#ac s1e2 memes
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                   *some quotes may be slightly edited for rp purposes.  tw: drug use mention, violence, murder, death & sexual content.
“And there is no "was." Once a marine, always a marine. Now get out, or I'll shoot.” 
“Cause she told me she was seeing him! She said he needed her. That he was gonna take care of her. And then she ended up dead.”
“Did you hurt her? If you laid a hand on my daughter --”
“Do you wanna fuck me? Put your cock in me? Anywhere you want.”
“Do you want to see me? I'm right here, baby.  Just a few credits.”
“Doesn't matter how much anyone pays you.  You shouldn't let anyone hurt you. You're worth more than that.”
“Don't worry.  You're not my type.”
“Experience the brutality of Envoy terrorists murdering countless women and children.”
“How am I supposed to explain this to your brothers and sisters? Everyone at church? To your father, God rest his soul? That you've renounced your religious coding.”
“First thing you'll learn is that nothing is what it seems. Ignore your assumptions. Don't trust anything.”
“I think your mom doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about.” 
“I heard Bancroft torched his own stack. And I got drunk to celebrate. He send you here to kill me?”
“I shot them down, too. Now get the fuck out.”
“I thought it would give me a moment of peace. I should have known better.”
“I would cry enough to fill up the oceans of the world. And I still don't want you to risk your soul.”
“I'd do anything for my little girl.”
“I'll ask around.  Come here tomorrow.”
“I'm not going to let you get yourself killed because you wouldn't eat an enchilada.”
“I've only got this life, and I'm not planning to have another one.”
“It damaged her mind.  She hasn't said a word since that night.”
“Like you said, Papa's dead.  That should limit the explaining.”
“Look at this mess.”
“Mom said grudges are stupid. She said you had to let them go or else it would kill your soul. What do you think?”
“My heart would break into a thousand pieces.  It would shatter my world.” 
“No girl who used to work here is gonna do what I can do for you.”
“No, I'll fucking kill you! No, don't do it! You stay away from there!”
“No, it's okay. He's one of the good ones.  If he breaks it, he buys it.”
“No, stay away from there.  No, don't go in there.  Come on! No, I'll fucking kill you! Don't! Stay away from there!”
“Now that the 653 stupidity is over, there won't be any more talk of spinning up the dead.”
“Now, do you want to touch me? Tell me what you want, honey.”
“See, friends are overrated, 'cause eventually, someone will come along and shoot 'em in the stack.  You're better off alone.”
“She pulled down 30 years for dipping.”
“Single bed, single dish. Table cleared just enough for one person What about the wife? She dead? Okay, so not dead.  Maybe she left you 'cause you're a fucking slob.  I mean, look at this place.”
“Take a towel from the pile, and don't fucking steal it.”
“Technology advances. But humans don't.”
“Wake up and smell the coffee. Wake up.”
“We're smart monkeys, and what we want is always the same. Food, shelter, sex, and in all its forms, escape.”
“What the hell is wrong with you? Can't you tell she's suffering? She's caught in a trauma loop. Why the fuck you have her spun up in VR?”
“When are you going to unpack?”
“When the victors rewrite history, it's just another kind of war, waged after the battlefield killing is done to murder the memory of the defeated.”
“Witness the Protectorate courage and triumph.”
“Yes, of course. What do I know? I'm just an old-fashioned woman. Out of touch.”
“You don't have any food in here. No one will respect a skinny girl cop.”
“You got a hell of a motive. Military expertise.”
“You gotta get out more.  Your milk's a month past the due date.  A month.”
You know, if he accidentally kills a girl he buys her an upgraded sleeve. I knew a girl once, he resleeved her ten years younger, and with a great set of tits, too.” 
“You know, you could always move to someplace that's really yours.“ 
“You see, the military, the cheap bastards, they issue a weapon, they keep records on who has it so they can charge back against your pay. Tac Marine standard issue AR. Serial number, you dumb fuck. You might as well have signed your name.“ 
“You stitched people up, huh?“ 
“You'd do anything to protect her.  You're not stupid. You take out [name], sooner or later, someone like me will show up.  You go down for it, she's alone in the world.“ 
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paperclipninja · 5 years
Younger post-ep ramble 6x11
I may be on holiday but if you think that’s going to stop me offloading some thoughts and feelings about this week’s episode of Younger, ‘Holding Out for a SHero’, then you’d be sorely mistaken (any chance to over-think and over-analyse my fave fake reality). In saying that, this will be a briefer version of my usual post-ep ramble, what I shall refer to as Ramble Lite™. There were parts of this episode I really liked and parts I felt disappointed with, but it largely played out in a way that I expected, with the exception of that twist at the end! Hats off to Joe Murphy for that fab misdirection, I may have gasped.
