#acidental adoption
just-an-enby-lemon · 9 months
Doctor Carmilla is space Batman except she only adopts terrible kids and acidentally turns them into a even bigger treat to the universe every single time.
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So, i picked up a comic book with three stories on it, and two of them have these images. The one in the left is from another time Scrooge almost lost the Number One to Magica de Spell but saved it in the end, and in the right is from when Donald acidentally gave Scrooge a good business idea.
Links I.N.D.U.C.K.S:
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Well, Scrooge seems so happy kissing his two most precious things in the world... He even tells the coin in the story "My beloved little coin! Come to daddy!"... So i made this!
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Yeah, Scrooge adopting Donald legally lives in my head rent-free, you can take this AU from my cold dead hands
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jestiric · 2 months
Jester I'm interested in Torchwood where do I start...Do I need to watch all other doctor who media...
I GOT U I GOT U !! ok so you dont *need* to watch any doctor who to rly understand it, [objectively you should though. series 1-4 of the 2005 reboot+the specials in that time frame. the 12th doctor is also pretty good.] but some bits of dialogue may be confusing, if youre going to watch aanny doctor who, the last 2 episodes of series 2 [army of ghosts+doomsday], for more context on the origins of torchwood, series 2 episode 2 [tooth and claw], and if you want some more context on jack harkness/his backstory and how he relates to doctor who, series 1 episodes 9-13 [you can skip 11 it doesnt have muuch importance to jacks character other than the fact that hes a fucking NERD about alien technology. do not let torchwood make you forget this. hes not a chad. hes a cringefail little loser and i love him.], series 3 doesnt add much context to torchwood other than like. little easter eggs but the last 3 episodes r fucking bangers and have jack harkness and homoeroticism between lifelong enemies who used to be best friends as children [and also just the typical par for the course homo eroticism that comes with having jack harkness as a character in any episode] also if youre going to watch it, the last two episodes of series four have spoilers for torchwood season 2. also the approximate chronology of doctor who and torchwood if u care ab that stuff is
-doctor who series 1
-jack joins torchwood
-doctor who series 2
-torchwood season 1
-doctor who series 3
-torchwood season 2
-doctor who series 4
-torchwood season 3+4
also a few notes- torchwood is. interesting. and certainly has. some scenes !! the cgis awful, you hate every character at least a little bit, but the writing is. sometimes. really good [emphasis on sometimes. its worth it i promise i swear i swear-], for an example the second episode of the entire series revolves on defeating an alien that uhm. gets energy by turning men into dust after they. uh. eerrrrmmm. birds and the bees yk. the entire show is like this. its also sometimes very 2005 television show with its characterization/treatment of women BUT I SWEAR I SWEAR ITS WORTH IT!!!- also im solely talking about the 2005 reboot in this post, if you go to watch doctor who and see an old man in black and white or rly awful, grainy video thats the originals 1963 version, and unfortunately does *not* have jack harkness kissing men on the lips- episodes of doctor who and torchwood are also around an hour each. heart.
also- the battle of canary wharf refers to the events of the last two episodes of series 2. this confused me for so long.
if you do not want to watch like. 10 hours worth of doctor who ive compiled some pieces of context that may be helpful, spoilers 4 doctor who under the cut smile
series 1-
who the fuck is jack harkness
-jack was introduced to doctor who after having 3 years of his memory wiped by the time agency without explination [he was a time agent from the 51st century], where he attempts to con the doctor in the london blitz, and in doing so accidenrally creates horrors behind human comprehension, him, the doctor, and rose fix it and adopt him as their third and create the worlds most doomed polycule. jack is also the first queer doctor who character🎉 however, rose acidentally becomes an omnipotent being in attempt to rescue her boyfriends, and in bringing a dead jack back to life, acidentally makes it so hes unable to die ever again, and is effectively immortal, silly rose !! the doctor, being a timelord, senses this and abandons jack on an alien planet and fucks off with rose, jack eventually gets back to earth with his shitty time agent watch that allows him to time travel, in attempts to find the doctor who usually hangs around the 21st century, but acidentally gets stuck in the 19th century and joins torchwood in the meantime for funsies. jack also kisses both rose and the doctor on the lips on prime time television in 2005.
