerned about his reaction. "So what do you think they should be doing?" He asks, clearly intrigued. "Well, they obviously need a solid defence more than they need a creative midfield. So a midfielder will probably have to be substituted for a defender. They're gonna have to do it twice 'cuz the other team's playing a back 4; so 2 strikers aren't enough. I'd say they'd stand a chance if they switched from a 3-5-2 to a 4-3-3 ;but the coach is stubborn." He looks at you in an approving way, "that's a hell of a tactical mind kid, you should remember this: college ain't the only way to be successful in life." ,"Thanks Mr. Tate" you say, blushing. "Please; call me Henry". He responds.
About 15 minutes into dinner, Malia is struggling to bring up the topic, Henry is still confused about how is daughter who was presumed dead in a car crash years ago, was alive, but that was covered up by how grateful he was to have her back.
Your phone buzzes, then again, then again, then you recieve a phone call, "excuse me", you say politely, before heading outside.
"What the hell Stiles!? I told you I was busy tonight".
"I know, I know I'm sorry, but remember how I said we wouldn't go back to the Hale residence?".
"Well...we sorta went back".
"STILES!, What the HELL!? where are you now!?".
"It's OK, were at Scott's place now and we're safe".
"Aggghhh, thank God, so what'd you find?".
"We found ALOT. plus, we did some research, and when you connect the dots it's very intriguing, can we talk?".
"It's late... And we have alot to discuss and There's someone I want you two to meet, tomorrow, my place?".
"Cool, see you there".
You hang up the phone and head back inside to find Malia trying to explain everything to her dad in one quick, breathless sentence, leaving Jasper traumatized. "--and there's vampires,they're real too and on a full moon, we go crazy, and that's what happened on the night of the accident--" Henry cuts Malia off as he sees you enter. "Please forgive my daughter, she seems to be trying to make sense of all this by coming up with some ... ridiculous story that feels like it's from a teen drama". "Listen to her" you say reassuringly. Henry seems curious. "It's real ,the supernatural. All of it...ill give you guys some space." You add.
You wait in Malia's room for another hour, when you notice Henry's car pulling out of the driveway, followed by Malia walking in with swelling eyes. "Hey, how did it go" you ask. "TERRIBLE", She says, he can't even look at me. She responds, with a crack in her voice. "I'm sorry...that must be so hard for you". You give Malia a shoulder to cry on and offer her comfort. After a while you attempt to break the silence. "You know, I'm sure he was--"
"he was gonna tell me I'm adopted". Your heart sinks as you take in her words. "I found the papers in his room, he had everything laid out, there's no trace of my real parents or who put me up ...but he wanted to tell me tonight". You can't find the words to sympathize to her, instead you reach out and embrace her in a heartfelt hug. "I'm sorry it was so hard to tell you, I didn't think you'd understand.", Malia says, with a cracking voice and tears falling from her face. You let out a small chuckle in response: "Malia, I'm adopted" you respond. "Oh... I uh, I didn't know, how did they tell you?" She asks. "I have two dads" you say jokingly. She laughs, and you're happy to make her feel better. "Well technically Cas is genderfluid but we never really addressed that, and then there's the whole thing--" you cut yourself off, realising you've trailed off. "Look, this is scary for you both, but he doesn't blame you for what happened that night, so you shouldn't either okay?"you say, bringing the focus back to Malia. "Hey, *your name* I'm sure my dad will come around eventually, but tonight--"
"of course you can sleep over", you say,"you didn't even have to ask". Malia cleans her face and you drive her to your place. You stay quiet in the car for a few minutes. "What are you nervous about me meeting your family now", she says jokingly. "Well my dad's really embarrassing, Cas is genderfluid and we haven't actually discussed how were gonna introduce him to new people; and my uncle is freakishly tall." You say worryingly, not entirely sure how she'll respond. Malia takes in your words, "I don't judge, I don't Judge and ....I ...dont judge?, I wasn't really sure how to respond to that last one. Just remember I'm a werecoyote who murdered her own family, I won't judge." She reassures you that she's not getting scared off and you enter the house and introduce her to Sam and Dean. Dean teases you a little bit by smiling and nudging your leg. Cas approaches Malia and begins to introduce himself, "Hello , I am Castiel, ange--"
Hastily you interrupt the sentence and pull Cas into the kitchen while Sam and Dean distract Malia. "Cas, she knows about the Supernatural but not about the Super-super natural, you can't just drop the angels-demons-Satan bombshell on her ,just introduce yourself like we rehearsed and try to make it believable. Cas approaches Malia again, very professionally, "Hello I am Castiel, I identify as genderfluid but you may also refer to me using he/him pronouns. I am making Pie." He says in his awkward, robotic voice. You facepalm at his attempt to socialize. surprisingly you escaped alive, and headed to sleep.
