#acitw day
backslashdelta · 11 months
Happy ACITW day, Bella!!! 💛
THANK YOU happy ACITW day to you as well!
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kurtbastianarchive · 2 years
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Happy ACITW Day from Kurtbastian Archive!
Somewhere in the world it’s now July 4th, so we’re officially celebrating this international holiday! We’ll be exclusively reblogging ACITW posts for as long as it’s July 4th somewhere in the world. If you make a post about ACITW that you’d like us to reblog, be sure to tag us with #kurtbastianarchive; we’ll be checking the tag as often as we can to reblog your posts.
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sscrambledmeggss · 11 months
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that scene in acitw where they are in the dance class, kurt is like, “they are all looking at me, because i’m still put together :(“ when in actuality, they were probably looking at his loudly cursing, underdressed partner <3
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simplysummers · 11 months
Considering it’s ACITW day, I don’t think I should have to see Blaine Anderson on my dash. I consider that to be a hate crime
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quinn-my-beloved · 1 year
Thinking about how at its core mastermind is a Kurt Hummel song, BUT it’s also very much an acitw Sebastian song
like this guy gathered the most obscure facts about Kurt, like his coffee order, his cheerio performance, etc. LIED about dating him without his knowledge for MONTHS, then literally bribed him to date him, to which Kurt agreed because somehow he was put into the perfect situation to make him say yes, like him and Blaine broke up that day. and Kurt did end up falling for him. When he planned the sushi dinner and Kurt knew what he was doing <3 (kinda, he was confused but he was going with it LMAO) Like he would be the one making one of those tiktoks with mastermind in the background, where all the comments are telling him to get help. And I honestly love him so much for that. Likes he’s doing so much and it’s working when it really shouldn’t.
OKAY but this is so accurate werjfkask slay megan you are the real mastermind
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bipunkharrington · 2 years
For those of you that were in the Glee fandom back in the day, I'm trying to figure out what an "A Change in the Weather" AU would look like for Steddie 😅
Wayne Munson knows his nephew Eddie is gay, and has no problem with it, but is sick of the late nights, the drugs, and the hookups (especially given the AIDs crisis).
So he still has a bit of freedom Eddie needs to pretend to be in a stable relationship with a guy and enlists Steve to help!
That would possibly be where the end of the ACITW parallels is, because there's not much else of the plot that would fit, but it's a good way to fit a realistic fake dating situation in
In general given the homophobia at the time I don't think there's many other ways they'd fake date, in this scenario only Wayne thinks they're together, but they have to spend time together around him and have sleepovers to be convincing. Plus, Steve agreeing to be dragged to a gay bar and getting confused about how jealous he feels when Eddie finds someone to hook up with.
Maybe the "kids" find out their "dating" and Eddie stresses out insisting they come clean now so that no one thinks Steve is really into men, but Steve insists they should keep up the charade because he's not ready to stop "dating" Eddie yet.
Eddie is super confused as to why Steve would let people think he's attracted to men just to help him...
Robin is so so so exasperated as the only person who knows the whole story and sees exactly what's happening.
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mdverse · 2 years
as i always say, the quality of your chapters reigns over the quantity, as your most high effort and well thought out work will always be better than chapters every week!! buuuutt in the meantime, what are someone glee/brittana fics you would recommend? - space <33!!
🥺 thank you for your never ending kindness and patience, you have no idea how much i appreciate it <3
now as for fic recs, i'll admit i haven't read many in a very long time but here are a few i have to offer:
a change in the weather by cacophonylights (and the unofficial sequel a drop in the ocean by daftydraw and JWMelmoth): as i recently found out, today is acitw day and since i just finished reading adito, i have to recommend it! it's kurtbastian centric, so there aren't many of the other glee characters aside from the hudmels, but these writers got me so invested and that's hard to do, considering i only really ship brittana. honestly i can't recommend it enough, it's really worth the read.
