#a lot of medical care and precautions depend on ur sex
histrionicscribbler · 9 months
love how the mere presence of nonbinary people sends some particular folks into sex essentialism fueled rants about how we cant just "ignore sex" as if nb people dont already know the immutable and important nature of sex bc it stares us in the face every day
ignore it? don't make me laugh. we can't ignore a damn thing if we tried.
i hate to break it to you, but WE ALL KNOW you cannot clock a nonbinary person from appearance alone. sometimes (not always) that is even the point. androgyny is not always the nb goal. androgyny also isn't always nb. divorce the two in your mind rn.
we are well aware that what we look and sound like directly influences what we are perceived as upon first impression. it is just the truth. a lot of us will never escape misgendering. but that is really not an excuse to refuse to change your language when you learn otherwise
if ur gonna become deaf when someone uses they/them (or any other non he/she pronoun) on somebody (out loud, multiple times, perhaps even correcting you), then do it about 9000 yards away from me, k?
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