"Hey how come you're sleeping on your couch?" Malia asks inquisitively. You're about to answer when you realise Malia spent half her life a wild animal, she hasn't conformed to the 'two people who aren't sleeping together don't sleep. Together.' Ideology. "Is it cool if I sleep on the bed?" You ask nervously. "Yeah of course, its your bed" she says nonchalantly.
You toss and turn a little bit trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in. "You okay?" She asks in an amused tone. "Yeah, just...not used to sharing the bed" you respond. You try for a little while longer before Malia suggests something, "hold on". Malia turns you so that your back is facing her , she places her hands around your waist and nuzzles her face against the back of your neck.
"Is this fine?" She asks.
"Yeah, this is perfect"
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Tags: @regulusblacksbabygirl @transparent-stranger-bouquet @maliratate-yukimura @just-ilde @buffysslyer @loveinfinitelyandforever @maliahalefandom @akuri-shinsou @melthedwarf @w00w33 @natashapoling @scilessweetheart @shelleyhennigsource @miiaivi
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plus-size-reader · 6 years
My Babies
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Derek Hale x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1111 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Reader is a pack mom, who forces Derek out of his comfort zone and supports her boys. Also some cute adoption things? 
"Derek" you yell, for the third time this morning, trying to get the attention of your boyfriend who was clearly preoccupied. "Der" you huff, coming into the living room to the sight of him, hunched over, his nose in a book that looked like it was over a century old.
"Im going to the lacrosse game, can you please come with me?" You beg, your plush bottom lip puffed out "I have so much work to do, the Alpha pa-" He says but you interrupt before he can come up with an excuse.
"I don't care about the Alpha pack right now Derek, I want to see my boys play" You pout and finally he gets up, a look of defeat crossing his handsome face "Fine, but they're not your boys" He complains and You nod, giving him that look, calling him on his bullshit.
"Yes, they are my babies and I promised them we would be there, so move it Mr." You order, shoving the grumpy werewolf out the door.
When the two of you finally showed up to the field, the game was just about to start. Giving you just enough time to go see all your boys before their big game. You saw Scott and Stiles first, taking to the coach. Then, Isaac with Jackson and Danny until finally your eyes fell on the little blonde you were searching for.
"Liam" you call, his head snapping up in your direction at the sound of your voice. He couldn't help it, Derek may not have been his alpha but you were a Luna and you comforted his wolf like a mother would. "Come here Li" you coo, enveloping him in a tight hug.
"Are you excited?" You question, earning a quick smile and a nod "it should be a lot of fun" he says, interrupted by Coach Finstock blowing his whistle on the other side of the field. "Go" you smile, pressing a light kiss to his temple before sending him on his way.
You were headed back to your seat on the bleachers with Derek when you noticed Stiles on the bench, not even starting in the game.
The was enough for you to take a detour, heading in his direction to take a seat next to Sheriff Stilinski.
"Sheriff" you greet, sitting down and he smiles up at you "Actually right now I'm just dad" he laughs making you giggle as well, a spaced out Derek finding his way beside you, probably worrying about the Alpha pack again.
You waved him off, at least he'd come with you to get out of the house. "Stiles!" You whisper, leaning forward to get a bit closer to where he was. The lanky teen turned toward you, giving you a small smile. "Why aren't you out there?" You ask, earning an odd look.
"Because I suck at lacrosse" he says, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Your face scrunched up at his words, looking almost offended that one of your boys would dare to insult himself. "Don't say that, I'm sure you can't be that bad" you assure, but John interrupted you with a nod, telling you he was in-fact, that bad.
Instantly, you regretted it all, feeling bad for your favorite lanky little ball of sarcasm. "Well you're here, that's all that matters" you smile, you could tell he was grateful for your support, even if he was only on the bench.
Once Stiles turned around, you turned your attention to the brooding man at your side. "Are you having fun Derek?" You ask, he was going to mutter something about needing to go home but didn't dare. The last thing he wanted was to wipe that gorgeous smile off your face.
Derek considered his answer, wrapping his broad bicep around your shoulders instinctively, pulling you close into him, so you could rest your head on his muscular chest. "It's not basketball, but it's okay" he shrugged, his rugged voice vibrating through his throat.
You allowed his hesitance, knowing deep down he was enjoying himself. So, you two stayed like that, all cuddled up until the game was over. As soon as the finally buzzer rang through the air, you were on the field searching for all your babies.
The first of them to meet you was Isaac, his blonde curls were wet with sweat and his face was flushed but you knew that was due to the impending full moon rather than physical exertion. "You did so well beta" You cop, the little nickname low enough that only he could hear it. Out of all of your boys, Isaac had a special place in your heart due to his actual place in your pack.
