#ac bus on rent
jyolitravels · 1 year
For a very long time now, top transportation service in Delhi, Jyoli Travels has been providing Tempo Travellers,Bus,Mini Bus,Volvo on reasonable rent/ fare. As always, our drivers are very professional and polite. They are well-versed with all the routes to your destination, and hence, aware of shorter routes, the traffic they experience, safety aspect
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the-heart-of-leo · 3 months
Nick's so far under the bus that they might as well change the oil while they're under there.
Okay, because I'm a bit of a masochist and I have adblockers...
I'm going to count how many times James throws Nick under the bus:
@2:40 – 'This fell upon Nick as well, as a non-binary person on the ace spectrum, they wanted to include asexuality and non-binary representation to our videos. But because Nick's experience is not universal – There is no universal experience – people felt that we were delegitimizing their own experiences because we focused on Nick's.' (The reason we were acephobic was because we (meaning Nick) didn't think other ace people had problems and when it was pointed out to us by The Ace Couple that ace people did, in fact, face discrimination and conversion therapy, we (meaning James) accused them of homophobia and sicced their followers on them.)
@6:38 – 'The work Nick and I were doing on the channel...' (Because Nick was here too! Not just me!)
@10:46 – 'I was much more interested in the production of the videos than the writing of them, at this point. So after three or four videos, I brought Nick on as a main writer for the channel. The idea is that they would write the vast majority of the scripts. I would film, voice, and edit the videos and we'd split the money that came in.'(Nick was the main writer for the channel! In case you forgot...)
@14:40 – 'And then my mom died... and I became completely useless. I couldn't think straight, at all, so Nick had to completely take over writing duties.'(DID I MENTION NICK WAS THE MAIN WRITER. ALSO MY MOM DIED; FEEL SORRY FOR ME)
@19:44 – 'When Nick got back, he believed the script needed a first page rework. This was also when he told me he was going to be moving back to Ontario permanently soon as he wanted to live closer to family and live in a bigger city with more opportunities. This was a punch to the gut for me. We'd been living together since 2015 and had become quite dependent on each other. I felt like there was no way I could make this movie without him.'(We couldn't make the movie we promised because SOMEONE DECIDED TO MOVE and since I'm co-dependent on him, I moved with him and screwed up everything. Oopsie.)
@26:32 – 'But by accepting as many sponsors as we did, which became very important when Nick and I started living apart and suddenly had two rents to pay, we ended up needing to produce even more videos. Which, along with the work on Telos and making sure everything was okay with my dad while living thousands of kilometers away meant I had even less time for writing – putting more stress on Nick and leading to even more copy and pasting from me.' (See what you did, Nick?! We have to pay TWO rents now and we need to make even MORE videos. I'm not creepily co-dependent on my asexual ex-roommate at all!)
@32:50 – 'I know what misinformation had made its way into our past videos. That was not something we intended; in some cases it was information I was told by people I considered experts. In other cases it was information that we had researched. In other cases it was things that Nick had learned in university.'(Nick told me some of this stuff! ((which is fair because NICK ADMITTED HE DOESN'T DO RESEARCH)) In other cases it was because I assumed I knew what happened because I'm the smartest person I know so of course Lesbians had it easier! I just forgot that Radcliffe Hall's books were banned and destroyed because of that head injury I talked about earlier.)
And here's an honorable mention where the smug “I'm smarter than you” BS comes to visit:
'To those who say I plagiarized the plot from the novel Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix – Read the book. It's nothing like the plot of the movie. And 'The Final Girl' is a trope in horror movies so if using the Final Girl trope is plagiarism then basically everyone who's made a slasher movie since Texas Chainsaw Massacre owes the Toby Hooper estate some money.'
So, much like how James doesn't understand why people aren't upset at him because of citation issues, he doesn't understand that it's not the fact that he's using the 'Final Girl' trope... it's the fact that he stated the book as a favorite of his and then... suddenly he's writing a movie about the aftermath of the Final Girl. And given the plagiarism, it can not be taken in good faith.
First off, if you just google 'First Final Girl', it just says Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of the earliest examples. Another possibility for the 'First Final Girl' was actually Black Christmas which was released the same day in Canada so it is literally tied.
Secondly; the final girl trope is not required for slasher movies. One of the first 'proto-slasher' movies was actually Psycho so there were a few good decades between that and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. (I could try and make a case that Lila Crane should count as a Final Girl; maybe even Mrs. Bates/Norman as a subversion... but I'm not that invested or interested.)
So... James was true to form, he just wanted to be a smug asshat and try and seem smart over something easily googled.
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mister-eames · 5 months
that post which goes “love is giving them the last apple slice, no matter how much you want it” and all I could think was arthur and eames (big surprise!). They both have this protectiveness of each other but there’s not much work focused on them being down on luck (mostly cause dreamshare business is lucrative?) but what’s your idea on it?
I hope very much that I haven't misinterpreted your ask because I don't know the post, but it really raised an interesting thought!!! It sort of made me think of the actors/writers strike earlier this year - y'know? You hear 'actor' and you think Hollywood, they all must be raking it in, even if they've had a handful of side roles, maybe one major one. But thats not the case.
Like, maybe it's the same with dreamshare. Sure dreamshare sounds lucrative, you can drop some big names as employers, work on some big projects, but what people don't see is that it takes a lot of work to get those projects. Only a handful of dreamers at the very top who get the good, well paying jobs, or the ones with rare skills, i.e. forging.
It's interesting to think of Arthur and Eames and them being down on their luck, of working job-to-job just to pay the bills. Taking jobs in remote places just to get on top of their mortgage/medical bills/loan repayments. How they live in Inception makes me think they're at the 'lucrative' stage in canon timeline, they're financially very comfortable - but in the years beforehand? Skint. Broke. Going over their budgets with a fine-toothed comb. Some months they're down to a meal a day, or less. They don't turn their heating on in the winter time. They can't afford to fix their car so they walk/bus/train it everywhere. They dream of affording a place that has AC and getting to explore the places they travel to and affording nicer clothes and hitting it big. Job after job after job until, 'I can afford to buy you a new watch for your birthday', until 'we can pay two months rent in advance' until 'we're buying a new car', until 'I'm taking you to Bali for our anniversary' etc.