-ok cool whats a time agent
-after watching every nuwho and torchwood episode, i still could not tell you❤️❤️ uh. they can time travel, i guess, theyre part of a time travelling agency? idfk.
series 2-
hey jester why the ever loving fuck does jack have an amputated hand in a jar of fluid
-thats the doctors !! :D jack uses it to detect if the doctors present in his timeline
how did torchwood start
-i dont remember, has something to do with the queen of england and werewolves, i think. its made to protect the earth against aliens
battle of canary wharf
-long story, the world almost ends, blah blah blah, theres a lot of stuff to do with dimensions alternate universe that kind of stuff but basically the premise is torchwood one gets infiltrated with cybermen, kind of aliens kind of manmade horrors which take away all emotion from someone and turn them into cyborgs who want to turn all humans into them because having no emotion is what makes them superior, cyberman cannot be turned back to human because the cyberman basically just contain the brain and nervous system of humans, so that kind of sucks for our brave heros. anyways torchwood 1 is gone now and a lot of people died, also had the most tragic separation between the doctor and his companion
series 3-
-martha was a companion of the doctor for a season, absolute girlboss, trained to be a doctor, horribly mistreated by the doctor the entire series. justice for martha🙏
-jack also receives so much trauma during this year
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sleepboysummer · 2 months
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ruins-and-rewritez · 8 months
DAY 4: SUGAR: Nina
Celebrations are few and far between. Birthdays are a collective. The Feast of Saint Nikolai is always meager. Saints Day is a day for reverance and prayer. Adoption days, rare.
There have been only two since Nina stepped foot in the orphange. There was a third, only to be cancelled when the boy acidentally set his bed on fire during a nightmare. He still smelt like ash when the Grisha came to take him to the Little Palace.
Today is special, Nina knows, because the staff in the kitchen is busy at work. A special vistor perhaps? An adoption? She isn't sure of the details, but she sits eagerly on her stool watching Baba Inessa kneading the bread.
Fluffy, white flour bursts up in little clouds with each rotation of the dough. Steaming seas of boiling water spit out puffs of steam. A kettle whistles and one of the ovens clinks when the door closes. The room smells buttery and sweet like the Feast two years ago when everyone got their own minature pastry to enjoy.
Nina's was filled with a dark jelly that left little pinpricks of flavor along her tongue with every bite.
She giggles, remembering the pinched look on Tomek's face when he found his own filled with green apple jam instead of the strawberry he'd been expecting.
Baba raises a brow at Nina, confused about her strange outburst.
Nina just shrugs in response, stifling another giggle.
"Would you like to help?"
Nina jumps at the question, most of the time the women in the kitchen prefer that she keep out of the way. But on handful of occasions they've rewarded her good behavior with a place beside them.
She moves in front of the spongey dough, waiting for direction or instruction. She knows that this will be bread she just isn't sure how she's going to make it that way.
Baba Inessa's hand are soft and worn, though they are gentle are she shows Nina hows to spread and knead. She guides her attention to a mixture in the bowl beside them. How to work the light brown powder in evenly. How to twist the dough into an intricate knot.
She explains in calm, measured words why they have to give it rest before to goes into the oven.
Nina helps whittle down the growing pile of dishes while it sits temptingly a few feet away.
She dives in with gusto, given the task of crushing fresh walnuts for the outer crust. Sprinkling them carefully over the top, before stepping back to let Baba slide their creation into the burning oven
It feels like a long time before the bread comes out, golden brown and piping hot. Even longer sitting on the cooling rack by the open window before Nina can see the end result.
Pride wells up in her at the sight of it. Flaky and glistening, like the loaves she seen in the patisserie window when Nina helped carry supplies back from town. Her mouth waters from it.
Baba Inessa smiles at her young charge, expertly slicing the bread into squat browned slices.
When she's through she hands Nina the thin heels of crust before loading the rest onto a fine china plate.
Cinnamon explodes in her mouth after her first bite. The few walnuts clinging to the end give a satisfactory crunch. Nina is sure its one of the best things she's ever made.
She can taste the sugar of it as the older members of Ravka's Grisha Order lead her away.
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advice-animal · 2 years
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NASA reports that the Mars Rover has acidentally adopted a pet rock
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phoenixkadeu · 3 years
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Red colored uniform clung to his stomach like a second skin and just like a snake, Asra was getting ready to shed it, leaving behind only a hollow carcass on the floor as a remembrance of the past only so that he could continue his life more freely than ever. Yet, it felt bittersweet, with sharp eyes locked onto the grand entrance in the distance, the one that had welcome him for so many years only to spit him out without a second though, with no regards for the bruises on his body, for his time and suffering or for the burn on the palm of his hand running from thumb to fingertip. A memory of his presence was left behind, a useless ring he had worn for the past few years, once shiny piece of precious metals and crystal and once one of his most prized possessions was now filled with only dirt, completely drained from the fight.