He grinned, wrapping his arms around your plump frame, enjoying the loving grasp he'd never experienced before you. Praise was something he was still getting used to but from you, it felt good. "Thanks" He allowed, kissing your cheek before heading to the locker room to get changed.
"Don't even think about it" Derek hummed, startling you with his sudden appearance, knowing exactly what you were thinking. You had been trying to convince him to adopt Isaac for months and he knew that you wanted nothing more than to make it official. The boy'd been living with you both since his father's death and he was basically yours already.
You huffed, turning to face him with that look in your eye again. "Why not? I want to keep him Derek, he's so precious" you groan, wrapping your arms around his neck in mock defeat. You were lucky Derek loved you so much because you could be so dramatic sometimes.
He stared down into your eyes in mock display, as if thinking over your request. He knew that it would be an adjustment but part of him wanted to give Isaac a more permanent home as well. It went back to their pack mentality, your Luna wanted to raise a pack of your own and so did he, so the answer was clear.
"Fine, but only if he wants it" he sighed, taking the instant shower of kisses you bestowed upon him. He couldn't help the slight smile that bloomed on his face at your happiness, he really would do anything to make you happy.
Long story short, Isaac was more than ecstatic about you and Derek’s offer. He wanted nothing more than to be a part of your family, and you’d given him that. Of course, the old Hale house wasn’t exactly suitable to raise a teenager so that gave way to a huge amount of renovations. All that meant was Derek Hale was going to be walking around shirtless and sweaty for the majority of summer, and you weren’t complaining.
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gracemyface · 7 years
Lullaby (Liam Dunbar x reader)
Key: Y/n - your name                            Y/h/c - your hair color
Y/e/c - your eye color
  Prompt – Liam still hasn’t gotten his control completely underway and The Reader, Liam’s girl best friend / crush, happens to be in his house when he has a fit. She calms him down using a technique she had learned when helping her older brother Scott and ends up becoming his anchor. (I recently saw the only avenger’s movie I haven’t seen, Age of Ultron, and when Natasha {The Black Widow} uses the ‘Lullaby’ to calm Bruce {The Hulk} I immediately thought of Liam Dunbar) Word Count: 1063
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You walked up to your best friend Liam’s home, you two were supposed to study at your house an hour ago and he didn’t show up. You checked your phone again, making sure he didn’t text you as to why he didn’t show up so you knew you weren’t making a complete fool of yourself showing up here. You strolled right up to the front door and went to knock, nearly having a heart attack when your knuckle came in contact with the door and it slowly creaked open. “Ohh this isn’t good” You whispered to yourself nervously, stepping into the house against your better judgement. “Liam? Bud?” You called, silently making your way through the dark house and using your phone’s flashlight to make your way through it. Pushing a y/h/c strand of hair from your y/e/c eyes you observed the few claw marks on the walls as you made your way to Liam’s room, gulping when they got more frequent as you got closer to your destination.
Liam’s bedroom door opened just as the front door did, you quickly stuck your head in and saw nothing. You walked in and continued to search for your close friend, knowing that you probably shouldn’t go in there but did anyway. You made it to the other side of the room, not noticing the very wolfed out and nearly naked form watching your every move. A growl sounded out from behind you making you jump and whip your head around, meeting bright neon yellow eyes that are barely a foot away from you. Squeaking you begin backing up, tripping over your own feet and falling on your butt. You use your feet to push yourself back until hitting a wall, wolf Liam getting down in a crouch and following you in a predatory manor. When he got really close you were surprised to see that he just stayed there and looked at you, whining and grabbing is head as if he was attempting to regain control over himself. It was this motion that reminded you that you knew how to calm a werewolf down, Scott was probably an easier wolf to do the technic with but it may work.
“Hey big guy” You said, his eyes flashed to yours and he snarled a little “Suns getting real low”. You picked your hand up and nervously held it out, cringing when he didn’t respond immediately. Watching as his clawed hand slowly came up to match yours, when he was done you move your hand so that your palm was in the air and he complied. When his hand rested on yours you slowly and softly moved your fingers up the back of his hand, pulling your hand up and tracing along the veins on his wrist with your pointer finger. After that his breathing slowed, he stopped shaking and his claws started receding back into his fingers. You pulled your hand back and see that his eyes had changed back to their stunning blue, they’re full of regret and sadness. “I’m sorry Y/n” He repeated like a mantra, rolling your y/e/c eyes you put a hand on his cheek and push some stray dark brown hairs from his face with a smile.
