#absolute horror (monster!ollie)
ink-being · 11 months
They've only recently begun to notice the figure in one of the mirrors in the house.
They aren't entirely sure where she came from or how long she's been there but they can see her now, as the days get lighter and they start leaving the curtains ever so slightly open so that they can rest in the warmth of the sun.
One day, they decide that they'd like to confront the figure in the mirror. More or less.
They wave at her, looking into the mirror with a calm expression, eyes glowing as they usually do.
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rpf-bat · 2 years
“stop playing around with the lights, it’s not funny.” with olli + aleksi?
Here you go. I’ve never written this pairing before! It’s 524 words. 💡
“Did you know the hotel we’re staying in tonight, is supposed to be haunted?” Aleksi grinned, as they walked up the stairs to their room.
“What?” Olli blinked. “Really?”
“Yeah, I was reading about it online,” Aleksi nodded. “A BBC reporter says she saw an apparition of a Victorian woman, walking across her room at night.”
“That sounds terrifying,” Olli shuddered. “If I wake up in the middle of the night, and see some ghost lady, I’ll freak out for sure.”
The band had just played a sold out show in London. It had been incredible, but tiring. At the moment, all Olli wanted was to go to bed.
“Don’t worry,” Aleksi teased. “I’ll protect you.” He scanned his key card at the door, admitting the both of them into their hotel room.
Olli set his suitcase down, on the bed nearest to the window. He tried to calm himself, while the DJ bustled around the room, unpacking his things.
Ale probably made that stuff up just to mess with me, he thought with a sigh. Maybe reading something before bed will help me relax?
He unzipped his bag, and took out a worn copy of The Hobbit. He’d read it a million times before, but the familiar story always comforted him.
He laid down in bed, and began to read. But, just as he turned the page, the room suddenly went dark.
“Stop playing around with the lights,” Olli groaned. “It’s not funny.”
“Dude, I’m nowhere near the light switch,” Aleksi protested. “I’m sitting here on my bed right now, just like you are.”
“Then…why did they go out?” Olli wondered.
“Probably the ghost lady messing with us,” Aleksi giggled.
“Dude, shut up!” Olli snapped. “I…I really don’t want to deal with a ghost lady right now!”
“Are you….really that scared?” Aleksi wondered, as they both sat in the darkness.
“Maybe?” Olli admitted, reddening.
“The hotel was built in 1865,” Aleksi said, his tone softening. “It probably just has electrical problems, because it’s super old. If you want I can go down to the front desk, and see if they can send someone up here, to fix our lamp?”
“No, don’t go!” Olli blurted.
“Why not?” Aleksi laughed.
“If…If there is a real ghost here,” Olli mumbled, “Then…you know how it is in horror movies. When one character gets left alone in a room. That’s when the monster gets them.”
“Olli, if I realized you were this afraid of ghosts, I wouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry,” Aleksi sighed. “What do I have to do to calm you down? Hold your hand, like you’re five?”
“I don’t know,” Olli sulked. “Maybe?”
He heard the sound of Aleksi’s amused laugher again. Then, he heard the bed creak as Aleksi stood up.
With the lights off, he couldn’t even see his hand in front of his face. But, suddenly, he felt Aleksi’s hand slip into his.
“I’ve got you,” Aleksi promised, his thumb stroking over Olli’s palm.
Suddenly, Olli wanted to thank whichever spirit (or faulty wiring) had ruined their lamp. With the lights out, Aleksi couldn’t see how absolutely red his face was.
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 years
I cant see the emoji but how about post nightmare cuddles with Dogma and Tulpa
🥰 - Post-nightmare cuddles
Sometimes Dogma had nightmares. Well actually he had them quite frequently, but the horrors of Umbara and Coruscant didn't phase him all that much anymore.
Violence and betrayal were things he'd grown so used to that they stung lesser and lesser with time. Even the angry faces and cruel words that haunted him in sleep felt like nothing but the end of an era he'd never return to.
But the things he considered actual nightmares... They were visions he couldn't quite forget. Not when they felt so intimately terrifying to him. Stuff that persisted, even if he shouldn't be able to recall all those details.
Dogma's nightmares aren't shadowy worlds with hidden assailants and bioluminescent fauna and flora.
They're not red-tinted streets with angry pedestrians or high and mighty politicians who treat them like mangy dogs.
They're a white room with no escape.
A place where he and his twin are scrutinized and tested on by an imposingly tall figure adorned in gold.
An endless barrage of needles and sensors, tests and examinations, compounds and hormones, and hours where he'd desperately wail in isolation when either he or Tup misbehaved. Dogma didn't like being alone.
The things that scare him awake are Dogma's memories of his and Tup's time as some sick personal project that hurt them both deeply.
The rain season has arrived in Epifania. He spent an entire day with the others rounding up swarms of those horrid little frogs and driving them out into the fields, where they'll be picked off by the predators that keep their population number under control.
Everyone returned exhausted and drenched. Their pet Gryphos got fed and put into their stables to rest after so much running about, and a few of the others had gone to Pretty Boy's saloon to celebrate a job well done. Dogma had merely gone back home and gone to bed after feeding his ad'ika.
And now he was sitting in bed. Shivering and sweating profusely. His heart was threatening to burst out of his chest cavity.
The sound of the rainfall must have triggered the memories.
But he could have sworn...
He swore Sulu Ra himself had been standing there, watching him toss and turn.
Taking a deep breath, Dogma concentrated on calming his frantic heart. Humming a soft tune to himself like Olly had instructed him to when he felt afraid.
He could hear humming from the baby monitor...
Dogma's blood ran cold as soon as he turned to look and saw a tall figure on the screen.
A tall figure adorned in gold. Holding his infant son. Humming the song Dogma used to both self-soothe and to gently coax his ad into peaceful slumber.
A mother bantha would have made less noise running out of his room and into the nursery. Dogma kicks the door off it's hinges as he barges in. Blaster at the ready.
Tulpa is swaddled in his fuzzy blanket and laying on the floor. He's trying to kick his little limbs in a fuss, unhappy to have been left near the open window where rain is getting in as well as probably frightened by Dogma's less than quiet entrance.
There had been an intruder in his home holding his baby. Dogma was both absolutely terrified and fuming.
He picks up Tulpa, shushes the whimpering babe as he locks the window, then retreats back into his room where he checks the window. Just to be sure he pulls the curtains closed and locks his bedroom door.
He sits at the foot of his bed where he gently cradles his baby. Trying to stay calm despite the living nightmare he's just experienced.
Dogma wouldn't let the monsters that created him and his brothers ever hurt his little Tulp'ika. If any of those long-necked loveless bastards tried, he'd send them straight to Haran.
Just like he'd done to Krell.
"Shh..." He presses a kiss to Tulpa's forehead and hums a different song. A more chipper one that Rhythm liked. "Buir has you now... I promise I won't let them take you. They'll have to pry you from my cold dead hands, and get through all your angry uncles and aunts before that happens..."
Tulpa coos at him, babbling in the tongue of infants and oh so innocently unaware of the danger he'd been in.
Dogma would put his cot in his room in the morning. For now he simply smiles and gets into bed, making sure to keep his son safely secure against his side.
The little one's steady breathing is comforting enough that he falls asleep despite his previous anxiety.
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year2000electronics · 3 years
mario (origami king)
- is fiercely protective of olivia thanks to her being a little sister with a rogue big brother and his own big bro instincts kicking in
- at first, when he stepped on a magic circle and his thousand fold arms appeared, he thought he had found another curse like in ttyd
- he’s a great hugger! many of the toads he rescued get overwhelmed with joy and just give him a hug and he ALWAYS delivers.
- he takes his coffee with a bit of mushrooms that he always brings from home
- he still has his royalty pass to shogun studios and wants to take luigi and the princess there one day (he also thinks jr might like it)
luigi (origami king):
- is doing SO WELL for himself
- for some reason i imagine him constantly accidentally running into the legion of stationery before mario and they just. have a nice civil conversation bc he isn’t directly in their way
- kinda wants to get to know the legion of stationery... they were made by her brother, after all
- mario is a father figure for her (and luigi is her cool uncle)
- sometimes falls asleep in marios pocket bc it’s so comfy in there
- was planning to go back home with the origami craftsman once olly was defeated
- when he first began making his own origami, it was very sloppy
- he practiced for about a week, trying to get every fold perfect just for olivia
- he misses her deeply and it makes him very sad, but his ego gets in his way of realizing that
- he says he has no favourite members of the legion of stationery, but he has a soft spot for stapler
- he really adores colored pencils’ artwork
colored pencils:
- from overlook tower, he has a view of the other streamers and when he saw how ‘basic’ his streamer area was he was FUMING
- he actually tried to physically move his streamer to somewhere more exciting but it would break if he continued so he let it be
- wants to dabble in paint
rubber band:
- those blue rubber bands were specifically chosen by him to match the streamer
- she never forced birdo to be in the show, they just happened to cross paths on the way to the park and hit it off quite well
- bit more of a pride headcanon but rubber band is bigender and uses he/she!
