#Yvonne Hemmingway
augustusaugustus · 3 months
10.69 All Along the Watchtower
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Michele Austin in a pre-Yvonne Hemmingway uncredited guest role.
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forensicated · 3 months
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 232
At the end of the last episode there was an explosion at the Lord Banbury pub where the summer party is being held. Most of the Sun Hill staff are able to make their way outside on their own feet, some with light injuries and most just shocked or coughing from the smoke. Gina looks for Adam but noone has seen him come out yet. There's secondary bangs inside the building from the structure being unstable and Gina quickly calls for a fire officer to come assess the situation. Tony can't wait and runs back in to find Adam and get him out before the building collapses. There's a further collapse that blocks the exit but Tony manages to kick the fire escape doors open and carries an unconcious Adam out over his shoulder.
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Unknown to everyone except Gina, Adam has been receiving racist hate mail for quite some time through the internal mail. Back at the station and unaware of what has happened, Rob slips an envelope into Adam's pigeon hole whilst wearing a glove.
The pub is sealed off and SO13 are called to attend. Sam suggests a gas leak but Gina says none of the witnesses or officers mention smelling gas. She did spot Wayne Radford driving away when she arrived however. Instantly Rob is riled. "It could be a bomb!" Jack tells him not to get ahead of himself and to go make himself useful.
The latest news is that Adam is critical and Gina heads to her car to go and be with him at the hospital. Jonathan arrives, having rushed to the scene. Gina is still obviously in shock and worried about Adam but assures Jonathan she's OK and that it would take more than an explosion to get rid of her. Jonathan hugs her and says their last few conversations had been snapping and things could have ended so differently. He offers to go with her but she assures him she'll be ok and doesn't know how long she'll be so she'll call him when leaving.
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Back at the station, Jack has found the note in Adam's internal mail and has started to think that he could have been targeted by a racist. Rob says he was sent one too and that it has to be Wayne Radford, panicking when Jack won't be swayed.
Gina is still sat at Adam's bedside when Neil comes to see how he is doing. It still doesn't look good as he's inhaled so much smoke. [Out of interest, they're saying it doesn't look good. but noone appears to have contacted his wife. It's Gina who's at his bedside for hours. This is all of a day after she called him out for being jealous she was seeing Jonathan too...] The next 24 hours are critical.
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The next morning Adam starts to come round with Gina at his bedside. Jonathan is worried as he hasn't heard from Gina. It's early days but the signs are good. Jack tells uniform that the explosion was caused by a bomb and that Adam received a racist hate note.
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Rob and Terry look into The Radford's involvement in the potential planting of the bomb. Rob watches the CCTV from a furniture shop across the road. Wayne arrives 2 minutes before and carries a parcel from the boot in the direction of the pub. Wayne gets back into his car seconds after the explosion and drives off. When spoken to, Wayne tells them that he was dropping off a birthday cake at Mario's, the bistro around the corner from the pub for a surprise party. Before they can leave the Radfords, it appears as though the 'bomber' may have struck again. Jerome Taylor, a local black councillor, reports he has been beaten up, told to leave Sun Hill and that he's been receiving hate mail. Rob doesn't look all that convinced, not least because it's been him and Taylor sending Adam the hate mail. He's horrified to hear about the bombing and Adam being hurt however - aware that if the notes are discovered to have come from him and Rob it makes them the most likely suspects.
Adam recounts what he remembers to Gina though it isn't especially helpful. He tells her that Denise has already asked him to leave Sun Hill over the hate mail. Gina admits he gave even her quite a scare and made her wonder if it was worth it. Adam tells her that she'll never walk away from the job as she has 'copper' coursing through her veins. She just smiles and says she's going to make times for other things - relationships for one.
Adam: "You mean Jonathan. For you to even be considering resigning there must be love in the air." Gina: "Oh give over!" Adam: "It's nothing to be ashamed of. You should tell him how you feel." Gina: "It's not me is it... all that lovey dovey stuff." Adam: "So you do love him then." Gina: "Something like that." Adam: "You can go out into the streets, take on dangerous criminals but when it comes to the man you love, you can't say three little words"
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Jonathan and Gina finally catch up where she apologises for not ringing. Gina spots Lance before she can take Jonathan to her office to tell him something special and asks him to wait a moment. Tony has told Gina that Lance is struggling after he was unable to go help Tony get Adam out the pub and she goes to speak to him to make sure he's alright. Now Lance has gotten his phone and jacket back from Gina he's rather concerned by some messages that he has received. One in particular asks him to meet him by the gents toilets in the pub - where the bomb was - sent moments before it exploded.
Gina finally gets chance to speak to Jonathan. She wants to tell him that she's fallen in love with him and wants to prioritise their relationship, but unfortunately Jonathan is fed up of playing second best to the job. He speaks over her and tells her he thinks it's best to split up. "It's not that I don't love you, Gina. I'm sure I always will but I can't be in a relationship where I'm playing second fiddle." "But that's what I was going to say to you!" "Being a copper is what you are. It wouldn't be fair for me to try and change it, you'd only resent me for it anyway. It's time to call it a day." The barriers come slamming down again and Gina turns her back on him. "You know it's for you too... it's best all round." Instead of replying and telling him the truth - that she wanted to make more time for them and loves him - she shuts down and literally turns her back on him rather than let him see the truth, tears pricking her eyes.
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She also turns down an invite from the relief to go out for a drink, still sounding rather choked ad she does.
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halloweensims · 2 years
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Kai Adler
Being born a half-vampire doesn't make his high school experience the easiest, but the support of his family and escapism into fictional worlds helps him cope. He stays away from all the drama and just hangs out with his best friend Josh.
17. CHESS CLUB PRESIDENT (since there are no horses in the Sims I decided to do something else instead of horse girl)
Yvonne Walsh
She's the smartest kid in school and while some of the kids call her the Brainiac, she's always ready to help her less gifted classmates with their homework. But she's gonna make them work for it, no copying.
Ruth Hemmingway
Her grandmother is the mayor of Henford on Bagley, so she grew up in a very privileged position. Her parents wouldn't accept anything less than perfect of her. She's a bit of a mean girl that will point out any mistakes.
19. TOMBOY (Influencer doesn’t make sense for my game, so I changed it)
Lulu Kamaka
There's only one thing that she cares about more than her athletic successes and that's having a good time with her friends. She also loves to compete with boys and prove them that she can do everything they can (but better 😁 )
Billy Moran
He's very shy and uncomfortable sharing his feelings verbally, so he instead paints them, hoping that one day he will be brave enough to show them to the boy he likes.
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forensicated · 6 months
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, hope you have a wonderful time whatever you end up doing, however you end up spending it.
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forensicated · 5 months
Smiffina Episodes - Episode 384
Last episode, Smithy was found unconscious behind the wheel of his car that had crashed down a bankside. There was a bottle of vodka on the dash and Louise had died in RTA.
This episode, Smithy slowly comes round not knowing where he is or what has happened. Yvonne supports his neck and tells him to keep still as Tony urges the ambulance to come quicker.
June calls Adam and gets him to come back in, telling him what has happened. She says Smithy was found unconscious at the wheel of his car by a man out walking his dog who saw nothing else. The accident was logged at 6.15pm - when he'd still be on duty - and he was in 'half blues' (his uniform shirt with his coat over the top). Adam asks June to let him know as soon as Smithy is able to talk as thankfully it looks like it's just cuts and bruises at the moment.
At the hospital, Yvonne whispers to Tony that Smithy doesn't yet know that Louise is dead. She has to get him to take a breathalyser and the hospital say he can be released as he's got minor cuts and bruises and is drunk/starting to hang. Smithy asks Yvonne what's happening because he's got a banging headache and feels really sick and she gets him to take the breathalyser. Smithy is literally stunned that he's over the limit and struggles off the bed to grab the machine to do it again himself.
Smithy panics, not knowing what is going on or how he got to the hospital or why he's there, begging them to tell him what is going on. Yvonne has to arrest him as Tony gently breaks the news that a woman was knocked down by his car. Smithy is clearly stunned and asks if she's okay.... Yvonne has to tell him not only that the woman has died... but that it was Louise. Smithy passes out - only stopped from hitting the floor by Yvonne and Tony holding him up.
June has to book a clearly shell-shocked Smithy in at the station, asking Yvonne to go see the Superintendent. A silent Smithy shakes his head to refuse a solicitor or a fed rep and Tony literally has to propel him across the floor to get him to move for an official breathalyser test. He blows a 47 which is over the limit of 35.
Adam asks Yvonne what happened and she tells him that Louise was hit at speed by a car that drove away. Smithy's registration plate was found at the scene and he was found at the wheel of his car a short distance away. Yvonne tells him she doesn't know if Smithy could have knocked Louise over - but the evidence points that way.
