#Zaphod Beeblebrox x reader
sochawrites · 2 years
Requesting rules
There's a list of requests that are currently sent in via ask, since I know how much Tumblr likes to eat those
Wait 24 hours, if your request isn't there at that point, and wasn't answered, send it again
Please try and specify whether you want headcanons or a drabble/ fic/ one-shot/ scenario when requesting
I write for
Michael Myers (OG, RZ, Peepaw*) Yautja
Bane (comics, nolan verse)
Red Dwarf
David Lister Arnold Rimmer
Considering writing for**
Hellboy Zaphod Beeblebrox Eddie Brock (+Venom)
*if comfortable
**these will take a bit longer, but you can request for them
I won't write
Pedophilia Incest Suicide/ self-harm Some kinks (If you're not sure whether I'm ok with them or not, you can always ask prior, I don't bite) Smut*** Rape/non-con
I will write
Platonic! reader (this does include child/kid reader) Gender-neutral!reader/ fem!reader Trans!reader/ male!reader**** Smut*** The usual (fluff, angst, hurt-comfort...)
*** My virgin ass is not comfortable with writing smut fics, since, u know, no experience in that area, but nsfw headcanons might be alright
**** As a cis woman, I can only try my best, but there's no guarantee it will be accurate, so proceed and heed the warning...
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luxeavenger · 2 years
hi evie! i hope that life is treating you well and that you’re having a great November, I have a few questions about blog organization in general, do you think maybe you have the time/energy to help me out? (If not it’s totally okay)
I’m trying to make a masterlist and organize my blog better, do you have any tips on how to do that?
so far I’m going through all of my posts and tagging them in a more organized way (gonna be very time consuming, do you know if there’s a better way of doing that?)
after that I was gonna try and make a masterlist with all those tags, plus a few others, as well as maybe a separate masterlist and/or sideblog for my poems. i think the most confusing thing for me is links and adding those, do you have any advice or tips about that?
I’m kinda going with the guess and check method here because I have basically zero clue how tumblr works, I was just hoping maybe you could help me out 😭
(again if you don’t have the time/energy thats totally okay, and if not, I’m sending you lots of love and wishing you a great holiday season 🫶🏼)
hey sweetie! i hope you're feeling well! i'm sending tons of love right back your way!
i don't know if i'll be a HUGE help with this, but i'll give it a shot. maybe something will help?
as far as tagging posts go, there are only 2 things that i try to be consistent with my # tags: my fics, and (to a point) my inbox
i find i do much better if things are the same every time. which is why i organize my tags the way i do (my neurodivergent ass can't handle that kind of chaos)
i try to do - PAIRING x reader (if more than one character), CHARACTER x reader, CHARACTER, CHARACTER smut, OTHER CHARACTER x reader, OTHER CHARACTER, OTHER CHARACTER smut, etc
i use three different "reader" tags, and do a set for each of these: "x reader", "x you", and "x female!reader"
on the word doc i have my @ taglist on, i have a list of all the # tags I use most commonly, so i don't have to pull them out of the ether every single time i post a fic. i have a list of backstage pass tags, then a list of stucky only tags, and bucky only, steve only, etc
i believe tumblr maxes you out at around 30 tags (although that may have changed), so use ALL of those. tag characters, tag parings, tag reader, tag reader gender, tag fic theme. anything you can thinks of - TAG IT. it helps you show up in the tag search, which helps readers find your fics. don't obsess over checking that your work shows up under each tag though. tumblr is famous for screwing the pooch with the tag searches (my kinktober fics from this year have done universally poorly because not a single tag i used during the entire month of october showed up in the tag search)
i have an inbox tag, so if i ever need to go back and find something i can
i'll tag things with series as well
people that inbox frequently get their own special tag because i love them the mostest, and it's the closest thing i can do to giving them hot chocolate and boops through the internet
i have seen some BEAUTIFUL masterlists here. i highly recommend cruising through and looking at masterlists. it will help you get an idea of what you think looks nice, and what you think might work for you. i did mine the easiest way possible when i set it up, because it seemed confusing with separate masterlists for separate characters, but i'm getting closer and closer to the point where i'm going to HAVE to do separate masterlists, because tumblr only allows 100 links in a post, and both my main and backstage pass masterlists are getting up there. just find what works for you, but expect to have to modify it as your masterlist grows
I'm not 100% sure what you mean about "links and adding those"? adding links is super easy. just type out the text you want to use to lead people to your linked content. (ex: "backstage pass masterlist", or "here there be kittens", or "bat huggers anonymous", or "zaphod beeblebrox"). then copy your link, highlight the text, find the little chain symbol in the pop-up menu, click it, paste your link, click done, and you've made a link!
if you're one of those people who changes their username frequently, once you go through all the work of creating your beautiful masterlist, you are going to want to give very very thoughtful consideration to changing your username. because if you do, you've gotta go through and change every single one of those links. ones in your masterlist, ones in your bio, basically if it links to any of YOUR tumblr content, you'll have to change it. otherwise, they'll just lead... nowhere. so just... yanno, be aware of that
and a cautionary tale when it comes to tumblr. they do not give a single fuck about you, or your links, or your content, or your carefully curated posts. i've seen writers devastated when tumblr just unceremoniously deletes all their fics. if you don't already have an archive of our own account, i recommend getting one. it will help you find new readers, which is great, but it will also serve as an archive of your fics, should something catastrophic happen to your blog. it'll make things MUCH easier to repost everything again. you have to be invited in order to join, but it's super easy to request an invite, and it doesn't take very long to get the invite once it's requested
this is probably way more than you wanted, so i apologize if you've been sitting here reading all this, just wishing i'd shut up like 3 minutes ago
i hope something here was helpful. ily babe! take care of yourself, especially with the holidays coming up
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arianadevareux · 4 years
Ignoring Zaphod’s flirting until he saves you...