This episode opened with Maggie in her tomato garden looking radiant and Liza filling her in on the decision not to see Josh anymore because it’s complicated and feelings and that undeniable thing called chemistry (or something like that). I applaud Maggie’s consistent use of Chaz (I really hope we get to hear her say it to his face at some point) and Liza stating out loud that she chooses Charles, but this scene also delivered one of the two big moments of disappointment I had in this ep. If anything was ever going to be out of character on this show it would be Liza, a writer and editor, being unable to come up with decent adjectives to describe the man she is supposedly in love with. Yet here she is describing Charles as ‘a peer’ and ‘appropriate’ as reasons for choosing to be with him. For real? I understand the effort to paint him as the sensible choice vs. the less sensible, the head vs. heart, in this triangle that’s been resurrected. This particular way of describing men has always served a clear purpose in the Youngerverse and ngl, my alarm bells went off in episode 7 when Michelle referred to Charles as ‘appropriate’. Liza uses this exact term to describe Richard, the horrendous man Michelle sets her up with in S1E2 who starts reading emails at the dinner table on their date, he’s ‘age appropriate’. She also described Jay as nice, viable, legitimate prospect, sure, but she also sobbed on his shoulder because she was so in love with Charles that her heart was aching at the thought of missing the chance to be with him.
It feels so painfully deliberate, Charles has gone from intellectually invigorating and romantic and been relegated to safe and ‘appropriate’. My disappointment comes from the fact that if this triangle must remain in play, there can be two men who are vibrant and compelling and really different, without painting one as ‘boring’ and one as ‘fun’. Knowing the way Liza talks about the important people in her life, with such admiration and affection, I feel she would at least say Charles is intelligent and romantic or kind or thoughtful or SOMETHING better than being ‘a peer’ and ‘appropriate’. I do believe that as viewers we often form our own interpretations of characters and when they don’t behave the way we imagine we are disappointed, but in this case it’s the disappointment that Liza’s entire reason for being attracted to Charles is being reduced to the idea that it’s sensible when we have been shown this is simply not the case. Phew, glad I got that off my chest (and so much for Ramble Lite™ lol).
Once in the office Liza is running Diana through the wedding planning, which frankly I cannot wait to see all come together. I love that Liza’s already secretly planned a bachelorette party and really does know Diana well enough to know she’ll want one (so many lols @ Diana’s, ‘yes that’s why I was bringing it up, because I don’t want one’ and could Liza look any more pleased with herself that she’s managed to pull the wool over her eyes? Adorbs). Charles arrives looking for Kelsey and is wanting to see how she would like to break the news that he is once again publisher, because that’s how they work now that they’re the dynamic duo and have I mentioned this week how much I LOVED seeing their dynamic last week? Kelsey proves that she has indeed kept her head and announces that Millennial secured a new investor and that Charles is once again in the boss seat and I am once again extremely impressed with Kelsey this season, as is Diana (and honestly if you have the D.Trout stamp of approval, what more do you need?).  I will also never tire of seeing Diana, Kelsey and Liza as true peers and now friends, it’s undoubtedly a highlight of season 6.
The book pitch of the week is extremely timely (as always), a manners for millennials piece that aims to counteract the generation’s greatest shortcomings, such as ghosting exes and not RSVPing to weddings. This episode really did have some stellar lines and the fact that Liza can now drop jokes in meetings, such as her ‘neither was I’ response to the author’s ‘I am not proud to be a millennial’, is the kind of goodness I am here for since the lie is no longer a thing. Naturally Liza and Diana are both very interested in finding out more about these topics and it turns out the best way to get some finality with the ex is to write a good ol’ fashioned Dear John letter (best way to get those RSVP’s -unknown). This is reinforced nicely in Charles’ office, when Liza leaps off Charles’ desk as though she and Charles were caught christening the damn thing (which would’ve been very ok by me and at this point you should know I’m not at all sorry) by Diana bearing flowers and note from Alice the author letting them know she will not be publishing her book with Millennial (so no Charles, the flowers are not for you).  All this talk of how good letters are leads to Liza penning her Dear Josh letter that night, which we only catch a tantalizing glimpse of initially, before the narration and accompanying montage when Josh actually receives it.
