#Zach Sang interview
itsallaboutzayn · 1 month
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Love of my life 💕
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eh-33 · 2 months
So I just finished Oliver’s interview with Zach Sang and I have a few thoughts - all positive 😂
1. I adore Oliver - he’s so well spoken, clearly loves the show and Buck, and Oliver’s emotional intelligence or connection with people definitely rubbed off on Buck and made him the character he is today.
2. He is so well spoken about buck being bi and everything that comes with that - and I’m so glad as a bisexual woman, that we have Oliver being the face of this storyline and the care he handles it with - especially after being a supernatural fan and the car crash that was Destiel and how badly Deans bisexual coding was handled in the media and q&a’s and such - because there is nothing wrong with fans perceiving a character being queer, and that fandom specifically were made to feel like there was.
3. And finally his answer about whether he would want Buck and Eddie together was so well said, because of course he’s open to it, but he puts Buck’s character first and I truly agree with him that if it wouldn’t serve the story, Buck and Eddie shouldn’t happen. You can tell he loves Bucks coming out and how he wants to treat it with love and positivity, and I can see how he wants to avoid the negative stereotypes of people being Bi and immediately being assumed to be attracted to everyone, and I so appreciate that.
Buddie is something that is so special because either you look at it as two male best friends who love each other unconditionally and wholly, or as this budding romance that builds over 6 seasons. And for me either is beautiful because they are still each others person, and they have this family dynamic that works.
I don’t want Buddie to happen for the sake of satisfying the fans, I need it to be meaningful and special, and if it narratively wouldn’t make sense or wasn’t treated with care I’d rather it stay as it is - with this beautiful male friendship.
Buck as a character is very special to me, and he means a lot to me, so how he is handled is something I care a lot about. And bisexuality is also something that should be handled with care and I’m very glad it seems to be treated with the care it should be at 9-1-1.
Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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partiallypearl · 1 month
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Zayn | New Album 'Room Under The Stairs', His Daughter Khai, Pennsylvania
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edge-oftheworld · 1 month
not luke diagnosing his first album with adhd :'(
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trendfilmsetter · 17 days
Dylan Minnette made an appearance on the ZACH SANG SHOW and explained why he took a break from acting:
“I was in ‘13 Reasons Why’ and it was really popular and definitely reached a peak in what I’ve had in acting. But it also started to feel a bit of a job.”
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
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Now im not one who just goes and downgrades other people’s opinion, but the urge to click the dislike button is so strong. Hard times call for hard measures, my friends
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tangerinequeen19 · 2 years
The tumble dash this eve
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excuseme-greentea · 2 months
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put this on my tombstone
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ssweetener · 3 months
☼*·ꕤ eternal sunshine: track by track with ariana grande summary ☼*·ꕤ
starts the interview off by saying she did not plan to make music or an album and was opposed to coming out with music until after both parts of wicked were out. when the strike began, she went to new york "for fun" and "to see how it would feel". max martin spent a week with her at jungle city studios and "it all just started pouring out" ariana went to the studio everyday by herself and thought that if the music was coming out of her organically, it should be shared that way. ariana says that her relationship with music has changed a lot through taking space from it. she's learned a lot from and through galinda and healed a lot of parts of herself alongside and through her that helped heal her own personal stuff that she had going on in her life as well as her relationship to music and being an artist. she talks about struggling with her persona and how being able to come home and sit with it and evaluate the things that weren't working helped her fall in love with it again. she thinks everything happened exactly how it was meant to be
bye: hardest song to write on the album. it was written on a day where she was very upset and emotional so a few different versions of the song exist. she was more reactive when recording and it ended up not representing what she actually felt. "bye" is a very simple, and silly lyric but it was hard because she desperately didn't want it to feel like a fuck you. she wanted it to feel like a "i need to leave, so bye." she wanted the song to be rooted in self awareness and not a fuck you, you go. the song is meant as a "with love, i'm degrading from the situation" which is why it's the first track after the intro "end of the world" because the intro to the album asks a question, takes accountability and is self aware. says her biggest fear when it comes to songwriting in general is even if the concept is strong, she doesn't want it to come across as harsh. the reason why she felt okay to go there is because of her mom. growing up she feels she wanted what she didn't have. her parents got divorced (for all the right reasons) and she understands they weren't supposed to be together but she held onto the idea of happily ever after. she says her mom is massive example of not doing that. she's learned that her fears replicating a certain cycle were actually the opposite and she realized she wanted to be so much more like her mom than she actually was. ariana wanted to have the strength to say "bye" kindly when something wasn't fucking right - it's a simple as that. says her mom is the strongest, most brilliant person she know. "bye" is a disco track, which is joan's favorite thing in the world so it feels like her mom's song, or a song she wrote from her perspective, because it's something she watched her do multiple times. ends by saying she doesn't feel like she has to be afraid of byes when there's a lot of love involved because it means listening to your soul and not being afraid to be uncomfortable
don't wanna break up again: ariana describes the song as the hangover to "bye" because it's kind of like "okay, this has happened but i'm reflecting" and there's a lot of polarizing feelings. the two songs show all of the complicated emotions and feelings that come with loving and leaving back to back