- rubber band’s paper machos have way more personality than any other paper machos- she trained them herself (and yes, they do autographs!)
- the true plot of the plays that rubber band was so mad about is that mario was supposed to be defeated only for rubber band, the REAL hero, to swoop in gracefully (it was all very elaborate. there was a zipline involved)
hole punch:
- loves company! unfortunately he’s a legion of stationery member so when toads don’t want to dance with a giant scary hole punch, guess what? they do now
- actually not that rude about music opinions! he’ll trash a lot of things but he’ll never trash you for liking them
- tried to hole punch a snifit or two on his way down to the temple of shrooms but he found they have absolutely zero sense of rhythm
- his demeanour is a mix between a disco lover and a b list horror movie monster and he’s well aware of this
- actually went out of his way to go talk to the other members of the legion of stationery! he’s the one who views them the most as a group
- him and scissors get along thanks to tricks that are usually taboo and wanting to keep things clean (plus their streamers are by far the closest, so tape sometimes sneaks off to see scissors)
- this is why tapes involvement in the chapter is very little, because he’s off chatting with the other members most of the time
- is that slacking off? no! course not! don’t be stupid!
scissors and scissors’ creations:
- like stapler is olly’s dog, handaconda is scissors’ pet!
- handaconda has a tendency to go scissors when it plays rock paper scissors because its thinking about its owner
- scissors thinks that the cutout warriors and handaconda are SOOOO CUTE and everyone is super weirded out by them
- i imagine her as like, somewhat of a chuunibyou? or at least, a very overexaggerated caricature of a dark anime swordsman
- her ‘i will sheath my blade so we may become equals’ and sheer excitement of cutting things up often clash, because she wants to seem serious but the thought of getting to unleash her blades gets her literally bouncing
- is not a dog person
- likes ollys idea for an origami world bc origami is so much more exciting to slice in two than paper
- likes scratches in just the right spot. nobody except olly knows where this spot is
- constantly mistakes colored pencils’ missiles for chew toys
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omegawizardposting · 3 years
Alright, lemme hit you with my boy Olivier Laval, the lawyer dude you found hot lmao He's around 35-36, pretty tall and kinda pretty, elegant more than handsome. He's polite, but a bit over vain and arrogant, though he's not a total monster, despite not being above blackmail and stuff like that. He mostly takes high-profile cases, and specialises in criminal defense. also he dresses very nicely all the time, and is a little embarrassed about having naturaly pink hair lol
How would he feel about a crime boss who happened to stumble upon his work and become absolutely, hilariously obsessed with him?
Because Blanche doesn’t need a lawyer, and if he ever did, he’d almost assuredly use his own, but a pretty pink-haired criminal defense attorney is exactly the sort of man who’d catch his eye. Maybe Mr. Laval represented a friend, or one of his underlings, or, hell, maybe Blanche just saw him on TV one time. Whatever the case, he said to his son, “Oh I like that one,” and there was no stopping him.
(Eddie does not approve. Eddie thinks it is a bad idea for the literal head of a high-powered criminal organization to pursue any sort of relationship with a lawyer. Eddie has common sense.)
Just imagine Olivier walking into his office one morning to find a gorgeous blond in a tailored suit perched, somewhat seductively, on the edge of his desk as if he belongs there, and then his horror when he realizes, “God, it’s one of them, it’s one of those people,” because if you know anything about anything, you damn well know who Blanche Atwater is.
What could someone who undoubtedly has a hundred of their own crooked lawyers in their back pocket want with him?!
It’s fucking coffee. Blanche is asking him out on a date, and Olivier just has to deal with that. His life is now a circus, congrats on the demon boyfriend, Ollie.
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signify-nothing · 4 years
8 Artists Who Have Impacted My Creative Development
I just watched the Armistead Maupin documentary on Netflix and it made me think a lot about the artists who have had the biggest impact on me as a queer writer. I decided to list them here below. While the list is admittedly not as diverse as I would’ve hoped – the majority of artists are white gay men – it was important to me to accurately document the reality of how I’ve become the writer I am today, even if I am still evolving towards a more diverse perspective.
1.       Amanda Palmer
I’m not going to pretend I’m in the dark about the controversies surrounding Amanda Palmer. A lot of people absolutely despise her, and if someone is looking for cancel-worthy receipts, they will likely find them in abundance. However, I can’t think of any queer woman more influential on my artistic evolution than Amanda. From introducing me to cabaret and burlesque at the tender age of fourteen to helping me learn the art of asking through her amazing Ted Talk and book, she has opened my eyes to countless things I would never have found on my own, such as what a revolutionary queer female sensibility can look like when it exists almost entirely outside of the male gaze.
2.       John Logan
I can’t pretend I fully support everything John Logan does. His depiction of people of color in Penny Dreadful was horrendous and don’t even get me started on City of Angels. However, years ago, watching his creation—Vanessa Ives—battle with issues of good and evil as well as her own sexuality as I was coming out changed my world entirely. Reading his interviews about growing up gay during the AIDS crisis also helped me understood why monsters always felt like the best metaphor for my own emotional experience of coming out.
3.       Richard Siken
Whenever I feel like I’ve lost my voice, or I’m burnt out on reading, my first step is always to reread Crush. No poetry collection or other work of literature has ever touched me in such a profound way. Siken always reminds me of the pure and simple power of the right phrase to reach out from the page and squeeze your heart until it feels like bursting.
4.       Olly Alexander
I still vividly remember the first time I saw Olly Alexander’s guest performance as Fenton on Penny Dreadful. I was fascinated by his physicality. His depiction of horror was so queer, so embodied, so theatrical, I would replay the clips just to try to get a better sense of how he was accomplishing all that he was in his scenes. As I followed his career into music and coming out to become a gay icon, I only grew to love him more, and continue to think of him as one of my greatest queer inspirations today.
5.       Bill Skarsgard
It seems strange to include Skarsgard in a list of mostly queer icons, but when I think of my creative evolution, I think of it in two different eras—the stories I wrote before I saw Bill Skarsgard act, and the ones I wrote after. He so entirely embodies the idea of a switch – someone who appears dominant one moment, and heartbreakingly submissive the next. It set my imagination on fire that someone could confound heteronormative roles like that. Even if Skarsgard himself is not queer, his depiction of the canonically bi Roman Godfrey was a life changer for me. On a more superficial level, I am also completely fascinated by his appearance, which seems to teeter between traditional good looks and a sinister ‘other’ in a way that still gives me shivers.
6.       Chuck Palahniuk
The strange thing about this one is that I have not read one of his novels in ages, and they’re not ones I frequently think of as my favorites. But when it comes to sheer artistic influence, I can’t think of anyone who gave me greater permission to break the rules and say the unthinkable. Stephen King once said that if you want to be a great writer, your days in polite society are numbered. I think Palahniuk’s work is a perfect example of this. Whenever I’m afraid something I’m writing is too controversial, I just remember “Guts,” and suddenly it’s easy to keep going.
7.       Ryan Murphy
I hate myself for even admitting this, but American Horror Story has had a huge impact on my writing. At least two of my novels were majorly inspired by his work, and my favorite academic essay I’ve probably ever written was also heavily influenced by his narratives. His sensibility for queerness and horror is in many ways unparalleled, and gives me the courage to explore the relation between queerness and horror that I have always felt compelled to examine in my work.
8.       Joanna Russ
After reading “How to Suppress Women’s Writing” everything I’d ever believed about art suddenly seemed up for debate. How do you define a good story? A compelling character? A worthy critic? I’d spent years studying the academically approved, canonical answers to these questions. And then Joanna’s work asked me to reconsider and try to find answers to these questions that felt authentic to me as a human being, and not just as a member of a culture dominated by straight white male gatekeepers. While I haven’t yet figured out all the answers on my own about what defines great literature to me, her work helped me start a lifelong inquiry into the subject, which now forms the base of my current practice.  
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BB’s Games Of 2019
2019 as a year felt like it lasted two years, and a lot happened in my personal life. Got a new job, learned to drive, got my first car, moved out of the in-laws’ basement into our first real apartment, started my first long-term game of DnD (which in itself has involved a new relationship and an emotional breakdown)- and between it all I somehow managed to play 77 games. Backlog’s down to 35 titles, lads- at this rate, I’ll be down to zero by July 2020. (Not gonna happen.) In 2020, I’d like to explore the SNES catalogue a little more, but before that happens we have to review everything 2019 brought me, in a somewhat chronological order.
