#listen in my first playthrough this was the part I thought Arthur was going to die in
arthursfuckinghat · 1 month
I'm at that part of chapter three my friends, so let me be a reminder that Colm O'Driscoll's plan to lure in Dutch after taking Arthur failed because nobody came looking for him.
He would have died being held captive any longer, he barely escaped.
The gang did not come for Arthur.
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fedeipox · 3 years
The Way of Time (Rdr2 fanfic) - Chapter 4 (1/3)
There are a tons of hidden or very rare missions I’ve never found during the THREE playthrough I made. This was one. I found it absolutely by accident the third time and now thanks to YouTube I know there is also a continue to it that I’ve never done -.-
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Previously on TWoT: Emily begins to understand how things work in camp, she gets familiar with hierarchy, roles, personalities, and most important, she starts building friendships. Now it’s time to discover how life outside camp is.
Chapter 4 (1/3) - City girl, country life
Words: 2,3k
“Are you sure about this?” asked Emily as Mary-Beth and Tilly helped her with the boots.
“Yeah, don’t worry. See? They fit you perfectly” answered Mary-Beth pulling the laces.
She had lend her her black boots, while Tilly had given her her light blue shirt. They had found out they had the same size. 
Emily felt like an idiot, she felt ridiculous, she couldn’t wait to wear something new, something more normal, but she was aware that wasn’t going to be possible. How could it be that in 1899 women still dressed in that way? She thought that puffed sleeves and lacework were already outdated, but apparently not. Besides, the idea of that shirt on her skin was making her shiver, and even though both Tilly and Mary-Beth had assured her it was clean and unused, it took a little to convince her to wear it.
“What is this?” asked Mary-Beth when Emily removed her hoodie and t-shirt so that she was wearing only her bra.
“Don’t you have it?” she asked in turn.
They both shook their heads.
“And how do you hold your breasts up?”
“Why you need to hold them up? Are you afraid they’d fall?” asked Karen’s sarcastic voice.
She shouldn’t have been there, Emily didn’t want her there, and the feeling was mutual, but they needed someone who checked no-one would come close as she was changing her clothes, and no-one was better than Karen for that kind of job.
“So you wear nothing?” asked Emily.
“Not usually. Society women wear corsets. Miss O’Shea’s got one” answered Mary-Beth.
“Who’s Miss O’Shea?”
“The redhead with the princess attitude” replied Tilly.
“Oh, you mean Molly. Yeah, I’ve met her.”
“So you already call her by her name. You’ll be great friends, no doubt” said Karen.
Emily huffed and rolled her eyes.
“So, this… bra, you all wear it in the future?” asked Mary-Beth.
Karen scoffed.
“Yes. Every woman has one, or more than one.”
“When were they invented? Or, when will they be invented?”
“I have no idea. I thought in the middle 1800’s, but it seems not.”
“No, still too early apparently.” Emily liked talking with Mary-Beth. Among the girls she was the most open-minded and seemed not to question her provenience from the future. Talk with her was easy. Karen didn’t believe her one bit, but Emily didn’t expect less, while Tilly was still skeptic, but maybe not impossible to convince.
“I wish I could come with you” said Mary-Beth with disappointment.
“Why don’t you? You can advise me on clothes” replied Emily with a new flush of excitement. 
“I can’t. Miss Grimshaw will get angry.”
“But… I don’t understand. Is she some kind of camp tyrant? You all keep telling me how horrible she is.”
“Because she is” said Karen.
“No, she’s not. Not the way you make her sound” Tilly addressed her.
“And you have your freedom. She can’t force you to stay here” added Emily as she wore Tilly’s shirt.
“Oh, yes she can” murmured Mary-Beth.
Emily frowned at those words. 
“Well then… I’ll ask her. Kindly” she said.
“Kindness don’t work with Grimshaw” chuckled Karen.
“We’ll sneak out, then.”
“You can try, but when she’ll find out and hit you, remember my words” Karen advised her.
“Hit me?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time” added Tilly.
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. From the way they were describing her, this woman seemed a monster. 
“Hey hey, where you think you’re going?” Emily heard Karen saying with a menacing voice.
“We need to go. Is she ready?” asked Lenny.
“Yes, I’m coming” Emily said.
