#i read a meta about it and it explains it 1000x better than i can
ranna-alga · 26 days
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Everything I have to say about Sherlock at this point (including some unpopular opinions)
Hello to anyone reading this post who I assume is or was at some point a fan of BBC Sherlock, I hope each one of you is having a good time despite everything that may be going wrong in your life right now. Things always get better, I promise  So, I’ve been thinking about writing this post for a while now and I feel like now is the best time to do so. You see, about a month ago I watched this TedTalk that really affected how I think( why do you think you’re right even when you’re wrong). I really suggest you watch the video, but to summarize it, it was about how we need to think and act like a scout and not a soldier. A Soldier’s main concern is to attack or defend herself, her heart starts pounding, her hormone levels are elevated and basically she cares about defeating the opponent more than anything else. Scouts on the other hand mainly focus on seeing exactly what is there, there is no bias, there is no attacking, it is simply observing in the best way possible. This is exactly what all of us must do in order to have a healthy conversation and unfortunately it is hard thing to do I admit. However hard we try, we can never be 100% unbiased and I find that very natural. Still, I try my best to stay unprejudiced and as challenging as this feat is, it is worth it. Everything I am about to say in the following paragraphs I have tried to analyze based on everything I’ve been observing in this fandom and even though I do not claim at all that all of these are completely unbiased, I have to say I tried my best. ( it would still be very faulty because who am I kidding, we’re all human beings and we are biased) Before I start I need to give a background of myself. Because I have not seen anyone in this fandom with a background similar to mine. I’m almost 21. I come from a country where being gay is considered both a sin and a crime. If they find out you are gay or catch you in the act, you will be hanged. Dreadful huh? People here are generally very very homophobic, if you live in America, just multiple the level of homophobia there by 1000X and maybe, maaaaaybe you’ll get a little close to the rate here. I do not mean to scare the hell out of you, I’m just trying my best to paint a good picture. I consider myself an asexual even though I’m not sure because I do not feel like I physically hate sex when I’m having it, I just mentally find the idea of sex disturbing. I cannot even tolerate making out or kissing scenes, the sound does the same thing to my ears that scratching the ground with your nails. Sex in general is one of the most disgusting things I believe exists in this world and I just wish that there was some cuter way of making babies. I don’t think I’m gay because I like boys but I’m not sure if I’m straight either. I’ve been following everything’s that’s been happening in the Sherlock fandom ever since season 4 started. I’m not a very old fan of Sherlock, I started watching the show less than a year ago and I have to admit, I was obsessed with it instantly. I did not get into this fandom until after finishing season three and because I was at first a hardcore AdLock shipper (still kinda am) and also a Molly-lover (still am) and currently am in Love with Johnlock I think I can pretty much relate to lots of people here. Before explaining myself, just let me say this. I Abhor and despise The Final Problem from the bottom of both my heart and brain. I just hate it. Now before I get judged for spreading hate, I should say that this is not spreading hate. There is a spectrum of evaluation for anything. If someone has the right to say something was perfect and she loved it. I have the right to say it was terrible and I hate it. I do not hate any Person, just their creation, or better to say, what they have done to their creation. You see, I think there are three main attitudes people can have towards BBC Sherlock ( Relating to JohnLock) 1- John and Sherlock’s relationship is very important in the series but it is just a deep platonic bond. 2- John and Sherlock’s relationship is important in the series and it is romantic. 