#aaron x smartass
slushrottweiler · 2 years
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Sleepy Aaron and his smartass
It’s raining and they deserve to be snug.
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nanowatzophina · 2 years
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Some fluff my dudes.
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"What keeps you up"
Kinktober Day 1
Pairing: AaronxSmartass (Redacted Asmr/Audios) (gender-neutral Smartass)
Summary: Smartass comes home late from work and expected a very different reaction from their boyfriend.
Warnings: Praising, slightly dom Aaron, kissing, light smut (I don't know what to consider this)
So I've never done something quite like this before so... Please be gentle in the comments. It's not nearly as kink as I wanted to go but it's late and I'm too tired to try to fix it, so enjoy.
Word count: 1044 (I know it's short)
It was fairly dark outside when Smartass arrived home. They walked as swiftly and mindlessly as their feet allowed them, not knowing whether Aaron was still awake or not.
They went completely still when the lights were suddenly turned on. So he was awake... Shit, they trembled when they saw him. He was in a dress shirt and pants, damn... He looked fine as hell.
"Aaron, why are you still awake? Don't you have a meeting first thing tomorrow?" They tried gently. He raised a brow at their question, and they knew they were in for it. "I could ask you the same thing, Smartass." He said smoothly. They gulped but decided to go back to their regular bullshit. "Well.. I asked first." they shot back. The teasing smile was already on their face as if to challenge him. "Oh really? You playin' that card, huh? Alright," He stood up from the couch and walked towards them until they were only a breath away. Heart speeding they felt their facade almost breaking.
He leaned in like he was going to kiss them, waiting for their pretty eyes to close. Then he gently grabbed their chin and tilted it up so they would be looking up at him. Confused eyes gently opened to be met with a smirk and darker eyes then usual. They gasped and he took the opportunity to kiss them, just to leave them breathless. "You want to know how much I missed you?" He said when they parted. What could barely be considered a nod from them was enough for him.
"Come to bed with me, love." He said. He gave them one last look and then headed to the bedroom they shared. Once they recovered with a shake of the head they followed him as fast as their legs would take them. It was a long exhausting day, so they needed some time alone just with their partner.
He was sitting on the bed when they walked in. Eyes wandering over his body his head turned their way and proceeded to wave them over. They finally broke and just went straight to him. He pushed them back onto the bed and their mind took off. Just what was he thinking? He got on top of them and gently hovered for a second, before going in for a kiss.
"Let me show you..... Let me show you how much you mean to me." He said between kisses. They gave him their best rendition of a please with their eyes only and he let out a chuckle. "What not much talking back today, huh?" He asked, his breath fanning over their lips. They tried and failed miserably at connecting their lips to his. "Just want you today, please no games." They whined. Aaron almost lost it right then and there. This time the kiss was different. They felt a light pass of his tongue over the bottom of their lips and let him in.
They kissed and kept going and going, till they both lost track of time.
When he gently pulled away his hand wandered to their bottoms and he looked them in the eyes. After their quick nod, he worked on quickly ridding them of their clothes while whispering things like " You always look so hot" or "I can't wait to hear you" or " You look so incredibly amazing. Just like you always do" right against their ear.
By the time they were naked, it was clear as day wouldn't last long. Aaron proceeded to slide a little lower to continue pressing kisses along the side of their neck. At the first couple of times they only let out a gasp, but then he went right back to their ear whispering a quick 'Let me hear you." Then kissed right at the sweet spot behind their ear. That's when they lost all of their slightly maintained composure. They let out their first and definitely not last moan of the night. They could feel him smiling into their skin at the sound. "Please Aaron, touch me" they whispered out of breath. He took pity on them and lowered his hands towards where wanted, no needed him the most.
They let out a choked moan. He started slow, while still kissing their neck and on occasion whispering something in their ear like "You are doing so good for me" or "You sound ethereal".
At this point, they were close but not quite there yet. So between a stroke and a whisper, they moaned out "Please... Need more. More, please Aaron. Oh God" he kissed the corner of their mouth for a second before giving in. He sped up, going back to his place by their ear kissing behind it and whispering a few more praises. They felt it coming. They were gonna fall off the edge. "Aaron... Oh. Oh, good g- god. Can I- can I come?" He gently pulled on their earlobe before whispering "Go ahead love" And let go they did. They relaxed when the waves disappeared. He gently moved his hands off of them and quickly kissed their forehead before disappearing for a minute. When he came back, he was already in just a boxer to sleep in while he came back to clean them up. When he was finished, he slid beside into the bed and embraced them, and gave them another kiss.