Then, she turned to look at Mary-Beth’s disappointed face again. She wanted to go with her and Emily wanted it too, even if that meant risking Miss Grimshaw’s wrath.
“Come with me. I’ll take all the responsibility” Emily assured her and took her by her hand as she walked around the wagon and reached Lenny.
“She’s coming too” she said to the boy.
“Alright, let’s go.” They walked to the other side of camp from where their tent was and from the distance Emily spotted Mr. Arthur tiding a couple of horses to a wagon very similar to the one she was on the day before, maybe exactly the same. 
“Come quick, before she sees us” Emily whispered to Mary-Beth. 
“Morning, ladies. You joining us?” Mr. Morgan asked to Mary-Beth.
“Yes, I want her to come. She’ll be my advisor” replied Emily.
“Does Miss Grimshaw know?”
The two girls exchanged a look.
“Okay, hop on. Quick” whispered Mr. Arthur, walking fast towards the front of the wagon.
Emily smiled at Mary-Beth: they had his complicity. The two of them climbed on the back and sat one facing the other, right next to the big deer Charles Smith had hunted that morning. That would have made them earn a couple of dollars and with that little they had been able to pick up around camp, it should have been enough to buy supplies and provide food for more than twenty people.
Arthur and Lenny took the leading places and they started to move, passing through the trees that covered the clearing with the camp and reaching the path, all without talking. Fearing a travel full of an embarrassing silence, Emily knew she had to find a topic of conversation and thinking about Mary-Beth and what she had understood about her in that couple of days, she thought that books would be a good start. 
“So, I’ve seen you read a lot. What kind of books do you like?” she asked.
“Well, mostly novels about female heroines and their adventures” Mary-Beth replied with some uneasiness, just like she was ashamed of that.
“Oh, so you’re the type who loves romantic stories. In my time you’d probably love Twilight.”
“What is it?”
“A love story between a girl and a vampire.”
Mary-Beth’s eyes widened.
“Vampires? You mean those monsters who suck people’s blood?”
“Actually, in the book the vampires are handsome.”
“Oh for God’s sake” Emily heard Mr. Morgan complain, but she pretended she didn’t.
“Yes. You would definitely adore it. But maybe it’s better if we talk about something you’d now. What about erm… Jane Austen, have you read something of hers?”
Mary-Beth shook her head.
“Oh you must, she’s great. What about… the Bronte sisters?”
Again, Mary-Beth had no idea.
“Well, I guess my first present to you will be a book.”
“Why would you buy me a present?”
Emily frowned. She thought Mary-Beth had already understood what kind of relationship she wanted to built with her, but apparently she had not.
“Because… we’re friends. I mean, I want to be friend with you.”
“But you don’t know me.”
“That’s why I want to be friend with you, to know you.”
Mr. Morgan chuckled again and looking at him for a second Emily saw him shaking his head. Again, she tried not to mind him.
“So, what do you like to do, besides reading?”
Mary-Beth seemed suddenly uncomfortable, just like she had asked her an impossible question.
“I-I don’t know.”
“Come on, there must be something. I like music, for example. What do you like?”
“I-I… I write, from time to time.”
“Hey that’s great! Do you write love adventures?”
“M-more or less.”
“And do you think you’ll publish them someday?”
“N-no, I don’t think so.” “Why?”
“Well, Karen always says my dream of becoming a writer is stupid and I…”
“Why would she say something like that?”
“I think you’ll soon find out Karen is a little too… practical sometimes” said Lenny from the front.
“But, isn’t she your friend?” Emily asked to Mary-Beth.
“Of course, that’s why she says these things, to save me from some delusion. At least, that’s what she tells me”
“I understand being down to earth is important, but you don’t have to give up on your dream, Mary-Beth. Dreams are important, they give us hope.”
“Oh please!” exclaimed Mr. Arthur from the front.
Emily looked again at his back, annoyed by his constant complaining. If he didn’t like the things she was saying, he could have said it to her face, not make grimaces behind her back like children do. 
“Why it gives me the impression you don’t like what I’m saying, Mr. Morgan?” she asked.
“Because I don’t. It’s all bullshit.”
“It’s not bullshit, it’s my opinion.”
“Well then, your opinion is bullshit. And you Mary-Beth, don’t let her put them stupid ideas in your mind.”
