#about micah.
abovesn4kes · 4 months
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Rdr2 but make them little animals?!??
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posting more of this soon !
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theonlyadawong · 1 year
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Much Ado About Nothing
Royal Shakespeare Company, 2022
Dir. Roy Alexander Weise
Photos by Ikin Yum
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cacaocheri · 1 year
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i feel like i’ve reached a new level of degeneracy every time i’m like “oh boy time to think about The Scenarios” and it’s just me holding hands with a fictional guy
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ranna-alga · 2 months
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"Do the Evolution" - Pearl Jam
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
I'm at that part of chapter three my friends, so let me be a reminder that Colm O'Driscoll's plan to lure in Dutch after taking Arthur failed because nobody came looking for him.
He would have died being held captive any longer, he barely escaped.
The gang did not come for Arthur.
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pigeonsareevil · 6 months
Pet rats are so silly because of how they interact with you. When touching your skin they will act like it's the most delicate thing in the world, they will lick you like crazy but wouldn't dare to even graze their teeth on it, let alone bit you. But the moment they come in contact with your clothes, suddenly all that softness is forgotten and they transform into a vicious beast ready to bite and scratch and destroy everything that comes into their way
Anyway, look at this God of destruction
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thefirstknife · 4 days
Because Datto is very smart, his preview video of TFS shows something that confirms our greatest dreams, despite him saying there's no spoilers in the video (probably because he has no clue who the character is), but this is visible briefly in the corner:
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Obviously it was already almost 100% confirmed because of the card from the vidoc so this isn't a huge spoiler to those of us who paid attention, but man. There's something so incredibly reassuring and incredible about seeing this.
Micah-10 was such a small niche lore character, but one that everyone loved instantly. And then all the way back in BL they gave us some backstory about her which was interesting in so many ways; her connection to the Traveler, her life as a little kid on Europa, her gay dads and most importantly her identity as a trans woman which was shown in such an elegant and simple way without making it seem like they're doing this for good boy points, as so much of media does. It wasn't a big deal, it wasn't used to sell products, it's just there, as a part of the story and the world.
And now we'll actually see her and hear her. To know for a fact that she is becoming a voiced and living character in the, arguably, most important expansion is incredible beyond words. They did not have to do this or choose this character in particular, but they did. I can't wait to see her, which I believe we will soon because a "[redacted]" character was teased through the Cosplay Cosmodrome back in April. They should start showing us the cosplay today, though we're not sure when the cosplayer for Micah will be shown.
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river-of-wine · 4 months
I find Miss Grimshaw’s death to be one of the most interesting out of the characters that die in RDR2 because there is just so much going on with it. She begins chapter six shooting an innocent woman, doing what she believes is the right thing as the arbiter of justice she is described as. She shoots an innocent woman through the stomach for a perceived betrayal, and in doing so, she damns herself. Grimshaw ends the chapter being shot through the stomach by Micah, by the real traitor that she failed to recognise, for what was, in Dutch’s eyes, her own perceived betrayal. Molly confessed to ratting on the gang, something that she didn’t do but knew the consequences of, and Grimshaw, as her final action of the game, turns on Dutch, the man she has been loyal to for so many years, on the side of John and Arthur. Grimshaw’s death comes at such an interesting part in the story, such a climactic moment, and yet it is almost entirely unnoticed by everybody around her. In this huge moment, this standoff between what remains of the gang, the murder of one of its longest standing members just kind of happens, and then the standoff continues as Dutch gives a speech over the dying, agonised screams of a woman who has spent so many years loyally at his side, who has taken her first real stand against him, who has been murdered, who is now a traitor and not worth acknowledging. Grimshaw dies in pain, perhaps the most that we hear from a gang member’s death that we actually witness, though I’m sure Kieran’s torture at the hands of the O’Driscolls was even less pleasant. Grimshaw’s death is the death of what may have still remained of the gang, the security within it that she helped to provide, and her death is the justice that she failed to correctly serve returning to her, her failure to actually kill the traitor then killing her. She is shot through the stomach and dies in pain and the man she had been so loyal to simply does not care
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moonmeg · 5 months
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barghest-land · 1 year
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drawing red dead actors with a main character vibe part 3 🐁
i think even if i was bug sized i'd still wanna punch Micah in the face. i'd probably die trying though. but it would be worth it
still can't believe how naturally evil Micah feels though. i remember one moment on my 3rd playthrough, with a stagecoach robbery. i've never intentionally thrown dynamite at horses in the story mode, but he made me do it, and i realized what i did only after the mission. got blindly influenced for a second there i guess 💀 damn ok i can't really blame Dutch after that
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locowolf · 8 months
i wish the more popular theory was when micah became a rat and not if there’s a second rat.
of course he started working as a mole for the pinkertons when he returned from guarma, but was he ratting to the o’driscolls before that? if so, when did that start? before the game, during chapter 1, or after? was he in cahoots with anyone else?
related to that idea, what were his intentions when he joined the gang? was it always to steal dutch’s money, or did he think to steal it later in the game? did he sabotage the blackwater ferry job? were all of his reckless plans done to destroy the gang and/or steal dutch’s money? where does he sleep at night?
the game gives us a great character to analyze and theorize about yet people only focus on a second rat :(
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mawecking · 1 month
my FUCKING DAD DREW micah bell as mickey mouse because i was talking bout mickey and fucking accidentally said micah mouse because we’ve been playing RDR2 for like FOUR MONTHS STRAIGHtsu and he couldnt let go of It im losing my sanity Anyways had to share it with literally all the Rdr2 enjoyers following me (there isn’t any)
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The Twin Boys; One in Black, One in White
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brothermoth · 2 months
I love fiction it means I can desire this disgusting little man carnally, but do not have to tolerate his behavior in the real tangible world. Yes I like icky old men but I like icky old men when they are pixels and not people I have to interact with on a daily basis. He's just pixels guys, it's okay. It's alright.
It's almost like I'm an adult that understands how to interact with fiction in a healthy manner. Just because a character you find interesting is a horrible person does NOT mean you condone those actions or ideals. Some of y'all need to grow the fuck up. You've got worms in your brains and the worms contain the ghosts of Puritans. Kill them. Kill the worms.
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arthursfuckinghat · 10 days
I will never be normal about the red dead redemption protagonists getting caught in the cycle of revenge for their loved ones
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flowerygarrland · 1 month
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Man standing emoji
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