"How are you doing?" He tried gently. Between still heavy but steadier breaths they replied "'M good. Very good. Just tired." Then they took the liberty of nuzzling their head right into their chest. After a chuckle, he let out he spoke gently and slowly "Then sleep well, Smartass".
When they woke up in the morning the other side of the bed was cold and their face now laid on a pillow. Then they saw it, a note.
Had to leave early because of a meeting. Breakfast is in the fridge and don't forget to eat lunch this time. Hopefully, I will see you earlier tonight than I did yesterday. Have a great day Smartass.
They smiled like a high schooler in love but they couldn't even bring themselves to care. Well, maybe the work will keep them up late, but so will their boyfriend.
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biteforblood · 9 months
[ HEADCANONS #2 ] various.
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✶ notes : gn!reader, fluff, sillies being silly, cursing, 0.4k
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huxley owns and is always wearing a pearl choker. that! or a simple chain choker, one of the two. was it a gift from the damn crew damien specifically, or from his moms, or did he buy it himself? you decide :)
geordi is a tall ass bitch, like the top of his head touches typical door frames. and, yes, he has hit his head an embarrassing amount of times, no he hasn’t learned his lesson
lasko wears glasses — like thin silver wire frame, constantly sliding down his nose and needing to be pushed back up, wiping them on his shirt every five seconds ( totally not…projecting… )
also also, his hair isn’t necessarily long, but it’s not short either. it’s like long enough to tie back into a small ponytail, but short enough that not all of it stays tied back so he has to keep pushing it away from his face cause it’s super bothersome
sam loves doing chores. he legit enjoys them, it’s very relaxing for him ; mowing, dishes, sweeping, vacuuming, laundry, the list goes on ( totally not another projection… ) and yes darlin’ enjoys teasing him about it
asher had really bad cystic acne growing up ; he would constantly pick at it ( still does, as with all blemishes ) it cleared up a lot as he got older, but there’s some scarring left behind
similarly…ish, lasko has really sensitive skin. like, if he gets a small itch and scratches it, in two seconds, his skin is fuckin’ bright pink in that spot. he has to be super careful with what soaps and lotions and colognes he uses because, if it isn’t compatible, it is not compatible
david has constant stubble. he has to shave every. single. morning. and even then, it only allows him a few hours of a nice smooth face ; angel loves him smooth, stubble-y, or scruffy all the same
when the two are home together, aaron gives smartass’s ass a smack every time they walk by or cross paths. they make sure to do the same right back to him, partially because it’s funny payback, and partially because it incites a fun chase
damien is a total blanket thief and hog. i know he naturally runs hot, but the thought of him wrapped in a blanket like a burrito, his poofy head sticking out, it just…it makes me giggle
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© biteforblood. please do not translate, repost, or redistribute in any way on any platform.
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cat-arsenal · 2 years
Accidentally combined Cutie and Smartass into Smartie so that might be the solution???
@cryptixmoth @cottagecorexboy
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copsecore · 1 month
mid-exam build up urge to write but i’ll be fr i REALLY don’t wanna write either of my Sam/Darlin’ WIPs rn
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claracatlady · 2 years
Do you know that “If I like it, I’ll just grab it in another colour” meme?
That’s Erik with Angel/David, Honey/Guy and Aaron/Smartass
= Tired Tsundere x Feral Gremlin
Thank you for coming to my Tedtalk
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sharkhead43 · 1 year
Avior and Starlight
- Starlight could cook like really well before the whole hell thing.
- But they took like a month to relearn it because their muscle memory had faded.
- Avior occasionally helps do the actual cooking, but mostly is a prep guy.
- He also gets measuring stuff for Starlight when they need it
Caelum and Freelancer (NOT SHIPPING!!)
- Kinda the same as Avior/Starlight
- But they switch roles from time to time
- Sometimes Caelum tries his absolute hardest to actually cook
- While Freelancer just stands on the side helping when necessary or Caelum asks for it
- And sometimes Caelum is the keeper of ingredients and measuring stuff
- (He floats all of it at the same time)
- One time he tried to telekinetically juggle all the stuff
- Lots of cuddles and hugs to make up for it
- Gavin is the taste testing princess
Aaron and Smartass
- Aaron knows the basics and can put together a nice meal
- He is a pretty stable chef
- But SMARTASS?????