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(For anon)
Encountering the President was usually an ordeal. Although he was flirtatious by nature, he seemed to take a particular liking to you. You’d usually shrug off his comments - unless they crossed a line. Then you’d remind him that, his position notwithstanding,you would have no issue making sure it didn’t happen again. 
But he liked that, too. “You’re a spicy little thing, aren’t ya?” 
Those around you would occasionally comment on his behavior. “The President is in love with y/n!” “He’s so handsome. Don’t you think so, y/n?” He was attractive, but so obnoxious. Not to mention he didn’t seem to know your name. He’d always call you by some pet name or another. It wasn’t real infatuation, clearly. 
Because you saw him so sporadically, there was no telling if it’d be days or months before he tried to lay on the charm and woo you once again. If he were more sincere (or less annoying) you could find his attention more enjoyable. 
What you never expected was for him to come to your aid in a crisis. However, while you were in a particularly tight spot, he showed up just in time to keep you from getting killed. 
“Zaphod, what are you doing here?”
“Heard you were in trouble,” he replied, fixing his hair. “Who better than me to be your savior? C’mon.” He gave you a dazzling smile accompanied by a wink. 
You were, understandably, wary of his motives. “This was just for publicity, right? You’re here to be a hero in the news, aren’t you?” 
“”Of course it was. What? No. It was a little bit.” 
“A little bit?”
He fumbled for a moment before forming a full sentence, then finally, “I would’ve come to help you even without the cameras.” 
“You would?”
 “Now, why don’t you thank your President for saving your life? Come on, I’m starvin’.” 
After some consideration, and some playful prodding from Zaphod, you agreed. You were nearly held up due to work, but upon seeing that you were with the leader of the galaxy (and going on a date with him?!) you were free to go. “Paperwork can wait.” 
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lucy-sky · 5 years
Towel day drabble! 10.“You have no power over me.” “You sure about that?”
Okay, I finally wrote Zaphod porn and idk if I should be proud or ashamed :DDD Actually I had this idea for quite a long time (@magnetoserik can confirm it)
Prompt: “You have no power over me.” “You sure about that?”
You are sick of Zaphod’s constant advances. What the hell, he’s not even your type! Yet you still feel attracted to him which pisses you off. 
Basically this drabble is just porn without plot a fight that eventually turns into lovemaking. Hence, warning: SMUT! Also Zaphod uses all his hands here so if it freaks you out… Yeah, I warned you :’D Gif by me.
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- Why the hell do you keep following me, Beeblebrox?! Which word from the phrase “I am not interested” you didn’t understand?
- Come on, babe, I know you like me, why don’t you finally admit it? - Zaphod looked at you with a big perky grin on his face. 
You hated this cheeky look of his. Partly because he was so full of himself you wanted to punch him, and partly because it massively turned you on when he looked at you like this. You refused to admit it though. Just… No. Not Zaphod Beeblebrox. Falling for him would be the worst thing ever happened to you. This narcissistic idiot could only cause troubles… But there was something about him that made you feel some vibes. Common sense didn’t really work here and it irritated you. What the hell, you’ve never really liked cheeky blond guys! Why was he making you feel like that?
- I like you? Pfff, - you huffed. - What made you think so?
- You obviously were jealous when I flirted with those ladies in Milliways.
- Jealous? Are you kidding me? I totally was not! - You protested.
- Well, why are you so pissed than?
- I’m pissed because you’re driving me mad with your advances, Zaphod. Will you please just leave me in peace? I don’t like you, deal with it. You’re absolutely not my type! I don’t like arrogant dudes who care about their appearance more than anything else. Got it?
- I know what pisses you off so much, - Zaphod smirked coming closer to you. You stepped away from him and your back hit the wall.
- It pisses you off that you’re attracted to me. Even though I’m “not your type” as you said. You still want me, and it drives you crazy.
He chuckled, showing a row of excellently white teeth. Damn. You knew he was right. But you still refused to surrender.
- Bullshit. You have no power over me. Absolutely.
- You sure about that?
Still smirking, he leaned in, and his lips crushed on yours. You groaned in protest and made a sweeping motion of your arm, trying to slap him, but he was faster. Catching your wrist, he pinned it against the wall above your head.
- Nice try. Does it turn you on, baby?
You made another desperate attempt, but it only ended up with both your wrists pinned against the wall and him, smiling down at you.
- That’s hot. Really. But seriously, y/n. Why don’t you stop lying to yourself? I can make you feel good and I’m pretty sure you know it. Why don’t you just relax and enjoy it?..
Even though he kept holding your wrists against the wall, his sparkling green eyes looked at you so softly it made your heart shrink for a moment.
- Because… Because you’re totally not my type, told you… - you mumbled. - It’s never gonna work out anyways…
- How do you know that if you didn’t even try, huh?
- We’re way too different…
- Someone told me opposites attract, - Zaphod purred, his fingers reaching your chin to tilt your face. He was so close you could feel his breath on your skin.
He kissed you again, and this time you gave in, marveling at the sudden tenderness of his lips. He was a good kisser, you couldn’t deny it. The way his tongue gently parted your lips, slipping inside your mouth sent shivers down your spine and made you moan softly.
- Mm, that’s more like it, - he smiled contently, moving to the underside of your jaw and peppering it with kisses on his way to your neck, as his hand skimmed down your body. You wondered why it felt weird at first, but then you realized your wrists were still pinned. Zaphod’s hands slid from your wrists to your palms, his fingers lacing with yours while the third hand of his found its way under the skirt of your dress, stroking your thigh up and down.
You literally could feel how the blood rushed up your veins. Yes, he totally had power over you right now and it felt incredibly hot. Probably because of an unusual sensation or the sense of partial immobility… But your body was already on fire, with your wrists against the wall, his lips on your neck and his subtle fingers that finally reached your mound. You gasped, shuddering as he touched your clit, already tingling with anticipation. His sweet teasing caress made you a panting and writhing mess unable to think properly in no time.