The FME tells June Smithy isn't fit for interview so he's bailed until 8.30am the next day when the DPS will interview him. Smithy tells Yvonne there's noone to contact for him as he can't face anyone else so she tells him he's coming back with her. He tries to resist but she won't take no for an answer as he needs someone there for him whilst he comes to terms with the entire situation.
Adam arrives takes him aside, asking him why he left when he was still on duty. Smithy tells him he wanted to speak to Louise and tells Adam he doesn't know why, he just had to see her. He almost passes out again and Adam helps him to a chair as he cries. "I don't understand, I don't know why any of this is happening to me." Adam comforts him and strongly advises him to request both a solicitor and a fed rep - not just for the sake of his job but also for the chance he might go to prison. He tells him to go home with Yvonne and try and sleep and hopefully things will start to come back to him.
Smithy does exactly that and Yvonne goes to put the kettle on, leaving him alone for the first time since he found out what had happened. Smithy glances mournfully around the room before breaking down heavily in tears as he struggles to process the last few hours.
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Yvonne has to tell the relief that Smithy has been arrested over Louise's death. She also tells them the DPS is running an investigation internally over it. Roger and the rest of the relief mock that news whilst Emma looks strangely uncomfortable.
"Looks like we're leaving just in time, the DPS have arrived." growls Roger. "How can you tell it's him?". "The smell, Lewis. The smell and the look on his face like his mother couldn't run fast enough away from her cousin if you get my drift." Good job that the DCI talking to Adam isn't any of their fathers on the quiet, hey Emma?
Frank Keane isn't overly popular in Sun Hill. This is not least because he's investigating Smithy, that he's part of the DPS... but he's also the man who investigated Jack when he was accused of taking backhanders (Episodes 378/379). "He's the best man for the job." Adam assures Jack. "If you're sure, but if you ask me, he'd be knitting at the foot of the guillotine." Jack mutters.
Zain asks Jack what they're going to do about Smithy. Jack says the DPS are handling it and they're not allowed to. Zain isn't impressed and insists that they don't know Smithy and they won't be able to solve the case correctly. Jack tells Zain he feels exactly the same way but what can they do about it? Zain fixes Jack with a Paddington Bear Stare. They can work it of course!
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Jack relents and agrees to let Zain make some discreet calls. "I've had enough of Keane to last me a lifetime."
Frank asks Adam what Smithy's account was. Adam admits he couldn't remember much. Frank scoffs unsympathetically and suggests now he's sobered up he'll remember more. Frank asks if he knows Louise and Smithy were having an affair. Adam admits that he knew and that Smithy had told him it had ended. Frank points out that it clearly hadn't and berates him for lying to which Adam insists it was probably to keep his private life private and that noone at the station thinks Smithy had anything to do with it. Frank just shrugs, telling Adam they now have a witness that they're tracing and to hope that he is singing from the same hymn sheet. The witness has been spotted on the CCTV from the area. Admittedly it's not clear but he can be seen in the telephone box - it's the man who rang 999.
JT tries to get Yvonne's attention to the front desk but she's too busy to come through and hurries off so Adam has to be contacted . It turns out it's Smithy at the front desk, having to be signed in and 'collected' for his interview.
Zain comes to Smithy and tries to reassure him that he is doing everything he can to clear his name. He offers to talk it through with him and they go into the front interview room whilst Smithy waits for Adam and Frank. Smithy tells Zain he thought he could get to Louise and back within half an hour. He wanted to say a final goodbye to Louise before she went to enter Witness Protection. This was about 10 past 4 but the accident has been timed at just over 2 hours later at 6.15pm when the phone call was made to the emergency services. He asks Smithy what happened in those 2 hours. Smithy doesn't know, he doesn't remember drinking, driving or anything... but he knows he did not and would not kill Louise. "I've been set up." Zain nods. "First thing I thought of. Pete Larson." Smithy confesses that he also thinks he was drugged as he's had a few of the symptoms of GHB or rohypnol poisoning.
In an interview room with the DPS, Smithy is still refusing legal representation or a fed rep. He tells Frank he wants to try sort it out between them if they can without any official legal involvement. Silly boy! He tells Frank he still can't remember much but he's sure he's been set up by Pete Larson. He'd tried to kill her before (and had attacked Smithy!) and this time he's succeeded because she's the only one who could put him away. He thinks that he didn't kill him because he needed someone to pin it on, and that it's also a way of punishing Smithy for 'taking' Louise. Smithy fights back tears and tries to compose himself repeatedly. He admits they tried to stop the affair but couldn't... his voice breaks as he allows himself to start to say that if they had stopped... but he can't complete the ending that - Louise would/could still be alive if they had.
Smithy confesses their plan for the future, that Louise was going to fly to Australia after the trial and set up a new life. Smithy was going to hand in his notice and fly out to join her so they could be together. Frank scoffs that Pete couldn't set up all this from inside, but Smithy insists his influence is all over London as he is a powerful man with all sorts of contacts. "I was drugged! I was set up!" Smithy tells a disbelieving Frank. Frank wonders aloud if Smithy is pointing the finger at Pete to divert attention from himself. Smithy gets worked up as Frank insinuates that he's the guilty party that they argued and he 'accidentally' clipped her as he drove off in a rage. Smithy refuses to hear a bar of it. "I didn't kill Louise, because I couldn't." he chokes out. Frank cuts off the interview, saying they'll have the forensic results soon.
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Jack asks Zain for any updates, he tells Jack that there was a room booked in that hotel under Smithy's name. The staff don't remember seeing Smithy but they do Louise. Zain continues that it ties in with Smithy's theory that he was drugged and can't account for the missing 2 hours.
Frank tells Adam that he's had an update on Smithy's phone and that a text was sent to Louise's from it at 6.10pm saying: 'Meet me at the Bestborough Hotel. I've got a surprise for you.' "This means his story doesn't hold up." Frank insists with Adam nodding. OR IT COULD MEAN THAT HE WAS, Y'KNOW, DRUGGED AND SET UP AND IT WASN'T HIM THAT SENT IT?! Fucks sake, Frank and Adam!
Frank agrees that Smithy should be bailed for now and Adam goes in to tell him. Smithy is blaming himself after his realisation earlier... he tells Adam he should have finished it and that it's 'all down to me'. Adam appears to be regarding Smithy differently and seems rather standoffish compared to the day before, telling him only to go home and sleep and nothing about the alleged text. (It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't come quite so soon after Adam's own set up problems with Isaac Collins in episode 329!!)
Adam and Frank attend the scene where the traffic officer confirms that it was Smithy's car that caused Louise's death after the forensics had been completed. The tire tracks proved that she was hit at speed and that the car mounted the kerb to do so and then did a U turn and came back on itself to drive at her a second time. It was no accident.
Back at Yvonne's Smithy has managed to fall asleep finally and the TV quietly plays a film to itself. At guns are fired on the screen, Smithy's brain helpfully replays some of the day before - specifically being taken hostage at gunpoint. He then goes to pour himself a drink of vodka but before he can drink it the smell causes another flashback, being force-fed and almost waterboarded with a bottle of vodka. He rings Zain and updates him.
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Neil returns to Sun Hill on attachment from MIT at personal request of Jack and Adam. (Background: If I remember rightly, he took a sabbatical when his paedophile father in law was found out and murdered in 344 and it turns out in 366 he's with MIT for a change of scenery/get away from ghosts when he returns for a short while to investigate the serial killer targeting gay men ending in Lance's death. He then returns again for a short while in 378/379 when Jack is accused of taking backhanders. He returns for this and then when MIT are dicks, he refuses to be involved with their investigation into Smithy as he knows the man and knows he wouldn't do it and so transfers back properly in 387. )
Frank presents Yvonne with CCTV picture of the man that they want to trace as a witness. Roger glares down the corridor as he watches with some other uniform officers... but Emma can't escape this time and when Frank says hello the others wind her up for being on first name terms with the DPS and she has to confess that he's her father...
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Neil updates CID with what has happened and that it is now a murder case and that it was a deliberate murder. Zain insists that it was a set up by Pete Larson and Smithy was drugged. Jo adds that Smithy's symptoms - amnesia, nausea, loss of consciousness - do back this up. Frank just insists that it 'could' be a convenient cover. Sun Hill are not happy - literally glaring back at him after a group "WHAT?!"
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Frank insists that Smithy is a copper and he would know how to play the game and that he could be making it all up. Jack quickly jumps in to stop them lynching Frank, saying they have to check everything that could give them a lead. They also want to interview Louise's friend who let her stay at her place over Christmas whilst she was away to see if she can tell them anything about her and Smithy.