- They have exactly TWO cooking modes
- Gourmet French fanciness with edible gold leaf
- Or Kraft mac n’ cheese
- Aaron first discovered this when he got sick
- Smartass made him a fancy shmancy soup and after he got better made him a fancy shmancy dessert as a sort of prize
- But then
- Smartass got sick
- Aaron almost died from powdered cheese consumption that week.
Ollie and Baby
- Both can cook
- Ollie is more of a sweet stuff guy
- So he usually handles breakfast and dessert
- And Baby is better with savory stuff
- So they usually make lunch and dinner
- One time they tried to make sushi
- And it was the best thing either of them had ever eaten.
- They now have sushi night
- Ollie occasionally has his stabby stab privileges revoked because he will almost stabby stab himself
- Because he is staring at Baby
Elliot and Sunshine
- “Breakfast for dinner” kinda couple
- Eternally battling the pancake vs waffle argument
- I feel like they eat a lot of PB&J (my apologies if u have a peanut allergy)
- Neither of them used a grill for like 3 years after they began to regularly cook meals
- Because they were both deathly afraid
- Elliot tried to learn how in a dreamscape
- But he didn’t make it hot cuz he was afraid of burning himself
- So when he tried the real thing he got a really bad burn
I don’t think im gonna do Lasko and his partner until we have more videos just so I can get a better grasp on their dynamic
Same with Morgan
But lemme know if y’all want Part 3
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doctorstethoscope · 1 year
Fluffy February Day 26 || Family
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pairing: hotch x reader (yes mr. president universe)
wordcount: 716
warnings: wedding (!), mention of a religious ceremony
As a little girl, and even as a teenager and into college, you never really gave a lot of thought to whether or not you’d get married. It seemed nice enough, sure, but it wasn’t as important as school, and then work, and then being the best at what you did, at making a man the president, as running your own company. You’d always assumed that if anything, you’d have a small family. You thought about kids even less than you thought about getting married. When would you have the time? 
But today, there’s family everywhere you look, sitting in chairs strewn about the lawn of the house that your (soon-to-be, as in, within the next 15 minutes) husband had built for the two of you. There are former presidents and heads of state intermingled with your coworkers and closest friends, and you can’t believe that you’d once imagined a life so lonely, had regarded it as inevitable. 
Today was a celebration of your love for Aaron, yeah. But as you prepared to walk down the aisle, with Derek by your side, you couldn’t help but be grateful for the love of the rest of your chosen family, too. 
“Don’t let me trip,” you muttered to Derek as you take the first step towards Aaron. He’s striking, in a dark suit with a light purple tie that matched the florals that were scattered around the lawn.
“I didn’t think you were capable of tripping,” Derek teased as he took your arm in his a little more snugly. “It’s not too late to run, you know.” 
You let out a laugh, only slightly conscious of the fact that everyone is looking at you. “You’re right. We should waste a couple more years before we make this official. We’ve rushed into this whole thing, not really thought about the consequences.” 
“Hey, mama, you said it,” he smirks. 
“Just keep walking and keep your mouth shut, smartass,” you say, giving the skin of his forearm a sisterly pinch. 
He does as he’s told, delivering you to Aaron’s waiting arms at the end of the aisle.  You’re grateful that Aaron’s vows are first, because you’re so overwhelmed and distracted you never would have noticed if the pastor had prompted you. 
“Well, this was easy enough,” Aaron joked, and was rewarded with a booming laugh.  “Maybe not,” he continues. “But it was worth it. Every night I spent wondering if I’d ever get this moment feels silly, now, because my wildest dreams don’t have anything on what’s real– the life I’m sharing with you now, and the commitment I’m making to you, today, in front of all of our friends and family, to love you until the end of forever. Being your husband is the biggest and best job I will ever have, and I couldn’t be more excited to start.” 
“Let me start by saying that for some reason, it’s much easier to write a speech about foreign policy than it is to write your own wedding vows,” you prepped the crowd, earning a laugh of your own. “And I think that difficulty comes from how deeply I’m understood by you, Aaron. What is there to say to the man who could always read me better than anyone else, even when I desperately wanted him not to? Politics, scandals, hell, even damn good public policy is easy. We got here by way of a town where everyone thinks they alone can make the whole world a better place. I’m a little older and a little wiser now than I was when I got there, and while those are still noble goals, I know who makes my world a better place, and he’s standing in front of me. I promise to be that person for you, for as long as we both shall live.” 