“I’m not putting any idea in her mind, and she’s not a child, she’s a woman, she perfectly knows how to think by herself and decide what is bullshit and what’s not.”
“I’m just saying writing is no job. It’s just a way to spend time.”
“Like you do, right Arthur? Don’t you have a little journal of your own?” asked Mary-Beth.
When Emily looked at her, she saw she had a little crooked smile on her face and they exchanged a complicity look. Sweet Mary-Beth had an evil side after all, and Emily liked it.
“Ah is that so? You scribble on a journal like a thirteen year old girl, Mr. Morgan?” Emily asked with a mellifluous tone.
“I just keep note of the important events, that’s all” he replied, but his voice betrayed some embarrassment, he’d got defensive.
“And the drawings are part of the important events, too?” asked Mary-Beth creeping in like a treacherous snake. 
“So, you truly are a thirteen year old girl with her little secret diary. Any more embarrassing things I should know about you?” joked Emily.
“At least I’m not the one who tells stories about blood sucking people!”
“You should listen to yourselves! I thought to be the youngest here, but it seems we have two children Mary-Beth!” laughed Lenny. 
“Hey, I’m not the one who started it!”
“Shut up, Arthur.”
Silence fell as Arthur felt ashamed for being called child by someone way younger than him. He whipped the horses and made them cross the train trails: they were close to town. Soon they would have found civilization! What a thrill…
“What about you Lenny? What do you like to do?” asked the new girl.
Arthur grunted, but soon tried to hide it with a cough. He didn’t want to sound as childish as they blamed him to be.
“I truly don’t know” replied Lenny.
“You don’t know how you spend time in camp?” asked the girl.
“Most of the time I spend trying to teach Sean how to read” he giggled.
Him and Arthur looked at each other and then they looked away as a veil of sadness fell on them all.
“Isn’t Sean one of those captured after Blackwater?” asked Emily.
Mary-Beth nodded and for some time they all stayed quiet.
Even though Lenny didn’t show it a lot, Sean’ absence was painful for him, he liked him and he missed him and the fact that they didn’t know where he was or if he was alive, made everything worse. He tried to focus the attention on something else.
“What are we going to do in Valentine?” he asked to Arthur.
“Just what we are supposed to. Go to the general store, buy supplies and come back right away.”
“We can’t go back so soon. I need to do something” said the new girl.
“What is it?” asked Arthur, but he already new the answer, she had told him the day before.
“I need to find some kind of job, something that could help us gain some money. And then I have to buy some clothes, so that I don’t have to borrow other people things. And then… I have to take a bath, I really do.”
“We’re going to stay all day” joked Lenny. 
“No, we are not. We’ll split up, so we’ll take care of more things at a time” said Arthur, who had no intention to spend all day in town.
“I’ll go with Emily for the clothes and the bath” said Mary-Beth smiling at her.
Even if at the beginning she wanted to go with them to Valentine only to keep an eye on her, just like Miss Grimshaw had told her to do, she couldn’t deny Emily was funny and smart and sweet, everything that could make her a really good friend, and Mary-Beth knew how much she wanted a good friend.
Valentine was nothing but mud, sheep, and probably morons, just like Hosea had told them. As he led the wagon across the slimy street, Arthur looked around, studying the people faces, the buildings, the kind of movements that town had, and for a moment he doubted they were going to actually find something in that place, some opportunities. He stopped the wagon right in front of the general store so that it would be easier for them to load the supplies on the back.
“Alright folks, let’s get to work” he said jumping down.
“Ooh shit!” he heard the new girl’s voice saying and walking around the wagon he found her standing there with her feet among the mud and a disgusted face.
“What?” he asked.
She raised her eyes to look at him with the same angry expression he had seen on her the night before, with those thick blonde eyebrows curled on her big sparkling eyes.
“I’m covered in mud!” she squeaked.
She really wasn’t, there were a couple of mud drops on her legs, but nothing more, she had no idea of what the sentence “covered in mud” meant, and this annoyed Arthur, making him think how silly that girl was. 
“Come, as you said you have to buy some new, right?” he said taking her arm and pushing her towards the general store entrance. 
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cinnbar-bun · 5 years
Why Vane is the Bestest Boy Ever
Welcome to my TEDtalk this is some real stuff ya’ll NEED to hear because Vane is the absolute best ( to me at least). Sorry this is jumbled af I don’t even know what I wrote. 