While it was only brief, Charles asking Liza how she feels about him being back as publisher and her answering honestly, she just wishes Kelsey hadn’t been unceremoniously stripped of the title, is yet another lovely insight into their relationship. Charles continuing with, ‘what about you, always thinking of others, how do you feel?’, excuse me while I clutch my heart at the sweetness of it all and seriously, does ANYONE ever ask Liza this? The family picture on Charles’ desk is noted and it’s great but I also can’t help but feel it’s somewhat ominous so I’m putting my gush on pause (v. open to being proven wrong on this).
Kelsey and Zane continue to be all over the place, I have so little investment in them as a pairing and I really think it’s because I have simply not seen enough of them together to know whether I care, though I have enjoyed a number of their interactions recently. It also doesn’t help that Zane has been many shades of douche this season. Since professing their love for one another, he is being caring at the start of this week’s ep, apologising and saying he feels partly responsible for Kelsey’s demotion and trying to allay Kelsey’s self-doubt. It is Kelsey who says that she doesn’t know how to do this with Zane and that one of them always loses (the old editors-who-were-peers-and-then-one-became-the-boss-but-now-they’re-peers-again curse), which returns Zane to Douchetown in time for the staff meeting.
I felt for Kelsey, it would be so hard sitting in that first meeting with Charles at the helm again, though him going through all the acquisitions and saying these are a credit to Kelsey’s impeccable instincts was great and necessary. But then Charles brings up the Arabian Seas book and the ‘we’ enters the conversation, along with a list of books that sound like they belong on the bargain shelf because yawn and yes it’s fine that Charles has his own instincts, but Zane in this meeting is awful. Kelsey calls him out, she is clearly and rightfully angry about the unfairness of her entire situation and she warns Charles to, ‘pay attention…and you too Liza. I didn’t have any boundaries at work and look what happened’. I have no idea if this is foreshadowing but I feel like it could be juicy if it was so let’s keep abreast of any future developments (yes that is a boob pun and you’re welcome).
Highlight of this whole scene of course is Liza ripping into the guy and the whole office when Kelsey walks out of the meeting and can hear that her meme has been made into a banger of a tune. We get fearsome Liza schooling the entire room on the fact that Kelsey did get the money, ‘that’s why we all have a job, she’s a goddamn hero’. YESSSSSS Liza *praise hands*. Kelsey in turn agrees to speak at the girls school event that Lauren put to her earlier (yes it IS ok to be angry and Kelsey no longer distancing herself from her social media mistake but using it as a platform to empower others and be a role model…where do I sign?).
Lauren was in ultimate PR and friend mode for Kelsey this week, trying to figure out how to spin Boobgate and trying to see the positive side of all the invitation cancellations. I always say it, I know, but Lauren’s unrelenting advocacy for her friends is absolutely one of her best qualities and her line, ‘you are an example of a woman who made a very simple mistake and the patriarchy seizing that opportunity to tear you down’, was fantastic. She also very much latched onto the SHero theme and I appreciated her use of the word at any given opportunity.
It is as Lauren and Josh are leaving to catch an Uber to Inkburg Midtown that we discover this means he is very relieved Claire doesn’t have to move to LA now. I really don’t get this. I said last week that Josh is far too woke to expect the mother of his child to bail on her career aspiration just so he doesn’t have to move to LA, especially considering he knows the struggle Liza faced in her own career journey after having Caitlin (who you may remember is her daughter…or was. Current status unknown). If we’d seen in their conversation Claire saying that she really doesn’t want to move but she can’t see another way to give Gemma the life she hopes, then ok, Josh finding a way to up his income is ace. So I do hope we find out at some point this was the case, because Josh deciding he’ll get more money so Claire and Gemma can stay for his convenience, it’s just nope.
Though I do have to say that the biggest benefit of Josh securing the Infinitely 21 partnership is getting to see more Shelly because omfg I cannot with her. The way she talks about paint colours, giving her personal number, the line I could not believe I heard, ‘but seriously, Josh, unload on me’ ( I love that this season has seemed censored af compared to previous ones – I don’t love this but you know what I mean- yet lines like this get dropped in. Too good), I am in awe of her complete and unabashed lust for him.