- Turn around, - he whispered, letting go of your hands. You were already about to explode so you obeyed eagerly, pressing your palms against the wall. Zaphod bent over you, kissing the back of your neck while unzipping your dress and unclasping your bra. As your breasts were finally released he instantly kneaded them, his thumbs flickering your hardened nipples.
- Damn, Zaphod… Stop being such a tease! - you whined desperately.
- Shhh… - He hushed softly, kissing your shoulderblade.
Next you discovered one more undoubted advantage of making love to a man with an additional hand: he had an opportunity to tug down your underwear and undo his own pants together at the same time - surely a useful thing when the yearning was becoming unbearable. Your back arched uncontrollably and you hissed biting your lips as his hard cock slid inside you smoothly.
The pleasure began to build rapidly in your core as his pace was fast and rough, his hands were back on your breasts, rolling your nipples between his fingers, and when the thumb of his third hand pressed against your swollen clit, you literally saw stars behind your eyelids. Your orgasm was long, intense and absolutely mind-shattering.
Completely out of breath, your legs shaking, you were trying to regain your composure while Zaphod held you with two hands, placing soft kisses on the back of your neck and stroking your belly with the third hand soothingly.
- You okay? - He asked in a hoarse whisper when your breath was back to normal.
- Yeah… Yes… That was… That was really… impressive, - you replied in a shaky voice, still feeling the blissful warmth from your climax.
- Good. Because actually… I am not done yet…
- Wh… What?
Your eyes widened as you realized he was still inside you and still hard.
- That’s a normal thing for me, - Zaphod shrugged.
- Wow… I just remembered that title in the newspaper article about you… “The Best Bang since the Big One”, right? Now I think I get what that meant…
- I guess that’s who I am, - Beeblebrox chuckled. - Do you mind that?
- Not at all… Just give me a minute, okay?
- Sure, baby doll. Tell me when you’re ready, - he kissed your shoulder again.
- Do you still think it’s not gonna work out, you and me?
- Let’s talk about it later, after we finish, - you hushed, shifting a bit and turning your head to meet his tender lips with yours.
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sochawrites · 2 years
If you want to send in a request, here are some rules ^^
Michael Myers
Silent love ~ a collection <- Ao3 link
Insecurity of secure embrace
In/sane part 1, part 2
The eyes of the Boogeyman (Halloween 22, !platonic)
Corey Cunningham
Fight for me
A scratch
Zaphod Beeblebrox
The craziest of froods (platonic!)
Taskmasters abilities (HCs)
The Rasputin style (HCs)
Baby fever (HCs)
A joytoy? (male!r)
Abeja (yandere!Bane, gn!r)
Plushies (male!r)
Hands (male!r)
Arnold Rimmer
A war within (male!r, HCs)
Adrenaline (fem!r)
Dave Lister
Obsolete part1, part2
Own work
Under Translation
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sochawrites · 2 years
can i request a platonic zaphod beeblebrox & reader drabble
Sure thing ^^
It's a bit longer than it should be (around 230 words), so not really a drabble.
Set before his run for president, so I'm warning for ooc.
The craziest of froods
Platonic! Zaphod Beeblebrox & reader
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You slammed down another glass of G'n 'n Tooniix that Zaphod made for you, "Should've expected some weird request when you didn't ask for payment…". The man opposite you hummed in agreement as he gulped down his own drink. You shook your head at him, snickering. You were used to his crazy ideas, but this was new. "You'd have to get another head to contain those traits you want to keep, and you can't do that alone-"
"Thank's for the info Y/N, but I only need your medical bay. Then I'll be on my way and won't bother you ever again." Zaphod uttered as he mixed another refill, which you chuckled at. "We're friends, Beeblebrox, you're not bothering me. You're annoying, yes, but a froody dude overall. Plus there's no way I'm letting you scrap your brain all alone."
Now it was his turn to shake his head, "You really want to help? Thought you'd think it's a stupid and crazy plan.". You looked at him and his cocked eyebrow, "Oh, no, I think it is as stupid and crazy as it can get, but maybe I am stupid and crazy too. Maybe we both are…. And I would like to avoid having to clean up your dead body.", you added, half-jokingly.
"Well then, to this plan or to… ?" Zaphod chuckled as he raised his glass.
"To the craziest of froods."
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lucy-sky · 5 years
Towel Day!!! 🎉🥳🎉🥳 42.“You look…” “Beautiful, I know. Can we move on?”
Takes placebefore The Hitchhiker’s Guide movie events. The Earth isn’t destroyed yet.
No warnings. Gif by me.
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You took a deep breath looking at yourself in the mirror again, then looked at your watch. Zaphod was late and this fact didn’t make you any calmer. Actually you’ve never been that nervous introducing your boyfriends to your parents… On the other hand you’ve never dated a guy from another planet before, so you had all the rights to be nervous.
You’ve met Zaphod Beeblebrox a few months ago at a party. You came there with your now ex-boyfriend and you had a huge fight. Your first intention was to leave the party as soon as possible, but then you decided that this asshole doesn’t deserve your spoiled mood. “I’ll have fun anyways!” – You said to yourself, took a couple of drinks and went straight to the dancefloor. As you were dancing, someone’s hand lay on your shoulder.
- Hey there. Need a company?
You looked at the guy. He seemed… Weird. Kinda too colorful and eccentric: he was wearing a purple coat, a shimmery shirt, his scarf was super bright as well. He had long blond locks, perfectly white teeth, and his smile was adorably charming, his green eyes looked so mischievously you just couldn’t help but smile back.
- Sure!
The weirdo turned out to be a great dancer; you had a lot of fun and ended up leaving the dancefloor for a hot make-out session on the balcony. You didn’t really expect him to call you when you gave him your number, but after a couple of days he did and you met again. And again. That’s how it all started.