He touched the vacant spot where that ring had once made its home, a cigarette burned on his other hand leaving to the wind the task of sweeping the ashes away as his mind started to wander to what had happened an hour ago.
The day for the practical exam had finally arrived, only a few days after the written one that Asra had the pleasure of not succeeding in, however he was sure that this time he would be able to redeem himself, no matter how many happy or sad faces he saw coming out through that mysterious door, he was confident that he would succeed. Unfortunately, he was also wrong.
He had underestimated the wicked mind of his teachers as they stood there waiting for him as he came through that door, eyes focused on gaining a sense of his surroundings instead of the expressions on their faces. The place was enormous, a construction like any other Asra had ever seen and he wondered for a brief second as he looked upwards and sideways, what kind of being had been capable of creating all of this.
The student was standing at the center of the hexagon, a metal grid underneath his feet, fire already burning in the bottom of that pit as he looked down between the metal. The whole perimeter was surrounded by rocks of all shapes and sizes, mud and dirt placed at the bottom of the waterfalls that acted like the walls of what seemed to be a more luxurious fighting ring. Asra stood there for a few minutes, just a bit confused, but ready, waiting for the challenge ahead.
Everything proved to be much more than Asra had bargained for and at the end, he did the only thing that he had promised himself not to do. He surrendered, he gave up, and thus had to see the smiles on several of the teachers' faces as they claimed themselves victorious after witnessing his failure. The harsh truth was that he was at his limit and losing his powers again was not an option, even if he lost (and that was something that he would have to accept over the years) that was still better than damaging his mana channels again or going through the pain of something far worse than shame.
And so, he left. Tired and disappointed with the result, angry at himself and yet, at peace with the prospect of never having to set foot in that place ever again.
Yet, none of this felt right to him and none of it felt good.
However, as much as Asra wanted to continue thinking about what had happened and what he should do going forwards, especially how he should give his mother the sad news, a small voice interrupted that process by speaking up.
“Hello? Excuse me” the voice sounded like it was coming from near him, however Asra chose to ignore it anyways, his eyes still focused on the same point that had been staring at for the last few minutes. He was not in the mood for a conversation and he hoped that this person, whoever they were, would just understand that and go away. Blame the elementalist for thinking that he would get his way with anything today, because the only thing that he heard was some nervous movement as feet moved against the dirty ground as the small pebbles moved from one place to the other and then, this mysterious person decided to press even further, clearly not pleased with his lack of reaction. “I am looking for someone, I think -” there was a small pause in the speech as Asra turned his head to finally see who was talking.
His eyes roamed the figure, accessing it carefully with a rather cold gaze, assuming at first that it was just some annoying person. Instead, what he saw was frail kid, bare foot and dressed in clothes that were clearly too old, too big and too dirty for him. Asra had to force himself not to show any kind of interest, this was no uncommon occurrence in the streets, even in diamonds there were kids and adults like this everywhere, so he simply waited to hear what would come next.
“I think he might be in there” he pointed at The Academy entrance nervously, however his words did not waver, but neither did Asra’s.
“Look, I can’t help you, I don’t go there anymore” there was some disappointment in his eyes as he looked up at Asra and for a moment that seemed to bother the elementalist more than it should have, yet, he continued “and believe me, you don’t want to go there anyways, I don’t know who you’re looking for, but I bet that they would throw you away the moment you step in there” better to tell him the hard truth than build up his hopes, he could not take back the years that he wasted in there, but he could at least prevent this kid from experiencing any more pain.
Asra did not know what to do as he saw the kid standing there looking from side to side, fingers playing anxiously with a piece of paper, with a lost look in his face as if unable to tell where he should go from here after hearing that Asra was not keen on helping him the way he wanted. Asra would have offered to escort him back to his parents or his home, but judging by the state he was in, he doubted he had any of those and then as if to solve all those doubts, the kid reached out abruptly and Asra was shocked at the strength as he pulled on the sleeve of his uniform.