saturn returns interlude: eternal sunshine (the song) feels like a "wake up" moment, like a pivotal moment in the story and it felt like the the interlude sets up the rest of the album. dianna garland is the speaker and is an astrologist that she was introduced to by her friend will loftis who choreographed yes, and? they met on the set of wicked and ariana says it felt like a cosmic collision. will sent her the vocal that he chopped and put together and said it reminded him of ariana, ilya salmanzadeh put orchestrations under it and she fell in love with it. ariana says she's very in to astrology and believes it is a tool to help us hear what we need to hear sometimes and [a way] to look forward with hope and awareness but also reads us to filth when we need to hear it eternal sunshine: has adored the film since she young. a huge jim carrey fan and always has been. she was always attracted to the idea of writing a song around the film but once she realized that the rest of the songs were kind of forming a story that was similar to "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" where there's a cycle that everyone is trying to break, the title fell into place. she's her most productive when she's open and pretends like nobody is going to hear the music
supernatural: says it's the horniest song on the album. that's literally it true story: a true story based on all untrue events. ariana was writing a batch of music for a scrapped seth macfarlane show that both the hook of "true story" and "fantasize" are from. says she wanted to save some of the ideas she was coming up with with max martin for the show for the next album she put out. even though it was leaked and the public already heard an old version of it, she wanted to reclaim it because she loved it and it felt important to make it into what it was supposed to be originally. she didn't want to let the people who stole her music win. the production, the vocals and lyrics were completely changed and ariana says the leaked version of the song was just a seedling of what it was meant to be
the boy is mine: "that's going to be everyone's favorite, unfortunately." the version of "fantasize" on the album that [fans] wanted to have but is sexier and naughtier. more provocative then the rest of the music but is "not about what you think it's about." had an old song from years ago that sampled "waterfalls" by TLC called "you" that was supposed to be on sweetener. says she's a 90's baby and has so many 90's interpolation idea samples in her brain and this one finally found a home. she wanted it to come after "true story" on the track list because "the boy is mine" is her playing the bad girl
yes,and?: felt like it was the right introduction to the album because it is it's own and she feels like it sets the tone by saying "everyone has shit going on that you don't know about, so just shhh" that's the message of the song and she thins it's funny that people share motivational quotes on instagram and are so toxic positive and then their next post is the meanest thing she's ever read in her entire life. "yes, and?" is a reminder that everyone is on the same journey in a different way and on a different level. she liked it because it expressed a whole bunch of feelings she's had for the past [forever] of her career. there's always been conversations about her body, her face, her hair, etc and "if you change it or correct it then it's wrong again for different reasons" shes just going to be, because she just fucking loves being and she wants everyone to feel that way as well
we can't be friends (wait for your love): starts off by saying the strings at the end of the track make her really emotional and she loves them. she wanted it to be something everyone could relate to, it can be about whoever you want it to be about. when asked about who the song is about, she said she has a hard time going into specifics about who or what a song is about because that's not the point of it. she feels it's up to people to make of it what they will
i wish i hated you: cries on the last verse of the album. she's glad the feeling was captured on the album but it's one that she won't ever listen to or sing live. ariana thinks it's a very important color to exist on the album because it's an important piece of the puzzle. she's happy to acknowledge the goodness and the effort and that it just was not correct. she doesn't need to pretend [that person] was a monster to make peace with the ending, but it would be easier if they were. "it could have not been right, but that person can still be a good person" and she thinks that's a really important song to write. says she feels like it completed the family of breakup songs on the album where she wrote from a more hurt or upset place, and it comes from a more aware and grieved place where she "can give credit to and make peace with this and not carry the version i had of you when i was upset. grieving would be so much easier if we hated that person... it would be like good riddance. but capturing the complexity of what happens when you don't is imperative and protective"
imperfect for you: the last song she finished on the album and her favorite. she thinks it's her favorite sonically and because it's very trippy (for her) and rubber soul vibes and that is her favorite music to listen to that she hasn't gotten to explore herself. says it was really fun to lean into and make something 60s and organic feeling
ordinary things: nonna was very excited to be on the album and moved by it. the album starts with a question: "how do i know if i'm in the right relationship?" and ends with an answer from a person that ariana loves and trusts and cherishes. ariana records nonna for hours when she's with her because she's the funniest person on the planet and the snippet on the track comes from an hour long recording of her (nonna) and her friend shirley bitching about men and feminism. someday there will be an extended cut of the song where more of the conversation will be heard. in her head, there was a version of the album where she was going to interview nonna and her friends and family [the strong women] in her life and showcase stories about love and learning and relationships as interludes from the women that she loves so much but she didn't have time to do it
ends the second part of the interview saying she announced the title of the album on jim carrey's birthday and didn't realize. agrees that his art has had a huge impact on her and says that she thinks he is "fucking brilliant" she is enamored by his ability to "take all of these broken pieces of himself and apply them to these different characters and heal through them and make use of them" and thinks it's beautiful. zach applies that analogy to what she has done with the album and ariana thanks him for it
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stuckinapril · 9 months
Showered and smelling like lavender, curls fresh and soft, studied chemistry/biochemistry all day just like I intended (I feel so good bc I was so productive like I promised myself I would be), lying in bed and chilling to relaxing rnb, volunteering tomorrow at a place whose cause is personal to me so I’m so excited (everyone who runs the place is so kind so I already know I’ll love working w them), rereading Beloved by Toni Morrison bc I’m obsessed and it’s actually getting me out of my reading slump, will probably hit the gym tomorrow after my study session, and I’m keeping up w reading one chapter a day of The Book of Delights. Life is being so good to me rn
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matty-bear · 4 months
guys im so proud of nick the interview was AMAZING
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he was so bf 😢 gonna wait for the interview to be uploaded so I can get some clips I missed 🕺
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imakatperson22 · 2 months
“You could go 50. You could go as long as long as Law and Order…NCIS.”