Eventually you’ve learnt that Zaphod wasn’t really from Earth, and that you actually were dating the president of the Galaxy all this time. Craziness! But after your first shock you decided you could live with it. Yes, your boyfriend was weird, he was a narcissistic ass at times and it drove you mad. But he never failed to make you smile and you loved him for that. And you had no doubts your parents were gonna love his charm as well. Zaphod could make a great impression on almost anyone if he really wanted to. But you still were nervous as hell.
Finally your doorbell rang and you rushed to the door.
- Hey, baby doll! - Zaphod beamed at you and you smiled back, leaning in to kiss him.
- You look gorgeous, - he continued with a wink. - Shall we go before it’s late?
- Yeah, sure. I’ll just grab my ba… - you suddenly stopped mod-sentence as you finally noticed what he was wearing.
Zaphod had a shirt that seemed to radiate all colors of rainbow, a pair of silvery shorts with blue stars on them and a belt with a big buckle. His shoes reminded you of cowboy boots, except they were pink. He also had his favorite red scarf and big sunglasses.
- What’s that? - he frowned.  
- You look…
- Beautiful, I know, - he smirked, brushing a strand of blond hair from his face. - Can we move on?
- Umm… Zaphod, you know I really appreciate your style and all, but it would be great if you at least put on some… Longer pants…
- Huh? - He looked really confused. - What’s wrong with these? Thought you’re gonna love them…
- I actually really do, - you admitted, thinking that his butt probably looks great in them. - But I don’t really think my parents would be impressed.
- Oh… - Zaphod’s look saddened a bit. - Sorry, babe. I got a bit carried away and really didn’t think about your planet’s fashion… Look, we can get to some shop on our way and I’ll get new pants…
- No, - you said decidedly, immediately remembering how much time shopping with Zaphod takes. - No, I have a better idea. Give me 5 minutes, I’ll change my outfit and we’ll tell my parents we took part in a disco flashmob and didn’t have time to get changed afterwards.
- What’s a flashmob? And what’s disco…
- Nevermind, I’ll tell you along the way.
- You sure?
- Absolutely.
- Great! - Zaphod gave you a happy grin. - So do you really like the shorts? I was thinking of you when picking them, - he smirked teasingly.
- Aw, I’m flattered, - you laughed, kissing him quickly on the lips. - I’ll be right back.
Yeah, your parents would probably be a little bit shocked… But you were hoping Zaphod’s charm would win. And his butt really looked quite gorgeous.
A bit silly, but hope you liked it :)
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lucy-sky · 5 years
I hope I'm not late 😓, but can I request #41 for the Towel Day Event? Btw did you know next year, the movie is going to be 15 (if I'm not mistaking)?
Yes, you’re right! It’s turning 15 :)))
As for your request - it wasn’t easy. The prompt sounds a bit dark, and Zaphod’s mostly a funny character for me. On the other hand I reread the drabble and… I actually can see him in it. So I hope you enjoy it :)
Prompt: “Show me your scars.” “But… why?” “I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn’t there.”
You’re a space pirate. Like, you know, ravagers from Guardians of the Galaxy, but you mostly work alone for some reason. Occasionally you team up with Zaphod Beeblebrox to find and steal some artifact. For him it’s the usual “partly the curiosity, partly the sense of adventure, but mostly for the fame and money”, for you it’s just a job you get money for. The way to the artifact is not quite easy though.
There’s umm… sex which is about to happen :D and hints about the violence the reader’s been through before, but nothing explicit, overall the drabble is fluffy and comforting. So no warnings, I guess. Gif by me.
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You stood in the shower with your eyes closed, enjoying warm streams of water on your skin. Today was quite rough: you and Beeblebrox had to get the electronic chip with the coordinates you needed to find the artifact you were searching for. All went well and according to the plan at first, but you weren’t the only people hunting for this expensive artifact.
Eventually you had to face another space pirates’ crew and got into fight. The situation was not amusing at all: only you, Zaphod and Marvin against them all, but you still managed to escape with the chip. Now you were aboard The Heart of Gold, there was no pursuit (apparently your enemies were too dumb to trace you), and you could finally relax.
You got out of the shower, wrapped a big warm towel around your frame and looked at yourself in the mirror. Yes, it was a hard day, but you were quite lucky. These guys could have killed you like dozen of times, but all you got were a couple of fresh bruises. Not too bad.
You heard a knock on the door and went to open it.
- Oh! Hey uh… Did I bother you? - Zaphod asked, pointing at the towel around your body.
- No, I’ve just finished. You wanted something?
- Yeah, just wanted to discuss our plans for tomorrow. I put the chip here, - he showed you an electronic pad. - And I looked through it. I guess we have to get to Jaglan Beta but I’m not sure, take a look…
For a while you both were sitting on your bed, looking through the files and came to the conclusion that the artifact was just partly on Jaglan Beta planet near the Axel Nebula.
- Zark’s sake, and where’s the rest of it? - Zaphod groaned.
- I guess we’ll find the answer on Jaglan Beta, - you shrugged. - I think the most reasonable decision is to follow the coordinates. Heading there tomorrow morning. We need some good rest for now.
- Yeah, right… Hey, that was a mess today, wasn’t it? But we did real good! We make a great team, right? - he winked at you, playfully punching your shoulder.
- Yep, you know… I wasn’t really excited about working with you at first, Beeblebrox.
- Huh? - Zaphod frowned. - Why’s that?
- Well… I just thought you’re an arrogant fool who likes to show off, to be honest. Which is not really helpful. But surprisingly it turned out you’re better than that. I mean, you’re better in a fight than I expected. And in general… You’re a lot nicer than you may seem. It’s not the worst team-up in my life, - you smiled at him. - Sometimes it’s nice not to be alone.
- That’s funny, - he chuckled. - I can tell the same about you, actually. You’re a lot nicer than you may seem.
- Really?