“I love you,” Aaron mouths as the pastor continues reading. You don’t really hear any of it, over the pounding of your heart. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter, because Aaron brings his hand to your cheek, and the other to your hip, and he kisses you, and your family is cheering while they also let out a collective sigh of relief. It’s everything you never even dared to dream of. And it’s all yours, from now until the end of forever.
tagging: @spacecowboyhotch @honeybrowne @angelfxllcm @rousethemouse @infinite-tides @gspenc @anlin2058 @zetasaturno99 @realdirectionx @witheldclouds @sbeno22 @el-vs94 @hausofwhores
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calicostorms · 2 years
My (new) full redacted playlist masterlist!
D.A.M.N. characters:
Redefining circumstances [Gavin x Freelancer]
D.A.M.N. we fell in love [Gavin x Freelancer x Lasko x Damien]
Deep breathes [Lasko]
Raise hell [Damien]
Be something more [Huxley]
Wolf pack & Vampire Clan:
At my side [David x Angel]
I got you [Asher x Babe]
Wild side [Milo x Sweetheart]
Sparks fly [Vincent x Lovely]
It comes easy [Sam x Darlin]
Safety [Geordi x Cutie]
High Expectations [Aaron x Smartass]
Sweet, easy and slow [Ollie x Listener]
Cream in your coffee [Guy x Honey]
You deserve me [Vega influenced Ivan x Baby 2.0]
A thousand miles [Non-influenced Ivan/Flyboi x baby]
Other D(a)emons:
Never be alone [Regulus x listener]
Temptation [Vega] 
I still love you [Avior x Starlight]
relaxation station [Camelopardalis]
Man of your dreams [Elliott x Sunshine]
Over the line [Project Meridian]  
Unknown Variables [Morgan x Seer listener]
Street racing au:
blowing gavin in the backseat
street racing with damien
smoking with huxley after a race
fucking lasko over his desk
making out in kody’s backseat
riding motorcycles with david
teasing asher at a race
giving milo roadhead
bondage in the backseat [Vega-influenced Ivan x Baby]
cat and mouse [Vega x Warden]
cool it, cowboy [Sam x Darlin]
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k9rage · 2 years
WIP Wednesday!
On time this week for once with a snippet I've been excitedly waiting to share from my Aaron x Smartass x Gavin wip- cw for sexual content mentions. This scene is set before they meet Gavin, but the intent is there lol
Thanks for the tag @merrybandofmurderers <3 tagging @bicyclepainting @angelnoodlesoup @angel-bubbles @ejunkiet @mrs-theirin n @sealriously-sealrious (no pressure)
"What about him?"
"Maybe her? She seems cute." 
"No," Aaron sighs again, for what seems to be the thirtieth time in this hour. 
Frankly, Smartass doesn't see how looking at pictures of hot people for a potential threesome on Tinder isn't fun, but this is still Aaron they're talking about. He's happiest wearing khaki shorts and working so much that he has perpetual eye bags. 
"Maybe this guy? He's got a dog."
Predictably, it earns them a derisive noise. "Why do you care about the dog if we'd only be fucking him anyways?" He asks, a little scathing. 
They pout, leaning against their boyfriend's shoulder. "Men that are good with animals are hot, Aaron." A pause, then "so…a maybe on the guy with the dog?"
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angel-shaw · 2 years
Aaron x Smartass
Baking <3
I love these two so much and I don’t think I could ever do them true justice but here I am trying. Plz don’t hate me for fucking them up T^T
Ok so they did take a quick shower but there isn’t any spicey stuff <3 they care about each other and it’s cute ok?
Aaron slowly woke up, somewhat thankful that it’s not to an alarm as usual. His lover asleep curled up in his arm,head buried in his chest. Before they went to bed last night they made him turn off his alarms. They refused to cuddle him otherwise (rude).
They felt his breathing change and moved their head to meet his eyes.
“I thought you not waking up was why I had to turn off my alarms.”
It wasn’t a question,more of less it was light jab at the irony of them still waking up first.
“Hmm. Shut up” they mumbled, re-burying their face in his chest.
“Oh such a convincing counter point” he laughed lightly moving his hand from their back to rub their hair.
They hmmed again before turning to get up.
“What where are you going?” He groaned as he lost their warmth.
“Well I have to make a quick run to the store,” they said rummaging though their cloths.
“It’s -“ he reaches for his phone a cringes at the brightness. “7 am. Why are you going to the store?”