I actually really like this idea as much as I like the idea of them living it very financially cosy and comfortable. I like the idea Arthur and Eames living it large because I can imagine the days when they were living off a loaf of bread and water for the month and that's definitely something worth exploring!
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korn-dogz · 1 year
If I may request a enemies to lovers fred x gender neutral reader (fluff cuz my ace ass can't handle smut)
Of course!!! Enemies to lovers sounds good when it’s with Fred
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Summary: you’ve always hated Fred but something he did to help you changed your opinion on him forever
WARNINGS: alcohol, random dude trying to hit on you, protective Fred 
You’ve always hated Fred, his cocky demeanour, his confidence. You never knew why you agreed to be a limp bizkit roadie, I guess cause it payed good enough to pay the rent. You didn’t mind the rest of the band, you mostly got along with Sam, you have smoke sessions with the guy and he’s pretty chill. Fred and you never got along though, he always tried to bother you but you ignored him, honestly you wanted nothing to do with him, everyday he would annoy you, pulling “pranks” on you, the time they did a colab with Korn, fred got Korns assistant manager which they called “carebear” to pour silly string on you, they (along with the guys in Korn) laughed their asses off the entire night. I guess it was one sided hate, he liked teasing you and you hated him for it. You tried to keep a good relationship with everyone who works for the band, but keeping a good relationship with Fred was hard
After their biggest tour that they’ve had, Fred wanted everyone to go out and celebrate, you were more then over with their shenanigans but your friends convinced you to go to the celebration “party” the party was actually just going to a bar. You were the one that had to drive the bus because the bus driver was drunk, you had no idea how to drive a bus but… it couldn’t be that different then a car right? Wrong. You were surprised no one died on the way to the bar, you’ve only driven a car, but a bus was way more difficult. You finally arrived at the bar and Fred couldn’t have looked happier, his big dumb face “alright! Finally we made it, without a single scratch from a certain someone driving our tour bus” he laughed as he put his hand on your shoulder, you shoved his hand off and followed the others as you all walked into the bar. The bar wasn’t too crowded but that changed once all of you walked in, fred and the band headed for the bartender and placed an order for a drink, you had nothing else better to do so you went up and asked the bartender for bud light. Everything was going smoothly, you were just drinking your beer when you feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around expecting to be one of your friends, or fred if you got unlucky, but instead you saw a tall man, his beard was poorly shaved and his clothes were baggy, he was obviously drunk “hey there, l-let me buy you a-a drink” he slurred his words as he sat down beside you “oh um, I’m okay, but thank you" you tried to politely decline him but it was obvious he wasn’t gonna give up that easly
“Cmon… give a guy like me a chance" he started to touch your back, you quickly got uncomfortable “I’m good, I just had a beer you know…” you didn’t know what to say to him to make him go away, you got off the stool to try and give him more of a hint, but he got off right with you “cmon, we can cut the crap and just l-let me take you home" he got extremely close and his hand reached down to your ass “please don’t don’t that….” You moved his hand away from your ass as you looked away from his gaze “I-I’m not taking no f-for an answer” he smirked and tightly grabbed your wrist and tried to pull you away from the crowd “let go of me!” You tried to scratch at his hand but he used his other hand to grab your hand. when you see someone cut in the middle of you, you open your eyes to see a red backwards red baseball cap standing in front of you, it could’ve only been the one and only Fred durst himself, you were surprised to see him and confused “dude they said no! Now back off” fred wasn’t at all drunk, he just genuinely wanted to help you “and w-what the fuck are you going to do about it?” The tall man had confidence, confidence that Fred quickly shut down by punching him in the face
You were shocked as the guy fell back from Fred’s punch, you just stood there not knowing what to do when the tall man rebounded “why you little-!” He got cut off by the manger coming out and breaking up the fight, just then you realized how many people were staring at you and Fred, it didn’t really matter when Fred turned to you “are you ok? He didn’t hurt you did he?” Fred looked at you with genuine worry in his eyes “uh- no but he did hurt my wrist a little” you held up your wrist, it was red from the man trying to pull you away, he grabs your wrist gently and brushes his thumb over the red area “we should go back into the bus” you agree and you both walk out, you noticed he’s still holding your hand but you didn’t bother to correct him. He bring your back to the bus and seats you down on a couch thing, he sits right beside you “tell me what happened- only if you want to” you’ve never seen him this considerate before "I was just drinking my beer and this guy came up to me and offered to buy me a drink, I said I was ok but he kept on pushing me, then he grabbed me" you looked down into your lap, fred was still listening and being patient “if you hadn’t stepped in, I’m afraid he might’ve done something bad to me” you felt grateful that he was there; which you didn’t think was possible “thank you Fred” you look up and catch his gaze, you relax your body and put your head on his shoulders, although you couldn’t see it, he had a surprised look on his face, he always knew that you kind of hated him, and now you’re here leaning on his shoulder
He accepted the warm feeling and put his head on top of yours. You two sat in comfortable silence until you heard a bunch of people get into the bus, you perked your head up and looked over to see Wes coming towards the both of you “Y/N! Are you ok?” You nodded you head missing the gentle touch of Fred, you heard one of the mangers yell “is anyone sober enough to drive?” Everyone stayed silent “I’ll drive” you groan, and get up from where you were sitting, you sit on the drivers seat “here we go again” you whisper to yourself as you turn on the engine. After a long day you finally arrive back at your house, your crash on your bed and quickly fall asleep but your mind kept on reminiscing on the interaction that you and Fred had 
You woke up the next morning with memory’s of last night, you pondered it for a while before deciding to get out of bed to gets something to eat, you walk downstairs and feel your flip phone buzz in your pocket, you take it out and find a message from “annoying guy" you start to wonder why you had him in your contacts before you realized it was Fred, you let out a small "oh" before you open his message
Annoying guy: hey Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house, I got the new version of street fighter we can play!
You decided to change his contact name to "Fred" before he finds out
You: sure, when do you want me to be over?