“Liam Dunbar. That was nothing, I had to deal with Scott in his first days, that’s where I learned that” You whispered, stroking his cheek soothingly as you talked. Eventually he laid his head in your lap and as you played with his hair you grabbed your phone and texted Scott, telling him you wouldn’t be home tonight.                                                          --- For the next few days whenever Liam started getting worked up he went to you, you were able to calm him with what you both had dubbed the Lullaby because of the first line. Lydia and Allison had caught on so they helped you get to Liam whenever he was too worked up to get to you. You have frequently been in the boy’s locker room and prevented many a fight, coach Finstock has officially adopted you as one of the team because Liam performs better when you’re around. Right now, Lydia is dragging you towards the front of the school, where you assume Liam was getting upset and overworked. You were right, Liam was getting worked up and in front of a guy from another school “Liam” You whispered while grabbing his hand. He turned to you and then snapped back to the boy “Nice piece of ass you got there Liam” and if looks could kill, he’s be further than six feet under right now.
“Yeah and it’s reserved for him, now if you’ll excuse us me and my boyfriend are leaving” You say, gripping Liam’s upper arm and forcefully dragging him away from everyone. When you were a decent distance away from them all and on the other side of the school grounds you turn to Liam to see his eyes are flashing from his normal blue to the neon yellow of his beta form. You sigh and started repeating the mantra “Hey big guy” You said softly “Suns getting real low”. After he had calmed down he nuzzled his face into your hand, you couldn’t help but blush. Were you really falling for him?
                                                         ---- This was an important lacrosse game, Liam couldn’t lose it and murder one of his old schoolmates over a loss of temper. He made it to half time and was being ticked off by the minute, he couldn’t think straight. Scott dragged you down to Liam “Hey big guy” You whispered, “Sun’s getting real low”. You put your hand up in front of you and Liam copied, coach Finstock and Scott were breathing down your neck at this. You traced the veins on his wrist, he calmed down and smiled while intertwining your fingers together. “Thanks” He said, softly and quickly pressing his lips to yours before pulling back and going back to the game. “Little McCall” Coach said making you jump “Sorry Coach, I’ll go back to the stands” You apologize and go to stand up, he stops you and you raise an eyebrow at him. “Whatever you did there, remember it, Cause you’re staying here every game and practice” He commanded, you laughed and nodded. Turning back to the game Liam winked at you before the play started, thank god for the Lullaby.
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asagimeta · 7 years
I gotta admit, I wasn't expecting Claudia to be a... tulpa, was the phrase you used? I was still gunning for a changeling, & being one of the missing targets. I LOVE the confirmation of Dug boosting his power by eating the pineal gland (and gotta wonder, if he ate the pineal gland of a different creature, would he gain the powers like he did with the Rider? Would that make him a chimera too?). I'm still stuck on whether Dug is why the Hunt is stuck or if it's the Nemeton, though.
Hey there Anon! You bring up some great points, let’s see about tackling them :)
1. We have no proof that Claudia is a Tulpa, Lydia ASSUMES she is, and you know what they say about “assume” Anon- it makes an ass out of you and me (thanks Mom, for instilling that in me my entire life) We have no proof that Claudia is a Tulpa and not a pod person or a changeling or a chupacabra, we only have Lydia’s words, and Lydia doesn’t have any more information than we do- in fact, we have more than she does, Lydia sees a connection between “Claudia isn’t real” and “Caleb is a Tulpa” and draws a hasty conclusion that Claudia is a Tulpa, but that isn’t necessarily true, she’s trying to connect the dots so hard that she isn’t leaving room for other options- wich is fair, honestly, because she’s the new Stiles (or one of the new Stiles) and she’s telling the truth but no one believes her, so she’s trying to make things work so hard that she isn’t leaving room for herself to second-guess or have another veiw, but it’s like Finstock assuming that Stiles is into heavy bondage because he sees the chain in Stiles’ locker and knows that Stiles is… let’s say “open-minded” about sexuality, yeah that’s a pretty reasonable assumption to draw about a sixteen-year-old who talks about jerking off casually and who has a gigantic chain in his locker for n apparent reason but just because it’s reasonable to assume that doesn’t mean it’s true, I mean, he didn’t factor in werewolves, because (as far as canon states) he doesn’t know werewolves exist, in a way he’s working with a handicap because he doesn’t have the full picture, and this can be applied to Lydia too, for all we know- and for all SHE knows- a Tulpa is the only canon explanation for Claudia’s existane, she’s never found any proof that something ELSE could exist- like changlings- so she doesn’t have it on the table to consider, so tldr we don’t actually have proof yet that Claudia is a tulpa, we only have Lydia make an assumption, wich could EASILY be wrong