“You have to help me, I’m not going away until I find him” Asra scoffed, he was tired and upset, he did not need some kid bothering him right now, just because he needed to find someone. If he wanted to really find that person then he better do it himself, because Asra really could not give a shit. He was not setting foot in The Academy ever again.
“I already told you I don’t know who -”
Just before Asra could end his sentence, the little brat shoved the note he had been holding so preciously onto his chest, before declaring a simple “There” which left Asra with only the option of opening it. To his surprise the note was pretty simple and one that he knew too well, something that was written by him years ago, one that revealed only his name and species.
“Where did you get this?”
“Yeon Nen, but I wasn’t able to read it until a few months ago” Asra noticed that there was some shame in his voice as he spoke and in return Asra felt shame himself for not having considered that a possibility back when he wrote it, however it did not last long, because another feeling took its place, a much more awful one: responsibility.
He looked back at the kid, that little note in his hand. Asra had forgot about writing this, he had almost forgot that Yeon Nen and the gift he had left to those kids, but clearly the one that had received it had not forgotten and he had come looking for him. “I’m the one that wrote this”
As soon as the words left his lips, he saw the relief on that kid’s face, how his shoulders visibly relaxed even though his posture did not indicate that he trusted Asra completely, yet he did not question him, did not make him prove that he was really the one that had wrote it. 
“You’re an elementalist?” Asra asked, receiving a small, even if unsure nod “What kind?” 
Asra sighed, throwing his cigarette to the ground after one last drag. Gods, this was really not how he had planned for his day to go. Yet, he believed the kid and decided that for now he did not need much more information than the one he already had. So he simply crouched down, taking off his shoes before offering them. He knew that they would be way too big and not very comfortable, but at least it would be better than walking around barefooted and Asra could give up a little bit of his comfort until they got to his horse and back to his parents house where he prepare a warm shower, find some of his old clothes and give this kid a nice warm meal.
He hoped that his parents would know what to do and Asra really needed to get his shit together.
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official-portugal · 3 years
@purpleoffbeat tenho uma pergunta para a comunidadade não binária portuguesa (ou melhor, falante de português). como é q me devo referir a uma pessoa não binária, se não souber q pronomes preferem usar, no contexto de uma língua q nao tem género gramatical neutro (tipo português)?
eu tenho até uma amiga americana q é não binária (ela disse-me q no contexto de uma lingua como o portugues, podia-me referir a ela com pronomes femininos) q me disse q depende mesmo da pessoa e q se deve perguntar primeiro (como fiz com ela), mas o problema é q já cheguei a encontrar gente q não entende q o português literalmente nao tem neutro, por isso até tenho medo de perguntar.... o q devo fazer nesse caso?
outra coisa, (e eu sei q isto é um bocadinho estranho desculpa) mas e com personagens fictícias? se me quiser referir a uma personagem nb e nao houver possibilidade de perguntar ao autor, o q devo fazer nesse caso?
(desculpa se isto é demasiado estranho, só acho q um blog com reach como o teu deve levar esta pergunta a gente q saiba melhor q eu...)
não sou não binária portanto a resposta vai de acordo com conversas que tive com pessoas não binárias e resposta simples e directa e: pergunta sempre.
O que importa reter é que línguas românica não têm neutro. No caso do português, o género masculino é considerado o neutro. Não vou entrar aqui numa discussão sobre o patriarcado ou a piça, simplesmente do ponto de vista gramatical o masculino é o neutro. Tanto assim que palavras como “Capitão” são ambas masculinas E femininas, ou seja, tecnicamente diz-se “a capitão” e não “a capitã”, o que me dá comichão mas o dicionário manda...
Por escrito, há quem adopte um X ou um @ em substituição da vogal indicativa do género (eu evito a arroba como o diabo foge da cruz porque é que se utiliza pra taggar pessoal nas redes sociais e volta e meia tou a taggar alguém por acidente, entre os dois prefiro o X, mas normalmente falo no masculino/plural). Agora, por escrito LITERÁRIO já é outra conversa. Há quem adopte o genérico masculino pela razão que disse acima, há quem adopte o feminino porque a personagem assim o prefere, há quem adopte ainda o feminino porque é da perspectiva de “a pessoa”, ou usa técnicas assim do género para circular a regra (tipo “o cidadão”, “o fulano”, sei lá...)