Fred: in 10 minutes, i thought maybe we could have breakfast together before we play
You:that sounds nice, I’ll be there in 10
Fred: okay! Cant wait
You put your flip phone down as you start to wonder why he would want you to come over, he never invited you before, was it to talk about what happened last night? You didn’t know, but with an empty stomach, you got out of your pyjamas and started to head over to Fred’s house. When you arrived you knocked on the door, after a couple seconds a guy with bleached blond ish hair opened the door, he had on a men’s tank top and some Jorts 
“Hey! Come in" his chuckle has mesmerizing, it’s almost like you walked right into his arms “I cooked us some omelet’s, I hope you don’t mind” he lead you over to his kitchen and handelt you a warm plate that had a fresh omelet slapped on top “this looks good thanks Fred” you didn’t know how to express your happiness to Fred, after you spent months hating him “of course! I wanted to ask you something” the dread took over you as you both sat down at his table “go ahead” you start to pick at your food, nervous about what he was gonna say next “um so, last night, you showed me affection that I’ve never had from you, it wasn’t like any other affection that my partners have given me- well it was but- what I’m trying to say is that even the most simplest act of kindness you gave me, made my heart flutter, and I want to spend the rest my life with someone who makes me feel that way" you paused at picking at your food and looked at him, you could see he was nervous waiting for your response “you know Fred, I’ve spent months hating you, but all that changed last night, I felt like someone had opened my eyes to the person you really were" you took a deep breath and continued on “and, I really like you Fred, you saved me from some perv, and I will be forever grateful that you did” you’d never thought you’d tell him that, but I guess the universe had its own plans “really? You.. like me?” He was stunned that you said that to him “yes I do, now shut up before I take it back” he chuckles as you two finish your omelets “let’s head over to the couch, so we can play the game” you forgot that was the whole reason of you visit, but you happily sat down and waited for him. He loaded up the game and sat down beside you giving you a controller, you lay your head on him as the familiar feeling of his warm touch came over you, he put his head on your head but not without kissing the top of your head first, you giggled as you two played the game
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staysaneathome · 10 months
Turnabout SamurEye
Martin Blackwood stares at the fallen head of the oversized cartoon samurai mascot, and asks himself yet again how he got here.
The simple answer to that question would be “on the 386 bus that has a stop five minutes’ walk away from Global Studios”, but that isn’t quite what he means.
For all that he is a defense attorney, Martin’s always fancied that he has a poetic soul, one that still can’t quite believe he managed to scrape his way through law school and a handful of cases to running his own, meager firm. Sasha always used to laugh and tease that it was a combination of his dramatics and insecurities talking, that Martin was an ace attorney in his own right.
There are some days when missing his best friend and mentor gets easier, but today isn’t one of them.
There is a gentle tug on his suit sleeve.
Robbie’s eyes are crinkled in a smile above their face mask. They sign, “Ready to go check out the scene of the crime, Martin?”
He nods back. “Yes, ah, let me just take a picture of this for our evidence, first.”
They settle back, still bouncing on their heels slightly as he finishes up.
It makes sense they’re excited, he supposes. It’s not everyday that someone gets to go on the set of their favorite TV show, even if the leading actress has just been accused of murdering her coworker.
He probably would’ve taken the case even if they hadn’t badgered him into it with protests of the Blazing Samurai’s innocence, he reflects as they start walking towards the set area. Work has been thin on the ground lately, and the fees for Mum’s care home and renting the office space certainly aren’t going down anytime soon.
“We should get steak after this.” Robbie signs.
Martin blinks, has to mime out the signs himself to ensure he’s interpreted them correctly.
“What? But we just had lunch on the bus! How can you still be hungry after that?”
Robbie raises their chin proudly. “I have a second stomach for steaks!”
Martin gives them a knowing look. “Right. And, er, that wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you’ve just discovered that Lynn Hammond, The Blazing Samurai, also loves steak?”
Robbie’s eyes dart to the side guiltily as their fingers trip over the sign for “Noooo”.
“Ah,” Martin can’t quite control his grin at that as he pokes their shoulder. “Objection—the witness is withholding testimony!”
He snickers as they playfully shove his arm, hands a rapid flurry. “Don’t do that outside of court!”
There are wires and cameras everywhere when the two of them arrive on the set proper, large green screens and painted backgrounds propped up against the walls.
Robbie is practically vibrating with excitement next to him, likely torn between their desire to explore and their sense of duty as his self-imposed assistant.
They really remind him so much of Sasha, at times like this.
“Keep a lookout for anything that could be a clue,” He advises. They give him a mock salute.
There’s a large white outline near the base of the director’s chair, a discarded spear next to it. The murder weapon, presumably? It’s big and heavy, couldn’t be picked up by anyone who wasn’t trained for it, like Miss Hammond or even Jude Perry, the victim. That’s what it says in the autopsy report, but…
Martin frowns and kneels down next to it.
Surely, something like this, which is meant to have stabbed through Jude Perry’s torso, surely it ought to have more, well. Blood, on it? There’s a bit of dried bright red liquid on the very tip, but something’s…?
“Martin Blackwood.”
Martin freezes up. No. No, no, maybe, maybe he’s hallucinating things. Yes, that sounds plausible, surely he wouldn’t be here. He’s always been content sitting pretty in his office, while Detective Tonner brought him all the evidence to ruin Martin’s day, please don’t let him actually be—!
“Covering your ears and ignoring me doesn’t mean I stop existing, Blackwood.”
Well, worth a shot.
He takes a deep breath and turns to face the Demon of the Bar, trying desperately to turn his grimace into a polite smile. “Prosecutor Sims! How can I help you today?”
Jonathan Sims does not look happy.
He’s as crisp and ironed as ever, from his starched collar to his pressed cravat to the tips of his shiny, shiny shoes.
Martin feels small and shoddy just looking at him.
“I seriously doubt you could. I’d be better off banning you from the crime scene, so your bumbling around doesn’t destroy valuable evidence.” Sims scoffs. “That would be a welcome relief.”
Ouch. It takes everything Martin has not to wince.
“However,” Sims heaves a great sigh. “The law still states that the defense must have the same opportunity as the prosecution to examine evidence, so I can’t have you thrown off the premises. Yet.”
“Yet?!” Robbie signs.