- Yep. You’re always so tough, but in reality you’re way softer…
- With my job I’m not allowed to be soft, Zaphod. Sometimes life teaches you to be tough, - you sighed, lowering your eyes.
For a couple of minutes you were sitting in silence, you looking at your knees, him looking at you. You flinched a bit as his fingers brushed against your back. The fights you’ve been through left their marks, so there were quite a lot of scars on your body. The ones on your back were the most painful to remember about. It was from that time you were captured and enslaved. Fortunately you managed to escape and never got caught again, but they reminded you of your weakness, of how small and helpless you felt there, locked in a prison cell, and you didn’t like it.
- What are you doing, Zaphod? - You asked, tensing as his fingers kept tracing the scars on your back. A part of you wanted to back off but at the same time you strangely enjoyed his touch.
- Show me your scars.
- But… why?
- I want to see how many times you needed me and I wasn’t there.
- What? - A small, slightly nervous laugh escaped you. - Zaphod, I don’t really think you’d have been of any help if you were there with me these days.
- Who knows? As you said I’m a better team-up than you expected… - Zaphod smirked softly before moving a little closer. - Maybe I can be helpful now, - he murmured.
At this you shivered, feeling his lips on your shoulderblade. The most reasonable thing to was to back off right now. Your relationship is just for business and nothing more. Business first. But… You just couldn’t move. Of course you weren’t saint. Occasional hook-ups did happen to you a few times. We all have needs. But you just realized it’s been ages since someone touched you with real affection. Maybe if he kissed your every scar you’d forget about the past you’ve been through? Life had taught you to be tough, but maybe it was time to allow yourself some softness? Just for now, just for one night. Didn’t you deserve it?..
Slowly, your hand reached the towel, letting it slide down your body. You turned to Zaphod, facing him. He looked a bit surprised, but his curious green eyes were already shimmering with lust. You cupped his cheek before leaning in.
- Alright, Beeblebrox. Get over here.
He chuckled against your lips.
- You’re gonna love this team-up. Promise.
Hope it was okay :)
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lucy-sky · 5 years
Prompt 59 please 😁
Uggghhhh I guess I’m just not able to write really short drabbles >_
I’m sorry if it’s not quite what you expected… But Zaphod’s quite fluffy anyways so I hope you enjoy this one :)
Prompt: “I was just kind of hoping that you’d, y’know…. fall in love with me.”
You got in trouble on Vogon planet, but Zaphod is here to heroically save you… Or not quite heroically :D
No warnings; gif by me
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- You cannot stay on this planet. It is illegal. You don’t have any special permission.
- Alright than, - you shrugged, looking at an ugly alien in front of you. - I’m not quite enjoying my stay anyways, so I can leave right now if you please.
- I’m afraid it’s not possible.
- Why?
- Because you arrived on this planet illegally. We cannot just let you go.
- So… What should I do?
- Well, we can’t really say at the moment. Normally we would have to deport you, but your home planet is destroyed. Unfortunately our code doesn’t have any notes on what to do in such cases. For now you are going to stay under arrest for a while and then you will have to appear before court. It might take weeks, maybe months… The case is quite serious…
- Oh come on! Are you kidding me! I’m here by mistake! - You were getting pretty nervous right now.
- Sorry for that. Have a nice day, Ms. Y/n. Take her away.
When the prison cell door closed behind you, you sat on the floor leaning against the wall and hid your face in your palms. What the hell were you gonna do now?
You got to this stupid Vogon planet chasing some bastard who had stolen The Point of View Gun. Zaphod Beeblebrox needed it to get his second head back. Together with him, Ford, Arthur and Trillian you followed the thief up to this planet, where you, being unlucky as hell, got caught. You didn’t know what happened to your friends. Did they catch the thief? Did they got caught by the Vogons as well as you? Of course you were hoping they wouldn’t just leave you here and would come back for you. But what if something bad happened to them as well? You felt so small and lonely right now you were about to cry. And all this because of the goddamn gun Zaphod needed so much.  
You didn’t know how much time you exactly spent there thinking of your miserable destiny when suddenly the door opened and you saw Zaphod in front of you. He was holding a gun and was a bit short of breath. You’ve never expected to be so happy to see this dork again.
- Zaphod! - You screamed, jumping up on your feet and rushing to him.
- Y/n! Quick! Run away, I’ll hold them up!
- Yeah… Okay… But will you be fine?
- Don’t worry about me, run!
- Okay, - you repeated. - Thank you so much, Zaphod!
You probably got too emotional after all these events, so you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Zaphod grinned at you happily. You nodded at him and rushed down the corridor. Oh hell… Where to run now? Suddenly you saw a Vogon and gasped, not knowing where to hide.
- Good afternoon, Ms. Y/n, - the alien suddenly said. - Are you looking for a way out? It’s right there. Along this corridor, down the stairs and then turn right.
- What? - You blinked. - Wh… Why are you not trying to arrest me?
- Well, because you are free, obviously. The President signed up a special release form.
- Huh? - You frowned. So it wasn’t a prison break? But why did Zaphod… Oh yes. Of course. This vain asshole just wanted to look like an amazing hero in your eyes. But in fact all he did was sign a couple of papers…
Later, in your quarters on board the Heart of Gold you finally relaxed on your bed when someone knocked on your door.
- What do you want? - You asked in an annoyed tone as you saw Zaphod’s face again.
- I uhh… Y/n, I kinda noticed… Are you a bit mad at me or something? I mean… I actually saved you today, you know… - he let out a usual small laugh of his.
- Right, you did. But Zaphod, why did you have to put it like you fought everyone and rescued me like a goddamn superhero?
- Wh… What do you mean? - He chuckled nervously.
- Oh come on. I know you just signed some “release form” and they let me go, and all this “run, don’t worry about me!” thing you did was just a show-off. Right?
- Uh… - Zaphod lowered his eyes. He looked pretty much like a guilty schoolboy right now.