- Near A Tomato Carry-over from last year’s post since I was in the middle of playing it at the time. I definitely never quite got a handle on the combat and I think some of the themes went over my head, but I still had fun here, and the 9S hacking minigame never got old. It was a gift from an old friend who I miss. Was nice to reconnect. - SSBU With my new main Zelda, I cleared all of WoL and got every spirit on the Spirit Board. I never really used her before but she’s cute now! Really liked the attention to detail in the spirit encounters. Unfortunately, Cloud is still in the game. - Mega Mans 1 2 and 3 I actually spoke about my experiences with the Mega Men in my BBLC post for Mega Man Eggs, so you should read that right now. - Metroid Samus Returns It’s Good. Like, a solid Good. Never Great, never Bad, just Good. It’s nice to see one of the least accessible games in the series get a remaster, but it feels very disposable, if that makes sense. Like they just needed a Metroid to keep people busy while they reboot Prime 4 development. AM2R is vastly superior, go play that. One point of amusement- the game tells its story without narration, and also seems to pre-suppose you know Metroid lore. I was entertained by the thought of a newcomer to the series being completely mystified by the sudden space-dragon that comes out of nowhere to wreck you at the end of the game. - Khimera: Destroy All Monster Girls You can click here to download it, ‘cos it’s free, which is almost criminal. This is one of the higher tier games I’ve played this year. A little bit Mega Man, a bit Metroid, with hints of Touhou and Undertale, it’s pretty tough at times but never to ‘precision platformer’ levels. It’s a lot of fun and the dev deserves your support. - Steve And Ollie RPG Oh, I made this one. Making something else next year? Question mark? - Prof Layton 3 Feels like these are getting weaker as they go along. The story has always been absolute boohockey, but the puzzles feel like they’re degrading in quality too. With over 200 in each game, that’s not super surprising, and I’m glad they didn’t bulk it out with a load of the awful block-slider puzzles. Still, it’s Layton, if you liked any of the other games you’ll like this cos it’s the exact same thing. - Fault Milestone Two Yo, there ain’t a damned thing I can say about Fault, so go play the first one and then play this and you’ll understand. - Full Throttle I never bothered to finish it. The obtuse old Sierra puzzlers were hard enough to deal with back in the day, and just feel kind of inexcusable now. I don’t have the patience for it. - eXceed 3rd Slick and fun bullet hell with a nigh-incomprehensible story and great music. Touhou fans will like it. Music by SSH who is relatively well known in doujin circles. - ASAMU Finished it before writing my BBLC post! - Eternal Senia Everything I said in my post rings true- do your best to look past the wonky translation, because there’s a heartfelt story underneath it. Very accessible gameplay, by design. - Inivisble Inc You have never before been, nor will you ever again be, so aware of having left a door open. I fully expected to hate Invisible, but I got hooked pretty hard. Quite tempted to do another run of it once the backlog is clear. - Pyre GOTY. Supergiant’s best game so far, and that’s not an easy thing to say for this Bastion veteran. I sobbed by the end. I’m not being dramatic- literally sobbed. Please play it. Music and writing and, just, heart, are all top tier. All the Nightwings are the best, but Hedwyn is the best best. - Ellipsis Finished it before writing my BBLC post! - Just Cause 2 I found myself getting bored very quickly. The main missions are all identical (really, they are) and the side missions are very uninspired. Blitzing around in a jet or grappling around a mission target is a lot of fun but it feels very shallow. There’s a lot to do but not really any reason to do any of it. I dunno, it’s a kind of hollow experience, that I nonetheless had fun with. - LiEat It went over my head a little, but that’s more on me I think. These horror-esque, eccentric japanese RPG Maker games usually do. But, it’s neat, and short. If this sort of thing usually sticks on you, I think this is a good title. - Shantae Pirates Curse These games always felt non-essential to me; I’m not sure why they never stuck. They never really go below or above Good. Entirely enjoyable but I don’t feel like I’d have really missed anything if I hadn’t played them. It is, however, absolutely worth investing in for the utterly superb sprite work. That doesn’t sell a game by itself, I know, but Shantae is a pixel art masterclass. - FF5 I’d more or less finished it by the time I wrote my BBLC post, so I don’t have much to add. It’s a refreshingly goofy entry in a series known for taking itself too seriously, even compared to its predecessor. Look forward to my entry for this game in my Games Of 2020 post, having played the Four Job Fiesta! - Touhou 17 It’s mid-tier in the touhou hierarchy, IMO. Didn’t set my soul alight but I did enjoy it. Playing as Wolf Marisa makes the final boss too chaotic to really enjoy, but playing through again with Reimu made it more fun. I beat Extra on my third run through, which gave me false confidence that after 10 years I might actually be good at these games- to then be quickly humbled by attempting Th11’s Extra. Final Boss’ theme song has one of the greatest lead-ins of all time, especially given you start the fight by running away from her! Also really loved the Stage 4 theme as you barrel head-first into Hell (the real one this time), and the haunting, calm-before-the-storm serenity of Stage 5, overlooking the City Of Beasts. - HackNet + Labyrinths GOTY. (Yes, I know I already said Pyre was GOTY; it’s my post, I can have two GOTYs. Make your own damned post!) It’s hard to say what I loved about these games without spoiling too much- just know that they play very much like investigation games, and figuring out the puzzles feels great. Labyrinths technically takes place during the events of Hacknet, with a somewhat more Black Hat approach to things- despite this, play all of Hacknet first, and then play Labyrinths. The expansion introduces a lot of new stuff and much trickier challenges, such that going back to the base game afterwards to finish that would leave it a little hollow- a disservice to how great the ending is. - Mega Man X I said everything I wanted to say in my BBLC post, and anything I didn’t cover was better said by Egoraptor. - Octodad Finished it before my BBLC post! - Chroma Squad The final mission is disappointingly poor, but everything up to that point was pretty good. Huge variance and creativity in the bosses. However, the most fun I got from it was when I realised the game allowed me to customise my team name, transformation name, and other such terminology. Dave, Dayve, Davy, Davina, and Dehve shouting “It’s time to Chromatise, Chroma Squad!” very quickly became “It’s time to shit, you bunch of fucks!” and it was funny every single time. (Personal favourite bit of dialogue- “I tried to shit! It worked!”) - Pyrite Heart Finished it before my BBLC post! - Starfox 2 Finished it before my BBLC post! - Burly Men At Sea Finished it before my BBLC post! - Disc Room Finished it before my BBLC post! - Kokurase Finished it before my BBLC post! Should have broken these ones up a bit! - Metroid Rogue Dawn Very, very impressive romhack let down by a distinctly un-fun final section. They managed to fix so many of OG Metroid’s problems, I’m surprised the gauntlet of terribleness that is Tourian escaped with only a cosmetic change. Nonetheless, it’s free, and the other 95% of the game is superb, even from a purely technical standpoint. - Wuppo I dunno what happened here! I was full of praise for Wuppo when I played it, but somehow I just couldn’t stick with it and just never felt like playing it. It’s a very aimless game, and I wonder if that might be why? It’s a shame, I feel disappointed in myself for not seeing it through, but ultimately I play games to have fun and I just wasn’t quite there with Wuppo. - Super Mario Odyssey I loved it, obviously. I wrote my BBLC post towards the end of my time with Odyssey so most of that stands- I do want to add that the controls always felt a little loose, like I wasn’t quite as in-control as I was in Galaxy. Also Mario prioritises walljumping over ledge-grabbing and it’s super-hard to unlearn that instinct after 20 years. Finally- Long Journey’s End is just bullshit. - Secret Of Mana Dropped it pretty soon after Finning it. There’s some logic to the way the game works, some kind of hidden turn-order system, that I could not at all figure out. My AI companions (useless, btw) would hit an enemy which meant I couldn’t, except sometimes the hit would still register but only actually go through 3 seconds later, without any way to tell which way it was going to go. It takes like 7 months for your character to get back up after taking a hit. It’s just, wonky, and I couldn’t solve the puzzle of how to make the game do what I wanted to do. - Pokemon Shield Still working my way through it. It’s- yeah, it’s pokemon. Get a similar vibe to Sun/Moon with it that it’s kind of unfinished- lots of small (and some not so small) parts of the game just feel like there were bigger plans that couldn’t be realised in time. I’m still enjoying it! They did a great job of making the gym battles, and the whole process of 8-badges-then-champion, feel like a spectacle. I think only the anime has managed it to this degree before. - Earthbound Man, I really, really want to like this game, but the battle system is terrible. I need to play through the game again buffing my party up with cheats or something, because it’s so unbalanced and cheap. Everything else about the game is wonderful, but I got so frustrated with the fights! - Mario Kart 8 Didn’t play any of the single player this time, it was midgi’s christmas present so I just joined a couple of multiplayer games. Absolutely baffled that the game features F-Zero style anti-gravity courses, has Mute City and Big Blue, and even has the Blue Falcon as a selectable vehicle, but they haven’t put Captain Falcon in it. Like he’s ever going to get another game of his own? Let him have this! - Carmageddon 2 It’s pretty clunky by now, being 20 years old, but still plays well enough. The physics are super loose so you slide around like your tires have been buttered. It was more fun when they were zombies instead of just normal people. Missions are brutally hard and should be skipped