Há ainda a técnica de alterar ligeiramente a palavra e trocar certas vogais indicativas do género por um E mas isto, a meu ver, só funciona com algumas (finamente chegou a minha hora de vender a minha ideia de adoptarmos todos o sotaque açoreano como O VERDADEIRO SOTAQUE GENDER NEUTRAL, EXEMPLO: AMIGUES COMO ESTAMOS HOJE, FICAS LINDE NESSE CHAPÉU MOCE. É PERFEITO, ZÉ)
Mas infelizmente, a nossa língua não tem um “they” como o inglês tem, e por muito que tentemos dar a volta à coisa, quando olhamos com atenção, todas as palavras são binárias, a gente é que as usa de maneira que se aplicam sem que esse binarismo seja distinguido (a única palavra verdadeiramente neutra na língua portuguesa é “aquilo” (e a variante, àquilo) e como devem imaginar, desencorajo toda a gente de sequer se aproximarem dela).
Bottom line: 
1) oiçam/leiam a forma como malta não binária se refere a si próprio e perguntem sempre pronomes etc etc
2) há maneira de dar a volta às regras, é uma questão de ser inventivo
3) o sotaque açoreano é perfeito pra adoptarmos todos um género neutro, just sayin
4) camarada é género neutro
5) segunda pessoa do plural é uma opção. ALTEZA/VÓS. NÃO HÁ GÉNERO, SÓ RESPEITO.
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I think the blind adoption of Joshua Graham's quote is legit the most Mormon thing that could happen. Like i dont have the words to describe how perfectly Obsidian acidentally tore Mormons to shreads with that one quote
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just-an-enby-lemon · 6 months
I have a TMA Time Travel(ish)AU that exists only in my head and I like to call the "Informed Consent Verse" where full Hunt Daisy suceeds in killing Jon during the Apocalipse and both the Eye and the Web aren't pleased.
Cue to thirteen yo little Jonathan Sims, ten years old Anabelle Cane and tweenty two years old Alice "Daisy" Tonner reciving memories of the end of the world and the events that caused it. At first Jon doesn't want to believe it, specially as the knowledge and memories fades to random flashbacks and small thoughs that don't belong to himself but to the Archivist (cannon Jon) That is until he compells someone. At the same time little Anabelle makes the mistake of deciding to meet the boy she has to turn into the antichirst.
Against the Archivist voice and moved by the realization that Annabelle's Becoming was way closer to his than to Jonah's, Jon offers her the option to try to find a way to not fully Become a second time. Annabelle is afraid but this time the Mother is not all she has and she can see her older self is more the Mother than it is her. Having all the info she chooses to try. Both the Archivist and the Web Agent (cannom Annabelle) think this is a bad idea (for oposing reasons) but Jon and Anna don't care. They ended one world together, now they are going to save one (Jon isn't Jon without a guilty complex). Gerard Keay and Agnes Montaugue sort of adopt the Not Antichirst and the Not Devil.
On the background, fully beliving her one friend and the love of her life (Jon and Basira) are both happier without her, Daisy decides to correct other wrongs and help her victims and acidentally creates a "Hunt Recovery Support Group" (don't call it a cult) with Julia and Trevor.
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ao3feed-todoroki · 4 years
Inferno by Zettaigomi
Things never got better. Not for him. Not for his family. Not in general. In the beginning he had hope, but that was lost now. Actually, he lost that a long time ago. Touya had waited for someone, anyone, to notice that things were not what it seemed with his family. He had prayed every night for someone to step up and save him, his siblings and his mother from that bastard, but no one did. After all, people can be bought. Silence can be bought. Yes, unfortunately it seems like everyone is willing to keep quiet about their father's abuse as long as they are given a large enough sum of money.
“Hero society is so corrupted, no one becomes a hero because they want to save others anymore. It's the money and fame that drive people in! And can you really blame ‘em? It's good money, and if you're powerful enough to make it into the top ten heroes list, you can live quite comfortable with the kind of salary you'd get.”
Featuring: Touya Todoroki (+ Todo!Fam) and Dadzawa :)
Words: 2814, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dabi, Todoroki Touya, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Shouto, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Takami Keigo | Hawks
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Dabi, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks/Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Fuyumi & Todoroki Natsuo & Todoroki Shouto & Todoroki Touya
Additional Tags: Dadzawa - An Aizawa Shota Zine, Aizawa acidentally adopts Touya, a lot of drama, I love dadzawa and I've been reading so many Touya Todoroki fanfics, I also love Touya x Hawks, Hawks will be making an appearance, but probably a bit late in the story, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Todo!Fam drama, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Sibling Bonding
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/24303439
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ash-etherwood · 4 years
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Made a few fashion refs for the Lazy Murder Investigation Trio™ because I had some reeeally good outfit ideas for Sam and then I felt like I needed to do the others too and uhhh.