- Look, I don’t wanna seem ungrateful. I really appreciate the fact you guys returned for me. Thank you for that. But what I really don’t like is when someone is trying to fool me. What the hell was all this for? To feed your ego?
He paused for a second before answering.
- Well, I was just kind of hoping that you’d, y’know… Fall in love with me.
At this he looked you in the eyes and you blinked stupidly at him.
- Huh?..
- Just wanted to impress you, - he shrugged with a suddenly shy smile you’ve never seen on his face before. - Yeah, that was a bit stupid, you’re right. Maybe I’ll be smarter once I get my head back… I just thought that would be more… Romantic.
- Oh Zaphod… I really didn’t know you’ve got some… feelings for me… - you mumbled, your cheeks blushing.
- I guess I do. I really like you, - he made a step towards you and smirked softly. - Do I have any chances?
Damn this man. How could he be such an arrogant, silly bastard and at the same time so disarmingly cute?.. Wait. Did you really like him back? Apparently so because this mischievous smile of his made things to you. Made you feel warmth in your chest and your heart beat a little faster…
- Maybe, - you replied, smirking back at him. - Just remember, there are plenty of ways to impress me without lying or faking anything.
- I think I know one.
At this you felt his hands on your waist, pulling you closer, as he leaned in, capturing your lips with his. The kiss was quite demanding, yet incredibly tender. His lips were soft, his beard tickled your skin, his breath was hot against your mouth, and all these sensations made you melt, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Apparently now Zaphod Beeblebrox found the best way to impress you, finally.
Idk, maybe there’s not enough romantic fluff, but I really enjoyed writing this, so I hope you like it too :) 
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lucy-sky · 5 years
Hey guys! Do you know what day is it tomorrow?
That’s right, it’s Towel Day!
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And what a coincidence - yesterday I found a really cool prompts list...
So, in order to celebrate this epic holiday I would love to write some short Zaphod Beeblebrox x Reader drabbles! 
Wanna help me?
Choose a prompt from the list and hit my ask box! 
Will take requests until the end of the day;
The drabbles will be really short (because obviously I’m not able to write a series of long drabbles in one day), something like this, probably even shorter (300-500 words);
Other characters like Ford, Arthur, Trillian, Marvin can also be involved, but... you know me, Rockwell characters is my specialty ^^”
(Yes, I’m probably out of my mind, but the prompts are really cool, and I miss writing Zaphod so much)
Hope it’s gonna be fun! :)))
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(Yes, I know, I still have 2 Anniversary drabble requests - don’t worry! I’ll do them too, one of them is currently in progress, actually)
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lucy-sky · 5 years
Saw Hitcher's again today, and I got traumatized by Zaphod's second head being chopped. I didn't know that happened?!?! 😭😭 If you have a chance (and it's okay if you can't do it), can you do #33 of the Christmas Prompt involving Zaphod Beeblebrox with his second head in it too.
I’m sorry it took so long, sweetheart… hope it’s okay…
Zaphod Beeblebrox + 33. “One normal Christmas, that’s all I wanted”
1418 words, fluff, no warnings. Gifs by me :)
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It’s been the second year since The Heart of Gold starship has become your new home, and Zaphod, Ford, Arthur and Trillian – your crazy, eccentric, driving you mad at times, but still something quite close to your family. Despite everything, you couldn’t say you didn’t like your new life here. It had some complications for sure, though it was anything but boring. You always had this sense of adventure inside you, and you enjoyed it most of the time even when the things went wrong.
However there were times you really missed your quiet life on the Earth.
Mostly some little casual things. And this sensation intensified usually on holidays. Probably the best thing on the Earth in your opinion was Christmas. But… Hanging around the Galaxy and celebrate it turned out to be quite complicated. Last year on this day you were on the run, followed by some angry Vogon ship for some reason (probably the reason was Zaphod messing up with the navigation device again), so your main goal was actually to survive. Totally not the right Christmas mood. And this year… This year it wasn’t much better.
You talked to Arthur and Trill, and together you decided to have a traditional Christmas party… Well, the most traditional it could be on board the spaceship. Zaphod and Ford got all excited, what could go wrong? Ha. You underestimated your freaky new “family” indeed.
It all started with an idiotic bet that Ford and Arthur would be able to drink the same amount of Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster as Zaphod. So when you and Trill entered the room ready to party – all you could find there were three bodies with different levels of unconsciousness. Obviously talking to any of them was useless at this point so with a deep sigh you decided to tell them all you think about it tomorrow, and for now it was time for boys to go to bed.
First you helped Ford to reach his quarters, then it was Arthur’s turn. You two almost had to carry him because he totally was the less prepared for Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster effects (not surprising though). You got him to his quarters and Trillian decided to stay there to take care of him. Their relationship seemed cute to you to be honest, even though they hardly admitted it. So you just nodded and left your friends alone, heading back to that place on the ship which served as a living room for you.
You found Zaphod there half sitting half lying leaning against the counter. Oh hell… You almost forgot about him. Though he didn’t look completely unconscious, so you decided you could handle it.
- Hey, Mr. President, - you said sarcastically, approaching him. - Let’s get you to that sofa so that you could get some sleep, you drunk ass.
Zaphod grinned at you stupidly as you placed his arm over your shoulder and grabbed is waist.
- Okay, ready? Go.
With your help, Zaphod made a step… and then collapsed on the floor, almost tugging you with him.
- Ugrhhhhh, Beeblebrox! - you groaned through clenched teeth. -  Get up! Hey, do you hear me?
Oh great. Seemed like he’s been unconscious as well.
With a deep annoyed sigh, mentally cursing the day you’ve met this bastard, you gripped him under his armpits, and pulled him closer to the nearest wall. You leaned his body against it and sat on the floor next to him completely exhausted.
- Gosh you’re heavy, - you murmured to yourself.