2. I do believe Dug is a temporary Chimera yes, as in he gains whatever power his victim has by eating their pineal gland, I’m sure if he had eaten Lydia’s he would gain banshee powers and if he had eaten Kira’s he would have gained kitsune powers, making him a type of false chimera- a temporary chimera, yes he can have the powers of different creatures but he has to gain them “manually” by eating their pineal glands, and they were probably just temporary powers, we know that he can’t seem to just eat one gland and be done with it, I’m more than willing to say that eating pineal glands is alot like drinking unicorn blood was for Voldemort- one sip does not an immortal make, he had to keep going at it, I’m sure this is the same way, he has to keep eating the glands to keep the powers, wich, you know, can probably get tedious after a wile, that might be what spawned them to start going for more “natural” chimeras actually, because I doubt it was easy to keep Dug fed, much less to keep him with the same powers consistantly (imagine if they wanted to have a kanima/werewolf hybrid for a wile and they had to keep finding kanimas to slice and dice, not easy) so maybe the reason they decided to create more “natural” chimeras is because they were tired of having to feed Dug ;) And I think that would make him a false chimera/manunfactured chimera/chimera nock-off, not a real, true-blue chimera no, but like… a cheap chimera substitute? He’s a low fat, no flavor version of a chimera that you get from the cheap delli across the street because they won’t give you the real chimeras ;)
3. I don’t think Dug is why The Hunt is stuck because they were stuck in Canaan first and there’s no evidence to say Dug was ever in Canaan, in fact, there’s evidence to the contrary, it looks like Dug is meeting the Ghost Rider for the first time in a really long time, I don’t think he had an opportunity as early as thirty years ago, however, that doesn’t mean that I don’t think the Dread Doctors were involved, remember that the doctors were screwing with the Hunt by trying to create The Beast, and that Vallack was screwing with it by trying to awaken Lydia’s powers more, I’m thinking the banshees have something to do with why The Hunt is stuck, because remember, banshees are supposed to be leaders of the hunt, atleast once they become Morrigans, so if they’re in a town with an undeveloped banshee they might be stuck there waiting for her to wake up through some sense of obligation, or perhaps because, for some reason, the banshee powers are conflicting with them, though I do still think the nemeton is involved somehow, I think it’s more likely to be *centered* on banshees
Unfortunately we just don’t have enough concrete info to lay out any definitive yes or no answers yet but hopefully we’ll get some soon, and can I just say, Anon? I LOVE the fact that you’ve adopted my nickname for Dug, I always love it when my readers adopt my rediculous nicknames and analogies ;)
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the-and-sign-anon · 3 years
The Maid of Gévaudan
Guardian Angel: Chapter Forty
Teen Wolf x Stilinski! Reader
Word count: 3,345
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Allie had forcibly adopted Argent as her friend after their adventure in the tunnels. While you spent most of your time at the station with your dad, Allie stuck with Argent. The pair followed Parrish from his apartment as requested when he chased after the Beast, discussing with the boys what they should do about the rapidly growing monster. When Stiles brought the issue of the lacrosse game to your dad the next day, you were in his office as well. 
“Stiles, I’m… I’m not sure I actually have that authority.”
“You’re the county sheriff! You can’t cancel a high school lacrosse game?”
“It’s a charity game, Sty.”
“Which generates tens of thousands of dollars. I’d have to go to the school board with evidence of a credible threat.”
“A giant werewolf might rampage across the field killing people! That’s an incredible threat!”
“Look, we’re gonna have a presence at the game already. I’ll double it, I'll triple it.”
Stiles looked at you for support, but there was nothing you could do either.
“Triple… Dad, quadruple it! Octuple it!”
“You know… there’s always a person who could forfeit the game…”
Your dad finished your thought with a proud smile in your direction. 
“The coach.”
“Not when you’re stuck with a substitute who’s strictly by the book.”
“What about Finstock?”
“Rehab for the last seven months.”
“Maybe it’s time to check his progress.”
“I said no. How am I here?”
“Eh, your no’s never hold up long against us.”
“Thank you for helping, Y/N.”
“Yeah, yeah. Just open the door.”
You still weren’t sure how you ended up at the Stepping Stones Rehabilitation Center with Scott and Stiles, but here you were. Scott held the door for you and Stiles followed right behind. It wasn’t hard to find Coach Finstock, who was sitting on a couch staring blankly into the distance. The boys sat on either side of him while you waited behind them.
“Hey, Coach… It’s Scott and Stiles.”
When he didn’t respond, Stiles leaned forward to pick up one of the checkers. Coach shot out to grab his hand. 
“Don’t even think about it. I’ve had Nurse Gonzalez trapped for three moves and she knows it.”
He sat up slightly and you rounded the couch to sit on the end of the coffee table. 
“That’s great, Coach. But you need to check out of here.”
“No chance.”
You put up a hand to stop your brother from talking again. 
“Coach, please. I think we both know you’re fine.”
Finstock shushed you and leaned forward with a conspiratorial look. 
“I have a debilitating disease. It’s called ‘I’m not going to take another arrow to my stomach’- phobia. Feel free to look it up.”