They’ve taken a step to place themself between him and the man who haunts his sleep every night. They are also trying to roll up the billowing sleeves of their apprentice uniform with their fists clenched.
Martin quickly places a hand on their arm and gives his kind-of-assistant-by-adoption a placating smile so they don’t do anything crazy like assault the prosecution.
“So I take it you’re representing the guilty party in this case?” Sims sneers.
“L-Lynne Hammond isn’t the one who killed Jude Perry!” Martin protests. “We’re still gathering evidence, but, but all the character witnesses thus far have shown that she wasn’t the kind of person who held any grudges against the victim!”
Robbie nods furiously next to him, signing “That’s right! The Blazing Samurai could never do that!”
Sims glances between them and Martin with an eyebrow raised.
“And you believe it’s suitable to bring a child along to a murder investigation?” He demands imperiously, one finger pointing at Robbie. “Really, Blackwood, I knew you were irresponsible, but this takes the cake.”
Robbie puffs up indignantly, hands moving almost too quickly to parse as they sign, “I’m not a kid! I’m thirteen years old!”
“Wh-?!” Martin splutters, “That’s not the—! And you, Sims, you were trying to find them guilty of murdering Sasha last month!”
“That—!” Sims sniffs, trying to regain his composure. “That’s different.”
“How?!” Martin cries, trying not to tear his hair out. “They would’ve got the death penalty! The only reason they didn’t is because I found out the real murderer and she decided it’d be funny to frame me as well! If we hadn’t gotten that list of names—”
“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that, actually.” Sims cuts in, glare hard. “How did you find that list of Nikola Orsinov’s blackmail victims?”
Martin freezes.
“I. Um?”
Prosecutor Sims tilts his head, pinning Martin in place under that stare which thousands of witness have sworn somehow makes them say things they’d never tell another soul.
It’s not like he can just say ‘oh the tween tagging along with me is a spirit medium and channeled the ghost of my dead mentor who’s also their older sister so she could tell me and force Orsinov to confess! Oh and your hair looks really good like that and I’d maybe like to gaze into your eyes constantly and I’ve been in love with you since we were both five so do you wanna go out sometime?’
No. No, no, bad Martin, bad! Just because he’s got a nice face does not make him boyfriend material. Jonathan Sims is a dick, no matter what he was like when you were in primary school together. 17 years of radio silence to you and Gerry have sent that message.
Besides, you learned this lesson with Michael. He was pretty, and funny, and seemed like the perfect boyfriend, and what did he do? He framed you for murder. Yeesh. Why is that becoming a pattern in his life. Better for everyone to not—
There’s a gentle tap on his arm.
He looks down to see Robbie staring up at him, signing “Martin?”
Wait. Hold on. Oh god. How long has he just been staring into Jon’s eyes for?! Sim’s eyes?! Shit?!
The prosecutor is giving him an odd look, his glare morphed slightly to…something else? “Well?” He snaps.
“I…uh…um. Well. You know how, er, Robbie, Sasha is their, was their older sister?” He darts an apologetic glance to them. They hunch into his side slightly.
“I know the relation between the acquitted defendant and the late Ms. James, yes.” Sims drawls, “What of it?”
“W-well,” Martin bluffs. “Sasha and Robbie had a separate hiding spot here in the city, when, when Robbie had come to visit her before. She, she’d left a copy of that list here, a while ago, so Orsinov and Sarah Baldwin didn’t know about it. Robbie mentioned the place off-hand before the last day so I…checked…”
Jon’s glare has deepened to its former disdain.
“Forget it.” He sneers. “If you’ll do nothing but lie, I don’t know why I bother. Still, if you’re going to be that obvious, it’ll be easy to prove the accused’s guilt in court tomorrow. Good afternoon, Martin Blackwood.”
Prosecutor Sims turns on his heel and marches away.
Martin watches him go and tries to ignore the twinge in his chest.
There’s another small tug on his suit sleeve.
He looks down to see Robbie staring up at him with gratitude. They slip one hand into his and give it a squeeze, one hand touching their chin as if blowing a kiss. “Thank you.”
He squeezes back, a tired smile on his face. “Oh, it’s no. No trouble, really. I’m not about to tell anyone about you-know-what just, just willy-nilly.”
Robbie puffs out their chest, hands coming up to sign, “Let’s go prove that mean prosecutor wrong! He’s nothing but a phony anyway, you’ll show him!”
Martin huffs a small laugh at their enthusiasm.
Something clicks in his head. He turns back to examine the spear.
Blood is this color when it comes out of a body, yes. But for it to stay this way when dried, and there to be no stains around the white outline of the corpse…
“It’s phony.” He mutters, excitement raising his volume gradually. “It’s—this crime scene, it’s not real, it’s, it’s fake! The blood on the spear, it’s not the right color, and, and there are no other bloodstains or anything, so that means that when Jude Perry died, it wasn’t on set! It had to be somewhere else, and the body was moved here later!”
Robbie matches his excitement when he grins at them, fingers drumming against their neck rapidly.
“C’mon,” Martin says, feeling the thrill of unraveling a contradiction, of getting closer to the truth. “Let’s go see if we can’t work out where the real murder happened.”
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holidayvisa · 3 months
23 February 2024 - Woke up in Piha at Elise's house. She had to work today, so we got up together around 6:15 am. We left her house around 7, me on my motorbike headed home and she in her park ranger uniform headed to work. I had a really great sunrise ride from Piha back to Henderson. I'm feeling more comfortable on the motorbike and more confident with the windy roads to and from Piha. They're fun to drive now, instead of scary. When I got to Henderson I was surprised to find that Arnie and Jimmy were both still asleep. Usually, they're both early-risers, but today I was up before them; needless to say, this is VERY rare 😅. I started making pancakes, something that I'd been talking about for a while. I cooked us up some blueberry pancakes, and the three of us, Jimmy, Arnie, and me, sat out on the back porch and started feasting on blueberry pancakes, banana slices, peanut butter, and Canadian maple syrup. Uncle Mitch came over from next door, and I offered him dinner pancakes; he said, no, that he'd just eaten. I got him a plate, and threw a pancake on it. After he finished the pancake, he grabbed a second one! All morning, those three were doing their best American accents talking about American pancakes 🤣 I love when they do their American accents!