- Rude.
You turned to him and saw his second head appeared, staring at you with a bit injured look.
- Wait a second… - You raised your eyebrows puzzled. - You share the same body… How come he’s passed out, - you pointed at the head number one. - and you’re not?
- No idea, - he let out a bit silly laughter, but then became suddenly gloomy.
- Umm… you okay? - you asked.
- Yeah yeah, okay, as always, - head number two rolled its eyes. - You see, that’s unfair, you know, - he suddenly continued.
- What?
- Look, I might be not the greatest part of his brain, but ughhhh… I’m so sick of being shut up all the time!.. Why is he always in charge, not me? Huh?..
- Um… I don’t know… - you shrugged, totally confused. – I really don’t know much about… About how Zaphod Beeblebrox actually works. But well… I’m sorry about that.
- A kiss would make me feel better actually… - Head number two tried to smirk seductively, but the grin happened to be a bit weird and silly, as he moved a bit towards you.
- Ew, no way! - You winced. - Do you know how much you’ve drunk? You smell like a goddamn alcohol factory… Both of you I guess.
- I… had some ch… chewing gum in my pocket somewhere… - he started, but suddenly his body shook and head number two disappeared.
- Ugh… What did I miss? - Head number one smiled awkwardly, clearing its throat.
- Nothing special. Just seemed like you’ve passed out and your second part didn’t.
- Oh. Yeah well… I guess Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster affects different parts on my brain differently, - he replied. - You know, I invented it… But it’s so good it can surprise even me, - he chuckled.
- Brilliant, - you muttered, rolling your eyes.
- Hey… what’s the matter, baby doll?.. - Zaphod frowned.
- Nothing, Zaphod, really. It’s just… One normal Christmas, that’s all I wanted… - You replied bitterly.
- Oh! Almost forgot! - He suddenly exclaimed, jumping on his feet. For a second you thought he was gonna collapse again, but he managed to stand. - I’ve got a surprise for you! Let’s go!
- Wait… Are you sure you can walk?..
- Of course I can! Come on! - he grabbed you by the hand, pulling you up from the floor.
You followed Zaphod along the corridors.
- Had to make it in a secret room… so that you couldn’t find it. It’s a surprise, after all, - he smirked and pushed some particular place on the wall. The wall moved to the side, revealing a door.
- Welcome! - said the door cheerfully, as you both entered. It was dark inside, but the next moment Zaphod snapped his fingers and you gasped in surprise and awe.
What you saw in front of you was a big Christmas tree. No, it wasn’t big. It was huge and looked very real. It even smelled like a real tree. It was decorated buy loads of stuff. There were classic toys and some pretty weird stuff that looked like tools or gearwheels or some strange artifacts you’ve never seen before… And lights. There were a lot of beautiful sparking lights. You’ve never seen anything like this before.
- Oh my… Zaphod… - You struggled to find the words, but you couldn’t, so you made a move towards him and enclosed him into tight impulsive hug that made him now gasp in surprise.
- Whoaaa!.. You like it, do you, y/n? - He beamed as you looked up at him.  
- It’s so… Incredibly beautiful, Zaphod!.. Thank you… - You whispered almost about to cry.
- That’s great! Wow… I guess the second part of my brain can give pretty good ideas sometimes… - Zaphod smirked again.
- Wait… What did you say?.. Your second part? - You frowned.
- Well… Yeah. I mean we made it together, but the idea came from him, - he shrugged.
- Can I see him for a second?..
- Are you sure?..
- Please.
Zaphod slightly rolled his eyes and his body tensed a little, shuddering as head number two appeared.
- Huh?.. - it made, blinking, as you cupped his cheeks and pressed your lips to his, kissing him.
- Thank you, - you smiled. - It was the most beautiful thing ever. Do you feel better now, by the way?
- Oh zark yeah! - Head number two winked at you, disappearing.
- Alright, I’m back, - Zaphod brought his hand to his golden locks, fixing his hair. - All good?
- Yeah… - You smiled. - All great.
- So um… how do you guys say on the Earth?… - Zaphod hugged you by the shoulders, pulling closer to him. - Carry… Barry…
- Merry Christmas, - you replied softly, hugging him back. - Merry Christmas, Zaphod.
I didn’t know what to write about until the very end, lol :D hope it turned out well (a glass of champagne helped me a bit :DD) Thanks for reading :)
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lucy-sky · 3 years
luucccyyyy luuuceee if you havee timeee,,,,, i have,,,,, a zaphod request,,,,, like,,, the reader and zaphod just dancing like dumbasses in some outer space club, having fun and mayhaps it leads to a love confession? it can come from either person like in the heat of the dance (or after) they just confess how happy @ other person makes them sumn like that??? [you can 100% take ur time/do this whenever u wanna, ik u're in your shea era ;))) ]
Bri, love!!! HAPPY TOWEL DAY TO YOU!!!
Thanks so much for this request (it was highly motivating!!) and also I’m sorry - I haven’t written anything for almost 5 months so I became super rusty and it took me ages to write this small thingy.
The Longest Party (Zaphod Beeblebrox x Fem!Reader)
1,133 words, no warnings; see a couple of notes in the end.
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Where did you meet Zaphod Beeblebrox? At the party, of course! Where else? It’s a good question what brought him on your planet, in your country and your town, in that same nightclub you went with a bunch of friends that night. No one can tell, even Zaphod himself. All you know is that the attraction was instant and mutual, probably because you both have always been a little bit crazy and adventurous.
He was fun and charming, and slightly (okay, not slightly) weird, but being normal is so boring, right? After quite a few drinks he decided to tell you where he’s from, and of course you didn’t believe him at first, but still chose to play along.
“This party is getting so boring, baby doll! I know a much better place for the both of us…” he said, leaning closer to you and smirking as if he was telling you a secret.
“I bet you have an eye for really good parties, huh?” you raised your eyebrow.