“Nobody’s shooting arrows at anyone, okay? We just need you to coach the charity game.”
“Charity?” He looked at each of you as he answered. “Not. A. Chance.”
“How have you been conning them into letting you stay here?”
The coach looked around to be sure no one was listening before he replied. 
“I, uh… I have relapses. It’s serious. I’ve had seven of them.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, then gave him a tired look. 
“So… once a month?”
“Yeah. Every time they’re just about to discharge me…” He shrugged and shook his head sadly. “I relapse.”
“And no one’s noticed that pattern?”
“What can I say, I have phenomenal health insurance. Now, all three of you get out of here. I hate charity games. They’re meaningless.”
“I think the charities would disagree…” You looked down when your phone buzzed. “I gotta go. Coach, please help us out here. We don’t even need you to actually coach. We just need you to forfeit.”
You hurried out, ignoring your brother’s complaints about leaving him there with Coach Finstock. Allie had asked you to meet her at the Argents’ bunker, so you quickly made your way there. You were a little put off to find Parrish there as well, but you quickly pushed your own feelings aside when you saw the still healing gashes across his chest and shoulders. 
He was sitting in front of the Argents with Lydia and Allie at his side. Allie quickly caught you up on the conversation as you tried not to glare at Gerard. Since the moment you’d met, he had your guardian instincts on high alert. This was no different.
“You said you could help him.”
“We have an idea or two.” At your defensive look, Gerard raised his hands. “Nothing dangerous, Miss Stilinski. You don’t need to worry.”
“I’ll be the judge of that.”
Chris raised a hand for quiet and you leaned back with a scowl. 
“We’ve been wondering if resolving this internal conflict you’re having could help resolve the external one you’re losing against the Beast.”
He was onto something there. You knew firsthand how difficult fighting two sides of yourself made things, especially when you had people to save. Gerard stood and led the way to a back room of the armory as he continued. 
“Deputy, it’s time you and your alter-ego had a proper introduction.”
“And how is he supposed to do that?”
“With this.” 
You gave the device a dubious look. It had wires coming out of it, attached to dials and meters. There was a small glass window in the door, along with a heavy duty lock. It looked like a small, industrial strength freezer. 
“It will bring your body temperature down to a level that would kill a normal human being.”
“Why down and not up?” Parrish looked closer at the device with a furrowed brow. 
“Something happens to someone like you when the body cools to extreme temperatures.” You saw Argent look at you from the corner of your eye. “Everything slows down… the heart, the mind…”
“It lets you consciously access a part of you that’s usually unconscious.” You wondered which method was more dangerous; the ice bath or this thing.
“The supernatural part.”
“But that’s dangerous, isn’t it?”
“Some risks are worth taking. I think it’s far less dangerous than if Pears here can’t evolve to face the Beast.”
“The Beast isn’t just getting smarter. Imagine it this way: each night, the teenage chimera-”
“The success?” Argent nodded and continued.
“This teenager goes out into the night and transforms. Whether it’s a young man or young woman- they become a werewolf.”
“A very large, very powerful werewolf that the people of Gévaudan called the Beast. Every night it transforms, it remembers a little more of who it used to be.” Gerard looked at you curiously when you continued Argent’s thought.
“It yearns for its identity. Its name. Not just the Beast of Gévaudan, but the Man.”
Parrish and Lydia looked worried and seemed to be counting on you and Allie for reassurance. You had none to give them. 
“The Man of Gévaudan wants to live too. He wants to exist. So imagine that one night, the teenager goes out and transforms again. But, when the Beast transforms back, the Man of Gévaudan stands there instead.”
“Fully realized. Alive once again.” You didn’t think you were hiding your fear well, though you made an effort.
“That’s what Valack meant.” Lydia looked down as she put the pieces together. “He said when the Beast remembers, the teenager would be gone.”
“Gone? Like, no longer exists? How does that even work?” You all looked at each other and he shook his head. “Forget I asked.”
Parrish nodded and got into the machine. Argent closed and latched the door behind him, then turned a dial to start it. Parrish looked around at the puffs of cold air and tried to stay calm. When his hand slammed against the window, Allie grabbed your arm to hold you back. 
You watched his eyes start to glow red orange and he settled in the cold. You wondered if it was this nerve wracking when you were dismantling the wall between yourself and your memories. 
“Is he okay?”
You nudged Lydia and gestured to the little window. 
“Try talking to him. You can reach him, right?”
Lydia looked at Allie like she was confused. 
“You didn’t tell her?”
“Tell me what?”
Allie shook her head and the Argents clearly weren’t about to talk, so Lydia had to do it. 
“Y/N, you need to do it.”
“You’re the one who can get through to him.”
“But, you’re the banshee.”
“The only thing Parrish and I have in common is finding dead bodies. You’re his friend and his fellow guardian.”