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After breakfast, Jimmy asked me to join him on some missions. I ALWAYS say yes to Jimmy's missions. I got in his car, and we ran a few errands. We got back home at noon, and he got a call from his work, saying that he had the afternoon off too! We went on some more missions. We bought some plants for Jimmy's vegetable garden at the local Bunnings (New Zealand's Home Depot). I planted all his plants in his vegetable garden and watered them. Hopefully they do okay.
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Jimmy's really excited for Maddie to watch the garden grow. Jimmy had a bunch of chicken sausages, and I cooked those up for us. The three of us ate lunch together on the back porch.
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Jimmy and I grabbed swimmies and towels and got in Jimmy's car for more missions. Jimmy had a bunch more errands to run, but eventually wanted to end up in south Auckland to go to the Chinese new year festival at the manakau sports bowl. I don't really know what I'm getting into whenever I volunteer to go on missions with Jimmy. He's got a plan, but I know what that plan is maybe 50% of the time 😅. We went to Judge's Bay and Orekei and walked around there. Jimmy showed me a couple places he likes to go to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
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We went to Joshy's house to drop off some petrol. We said hi to Joshy and Essence and the doggos, Nala, Tahi, and Ace. But we didn't stay long.
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We drove to Jimmy's work to park the car, and Elise was there waiting when we arrived. The three of us caught a bus from Jimmy's work to the Chinese new year festival. We walked around and took photos of the intricate lanterns.
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Jimmy bought a box of 40 donuts that we all snacked on. After spending a good long while there, we headed back to the bus stop. We waited for the bus for close to an hour, but it never came! So we got an Uber back to Jimmy's work. I drove Jimmy's car and Elise drove her car back to my house. Elise had coordinated and arranged to have sole use of the Keddle House, a cabin inside her regional park that people can't rent out. Usually, to reserve the Keddle House, one has to put in for it six months in advance, but because Elise is a park ranger, she was able to snag it for a couple days (there was a last-minute cancellation). In New Zealand, they call a beach house like the Keddle House a "bach." At my flat in Henderson, we grabbed some blankets and some clothes, and then we drove to Anawhata, to the Keddle house. When we got to the Keddle house, it was already very late. But, YOLO, so we walked all the way down to the beach. Immediately upon arriving at the beach, we saw a shooting star. That's three walks to the beach with Elise, and we saw a shooting star each time. We howled at the full moon. We sunk our feet into the soft sand and enjoyed the magic of the night.
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We walked back up to the bach and passed out.
I'm grateful for Jimmy. I'm grateful for his friendship, for his positivity, for his trust, and for his kindness. I'm grateful to go on missions with him and to help him with his vegetable garden because I know he's always looking after me too. Getting to help him plant his vegetable garden is an easy way to reciprocate and show my love and gratitude. I'm grateful for Elise. I'm grateful for her organizing and coordinating us staying at the bach!
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cherienymphe · 11 months
I hope this isn’t too personal but how much is your general cost of living in Florida?
General expenses
I’ve been offered a job after I graduate college and I’m not really sure what to expect.
Depends on where you live. I feel like I supposedly live in one of the more affordable cities but the average cost of a one bedroom where I am is about $1500 I'd say. You'll definitely want a place that has utilities included because you just won't be able to get away with staying in FL without having your AC blasting. My student ID allows me to ride the bus for free but if I didn't have it, I'd have to pay $40 every month for a bus pass or $1.25 for every ride. Depending on where you shop, groceries can cost between $75-$200 a month. I say this because stores like piggly wiggly or grocery's outlet are much cheaper than say Publix or Whole Foods or even Walmart. If you have your own car, amazing! If not, instacart tacks on a $10 fee I think? I haven't used it in forever but it could be more. Or you can Uber back home with your groceries and for me, it was about $12 from Walmart or Publix.
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perpetual-canon · 1 year
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Perpetual Canon Chapter 1. Light in The End of The Rabbit Hole
before / 2. “we go way back” II - 2/2 / next where it started / navigation / about the story
Russ turned to Noodle.
“So that's your friend?”  
“Yeah,” she said. “‘Ts ma bestie. Great guy.” 
Russ raised his eyebrows.
“We go way back,” she added defensively.
Ace blinked. Alrighty then.
To be honest, no person in their right mind would go to the club to listen to a solo bass performance.
Ace tried to master acoustic guitar back when he was a kid, but apart from bringing some skills and some change on the streets, it made him bored outta his mind. Besides, Ace couldn’t even mask his mediocre skills with singing. He was no Ed Sheeran, that much he knew.
But bass was another story. Ace was leaning mainly on intuition while learning to play, and all jokes about bass players aside, it proved to be possible to reach a somewhat decent level just by lots and lots of improvising, and some solid pointers from Grubber.
So one thing led to another, and Ace landed this part-time gig downtown. He was hired by a fairly successful local cover band for a set of services, which included:
1. Playing before said band in bars, to make up for them being constantly late due to various “mystical coincidences”. (Ace suspected the lead guitarist's drug addiction. It was quite mystical how she fell from the stage a couple times already in the past week Ace has been working with them.)
2. Watching over the band and being their designated driver in case something goes wrong. (Things did go wrong for them pretty often.)
Unfortunately, considering the quality of bars the band was performing in, unless you were Jaco Pastorius, there was always a slight risk of being shot on stage. So Ace’s act usually was brief and involved a lot of guitar-slapping.
Apart from that, it was nothing special – worse than it could’ve been, but better than the jobless void Ace was stewing in for a whole year. To be honest, it was hard. When he and the boys were living in a leaking bus on a literal dump, Ace was a proper leader, capable and (allegedly) even fearless. Now, when they finally were able to afford renting a flat, everybody proved to be more capable than him. Everyone managed to find decent jobs, and they even started a fund for Lil Arturo’s college. Sure, for now it was just a jar in a closet. But a big, promising jar. Full of wonders yet to come, as Big Billy used to say.
And then there was Ace. 20-something, good for nothing. He has been doing odd jobs, but couldn’t settle anywhere for long. Maybe he looked too much like a street rat to catch the eye of proper employers. And, in all honesty, he was one, no avoiding it. Wasn’t looking good in a resume tho.