It is between picking paint colours that Josh finds the letter from Liza and it is heart wrenching. And beautiful. The emotion really is palpable as Josh leaves the store to find somewhere to read it once he realises what it is. The flashback montage is certainly something that hasn’t been utilized in the show and it really leaves such an impression. Coupled with the narration of the letter, it really captures the impact of Josh on Liza’s life and Liza’s genuine commitment to make her relationship with Charles work. If this show was wanting to move these characters past this old relationship it would have been a poignant and perfect way to do it. However it plays out in the long run, I thought it was really well done.
The hands down highlight of this entire episode for me was Diana’s bachelorette party. Lauren running at an unsuspecting Diana screaming, ‘get in the Hummer bitch’ is one of the funniest moments of the series, I will be laughing for eternity. Liza reminding Diana that, ‘I get you’, yes she does and I just love everything about seeing these women, all the Younger women, out together. I feel like the focus of this episode really got pulled to the other drama but this is the first time we’ve ever seen every female character of this show together in a room and I feel like THIS IS A BIG DEAL. Maggie schooling Diana on how strip clubs work and SO many brilliant lines, as Diana waves her money in the air only to tell the first stripper, ‘You’re a lot, no thank you’, then ‘Hi, little one’ as she flags another. The hilarity does not stop with Diana, Lauren’s, ‘here’s a fiver, you should smile more’ is every kind of YES (I sense a whiff of Liz Lemon in that line and I approve). As Liza and Kelsey talk about men and work and blah, Diana tries to bring them back to the purpose of the evening, ‘ladies, there are bulging crotches in your faces, can you focus?’. Listen to the Queen people. Yet another Diana wedding related event in which she ends up asking, ‘how did tonight become all about you?’ and I was thinking the same Diva. *Eyeroll*
The Hummer ends up at Inkburg because Lauren wants to help Diana fulfil her wish of doing something she’ll regret for the rest of her life (and obviously the reason they all need to be there is so Liza and Josh can have their post-letter confrontation). They are all so drunk, it’s hilarious and I would watch an entire feature film about the antics of this group while inebriated. Seriously, take my money. From Lauren’s, ‘Get out of the hummer Doana’ to Maggie’s, ‘I forgot we were in a car’, they cover the entire drunk person spectrum. On top of that we have Diana’s penis balloon hat position which just cracks me up because I am 10 but my fave is Diana saying to Josh, ‘John, just something small, tasteful and literary’ and then as she’s leaving, ‘it was nice to meet you Jake’. Obvs a wise choice not to go through with the tat but I’d love to know what Diana would have ended up with.
Josh calling Liza out on writing the letter and trying to walk away never talking to him was completely fair enough. Him reminding her that she said she would always be there for him, be Gemma’s aunt Liza, he’s not wrong and his hurt and confusion are understandable. But it is so nice to finally hear Liza making a choice and sticking to it (whether she does or not in the future). Josh saying that he gets it, she’s scared of what they were, they still are, it’s powerful and her defensiveness of Charles when he says that she’s making the safe choice is exactly the right response if she really means she has chosen him. And not because I love Charles and Liza together, but because Liza is standing up for her choice and her ‘don’t you tell me what I feel’ retort is so charged and fierce and I love it. ‘I know this is hard to accept Josh, but we were a moment in time. But the time has passed’ - this whole scene is wonderfully acted, the chemistry between these characters has always been strong and this is no exception. And obviously I agree that they need to move on. However my second big disappointment for this episode is the, ‘you forget Liza, I know you. I know when you’re lying (a couple of seasons of thinking she was 26 might contradict that but ok), especially to yourself.’
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I absolutely understand the sentiment and I completely appreciate the setup for the zinger, ‘you wrote a letter to the wrong guy’ (though I do take issue with that line in general considering Liza has just said she’s made her choice. Even a simple, ‘I think’ in front of it would’ve made it less arrogant), but if this setup is leading to a Josh and Liza reunion down the track, then I would have preferred the execution be different because to me, this is not insightful or romantic, it’s Josh once again questioning Liza’s understanding of herself and her needs (I know it’s meant to be him trying to get her to ‘be real’ but it just doesn’t land like that for me). I have no doubt lots of fans are jubilant but it feels manipulative and is not a tactic that compels me to think they might have something worth revisiting. If after Liza said, ‘I love him more’ Josh had looked at her with that heartbreak in his eyes he can convey so well and said, ‘well then I hope he loves you the way you deserve’ or something and walked away, then THAT would show growth and make the possibility of him being an option again (which is clearly where this is all heading) far more compelling IMO.