Smithy comes in to speak to Neil and Frank, telling them he's remembered that he arrived at the hotel as usual, parked in his usual place and the next thing he remembers there's a man with a gun in his face telling him to get back into the car and drive. He remembers being ordered to drink vodka or be killed - or watch Louise be killed. He was wearing a balaclava so Smithy can't give a description. Neil asks about the man's voice and Smithy says he can't remember if he was young or old or if he had an accent and FRANK LITERALLY ROLLS HIS FUCKING EYES right in front of him! He clearly doesn't believe any of it. Thank god for Neil being so calm and helpful for Smithy or I'd need to replace my monitor by now... Smithy can't remember the gun - which given his knowledge and history is a big fuck off sign too! - and insists he was drugged.
Frank takes over and asks what happened in the missing two hours of his life. "I was out. cold." Smithy repeats. "Then how was a text message sent from your phone at 6.05pm to Louise?" (that's changed considering it was 10 past earlier...) HE JUST FUCKING SAID THERE WAS A MAN IN THE CAR WITH HIM WHO FORCED HIM TO DRINK AND DRUGGED HIM. That is an answer for BOTH OF THOSE.
Frank doubles back to knowing that it was a deliberate killing now and not an accident and that his theory 'could' be right that they did argue. (so could Smithy's, not that you believe it Keane!) and that he loved her so much that he'd risked his life for her and that rage and fury took over. Neil is clearly not happy with Frank's methods.
Emma tries to talk to Roger about her father. Roger's still not happy, telling her that Smithy is innocent and that if her father condescended to talk to any member of the team he'd know that. Emma storms out when Roger tells her that it'll take as long as it takes for the evidence to come forward because it will be found and Smithy will be cleared, whatever her father thinks. She returns with a list of telephone numbers to all the shops and churches etc in the area that the telephone box was in and she splits them with Roger. They appear to track him down as a landlord says it sounds like one of his regulars.
Jack is in the Sgt's office with a shell-shocked Smithy who can't believe that Frank thinks that he killed Louise. Jack reassures him they'll clear his name and asks him about Pauline Burton. Smithy tells her that she's an old friend of Louise's. When she and Pete got together the two women fell out but they've patched it up and Louise has been staying with her. Smithy admits that if Louise would tell anyone that she was going to leave the country for Australia it'd be Pauline.
Jo and Zain have to tell Pauline that Louise has been killed in an accident. Pauline is gutted and slowly explains that she and Louise had patched things up. She says that she'd met a new man who had made her see Pete for what he was and that he was called Dale Smith. Unfortunately though she can't say that she'd ever met Smithy as the relationship was over just before she moved in. Noone thinks to ask her if she'd been around for the entire fucking time though - they don't see that she's been away for Christmas... or even consider that Louise was a known private person used to keeping secrets (this is why them staying at hotels doesn't make sense when Smithy has his own place and Louise was staying in a 'safe' place away from Pete!) Oh no...Frank just angrily demands from Smithy why Pauline is telling them that the relationship was over. Smithy explains that the less people who knew the less risk there was of Pete finding out.
Also? Smithy already told them before that the man had black gloves and a balaclava on but Frank's all 'yours is the only dna in that car' which is literal bullshit anyway because what? Smithy's never given anyone a lift? He brought it absolutely brand new? It's a GG51 reg! It was a 5 year old car by that point! There'd be loads of DNA in that car that would need testing and no way fibres from the man's clothes wouldn't be amongst them too!
Smithy's blood results show that there's no sign of GHB or anything else in his system but GHB is only detectable in his blood for up to 8 hours. He didn't have blood taken at the hospital! And given that if it was administered at say before 5 (it works for 3/4 hours after) to make him pliable to get everything set up if the drinking didn't work and to get the vodka in too he'd need it taking before midnight/1am to show it up! (The others would last longer but urine samples are a more common test for Ket/rohypnol according to google as they're more reliable). Neil reassures him and tries to gently jog his memory again.
Roger tells Emma that the landlord is pretty adamant that the witness is a man called Carl Caplan who is an insurance clerk in the day and a delivery driver at night. Sounds like a man with money issues no...? Two jobs? and one who frequents a pub often enough for a pint before doing his delivery driving job (...!) to be recognised?
Neil is concerned that the evidence is stacked against Smithy and MIT are working to that. Jack insists that he's still innocent and they will prove it.
Caplan is approached by Emma and Roger and brought in. Jack and Smithy think it's going to be good news. This is The Bill after all... how can it be? Frank praises his daughter and tells her she's too good for Sun Hill and that she should take the fast track option. She's adamant that Smithy is innocent as her team tell her. "If it's good enough for them...."
Caplan tells them that he is working two jobs because he's struggling financially after a messy divorce with maintenance, a house mortgage and rent for his bedsit. He tells them he was too scared to come forward because 'the way that man was driving, it was obvious that he meant to hurt that woman.' Carl seems shocked that Louise is dead and insists he was scared that the man would find out who he was and go after his kids. He seems awfully detailed on exactly what they should be told too. He tells them that he saw her as he passed the hotel, she was getting out of a car whilst reading a text message. There was no one else around and then a car came from nowhere and charged at her. He shouted look out to her and she ran but the car hit her. He says he got a good look at the driver and can identify him. He picks Smithy out of a WADS line up. Jack has to tell CID who clearly can't believe it either. Zain instantly points out that he's clearly a plant. Jack agrees - and tells Jo to set up financial checks into Caplan. "I don't believe this. Only one witness, who just happens to ID Smithy who just happens to be involved with the wife of one of London's biggest gangsters. Caplan has been briefed and placed at the scene!" Insists Zain. "Let's prove it." Jack adds.
Neil tells Yvonne that they've got the ID, Caplan identified Smithy... and Yvonne has to charge him as duty Sergeant - despite not agreeing with it. He's charged with Louise's murder in front of Frank, Adam and Neil in the Sgt's office...He remains silent for the entire time, even when he's lead to a cell, simply handing over his warrant card to Adam.
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forensicated · 5 months
(Just noted there's no talk an inspector or a sgt acting up to cover Gina's absence... I realise that they're trying to ignore it given whats about to happen and that it means that June is the highest ranking uniformed officer for several episodes outside of the super for quite a while with only Yvonne as acting Sgt to cover for Smithy)
Smiffina Episodes - Episode 383
Smithy wakes to find Louise sat at the end of the bed staring at him, going over her witness statement. She worries as the case is due to start the next day so it's their last day together. She asks Smithy if he's really sure because she knows his job means a lot to him. He smiles, telling her it does - but not as much as she does. All they have to do is get through the next six months apart.
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Smithy arrives late to work to find June has taken the briefing for him. He does however have to go out on the beat with Laura and a police dog who is 'visiting' to help catch street dealers. It's clearly the last thing he wants to do and he's barely listening as Laura chats away about the dog has been trained to do.
"He's named Bongo." ".... Who is?" "The dog!" "... oh of course!"
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Smithy's in such a world of his own, he doesn't spot Bongo alerting the officers and his handler to someone who has drugs on them and has to be called back by Laura. The man, Tom, is found in possession of drugs insists they aren't his but those of his friend, Andy, whos jacket it actually is. It's a large amount - dealing levels rather than own usage. Smithy and Laura take him back to the house that the two men share - it's huge and definitely not the usual student house. Andy insists he knows nothing about it so both are arrested. At the station, the Tom tells Smithy that he's at uni to become a solicitor and that he knows they're his friends drugs and asks Smithy not to tell Andy that it was him who grassed him up. Smithy speaks to the Andy who - on hearing that Tom can't practice law with a conviction - takes the flack... only for Laura to find a huge amount of cannabis in the garage of the house the men share just as Tom is about to be released? Who is really to blame? Or are they both in it together?
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Tom still claims innocence when Smithy and Suzi interview him, insisting he didn't know that there was even a door in the hallway to the garage, never mind at least 50 cannabis plants growing behind it! Andy admits that he smokes a little and deals a little but refuses to admit to producing it. He tells Smithy and Suzi that he pays £25 quid a week rent and has never even met the landlord as his friend deals with the house stuff.
Zain interrupts to tell the officers that the landlords official details don't exist but he knows the name as the man has form for cannabis. However, the is a development. One of the boys also has a key on their keyring for the padlock of the door... It's the original arrest, Tom. Tom is now trying to insist that that is why the rent must be so cheap for the boys - £50 a week for a huge house to share and the landlord only visits once a month to collect it! It must be the landlord growing it! When confronted with his keys and the padlock, Tom now wants a solicitor. "Yeah, thought you might." Smithy smirks.
