aceofstars121 · 2 years
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askdoctorknow · 6 years
I always have been really introvert and I have some anxiety when it comes to socialize and do things alone, now i want to make a travel. I never travel on a plain before, my college is gonna make a summer travel to Europe and i really want to go but im really afraid. I never been on my own. And i don't really have good social skills. I talk with my mom about this travel, she think is a crazy idea , my brother think is a good opportunity for growing up. What is ur recommendation about this?
I remember the title of a book by Susan Jeffers “Face the Fear and do it Anyway”.   This reminds me of your situation. The best way to overcome fear is to go into the situation. The behavioural psychologists call these situation behavioural experiments that desensitise you to the feared situation. You will be there with the teachers and your classmates and there is no shame in explaining to them that you feel a little anxious. I will reblog my breathing video for you, put that on your phone and take t with you. It really helps.
Do you have a question about anxiety, social anxiety, depression, sex, relationships, mental health. Dr. Know is online and ready to take your questions now. ASK DR. KNOW
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mrzauberer · 6 years
Aaanxiety is a bitch
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silvaurum · 3 years
hiiigh aaanxiety
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vodkaunt · 7 years
What I imagine is happening when the depression AND anxiety kick in
Announcer in boxing ring: "In this corner, we have the crippling exhaustion, and lack of motivation: DEEEEPPPPPRRRRESSIONNNNN!!!!"
"In the other corner, armed w/ overwhelming worry, and never-ending self doubt, please welcome,,, AAANXIETY!!!!!"
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mraize · 6 years
I hate the highway the last time someone drove me somewhere on the highway somebody merged into our lane and almost hit us right on the side of the car where I was and we were going like 70 or whatever full highway speed if he hadn’t swerved out of the way so well I would have like died and apparently I have a lot of anxiety about it still because my dad just took a bend in the highway kind of fast and my heart is beating really fast and I keep thinking about it so I’m typing this to help distract myself and it’s working
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