So in one of the best bait and switch moments this show has delivered, Liza returns to the loft and has a good hard look at the gala photo with Charles and Michelle and Tom (and in my head she’s thinking about how good it is she and Charles promised each other they won’t go to things like that anymore) before we see another letter starting, Dear Charles. And just when all the Team Charles Stans were going to have a collective meltdown, it turns out it’s Kelsey writing her resignation letter and we all exhaled but then didn’t because Kelsey, what are you doing??? So. Much. DRAH-MAH, so little time.
Ramble Lite™, that was a good joke wasn’t it? Can’t believe we’ve reached the finale but I am also very ready because WE GET TO GO TO A WEDDING!!!! Better get my neckwear sorted…
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                     *some quotes may be slightly edited for rp purposes.  tw: drug use mention, violence, murder, death & sexual content.
“All right, well, discard all off-world threats.  Break it into three groups.  Threats involving violence people who committed actual crimes, where sender is known and mode of violence threatened.  Cross-reference for files that overlap search parameters.  Delete the rest.”
“All this trust is just making me tear up.  Don't threaten me again.”
“And Rodney has a strip club, calls himself Z-Rod.”
“Because I'm fucking closed! Can't you read?”
“Cross-check for military training or active combat experience.”
“Don't you have actual policing to do somewhere? You have any leads on who tried to kill me in the hotel last night?”
“Get used to it.  I'm gonna need access that you don't wanna give, and I'm gonna find answers you may only think you want.”
“Grab a seat.  We'll deal you in.”
“How the hell should I know? That holo has nothing to do with me.”
“I admire a man who can look over the edge without flinching.”
“I feel safer already.”
“I find humans fascinating.”
“I have a philosophy about uncomfortable conversations with the recently bereaved.”
“I just don't understand.  It's been two months, and no one can explain it to me.”
“I know I'm watching myself, but it feels as if I'm watching a stranger.”
“I thought you only lived in the real these days.”
“I'll need to see the interviews of all the suspects as well, and any threats that [name]’s received.”
“I'll never see her again, not even to say goodbye.  Do you know what that's like?”
“I'm fine.  Stop hovering.  I have a mother for that.”
“I'm gonna enjoy watching you beg for your life, you piece of shit!”
“I'm gonna hunt you down on your steel mountaintop and blow your head off. Splatter your brains all over the wall, and melt your stack to slag. And you'll never see it comin'.”
“I'm looking into it.”
“I'm not sure if I'm enjoying your tone.”
“I'm struggling to see the point of this, um interrogation.”
“It grieves me that my account languishes in arrears. I must restore my standing with my brothers and sisters in the AI hotel union.”
“Just to be clear, if I die, you go back on ice.  If you don't solve this quickly enough, you go back on ice.”
“On the contrary, they remarked on his focus and skill.”
“Rage at injustice is universal. The ability to strike back is not.  And at its heart, violence is almost always, in one way or another personal.”
“She's dead. Why haven't you released her body?”
“Shouldn't be a problem. Who'd want to kill me?”
“Sometimes I use live ones for the recordings.  Humans.  They make better noises.  And the best thing, other humans pay you for the playback.”
“Sooner or later, somebody's gonna have to tell her the truth.”
“The lack of surviving witnesses is a problem, but I'm working on it.”
“The machinery of justice won't serve you here. It is slow and cold and it is theirs. Hardware and soft.”
“The one person who is certainly not a suspect in all of this is me.”
“The study of humanity is my greatest aspiration.”
“They're not like us, [name].  They're a lesser form of life.”
“This monitor's a piece of crap. It's an antique. Like yourself.”
“Try not to get yourself killed.”
“What the fuck? What did you do to my goddamn door?”
“What were you doing in Osaka, before you came back?”
“When was this footage taken?”
“Who says I was anywhere?”
“Why you always pretend to be one of them? Dress like 'em, talk like 'em.  It's so weird.”