Richie has zero fashion sense like he literally just wears pants and shirts and that's so sad .... son people are gonna think you're straight! :-/ This boy needs some colour in his wardrobe. But on the other hand dark blue DOES look great on him idk ... not 100% happy with this one esp since I can't shake the feeling that there's something wrong with the anatomy but who cares it's just for the clothes after all,,, oh my god he looks like a fucking dad help.
Sam made me so glad that the 90s are coming back because that means I can put him in 'modern' clothes which aren't really modern because they were already there in the 90s and uhhhhh yeah he's so fucking handsome and I love him. (--: The first one makes him look like some kind of CLAMP character and the last one is my fave AHHHH I feel like he's the only one of the three who actually cares about fashion?? Still kinda devastated I couldn't put him in a turtle neck because of his trauma, we're really missing out here, but you can't have everything. :-//
Meg lowkey dresses in a sporty/tomboy kinda way but also her soul is made of denim apparently?? Jegan. (---: The striped shirt is my fave tbh. Also I feel like I should apologize for the last one because it looks so fucking early 2000s but the story takes place in 2001 I HAD to do it! ;_;
Also I acidentally put them all in a flannel at least once, I guess it's because they're gay and because I'm gay. (--:
Yeah I love my new adopted children I think I will torture them now. :3
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masatos-wig · 5 years
okay but kira immediately adopting scorbunny
would chuckle a but as his hothot foot acidentally touched eiichi's arm
scorbunny likes to snuggle on kira's chest to keep him warm at night
will sometimes allow nagi or shion to hold him while they nap for the same purpose
yamato plays with scorbunny like 24/7 bc he can train with him and teach him some fighting-type moves in the process it all goes well until scorbunny low sweeps him
kira ofc calls him bocchan
van's grookey is pretty mischeivous and swipes food from the fruit bowl bc i mean she's a hungry gorl
bocchan used to scold her until grookey started giving up some of her share
"what happened to all the fruit"
bocchan and grookey are passed out on the coffee table
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script-the-skeleton · 5 years
Botw Zelda Acidentally Saves the Day AU...
So, Zelda puts Link in the shrine and goes off to seal Ganon. She makes it to the castle and with her magic forces Ganon to stay there. Sadly, the use of magic that she was not used to killed her.
Flash forward 99 years!
A sixteen year old adopted Gerudo clan member goes on on her own to find a Voe. She wasn’t born Gerudo, but was adopted by one who was traveling and found an abandoned baby. The baby was named Nayrosa, after the goddess Nayru and the late Urbosa.
On her way, she meets an odd scientist who lets her work for her and she is granted a slate. The slate somehow allows her to open shrines after she climbed the Plateau and opened the tower. Due to her curiousity, she set out to find every shrine in Hyrule and complete them.
Along the way, Nayrosa has flashes of the Voe she thinks she will court. He’s blonde like her and a great sword fighter.
After a year of traveling, it turns out that each shrine she completed weakened Ganon’s grip on the guardians and they now listen to her. She also finds out she is the reincarnation Zelda and she fights along side the now awakened Link to kill Ganon.
Afterwards, Zelda and Link regain their memories together and forge to new ones as new people.
TL;DR a reincarnated Zelda acidentally saves the day by being a nerd
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jitterbugjive · 5 years
How is the goverment going to decide what's a planned pregnancy and what's a acidental one?(for who gets support). And before you say abortion it's absolutly reasonable for someone to say they are personally against abortions, but they don't think that it's the goverments job to force people to not have them.
It’s called court, and again, if they have basic living income, they can literally just get a job to afford the bit extra they’d need, y’know, like any parent does nowadays when they can’t afford their kids but don’t want to put them up for adoption,of course if they aren’t just awful abusive neglectful people.
Except now instead of working their ass off just to afford the house and medical bills and food, they can just worry about food so it’s not a big deal
if you really can’t afford your kid, put them up for adoption, don’t force them in to poverty if you can’t provide for them, I cannot tell you how much stress I was constantly under because my mom and I were always on the verge of going homeless. Not to mention I was SEVERELY underweight, people could see my ribs, kids made fun of me and said I had tape worm.