with cheats. - Neopets After 15 years of playing, I finally got a Ghostkersword. The site as a whole has gone through a lot, and certainly its heyday is long gone, but there’s no other game quite like it. I’m playing the Food Club every day, still. - SIF New phone can’t run the actual gameplay section well enough, so I just log in occasionally to grab free scouts. Here’s another one whose golden years are behind it, sadly, but I certainly still have a lot of affection for SIF. - FF1 Mobile version, which fixes a lot of the bugs with the NES original. This year I completed a solo run with 1 Red Mage, a 4-black belts run, a low-level run, and a 4 White Mages run (which ended up being a lower-level run than the low-level run). I’m fairly comfortable in calling myself an expert in FF1, now. There’s still not really any other games like it- build a party as balanced or imbalanced as you like, and see how they fare. I’d like to build my own game in a similar style, one day. - Re: Live Gacha games and RPG just don’t mix! Both gacha and events do not gel with core RPG mechanics of your character(s) developing in strength as the game goes. It seems impossible to balance the game well- do you cater to the whales who spend and spend until they have the strongest teams possible, meaning the free players or the terminally unlucky can’t stand a chance, or do you cater to those players and give them no reason to spend for the more powerful characters? It’s a shame, because the anime was baffling but in that enjoyable way where you just kind of go with whatever it throws at you, and exploring that in a non-freemium game with a solid beginning middle and end would be really interesting. - Tiny Thief Mobile game that’s not available any more, I think my BBLC post covered it well enough. - F-Zero One of the criticisms most commonly levied against F-Zero is that it wont hold your attention for long. While that’s true, it’s not like you have to make a purchasing decision about it any more- it comes bundled in with the other games you’re buying, so the only investment is time. Ignoring that, it’s still fun to burn around the tracks, and the sense of speed hasn’t ever diminished. The music, too, is underappreciated, with Port Town being my personal fave. - F-Zero GX I can’t believe Nintendo hasn’t done anything with this ridiculous universe for 15 years now. The cutscenes are so hilariously overwrought, and the cast of characters is huge! It could so seamlessly intersect with the Starfox universe, too. There were rumours of a Starfox Racing title some time ago, and I really hope that’s the case. It’d work so well (by which I mean, a particularly enjoyable kind of awful). Anyway, the game still plays great, Story Mode is WAY too hard, Dr Stewart’s theme is a Tune. - Stratosphere This game is from 1998! Build a flying fortress, deck it out with fortifications and weapons and power supplies, then use it to destroy other fortresses. I only ever played the demo as a kid, never got the full game. Took some cajoling to get it to work on modern hardware, but eventually I got in and it wasn’t worth it at all. Wow, that performance, apparently it was designed to run at a terrible frame rate and it wasn’t just a result of my 1998 PC not being up to the task! A shame, but I guess it put one of my ghosts to rest. - DKC 2 The best of the three SNES games, despite the inclusion (and protagonism) of Diddy Kong. Lots to love here, but the OST is top notch. - DKC 3 Not as good as 2, but IMO better than 1. There was a much heavier emphasis on gimmick levels in 3, not all of which hit their target, but does provide a great deal of variety. Consensus is that 2 is better, but if someone claimed 3 was the best DKC, I’d let them get away with it. - King Arthur’s World (SNES) Speaking of putting ghosts to rest… We somehow always managed to get this game whenever we got a SNES, and kid!Beebs most certainly didn’t have the patience for it. Adult!Beebs barely does, either. It’s a very ambitious attempt at some sort of RTS/Puzzle hybrid, somewhat comparable to Lemmings? King Arthur must make his way from his starting position to the throne elsewhere in the map to claim it as his own, using the myriad abilities of his soldiers to get him there in one piece. I decided this year that I was finally going to play through the whole damn thing, start to finish, for the first time ever. With copious use of save states and rewinds, I was finally able to slay this demon. For as fiddly and frustrating as it is, I would still say people should check it out if they have the tools to do so- there’s not really anything else like it, on SNES or otherwise; you’re guaranteed a unique experience, if nothing else. - Oscar (SNES) Terrible. - Spanky’s Quest (SNES) With a name like that, how could I refuse? It’s a weird little puzzler, aping (wahey!) Bubble Bobble and Parasol Stars a little. You’re a monkey who can blow bubbles that stun enemies, but if you bounce the bubble on your head it gets progressively larger and can be burst to send a barrage of similarly-sized sports balls at your opponents to knock them out. You know, just like real life. - Addam’s Family (SNES) This easily-dismissible movie tie-in is actually a very competent platformer with some very, very light metroidvania exploration involved. Gomez has to go through Addams Mansion and rescue the members of his family who have been kidnapped by… something. There’s hidden secrets everywhere and the family can be rescued in any order you like. Genuine recommendation. - Panel DePon/Tetris Attack The only vs puzzler I enjoy (yep. Not even puyo puyo. I know.) I played the HECK out of this in my teenage years, and got crazy good at it. Tendonitis says I’m not allowed to do that any more, but once I shook the rust off I was still pretty strong! It was released as Panel DePon in Japan and was fairy themed, but for the western release they replaced all the fairies with Yoshi characters and renamed it Tetris Attack despite having nothing to do with Tetris at all. Up to you which you prefer- language isn't too much of a barrier here. Soundtrack is killer. - Subsurface Circular Finished it before my BBLC post. Still not decided if I liked the way it ended. - Master Of Orion 2 C’mon. After playing three other pretenders to MoO2’s throne, I had to give the real deal a couple of spins too. It’s Civ 5 in space. Customisable race builds. A whole galaxy to bring peace to, by whichever means you prefer. Would love for someone else to get into it. - Touhou 8 Last minute entry I just played yesterday ‘cos I wanted some Touhou and I haven’t played this entry in a long while. A Solo Marisa Normal Final B run, if you’re interested. Kaguya beast-mode tearing apart the Spell Of Imperishable Night at the end of the game is still an awesome moment, but it’s a shame you can miss the last couple of spells if you take some unlucky hits. - And here’s the list of Bins, which are all covered in their BBLC post: No Time To Explain MoO Skyborn Jumpjet Rex StH 4 Ballistick Munch’s Oddysee Outland Project CARS RiME Magicka Waking Mars Urban Chaos Divinity: Dragon Commander Strike Suit Zero Hell Yeah! Lambda Wars Beta Stranger’s Wrath MoO 3 XCOM Lots more Fins than Bins this year! Good to see!
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lastweekseyeliner · 5 years
Best of Inhuman Izuku
 its ya gal sunny back at it again with the fic recs
the fics on this list are some personal favorites.  some are horror, some are fluff, all are about izuku being something more than human.  do note that he won’t be literally inhuman in all of these.
list under the cut.
Izuku is (Afraid) 
Rated M, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
This is the first in a series of fics that start out quite vague and then move into the heavy action.  Thoroughly enjoyable thriller.
To Not Be Bound 
Rated T, todobakudeku  
A fantasy AU in a world where the gods walk among men.
Rated T, no pairings as of yet 
Izuku's body contains the void. 
And In His Eyes, a Galaxy 
Rated M, Inko/Hisashi 
Words: 88721|Chapters: 21|ongoing 
Izuku's quirk allows him to act as a forge, and his passion turns to support work.  A light and enjoyable read with interesting concepts. 
The Dark Below 
Rated M, Warnings for Graphic Depictions of Violence, creator chose not to use other archive warnings 
Words:392453|Chapters: 48/75 
Izuku's quirk allows him to return from death, but that's really just the tip of the iceberg.  The tiny, tiny, miniscule tip of the iceberg.  This fic really goes off the rocket into completely original worldbuilding.  It's worth reading for the imagery alone, although it does get a bit repetitive by the time you get to the newer chapters.  Includes bonus moral reasoning, information warfare, and political manuveuring. 
Rated M, Warning for Graphic Depiction of Violence 
Probably everyone knows this one by now, but basically Izuku can turn into a horrific monster.  The problem is he can't control said monster.  I just think monsters are neat. 
DNA That Binds 
Rated M, Warning for Graphic Depictions of Violence 
Inko has hidden her quirk from the world for a long time, and now that she's found a child with a similar one, she'll hide him too.  An absolutely fascinating quirk and dive into its possible applications. 
I'm Friends with the Monster in my Closet 
Rated M, bakudeku, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings 
Katsuki grows up with a strange friend who only gets stranger.  Slow horror, psychological thriller.  Can be extremely graphic. 
Rated M, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Another classic that everyone knows.  After a lethal incident in his childhood, Izuku struggles to hide his monstrous quirk at UA.  Excellent OCs.
olly olly oxenfree 
Rated M, Graphic Depictions of Violence, tododeku 
This fic plaigiarized an original comic by an artist on tumblr that I could probably find with some time, but won't bother with for now.  After the first couple hundred words it becomes original, although the concept is still the same.  Izuku's quirk means that nobody can look at him.  Detective Tsukauchi gives him a home. 
oyasumi midoriya 
Rated T, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death
The author claims inspiration from Serial Experiments Lain, and those who've watched it will immediately understand what that means.  It's a confusing ride, but absolutely fascinating.  Mind the warnings on this one. 
Rated T, bakudeku 
Katsuki grows up knowing there's a boy next door he never sees.  Izuku's quirk is plant-based.  Extremely fluffy.  Floss with care.