So no, Ace was not complaining about the gig. He was just observing, making notes. Wasn’t his fault notes came out to be sorta greasy.
After Ace finished his routine, he sat down at the bar.
He watched the band perform, and let the familiar numbness blur the uncomfortable pangs in his chest. As a cover band, they accepted requests. Sometimes they were hilariously bad. Right now someone ordered Nickelback and it was a jab at the vocalist’s pride, so instead of singing properly, he was hissing like bacon on fire.
Ace swirled on a bar stool and heaved a deep sigh in hopes that the bartender would take pity on him. The bartender wasn’t impressed, but rewarded him with a glass of water.
The night was still young and people just started to gather, so the bar was not very busy.
Ace was wearing his dark shades again, and so could stare at people busying around without drawing attention. Some might say that only douchebags wear shades in the building, but Ace was ready to accept any label as long as it came handy.   
Aside from a couple of obvious regulars, there was also a tiny woman in a sickeningly bright hoodie. She looked quite out of place, like a teen who wandered in to take home her drunken father.
She sipped whiskey on rocks.
Maybe she was the drunken father.
Even with the hood covering her bangs, Ace couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something familiar about her. He vaguely hoped that it wasn’t because she was Asian and he had sight problems. He didn’t want to be That Guy.
In the meantime the band had finally finished torturing people with their take on Nickelback and got to another request.
“Somebody is feeling nostalgic!” the vocalist yelled in the mike. “Here is “Feel Good Inc”! Without the rap part tho, sorry”.
Ace felt a tingle of warmth rise up from under the dull blanket of boredom. To be honest, that was him who left this request. He figured that if he is going to sit here at the bar with only water in his system, he might as well try to enjoy it. And he knew for sure that this was the only Gorillaz song the band was capable of playing.
Humming under his breath, Ace glanced at the girl again.
She looked sorta tense now. She finished her whiskey in one gulp and called the bartender.
From the corner of the eye Ace saw her showing something to him. It looked like some piece of paper. Whatever it was, the bartender shook his head with a blank expression.
The girl was visibly disappointed by that and slided down from the stool, clearly about to leave. But then she looked up – straight at Ace.
He quickly darted his eyes back to the stage, burning with sudden embarrassment. The girl’s look was pretty intense.
By the time the vocalist reached the second windmill, she was already gone.
Only way later, when Ace was driving drunken band members home at night, it suddenly hit him. The reason why she seemed so familiar.
But it couldn’t be true. His vision must’ve been playing tricks on him.
It couldn't have been muthafuckin’ Noodle from muthafuckin’ Gorillaz.
The club was way more sleazy than the one they played at before. Ace half-expected that someone would throw a bottle at his head at some point during the performance. The band climbing on the stage was still hungover and slightly high, so for them the possibility was still on the table. Ace was already bracing himself for driving them all to the hospital instead of their houses.
Unfortunately it meant that, once again, he couldn’t get even a fucking Margarita.
Ace quickly slided between people and furniture, trying to find the least grease stained place for himself and his bass. He was pretty sure at least three couples were already fucking in darker corners of the bar.
That’s when he saw her again.
Same hoodie, same complexion. It was the girl.
She was diving through the crowd like a little koi fish, with a joint in her fingers and a hood on her head. Heart-shaped glasses sparkled dully under the dim lights.
Now Ace could say that he was quite intrigued.
Hypothetically, yes, it could’ve been Noodle. He was aware that The Band was staying in Detroit. But what could’ve prompted her to visit such smelly places? Aren’t stars supposed to club at the tops of skyscrapers with Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart making brownies, of something?
How dangerous exactly was it to get mixed in this?
So far things have been pretty intense. The guitarist ended up in ER two times in the last week, and the drummer caught some STD that didn’t allow him to sit properly.
But all this meant nothing to Ace. His thoughts were completely occupied by the hoodie girl.
For the last five clubs and bars they’ve been playing in, she was always there. She usually arrived well after the band started to play and there was a decent crowd in the venue already. She was always covered up in some way, took something to drink and chatted with the bartender. Then she disappeared.
By this point Ace was pretty sure that she was, in fact, the Noodle from Gorillaz herself. He’s made a point to google paparazzi photos just to compare how she would have looked without makeup and photoshop, and it was a match.
This time Ace was expecting her. The curiosity was bothering him like fleas (And he knew the feeling, the metaphor was quite literal here).
Would he get a chance to talk to her, to learn about why she keeps visiting all these places? Would it be better to ask her directly? Wasn’t she a direct person? What were the odds she’d hit him directly in the face?
As always, Ace sat down at the bar. Watching the drummer suffer on stage was quite entertaining, but he couldn’t stop looking around, waiting for a glimpse of the pink hoodie.
“Hey,” the bartender snapped his fingers, to get Ace’s attention. “You can’t sit here”.
Ace stared at him blankly, trying to remember if he did something to piss the guy off in the past. He appeared quite generic.
“Unless you buy a drink, you can’t take up the space. I don’t make the rules”.
Ace looked at the plaque behind the bartender. It said “My Bar – My Rules”. Right.
“Sorry chef. Ain’t got no money tonight. But you see, I need to watch those fuckas on stage. I’m, how do you put it… their nanny”.
“I don’t care, mate. Unless ya skinny ass ‘bout to order somethin’, Imma callin’ the security. We’ve got a hit up ‘bout ya folk, that stuff disappears here and there after ya’all performance. And from what I’m lookin’ at, you better leave the premises and wait for your friends outside”.
Ace clicked his tongue.
Fuckin’ band had a chance or even a plan to throw him under the bus for whatever junk they’ve smuggled from those shitholes? Not cool.
“That’s a shitty team to be on, that’s for sure,” chimed the voice from behind Ace.
He turned around.
The one and only Noodle from Gorillaz plopped on a stool beside him.
“I’m buying, man,” she said to the bartender. “Long Island for my friend here. And make it longer.”
She saluted Ace with her drink.
Bartender shot them a weary glance, but obliged.
Ace stared at Noodle, desperately trying to find some words to say that would not sound completely and utterly dumb.