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After speaking to his solicitor, Tom confesses. Cheap rent, fabulous house all in exchange for looking after the landlords cannabis stash. All he had to do was check the temperature, water the plants and help the landlord bag it up when he called. He's in year three of his degree course and he insists he doesn't touch the stuff but needed the money as he's already £20K in debt. Smithy informs him he can kiss it goodbye as he's likely heading straight into prison... Tom panics and offers to set up the landlord so they can catch him and prosecute him instead. Smithy tells Zain and the visiting officers from the drugs squad that they've got Tom to call the landlord to tell him the police are sniffing round so he needs to move it. When the landlord leaves the premises they're going to follow him to see where he takes them before moving in. Zain worries that Tom will disappear - but Smithy insists that he has too much to lose.
The team arrest the landlord at the warehouse that he takes the plants to and forces him back inside to search it - only for them to find quiiiite the little market place! "Wow!" indeed, Zain!
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"Just personal use is it, Sir?"
It turns out that the student property is just one of four that he's got going but he insists he's only a middle man and just grows the stuff, forced to by a Chinese gang and has offered to turn informant to make them go easier on him.
A jubilant Smithy finishes for the day and heads out to meet Louise... and this is where I instantly start whimpering. She's not at the hotel so he rings her to find out where she is. After leaving her a voicemail he returns to the car, only to be abducted at gunpoint and forced into the car...
Yvonne and Tony are called to the scene of an RTA - outside the hotel that Louise had been staying in - and find Louise being worked on by paramedics, only for them to be unable to revive her. They do a PNC check on the number plate left at the scene - it's from Smithy's car.
Yvonne worries and tells Tony they have to go find Smithy and that they're going to check his flat. She tries to call him but he doesn't answer. They get called to a car that has driven down a bank and crashed a short distance away... It's Smithy. He's unconscious, stinking of alcohol and in the driver's seat.
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forensicated · 6 months
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Sun Hill - living proof you should never grow up 😁😂
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forensicated · 6 months
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...and not forgetting Santa Dan's Super Special Little Helper!
Tony Twinkle Toes!
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forensicated · 7 months
Typical bloke! 🤣🤣
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forensicated · 7 months
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WARNING: Trigger Warning for rape
Smiffina Episodes - Episode 209
Picking up from 208, Cameron is screaming Kerry's name and a shocked Smithy is trying to retain control of the situation.
Gabriel finds Kerry amongst the blast, she's out cold but in one piece. She soon comes round but is out of it, demanding to know where James is. Gabriel tells her he's dead. Trevor is arrested and Andrea is shunned by Tony for telling the wife it was not a real bomb. She contacts her Editor. In the ambulance, Cameron tells Kerry it's not her fault and also tells her to say he wasn't there when she gives her statement. Gabriel continues to twist the knife claiming Smithy wouldn't endanger her on purpose... would he?
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Finally alone now the situation is contained, Smithy is clearly shellshocked. The Top Brass arrive back at the station to find the press already clambouring for information. Bruce, Andrea's Editor, is asking intrusive questions of things that should not be known. In front of the press, Julie - James' partner and Willet's ex, asks why an officer told her it was a fake device. Gina arranges a hot debrief and tells the officers not to talk to the press as they already know more than they should. "Does she really think we'd talk to the press?" "people do." "Yeah, greedy stupid people."
At the hospital, Kerry is in shock and can barely do her uniform buttons. Gabriel tells her to blame it on the stress, pressure and distractions but not herself. Later in the car he twists things and tells Kerry to take her time and get her story straight. He lies and tells her he saw her running back when she knew she'd screwed up by following Cameron. Kerry's guilt worsenes as she believes him.
Gina tells Adam she's arranged a debrief and that she's left a message for Smithy who she bets feels guilty for how it all played out. Adam says CID will interview everyone seperatley instead due to the complaint by Julie Willet. Noone has seen Smithy since. In the locker room, Yvonne promises Kerry she didn't tell anyone and tells her to go public if it already is. She says she's on her side and she doesn't want to fight. Kerry asks for space. She wants to be left alone and breaks down in tears on Yvonne's shoulder.
Andrea insists she didn't purposely tell Julie that it was a fake bomb and that she was trying to reassure her. Tony agrees that she shouldn't have been at the scene in a position like that as an inexperienced probationer but that needs must. She then drops another clanger by mentioning Kerry. Sam is suspicious, calling for Kerry next. Kerry tells Sam she volunteered to look after James and keep him isolated. She tells her there were no distractions other than Julie shouting and James shouting back to her. She says he couldn't take it anymore and had to remove the bomb. She said she yelled to him not to touch it. "I had no idea he'd do what he did. I couldn't stop him. Then it was too late. I thought he was being reasonable and listening to me. But he wasn't, he had his own ideas and it's not my fault. I didn't make it happen. I couldn't stop it happening!" - Very telling of her mindframe. As she leaves Cameron confronts her and asks if there's anything he should know about from her interview.
Gabriel takes the CCTV tapes for the alley and carpark and steals the third incriminating tape. Smithy is still nowhere to be seen. Gary is worried that the others will mention the rumours, Gabriel tells him not to worry, Kerry's only doing it for attention and noone believes her. Gary tells Tony what has happened when he questions it. Gabriel tells Jim he was stood by the outer cordon when the bomb went off and saw nothing. He tells Jim that Cameron wasn't with Smithy where he should be as Smithy was calling for him.
Cameron is called through before he can follow Kerry - Jim and Sam want to interview him together, in Sam's office. Cameron is suspicious and Sam covers by saying it's because he was recording the log. She points out that Cameron did not add where he was at the time of the explosion. He claims he ran to the carpark after - she asks him again where he was before it. Cameron says he was at the inner cordon. Jim says they know he wasn't. They ask again where he was. He confesses he didn't think it was right that Kerry was dealing with the bomb victim and he went to check on her. He says Kerry didn't need his help and admits - reluctantly - he was there when the explosion happened. Sam asks why he hasn't submitted his clothes for forensics and why he didn't tell them. He loses his temper and shouts that Kerry was raped and should never have been given such a responsible and stressful role. Cameron admits that Kerry hasn't reported it and tells them that it was Smithy who raped her.
Sam goes straight to Gina. "Smithy? No. No, I don't believe it." Gina would never have made him acting duty officer if she knew the rumours. Gina wants to talk to Kerry to see if she will confirm it because until she does or denies it, its just gossip and malicious gossip at that. Kerry is called to Gina's office where she asks her, gently, if she told Cameron that she was raped by Smithy. She refuses to tell her before Gina points out how serious it is and that she has to. Kerry admits that they were in the pub together, they were drinking and they went back to Smithy's flat but she doesn't remember anything after that. She says she knew she didn't want to have sex but it happened anyway. She said they were in the hall and that Smithy was 'like the cat with the cream and I'm thinking 'no way, not in a million years'. She can't say for certain however if she actually told him she didn't consent before she changes her mind again and says she's sure she resisted and said no.
After her talk with Gina, Kerry physically drags Cameron out of custody and asks him why told CID and insists it's because of male pride because Smithy told him she was easy. 'Oh no, am I going out with the station slapper?' She asks why he believes Smithy and he holds her and comforts her before asking if she'll make it official. Kerry pulls away and shouts she won't be shoved around by anyones agenda and told what to do anymore.
Adam and Gina discuss the allegation and Adam is shocked. Gina tells him that Kerry needs to shit or get off the pot - make it official or issue a denial. Smithy is not answering his radio. Gary tells Jim that Smithy was on top of his game and should have no questions to answer as he did his best and did not take his eye off the ball at all. Yvonne tells Sam that Smithy should never have put Kerry in that position because she was fragile. She insists that Smithy is the one who should take the blame.
Caught by Adam smoking in her office, Gina has to venture outside where she tries ringing Smithy again - and finally hears his phone ringing. She tracks him down on the roof where he was hiding for some peace and quiet to get his head together. He tells Gina that Kerry came back from the pub of her own free will. He says noone initiated it specifically, they kissed outside the pub and they both wanted it. He calls it 'a drunken kneetrembler, nothing more nothing less. It wasn't pretty but it certainley wasn't rape.' He wants to know if Kerry is making it official and wants to make a statement if she has. He almost breaks into tears, claiming he doesn't know why she's making such an malicious allegation and says he won't work with her. Gina says they have to go and talk to CID because it came out in the debrief and that he should avoid contact with Kerry, especially alone.
Smithy finally receives his debrief interview, explaining what happened at the scene and why he made the decisions he did. He swallows back tears as he explains that a lot of it was down to the poor situation they were in. Kerry was the most senior officer there after Tony who was comms officer. CO19 were not able to get to the scene, they had an armed gunman with a bomb. Things were not ideal. Smithy even stands up for Kerry and insists he's sure that their 'private difficulties' didn't even enter into the situation.