What I Am 
Rated M, Graphic Depictions of Violence, kirideku 
Words:40660|Chapters:3|Likely Abandoned 
Izuku might not have any human friends, but he has plenty of shadows.  Interesting characterization and compelling descriptions.
when dead do walk, seek water's run 
Rated T, bakudeku, todomomo 
Words:8086|Chapters:6|Likely Abandoned 
Okay, I'm hitting a niche with this one, but it's an Abhorsen AU and I love it so, so much.  I would kill for more.  I would raise the victim from the dead and then kill them again for more. 
Never-living, Never-dead 
Rated T 
This is best read blind.
feel free to message me with fics you’d like to see included or reviewed more in-depth!
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the-canine-king · 5 years
i answered all 50 questions in that oc question post
note: i'm only talking about the ones i made lol i was gonna link them all the character’s names to their profiles but that shit’s way too much work so: https://toyhou.se/CanineKing/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:Original
1. Your first OC ever? hmm, there's probably two answers 1) an unnamed character who was basically a fantasy dressed fox kemono boy. do you remember playing a game as a kid where you look out the window in a car and you imagine someone doing sick parkour beside your car? he was the character i imagined (there was also a whole other story i dreamt up where i was some long lost princess from other world and he was gonna save me from this one but that's a whole other thing) he's technically a character i thought of but never thought of anything beyond that, i don't think i ever drew him either 2) 4 (maybe 5) characters i made in middle school where it was about these characters that come from families that can bend one particular element, and they're all friends on school trying to get used to their passed down powers and also be basically kid superheroes. i drew them out and gave them names, but i never wrote anything beyond that, but they were definitely ones that i would call my first actual written ocs 2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? -looks at ace, eliott, and mel- no 3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? yup! before i wasn't so big on the adopt thing, but i turned into a fan w/ collecting designs and writing a lil story for them! i adopted 38 characters, and one other that's currently still in the process of trade :P (and unfortunately trying to purge some away) 4. A character you rarely talk about? unfortunately that'd be a lot of characters bc i'm super focused on drawing ace/ mel smooching for the 548787th time 5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? i'd probably make it eliott bc who else doesn't love a cute, shy, goat boy on the internet 6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? ...... i can't think of any lmao 7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories? i literally only make ocs to make stories so 8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here! nah i can't do rp stuff :'D 9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? honestly, not really if i made them lol but i guess i can if i'm not attatched to them and such, so if i just made a design and offered them up then yeah i can trade them (unless i love their design lol) 10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? even thought i haven't fully drawn my plans for his outfit, azazel would be the most complicated in my standards 11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? me personally, i'd say eliott bc that baby boy is trying his best story wise, either thorne or lucas (but totally lucas since thorne is a liar at heart) 12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot TOO MANY AUGH the very first oc i fell in love with but was forever homes was like a fantasy setting character that was an adventurer and had eagle legs/ other features w/ banging colours but other than that too many others 13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? again, a lot, i guess. bc they mostly fall into that trope? aiden (even though he's trying to be a better person), damien, eve, hugh (in a way), jack, ollie, ricky, roman, and wyatt 14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory uhhhh, hard to choose, i don't have any more bc i haven't written their backstories yet lol - growing up as a theif his whole life to support him and his mother, accidentally kills someone after an awakening of powers and is had to run from his hometown - growing up being shadowed over and forced to be someone that they're not, only to get their hubris get to them, causing themselves and others get hurt and can't even remember the person they loved - growing up w/ betrayal after betrayal she closed herself off, but they met someone and slowly opened up and accidentally fell in love w/ them, only later getting caught and fell from grce, then only to find the person they trusted before not remember them - after being caught on what seemed to be a fatal accident, gets rescured from a miraculous surgery, but he's slowly forgetting what he looks like and who he was every passing second - two people close to each other, only to end up w/ betrayal and lies 15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people? absolutely but if they ask me something i haven't planned yet i'm just "UHHH" 16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? 17. Any OC OTPs? nah ace/ mel is my notp :/ anyways if it's couples in general then: - ace/ mel - lucas/ darla - kaiko/ caspian - + a bunch of the parents in the monster family story - damon/ ollie (okay i'm really not planning for them to be together, but they cute u.u) - jebediah/ demon boyfriend - gunther/ harem - nadiya/ her girlfriend which i still haven't decided if i want her to be like a princess or a traveling swordsman of sorts) - the chimera girl i designed/ her human girlfriend - the fallen god/ mercenary 18. Any OC crackships? uhh i actually don't know :V anyone of the people listed  being w/ someone else would be a crackship? idk every other pairing i know i wouldn't like lol 19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) i guess eliott! i guess also catherine, ricky, comet, and/ or captain since they were my fist group of ocs i wrote a bit about, but i think eliott means a lot more bc he was the one that got me thinking more about ocs  :> 20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)? for some reason i feel like rosa would be a singer? va hc would be someone w/ a strong husky voice and she would probably sing really well in kind of old slow songs you hear in old bars i also thought maybe lillie could sing too, but they’d usually be softer songs or lullabies to calm herself down it’d be nice/ cool to write for fallen god to be able to sing as well, and maybe the mercenary too so they can have nights signing together. maybe fallen god can sing songs that are in their own god language or whatever, and mercenary can watch in awe there may be others but i can’t think of them rn/ they might be charas i haven’t fully made yet 21. Your most artistic OC lmao it’s a bunch of ocs that i haven’t developed my ocs enough for me to know so let’s skip i guess 22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? i mean, people get some stuff wrong about my ocs sometimes but they’re usually so small that i really don’t care about it lol 23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? hmm they relatively stayed the same personality wise but i assure you everyone’s changed from their initial drawing of them 24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why? that's. a really hard choice actually lol bc i wanna be hugged by one of the parents in the monster family story i made, but i also wanna hang out w/ the characters that i can comfortably hang out w/ lol 25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) everyone’s got a bit of shared piece of themselves w/ their ocs don’t they? 26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? against my will? i can’t think of anything that i changed against my will so no :V 27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? the only two i can come up rn are: alistair (devil wears a suit and tie) and rosa (o, raven) 28. Your most dangerous OC? i guess the chimera girl i made since she’s trying to fit in the modern life? i mean i still haven’t thought of her story yet but i know she Angery 29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? ace, aiden, maybe keaton 30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? mel, eva, roy 31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) eliott: landscape stuff, muted colours, mystical content here and there ace: default theme, memes, probably has a side blog that’s more of an aesthetic blog mel: super aesthetic blog, romance themed 32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? literally anyone in the renegade group i could’ve said anyone in the hunters group but they’re all fucking idiots (lee would be more closer to the renegade’s level tho) 33. Your shyest OC? eliott, roy, audrey, fallen god 34. Do you have any twin characters? i literally want to design twin ocs just to have twin ocs jdshfkjsdf 35. Any sibling characters? audrey, dylan, and elle + eve and juno + ace and jack 36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? nah not really lol 37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human ?? i barely have human characters in the first place, unless this one means humanoid :V 38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? iiiii can’t think of anyone other than the two parents i thought of that i’m planning to be dance teachers lmao 39. Introduce any character you want i haven’t drawn them yet but fallen god and mercenary are two unnamed characters that i recently started thinking of where fallen god falls from the heavens and looses their sight, and the merc runs from their past meet and they team up together w/ the merc being fallen god’s eyes and the fallen go being their protector 40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! i guess it;s just sentimental ones like, first ocs, first compliments, first art/ fic of them, etc. 41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!) YEAH AND EVERYONE DRAWS THEM CUTER THAN I DO (well i mean these were from freebies, art trades/ games, and gifts but still) please check out ace’s other’s art gallery and eliott’s other’s art gallery, bc they have the most of them (bc i ask for them a lot lol) 42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? whoever in middle school age i guess 43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess big n beefy, jokesters, heart of gold 44. Something you like about your OCs in general that i made them all (well of course not the adopted kids) 45. A character you no longer use? everyone every time i don’t focus on their story anymore than i used to ;;;; 46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? fortunately no, and i hope no one does and it’d stop to others bc wow that’s rude as hell 47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? okay literally the first time i made eliott, everyone i knew wanted to adopt him as their kid lol 48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure eliott, parker, elle (i love all of them tho :’D) 49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes ace, roman, ricky, aiden, dylan, eva, ollie 50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want i love all of my babes okay good night
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autumnsidhe · 5 years
Answer all the things
D&D Ask Meme
ah fuck. i can’t believe you’ve done this.everything’s going under a read more b/c it’s gonna be long as all fuck
2. Your favorite character that someone else has played.ollie……….. little shit idiot i love him? he and james are both anarchist dumbass but in different ways. brothers in arms.