3- John and Sherlock’s relationship is not that important and it is all about the cases and the adventures. Honestly, and this is my personal opinion, I think the final problem cannot satisfy any of these attitudes. There was no romance there, the platonic bond was gone and was there even a case? I do not mind at all Sherlock and john getting together romantically, but I would have been completely satisfied and happy with them just being very good friends like they were at the end of episode one for example. But even that friendship was gone. Would you just stand there doing nothing when your best friend is putting a gun on himself with a countdown to shoot? Now I have seen some people saying that John had just become numb but this episode was supposed to be a finale, characters needed to come to complete their transformation, so John’s transformation was to become completely numb and indifferent toward his best friend killing himself? To me, it does not make any sense. I did not see the episode when it was leaked but I saw many people being upset by it and when I finally watched it this was my very first reaction : ( bursting into laughter) can’t you see what’s happening guys??!? They made this episode so explicitly ridiculous that they did not even think anyone would doubt its fakeness!! “ I’m not even exaggerating, this was my first reaction, to me, from the very first scene, the episode felt like a parody, a very cheesy play I kept waiting for the scene to change into the real one and it just did not., and for weeks I did not even want to explain to people why I thought it was fake because it was just so obvious to me. I did not even need metas or theories, for me the umbrella-sword-gun was enough proof for the triteness and stupidity of the episode. I mean, I couldn’t just understand how people can ignore the cheesiness of this scene: a show like Sherlock cannot pull of such cartoonish scenes, it just does not fit, can you understand what I’m saying? Such scenes do not belong to the Sherlock universe. What my thoughts are on TJLC: I’m a person who hates sex and believe me when I say this, John and Sherlock are the only couple that I will not mind at all having sex and you know why? There are just toooo many stupid shallow romantic movies of guys and girls who look into each other’s eye and jump into bed together the next day that I’m just craving for deep bond and true loves stories. John and Sherlock have killed for each other, sacrificed everything for each other, changed because of each other, grew in character because of each other, I just feel like I’m ready for them to do whatever they wanna do. It just feels right. I see nothing wrong with it. What is love if it is not what’s between Sherlock and John? This is the love I want. True love. Now, I think some of theories and opinions in TJLC are pretty far-fetched or at least could be interpreted in so many other ways too. For instance, the scene with Janine and Sherlock kissing and john freaking out and insisting to know what has happened: TJLC claims it’s because John is jealous but to me, it’s more like he is very curious and confused because honestly if you have a friend who considers any type of romantic relationship stupid and pointless how will you react if you see her/him kissing someone? He could be jealous but other interpretations are also valid. This is of course just an example, there are some other points I do not agree with. And then there’s this opinion that we should try to encourage men having deep relationships without having to make it sexual which I also strongly agree with. Now all of these aside, I personally believe it does not matter who you ship Sherlock with or which of those three attitudes you have toward the show, The Final Problem does not make sense. I am not exactly a pro-TJLC and then I am not completely against it. I love Irene, I love Molly and I love the cases. The point I’m trying to make by saying all of these is that I have been trying hard to make sense of the finale and I just can’t, even though I do not restrict myself to just one part of this fandom(Even though I find TJLC more fascinating )and believe me, when I love a show, I do anything to defend its perfection and yet I have not been able to defend TFP. I’m ashamed of it. And still, still, still I can’t accept it was real. Something must’ve happened, because if they had a problem with Sherlock getting together with John or anyone else, still they could’ve done it much better. I’m a person who would not have been bothered by them not becoming romantically involved and still TFP was like a nightmare to me. I just do not get how some people like it. Don’t get me wrong, everyone’s free to like what they want, it’s just that I don’t see how it is possible. Because to me, it was just soooooo corny, unrealistic and pointless. Bringing up a character and making the whole show about her, claiming everything the protagonist is now is because of her, this is just a very cheap trick and I can’t believe how such good writers would do this. What’s my y most important point? You do not have to be hardcore JohnLock shipper to be disappointed with the episode. TFP sucked in all kinds of way and as much as I love to like it I just can’t. Now my fellow scouts, if you disagree with any of my points or want to have a healthy conversation my ask is always open. My fellow TJLCers: I do not think you are wrong about TFP at all❤️ and this comes from someone who does not completely agree with all of your opinions :) you are amazing people and I love your work. I hope there is some sort of explanantion for all this because it is bugging my mind more than my heart. Again, I'm here if everyone feels like discussing things
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