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nxnkinxwhere · 6 years
Oi oi ser humano que tomou coragem pra ler isso. Sou a Nanki e estou brotando aqui na tag porque decidir tentar jogar 1x1 e quero demais alguns plots! Não tenho shiplist (nem pretendo fazer porque não sou muito boa com elas qq), mas pra quem tiver interesse aqui estão minhas regras. Mais tarde vou reblogar alguns bunnies, mas por agora vocês podem encontrar os plots que mais tenho interesse logo abaixo desse read more. Jogo mais f/f, mas também aceito f/m, mesmo que não seja boa jogando males posso tentar. Além disso quero demais jogar um plot em inglês, só pra praticar o idioma sem sentir vergonha, pode ser algo bem bobo. Então se tiver algum interesse nessa ideia ou em qualquer outra abaixo do read more, é só deixar um like ou chamar na IM que vou correndo pro abraço <3 <3
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obs: normalmente uso blog mumu pras minhas chars, mas se isso incomodar posso fazer sideblogs.
muse 1 é a irmã da esposa de muse 2, ambos se falam muito pouco e nunca realmente se deram bem. isso em parte pela desconfiança de muse 1 acerca de 2, de do porquê ele teria se casado com sua irmã, uma vez que a mesma tinha uma doença degenerativa que a levaria em poucos anos. as coisas tomam uma reviravolta quando a irmã de 1 piora e vem a falecer deixando ela e 2 com uma bucket list incompleta. na esperança de homenagearem a memória da mulher, ambos decidem completar os itens restantes na lista. passando a se conhecer melhor enquanto ajudam um ao outro a superarem a perda.(f/f ou f/m, média de idade dos chars 27+)
baseado em the end of the fucking world. muse 3 e muse 4  vem de famílias complicadas e nunca encontraram um lugar normal em meio ao mundo. acabam se conhecendo por acidente mas tomam juntos a escolha de mandar todo mundo a merda e fugir de suas vidas. se envolvem em confusões aqui e ali, cometem crimes menores, que eventualmente os levam a matar uma pessoa. tornando-os verdadeiros fugitivos, dessa vez da polícia. sem ter o que fazer eles simplesmente seguem com o trem fazendo de tudo pra se esconder. (f/f, média de idade dos chars 20+)
levemente baseado em kimi no na wa. muse 5 e muse 6 estudam na mesma faculdade mas mal cruzam o caminho um do outro. não tem nada em comum ainda assim há cerca de um dia ambos acordam no corpo um do outro. assustados e sem saber o que fazer eles passam a tentar resolver esse mistério. o que se torna mais fácil quando descobrem que a troca ocorre um dia sim, um dia não.  *essa explicação pode ter ficado confusa, mas caso alguém tenha interesse posso explicar bem detalhado na im. (f/f ou f/m, média de idade dos chars 22-23)
au modern age de zeus e hera numa casa cheia de filhos (estilo doze é demais, sem incesto), com o casamento acabado que só funciona quando se trata de cuidar das crianças. eles se detestam e guardam muitas mágoas um do outro, mas de certa forma são pais maravilhosos que só estão esperando os filhos saírem de casa para concluírem o divórcio. (f/m, média de idade dos chars +40)
muse 7 é uma vilã com direito a gargalhada do mal e capa, que sempre é perseguida através da cidade por muse 8, umx herói(na), ambos são arqui-inimigos, mas mal sabe que em fato moram em casas vizinhas e que vivem emprestando mantimentos um ao outro, ou sustentando boas conversas quando cuidam do jardim. entretanto as coisas passam a serem mais claras quando ambos passam a notar certas coincidências. (f/f ou f/m, média de idade dos chars 28+)
plot baseado no universo de the mortal instruments/the infernal devices/the dark artifices. muse 9 e muse 10 são parabatais de anos, a dupla perfeita de caçadores que era reconhecida desde a academia e super elogiada. cheios de aventuras juntos tinham tudo pra entrar pra história dos caçadores, isso se eles não tivessem desenvolvido sentimentos umx pelx outrx. give me the angst (f/f ou f/m, média de idade dos chars +26)