As Smithy moves through the corridors, the station falls silent and they stop and stare at him. He's oblivious though, it's Kerry that he's looking at from the other end of the corridor and she's doing the same back. He approaches her and asks her why she's doing it. Kerry is silent and walks off with Yvonne. Gary is one of the few officers who make his allegience to Smithy known. Smithy finds Gina and asks her why Yvonne thinks that she believes Kerry. Gina explains she's both their inspector and can't take sides. "That's just the inspectors answer and you know it!" She takes him into the briefing room and says she has to treat it as they would if they didn't know the victim. She wants to stand him down - using James' death as the reason - to get the immediate heat out of the situation and him away from the station. Smithy tells her that he didn't rape Kerry. Gina answers immediatley that she believes him.
The CCTV proves that James was responsible for the explosion - because they didn't have the third tape. Cameron tells Kerry they're in the clear. She answers that he is - she isn't because of the allegation. Gabriel watches the stolen CCTV video, it clearly showing Kerry turning away to look at Cameron for a few seconds before she turned back to him. Gabriel tells Kerry that he is her guardian angel, he hid the third tape that 'shows you deserting your post. Don't worry sweetheart, I'll look after it. It's safe with me'.
Andrea tells Bruce, her editor, that noone was negligent. She tells him that she was the one with the question mark over her so they couldn't use it anyway. He pressures her for a story and says she better not be holding out on him. She reluctantly tells him about Smithy and Kerry.
Quick summary of Episode 210.
Yep, it makes it into the press...and Gabriel suspects Andrea of being the one who planted it. She in turn tells Gina that it was Gabriel who she suspects.
Gina sends Kerry home, telling her to take a few days off and clear her head and decide once and for all if she's going to make it official or not.]
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forensicated · 7 months
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A summary is needed of events over 202 to 208 to explain happens/caused the Gina and Smithyness in Episode 209
WARNING: Trigger warning for controlling behaviour, discussions of rape and sexual assault.
Episode 202
Nick was found after being taken hostage by Weaver to stop him ID'ing a hitman. Nick, a recovering addict, was pumped with an overdose of heroin. Smithy goes above and beyond to prove that Nick is innocent. Unfortunately he's paired with Kerry who takes every opportunity to moan and flirt.
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Cameron tells Smithy that he thinks Kerry might be the one. Smithy is a jealous, belligerent and drunken pain in the arse and slut shames Kerry. Cameron storms off. During an argument Kerry tells Smithy she's happy with Cameron but leans forward and kisses him. They're spotted by Gabriel.
Episode 203
Kerry feels guilty for sleeping with Smithy and Gabriel seizes every opportunity to make her feel worse. Kerry is assigned to a rape case and is struggling to focus. The victim blurts out that she'd been raped after she'd been arrested and "isn't reacting like you'd expect a rape victim to". Smithy tries to ask Kerry if she's ok after their night together and she brushes him off telling him nothing happened. During an arrest Kerry is injured and sprains her wrist. At the hospital she asks for the morning after pill. Gabriel uses her upset, guilt and the rape case to emotionally manipulate her.
Episode 204
Kerry can't remember what happened, what was said or what was done on the night she and Smithy slept together. Gabriel takes advantage and suggests that Smithy could have raped her. Things finish officially with Cameron.
Episode 205
Kerry is left stewing on what Gabriel suggested and is behaving oddly around Smithy who asks Gabriel what's wrong. Gabriel says it's probably hormonal and that she's been behaving like it all day after he turned her down too earlier.
Nick returns to the station for one last day on shift and he's partnered with Smithy and later they join up with Kerry and Gabriel. Smithy and Nick end up saving Kerry from at best a very bad head injury. Kerry still can't look at Smithy without wondering if Gabriel was right and it was possible that Smithy raped her.
Episode 206
Gabriel keeps the pressure on Kerry, asking her what she's going to do. Things could be getting back on track with Cameron but she still hasn't told him anything about Smithy. An oblivious Smithy has to say goodbye to Nick, one of his oldest friends (... it's complicated) as he enters Witness Protection fully. Gabriel doubles down on manipulating Kerry, inserting himself as the only person who knows and the only person she can speak to. Yvonne helps Kerry when he finds her in tears in the toilets. She has a manipulated memory after Gabriel's talks. "We kissed but I didn't want it to go further. I said no but he wouldn't stop..."
Episode 207
Yvonne wants Kerry to report Smithy. Kerry said she has no proof and wants to forget it. Cameron's happy mood at a possible reunion with Kerry annoys a jeaous Gabriel. Kerry won't be drawn by Smithy on what is happening with her and Cameron. Their suspect falls into the water and Smithy leaps straight in. Without outside influence, Kerry starts to see Smithy as she did before it all happened for a few seconds before Honey puts her foot in it by saying she can see, after watching a wet Smithy undressing, why Kerry fancies him. Honey says that Kerry can't deny it, she clearly wanted Smithy that night.
Honey: Oh Sarge, I thought you were gonna let me towel you dry. Smithy: Careful Honey don't start something you might later regret.
Rather unfortunate banter to have right in front of Kerry and Yvonne. Yvonne begs her to talk and says he could do it to someone else if she doesn't report it. Kerry tells her that even Honey thinks she was desperate for him and the others will think the same. "I'm accusing a highly popular officer of date rape. Who do you think will come out of it worse? If you make it public I'll just deny it." Gabriel keeps up the manipulation of Kerry when they're alone in the writing room. He suggests Yvonne might be right and that it should be made official. Kerry tells Gina, when cornered, she's been having personal problems but won't be drawn further. Gina tells her off for 'trying to shift the blame' to Smithy - who had just plunged into the Thames (filmed around Jan btw!) - for them not following up on something.
Kerry interviews a potential rape victim and draws parallels between the described assault and her own encounter with Smithy. It later turns out to be an affair cover up. Outside Kerry witnesses the husband and lover fighting with the husband shouting 'how could you lie you'd been raped?' Kerry decides to let the entire thing drop as she doesn't even know if she has a complaint in the first place. Gabriel insists he'd be there for her as he just wants her to be happy but Kerry wants to move on and get back together with Cameron.
Gabriel reacts angrily, sweeping a rack of condiments off the table in front of undercover journalist, Andrea. He tells her that a colleague and good friend was ditched by her boyfriend and abused by a senior officer the same night. Andrea witnessed Kerry walk out ahead of her arrival so knows who it is. Gabriel openly names Smithy as the senior officer and insists Yvonne was the one who told him.
Smithy asks Kerry 'where they are' and she tells him their night was a disaster, it shouldn't have happened and she'd rather they avoided each other outside of work. Honey tells Andrea she doesn't understand why Kerry is choosing Cameron when she has Smithy on offer stating 'she'd have Smithy any day'. Andrea said that she'd heard that he's "a bit rough between the sheets". "Like no means yes type of rough?" Yvonne apologises to Kerry but insists it's only because she wants her to do the right thing. Kerry says she's not going to take it further. She doesn't feel any hate towards Smithy, nor does she feel like a rape victim. She just wants to move on with Cameron. Gabriel tells Cameron to take it a bit easy with Kerry because of 'the whole Smithy thing' and then that Kerry was raped by Smithy.
Episode 208
As if the situation wasn't already pressure cooker like enough, throw in Gina and Adam at a conference in Manchester, a serious RTC, an armed robbery, a bomb for Smithy to manages as the most senior uniform officer on shift.
Undercover journalist Andrea tries to pump Yvonne for information but she's not biting and Cameron is late. Kerry is trying to deal with the RTC with just a small handful of officers and the fire brigade whilst backup arrive through a massive traffic jam caused by the accident. Gabriel tells Kerry that the rumours have gotten out and implies Yvonne is to blame. Kerry hasn't time to react as a trapped motorist calls for her. Cameron finally arrives and questions Yvonne about Smithy and Kerry. They make it to the accident and he makes a beeline to Kerry to question her on what had happened. He begs her to tell him if it's true. Kerry can't answer.
With traffic jams Canley wide and most officers tied up at the RTA, Smithy has to join the Area Car at a suspected armed robbery whilst they wait for the traffic division to take over the accident and clear the area. He arrives just before Cameron. Cameron volunteers to be Smithy's scribe and keep an incident log meaning he has to stick close. Andrea spreads rumours around the cordon that Smithy raped Kerry. Cameron digs at Smithy before telling him that he knows he raped Kerry. Great timing Cameron!