Listen I know I talk a lot about Vane and you’re probably sick and tired of it and I understand. BUT LIKE HEAR ME OUT FOR A MINUTE!
So I never really did the subquests early on in my playthrough of GBF mostly because I’m a dumbass and didn’t really realize they were there. ANYWAYS, so my first exposure of Vane came from his SR version (sadly, I don’t have his SSR version,,,,hhhhh please come home). I wasn’t too keen on him at first because he was an SR and in the beginning I was obsessed with getting SSR’s (instead of appreciating quality characters). 
The reason I first got into GBF was because of Lancelot, I thought he was super attractive and w o w cool this looks awesome! So I was hoping to get Lancelot more than anyone else. 
I digress, so I went through Vane’s fate episode really quick, and I just didn’t appreciate his character all too much. Seeing his art, I thought yeah he looked cool but he kinda looks like a smug jerk and I just did not care (especially since I was starting to like Will). I basically forgot I summoned him until I played Defender’s Oath. 
It brought him into a new light for me, because honestly, I did that side quest because of Lancelot. When we see Vane in DO, we see him as somewhat clueless, but overall, a nice guy who just wants to help his friends. I had very low expectations for him, and to just have him in my face acting like the most adorable thing ever was just hhhhhhhhhhh amazing. 
But it also made me get bored with Lancelot, because to me, it felt like all the other Dragon Knights had gotten character development except him. We constantly see Vane grow from being someone who was initially nervous about being Vice-Captain, to being more confident in his role and ensuring the public is happy. And that’s what I think separates Lancelot and Vane the most. While Lancelot does care for the people, he cares more for the well being of the country. Vane however, is just a ball of sunshine who wants to repay his kindness to those who need help (as seen with Bistro Feendrache). 
I’m not saying Lancelot is a bad person by any means, not at all, he is probably what is considered a more ‘ideal knight’ because of his undying loyalty to Feendrache, but Vane is someone who just doesn’t care for titles, he just wants to be by his friends’ side. 
I think his most stellar moment was in Divergent Knighthoods. THIS was what cemented my love for him as my fave character, not only in GBF, but in my entire life. We see him at his most fatherly and courageous form in this quest, and it just is the sweetest thing ever. He jumbles up a bit as Vice-Captain, he’s excitable and kinda immature compared to Lancelot, but that’s what makes him so strong. 
Divergent Knighthoods showed the BEST possible form of Vane by showing us his interactions with Team Chickadee. Sure, Arthur and Mordred were the focal point of it, but we see Vane’s development, as well how he helps the other two. Arthur and Mordred probably would not have gotten as good as they did if it weren’t for Vane. Vane taught them that being a knight doesn’t mean giving up on friendship and kindness, or forgetting what it means to be human. 
Vane is just that. Human. Lancelot and Percival constantly push themselves to be something greater than human, and Seigfried is considered to be god-tier to them. They all idealize Siegfried, but Lancelot and Percival want to be JUST like him that they focus solely on his actions, not why he does what he does. Vane, while he also looks to Siegfried as a role model, doesn’t feel the need to exemplify him. He feels fine the way he is, but he looks up to Siegfried as what greatness can achieve. He wants to be as skilled as Siegfried, but in his own way. 
Vane uses his emotions as a powerful weapon, while Lancelot and Percival try to repress them. They feel that emotions get in the way of decision-making, and that it’ll make them weaker. Vane just doesn’t give a crap and continues dancing to his own beat. He stepped up as a father-figure and mentor to Team Chickadee, and made them stronger by teaching them the importance of emotions. He even commented on something like that when he was interacting with Cruz. The poor boy just wasn’t emotional, and it worried Vane about what his life was like at home. He was so proud of Cruz when he even SMILED, and he treated it like a trophy. 
He’s a very supportive guy as seen when he constantly praised the team for slight accomplishments, even if they seemed stupid in the eyes of others. Lancelot has high expectations for them, and even though they wish to be knights when they’re older, he forgets they’re just kids. Vane knows that they’re just little kids, and he is one at heart, so he has no problem interacting with them and encouraging them to do better. He doesn’t need to act intimidating, because it’s just not in his nature. He doesn’t have to pretend to be someone he’s not, and uses his supposed ‘flaws’ as a tool to get better. 