3. Your favorite side quest.oh christ. there’s no real particular side quests but my fave side plot in general is what i’ll summarise as “alora is a rat bastard.”
alora met a hot rich socialite guy who seemed really into her and she decided she was gonna play the long con on him b/c he might be useful
she and james both agreed to side w/ king clockwork, but when the king actually mentioned it alora gave james a Look™ and he was mad as fuck. he’s still kinda mad as fuck
she decided to be pals w/ a main antagonist (gluto) and didn’t tell us until days after it happened that he’d talked to her in his dreams
alora was told to not tell anyone abt the repugnant’s secret organisation. she immediately spilled the info to everyone
she was told to not mention the organisation’s meeting or anything that went on there. she immediately spilled the info to the motley and literally sent us a photo of the repugnant on his throne speaking to everyone
she was told to keep a specific person away from castle repugnant. she let him waltz right up to the castle w/ everyone else and seemed confused when they said he couldn’t go in
she broke into somewhere w/ gluto and then left him in a room full of very important documents b/c she somehow didn’t think taking him there to begin w/ wouldn’t backfire
the last thing james said to her was literally “i take it back, you’re a stupid shit idiot and i hate you”
4. Your current campaign.random sideplots get to go here this time! most of them are james or ollie b/c we interact the most w/ npcs
james and galant romance sideplot and the sheer amount of wild scenes that have happened as a result (the date, le fway showing up, addy’s dating advice, “ollie, you’re pretty ignorant”, “so you killed your boyfriend”)
ash coaches a baseball team
ollie tries to handle pink drugs, fails to provide any evidence that he’s not the cause
alora helps the repugnant, always immediately regrets it b/c he’s a little bastard man
the gang trying to figure out what’s going on w/ the repugnant’s amnesia
james accidentally making friends w/ a black spiral dancer and being heavily in denial abt why cylus probably got so attached to begin w/ (hint: it’s the anarchy and the horrid rebellious streak)
james nearly sides w/ the main antagonist b/c he’s got the right idea but his methods are fucked
ollie goes to fairy prison, makes friends w/ a vampire and some old sidhe, is currently in the middle of trying to break out
5. Favorite NPC.unfortunately it might be cylus? cylus is like 6 levels of batshit at any given moment and was introduced to us as a nameless dangerous prisoner that galant was holding for some sort of treaty? and james and addy were told to not listen to him for any reason and to not let him free. and of course james let him free. he shifted into a giant 9ft-ish tall war form and then james realised he was really in over his head. upside: he went back in his cell afterwards. downside: he got attached to james. also downside: james didn’t actually get warned that he was a dangerous war criminal until after all this went downthen cylus literally showed up in james’ dream to tell him a few things and warn him that he was planning to escape? and there was nothing james could do b/c “i heard it in a dream” isn’t exactly a solid claim esp when he doesn’t have any sort of future sight. and of course cylus broke outthen james ran into him in the dreaming and james was losing his mind the entire time b/c cylus is an absolute freak and james was stuck walking w/ him for like 2 hours. then like an hour after they parted ways james got flung into a ditch on the edge of town (in the real world) and cylus carried an unconscious james like a sack of potatoes into waffle house and just let him sleep on the table for a bit. then like 3 days later cylus broke into his apartment and made him breakfast.and then james got flung out into the middle of nowhere again for reasons and cylus was there and james had the choice of dealing w/ cylus or being horribly lost in the woods so he chose the first one. and he nearly got caught in the middle of a big werewolf fight that cylus orchestrated. and also nearly got caught in some extremely violent family drama.throughout all of this cylus is acting like he’s james’ best friend and last time they spoke cylus really wanted to do buddy cop stuff! they’re pals! totally! and james wants absolutely none of it but he can’t explode on him b/c he’s a skinny little twink and cylus could snap him like a twig w/ no effort
to summarise:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).we actually haven’t had many deaths! the only ones i can think of in game that aren’t random monsters were the old bastard and nor nan, which. were both interesting in their own ways, but nor nan’s was mostly tragic and i don’t wanna get feelsy so i’ll just use the old bastard here.to set the scene: we’re at a fancy party. ash and marike (an npc, he’s an unseelie lord and overall a hell of a time) are off on their own trying to catch chimerical creatures that stole their weapons. marike curbstomps one, meanwhile the other has climbed up onto a curtain rod. the place has really high ceilings. his solution? pick up ash and toss him at the creature. ollie and the old bastard (who owns the house) walk in just as this is happening, and the old bastard sees ash tear down the curtain rod for no damn reason. of course he demands answers. ash tries to bullshit a story abt an entire family of raccoons they were trying to chase outthen the old bastard gets shot in the head. ollie and marike are splattered w/ blood. he hits the ground, ash makes a joke abt “telling his wife the bad news”then he notices his wife is the one who just shot him
7. Your favorite downtime activity.the entire arc’s taken place over the course of 15 days in-game, including downtime. we haven’t had any specific downtime activities per say, but the best moment we’ve had during downtime was when ollie broke into james’ apartment and now he refuses to let ollie anywhere near his apartment complex
8. Your favorite fight/encounter.i’ll stick to generally hostile meetings for this since we’ve only a small handful of solid fights? but it’s either “james nearly dies” or “ollie is a good distraction”
to set the scene for the first one: the hospital chimerically burnt down, so the motley decided to investigate and sneaked in as janitors. james ended up alone down in the morgue after finding a body covered in chimerical burns getting wheeled down there. he checks it out, takes a couple photos on his phone. then the door opens.james starts cleaning and stuff, but it turns out the person who came in (gluto!) was also a changeling and very easily noticed the fact that he’s got really noticeable pointy ears in his fae mien. and of course he starts threatening james. and after he pulls out a massive scythe. james sends everyone an sos but they all get stuck in the elevator. so james pulls a gun in a fucking hospital. and he gets called on the bluff but before he can put it away, in bursts galantgalant starts kicking a bit of ass, and then gluto ripped the (already weak from the fire) chimerical ceiling down on top of them! galant did some shit to lift the rubble off them with little to no effort and james was kinda like “oh no he’s hot” for a second before galant kicked a bit more ass and gluto ran like hell!then he next night galant literally died for james (it’s okay, he got better) and confessed that james is his true love and just. man.
for the second one: there’s 3 assassins after galant. he fucked off to lovescreek in order to avoid them, but when ollie found him, one of the assassins had found him! so ollie joins the fray against this troll (who are like 8′ at the shortest), and after a short bit gluto joined in as well to distract ollie from the main fight! so what did ollie do? start loudly singing “i’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts” for a chicanery bunk to turn galant invisible. and of course both assassins turned on him and he ended up having to run like hell but when he lost them galant reappeared and was like “well that was fun”
9. Your favorite thing about D&D tabletop RPGs.i’ll keep it real, i’ve disliked every dnd system i’ve experimented w/ and i’m not a fan of most fantasy so it’s unlikely i’ll every actually play a proper dnd game but god… tabletop stuff is just so much fun? mostly the story and the fact that joe is absolutely godly
10. Your favorite enemy and the enemy you hate the most.cylus may be my fav npc but my fav antagonist is definitely king clockwork? ic my very first encounter with him led into him and james talking about their beliefs and ideals for like 2 hours straight and when he was getting ready to leave james was ecstatic that he’d finally met someone who fully understood his mindset. then the bomb dropped that he was the boss of the other antagonists and james was hit w/ this utter horror. and then james considered siding w/ him for a long ass time before eventually trying to kill him to put a stop to everything. yeah. yeahmy fav enemy/antagonist is absolutely gluto b/c he’s creepy as shit. during anyone’s first encounter w/ him i was completely solo and it was horribly unsettling and i simultaneously love and despise him
11. How often do you play and how often would you ideally like to play?we meet once a week! what game we run varies but recently it’s been changeling every week since we’re still waiting on player characters to start hunter the reckoning lmao
12. Your in game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.we have a bunch of them but uhhhhh random ones off the top of my head
“it’s always sunny in coolville” b/c i realised early on that we were going to be up to a lot of dumb shenanigans and it was easy to make it’s always sunny title cards based on each session
#saveduke b/c there was a whole thing at one point where we had to keep him from getting kidnapped. spun off from that are #SaveDukeFromHimself, #SaveGalantFromJamesStupidity and #SaveDukeAgain?
“appearance 4, captivating” b/c dom said it regularly for multiple sessions until his character dirty danced with a hot guy at a party, after which he decided that alora was a lesbian
“does [insert art] let me throw fireballs?” b/c dom wanting to throw fireballs down the street is a running joke but also he unironically asked if primal 2 would let him throw fireballs
“james got norted” b/c he nearly joined the main antagonist, which devolved into “[insert random character] got norted” at the most random times
james and galant touching tips b/c at one point while they were casually talking ollie just started going 👉👈 in the background and james got really mad and flustered abt it so everyone started doing it
“ultra instinct ash” b/c he’s our shaggy and also has done like fuck all nothing productive in game so him going fucking super saiyan to kill the final boss is hilarious
“i got two hands!” b/c people regularly ask why ollie dual wields broadwords
#OllieOllieOxenFREE b/c ollie got himself sent to fairy jail
“i did [stupid thing], can i buy [half related skill]?” like “i attempted murder, can i get chronos 2?” or “i was an assassin in a past life, can i get melee 3?”