They pull on a shirt and unplug their phone.
“It’s a surprise love” they said before leaning down to kiss his forehead.
It ends way (way) to fast for his taste.
“Let me get changed and I’ll-“
“You get a shower and find non work clothes. I’ll be back soon.”
They then promptly left the room,closing the door behind them. Leaving Aaron alone in shock. (Like fucker how dare you make me turn off my alarms and then leave him the second you know I’m awake >:(. )
He stays in bed a little while longer, grateful that they got the comforter smartass insisted on, it is very soft.
After a few minutes he sits up and finds some clothes he can’t where to work. (Cuz of stains or rips idk just go with me here dam it) He doesn’t take long showers so is secptical that his smartass is going to be back by the time he is done.
So he is pleasantly surprised when he gets done to find his lover in the kitchen setting out ingredients.
He walked up behind them,wrapping his arms around their stumic,pressing a kiss to the hair covering their neck (or just their neck if you have shorter hair then that <3)
“See I told you so.”
He rested his chin on their shoulder humming softly in reconnection.
“What is all this for?”
They mocked hurt, gasping dramatically and pressing the back of their hand to their forehead.
He pressed a kiss to the side of their neck,a small apology without admitting his forgot something.
“You said we could bake together in the morning” they said frowning,turning their head to meet his eyes.
“You have beautiful eyes.”
“I should smack you.”
“Rude. What are we making.”
“Oh I thought we could make cupcakes or muffins! That way we can eat them for breakfast!” They said smiling, pointing to a recipe on the counter.
“Oh god what?”
“Cupcakes are a dessert”
“Oh and you call me smartass.”
“They are. And yes I do.”
“Ok well Mr. Technical that’s why I said or muffins.”
“I’m not giving you that.”
They stuck their tongue out at him before turning to grab a bowl. He leaned back on the counter.
Once they have everything he helps them mix the solids.
Suddenly well he is checking the recipe he hears Smartass giggling. He turns to ask what’s so funny and is meet with a cloud of flour in his face. He rubbes his face and opens his eyes
“Pffffffft you look so stupid”
Two can play that game. He thinks and grabs an egg out of the container. Holding it above their head he crushes. They yellp and try to rub their hair,only spreading it.
“You started it”
“Ya with flour!”
They pick more flour and rub it in his hair.
The stick their tongue out at him again.
“You put egg in my hair it’s only fair.” They say matter o factly.
They wipe off their hands on their shirt and Aaron now knows why they specifically told him not to where work clothes.
They start mixing ingredients again,with occasionally blowing dumping or splashing them on each other. By the time they muffins are in the oven them and the kitchen is a mess.
“Dibs on the shower” they call
“No absolutely not your helping my clean this well that is cooking”
Smiling he cuts them off with a kiss.
They role their eyes and wrap their arms around his neck kissing him softly.
“You taste like flour”
“I believe that that’s your fault”
“Shut up” they say before kissing him again.
They clean up the mess and wait till the muffins are done. After that they decide to let them cool well they clean off.
“You where planing on doing that from the beginning huh?” He asked as he takes of his shirt.
They mockingly drop their jaw and slap a hand to their chest.
“How dare!”
“Oh I dare Smartass.”
They finish undressing and both get in the shower. Aaron helps them get all of the egg yoke out of their hair well they get the flour out of his.
Once they get it all out they finish up quickly and shut off the water. The get dressed and dry off their hair. Smartass instant on ruffling his hair with the towel.
They get back out to their mostly clean kitchen and Smartass burns their hand on the pan the muffins where in.
“What did you expect?? We weren’t that long. Of course it’s still hot.” He scolds well they run their hand under cold water.
“Ya I gathered that thank you very much.”
His face softens.
“Are you ok though? Really?”
They smile and kiss his cheek.
“Yes I’m all right. Honestly is startled me more then anything,it’s not gonna hurt long.I have done it alot believe I know.”
“Why am I not surprised you have done this a lot?”
“Shut up” They grab his cheek and pull him in for another kiss.
Ok! That’s what I have for this! I hope it’s all right and I hope you enjoyed:3
@gumballsrightfoots @4ngelv4mp
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biteforblood · 9 months
[ WORKAHOLIC ] aaron x smartass.