I also wanna talk about what I think is a slight inferiority complex. Yeah, Vane loves himself, but he loves his friends a lot more. Especially Lancelot. Lancelot grew up with him and is basically his brother from another mother, and Vane trusts him completely. But we see throughout his fate episodes and special cutscenes that he knows Lancelot is more well-loved and respected than he will ever be. 
Valentines Day (year 2): “Aw, man. It's that time of year again... Sucks being that guy that doesn't get anything. Yeah... Oh well! I'll just pretend this chocolate I made came from a girl!”
Valentines Day (year 3): “Man, I knew he was popular... Speaking as a childhood friend, good for him. Bet he's a pretty happy camper. Sigh... I wonder if I'll ever...”
Happy Birthday (year 2): “Hehe, thanks for taking the time to deal with a bum like me! How old are you now? Are you really gonna waste your birthday hangin' around here? You want to be here? Aw man, quit jokin' around! It's not nice to tease people, you know.”
Happy Birthday (year 4): “ I shouldn't stay too long, I don't want to wear you out even more.”
Happy Holidays (year 2):  “ Huh? Oh, hey, (Captain). Are you free right now? Good thing I bumped into you! All right, you get the pleasure of spending the day with me! Not! Yeah, like you'd want to hang out with me, hahaha!” 
Fate Episode [sr version]: “ Y-you really think so? I'm really just trying to be more like Lancey. “
[after you compliment him for being more like Lancelot than he knows]:  “Heheh, thank you! Hearing you say that gives me a real boost, (Captain)!”
LIKE THIS BOY LEGITIMATELY THINKS HANGING OUT WITH HIM IS LIKE THE WORST PUNISHMENT IN HISTORY. It’s so sad because he’s such a lovable goof, and the fact he thinks he’s such a bother because he’s not like Lancelot is just....my heart...
I don’t think he’s actually AWARE of his insecurities when it comes to these sort of things, like he can recognize it in other people, but just can’t see himself being jealous of Lancelot, his best friend. He is not really given much credit for his work, and most dismiss him as a loud idiot who’s just Vice-Captain. Percival’s insults towards Vane doesn’t get him down, but the fact that Lancelot gets more praise for being Captain probably irks him to some degree. 
Honestly, Vane has so much to offer. He is such a romantic, and reading the part in his sr skills episode WHERE HE LITERALLY REMEMBERED A SUBORDINATES ANNIVERSARY AND TOLD HIM TO LEAVE TO SPEND TIME WITH HIS WIFE! Like, catch any of the other guys even remembering what day it is. 
Knights of the Order of White Dragons: With all due respect, First Officer, sir, why are you trying to dismiss me so early? There's still plenty of work to do…
Vane: But isn't it your anniversary today? Don't you think you should go home and be with your wife?
Knights of the Order of White Dragons: Y-you remembered?
Vane: Of course! You were gushing about it the other day!
Vane: One look at that grin on your face and it was seared into my memory!
Knights of the Order of White Dragons: But circumstances are different now…
Knights of the Order of White Dragons: The people are still uneasy after the incident the other day! It's not right for me to get to relax with my wife!
Vane: Don't be stupid! Are you really gonna let this emergency ruin your fun? That's even worse!
LOOK AT HIM! LOOK AT THIS!! He is just all about positivity and having fun, this guy is such a cutie. He just cares about the little people so much. NOT TO MENTION HIS LOVE FOR ELDERLY PEOPLE. He went on a tangent in the special cutscenes about how he wanted to help the old grandmas who helped in his childhood, and the children who appeared in Halloween. This guy cares a lot for the people and he just continues giving love and care for them all despite being considered a lesser version of his best friend from others.  
Vane is by no means a lesser version of Lancelot. He’s a great companion that contrasts well with Lancelot, by reminding him to take care of himself. He bakes, he cooks, he cleans, he does plenty of stuff for the crew and is such hubby material that I BELIEVE EVERY PERSON NEEDS SOMEONE LIKE VANE IN THEIR LIFE. Vane is the gift that keeps on giving, who’ll never stop giving. He cares too much to even bother to think about his own health, and is just the absolute best. 
Maybe I’ll fix this later on idk but like if I continue I’ll ramble for hours about why he’s so precious and ya’ll don’t wanna see that from me. 