“people, let me tell you bout my best friend!” abt james and cylus b/c boy does james have bad taste in friends
14. Introduce any other parties you have played in or DM-ed.uhhh exalted is the only one i’ve been a part of that’s been solidly active, but we’ve got characters for scion for when 2e drops, and i’ve got characters set up for chaos reigns when joe starts the next arc b/c i didn’t wanna peter parker myself into the finale. i don’t remember the rest of the scion crew well enough but i love them
15. Do you have snacks during game times?we almost always grab food on the way there and eat before we properly start
16. Do you play online or in person? Which do you prefer?in person! it’s the only way i’ve ever done it but i’m 🙏 that maricopa gets running online b/c……….. vampire good………..
17. What are some house rules that your group has?the big house rule for changeling is “ run things fast and loose.” joe knows the characters well and what’s on their sheets so we don’t do too much dice rolling except for arts. joe also takes some artistic liberties w/ some things, mainly wayfare and the inanimae, b/c his main goal is to make a good story and he’s sure as fuck succeeding
18. Does your party keep any pets?do addy and duke count? they’re a white rabbit and a beagle. beyond that, addy’s got pet rabbits, and ollie might be feeding a stray cat
19. Do you or your party have any dice superstitions?not really. dom claims that dice rollers hate him but he also keeps using his dice roller rather than pulling out physical dice
20. How did you get into D&D? How long have you been playing?i got into tabletop years ago when harley introduced me to the dystopia rising larp and i decided to check out the tabletop version for more lore. the current tabletop system sucks but onyx path is handling 2e and i’m so hyped for it. at some point a bit later i played vampire the masquerade bloodlines, and it got me into the world of darkness and well. i still love it.as for how long i’ve been playing, uh. around a year i think? i forget when we started exalted the borderlands-ing. i’d been sitting in on the group for around a year before that, mostly getting a feel for things and also we were trying to figure out a good jumping in point for me and i wish i could’ve started earlier but it let me mesh w/ everyone a bit easier and also have an outsider’s viewpoint when it came to certain issues
21. Have you ever regretted something your character has done?oh absolutely, “i fucked up” is the semi-catchphrase for james for a reason. he theoretically has common sense b/c i usually say “this is gonna be stupid/bad” either ic or ooc before i do some shit and well. yeah it doesn’t usually go well but we have fun
23. Do you use premade modules or original campaigns?i think the only thing not original we’ve run since i moved up is strange aeons and maybe a coc scenario? everything else has been original campaigns
24. How much planning/preparation do you do for a game?not too much, really. i sometimes plan out a little of what i’m going to do, but half the time i never actually have the chance b/c stuff moves in a different direction than i was expecting. however i also write the summaries of the shit we’ve gotten up to every session so there’s that
25. What have your players done that you never could have planned for?i’m not a dm but i’m answering this for joe b/c he flat-out admitted that he couldn’t predict what was going to happen in at least half of changeling b/c we’re an unpredictable mess but everything’s come together to make a really interesting finale
30. Are your players diplomatic or murder hobos?answering this one too even tho it’s still a dm question b/c the players themselves are half diplomatic (me, mal, joe depending on game) and half murder hobos (fredy, dom). dom’s been going more diplomatic w/ alora but also she’s so bad at it and it’s wonderful
31. What is your favorite class? Favorite race?classes aren’t a thing in changeling but out of the kiths ouuuuuuuugh i love sidhe a lot. like they’re honestly cool as hell and i fucking love the house lore? i’ll also do houses b/c fuck it, my fav house is beaumayn b/c they have no chill and every bit of house lore they have is brutal as hell
32. What role do you like to play the most? (Tank/healer/etc?)just looking at my trends of characters i’ve got currently (re)built, i have:- the face (james, rex, val)- support (henri, caoimhe, river kinda?)- the antisocial son of a bitch (nomi, neil)- “i’m going to wreck anything you point me at” (hound, oliver, elliot but not by his own choice)- pure chaos (nora, glitch mage)gemma is kinda hard to put into any category b/c she’s babey?
33. How do you write your backstory, or do you even write a backstory?it depends on the character? some characters don’t have backstories (caoimhe, nora), some i’ve fleshed out heavily (james). it’s usually assembled from a bunch of random snippets written over the course of however long. some of it’s heavily thought out, other parts are just kinda arbitrary. i also tend to run some more important chunks past joe or mal just to see how they feel? james being from house gwydion was originally arbitrary and wasn’t really gonna matter (joe himself said it would just be a bit of flavour) then he figured out how to fold it into plot and i’m thriving b/c le fway is wild
34. Do you tend pick weapons/spells for being useful or for flavor?flavour, though use is also a bonus? artswise james currently has naming/chronos/contract, which are all useful in their own ways but also reflect his past lives / him as a person
35. How much roleplay do you like to do?yes. if i’m not able to embrace the character i’m playing is it really that fun? is it really? no b/c when that happens to this group we get the dumbed down version of chaos reigns and i go fucking batshit b/c of the fact that combat takes way too long
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truemedian · 3 years
Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Week? (August 28th)
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Image: Suda51 It's been another hectic week of the Nintendo Life. Let's see, there was a Monster Hunter Rise x Street Fighter free update, all sorts of reveals from Gamescom Opening Night Live and follow-up streams, accusations of foul play in the world of retro collecting, a surprising crossover of Puma and Animal Crossing, and the launch of Pokémon TV on Switch. That's only scratching the surface, really, it was a busy ol' week. After all that it's time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy! Gavin Lane, editor I should really get back to Metroid: Samus Returns, I suppose. It’s good, but I’m playing it in short bursts and really need to find a few hours to devote to it. Metroid Dread’s approaching fast and time is running out. Beyond that, I’ll probably continue Islanders, which I started tinkering with earlier in the week, and I might download the newly-released Townscaper, too. I’ve followed that game’s development for some time and fell in love with the art style. Fingers crossed that it plays as great as it looks. Tom Whitehead, deputy editor I recently picked up This War of Mine: Complete Edition and, though the subject matter is rather grim, I'm intrigued to try it out for the first time. I'm also due a revisit of Monster Hunter Rise to try and catch up with the cool free updates, and it's also weekend tradition to continue my playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD; I actually don't play it on weekdays, weirdly. I also plan to pick up Inked: A Tale of Love, a gorgeous looking game that has probably been overlooked by many because of the week's various high profile releases. Outside of Switch I'm very much enjoying Psychonauts 2, and there's a new season in MLB The Show 21 to lure me in; that game is my greatest addiction and weakness. Kate Gray, staff writer Technically, my last WAYP entry was untrue - I said I'd be playing Minecraft, and I didn't have time. Instead, I played Final Fantasy on the NES, and I'll probably do it again this weekend. I've never played a NES game, and the only FF game I've ever played is the remake of FF7 on the PlayStation, so I really don't have much of a reference point for it! It's a little frustrating with the old-school save system and the repetition, but I'm still having fun. The NES buttons - the little concave tablets - are extremely nice to use, and my party is made up of Crug, the Fighter, Belb, the Black Belt, Egg the White Mage, and Sqeb the Black Mage. I love them all very much. Jon Cartwright, video producer I've been taking a look back at Nintendo's DLC efforts on Switch and really adore their output in 2018. Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna The Golden Country, Mario + Rabbids: DK Adventure and Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion all felt like stand alone entries rather than simple expansions. We're planning a video to highlight a few of these efforts and this weekend I'm going to spend some time delving back through Octo Expansion. I found the core single player of Splatoon 2 to be fine but perhaps a bit too similar to the original. Octo Expansion on the other hand is bursting with completely new ideas and introduces some serious lore to the Splatoon world. It was hands-down my favourite Splatoon campaign and I can't imagine those thoughts changing with this playthrough. On the non-Nintendo side (the horror) I started Psychonauts 2 the other day and good lord it's delightful. I can't recall the last non-Mario 3D platformer to feel this fluid and polished. It's incredibly entertaining and I think a lot of Nintendo fans would really like it. PJ O'Reilly, reviewer Hello. This weekend I’m gonna be pretty busy wrapping up a few reviews but I’m also absolutely determined to get stuck into No More Heroes III and Spelunky 2 if I manage to get a little bit of spare time. I’ve been patiently awaiting Travis Touchdown’s latest outing – Stuart’s review has got me even more excited – and Spelunky 2, well, it’s just a masterpiece innit, a must-play roguelite masterclass. Oh, and Super Animal Royale just came out...there’s too many good games right now! Have a good weekend whatever you’re up to or playing! Ollie Reynolds, reviewer Hello chums. This weekend I'll be diving back into Guacamelee! for a bit of comforting Metroidvania action. It's been a minute since I last played it, but it's easily one of the best games in the genre, in my opinion. I'll also be checking out the WarioWare: Get It Together! demo, since everyone's been raving so much about it recently. It's doubtful I'll buy the full game when it's out, but I used to love the older WarioWare titles, so I feel I have to at least give it a try! As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your gaming choices over the next few days... Read More Read the full article
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ink-being · 10 months
⛈ :3
It's been pouring down with rain for hours, the occasional crash of thunder almost shaking the house. Every few moments it sounds like the rain gets heavier and seems like it's going to break through the windows with how heavy it is.