Smithy tells Cameron that he's not proud of what happened, they were both drunk but he did not force her into anything. Cameron tries to attack Smithy but Smithy overpowers him and points out they have an armed siege with hostages with no back up and armed support because of the traffic issues. This. Can. Wait. Cameron doesn't let it drop, telling Smithy he won't get away with it and glowers in the background behind Smithy. Smithy has to shout into the bank to make contact, only to be held at gunpoint and a car demanded by the gunman/robber, Willet, in the next four minutes. Cameron belittles all Smithy's efforts, but Gary doesn't believe Andrea's gossip and backs him up. Andrea is horrified when an unarmed Smithy has to continue to talk to Willet with no protection.
Kerry arrives and she and Yvonne blame each other for the rumours. The bank manager, James is sent out of the front door when the car doesn't arrive. He has a bomb strapped to him and has to stay upright and level as there's a mercury tilt switch inside. Smithy has to talk a terrified and visibly shaking James into not touching it and keeping calm. Unfortunately, Willet's ex is James' new partner (and the bank reposessed Willet's house.) Willet a remote to set it off inside if they don't get the car to him in 5 minutes.
With just 5 minutes, Smithy says he has to give Willet the car he asked for, however Kerry runs over to tell him that CID have brought Willet's ex/James' partner to the scene. Kerry volunteers to isolate the bomb and James away from the scene until bomb disposal can arrive. Cameron tries to talk her out of it but Smithy tells her to take him round to the carpark and stay there - keeping him as calm as possible - and that he'll have a car placed between her and the bomb to try and shield her. He also lets her know that he's aware of the rape rumours. Kerry does as she's asked, trying to keep a lid on the situation - only for Willet's wife to break through the cordon and come face to face with her ex. Willet insists they deserve all they get. Smithy demands that she's taken away and reclaims control of the situation. SO19 and the ambulance finally break through the traffic.
The wife/new partner learns about the bomb and Andrea tries to reassure her it might not be real. She screams at the top of her voice that it's fake with Andrea stammering that's not what she meant. Cameron is concerned that James is panicking but Smithy says Kerry can handle it and talks to SO19 about getting Willet out to the car so they can deal with him without the hostages. Cameron breaks away, followed by Gabriel. Kerry tries to keep control and tells the bank manager not to touch the bomb because Julie was wrong and it might not be fake. Cameron continues to distract Kerry and demands she tell him what happened. Kerry is literally trying to keep the bank manager looking at her and Cameron is stood crowding her and asking her why he didn't tell her she'd been raped. Pick your fucking moments!
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Cameron insists he'd believe her if she'd said he'd been raped but the fact she willingly went home with Smithy gives him an element of doubt. He walks off, Kerry turns to ask him to stop before looking back at James. He can't hold his arms up any longer and Kerry runs towards him to stop him touching it...
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forensicated · 3 months
In an effort to rid my brain of replaying the Solar System song that my nephew has been singing to me all weekend, (All. Weekend.) I've started a deeper dive into the Gina/Jonathan relationship! Some of these will be links back to previous recaps.
A round up of that time just before Jonathan arrives: Episode 202 to 208 and Episode 209.
Smithy has a drunken one night stand with Kerry whilst in a relationship with Cameron. Her guilt leads Gabriel to manipulate her into believing it was rape. Smithy is the senior officer at an armed robbery with Cameron. Instead of doing his job, Cameron confronts Smithy about the rumour and continues to make the situation a thousand times harder repeatedly. Cameron later distracts Kerry at the worst possible moment when trying to keep a man with a bomb strapped to his chest calm and still. The bomb explodes. Cameron lies about what happened when they return to the station and outs the rape rumour to the CID officers who are investigating. Gabriel continues to stir and manipulate the situation and rumour.
Gina is told of the rumour by Sam and refuses to believe it. She worries when she can't get hold of Smithy and tracks him down to the roof where they have a heart to heart. Smithy admits they were drunk and it wasn't pretty but he never forced her into anything she didn't want to do. He wants to make a statement but Gina tells him it's not an official accusation yet. She sends him home after he's spoken to CID, citing the reason being the aftermath of the robbery. She tries to press Kerry into making it official or issuing an official denial so she and Smithy can deal with it. Unfortunately undercover journalist Andrea made it public knowledge by telling her boss who went on to write an article about it in the local paper.
Ginathon Episodes: Episode 210
Gina asks Kerry if she knows or suspects who told the paper about her allegation. She insists she doesn't know as it's likely "someone completely messed up in the head." Ah. Gabriel. Gina presses Kerry to decide if she's going to make it official and sends her home to think.
Gina speaks to Yvonne about the article. She strongly suspects Gabriel "because he likes to mix things up." Gabriel suspects Andrea, not least because she was shocked that Kerry hadn't made it official like she thought she had when she told her Editor. Gabriel growls at Andrea about how it's a shame if Kerry decided NOT to make things official because of the article but Gina stops him from questioning Andrea further by sending him out to patrol the Coal Lane Estate.
Yvonne tells Gina the new station CPS lawyer is in reception. Gina says he's a week early but Jonathan is adamant he was due to start that day. Both Gina and Jonathan recognise each other, "Your cross examination gave me nightmares for months!" Gina smiles, with Jonathan agreeing it was an interesting encounter. "If my memory serves me correctly, you were the nightmare! That was quite a fight you put up in the witness box!" "Nevertheless, you broke me down in the end. No wonder you never lose." Gina smiles and looks around. "Where is he?" "Who?" Gina lowers her voice conspiratorially. "Our new CPS Duty Prosecutor. A headache I could really do without." "Why do you say that?" "My officers are trained to make judgement calls, they don't need nannying." "Ah, I'm glad to hear it." Jonathan says cryptically. "So what are you doing here?" "... I'm here to give you a headache. I'm the new CPS lawyer. Don't be embarrassed, it's good to hear your thoughts." "Who's embarrassed? I don't believe in hiding my feelings, Mr Fox! I'll get someone to show you to your lovely new office..." She says, exiting quickly through the door!
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Jonathan corners Gina to ask her about a problem with his office...
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"Well I know your stuff was delivered!" She sighs. "Having a bad day?!" Jonathan asks. "My day is just fine!" "Yeah," Jonathan laughs. "Let's see, you insult the CPS initiative to my face and then somehow lose my furniture. It's not going great is it?" "I know your furniture was delivered! I'll try and chase up the person who was meant to be installing it!" "Meantime I'll just sit on the floor and whistle?" Gina sighs. "Well we can set you up in the canteen for now, I'm sure we can sort a telephone for you." "I can serve the vegetables whilst I'm there at the same time." He scoffs. "I mean, you don't need me here!" "Well I can put you in a little corner, out of the way!" "You're not exactly embracing the Crown Prosecution Service, are you Inspector?"
Debbie uses her lunch break to talk to Jonathan about one of her cases and is taken with the older man. "Sorry to disappoint you." he says after informing her she doesn't have enough evidence. "We'll see about that..." she muses, looking him over.
Gina asks undercover journalist Andrea if she's aware of anyone speaking to the police or acting suspiciously. Andrea says no but is nervous. Gina asks if she's OK and Andrea asks what will happen now. Gina tells her she needs to speak to Tony and Gabriel about it. Andrea tells her she hasn't been honest. She saw a reporter hassling everyone and that Gabriel was the only one she saw speak to him.
Jonathan's office is finally being put together and he supervises whilst being moaned at by Gabriel who wants Jonathan to bend the rules to prosecute a known bully on the Coal Lane Estate. Jonathan tells him he only has enough evidence for a criminal damage charge and that he should submit the papers in the normal way. Gina takes the opportunity to call Gabriel into her office for a 'little chat'.
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Gina tells Gabriel she's posting him indefinitely to the Coal Lane Estate. Gabriel asks if this is the result of her informal investigation about the article. Gina tells him she doesn't like whispering in corners and he insists it wasn't him but 'don't let a little something like evidence get in the way." Gina simply smiles. "If I had evidence you'd be out that door like a shot. Let's just say that your name has cropped up quite a few times today." He insists he knows who the real culprit is and he'll find the evidence to prove it.
Jonathan looks in at Gina, causing her to try and hide her cigarillo. He thanks her for sorting out the office and she just nods. Jonathan closes the door behind him and tells her about Gabriel venting his frustrations of the CPS's restrictions. "That's quite some chip he's got." She says she'll have a word and asks if it's all. "... You flout the smoking regs, huh?" he says after a pause and then sits to join her, showing his own packet. "Make yourself at home..." she murmurs, as each take a glance at the other when they think they're not looking.