“I don’t…” You looked at Allie for help, but she was with Lydia. 
“Y/N. I think it has to be you.”
You took a deep breath and stepped up to the window. Parrish’s eyes were still glowing and deep down it felt comforting. 
Lydia looked at Allie, who nodded reassuringly. The distinct difference in his voice was nothing new to her.
“Okay. Who am I talking to?”
“Cerberus. Garmr. Black Shuck. I’ve had many names.”
“What about Jordan Parrish?”
You received no answer, so you looked back at the others. Argent waved you on and you turned forward again. 
“Do you know who I am?”
“The guardian angel.”
“What about Jordan Parrish? Why is it you and not him?” You waited, but when you once again received no answer, you were more firm. “What happened to Parrish?”
“Jordan Parrish died. There is no Jordan Parrish.”
You stepped back and turned around with a hand over your mouth. The others kept silent for fear of causing more problems, but Allie gripped your elbow tightly for a moment before turning you back around again. 
“What are you talking about? How is Parrish dead?”
“He’s a body. A means to an end. I am beyond life and death- I am infinite. You understand.”
“What does that mean?”
“You are an angel. We both are beyond this inconsequential earth.”
“Not anymore. This planet and these people matter. Parrish matters.”
“I have no use for your deputy.”
“We do. We need him.”
“Your deputy won’t kill the Beast.”
“Neither will you. Not alone. If you don’t let Parrish in, we’ll all die, including you.” The hellhound didn’t reply and you tried to rein in your anger. “You have a chance with Parrish. You need him.”
“Y/N, tell him to remember.” Allie spoke quietly. “Tell him.”
You took a step closer to the glass and spoke firmly. 
“When did he die?”
“When I was born.”
You put a hand on the door and your vision went blank. You groaned as you saw Parrish kneeling in a desert with a bomb in front of him. He was sweating as he leaned closer with wire cutters and clipped a wire. Just as the explosion consumed him, his eyes turned bright red orange and cracks seemed to spread across his body glowing the same color. He let out an angry roar and the machine shook. 
You fell back a step as the door clicked open and you caught Parrish as he stumbled out. He was freezing cold and still breathing heavily. You kept an arm around him and summoned all the calm you could manage. 
“Parrish, are you okay?”
“I know who I am. I know what I have to do.” You gave him a concerned look. “I have to leave.”
You helped him to his feet and over to a chair. Lydia and Allie stayed back while the Argents started to tell the story of the Beast. They began with describing a letter sent by a man to his sister in the 1760’s. 
“The letter would eventually find its way into the hands of a young woman. A skilled hunter who would later face the Beast armed with nothing but a steel-tipped pike.” You moved a step back from Parrish and steeled your nerves. “She would be known by history as the Maid of Gévaudan…”
“But her real name was Marie-Jeanne.”
“Maybe someone should resurrect her.” 
Parrish sounded tired and resigned as he looked down at the photo. Marie-Jeanne Valet stood with a pike pointed at the attacking Beast of Gévaudan. You’d never seen the statue in person, but it looked beautiful. Parrish stood and headed for the door. 
“Parrish, don’t go!”
“I’m not like you. Any of you. I’m not a guardian and I’m not a harbinger of death. I’m the cause of it.”
The door closed behind him and you sighed. 
“Let him go.”
Lydia looked over at Gerard with a confused expression. “Why?”
“Because as much as we believe Parrish could take on the Beast… none of us think he’s our only hope at stopping it.”
Lydia looked around at the four of you. 
“What do you mean?”
“We think there’s another. You.”
You sat on a table and leaned back against the wall with your eyes closed. Allie and Lydia took seats at the table in the middle of the room. 
“Miss Stilinski, why don’t you help us? I’m sure there are some details you could provide.”
You took a deep breath and forced yourself to open your eyes. 
“Marie-Jeanne was a lot like you, Lydia. Skeptical of her own abilities. And, at one time, just as skeptical of the supernatural.”
“How did you know her?”
“It was just before I went to the in-between for good. It was what drove me to it, actually. In the town of Gévaudan, there was a monster killing people. It didn’t hunt for food, never ate the people it tore apart.”
You and Gerard took turns explaining the story. Marie-Jeanne was the most skilled hunter in town and everyone knew it. When she was called on to lead a hunting party against the Beast, you appeared in the forest to see what happened. She didn’t believe the conflicting reports of the Beast, but she stepped up and did her best. 
“Why didn’t her brother warn her?”
“He told her about everything that they’d seen during the war.”
“But like I said… Marie-Jeanne was a skeptic.”
“They searched from dawn 'til dusk, hoping to find the Beast where it slept. But, they knew they'd most likely only encounter it at nightfall. It was just after midnight when the first torch went out…”
While you hated the truth of it, you had to admit that you and Gerard did a decent job telling the story together. Allie watched you closely the whole time, constantly trying to gauge how you were feeling. 