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✶ notes : gn!reader, tired fluff, reverse comfort, pet names ( big guy ; baby ), 0.7k
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work would be the death of aaron, he’s beyond certain of it. there are hard days — as with any job — but lately, they seem to have stacked themselves up one on the other like a pillar, each stretching him impossibly thinner than the last. to be fair, he can’t pin all of the blame solely on his job, deserved as it may be. he isn’t completely free of fault himself.
smartass loves to joke how he’s a man married to his work; and it’s true, he knows it to be. he’s devoted to what he does, reminiscent in a way to how he’s devoted to them. when they begin to struggle under the weight of their own job, he’s there to shoulder some of it, all while gently chastising about how they need to prioritize and take care of themself. but when it comes to his own self and responsibilities, the same no longer applies.
just as he does with them, they do what they can to help ease the stress and remind him of the importance of focusing on himself as much as he does his work. and despite his genuine promises to not forget, it always seems to find its spot on the back burner.
today was a clear example of just that.
the tall stack of thick files and inbox exploding with emails seemed to be endless. with each he completed and answered, five more took their place. the countless hours he poured in felt pointless when his efforts barely put a dent into his workload. by the end of the day, he felt ready to collapse. and he planned to, preferably into his partner’s welcoming arms rather than his clustered desk.
tiredly sliding the key into the lock, it turns with a quiet click. the doorknob twists in his palm as he pushes into their home, the door shutting against the weight of his back. he toes at the heels of his dress shoes until they slide off then nudges them next to theirs. he doesn’t bother to step into the pair of slippers smartass keeps next to the door for him; he has no plans of staying on his feet for much longer tonight.
they hear his heavy footfalls coming down the hall before they see him. tilting the computer screen down halfway, their eyes drift up to greet him as he enters. he lingers in the doorway, slouched figure leant on the frame and worn gaze staring back at them. they take note of his disheveled appearance; silk red tie loose and uneven around his collar, first few buttons of his creased dress shirt undone.
they’re the first to speak. “hey, you. how was work today?”
his lips thin into a tight smile. he huffs through his nose indifferently, head rolling in a drowsy circle to relieve the tension in his neck. they fully close their laptop and move it off to his side of the bed. lap now empty, they open their arms in silent offering. he stands still for a long moment as he builds up the strength.
pushing off the door frame with a grunt, he shakes off his suit jacket from his shoulders. letting it fall by the end of the bed in a heap for later. the mattress creaks under the weight of his knees as he shuffles up towards them.
their outstretched hands cradle the back of his head and gently guide him to their chest. his body drapes over top of them like a weighted blanket, arms tucking against either side of their waist in a half-hearted attempt to hold them back.
it’s relaxing, they way their nails scratch through the mess of his hair. with each pass of their fingers, careful when they come across a knot to untangle, aaron finds himself slipping further into the exhaustion dragging him under.
their lips brush the shell of his ear. “get some rest, big guy. we can talk and worry over everything later. i’ll be here when you wake up.”
he noses at the underside of their jaw with a deep, drawn out sigh. “thank you, baby.” his mumbled words barely reach their ears before he’s dozing off to the steady pound of their heartbeat.
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© biteforblood. please do not translate, repost, or redistribute in any way on any platform.
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slightlystupidhun · 1 year
Was thinking on writing some redacted audio fics based on songs!! Here is the list I have so far! Lmk in the comments if you have a song that isn’t on the list that you think would work well!
Sway- Michael Buble (Maybe a Milo and Sweetheart)
El Tango De Roxane- Moulin Rouge (was thinking of possibly having a Geordi and Cutie or a Gavin and FL)
Copacabana- Barry Manilow (Darlin, Quinn, and Sam, or David, Angel, their EX)
Uptown Girl- Billy Joel (Asher and Baabe or Guy and Honey)
Chicago- Michael Jackson (Aaron and Smartass)
Remember the Time- Michael Jackson (Vincent and Lovely)
Light a Flame x Fast Pace-Seventeen (Gavin, Lasko, FL, or David and Angel, Crime Watch Milo and Sweetheart)
SOS- Abba (David and Angel )
The One that got away- Civil Wars (this would be a Quinn and Darlin fic)
Lmk which one you would want to see most!!
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catella-ars · 2 years
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bakedcrispss · 4 years
y/n, whispering to aaron: who's the one with the possum
aaron: that’s daryl
y/n: he’s hot
aaron: no i just told you his name is daryl
aaron: but yeah he kinda is
from: @boom-bunny ! <3
* she posts twd/marvel/starwars content on @prpl-dinosaur ! go check her out and follow her 💖
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