“I sure do,” still smirking, he grabbed your hand. “Look, my ship’s parked nearby…”
“Yeah, the spaceship I told you about! Wanna see it?”
He was truly ridiculous, that guy. But at this point you got adventurous enough to say “Why not?”
Honestly, you expected to see anything, except… the actual spaceship. Maybe you just drank too much, fell asleep at the party, and it was your dream?.. No, y/n… You simply couldn’t be that drunk. It was really happening.
“You coming, doll?” Zaphod waved at you. For a few moments you hesitated. Some of your girlfriends considered leaving the party with a stranger already extreme enough, and you were about to go to another planet with a guy you knew for only like a couple of hours… Insane! Then again… When else you could possibly have a chance like that?
“I uh… You know, I should be at work on Monday morning,” you blurted.
“So? It’s Saturday night, doll, we’ve got plenty of time,” he shrugged. “It’s not that far anyways. Oh, and don’t worry, you won’t need to hitch a ride back - I’m a gentleman after all,” he laughed, and then extended his hand. “Come on, it’s gonna be fun, promise.”
You took his hand, not knowing yet this decision was about to change your life forever.
How many parties have you attended with Zaphod since then? One wilder than another, in different parts of the galaxy, places you could never imagine even in the craziest dreams. You sang, danced to all kinds of music until you could hardly stand, drank all sorts of cocktails, and saw so many gorgeous sunrises together. With him, it was never boring, you really enjoyed his company, and he seemed to enjoy yours as well.
Beeblebrox wasn’t perfect though. You found out very soon about how much he loved himself. You also couldn’t imagine talking to him about any serious stuff. Zaphod hated to be bored and didn’t like thinking too much. And it was okay, until you started to realize you were growing a bit too fond of him, more than you wish you were. It wasn’t good at all. Zaphod was fun to hang out with, but falling for him? Nope, he was far from being boyfriend material. You decided that if he doesn’t take anything seriously, you shouldn’t either. Just have fun while you can. You’re such a lucky girl after all! Not that many people from the Earth have a chance to see the galaxy.
The party you attended that night was by far the most epic event you’ve ever seen. The Longest And The Most Destructive Cocktail Party* - that’s how it’s called. People say it’s been occurring for four generations at least! And it started with a bunch of drunken rocket scientists - who knew the nerdy guys could party that hard?..
“So, who was that guy you’ve been talking to, huh?” Zaphod asked casually, twirling you around.
“Oh, you totally won’t believe it! That was Loki** himself!”
“Loki, you know, scandinavian god of mischief. Come on, Zaphod, don’t tell me you’ve never heard of him!”
“Ah, that Loki…” He shrugged as if it was some random guy next door. “How do you know that’s really him anyways?”
“Well, he showed me how he can shapeshift, he turned into his brother Thor, and then…”
“Ugh, can’t believe you’re that easily impressed,” Zaphod rolled his eyes and you frowned.
“Hey, what’s the matter with you? If I didn’t know you, I’d say you’re pretty jealous,” you told him teasingly.
“Me? Jealous? Ah, come on! I know that there’s no one like me in this Galaxy,” he laughed.
“Yeah, of course you do,” you muttered. It’s just Zaphod being Zaphod, what else to expect from him after all?
“What’s wrong, doll?” As much as Zaphod could be a complete dumbass at times (or most of the time, to be completely honest), he was quite good at noticing the changes in your mood, so you tried to shake it off. What did you tell yourself? Just enjoy partying while you can, there’s no need to ruin it.
“Nothing,” you beamed at him. “See, I’m smiling!”
“Oh good!” he grinned back at you, reaching your chin with his fingers, “‘Cause I want the girl I love to smile, yeah?”
“Wait, what?..” your eyes widened as you stopped dancing.
“Huh?..” Zaphod seemed pretty confused.
“What did you just say? I mean… I probably misheard you, or did you say the uh… L-word?..”
“The what word?...... Oh. Oooh…” You could see the realization hit him, and for a little while you were just staring at each other, standing awkwardly in the middle of the dancefloor. “Well zark… Guess that just slipped from my tongue, doll,” he giggled a little nervously.
You blinked for a second, and then… You couldn’t really tell how it happened, who exactly made the first move, but all of a sudden your lips were on his, his lips were on yours and you kissed each other so passionately as if your life depended on that. And honestly? It suddenly felt just right.
“Zaphod,” you breathed out after what seemed like forever, when your lips finally parted.
“Yeah,” he murmured dreamily, cupping your face with both his hands.
“Are you… squeezing my butt with the third hand?..”
“Oh, that…” he giggled again, releasing you from his embrace. “I thought you were about to trip so I just… caught you.”
“That’s okay, I don’t really mind,” you smirked, taking his hand and letting your fingers entwine. “So, Beeblebrox… Are we dancing or what?..”
“We absolutely are, baby doll,” he grinned and pulled you closer, swaying to the music.
And it was just right as well.
The Longest Party kept going.
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* “The longest and most destructive party ever held is now into its fourth generation and still no one shows any signs of leaving. Somebody did once look at his watch, but that was eleven years ago now, and there has been no follow up.” ― Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything
** In Life, the Universe and Everything, Trillian met Thor at this party, so I just thought why Loki couldn’t be there too? He totally could, right?.. :)
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arianadevareux · 4 years
Could i please request an zaphod beeblebrox (hitchhikers guide) x reader about him trying to win you over (with his fabulous flirting) and then after something goes wrong on an adventure and he saves you you finally give in admitting you like him too? (can be SFW or NSFW dosent mind me). Also wonderful writing!
You absolutely can! Also thank you for being the first to request for Hitchhiker’s Guide. I haven’t read the book yet but I love the movie. Also thank you for the compliment! I’m glad you’re enjoying it.
I got it added to the writing list. Thank you for the request!
(How many times can I say thank you in one post? Lmao)
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