“Would you like to hear it? Officers who miss the briefing volunteer.”
“Yes, I still have no idea how I managed to pull that together quite so quickly.”
“You don't do anything for yourself do you, including answering questions?”
“You gotta get out of the business of serving humans, [name] into the business of serving up humans.”
“You have 3,578 death threats left to view.  From this year.”
“You want answers, they come with questions attached.”
“You want my respect? That's a little harder to come by. If you don't like it, put me back on ice right now.”
“You want to tell me where you've been?”
“You wanted me to work for you.  I'm working for you.” 
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tiny tag drop.
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                      *some quotes may be slightly edited for rp purposes.  tw: drug use mention, violence, murder, death & sexual content.
“And live forever.  If you got the cash.” 
“Anything more would infringe on our clients' privacy.” 
“At Psychasec, we provide the top of the market in augmented and designer-enhanced sleeves.” 
“Back when I went down, you resleeve too many times, eventually you go nuts.
“Black market value is huge for a slice of those memories.” 
“Christ.  Ah, for fuck's sake.  No hookers.  Just get out of my room.” 
“Doesn't matter who [he/she] is, you can't let him rattle you this much.”    
“Don't thank me.  Just stop.” 
“Folks resleeve in whatever they can find, if they can afford it.” 
“For the record, I consider you to be completely unqualified as an investigator, and you can't smoke in here.” 
“Go tell your boss you've decided it's too socially awkward for me to save his life. I'm sure he'll understand.” 
“He's not a confidant. He's a hired gun.” 
“How generous of you. But then it's not your money, is it?” 
“I don't want to hear your suggestions for my personal life.” 
“I know [name]’s yanking your chain so hard - you're gonna get whiplash.” 
“I slept great, thanks.  You?” 
“I'm afraid I don't understand the question.” 
“It can be nice, wake up next to someone, have toast.” 
“Long live the Uprising! Long live Quellcrist Falconer!” 
“Nah, clones' brains are blanked, stacks are empty.” 
“Oh, it happens all the time.” 
“Our clients are the most discerning, wealthiest people in the Protectorate. They don't do anything as pedestrian as dying.” 
“Our lower levels house a fully secure satellite-to-download DHF facility.” 
“Our primary business is in clones.  No doubt you know a single clone costs more than most people make in a lifetime.” 
“Our service is exclusive to an elite clientele. Best sleeve money can buy.” 
“Peace is a struggle against our very nature.  A skin we stretch over the bone, muscle, and sinew of our own innate savagery.” 
“Peace is an illusion. And no matter how tranquil the world seems peace doesn't last long.” 
“Personality frag. It's a bitch. But it only happens if you bounce between lots of different sleeves. So, turns out, if you resleeve into your own clone, you can do it as many times as you want.” 
“Personally, I hate these things, but you sleeved me in a hardcore nicotine addict.” 
“Police think it was Dippers. They steal snippets of Meth memory during uplink. Moments from a king's childhood, a socialite losing her virginity.” 
“She's not our problem.”    
“So your clients needlecast directly into the clones here in the building?” 
“Take her downstairs.  And if it's not too much trouble, don't let anyone else into my fucking room.” 
“That's a nicer answer than most guys I wake up next to.” 
“That's disappointing, in view of the trouble and expense [insert name here] has taken to acquire you.” 
“That's it? We only record the moment of reacclimation for quality control.”    
“The bodies are electrically stimulated periodically so they don't lose muscle tone.” 
“The instinct of violence curls inside us like a parasite, waiting for a chance to feed on our rage and multiply until it bursts out of us.” 
“This is not how normal people start the day.  Coffee, cereal maybe.  Toast. Maybe even toast with another person.” 
“This sleeve is more than adequate for your needs. I doubt you'll be using it long.
“War is the only thing we really understand.” 
“Welcome to Psychasec.  Please step up to the ID plate.” 
“What are you doing? We can't just leave her here.” 
“What personal life would that be?” 
“Would you like information on the target?” 
“You deserve to look on the outside the way you feel on the inside. You deserve this sleeve.” 
“You know, if I saw this, I'd have to report it.  So it's a good thing I didn't.” 
“You need to blank this noise.” 
“You want to get us arrested? Just let her go.” 
“Your hotel seems more perceptive than you.”
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