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Gina and Jonathan have a little chat as they smoke with Jonathan admitting his work as a defence barrister meant a lot of bad people ended up walking. "You start not to like yourself after a bit." "Some of them must have been innocent?" Jonathan gives a sad scoff. "Not my clients. They were in court for good reasons. Luckily they could afford to have me in their corner." "Don't you miss the buzz?" Jonathan just smiles and looks to Gina's framed boxing pictures. "You a fan?" "Does the Pope pray?" Jonathan looks thoughtful. "I used to box. See, winning a fight, that's a pure buzz. When Ali danced it wasn't to please the crowd it was to put his man down. Courts all about pleasing the crowd." Gina smiles thoughtfully and watches Jonathan for a few seconds. "I've been saying to myself it couldn't be you but it is, isn't it?" "What?" "I saw you boxing for the Smith trophy. When was it..?" "71. You really follow the fights?" "Since I was so high, my dad used to run a ringside tote in Burr. You have had an odd career path haven't you..." she murmurs,
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On the way out, Jonathan says goodnight to Gina and Debbie isn't too far behind. "Not bad..." Debbie muses to Gina. Gina flails, not wanting to anyone to realise she does actually agree! "... Bit full of himself actually!!!!" she covers.
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forensicated · 4 months
Gina: Ah, just the man I want to see. Has the new superintendent arrived yet? Smithy: Well if she has, I haven't seen her. Erm, just wanted to remind you that I'm booked off early today, it's the er, the erm dentist. He said that er that it's really important that I get my tooth done, cos er, it's a ro-root canal. Gina: Right, well I'll just have to do without you then, won't I...
Reg: To be fair, the man did die... Dan: So? You're supposed to sit there whilst some nutter attacks you? Gina: Sergeant! Smithy: Ma'am? Gina: A word. Why didn't you tell me Superintendent Prosser had arrived? I ended up looking a right prat. Now she thinks we're all incompetent and we can't communicate! Smithy: *looks lost for words* Gina: Thank you very much Smithy... *gestures for him to leave*
Zain: Hotel security have managed to corner him, but he's loose somewhere in the hotel. Dan: Cool. Zain: I'm glad you think so, because your job is to knock on every door and make sure he isn't hiding under a bed, or shower curtain. What? Did you think CID was all glamour and girls? Chop Chop! Smithy: Y'know what? If I could spend the rest of my life in this hotel room with you, I would. Living off the mini bar, and the complementary continental breakfasts. Louise: *laughs* You're such a romantic. Smithy: I do my best. Smithy: I should take the afternoon off work more often. Louise: I bet you do this kind of thing all the time. Smithy: Oh, every day of the week, different hotel with a different bird. But none of them mean as much to me as you do. Louise: Dale? Any idea why there are police cars outside? Smithy: *runs over and looks* Dan: *knocks* Mr and Mrs Smith? It's PC Casper from Sun Hill. Smithy: Erm, it's Dan... Louise: You know him! Smithy: Of course I know him! Louise: I can't be seen here! Smithy: What! And I can? Louise: You haven't got a husband...Just a minute, we're not decent. Smithy: What did you do that for! Now he knows there's someone here! *sighs and hurries to the door, looking through the peep hole, pulling the dressing gown on* Dan: *opens his mouth to speak and laughs* ...Smithy! Thought you were at the dentist? Smithy: Yeah, well I'm here with a friend. Dan: A woman? Smithy: Well yeah, course it's a woman! Dan: *looks over Smithy's shoulder* Very nice! So who is she? Smithy: None of your business, what you doing here? Dan: There's been a series of breakins, in the rooms here...Security guards had the guy cornered, but he got away. ...He's still on the premises. IC 1 Male, about 5'8 Smithy: Yeah, but he ain't hiding in here, is he! Dan: Oh, course not...sorry. Smithy: So who else is here? Dan: Roger, Steve, Zain... Smithy: Right, ok...do me a favour, keep this to yourself. Dan: Mate, my lips...*mimes a zip* Anyway, look, I owe you one for keeping quiet about the *whispers* Rochelle thing... Smithy: Well I hardly think this is the same as you and your affair with the Borough commander's wife. Dan: Married's maried, Mr and Mrs Smith! Seriously, your secrets safe with me. By the way, nice legs... Her that is, not you. Louise: Great. How am I supposed to get out of here with your Sun Hill mates swarming around the place. Smithy: They're not swarming!
Zain: Still, it's good you're doing your homework. If you're going to steal the mans wife, the least you can do is find out who he is. Smithy: *shakes his head and glares at Zain* Don't push it...
Louise: You're scared of how you feel. You're scared it's too good to be true. Smithy: Well....yeah. *nods* ...It is.
Smithy: So how'd you feel now your treatments over? Gina: You know me...strong as an ox. Smithy: But how long you gotta wait to get some results? Gina: One month. Then a quick checkup. Smithy: Alright... Gina: 3 months till D-Day, but who's counting...We're here for a celebration, not to talk about my cancer.
Tony: Hello Merv! How's it going! Merv: Never have met a Sun Hill copper who could hold his drink... Smithy: And you ain't gonna find one in here! Merv: Manager called, said there was a bunch of troublemakers bothering his customers. Smithy: Er, you just missed 'em... Smithy: Oh come on Merv, what you after?! Plonker of the year or something?
Merv: So pay the bill and then we can avoid any embarrassment *takes Gina's arm* Smithy: OI! Easy Merv *goes to get Gina who throws a drink over Merv* Gina: It was a joke! No! It wasn't a joke... it was an accident!
Smithy: *slumps against the bar* Sheelagh: *chuckles and slaps his back* Smithy: You were bloody lucky you got a result today, you know that! Sheelagh: Could have been a lot worse if I hadn't had Gabriel talking sense to me... Smithy: *scoffs and downs his drink* Gabriel... Sheelagh: No, seriously, he was right there when I needed him...I keep telling him he should push for Sgt... Smithy: Sheelagh? Do me a favour, stop banging on about Gabriel. Sheelagh: Smithy, what is your problem with Gabriel? You've never liked him, have you! Smithy: I mean it. Shut up. Sheelagh: Even after he risked his life pulling you out of that fire, you still won't give him the time of day... Smithy: What? And you think he's the Archangel, is that it? Sheelagh: No. But I do think he'd make a damn good Sergeant, what's the matter with that? Smithy: The day they give three stripes to a rapist is the day I hand mine in. Sheelagh: What? Smithy: You heard. Kerry accused your boyfriend of raping her. How else do you think she was pregnant with his kid?
Yvonne: Losers can by the beer all night, and you can chuck in a curry... And I'm talking quality, not quantity, Dan. Dan: Whatever you say *grins*
Dan: Easy tiger, you wanna think of your blood pressure. Roger: Actually I'm thinking about all the beers we're going to have to buy. Dan: Why'd they leave the car? Roger: Didn't have much choice. They had a puncture. Dan: Oh, what a shame...
Bloke: Come on...you're not gonna do me for them? It wouldn't be worth the paperwork... Roger: Well normally no, not for me...but my friend here, he lives for form filling. Dan: Oh he's right...love it!
Dan: We're at that location now...and if you see Yvonne, you can tell her she just lost the bet... Dean: Will do... Prosser: What did he mean she just lost the bet? Dean: No idea, ma'am
Dan: Makes him a nut job if you ask me Gina: The income tax that nut job has paid has been spent on your education, PC Casper. Not money well spent if you ask me!
Dan: Is there nothing else we can do for them ma'am? Gina: Careful PC Casper you're in danger of developing a conscience... Smithy: *to Gina* Drinking on duty, and now smoking on duty? Smithy: ...Shall I buy you a cup of coffee? Gina: Maybe later, I'm going to take early refs... Smithy: *sees Gina arriving after the SO19 cock up* *smirks* You're a good half hour too late...
Gina: Oh! And where have you been for the past hour? Smithy: You're not the only one who use the old 'I'm on ref's' excuse... So er, how did it go with the er ...Super? Gina: Surprisingly well. Not only did I get an apology, but also 'well done'! Smithy: Blimey...I was expecting blood and guts. Gina: Well I should stand by with the mop and bucket, because she has an interview with the Borough Commander. Smithy and Gina: Oooooh!
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forensicated · 6 months
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 344
Usual rules - no Smithy but it's an important reason it's included so...
Gina is amused by a bet between Dan/Area Car/Roger and Honey/Normal Police Car/Laura. June thinks it's a bad idea but Gina points out it's making them work harder to get better quality arrests, how can there be a down side?
Amanda approaches and asks Gina to make a written explanation about why she's over budget on the overtime for the first quarter of the year (You know, in no particular order, permanently being an officer down on the streets because Yvonne was station bound, Losing Honey to be a longterm FLO and then Honey quitting (at first) and going on the run with her murderer husband, Only having half a station due to a rogue PCSO 'teaching them a lesson' and losing Andrea (and Marilyn and Ken for civililian staff/CID too) to it and Smithy being signed off sick due to his injuries, Amber and Leela being away for a few days for a driving course, Funerals to attend so cover needed for various officers, Gina's treatment meaning Smithy was occasionally working doubles any of these and more on top of the usual overstretched and underfunded issues surrounding a police station. take your pick, Amanda!)