“So,” he said.
“So,” she repeated. “Wassup?”
“Drummer got an STD and can’t sit properly,” blurted Ace. His cheeks burned. By the end of the sentence he was already accepting his imminent death.
Noodle raised an eyebrow and shot a quick glance on stage.
“Shit,” she chuckled. “I thought he was just energetic.”
“Gettin’ a solo in the middle of the chorus? Yeah, you can say so.”
Noodle snorted in her drink, splattering whiskey all over Ace’s shirt.
“Music,” stated Noodle with a strainingly wide smile. “That’s how we know each other! Ha-hah”.
Russel was observing her quietly, with some sort of underlying intensity. Sure, it seemed that he was doing everything intensely, but Ace still panicked – just in case.
“Look, he’s got a guitar! So yeah. We jam sometimes. Don’t we?” She slapped Ace’s shoulder, probably dislocating it forever.
“We sure jam,” croaked Ace through the pain. “We jam very much”.
before / next where it started / navigation / about the story
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shoutsindwarvish · 11 months
pros of my current job:
I’m good at it
I make enough that I can comfortably afford to buy myself a little treat without guilt (let alone not having to worry about making rent)
I genuinely like my in-office coworkers now that the toxic one left
Commuting is actually nice in the summer because they’ve got AC and my apartment becomes an oven
I adore my team lead and wish she lived closer so we could get lunch (she’s in virginia and i’m in minnesota)
cons of my job:
The leadership sucks
It sucks so bad
My manager (a middle-aged white woman from northern wisconsin who gives off republican vibes) very obviously believes in the Protestant work ethic that suffering is noble and anything else is laziness and lack of commitment (example: she once denied my request to be exempt from mandatory overtime when i had a stomach bug because there are “no exceptions”)
She is also trying to “fix” things that aren’t broken and making them actively worse because she doesn’t understand what my job actually is and keeps giving me conflicting coachings so that nothing I do pleases her
Related to #4, she’s telling my team to cut corners without saying it explicitly or in writing and it’s obviously so that she can claim plausible deniability if it blows up and can throw us under the bus (i am also refusing to do so which I’m pretty sure has me labeled as a problem)
went weeks without interacting with her and presumably not being noticed by her (which was a blessing) but the micromanaging eye of sauron turned on me this morning and it’s like.
you’re so stupid. if you fire me or push me to the point of quitting then your department will be so fucked. you need my ass. and everyone i’ve spoken to in my line of business feels the same way as me, even people i didn’t expect. she is shooting herself in the foot in the name of “production go up.”
capitalism (especially corporate capitalism) is one hell of a drug.
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tramontane-fire · 1 year
I have got to stop reading liberal publications because lately the slant they all take is The South (Especially Texas) is a horrible evil cesspit of fascism, and then you've got the Comments Section which I know you should never read chiming in about how yeah there are good people in Texas much the same way there were good people in Germany in 1933, or that you should just move to, and I quote, New York, Los Angeles, or San Francisco. You know, those famously affordable cities.
So I move every few months for work, but I always come back to Texas because it's the closest thing I have to home. I love it here. I've lived in a couple different parts of the state and not only is it affordable (most places), you can find acceptance where you least expect it.
I was thinking today I would trashtalk these so called blue states and cities the way their highfalutin intellectuals and journalists see fit to trashtalk my home. Here goes:
Chicago, the Windy City, where the smell of hotdogs from street vendors outside Wrigley Field is accompanied by the dulcet tones of a guy with an Eastern European accent talking into a portable mic about how marriage is a sacrament between a man and a woman, and homosexuality is a sin. Behind him, posters tacked to telephone poles proclaim, Chicago doesn't have a gun problem, it has a black problem! in bold, racist lettering.
New York City, hub of arts, music, culture, fine food and wine, where a studio apartment in a bad part of town is a mere $2000/month, utilities not included. It's fine; just get a roommate! A man handing out leaflets on the corner bodyblocks a teenager from crossing the street, saying he will not let her cross until she smiles. Beneath the ever-present scaffolding, young people wearing shirts that say Bible Crusade hand out religious literature.
The Bay Area, where a gentle breeze blows off the water and missing the Grand Avenue exit and getting on the Bay Bridge by accident is only a $7 mistake. That's okay; if you don't want to drive, you can take AC transit in the East Bay, where bus drivers snap and yell at you if you try to ask them a question. Honey, this ain't the south. Scan the QR code and shut up. Oh, and your rent is $2000/month with utilities and you have to share a bathroom. People without $2000 to spare live in tents and broken-down RVs in a bad part of town. Let's go brandon! yells a sticker on a light pole.
True stories all. I have seen your exalted liberal cities and they are shit. You trashtalk the south from your cushy, overpriced apartment in a coastal city and yet you've clearly never been there.
This has been a rant.
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jyolitravels · 1 year
50 Seater AC Bus
Our 50 seater bus is the most finest transport available in India. Our bus is built with attracted designs to attract the attention of the passengers The bus is much suitable if you want to travel with your family or with a smaller groups to some hilly areas or on a short journeys.
The bus is merely comfortable, neat and cleaned with well maintained seats and curtains. The reclining seats with pushback gives remarkable comfort to passengers. Well don’t worry about any kind of pain in your back or in neck as this bus is technically equipped with head rest and neck rest feature so for the ease of passengers, we also have provision of 24*7 first aid box in case of emergency, to make your journey enjoyable latest stereo systems are available with mikes to make your journey musical and memorable.
The well trained staff helps you to make your journey perfect and flexible so that you don’t face any problem in between your journey. The well equipped neat n clean bus gives you feel in travelling. So if you like to travel in a group or group of friends or with your extended family you are welcome for travelling in 50 seater Ac bus.
Contact:- 9310826317
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1, 3 and 16 for arospec ask ^.^
1. when did you realize you were arospec?
already answered that one in more detail, but long story short: either always or about 2018 depending on how you see it :)
3. do you go by strictly aromantic or fall under one of the arospec umbrella labels?
I just go by aro. Technically aroace, but for me personally the 'aro' aspect is more, like, important? as in it feels like a bigger and more prominent part of my identity than the 'ace' part. but that's just me. I don't feel like my relationship with romance has a lot of nuance tbh: I don't fall in love and I don't really want to and that's about it.