Zach is manifesting with us.
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twopoppies · 1 year
This audio is real or? https://twitter.com/eversincenyyyy/status/1670395476015759361?s=46&t=BRJY4ZQz89uxpR8KiGdarQ
Yeah. It’s an interview from 2017 when he was promoting HS1. From the way it sounds to me, he was absolutely unprepared for someone to ask him so directly if it was about Louis. So he stumbled around trying to use his prepared answer, but also knowing that he couldn’t lead people into thinking the song was about a man. Especially not about the man half his fandom believed he’d been involved with for the past five years. Especially not at the very beginning of his solo career.
What I find really interesting is that the very next interview he did was with Zach Sang. And he was asked a very similar question: “Was Sweet Creature written about a specific person?”
The way he answered very much sounds to me like this was more along the lines of his prepared answer, but also he was making up for his blunder previously.
Interviewer: Harry, was Sweet Creature written about a specific person?
Harry: *deep breath* um...in my opinion, I think most songs are written for one listener, in my personal opinion, in the way that I think, you know, people write books, they probably write them for one reader. and uhm...yeah I think it's a really amazing way of being able to say something to someone that, maybe they'll never know it's about them, maybe there's one thing in there that only they will know is about them. I think it's...you know like I said it's so much easier to say something in a song than it is to say it to someone. and I think it's...it's really amazing to be able to communicate through that and be able to wrap up everything you want to say in three and a half minutes and say it in a song.
And he goes on to say:
Interviewer: So does this person know that the song is written about them?
Harry: .....um...I actually don't know. I think the thing that's important to remember is it's not always necessarily...um...the first thing that you might think of but I obviously...would never...tell someone that what they thought was wrong. I think the best thing about music is that everyone can take away different things from stuff--
I don’t have a recording from this interview, but this is taken from a transcript written that day.
If the song was about his sister, why wouldn’t he just say so?
At the end of the day, his point is that he’s not going to tell anyone they’re wrong about their interpretation of his music. So, if you think it’s about Gemma, go ahead. If you think it’s about Louis, go ahead. Stop creating so much drama and just enjoy the music.
In reference to this
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alarrylarrie · 1 month
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theeconfession · 2 months
i wonder what happened between the zach sang show and the day of the beanie interviews cause i feel like oliver was more subdued about buddie in the former compared to the latter interviews where apparently he is giggling about hypothetical season 10 weddings
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zach sang interview moments that really butter my biscuits
pete sending patrick the same stuff over and over and over if pete's really attached to it, and patrick responding "just so you know, i got it, and it doesn't work"
zach's painted nails
augh the absolute Relatable Feeling of explaining something and feeling like you're totally connecting with someone only for them to be like, "he is not answering the question"
describing how he and patrick are ~off~ in similar ways but for words and music respectively
"we're these weird like, alien looking guys"
where is the video footage of the 4' crickets
retrospective on alternative culture yes good, the discussion is so intelligent and detailed and long
the dance dance video was the first treatment written by the band!
pete's original au idea was that the band never happened and patrick would be mowing the lawn in the suburbs
just. not answering the question about why he keeps his hair grown out except to roundabout imply that he loves the way it looks and moves
this interview is the best ad for whateverthefuck kind of beverage celcius is i s2g
"baby annihilation, what the fuck. it gives interlude energy cause it's just over 60 seconds, but what the fuck"
oh fuck 'we're going low low' as a potential patrick!reference to 'we're going down down' but pete doesn't even know jesus CHRIST
'it sounds like you have a very healthy [disconnect]. i don't have that at all.'
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