Roger is lamenting agreeing to the bet after it starts to be a quiet day, he's worried he's going to have to fork out for the beer and curries with Dan. ... and then a call comes in. I had to gif it, i couldn't not for Dan's adorable reaction <3
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Amanda chases up the report and Gina makes a quick escape to go out with the troops, telling June to tell Prosser if she asks that she's doing it for her benefit before she ends up chinning her.
Unfortunately Amanda is in the CAD room and overhears the commentary about The Bet - she's not impressed.
Gina and the girls attend a shout at a pub where Dan and Roger are already in the carpark. After they've all dealt with it, the new landlord thanks them and offers them a free drink. As it's time to knock off, and get changed back at the station Gina agrees, allowing the girls and Dan half a lager and herself and Roger are on the orange juice as they are driving, they enjoy them in a quiet back room out of the gaze of the public and try to decide a winner in the bet. Arrest wise it's all tie - but Gina decides Roger and Dan had an advantage with the area car so she decides the girls are the winners!
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Back at the station they arrive to get changed - and told off by June until she sees Gina with them. June can smell the alcohol and so Gina explains what happened before they go change. Amanda asks June about the bet and June tells her Gina thought it a good motivational idea and that they're all in high spirits. Amanda looks down the corridor at them all laughing and says it looks like they've been at the spirits... she gathers from that and June's silence that they have! (Seriously how hard would it have been to say 'haha ma'am' and walk off? Especially as she knows Amanda has a knife in Gina's back!)
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forensicated · 7 months
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 279
Laura reunites a husband and wife after the wife has been missing for a couple of years. She had wanted to pack it in and Smithy teases her for it after she made the break through just by being a listening patient ear. Gina is very amused that he now wants to fast track her to become a full PC.
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 282
Smithy and Gina have a little gossip about Yvonne's progress and they're impressed by the work she's putting in as Acting Sgt. Smithy tells her if she keeps it up then the job might be hers full time.
Gina teases Smithy about Andrea returning to sort her locker ahead of her next shift. They kiss outside the station with Andrea making sure Neil saw them through the window before she leads Smithy off.
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Smiffina Episodes - Episode 284
The new Sgt starts today, Tony asks if they are experienced. You could say that... it's June, having to return after Jim gambled away her retirement pot and she had to remortgage her house. She's not the same soft natured June though...
Smithy asks Andrea for a date and she agrees for the next night, telling him she has something on tonight. She's aware Neil is watching so walks towards him afterwards. Neil asks her why she hasn't returned his calls and if she's thought about what he said to her before she was hurt. She says she's thought about nothing else. She tells him to stay with his wife, Neil doesn't understand after she'd been putting pressure on him to leave Phillipa for her. She won't be drawn further. Later they're forced together on a job which gives Neil time to tell her that she means so much to him that he's willing to risk his job and leave Phillipa for her. Andrea tells him that he doesn't know everything about her but he tells her they've been together long enough to know it's not just an affair. She returns to the station and speaks to Smithy, finally letting him down gently - admitting that the man she was waiting for at Christmas is back on the scene and that it's complicated. Smithy guesses he's married and she tells him yes, 'amongst other things'.
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Episode 285
Andrea's editor wants to remove her from the station and quit whilst they're ahead. She doesn't agree.
Smithy finds an article about Gabriel donating a cheque to the post natal team at St Hugh's for them to buy an incubator for the premature babies. The article specifically mentions Kerry as his pregnant girlfriend murdered by the so called Sun Hill Sniper.
Smithy is furious and wants to drag him out into the back yard and beat a confession out of him. Andrea calms him down and they talk through how impossible it's been to get the truth out about Gabriel. Smithy remembers that Gabriel was the beat officer for the estate where Laura lives and that she was in to talk about him and soon after Gabriel was removed from the estate. Andrea asks him if he thinks Laura saw something and made a complaint. He tells her that Gina knew there was bad blood between them but if Laura did complain it can't have been a serious one because Gabriel is still a police officer. Andrea suggests Laura knows more than she's letting on - perhaps he threatened her or she implicated herself in the situation....? She insists she's going to find out why Laura wanted him removed from the estate.
Andrea asks Bruce to hold on removing her from the station as she has a bigger story - Kerry's rape, suspicious death - all involving Gabriel. She thinks she's on the right track finally. He agrees - but adds short time frame to it.
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forensicated · 7 months
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Trigger warning: Rape mention.
Not a Smiffina episode as there's no Gina but it does lead into recent things and more for Gina and Smithy so...!
Smiffina Episodes - Episode 255
The episode opens where the last one finished with Gabriel in deep shock from Rowan's announcement. He gulps a glass of water as he admits he had no idea Kerry was pregnant. He tells her they were having a relationship but were keeping it secret because it's usually a drama if others find out. Rowan asks why she hadn't told him and Gabriel tells her she had a miscarriage 18months ago and would have been terrified that it would happen again. Gabriel is struggling to get a read on Rowan and it shows, he's on edge - not just from finding out that Kerry was pregnant after he'd raped her.
June hurries Gabriel into her office and asks him what MIT have told her. She says that if they find out who he really is she could be in a lot of trouble too. He apologises after snapping, telling her that he doesn't know what they're trying to find out.
At CID Rowan, Ken and Suzie are going through Kerry's last 24 hours. Rowan has found an hour slot that they don't know who she came into contact with. She wonders if it could hold the key as to why the sniper chose Kerry and not anyone else at the station.
Suzie and Ken ask Smithy if he knows what happened during the missing hour as they know from CAD she called in a vehicle check but the cafe owner says he didn't call police and there was no disturbance. Suzie tells Smithy that it's possible Kerry might have lied about the circumstances around her check. Smithy angrily tells her that Kerry returned with Andrea. Ken apologies for Suzie's brisk manner as he follows her out. Andrea tells Suzie that she doesn't know any reason why Kerry would be talking to a man outside the cafe or who the traffic check was. She fakes leaving until Ken and Suzie are out of sight and then rings Bruce, worrying that they might get caught out as they have a witness and his registration.
Rowan insists Gabriel was calm - too calm - to finding out that Kerry had been pregnant when she died. She feels that he was indifferent to Kerry's death. She says she was past the usual 12 week 'danger period' and that the risk of miscarriage would be less so why didn't she tell Gabriel? Adam promises he'll look into it. He offers Gabriel time off and he says he prefers to keep working. Gabriel explains that Kerry has been so hurt in the past that she didn't want to become station gossip and it was her idea to keep it quiet. Gabriel starts to pretend to cry, recalling how Kerry had told him how much she wanted a child and now she'll never have the chance.
Suzie spots Andrea speaking to Bruce outside the station and watches for a few moments before interupting, taking Bruce inside. Rowan and Suzie ask how his newspaper is ahead of the game when it comes to reporting stories from the station, musing that he might have his very own pet detective. They ask who their source is - and warn him not to obstruct the murder investigation before playing CCTV showing him meeting with Kerry outside the cafe the day before. They then show it to Andrea, telling her it appears as though Kerry was their press leak... Andrea uses that to cover her own back.
Rowan tells Adam that Kerry was most likely their leak, perhaps motivated by falling out of love with her job given her recent adventures.
Gabriel is starting to fall apart at the seams as he storms around the station. June tries to ask him what is wrong at the same time as a young blonde boy - who's mum is in the station to write a witness station - runs smack bang into him. Gabriel hides away in the toilets, breaking down in one of the cubicles.
Suzie and Ken are going through Kerry's computer activity over the last few weeks and it becomes clear that Kerry looked at and printed the records of the each of the snipers victims the day before each was murdered. Suzie suggests it shows Kerry to be the leak and Ken points out it also is very likely to have been Kerry who could have told the sniper about each one. Ken suggests someone else had her password - Suzie however is more direct and brutal. "People should save their tears. Seems like Kerry wasn't as innocent as first thought." Rowan tells Adam that they'll now be focusing on the link between Kerry and the Sniper. "She was playing a dangerous game. It was no wonder it has caught up with her."
Gabriel tells Adam that it's not true that Kerry was the sniper and press leaks. Adam apologises but tells him the evidence shows that that is not true. He signs Gabriel off so he can have a break from the station to recover and grieve.
Andrea shares the same opinion as Ken - perhaps someone did have the password for Kerry's account however Debbie, Sheelagh and Lance don't agree. Yvonne is angry and insults them all for condeming Kerry, storming out of the canteen and breaks down on Lance's shoulder after he follows her.
In unrelated news, Phil regrets snooping on Debbie's computer...
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