here i am by starkurt: also not brittana (though they are there) - kurtofsky-centric soulmate au that somewhat follows the events of s3. robin writes beautifully and i really enjoyed it, especially the furt aspect, so if you're at all interested in kurtofsky i think it's worth checking out. tw for heavy content though bc it does include karofsky's suicide attempt
running in circles (chasing our tails) by burninglights: football (soccer) au with uht + tina! gay pro athletes! sports brittana! we all know this is the kind of content i live for and can u believe i have not drawn art for it yet! to be fair it is very much unfinished and has been for a bit now bc the author is working on some non-glee (but still very fun) writing stuff that i would be happy to recommend as well if anyone is interested :) also shoutout to her for helping me with vb au fic! truly a lovely person in addition to being such a talented writer
i haven't read everything wheresmynaya has written but the fics i have read were all great! personal faves include lopez's 8 and cupcake battles but i'd be willing to bet they're all worth going through and i should definitely revisit them too at some point
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nalasan · 4 years
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bluesteelstan · 5 years
diff anon but omg u read acitw 😱😭 i rmr wishing so bad for the fics to be updated
HIII HELLO YES!!! I was stupid enough to read acitw when it had already two (or one and a half maybe) years since the last update... in my defence I asked someone if it was ok to read it where it ended and they said yes, so here I am years later, still suffering ;_____;
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royalwilmon · 3 years
i’ve decided i’m taking tomorrow off of cmul and posting ch15 on friday. i need a sec to really plan out how the next six chapters are going to play out. i’m really shocked i made it seven weeks without taking a breather but y’know, it had to happen
but i also want to say that the main reason i can’t post the update tomorrow is that i had all of tonight and tomorrow night blocked off to write… but then SOMEONE informed me that while i was too busy covering my eyes and ears and hiding from my the shame of my former fandom these past few years, i missed a whole entire well written fan sequel to my favorite fic of all time. these two days are now just for reading ACITW. (what i’m saying is that you can all blame @omar-rudeberg for cmul’s mini-hiatus. its all lili’s fault) (i’m just kidding this is the best thing to ever happen to me and i am so glad lili has shown me the light) (but seriously i’m reading and not writing right now i’m sorry it had to happen) (i love you all) (see you on friday)
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backslashdelta · 2 years
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Hey there summerboy Let’s go for a drive Take me for a ride
Kurtbastian ► Summerboy - Lady Gaga
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kurtbastianarchive · 1 year
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Hey everyone, this blog is one year old!
Thank you so much for everyone who has followed us, reblogged posts, sent asks, voted in polls, created Kurtbastian content, or engaged with this blog in any way! It's been such a joy to celebrate and participate in this fandom together.
Now, to do a little bragging. In the past year, we have:
Celebrated July 4th aka ACITW Day
Created a community survey to understand what Kurtbastian fans wanted from this blog
Hosted a directory of Kurtbastian fans and creators
Shared Creator Spotlights to celebrate the people who make the fanworks we love
Hosted a seven-day theme event that inspired the creation of a variety of new fanworks
Posted weekly prompts to inspire new fanworks
Hosted weekly fun polls about Kurtbastian
Created and run a Kurtbastian Discord server for fans to talk about everything and anything
Published or reblogged over 2,000 posts
Gained over 100 followers
Hosted a prompt fest to inspire new fanworks!
Cheers to a successful year! We're looking forward to future!
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sscrambledmeggss · 1 year
A girls worst nightmare (all her comfort media is upsetting/stressful)
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midwestofcalifornia · 2 years
i miss seeing kurtbastian content can acitw day hurry up or something
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quinn-my-beloved · 2 years
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lady-divine-writes · 3 years
“I just want you to know … I had no intention of taking you away from him. I know how I come across but that’s … that’s not what I was ever trying to do. I wasn’t going to let history repeat itself …” Julian’s disarming smile returns for the fleetest of seconds “… no matter how pretty you are.” “Thank you. That’s good to know.” “The two of you belong together.” Julian rolls to his side, gathering the edge of the blanket and holding it tight under his chin. “I knew it from the first time (*yawn*) I heard Sebby mention you.” “And when was that?” Kurt asks, not sure what he expects to hear. Sebastian told his brother about their ruse, so Julian should know that any tale Sebastian told him is a work of fiction, not fact. “Don’t remember,” Julian mumbles. “Dad asked Sebby what you did that won him over, and he said …” He stops, literally can’t continue past a sudden bout of snickering. “What?” Kurt asks, burning with curiosity. “... that you said …” “What!?” Kurt groans, eager to get this over with so he can get back to Sebastian. “... he smelled like Craigslist.” Julian snorts. It’s such an obscene sound, Kurt laughs out loud, and not politely. It’s not until Julian’s breathing begins to even out that Kurt realizes what he said.   Smells like Craigsllist? But that was …? Could he really …? No, that can’t … When Kurt first met Sebastian’s father, he’d said they’d heard so much about him. He’d never ventured to ask how much. Maybe he should get around to that one of these days. Now seems a good time. “Wait … what? Julian? What did you just say? Julian?” Kurt comes close to shaking him to get him to answer, but he doesn’t. Before Kurt can press him for more, he’s fast asleep.
ACITW Chapter 33
Someone on LiveJournal has started liking all of the chapters of this story, so I went ahead and re-read a few of them and dammit! I am actually a good fucking writer XD
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