16. do you have any arospec OCs, if so tell us about them?
Take out your tissues, this is going to be sad:
I. I don't really have OCs? I used to. I used to daydream all the fucking time. One time I was so busy daydreaming I even missed my bus stop. I used to dream up stories every day before I fell asleep. But....I haven't really been able to do that anymore? Like, for a few years now.
I get so jealous whenever I see people having fun with their OCs and knowing so much about their mannerisms and likes and dislikes and everything in between bc I don't even know that about the characters I am literally writing a play about. The only thing I know about them is how they need to react in order for the story to continue. They don't live rent free in my brain. I have already forgotten the vast majority of all the stories I used to spend so much time dreaming about. I don't feel as creative as I used to.
So....yeah. Long story short: no. I can have many thoughts about pre-existing characters from media I enjoy. But my own? Not really. And even these ones don't give me the amount of joy or brain fodder they used to. idk. I hope it comes back. I miss it sometimes.
ask game
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I was spoiled last summer because I got to go on 3 trips, essentially 3 vacations, the first vacations I'd taken since my cousin's wedding in 2018.
For my birthday in May, I went to Busch Gardens and a youtuber boxing match with some friends. In June I went to a week-long family reunion in DC, Maryland and Pennsylvania; we had a memorial for my Grammy who passed away in 2021, visited some of my mom's cousins I'd never met before, spent a whole day at Six Flags America with my own cousins, and toured the National Mall/Smithsonian. In August, I had a longshot job interview at a library in the city I want to move to, so I took time off work to bus up, crashed with my sister, and aced the first round with flying colors; I spent a congratulatory week in town looking for an apartment, then headed home with some promising leads and absolutely BOMBED the second round, evaporating my best chance at getting off the godforsaken rock I've been stuck on since I graduated college.
This year, I don't have any real plans. I finally bought my own car, but now I have to start the whole job and apartment search from square one with severely diminished savings. I wanted to quit my current job last weekend, but I chickened out because I need the money. If I leave sometime this summer and find an apartment to sublease, I'd have to move out in August anyway because all the leases expire just in time for the fall semester. Move-out and move-in are a week or two apart, so I'd have to come back home anyway while I was between leases, assuming I was even able to secure a full year lease when I'm competing with something like fifty thousand college students in a town with a population of less than 150,000. It seems like every new building being constructed up there is an apartment complex, but they fill up almost immediately and rent never goes down.
I can't stay in the Keys much longer. There's nothing for me down here. If I can't move until August, I at least need to take a break from work and travel before my student loans inevitably come due because the nazi bastards on SCOTUS think only rich fucks deserve debt forgiveness and the measly poors have to prop them up. I want to enjoy my summer, because it's all downhill from here. The economy is on the verge of collapse and we're heading into another dumpster fire of a presidential election (it feels like every cycle is worse than the last). I need a distraction. I need an outlet. I need to take advantage of the freedom my car affords me before shit hits the fan and I'm forced to come crawling back to a job I barely tolerate on an island I despise with every fiber of my being. If I don't get out soon, I don't know when I'll get my next shot.
Next April I'm going on a roadtrip to Ohio to view the total solar eclipse, so I at least have that to look forward to if nothing else. Just 11 months to go.
Who am I kidding? I won't survive down here another year. This place is eroding my mental health. It is absolutely imperative that I move before summer ends, lease or no lease. I'd rather live out of my car for a while than be stuck here indefinitely.
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astarfilledsea · 1 year
tagged by @sunsetsswerve ty dear! 💖
tag 9 people to know more about their interests, hobbies, etc. (no pressure!): you don’t have to but if you want!: @bejeweledfelix @eijunes @buckleys-diaz and anyone else whose bored!
fav genre? pop, alt, kpop
fav artist? bts, pvris, seventeen, paramore, bad suns, dermot kennedy
fav song? too many to name
most listened song recently? i listened to hot by seventeen a lot today, it kept coming up while i was listening and their recent perf of it from aaa is so good
song currently stuck in your head? hot is literally playing in my head rn
fav lyrics? here’s one of many: “i guess i’m tired of talk of hope / i’ve learned that doves and ravens fly the same / but suddenly she’s all i know / an old refrain” -glory, dermot kennedy
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume | slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? fantasy, sports manga
fav writer? i don’t think i have a specific one but i do like: r.riordan, m.stief, v.schwab, e.morgenstern
fav book? i couldn’t pick just one....
fav book series? percy jackson series
comfort book? any of the pjo books or wotakoi
perfect book to read on a rainy day? any book is a good one
fav characters? percy jackson, ronan lynch
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart? i honestly couldn’t tell you i have bad memory
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator  | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? animation, comedy, action
fav movie? at one point it was she’s the man and it’s a good one but i think it’s changed to the mummy
comfort movie? the mummy, httyd films
movie you watch every year? i try to watch it every year during christmas time, its a fav of mine: olive the other reindeer
fav tv show? haikyuu!, ace of diamond, the dragon prince
comfort tv show? probably haikyuu!
most rewatched tv show? i don’t normally rewatch shows but its probably haikyuu again
ultimate otp? will and elizabeth from potc
5 fav characters? kageyama tobio, miyuki kazuya, evie o’connel, hiccup from httyd, poe dameron
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once
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mamabeartoboth · 2 years
It's been a week with my car in the shop.
It was supposed to be done Tuesday but they stripped a bolt and had to order a new one and by friday it still wasnt in. And labor day is monday so they are closed. So now hopefully Tuesday but we will see.
I will probably have to rent a car because we missed dance class last week but cant miss again because we are paying for it!!
Grateful for the local school bus for Amelia, shes loving it and will probably stay using the bus all year. I dont know why I was so against it, its saved so much time (and gas I'm sure)
Grateful for Walmart and Walmart+. I've been able to get all my groceries delivered with no issue.
In this crap week our TV randomly went out and our air conditioner unit started leaking. Both ordered through Walmart and delivered the very next day.
We are out $850 once everything is said and done between the car, tv and AC. They say bad things come in threes. Hopefully it's only up from here
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