It's hard to find Ollie when the weather is this bad.
They're not on the ceiling or in one of the attics; it feels too unsafe. They're not in any of their nests, they aren't in the bathroom or the kitchen.
They're in the cupboard under the stairs, shaking as they almost seem to hide in their tentacles, covered almost entirely by the appendages.
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term1itmedia · 6 years
Last Day Research - Daniel Egneus, Daniel Libeskind, Chapman Brothers Hell Series, Adalberto Abbate, Laika Studios, Pedro Medieros, Olly Moss and Matt Taylor
So, these are artists I forgot to look at during the 6 week first half of the term, so  here they are.
Daniel Egneus
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Daniel Egneus’s works are composed of outlined (and sometimes filled) drawings. The first picture is a luxury room with what looks like a woman holding something on her shoulder with a bird right behind her, and the second picture looks like London with floating houses held up by flying elephants above it.
I’m OK with Daniel E’s works, but I don’t like them that much because there isn’t enough colour and detail. The luxury room has a lot of detail, but it is quite absent within the London-lookalike.
Daniel Libeskind
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Daniel Libeskind’s works are comprised of master plans, or architecture. The first picture is a plan of the Denver Art Museum with the room layout and stairs planning, while the second one is just a depiction of the World Trade Center, possibly about what it will look like after being rebuilt.
I like his Denver Art Museum work, but the World Trade Center one is a bit too messy. I get it is meant to be a drawing, but with a lot of lines and squiggles all over the place, it is very difficult to see in the middle of the image.
Chapman Brothers
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The Chapman Brothers are model makers and photographers. They both take the style of Lori Nix and Jonah Samson (which you can learn more about in a previous post I made on them).
The Hell Series is one of their greatest works and that is what I had to look at. The first picture is of a skeleton baiting a turtle to pull a train with a crowd watching, and the second picture is of an area of war with a tank of men and many bodies of soldiers.
For both of these works, I’d say they are good, because of the detail and saturation. Because this was done with two people, these are bigger. If it was only one person alone, it would’ve taken them a lot more time.
Adalberto Abbate
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Adalberto Abbate does make pictures from the ground up like the other artists I’ve shown, but he also makes self-portraits of people (stock images) with their faces ripped out of the picture, concealing their identities.
Because little to no effort is required to make something like this, I have no opinions for it. If I had to, I would say I don’t like it because it is too easy to do.
Laika Studios
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Laika Studios does models for stop-motion animations. The first picture is four of their models from movies (cannot find out which ones), and the second picture is of a skeleton that they have built and is exhibited in their studio!
Already, I’m loving them because of how accurate they are to animated movies nowadays (particularly ones like Inside Out or The Emoji Movie). If I were to try and make some of these myself, I’d probably give up about a quarter of the way through because of how difficult they are to make. Well, maybe not difficult, but time-consuming.
Mark Hogancamp
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Mark Hogancamp does modelling photography, just like the Chapman Brothers, in the style of Lori Nix and Jonah Samson. The first picture is of one of his pictures that he has taken with a model tank and 3 action men wearing war outfit.
The second picture is of him actually making the photo by moving things carefully, placing objects where they should be and then taking the final picture, which is exactly how these are made.
I like these works because of how good the models look (close to a perfect human being), as well as the appropriate-ness for the scenery that is used with it, like the 3 men near a lake.
Pedro Medieros
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Pedro Medieros is a pixel artist who creates GIF animations of tutorials for sprite animation. The first GIF is of how to make a death animation and a take-hit animation, while the second GIF is of how to make pixel clusters (shading and light additions on pixel art objects).
This one is particularly interesting because I’ve tried to do so with my coin that I have made back in Digital Project 1, and I think I did a good job of it.
In case you never saw it, here it is:
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This was the only GIF I was able to do within that time and it took quite a while to do. If I had more time during that day, I would’ve made another one.
Jimbo Phillips
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Jimbo Phillips is a graphic design artist who does heavily distorted pictures of objects to make them look like something out of a horror movie. The first picture is of an octopus turned into a giant monster and the second picture is of a human skull heavily edited to look like a zombie with a brain exploding out of it’s head and one of it’s eyes popping out.
Personally, I don’t like them as they are too gruesome for my liking. Don’t get me wrong, they do look great, but I don’t like them.
Olly Moss and Matt Taylor
To finish off this absolutely ridiculous post of research, Olly Moss and Matt Taylor are book/movie poster illustrators.
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The first one of Olly’s is The Jungle Book, which is made of Shere Khan. However, imprinted upon his tiger pattern is the jungle itself with Mowgli (the boy) and Kaa (the snake) in the trees.
The second picture is of what looks like a Japanese film with someone looking into a cauldron, but outside of the smoke/steam is a person running forwards with a sword in their hand.
It is a VERY ingenious print, and that is why I like it. Making a shape of something and then filling it with another pattern relevant to the final product is a great way of advertising, particularly for horror films.
But that is just Olly Moss. Now for Matt Taylor...
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Matt’s works consist of a more colourful variation of advertising. For the first picture, he uses the Guardians of the Galaxy banner, but turns the colours into something crazy by only having a limited palette. For example, if you were to make a rainbow but limit yourself to only red, blue, white and yellow, then you’ll be limiting yourself out from the other colours.
I don’t particularly like Matt’s style as it is quite difficult to see what is going on in the picture outside of the title of the film, but I do love Olly’s as you can actually get a good spoiler out of looking at the poster of the film/book/whatever.
Model Reasoning
Before I end off this post, I’m going to have to include what is the backstory of the model (the Megavolt model, which you can more about in the post below this one).
Think of this as Frankenstein (the story). In the backstory of the model, there was a line saying; “In an attempt to fix the problem, an even greater power outage was caused instead, exploding machines and killing everyone inside”, which hints at something wrong.
In Frankenstein, the mad scientist was making a person come alive by collecting various body parts from corpses and putting them all together on one body that he made from the ground up. After attempting to bring it to life, he immediately regretted his decision as it turned out to be a zombie.
Of course, this wouldn’t be a real project without some research alongside it, so I found a picture of an abandoned lab from a film:
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This is the InGen Compound from Jurassic Park 3. I’ve only seen the first movie so please don’t give me any spoilers. It was originally a lab to keep dinosaurs until they grew, but then eventually, they ran into problems with the dinosaurs and so the lab has been abandoned. This could be the lab that was used in the first film where the dinosaur eggs hatched.
Here is a clip I have found on YouTube, where they explore the lab and get ambushed by a Raptor.
These ideas didn’t inspire me as I came up with the final idea myself for my model, but these are good none-the-less, as it gives a backstory as to why it was left abandoned in the first place.
So, that’s it. The research is (hopefully) done.
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ink-being · 11 months
😱 for dark!Ace? :3
Ollie's not one to stall when somebody walks into the house, especially when they look so confident. Usually, it's as quick as a shrew underwater.
However, looking at the latest visitor, they can tell that something is different — it's intriguing. They crawl along the ceiling just to look at him a little closer. He smells of blood and he looks rather airy. They won't eat him yet; they aren't hungry and he's too scrawny.
And they're more interested in following him around, perfectly concealed by the darkness of the house, silent as they navigate.
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ink-being · 10 months
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Ollie had tried to go outside today, in a mask and an oversized hoodie to hide anything that made them look anything less than human.
However, someone had apparently been watching the house and started shooting at them even as they tried to retreat back into the house, one bullet piercing their arm just before they could make it inside.
They lock the door quickly before moving as far from it as possible, ending up curled up in a corner in the bathroom, shaking and sobbing quietly as they try to calm down, arm still bleeding.
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ink-being · 9 months
Oh no. That tone isn't good.
That tone means Ace is up to something.
Casually, socially, he plops down onto Ollie's lap while they're sitting in their nest. Naked. "Can we play?"
He's a little fiend, is what he is. He loves making his friend feel good, loves how they make him feel good in turn. Loves that nothing's ever the same when they do sleep together.
Careful not to hurt any of Ollie's eyes (more careful than any thing like him has any right to be), he leans forward and kisses them. It's a little odd, like neither of them have properly kissed before, but they're not performing for anyone. They do what they want, how they want.
With a quiet noise, he runs his fingers through their hair and down their back.
It's not often that Ollie is fully naked, usually at least in a T-shirt. But it's been really hot recently and it's not like either them or Ace is uncomfortable with the sight of the other naked.
Though they're not as used to Ace walking around naked. No complaints though.
They don't notice Ace moving closer until he's in their lap, barely centimetres from their face, close enough that they can nearly see him properly. There'd been a new change today, regarding their everchanging anatomy: two dicks, around the length of their tongues, and Ace is sitting on one of them.
They slowly move their hands to his waist as their lips connect. It's an admittedly rather odd kiss but neither person bites the other so that's a win. They hum softly against his lips.
"Of course." Ollie says with a smile and a gentle squeeze to Ace's hips.
This'll be fun.
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