baseado nos trailers de the last of us 2. muse 11 e muse 12 são namoradinhas no meio do pós-apocalipse, acabaram de ter o acampamento no qual viviam atacado por um facção rival, e agora ambas são obrigadas a fugirem. bônus > elas tem que se esconder do pessoal que caça muse 11 por ela ser imúne ao cordyceps. (f/f, média de idade das chars +24)
baseado num bunnie que vi mas esqueci de reblogar (sou lerda sim kkk). muse 13 é uma semideusa (não no sentido pjo, mas no sentido mitológico mesmo) amaldiçoada por Afrodite, sendo fadada a matar todas as pessoas pelas quais se apaixona. em uma de suas vivências na terra 13 se apaixona por muse 14, com o pequeno detalhe de que elx é imortal. isso parece ser a solução pros problemas de muse 13, entretanto pode ser o estopim de mais confusões. (f/f ou f/m, média da idade dos chars de 32+)
algo baseado em minority report. muse 15 e muse 16 são parceiros que tentam impedir os crimes previstos pelo sistema. são a dupla perfeita, até que muse 15 é apontado pelo sistema como x responsável por um crime futuro. muse 16 acaba tomando o lado dele e ambxs fogem da polícia enquanto tentam provar a inocência de 15. (f/f ou f/m, média de idade dos chars +30)
baseado em pequenos espiões 3, detona ralph wifi e player one, muser 17 e muse 18 vivem num mundo futurista onde a realidade virtual atingiu eu ápice com videogames que são uma sensação de realidade absoluta. ambos os muses dividem um passado trágico e certo desgosto pela própria vida, praticamente a trocando por um rpg em primeira pessoa. eles vivem nesse mundo maravilhoso em meio as mais diversas aventuras, mas tudo dá errado quando um bug se alastra pelo sistema e todos os players ficam presos ali. sem poder “acordar” e retornar a vida real. isso podia ser uma benção levando em conta a vida miserável deles, mas na realidade é perigoso, visto que um sistema de limite de vidas pareceu ser instaurado e pessoas mortas no jogo duas vezes, realmente falecem na vida real. não há explicação, a única coisa a se fazer é achar uma saída dali e é isso que muse 17 e 18 se unem para fazer. (f/f ou f/m, média de idade dos chars de 25+)
muse 19 é uma estudante da faculdade com sérios problemas financeiros prestes a ser despejada de seu apartamento e sem qualquer família, decide aceitar um trabalho de stripper para ganhar um dinheiro à parte. ela acaba realmente gostando do trabalho e faturando um bom dinheiro, entretanto as coisas começam a ficar uma bagunça quando muse 20 aparece no clube onde 19 trabalha. muse 20 é uma pessoa conhecida por 19, (pode ser colega de quarto, amigx de infância, ex) e fica legitimamente preocupadx em vê-la naquele lugar, uma vez que tem certo tabu com tal profissão. (f/f ou f/m, média de idade dos chars 23+)
muse 21 e muse 22 sempre se deram bem, unidos, pensam que são “eles contra o mundo”, saiam para beber e se divertir, conversavam sobre tudo, e acima disso dividem o mesmo egoísmo e desprezo pela maioria que os cercavam, entediados e com a vida ganha por virem de famílias ricas passaram a jogar um jogo. muse 21 escolhia uma pessoa para muse 22, assim como o inverso, e eles tinham a tarefa de fazer as pobres pessoas se apaixonarem por eles. quem conseguisse fazer isso primeiro e enxotar a pessoa, ganharia não só uma boa quantidade em dinheiro, mas os louros da competição. normalmente as coisas corriam bem, eles enganavam os escolhidos e quebravam os corações destes. mas tudo passou a dar errado quando muse 21 se compadeceu de seu mais recente alvo, muse 22 aos poucos está notando isso e as coisas começaram a desandar entre ambos. (preferencialmente f/m, mas pode ser f/f também, média de idade dos chars 25+)
i want a f/f plot inspired by this wherein muse a is dating muse b’s brother, and they get closer, and slowly develop feelings, and obvi they can’t be together bc they both love him, but also they’re just thinking about kissing each other 110% of the time.
highkey  i  want  one  of  those  nice  ass  ships  where  they  eventually  get  engaged  and  then  married  and  they  experience  married  life  and  having  kids  /  adopting  kids  and  marital  bliss  but  also  the  struggles  but  happily  married  ppl  so  in  love  with  each  other  fuck  
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