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soulkiba · 5 years
give us all twenty answers!!!
Alright here we go!!!(Small headsup though, I’m only like halfway through Ch.3 rn so I don’t know everytging yet but I’ll try!)1. High honor or low honor? Why?- Definetely High Honor cause really, Arthur is a good boah and thats a fact.But nah, I actually always do High Honor like playthroughs and can usually not bring myself to do a low honor one again, I just want everyone to be happy and nice ;;2. Do you think Dutch was always unhinged?- I definetely don’t think he always was, it’s almost like he just get’s more and more disillusioned the more parts of his “plan” fail or eventually go wrong. I’m sure he had good intentions but eventually got buried under his ambitions. Again, I’m not too far into the story but from what I’ve seen so far, it just kinda seems that way to me.3. Favorite song in the game? - Let’s be real, the entire Soundtrack is absolutely amazing and I didn’t manage to listen completely through yet because I’m constantly close to tears but Cruel, Cruel World and the House Building Theme have to be my favourites rn.4. Who is the most misunderstood character? - I’m really not sure about this one tbh, I guess I would have to say Kieran cause almost no one really seems to give him much of a chance.5. What are your thoughts on Strauss? - I really don’t know tbh, I haven’t really done enough quests with him to totally make myself a picture of him but he definetely seems kind of a cold and more or less like a harsh businessman.6. Favorite quote? - Also don’t wanna answer this one too soon since I haven’t heard to many yet but like, alot of the more serious stuff Arthur says definetely gets me.7. Funniest moment? - So far probably when Arthur blew up the pile of shit or Margarets questline. Also Arthur hearing about Dinosaurs for the first time and almost everything with Sean cause his accent just cracks me up so often.8. Favorite ship(s)?- Oh I pretty much love most ships with Arthur alot. I’m not super sold about Arthur/Dutch or Arthur/John cause I still view Dutch more as an Father Figure and John more as an Brother but I still love all the wonderful artwork. I adore Abigail and John alot too, Charles and Arthur is a great ship too. Oh and Dutch and Hosea too! 9. Most shocking death?- Since no one really has died yet and I more or less already know who’s gonna die, I’m not sure how much they will shock me yet but without spoiling, one that more or less involves uh...a head really caught me off guard.10. Most satisfying death? - I mean, if Micah dies probably that one. But nah, just kidding, so far none was really satisfying but not many people died yet anyways.11. Do you believe Jack is John’s son? If not then who do you think it is?- I would assume he probably is, atleast I wouldn’t really know who elss his Dad could be.12. Best moment in the game?- Honestly theres so many good moments even so far in, it’s kinda hard to pick but like, that one Quest where Arthur stood on the Oil Wagon to stop the train is still pretty epic.13. Favorite character that’s not a gang member- I definetely like Albert alot, his Quests are really fun to do and I adore the chemistry he and Arthur have. I actually like Beau alot too.14. Favorite campfire song?- Yeah I gotta give that one to the good old Ring Dang Doo. 15. Most underrated character?- Oh thats hard to say since I feel like alot of the Characters are talked about and appreciated from what I’ve seen in the fandom. Maybe some of the Side Quest characters or “less” important Gang members. I still like Kieran alot and I feel like Hosea is sometimes a bit underrated too.16. If R* were to make a third RDR game, what would you want it to be about and who would you want the protagonist to be?- I think what could be really cool would be another prequel where you would play as either Dutch or Hosea. I think it would be cool to see how they meet and gather the rest of the Gang. 17. Did you help John escape or go back for the money? Why? - I wasn’t at that part yet so I can’t say, sorry ;;18. Which gang member do you wish Arthur interacted with more? - As far as Chapter 3 goes, probably Kieran or Reverend. Josiah too tbh.19. Which gang member death affected you the most? - Spoiler Alert here!But I can already tell you that I’m totally going to cry once Arthur eventually has to go. I haven’t cried about a video game since playing MGS4 but god, this will definetely wreck me. :’D20. What was your first horses name? And is there a meaning behind it?- I think it actually was Molly? Not named after the Molly at camp, it was just kinda the first thing I thought about, with no real meaning either, I just liked the Name alot.Thanks alot for asking! And sorry about any typos ;;
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