You ached as you thought of Gévaudan and all the loss the town suffered. You’d been losing faith in humanity and your purpose for a long time, but that was the last straw. Henri was the one you met first, a natural born protector who wanted to defend against werewolf attacks. You guided him through his research and study, preparing him to teach others when the time came. 
He brought Marie-Jeanne to you after the hunt went wrong. Henri had saved her from the Beast that night and let her talk him into helping her find a way to kill it. You admired her willingness to learn. She was fierce and bright and you could see Henri’s fondness for her grow as they devised a plan to determine who the Beast truly was.
“She knew she couldn’t let him go. Sebastien, regardless of blood, had become an unrecognizable monster. So she turned to Henri for help. And he enlisted my expertise.”
“You knew what to do?”
“I had ideas. When the full moon came, they forged a pike in the shape of a fleur-de-lis. At Marie-Jeanne’s request, I blessed it.”
You looked down as Gerard took up the story again. 
“Marie-Jeanne hunted Sebastien for three years until she finally cornered him in 1767. She used the pike against him. As he bled out in her arms, she made a final promise. History would remember her brother, but only as a Beast.”
“Damnatio memoriae.”
Argent nodded. “They erased every detail of him. Everything he signed, everything he owned…”
“They burned it all.”
“The name Sebastien Valet has been forgotten for over a hundred and fifty years, but when it’s remembered-”
“When the Beast remembers, the teenager inside is forgotten.”
“Gone. Forever.”
Lydia stood up and looked at Gerard with defiance. 
“But Marie-Jeanne didn’t do it alone. She had help from Henri, the Magistrate, the town… even Marcel and an angel.” She took a deep breath and looked over at you. “We need Parrish.”
You knew she was right, but what were you supposed to do about it? You’d tried time and again to get through to him and he wouldn’t listen. There was a time when you had to stop torturing yourself and this was it. 
“Y/N, we have to find him.”
“Lydia, he’s dangerous.” Argent spoke up so you didn’t need to. “He’s still a shapeshifter- and one who’s just beginning to understand his power.”
“And I’m not?”
“You aren’t like other supernaturals, Lydia. You access that power- it works through you. That’s not what it’s like for us.” Allie tried to stop Lydia from leaving. 
“It doesn’t control you, Lydia.”
“How would you know?” The banshee turned a glare on Gerard. “Why do you care? Why are you suddenly on our side?”
“Because it’s my name as well.” He slid a bar of silver across the table to Lydia. “Marie-Jeanne never left Henri after the death of her brother. And their relationship became more than a partnership. They married and she took his name.”
“She was the first hunter.”
“Our name will be remembered as well, Lydia-” Gerard smiled smugly and you could feel Lydia’s irritation. “For killing the Beast.”
“But I’m not an Argent.” Her voice softened when her eyes drifted to Chris. “And I’m not Allison.”
Lydia left without another word.
Your dad wasn’t proud of using a spike strip to stop Parrish as he tried to leave town, but it was effective. The car came screeching to a stop and the irate driver jumped out to glare at the spike strip. At the sound of your dad’s siren, he looked up the hill. 
“I don’t remember giving you any vacation time.”
“Those were new tires.” Parrish frowned at the ruined wheels. 
“Well, they’re scrap rubber now. How about I call a tow for you?”
Parrish sighed and stepped back toward his door to grab his phone. 
“I’ll call one myself.”
Just then, Lydia pulled up and jumped out to meet the two men. 
“You’re both out of your minds! You know that?”
“You can’t leave.”
“I can’t stay!”
“Parrish, there are people here who need you. You can’t just run away.”
“You guys don’t get it! The bodies I see in my dreams are because of me. And there’s gonna be more- a lot more.”
“I’ve been predicting death longer than you. The things I’ve seen and felt? They don’t always happen.”
“What if those people die because you didn’t stay?”
“What if Y/N dies because you weren’t there?”
Lydia had tried to fill your dad in on the part you played in the story of the Beast while they looked for Parrish. He knew you would do whatever it took to stop the ancient monster, no matter what it cost you.
“You know she’ll fight the Beast whether she really has a chance of winning or not. I can’t lose my daughter, Parrish.”
“And you can’t lose her either.”
Parrish took a deep breath and looked down. Lydia had a point. 
“Who’s to say I haven’t already?”
“Even if you think you have, you know how to fix it.”
Your dad tossed Parrish his badge, which he had tried to leave on his desk. He caught it and looked down with a frown. There were so many things that could go wrong in the approaching fight. Countless lives were still in danger and he had no way of being sure if he could actually make anything better. But at the very least, he resolved to talk to you when he had the chance.
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